"Come follow me and I will make you fishers of men." Matthew 4:19

Tag: vision

A New Thing.

Pastor Maria Braga

“See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.” –Isiah 43:19.

The Bible is filled with countless examples of God’s incredible changes in His people’s lives as He led them. He continues to change us and lead us today. The “new thing “the prophet Isaiah talks about in today’s Scripture is not a one-time event. It’s a continuous work of God in each generation. A work that is impossible for man to do—but not for God. This evidence of God’s ongoing work should reassure and fill us with hope.

The prophet Isaiah received this Word from the Lord and passed it onto us, believers, so we would know that Abba Father is creative and Omnipresent in every season of our lives and every generation. God Himself points to this Truth in Isaiah 43:19: “Behold, I will do a new thing.” 

All God does in the life of the believer is for growth.

To bring His child closer to Him and to build His child up in the Spirit.

God, in His Omnipotence, knows what His plan is for each of us.

And He knows exactly how to execute the individual plan He created for each of His children.

Often, in our humanity, we can’t comprehend God’s plan because of our spiritual limitations, but in His Omniscience, God’s plan is so perfect. All we need to do is trust that the new thing He is doing is awesome! Because God is more than awesome! He is Powerfully All-Knowing, and He is always present. God is Spirit, and the things of the Spirit are not always clear to us. For the believer, we must accept spiritual Truths by faith. “Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.” –Hebrews 11:1.

God is in control.

In our humanity, we get thrown off because our timing does not align with God’s timing; we want it when we want it, and we want it now! But Abba Father teaches us to trust Him with all things. In His Omnipresence, He is always beside us, and things come to our understanding in His perfect timing! “God will provide your need at the right time. At the right time, God will deliver you. At the right time, God will rescue you.” –Psalm 31:15.

We must understand that the right time is God’s time, not ours.

Now it springs up (forth); do you not perceive it? (Recognize it?)” –Isaiah 43:19.

God’smaking a way through the desert and providing water out of nowhere for the Israelites to drink is a miracle that transcends their passage through the Red Sea and many other miracles we see throughout Exodus; it lands at God’s faithfulness to His people today. God is still doing a “new thing” for and in His people. Maybe in the prophet’s mind, this may have been the “new thing” he saw—a symbol of Israel’s deliverance.  

Today, God continues doing this new thing in our personal lives, church community, and within the hearts of all those who call on Him.

God never stops working.

 In Numbers Ten, we learn that the people of Israel only moved when the Lord moved. They followed His lead and rested whenever the cloud rested. But today’s culture encourages us to move on our own, independent from the Lord.

God knows our weaknesses like He knew the weakness of His people then. He knows how far we can go without Him, so God gently realigns us when we persist on going it alone. God is always right and always knows what is best for us. We must train ourselves to obey Him quickly when He speaks, especially through His written Word.

” Do you not perceive it?”

God calls our attention to what is happening and what is passing us by, similar to how He called Isaiah’s attention to what was about to happen, yet we sometimes don’t see it. We may pay attention to natural things and quickly understand them, but not so much with spiritual matters. At times, our miracle is in God answering our prayer.

We cry out, ask, call intercessors, plead, and even lose hope in difficulties.

Then, suddenly, God answers our prayers and cries, yet when we receive them—receive our healing, we sometimes act as though we are entitled. We don’t even take the time to say, “Thank you, Lord, for answering my prayer. For healing my body.” This ungrateful attitude must hurt God’s heart! Things are well now; I am all set. Just like the Israelites, we quickly forget what God has done and does for us.

Let’s be attentive and grateful for all God does for us. Our gratitude for His answering our prayers should make us feel appreciative and humble before the One who helps us. There’s a story in the Bible about ten lepers that Jesus healed, but only one returned to say thank you. “One of them, when he saw he was healed, came back, praising God in a loud voice. He threw himself at Jesus’ feet and thanked him—and he was a Samaritan.” –Luke 17:15-17.

We must not forget to bless God for healing us and answering our prayers. Our thanksgiving is giving God the glory He deserves!

Since 2022, I have been crying out to God to heal me of breast cancer. I have my church praying, my family, friends, and others. I could be in heaven today, but God did heal me and is allowing me an extended life. I am so joyful and thankful for all He’s done for me through answered prayer.

I look forward to the “new thing” He is about to do in the seasons that lay before me. I believe the best is yet to come because God always does what He says He’ll do.

Look at the last part of this verse in Isaiah 43:19: “I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.”

I never want to forget the wilderness that Abba has brought me through, as He’s taking me to the “new thing” He has for me. From now on, I choose to worship Him with greater devotion and a more thankful attitude. And I will wait for His lead. Going when He says go and stopping when He says stop. After all, He is opening streams in the deserts I know not of. It is His work, and I will follow Jesus to these streams to serve and bless His name.

