"Come follow me and I will make you fishers of men." Matthew 4:19

Tag: Obedience (Page 7 of 11)

The Compassion of Jesus

Kendra Santilli

What does it mean to be compassionate? Compassion is the ability to share in the sorrows of another. It is a mixed passion, composed of both love and sorrow. It starts with God the Father, and it also ends with Him. God’s reputation of mercy is reiterated several times by the Psalmists. “The Lord is compassionate and gracious, slow to anger and abounding in lovingkindness” – Psalm 103:8. It was also spoken of in Exodus after God had freed His people from their captors. The prophets Jeremiah, Hosea, and Isaiah also reference God’s compassion. It continues into the New Testament at the advent of Jesus and into the early church.

Scripture tells of God’s compassion from the beginning of time, but through Jesus, who was God incarnate, we witness the manifestation of God’s kindness. Jesus is the greatest physical example of compassion we will ever know.

Certain seasons of life can render us weak, left to our own sorrow. These agonizing times are often the best teachers of what it means to rely on something or someone greater than us; for the believer, that someone is Jesus. When we can’t make any sense of a situation or feel God’s presence with us, God often uses those moments as opportunities for the promise of His Omnipresence to be felt and experienced in very real and tangible ways. “God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea, though its waters roar and foam and the mountains quake with their surging” –Psalm 46:1-3.

In John Eleven, we read an account of the resurrection of Lazarus. Lazarus and his sisters were dear friends of Jesus, so when Lazarus died, Jesus felt the weight of their grief. Taking time to weep with Lazarus’ sisters, Jesus shared in their sorrow. He also felt the sting of losing a loved one. Everyone knew that if Jesus had intervened earlier, Lazarus wouldn’t have died. “Now Martha said to Jesus, “Lord, if You had been here, my brother would not have died. But even now I know that whatever You ask of God, God will give You”…. Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live.” – John 11:21-22, 25.

Those gathered at Lazarus’ graveside were yet to realize they were standing face to face with Resurrection Himself.

Jesus, in obedience to the Father’s will, raised Lazarus from the dead. He did this not just for his friend’s gain but to display the Glory of God. God had a plan, and Jesus’ raising Lazarus from the dead was part of that plan. At that moment, Mary and Martha’s faith in Jesus, the Son of God, met God’s perfect will, and Jesus, so moved by compassion towards His friends, called Lazarus from his grave.

And throughout the Gospels, we see Jesus performing miracles for a twofold purpose; He moved in obedience to God and had compassion for the people He served, whether deserving or not. Jesus performed miracles so people could believe in the One True God.

We see this again in Matthew 9:36. Jesus was moved with compassion toward the crowd. Walking among them, He was healing every sickness and disease. Still, when He paused to look at the crowd, the Bible says, “When he saw the crowds, he felt compassion for them, because they were distressed and dejected, like sheep without a shepherd” – Matthew 9:36. Jesus was the Good Shepherd the people had long awaited, whether they realized it or not. He knew that He was their deepest need. Time and time again, the scriptures describe Jesus’ acts as acts of compassion towards mankind.

I remember a time when I felt incredibly lonely, as if loneliness itself was my only companion. My car’s dashboard had a front-row seat to my sorrow. A moment alone meant a moment to release my anxieties and sadness through tears as I sat with loneliness in my passenger seat. I couldn’t see, hear, or understand where God was in the midst of my pain. Loneliness would respond to my beckoning cries with more profound sorrow and reminders of my inadequacies.

I had to read His Word when I couldn’t “hear” God. I could think of nothing else to do. After all, these Words are His penned message to us! By washing my mind with His word, I began to feel the presence of Jesus once again. The Jesus that had compassion on my sick mental condition. He started getting into my passenger’s seat first, so loneliness had to find another ride. Over time, Jesus healed my mind. He was moved with compassion toward me, personally.

So, whatever you may be going through today, Jesus’ compassion for you has not run out. He prayed for you right before He went to the cross for you. “I pray also for those who will believe in me through their message.” – John 17:20. Jesus, being fully God and fully man, shared in your same sufferings, and He knows your very human struggle. He understands them. Jesus once experienced them in His humanity as deeply as we do now. “Therefore, since we have a great high priest who has ascended into heaven, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold firmly to the faith we profess. For we do not have a high priest who is unable to empathize with our weaknesses, but we have one who has been tempted in every way, just as we are—yet he did not sin. Let us then approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need” –Hebrews 4:14-16.

Whether you’re weeping or rejoicing, Jesus has promised never to leave nor forsake those who believe in Him. Jesus said, “Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you” – Matthew 17:20. So even if you don’t have much faith right now, I invite you to ask Jesus to guide you as you navigate difficult seasons of life. “Lord, I pray I would experience your compassion and grace even when it doesn’t make sense. Help me to look to you as I walk through this life, and give me a compassionate heart, just as you have. Amen.”

One Last Twist.

MaryEllen Montville

“Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in Me” –John 15:4.

Abide in Me—remaining in perfect oneness, holding white-knuckled fast no matter what happens, staying attached and rooted. Webster defines abide this way: to remain stable or fixed in a state. God has been holding up this command to abide before me, turning it like a kaleidoscope. Abiding in Him will look the same, yet different from past seasons.God has been exposing the extent of our powerlessness. Making clear our great need for Him, now, more than ever; is that even possible?

Here’s the thought. Such shaking is upon us that if we foolishly allow ourselves the room to be lulled into thinking anything we do, have been gifted to do, can be done on autopilot, in our own power, we will quickly learn just how inept and hollow we are. Equally, in our foolish attempts at playing god, we risk being deceived, swept away by the faulty wisdom and ever-changing winds of this world.

In Ecclesiastes 3:1-2, King Solomon, the wisest man who ever lived, reminds his reader that all life is cyclical. “There’s a season for everything and a time for every matter under the heavens: a time for giving birth and a time for dying, a time for planting and a time for uprooting what was planted.” 

Everyone and everything under heaven has set times embedded within them. Every tombstone makes it blatantly clear. Even the leaves are attesting to this truth. What was once a tender bud in March turned into a rich green swatch in April—then onto a lush, green canopy. A shelter made possible by summer’s warm embrace. Now, these same leaves are changing yet again. Fiery, burnished reds and rich golds now.

Season following season, divine order, it’s how our God decided all creation would best work. One thing relies on another, with every-thing reliant on Him. Hence, today’s verse.

All of life, an ebb and flow, a holding on and a letting go of. Except that is where our relationship with God is concerned. That must be fixed, deeply rooted, unshakable. Listen to how King David describes those who abide, remain in, hold fast to God. “And he will be like a tree firmly planted by streams of water, Which yields its fruit in its season, And its leaf does not wither; And in whatever he does, he prospers” –Psalm 1:3.

In this, our most sacred, most significant relationship, there must never be a letting go. Unless that is, Jesus asks it of us.

And even then, our letting go isn’t of God; it’s of things. Of places, people, habits, jobs, relationships, thought patterns, or our worn-out, tattered way of doing things. When God impresses within us, when we get that knowing in our gut that God is asking us to let go of, move away from, change, or rid ourselves of something or someone, that is the only time a Blood-bought believer ought to let go of something which God has used to bless them. Until such time, we are to stand still. Remember, Beloved, you are no longer our own. You’ve been bought with the very highest price, Christ’s own spotless Blood.

Oh, sure, you can make decisions for yourself. You’ve been afforded that choice. You can, at will, change cities, homes, jobs, and relationships.  But here’s the thing, if it’s not God’s will for you, His timing, His “thing,” do you really want it?

My answer? Nope. No thanks. Been there, done that, and it was a total disaster!

God alone gives and takes away in every season—nothing is random. There are no accidents with God, only things we simply do not understand—yet. Job teaches us this lesson. God always, always, always has a plan. And it’s always good. “And he said, “Naked I came from my mother’s womb, and naked shall I return. The Lord gave, and the Lord has taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord” –Job 1:21. So we either trust God or decide to rebel to take over God’s role in our lives? Thinking we somehow know better than He, what’s best for us, our lives, ministries, family life, relationships, etc. Judas did this. And we can read how it eventually ended for him in Matthew’s Gospel, Chapter 24.

