"Come follow me and I will make you fishers of men." Matthew 4:19

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“Free or Freedom?” Jn. 8:36

by-wlodek-428549_960_720  Moses was instructing the Israelite’s in the tenets of the new covenant and its oaths. A New Covenant they were about to enter with God—after their long sojourn through the wilderness. Moses makes plain to the Israelite’s in Deuteronomy 30, that a choice to follow God, and all He asks of them, must be set in their hearts—chosen by them—fixed…

Also, in Chapter 29, Moses, during this same instructing, says this, “Someone may hear the conditions of this promise. He may think that he is so blessed that he can say, “I’ll be safe even if I go my own stubborn way. After all, [the LORD would never] sweep away well-watered ground along with dry ground” (Duet.29:19).

Plain speak. Don’t think to yourselves, “I believe in God, I’m his, after all, He is the God of my father’s—He’s got my back, I’m not like those people.” (the world, the unsaved) those that may know of the Lord—yet presume upon, take for granted, His grace, His patient mercy…because what they actually have is religious knowledge, not true relationship.

For those that may say, but that’s what the Old Testament says with it’s dark, negative speak…listen to what the Apostle Paul tells us in the New Testament. Listen to what he has to say about taking such liberties with God’s  mercy and grace, “What shall we say then? shall we continue in sin, that there may be abundance of grace? God forbid! How shall we that are dead as touching sin live any longer therein” (Rom. 6:1-2).

You may be asking what this has to do with today’s verse? Everything, would be the short answer…

Allow me to elaborate. There is an eternal difference between having freedom’s and being—free…

It is the theme—the fact stated, by our above mentioned principles, Moses and Paul. Each a witness to the Truth, Jesus, who alone is able to set men free.

Solomon informs us in Ecclesiastes that there’s nothing new under the sun, listen: “History merely repeats itself. It has all been done before. Nothing under the sun is truly new.” (Emphasis mine.) As it was then, so it is today…

Culture, technology, fashions, foods, appearances…all of these certainly are different—unarguably. But the heart of man, his core, remains unchanged. The sin-nature that drives him to chase after the illusive “anything” that will offer him the slightest whiff of supposed freedom—his right to choose, that has not changed one iota in man…

And that friends, that searching, that rebellious selfish want is what drives a man to serve the masters of his flesh, his thoughts, plans, needs and wants—his, what’s best for me. That is what this world and the father of it calls—offers as, supposed freedom. Freedom to choose—my choice, I get to pick, I get to say…Me.

Think of the Israelite’s and the golden calf here…Me, what I want. And I’ll give everything I have and own to get it! They forgot all about Moses on the mountain, weren’t giving a second thought to the fact that he was up there seeking God on their behalf—now, I want it now…(Ex.32:1-3).

Think Pharisees…Me, I deserve the best. All roads point to what I want, what best serves what my flesh is screaming out for. Recognition, accumulation, stature. Don’t I deserve that, after all… (Matt.23:4-7).

Concerning this freedom, how can the world give you something it does not possess? Doesn’t have to give? (Matt.4:9),

Only Jesus has the power and the authority to set a captive soul free (Lk.4:18-19).

There is no better evidence of the false freedoms this world offers, no greater evidence of its lie, and the father of its lies, than what we witness in the dialogue between Jesus and satan. Concerning the temptation of Jesus in the wilderness, listen as satan tries to offer Jesus the very things  which Jesus himself created! “Again, the devil took Him to a very high mountain and showed Him all the kingdoms of the world and their glory; and he said to Him, “All these things I will give You, if You fall down and worship me.” (Matt.4:8-9).

Why would anyone ever choose a counterfeit over an original? The world—satan and what he does not have to offer—his temporary smoke screens, over God the creator of heaven and earth and satan as well?  satan, known from the beginning as Lucifer, was a high-ranking angel allowed to choose sin, choose selfishness. He was cast to earth and away from God where he was given dominion to rule temporarily—but never is he, nor will he ever be, mightier than God…

And both he and his illusions of freedom will one day be cast into hell for all eternity… (Rev. 20:1-3).

Regarding this false freedom: it was this-worldly, prideful, sin-soaked freedom, that the Lord allowed one of His creations to choose. And in his choosing, he became the father of lies. The father of those he whispers to—lures, with false promises, stroking their prideful ego’s. Just as he tried to do to Jesus. It failed—he failed. Because it is written—Truth, true freedom, will always, always, expose the darkest of lies—illusions of freedom.

Now let’s hold that idea of freedom—satan’s lies, and contrast, compare them to, the Freedom found in Christ…

God’s Word clearly states, “So if the Son sets you free, you are free through and through.” (Jn.8:36). Completely free—nothing held back from you.

Being free is found only through submission—selflessness. It’s the choice we make to relinquish the freedom to choose our own way for God’s…Sounds backward right? It’s certainly a-not-of-this world thinking—not man’s logic.

The best known Bible figures each referred to themselves as, ‘bondservants” of Jesus Christ and claimed to be free through His ownership of them and through their service to others, seflessness…

The term “bondservant” in the New Testament (bond-servant or slave in some translations) is a translation of the Greek word doulos. Unlike perceptions of modern slavery, bondservant or doulos is a relatively broad term with a wider range of usage. In the time of the New Testament a bondservant could refer at times to someone who voluntarily served others. In most cases, however, the term referred to a person in a permanent role of service. The importance of these New Testament authors referring to themselves as bondservants should not be overlooked. Despite proclaiming a message of freedom from sin in Jesus Christ, these writers were dedicated to Jesus as their one master. Further, their service to the Lord was not one they could consider leaving. Most importantly, the image of the bondservant became one of great importance for Christians, who are called to live as bondservants of Christ Jesus…

Just as a bondservant was more than an employee who could leave for another job, the true Christian is a servant who can never leave their master for another. As Christ belonged to the Father and submitted His will to Him, and unto death for us, so we too must submit to Jesus—via our death to self.

Being free is found only in surrendering our wills—wants, desires, those temper tantrums of the flesh, to a higher calling—the common good. Service to another—others. Being free is found only in the resurrected self.  Made alive through Christ’s life, death and resurrection… “Truly, truly, I tell you, no servant is greater than his master, nor is a messenger greater than the one who sent him” (Jn.13:16).

Freedom to do it my way….  It’s a lie. It was born from the father of lies. A poisonous brew concocted from the twisted mind of the father of lies—worldly. Offered to all who will as a sweet drink that promises to please. And it does, for a time…but ultimately it ravages, destroys—takes captive, the mind—soul, body, emotions, of the one who drinks it in. It, like its slithering originator, will squeeze the very life from its partaker—one poisonous sip at a time… (Jn.8:43-44; Pro.14:12).

Being truly—eternally free to live a life worthy of—dedicated to God, and service to His people. Will cost you your so-called life…But here’s the thing, since you didn’t create yourself, give live to yourself, it’s not really yours to keep after all… is it (Matt.10:24)?

And unless your life is given in loving surrender to the One who died to purchase your opportunity—the chance for you to be free, the moment you exhale that last breath, His gift to you—it is to your father you will go to partake in a final—eternal glass, of his poisonous brew…

I beseech you today to choose being free in Christ Jesus…As long as you have breath in your lungs there is time…

Listen to Jesus as He shares this same Truth with the Israelite’s gathered around Him: Jesus replied, “Very truly I tell you, everyone who sins is a slave to sin. Now a slave has no permanent place in the family, but a son belongs to it forever. 36 So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed’” (Jn.8:34-36).




“Does God Play Favorites?” Rom.9:21-22

smiley-1041796_960_720 When a potter makes jars out of clay, doesn’t he have a right to use the same lump of clay to make one jar for decoration and another to throw garbage into? In the same way, even though God has the right to show his anger and his power, he is very patient with those on whom his anger falls, who are destined for destruction” (Rom.9:21:22).

So are we to understand that we serve a God who plays favorites? Some school-yard bully randomly choosing up sides for a game of you-go-to-heaven-you-go-to-hell?

“You—yeah, you, the fast one, I’ll take you.”

“And you, yeah, you next to him, you can come too.”

“But not you—are you kidding me…not on my team!”

For many this example brings up memories of being the last man standing. Cheeks-red, ashamed. And even now, after all these many years and accomplishments later, you’re feeling the pain, still— are angry, still—to say nothing of feeling like it was completely unfair!

After all, what’s wrong with me you’ve asked? I’ve got two legs and two feet. I could run fast—heck, I could run faster than him! So why didn’t I get chosen—I am too good enough!