Today, Father, we come before Your Throne with a grateful heart. We ask for faith to believe every Word You say. Forgive us for going our own way at times, and teach us to listen to Your voice as You lead us into the “new thing” You have for our futures. We are ready to receive Your salvation, healing, and the power needed to live for You and bring glory to You alone. We love You and praise You, Jesus. Amen.

If you are looking for a “new thing” to happen in your life, start by asking Jesus into your heart as Lord and Savior. The Word of God promises, “If you openly declare that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is by believing in your heart that you are made right with God, and it is by openly declaring your faith that you are saved.” –Romans 10:9-10.

Surrounded. 2 Kings 6:17

“And Elisha prayed and said, Jehovah, I pray thee, open his eyes that he may see. And Jehovah opened the eyes of the young man, and he saw; and, behold, the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire round about Elisha.”

I was like this servant. Truth be told, there are moments, both in my life and ministry, when I still am. Blind that is. Not God. There’s a news flash! Not all-knowing or seeing. Rather I’m frail and human and so very much in need of the One who is God. Who does see all, know all; because I can sometimes forget that there is more than one type of sight—ways of seeing a person, place, or situation. Of starring into the face of what is so clearly hidden in plain sight; yet seeing only the natural enemy army before me. An army that mirrors back to me my weaknesses and failures and inadequacy. Blind in my desire to so want to serve God and his people, those He has placed over me with excellence,  I sometimes move foolishly, carelessly, in my flesh, in my own strength, instead of waiting for the Lord to release me—to open my eyes to what is truly in front of me. What it is He’ll have me see. By His grace, He has covered my rookie mistakes and any potential crisis was averted. My natural sight having blinded me from seeing what is truly surrounding me, at all times; the angels my Father has given charge over me. Their aid, and His strength…

“The angel of the LORD encamps around those who fear him, and he delivers them” –Psalm 34:7.

Am I alone in my testimony? The only one who has, perhaps in their walk or ministry, missed the mark?

Not seeing what was standing right in front of them? Spiritually speaking that is. Or not recognized what was truly available to them, or. more, what was coming at them, their leadership, or the Body, because they looked at a situation, or failed to see a thing because they were, I was, looking at it, at that person, with natural eyes only? I know of at least one other who was as blind as I have been. Dare I say perhaps as blind as you’ve been too? One whose spiritual eyes failed him as well. Elisha’s new servant. My apologies. I can’t introduce you. I can’t share his name with you because the scriptures don’t tell me his name, only that he is Elisha’s assistant.

If we’re not paying attention though, we’ll mistake him for Gehazi, Elisha’s first assistant. We first hear of Gehazi in 2 Kings 4:12. However, he leaves Elisha’s service covered in leprosy and shame in 2 Kings 5:27. So this one, this unnamed servant who sees only the army of the Arameans, this natural enemy army surrounding him and his master, is then obviously new. Perhaps he’s Gehazi’s replacement? Either way, what’s obvious is, replacement or not, he’s yet to have caught the gift of seeing beyond the natural realm and into the spiritual, as Elisha, his mentor has.  “None of us, my lord the king,” said one of his officers, “but Elisha, the prophet who is in Israel, tells the king of Israel the very words you speak in your bedroom” –2 Kings 6:12.

So what is this ‘opening of his eyes’ that Elisha prayed for? This seeing? Surely Elisha’s servant wasn’t blind. Had he been blind, he wouldn’t have been able to see the Aramean’s surrounding them at Dothan…

Elisha had prayed for his spiritual sight to be activated. For the eyes of his understanding to be open, that he might truly see. Elisha prayed for his ability to see beyond his seeing in the natural. A gift from God alone. I’ve heard it described this way: Spiritual things are not perceived by the natural man with his natural sight. But we compare revelation or spiritual perception to the act of seeing because of their similarities and because the results of the two are the same, namely a coming into the experience of knowing something beyond the shadow of a doubt. The natural man is in darkness regarding spiritual things, that is he can’t perceive them unaided. Without light, we cannot directly perceive God or His kingdom though we have the testimony of creation and the inward testimony of our conscience. When the Holy Spirit comes, however, bearing His influence on the soul of man it has the same effect as light has upon the natural eyes of man. His influence causes man to perceive the things of the spirit. Like light, the greater the influence the greater the level of perception. The result of a man receiving the light of the Spirit is perception and he becomes absolutely convinced of the truth of the object he saw as if he had seen it with his natural eyes. (Emphasis my own)

This ability to see into the spirit realm is indispensable for those God has called to minister to His people.

