"Come follow me and I will make you fishers of men." Matthew 4:19

Tag: weariness

“She Didn’t Want to Do It.” Lk. 8:46-48

“And when the woman saw that she was not hidden, she came trembling, and falling down before him declared in the presence of all the people why she had touched him, and how she had been immediately healed. And he said to her, “Daughter, your faith has made you well; go in peace”(Luke 8:47-48).

Our Scripture today concerns a woman who was desperate. The Bible tells us that for 12 years she had dealt with a physical issue that had not only ravaged her body, depleted her resources—more, it had caused her to live in fear, shame, and, isolation.

So, let me ask you, as we step into the closing weeks of this New Year—what “dis-ease”, are you carrying into this new season from times long passed? And what, if anything, has you in a state of desperate abandon for your right-now miracle?

You see for her, this woman with no name, it was a physical healing she was after—it’s what forced her fear right out her front door! She had been bleeding for 12 years. 12 years! And in those years of chasing after a cure, she had spent all that she had…

Now, broke, and still bleeding, she heard some commotion near her home. A crowd was gathering in the village. She Peeked out through the crack in her gate she saw Jairus, a ruler of the synagogue. He was on his knees before this new Rabbi, this Jesus. She’d overheard others speak of His miraculous healings…

What if He could…No! I couldn’t possibly. The law forbids it! He’s a rabbi, a Holy man—and the crowd, all those people, I’d be stoned!

These tempestuous thoughts were chasing each other around in her mind. Yet, in her belly—in that place of her knowing, there was a calm…

She began to recognized her need to take a step of faith. It was like something was beckoning her to come…

Is it possible that this Jesus may be her only hope?

If we’re willing to be honest, I’m certain we’ve all experienced living in that kind of tension. In the fear of having our issue—that thing that shames us, brought out into the open. Yet our want for freedom pushes us to the very brink of that fear. Leaving us teetering.

We may know what needs to be done, what must be done in order that we be healed…

Yet, we’re frightened. Because the first step required to receive our healing is confession. It’s bringing that thing, that issue, shaking and sniveling out of its comfortable darkness, out of its hiding place—and exposing it to the Light of the World…

You see, the law had kept this woman bound in fear and shame. To touch a woman such as herself made one ceremonially unclean until the sun went down. She was a thing to be avoided, shunned at all cost. She was defiled. “If a woman has a discharge of blood for many days, not at the time of her menstrual impurity, or if she has a discharge beyond the time of her impurity, all the days of the discharge she shall continue in uncleanness. As in the days of her impurity, she shall be unclean” (Lev. 15:25).

Seeing herself as such, how could she go out among normal people to see this Jesus? What if she touched someone—what if someone touched her? The shame of it…

Can you relate?

Have you ever felt like this woman?

Are you feeling like her today? Afraid? Uncertain? Ashamed? Isolated? Alone?

Are you, like her, frightened of being found out? Of having your issue exposed? How long have you been hiding your shame?

For her, it was twelve years. It may well have been a life time. It  certainly felt that way…

She had tried everything she could think of, to handle her business on her own. She saw anyone she thought might heal her—help her. But nothing. Twelve years had passed and she was still bleeding.

Now what she saw as her last chance to get her healing was standing only feet away. It was this Jesus…

She knew that if she could just touch His clothes—no, just the tassels of His outer garment as they slid past her fingers in the dust, everything would be okay—she’d be healed.

I’ll just slip into the crowd unnoticed. I’ll stoop down low enough to the ground to just touch His tassel as He passes by—He’ll never even know I was there! And hopefully, neither will anyone else. I’ll just stay real low to the ground and …

Shame will do that to us. It steals our dignity. It causes us to feel unworthy to even go before the only One who is truly able to heal us—save us, free us from our sin, wrong thinking, and, shame.

But Jesus was having no part of her worldly way of thinking! He was not interested in playing hide and seek. He was not going to allow this woman to live her life isolated any longer…

He was interest in healing far more than her mere issue of blood… “Who touched me?” Jesus asked (Lk. 8:45).

Her worst nightmare had just been realized. He had singled her out! Oh no, no, please, no, Lord I did not mean to... “And when the woman saw that she was not hidden, she came trembling, and falling down before him…” (Lk. 8:47).