And there it is… Paul’s argument.

Our answer—Election.

God’s Sovereignty.

The topic some pastors dodge, and unseasoned ministers shrink under the weight of. But not Paul. Why do they run and shrink? It’s unforgiving—this topic of election. It doesn’t play well with collection plates and full pews—true statement.

So what do we do with unpopular Truth? Truth too great for finite man to wrap his finite mind around? Do we who have been called to bring His Word, this Truth, into a lost and dying world, water-down the gospel—dilute God, so as not to offend?

I will say as my brother Paul said before me, “God Forbid!”

No, we are called to boldly proclaim the Gospel, boldly speak the Truth. We serve a Sovereign God. He does not serve us…Potter, clay. Divine order.

I’m reminded of a quote I recently came across. “A watered down gospel may fill pews, but it will never lead a sinner to the Cross of Christ.” And we are sinners, of that be sure. All of us. There’s not one of us “deserves” to be on team Jesus.

Not one of us is good enough to have gotten picked for His team…

Who of you reading this, in the light of God knowing your heart can say, “but I am”—good enough that is.

The Word of God itself condemns you. “If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us” (1Jn.1:8).  “All have turned away; they have together become worthless; there is no one who does good, not even one.…(Rom.3:12).

God is the Righteous Sovereign over the whole world. As such, He, God, has the right to do with anyone or anything He created exactly as He wishes, sees fit —no questions asked..

.And that’s where our backs get up—our necks stiffen…

That’s where we cry, “foul!” That’s where the screaming starts, “but it’s not fair!”

We forget that we serve at His pleasure and His calling. Grateful beyond words to have been called, chosen at all. We are not owed our salvation—quite the opposite in fact. What we deserved is hell… Why do we all try to convince ourselves that we are good? Haven’t we all told a lie before? Haven’t we all stolen something that did not belong to us? Haven’t we all looked with lustful eyes or had sexually perverted thoughts?

Jesus defined looking with lust-filled eyes to be the same as adultery (Matthew 5:28).

You are a liar, a thief and an adulterer and so am I. And there is not one person on this planet that likes liars, thieves, adulterers or murderers…

The reality is you agree with God and you cannot fight something you agree with…

How would you defend yourself when you agree with the very laws you’ve broken?

Romans 9 is God speaking to us in and with His authority. It’s not Paul speaking to us—sharing his opinions. How can we know that God’s promise of salvation will not fail? Paul’s answer is that our salvation is secure because it doesn’t depend on us, rather on God’s purpose according to election.

As the sovereign of the universe, God always accomplishes what He purposes to do. He chooses some for salvation apart from anything that they do, and He rejects others apart from anything they do… “So it is written: “Jacob I loved, but Esau I hated.” (Rom. 9:13).

Think the man at the pool of Bethesda in John 5:15. Was He the only one there that day in need of a healing? Why not heal all those gathered? And Why Israel? Why wasn’t Africa or Asia made the Apple of God’s eye—His chosen people?

We need to submit, joyfully, to this truth of Gods Sovereignty. Not question it. It’s God’s authoritative revelation of Himself. And this revelation should put an immediate end to our, “I’m good enough for His team argument.”

Paul knew then, as ministers of the gospel know now, today, that there will always be those who will cry out loudly, “but that’s just not fair!” Why them and not me? I’m a good person, don’t I deserve…

Their failure to see—their shortsightedness, comes from their inability to realize, accept, that God is not bound further than He has been pleased to bind Himself by his own covenant and promises…

In other words, God is bound by His will and Word only. Not be our wills and wants. Not by what we think we should have and deserve. Our screaming, “It’s not fair”, changes nothing…

It serves only to show how little we fear God and how prideful arrogant we actually are—how little we know of submission or humility…

How little we understand—know—about God. About the unconditionality of being chosen by God as a child of promise. “So then it depends not on human will or exertion, but on God, who has mercy.” (vs.16)

He owes His creation nothing. Hard pill to swallow I know. Doesn’t sound like the squeezably-soft God of love, and plenty and forgiveness for all being preached about today. Apostasy! A feel good gospel designed to tickle the ears of those who cannot—will not—hear the saving Truth of the Gospel.

So to answer my opening question, no, God is not some school-yard bully. He is rather an Awesome God, Righteous in everything He does. Sovereign, sinless and pure—perfect in all of His ways—above reproach.

But, as this Righteous Sovereign God He is also free to harden whom He wishes, in order to display His glory…

God could have chosen to be merciful to Pharaoh and the Egyptians by softening their hearts—telling them about the need to put the blood on their doorposts to escape the wrath of the destroying angel. Rather, God chose to harden Pharaoh’s heart for the greater purpose of displaying His glory in power and judgment, so that His fame would spread throughout the earth.

As the Righteous Sovereign over all, God has the freedom to harden sinners for His greater purpose of displaying His glory and power in righteous judgment. “You will say to me then, “Why does He still find fault? For who resists His will?” On the contrary, who are you, O man, who answers back to God? The thing molded will not say to the molder, “Why did you make me like this,” will it? Or does not the potter have a right over the clay, to make from the same lump one vessel for honorable use and another for common use? (Rom.9:19-21).

Remember today that you are the clay, not the Potter. “For the sake of Jacob My servant, And Israel My chosen one, I have also called you by your name; I have given you a title of honor Though you have not known Me. “I am the LORD, and there is no other; Besides Me there is no God. I will gird you, though you have not known Me; That men may know from the rising to the setting of the sun That there is no one besides Me. I am the LORD, and there is no other” (Isa. 45:4-6).


“I’ve Been Where You Are.” 2 Cor.5:11-21

driving-mirror-472758_960_720 I believe one of the many wonderful gifts God offers us—is diversity.  I’m not speaking here of the diversity found within the melting-pot of nationalities, though beautiful. Nor of cultures, though certainly diverse.

I’m speaking directly—specifically of  diversity found within experiences— our varied yet collective flawed pasts.

Those universal hurts, mistakes, betrayals, and, tragic-regrets we’ve shared or witnessed. Those life-events survived. The events that didn’t kill us, but rather strengthened us.  The experiences we might offer each other as balm to sooth, as encouragement to keep going, as a proof-of-life that helps to build up, that unites rather than divides.

Those very things that shamed us, ripped lives apart. Ours and theirs…

Those things that made us drop to our knees and cry out—in loneliness, desperation, pain, and regret. Like a wounded animal bellowing from places of deep brokenness. From almost-fatal wounds.

Painful scars, cruel slashes, some raw still…staring at us from just over there.


Paul carries them too, these scars. Thorns in our flesh. Dare I say they compel him? Us…?

Listen as he pours himself out in this Fifth Chapter. Read it, Dig into it. See for yourself how he understands—firsthand, what being saved from sin, his sin, truly means… as best one can this side of glory.

He understands that no man’s promised tomorrow— that the light which emanates from a life can, and, often is, snuffed out without warning—zero regard for station.

Beggars and kings, young, old, rich and poor alike—will each will face the Throne of God’s Judgement… ready or not.

Paul knows this like you know water is wet.

And so we witness him defending himself, his knowing, before those who think him arrogant, superior even.


Because they’ve mistake his heart of compassion, his certain knowledge of God’s mercy, his unmerited, unwarranted internalized forgiveness as arrogance, insolence.

Yet he is trying to persuade men still, to seek salvation in the Lord. Be ye reconciled! And those that do not find him arrogant or superior, those that know him, his sincerity, that know the Truth, will most certainly view him as hypocritical, unreliable, untrustworthy even, should he not boldly speak out, should he back down—from defending this Truth.

Everyone is watching…

Yet despite their fierce scrutiny, he has great love for these Corinthians—so he does all he’s able to remind them, encourage them—of who they are.

Our charge..

There are times in our walk when competing voices will try to put their distracting hands of confusion over others ears. Attempting to block out the deep Truth that lives within us all. But thankfully, mercifully, we serve a God whose will won’t be blocked—His will—will be done in the lives of His children. Those He’s called…

His strength, not ours.

That’s where Paul finds himself today. Convicted. Fiercely. Determined. We’ll all stand in his shoes one day, if we’re truly called as Ambassadors of God…

In his opening verses Paul’s doing his best to say, “Hey, listen to me please. I’m not trying to indoctrinate you into some cult. I’m not bullying or threatening you. I’m not using cheap scare tactics or throwing around disheartening words merely as frightful rhetoric—just because. I’m trying to tell you I’ve been where you are, and by the grace and mercy of Jesus Christ I’ve been saved, restored in Him. It’s only now, as a result of His mercy, that I understand just how far my sinned stained soul was from God—please listen, you’re making an eternal choice.”

