“…but He has said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you [My lovingkindness and My mercy are more than enough—always available—regardless of the situation]; for [My] power is being perfected [and is completed and shows itself most effectively] in [your] weakness.” Therefore, I will all the more gladly boast in my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ [may completely enfold me and] may dwell in me.”

I was in that place between waking and still half-asleep—I had a foot in each world. And that’s when God spoke to me about ‘residue. The stuff He’s allowed—to cling to us, to me…

We, those who have accepted Christ as our Savior love Him. And, we believe, by faith, that we have been—are, saved, by His redemptive work done for us all on the Cross. Through the shedding of His Precious Blood He paid our sin debt. And through the power of His Resurrection we, in faith believe, that we’ve been given a new life in Him. A fresh hope—a new beginning…

So why then do so many still feel anything but fresh—new, cleansed? It’s called residue. And If you struggle with it, you’re in good company. The Apostle Paul—the Apostle’s Apostle, the man responsible for writing, scholar’s say, over 2/3’s of the New Testament, felt like he had residue too. Though saved, and on fire for Christ—even though he was spreading the good news of the Gospel, and evangelizing the gentile nations, Paul struggled with what he called a ‘thorn in his flesh’. In fact, on three separate occasions he went to God and prayed that this thing, this thorn—this residue, carried over into his new life in Christ, be removed from him. God’s answer. No—nope, it needs to stay…

But why? Why didn’t God remove this thorn—this thing that Paul saw as a hindrance—this residue left clinging to him from a life spent steeped in the importance of his station, his position as a Pharisee. (Acts 22:20;23:6;26:10-11). Paul had been steeped in pride. Prior to meeting His Lord—before he had tasted the transforming love of God—Paul, it seems, may have had a bit of an ego. Maybe, like so many of us, he suffered from the inability to see himself—his true motives and actions, for what they really were. A pride issue.

Webster’s defines residue as follows: a usually small amount of something that remains after a process has been completed or a thing has been removed; something that remains after a part is taken, separated, or designated or after the completion of a process.

Listen to the conversation, as Paul recounts it, between himself and Jesus concerning his, ‘thorn’… “Because of the surpassing greatness and extraordinary nature of the revelations [which I received from God], for this reason, to keep me from thinking of myself as important, a thorn in the flesh was given to me, a messenger of Satan, to torment and harass me—to keep me from exalting myself” (2 Corinthians 12: 7)!

So, wait! Is God saying that He is allowing this thorn—this residue, to say with Paul? Yes. Emphatically, yes—and more, for Paul’s own good!

So how do we, as everyday Christians, deal with that? If God allowed Paul to endure his thorn—his past residue, what about us and ours? How do we deal? After all, he was

Or could he? Handle his thorn that is? Paul! Certainly, he could handle—endure, anything that came into—was permitted into his life; anything that was allowed to remain, cling, or live within him! He’s Paul. The champion, the pinnacle of Christendom! The one who has arrived at the destination that we, as striving Christians, stretch to reach—that great place of complete surrender to the call and will of God on our lives. That place of dying to self and living for the glory of Christ alone…

Had he really arrived at complete surrender? Is that even possible while we are living in these suits of fallible—weak flesh? And why did God allow this man who He hand-picked—had literally knocked from a horse to get to, get the attention of, why did he, do I, or you—do all Christians, have to endure our thorns? That stuck-on residue of our repulsive fleshly selves, that thing that both sickens and shames us when it rears its revolting head.  That relentless reminder of our fragility—our shame, our dependence. That thing that just popped up in your head…

The answer to the above question: “Is complete surrender possible?”, is yes, it’s absolutely possible. But only when we humble ourselves before God, fully acknowledging our weaknesses and dependence on Him.

Let’s listen to more of what Paul has to teach us about the possible ‘why’ of our residue—the why of our thorns, those things that are allowed to cling to us: “Concerning this I pleaded with the Lord three times that it might leave me; but He has said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you [My lovingkindness and My mercy are more than enough—always available—regardless of the situation]; for [My] power is being perfected [and is completed and shows itself most effectively] in [your] weakness” (vs’s 8-9).

And there it is…

The answer to our why. The, ‘why do I still?’ ‘How come this hasn’t left me?’ The,’ I’ve prayed and prayed and still—I struggle with: fear, depression, anger, pride, lust…, you fill in the blank, ________.

If we believe that God’s Word—His Word being a part of Himself, is infallible—It cannot lie. And I do, and It can’t because He can’t (Numbers 23:19). Then we are left with the fact that God not only allowed Paul’s thorn to remain—but that in remaining—in being the residue left as God extracted the best from Paul, this thorn—this weakness, this, ‘thing’, whether physical or behavioral, was deliberately left clinging to Paul by an Omniscient God for Paul’s betterment—for his own good! And, more importantly, it speaks to the goodness of God, and the power of His amazing grace and mercy, demonstrated in and through our lives…

Our residue, our thorns, those weaknesses in us, they are the stages on which God’s power and grace are most visibly demonstrated!

Is it possible that thing we see in our lives as a hindrance to our relationship with God is—has been left there intentionally, by God’s divine design, for a season—a period? That our residue serves a greater purpose then we—through our limited scope, with our finite, imperfect, understanding can recognize or understand? Clearly, the answer is yes. It is possible. If God allowed Paul’s thorn, his residue, to cling to him, to bring out the best in Him—God’s perfect plan and purpose for Paul’s life, then perhaps, just perhaps, the same is true for you—for me, for all those struggling with their residue…

But please don’t get it twisted! I’m not advocating, in no way encouraging, that we use our weaknesses— nor allow them to become, a license to sin…

Rather I’m saying that if our purpose as His children, is to bring glory to the Father in all that we do —in all that we are, and it is. Then we, like Paul, must learn, through the power of The Holy Spirit, to count even our residue as a blessing so that Christ may be glorified in and through it. Let’s close our time together today listening to the Apostle Paul explain to us how we too—through the acceptance of our weaknesses—our residue, may draw ever closer to God. May it/they embolden us to cling unremittingly to Him as we learn to trust more deeply, relying fully on His mercy—and His never-ending grace.  “Therefore, I will all the more gladly boast in my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ [may completely enfold me and] may dwell in me. So I am well pleased with weaknesses, with insults, with distresses, with persecutions, and with difficulties, for the sake of Christ; for when I am weak [in human strength], then I am strong [truly able, truly powerful, truly drawing from God’s strength]” (vs’s. 9-10).

I urge you today, if you’ve not asked Jesus to come into your life, to be your Lord and Savior, ask Him to come now. What are you waiting for? Today is the acceptable day, now is the acceptable time(Heb. 3:15)! You’ll never have it together enough—if that’s what you’re waiting for, it will never happen! Ask Him now, while it’s still today.

He’s just waiting for you…