"Come follow me and I will make you fishers of men." Matthew 4:19

Tag: Plans

Going His Way… Proverbs 16:9.

In their hearts humans plan their course, but the LORD establishes their steps.”

In considering our plans, dreams, and desires, Solomon informs us that not one of them will flourish or prosper if God is not their Source. If He has not added His amen to their propose…

We see the nascent beginning of this truth revealed in the lives of Adam and Eve. In their desire to do things their way. To deliberately ignore God’s clear counsel and commands. And, we continue this day to see the fruit of their choice evidenced in the heart of every man —Genesis 2:15-17; 3:6; Proverbs 16:25; Romans 5:12.

Man can think up, lay down, prepare for, plot and plan all he likes…

And, doing some of that is both necessary and scriptural. But here’s the bottom line. We were never created to live rogue lives outside of God’s will. Nor are we capable of making any lasting or fruitful plans of our own. –John 15:5. God knows that left to the devices of our fallen nature we simply aren’t capable of seeing beyond the end of our own noses! Beyond our selfish wants and desires. Hence, we’ll constantly run after not only what isn’t best for us, more, we’ll chase after the very things that might kill us! –Genesis 2:17; Jeremiah 17:9.

Our original parents being the perfect example of where following our most base desires will lead us; away from God’s best for us. Having been ruled by their own, they rebelled against God. Against His Sovereign providential care. His plan that is both pure and, at its core, empowering.

All that they might chase after sin, instead. Going their own deadly way…

And, If we aren’t intentional in our desire to do life God’s way—we too, will predictably end up just running about aimlessly chasing after all that we think we want. Blindly making plans for our lives. Plans for where we’ll live and work. How we’ll acquire all that we need. That promotion—that home. What ministry we will serve in—head up. Who we will marry and when? Do I have children? And, if yes, how many? Forgetting entirely that God is in control. And, that He has a plan far greater for our lives than anything we could spend the currency of this lifetime chasing after.

Here then, in part, is God’s answer to our striving; made plain in His Word…

1). Commit everything, every-single-thing, each plan, every desire, that thing or the person you want, that place you’d love to live, the church you’d like to be a part of, to the Lord: Proverbs 16:3; 12:15; Psalm 37:4-5. 2). Then, and only then, craft a way to realize your Godly desires: Matthew 6:33; Proverbs 20:18; 15:22; Jeremiah 29:13. And, then, once you have entrusted your plan to God, take your hands off of it; trusting Him instead, with its every detail: Ecclesiastes 11:3–6; Psalm 37:5; 84:11; John 16:13.

All of this begins, however, with a truly clear understanding that we are no longer in charge of our lives. If that is, we’ve committed them to, surrendered them over to, God…

And, If we have entrusted the Lord with our lives, isn’t it just plain foolish not to entrust our every plan to Him as well? Before that is, we run off half-cocked trying to set them in motion on our own?

Christian, would hold back some piece of yourself from God? Close some chamber of your heart or life off from His loving counsel as Adam and Eve did? Are you attempting to cover the shame of your wanting what you know God has said no to, with some hastily stitched together fig leaves? Don’t you know there are no amount of leaves sufficient enough to hide your rebellious desire? Learn from our first parents and expose them instead! Submit them, willingly, lovingly as children of the Light and of the day, to God. Asking Him which way you should go; what it is that’s best for you. After all, He alone holds that answer.—Proverbs 16:2-3; 1 Thessalonians 5:5.

Follow instead, in the footsteps of Ruth. A gentile widow who, not even knowing God’s law or His plan for her life, determined in her heart to follow after and care for Naomi, her widowed, childless mother-in-law. —Ruth 1:14-16.

She choose what she knew to be right and just over sticking to the safe and familiar. Over making a way for herself. God took Ruth’s simple heartfelt plan and not only did He bless it for her good by leading her into Boaz’s field, but He also multiplied it as our loving and benevolent Father so often does. –Ephesians 3:20-21. From the union of Ruth and Boaz came Obed. Thus Ruth’s desire that Naomi be cared for until the Lord called her home, is fulfilled in Him. Additionally, she’d have this child now, to love and comfort her in her old age. She too then, had been restored through Ruth’s simple, selfless love. And, this same child would grow up to be the father of Jesse, the grandfather of King David; a man after God’s own heart. Obed, an ancestor of Jesus. We find his name in both Luke and Matthew’s account of Jesus’ genealogy…

All this because one woman determined in her heart to seek the best for another. And God, seeing her heartfelt desire to fulfill the law of Love, blessed it. —Ruth 3:10-4:17; Matthew 1:5-6; Luke 3:32.