Paul is telling us that God’s judgement is coming to each of us—to the whole of the world. There is no escaping.

In the closing lines of the previous chapter he states that all men will appear before the Throne of God, judged for the deeds done while in the body.

Paul has tasted the goodness of Jesus, His saving grace. Remember he was once among the greatest of those who not only persecuted Christians—he stood as a witness and championed Stephan’s death… stoned  for his witness of Christ—of the Truth.

He, Paul, possibly, threw stones himself. Maybe the fatal blow. He stood among the mob gathered…Stephan’s accusers. The first verse of Acts Eight tells us plainly that Paul stood there, “giving approval to his (Stephan’s) death.”

Stephen, God’s servant, operated in signs and wonders. Unheard of…

Recall that at this time in biblical history only the Apostles had been known to move in signs and wonders…

We never know who we may be standing before. Judge not, least…

Yet Paul hated him—as he did all Christians. He rejected everything and anything that smacked of it—Christianity that is. Paul was relentless in his pursuit and elimination of Christians…Think today. Think Isis. That type of determined righteous erroneous hate.

Deeper, more personal. Have you hated or rejected someone for their faith in Christ?

Acts Eight states that Paul, “began to destroy the church. Going from house to house. He dragged off men and women and put them in prison.”

It becomes plain to see why, at this place in his life Paul is so convicted—so concerned about people being reconciled to Jesus. It’s plain to see how well acquainted he is with the weight of sins, his, theirs and ours—and their eternal reach.

Now freed himself through God’s mercy and grace, that freedom drives him to pour out his life in service to the One He had persecuted. Now he lays down his life so that some would know—be reconciled to—find—his Jesus.

Rejection by the world is an oddly a unifying thread among Christians…

We each own a piece of it…this rejection.

It’s an ever present—however silent—tie that binds us all to Jesus. After all, who more than He knew rejection, persecution, and the need for man’s salvation?

And we, His children are commanded to go out into that world that wants little to do with us, often despises us, and daily, faithfully, in-spite-of, carry-out His directive? Go ye therefore unto all the world…

Paul didn’t care what these Corinthians, or anyone else for that matter, thought of him—how they perceived him—so long as his God was honored.

He stood as naked as one may stand fully clothed…our example. Bold.

Naked—in his removal of self-will.

Naked, because he had stripped off his care for the opinions of the world—standing, he was clothed only in the pure love of Christ. Confident that he might reach those he’d been sent to reap—to bring in to the Kingdom. Listen to his plea in verse 20: “Therefore, we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God were making an appeal through us; we beg you on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God.”

And there it is. The heart-cry of Paul and Peter, of James and John and the remaining Eight. Of every Christian Martyr that shared in their same faith, their same certainty. The point of this message…

It’s the heart-cry of every Pastor, every minister and evangelist. The song of every worshiper and the prayer of every warrior who storms the gates of Heaven— violently, for the sake of salvation of souls.

Be reconciled to Christ Jesus!

We are  Ambassadors of Reconciliation. Marked by God. Chosen…

We must wear that mark soberly into each encounter, before each new soul presented in Christ.

Not as one still in bondage, God forbid!

Rather as a Holy fuel!

Being ministers who live in a state of such relentless remembrance of Gods mercy towards us, allowing that to spur us on, to pour out our lives for each other, and the whole world.

We must never forget our past sin-stained state—more, we mustn’t care for the opinions of others towards it, that in that caring we may be deterred—save the opinion of Christ alone. “But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong. He chose the lowly and despised things of the world, and the things that are not, to nullify the things that are.”

We must keep in the forefront of our minds that we, and those that have yet to know our Father, are not promised tomorrow. And while it is today labor tirelessly for the reconciliation of souls.

In closing, listen to our brother Paul’s heart…“If it seems we are crazy, it is to bring glory to God. And if we are in our right minds, it is for your benefit. Either way, Christ’s love controls us. Since we believe that Christ died for all, we also believe that we have all died to our old life. He died for everyone so that those who receive his new life will no longer live for themselves. Instead, they will live for Christ, who died and was raised for them.”

Receive this word as a charge. Wrap yourself in it. Arm yourself with it because; “I tell you, now is the time of God’s favor, now is the day of salvation.”

I’ve been where you are, dear heart, precious soul, please, hear my plea that you too be reconciled to the Father. Cry out to Jesus for forgiveness of your sins.

Until next time…

“Feeling Disjointed?” 1Cor.12:12-13

doll-1076186_960_720 The Word of God speaks to us today of oneness—being a unit. Particularly, of being One Body—in Christ.

But how?

Contained within our Twelfth Chapter we find clues—an answer really. A renewing of your mind kind of answer—big! Too big for us to do anything with other than to humbly accept it and then—walk it out.

Yet not even the walking out part can be done in our strength alone—nothing can. We were created to partner. To be one of a pair. Relational. Apart from God we get wonky. We become disjointed—fractured, unproductive.

We, the Body of Christ, are modeled after what could arguably be His,God’s, greatest creation. Better than the world and everything within it. Greater than the universe with its galaxies, its mysterious unknowns. Far better than what lays in the hidden depths, within their unplumbed watery depths. Incomparable to any created creature.


Three Words—one really. His Holy Spirit.

We are made in His image. We’re unlike any other created thing. “So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them” (Gen1:27).

We contain His Ruach Breath. “Then the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul” (Genesis 2:7). His same Spirit, if we belong to Him, resides within us. None of His other creations contains His Spirit nor are they formed in His Image.

We, man, were created, in part, to be co-laborers with Christ—productive parts of His Whole.

Any doubts you may have on that fact simply read or reread John 15:5, Jesus’ Words not mine. “I am the vine; you are the branches. The one abiding in Me and I in him, he bears much fruit. For apart from Me you are able to do nothing.”

So here is the order of things, the Divine order. Jesus—The Head. Over us His Body.

That Body, His Body—well it’s us, we’re His Body.

Everyone who has ever /or will ever accept Christ as both their Lord (over them), and Savior (of them) enters into His body. Takes their place in the mystical family of believers. I feel it necessary to make these distinctions. Why? I want to insure you understand the weight, breadth and depth of what a commitment to Him looks like. I won’t take for granted here that someone else has explained it to you. It’ not a say it and you are it thing.

However, that being said, if you mean in your heart what your mouth is saying, your first step begins. Because Jesus is not just purely your Savior. More, He is your Lord…

We live in a have-it-your-way world. But we do not serve a God that follows that line of thinking. And yet we pray what has become, sadly, quotidian prayers of salvation. These-say-the-words-and-you-are-saved prayers. Divine Drive-through prayers of salvation. Salvation my way. Microwaved membership prayers. Ludicrous! We are being welcomed into Relationship. Reunited with our Father. After spending whoever long away in the sin-soaked yuck that was our so-called life we are being mercifully re-membered literally, back into a glorious, matchless, death-giving-over-to-life relationship with The Creator of the universe. Father God. Abba, Dad, Daddy. And yet we offer Him pallid—anemic prayers. For our Literal Re-Membering…

For the greatest privilege yet to be bestowed on any human being—service to his Creator. A place in the fold. A purpose. Paul’s entire Twelfth Chapter is spent explaining what re-membering, being a part of,  is all about. It’s significance, intricacies, and, its precise order.

It details, explains plainly, why you are an eye and not an ear, foot or hand. And why, as an eye, you must stay in your own lane and be happy being there. Don’t judge the other body parts for not being like you. And don’t desire to be them because you feel like you’ve been short changed as an eye, so now you want to be the brain! Your gift is sight not thought. Be an eye already!

And Verse Eighteen of our Chapter explains simply, concisely, why you must. It acts as the clarifier—the reason you’re an eye and I’m a hand and he, she and they are what they are and function as they do, listen: “But as it is, God has placed and arranged the limbs and organs in the body, each [particular one] of them, just as He wished and saw fit and with the best adaptation.”

So what makes us feel disjointed as The Body of Christ? Why do we strive, divide, bicker, and, compete with each other? We clearly have our own race to run, our own functions to carry out—our unique gifts to operate within. Just read the preceding chapter. For that matter read the following chapter as well. Each details our gifts and their unique purposes.

So what’s the problem with us?

Why does the Church look so much like the world we were just saved from?

Believe it or not, these are lofty theological, doctrinal questions. And I am not nearly qualified to answer fully them. I will leave their explanation to the likes of St. Paul, Sturgeon, Towzer and, Lewis…

But this I will say. Let’s look at Verse Thirteen.

