"Come follow me and I will make you fishers of men." Matthew 4:19

Tag: Obedience (Page 11 of 11)

When Destiny Meets Destiny. John 4:8

 “He was alone at the time because his disciples had gone into the village to buy some food.”

There are times in our walk with God that He will call us to walk alone…

To come out and be separate from who and what we know.  To go to a place, speak to a person, that others may choose to avoid—are not called or equip to be sent to. Thus, it was with Jesus; and our Samaritan woman. And, so it is with you and I as well. For us, following the call of God on our lives often requires us to go outside our comfort zones. To push past the fear of rejection and ridicule. To be stretched beyond, push through, the scars of past pain. Past the fear of losing face, losing friends or family—those dear and the closest to us. Yet, obedience to God, to the call we know as True and demanding of our compliance, requires, dare I say demands, that we set out on a road others may walk miles out of their way to avoid. Yet through our obedience, trust is built. And, as a result, our relationship with God is firmly established—forged, as though through fire.

Moses knew this. So did Abraham, David, and Peter…

Each knew they had been divinely called, uniquely appointed—they also knew they were not qualified to receive such a blessing—yet they obeyed the call nonetheless. Now, it was time for this broken, sin-stained Samaritan woman to learn this lesson as well. To learn that God does not call those who are qualified, equip—feel worthy or ready, or are even prepared for what’s to come. He alone equips those He calls. Being chosen to be used by God is not about us, not in the sense of our readiness or worthiness. This call, it is not about you or me. It’s not about our being “special” or “better than.” It is all about God—about fulfilling His will. About the eternal plan He has both for our lives, and the welfare or betterment of another.

Our call, in the end, is all about love. His Love undeservedly poured out on us, that we in turn, can, will, pour out—share, with another. And so on, and so on, and so on until the whole world has heard of His Great Love…

The account of the, “Woman At the Well”,   is a lush text. It’s ripe with imagery, full of deep spiritual Truths, of revelation. And, though her story alone is teeming and textured—a story chuck full of isolation, loss, misunderstanding even, it is also a story ripe wipe transformation, packed full of purpose, joyfully heralding a soul’s great calling. Some might even say it’s a story of destiny and of hope. So, the fact God chose to illuminate this verse from this account, as opposed to the more central, well know verses speaks directly to how God will  show in the places we least expect Him. For me, and now, for you as well, it was this very sentence, and not one of the more traditional that He spoke through. This sentence, with little apparent connection to the overall text, that the Holy Spirit used to capture my attention—drew my eye and heart into. I pray this blesses you—encourages you, challenges you even—as it certainly has me…

So much to be mined, explored, so much to learn, in this dialogue between Jesus and this woman known to us only as a Samaritan…

She, like most who meet Jesus, have no idea the hour He will appear to us. We, like our friend the Samaritan woman, are often going about our day in typical fashion. In ordinary oblivion, repetitive sameness, and often, in a dense, blinkered denial…

She, for instance, only went to the well at a time of day most others would do anything to avoid having to go. Yet, it was her routine, day in and day out, she waited until the sun was high in the midday sun before venturing out.

Why? Shame mostly…

Death had so deeply wounded her—robbed her, she felt. Not only had she buried five husbands, but in a culture that placed a high premium on having a child—she had none.  So, as not to live the life of a prostitute, a beggar, she has allowed a man to come and live with her, to share her bed, comfort her, help provide for her—but, there is a high price to pay for choosing to live this way.

Compromise often costs us far more than we’re willing to pay…

Scripture reminds us that the price demanded for sin is death. Yet, by the grace and mercy of God we don’t actually physically die when we sin—usually. But, as our friend the Samaritan will certainly attest, we’re all but dead—spiritually, socially certainly, familial also, and, her not venturing out until midday speaks volumes of her self-worth…

Paradoxically, God was about to use the very “thing” that had been the source of much of her pain. The very “thing” that had caused her to sin, and, as sins result, the source of her shame too. What was this ‘thing”?

It was another man…

But, unlike any other man she’d ever known, this Man would forever change the course of her life—and, as a result of that change, countless other lives would be changed as well.


When God chooses to remove the scales from our eyes—allows us to taste of the Living Water He alone offers us, we can’t help but leave all that we know—have clung to, wallowed in, wasted years to behind us and take off running to tell anyone who will listen about this Man—this Jesus. The one who comes and shows us—us.

Who shines a light on all we’ve spent so much time and energy trying to keep in the dark—hidden away.

Sound familiar? If so, take heart! God doesn’t play favorites the way people often do. If He brought about a life changing transformation for this un-named, unknown, broken woman—and He did, purposefully, intentionally, as part of His divine plan, He both can, and wants to, do the same for you too!

Thousands came to Him—a whole town we’re told, because of His obedience. Jesus obeyed God and went where others dare not go. And it was in that place where Destiny met destiny—that lives were forever changed.

Friend, if you’re reading this at your “well” today and a stranger asks you for a drink—don’t hesitate! Drink deep…

but just as it is written [in Scripture], “Things which the eye has not seen and the ear has not heard, And which have not entered the heart of man, All that God has prepared for those who love Him [who hold Him in affectionate reverence, who obey Him, and who gratefully recognize the benefits that He has bestowed]” –1 Corinthians 2:9.