Today, so many are walking through a season of change and challenges. For some of you, just holding on to your faith in this present darkness is taking its toll on you. Yet just as change and changes are happening all around us in the natural, so too in the spiritual. God is up to something in that unseen realm—beyond the veil. We can feel it. We know it. God is moving, preparing, putting the finishing touches on, if you will, the place He’s gone ahead to prepare for us, his beloved children—His Bride. He’s finalizing his plans. God is removing, shaking loose, and making room for the fulfillment of His promises—every last one, the final turn of the kaleidoscope. So hold on for just a bit longer, Beloved. Trust God. He has promised to complete what He started in you. Besides, His strength, not your own, will bring you safely through these winds of change.

And so, weary one, I join my prayers to our Lords, the Apostle Paul’s, and to that great crowd of witnesses who have gone before you, having finished their race. Hang on! To your faith, your God, determinedly. Abide in Him. “So take a new grip with your tired hands and strengthen your weak knees. Mark out a straight path for your feet so that those who are weak and lame will not fall but become strong” –Hebrews 12:12-13.

What does that look like? Well, it’s more than just staying close. Abiding is obedience to Truth. And Jesus Christ is Truth.Abiding is oneness with God. Being bound to, united with, dependent on Him and His Holy Spirit for every-thing. Abiding is the embodiment of our covenant relationship with God.

I’ll end where I began, with a reminder—an S.O.S.

God is up to something in that unseen realm—beyond the veil. We can feel it. We know it. God is moving, preparing, putting the finishing touches on, if you will, the place He’s gone ahead to prepare for us, his beloved children—His Bride. He’s finalizing his plans. God is removing, shaking loose, and making room for the fulfillment of His promises—every last one, the final turn of His kaleidoscope.

Yet there is hope, friend. There’s always hope, so long as there is breath in your lungs. But this hope is found in Jesus alone. He is the only Way to the Father. The thief on the cross is your proof. “We are punished justly, for we are getting what our deeds deserve. But this man has done nothing wrong.Then he said, “Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom.” Jesus answered him, “Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in paradise” –Luke 23:41-43.

So, if you’re His, I encourage you to abide in Him. But if you’ve yet to ask Christ into your heart, know this, the winds of change are blowing. You don’t need to be a Christian to recognize this. Turn on the news, read the front-page headlines, buy a gallon of gas or milk. Take a look outside your window, friend. Creation attests to the fact that everything is about to change. So please, turn to Christ today. “…if you confess with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. For with your heart you believe and are justified, and with your mouth you confess and are saved” –Romans 10:9.

Fading Out

Kendra Santilli

“He must increase, but I must decrease” –John 3:30.

The cycle of living can feel so exhausting. Wake up, eat, work, take care of the house, sleep, repeat. I think we can agree that at one time or another, we have all understood, related to this reference from Ecclesiastes 1:2 “Utterly meaningless, everything is meaningless.”

We try our best to be good people. Yet leaving a mark on the world feels like a futile effort many days. In the Gospel of John, we are presented with an example that exemplifies a counterintuitive approach to fulfillment. John the Baptist (not to be mistaken with John the apostle who penned the Gospel of John) is introduced in John 1. “There was a man sent from God whose name was John. He came as a witness to testify about the light [Jesus] so that all might believe through him. He was not the light, but he came to testify about the light” – John 1:6-8.

John was Jesus’s cousin, a prophet who lived in the wilderness. John wore clothes made from camel hair and ate wild honey and locusts. Since his ministry was to prepare the way of the Lord, he would come to the people telling them to repent, to water-baptize them, and to declare there was one to follow after him (Jesus). You can read all about this in Mark 1:1-9.

I imagine John the Baptist would have been perceived as an odd man, but then again, God often moves through those we’d least expect Him to use. For John the Baptist, his ministry was fulfilled by the coming of Jesus.

And John’s purpose? Pointing everyone to Jesus Christ.

In New Testament Scripture, John’s ministry is our first example of a person testifying of the person of Jesus. The Bible says of Jesus, “He was in the world, and the world was created through him, and yet the world did not recognize him. He came to his own, and his own people did not receive him” –John 1:10-11. And while the rest of the world didn’t recognize Jesus, John recognized Him instantly.

God was using John to prepare the hearts of those who did not know Jesus. Although the Old Testament is full of prophecies of Jesus and the entirety of the Bible points to Jesus, John is perhaps one of the first to see Jesus—physically. John gave his whole life to tell the world about the person of Jesus.

There is a great lesson we can learn from John the Baptist about pointing the world to Jesus.

John the Baptist was selfless. While the world teaches us to focus on ourselves, God’s Word teaches us to love others even when they do us wrong. The culture of this world is one of selfishness. It looks inward for its fulfillment instead of allowing its Creator to fill and fulfill its every need, including its unseen needs. The world is centered on self-gratification instead of loving thy neighbor. And as more of society has welcomed the idea of self-centeredness, it has also drifted away from the One who can deliver them from the mental prisons that hold them bound. The result? A society that has increasingly accepted depression, anxiety, and suicidal ideation as normal. And while taking care of yourself is essential, it shouldn’t be our sole focus. We were created to love and exist in fellowship. Loving and serving God and one another.

Throughout the Gospels, we don’t read of John focusing on himself. There is no evidence in the scriptures of John focusing attention on himself. Instead, he readily released his disciples when they wanted to follow Jesus. When John saw Jesus passing by, he quickly said, “Look, the Lamb of God!” The two disciples heard him say this and followed Jesus” – John 1:36-37. John didn’t get offended that his disciples went to Jesus, no. His attitude was one of rejoicing. “My joy is complete” – John 3:29.

Is Jesus enough to make your joy complete? Or is your joy made whole by your job, family, or ministry? While each gives us a sense of well-being, Jesus must be first. Everything else is just extra. Our prayer and deepest desire should be that Jesus fills us more than we thought possible. And, for that to be enough.

John the Baptist baptized with water, but the Bible says that Jesus baptizes (present tense intentional) with the Holy Spirit. – John 1:33.

It is impossible to live a life of faith without the help of the Holy Spirit. And Jesus gives us His Holy Spirit without measure. “The man whom God has sent speaks God’s message. After all, God gives him the Spirit without limit” – John 3:34.

Our human nature is bent on us taking care of ourselves first. So, it is counterintuitive to put others before yourself, including Jesus. The work of the Holy Spirit in us gives us the grace to manifest His love supernaturally. So, I’m not talking about us manifesting love by our own power. The True Source of supernatural love is Jesus Christ, manifest and evidenced by the Holy Spirit at work in us.

The Holy Spirit does not make us do anything or possess us to do anything, however. But He does lead us. Scripture clarifies, “If you live according to the flesh you will die, but if by the Spirit you put to death the deeds of the body, you will live. For all who are led by the Spirit of God are sons of God” – Romans 8:13-14. The choice is yours.

If we belong to Jesus—have professed Him as our Lord and Savior, His Spirit leads us. Yet, given that Jesus has also afforded us free will, we are allowed to obey or disobey His Holy Spirit’s leading us. Even though the Holy Spirit will always lead us in the way of Truth in Christ Jesus, to abundant life. Not only eternally but also on this side of eternity.

I pray that you invite the Holy Spirit to lead you in living a selfless life that points to Jesus and loves others unconditionally. If you don’t know Jesus, invite Him to your heart today and ask Him to help you live with purpose and fulfillment as He makes your joy complete.

Fearfully Faithful.

Kendra Santilli

One of the challenges of reading scripture is finding Jesus from the beginning to the end. The Bible is a singular, great love story of the Creator, God, on a quest to redeem mankind from sin and separation from Him, back into communion and relationship with Himself. All in His perfect timing.

