"Come follow me and I will make you fishers of men." Matthew 4:19

Tag: Refining

Run, Don’t Walk.

MaryEllen Montville

“Though my father and mother forsake me, the Lord will receive me. Teach me your way, Lord; lead me in a straight path because of my oppressors. Do not turn me over to the desire of my foes, for false witnesses rise against me, spouting malicious accusations” –Psalm 27:10-12.

David knew firsthand the sudden, waspish sting of betrayal. That gut-punch instant when the enemy of your soul lands some unexpected blow straight to your solar plexus, leaving you disoriented, stunned, silent—air-less. As Christians, we expect this from our enemy. After all, Scripture has taught us that he comes to steal, kill, and destroy (John 10:10). But what about when our “enemy” comes wrapped in the flesh of a friend? Worst yet, a trusted family member. A mother or father, sister, brother, that beloved grandparent?

What do we do in that instant?

How do we respond to such an attack?

As always, God’s Word holds our answer. God’s Word alone the guardrails that prevent us from going over the edge when pain, fear, betrayal, or some other “suddenly” blindsides us.

Recently, I faced this very situation. Satan used the one person I naturally expected to love and comfort me to bring me to my knees—I was left air-less by their vicious verbal assault—stunned, silent. Yet God brought beauty from my ashes. He used this experience—dare I say permitted it (think Job), to refine me, mature me, draw me closer. In this most painful of times, God re-minded me of the most straightforward, most basic Truth; He alone is more than enough. He is all I need. “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble” –Psalm 46:1.

At that moment, and for some days following, I didn’t want to talk with anyone. Not my beloved pastors, though I know they care for and cover me in prayer. I didn’t need to call my dearest sister or brother in the faith. I just needed my Father. I just needed to be still. In that most painful of times, only God would do. “The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still” –Exodus 14:14. At that moment, I was reminded that there are instances in life where we need specialized help. One doesn’t call 911 when they get a flat; they call 911 when there’s been an accident. When someone is in imminent danger, is injured, or has been harmed. God used the crushing weight of my betrayal to remind me He wants to be my first call. The One I call on in my hour of need—period. He alone upholds me.

Yes, God has grafted me into a loving, supportive Body of brothers and sisters. Yes, God’s blessed me with loving, caring, hands-on shepherds, and I am grateful to Him for these blessings.

But not one of these can take God’s place in my life.

No one can love me as Jesus can. Not one person possesses the precise Words of life I need to hear at that moment I need to hear them. Because what I need, only God can provide. He alone is my Lord; no one knows me as my Father does. “The LORD is my rock, and my fortress, and my deliverer; my God, my strength, in whom I will trust; my buckler, and the horn of my salvation, and my high tower” –Psalm 18:2.

Ed Jarret says this about God’s abiding presence: God, in the person of the Holy Spirit, is with us in a very personal and intimate way. The God of all creation lives within me. He comforts me in challenging times. He teaches me his ways. Ed’s simple words encapsulate the bigger Truth Jesus shared with His disciples on the last night He would dine with them, this side of eternity. “And I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Advocate to be with you forever— the Spirit of truth” –John 14:16-17.

And though that bitter sting of betrayal may last for a season, the Holy Spirit of God is alive within us—always. Empowering us to overcome, forgive and heal, to pray for the very one who betrayed us. Christ alone is eternal and Mighty to save. “The Lord is my light and my salvation—whom shall I fear? The Lord is the stronghold of my life—of whom shall I be afraid? For in the day of trouble he will keep me safe in his dwelling; he will hide me in the shelter of his sacred tent and set me high upon a rock” –Psalm 27:1;5.

And while scholars cannot pinpoint a specific time in David’s life when He may have penned this Psalm, they seemingly agree on this one point: David knew precisely from whom his strength, comfort, and ability to forgive and move forward flowed.

Right now, many of God’s children are standing on the very edge of their breakthrough. Yet fear, or some impending threat from the enemy they see in the natural, that unexpected betrayal, has caused them to lose sight of their true position, that of being smack-dab in the centre of God’s will. Beloved, don’t let this temporary pain, the fear of what you see happening around you, blind you to what God is doing in your midst, regardless its severity.

Child of God, I know how hard it is for you not to run as fast as your legs will take you from the pain of the moment you’re standing in right now, to not fold before the giants staring you down. Yet, amid the pain, while you’re still smarting over that betrayal, allow me to lead you back to Truth. Back to Who it is that will mend your broken heart, restore your troubled peace, speak Life-affirming Words of love over you. “For in the day of trouble he will keep me safe in his dwelling; he will hide me in the shelter of his sacred tent and set me high upon a rock.” –Psalm 27:5

I, too, have experienced that same blindsided stupor you’re experiencing. That “suddenly” when the air was sucked out of the room. When some news or someone’s bitter words, that diagnosis, or that trusted someone’s startling betrayal hits you so deeply, everything inside goes numb. I get it; I do. But please, just breathe for a moment. Because there are times, we need someone else to speak into our situation—our fear or pain. To redirect our focus—we’ve momentarily lost our footing. “As iron sharpens iron, so a friend sharpens a friend” –Proverbs 27:17.

