"Come follow me and I will make you fishers of men." Matthew 4:19

Tag: Renewal

Heart of Flesh.

Kendra Santilli

If life is a journey, that must mean there is a process. We love the adventure of going on a journey but shy away from the challenge of the inevitable process accompanying it. If you are anything like me, your brain is an idea factory, a well-oiled machine—whipping up business or work improvement ideas. People like us have the ambition to get things started by formulating a plan, but we’re slack in carrying it through. I have heard it said that motivation is a great tool to get started toward a goal, but discipline is the element required to complete it. Whether it is a new diet, exercise program, or something as simple as an attitude adjustment, it is easy to fall off the wagon when things do not progress as quickly as we want them to. We want to see our maturity instantly but do not have the drive to get through the tough stuff.

While we start with inspiration from individuals who have succeeded in what we want to achieve, we do not always realize the dedication it took them to get there. I’m talking about that feeling we get when seeing before and after pictures on home improvement projects or the before and after photos of one’s weight loss. What is not pictured are the failures and small victories they achieve along the way over months or years. We don’t see the sacrifices and challenges that become the steppingstones to their final destination. We forget that consistency and discipline are the most crucial ingredients for success.

The same is true for our spiritual lives.

Today I would like to introduce you to the Old Testament prophet Ezekiel. This ancient book was written to make plain God’s judgment on Israel: it’s also a prophetic glimpse into their future. The same God that spoke to Ezekiel then is speaking to us still. God does not change. His heart has remained the same, and like the entire Bible, Ezekiel’s message still speaks to us. Ezekiel 36:26-27 reads, “I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit within you; I will remove your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh. I will place my Spirit within you and cause you to follow my statutes and carefully observe my ordinances.”

This verse is brimming with the hope of the final destination. It is saying that God’s plan for His people was once again for them to become inclined towards Him. The “heart of stone” here represents stubbornness or pride, the calloused part of humanity that declares we do not need God when, in fact, He designed us to function optimally in communion with Him. The “heart of flesh” means the person is softened towards the things of God. Their desire becomes that of pleasing Him, not rebellion against Him. It is only through a softened heart that the Spirit of God can dwell within us to help us follow His ways.

So, while this verse speaks to the goal, the preceding chapters describe the first steps God had to take, exposing the wickedness of man. For God to work in us, He first has to remove our broken pieces, making room for what is good. God gives Ezekiel prophetic visions of the rampant sin among His people, the Israelites. When God gave Ezekiel these visions, it was understood that the acts of the Israelites broke His heart. Scripture shows us time and time again that God and sin cannot coexist, yet God longs for a relationship with sinful mankind. Can you see the dilemma? He wanted to dwell with man but could not. You must understand this: generations before this, the Lord gave laws to Moses for the people to have a guide for living rightly before God so that they could have a relationship, but because they disobeyed these laws, God grew displeased. Even with clear-cut expectations, the Israelites still didn’t get it. If you read the chapters before this, they are riddled with judgment as Ezekiel exposes Israel of all her sins.

Like Israel, our walk with God ebbs and flows. God never changes. He remains constant in all things. The ebb and flow come from us; we are inconsistent. When we first come to the Lord, we are filled with the excitement of new hope. Then as we read the Bible and spend time with God, conviction begins to grab hold of our hearts, making us quite uncomfortable. This reflection is the part where the easy option is to stop pursuing God because, amid that expository process, it feels as though you will never reach the maturity of the examples that you see around you.

Let me remind you: you were not there during their process! And you cannot compare your process to someone else’s final product.

Every person who seeks God will find themselves exposed by His word. The Bible says, “there is no one righteous, not even one; … there is no one who does good, not even one.” – Romans 3:11a-12b. According to the Bible, even your best day is not good enough before God. The process of walking with the Lord may feel like condemnation at first. It may feel like the judgment that we read about in the first half of the book of Ezekiel, but if you stay the course, that feeling of judgment will turn to a sense of hope as He turns your heart from stone to flesh. Discomfort should not be the thing that stops you from pursuing God. Instead, it should propel you closer to Him as He is the only one who can redeem what once was lost. When you believe in Jesus, you receive the righteousness of God. Those failed attempts to start living better and be a better person are no surprise because that can only be accomplished through Jesus. “The righteousness of God is through faith in Jesus Christ to all who believe.” – Romans 3:22. “God made [Jesus] who did not know sin to be sin for us, so that in [Jesus] we might become the righteousness of God.” – 2 Corinthians 5:21 (emphasis my own). Jesus is the key to our ability to live a righteous life. We cannot do it without Him. Our being molded into His image is hard but worth it. Jesus promised that He would make us new. Our responsibility is to believe what He says and ask for the faith to walk unwavering with Him.

If you don’t yet know Jesus, I invite you to ask Him into those uncomfortable spaces in your heart, to clean them, making things new within you. Jesus wants to walk with you despite your mess. God made a way for a relationship with Him to be possible through Jesus. Ask Jesus to give you a new heart and renew a right spirit within you, His Holy Spirit.

Once It Becomes Personal.

MaryEllen Montville

“In the past I heard about you, but now I have seen you with my own eyes. And I am ashamed of myself. I am so sorry. As I sit in the dust and ashes, I promise to change my heart and my life.” –Job 42:5-6.

Perhaps Job’s faith in God had been handed down to him from his parents? Maybe it came to him through his listening to the oral retellings of old? Accounts of God’s goodness and mercy, of His great love for His children.

Whatever the channel used, Scripture clarifies that Job recognized there was a God. Job never denied He existed. We realize this in Job’s response to his wife when she flat out tells him to give up on this God who had just allowed one calamity after another to befall them: “His wife said to him, “Are you still maintaining your integrity? Curse God and die!” He replied, “You are talking like a foolish woman. Shall we accept good from God, and not trouble?” In all this, Job did not sin in what he said. –Job 2:9-10.