The Old Testament is filled with biblical accounts that precede the advent of God’s incarnate appearance on earth as the Godman, Jesus. Within the Old Testament, we read of an Almighty God fiercely protecting and judging His people. Finding God’s redemptive love within these ancient texts can sometimes be challenging. Especially if we read the Bible as a mere history book rather than a redemption story, it is a story that includes you and me. It takes eyes of faith to see where we fit in, where God’s love is reflected from Genesis to Revelation.

So I invite you to put on your faith lenses as we look at First Kings. There we’ll meet one of Yahweh’s prophets, Elijah.

First Kings also introduces us to three central characters in the Old Testament: King Ahab, the king of Israel for almost an entire generation, his reign lasting twenty-two years. The Bible makes clear that Ahab was a wicked king. “Ahab, son of Omri, did what was evil in the Lord’s sight more than any King before him. “He not only considered it trivial to commit the sins of Jeroboam son of Nebat, but he also married Jezebel daughter of Ethbaal king of the Sidonians, and began to serve Baal and worship him. He set up an altar for Baal in the temple of Baal that he built in Samaria. Ahab also made an Asherah pole and did more to arouse the anger of the Lord, the God of Israel, than did all the kings of Israel before him”– 1 Kings 16:30-33.

The above passage gives us insight into why King Ahab was so evil in God’s sight.

Ahab followed the sin pattern of the previous king –Jeroboam. We read about Jeroboam’s sins in First Kings, also. Jeroboam erected idols, false gods, for Israel to worship. All the while knowing the first commandment God had given His people is, “You shall have no other gods before Me” –Exodus 20:3. So Jeroboam explicitly disobeyed God’s law. He’d also ordained priests for the temple who were not of the tribe of Levi, bypassing one of God’s divinely ordered requirements for the priesthood. It seems as though Jeroboam set a precedent that the future kings of Israel would follow, as that’s precisely what King Ahab did.

Instead of restoring Divine order to God’s people, Ahab followed the status quo.

Then there’s Queen Jezebel, the woman Ahab chose as his wife. Even though God didn’t want the Israelites intermarrying, this is because these other nations worshipped idols—false gods. Jezebel, in particular, is listed as one of the most wicked women in the Bible. She was from Sidon’s seaport town (sometimes called Zidon). Sidonians had previously oppressed God’s people (Judges 10:12). They were also known to be lawless and idolatrous (1 Kings 11:5; Judges 18:7. They were superstitious (Jeremiah 27:9). And all around wicked in God’s sight. Jezebel embodied each of these sinful qualities plus more! She had also introduced the false God, Baal, to the Israelites. She’d also oppressed God’s people while manipulating her husband into following her wicked, idolatrous ways.

And Elijah, one of the greatest prophets to serve Israel. He came in a close second to Moses. His name means, “Jehovah is my God.” Elijah sought to restore the heart of the people of Israel back to the Lord. Everything He did was to point to his God and bring Him glory. Elijah performed miracles, signs, and wonders by God’s power. The Bible does not give us much insight into Elijah’s history other than he was a Tishbite from Gilead—1 Kings 17:1a.

So now that we know the characters at play here, we can better appreciate the conflict to come and what we can glean from this story. A lot happens in a brief period, so today’s teaching is not an all-inclusive overview of biblical events.

Instead, I focused on Elijah’s faithfulness to God while living in an evil culture.

To fit everything into one teaching, we’ll dive into two specific events that struck me as I studied 1 Kings. The first is the widow in Sidon. The second is the bounty on Elijah’s head. At the beginning of 1 Kings 17, when we met Elijah, the first words we read are words from the Lord. God is telling Elijah there will be a famine in the coming years due to drought until He, the Lord, opens the heavens again, sending rain. After making this announcement, the Lord tells Elijah to hide by a brook so that he’d have access to water.

In addition to providing his water, the Lord also miraculously fed Elijah, sending ravens to bring him food by the brook.

But when the brook dried out, the Lord told Elijah to leave that place and stay with a widow in Zarephath, located in Sidon—v. 8. Did you catch that? Elijah was to go to Sidon, where the villainess of the day (Jezebel) hailed from. SIDON, whose people had oppressed the Israelites, worshiped false gods, and had no laws. That Sidon! So this widow was likely a worshiper of Baal, who, ironically, was supposed to be the god of nature. Specifically, the god of fertility and rainstorms.

I can imagine her feeling of betrayal towards Baal as she and her people revered this nature god, yet they were suffering from famine and drought. I’m sure many were starving, unable to feed their children, much like this widow. From what we know of her, she seems hopeless.

In the same breath Elijah uses to introduce himself to the widow, he also asks for a cup of water and some bread.

So, she gets him a little water and then informs him of her situation. “As surely as the Lord your God lives,” she replied, “I don’t have any bread—only a handful of flour in a jar and a little olive oil in a jug. I am gathering a few sticks to take home and make a meal for myself and my son, that we may eat it—and die.” – 1 Kings 17:12. She acknowledged Elijah’s God, not knowing God already knew her, and wanted to display His faithfulness and mercy towards her through His servant, Elijah. God was not afraid of their idol worship. Instead, He was seizing moments where hearts could be turned towards Him, even if it took a famine and a drought to get them there.

What struck me as I read this was this widow who was about to die. And how Elijah tells her to use the only flour and oil, she has left to bake him some bread, and she did just that. God miraculously caused her jars to be filled with oil and flour until the famine was over. This is very unusual because widows were seen as lowly members of society. Yet, it was a lowly widow that God saw fit to provide for, a woman whose heart would be soft towards His prophet. I can just imagine the joy she experienced as she saw the abundance Elijah’s God provided, while Baal just stood by and let the people die. Where Elijah is from, Gilead can be translated to mean “heap of testimony.” Elijah’s life truly resulted in heaps of testimonies like this one!

It doesn’t matter if your history is one that dishonored God. What does matter is if you have a heart of repentance, turning away from what displeases God, turning instead towards what pleases Him. You will see the fruit of His love and provision in your life in unexpected ways.

This second account is remarkable. It’s when the Lord breaks the drought, using Elijah’s faith. God tells Elijah to call for a showdown with the prophets of Baal. Four hundred fifty of them, to be exact. It was four hundred and fifty to One. These prophets of Baal were to call on him to send fire from heaven, and Elijah would do the same. Whichever succeeded in sending fire from heaven would be the One True God. So, the prophets of Baal prepared their bull offering on the altar, performing rituals that Baal would respond to. They danced and mutilated themselves. Their belief was to call the gods’ attention from the underworld; blood must be spilled. So, they cut themselves, danced, and shouted all morning and afternoon, to no avail. After this, Elijah prepared his altar. Wanting to make more of a fool of these so-called prophets than they were, Elijah had his altar and offering drenched with water. (Many would have seen this as a waste of water during a drought) then, Elijah knelt and prayed.

In that instant, fire fell from heaven, consuming every drop of water, the bull, and even the wood of Elijah’s offering!

Baal was put to shame, the false prophets put to death, and rain ended the drought. (There is so much more to this account. I encourage you to read 1 Kings 18 and 19 for yourself). When King Ahab told Jezebel Baal had been defeated, she ordered that Elijah be killed just as the prophets of Baal were. She was livid, and Elijah, the man who had just called fire down from heaven, was terrified. This same guy who’d witnessed God’s faithfulness towards the widow. Elijah, the man who hid by a creek and was miraculously fed by ravens, was afraid. Just a moment ago, he was laughing at the prophets of Baal; now, he is terrified of this worshiper of Baal.

So, Elijah goes into a spiraling depression. He hides in the desert for forty days and can’t eat. Gosh, I think we’ve all been there.

“I know *insert the best thing that just happened to you* just happened, but I’m going to die here.”

“I know God has provided for me in the past, but I might as well give up now because God’s nowhere to be found.”

Hear me out. God has not left you. If you are a follower of Jesus, a child of God, He promises never to leave you nor forsake you.