If we were to stay focused—eyes fixed on Christ alone.  And fulfill what He has called us to do. If we would do as Paul, Peter and John did before us. What is plainly laid out for us, once again, by our great leader Paul in Galatians 6:6; it may well be a great starting point for us all. “Those who belong to Christ Jesus have nailed the passions and desires of their sinful nature to His cross and crucified them there.”

Crucified things die. So if we will nail our passions (strong and barely controllable emotions), our—I want, I need, I have to haves. If we reject—put a spike through, what drives our flesh (strongly wish for or want (something)—If I just could get__________, then things would be perfect. We might just begin to see the world and each other as we ought. As Christ-like as we’re able this side of eternity…

Using prayerfully, the renewed mind spoken of, once again, by Paul in the Book of Ephesians. “You were taught to put off your former way of life, your old self, which is being corrupted by its deceitful desires; to be renewed in the spirit of your minds; and to put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness” (Eph.4:22-24).

Wait a minute! Stop the presses! Do you see what I see here?

If we were fixed—set, determined to die to self, and it can be done here on earth. How do I know? Because I know the character of my Father…

I know that He is neither sadistic, nor does He take pleasure in watching His children, like hamsters on a wheel, chase after, strive for something He has not equip them to obtain, accomplish—this side of glory.

Therefore, we, as it states in His Word, can indeed do all things through Him who is our strength. Through Him—in His strength. Not in our own. When we try and do the I, me, mine thing we fail—miserably. And far too often, leave a wake of hurt, heartache, and destruction in our wake. It’s only when we partner, pair, join up with Jesus that we can do what we were created to do. Think back, remember John 15:5 from earlier? We can’t do anything that produces life, goodness, mercy, kindness, joy, mercy or love. By-products each of His Ruach Breath within us, outside of—disconnected from Jesus. Impossible!


Because back when we were re-membered in his Body we each drank from an identical communal cup of the One Spirit. His—Holy Spirit. And in so doing the playing field was instantaneously—blink-of-an-eye, leveled. Once for all. No more Jews and Greeks. Which served and serves still to only showcase our physical divisions. Our distance and separateness from each other. No more slave and free. Creating separation by legalism and law. Through customs, cliques, and societal fears and prejudices. Differences and ignorance are often linked. They go hand-in-hand, and are often coupled with—hate. In this world at least…

Yet clearly beloved, celebrated one, unique soul… that is not how God intended us, His Body to operate. One Body, many parts, that’s our Chapter heading.  Many glorious, diverse, inimitable—parts. Each made to celebrate, support, edify encourage, and, life-up the others. All the others. Not just those that look like us, talk, walk and live like us…

But more, much more, we are to live brightly. United. Shining the Light of Christ into this present darkness. One magnificent, well-oiled, laser-focused reflection of His pure, powerful, unifying Holy Love. His Body, us—The Body of Christ.


“Really, That’s My Miracle?” Jn.11:41-43

6a00d8341c660253ef00e54f55a29c8834-800wi How do you react, what do you do, when your miracle, your Word from God—comes to you seemingly flat, elementary and, more importantly—too late? When it offers you—no tah-dah moment of right now jubilation! No sharp intake of astounded breath—rather it offers, brings along with it—a heavy, still, disappointing silence. It leaves you staring off befuddled, clueless, blank—in that universally recognized, that’s it? Really? Sort-of-way.

You know the look. Certainly you’ve witnessed it?  it’s disappointment—unfulfilled expectation. Instead of going left, it goes right—way right!

How do you handle disappointment—along with its plethora of emotional fallout?

We all have expectation—all of us. Even the most spiritual. Try as we might to live minus our faulty human ideals—our faultier still ungrounded expectations, we have them—we do.

We even expect things from Jesus. And, to a certain extent, we’re correct in doing so. We, as His kids should expect things. Things like a certain measure of faith, His protection and provision, His presence and the fulfillment of every promise He has ever made—to name a few. Here’s the catch—they’ll come His way not ours.

That aside—don’t allow, you mustn’t allow, foolish expectations—self-serving expectations to lead you down the wrong path. Proverbs 14:12 makes that abundantly clear, listen: “There is a way that appears to be right, but in the end it leads to death.”

Don’t allow presupposition to pervade your relationship with Jesus—a wrong move—bad! It will cause you, most assuredly, to fall—headlong, into sin. And, following quickly behind that sin—comes its cronies—the perils of disaster and heartache.

By allowing for a—He’s my buddy, He’s got this for me—irreverent way of thinking to creep in, to exist between the two of you—you and Jesus that is—the above mentioned attitude has already spelled-out your demise—Spiritually always, perhaps physically. Think the leaven of the Pharisees here—a little of it in your relationship with Jesus can—will eventually, kill it.

Example, Judas Iscariot. He had a definite, my buddy, mindset. From perhaps the outset of his relationship with Jesus he allowed seeds of irreverence to grow—simmer crock-pot slowly within him. He had Jesus all figured out. He, Jesus had come to do Judas will, Judas’s way. Jesus would raise up an army to demolish the tyrannical, brutal, socially unjust Roman reign over His people Israel. He was going to restore home rule, order, power, and, opulence. And Judas would have a hefty slice of the pie—position, and power all for himself. See he forgot he was only an ingredient, not the finished product.

His expectations were very unwise—sinful.

The polar opposite of his fatal mindset, the life-robber, the bandit of reverence—is selflessness and faith.

Examples—think King David. Talk about unfulfilled expectations—talk about selflessness. Twenty plus years of unfulfilled promises and betrayal at the hands of his mentor, waiting. Saul, the king, one akin to a father to David tries to take him out—kill him. And his own son, David’s own Absalom, heir to his throne—plots not only to over throw his Father and take his throne, but more—to kill him also! Check in out—read 2nd Samuel.

Think also about Joseph—not Mary’s—the other one. The dreamer of dreams and owner of a coat of many colors. Joseph—young Joseph. Jacobs son— inexperienced Joseph. Tells not only his eleven brothers but also his Father—the one who wrestled with God and has a limp to prove it. About his dreams—a bit haughtily. Joseph tells them all that according to his dream the sun, moon and eleven stars will all bow down before him. And though he was correct—his presentation of the facts was a bit naïve, foolish. How we present ourselves—matters.

He’s about seventeen when he has this prophetic dream. And now at thirty-something, some thirteen plus years after being sold into slavery at the hands of his jealous brothers, after being falsely accused of crimes and being imprisoned for them—finally, his dream, his promise, comes to pass. Read it for yourself—Genesis 37-44:9. I’ve skimmed over a lot!

Unlike Judas Iscariot, neither David, nor Joseph, nor our upcoming protagonist Martha, viewed their relationship with Jesus as anything but sacred—cherished. Mind you, they each had their faults—we all do, save Jesus. Yet, each in-turn demonstrated great faith in, and reverence for, God. Each demonstrated deference to His will…

So now—finally, at our close we meet Martha. As disappointed and heartbroken as she was—she remained reverential to Jesus in her grief. Who is Martha you’re asking? She’s a friend of Jesus.

She’s also the eldest sister of Mary and Lazarus, friends of Jesus as well. In fact, you may remember Mary as the one some other friends of Jesus scolded for pouring spikenard, an expensive perfume on Jesus’ feet then wiping it off with her hair?

You see Martha, Mary, and Lazarus followed Jesus—were His disciples. Each believed that if they had faith in Him they would see the Glory of God in the world to come. After all, that is what Jesus taught them—and they believed everything He told them. They would not taste death.

So now standing with Jesus days after she had sent for Him, asking Him to come and heal, touch—save her only brother, His friend, from death—she is confused. Had He forgotten what He had said to them? Did He forget His love for His friend, her brother? Maybe He didn’t hear her say that her brother has been dead for four days now and his body must, well—stink?

That’s it. That must be it. He didn’t hear her. Why else would was He instructing these men to roll away her brothers grave stone? Surely He knows…not in front of all these people…

What will they think? He must be irrational from grief…

What’s the use now? What can come of His being here—too late. It’s too late! Her brother is, in fact—dead. This makes no sense…

Wait! What is He doing? Why is He shouting out Lazarus’ name—as if a dead man can hear…

Before we go forward, I want to remind you here, now, of the question I initially asked—way back in the beginning of this blog. How do you react, what do you do, when your miracle, your Word from God—comes to you seemingly flat, elementary and, more importantly—too late?