Why? Why would Jesus call her out? Surely, being God—He knew who it was who had touched Him and why…

So why call her out in front of the very people she was so ashamed and afraid to be seen by? To touch…

Was He trying to shame her? Was He going to publicly rebuke her?

No. Quite the contrary…

Our first clue to Jesus’ motives in calling her out comes through His choice of words. He called her daughter. It’s a relational title. A title that infers privilege. A daughter has unfettered access to her dad—she shares an intimacy and bond with him that is not shared with just anyone…

Secondly, He declared her healed. Again, let’s look at His choice of words…

He uses the expression Shalom—which encapsulates; renewal, completeness, and, a blessing for peace…

Jesus knew that for His daughter to be truly healed—soul healed, she, as well as those around her, needed to hear Him openly declare her to be healed. From the root of  her need, not merely from her symptoms.

His words restored her, made her touchable once again, worthy of love, worthy of all the rights and honors a father confers, lovingly, upon his daughter…

In bringing her issue out into the open Jesus not only healed her physically, He released a life that had wasted away in a prison of religious isolation. She had skulked through 12 long years of shame—of others thoughtlessness disregard…

Jesus gave her, and indirectly those around her, permission to once again live communally, openly, equally. To live a life made whole. “And he said unto her, Daughter, thy faith hath made thee whole; go in peace” (Lk. 8:48).

She didn’t want to do it—take that first frightening step into the all revealing light of Christ. That Light that would bring illumination to her secrets, and expose her hidden fears.

Overcoming shame, and the fear that often accompanies it, requires us to muster the courage to fall—to humble ourselves, at Jesus’ feet and confess openly to Him our “issue”…

We must be brave enough to finally walk away from—reject, both our own human thoughts and vain imaginings, as well as those imposed on us by others…

We must leave behind those ideas that caused us to close ourselves off from Jesus—and simply accept Him at His Word.

“Surely he took up our pain and bore our suffering, yet we considered him punished by God, stricken by him, and afflicted. But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds we are healed” (Isa.53:4-5).


He wasn’t interested in simply stopping her bleeding. Nor is He interested in just stopping yours. He wanted her restored to Him. And He wants that same restoration for you as well.

Now, and for all eternity.

It’s why He came into the world. Why He stepped across time and eternity to bring heaven to earth…

Why He would not walk away from such a pitiless death. “Now my soul is troubled, and what shall I say? ‘Father, save me from this hour’? No, it was for this very reason I came to this hour” (Jn. 12:27).

Won’t you, like the woman found in today’s Scripture, bring your issue to Jesus? Why squander another year of your life carting around something you weren’t created to carry…?

Give it to Jesus today. Receive His power in exchange for your weakness. “Who touched me?” Jesus asked. “Someone touched me; I know that power has gone out from me” (Jn. 8:45-46).


“Feeling Disjointed?” 1Cor.12:12-13

doll-1076186_960_720 The Word of God speaks to us today of oneness—being a unit. Particularly, of being One Body—in Christ.

But how?

Contained within our Twelfth Chapter we find clues—an answer really. A renewing of your mind kind of answer—big! Too big for us to do anything with other than to humbly accept it and then—walk it out.

Yet not even the walking out part can be done in our strength alone—nothing can. We were created to partner. To be one of a pair. Relational. Apart from God we get wonky. We become disjointed—fractured, unproductive.

We, the Body of Christ, are modeled after what could arguably be His,God’s, greatest creation. Better than the world and everything within it. Greater than the universe with its galaxies, its mysterious unknowns. Far better than what lays in the hidden depths, within their unplumbed watery depths. Incomparable to any created creature.


Three Words—one really. His Holy Spirit.

We are made in His image. We’re unlike any other created thing. “So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them” (Gen1:27).

We contain His Ruach Breath. “Then the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul” (Genesis 2:7). His same Spirit, if we belong to Him, resides within us. None of His other creations contains His Spirit nor are they formed in His Image.

We, man, were created, in part, to be co-laborers with Christ—productive parts of His Whole.

Any doubts you may have on that fact simply read or reread John 15:5, Jesus’ Words not mine. “I am the vine; you are the branches. The one abiding in Me and I in him, he bears much fruit. For apart from Me you are able to do nothing.”