To be able to see what is coming that we might cover our leaders and those God has placed under our care. We cannot operate in our appointed offices without it. Especially those prophets and seers, intercessors, and priests whom God has called to the frontline of this ongoing battle between Himself and His enemy and ours, Satan, that great deceiver. We must be able to see, to discern, the will of God for His people and for our own lives and ministry. How else will we be able to sound the alarm? Warn others of what is coming against them? Encourage them to repent and seek God, unless we first know a thing for ourselves. See it coming for ourselves if you will. Perhaps Elisha’s servant was so newly appointed to the man of God, this gifted prophet who himself had received a double-portion anointing from his mentor, the prophet Elijah, that Elisha had yet had the opportunity to have laid hands on the young man and pray God stir-up the gift that was just waiting to be called out from within him? I ask this based upon the Truth that God does not call anyone into any office, into His service, unless He alone has also blessed and provided us with everything we will ever need, not only to walk out our salvation in this world but to fulfill that call or office for which He has called us. “For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do” –Ephesians 2:10. Or, perhaps, Elisha was not slack at all but rather waiting on God’s appointed time. Waiting for that moment God alone had foreordained for Elisha’s new servant to be introduced to seeing beyond the natural and into the spiritual realm…

The scriptures are replete with just such instances of this same intense first experience with seeing into, and properly interpreting, the spirit world. Daniel no doubt understood the “suddenly” of just such a moment. The Apostle John too. Ezekiel and Samuel as well, just to mention a few. Daniel 7; Revelation 1:1-2; Ezekiel 1; Samuel 3.

Here’s the thing beloved: If you have been appointed to some office, some position within the Body of Christ, know, with all certainty that you are there because of God; whatever His reason for allowing you to be there. He alone places us in positions of leadership or authority. Know too, that since He has placed you there, you carry within you everything you’ll ever need to complete the task you were appointed to fulfill. That said, understand this as well: You will have to learn partner with the Holy Spirit and those He has placed in positions of authority and leadership over you to develop, draw out, hone, fine-tune, what God has already deposited in your belly. Also, to remain humble and teachable enough, as Elisha’s new servant did, to receive what we need, be it prayer or guidance or correction from those God has placed over you—to speak into you, to help train you and cover you when you inevitably get it all wrong on occasion—just as he did.  As I have. As you will too. “No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it” –Hebrews 12:11.

But fear not! Take heart, beloved! Don’t allow your pride to disqualify you from your assignment by thinking, calling into question your divine calling…

Just because you got it wrong this time, does not mean God didn’t appoint you or has somehow failed you. Humble yourself in the recognition that these are growing pains. You’ll get it wrong many times in your walk with Lord. I know I have! The shame is not in getting it wrong. The shame comes, the sin slithers in, when you allow pride to rob your anointing. Admit your blindness before God and men and the Lord will, in His divine timing, send one to pray that your eyes be opened, too. “Young men, in the same way, submit yourselves to your elders. And all of you, clothe yourselves with humility toward one another, because, God opposes the proud, but gives grace to the humble.” Humble yourselves, therefore, under God’s mighty hand, so that in due time He may exalt you. Cast all your anxiety on Him, because He cares for you” –1 Peter 5: 5-7.

Friend, if you are here today and haven’t familiar with the things this teaching contains, perhaps God has called you here today that you might ask Him to come into your life, as Lord and Savior, so that He might teach you. Opening your eyes to the Truth of His Son, Jesus, and all that He has for you to see and learn from Him? Won’t you ask Him to show Himself real to you now? He’s been waiting for your invitation. Listen to His Words, not mine: “Then you will call upon Me and come and pray to Me, and I will listen to you. 13You will seek Me and find Me when you search for Me with all your heart” –Jeremiah 29:12-13.

Higher Than Our Own. Isaiah 55:8-9

“The Lord says, “My thoughts are not like yours.
    Your ways are not like mine.
Just as the heavens are higher than the earth,
    so my ways are higher than your ways,
    and my thoughts are higher than your thoughts.”

In preparation for this week’s teaching, I went to sit beside the ocean to get alone with the Lord. I parked the car close to a popular local inlet where the small craft anchor. A particular dingy caught my eye…

Staring at it I thought, “that little guy looks as though it could sink at any moment.” Compared that is, to some of the sturdier-looking, larger boats anchored nearby. Looking away, I continued on in prayer. But once again this little boat caught my eye. This time, however, it appeared to be listing. Signaling the beginning of an inescapable watery demise. “I had a feeling that little boat would eventually go down. It didn’t appear at all seaworthy.” As I continued to watch what I saw instead caused me to literally shout,no way!”’ The waves had caused it to shift directions and I saw it was fully righted! Not only had that little boat not gone under, it was effortlessly bobbing along being piloted by the tides that had it safely hemmed in. What I was certain I had seen had been little more than an optical illusion. My eyes playing tricks on me. A complete misread on my part…

And then God spoke. Impressing on my heart that: I wasn’t to always trust what I saw in front of me rather, to steadfastly rely solely upon what I know to be True of Him. Trusting in His Sovereignty, mercy, grace, and, power. He reminded me to always have my faith securely anchored in Him; my mind and thoughts captive to His will alone. There are many illusions in this world…

Satan is a master of illusion and deception. And, He is busier now than ever knowing his time is at hand. God’s elect must be even more vigilant. Leaving no opening in our armor through which he might gain entrance. “For false Christs and false prophets will appear and perform signs and wonders that would deceive even the elect, if that were possible” –Mark 13:22.

