When Jesus heard his answer, he said, “There is still one thing you haven’t done. Sell all your possessions and give the money to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.”

We are nowhere near as altruistic as we imagine ourselves. Scripture asserts that the human heart is deceitful beyond our understanding—it is incurable. In it lives the ability to commit every type of sin. “For from within the hearts of men come evil thoughts, sexual immorality, theft, murder, adultery, greed, wickedness, deceit, debauchery, envy, slander, arrogance, and foolishness” –Mark 7:21-22. In our own strength, we are powerless to overcome these evil thoughts and longings. Part of the ‘all things’ Jesus strengthens us to do includes giving us His strength in exchange for our weakness so that we can release into His loving care those things that can harm us or no longer benefit us. Contrary to how we may feel about them…

Much like this rich young ruler, we cannot give back to God any-thing He may ask us to give up or over to Him, minus the power of His Holy Spirit at work within us. It simply isn’t in our nature. Self-love will always so powerfully contend against the love of God that, even in the believer, it is often necessary to stir up our minds, by way of remembrance, the will of God that commands us to give and to sow. Having a knowledge of God, being a ‘good’ person, simply knowing about God, about His Word and will and desire for our lives will never give us the grace needed—the will required to release into God’s hands those things He may ask of us—from us. We see evidence of this in the rich young ruler. Likely a leader in the local synagogue. He knew enough about God to recognize in Jesus a man well-versed in the way and words of God—a true Rabbi. Thus he came to Jesus, sincerely some say, seeking to add more, some-thing else to what was already his. He had no idea that the ‘more’ he sought after would actually require him to leave behind what he valued the most.

With all he owned, all he had been given, he was the very poorest of men. Poor in that he was unwilling to exchange these worldly possessions for the eternal treasure being offered him. Christ in Him. Christ’s Life in Him and with Him—always. Of God living and ruling and leading and guiding and adding and taking away. Matthew Henry says it like this: Can a man lose by doing that with which God is pleased? He is able to make all grace abound towards us, and to abound in us; to give a large increase of spiritual and of temporal good things. He can make us to have enough in all things; and to be content with what we have. God gives not only enough for ourselves, but that also wherewith we may supply the wants of others, and this should be as seed to be sown.

Yet outside of a genuine relationship with Jesus, minus the deposit of the internal treasure of great value, the Holy Spirit in us, willing us to want what God wants, we too are inclined to turn and walk away from the future and promise the Lord has for us; choosing also, only those things which we can see and touch and hold on to. Those things we’ve deemed as beneficial to our overall wellbeing. Saying no thank you to God because we are too busy playing God…

This thought of freely releasing into God’s hands whatever it is He asks us to give up or over to Him, struck me as I was reading 2 Corinthians 9. Why did those believers in Corinth that had long since decided to give, need to be reminded of the commitment they had made? Wouldn’t they simply just give over the monies they had set aside when Titus and the witness arrived to collect it?

In Paul’s stirring words, a great spiritual Truth is revealed. Even the greatest of Christian men are simply that—men. And, as such, are susceptible to both falling and falling short. Fortunately, for those men and women whose lives have been surrendered to God, they, by His grace, through His election of them, are lifted up again and again and again, set aright, never to be left alone in the place they stumbled or fell short. As a result, when they fail God, and they will, by His strength in them, they are able to get up and continue on in Him. To keep fighting, keep giving up and over to. Keep standing in the face of what may feel like a great personal loss because their trust and love and heart and mind are fixed on the Gift they were given in exchange for the life they turned over to God when they heard Him say, “Come, follow me…”

Jesus is a master at revealing our hypocrisy, our humanness. Not to shame us but rather out of a deep and abiding love for us. A love He desires to share with all those who will receive it. With the precision of a gifted surgeon, He will expose our inability to keep the perfect Law of God; just as He did with this rich young ruler. By claiming to have kept all the commandments he revealed that he had in fact, failed to keep them. From the young man’s first words, Jesus begins to challenge his thinking by correcting his basic understanding of what is good. Jesus informs him that only God is good. Thus setting the standard we must use when measuring what we’ve falsely come to believe is good in others. In answering His disciples’ question on which is the greatest commandment, Jesus informs us that the core of—the very heart of all of the commandments is summed up in these two: “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the great and first commandment. And a second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself. On these two commandments depend all the Law and the Prophets”—Matthew 22:36-40.

For some of us here today, Jesus may be asking us, as He did our young ruler, to release material possessions He’s allowed us use of. For others, maybe it’s a job or a relationship that He’s asking you to let go of? Is God calling you to move to another church home? Maybe He’s calling you to a new city or state? Is He asking you to bless a person, a family, or some organization financially, and you just can’t see how you’ll see your way clear to do it? Is He asking that you entrust Him with your opinions of yourself, who you think you are, that you might see yourself as He sees you? Is He asking you to hand over your vision in exchange for His? Those wounds that have had you bound, are keeping you isolated and joyless, that you may have the joy and freedom that is found only in a relationship with Him?

The rich young ruler wouldn’t do it. He chose the here and now—what he believed he needed instead of what God was offering him. Left to ourselves we will always choose what pleases us. The power essential to give over to God any-thing He may require of us is found only in the person of the Holy Spirit. And it is in our relationship with Christ Jesus that the Spirit is given us, comes and lives within us—enabling us to do those things we simply cannot do on our own. He alone empowers us to obey God and to release into His Providential care every-thing God may desire from us—up to and including our very lives. But, we must accept His free gift. The rich young ruler knew of Jesus, but He did not know Jesus. So when asked to give over something he felt he could not live without—he had no choice but to walk away. He was power-less.

Do you have the power to release into God’s hands whatever it is He may be asking you to let go of?

If you are His, I pray that you turn to the only One who can strengthen you, brothers, and sisters. I am here to remind you and me of the commitment we made long ago—or not so long ago, to God. To have ready what we have pledged to Him when He comes for it…

Friend, if you have felt God calling you don’t turn away as the rich young ruler did. Don’t think you know enough about Jesus to get by when He is here offering you all of Himself right here, right now. Don’t turn away, please. Just ask Him, from your heart, to come into your life and do what only He can for you. He’s right here waiting to give you what you need, Himself, so you will release, into His care, what no longer serves you…