revelation-981662_960_720 Friends, what do the Words of Jesus spoken to a crowd of Jews 2000 plus years ago have to do with us today?

Simply put, “The Word of God is the same yesterday today and forever” (Heb.13:8 NIV). That is a rudimentary Biblical Truth.

As such, it makes what Jesus said to that crowd quite relevant to us today. Put Scripturally, “The heaven and the earth will pass away, but My words will certainly not pass away.” (Mark 13:31 BLB).

I am laying this foundational Truth in preparation for our text today. The sub-heading of which is, “Repent or Perish” (Lk. 13:6-9 NIV).

That statement—those three words, “I’m coming back,”however unpopular in our current culture, are, and will stay, fundamental Truth… believe it or not.

Beginning in Chapter 12 of Luke we witness Jesus revealing certainties that lead us into today’s teaching. Follow along as Jesus walks those who would seek Him through those Truths. While on this walk, notice too that Jesus clearly lays out the costs of following Him, discipleship, as well as the promises—or gains that being a true disciple affords those willing to lay down their life and take up their personal Cross… (Lk. 14:25-34).

Jesus asked his disciples first, then, those standing in that gathering—that mob, just as He asks each of us today, these, and other, questions:

#1. What motivates you to want to follow Me? To serve Me?…

Are you, like the Pharisees? Are you motivated by attention and material gain? Those passing trappings that so often end up owning those who have take-up the profession, the job of preacher or teacher of His Word? Notice I said, taken up, not all those who stand in our pulpits today, who call themselves preachers and teachers have been called, chosen or appointed by God to do so. How do I know this? Scripture tells me. “You will recognize them by their fruit.” (Matt.7:15-20).

Anyone can do anything for a time, but no one can do it for a life time unless it is authentic, a  true, pure calling, an appointment—you’re chosen.  Think Peter and Paul here, think John the Baptist. Called each. Your heart is, must be consumed—your mind flooded with the ever-present LORDSHIP of Jesus Christ, the burning in your belly to share that Truth, Him… with everyone, and not solely for the benefits promised you if you do… or you will fall away. Think Pharisee’s here…

Again, not my words but His, The Word, listen: “Not everyone who says to Me, “Lord, Lord,” shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven. Many will say to Me in that day, “Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?” And then I will declare to them, “I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness”(Matt. 7:21-23NLT).

#2. You’re not getting away with anything!…

Tying into the above statement, think Pharisees here, we too make think or feel that we are getting away with something… Example, we go to church every week, read our Bibles faithfully, give our tithes regularly and practice charity just the like those mentioned in the above Scripture. Yet in private, in our secret place, away from the eyes of onlookers, we are acting as ungodly as one who doesn’t know God! Shame the devil and tell the Truth! I know I’ve been guilty of this sin in my walk with the Lord. Thinking because a man didn’t know, I was okay, I got away with something! Let me share with you a Truth the Holy One hit me with… “No creature can hide from him, but everyone is exposed and helpless before the eyes of the one to whom we must give a word of explanation” (Heb.4:3 ISV).

God is Holy and cannot look upon sin. So if we truly desire to follow God, we too must strive—press in towards, stretch, towards Holiness…

“This is the message he has given us to announce to you: God is light and there is no darkness in him at all. So we are lying if we say we have fellowship with God but go on living in spiritual darkness. We are not living in the truth. But if we are living in the light of God’s presence, just as Christ is, then we have fellowship with each other, and the blood of Jesus, his Son, cleanses us from every sin. If we say we have no sin, we are only fooling ourselves and refusing to accept the truth. But if we confess our sins to him, he is faithful and just to forgive us and to cleanse us from every wrong. If we claim we have not sinned, we are calling God a liar and showing that his word has no place in our hearts” (1Jn 1:5-10).

#3. Fear the One who can not only kill the body, more the One who when the body is dead can send you to hell.