So here is the order of things, the Divine order. Jesus—The Head. Over us His Body.

That Body, His Body—well it’s us, we’re His Body.

Everyone who has ever /or will ever accept Christ as both their Lord (over them), and Savior (of them) enters into His body. Takes their place in the mystical family of believers. I feel it necessary to make these distinctions. Why? I want to insure you understand the weight, breadth and depth of what a commitment to Him looks like. I won’t take for granted here that someone else has explained it to you. It’ not a say it and you are it thing.

However, that being said, if you mean in your heart what your mouth is saying, your first step begins. Because Jesus is not just purely your Savior. More, He is your Lord…

We live in a have-it-your-way world. But we do not serve a God that follows that line of thinking. And yet we pray what has become, sadly, quotidian prayers of salvation. These-say-the-words-and-you-are-saved prayers. Divine Drive-through prayers of salvation. Salvation my way. Microwaved membership prayers. Ludicrous! We are being welcomed into Relationship. Reunited with our Father. After spending whoever long away in the sin-soaked yuck that was our so-called life we are being mercifully re-membered literally, back into a glorious, matchless, death-giving-over-to-life relationship with The Creator of the universe. Father God. Abba, Dad, Daddy. And yet we offer Him pallid—anemic prayers. For our Literal Re-Membering…

For the greatest privilege yet to be bestowed on any human being—service to his Creator. A place in the fold. A purpose. Paul’s entire Twelfth Chapter is spent explaining what re-membering, being a part of,  is all about. It’s significance, intricacies, and, its precise order.

It details, explains plainly, why you are an eye and not an ear, foot or hand. And why, as an eye, you must stay in your own lane and be happy being there. Don’t judge the other body parts for not being like you. And don’t desire to be them because you feel like you’ve been short changed as an eye, so now you want to be the brain! Your gift is sight not thought. Be an eye already!

And Verse Eighteen of our Chapter explains simply, concisely, why you must. It acts as the clarifier—the reason you’re an eye and I’m a hand and he, she and they are what they are and function as they do, listen: “But as it is, God has placed and arranged the limbs and organs in the body, each [particular one] of them, just as He wished and saw fit and with the best adaptation.”

So what makes us feel disjointed as The Body of Christ? Why do we strive, divide, bicker, and, compete with each other? We clearly have our own race to run, our own functions to carry out—our unique gifts to operate within. Just read the preceding chapter. For that matter read the following chapter as well. Each details our gifts and their unique purposes.

So what’s the problem with us?

Why does the Church look so much like the world we were just saved from?

Believe it or not, these are lofty theological, doctrinal questions. And I am not nearly qualified to answer fully them. I will leave their explanation to the likes of St. Paul, Sturgeon, Towzer and, Lewis…

But this I will say. Let’s look at Verse Thirteen.

If we were to stay focused—eyes fixed on Christ alone.  And fulfill what He has called us to do. If we would do as Paul, Peter and John did before us. What is plainly laid out for us, once again, by our great leader Paul in Galatians 6:6; it may well be a great starting point for us all. “Those who belong to Christ Jesus have nailed the passions and desires of their sinful nature to His cross and crucified them there.”

Crucified things die. So if we will nail our passions (strong and barely controllable emotions), our—I want, I need, I have to haves. If we reject—put a spike through, what drives our flesh (strongly wish for or want (something)—If I just could get__________, then things would be perfect. We might just begin to see the world and each other as we ought. As Christ-like as we’re able this side of eternity…

Using prayerfully, the renewed mind spoken of, once again, by Paul in the Book of Ephesians. “You were taught to put off your former way of life, your old self, which is being corrupted by its deceitful desires; to be renewed in the spirit of your minds; and to put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness” (Eph.4:22-24).

Wait a minute! Stop the presses! Do you see what I see here?

If we were fixed—set, determined to die to self, and it can be done here on earth. How do I know? Because I know the character of my Father…

I know that He is neither sadistic, nor does He take pleasure in watching His children, like hamsters on a wheel, chase after, strive for something He has not equip them to obtain, accomplish—this side of glory.

