Matthew Botelho

 “He who testifies to these things says, “Surely I am coming quickly.” Amen, Even so, come Lord Jesus!—Revelation 22:20.

I was awakened to the above words early this morning, and what a wake-up call it is, my dear friends. My response to this Truth was precisely what the Apostle John had said after our Lord spoke this promise to him. I, too, found myself uttering these exact words with the most sincere amen. Knowing soon, they will come to pass. I do not know the hour, but soon our Lord Jesus is coming.

So, to my dear brothers and sisters who are taking the time to read this teaching, rest assured that soon and very soon, Jesus is coming back. Rest in the assurance that God finishes what He has started. He has finished the work of the Cross by paying our sin debt in full. We are washed clean by the Blood of Jesus of our past, present, and future sins. God is faithful to forgive us when we come to Him in repentance. Jesus said, “It is finished,” and His work, the finished work of the Cross, was done. As believers, what more assurance do we need to believe that Jesus never has and will never forget that promise? By faith, I know Jesus will come again!

As Christians, our lifestyle must be one of faith and obedience; of taking that first step of faith, the next, and then a third; until we walk in a way that is not common to what the world perceives as normal.

When all hell has broken loose, and people are searching for answers, be assured that God is still in control.

He is the one that controls the wind and the waves. Nothing is too difficult for our God! Jeremiah 32:17 confirms this. “‘Ah, Lord God! Behold, You have made the heavens and the earth by Your great power and outstretched arm. There is nothing too hard for You.” 

One of my favorite Scriptures is found in Matthew 14:22-33. It is a Scripture that has helped me during those times of doubt and not knowing which way to turn. After feeding the five thousand, which I highly recommend reading Matthew 14:13-21, Jesus tells the disciples to get into the boat and go ahead of Him to the other side while He sent the multitudes away. And after sending them away, Jesus went up to a mountain to pray. “Now the evening came, and He was alone there.” –Matthew 14:22-23

The disciples did not question why Jesus was not coming with them. They just got in the boat and did what they were told.

 Now think about that for a moment. When God asks us to do something, are we often obedient to do the first thing he asks of us? Or do our little minds start racing and asking, “Why, Lord? Or,  “You want me to do what, Jesus?!”

Brothers and sisters, how will we make it to that second step if we get stuck on the first step—our being obedient?

Next is the word “immediately”—a strong word to put in there. There is an urgency attached to it. Some reason why Jesus is telling them to go at that very moment. Are we sensitive to the urgency in God’s promptings or Word? When He says, “Move’ or ‘Go now’?

God has a purpose in it. He wants to show you or bring you to what is next.

In verse 24, we read that the waves in the middle of the sea were tossing the boat the disciples were in. For the wind was contrary, and all hell was breaking loose. Do you think they had any doubts at that point? Scripture does not say anything to the contrary, but by human standards, I am sure they did. Now let’s be honest here. We all have had our doubts, my dear friends.

If you haven’t experienced one yet, live long enough, and you will.

We are frail, sinful humans, not perfect by any means. And yet, when we walk in obedience and do what God asks us to do, we will experience God stilling the waves of doubt and the negative thoughts blowing around us. How can we be sure? In verse 23, Jesus told His disciples to go before Him to the other side. That assures us we will get to the other side of our storm. WE ARE GOING TO MAKE IT!

Numbers 23:19 assures us, “God is not a man, that He should lie, Nor a son of man, that he should repent. Has he said, and will not do? Or has He spoken, and will He not make it good?”

And in Hebrews 6:13: “For when God made a promise to Abraham, because He could swear by no one greater, He swore by Himself.”

Going back to Jesus and His disciples verses 25-26 tell us this: “Now in the fourth watch of the night Jesus went to them, walking on the sea. And when the disciples saw Him walking on the sea, they were troubled saying, “it is a ghost!’ and they cried out for fear.”

So, in verse 24, we hear nothing about fear until they get into the middle of the sea. It is here where fear starts to grip them. There is nothing in sight due to the low visibility of the storm. Equally, fear can blind you and distort your vision. Example: The disciples saw Jesus and yelled, “It is a ghost!” they were so gripped with fear that they could not see it was Jesus. Yet it is so reassuring that God will make His presence known even in the middle of such chaos. For some of us, our issue, at one time or another, will be our need to see Jesus through the eyes of faith and not by what we see in front of us.

Hebrews 11:1 says about faith: “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.”

And in Romans 8:24-25  we read: “For we were saved in this hope, but hope that is seen is not hope; for why does one still hope for what he sees? But if we hope for what we do not see, we eagerly wait for it with perseverance.”

Many of us have asked, “How will I get through this?”

Do not abandon ship when your flesh and impulses lead you, making it feel like there is no way out. Remember that God is for you! Remember why Jesus came; you have purpose. There is a reason why you are reading this right now. I do not know who this is for, but I believe someone is about to give up their walk as I write this. You have been praying and waiting for the answer, but it has not happened yet. You have repeatedly heard the same thing, “Be still and know I am God.”

Know that our Lord does not turn a deaf ear towards His children. Jesus is the mediator between us and the Father. Please, do not give up, my friend; you are so close to the other side! Philippians 1:6 promises you this: “I am sure of this, that He who started a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.”