You will experience victories, but you’ll also experience trouble. But Jesus is there through it all. His work in you is not over until He says it’s over. Just as God came back to Elijah, whispering a reminder to shake off his fear because there was still work to do, He wants you to rise up and trust Him to complete the work He has for you. It’s not over until God says it’s over. Will you find the faith today to be fearfully faithful? And when you can’t find the strength to get up and fulfill that purpose, remember, in those moments, to rely on Jesus. Pray, because God says, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness” –2 Corinthians 12:9.

When you feel weak, God is strong in you.

If you don’t know this God I am talking about; I invite you to ask Him into your life today. Invite Him to have a seat at your table as you try to navigate life’s difficulties. He is faithful to forgive your sins, just as He’s forgiven mine, and He wants to have a relationship with you. So, I challenge you to be fearfully faithful to Jesus, then watch as He does the impossible in your life.

The Choice Is Yours.

MaryEllen Montville

“This day I call the heavens and the earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life, so that you and your children may live and that you may love the Lord your God, listen to his voice, and hold fast to him” –Deuteronomy 30:19-20.

Last Sunday, our congregation witnessed six souls openly profess their eternal allegiance to Christ Jesus when they stepped into the baptismal pool—joyfully taking the next step in their most sacred of relationships: their relationship with God. Their old man left at the bottom of that pool. A new man rose up, breaking that watery surface, stepping out. “and this water symbolizes baptism that now saves you also—not the removal of dirt from the body but the pledge of a clear conscience toward God. It saves you by the resurrection of Jesus Christ, who has gone into heaven and is at God’s right hand—with angels, authorities and powers in submission to him” –1 Peter 3:21-22.

These six souls, some walking with the Lord longer than others, one of them for literally one day, decided in their hearts to follow the “narrow path.”

“But small is the gate and narrow and difficult to travel is the path that leads the way to [everlasting] life, and there are few who find it” –Mathew 7:14. Yet despite its difficulties, each chose to take this path with its winding way, its mountain top highs and valley lows, its sacrifice and loss, partly because of the “Pearl of Great Price” awaiting them at its end. “Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant seeking beautiful pearls, who, when he had found one pearl of great price, went and sold all that he had and bought it” –Matthew 13:45-46. But before we all gathered around the pool to celebrate with our brothers and sisters, we heard a powerful sermon preached. One intentionally stitched together with words like sin, forgiveness, and free will, a sermon brimming with the love of God for a sinful world. It was a map of sorts, no, not of sorts, it was a map. One whose X was clearly marked.

It was a sermon packed with hope, making clear that we must choose between life and death.

“In the past God overlooked such ignorance, but now he commands all people everywhere to repent. For he has set a day when he will judge the world with justice by the man he has appointed. He has given proof of this to everyone by raising him from the dead” Acts 17:30-31.

This teaching, though not the easiest to hear, made clear that Jesus, knowing only a Pure, Spotless sacrifice could ever restore the intimate relationship broken back in the garden, determined to wrap His Godly Perfection in human flesh and be born among us. Choosing obedience to the Father, He came into this world. In like fashion, when His work was completed, Jesus chose to lay down on His Cross, leaving this life behind and returning to the Father. “No one can take my life from me. I sacrifice it voluntarily. For I have the authority to lay it down when I want to and also to take it up again. For this is what my Father has commanded” –John 10:18.

It made clear the wages of sin are death.

Reminding us of what Romans 3:23 makes plain: “for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” It detailed that salvation is a gift from God, freely given, yet each man must open his heart and choose to accept what God has offered him. Men are saved only by accepting Jesus. Not by works, so none of us can brag or boast. “And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him” –Hebrews 11:6.

There is only One way to God, and His name is Jesus. Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to mankind by which we must be saved.” –Acts 4:12.

According to Scripture, the sinner’s basic problem is unbelief. “And when He comes, He will convict the world in regard to sin and righteousness and judgment: in regard to sin, because they do not believe in Me” –John 16:9. This teaching reminded us that anyone who refuses to believe, despite proofs, is rejecting Jesus and, if rejecting Jesus, is rejecting the Father and Holy Spirit in kind. Speaking to His disciples, Jesus made this plain: “Then he said to the disciples, “Anyone who accepts your message is also accepting me. And Anyone who rejects you is rejecting me. And Anyone who rejects me is rejecting God, who sent me” –Luke 10:16.

“Unbelief is saying to God, “thanks, but no thanks, Jesus. I’ve heard all you had to say, but you go your way, and I’ll go mine. You’re not worthy of my faith, trust, or love. I don’t want or need you in my life.” –Pastor Lino Braga.


You could have heard a pin drop in the church. We were reminded that the sin of unbelief is alive and well in the church today. Witnessed weekly whenever God’s Word is shared, yet rejected—an ongoing proof of man’s wickedness. “For we also have had the good news proclaimed to us, just as they did; but the message they heard was of no value to them, because they did not share the faith of those who obeyed” –Hebrews 4:2.

In conclusion, I’ll add this: The parent of all sin, unbelief, was employed by God’s enemy in the garden.

Satan’s ability to sow seeds of doubt, division, unbelief, even spiritual death in the hearts and minds of others is no new thing. We read of it in Genesis 3:1 when Satan deceived Eve. “Did God really say, ‘You must not eat from any tree in the garden’?” And we all know what happened next. Now hear what Jesus says of those who foolishly choose to follow after the one who desires to keep you eternally separated from God. Keep you dead in your sin, in this life, and the next. “For you are the children of your Father the devil, and you love to do the evil things he does. He was a murderer from the beginning. He has always hated the Truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, it is consistent with his character; for he is a liar and the Father of lies” –John 8:44.

Now you may be saying, “wow, MaryEllen, this teaching is harsh. And to that, I’d answer, “Truth is not always pleasant or easy to hear, yet love compels me to share it with you. “And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free” –John 8:32. Know this: God’s heart is that none perish—God loves you. Jesus is long-suffering, full of grace and love and mercy. But His Word assures us He will not tolerate our intentionally rejecting His love forever. Sadly, one day, He will turn away. Quit pursuing you. Quit sending people like me to get your attention. He’ll let you have your own way—remember, you get to choose. God will not force Himself on you.

So, friend, you need not live in unbelief for one more minute.

But if this has been you, please know God loves you and desires a loving relationship with you, regardless of your sin or past; I can personally attest to this Truth. Christ pulled me out of the hotbed of my sins, changing me from the inside out. Not overnight, but steadily, day by day—still. Know that Jesus is offering you another chance today. Choose Him, please. Ask Jesus into your life as Lord and Savior. Repent of your unbelief and be saved. Your unbelief is no match for God’s Love for you. God is not a man that He can lie. Take to heart God’s promise to you found in Isaiah 45:25. “I, even I, am he who blots out your transgressions, for my own sake, and remembers your sins no more.”  

Heart of Flesh.

Kendra Santilli

If life is a journey, that must mean there is a process. We love the adventure of going on a journey but shy away from the challenge of the inevitable process accompanying it. If you are anything like me, your brain is an idea factory, a well-oiled machine—whipping up business or work improvement ideas. People like us have the ambition to get things started by formulating a plan, but we’re slack in carrying it through. I have heard it said that motivation is a great tool to get started toward a goal, but discipline is the element required to complete it. Whether it is a new diet, exercise program, or something as simple as an attitude adjustment, it is easy to fall off the wagon when things do not progress as quickly as we want them to. We want to see our maturity instantly but do not have the drive to get through the tough stuff.

While we start with inspiration from individuals who have succeeded in what we want to achieve, we do not always realize the dedication it took them to get there. I’m talking about that feeling we get when seeing before and after pictures on home improvement projects or the before and after photos of one’s weight loss. What is not pictured are the failures and small victories they achieve along the way over months or years. We don’t see the sacrifices and challenges that become the steppingstones to their final destination. We forget that consistency and discipline are the most crucial ingredients for success.

The same is true for our spiritual lives.