Therefore, we, as it states in His Word, can indeed do all things through Him who is our strength. Through Him—in His strength. Not in our own. When we try and do the I, me, mine thing we fail—miserably. And far too often, leave a wake of hurt, heartache, and destruction in our wake. It’s only when we partner, pair, join up with Jesus that we can do what we were created to do. Think back, remember John 15:5 from earlier? We can’t do anything that produces life, goodness, mercy, kindness, joy, mercy or love. By-products each of His Ruach Breath within us, outside of—disconnected from Jesus. Impossible!


Because back when we were re-membered in his Body we each drank from an identical communal cup of the One Spirit. His—Holy Spirit. And in so doing the playing field was instantaneously—blink-of-an-eye, leveled. Once for all. No more Jews and Greeks. Which served and serves still to only showcase our physical divisions. Our distance and separateness from each other. No more slave and free. Creating separation by legalism and law. Through customs, cliques, and societal fears and prejudices. Differences and ignorance are often linked. They go hand-in-hand, and are often coupled with—hate. In this world at least…

Yet clearly beloved, celebrated one, unique soul… that is not how God intended us, His Body to operate. One Body, many parts, that’s our Chapter heading.  Many glorious, diverse, inimitable—parts. Each made to celebrate, support, edify encourage, and, life-up the others. All the others. Not just those that look like us, talk, walk and live like us…

But more, much more, we are to live brightly. United. Shining the Light of Christ into this present darkness. One magnificent, well-oiled, laser-focused reflection of His pure, powerful, unifying Holy Love. His Body, us—The Body of Christ.


“Really, That’s My Miracle?” Jn.11:41-43

6a00d8341c660253ef00e54f55a29c8834-800wi How do you react, what do you do, when your miracle, your Word from God—comes to you seemingly flat, elementary and, more importantly—too late? When it offers you—no tah-dah moment of right now jubilation! No sharp intake of astounded breath—rather it offers, brings along with it—a heavy, still, disappointing silence. It leaves you staring off befuddled, clueless, blank—in that universally recognized, that’s it? Really? Sort-of-way.

You know the look. Certainly you’ve witnessed it?  it’s disappointment—unfulfilled expectation. Instead of going left, it goes right—way right!

How do you handle disappointment—along with its plethora of emotional fallout?

We all have expectation—all of us. Even the most spiritual. Try as we might to live minus our faulty human ideals—our faultier still ungrounded expectations, we have them—we do.

We even expect things from Jesus. And, to a certain extent, we’re correct in doing so. We, as His kids should expect things. Things like a certain measure of faith, His protection and provision, His presence and the fulfillment of every promise He has ever made—to name a few. Here’s the catch—they’ll come His way not ours.

That aside—don’t allow, you mustn’t allow, foolish expectations—self-serving expectations to lead you down the wrong path. Proverbs 14:12 makes that abundantly clear, listen: “There is a way that appears to be right, but in the end it leads to death.”

Don’t allow presupposition to pervade your relationship with Jesus—a wrong move—bad! It will cause you, most assuredly, to fall—headlong, into sin. And, following quickly behind that sin—comes its cronies—the perils of disaster and heartache.

By allowing for a—He’s my buddy, He’s got this for me—irreverent way of thinking to creep in, to exist between the two of you—you and Jesus that is—the above mentioned attitude has already spelled-out your demise—Spiritually always, perhaps physically. Think the leaven of the Pharisees here—a little of it in your relationship with Jesus can—will eventually, kill it.

Example, Judas Iscariot. He had a definite, my buddy, mindset. From perhaps the outset of his relationship with Jesus he allowed seeds of irreverence to grow—simmer crock-pot slowly within him. He had Jesus all figured out. He, Jesus had come to do Judas will, Judas’s way. Jesus would raise up an army to demolish the tyrannical, brutal, socially unjust Roman reign over His people Israel. He was going to restore home rule, order, power, and, opulence. And Judas would have a hefty slice of the pie—position, and power all for himself. See he forgot he was only an ingredient, not the finished product.

His expectations were very unwise—sinful.

The polar opposite of his fatal mindset, the life-robber, the bandit of reverence—is selflessness and faith.

Examples—think King David. Talk about unfulfilled expectations—talk about selflessness. Twenty plus years of unfulfilled promises and betrayal at the hands of his mentor, waiting. Saul, the king, one akin to a father to David tries to take him out—kill him. And his own son, David’s own Absalom, heir to his throne—plots not only to over throw his Father and take his throne, but more—to kill him also! Check in out—read 2nd Samuel.