Dear friend, I’m not suggesting it will all be okay by Tuesday. I have no idea about your situation—the scope of your loss or pain. I was simply sent here today to share God’s promise to bind up your broken places and to encourage you. To remind you of God’s Sovereign timing, His eagle-eyed ability to swoop in at the very second our enemy’s talons are about to inflict some fatal blow, taking him out, causing him to fall. “When the wicked advance against me to devour me, it is my enemies and my foes who will stumble and fall. Though an army besiege me, my heart will not fear; though war break out against me, even then I will be confident” –Psalm 27:2-3.

Be encouraged, child of God, and don’t find it strange these trials—this pain or betrayal, have come to visit you. “Beloved, do not be surprised at the fiery ordeal that is taking place among you to test you, as though some strange thing happened to you. But rejoice insofar as you share in Christ’s sufferings so that you may rejoice and be glad also in the revelation of His glory. If you are reproached because of the name of Christ, you are blessed, because the Spirit of glory and of God rests upon you” –1 Peter 4:12-14. Instead, put the full weight of your trust in the God you profess. And know this: for as long as our Spirit is wrapped up in this flesh, there will be moments in each believer’s life when God will allow some adversity to test us—God is maturing us, refining our character.

Answering that prayer, we whispered at midnight, Shape me and mold me, Lord. Make me look more like you. Let Thy perfect will be done in and through my life. “But let patience perfect its work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing” –James 1:4.

Child of God, if you are staggering under the sting of some recent trial, some pain inflicted at the hands of another, some betrayal, I encourage you to run—not walk, to your Lord. Pour out your heart before Jesus. Invite Him into your very raw and wounded place that He might minister healing and restore you—lest some root of bitterness takes root in your heart, poisoning you.

And if this is you, and you’ve yet to ask Jesus into your heart, please, do it today. Let Him into your every wounded place. Ask Him to wash away your every sin, restoring newness of life to you and fresh hope into your dry places.

“I remain confident of this: I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. Wait for the Lord; Be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord” –Psalm 27: 13-14.

Its A Battle and A Journey Both…

 “I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world” –John 16:33.

There are many I know, or know of these days, that are dealing with, praying through, simply just trying to press through their share of the Truth contained in this Scripture.

“You will have…”

Friends just lost their 20-year-old son. And, though he is now with the Lord—and they know that, still, they must walk into his now empty room and face the fact he will never again occupy it. They must wait to see Him, as they wait to see their Lord, face to face in heaven. And, then, there’s a 30 something sister from my college days who recently lost her fight to a life-long illness. My mother is battling heart disease. A sister in Christ whose husband of 25 plus years, refuses to keep his vow to the Lord—or to her, and continues to stray—unrepentant. To say nothing of the murders and wars and rumors of wars one hears of nightly on the news. Is it any wonder that Paul the Apostle cautioned us to remain strong in the Lord? To rely on Him. To stay fully clad in the power and covering of the armor God has graciously provided for us? It is our only hope for any peace or joy as we navigate our “trials and sorrows.” We simply can’t pilot any of this and not end up on some rock—shipwrecked, without Jesus! We were never intended to…

In today’s Scripture Jesus isn’t saying that bad things won’t happen to good people. He, more than anyone, knew first hand they would. They do. And, that they will continue to. These “things” however, often come to try our faith—ridding it, our faith that is, of the burdensome will and dross of the flesh that pollute it. That seeks its own desires. Refining it then, as by fire.

Call to mind here Jesus’s plea in the garden as He faced His own, “you will have” moment.

They come, these trials, perhaps to add to us a strength, some fixed resolve we would not have had they not come our way. And, as with Jesus, we need that final resolve so that we may move forward in complete surrender and faith. Though we often feel as though they, our trials, and sorrows, are robbing us of our life—when I ponder the miracle of His empty tomb, and all those it affects still, I see the pain these trials and sorrows exact have the potential to actually add to life, and not take life away. I do admit however, this is a lesson that is far beyond my ability to comprehend. It’s more an intrinsic knowing I hope will encourage you as much as it does me. This great privilege of sharing in Christ’s suffering. I know, it’s not the most folks favorite part of the Gospel Truth. Yet it is a privilege nonetheless. And, though we cannot see these trials and sorrows for what they have the potential to produce in us, more, through us, while they are exacting their desired end—if we give them all over to the Lord, He is faithful to draw beauty from our ashes. As unbelievable as that may feel while we’re walking through the full force of their crushing pain…

What Jesus was saying in our Scripture is this:

