"Come follow me and I will make you fishers of men." Matthew 4:19

Tag: Sure Foundation

Get Good Friends.

Kendra Santilli

“As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another” –Proverbs 27:17.

Our friendships are some of the most important relationships we have in this life. And a good friend knows the best and worst versions of us…

They know what makes our eyes light up and what makes our blood boil. Our friends have seen our tears, both happy and sad. They’ve celebrated our victories and shared comforting or encouraging words when we most needed them. Often, those we call friends can have great sway over us. So, depending on the type of friends you’re surrounding yourself with, your opinions are apt to change. I would dare to say that most people are not the resolved, independent thinkers they may credit themselves to be. Think about it: When you spend time with one group of friends, you may think what they have to say makes sense, rendering you agreeable to their opinions. Get around a different group of friends, those who offer differing or opposing information on the same subject, and suddenly, your opinion may change yet again. One of the many powers of friendship is its potential to sway us, one way or another. So, the question then is not if you are growing within your friendships; instead, how are we growing within them?

Are your friendships nudging you toward God, or are they moving you away from Him?

Thankfully, the Bible has so much to say about friendship. Proverbs 27:17 reads, “As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.” So, who is sharpening you?

As I was considering this verse the other day, I had this profound realization regarding Iron sharpening iron. I have never heard of an iron blade sharpened by wood or pure gold. Why? I believe the answer is evident. Iron is denser than both materials. Knife blades carve wood, and hand files are used in shaping gold, but neither gold nor wood would have any tangible impact on shaping iron. It takes a compound of equal or greater strength to sharpen an object made of iron. So too, our Christian friends, like iron blades, keep us sharp when it comes to our friendships.

Suppose we don’t refresh ourselves through Godly relationships. In that case, our faith gets weaker and our spirits duller as we allow ourselves to be inundated with secular ideologies—“Sweet friendships refresh the soul and awaken our hearts with joy.” –Proverbs 27:9. Yes, we can read our Bibles, go to church, listen to podcasts, watch sermons, and read books. Each of these is a necessary thing in our Christian walk; I believe that. But suppose our “friendship time” is filled with ungodly relationships? In that case, we become people then filled with a bunch of head knowledge minus the Godly accountability that undergirds the Truth we’ve found in God’s Word. As I think about what’s happening around the world, I sometimes get overwhelmed, trying not to get caught up in the fear and uncertainty running rampant through the earth. I must remind myself that there is hope, and I believe that hope can be found in the Church of Jesus Christ because God’s Spirit is alive in His people. “… it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me” Galatians 2:20.

Over this past year, it became far too easy for people to get comfortable watching church from home; then going on about their everyday lives through the rest of their week. From the couch, they watch a sermon on Sunday in solitude, moving on then to their jobs and families, forgetting somehow that there is, needs to be, a gathering of the believers. As I reflected on this new reality of how many have been “doing Church,” I gained a new appreciation for the weight of the Truth found in Hebrews 10:25. “And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another-and all the more as you see the Day approaching.” I now possess a greater understanding of the importance of gathering with other like-minded people. Why? Because being around our Christian community challenges us to uphold God’s standard to the best of our ability. Rather than being swayed by the eloquent words of the world, being in church receiving solid teaching and submitting ourselves to the ministry regularly reminds us of what the Bible teaches us.

And while it’s comfortable to stay home on Sunday morning, the danger lies in getting caught up in the undertow of the world, drifting further and further away from the Godly influences His righteous people have in our lives. Suddenly, secular ideologies don’t sound so bad now. Why? Because the people you’ve surrounded yourself with have given you ample reasons to believe what it is they believe. And all the while, without you even realizing it, your flame is growing dimmer and dimmer. Although you’ve been given the power to influence the world, drawing them to Christ, instead, you’ve allowed your blade to become dull, unused.

Those who don’t know the Word of God will never be able to sharpen you in the things of God.

Conversely, establishing relationships with other believers sharpens your blade, enabling you then to inscribe an imprint on the world around you. From the above passages, we learn that Godly friendships will encourage you and move you towards loving as God loves and doing good according to God’s standard of good. They will refresh your soul and make you strong. I have a newfound appreciation for my Christian friendships. I love my neighbors and coworkers, mind you, but there is just something special about the encouragement that comes from my brothers and sisters in Christ.