Think also about Joseph—not Mary’s—the other one. The dreamer of dreams and owner of a coat of many colors. Joseph—young Joseph. Jacobs son— inexperienced Joseph. Tells not only his eleven brothers but also his Father—the one who wrestled with God and has a limp to prove it. About his dreams—a bit haughtily. Joseph tells them all that according to his dream the sun, moon and eleven stars will all bow down before him. And though he was correct—his presentation of the facts was a bit naïve, foolish. How we present ourselves—matters.

He’s about seventeen when he has this prophetic dream. And now at thirty-something, some thirteen plus years after being sold into slavery at the hands of his jealous brothers, after being falsely accused of crimes and being imprisoned for them—finally, his dream, his promise, comes to pass. Read it for yourself—Genesis 37-44:9. I’ve skimmed over a lot!

Unlike Judas Iscariot, neither David, nor Joseph, nor our upcoming protagonist Martha, viewed their relationship with Jesus as anything but sacred—cherished. Mind you, they each had their faults—we all do, save Jesus. Yet, each in-turn demonstrated great faith in, and reverence for, God. Each demonstrated deference to His will…

So now—finally, at our close we meet Martha. As disappointed and heartbroken as she was—she remained reverential to Jesus in her grief. Who is Martha you’re asking? She’s a friend of Jesus.

She’s also the eldest sister of Mary and Lazarus, friends of Jesus as well. In fact, you may remember Mary as the one some other friends of Jesus scolded for pouring spikenard, an expensive perfume on Jesus’ feet then wiping it off with her hair?

You see Martha, Mary, and Lazarus followed Jesus—were His disciples. Each believed that if they had faith in Him they would see the Glory of God in the world to come. After all, that is what Jesus taught them—and they believed everything He told them. They would not taste death.

So now standing with Jesus days after she had sent for Him, asking Him to come and heal, touch—save her only brother, His friend, from death—she is confused. Had He forgotten what He had said to them? Did He forget His love for His friend, her brother? Maybe He didn’t hear her say that her brother has been dead for four days now and his body must, well—stink?

That’s it. That must be it. He didn’t hear her. Why else would was He instructing these men to roll away her brothers grave stone? Surely He knows…not in front of all these people…

What will they think? He must be irrational from grief…

What’s the use now? What can come of His being here—too late. It’s too late! Her brother is, in fact—dead. This makes no sense…

Wait! What is He doing? Why is He shouting out Lazarus’ name—as if a dead man can hear…

Before we go forward, I want to remind you here, now, of the question I initially asked—way back in the beginning of this blog. How do you react, what do you do, when your miracle, your Word from God—comes to you seemingly flat, elementary and, more importantly—too late?

Do you like myself—like these brothers and these sisters mentioned above, ever forget that we are not in charge—not our own? We are ingredients in the making of—the construction of something far greater than we will ever know or understand—this side of heaven. And that as ingredients we offer only what it is we created to add to the outcome of the overall product we’re part of—Gods will, His divine plan?

Martha knew that, so did David and Joseph.  Unfortunately, Judas didn’t and it cost him—his life.

Never forget that we are mere ingredients—imbibed with power certainly, but ingredients none-the-less. We are not the Maker, the Originator—not the finished product. That is Gods alone—created for, meant for—His glory.

We are but pieces of our Father—of Him, but not Him. We don’t possess His knowledge. We, unlike Him are not omniscient. We can’t possibly see the outcome—the end of anyone journey, or anything’s purpose. Never mind the thousand little reasons why things are allowed in the first place—why their allowed to exist at all!

And so it was with Martha and Mary and most of their little town for that matter. They were all knocked-out by Lazarus’ death. After all, this was their only brother, Martha and Mary’s—and the towns beloved friend. All they saw—could see, was that Lazarus was dead. And the pointlessness of his death.

Martha had sent news to Jesus days before to come right-away—posthaste! So why did He wait days, two in fact—before going to save His friend?  Why let Him die? As with every other answer to a believer’s questions, the answers are found in God’s Holy Word.

Since the Second Chapter of John a foundation has been laid by Jesus. Clues left like a proverbial bread-crumb trail that we might see the big picture—the finished product if you will. Yet even when answers are right before us—in our blindness, we miss them. It is not until Jesus opens our eyes that we are able to see what has been before us all along—His purpose for it all.