Today I would like to introduce you to the Old Testament prophet Ezekiel. This ancient book was written to make plain God’s judgment on Israel: it’s also a prophetic glimpse into their future. The same God that spoke to Ezekiel then is speaking to us still. God does not change. His heart has remained the same, and like the entire Bible, Ezekiel’s message still speaks to us. Ezekiel 36:26-27 reads, “I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit within you; I will remove your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh. I will place my Spirit within you and cause you to follow my statutes and carefully observe my ordinances.”

This verse is brimming with the hope of the final destination. It is saying that God’s plan for His people was once again for them to become inclined towards Him. The “heart of stone” here represents stubbornness or pride, the calloused part of humanity that declares we do not need God when, in fact, He designed us to function optimally in communion with Him. The “heart of flesh” means the person is softened towards the things of God. Their desire becomes that of pleasing Him, not rebellion against Him. It is only through a softened heart that the Spirit of God can dwell within us to help us follow His ways.

So, while this verse speaks to the goal, the preceding chapters describe the first steps God had to take, exposing the wickedness of man. For God to work in us, He first has to remove our broken pieces, making room for what is good. God gives Ezekiel prophetic visions of the rampant sin among His people, the Israelites. When God gave Ezekiel these visions, it was understood that the acts of the Israelites broke His heart. Scripture shows us time and time again that God and sin cannot coexist, yet God longs for a relationship with sinful mankind. Can you see the dilemma? He wanted to dwell with man but could not. You must understand this: generations before this, the Lord gave laws to Moses for the people to have a guide for living rightly before God so that they could have a relationship, but because they disobeyed these laws, God grew displeased. Even with clear-cut expectations, the Israelites still didn’t get it. If you read the chapters before this, they are riddled with judgment as Ezekiel exposes Israel of all her sins.

Like Israel, our walk with God ebbs and flows. God never changes. He remains constant in all things. The ebb and flow come from us; we are inconsistent. When we first come to the Lord, we are filled with the excitement of new hope. Then as we read the Bible and spend time with God, conviction begins to grab hold of our hearts, making us quite uncomfortable. This reflection is the part where the easy option is to stop pursuing God because, amid that expository process, it feels as though you will never reach the maturity of the examples that you see around you.

Let me remind you: you were not there during their process! And you cannot compare your process to someone else’s final product.

Every person who seeks God will find themselves exposed by His word. The Bible says, “there is no one righteous, not even one; … there is no one who does good, not even one.” – Romans 3:11a-12b. According to the Bible, even your best day is not good enough before God. The process of walking with the Lord may feel like condemnation at first. It may feel like the judgment that we read about in the first half of the book of Ezekiel, but if you stay the course, that feeling of judgment will turn to a sense of hope as He turns your heart from stone to flesh. Discomfort should not be the thing that stops you from pursuing God. Instead, it should propel you closer to Him as He is the only one who can redeem what once was lost. When you believe in Jesus, you receive the righteousness of God. Those failed attempts to start living better and be a better person are no surprise because that can only be accomplished through Jesus. “The righteousness of God is through faith in Jesus Christ to all who believe.” – Romans 3:22. “God made [Jesus] who did not know sin to be sin for us, so that in [Jesus] we might become the righteousness of God.” – 2 Corinthians 5:21 (emphasis my own). Jesus is the key to our ability to live a righteous life. We cannot do it without Him. Our being molded into His image is hard but worth it. Jesus promised that He would make us new. Our responsibility is to believe what He says and ask for the faith to walk unwavering with Him.

If you don’t yet know Jesus, I invite you to ask Him into those uncomfortable spaces in your heart, to clean them, making things new within you. Jesus wants to walk with you despite your mess. God made a way for a relationship with Him to be possible through Jesus. Ask Jesus to give you a new heart and renew a right spirit within you, His Holy Spirit.

The God of Suddenly.

MaryEllen Montville

Hagar called Him El Roi, The God who sees me. He is the God of those who feel insignificant or forgotten. God of the one who has drifted—gone astray, that wanderer, the pride-full one, the rebel, the backslider. He is the God of the one who has not picked up their bible in weeks. Jesus is “I Am,” the Triune God who has always been. “Your father Abraham rejoiced that he would see my day. He saw it and was glad.” So the Jews said to him, “You are not yet fifty years old, and have you seen Abraham?” Jesus said to them, “Truly, truly, I say to you, before Abraham was, I am.”  He is God of the “suddenly.” Calling, reshaping, pruning, refining, purifying those that are His, called by His name, chosen in Him before the foundation of the world.

Personally, I take great comfort in knowing that God is both Alpha and Omega, knowing my end from my beginning. There is great comfort in the knowledge that God cannot change. He is steadfast, my Anchor. Holding me fast through the violent winds of adversity and trials, when “suddenly” winds threaten to uproot me from the very place I stand. He is my Rock, my Firm Foundation. Even though, whether intentionally or permissively, He sends these winds of change, reminders to loosen my grip on, not get too comfortable in, a world I’m just passing through.

God alone ensures we do not fall, that no enemy trap or snare overtakes us.

This great, vast, unplumbed God who refuses to fit into our small, finite imaginings of Him; this God we cannot fully comprehend, “I Am Who I Am,” has, inconceivably, deigned to take up residence within us. The burning Fire of His Spirit, groaning within! And, that He remains fully God, holy, pure, and Sovereign, still, while living in our fallen vessels makes my head swoon! It leaves me in slack-jawed, stupefied awe of the One who so loved us that He offered His only Son, Jesus, savagely beaten within inches of His Spotless life, nailed to His Cross—He hung there and died in our place.

Our God is so far beyond my ability to fully take Him in, and I am grateful for this. As God’s children, how blessed we are to rest the full weight of our trust, all of our hope in Him—in His every promise.

Friends, remember, we are the only ones caught by surprise when the “suddenly” of life happens. Every “suddenly” that changes the familiar trajectory of our lives, God saw coming.

Nothing ever catches our God off guard. In truth, He built these twists and turns into His plan for our lives somewhere in eternity past. Using them to build our faith and trust in Him, make it stronger. Being Sovereign, God certainly allowed them. “Then the LORD asked Satan, “Have you noticed my servant Job? He is the finest man in all the earth. He is blameless—a man of complete integrity. He fears God and stays away from evil” –Job 1:8. Yet as willy nilly, as random and wholly disruptive as “suddenly” as they may appear, be reminded today: these unexpected tests and trials are intentional, Beloved. Remember too: “…we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose” –Romans 8:58.

Your loving Father has allowed each “suddenly” into your life, being used to help bring about your purpose—to mold you into the image and likeness of His Son. Romans 8:29 makes plain this Truth, listen: “For those whom he foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son.” And in 1 Corinthians 15:49, we read this promise: “Just as we have borne the image of the man of dust, we shall, also bear the image of the man of heaven.” Beloved, God has a plan for your life. Like every brother and sister before you, you came into the world to be used by God. The very moment you gave your life to Jesus, you gave Him carte blanche to do with you whatever He sees fit. This, long before you had any idea what He may ask of you. Long before your first, “suddenly” appeared. “Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?” And I said, “Here am I. Send me!” –Isaiah 6:8. Read how Molly Law explains this complete surrender to God:

The use of “Here I am Lord” reveals purpose. Isaiah was saying he was here on earth for a specific purpose, and he wanted that purpose to be the Lord’s. As he immediately followed it with “send me,” he didn’t wait to hear what the Lord would say but wrote a blank check to the Lord, a universal yes to God’s plan for him.

Jesus says it this way in Luke 9:23: “Then he said to them all: “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me.”  

This denying self and taking up whatever cross our Father requires of us, part of “counting the cost” Jesus spoke of in Luke 14. “Large crowds were traveling with Jesus, and turning to them he said: “If anyone comes to me and does not hate father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters—yes, even their own life—such a person cannot be my disciple. And whoever does not carry their cross and follow me cannot be my disciple.”  Many who had followed Jesus because of the miracles they’d witnessed or the power-filled Words of Life they’d heard left Him when He spoke this.

