"Come follow me and I will make you fishers of men." Matthew 4:19

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Fill the Need. Colossians 4:12-13

Cast as much reproach as you like on me, ye worldlings; the more honour shall there be to God, who worketh as he pleaseth, and with what instrument he chooseth, irrespective of man. –Charles Spurgeon.

Continuing on in last week’s charge to be “doers of God’s Word”, notice then how one of our brothers who, having had no formal ministry training, did just that…

How he obeyed the call God had placed on his life, despite the hardships it brought with it, and then went out and filled the need he was called to fill. How he faithfully preached the Word, planted a then-obscure, and small-town church, prayed, and interceded for the Body of Christ at all times, and, co-labored with his brothers for the benefit of all. His learning coming by the instruction of the Holy Spirit and his fellow ministers. Pay attention to how Epaphras carried out this great and privileged mandate he’d been entrusted to walk out. Notice too, that though Epaphras was a simple man, much like the disciples before him, he bore evidence of the Holy Spirit at work in Him—in his ministry. And, like them, he was obedient to the will of God. The call on his life—his transformation was evident, it bore much fruit. Finally, in our examining of him, we’ll also catch glimpses of our brother Paul. Timothy too…

Little is known about Epaphras other than in all likelihood, Paul himself was responsible for his conversion. Our brother Epaphras was not a Jew, he was a gentile believer who, it’s believed, hailed from Colossae. He also became a friend, brother, and treasured co-laborer of the Apostle Paul. He holds the distinction of being lauded by Paul for his exhaustive prayer ministry. And, Paul, in the Fourth Chapter of Colossians, makes clear to the church in Colossae, and to us, his thoughts and knowledge of this Epaphras. Of his heart for serving God, and he reminds this nascent church of the command attached to the Word of God Epaphras had shared with them earlier. “Epaphras, who is one of you and a bond-servant of Christ Jesus, sends you greetings. [He is] always striving for you in his prayers, praying with genuine concern, [pleading] that you may [as people of character and courage] stand firm, [spiritually mature] and fully assured in all the will of God. For I testify for him that he has worked strenuously for you and for the believers in Laodicea and those in Hierapolis” –Colossians 4:12-13.

In the first chapter of Colossians we hear Paul refer to him as, “a faithful minister of Christ,” and in the fourth chapter of this same book, we hear Paul describe Epaphras with these words: “a servant of Jesus Christ”–Col. 1:7; 4:12.

Paul uses the term, “a servant of Christ Jesus” multiple times when referring to Himself. There is one other preacher whom Paul bestows this title upon as well; his son in the faith, young Timothy. “Paul and Timothy, bond-servants of Christ Jesus, To all the saints in Christ Jesus who are in Philippi, including the overseers and deacons:” –Philippians 1:1. Paul’s charge to Timothy was to do, in essence, what we’ve witnessed our brother Epaphras do: holding fast to his faith, praying and interceding for all people. Teaching and admonishing those in his charge that they might come to the saving knowledge of the One True God who is able to reconcile man back to God. “First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way. This is good, and it is pleasing in the sight of God our Savior, who desires all people to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth. For there is one God, and there is one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus…,” –1 Timothy 2:1-5.

In Chapter One of Colossians, the Apostle Paul informs us that it was Epaphras, who first shared the life-changing Good News with those in Colossae. He was responsible for the establishment of the Colossian church. Yet the only thing that qualified this convert for his position, this privilege, was God’s choosing of him, then, secondly, Paul’s confirmation of this calling on his life. “You learned it from [our representative] Epaphras, our beloved fellow bond-servant, who is a faithful minister of Christ on our behalf and he also has told us of your love [well-grounded and nurtured] in the [Holy] Spirit” –Colossians 1:7-8. All three of these men, in fact, share in this calling—this burning in their bones to pray for and to preach, teach, and encourage “whomsoever will” about this Jesus and His great life-changing love for them.  

Now let me ask you, “which area of service have you heard God whispering in your ear to lay hold of?” What fire is burning in your bones? Is God calling you to teach? To preach His Word? To missionary work? Evangelism? Worship? Intercessory Prayer? To leading others perhaps? Does His whispering make you feel as though there’s no way this could be you? That you must somehow have mistaken His voice for your own? That you’re in no way qualified? If so, that’s a great place to be! Why? Because you’re absolutely right!

You and I are not worthy to be called—used by, to serve, such a Holy, pure, and sinless God. And yet He calls us. More, He wants us. Wants to use us as His hands and feet and arms and eyes, His Words. Use us to go and serve and bleed and lift up and out that one He is wooing—calling to Himself; just as surely as He did with Epaphras and Paul and Timothy, with Peter and Moses, Abraham too. Yet, above all, He wants us. Period. He wants to have a relationship with us. To love us and shape us and teach us and change us, filling up, restoring, those empty, barren places within caused by this life we live. By our own sins and failures, by rebellion—and those who’ve sinned against us. By those thoughts that we are too broken, too stupid, too far from Him even.

I know this with certainty because I am one of the broken. The unqualified, the ill-educated, that unrefined, sin-stained one He called to Himself, washed in His Blood, then, clearly whispered, “Feed My sheep.”

Finally, as it was with Epaphras, and Paul and Timothy, so too it is with me. I must fulfill my calling in coming here every week, week after week, to meet with you. Praying for you while we are apart. Loving you, though we’ve never met; simply because I know my Father loves you. And I do it scared and uncertain that I able—am capable, of this awesome privilege of being here with you. And it’s there in my weakness and inability that He reminds me, time and again, that it’s not me who does this, it’s Him in me. It’s all Him. The same One who called and equipped our brothers is here now, inspiring this; calling you. I come here out of obedience to Him—out of love, His love, for you. I come because I too am a bondservant of God. And I was called here to fill a need…

“Therefore give all the glory to his Holy name. Cast as much reproach as you like on me, ye worldlings; the more honour shall there be to God, who worketh as he pleaseth, and with what instrument he chooseth, irrespective of man. Again, dearly-beloved, whatever is your work, whatever God has ordained you to do in this world, you are equally certain to have the assistance of the Holy Spirit in it.” Charles Spurgeon.

Brothers and sisters if you love the Lord and feel some stirring in the depth of you to serve Him, to fill some need, I urge you to fast and pray and seek His confirmation. God will always confirm His Word and His call. Seek out your pastor, or elder, a mature brother or sister, that they might pray with you, intercede for you. And then listen to what the Holy Spirit is saying to you…

And friend, if you are here today and don’t yet know this Jesus, don’t let another day pass you by without Him by your side. I can guarantee you, you are in no way “living your best life” without Him! Ask Him into your heart today, He’s waiting… “if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved” –Romans 10:9.

Not Even the Best of Things. John 16:7.

“But in fact, it is best for you that I go away, because if I don’t, the Advocate won’t come. If I do go away, then I will send him to you.”

It is beyond most of us, oftentimes, to fully understand why God would ask them to give something up. Especially when they can’t understand the reason why. When they don’t see the benefit or purpose in letting go. Of taking their hands off of that—intimate relationship, beloved friend, that job or home, city, or state they’ve loved living in. Deeper still, in giving up some part of themselves; a child or spouse, a beloved mentor, some long-standing belief. Things they’ve come to love, rely upon, trust in, or appreciate about ourselves. Now, if you have any knowledge of who God is, His character, you may have already picked up on what is amiss with some of what I’ve just said. Go ahead, go back, and reread it. Did you catch it? The “Things we have come to love, rely upon, trust in, appreciate about ourselves” part.

Allow me to clarify. In no way, am I saying that we should not love people—that would be a deliberate contradiction to the great commandment: “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the great and first commandment. And a second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself. On these two commandments depend all the Law and the Prophets” –Matthew 22:37-40. Neither am I saying that we should not enjoy our profession or home or those relationships we’ve been blessed to have invested our love and time and care into.

Rather, what I am saying is this: Nothing. No thing, no one, must ever take primacy over God. Ever. Not even the best of things—the greatest of His gifts. Not our spouses, not our children or parents or job or ministry, not where we live nor any-thing we have been allowed to use. Truth be told, most of us are still learning how to apply this Truth to our lives, daily.  I know I am. I’m much better at holding on to than in letting go of. I am thankful that God is patient and merciful. He knows the weakness of my frame yet loves me still. I am thankful that He lends me His strength for the heavy lifting! Not even Jesus made an allowance for such things. Nothing and no one superseded God in His life. Everything He does points towards and glorifies God. Everything. So must we then, in His strength, train ourselves, minute by minute, to follow after this example He models for us…

As I read and studied in preparation for this teaching, it became clear to me that we must be willing to posture ourselves, our hearts, before God. To make room for, ready ourselves for, more intense refining to begin; to take place within us. To have all—any of those things that sully us, still, removed from us—put away; that we might look more like the image of Him that has called us to Himself. After all, isn’t that a great part of, “the why” God takes things from our lives? Allows them to be taken? To refine us? I believe we are being asked to say yes to God, now, more than ever. Before we even know or understand just what it is we are saying yes to. Out of our love for Him—our deep-seated, abiding need for Him—in trust, we say yes. Out of a profound desire to rid ourselves, our lives, of anything and anyone that we know God is putting His finger on and saying, “Trust me on this, this person, this ministry, this home, job, relationship, this thought process, heart posture, way of living, this expression, belief or ideal has outgrown its season—it must go.” Left unattended, it will become a distraction that will blind you to whom, and to where God is leading you to.