Where Martha, Mary, and everyone gathered at that tomb saw only death—Jesus saw life. Ingredients are not meant to be the final product—rather their use is to it bring about—a perfect, complete product that is.

Jesus knew what His disciples did not. Lazarus would live—and his physical resurrection would help to usher in Jesus’ own necessary—impending death. Lazarus was one of the necessary final ingredients needed to accomplish a perfect end product—The Cross.

And that—The Cross of Christ, the reason for it all, our only hope, did not look anything like what anyone would expect from a merciful, loving, forgiving Father…

Watch out for your faulty expectations… There’s a saying that goes; things may not always be what they look like!

When you focus on what you see, the tangible—what things seem to be, rather than using eyes of faith, the potential, the possible— you will always—always feel disappointment…

Seldom does anything ever end-up lining up exactly in the fanciful way you’ve expected it to—your visions, your way.

See that’s the thing about this faith—you’re called to walk by it—not by your sight, not your own way. That’s the way of Judas—not Jesus.


“Don’t End Up in His Shoes” Eph.4:7-8

shoe-68770_960_720 But grace was given to each one of us according to the measure of the gift of Christ. Therefore, He says: “When He ascended on high, He led captivity captive, and gave gifts to men” (Eph.4:7-8).

Don’t miss that part—The grace being given to each one of us… That’s huge! Why? Because without it we will never accomplish one-single-thing worthy of Heaven. Huge right?

As with last week’s post, this week also we’re being taught by the Apostle Paul. Additionally, we’re going to drop anchor in the depths of yet another of Paul’s…Therefore   pivotal points.

Paul has a fitting and consistent usage of, “Therefore”. It is meant to whittle down the general teaching statements directed at the entire Body, into very specific, deeply personal statements directed specifically to each of Gods children.

More precisely, to you. God is equipping you to walk in your own shoes.

If, and only if, you are a Blood bought believer of Jesus Christ this Scripture applies to you!

If you’re not, I implore you to stop now. Invite Jesus into your heart as your personal Lord and Savior. One simple prayer, one plea, from your heart to His will make this happen. I’m talking about salvation. About stepping from death in sin-stained world and nature into forgiveness and righteousness in Christ. A second chance, a new beginning! How can I be sure of this? I know my Father… and, I’m a living example of His Grace.

Also, I can guarantee if you’ve been thinking of Him, thinking of going back to church, reading your Bible, accidentally meeting people or coming across teachings/messages like this one, you are being wooed, pursued by, The Holy Spirit. He wants you as His own and He also wants to give Himself to you. “It is rare indeed for anyone to die for a righteous man, though for a good man someone might possibly dare to die. But God proves His love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us. Therefore, since we have now been justified by His blood, how much more shall we be saved from wrath through Him” (Rom.5-8). Emphasis my own.

Not let’s follow Paul’s pivot and make this personal…

Let’s talk about God’s grace. How it should—and should not be handled by us in conjunction to our gifting/ our purpose.

And you have a purpose, without a doubt. Your purpose is tied to your God-given gifting. And it’s been given you for the  explicit use of serving God and His Body. It was fully brought to life in you when you accept Jesus as Lord and His Holy Spirit took up residence inside of you. He alone enabled and empowered you to use this gifting for Kingdom and not self-serving purposes, thereby aiding you in fulfilling your destiny.

For all those who’ve ever questioned whether they have a purpose in life, you should be exhaling in loud sighs of delighted relief right about now! God has gifted you—specifically,intentionally. Yes, you have been chosen by God to serve Him! That should knock your socks off! Of all the people in the world He could have chosen, He chose you… you’re Handpicked! And, if that weren’t enough, He also supplied you with the grace necessary for you to fulfill the purpose He’s placed within you….Listen: “For out of His fullness (abundance) we have all received [all had a share and we were all supplied with] one grace after another and spiritual blessing upon spiritual blessing and even favor upon favor and gift [heaped] upon gift” (Jn.1:16).

With every blessing in life, each God-given position brings responsibility. Regardless the scope of our purpose in Christ. Whether Pastor, author, janitor or front door greeter… do all God has entrusted to you solely for His good pleasure and purpose.