When choosing God’s plans over our own, look also towards Esther example. Witness her choices to do what was right and good in the eyes of God,—Esther 5:1–7:10. Consider also, our brother Joseph. –Gen 45:4-8; 50:19-21. Study the life and works and sacrifices of the apostles. Look towards Paul and Peter and Philip. –Acts 9; 16:6-34; 10:1-4; Acts 8.

Each of these had plans of their own. A way they thought things should be and go. Yet, because they belonged to God, each determined in their own hearts to love Him, first. To choose His way over their own. Following after all He had for them. Leaving their plans to die an unattended death. And, as a result of their submission and obedience to His plan; His Church was born. Thus we, the gentiles, were brought into the covenant God had made with Abraham. –Genesis 12:1-3; 15:1-21. Further, we have the great benefits and honor of knowing the will and Word of our Lord, through His written Word. –John 14:26; 21:25; Revelation 21:5.

My brothers and sisters, I challenge you to ask this question of yourselves:

What is true about me? What is fixed?

Do you wholly believe that God has a plan for your life? Do you wholly believe that there is not one accident or misstep in His plans? Do you believe wholeheartedly that God has established your steps? That He goes before you making even the crooked paths straight? Making ways out of no way? Do you believe, from the very core of your being, that you are loved and cherished by God? And, that there is not one thing outside of His will for you, that could ever remotely satisfy you? If so, your heart is properly postured to seek the Lord will, making your requests known to Him.Deuteronomy 30:15-20; Ephesians 2:10; Ephesians 1:4; 2:13; 4-24.

If you are wavering at all, decide to be fully in. Then, all else will fall into place. Remember, there is Only One Right Way. One Established Way. Seek this Way with all of your heart—all ways. Hebrews 11: 6.

Then, come what may, your steps will be firmly established. –John 14:1-6.

Beloved, you’re going to be okay. You are not alone. These Truths are your birthright as a son or daughter of the Living God. Let that soak into you for a moment…

And, dear friend, if you don’t yet know the Lord, believe, please, that He has led you here today because He loves you. And, understand this: He is tugging at your heart that you might surrender it to Him and His established good and perfect plan for your life. A life spent with Him requires you to take this step of trusting Him. He will do all the rest. Don’t hesitate, I pray! Take that step of faith today. Choose Jesus!He gave Himself for us to redeem us from all lawlessness and to purify for Himself a people for His own possession, zealous for good deeds. –Titus 2:14.

A Promise In The Storm… Matthew 14:27

“But Jesus spoke to them at once. “Don’t be afraid,” he said. “Take courage. I am here!'”

“I am here!” A promise from God in the midst of your storm—your trial, is the only anchor that will surely keep you from going adrift…

My suitcases are packed. Boxes shipped, my ticket long purchased. I’m due to get on the plane Saturday night…

I had made peace with leaving my beloved Aina. Hawaii Nei, my other home. One need not be born in a place for it to be their home. Now, just days before I’m scheduled to leave for my return to the mainland hurricane Lane has hit our Island chain. Red, raging, swirling models of a “catastrophic category 5 hurricane” flashing on everything that can flash. Island wide tsunami warning sirens alerting us all that danger is on the way—is imminent;to say nothing of the obviousness of nature’s warnings. Its lashing, tree bending winds. Rain that’s causing once trickling streams to turn into raging Niagara’s overnight. Yup. This is happening live…

So, what do you do then when the unexpected storm hits you?

When every fear-filled voice you hear—your own included, is warning; “danger’s about to come and kick in your door!” This is no polite little storm. Well, first, you catch your breath. When an unexpected storm threatens your life it most certainly can take our breath away. It’s OK. Acknowledge the feelings—the fear of the unknown. Just don’t live there. Give yourself time to process what you’re facing.