On our journey with the Lord, we must come to understand those things given to us by God must remain fluid in our hands. Seldom, outside of Christ Himself and the sure promises found in Him are His greatest gifts ever unchanging.

 It was this lesson, in part, that Jesus was imparting to His disciples—to us, in today’s scripture…

They had eaten with Him, walked, and talked, laughed, and cried with Him—slept by the fire beside Him. They were fed by His every Word, refreshed in His love and compassion and mercy. They were emboldened by His justice! They had witnessed miracles in His presence. The dead had come back to life, the blind were given their sight, thousands were fed with 5 loaves and 2 small fish. Treacherous storms had been stilled, and the deepest of Truths were revealed in Words spoken so plainly, so frankly, even the least within their earshot was able to understand them—and marvel. This band of brothers, these disciples, had each felt Jesus calling them with such clarity and certainty, that, at this His behest, they left everyone and everything behind, and followed after Him. Yet now, these years later, after having done that, after having experienced all that they had by His side, after having become entwined with this Jesus in this most precious of relationships—this most indescribable bond of oneness, this deepest mystery of love and loyalty this true, “until death us do part” commitment; Jesus says He’s leaving them. Stop and feel that for a minute before you read on.

What! Why? Why would you do this to us!! What have we done to deserve this betrayal? No way… No, you simply can’t leave us, not now! NO! NO! You simply can’t go. Not now!

If you listen, you can almost hear their dazed, gutted cries. I can only imagine that all of these thoughts, and more, had been swirling around in their minds—perhaps even spilling out of their mouths. Scripture doesn’t make that clear to us. Yet, for anyone who has ever suffered such a soul-crushing loss, who has ever stood, in frozen disbelief, in utter powerlessness as you watched the center of your world go away; you qualify, surely, as having some small idea, some slight glimpse into what these men felt hearing this news fall from the very lips of God Himself. The same lips that had smiled at them and called them His friends—His beloved.

They had no idea, at that moment, of His unfathomable reason for having to go. The profound love behind His needing to leave—of removing Himself from their physical presence; all they felt was their deep grief. They didn’t know Golgatha’s Cross lay just around the bend. All they understood was that He was leaving them. He was taking something they loved away from them. And it’s no different from us, is it? When we’re told we must let go—give up something or someone—someplace or station in life, our health or husband or wife or child—our parents or home. They had no idea of who it was they had been doing life with these past three-plus years—not really. This unfathomable enormity of God. And neither do we. God is so much more, so much bigger and finer and far more Holy and Righteous and far-seeing than a mere man can ever take in.

His friends weren’t thinking about the fact that He stood over the dark void—seeing their beginning from their end. Seeing His plan unfolding from its end to its beginning. Knowing what is needed—and what isn’t, each step of the way. In each season and individual life—all at once. For as much as we believe we have come to know of Him, there are whole worlds, universes chuck full of these deep mysteries pointing us towards just how much we don’t yet know, can’t know, —at least not now, about this God we love so. How does a spirit encased in its limited flesh fully take in the unplumed love of God? One who offered Himself in our place all that we might be afforded a way back to Him. “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life” –John 3:16.

We were not created to hang onto anything given us by God, save Jesus and His Holy Spirit. We are expanded by His giving of these most precious gifts—stretched that we might receive more from one so Holy. Yet, in order for this to happen, room must be made. A surrendering of ourselves in exchange for Him, a hollowing out must occur; a new and clean replicable must be created, made ready deep within to catch, and store, His life-giving gifts. God takes away what we perceive to be good that we may grow in our dependence in Him, and in the realization that He alone is good. —Barnes.

Beloved, nothing. No—thing, no one, must ever take primacy over God. Ever. Not even the best of things—the greatest of His gifts. Won’t you posture your heart today—your very life, that He might refine you? Purify you as precious gold. Trusting Him when He asks you to return—let go of, your understanding of what’s best in exchange for His. “Why do you call me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ and do not do what I say? As for everyone who comes to me and hears my words and puts them into practice, I will show you what they are like. They are like a man building a house, who dug down deep and laid the foundation on rock. When a flood came, the torrent struck that house but could not shake it, because it was well built. But the one who hears my words and does not put them into practice is like a man who built a house on the ground without a foundation. The moment the torrent struck that house, it collapsed and its destruction was complete” –Luke 6: 46-49.

Friend, if you do not know this Jesus who died to ensure that you might gain God, then know this. He has led you here today that you might know His love for you and accept the absolute best He has to offer me and you; His Only Son, Jesus. Won’t you accept His best and by asking Him into your heart right now, as your Lord and Savior? You’re not here by chance…

Hunger and Thirst. John 4:4-42.

“Jesus answered her, “If you knew the gift of God and who it is that asks you for a drink, you would have asked him and he would have given you living water.”

She was thirsty. Truth is, she had been thirsty for quite some time. Her thirst was so voracious that not one of her 5 husbands nor her current lover was able to fully sate it. Yet thirst isn’t what sent her out to fill her water jugs on this hot afternoon; shame had caused her to steal away towards Jacobs well in search of much-needed water….

Being thirsty will do that to you…

It caused her to venture out into the high heat of the noonday sun simply to avoid the pain caused by those whose eyes were filled with loathing. To shield herself from the incessant, not-so hushed conversations that were laden thick with toxic contempt. Conversations so loud and pernicious their acrid poison pierced her own thoughts. “Five husbands, the shame! Harlot! Do you see who she is living with now? Don’t even look at her! Wicked creature! Filthy dog.” Each word a confirmation, an echo of what her own heart accused her of during her hours of stark isolation. “Spoiled. I am forever spoiled. So dirty. Filthy. Good for nothing other than shame. No one of value will ever look at me again…”

Each acrid word a fist. And, blow after blow, the assault just kept coming…

She should be used to it by now. The years of feeling shame. Dodging and weaving and avoiding. Of isolating—and telling herself whatever she needed to hear at that moment so as not to lose her mind. And, now, after having endured the exacting heat of the noonday sun that she might avoid the words of those women whose not-so hushed conversations stung like bees, after carrying her pain and shame this long way, this burdensome weight of knowing just how far she had fallen, how barren and parched she truly was; she’d arrived, finally, at Jacob’s well as thirsty as she had ever been. Finally, she was alone—well almost. A man was just there; sitting on the edge of the well. Will I never escape the reach of these insistent, needy men?

I wonder what this one wants?
They all want something…

He had walked into what most Jews of His day considered enemy territory. You see, Jews did not socialize with Samaritans. It just wasn’t done. To give you an idea of the strict division that existed between these two factions, think of the rift that has existed, and exists still, between the Catholics and Protestants in Northern Ireland. Or, drink in the sheer hatred and rivalry that exists between the Crips and the Bloods, or between any other bitterly opposing faction you can think of. This will give you a glimpse into the climate that existed between the Jews and Samaritans…

The deep chasm that divided them dated back before the separation of the northern and southern Jewish Kingdoms. These Samaritan Jews had become renegades. Mere half breeds in the eyes of any self-respecting Jew! Worshipping Yahweh and all those other strange gods, idols of all sorts. Surely, they were not true Jews!—1 Kings 12; 2 Kings 17.

Hence, why no self-respecting Jew would be caught dead in a filthy Samaritan village! Yet Jesus intentionally walks right into the middle of the years of bitter animosity and rivalry. Cutting through, like a hot knife through butter, all their religious, cultural, and social barriers simply by lovingly affirming their worth. He does this specifically to offer this thirsty woman a drink that would forever change, not only her life but would radically impact all those who knew of her reputation as well.

That’s what the love of God does. It changes you from the inside out. And this same love had caused Jesus to come and sit at Jacobs well, waiting. To restore—wash clean, make new, enliven. To offer new life to, a new way. Turning the world as she had known it, upside down. He came to tear down the division, the isolation, and, all of her false misconceptions. To break down those burdensome laws that men had implemented. He came to fulfill instead, every Word that God has ever spoken. And so much more. During His ministry, Jesus hungered after every Word that His Father spoke. They were His daily Bread. They were who He was. They were Him. What sustained Him. He lived to do the will of the Father—to speak what He heard His Father saying. To bring the love of God to a lost and dying world.