God had convicted me of the cracks in my own armor; as quickly as I had judged this little boat of being unseaworthy, so too had I judged myself unworthy to serve Him by comparing myself to those I felt were far more gifted—more qualified than myself. I’d allowed temporary feelings of unworthiness to serve God and His people to supersede what I know He alone has called and equip me to do. Serve! Whenever and wherever He leads me. I was instantly humbled by the realization that not only had I been allowing myself to entertain lies, questioning my very election, entertaining my fears, doubts, and insecurities as one entertains friends; allowing them access into places mere acquaintances are not permitted, I had, unawares, projected my feelings of inadequacy onto that little boat! Thus, falsely judging us both as unseaworthy…

That’s when God convicted my heart! Who was I to judge the gifts He’s given me? His grace? Who was I to question His reasoning for choosing me for Himself?

And so, if I don’t make it my business to stay close to Christ daily, standing firm and fixed, minute-by-minute on who He says I am, I will, according to my own estimation, find myself sorely wanting. Unworthy to serve such a Holy God—or His people. Knowing my own sin and shortcomings I will judge myself as a vessel of dishonor, rather than one of gold or silver having been made pure, not by my own works or worth, rather by His. In this Truth, I was allowed a far deeper, more personal revelation of meaning behind Paul’s words: “But to me it is a very small thing to be judged by you, or by man’s day; but neither do I judge my own self”–1 Corinthians 4:3.

Our self-worth, my self-worth friends, should not be grounded in the esteem or opinion nor in the rejection of others—man’s flesh is far too fickle, untrustworthy, and ever-changing to ever take fully to heart. First, it blows this way and then that. One minute calling out Hosanna and with its next breath, crucify Him! Neither should we fully put our trust in self-assessments, least we think either too highly or too lowly of ourselves. Yet if our conscious pricks us, we must be certain to examine it. But it is to God alone that we must look to for every good thing in our lives. Starting with the foundational Truth of who we are and who He is in our lives, ministry, work, and worth. Only His Truth is irrefutable. Our sure standard.

His Word clearly tells us: “All else is sinking sand…” –Matthew 7:24-27.

Now, before I move on, allow me to clarify a point: By no means do I mean to suggest that we should not examine ourselves, our lives, and hearts, our consciences. Quite the contrary, as Christians, we must keep a close eye on the condition of our hearts and thoughts, our words, and actions. Through prayer and the reading of the Scriptures, through our daily communion with the Holy Spirit, we must ask the Lord, day by day, to search out anything in us that is not of Him. And, should our conscience convict us of sin, we must, by His power, rid our lives of its corrupt root; least our hearts become hardened by its unchecked presence. We must repent, quickly.

Our Scripture verse today harkens back to the days of King David who, at the time of this writing has been dead some 250 years. Thus signifying that our Scripture verses are directed not at unbelievers since they are directed at David and Israel, but rather at believers. And, though applicable in Isaiah’s day surely, they are also prophetic; reaching their hand into the pocket of today’s Church, speaking directly to you and me. God’s Truth is eternal and unchanging. Our verses declare, in part, just who God is and who we are in comparison. There is no room in His declaration for neither question nor doubt. God’s Sovereignty is on clear display in these verses. Therefore, as believers living in times fraught with illusions, lies, and false accusation, we must be convinced, resolute in the fact that we are who God says we are and not fall prey to those feelings that swing us this way one moment and that another, tossing us first here, then there…

Beloved, if this has hit your heart if you’ve been judging yourself as I’ve judged myself of late, may I suggest you steal away and spend some quiet time alone with the Lord. Ask Him to reveal afresh the Truth of who you are in Him and to make clear to you once again, your purpose and calling in Him. The field is white my brothers and sisters, we must be steadfastly about our Father’s business throwing off, as our brother Paul instructs us, every weight that hinders us.

And friend, if you find yourself here today saying, I’ve felt like this too! Know this, God has led you here as surely as He led me to that little dingy. If you’ve yet to ask Jesus to come into your life as Lord and Savior, please do it now. He’s led you here and He loves you. But He won’t force Himself on you…

“Even the Tree Had A Purpose” Luke 19:4-6

“So he ran ahead and climbed a sycamore-fig tree to see him, since Jesus was coming that way.  When Jesus reached the spot, he looked up and said to him, “Zacchaeus, come down immediately. I must stay at your house today.” So he came down at once and welcomed him gladly” (Luke 19:4-6).

Only in Luke’s Gospel accounts do we find the Parables of the “lost things.” The coin, the sheep, and, the son. Luke’s lost theme points us towards the reason Jesus has come to Jericho on this particular day.

It was not accidental…

There is nothing random about God. He both can and will use anything, any circumstance, to reach us.

Luke directs our focus. He Causes us to realize why it was Jesus had stepped down across time and eternity to donned a suit of flesh. He has come to find that which is lost. “For the Son of man is come to save that which was lost” (Luke 19:10).