If you try to get rid of fear and anger without knowing their meaning, they will grow stronger and return. –Deepak Chopra

But please, in the midst of your fear stop and pray. Even if all you can manage is; “God I’m afraid. I don’t know what to do with this. Help me please!” Those simple words invite God in. They connect you to the source of your strength. Yes, certainly you heed the advice, the professionals: you shop for food, close windows, seek shelter, yes you need to apply the wisdom God has given you. What you shouldn’t do, what isn’t wise, is to answer the door each time fear incessantly knocks on it with every gust of wind or downed branch. That is simply crazy making. It’s a thief…

Is it easy to tear your eyes away from the flashing screens, text alerts, and bending trees? Away from that doctor’s report, those divorce papers, or that grave stone? Away from the bottle of whatever that’s calling your name? No. No it’s not. For anyone that has ever been through such a storm—whether natural, physical, or emotional, you know exactly what I’m talking about…

For those that have not—pay attention. The storm is coming. I’m not being a naysayer. It’s just life. Storms are inevitable. They take courage to endure. They take faith because every now and again, a storm will hit with such unforeseen, unexpected intensity that the absolute best you can do is: do the stuff on the list and then surrender to the process.

Lean into the fact that you are not—are not, repeat, you are not in control. Prayerfully, you know the One who is.

The One who speaks to the storms—even the category Five storms that hit us unexpectantly. God alone telling them to be still. Notice I didn’t say He removes the storm—nor it’s often ravaging effects. He didn’t get to skip the ravaging effects of His storm, the Cross—so who are we, His followers, to think we should escape the effects of ours? Sometime the storm is exactly what we need in order that we arrive safely at our next destination. Oxymoron I know. But if you’ve known God for any length of time, you know what I’m saying is true. Sometimes the storms of life are God’s way of rerouting us. Now, does that mean He caused our storm? No. not necessarily. But maybe? Or maybe He simply allowed it to fulfill His plans—His purpose for our life. He most certainly knew it was coming. So, He put a plan in place that would benefit you, me, each of us—In the end. What I’m saying is: rather than removing the storms, He gives us the peace and the strength we need to walk through them. To not fold because of them. He walks through them with us—hand-in hand.

The cave you fear to enter holds the treasure you seek. – Joseph Campbell

I had absolutely no intention of posting again until September 9th. Until I had reached the mainland and had a moment to walk through this transition, to acclimate a bit—get my footing. Once again, God had a different plan. I’m typing this as I’m watching palm trees bowing at the waist. While I listen to the music of the wind—a mighty rushing wind. His voice truly does rise above all others if we are listening. “Listen for God’s voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; he’s the one who will keep you on track” –Proverbs 3:6.

I’ll keep this short. If you’re facing a storm today—whatever its size or intensity, please, listen for the voice of God in the midst of it. I promise you—I promise you, He’s right there with you. “The LORD will fight for you; you need only to be still” –Exodus 14:14.

And, if you’ve not met this God that speaks to the storms—now is the time. Don’t go through one more storm on your own. Repent of your sins, say your sorry and mean it. Ask God to come into your life as Lord and Savior. Let God speak peace—not perfection, not your expected, desired outcome—but peace, into your storm. “Jesus stood up and gave a command to the wind and the water. He said, “Quiet! Be still!” Then the wind stopped, and the lake became calm’” –Mark 4:39.

Delayed does not mean denied! Trust God. I had my plan in place. But so, did God… “A man’s mind plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps and makes them sure” –Proverbs 16:9.


“A Way”… Proverbs 14:12

 “There is a way that appears to be right, but in the end it leads to death.”

How do you react, what do you do, when your miracle, your Word from God—comes to you seemingly—too late? When it offers you—no tah-dah  moment? No sharp intake of astounded breath—rather it offers, brings along with it—a heavy, still, disappointing silence. It leaves you staring off, befuddled, clueless—that’s it? Really?

You know that look. Certainly, you’ve witnessed it.  it’s disappointment—unfulfilled expectation. Instead of going left, it went right—way right! How do you handle disappointment and its emotional fallout?

We all have expectations—all of us. Even the most spiritual. Try as we might to live minus our faulty human ideals—our faultier still ungrounded expectations, we have them—we do. We even expect things from Jesus. And, to a certain extent, we’re right to. We, as His children, should expect things. Things like a certain measure of faith, His protection and provision, His presence, and the fulfillment of every promise He has ever made—to name but a few.

But here’s the catch—they’ll come His way, and, in His timing. Not ours.

Adding to this—don’t allow, you mustn’t allow, foolish expectations—self-serving expectations, to lead you down the wrong path. Proverbs 14:12 makes that abundantly clear, listen: “There is a way that appears to be right, but in the end it leads to death.”  Don’t allow presupposition to pervade your relationship with Jesus—a wrong move—bad! It will cause you, most assuredly, to fall—headlong, into sin. And, following quickly behind that sin—comes sins cronies—heartache and disaster.