From the beginning, well before Christ wrapped Himself in flesh and lived among us, Jesus knew those who would surrender all and those who would think the price of following Him too great, walking away. Only God knows whether they’ll ever reconsider their foolish choice. I pray they did and do return to God. This life is but a vapor. And eternity, a long time to be separated from Jesus.

So here’s the question each child of God must answer: Do you truly trust your Father? Are you willing to lay down your life and take up your cross?

When that whiplash-like suddenly comes, and it will surely come, will you trust God when you can’t see a conceivable way the pieces of your well-ordered life will ever fit back together now that God just upended it? Fitting you in where He’d have you go, doing what He’d have you to do, for a season or a lifetime—whether or not it makes any sense?

I mean, will you really trust God? Abraham, trust Him?  Ready to plunge that knife kind of trust Him? “And Abraham stretched forth his hand, and took the knife to slay his son” – Genesis 22:10. Leave everything familiar behind to go wherever God leads you, trust Him? “The LORD had said to Abram, “Go from your country, your people and your father’s household to the land I will show you” –Genesis 12:1. I know; it makes you a little nervous to think that God might ask any of this of you. Jesus understands that. “Father, if you are willing, please take this cup of suffering away from me. Yet I want your will to be done, not mine” –Luke 22:42.

Yet, Beloved, these are the terms and conditions you agreed to.

The price you said you’d pay to belong to Jesus. This Truth is a hard thing, I know. I’m there myself right now. Standing, toes on the line of my next “suddenly” with God. Thankfully, because of His great mercy and grace, I know my Father well enough to know that, contrary to how I may feel about this, God is faithful—I’ve been here before.

So, since He has permitted this “suddenly” to touch my life, though uncomfortable and trying certainly, I am confident it is for my good and God’s glory. Equally, God is faithful and, by faith, has already given me the grace, strength, wisdom, time, and all else I may need to carry out His latest plot twist. I’ve banked my life on this Truth. And if you’re saying, “me too, I’m also in the throes of a suddenly,” I pray your strength for this same certainty. I encourage you to re-mind yourself of God’s faithfulness in your last “suddenly.”

“I pray that God, the source of hope, will fill you completely with joy and peace because you trust in him. Then you will overflow with confident hope through the power of the Holy Spirit” –Romans 15:13. “Suddenly” will come, brothers and sisters. That’s a guarantee. The question is, will you still pick up your cross and follow Him when it does?

Friend, if you have read this far yet have not asked this God I’ve spoken of, the Only True God, Jesus, into your heart and life as Lord and Savior, I pray you’ll do that now—understanding you are not here by accident, there is no such thing. Instead, this Loving, Sovereign God is calling you to Himself. He loves you. “Seek the Lord while he may be found; call on him while he is near. Let the wicked forsake their ways and the unrighteous their thoughts. Let them turn to the Lord, and he will have mercy on them, and to our God, for he will freely pardon” –Isaiah 55: 6-8.

Don’t Sleep On This.

Kendra Santilli

Live every day as if Jesus can come back right now, but plan as if you still have another hundred years on this earth. –unknown

Certain moments in life mark you. Moments that latch on to your heart, periodically making their way back to memory. One of those moments came to me in a high school Bible class as my teacher gave us the quote mentioned above. As I wrestle with the mystery of the second coming of Christ spoken of in the scriptures, I often remember what he said. Live every day as if Jesus can come back right now…

While it is not gospel, its depth of meaning challenges me each time I think about it. The Bible is clear that Jesus is coming back, but it is also clear that not one person knows the day nor the hour of His return. “Now concerning that day and hour no one knows—neither the angels of heaven nor the Son —except the Father alone”– Matt 24:36. Jesus, Himself doesn’t know when the Father will send Him. What makes anyone think they could make such an arrogant prediction? Some believers blindly believe the false teachers who claim to know one of the very things the Bible says we cannot know. Now, I am not here to berate the person who believes their words; instead, I hope to send out a call to action in this hour of waiting for our Lord’s second coming.

When I think of the coming of Christ, I am reminded of the parable of the ten virgins found in Matthew 25.

“At that time the kingdom of Heaven will be like ten virgins who took their lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom. Five of them were foolish and five were wise. The foolish ones took their lamps but did not take any oil with them. The wise ones, however, took oil in jars along with their lamps. The bridegroom was a long time in coming, and they all became drowsy and fell asleep. At midnight the cry rang out: “Here’s the bridegroom! Come out to meet him!” Then all the virgins woke up and trimmed their lamps. The foolish ones said to the wise, “Give us some of your oil; our lamps are going out.” “No,” they replied, “there may not be enough for both us and you. Instead, go to those who sell oil and buy some for yourselves.” But while they were on their way to buy the oil, the bridegroom arrived. The virgins who were ready went in with him to the wedding banquet. And the door was shut. Later the others also came. “Lord, Lord,” they said, “open the door for us!” But he replied, “Truly I tell you, I don’t know you.” Therefore keep watch, because you do not know the day or the hour” – Matt 25:1-14

The “virgins” in this passage possibly refer to members of a bridal party waiting to greet the groom as he arrives; these represent followers of Jesus, while the bridegroom represents Jesus. In this parable, Jesus is cautioning people to prepare themselves while they await His coming. Do you identify with the foolish virgins who slept while they should have been preparing for the bridegroom? These are people who know Jesus is coming. They can be believers who say they love Jesus or know of Jesus but do not live righteous lives. The scary thing about this is that they are part of the bridal party – they prepared for this wedding with the bride, who is the church, but in those last hours, they slept instead of preparing their lamps (or hearts) for the coming of the bridegroom. I have heard believers say, “what’s the point of working or being ambitious? Jesus is about to come”. I’m not making this up. I have heard these words fr*om people who are believers. Jesus never called us to be lazy; in fact, the Bible refers to laziness as foolish. These lazy virgins who slept instead of preparing their lamps with oil are referred to as foolish. Instead, it is wise to continue to prepare both in body and spirit. First, you must prepare your heart. Jesus is more concerned about your heart than anything else, but He does not stop there. You must, secondly, continue to be good stewards of what the Lord has given you. Has He given you a home? Care for it. A family? Provide for them and leave them an inheritance. A business? Steward that well and continue to care for it as He blesses the work of your hands.

Continue to put God first, spend time with Him, and care for what He has given you. “Seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you” – Matthew 6:33. God created this earth for us to enjoy and to care for as we reside here until the day that He calls us home.

Maybe you identify with the wise virgins instead? Those who were vigilant in filling their lamps with oil before the bridegroom’s arrival. They, too, fell asleep. However, they could rest knowing that they were prepared for the wedding (or the kingdom of Heaven). These are people who prepare themselves by learning God’s word, even when their peers tell them it doesn’t matter. They go against the grain and prepare themselves for the groom’s coming. When He arrives, they can light their lamps with the oil they already have and join the wedding party while the others are locked out because they slept instead of being prepared.

… plan as if you still have another hundred years on this earth.

What are you doing with your time? Have you given up on any ambition? Have you lost hope? Have you given yourself to procrastination, saying you have time to figure it out? Or do you spend time filling your -*lamp with oil? The oil of the Holy Spirit and the Word that gives you that fills you with purpose, hope, and vision. As you fill your lamp with oil, you live with your eyes wide open, searching for the opportunity to obey God’s Word and live rightly. The word of God is hidden in your heart so that you can use it when you need it. Spending time with God in His Word and prayer fills your lamp with oil and gives you the passion for preparing yourself physically and spiritually for His coming.

This message is not one of sadness; this is a call to action!

If you have been following Jesus yet feel that you identify with the foolish virgins, it is not too late. Wake up, get up, and fill your lamps with oil. Seek Jesus with all your heart, and you will find Him. And if you don’t yet know Jesus as Lord, ask Him to come into your heart, to be your Savior. Repent of your sins, and God will lead you in the way you were created to go in. He is faithful and wants to have a relationship with you! “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart” –Jeremiah 29:11-13.