Do you like myself—like these brothers and these sisters mentioned above, ever forget that we are not in charge—not our own? We are ingredients in the making of—the construction of something far greater than we will ever know or understand—this side of heaven. And that as ingredients we offer only what it is we created to add to the outcome of the overall product we’re part of—Gods will, His divine plan?

Martha knew that, so did David and Joseph.  Unfortunately, Judas didn’t and it cost him—his life.

Never forget that we are mere ingredients—imbibed with power certainly, but ingredients none-the-less. We are not the Maker, the Originator—not the finished product. That is Gods alone—created for, meant for—His glory.

We are but pieces of our Father—of Him, but not Him. We don’t possess His knowledge. We, unlike Him are not omniscient. We can’t possibly see the outcome—the end of anyone journey, or anything’s purpose. Never mind the thousand little reasons why things are allowed in the first place—why their allowed to exist at all!

And so it was with Martha and Mary and most of their little town for that matter. They were all knocked-out by Lazarus’ death. After all, this was their only brother, Martha and Mary’s—and the towns beloved friend. All they saw—could see, was that Lazarus was dead. And the pointlessness of his death.

Martha had sent news to Jesus days before to come right-away—posthaste! So why did He wait days, two in fact—before going to save His friend?  Why let Him die? As with every other answer to a believer’s questions, the answers are found in God’s Holy Word.

Since the Second Chapter of John a foundation has been laid by Jesus. Clues left like a proverbial bread-crumb trail that we might see the big picture—the finished product if you will. Yet even when answers are right before us—in our blindness, we miss them. It is not until Jesus opens our eyes that we are able to see what has been before us all along—His purpose for it all.

Where Martha, Mary, and everyone gathered at that tomb saw only death—Jesus saw life. Ingredients are not meant to be the final product—rather their use is to it bring about—a perfect, complete product that is.

Jesus knew what His disciples did not. Lazarus would live—and his physical resurrection would help to usher in Jesus’ own necessary—impending death. Lazarus was one of the necessary final ingredients needed to accomplish a perfect end product—The Cross.

And that—The Cross of Christ, the reason for it all, our only hope, did not look anything like what anyone would expect from a merciful, loving, forgiving Father…

Watch out for your faulty expectations… There’s a saying that goes; things may not always be what they look like!

When you focus on what you see, the tangible—what things seem to be, rather than using eyes of faith, the potential, the possible— you will always—always feel disappointment…

Seldom does anything ever end-up lining up exactly in the fanciful way you’ve expected it to—your visions, your way.

See that’s the thing about this faith—you’re called to walk by it—not by your sight, not your own way. That’s the way of Judas—not Jesus.


“Eyewitnesses” 2Pt.1:19

eye-428390_960_720 “We couldn’t be more sure of what we saw and heard—God’s glory, God’s voice. The prophetic Word was confirmed to us. You’ll do well to keep focusing on it. It’s the one light you have in a dark time as you wait for daybreak and the rising of the Morning Star in your hearts” (2 Pt.1:19).

Is Peter double talking?

Or, is he confirming Scripture?

Confirming Scripture I believe. And Scripture bears me out. Listen to what Jesus says: “The eyes that see the things you see are blessed! For I tell you that many prophets and kings wanted to see the things you see yet didn’t see them; to hear the things you hear yet didn’t hear them” (Luke 10:23-24).

It is on The Word of God alone that we must rely.

Peter is nearing the end of his life, he has finished his race and is awaiting his Crown of life to return home to his Friend. It’s from this mindset that he’s speaking—observation and experience. You see he was privy to be eye-witness to what only burned in the hearts of the prophets to know…to witness for themselves. But it was not for them…

They longed for what Peter and the disciples had experienced. The magnificent privilege of living in the physical presence of Messiah. The Holy One of Israel. To taste of His Divinity, bask in His Holiness. To listen to, be taught and instructed by Him daily. To fellowship and tabernacle with Him at will—and live! Think God speaking to Moses here—listen: “But you may not look directly at my face, for no one may see me and live” (Ex.33:20).

Yet here is Peter telling us that not only was he eye-witness to the Messiah, more astonishingly, He was His friend…

In fact it is Peter alone, in the Gospel of Mark, who answered unswervingly the question Jesus posed to His disciples. “Who do people say that I am? And what about you?” Peter answered—via divine revelation: “You are Christ, the Messiah, God’s own Son” (Mk.8:29, Lk.9:20).

For three years Peter walked with, ministered alongside of, ate with, slept near and had been privy to the teachings of Jesus. Couple this with being one of three welcomed into Jesus’ inner circle and certainly, by all accounts, we have evidence of Peter being a fit eyewitness—a worthy and reliable source.

Need more?

Let’s go to Mark 9. Here we see Jesus, Peter, James, and John. The three are witnesses to Jesus’ Transfiguration. This only eight or so days following Peter’s revelation and profession of Jesus being the Son of God. In the blink of an eye Peter went from being the one who had followed Jesus in faith, had believed Him to be the Messiah, to an eyewitness.

There was no room for doubting that Jesus was in fact—the I Am spoken of by the prophets!

Perhaps Peter was in the crowd the day John baptized Jesus and heard God’s voice declaring Him His Son  (Mk. 1:10-12)? Perhaps that was the first time Peter heard God’s audible voice? Was that what caused him to drop everything and follow after Jesus? Scripture doesn’t specify. Whatever the case may be, Peter most certainly heard God’s voice loud and clear on the mountain when Jesus was Transfigured. He also saw Moses and Elijah, as well as witnessed the physical realm shift in appearance as they were collectively engulfed within a cloud (Matt.17:1-5; Lk. 9:28-36).

So is Peter in any way questioning, doubting or challenging the veracity of the prophets accounts of Jesus? Absolutely, emphatically—no! What he is in fact doing is laying down, confirming, adding, another layer of truth—an eyewitness account.

Peter is doing what each of us are called to do. Fulfill the Great Commission. He is giving testimony to, lending a voice to what he knows—emphatically. He is saying if you have any doubt that the Old Testament prophets may have gotten it wrong let me set the record straight. He is a lawyer’s dream come true!

And tell us Peter, on the day in question, on that mountain—can’t you just hear it?

Their questions, his sharp, crisp, quick answers! No hesitation, no second-guessing. Just here it is, this is the way it happened.

So now that we’ve established we can rely on Peter’s eyewitness testimony, it follows we should adhere to his instructions to us. We must stay fixed, focused on Jesus—and His Word. Patiently awaiting Jesus’ promised return for us—His eyewitnesses.

But how do we do this? How do we like Peter, James and John, like the prophets of old—become reliable eyewitnesses?

By following after the example of the one who spoke to them—instructed them. By following, via strict adherence, Jesus’ instructions. Just as they did.

To be a credible witness, one must deny himself. That is—deny what you think, feel or imagine to be real and true if it does not align with Scripture—the inerrant Word of God. Jesus did nothing outside of His Father’s will. “Every part of Scripture is God-breathed and useful one way or another, showing us truth, exposing our rebellion, correcting our mistakes, training us to live God’s way” (2Tim.3:16). Obviously I am not referring here to mundane daily tasks like picking out your wardrobe…

As eyewitness for Jesus we must be discerning. We must know, via The Holy Spirit within us, what to pay attention to. What we should allow to influence our thoughts, words and deeds. And what to dismiss, run from, disdain as folly—snares meant to rob our Truth. “Dear friends, do not believe everyone who claims to speak by the Spirit. You must test them to see if the spirit they have comes from God. For there are many false prophets in the world” (1Jn.4:1)

We must be willing to lose our lives, not popular I know, but necessary. Every belief, possession, personal ideal—everything must be willingly laid at the foot of The Cross. We must be subject to Jesus’ Lordship over us or we are useless. Salt without taste—willful, rebellious. Using eyes that do not see—the blind leading the blind. “For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake will find it. What will it profit a man if he gains the whole world, yet forfeits his soul? Or what can a man give in exchange for his soul” (Matt. 16:25-26)?

Witnesses must be confident, bold in their truth. We must be audacious, uninhibited in our testimony, come what may.

We, unlike the Peter and the Apostles, may not have yet seen Jesus face to face but that doesn’t diminish our knowing Him—our certainty in His existence. He is no less real to His friends today than He was when He stood and spoke to Peter, James and John face to face. To be a credible, trustworthy, reliable eyewitness we must have zero regard for our reputation. We must be singularly focused on speaking the truth—God’s Truth. Solely. Without wavering. Without compromise. “Pray also for me, that whenever I open my mouth, divine utterance may be given me, so that I will boldly make known the mystery of the gospel, for which I am an ambassador in chains. Pray that I may proclaim it fearlessly, as I should” (Eph.6:19-20).