A world that hungered and thirst after anything that would satisfy it, however briefly. Even if it was killing them…

And so He asks this woman standing at Jacobs well, this one who is hiding in plain sight, for a drink of water. Jesus knows that what He has come to offer her far exceeds any thing she might give to Him—even unto her very life. But the time is coming—indeed it’s here now—when true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and in truth. The Father is looking for those who will worship him that way. The woman said, “I know the Messiah is coming—the one who is called Christ. When he comes, he will explain everything to us.” Then Jesus told her, “I am the Messiah!” –John 4:23-26.

In being afforded the honor of listening to this seemingly unorthodox conversation, we walk away with the privilege of having witnessed the love of God on full display. His heart and intentions freely poured out in the person of Jesus Christ, for Jew and gentile alike. (John 4:7-30)

She thought this Jew who showed up in her Samaritan village wanted something from her. After all, why else would a Jew stop to rest at a Samaritan well unless they wanted something? Why would any self-respecting Jew, say nothing of a Rabbi, talk to a Samaritan woman? It was unheard of! Rabbis didn’t even talk to their wives or daughters in public, never mind a Samaritan woman! To this very day, if an orthodox Jew should marry a gentile, the family will most likely hold that son or daughter’s funeral. Leaving no room for interpretation—they are dead. Both to their family and to their community.

Hence one reason why it had not occurred to her that this Jesus, a Jew—the Messiah, would ever come to a lowly Samaritan village simply to talk with her. To give something to her—not take one more thing from her; as so many had. Yet, even though He had shared with her all He had come to offer, even though she clearly understood this was no ordinary Jewish man, no ordinary Rabbi; still she wasn’t able to see through the gossamer veil of His parable (4:13-15).

Our sins blind us to His Truth…

So Jesus takes a different tack, a more direct approach. He purposely uses His knowledge of her sins to remove the scales from her eyes that she might truly see Him. Grasp at last His true intentions in coming to her. And it works! (John 4:16-19). More, through this one thirsty woman’s stepping from death into life, an entire village that had only moments before slammed their doors in her face, now opened their hearts to her after hearing her repeat all that this Jesus had revealed to her. John’s account informs us that because of what she had told them about this Jesus—about all that He had told her concerning herself, most came willing to listen to all He had to share with them. And, they not only listened to Jesus, but they were also thirsty for more! And, so, they asked Him to stay on with them because their hearts had been opened to hearing more from Him. Just as hers had. (4:39-42).

Friend is it possible that you, much like this woman at the well, are at a place in your life that you believe Jesus would never enter in to? Would never cross whatever barrier needed to be crossed that He might find you? Do you believe your sins are too great? Have you, like our woman at the well, bought into those not-so-hushed conversations concerning your worth?

If any of this rings true for you know this:

Just as surely as Jesus tore down every obstacle that He might save this one woman—He will do the same thing for you. He already has…
You are not too dirty, to hooked on whatever your choice of drug or drink is. There is no number of men or women you have had sex with that prohibits Jesus from loving you. Straight, gay, bi, drunk, drugging, stealing, not even the taking of life will separate you and God.

Jesus did not expect this woman to clean up her act before He was willing to come and talk with her, reveal the Truth of who He is to her. He knew that once they had a real conversation—once her heart was genuinely open to hearing what He had to say to her, He would then begin to lead her into the life He had created her to live. More, she would joyfully follow after Him! Leaving behind all those sinful choices that had once separated them…

He knew she was thirsty. He also knew He was exactly what she needed that she might never thirst again…

How about you? Have you also been thirsty for a long while too? Are you willing to leave what you’ve relied on until now at the well? Drinking deeply instead of what it is Jesus has to offer— a new life in Him? …Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life. —John 10:14-16.

If you hear Him speaking to your heart today please, stop and listen to all He has to tell you about yourself. Ask Him to sit awhile with you. To become your Lord and Savior. After all, He came all this way that you might….

Deliverance. Exodus 21-22

“Then Moses stretched out his hand over the sea, and all that night the Lord drove the sea back with a strong east wind and turned it into dry land. The waters were divided, and the Israelite’s went through the sea on dry ground, with a wall of water on their right and on their left.”


This message dropped in my belly on New Year’s Day. I grabbed my Bible, journal, a pen, and headed over to the nearby pond for some alone time with the Lord. It was the first morning of the New Year…

As I sat before the Lord seeking His will for this new season, I realized that it had taken a series of awfully specific yet outwardly random events to lead me to one simple, yet powerful Word: Deliverance. And, just in case I might have missed what the Lord was impressing on my spirit, in His infinite wisdom and grace, He confirmed His Word yet again, today. As I share what’s been deposited in my belly with you, I’m also speaking over myself. This was—is, a very personal, specific, and, for me at least, a very timely Word. And I believe it is for some of you as well. For someone this will be the confirmation you have prayed for, for others not.

Might I suggest you eat the meat and spit out the bones…

Amid all the New Year hype, all the varied conversations with family and friends concerning resolutions, intentions, and hopes, all I wanted—needed actually, was to go and get alone with God. I couldn’t wait to get out of the house. There was a sense of urgency bubbling-up within me. I sensed in my spirit that a “suddenly” moment is upon the Body of Christ. A communal experience for sure, yes—yet also a deeply personal one as well.

There is nothing new under the sun…

Scholars estimate that some 2 million plus Jews—and those Egyptians that chose to go with them in the exodus, left Egypt behind following after Moses and Aaron. To give you a visual of what that may look like today, picture turning on the news and seeing all of Houston Texas, with its population of 2 million plus citizens, walking some 220 plus miles—the approximate distance from Egypt to the Red Sea—across that state. Or, google a picture of the Anti-Nuclear March that took place in New York’s Central Park in 1982; though that visual would pale in comparison to the march of the Israelite’s, as only a mere million people were gathered in Central Park. I stress these numbers that you might try to wrap your mind around such a great multitude. Now, liken that visual to the mammoth amount of individuals God actually delivered across  11 miles of the Red Sea—safely! Through a sea He had to first divide and then continue to send such powerful winds through its midst that its saturated sea-bottom became dry land! Firm enough to bear up under the weight of many souls, of every animal, cart, child, and its mother…

Surely if God fulfilled His promise to deliver those who had become so entrenched in hopelessness that most had all but forgotten He was God; He is equally faithful to deliver you and me, all those equally entrenched in their own slavish hopelessness. As I stated at the beginning of this post—I’m sharing this for all who believe. Also, for each of you who have yet to come to have faith in Jesus as their Lord and Savior. The blanket of God’s promise to deliver His people covers even those whose toes are still sticking out from under its covering…

None of us stand before an actual sea that must be crossed in order that we might live. And yet each of does stand facing our own Red Sea nonetheless. What has God strategically put in front of you? What impossible “thing”, what situation, addiction, relationship, life-style choice are you currently facing? What is your personal impossible? Is it drug addiction? Porn perhaps? Are you drinking too much? Lying, cheating, or stealing maybe? Are you sleeping with someone you have no business being intimate with? Have you aborted your baby? Are you eating yourself to death? Does your mouth profess one thing, yet your secrets tell an entirely different story? Are you full of fear? Suicidal? Do you wrestle with ongoing depression? Are you an adulterer? A child molester? Maybe a murderer? Do you choose to believe there is no God? I’m here today to tell you that if you’ve ticked any or all of these boxes—God still loves you. Let me say that again. If you’ve committed every sin I’ve listed—or some I haven’t, God loves you. Period.

It’s not, “God loves you, but you must.” Or, “God loves if you’ll but do x, y, and z.” It’s not like that. God just loves you ________ (add your name).

Do you see the difference there? Pay close attention. There’s the you that God has created, and then  the sins you’ve committed that keep you separated from Him. You are not your sins! You are God’s creation! And you were created for a purpose! And, He died that you might one day walk across the bridge of His Body—broken just for you. Delivered now, safely back to the Father, washed clean in the Blood He shed to rid you of those sins. As surely and safely as God delivered Israel from the grip of their enemy so too Jesus will deliver you from the grip of your enemy as well. That’s His part—to deliver you. As only He can…

Yet look at our Scripture verse. We too have a part to play in this deliverance account. Small as it might be it’s ours nonetheless—and, there are no stand-ins. As it was with Moses, so it is with us. We need to act. We must offer back to God what He has graciously placed in our hands; our free will. We must stretch it out before God in humility—in recognition, admitting that outside of Him we are powerless to deliver ourselves from all that is “impossible” before us.