The Bible is clear that Jesus is coming again, but no one knows when, so I will echo the words I heard over ten years ago…

Live every day like He’s coming now, but plan as if you have another hundred years.

He’ll Make a Warrior Out of You.

Kendra Santilli

“Gideon and his three hundred men, exhausted yet keeping up the pursuit, came to the Jordan and crossed it” – Judges 8:4.

Today, we will follow the story of an unlikely hero in the Old Testament who restored his nation with God’s help. This story can’t just be cherry-picked, one verse and call it a day, so we are going on a bit of a storytelling journey. But trust me, it’s a good one! Judges six introduces us to a timid young man from the least of his tribe. He was also the youngest child in his family.

From the beginning of this story, it is evident that Gideon was far from strong and courageous.

We read many Bible stories of brave, valiant men and women who trusted God with all confidence, yet God’s choice of Gideon highlights someone who may not be a “typical hero.” Gideon was a fearful person, probably a bit anxious if I were to guess. Yet the beauty of his story is that God’s mercy sees past Gideon’s current circumstance and speaks into his destiny. One small blog post is not enough to cover Gideon’s whole story, yet there is much we can learn about what it means to walk in our God-given purpose, nevertheless.

 “The weakest tribe.” “The youngest in his family.”

You and I know these terms of inadequacy; there’s really nothing new under the sun. These terms of inadequacy were the exact words used to describe one of the greatest warriors of old. Often, we know what our end goal needs to be, yet we also have the sense we somehow don’t have what it takes to fill the shoes to make things happen.

Whether it’s our career, ministry, personal, or family-related, everyone knows the feeling of inadequacy. Thankfully, our Creator is not surprised by our self-perceived shortcomings. He anticipates them.

God knows exactly how we see ourselves. He also knows how to extract the absolute best from us—through His Holy Spirit at work in us. The Lord approached Gideon, He said, “the Lord is with you mighty warrior” – v. 12. Gideon’s response to being called a mighty warrior was riddled with fearful doubt, not faith. Gideon failed, initially, to recognize God was trying to inspire him by calling him a mighty warrior. “Pardon me, my Lord,” Gideon replied, “but how can I save Israel? My clan is the weakest in Manasseh, and I am the least in my family.” – Judges 6:15. Gideon affirmed two things in questioning God the way he did: his insignificance and lack of faith. He had heard of the God who delivered his people from Egypt years ago, but he didn’t believe the same God was still with them. Gideon felt helpless and abandoned. He didn’t realize that Israel’s Savior had come to lift Israel’s heads—yet again.

Gideon’s response sounded awfully familiar to me. I’ve heard many people respond in this same fashion. “If God is with me, why do I still not have a house?” ‘If God is with me, why am I still sick?’ “If God is with me, why don’t I have my dream job?” “If God is with me, why am I not married yet?”

If-then statements affirm our fears and doubts rather than decree God’s faithfulness.

God was trying to teach Gideon a lesson in steadfastness—and through him, us as well. You have to understand the background of this story to appreciate Gideon’s response to God. Moses had led the Israelites out of being enslaved people in Egypt just a few generations before. They were a free people now, but they had turned away from God, worshipping idols instead. They explicitly broke the command given them by God, to have “no other gods before the one true God- Yahweh”—Exodus 20:3. And because of their spiritual adultery, God allowed the Israelites to fall into the hands of their enemies, yet again. The Bible says the Midianites were like locusts, ravaging the land of the Israelites –Judges 6:5. The Israelites were afraid of Midianites after succumbing to the deception of giving their hearts to the pagan God, Baal. This makes Gideon’s fearful response to God’s sudden appearance make sense.

If Gideon were to re-establish Yahweh as Israel’s one true God, he knew he’d be doing so in opposition to the people around him. He’d be in the minority. The Israelites crafted false gods with their hands; today, many people hold their god in their hands—their phones. Remember, gods can come in the form of family members, significant others, nature, entertainment, possessions, careers—anything can become a god if we allow it. And while it may feel right at that moment, giving our hearts to other gods has long-term, devastating effects on our spirits. We were created to thrive when our heart, mind, soul, and strength are fixed on the one true God. “Jesus declared, ” ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment” –Matthew 22:37-38.

If our hearts are not purposefully committed to serving Jesus only, losing them to another god is easy.

Back to Gideon. He lived in a culture that had given its heart to idols and was oppressed by pagans. Then God shows up and calls Gideon a mighty warrior – Judges 6:12. Gideon could not see his worth because God was calling Gideon by his potential.

God has a way of showing us who He’s created us to be.

When God showed up, Gideon was by no means a mighty warrior; he was the timid, youngest child of his tribe, threshing wheat in a winepress—Judges 6:11. Little did Gideon know, God was about to make him one of His greatest warriors. To help accomplish this, the Lord selects a three-hundred-man army to fight alongside Gideon. Yet, for them to come away victorious from this battle with the Midianites would require a trained army of some tens of thousands! Surely, they were in for an impossible fight. Yet here they were, this unlikely army of just three hundred men hand-picked by the Lord. Their number, part of God’s plan. God jealously wanted the glory in freeing His people from their captors, and He still does.

So, if you feel like you’re in an impossible situation, you are in the prime position for a miraculous victory, which can only happen by the hand of God! Let the Spirit of God remind you who He is and who you are in Him. Even when you’ve walked away from the Lord, He sees you, still. He is still pursuing you, just as He did the Israelites, repeatedly. Jesus never fails to remind us of who He’s been in our lives, even when we didn’t realize it. When the time finally comes to fight for the vision in your heart, it may be scary, but you must remember that the Lord has already been working on your behalf behind the scenes. We see the Truth of this in Gideons’ story.

Gideon had gone through a series of events leading up to this battle, yet he still wasn’t the mighty warrior he would become. But the Lord wasn’t surprised by this. He expected Gideon to be afraid. Moments before this battle, the Lord leaks some intel to Gideon, telling him that he should eavesdrop on what his enemies are saying if he is still afraid. Sure enough, the princes of Midian were discussing a dream.

“This can be nothing other than the sword of Gideon son of Joash, the Israelite. God has given the Midianites and the whole camp into his hands.” When Gideon heard the dream and its interpretation, he bowed down and worshiped. He returned to the camp of Israel and called out, “Get up! The Lord has given the Midianite camp into your hands.” Dividing the three hundred men into three companies, he placed trumpets and empty jars in the hands of all of them, with torches inside. “Watch me,” he told them. “Follow my lead. When I get to the edge of the camp, do exactly as I do. When I and all who are with me blow our trumpets, then from all around the camp blow yours and shout, ‘For the Lord and for Gideon.'”… While each man held his position around the camp, all the Midianites ran, crying out as they fled. When the three hundred trumpets sounded, the Lord caused the men throughout the camp to turn on each other with their swords” – Judges 7:14-18; 21-22.

God went ahead of Gideon, weakening the hearts of his enemy. But I want us to pay attention to Gideon’s response to God’s actions. He bowed down and worshiped. Too many today receive their blessing and get up prideful, rather than humble—boastful, instead of praising the Lord, remembering the blessing came by His hand alone. God loves a humble heart and will continue to bless it—Proverbs 3:34.

But the story isn’t over yet. Gideon had one more battle to fight; they couldn’t give up just yet. In the middle of this passage, we read that Gideon and his three hundred men, exhausted yet keeping up the pursuit, came to the Jordan and crossed it. – Judges 8:4. They were exhausted but continued their pursuit.

I don’t know about you, but I deeply feel this verse. I get so tired of fighting sometimes I just want to stop and relax, taking some time for myself.

But God did not create us to live in comfort; He created us to live in Him, operate in His strength when we feel weak. To be bold and courageous. And our having such courage sometimes requires being uncomfortable. It requires faith and perseverance. “Then the Spirit of the Lord came on Gideon…” –Judges 6:34. Gideon defied the ungodly culture he lived amongst by the power of God’s Spirit at work in him. By his choosing to obey and follow after the one true God.

