“But Jesus spoke to them at once. “Don’t be afraid,” he said. “Take courage. I am here!'”

“I am here!” A promise from God in the midst of your storm—your trial, is the only anchor that will surely keep you from going adrift…

My suitcases are packed. Boxes shipped, my ticket long purchased. I’m due to get on the plane Saturday night…

I had made peace with leaving my beloved Aina. Hawaii Nei, my other home. One need not be born in a place for it to be their home. Now, just days before I’m scheduled to leave for my return to the mainland hurricane Lane has hit our Island chain. Red, raging, swirling models of a “catastrophic category 5 hurricane” flashing on everything that can flash. Island wide tsunami warning sirens alerting us all that danger is on the way—is imminent;to say nothing of the obviousness of nature’s warnings. Its lashing, tree bending winds. Rain that’s causing once trickling streams to turn into raging Niagara’s overnight. Yup. This is happening live…

So, what do you do then when the unexpected storm hits you?

When every fear-filled voice you hear—your own included, is warning; “danger’s about to come and kick in your door!” This is no polite little storm. Well, first, you catch your breath. When an unexpected storm threatens your life it most certainly can take our breath away. It’s OK. Acknowledge the feelings—the fear of the unknown. Just don’t live there. Give yourself time to process what you’re facing.

If you try to get rid of fear and anger without knowing their meaning, they will grow stronger and return. –Deepak Chopra

But please, in the midst of your fear stop and pray. Even if all you can manage is; “God I’m afraid. I don’t know what to do with this. Help me please!” Those simple words invite God in. They connect you to the source of your strength. Yes, certainly you heed the advice, the professionals: you shop for food, close windows, seek shelter, yes you need to apply the wisdom God has given you. What you shouldn’t do, what isn’t wise, is to answer the door each time fear incessantly knocks on it with every gust of wind or downed branch. That is simply crazy making. It’s a thief…

Is it easy to tear your eyes away from the flashing screens, text alerts, and bending trees? Away from that doctor’s report, those divorce papers, or that grave stone? Away from the bottle of whatever that’s calling your name? No. No it’s not. For anyone that has ever been through such a storm—whether natural, physical, or emotional, you know exactly what I’m talking about…

For those that have not—pay attention. The storm is coming. I’m not being a naysayer. It’s just life. Storms are inevitable. They take courage to endure. They take faith because every now and again, a storm will hit with such unforeseen, unexpected intensity that the absolute best you can do is: do the stuff on the list and then surrender to the process.

Lean into the fact that you are not—are not, repeat, you are not in control. Prayerfully, you know the One who is.

The One who speaks to the storms—even the category Five storms that hit us unexpectantly. God alone telling them to be still. Notice I didn’t say He removes the storm—nor it’s often ravaging effects. He didn’t get to skip the ravaging effects of His storm, the Cross—so who are we, His followers, to think we should escape the effects of ours? Sometime the storm is exactly what we need in order that we arrive safely at our next destination. Oxymoron I know. But if you’ve known God for any length of time, you know what I’m saying is true. Sometimes the storms of life are God’s way of rerouting us. Now, does that mean He caused our storm? No. not necessarily. But maybe? Or maybe He simply allowed it to fulfill His plans—His purpose for our life. He most certainly knew it was coming. So, He put a plan in place that would benefit you, me, each of us—In the end. What I’m saying is: rather than removing the storms, He gives us the peace and the strength we need to walk through them. To not fold because of them. He walks through them with us—hand-in hand.

The cave you fear to enter holds the treasure you seek. – Joseph Campbell

I had absolutely no intention of posting again until September 9th. Until I had reached the mainland and had a moment to walk through this transition, to acclimate a bit—get my footing. Once again, God had a different plan. I’m typing this as I’m watching palm trees bowing at the waist. While I listen to the music of the wind—a mighty rushing wind. His voice truly does rise above all others if we are listening. “Listen for God’s voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; he’s the one who will keep you on track” –Proverbs 3:6.

I’ll keep this short. If you’re facing a storm today—whatever its size or intensity, please, listen for the voice of God in the midst of it. I promise you—I promise you, He’s right there with you. “The LORD will fight for you; you need only to be still” –Exodus 14:14.

And, if you’ve not met this God that speaks to the storms—now is the time. Don’t go through one more storm on your own. Repent of your sins, say your sorry and mean it. Ask God to come into your life as Lord and Savior. Let God speak peace—not perfection, not your expected, desired outcome—but peace, into your storm. “Jesus stood up and gave a command to the wind and the water. He said, “Quiet! Be still!” Then the wind stopped, and the lake became calm’” –Mark 4:39.

Delayed does not mean denied! Trust God. I had my plan in place. But so, did God… “A man’s mind plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps and makes them sure” –Proverbs 16:9.