He alone is God of the impossible. Only He can deliver His children…

Even the mighty King David, a man after God’s own heart, knew this… “The valleys of the sea were exposed and the foundations of the earth laid bare at your rebuke, Lord, at the blast of breath from your nostrils. He reached down from on high and took hold of me; he drew me out of deep waters. He rescued me from my powerful enemy, from my foes, who were too strong for me. They confronted me in the day of my disaster but the Lord was my support. He brought me out into a spacious place; he rescued me because he delighted in me” –Psalm 18:15-19.

Beloved, as you stand facing the very dawn of this New Year take heart, you are not alone! God has led you to this seeming wilderness. Suddenly, while facing what has appeared impossible to conquer, or get, let go of, repent of, believe Him for—maybe half a life-time now for some, God will divide the waters before you that you may cross over safely. Never to see this vicious enemy that has held you captive again! “But Moses told the people, “Don’t be afraid. Just stand still and watch the LORD rescue you today. The Egyptians you see today will never be seen again” Exodus 14:13.

Friend, I do believe God in His infinite mercy, and out of His great love for you, has surely brought you here today. If you are His child, I pray this Word confirms what He has already spoken to you. And, I pray your obedience in seeking what it is He will have you to do, give up, submit yourself to, take your hands off of, repent of; in this season of His mighty deliverance!

And, if you find yourself here and have yet to ask Jesus into your life as your Savior and Lord, then I believe also, that today is the day God has chosen as your new birth day! Jesus, when talking to Nicodemus, a teacher of the Law said this: “He came to Jesus at night and said, “Rabbi, we know that You are a teacher who has come from God. For no one could perform the signs You are doing if God were not with him.” Jesus replied, “Truly, truly, I tell you, no one can see the kingdom of God unless he is born again”—John 3:2-3; emphasis my own.

Whatever it is your facing today beloved know this in your very bones: You can cross over safely if you’ll but take the Hand of the One who makes all things possible. Jesus Christ the Lord…

“After-Glow.” Matthew 1:23

 Behold, the virgin shall be with child and give birth to a Son, and they shall call His name Immanuel”—which, when translated, means, “God with us.”

So much had to be sacrificed  in order that one flawless night, one single, holy night, that life-changing night, might come to pass. And, too, that one night happened so that you and I might be afforded the opportunity to follow the Light that had guided three wise men and some lowly shepherds to a child born in the lowliest of settings, so awfully long ago…

The birth has occurred. Jesus is among us! The sweat from birthing a child dried now on Mary’s body. Her flush waning. The sheep are back out in the fields with their respective shepherd’s. Jesus is wrapped up securely. He sleeps peacefully tucked up against Mary’s warm side. Josephs’ face is still beaming. Look there! Yet His star guides us still, this day! Just over that next hill the wise men linger on their way back east. The memory of His star that had guided them to that Holy place, lasting. Burning brightly in their hearts, still. Its light as inescapable now as it was the moment it first summoned them on their journey. Never again will this world be the same. They are not the same now as they were that pivotal day each decided to mount up on their camels in pursuit of this newborn King.

Immanuel is here now—and nothing, not one thing ever, will be the same. Loves brilliant Light has pierced every darkened corner of this world—theirs too! Inescapable…

As a result of that first Christmas some 2000 years ago, neither these three kings—nor any man, anywhere, will ever again be able to say that they did not know about the glory of God having been birthed in a manger! If somehow, they  had been blinded to the physicality of His Truth seen in creation; there could still be pardon. Now, with the knowledge of His birth, all excuses have been removed. And so it is still in these final hours. All excuses are removed. All men have but two choices set before them. Those same two choices that have been set before each of us. Will you, like wise men before you, leave everything behind and follow in pursuit of the King? Or, will you enter this new year once again closing your eyes, hearts, minds, every unction bubbling up within you, off from the guiding Light of His glorious presence?Choosing instead to remain in darkness…

Love was born with one purpose in mind—sacrificial obedience. And, out of that obedience to God this new babe would one day lay down on His Cross—willingly. Stretching Himself wide, He’d make certain there is room for you and me inside the inn of His body. The divine exchange taking place. Him taking in your death—your filthy sins, that you might instead have His eternal life having been washed as pure as He is by the shedding of His innocent Blood. That is what this and every other Christmas is all about. That is the gift God has offered you—year, after year, after year. Him loving you so much that He’d send His only Son—to you. A free gift. As I said a moment ago, it’s most definitely personal. Will you receive Gods’ gift or, will stuff it in some forgotten corner of your life until this time next year?

What will you do with the Gift that cost both Father and Son so very much? Mary and Joseph too? Just think of it all! If it were not enough—as unimaginable as that is, that the Sovereign God of the universe handed over His pure, perfect, beloved Son to us—filthy, fallen, sinful man—He did so knowing that we were going to kill Him!

More, God sent Him to us specifically that we would kill Him! He was Gods spotless atoning sacrifice. Intentional! Gods most precious gift to the entire world. And, Jesus, when asked to leave heaven and die for us said: “Yes, sure, I’ll go. I know I’m the only One who’s able to help them make their way back to You. Father” More still, if the Prince of heaven coming to earth were not a great enough sacrifice, an incomprehensible gift given us; think then of simple everyday people, like Mary and Joseph, ordinary people willing to offer so much of themselves for you. When’s the last time a complete stranger sacrificed anything for you?

Mary, a woman like any other woman, endured great shame and rejection for you and me so that Gods Son might be born of her virgin flesh. That He might understand, from a human perspective, everything you and I think, desire, and experience. Feeling every temptation; yet He’d never sin. Mary, this stranger to us, endured this and so much more, for you. Only God can place the grace needed for this level of sacrifice inside of anyone’s heart. And then there’s Joseph. Joseph who was ostracized—thought to be a fool by many for going through with a marriage to a girl who obviously cared so little for him she had allowed herself to be sullied by another man! Joseph who left a family, a home and a business, a plan for a life he’d never know…

My friend, now that you’ve once again heard about this Jesus, now that you’ve been re-minded that He was born, and that He died just for you; what will you do with this knowledge? Will you, like the wise the wise men of old, follow after this same guide they were afforded—Jesus’ undeniable, inextinguishable Light? Will you, like those who’ve gone before you, use whatever ray of hope that’s been shined into your current darkness to mount up in pursuit of this King of Kings? Or, will you choose to close the door of your heart for one more year? Again. Will you, as some did that holy night, hang a “do not disturb” sign on your door? Refusing to acknowledge even now the still visible after-glow of a Love so divine, so cherished above all things that men, wise men, common men, both learned and unlearned men, still, to this very day. leave all behind to follow Him . So much has been sacrificed for you. So much has been freely given that you might know—might be willing to experience, such a love.

Friend, it’s never too late, So long as there is breath there’s hope…

With this in mind, I’ll close asking you just one question. Yet before I do, in anticipation of those who might say, “I don’t believe in that Bible stuff. I don’t believe in your Jesus. Nice story, but I’ve read  many a nice story. I just don’t buy it!” I will add this precursor. Please, know, some things are real whether you believe in them or not. Now, with that having been proved, my question on the eve of this New Year is: What will you do with the greatest gift ever presented you? Yes you. It is personal. I know, I know, He came for the entire world. And that’s Truth. Yet, it’s equally True that He came explicitly for you. Christ chose to leave God and the glory of heaven. He chose to wrap Himself up in flesh and be birthed by Mary among barnyard animals, reeking Shepherd, and dank hay. There was not one accidental event leading up to Jesus’ birth—nor has there been one since. So, if you’ve been thinking Jesus came for everyone but you—you’re mistaken! The world may have told you that lie—many of us have been lied to by broken people who’ve been lied to themselves—but He sent me here today, in the power of the Holy Spirit, to bring you good news!

Jesus came specifically for you! That is the Truth of why He came at all…

Wise men, in adoration and hope, look up to heaven still in their silent nightly prayers. And, their reward is that of the Light of the world reaching down from heaven touching their birthing places here on earth—the Inns of their hearts. His Body once broken on our behalf mended by our re-joining with it…

Again Jesus spoke to them, saying, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life” John 8:12.

Friend, that star that shone brightly might seem but a dim reminder of some tall-tale told long ago of a babe born to us that few acknowledge today. I pray if you have been one of these—may His star be magnified in your New Year sky! Leading you to the One that was born to save you! Won’t you choose to follow Him in this New Year friend?

Simply ask Him into your heart as both Lord and Savior. He is faithful to come. He’s already proven that once…









From Position to Possessions. 2 Samuel 5:12

 “Then David knew that the Lord had established him as king over Israel and had exalted his kingdom for the sake of his people Israel.”

What had happened that caused David to know everything he’d been given, from position to possessions, had been given him that he might use it to bless others?

Who told him?

Did God whisper it in his ear?

Did he have a dream?

A divine revelation?

Perhaps it was an angel who had enlightened him?