Beloved, we have yet to see our Lord face to face, yet we do have firsthand knowledge of Him and in fact have seen a shadow of His Magnificence. “For since the creation of the world God’s invisible attributes—his eternal power and divine nature—have been understood and observed by what he made, so that people are without excuse” (Rom.1:20).

If we have eyes, we are eyewitnesses…

Even if we were blind our Spirit would testify to His truth!

Go, as eyewitness, into all the world telling anyone—everyone that Jesus Christ is Lord while it is still today. While you here, sojourners in a foreign land, awaiting your Crown…then you will have fulfilled Peter’s instruction—to wait for daybreak and the rising of the Morning Star in your hearts.

Be a faithful and true eyewitness…

Until next Beloved, Blessings.


“Get Set” 1Pt.1:13-14

road-908176_960_720 “So roll up your sleeves, put your mind in gear, be totally ready to receive the gift that’s coming when Jesus arrives. Don’t lazily slip back into those old grooves of evil, doing just what you feel like doing. You didn’t know any better then; you do now” (1Pt.1:13-14)

Let’s talk about grace—yes I know, the Scripture verse speaks to us about Holiness. But without grace, prevenient grace, it is impossible to achieve holiness! As impossible as achieving salvation on our own accord—ridiculous.

Our brother Peter, that great Apostle, addresses the bewildering, unmerited, inconceivable gift of our salvation within the opening of his Epistle. He writes to you expounding on the glorious future reserved for the chosen of God!

Straight-away in verse two he addresses God’s elect.  If you have received Jesus as your Lord and Savior, he’s talking to you, personally!

Amazing right? Listen: “Chosen by the foreknowledge of God the Father and sanctified by the Spirit for obedience to Jesus Christ and sprinkling by His blood” (1:2) He goes on to say that in His great mercy He has given you new birth into a living hope.

Now if into a living hope, what was the state of that hope before it became alive? None. No hope—zilch !

You had no hope in Him. Until grace, amazing grace, astonishing grace, unmerited grace came and rescued you from the pig-pen, the death-snare, the extreme disconnectedness from God—certain death is what your so-called life looked like!

Mind you, God was never disconnected from you. Get that into your inner-most being. Not for one second did God not know what was happening in your life. Let me take that one step further to demonstrate the extent of His awareness—He was orchestrating your every step! “You scrutinize my path and my lying down, And are intimately acquainted with all my ways. Even before there is a word on my tongue, Behold, O LORD, You know it all. You have enclosed me behind and before, and laid Your hand upon me” (Ps.139:3-5).

Yup, even those days you thought were going to kill you—God knew about those, grace upon grace. It’s why your still here!

So let’s get on with it, shall we?

Now that you know that you’re His, chosen before the world was even formed! And, that the work of sanctification is working within you via the power of the Spirit you received the very second Jesus sealed you as His own…now you can focus, with laser-beam intensity on Kingdom work! but don’t miss that…

Sealed as His own!

Listen to how the Apostle Paul, the one responsible for writing Thirteen Books of the Old Testament explains it to you: “Now it is God who establishes both us and you in Christ. He anointed us, placed His seal on us, and put His Spirit in our hearts as a pledge of what is to come” (2Cor.1:22).

Is that a promise I hear sprinkled within his words? A deposit given you toward a future inheritance? If a deposit, that surely means there is more to come…grace upon grace.

It is to this grace that Peter transitions when he hits verse thirteen. Moving us from salvation he now elucidates holiness. He is teaching you a great theological truth… Holy living.

He speaks to the need of your preparedness. To the  actions required on your part. That you, in our mission to live holy, must be self-controlled. That you must establish, regulate, affix our hope unwaveringly on the grace to be given when Jesus Christ is revealed. (1:13). Though a free gift, you must choose to receive it. Positioning yourself to bring God glory.

Wait, what did he just say? Grace to be given you? You mean in addition to what you have now—there’s more grace coming to you?

Yes! Peter is trying to tell you that there is grace, upon grace, upon grace…endless grace. Necessary grace. Merciful grace. Saving grace…poured out on you to help strengthen you to live Holy, worthy, radical lives! (Jn.15:5).

Is grace a license? As Paul says, God forbid (2Cor. 2:10)!

When you were ignorant in your sin, living unenlightened lives, you had no knowledge that God’s grace was already at work in you, willing His way be done (2 Pt.3:9). You were blinded by your selfishness and—your have it my way mentality! For many, it was only after they received salvation that they were taught that it was by His grace, His unmerited favor, that this salvation came to them at all. Not until They had experienced His dawning—imbibing illumination from The Holy Spirit did they understand their salvation (Phil.2:12-13; 2Pt.1;10; Gal. 2:20).

Before I go on, let that sink in. Indulge me here…Visualize a feather, like in the opening scene of Forrest Gump. See it floating about on the air, languidly drifting along the unseen current—with seeming aimlessness. It almost touches down on one fellow, but wait…nope. A sudden updraft and it’s off again. Watch it land ever so gently, intentionally, at the feet of Forrest as he sits at a bus stop.

And so it was with you and I… “And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting” (Acts 2:2). You may not have heard His mighty arrival, but if you’re His—surely you felt Him! In the pew or at your bus stop…that tiny tremor whose after shocks are still toppling mountains in your life.

The Holy Spirit is laser-focused, locked on—to awakening in you Christ-like obedience. And just as Forrest picked up that seemingly random feather and placed it safely in his suitcase, so too must you, with great care and determined resolve, take hold of and follow the promptings of the Holy Spirit (2 Cor.3:18). Grace, and more grace will be given…

How do you receive this grace? You set our hope. This is not a fanciful suggestion, rather a challenging command. Peter is your General in the Army of the Lord and he is training you to—set your hope. Fix it, cement it, tie it down as with blocks. You must focus unshakable faith, your complete, whole, entire hope on the grace that awaits you when Jesus returns. As a soldier prepares for battle, so too you must prepare (Eph.6:10-18).

Your example?

As always—Jesus. Allow the Master to teach by example just how it is you are to set your hope—your faith.

Luke’s Gospel tells you that shortly after Jesus’ transfiguration, as His time was drawing near to face His death, burial and resurrection Jesus; “Resolutely set out for Jerusalem” (Lk. 9:51). With foreknowledge, and strong-willed purpose.

Had Jesus taken-up His Earthly Throne then and there, at that first Palm Sunday, the work of the cross wouldn’t have been completed. And salvation and grace would be an unknown to us. That is what His disciples thought was about to happen. But Jesus had you and I in mind when He set His face toward Jerusalem that day. And you too, should always be looking ahead—eyes fixed on things eternal (Col. 3:2).

He was looking toward a future He would make available to those that would follow Him. And with it, the grace necessary to run their race faithfully, effectively—until His return for them, you, and I.

So what is this faith you are to have? faith is hope. Hope in an unseen, unknown future. Trusting. What distinguishes faith and hope? Little actually. faith is a now thing—your motivating force. You need faith in action to believe, today, moment to moment, that God is going to do what He said He would do (Heb. 11:1).

Hope is something you cast into the future. You attach faith to your line of hope and toss it forward. And what is it you’re hoping to catch? First, always—the strength needed to bring glory to God. After, eternity with Jesus! The crown of life, the, “Well done my good and faithful servant!”  That is your hope. Your expectation… grace upon grace.

You witness faith and hope linked explicitly in Father Abraham. In faith He believed God (now) when God promised Him a child and from him, a nation. Even when he knew that his body was a withered vine incapable of producing fruit! That’s hope in action. (Gen.17:21). Again we see faith and hope united in Caleb. He had the faith necessary to believe that they, (the Israelite’s) could overcome fortified cities and giants and takes possession of the land the Lord promised them? What land? The Promised Land …Caleb’s now faith, (Jos.14:7-8). His hope, (Jos.14:14).

I keep repeating this phrase—grace upon grace. Why? Because just as surely as it was grace that reached His All-Powerful Hand across time and eternity to saves you; it is and will continually be grace upon grace that continually lavishes you, undeservedly… until the Day of His coming (Jud.1:24).

Solely by the saving power of His unmerited grace is how you will accomplish what Peter is exhorting in verse fourteen. Be obedient children…

Now that you have obtained His amazing, glorious, transformative gift of salvation, you are not to be like a dog that returns to its own vomit. Don’t return to the evil desires of the flesh you had when you lived in ignorance, darkness—as the living dead…

Rather, wrap yourself in a cocoon, a shield of hope and faith. Separating yourself from the world. Because as John 3:3 tells us; “He that hath this hope in him purifies himself.” 