And do it in thanksgiving. Do it with a joy that should arise in you from knowing that you’re serving the same God who put breath in your lungs and who controls every beat of your heart.

And when you get discouraged, and you will, when you feel like quitting, and it might just happen, keep this close to your heart. Let it serve as a warm wrap in a sometimes cold world. “Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the inheritance as your reward. You are serving the Lord Christ” (Col.3:23-24). Emphasis my own.

Why is this vital? Verse Eight of our Teaching makes that abundantly clear to us.

We not only serve the King who showed Himself mighty in the Old Testament within the Ark of the Covenant with David (2 Sam. 6:1).  Nor a God who merely led His people by a Pillar of cloud by day and of fire by night (Ex. 13:21). But more, we serve a Living God, a Warrior God… Our Defender. He led captivity captive; which speaks of Christ’s conquests and triumph over sin, death and the grave. Over satan, and the world and every single spiritual enemy both of His and His people.

Principally, the devil, who leads men captive at his will. Christ has ruined Him. Making of him a crushed foe. Jesus ascended into heaven saving His people, taking captive all the power of the enemy and giving grace upon grace to His chosen.

That is the God who has placed purposed within you to serve Him, to co-labor with Him in accomplishing His will.

And He continues to do so still. In giving gifts to men; the most supreme of which is His Holy Spirit. He empowers each of us for the work set before our hands…His purpose for us, for creating us. “Having canceled the debt ascribed to us in the decrees that stood against us. He took it away, nailing it to the cross! And having disarmed the rulers and authorities, He made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them by the cross” (Col.2:15). Emphasis my own.

In conclusion, let’s go back to our pivot—the role His grace plays in your purpose:

If you’re feeling like your purpose is too small, or worse yet that your somehow…gift-less. If you’re assuming your purpose makes no clear difference because you can’t preach, evangelize, teach or write books.  Please, pay attention to a man who thought just as you do. Because doing so might just literally save your life. Don’t throw your service to God under the bus thinking it has little or no value. Don’t take it lightly… or for granted.

By doing so you’re presuming you know more than God and, that like Him, you’re able to see your end from your beginning, like He does.

Turn with me to Matthew 25:24-30. Let’s learn of the outcome of the servant who did not treat that which is Holy as it should be treated. And your Purpose is holy and it given to you to serve a Holy God. And God gives it to you according to your ability.

Are you angry at God because you feel He short-changed you? Fearful and mistrusting His judgement in giving you something you is too big for you and you’ll just mess it up? Do you, like this servant know that God demands your best and your just not sure you can manage that? Please, please trust God…if He gave it to you He’s given you all you need to accomplish the task. Don’t follow this servants example and wind up in his shoes…“He also who had received the one talent came forward, saying, ‘Master, I knew you to be a hard man, reaping where you did not sow, and gathering where you scattered no seed, so I was afraid, and I went and hid your talent in the ground. Here you have what is yours.’ But his master answered him, ‘You wicked and slothful servant! You knew that I reap where I have not sown and gather where I scattered no seed? Then you ought to have invested my money with the bankers, and at my coming I should have received what was my own with interest. So take the talent from him and give it to him who has the ten talents. For to everyone who has will more be given, and he will have an abundance. But from the one who has not, even what he has will be taken away. And cast the worthless servant into the outer darkness. In that place there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.”

Celebrate what you have been given. And be the very best_________________, you can be. (fill in the blank with your gift, your purpose.) You’re not responsible for what you don’t have, but you are certainly are responsible for what you do have…great or little.

Walk in your own shoes, you never know where another man’s path may be leading…and remember, fear is a purpose killer and it’s not from God!

Until next week Beloved, Blessings…



“Do You See What I See?” Matt. 9:23-25

sunset-1033769_960_720 “Go away. The girl is not dead but asleep.” But they laughed at Him (Matt 9:23-24).

Has that ever happened to you? Have you shared what you ‘v seen, your truth, only to be laughed at, belittled?

Dismissed. It’s as if what you have to say can’t possibly have relevance, is of no value. It, your knowing, simply doesn’t line up with everyone else’s knowing, therefore your input is immaterial. Take heart dear one, you’re in good company. That’s exactly what was happening to Jesus when He entered the ruler Jairus’s house and told the mourners there to go—the child is not dead.