I’m telling you now to expect it—it’s going to come. All these things I’ve spoken of in my Word. They have to. You live in a fallen world. You possess a fallen nature. Trials and sorrows and troubles of all types will beset you. But when that happens, any of it, all of it, any-thing that disturbs your peace, causes fear to grip your heart or riddles your mind with anxiety; look to me. Look to my example of obedience to the Father and, then, call out to me for my help, wisdom, and guidance. And, remember this too, you won’t be navigating any of these “things” in your own strength—rather, you’ll be doing all things in my strength, with my peace—if, you’ll but trust me. I will never leave you. That’s my promise. I love you with an everlasting love. Therefore, regardless of what may be swirling all around you—fix your eyes and heart and mind—your every thought, on me. And, then, trust me to bring something unimaginably wonderful, something unfathomably beautiful out of all you will endure for my name sake. And know this, your life will be a fluid mix of battles and joy unspeakable both. A journey of refinement and faith. An adventure chuck-full of laughter and tears. Some of which you’ll understand, most you won’t. Nevertheless, remember what I’ve told you about my ways being far different from yours. Remember I told you that I possess the ability to make everything—every-thing, work together for your good, and my glory. I know pain will try to rob Truth. Yet remember, please. Then, when you do, trust in my love for you. Yet, if you’ve forgotten, allow me to re-mind you now that I love you so very much, I laid willingly on my Cross that I might offer up my life in exchange for yours…

We get tripped up—caught off guard, blindsided even—but not Jesus. Ever!

He knew every detail of every event long before He ever stood before His friends informing them of His imminent return to the Father. He knew the troubles they’d soon face because of their love for Him—because they were His own. He knew of ours too. The troubles we’d face that is. Even to the loss of our very lives. Nothing, not one thing, has ever escaped Him! He also knew of the inexpressible joy they’d one day share in also. Perhaps it was His focus on this, on all that the Father had prepared for them, on Gods will alone being accomplished—regardless the cost, and, on the coming joy they’d soon know that prompted Jesus to share these Words of love and encouragement with His friends? If so, we’d be wise to cherish them—more, to use them as a piloting Light when all that we’ve been forewarned of suddenly happens.

And it will happen suddenly, more often than not…

So, with that in mind, let us use this promise from our Savior to shine His Light into these dark days of heartache and the deep loss experienced when a loved one is taken from us. When a child has been suddenly taken from our arms. When the uncounted multitude of someone’s nameless children die as the result of war—or abuse, neglect, or starvation. When a husband or wife’s side of the bed is now empty—no longer warm and scented by their presence. When addiction destroys our loved ones and we are helpless to stop its insidious devouring of them. When alcohol robs a nascent life of its promise and joy—leaving it dried-up and deadpan. Or, when fear wraps its icy fingers around our throats, threatening our very life breath because any one of these, “in this world” suddenly befalls us. When we find ourselves on our knees, cheeks wet with tears of confusion watching our dream die or the door of our business or home close for a final time.

“Why!” “I don’t understand!” “God please! Help me! This is too much, too big, too heavy, I was never meant to carry this, I can’t! Help!”

Let’s shine Jesus’ Words into the very thick of all trials and sorrows. Into every other thing that threatens to rob us of our peace and joy, of our breath, of the very faith Christ alone affords us—if that were even possible. Let’s take every thought captive and force it to bow its knee before the authority of heaven. Let’s tell our wills that they too must surrender—completely. We will never pass this way again friends. Though Jesus promised us we’d go through these fiery trials, let’s not forget, as we reflect on His life, what a wonderful journey, what a great privilege, we’ve been afforded also. “But fear not, for I have overcome the world.”

Allow me to remind you as you walk through your pain and loss, that you’ve been chosen by God—to walk with Him. You are never alone beloved. Let’s  remember the Words of our Savior and be encouraged by them when these trials come. Because my friends, they have come, these trials, and will continue to do so for as long as you and I live. And, it’s when we’re in the thick of it, preoccupied with just trying to put one foot in front of the other and simply breath that we need to be reminded of this the most. You are loved. And, you are not alone. Just breath beloved—trusting God has not forgotten your pain. “I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world.”

Beloved, if you are in the midst of a season of fiery trials or loss, take heart, that’s hard to hear in your pain I know, yet it must be said. I offer this Truth in love. The prayers of the faith-filled are with you and, more, Jesus is praying for you and the arms of our Father are enveloping you. Giving you His strength in exchange for your current weakness.

And friend, if you don’t know Jesus personally and you’re trying to press through this life on your own know this: God has led you here today that you might have a relationship with Him. He is offering you the opportunity, right now, to ask Him into your heart. To acknowledge your need of Him. He wants nothing more than to freely give you Him. His love, forgiveness, peace, healing, and strength that He may walk with you—lifting the heaviness of your burdens from you. Won’t you ask Him into your heart today?

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