Jesus was straight-forward with all those who wanted to run after Him concerning the cost they would pay to have right relationship with Him. Notice I did not say to have salvation alone in Him, but, right relationship (Mk.10:17-27). Jesus must be Lord and Savior in our lives. We must be completely submitted to His will and abandoned to our own. We must wholly recognize the ultimate price He paid to redeem us, He is no mere gain in our life’s pursuit of getting more (John 3:16 ESV)!

Let me pause here a moment to ask if you know Jesus as Lord and Savior of your life?

Lord. The One to whom you’ve given unfettered access. The one who now controls every aspect of your life. From a heart filled with loved you’ve surrender yourself to Him…” Yes, to your will, yes to your way, yes to more, deeper, wider, less of me and more of you…yes, yes.

Your will for His will. Your thoughts for His thoughts. Your life—no longer your own…. Lord of all—everything—it’s yours. Period.

Savior. The sinless, spotless Lamb of God who from an unfathomable depth of love for you and I, while we were yet filthy in our sins, looked across time and eternity and said to each of us, I believe you are worth dying for. And with that He held His cross like a dear lover—tight, and laid Himself on it—willingly, until it was finished. The sin debt, yours and mine, theirs too…was stamped, paid in full! God split the veil—His Pure Flesh—Jesus’s…access. Unworthy.

Let’s continue on, shall we…

#4. Do not Blasphemy the Holy Spirit.

He comes to us politely. He’s never rude or intrusive. Recurrently, He will knock at the door of our hearts seeking entry. Offering us knowledge of the Christ—His will, and reconciliation through Him to the Father. Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit occurs when we blatantly refuse to acknowledge His gracious offer of a life reconciled to God, we choose to hold fast to what His gentle promptings are asking us to release to Him. The god of our sin, our sins… (1 Tim. 4:1-2).  Jesus tells us that we may sin against Him and be forgiven, but sinning against the Holy Spirit is unforgivable (Matt. 12:32 NIV)!

And why is that? We are being given, offered—freely, the opportunity to choose God—choose reconciliation, choose life, eternal, yet we willingly—hardheartedly, stay in our sin. We choose to cling to it them, our gods, and stay at odds with, push away The God. The I Am that I Am… again, let’s hold it up to our above Scripture, “And then will I declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness” (Matt.7:23 ESV).

In closing, picture this…. we’re standing at the entrance of a lush vineyard. Shhh, listen, the Owner and Manager are speaking. They’re talking about one of us. They’re discussing the outcome of—the fate of, that fig tree over there… Metaphorical. It’s You, me—one of the others maybe standing just there…it’s our fate.

The owner of the vineyard is telling His manager to cut the thing down, it’s worthless!

What? Wait!

Throw it in the fire with all the other useless wood! It’s simply taking up a space that something with far more value—productive something fruit-bearing, could be planted in. It’s been three years since its planting—yet no fruit. Now everyone knows if a fig tree is going to produce fruit typically it happens within the first three season…

Not our little tree… how? It’s been well-tended, planted in the riches of soils, watered regularly—looked after with the greatest of care—with the greatest of attention to every detail of the thing… Yet nada—nothing! Not one single fig…

The owner wants to turn it into firewood, but the manager intercedes…After all, that’s why He was hired—the welfare of the Owner’s vineyard… (Rom. 8:34; Heb.12:2).

Friends, the Word of God tells us—you, the one who is here, now…seeking, that if you do not know Jesus: “God again designated a certain day as “Today,” when a long time later He spoke through David, as was already stated: “Today, if you hear His voice, do not harden your hearts” (Heb.3:7).

Friends, a thing is true whether you believe it or not. Jesus is coming back. He loves you and wants to return you into the loving arms of Father God. Won’t you pray along with me—please? If you ask Him, He’ll let you, come to Him. He’s right here, now, waiting for you to ask…Promise.

It’s not complicated—like this, ready?

 Dear Jesus, come into my heart, I can’t do this anymore, it’s not working. It hasn’t worked in a long time. I’m told you’ll come to me if I ask—if I mean it from my heart… So I’m asking, as messed up as I am. With all of my sin, shame, hurts and hang-ups, with no clue how to do this…I’m asking you into my life, my heart. Today, now—forever. Amen.