These people were in full mourning mode, there was wailing, flutes were playing funeral dirges, and the atmosphere was pregnant with sadness and loss. Surely she was dead! What was He talking about? He thinks He sees  something  that we don’t!

But Jesus did see differently then,  and still… He walked in and where those assembled saw death, He saw life. Where they saw an end, Jesus saw a beginning. For them, the story as they say—was over. But not so with Jesus, in fact in Him, life was just beginning…

I don’t know about you, but I am grateful to know that in a world where others could often care less, are blind in their seeing, Jesus offers a fresh perspective. A newness of sight. A throwing open of windows on warm windy days, allowing sunlight and freshness to pierce and permeate our otherwise fusty, lifeless shells… our dead hope. “And I walked and He who sat on the throne said to me, “Behold, I make all things new.” And he said to me, “Write: ‘These words are trustworthy and true” (Rev. 21:5).

Concerning our text for this week, we witness a physical resurrection. Jesus raising a girl who is factually dead.

But let’ step out beyond that one instance. Let’s broaden our view and look to how it is He meets us where we are, now, today. Single, married, divorced. Addicted, in recovery or still on the streets, He meets us. Right where we are, He meets us. He comes in and speaks to those circumstances that are wailing over our ostensible lack of life—our presumptive deadness and commands them each to leave…

Depression, sexual addiction, drugs, physical bondage—be gone!

Not you? Okay—self-doubt, cutting, childhood abuse, alcoholism, perfect life gone wrong in a snapbe gone!

There is no situation, nothing you can do or have done, regardless it’s hideousness, that has thrown you farther than God will reach to return you to himself. I know this to be true. I am not merely writing story.

The Apostle Paul’s prayer for the Ephesian Church, speaks to us about knowing the breadth and depth of the love of God and the love of Christ which surpasses all knowledge so that we might be filled with the fullness of God. That’s something to hold tight to if your running on empty today…Gods fullness, it’s complete. No more lack or lacking…

If you’re feeling dead in your soul now, or in your thinking or maybe in your ability to see yourself clear of whatever this is… Hang on, help is coming. If your weariness forbids you to take another step, if  the molasses your trying to walk through is just too dense, then resting at the edges of His above knowing is the best place for you to be. Stop a while and allow yourself to be refreshed in Him.

You see when Jesus entered into that rulers house He did it fore-knowing the girl was dead. He’s God. He knows everything. And it’s no different today with you and I. We’re dead in our sin. Laying on our bier waiting…It is impossible to be brought back to life, or health, joy, wholeness or peace outside of Jesus touch.

There will always be those around you who see you as little more than a dead thing. Broken. Damaged. Irreparable. No life, no chance, no way out. Stuck and staying stuck is how they’ll always view you. But take heart dear one, people may see you one way, yet God sees you quite another. Listen… “The LORD does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart” (1Sam.16:7).

Regardless what the situation you are facing today. No matter how hopeless, hang on… Irrespective of how many times you’ve tried and failed, no matter how unforgivable you may feel, how blaring your sins may seem to you, contrary to how desperate the times may feel… there is One that does not see you see yourself.

Why? It’s all in what you see.

Jesus sees us from His sole vantage point. His exclusive ability to see our end from our beginning. In other words, how it is we are going to finish this race we call life. “I make known the end from the beginning, from ancient times, what is still to come. I say, ‘My purpose will stand, and I will do all that I please’ (Isa. 46:10). And because He this information is His alone, He knows to the utmost that everything truly, will be alright.

He is able to walk with cast-iron confidence into the front door of your life, and speak to the dead things inside you. Dead dreams. No hope…weariness, arise! He Commands them to wake up and be dead no more. The time for your life to begin is today. Someone, somewhere has asked the Lord to come to you, they knew you were ill/weary/broken and in need of help.  And if He would but only touch you they thought…without doubt, you will rise up!

Dear one, take heart today. Just outside Jesus is at your door and He has a great plan specifically laid out for you alone, He asking you, “Do you see what I see.” Listen to Him… “ “For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.” (Jer. 29:11).

Beloved, do you see what He sees when He looks at you? Ask Him to give you a new perspective today. Invite Him into your heart as Lord and Savior and allow Him to make all things new…

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