And He knows exactly where to go to find it…

Even the tree in Luke’s account had a purpose. Why? It was a place of gain. A predetermined location, a portal of sorts, where the Divine would meet a man and from that meeting the will of God would be born—again. A sign in our narrative of what was about to take place. Now it was Zacchaeus who would climb the tree to see Jesus. Soon however, it would be Jesus being lifted-up on a tree for all men to see. No longer would man’s view of His Savior be obstructed. Jesus would make certain of that…

It’s why He came, first into the world, but today, specifically, into Jericho.

Zacchaeus, a wealthy man by all accounts—and a chief tax collector, was about to gain the greatest gift he would ever own. One worth giving up—surrendering, turning over to, everything that he had known, accumulated—and clung to. Zacchaeus had heard of Jesus, perhaps he had even seen Him—as a passerby, or one standing in the many crowds that had followed Jesus. Certainly, he had heard tell of Him and of His power to do miracles—to restore to life that which was dead. To make those that were blind see. To bring healing and restoration to dead, useless limbs.

But, as a Jew, there was something else that caught Zacchaeus attention. He had heard the whispers…

Could this be the Messiah? The One he and his people had been waiting for? The One foretold by the Prophets of old? Spoken of by the elders? Or was He just another rabble-rouser? After all, there had been so many that had come claiming to be the one who would deliver his people.

Yet there was something about this one—something that caused Zacchaeus to get excited—more, hopeful, that perhaps, just maybe, He truly was the Messiah. The Son of the Living God. And he was not the only one to share this curiosity. The streets were filling up quickly, like when the people prepared for a festival. There was a great sense of expectancy and excitement in the air…

Why did I have to be born so short? I’ll never be able to see Him now, and I just must, I must! That tree, that’s it!! It’s perfect—it’s solid enough to support me, yet short enough for me to climb up; and yet tall enough for me to get just high enough so as not to miss Him as He passes by!

Perfect tree…

Jesus knew exactly where Zacchaeus was. He had seen across time and eternity that on this very day, at this very hour, Zacchaeus would climb this very tree—and more, God knew why he’d do it. Zacchaeus wanted more. And he was willing to do whatever it took to make sure he got it. Little did Zacchaeus know as he was climbing that tree that Jesus had seen him doing so before the very foundations of the world had been laid. And today—at this hour, was the exact moment Jesus had chosen to show Himself to Zacchaeus—for all Eternity…

Zacchaeus couldn’t have known that this simple tree he was climbing to better see this Jesus had been planted just for him, just for this reason—it was its purpose, to lift Him higher. To elevate Him above those that had come out of a “carnival curiosity.”

Zacchaeus had no idea, as he was climbing to catch a glimpse of this maybe Messiah, that he was actually on a bridge that God had constructed to bring the natural man and the Divine together.

One in a tree, another on the road below. Yet both on their respective paths to destiny. To the fulfillment of their Divine purposes…

And the rest of Luke’s account attest to the fact that this one tree had not been created in vain. Rather, in being the conduit that facilitated this supernatural encounter, it had fulfilled its purpose in being created…

And in Zacchaeus, we see the Spirit of Jesus’s Words found in Luke 18:14: coming to life; “I tell you, this sinner, not the Pharisee, returned home justified before God. For those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted.”

So here’s the question that God has put before me; and so I’ll ask it of you too. “What does your tree look like? What has He put before you that you would choose to climb up in to go higher—solely that you may see Jesus more clearly?”

Or is your tree something that God is asking you to walk away from—leave behind, let go of perhaps?

Will you, like Zacchaeus, drop everything so that you too may better see God?

“So he ran on ahead and climbed a sycamore tree to see Him, since Jesus was about to pass that way. When Jesus came to that place, He looked up and said, “Zacchaeus, hurry down, for I must stay at your house today” So Zacchaeus hurried down and welcomed Him joyfully.… (Luke 19:4-6; emphasis my own).





He Is Doing A “New Thing.” Isa. 43:18-19

                                                                                                                           “Do not remember the former things,Or ponder the things of the past. “Listen carefully, I am about to do a new thing, Now it will spring forth; Will you not be aware of it? I will even put a road in the wilderness, Rivers in the desert.”  Isaiah 43:18-19 (Amp)

   Living in Hawaii is a blessing. At any given morning you can wake up before the sun rises and drive to any beach and watch this beautiful art piece come alive that God creates for us every morning called the Sunrise. The sunrise is visible almost anywhere. But, there are several spots on the island that bring you closer to this special experience; where you can actually feel the sun as it’s coming up over the horizon. Experience it, brushing across your face like a warm gentle hand. Enlivening you, as it Ignites your senses. All the while its warmth runs from the top of your head. Resting, it kisses your checks. Finally, it moves its way down to the tips of your toes, and you are one…

Can you hear the waves pounding on the shore? Their rhythmic worship?And can you taste the tang of salt from the oceans mist… ?