When I consider the constant barrage of shifting opinions and ideas that come at me from others, whether via social media, the news, or just from those I encounter daily, I remind myself of my need for the consistency of God’s Word. In a world swirling with confusion and ever-changing opinions, the Word of God is the one thing that always remains constant; it is our solid rock. “As for everyone who comes to me and hears my words and puts them into practice, I will show you what they are like. They are like a man building a house, who dug down deep and laid the foundation on rock. When a flood came, the torrent struck that house but could not shake it, because it was well built” –Luke 6:47-48.

Putting God’s Word into practice builds that strong foundation in your life.

And having Godly friends and community around you is vital to your living a Godly life. If you don’t yet have a community of Christian friends, I strongly encourage you to find a church where you can form solid Christian friendships that will sharpen you and encourage you to live according to God’s will and Word.

If you haven’t yet accepted Jesus into your heart, consider this your invitation to become a part of the family of God. The Bible says in 1 John 1:9 that “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.” When you humble yourself and repent before the Lord, He will cleanse your heart and give you a new identity in Him.

 Welcome to the family!

Going His Way… Proverbs 16:9.

In their hearts humans plan their course, but the LORD establishes their steps.”

In considering our plans, dreams, and desires, Solomon informs us that not one of them will flourish or prosper if God is not their Source. If He has not added His amen to their propose…

We see the nascent beginning of this truth revealed in the lives of Adam and Eve. In their desire to do things their way. To deliberately ignore God’s clear counsel and commands. And, we continue this day to see the fruit of their choice evidenced in the heart of every man —Genesis 2:15-17; 3:6; Proverbs 16:25; Romans 5:12.

Man can think up, lay down, prepare for, plot and plan all he likes…

And, doing some of that is both necessary and scriptural. But here’s the bottom line. We were never created to live rogue lives outside of God’s will. Nor are we capable of making any lasting or fruitful plans of our own. –John 15:5. God knows that left to the devices of our fallen nature we simply aren’t capable of seeing beyond the end of our own noses! Beyond our selfish wants and desires. Hence, we’ll constantly run after not only what isn’t best for us, more, we’ll chase after the very things that might kill us! –Genesis 2:17; Jeremiah 17:9.

Our original parents being the perfect example of where following our most base desires will lead us; away from God’s best for us. Having been ruled by their own, they rebelled against God. Against His Sovereign providential care. His plan that is both pure and, at its core, empowering.

All that they might chase after sin, instead. Going their own deadly way…

And, If we aren’t intentional in our desire to do life God’s way—we too, will predictably end up just running about aimlessly chasing after all that we think we want. Blindly making plans for our lives. Plans for where we’ll live and work. How we’ll acquire all that we need. That promotion—that home. What ministry we will serve in—head up. Who we will marry and when? Do I have children? And, if yes, how many? Forgetting entirely that God is in control. And, that He has a plan far greater for our lives than anything we could spend the currency of this lifetime chasing after.

Here then, in part, is God’s answer to our striving; made plain in His Word…

1). Commit everything, every-single-thing, each plan, every desire, that thing or the person you want, that place you’d love to live, the church you’d like to be a part of, to the Lord: Proverbs 16:3; 12:15; Psalm 37:4-5. 2). Then, and only then, craft a way to realize your Godly desires: Matthew 6:33; Proverbs 20:18; 15:22; Jeremiah 29:13. And, then, once you have entrusted your plan to God, take your hands off of it; trusting Him instead, with its every detail: Ecclesiastes 11:3–6; Psalm 37:5; 84:11; John 16:13.

All of this begins, however, with a truly clear understanding that we are no longer in charge of our lives. If that is, we’ve committed them to, surrendered them over to, God…

And, If we have entrusted the Lord with our lives, isn’t it just plain foolish not to entrust our every plan to Him as well? Before that is, we run off half-cocked trying to set them in motion on our own?

