Immediately her flow of blood was dried up; and she felt in her body [and knew without any doubt] that she was healed of her suffering. Immediately Jesus, recognizing in Himself that power had gone out from Him, turned around in the crowd and asked, “Who touched My clothes?”


More blood. Another day of isolation and sameness. Would it ever stop?

Have you ever felt this way? Is there something “bleeding” in your life?

It was just another day in the village. The sun had risen as it always had—and with it, her never-ending flow of blood. This was her morning; every day. For years—12 to be exact. The sun rose, and the blood flowed. “But one day Lord, I know you will heal my body, I just know you will.” She had whispered this little prayer every morning, hopefully. Trying to believe that at any moment it would happen—her healing that is. She offered it up, this silent pray, as she scattered the morning grain to those hungry hens that gathered unfailingly the moment they heard her footsteps. She had no idea however, that this day, unlike all the others, would usher in the end of her long years of suffering. No idea it would afford her what all the money she’d spent in vain never could. What no doctors visit ever did. She had no idea that every wet-eyed midnight plea, every sunlit prayer was about to be answered…

“She had suffered a great deal under the care of many doctors and had spent all she had, yet instead of getting better she grew worse” –vs.26.

The sudden commotion in the village was her first clue. The air was abuzz with a myriad of babbling voices. A large crowd was forming near the edge of the nearby lake. At its center, Jairus, leader of the synagogue. And with him some stranger whom Jairus seemed to be pleading with. She didn’t know who this stranger was. She didn’t recognize the One who held her healing. The One to whom her silent prayers ascended, day after day. She didn’t know that before she was even born this very second had been ordained. And, as a result, life as she had known it these past 12 years would be changed forever…

As I read this account of the unnamed woman with the issue of blood, I was struck by the “suddenly” of her healing. Of her encountering Jesus. Of how every single detail concerning that divine moment had to have lined up perfectly in order that she be healed and set free by days end. I was reminded of exactly how involved God is in every detail, every second of our lives—and, how unaware we can be of Him. How we have the propensity to wander through our days robotically, excepting whatever comes our way at face value—life becomes just another day of unremitting bleeding. Like lemmings, we follow rote days that turn into rote weeks that become rote years of living minus any sense of genuine expectancy that at any moment, God may show up suddenly—changing everything!  Just as He did for our unnamed woman. Just as He did for me. Just as He does for so many of His “unnamed” children.

God is moved when our faith, no matter how small, is put into action. Suddenly, He shows up and, as a result, nothing is ever the same…

At once Jesus realized that power had gone out from him. He turned around in the crowd and asked, “Who touched my clothes” –vs. 30?

Scripture makes it clear that our unnamed woman had never met Jesus—she’d only heard tell of this man who performed many miracles. It struck me that though she’d not met Him, she most certainly had a measure of faith. Otherwise, why would Jesus have said that her faith had healed her? Some might argue here that she had nothing to lose. That she’d lost everything, had been ostracized long enough, suffered long enough, that it all finally culminated into her running out into the crowd chasing after the One she’d heard the others tell stories of. That faith was not the motivating force behind her dash towards Jesus, rather it was sheer desperation that drove her towards Him that fateful day…

Even so, who’s to say that Jesus won’t use our moments of desperation? Won’t allow our weaknesses, fears, and failures—our illnesses and insecurities, our fractured families and relationships, those moments of sheer exasperation that cause us to crack, to serve His good pleasure? Use them to break up the fallow ground of our hearts, preparing them to fully receive Him? Who says He won’t allow “our bleeding” to be used both to water and to cultivate our tiny seeds of fragile embryonic faith?

Anyone who’s received their salvation later in life—possibly after years of having lived life on their own terms, will, I believe understand this …

Perchance this is what happened to the woman with the issue of blood?

It could be she needed to spend every dime she had, see every doctor that was available, spend countless nights in fear and burdened with worry before she would cry out to God in complete surrender. Some folks need to come to the end of themselves before they’ll humble themselves before Jesus. And too, God will allow us to do things our own way—even if our way isn’t beneficial to us. I liken this to a willful child determined to do things their own way. Loving parents will try to guide them—direct their child towards a path that will benefit their future. Yet, in their rebellious determination to do things their own way, the child runs recklessly headlong on their chosen path of self-destruction. Often getting hurt, losing money, friends, jobs, and precious years of their lives in the process. Ask anyone whose struggled with addiction, they’ll tell you…

Is this where we find our woman with the issue of blood? Is she at the end of herself—her money, patients, and precious time spent stubbornly chasing after a healing that has consistently eluded her?

Has she, like so many of us, exhausted herself through relentless self-sufficiency? Much like the hamster on his proverbial wheel?

Or, did she, like many who’ve been “bleeding”, want nothing more than to taste normalcy and acceptance once again? Hope to be included once again? Become a functioning member of their family, neighborhood, community once again. Join in again. Being rid, finally, and completely, of what has held them captive—isolating them for far too long. Was she instead proving to each of us what true faith in the face of continuous adversity looks like? Was she showing us that even an anemic, isolated faith can muster the strength necessary to push past everything in its way when empowered by the Holy Spirit? Allowing it thus to be led to the place where desperation, desire, and destiny converge. Where the plans to prosper and not to harm finally see the Light of day? “If I just touch his clothes, I will be healed” –Mark 5: 22.

On behalf of every person who is weak from years of “bleeding” I believe, and Scripture certainly appears to favor that it’s this later scenario, rather than the former, that enabled this woman to come to the only One who had destined to meet her at this particular shore at this particular time.  To allow His virtue to flow into her the moment she allowed herself to go low—to push past everything that had prohibited her to press forward until now. To exchange her un-cleanness and shame—her isolation and pain, for His love, recognition, and healing. The old covenant replaced by the New. By her willingness to drag the ground if need be, the woman with the issue of blood was able to finally stand tall. She was healed. Freed. At peace. There’s a paradox that’s proved in this healing: it wasn’t simply touching Jesus’ garment that healed this woman. It was, according to Jesus’ own Words, her touch of “faith that had freed her and made her whole” –Mark 5:34.

If this is you today my brother or sister, if something in your life is “bleeding”, has caused you to become weakened; whether physically or psychological; If depression or addiction, fear or cutting or drugs, sex or porn has held you captive far too long, then please, I beseech you, take a page from this woman’s playbook. Run after Jesus in faith believing—regardless of those things or people that surround you. Allow your desperation to converge with the wooing of the Holy Spirit so that you too might touch the only One who can make you whole…

And friend, if you’ve yet to ask Jesus into your life—if you’ve yet to meet Him, today is your day! He has led you hear that you too might reach out in faith believing and be made whole in Him. Won’t you stretch out your hand in faith today?