Job surely had some level of faith. Some belief in the God of the old retellings, the God who went to great lengths to redeem, provide for, and protect His people. “I’ve also done it so you can tell your children and grandchildren about how I made a mockery of the Egyptians and about the signs I displayed among them—and so you will know that I am the LORD” –Exodus 10:2. Maybe Job had lived his life essentially mimicking, perhaps wholeheartedly, what he had observed his parents and family, neighbors and friends—those in his tribe doing or saying—wanting it to be true for himself, wanting to believe it all. Indeed believing, on some level, that this God is real. Remember though, that up until this point in Job’s story, he’d not encountered God personally yet. Job had only known Him as the God of someone else’s relationship. But until Job knows God personally—until anyone does, God remains impersonal, and their lives untouched by the enlivening, relational presence of His Holy Spirit at work

This is the case for so many of us before our relationship with God became personal, Jesus was just a person someone else has experienced. A head knowledge that had yet to touch our heart. A good man hanging on a cross, perhaps? A god among many other gods, maybe? Our mother or father or grandmother’s God? Or the symbol of some unreachable deity whose rules demand more than anyone can give? So then why even try to know Him for ourselves?

I know this is how it was for me.

Raised Catholic, I attended Catholic school in the 60’s—went to Mass daily with those in my class. I learned about Jesus certainly—knew He had a Father, God. I had heard of the Holy Spirit but quite literally never knew Him as anything other than the picture of the Dove I’d seen painted on the Cathederal ceiling, in paintings, or heard referenced in the priest’s homily. I had no clue He was an actual person—the Third Person of the Godhead. Like Job and so many others today, I had undoubtedly heard about God—had some cursory head knowledge of Him, but I did not know Jesus—personally, that is. I had never encountered God face-to-face, so to speak.

But one day, in the blink of an eye, right there in the Catholic Church, all of that changed!

No longer was God someone that lived outside of me in paintings, nor was He a man who hung on a cross over my bed; Jesus Christ was now alive in me—His Spirit at work in me. One minute I was dead in my sin, the next, alive in Christ—just like Job. “But because of his great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions—it is by grace you have been saved” –Ephesians 2:4-5. And, as with Job, I too felt the weight of my many past sins. How I, too, had questioned God at every turn. Yet, by God’s grace and mercy, the weight of my sins drove me to God, towards true repentance. And in that scared moment of His visitation—I unknowingly followed Job’s example and, as the song says, was gracefully broken.

I’ve since learned this one thing over these many years of walking with the Lord:

God does not break us to harm us; instead, He breaks us that He might re-fashion us, working out of us—pruning away those unfruitful habits—those sins that repeatedly trip us up and stunt our growth, muddying His plan for our lives. Sins like pride, fornication, adultery, addictions, stealing, stubbornness, rebellion, and lying, just to name a few.

I know this first-hand because not only does God’s Word make this plain, but, by God’s grace, Jesus enabled me to turn away from the sins that had had a death-grip on me for so much of my life. By His grace alone, I was able to leave them behind me, running after God with all I had in me instead. And I’m still running towards Him today, now, more than ever! Yet, I have miles and miles to go in my learning more and more about this God I love. This man that came and changed everything—in an instant, and counting. See, that’s what happens when He comes; He makes all things new—not usually overnight—but most certainly over time. And, after having met the Living God personally, after having experienced His Love, mercy, and grace, I began to understand the breadth of His forgiveness. In my finite, weak-as-water way, I caught some dim glimpse of what it cost Him to save me, and that revelation drove me so far into God that now, all I want in this life, for the rest of my life, is more of Jesus. Catching a genuine glimpse of your sins against the unblemished backdrop of God’s Purity and Holiness will cause you to cry out in repentance, in humility.

We witness this piercing truth in today’s Scripture verse. Undeniably, this was the case with Job, listen: “In the past I heard about you, but now I have seen you with my own eyes. And I am ashamed of myself. I am so sorry. As I sit in the dust and ashes, I promise to change my heart and my life.” –Job 42:5-6. The Prophet Isaiah also understood this Truth, listen: “I was frightened and said, “Oh, no! I will be destroyed. I am not pure enough to speak to God, and I live among people who are not pure enough to speak to him. But I have seen the King, the Lord All-Powerful” –Isaiah 6:5. The Apostle Peter understood it as well—me too. Each of us touched by God, transformed in an instant by the power of His Holy Spirit coming and taking up residence within us, making all things new, understood, more believed, that we were sinners who’d been brought into contact with a Holy God. “When Simon Peter realized what had happened, he fell to his knees before Jesus and said, “Oh, Lord, please leave me—I’m such a sinful man” –Luke 5:8.

The Pure Light of God’s presence unmasks every lie we’ve ever told ourselves about who we are—and who He is, exposing then the naked Truth, we are sinners in need of a Savior.

When we come face-to-face with the Living God, we face the depths of our depravity and our propensity for sin and sinning also. We become a witness to our self-justification, denial, pride, and those inflated opinions we hold of ourselves.And in this sacred moment, we must choose: to repent of these and accept Jesus into our hearts and lives, or to shut Him out—keeping Him then out there somewhere as the God of someone else’s relationship. And it is smack-dab in the instant of just such an awakening that we witness Job acknowledging God as His Lord and Savior in today’s Scripture verse.

My prayer in this season of hope and miracles is this: If you know of God, yet have not encountered Him personally, then right now, in these days leading up to Easter, to His death and Resurrection, His ultimate display of love—you’ll follow Job’s lead and say yes to having a relationship with Him, Move Him from being the God of someone else’s relationship, to being the God of your own.

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