Christian, would hold back some piece of yourself from God? Close some chamber of your heart or life off from His loving counsel as Adam and Eve did? Are you attempting to cover the shame of your wanting what you know God has said no to, with some hastily stitched together fig leaves? Don’t you know there are no amount of leaves sufficient enough to hide your rebellious desire? Learn from our first parents and expose them instead! Submit them, willingly, lovingly as children of the Light and of the day, to God. Asking Him which way you should go; what it is that’s best for you. After all, He alone holds that answer.—Proverbs 16:2-3; 1 Thessalonians 5:5.

Follow instead, in the footsteps of Ruth. A gentile widow who, not even knowing God’s law or His plan for her life, determined in her heart to follow after and care for Naomi, her widowed, childless mother-in-law. —Ruth 1:14-16.

She choose what she knew to be right and just over sticking to the safe and familiar. Over making a way for herself. God took Ruth’s simple heartfelt plan and not only did He bless it for her good by leading her into Boaz’s field, but He also multiplied it as our loving and benevolent Father so often does. –Ephesians 3:20-21. From the union of Ruth and Boaz came Obed. Thus Ruth’s desire that Naomi be cared for until the Lord called her home, is fulfilled in Him. Additionally, she’d have this child now, to love and comfort her in her old age. She too then, had been restored through Ruth’s simple, selfless love. And, this same child would grow up to be the father of Jesse, the grandfather of King David; a man after God’s own heart. Obed, an ancestor of Jesus. We find his name in both Luke and Matthew’s account of Jesus’ genealogy…

All this because one woman determined in her heart to seek the best for another. And God, seeing her heartfelt desire to fulfill the law of Love, blessed it. —Ruth 3:10-4:17; Matthew 1:5-6; Luke 3:32.

When choosing God’s plans over our own, look also towards Esther example. Witness her choices to do what was right and good in the eyes of God,—Esther 5:1–7:10. Consider also, our brother Joseph. –Gen 45:4-8; 50:19-21. Study the life and works and sacrifices of the apostles. Look towards Paul and Peter and Philip. –Acts 9; 16:6-34; 10:1-4; Acts 8.

Each of these had plans of their own. A way they thought things should be and go. Yet, because they belonged to God, each determined in their own hearts to love Him, first. To choose His way over their own. Following after all He had for them. Leaving their plans to die an unattended death. And, as a result of their submission and obedience to His plan; His Church was born. Thus we, the gentiles, were brought into the covenant God had made with Abraham. –Genesis 12:1-3; 15:1-21. Further, we have the great benefits and honor of knowing the will and Word of our Lord, through His written Word. –John 14:26; 21:25; Revelation 21:5.

My brothers and sisters, I challenge you to ask this question of yourselves:

What is true about me? What is fixed?

Do you wholly believe that God has a plan for your life? Do you wholly believe that there is not one accident or misstep in His plans? Do you believe wholeheartedly that God has established your steps? That He goes before you making even the crooked paths straight? Making ways out of no way? Do you believe, from the very core of your being, that you are loved and cherished by God? And, that there is not one thing outside of His will for you, that could ever remotely satisfy you? If so, your heart is properly postured to seek the Lord will, making your requests known to Him.Deuteronomy 30:15-20; Ephesians 2:10; Ephesians 1:4; 2:13; 4-24.

If you are wavering at all, decide to be fully in. Then, all else will fall into place. Remember, there is Only One Right Way. One Established Way. Seek this Way with all of your heart—all ways. Hebrews 11: 6.

Then, come what may, your steps will be firmly established. –John 14:1-6.

Beloved, you’re going to be okay. You are not alone. These Truths are your birthright as a son or daughter of the Living God. Let that soak into you for a moment…

And, dear friend, if you don’t yet know the Lord, believe, please, that He has led you here today because He loves you. And, understand this: He is tugging at your heart that you might surrender it to Him and His established good and perfect plan for your life. A life spent with Him requires you to take this step of trusting Him. He will do all the rest. Don’t hesitate, I pray! Take that step of faith today. Choose Jesus!He gave Himself for us to redeem us from all lawlessness and to purify for Himself a people for His own possession, zealous for good deeds. –Titus 2:14.

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