I can feel it now as I write. All of it! All my senses coming alive. Every cell in my body awakened and I stand in awe of God’s glory…

You can worship anywhere, at any given time on this island. Anywhere in the world for that matter…

But, some worship experiences are as unique, as glorious, as my special spot on the eastern point here in Oahu. A place where the sunrise is clearer and far more majestic than on any other place on the island at that moment.

     Isaiah was writing a prophetic word to the Israelite’s in the verses above. They were not only cast out of Israel but now were being held captive by the Babylonians. In the above verses, Isaiah leads the Israelite’s into the realization that they are to, “forget the former things and do not dwell on the past.”

He instructs them that If they continued to hold on to their old way of doing things or seeing only how the Lord had once brought them out of Egypt, then, they will miss the “New Thing” that God was going to do now.

If I hold on to the memory of the way the sunrise looked yesterday, and I go expecting it to look the same way the next time I go to that same spot, I won’t appreciate and/or see the sunrise doing a new thing.

Every morning the sun will rise. I know this. I am sure that nothing will stop the sun from rising unless something extreme has happened to the earth’s natural order.

Yet, every morning, the sun is new. Every morning it offers a different experience…

God was not only delivering the Israelite’s from captivity, He was, also, sending His only Son. He was sending a permanent solution for the Israelite’s sins. For our sins.

The end of the verse 19 says, “Will you not be aware of it? I will even put a road in the wilderness, rivers in the desert.” It wasn’t a condition of something they did.

Nor is it anything you and I have done that merits us this grace. It is who God is naturally. He wanted to create that road from sin to salvation in the wilderness. He said He would. Not could. Nor, would He possibly do it…

He said, I WILL even put a road in the wilderness, rivers in the desert.”

Imagine that.

Close your eyes for a moment and visualize this…

Your lost in the wilderness and you can’t find your way out of it. After searching, being tired and afraid, you find a road…

Wouldn’t you feel excited? Wouldn’t you think, “Okay now there’s hope!”

Jesus is our road to salvation. Our road to hope. Our verses also tell us that He will send rivers in the desert. And, that this river in the desert is the Spirit that God gives to us when we accept Jesus as Lord and Savior.

Jesus is referred to as, “Living Water” (John 4:10-15).

Jesus, Himself, told the Samaritan woman at the well that He had living water. He was offering her this water that would quench her thirst always. He told her that the water He was giving her would spring forth from within her to eternal life…

As we enter this new year, may you realize that God wants to offer you that very same hope…

That new way of looking towards Jesus. Of seeing, anticipating, expecting, the “new thing” that He is doing in your life.

Isaiah 49:8-10: This is what the Lord says, “In a favorable time I have answered you, And in a day of salvation I have helped You; And I will keep watch over You and give You for a covenant of the people, To restore the land [from its present state of ruin] and to apportion and give as inheritances the deserted hereditary lands, Saying to those who are bound and captured, ‘Go forth,’ And to those who are in [spiritual] darkness, ‘Show yourselves [come into the light of the Savior]. ’They will feed along the roads [on which they travel], And their pastures will be on all the bare heights. “They will not hunger or thirst, Nor will the scorching heat or sun strike them down; For He who has compassion on them will lead them, And He will guide them to springs of water.”

I just love what verse nine says above, “to those who are bound, come forth, and to those who are in [spiritual]darkness, show yourselves [come into the light of the sun of righteousness.”

Wherever you are in your walk with Him, wherever you are in the world. Whatever bondage has you hostage….

TODAY a “New Thing” can happen. Will you not recognize it?

The Lord is holding out his hand and asking you to Step into the Sunlight and see that He is doing a “New Thing.”

Written by: Angelica Kauhako

“When They Finally Have Something To Say”… Mat. 9:32-34

optimism-619018_960_720 Judgement. It happens far too often within our lives. The biting criticism that blindly enlightens you—you’ve failed.

Contrary to your best efforts—what you did, how well you did it, or how well intended your heart was in the doing of the thing, at the end of your best attempts and intentions, others meet you with their pass or fail measuring stick…

Wrong. Sorry, you didn’t do it the right way. Why did you do it that way? How dare you!

Critics. We saw them in last week’s post. Those mourners gathered around the dead girl. They laughed in Jesus’ face when He informed them that the girl they were there wailing over, mourning… wasn’t dead.

Often, when something frightens us, challenges our status quo, our equilibrium, our feelings of safety, our fight or flight instinct kicks in unawares and says, kill it!  And, left to our human natures, we will simply seek our own survival. But not  Jesus. And if we are called to follow Him it should not be that way with us either; “Those controlled by the flesh cannot please God. You, however, are controlled not by the flesh, but by the Spirit, if the Spirit of God lives in you. And if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, he does not belong to Christ” (Rom.8:8-9).

In our text today we see an example of just such people. The very same Jesus had to contend with for the duration of His earthly ministry. Mosquito’s in His ear—always abuzz.