Maybe he remembered Gods promise to Abraham: “And I will make of you a great nation, and I will bless you and make your name great, so that you will be a blessing”—Genesis 12:2.

Or, had the sudden favor and acceptance that had been recently bestowed upon him stir this knowing awaking it within him? Did it stretch the smallness of his vision of tending sheep for the rest of his life—opening him to grasp the vast favor and provision of the future palace? Making room within to fully embrace his  God-given destiny…

Understand that though I am using this text reach out to us, the modern church concerning our responsibility for giving, blessing, sharing, caring, defending, loving Gods people, for accepting all that God has for us, its literal application is intended for the nation of Israel.

David was an underdog. A ruddy kid who smelled of sheep and sweat and was treated as a hired-hand by his father and brothers. Scripture tells us that when the prophet Samuel showed up at David’s fathers house in search of the new king God had sent him there to anoint—David’s father didn’t even acknowledge David as his child until the prophet pressed him by asking if all his sons were present? Then Samuel said to Jesse, “Is that all of the young men?” Jesse replied, “There is still the youngest one, but he’s taking care of the flock.” Samuel said to Jesse, “Send and get him, for we cannot turn our attention to other things until he comes here.”—1 Samuel 16:11.

David wasn’t the kid who’d always had everything handed to him—Scripture will confirm this. Yet, Scripture also confirms that David had a deep and abiding love, some might call it a fierce and passionate love for the Lord God. We catch a tiny glimpse of this passionate devotion to God in his response to the Philistine giant Goliath’s taunting of the Israelite army (1 Samuel 17:26;45-47).David was a man after Gods own heart. And yet, anyone God blesses—any person He elevates into a position of leadership, will suddenly feel the exacting weight of the great privilege they’ve been afforded. We are not given the gifts and talents we’ve freely received, the jobs, homes, or resources, the time nor opportunities, for our benefit alone—rather, as with David, we are blessed by God that we’ll in-turn bless others. More accurately—we were blessed by God for that specific purpose. To be a blessing to others. Abundantly. There’s a Christian colloquialism for this Scriptural truth that states, “we’re blessed to be a blessing…”.

The modern Church is rich beyond measure. Even the smallest, poorest member of this Body is far richer than most folks’ wildest dreams! How you ask? Each member owns—if they know Jesus as their Lord and Savior, the Pearl of great Price. Christ Himself. And, in Him, they have the fullness of the Father and the Holy Spirit. Hence, they have been honored, entrusted to share His great treasure, the Gospel—with all men. Yet, as I stated, with privilege comes great responsibility. Said Scripturally; “…much will be demanded from everyone who has been given much, and from the one who has been entrusted with much, even more will be asked” –Luke 12:48.

Now that you know this you can never un-know it. Now, you are responsible to spend your riches wisely, lavishly! Riches that can neither tarnish nor rot. Riches no thief can steal from you nor, if prized, the one you share them with, and, no faulty economy will ever be able to diminish its value…

Our God is no respecter of persons.

As with David, so anyone whom the world rejects, considers to be the least of theirs, a throw-away. If they know Jesus as Lord they’ve  been entrusted, as David was, with unplumbed wealth, True wealth. A mind-boggling treasure has been entrusted to them as surely and fully as if they were David! A treasure given that it may be spread around like so many seeds. And, though this spreading of the Gospel is our greatest responsibility, we are also responsible for using wisely each resource we’ve been afforded. From our money to our time, talents, and service to others, we must aid in “feeding” all those who are hungry…

They didn’t even acknowledge David as one of their own—Yet God had chosen him to be the King of His people, Israel while he was faithfully, wholeheartedly, selflessly caring for his father’s sheep…

Has God placed you among sheep for this season?

Are you feeling forgotten? Are you alone in some overlooked field tending someone else’s resources? If so, praise God! You are being prepared for who and what God has coming your way! Little did David realize that he was a king in a shepherd boys’ clothes! “David will forever have a descendant sitting on the throne of Israel” –Jeremiah 33:17.

Perhaps you need to ask God to give you His vision? Ask to see yourself as He sees you…

David had served faithfully, joyfully, with little to call his own. His long, lonely nights in the field, his father’s cold indifference, his brothers’ disdain and disregard, and his father’s sheep his constant companions. Yet David served them each faithfully. Giving all that he had to protect and defend them. And God was watching. We judge by outward appearances. God judges our hearts. God had placed David on the throne for the sake of His people and that His covenant promise to David would be fulfilled in the person of the coming Messiah, Jesus Christ. “And your house and your kingdom shall be established forever before you. Your throne shall be established forever” –2 Samuel 7:16.

Yet, God sent a man of prominence to David specifically to bless him. To ensure that all David’s needs were more than taken care of! That he had surplus—an overflow. “Now Hiram king of Tyre sent envoys to David, along with cedar logs and carpenters and stonemasons, and they built a palace for David”—vs. 12, 2 Samuel 5.

David had been faithful with little. Now God was about to bless that faithfulness and fulfill His good purpose…

Our Scripture tells us that David knew that God had established him and blessed him. Yet, is it possible that the reason David’s knowing didn’t kick in until after his palace was completed is due to the fact that he’d had so little for so long? Did it take seeing the completed palace before he fully “knew” all that had been spoken over him, promised him, was now finally coming to pass? Had all those days of lack caused a deep chasm of fear to develop within him? Momentarily placing his faith just beyond his reach? Had David—like so many of us—incorrectly believed that God was certainly able to bless anyone He chose. Abundantly. Lavishly even—just not him? Not me— and certainly not you! That kind of blessing belonged to others. After-all we, like David, have witnessed it all our lives. Others being richly favored that is. Others living in overflow. But not us. Never us. We live among the sheep, our cloaks wrapped tightly around us—as protection. Heads down, serving where we’ve been placed, blessing those whom we meet—giving to all that are in need, grateful to God for this tiny square of earth, this room, apartment, house, gift, talent, dollar, job we’ve been afforded. Yet hoping, always hoping, that we’ll be next…

Or, was there a more practical reason for David’s “knowing”? Was it merely a clue into the mindset of his time and culture? “Put your outdoor work in order and get your fields ready; after that, build your house” –Psalm 24:27. David had this first part down. He’d tended and looked after. Built-up and cared for. Multiplied for the good of His father, for others. He ‘d been a good steward. Now, it was time to build his own house. Let those that have ears hear…

Let us never forget that it was God who blessed David just as surely as it was God who gave David both the heart and desire to bless all those his life touched. Even if it cost him the palace. All that we have is a gift from God. David knew this. He knew nothing was his own.Freely it has all been given, so freely give all. Lavishly…

“But King David said to Araunah, No, but I will buy it of you for a price. I will not offer burnt offerings to the Lord my God of that which costs me nothing. So David bought the threshing floor and the oxen for fifty shekels of silver” –2 Samuel 24:24.

Brothers and sisters know that our Father has many blessings stored up for you. Be on the look out for The One who is coming to deliver them…

If you are here today and have not yet asked Jesus into your life as Lord and Savior, today is the day, now the time! Soon and very soon He’ll come—bringing with Him His reward. Are you ready to receive Him?


Painting with Broad Strokes. Genesis 12:1

 ‘Now [in Haran] the Lord had said to Abram, “Go away from your country, And from your relatives And from your father’s house, To the land which I will show you…”


God is not bound to offer us details. We are in His service—He, by no means, is in ours…

Hebrews Chapter 11 is often referred to as the “Hall of Faith”. Within it are listed 16 names of the faith-filled men and women of God. Number 4 on this list is Abraham. He’s a descendant of Noah’s son, Shem. We know him as Sarah’s husband—the father of Isaac and Jacob. More, we know him as a man of unmovable faith…

We first hear of Abraham at the close of Genesis Chapter 11. Only he isn’t called Abraham (“father of a multitude”)—yet. That will come later—along with his new identity. For now, he’s Abram (“high father”) …

Abram is one of Terah’s three sons. For reasons Moses doesn’t explain, Terah, after the death of his son Haran, decided to move his family to Canaan. And again, for reasons undisclosed to us in Scripture, they all settled in Harran rather than in Canaan. It is here in Harran that God instructs Abram to leave everything and everyone behind and head off to a land he’ll be shown—somewhere down the line. And He does. Notice God’s instructions to Abram were both fixed, yet fluid. God seldom makes known His Truth to us all at once. Rather, He reveals it one glimpse behind the veil at a time. As we faithfully obey His wooing—the next step in our faith walk is revealed. God’s plan for our lives is unfolding gradually. It’s a progressive revelation. “The plans of the LORD stand firm forever, the purposes of His heart through all generations” –Psalm 33:11.