When culture tells us to do what feels good, the Bible tells us to step out in faith even when it feels uncomfortable.

Like Gideon, I believe the Lord wants to make a mighty warrior out of you. Wherever you are in life, I pray you to have the courage to obey the Lord in everything. God knows what’s going on, whether in your work, family, or personal life. If you are willing to listen, He is ready to lead you. And as He leads you, trust that He is working behind the scenes in ways you could never imagine. You may be afraid and anxious, but Gideon’s story should inspire hope, ensuring that God is not afraid of your shortcomings. He expects them and prepares us, despite them. Keep fighting. Keep trusting the Lord. He moves in ways that you could never think or imagine. And when you see your victory, respond in worship. Not in pride.

If you don’t know the Lord who fights for you, I promise that He is available to you right here and now if you would humble yourself and pray to Him. If you seek Jesus with all your heart, He will meet you exactly where you are. Your need is not too small nor too big. Ask Jesus into your heart today. He will strengthen you to walk through this life in victory!

Run, Don’t Walk.

MaryEllen Montville

“Though my father and mother forsake me, the Lord will receive me. Teach me your way, Lord; lead me in a straight path because of my oppressors. Do not turn me over to the desire of my foes, for false witnesses rise against me, spouting malicious accusations” –Psalm 27:10-12.

David knew firsthand the sudden, waspish sting of betrayal. That gut-punch instant when the enemy of your soul lands some unexpected blow straight to your solar plexus, leaving you disoriented, stunned, silent—air-less. As Christians, we expect this from our enemy. After all, Scripture has taught us that he comes to steal, kill, and destroy (John 10:10). But what about when our “enemy” comes wrapped in the flesh of a friend? Worst yet, a trusted family member. A mother or father, sister, brother, that beloved grandparent?

What do we do in that instant?

How do we respond to such an attack?

As always, God’s Word holds our answer. God’s Word alone the guardrails that prevent us from going over the edge when pain, fear, betrayal, or some other “suddenly” blindsides us.

Recently, I faced this very situation. Satan used the one person I naturally expected to love and comfort me to bring me to my knees—I was left air-less by their vicious verbal assault—stunned, silent. Yet God brought beauty from my ashes. He used this experience—dare I say permitted it (think Job), to refine me, mature me, draw me closer. In this most painful of times, God re-minded me of the most straightforward, most basic Truth; He alone is more than enough. He is all I need. “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble” –Psalm 46:1.

At that moment, and for some days following, I didn’t want to talk with anyone. Not my beloved pastors, though I know they care for and cover me in prayer. I didn’t need to call my dearest sister or brother in the faith. I just needed my Father. I just needed to be still. In that most painful of times, only God would do. “The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still” –Exodus 14:14. At that moment, I was reminded that there are instances in life where we need specialized help. One doesn’t call 911 when they get a flat; they call 911 when there’s been an accident. When someone is in imminent danger, is injured, or has been harmed. God used the crushing weight of my betrayal to remind me He wants to be my first call. The One I call on in my hour of need—period. He alone upholds me.

Yes, God has grafted me into a loving, supportive Body of brothers and sisters. Yes, God’s blessed me with loving, caring, hands-on shepherds, and I am grateful to Him for these blessings.

But not one of these can take God’s place in my life.

No one can love me as Jesus can. Not one person possesses the precise Words of life I need to hear at that moment I need to hear them. Because what I need, only God can provide. He alone is my Lord; no one knows me as my Father does. “The LORD is my rock, and my fortress, and my deliverer; my God, my strength, in whom I will trust; my buckler, and the horn of my salvation, and my high tower” –Psalm 18:2.

Ed Jarret says this about God’s abiding presence: God, in the person of the Holy Spirit, is with us in a very personal and intimate way. The God of all creation lives within me. He comforts me in challenging times. He teaches me his ways. Ed’s simple words encapsulate the bigger Truth Jesus shared with His disciples on the last night He would dine with them, this side of eternity. “And I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Advocate to be with you forever— the Spirit of truth” –John 14:16-17.

And though that bitter sting of betrayal may last for a season, the Holy Spirit of God is alive within us—always. Empowering us to overcome, forgive and heal, to pray for the very one who betrayed us. Christ alone is eternal and Mighty to save. “The Lord is my light and my salvation—whom shall I fear? The Lord is the stronghold of my life—of whom shall I be afraid? For in the day of trouble he will keep me safe in his dwelling; he will hide me in the shelter of his sacred tent and set me high upon a rock” –Psalm 27:1;5.

And while scholars cannot pinpoint a specific time in David’s life when He may have penned this Psalm, they seemingly agree on this one point: David knew precisely from whom his strength, comfort, and ability to forgive and move forward flowed.

Right now, many of God’s children are standing on the very edge of their breakthrough. Yet fear, or some impending threat from the enemy they see in the natural, that unexpected betrayal, has caused them to lose sight of their true position, that of being smack-dab in the centre of God’s will. Beloved, don’t let this temporary pain, the fear of what you see happening around you, blind you to what God is doing in your midst, regardless its severity.

Child of God, I know how hard it is for you not to run as fast as your legs will take you from the pain of the moment you’re standing in right now, to not fold before the giants staring you down. Yet, amid the pain, while you’re still smarting over that betrayal, allow me to lead you back to Truth. Back to Who it is that will mend your broken heart, restore your troubled peace, speak Life-affirming Words of love over you. “For in the day of trouble he will keep me safe in his dwelling; he will hide me in the shelter of his sacred tent and set me high upon a rock.” –Psalm 27:5

I, too, have experienced that same blindsided stupor you’re experiencing. That “suddenly” when the air was sucked out of the room. When some news or someone’s bitter words, that diagnosis, or that trusted someone’s startling betrayal hits you so deeply, everything inside goes numb. I get it; I do. But please, just breathe for a moment. Because there are times, we need someone else to speak into our situation—our fear or pain. To redirect our focus—we’ve momentarily lost our footing. “As iron sharpens iron, so a friend sharpens a friend” –Proverbs 27:17.

Dear friend, I’m not suggesting it will all be okay by Tuesday. I have no idea about your situation—the scope of your loss or pain. I was simply sent here today to share God’s promise to bind up your broken places and to encourage you. To remind you of God’s Sovereign timing, His eagle-eyed ability to swoop in at the very second our enemy’s talons are about to inflict some fatal blow, taking him out, causing him to fall. “When the wicked advance against me to devour me, it is my enemies and my foes who will stumble and fall. Though an army besiege me, my heart will not fear; though war break out against me, even then I will be confident” –Psalm 27:2-3.

Be encouraged, child of God, and don’t find it strange these trials—this pain or betrayal, have come to visit you. “Beloved, do not be surprised at the fiery ordeal that is taking place among you to test you, as though some strange thing happened to you. But rejoice insofar as you share in Christ’s sufferings so that you may rejoice and be glad also in the revelation of His glory. If you are reproached because of the name of Christ, you are blessed, because the Spirit of glory and of God rests upon you” –1 Peter 4:12-14. Instead, put the full weight of your trust in the God you profess. And know this: for as long as our Spirit is wrapped up in this flesh, there will be moments in each believer’s life when God will allow some adversity to test us—God is maturing us, refining our character.

Answering that prayer, we whispered at midnight, Shape me and mold me, Lord. Make me look more like you. Let Thy perfect will be done in and through my life. “But let patience perfect its work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing” –James 1:4.

Child of God, if you are staggering under the sting of some recent trial, some pain inflicted at the hands of another, some betrayal, I encourage you to run—not walk, to your Lord. Pour out your heart before Jesus. Invite Him into your very raw and wounded place that He might minister healing and restore you—lest some root of bitterness takes root in your heart, poisoning you.

And if this is you, and you’ve yet to ask Jesus into your heart, please, do it today. Let Him into your every wounded place. Ask Him to wash away your every sin, restoring newness of life to you and fresh hope into your dry places.

“I remain confident of this: I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. Wait for the Lord; Be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord” –Psalm 27: 13-14.

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