“Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, “This is the way; walk in it.” Isaiah 30:21

We each must decide—make the choice to listen to something—someone. Some compass we’ve come to rely on for direction, for guidance. We all have one—that go to person, that voice of reason we’ve grown to trust. There comes a moment—or many moments, in our lives, when the path we’re on will have an off-shoot—and a choice must be made. Either stay the course, or explore this new or, ‘other’ way. It’s in that moment, consciously or otherwise—that we respond to the voice of our dominate guide. Some call that internal voice instinct, some knowledge. For others, it’s an actual person they’ve come to rely on—trust in.

The Jews knew that voice as; Bath Kol, the daughter of the voice. It was believed to be a divine admonition that pointed one toward the ‘right’ way—the straight path…

Teachers often stand behind their students. Their eyes alert—they’re watching to ensure that their charges remain attentive to their tasks. That their minds don’t wander, foolishly distracted—wasting valuable time, allowing for correction. Should a head pop up, looking left to a neighbor, or right to the other neighbor, the teacher’s voice would be heard from behind, perhaps a simple clearing of the throat, some small sound that would indicate a refocusing needing to occur—redirecting the student to keep their eyes front. And in that moment a choice would be made. Obey or accept the consequences of their rebellion—their choice.

Remember, we all must decide what it is we will listen to.

Isaiah 30—for the most part, speaks to, about—Israel’s obstinate nature. The Prophet Isaiah expounds throughout this chapter on their wayward, rebellious, behaviors. He tells of their running to others, instead of God, as their source—for comfort. Of them relying on themselves, doing as they please. Deliberately closing themselves off to what they knew was right and who it was they should be listening to—following (vs’s 10-11). We are given guides—teachers, instructors, for a reason. We do not—contrary to our lofty, over-inflated, opinions of ourselves—have all the answers. Nor do we know what is ahead of us. What will the consequences be for the choices we make today? And how those choices will affect our tomorrow?

Much like the Shepard’s that stand behind their flocks ensuring—providing safety, safe passage, for their sheep, God The Holy Spirit provides safety, and guidance, for His children—those called by His Name.

As often as Israel went astray—was taken captive by their enemies, the lusts of their flesh, contrary to how often they wandered away from God in willful rebellion verse 18 speaks to us of God longing to be gracious to them—to show them compassion. In His just nature God must allow them—us, to feel the consequences of rebellion against His Sovereign Will. Yet in His infinite mercy—and abounding in great grace, He longs, it is His nature to, protect, forgive, and love His children—those people called by His name.

And so, we, His children, have His—God’s, Spirit within us—given to us as a deposit. He is our Teacher, our Guide, That Still Small Voice within us that says; go this way—not that way, be still, don’t touch that!  He is our loving parent, our Daddy, The Lover of our souls, The Just Judge, The All-Knowing One, He is God all by Himself. He sees our beginning from our end. He not only stands behind us—He has gone before us—knowing all that will happen to us. And so, He whispers—guides, instructs, calls to, offers us His Wisdom—to share in His Knowledge. So that we will we be ever vigilant—straining to hear His voice behind us saying, “This is the way; walk in it.”

God will allow us to feel the weight of our sin, our rebellion against Him, not to kill us or crush our Spirits, but rather to correct us, like those teachers spoken of earlier, or the Shepherd’s—He wants to save us from a world of hurt, pain, guilt, and disappointment. Save us from separation from Him…

Guilt can eat away at the spiritual vitality of a Christian like a raging cancer. It causes a person to lose control of life; it leads to a desire to quit or retire from spiritual activity; and, finally, it brings on physical pain and disease. Like cancer, guilt feeds upon itself until all spiritual life is gone, and the result is weakness and a sense of shame and failure.” Davidson Wilkerson, World Challenge Ministries.

It is the voice of the one who calls you away—to stray from the straight path that is trying to kill you. That’s his mission—he is the father of lies, the original deceiver. He met Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden and convinced each of them to turn away from God—to rebel, to listen to his voice, not God’s Truth. And they did, and rebellion and shame entered the world. “At that moment, their eyes were opened, and they suddenly felt shame at their nakedness. So they strung fig leaves together around their hips to cover themselves. Toward evening they heard the LORD God walking about in the garden, so they hid themselves among the trees.” Genesis 3:7-8

As believers in Jesus, those who have accepted Him as The Lord and Savior of their lives—we have been given His Spirit (1 Cor. 3:16). His voice lives—is alive and well within us. Somethings bear repeating. We each must decide—make the choice to listen to something—someone. Some compass we’ve come to rely on for direction, for guidance. We all have one—that go to person, that voice of reason we’ve grown to trust. There comes a moment—or many moments, in our lives, when the path we’re on will have an off-shoot—and a choice must be made. Either stay the course, or explore this new or, other way. It’s in that moment, consciously or otherwise—that we respond to the voice of our dominate guide. Some call that voice instinct, some knowledge. For others, it’s a person they’ve come to rely on—trust in.

Choices. We each have them. You must decide who it is you will listen to—and then set a course in their direction– following them with all your might…

As it is said, “Today, if you hear his voice, do not harden your hearts as in the rebellion.” (Hebrews 3:15)