ice-cream-1123717_960_720 In today’s Scripture Jesus opens with a puissant statement of fact. But what is He alluding to specifically?

A clue is given within His word choice. Jesus hints at its deep significance through His word usage. The solemnity of what He is about to say, He uses language which He reserves only for occasions such as this. Pay attention…“Verily I say unto you…”

Is it His death and resurrection to which He is referring in this odd opening verse? Or, maybe it’s the coming of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost?

Perhaps He’s speaking to the imminent spread of Christianity or, to Jerusalem’s destruction in A.D. 70?

Mark’s opening verse is ambiguous, oddly placed…hence all the scholarly debate surrounding it.

But if we just look at it, it seems a natural flow, an easy pivot. It serves to transition us into what’s coming next. Linking some of those present to His, Jesus’ own future intent. Jesus gathers us up and points us toward Mt. Hermon—to His Transfiguration. And everything is clear, deep but clear.

While each of the fore-mentioned events are Biblical fact, for a few within the crowd that day, three within earshot of Jesus actually—each of these events will become a reality. Eye-witnessed.

And that is the very heart, the core, of this event, this witnessing. So it’s toward that, toward seeing and tasting for oneself that we’ll look toward today. One delicious spoonful at a time…

What happens to us, each of us, when we’re given a taste of Jesus?

If we are anything like our brothers we’re left wanting more. A taste isn’t nearly enough to sate our longing, our desire for Jesus.

But it is just enough, typically, to leave us wanting. Craving that is, desiring, running after—more of Him.

You noticed no doubt the visual used today is ice cream. Specifically, many tasting spoons standing in many tubs of various flavors of ice cream.


To demonstrate a point, two actually. The first, as human beings we do enjoy our options, dare I say, demand them!

If you have doubt about the validity of my statement, check out the variety of television stations available to us. The variety of, types of, cars, colors, watches, fashion choices and eateries. How many flavors do we really need—to flavor our coffee?

We are inundated with choices, varieties, types. As a result, we are often left unsatisfied, overstimulated, by what we’ve chosen. Left flat. Yet we’re happy glad that we get to wake up tomorrow and get to choose anew!

We have not yet been satiated.

Neither have our three brothers.

But things are about to change—eternally…

Three have been chosen, hand-picked to follow Jesus up a mountain. And you…come along.

Yet, for these three, this is nothing new, being the first to go, do, and see that is. Somethings aren’t meant for everyone to witness, first, filters are required.

Peter, James, and John—Jesus ’ inner circle. They are those filters through which Jesus pours Truth, His Truth, Kingdom Come Truth—full strength, by the mouthfuls.

These were chosen for their unique abilities. Each eventually would learn both how to consume, ingest and then disperse, speak out, allocate, teach—these unfiltered Truths.

Three prodigious leaders of the future Church. They’ve each been with Jesus from the beginning. Hand-picked. Known by God—Ginṓskō, like a man knows his wife. Intimate like.

For nearly Three years now these have slept beside Him, eaten with Him, been privy to His numerous miraculous healing’s and extraordinary, unparalleled, radical teachings. Yet they are not yet fully firm, not yet set in their knowledge of His divinity…more time is needed.

Things are still a little wobbly…

But wait you say, Peter? Wasn’t it Peter, this same Peter, who said out loud, who answered correctly when all others failed, that Jesus was The Christ—The Son of God?

Yes, you are correct.

It was this same Peter indeed. The one who loved Jesus the most, think John 21. Yes, it was this impulsive, bold, bodacious Apostle—the denier, the reinstated one, the Fisher-of-men, the fisherman, the rock. Simon.

And yes, it was John. The same John who laid his head against Jesus’ chest at the Last Supper, the one Jesus loved. The Beloved. The one who stood at the foot of the Cross and received Mary as his own mother. The very same John that would write a Revelation on an Isle called Patmos. Exiled there after having survived being boiled in oil for his refusal to stop preaching the Gospel when ordered to do so by the Emperor Domitian.

And James, John’s brother. Whose mom asked Jesus that each of her sons sit at His right and left hand in Heaven. James one of two brothers whom Jesus prophesied would in fact drink of the shared cup of suffering that He, Jesus, would  Himself drink from. This same James would be the first of the chosen Twelve Apostles to see martyrdom by the sword at the hands of King Herod Agrippa, as witnessed in Acts Chapter Twelve.