Abram obeyed Gods call to pick up and leave. Later in Abrams story, we’ll see God give Abram a new name—and with it, a new identity. “I promise that you will be the father of many nations. That’s why I now change your name from Abram to Abraham” –Genesis 17: 4-5. Later still, God tests Abraham’s loyalty. He asks Abraham to give back to Him the one thing Abraham has waited—literally, a lifetime for; this promised, beloved son. Nonetheless, at God’s command, Abraham takes his son, the son in whom the seed of promise for all future generations rests, and heads up to the top of the mountainous region known as Moriah or, more commonly, Mount Moriah. There, at the Lords biding, he ties Isaac up and lays him on the altar of sacrifice. He pulls out a dagger, hefts it up that he might plunge it deep into his beloved son—bringing an end to both Gods promise and Isaac’s life. Even so, Abraham was faith-filled. He obeyed believing deeply that if God allowed him to take his sons life—God would also bring Isaac back to life. God had made him a promise. More—a blood covenant. “This is my covenant, which ye shall keep, between me and you and thy seed after thee: every male among you shall be circumcised. And ye shall be circumcised in the flesh of your foreskin; and it shall be a token of a covenant betwixt me and you”—Genesis 17:10-11.

As I stated earlier, God’s instructions to Abraham were both fixed yet fluid.

Fixed in that God had always known exactly what He would do with Abraham and, exactly how Abraham would respond. Fluid in that, for Abraham’s part, he would have to step unseeingly, obediently, and then wait on Gods timing for his next step of faith. And then step and wait again. And again. Trusting always in this God He just knew would neither disappoint—nor fail him. Ever. Though Abraham certainly saw specific glimpses come to pass of the picture of Gods promise spoken over him—there was no way Abraham could have known that the brush strokes God was using to paint this picture would be carried out with such broad strokes. Strokes that would be added by Moses and David, by Rahab, Gideon, and Samson. “All these died in faith [guided and sustained by it], without receiving the [tangible fulfillment of God’s] promises, only having seen (anticipated) them and having welcomed them from a distance and having acknowledged that they were strangers and exiles on the earth” –Hebrews 11:13. A picture made clear—made perfect and complete, in Jesus only.

Yet, God is still developing—defining, through You and me, this same canvas He started with Abraham…

Just as Abraham was obedient to the call of God on his life—to the “leave and cleave” command, down to the, “use what’s in your hand” of Moses, and on to the, “follow me” heard by Peter, we too, you and I, must also be faith-full. They—these first fruits of the faith, were called forth to pave the path you and I have the great privilege to walk along today.  We get to follow their examples, by faith, adding our own colors to this canvas called the plan of God. We, each, ordinary men, and women, made extraordinary by the power of the One who called them—and us, out of darkness and into His glorious Light. Everyday people like Abraham and Moses and David and Peter, and you, and I, all who dare to believe God. And, like them, we too may never see our picture completed. No man is promised this.

God is not bound to offer us details. It’s not about us. We, like Abraham, and so many others that have gone before us, may never know, this side of heaven, the why’s and what-for’s of Gods call on our lives.

Why were we asked to let go or to hang on? Why did our child die, or our spouse walk out? What was the fruit of our purpose? Why did we receive the diagnosis that reached out and snatched the very air from our lungs? Why, after we did what we know God asked us to do, is everything falling apart? Why was it our child who became addicted?

Why did it have to happen to us…?

To say that we, like Abraham, may never know until that day we see Jesus face to face may feel cruel—harsh, or simply unfair. But, dear heart, it may be nonetheless true.  It was for Abraham. Yet, if we, like those spoken of in Hebrews 11 will just believe, as outlandish as being asked to have faith may sound considering your circumstances, believe that God does have a plan—that all of this seeming random insanity, this apparent chaos, serves a greater purpose; that God will use it, all of it, every scrap, to make something beautiful, rich and unfathomably rewarding come to pass in our lives—if, we’ll just believe…

The joy of following Jesus isn’t found in the details. It’s found in the broad strokes—in the leaps of faith, both great and small. It’s found living in peace beside the chaos, or, around the corner from confusion. It’s living right next door to disappointment and failure and thriving—despite the neighborhood. The joy of following Jesus that the fathers of the faith held on to is found in the blunt Truth that they didn’t deserve Him. We don’t either; and yet, He chose us and gave us this measure of faith necessary to believe for just one more day, and then one more day… “Now faith is the assurance (title deed, confirmation) of things hoped for (divinely guaranteed), and the evidence of things not seen [the conviction of their reality—faith comprehends as fact what cannot be experienced by the physical senses]. For by this [kind of] faith the [a]men of old gained [divine] approval. By faith [that is, with an inherent trust and enduring confidence in the power, wisdom and goodness of God] we understand that the worlds (universe, ages) were framed and created [formed, put in order, and equipped for their intended purpose] by the word of God, so that what is seen was not made out of things which are visible” Hebrews 11:1-3.

Hang in there beloved. God didn’t fail Abraham and He won’t fail you either. He can’t. If He commanded you to do it, He will equip you to complete it…

Trust God. Abraham did. And it was credited to Him as righteousness…

You’re not here by accident friend. If you’re a believer, then pray, ask the Lord what it is He’s calling you towards? Or, ask what it is He may be leading you away from? What’s He asking you to leave behind that you might follow Him more closely?

And, if you’ve not yet met this Living God who ever leads us towards our best life, then now is the time. Today is your day. Take the step. Ask Jesus to come into your life and lead you too. Go ahead, ask Him. He’s been waiting to answer you. It’s why He led you here…

 “For I know the plans and thoughts that I have for you,’ says the Lord, ‘plans for peace and well-being and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope. Then you will call on Me and you will come and pray to Me, and I will hear [your voice] and I will listen to you. Then [with a deep longing] you will seek Me and require Me [as a vital necessity] and [you will] find Me when you search for Me with all your heart.  I will be found by you,’ says the Lord, ‘and I will restore your fortunes and I will [free you and] gather you from all the nations and from all the places where I have driven you,’ says the Lord, ‘and I will bring you back to the place from where I sent you into exile”’ Jeremiah 29: 11-14.


Complete Submergence. Luke 12:50

 But I have a baptism to undergo, and how it consumes me until it is finished!”

A new season is being birthed. And, birthing is a very, messy and painful business. But oh, when that baby comes!

I’d heard it said recently that there’s a moment in each believer’s life where their faith must cross over from doctrinal, head knowledge, a learned faith—into a practical, determined faith. A faith that’s been tested. One that’s been tried in the fire of adversity, of loss. Tried when God says no. When doors are closed and no hint of God’s voice can be heard nor His presence felt.  Faith formed in moments of being pruned so deeply there is no end to our tears. The awakening of such tenacious faith however, often occurs only in the crucible of adversity…

Crucible. A Word that dropped into my Spirit back in early July of this year. And it’s been sitting in my belly until now. It’s defined as follows: a situation of severe trial, or in which different elements interact, leading to the creation of something new: a severe test: a place or situation in which concentrated forces interact to cause or influence change or development.

I am in such a crucible now. Many of us are. It’s one of those seasons when God is requiring us to dig deeper.  When the “fluff” of casual faith is being sifted away; leaving behind instead, a tried and tangible faith. Truth is, it’s so much easier to preach the Cross of Christ—teach about His Cross—than it is to heft it up on our own all too fragile shoulder and carry it. And yet, for those of us found in Him—called by His glorious name, we are expected to do just that. Carry our Cross that is. “If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me…” –Matthew 16:42. And, although His life-extracting Cross was His alone to carry Jesus was never alone. The Father had ensured He’d been given a helper. Someone who would help Him carry the weigh of His cross. He does the same for us as well. “And as they led him away, they laid hold upon one Simon, a Cyrenian, coming out of the country, and on him they laid the cross, that he might bear it after Jesus” –Luke 23:26. The weight of our cross forces us to release the last vestiges of our will. Gods finger on any area of our lives will have that affect on us. And, in our moments of complete surrender the Holy Spirit comes. Our Helper places His shoulder under the weight of our cross. Making the carrying of it possible, sufferable.

So why then, are we so befuddled—feel so betrayed, let down when we’re asked by God to pick up our cross and carry it for a season? Why is this such a shocking thing to us? I by no means know the full answer to the question I’m posing. My purpose in asking it at all is simply to provoke us to think. To drive us into seeking the Lords answer in prayer. To go searching the Scriptures for answers. To start a conversation that might shake us from our sleep. Re-minding us that we were each told one day we’d have a cross of our own to carry. But we forget. Become comfortable in our every-day-ness until the moment that is that our waters are troubled!