In fact, even as He hung dying on the tree of their construction, the very one they schemed and lied to ensure He be nailed to, even then they accused Him of not dying right! “He saved others, but He cannot save Himself. He is the King of Israel! Let Him come down now from the cross, and we will believe in Him. He trusts in God. Let God deliver Him now if He wants Him. For He said, ‘I am the Son of God’” …(Mat.27:42-43).

Using the lens of the Synoptic Gospels, it becomes clear that from the onset of Jesus’ earthly ministry the judges and critics made it their business to be about His business. They, the Pharisees, have either personally been amongst the throngs following Jesus, as in today’s Scripture, or they have been kept in-the-know of His every move by someone in the crowd.

Either way, Jesus couldn’t escape their malignant scrutiny. They were simply glass half empty people. If they couldn’t conceive of it, produce it, attain it or somehow profit from it well, it must obviously be evil.

If you have ever been here, if these people sound familiar, then you are in good company! If they did it to Jesus and you’re His follower with your mosquito’s, your Pharisees, those attempting to perpetually dictate what is and is not acceptable for your particularly faith walk, well than as the Scriptures teaches, “Count it all joy!”

However, I do feel led here, so as not to be misconstrued or appear guilty of being aligned with or giving license to living and doing as you feel; to point out that Jesus throughout Scripture, always was about our Fathers business. He was always in prayer seeking the Fathers will and serving and doing all things to those ends. That being clarified, we can now move ahead.

Until this point in Scripture the Pharisees have for the most part been silent though Jesus has healed many of people of their infirmities. Starting in Matthews Eighth Chapter the man with leprosy is healed along with the Centurions daughter, Peter’s mother-in-law and many whom Scripture tell us were demon-possessed.

So our fellow, this mute demon-possessed man found in today’s text, was not the first by far that the people had witnessed being healed and delivered by Jesus. But it’s here in this moment, amongst this crowd that we are called today. To be part of, to witness first-hand the extreme divergence of reactions to Jesus’ faith and works.

The crowd is collectively amazed by Jesus and celebrates, sings the praises of His astonishing works. “Nothing like this has ever been seen in Israel” (Mat9:33)!

The Pharisees on the other hand, see only evil. Their inner darkness prohibits them from extolling or embracing the works of Pure Light. And that’s what sin does to us—it robs us not only of our sight but also of our pure voice.

How can we possibly acknowledge with praising lips that which we cannot—will not, refuse, to believe in? Impossible!

And so, when these Pharisees finally open their lips it is to accuse the Only Begotten Son of the Father of being in league with the devil listen; But the Pharisees said, “He can cast out demons because he is empowered by the prince of demons” (Mat.9:34).

Scripture teaches us that no student is above his Master, so pay attention. If you are being called by God to do His work but it has yet to manifest or, you are currently about your Fathers business—truly about His business as Jesus was—not playing ministry with a self-given title and a showy business card…then arm yourself with the foreknowledge that if the Pharisees haven’t yet arrived, they’re coming! Their still standing stealth, hidden in the crowd observing you…

The Holy Spirit, our Revelator, illumines lesson after lesson throughout Jesus’ three plus years of earthly ministry. Instructing us that there will always be those that are for us, and there will always be those whom are against. if we are to survive, more, thrive and bear good fruit via our God-given assignments, we must follow Jesus’ example.

That is to have bottomless reserves of compassion for His people, be wise and discerning, and above these, to be in continual communion with the Father. Seeking His will, guidance, voice and approval only. Over every competing voice and emotional pull, particularly our own! Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth” (Col.3:2). Emphasis my own. “Fight the good fight of the faith. Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called and about which you made the good confession in the presence of many witnesses” (1Tim.6:12).

Jesus came into this world, His ministry—to offer it salvation, to restoration it back to the Father, foreknowing His outcome, His end. He knew these very ones calling Him Beelzebub, accusing Him of being demonically in league with the devil. These same were awaiting His birth, His life, and, unbeknownst to them, would be used as the catalysts to bring about the fulfillment of His ministry. As well as His inevitable return to The Father.

Just as Jesus knew what was ahead of Him, He too knows what awaits you. Take heart today beloved, and listen to the comforting words spoken to you through the Prophet Jeremiah of the personal love, care, protection and provision The Father has for you. “For I know what I have planned for you,’ says the LORD. ‘I have plans to prosper you, not to harm you. I have plans to give you a future filled with hope” (Jer. 29:11).

Walk wisely and with each step know that the God who commands the Heavenly Armies goes before you, clearing the way and making your every crooked path straight. So run your race today beloved in full confidence that the same God that delivered Jesus, the Faithful and True God, is the same God yesterday, today, and forever. And He  holds you in the palm of His loving, mighty Hand.

Your steps have been ordained by God. Step strong and insure confidence of not only who you are in Christ Jesus, more, who you are commanded to not distract you. Not alter your focus and purpose in Him.

Do with mosquito’s what you do with all pesky distractions. With those who, when they finally speak, speak only death over your ministry…swat them and keep it moving! Stand firm in the Lord and the power of His might…” Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done” (Phil.4:6).