By allowing for a—He’s my buddy, He’s got this for me—irreverent way of thinking to creep in, exist, between the two of you—you and Jesus that is  you open the door for a mighty hard fall! Think of the leaven of the Pharisees here—a little of it in your relationship with Jesus can—will eventually, kill it.

Judas Iscariot is just such an example of what happens to us when we go, head-long, our own way.  Judas had a definite, ‘my buddy’ mindset. From perhaps the outset of his relationship with Jesus he allowed seeds of irreverence and a lust for the things of this world to grow within. He had Jesus all figured out. He, Jesus, had come to do Judas’s will, Judas’s way. Jesus would raise up an army to demolish the tyrannical, brutal, socially unjust, Roman reign over Israel. Jesus, according to Judas, was going to restore home rule, order, and power. And then Judas would get a hefty slice of that pie. Finally, order restored, surely then he’d have  real power and a secure place all for himself. His expectations weren’t only wrong and unwise—they were sin-filled.

His greed, arrogance, and lust for the riches of this world robbed Him of the True prize that was ever before him. Ever with him. Jesus.

He traded the eternal for the temporal. Jesus in exchange for a few pieces of silver…

Watch out for your faulty expectations…

There’s a saying that goes, Things are not always as they appear. When we focus on what we see, the tangible—rather than using our eyes of faith, looking out for the potential, the possible— we will always—always, be left disappointed by what we see. Just ask Judas. Seldom does anything end-up lining up exactly the way we’ve expected it to. See that’s the thing about this faith we possess—we’re called to walk by it—not by what we see…

Walking by sight is the way of Judas—not Jesus.  Steady your focus on The Giver and not His gifts. All we need do is read Judas’ outcome to learn what happens when we allow ourselves to be overcome by the lusts of our flesh. By what seems right. It’s okay to want things but there’s a line that when crossed it will blind us from being able to distinguish The Way from any way; from our own way…

Our Scripture bears repeating here:  “There is a way that appears to be right, but in the end it leads to death.”

Don’t follow Judas into a fate of certain death, spiritually certainly, perhaps physically also. Ask The Holy Spirit to search you out. To bring to mind anything in you that may be headed in the wrong direction. Fueled by the wrong desires, the wrong motives. And, when He does, repent, on the spot, and course correct. We serve a loving Father who patiently awaits our coming to Him to ask for His help to do it His way. To surrender our temporal for His eternal.

There is only one right way and it’s not the way of Judas…


“Your Future is Safe…” 1 Sam. 9:24

“And the cook lifted high the shoulder and what was on it [indicating that it was the priest’s honored portion] and set it before Saul. [Samuel] said, See what was reserved for you. Eat, for until the hour appointed it was kept for you, ever since I invited the people. So Saul ate that day with Samuel.” 1 Samuel 9:24: Emphasis my own.

No man can take or cancel out the plans God has for your life.  So, I’m here to say hold on! Just keep doing what God has for you to do, because what He has stored up for you is safely waiting—just for you. Don’t believe me?  Ask Saul, Abraham, or Moses. Talk a minute with The Woman at the Well. They’ll each confirm that what I’m advising you is not only right, but that it’s Truth.

If you have walked with the Lord for any length of time then I am confident of your awareness of this one fact. The ‘suddenly’ moments that occur as a result of God’s will for your life. The almost whiplash-like speed wherein God will bring whatever change, person, or shift in life-events that is needed into your life, in order that you are kept—or perhaps realigned back into, both the center of His will and Divine timing. Mind you, these quick shifts don’t happen daily. At least not to our conscious understanding; though, they are always happening around us…

What I mean is simply this. The very—literal second, God spoke, or thought the words, “Let there be,” while He was yet hovering there over the deep void, there was suddenly, an, “and there was” moment. A response to His command. It must happen that way (Isa. 55:11). The very second His Hands scooped a bunch of dirt together into a mound, shaped it, and then blew His Rauch (Life-giving Spirit) Breath into it, all that He spoke—intended, came forth. Was birthed (Gen. 2:7). And, contained within those—His same Words—same creations, was seed. Promise, potential—the future. A future that’s ever expanding, ever unfolding, it’s right there. Always illusively before us. A certain mirage. And we, foolishly forget, daily—or for days, weeks and months, that this same future is not entirely under our control…

We have a certain say, surely—but not control. We are not the One who stood over the void, or formed the dirt with our own hands…