Yet there is one thing I know about cross carrying. Of being asked to carry a cross I mean. And it’s this: It is all about Love.  His great Love for us. The Cross is a tangible reminder of love having come and revealed Himself to us—to me. It’s a privilege too. The Cross is our highest example. The most complete definition of Love we have—or will ever know. And we are blessed—honored, to be trusted in having any part of it all…

To be a partaker of His Cross is like witnessing a dad sitting across from his beloved child and, while looking them straight in their eyes, pouring out his heart to them. Filling their ears with every desire he has for them. Every hope and dream he’s ever thought towards them. Lovingly detailing every iota of promise, purpose, and potential he sees within them and all that he would do and give to help draw it out of them; being blessed himself by witnessing their gifts and talents used to change the world He alone created for them, one person at a time. But don’t take my word for it. Pick up your Bible and check out the conversations for yourself. Read the part that details the greatest definition of love ever written: “For God so loved the world…”.

Jesus knew the Cross would be agonizing. Extracting. He knew in the end it would kill Him. Rather, it would kill His flesh

Nothing could touch His Life. From the beginning that has always been One with the Father. Guarded for all eternity. A sure promise. An Amen. But His flesh, His flesh would have to die in order that the purpose of His birth be accomplished, fulfilled. He would have to completely immerse His will into the Fathers. There is no other way to accomplish the perfect will of God. No half measure will ever suffice. “It was a perfect sacrifice by a perfect person to perfect some very imperfect people. By that single offering, he did everything that needed to be done for everyone who takes part in the purifying process” –Hebrews 10:14 MSG Bible. So too it is—must be, with us. A relationship with God is all or nothing. Done correctly, it’s an “all-in” commitment. The two become One flesh. His Flesh. Our crosses are intended to kill our flesh that we might, like gold being refined in the fiery furnace, be poured out, rid of those impurities that tarnish—preventing the pure image of Jesus from being seen in and through us to a lost a dying world.

We want the benefits of such a love: the salvation He died to offer us. The blessings and favor and forgiveness a relationship that results from such a love offers. But in our humanity, we run from—reel under, the weight of carrying its cross. We lose sleep. We’re tormented. We question and plead, bargaining with God to remove this cup of suffering from us. I know I did. Jesus understands this about us. He knows our weakness. Knows that though we love God—want to follow Him, we’re weak, frail, incapable, outside of Him to do anything—carry anything, of eternal value. “For we do not have a high priest who is unable to empathize with our weaknesses, but we have one who has been tempted in every way, just as we are–yet he did not sin” —Hebrews 4:15. He understands that the harassment and oppression of anticipation can be as heavy, sometimes more so, than the real thing itself. He understands we just want it to be over. To have passed our test. To have this season behind us. He understands that though we want to do the will of God, the journey towards its end is agonizing. He, better than us all, understands agony. Hence, our Scripture verse today. “But I have a baptism to undergo, and how it consumes me until it is finished!” –Luke 12:50

He understands we want to do the will of God all-the-while hoping that His will might somehow be fulfilled minus the pain. “And going a little farther, He threw Himself upon the ground on His face and prayed saying, My Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass away from Me; nevertheless, not what I will [not what I desire], but as You will and desire” –Matthew 26:39. Yet it’s through Jesus’ impending death, in His total surrender, that we learn some of our greatest lessons about how to truly live. “…not what I will [not what I desire], but as You will and desire.” Jesus teaches us just how to drink of the cup that has been passed to us. A cup which, regardless of its bitterness, we are blessed to partake of. “Jesus told Peter, “Put your sword away. Shouldn’t I drink the cup [of suffering] that my Father has given me?” –John 18:11

After we have prayed, we must obey. And as surely as Sunday morning came and His tomb was found empty, so too are we guaranteed our own victory over all suffering. But first—we must completely submerge our will, ourselves, into Him…

Friend, if you have not repented of your sins, not asked God into your life as your Lord and Savior, please do it today! He loves you regardless of the sins you’ve committed. I am sure of this because His Word is True. Because He forgave one such as me, with all of my many sins. Call out to Him today…


The Fulcrum. Genesis 1:2

 “Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters.”

He has always been. He stood over the void and called everything into existence…

He led the Israelite’s as a pillar of fire by night, and as a cloud by day. He was the mighty rushing wind that swept through an upper room, turning customs and preconceived ideas upside down. You see, nothing can come into contact with Him and remain the same. Nothing.

Who is He? He is the Holy Spirit of God. He is God…

He has always been. So, what does that mean? What does that look like for the one who knows Him or, for the one who’s still seeking?

Simply stated—He knows everything. Sees everything. Is in every place—all the time. Nothing has ever, nor will ever escape Him. The Bible says it this way: “I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End.” –Revelation 22:13. He is the only One who knows the thoughts of God—His plans. 1 Corinthians 2:11 assures us of this, listen: “For who knows a person’s thoughts except their own spirit within them? In the same way no one knows the thoughts of God except the Spirit of God.” So, what do you do when this all-knowing, all-seeing God puts His finger on an area of your life, requesting access ? If you’re wise, you move with Him. Allowing Him access to all and everything—to more than He’s asking for…

After all, it’s all His!

The Bible is riddled with people who have had this experience with Him, this “requesting.” We are privy, as we read about them, to glean from their decisions. The paths they took—their choices, both wrong and right. And, what those choices left in their wake—blessings, or losses. We can make a list of sorts, of do’s and don’ts, to save ourselves from making the same mistakes those who went before us made. This is wisdom. “Without good advice everything goes wrong–it takes careful planning for things to go right.” –Proverbs 15:22

Moses knew this. So did Noah. Abraham knew this too. And he, like they, came into a fuller, a far deeper, a richer understanding of this wisdom when He felt the Spirit of God leading him to walk away from all he’d ever known. To leave behind his life and family, his work and home. To grab on to Gods promise more, His command, to set out for, “A land I will show you” (Genesis 12:1). Abraham loved God—he trusted Him, and so he took that promise, stuck it deep in his pocket, and went as the Spirit had commanded him. And,  as a result of his submission to the leaning of the Holy Spirit on that area of his life, blessings were left in the wake of his decision to submit.

To stay in current step with the leaning of the Holy Spirit on an area of your life—you’re going to have to move, stay fluid, submissive, under His weight—least you collapse! —Pastor Wayne Cordeiro

He is our fulcrum.

He exerts pressure on a specific area in our lives—asking us to trust Him, to change perhaps, give up, turn over to Him, surrender, conform— possibly grow or expand into something else—something more. And, with that moment of asking, we are also given a choice. Yet, take it or not, He will have His way. He alone is God. Yet, He wishes for us—His heart for us is this: that out of our great love for Him we will do what He’s asking us to do—because we trust Him, and choose to do His will. Just as any loving parent would expect…

He alone is Omniscience.

Perhaps something unpleasant or harmful is about to befall us or to someone connected to us. The Holy Spirit is pressing  so that movement will take place. Our current environment is not conducive for what He sees coming. Something must change. Much like a shard left undetected in a “perfect looking” vessel, if not removed, it can destroy the vessels future usefulness. The potter must rework the pot…  “And the vessel he was making of clay was spoiled in the potter’s hand, and he reworked it into another vessel, as it seemed good to the potter to do.” –Jeremiah 18:4

Jonah, unlike Abraham, Moses, and Noah, rebelled against this leaning of the Holy Spirit. Refusing, at first, to obey Gods call to go where He was leading. Jonah decided he knew better than God, not only what was best for himself—but for others as well. When we read this short book, we see just how wrong he was in not trusting God straight out of the proverbial gate. Not only did Jonah have to endure God’s effective and unique correction, he inevitably had to do what God had directed Him to do in the first place! As I said earlier—God will always have His way.

When we give our lives to Jesus Christ they truly are no longer our own…

Jonah forgot that for a minute—so do you and me. That’s why when we too are being rebellious, every once in a while, God will send a big fish into our lives as a reminder that He’s still God. Nothing escapes Him.  Though He may be long-suffering and patient with us, we’re only allowed to stray so far off course before that fish shows up! “Now the LORD had arranged for a great fish to swallow Jonah. And Jonah was inside the fish for three days and three nights.” –Jonah 1:17

We have a purpose—and He has a plan…

The judgement of an entire nation stood in the balance. God had chosen the Prophet Jonah to deliver a message of judgement over Nineveh. But because Jonah hated the Ninevites’ and knew God was likely to forgive them if they repented—he wanted nothing to do with Gods plan—so he ran. Have you ever run from what you know God was calling you to do? Perhaps fear, insecurity or maybe stiff-necked rebellion made you say no to God? How did that work out for you? My guess is, God sent a fish of some sort your way? Did you, like Jonah,  inevitably relent, repent?