Blessings Beloved, until next time…



“Do You See What I See?” Matt. 9:23-25

sunset-1033769_960_720 “Go away. The girl is not dead but asleep.” But they laughed at Him (Matt 9:23-24).

Has that ever happened to you? Have you shared what you ‘v seen, your truth, only to be laughed at, belittled?

Dismissed. It’s as if what you have to say can’t possibly have relevance, is of no value. It, your knowing, simply doesn’t line up with everyone else’s knowing, therefore your input is immaterial. Take heart dear one, you’re in good company. That’s exactly what was happening to Jesus when He entered the ruler Jairus’s house and told the mourners there to go—the child is not dead.

These people were in full mourning mode, there was wailing, flutes were playing funeral dirges, and the atmosphere was pregnant with sadness and loss. Surely she was dead! What was He talking about? He thinks He sees  something  that we don’t!

But Jesus did see differently then,  and still… He walked in and where those assembled saw death, He saw life. Where they saw an end, Jesus saw a beginning. For them, the story as they say—was over. But not so with Jesus, in fact in Him, life was just beginning…

I don’t know about you, but I am grateful to know that in a world where others could often care less, are blind in their seeing, Jesus offers a fresh perspective. A newness of sight. A throwing open of windows on warm windy days, allowing sunlight and freshness to pierce and permeate our otherwise fusty, lifeless shells… our dead hope. “And I walked and He who sat on the throne said to me, “Behold, I make all things new.” And he said to me, “Write: ‘These words are trustworthy and true” (Rev. 21:5).

Concerning our text for this week, we witness a physical resurrection. Jesus raising a girl who is factually dead.

But let’ step out beyond that one instance. Let’s broaden our view and look to how it is He meets us where we are, now, today. Single, married, divorced. Addicted, in recovery or still on the streets, He meets us. Right where we are, He meets us. He comes in and speaks to those circumstances that are wailing over our ostensible lack of life—our presumptive deadness and commands them each to leave…

Depression, sexual addiction, drugs, physical bondage—be gone!

Not you? Okay—self-doubt, cutting, childhood abuse, alcoholism, perfect life gone wrong in a snapbe gone!

There is no situation, nothing you can do or have done, regardless it’s hideousness, that has thrown you farther than God will reach to return you to himself. I know this to be true. I am not merely writing story.

The Apostle Paul’s prayer for the Ephesian Church, speaks to us about knowing the breadth and depth of the love of God and the love of Christ which surpasses all knowledge so that we might be filled with the fullness of God. That’s something to hold tight to if your running on empty today…Gods fullness, it’s complete. No more lack or lacking…

If you’re feeling dead in your soul now, or in your thinking or maybe in your ability to see yourself clear of whatever this is… Hang on, help is coming. If your weariness forbids you to take another step, if  the molasses your trying to walk through is just too dense, then resting at the edges of His above knowing is the best place for you to be. Stop a while and allow yourself to be refreshed in Him.

You see when Jesus entered into that rulers house He did it fore-knowing the girl was dead. He’s God. He knows everything. And it’s no different today with you and I. We’re dead in our sin. Laying on our bier waiting…It is impossible to be brought back to life, or health, joy, wholeness or peace outside of Jesus touch.

There will always be those around you who see you as little more than a dead thing. Broken. Damaged. Irreparable. No life, no chance, no way out. Stuck and staying stuck is how they’ll always view you. But take heart dear one, people may see you one way, yet God sees you quite another. Listen… “The LORD does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart” (1Sam.16:7).

Regardless what the situation you are facing today. No matter how hopeless, hang on… Irrespective of how many times you’ve tried and failed, no matter how unforgivable you may feel, how blaring your sins may seem to you, contrary to how desperate the times may feel… there is One that does not see you see yourself.

Why? It’s all in what you see.

Jesus sees us from His sole vantage point. His exclusive ability to see our end from our beginning. In other words, how it is we are going to finish this race we call life. “I make known the end from the beginning, from ancient times, what is still to come. I say, ‘My purpose will stand, and I will do all that I please’ (Isa. 46:10). And because He this information is His alone, He knows to the utmost that everything truly, will be alright.

He is able to walk with cast-iron confidence into the front door of your life, and speak to the dead things inside you. Dead dreams. No hope…weariness, arise! He Commands them to wake up and be dead no more. The time for your life to begin is today. Someone, somewhere has asked the Lord to come to you, they knew you were ill/weary/broken and in need of help.  And if He would but only touch you they thought…without doubt, you will rise up!

Dear one, take heart today. Just outside Jesus is at your door and He has a great plan specifically laid out for you alone, He asking you, “Do you see what I see.” Listen to Him… “ “For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.” (Jer. 29:11).

Beloved, do you see what He sees when He looks at you? Ask Him to give you a new perspective today. Invite Him into your heart as Lord and Savior and allow Him to make all things new…

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