We could get heavy here. We could delve into deep Biblical Truths and mysteries— from here on out in fact.

We could get theological. We could enter into the significance of, the meaning behind, these three brothers being allowed to witness Jesus’ Transfiguration. More, we could delve into both the immediate and lasting reasons why Jesus took them, as leaders, along in the first place…

We could look into the significance of, the meaning behind, the Law and the Prophets. Symbolized by Moses and Elijah’s appearance and witnessed by these men. Moses, symbolizing those that have died in Christ, the other, Elijah, one who never tasted death…Wait. Didn’t Jesus say something about not tasting death before His return?

We could examine how neither the prophets nor the law could or can save a man. How it is only through the shed Blood of Jesus Christ, only by His Redemptive work done for you and I on Calvary’s Cross, that our salvation may be, can be found. How one such as you and I can’t even enter the place of desiring the new life Jesus’ death and resurrection provides without, outside of, the Fathers call.

We could go into it all. But we won’t…

Rather, I’d have your focus be on what’s to come…

As with our brothers, let’s assume you’ve had a taste of Jesus also. And like our brothers, though wobbly at times, you’re determined, fixed on following after Him. You’re walking up the mountain with Jesus, trusting, curious, excited, yet filled with trepidation’s. But your walking. Heel to toe—your walking.

The Apex is in sight yet you stop because He did. Look! What’s happening to Him? You can’t look anymore, not straightaway, only barely, through squinted eyes. Dazzling bright whiteness. Jesus stands before you—éclat.

And that Voice, that soul-penetrating, commanding Voice. Emanating from within the clouds. That same Voice that said, that you heard say, “This is my Son, listen to Him.” That Voice. The One that changes everything…

And wham…you’re on the ground. Stiff as a dead man with fright. You knew He was different this Jesus, knew He was powerful, believed He was a Prophet, The Son of God even, Messiah—but now. Oh now, sweet undeniable now…

Silent in contemplation, each step a thought, you return to the mundane that awaits you at the end of this journey, the base of this mountain. There’s always a valley. The necessary mundane, the purpose of the journey. Lessons. You’re now a witness to something so immense, so life altering it can only do one thing for you, propel you, prepare you, for what awaits you…The Fullness of Jesus.

There is a song by Jesus Culture entitled, “Holy Spirit”.

Within its second verse these lyrics are found; “I’ve tasted and seen, of the sweetest of loves. Where my heart becomes free and shame is undone. In your presence Lord.”

That dear heart, beloved, that is where I want you to focus today. On that taste. That moment on your personal mountain top, your place of witnessing His Transformative power…

I’m challenging you today to continue to walk in the footsteps of those three brothers who went before you. Trailblazers. The original taste-testers…

Follow their lead, read their stories, listen to their hearts—every time you, like they, get a little wobbly. And you will. We all do. Each time, every time your taste buds need a reminder of that one-of-a-kind, mind-blowing flavor of Jesus Christ. That other-worldly experience only He provides!

Why? Preparation.

Once you’ve tasted His love, mercy, goodness, grace, kindness—the plethora of His unmerited favor, His benevolence. Once you’ve had a taste of Him, His perfection, everything outside of Him becomes lack-luster, bland. Hospital food bland. It becomes ordinary and eventually, prayerfully, completely undesirable…

This is our great goal. Here, now, on earth. Before others—to desire, exude, crave, Him alone.

Like our brothers before us the taste of Jesus should leave us, has left us—ravenous. And it, that taste, should drive us to do anything—anything. Destroy every, any obstacle, every relationship that stands in the way of more—of it. Of Jesus.

Everything must be pushed aside, left. As we stand before all that Jesus has for us, like greedy, unashamed children we should be jumping up-and-down. Shovels, not spoons in our grasping hands, saying, screaming… yes please daddy, I would most definitely like more, and more—and more.

Until the day I stand before you a shirt-stained mess, belly puffed out from the bits hungrily gobbled-up along the way. Now, home with you. Sated. Finally, no further need for my spoon…