Jonah prayed to the Lord, “Isn’t this what I said, Lord, when I was still at home? That is what I tried to forestall by fleeing to Tarshish. I knew that you are a gracious and compassionate God, slow to anger and abounding in love, a God who relents from sending calamity.”  –Jonah 4:2. See Jonah hated those in this pagan city ruled by Dagon—the fish god (don’t miss that). He wanted them judged—punished for their wickedness and their many, many sins. Jonah had forgotten that his sins, like theirs, had once separated him from the very God he now served. He’d forgotten that had it not been for the Lords infinite mercy and great loving-kindness he too would still be under God’s just judgement. He forgot he was the servant and that God alone was God.

And isn’t that true of all those who serve the Lord?

Who call themselves Christian? There are moments, if we want to come completely clean, instances where we too make rash judgments. Are goaded by hasty emotional decisions driven by fear or pain, insecurity or jealously. Judgments that are made with such uncompromising swiftness we too forget that our own sins once precluded us from ever experiencing an authentic, transformative relationship with God. Yet, just as the Holy Spirit leaned on this area of Jonah’s life to bring it back into balance—into compliance, He’ll do the same with us when we, like Jonah, are headed in the  opposite direction of Gods intended plan for our lives…

So now, the question posed earlier in this text must be answered by you the reader. If you’re feeling the Holy Spirit leaning on an area of your life—how will you respond? Will you, of your own accord, move towards where He’s leaning? Will your love and desire to be smack dab in the center of your Father’s will propel you forward? Or, as with Jonah, will God need to send a big fish your way to get your attention?

You see, nothing can come into contact with Him and remain the same. Go its own way. Nothing.

Who is He? He is the Holy Spirit of God…

Friend, if you are reading this and have not yet given your life to Christ—now is the time, today is the day! Stop what you’re doing now, right now, and ask Jesus to be the Lord of your life. Don’t wait until the fish comes! Do it today—you’re being here is not an accident. I’m praying for you! “If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.”—Romans 10:9

“Crushed” Luke 14:33

 “So then, any of you who does not forsake (renounce, surrender claim to, give up, say good-bye to) all that he has cannot be My disciple.”

Before we jump in to this week’s message, my prayer for you, for me, is this:

That we will give our will’s, our want’s, what may seem ‘right’—sound right to us, over to the will and calling of Jesus. That we will trust Him above all else. Putting to death all the internal chatter that clamors for answers to the life-robbing, peace stealing, ‘why’s’. May the exhale of our every breath be, Thy Will be done. Whether we understand it—or not. Whether it makes sense—or not. Even if we must say yes with wobbly knees and a trembling voice—yes. We say yes. I say yes, to His will, His way, and, yes to His Divine timing… Amen and Amen.

Following Jesus will cost you. A price must be paid—a sacrifice given.  And there is no one in all of Scripture who knew this principle of cost better than Jesus Himself…

He paid the ultimate price for obeying the Will of The Father. Yet He tells us that to do His will—God’s will, is why He came at all. In other words, He specifically came to pay God’s required price. Jesus, while having one of His infamous conversations with the Jews, said it like this: “I tell you the truth, the Son can do nothing by himself. He does only what he sees the Father doing. Whatever the Father does, the Son also does” (John 5:19). And if the teacher—the One we, as Christians, follow, profess, came to do the will of God—how much more His students? Who are we to feel that because we are followers of Jesus, we’re exempt?That it—our lives, should go off without a hitch?

Unlike Jesus, God may never ask you and me to give up our lives—at least not physically speaking that is.

Yet we are asked to give them up, our lives—to give them back,as a love offering. In faith believing that the One who gave them to us knows far better than we ever could just what to do with them. He knows the ‘when’, and the ‘how to’s’ of us—His plan for us, the purpose, destiny, we were brought into this life to fulfill. And so, He asks us to trust Him completely—to surrender, in faith, to His will and this plan He has for us. Listen to how God said it while talking to the Prophet Jeremiah: “For I know the thoughts and plans that I have for you, says the Lord, thoughts and plans for welfare and peace and not for evil, to give you hope in your final outcome” (Jeremiah 29:11). We forget—I forget, that we are not here, were not created to just, ‘hang-out’ on planet earth, feet up, feel’n good. Doing as we please, when we please, for as long as we please. One glimpse of where that thinking got Nebuchadnezzar should dispel any desire for that life (Daniel 4:1-33)!


Just as Jesus was not sent, didn’t come into this world to do His own thing—act on His will, on His desires, rather, to do the will of the One that sent Him—The Father. So too it is with us, if we are connected to Him. “In that day you will know that I am in my Father, and you in me, and I in you” (John 14:20).

The moment you said—I said, we, collectively said yes to God’s call on our lives, yes to His loving offer to return Home to Him—back into a restored relationship with Him, we in fact released our will’s, our plan’s, desire’s, dream’s, destiny’s, children, spouse’s, ministry’s, mother’s, father’s—our very lives, into His Hands that He might fulfill in us His desires for the advancement of His Kingdom through us. “Now may the God of peace, who through the blood of the eternal covenant brought back from the dead our Lord Jesus, that great Shepherd of the sheep, equip you with everything good for doing his will, and may he work in us what is pleasing to him, through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory for ever and ever” (Hebrews 13:20-21; emphasis my own).

Even when we feel as though, like Jesus apparently did in Gethsemane, that what is being asked of us is more than we can handle—can bear, survive under the weight of, like Him also, we must come to the place of complete surrender. And we must do it repeatedly. Even if it kills us… “And taking with Him Peter and the two sons of Zebedee, He began to show grief and distress of mind and was deeply depressed. Then He said to them, My soul is very sad and deeply grieved, so that I am almost dying of sorrow. Stay here and keep awake and keep watch with Me. And going a little farther, He threw Himself upon the ground on His face and prayed saying, My Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass away from Me; nevertheless, not what I will [not what I desire], but as You will and desire. And He came to the disciples and found them sleeping, and He said to Peter, What! Are you so utterly unable to stay awake and keep watch with Me for one hour? All of you must keep awake (give strict attention, be cautious and active) and watch and pray, that you may not come into temptation. The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak. Again a second time He went away and prayed, My Father, if this cannot pass by unless I drink it, Your will be done. And again He came and found them sleeping, for their eyes were weighed down with sleep. So, leaving them again, He went away and prayed for the third time, using the same words” (Matthew 26:37-44).

Gethsemane is a place where a seed, a hope, a ministry, a man, hits the ground as one thing and leaves as another. It’s simply the nature of the place…

It’s a place of extraction, of refinement. People become, things become, a purer version of themselves— after having their life blood separated from their husk’s. Gethsemane is a place of crushing. A place where the last ounce of our humanity—His humanity, was extracted, so that only the Divine, The Pure Will of the Father, may remain. There is a cost to following Jesus. It may very well kill you— actually, it’s meant to. Over, and over, and over again. Until, as with Jesus, the last drop of your humanity is extracted—and all that’s left of you is the shining, Pure Image of Jesus pointing all who witness it, back to The Father. “Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a basket. Instead, they set it on a lampstand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven” (Matthew 5:15-16).

There is a cost to following Jesus—always has been, always will be. Love costs us something. Jesus knew that better than anyone…

So, the question is not, is there a cost? The real question is, if asked, are you willing to pay it? “But Jesus replied, “The hour has come for the Son of Man to be glorified. Truly, truly, I tell you, unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a seed; but if it dies, it bears much fruit. Whoever loves his life will lose it, but whoever hates his life in this world will keep it for eternal life… (John 12:24-25).

Are you willing to endure the crushing that takes place in Gethsemane so that what is most precious in you may be brought out of you for the glory of God? “So that [the genuineness] of your faith may be tested, [your faith] which is infinitely more precious than the perishable gold which is tested and purified by fire. [This proving of your faith is intended] to redound to [your] praise and glory and honor when Jesus Christ (the Messiah, the Anointed One) is revealed.” (1 Peter 1:7).

The pressing, His pressing, isn’t intended, was never meant to harm you. It has always been intended as a reward for those who, by faith, trust in the exacting process, painful as it may be. Following Jesus will always cost you. But oh what a gain! “But without faith it is impossible to please and be satisfactory to Him. For whoever would come near to God must [necessarily] believe that God exists and that He is the rewarder of those who earnestly and diligently seek Him [out]” (Hebrews 11:16).

 If God is knocking on the door of your heart, won’t you say yes to Him now—even if it hurts? 

“Yet now has [Christ, the Messiah] reconciled [you to God] in the body of His flesh through death, in order to present you holy and faultless and irreproachable in His [the Father’s] presence. [And this He will do] provided that you continue to stay with and in the faith [in Christ], well-grounded and settled and steadfast, not shifting or moving away from the hope [which rests on and is inspired by] the glad tidings (the Gospel), which you heard and which has been preached [as being designed for and offered without restrictions] to every person under heaven, and of which [Gospel] I, Paul, became a minister” (Colossians 1:22-23).


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