God is Omniscient. He knew you would require this grace upon grace, not only for our salvation but also—to finish your race. (Eph. 1:7-10)

Beloved, you need to jump head long, unabashed, into the promises of God. Boldly, confidently, steadfastly chasing after God, His will and good-pleasure! Until that day mentioned in Philippians.

“And I am convinced and sure of this very thing, that He Who began a good work in you will continue until the day of Jesus Christ [right up to the time of His return], developing [that good work] and perfecting and bringing it to full completion in you” (1:6).

Be Holy as He is Holy Beloved…How? Set your face. And hold tight to grace upon grace. Be a light in this present darkness!

“Living Sacrifices?” Rom. 12

hand-1030566_960_720 “Therefore I urge you, brothers and sisters, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies [dedicating all of yourselves, set apart] as a living sacrifice, holy and well-pleasing to God, which is your rational (logical, intelligent) act of worship.  (Rom. 12: 1)

With one word the Apostle Paul packs a powerful punch! More to the point, a powerful pivot in his Epistle. If we were to back track through Chapter 11 and unpack just some of its contents we would learn these two key lessons.

Firstly, Gods love and plan for Israel. The Apple of His eye. In the opening verses of Chapter 11, Paul stresses Gods foreknowledge of a remnant of Jews that He has “set aside” by His grace for a future time. “Even so then at this present time also there is a remnant according to the election of grace” (Rom.11:5).

And why does this happen? Gods providence. It allows for the engrafting of the gentiles…” I say then, have they (the Jews) stumbled that they should fall? God forbid: but rather through their fall salvation is come unto the Gentiles, for to provoke them to jealousy” (Rom. 11:11).

Yet Paul also warns the gentile nations, not to feel superior in attitude because of this, our glorious new gift of salvation. As if we are somehow better than, more holy than, the Jews. He reminds us it is by God’s grace that we are each alive.

That we have even been offered this unfathomable gift of a possible eternity spent with God as heirs…if we choose to accept His free gift. “God saved you by his grace when you believed. And you can’t take credit for this; it is a gift from God” (Eph. 2:8). Emphasis my own.


Now on to Paul’s, Therefore…

How do we respond to a God who makes room for us? Loves us, woos us and pursues us, A God that laid down His very life out of pure love for us? I write this in the present tense because it is still on-going.

Simple. We follow the loving example of Jesus. We serve an unchanging God… “Remember your leaders who spoke the word of God to you. Consider the outcome of their way of life and imitate their faith. Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever” (Heb 13:8) Emphasis my own.

And how exactly do we do it?

By emulating Jesus’ sincere sacrifice in our daily walk. We too must be willing to lay aside our wants, needs and desires for those of the Fathers. Just as Jesus did, a student is no greater than His Teacher.

After all, sacrifice is the crux of the Christians walk. “Then Jesus said to his disciples, “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me” (Matt.16:24).

What does it look like to carry this out?

Firstly, we can’t do something we don’t know to do. So we must study.

Root ourselves in what is necessary for navigating the dicey waters of the world. We need the Word of God.

It’s our Life-line. Oxygen in our needy lives. The only Guide to navigating our walk with God.

By The Holy Spirit, it’s how we discern Gods will.

For instance, to solidify Paul’s instruction to us in Romans, we only need turn to Galatians for his more explicit discourse on the perils of following after the desires of the flesh.

Paul takes our teaching Scripture a step further leaving no room to question what God wants and doesn’t want from us… listen; “The acts of the flesh are obvious: sexual immorality, impurity, and debauchery; idolatry and sorcery (magic and enchantment); hatred, discord, jealousy, and rage; rivalries, divisions, factions, and envy; drunkenness, carousing, (indulging in one’s appetites excessively) and the like. I warn you, as I did before, that those who practice such things will not inherit the kingdom of God” (Gal. 5:19-21).

We overcome this list by our sole, tenacious reliance on the strength and guidance of the Holy Spirit. It’s the only way we are able to love God, flee sin, and, love our brother as our-self. In our own strength all of this is impossible. We prove our love and devotion through our actions, our sacrifices.

The Word tells us somewhere that faith without works is a dead faith. We must lovingly, like Jesus, sacrifice our best.  We mustn’t approach God with anything less than a heart that is burning to please Him. As with Abraham, so it must be with us.

We must be willing to kill the very promises of the future God has given us, spoken over us. Also, put to death everything in us that stands in the way of our doing nothing less than our absolute best.

That is our reasonable act of worship. If we are not offering that, we’re offering God an imperfect sacrifice, our leftovers. Should a God who gave His all accept  second best from a people He died to save?

How do you feel when your aware that a loved one is simply going through the motions with you?

Isn’t invested enough in you to give you their very best…(time, love, attention, thoughtfulness, restraint)?

Worship is… our acts of submission, humility, our intentional willingness to serve God, not-self. It is a paramount first step in cleansing our hearts and hands. It is being humble, teachable, sacrificial in our giving. It’s lovingly placing on Gods altar our willful, selfish desires.

Those carnal qualities that are diametrically opposed to God and His Lordship over us. Those desires that arise in us when we ignore the promptings of the Holy Spirit and instead, choose to feed the insatiable beastly appetites of our carnal fleshly nature.This is but a sliver of how we can set ourselves apart as living sacrifices pleasing to God.

When we fail to make room for, to be obedient to, the Holy Spirit’s guidance. It’s then that we’re in jeopardy to falling prey to sin and death. It’s there  we fail to head the Words of life laid out for us within Romans 12.

There we miss out on an awesome opportunity to shower God with our love by willingly offering Him all of our—I wants in exchange for—your will be done.

How do we do this?

By surrendering our will, our body, our actions and reactions into His Loving Hands.

By saying, have Your way in me…

This desire, fostered only through the Holy Spirit, must cause us to bring all to at the Altar of the Lord. Everything that is not pleasing to Him, every impure thing, so that God may send down a Holy fire to burn off our spots and wrinkles—our sins. “Search me, O God, and know my heart; Try me and know my anxious thoughts; And see if there be any hurtful way in me, and lead me in the everlasting way” (Ps.139:24).

We must not do as the Israelite’s did. That is, bring less than our best, most pure sacrifice before the Lord. That’s irreverent, it’s treating that which is Holy as common. It’s ignorant and unworthy of a flawless God. Don’t take my word for it, let’s listen to Gods heart on the subject;

“When you offer blind animals for sacrifice, is that not wrong? When you sacrifice lame or diseased animals, is that not wrong? Try offering them to your governor! Would he be pleased with you? Would he accept you?” says the LORD Almighty” (Mal.1:8).

If it’s not something we would want for ourselves, wouldn’t giveto another, how much less is it worthy of God?

As Christians, we’re called to live at a higher standard than the world around us. That can feel tricky at times. Like walking a razor-sharp line that feel’s too precarious to walk without getting cut!

And that’s wisdom, because the truth is, it is—if you’re trying to walk it alone!

We need to bind ourselves to the Holy Spirit with an eternal knot. One  so obvious and unyielding that it’s visibility alone should speak to the fact that we will not allow anything to loosen our reliance on God. Period.

Regardless the attaches our flesh may attempt to wage against us. Regardless the lures and wiles of a world set on ensnaring us and robbing us of our relationship with God.

How will we know what those storms may look like? Foreseeing them is far easier than you may think…


Here’s how…

Stay saturated in the Word of God. It’s your eyes. Use it to see clearly.

Stay anchored to it, like a ship apt to go adrift when left unmanned, it’s your life line, your harbor when the storms of life and the desires of the flesh rage. Doing their utmost to uproot and weaken your hold on what you know to be Truth…. “Take hold of instruction; [actively seek it, grip it firmly and] do not let go. Guard her, for she is your life” (Pro. 4:13).

If this all sounds daunting friend and you’re feeling like you’ll never be able to finish your race, especially in the world in which we live today. One deeply entrenched in an evil.One in which sin and temptation camp-out in waiting to entrap you.

Take heart beloved—I’ll leave you here with the very Words Jesus used to encourage a group of men who felt just as you do…

“I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Helper, that He may be with you forever; that is the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it does not see Him or know Him, but you know Him because He abides with you and will be in you.

 “I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you (John 14:16-18) Emphasis my own.