I think Saul must have felt something similar on this day. Then again, I’m pretty certain, being a fellow human being, that Abraham, Moses, and, The Woman at the Well, each felt similarly too. Each had experienced this suddenly moment with God. And, if you’ve experienced a suddenly moment in your walk with the Lord, you know exactly what it is I’m talking about. If not, just give it a minute it will happen. It’s that second where your life is moving along smoothly, familiar—like an easy rhythm. You hum half unaware, a very sing-song cadence that follows one step behind you as you move about. Then, with just one step, a shift, of what, you’re not quite sure, happens and you find yourself in a life that kinda reminds you of your own, but is now completely different. New. It’s both terrifying—yet enlivening!

There’s just enough of ‘you’, and those things familiar in and around you, that remain constant for a time, no radical instant changes—usually. So, you’re not left feeling entirely disoriented. Rather, you’re just mildly thrown for a loop. Wobbly. Mind you, this is not a bad thing. Though in its initial stages it may certainly feel as if it is. What is this thing? This strange happening? Some call it Transition. Some, going from grace to grace. Some, a divine upgrade, and others yet, being moved—positioned, into your destiny. Your nest is being stirred. God is doing a New Thing…

Whatever you call it, this one thing is certain. It is a stark reminder that your life is not your own…

We know this, as Christians I mean. We’ve read it in our Word, heard it preached from the pulpit—said it ourselves to others. We take great comfort in knowing that we serve a God and Father who orders our steps, watches out over us, has a plan and purpose for our lives. But we too often forget it. Until…

For Saul, he was just going out to look for his father’s lost donkey’s, He had no idea that he would return the King of Israel. (1 Sam.9-10). For Abraham, seemingly out of nowhere, God calls this Abraham to leave his country—his father, all that he had known, and head out to some undisclosed location. And so, at 75 years old he goes. He takes his promise from God—his obvious faith, his wife, nephew, and some of his possessions and sets out. And Moses, well he was just standing there on Mount Horeb, perhaps whistling, playing a lyre, maybe taking a lunch break while caring for his father-in-law’s flocks,

when suddenly a fire breaks out in a nearby bush. In itself, this is not a strange occurrence in this part of the world. But this bush had a strange-looking fire. It wasn’t burning the bush itself, it was a fire that did not consume. And then it went from strange to stranger still—God started talking to Moses from within the very fire that was not burning up this bush! And—suddenly, Moses is sent to free God’s people from the grip of the Pharaoh of Egypt where they’ve been living as slaves (Exo.3:7-21).

And, lastly, this no-named woman we meet at Jacob’s well.  Much like Saul, Abraham, and, Moses before her, she too is simply going about her normal day. She’d gone out the well to draw water. We can imagine her humming softly as she walked along the dusty road, her water jar perched atop her veiled head, eyes down cast. “Will you give me a drink?” six seemingly innocent words, a reasonable request from a person standing near a well—but these Words would change the trajection of her life, presumably, forever… (John 5:9-42).

So, I’ve said all of this to say what precisely?

Simply this, as I was reading the Word mentioned above—Samuel 9, this is what struck me. What, I believe the Holy Spirit was saying to me. Maybe to you too.

So please, eat the meat and spit out the bones…

We forget that He—God, has a plan for His children. And we forget, I forget, though we may stray—or go completely off track at times, He will always, always, use our missteps to get us to the place we’re intended to be (Rom. 8:28). And He reminded me that before He put me in a skin suit and gave me an earthly life, He had a plan for that life—a purpose. I was not random, you, are not random! (Jer. 29:11; 1 Cor. 12:18; John 14: 2-3; Phil. 1-6; 1 Peter 1:3-4; 2 Peter 1:3) …

And, He reminded me that though it may not always feel as though He’s close-at-hand, that He is in fact, always with me, with you (Matt. 28:20), always leading, clearing the way for, pruning, nourishing, praying for and protecting—directing us towards our God-appointed destination. And too, as with Saul, so it is with you and me. What He—God, has for us is for us— it has been appointed—stored up, is waiting—to be revealed at His appointed time. And nothing or no one can take that from us (vs.24).

And lastly, He said, “Watch for Me…”

Friend if the Lord is pulling at your heart, if any of this sounds even vaguely familiar—if it’s resonating with, then please, pray. Ask for conformation. God will always confirm His Word. Ask the Lord what it may mean for you—personally, specifically, now, in this season.


And then do as He commanded, “Watch for Me…”


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