“Temporary Temples x3” ; 2Chron.2:5-6

divine-486226_960_720 The Word of God states that unless God build the house, whatever that house may be; a ministry, marriage, business venture or the building of an actual Church. Regardless the endeavor, if the Lord is not fully at its center—it is doomed to enviable failure. The Bible hosts a plethora of just such stories of eventual demise. Down to the mighty King Solomon a figure in today’s text.

One thing Solomon knew early on, understood well enough in his early years, was that it was not man who built God a home, but rather God who instructed man to build a Holy Place to gather to pray and to worship Him.

It was God in the desert of Arabia who instructed Moses about how he should go about building a Tabernacle. Every detail, down to the most seemingly insignificant, was birthed from the Omniscient mind of God. And, what may have seemed insignificant to man, was certainly not so with God. A holy and pure God demands nothing short of the same from His people, or there will be a price to pay. Eventually the Tent is erected.

All is accomplished according to the exact specifications of the Lord God and He came and filled it with the Glory of His presence: “Then the cloud covered the Tent of meeting, and the glory of the LORD filled the tabernacle” (Ex.40:34).

We, as those created and set apart for His use, cannot be corrupt vessels and expect to live. Just look to Aaron’s sons Nadab and Abihu as or examples. “Each took his fire-pan and put fire in it, set incense on it, and presented strange fire before the Lord, which he had not commanded them to do (Lev.10:1) Emphasis my own.

The results, each is struck dead. Consumed by the very fire they had wrongly put in their censers. Why? Willful disobedience.Transgressions that defiled that which is Holy…

  1. They used their own censers and not those utensils set apart in the sanctuary for Holy use.

  2. Only the High-Priests were allowed to burn incense in the Holy censer.

  3. They used common fire. Not that taken from the Holy fire continuously burning at the altar.

  4. They were both Priest.priests, obliged above the people to keep the rituals Holy and pure.

Now the Tent is erected. All is accomplished according to the exact specifications of the Lord God and He came and filled it with the Glory of His presence: “Then the cloud covered the Tent of meeting, and the glory of the LORD filled the tabernacle” (Ex.40:34).

And as it was with Moses and the plans given Him by God, so it is with Solomon and the plans he inherited David. These plans  given to David by divine inspiration from the Lord: “All this he made clear to me in writing from the hand of the Lord, all the work to be done according to the plan.” (1Cron.28:19).

We have now witnessed the fulfillment of the Mosaic Covenant and the building of the first Tabernacle of the Lord.

Now through David’s desire to build a dwelling place for God, the Davidic Covenant is born and, through his son Solomon, a man of peace, the Temple of the Lord is built-in Jerusalem.

In addition to the strict building command issued by God for the design of these places of worship, (each measurement, placement and construction material used in their building) we see as equally significant, a direct relationship to the contributions made by the people of God for the acquiring of the materials necessary to guarantee the Temples construction (1Chron.29:1-6), (Ex.35:20-29).

Understand, God did not need the gifts of His people to accomplish His plans then, and He does not need them today.

We are however, graciously invited by the Sovereign God of the universe, Creator of all things seen and unseen, to harmoniously walk along side Him and share in His creation process.

More succinctly, be co-creators with Him. Why? We find our answer in the person of Jesus Christ, our third, greatest earthly Tabernacle.

John’s Gospel introduces Jesus as the Son of God Who Tabernacles among men during His earthly sojourn (Jn.1:4). Thus making Jesus the Living Tabernacle of God dwelling with man. From the time of Jesus’ coming to earth to present, the dwelling place of God among men is no longer witnessed in buildings filled with great clouds of smoke…

The New Testament teaches us that the dwelling place of God is the Church. His Body. Not a building, but in those people called by His Name in the person of The Holy Spirit.

Stephen knew this. At his trial he defended himself, in part, for speaking against the Temple proper. And in so doing educated those listening that it is the Body of Christ, His people—that are the true church (Acts 7:48-50).

Are you, like the Israelite’s mesmerized by a building?

Are you thinking that simply because you are in Gods House He is with you?

That a relationship between you exists?

Think again…

God is not found in buildings made of stone. For the Israelite’s, the Temple had become an idol—a foothold used by satan. A hook into the people’s pride. Certainly for the Pharisees, even for the Apostles. They held both the Temples splendor as well as its mere physical presence as proofs that God both favored and was among them. And as a result mistakenly believed that they were with Him.

The Temple is not necessary for God; He doesn’t need it. Man does.

And as it was with the Israelite’s, so it is with us…

Many folks today who attend a church seem to feel that the act of entering a building and participating in the ensuing service is proof positive they are a Christian. misguided, they’ve looked right past their lack of a relationship with God. Their lack of welcoming His gift of salvation and their need for His Lordship over their lives.

From the beginning God showed Himself relational with man. Just look to Adam and Eve for confirmation. They were created with relationship in mind, to tabernacle with God: (Gen 2:15-25-3:1-19).

Additionally, God knew Blood would need to be shed to maintain relationship with Him. We see evidence of this in the Garden. It’s shedding was witnessed after the fall of Adam and Eve… to cover their sin. “The LORD God made garments of skin for Adam and his wife and clothed them” (Gen.3:21). The first shedding of blood.

Next we witness blood shed in The Tent of Meeting by the Priests on behalf of the people for the atonement of their sins. Moses construct, the ephemeral model of Christs Redeeming work yet to come. “Moreover, he shall take some of the blood of the bull and sprinkle it with his finger on the mercy seat on the east side; also in front of the mercy seat he shall sprinkle some of the blood with his finger seven times. 15“Then he shall slaughter the goat of the sin offering which is for the people, and bring its blood inside the veil and do with its blood as he did with the blood of the bull, and sprinkle it on the mercy seat and in front of the mercy seat. 16“He shall make atonement for the holy place, because of the impurities of the sons of Israel and because of their transgressions in regard to all their sins; and thus he shall do for the tent of meeting which abides with them in the midst of their impurities.…(Lev.16:14-16). And,  “But only the high priest entered the inner room, and then only once a year, and never without blood, which he offered for himself and for the sins the people had committed in ignorance” (Heb.9:7).

Now on to Solomon’s Temple: “Then the king and all the people offered sacrifice before the Lord. King Solomon offered as a sacrifice twenty-two thousand oxen and a hundred and twenty thousand sheep” (1 Kings 8:62-64).

Lastly, stand with me at the foot of the Cross of Christ. Beholding the Ultimate Earthly Tabernacle. God Himself in the person of His Only Begotten Son. Where the Blood of The Spotless Lamb was shed once, for all…“And in the same way he sprinkled with the blood both the tent and all the vessels used in worship. Indeed, under the law almost everything is purified with blood, and without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness of sins. Thus it was necessary for the copies of the heavenly things to be purified with these rites, but the heavenly things themselves with better sacrifices than these.  For Christ has entered, not into holy places made with hands, which are copies of the true things, but into heaven itself, now to appear in the presence of God on our behalf.  Nor was it to offer himself repeatedly, as the high priest enters the holy places every year with blood not his own. Otherwise Christ would have had to suffer many times since the creation of the world. But he has appeared once for all at the culmination of the ages to do away with sin by the sacrifice of himself”(Heb.9:21:26).

Though our Father both initiated and made provision for each of His Earthly Temples He never intend for us, His children, to mistakenly idolize them. Nor are we to assume that simply because they are among us today, that His Spirit inhabits them.

As Stephen said, Yet the Most High does not dwell in houses made by hands, as the prophet says, “Heaven is my throne and the earth is my footstool. What kind of house will you build for me, says the Lord, or what is the place of my rest? Did not my hand make all these things” (Acts 7:48-50).

What is church? Better yet, who is Church?

Since Scripture clearly indicates what the Church  is not, a building made of stone by human hand. Perhaps the greatest answer to this question resides in the dialogue between Jesus and a Samaritan woman.

An Odd teaching tool this, seeing how Jews and Samaritan’s had no dealings with each other. Unfortunately, much like the world and the church today. Separate, another us and them culture.

Are you still walking into a building today and thinking you’re at church?

Are you, like the Israelite’s mesmerized by the building itself? It’s beauty and opulence?

Do you Think that simply because you are in Gods house He is with you… that relationship between you exists?

Listen to Jesus description of the True Church, the Church as God intended from the beginning…

“Jesus said to her, “Woman, believe me, the hour is coming when neither on this mountain nor in Jerusalem will you worship the Father.  You worship what you do not know; we worship what we know, for salvation is from the Jews.  But the hour is coming, and is now here, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for the Father is seeking such people to worship him.  God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth” (Jn.4:21).

Blessing Beloved, until next time…





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