“It’s Time for A Revolution!” Ezek. 18:27-32

graffiti-156018_960_720 Before we can do a thing—take part in it, we first must understand what “it” is. So, along that bent, what is this revolution of the heart, mind, and, way of living God is detailing to Ezekiel? What news will he share with the Israelite’s—with us?

Simply put—you will be judged according to how you live. Not how your mother or father, nor any others before you chose to live…

Here’s how Webster’s defines revolution: A sudden, radical, or complete change; a fundamental change in the way of thinking about or visualizing something.

Revolution begins with personal—individual responsibility. It begins and ends there. God is telling Ezekiel that each man is responsible for his life—his actions, and their subsequent consequences.

You did it, you own it!

This thinking held by the Israelite’s, that they were judged for what their fathers did, was flawed (Ezek.18:20)—unless, and only,  as children often do, they were mimicking their parent’s sinful behaviors.

Then, assuredly, they should rightfully expect to suffer the consequences of their own sins and rebellion, just as their fathers will suffer their own…

It is in this way only that they, and in succession, we, share in the generational sins of our fathers…” You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the LORD your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me” (Exo.20:5) … this concerning the sin of idolatry. Anything we put in front, in place, of God…

It is only through Adam that every man shares in sin—and subsequently, the curse that was introduced into the world thus. And, like our first parent, we, like the Israelite’s, have learned well, how to play the blame game…(Gen.3:17-23).

Adam was the first to play the game—to attempt to sidestep his sin—his culpability…

The man said, “The woman you put here with me—she gave me some fruit from the tree, and I ate it” (Gen.3:12). Emphasis my own.

Did you catch it? He is telling God; you did this to me. It’s all that woman’s fault. If it hadn’t been for her, I wouldn’t have done it! Why did you put her here?

It is a commonly shared— human trait to lay blame on others for our wrong, sinful, behaviors and choices. We will even go so far as to assign blame to God! Solomon told us there is nothing new under the sun (Ecc. 1:9)!

Adam completely glossed over his guilt—his choice. And so it was with the Israelite’s. They falsely blamed God for being punished for their forefather’s sins. The truth of the matter is, they were being punished for their own sins and rebellion against God.

And so will each of us, today, unless we break the cycle of blame and take responsibility for our sins against God. And, if you’re thinking; I’m okay, I’m a good person, I’m not like_____, I don’t need to confess and ask forgiveness of God—let His Word speak correction to you, listen; “For everyone has sinned; we all fall short of God’s glorious standard” (Rom.3:23).

Don’t miss that—the everyone and all. None of us are sinless or exempt from God’s just judgement…

That is the point of—the actual heading of, today’s chapter from which our verses are taken. “The Soul Who Sins Will Die.” Not because of what your mother or father, grandfather or grandmother did, not because of some supposed on-going family sin, but because you choose to do what is wrong in the eyes of God…

Until we take a revolutionary stance and say enough—no more! No more lies, no more blaming, and playing the victim, we will continue in our current behaviors—hardened by our sin, blinded in our rebellion, and we’ll miss the heart of God. “For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord” (Rom.6:23).

And for those who profess to know God, profess salvation through His saving grace, no more taking one step forward to take two back using the excuse; but it’s what I know, I’ve been doing it for so long, I can’t seem to break free of it…

God is not pleased with that thinking and certainly not with the behaviors that are birthed from it, listen; “Like a dog that returns to its vomit Is a fool who repeats his folly” (Prov.26:11).

More to the point still for those who profess to know the Lord; “If we give up and turn our backs on all we’ve learned, all we’ve been given, all the truth we now know, we repudiate Christ’s sacrifice and are left on our own to face the Judgment—and a mighty fierce judgment it will be! If the penalty for breaking the law of Moses is physical death, what do you think will happen if you turn on God’s Son, spit on the sacrifice that made you whole, and insult this most gracious Spirit? This is no light matter. God has warned us that he’ll hold us to account and make us pay. He was quite explicit: “Vengeance is mine, and I won’t overlook a thing” and “God will judge his people.” Nobody’s getting by with anything, believe me” (Heb.10:30-31 Msg.).

So how do we start this Revolution? Humility…

Before anything in us can change—we must acknowledge we need to change. We must admit that all of our, “self-help” attempts to change our condition, our lives  have done little or nothing of lasting effect. And we’ve abandoned them in disappointment. Heaps of frustration, shame and self-loathing piled high on the floor of our lives.

While in front us , all we have left to face tomorrow with, our only remaining hope is…  whatever the next-best-thing might hand us…

Truth is, in-and-of ourselves, we are powerless to change—powerless to break the chains of sin, compulsion, rebellion, and, blame. We like the Israelite’s, and all those that have gone before us, must humble ourselves, acknowledge—own up, take responsibility for, our sins and cry out to the only one who can ignite this change, this revolution within…

It’s the only way to start a personal, powerful—truly life changing revolution!

And the wonderful news is you can start yours today—now, without delay, wherever you are.


Here, let me help you…It all starts with you and God.

“Who then can be saved? Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” (Matt.19:26). 

Salvation is not self-help.

Let me repeat that, salvation is not self-help. Don’t get it twisted! Salvation is not just another thing you do—or try, in some fickle-minded attempt to fix what you believe to be broken in your life. It’s not a magic wand.

Salvation is submission to a Divine decree—surrender to the undeserved saving grace of Jesus Christ. It is God first choosing you, loving you. It is Him on your cross dying in your place, for your sin…

So yes, true revolution begins with your surrender! your surrendering of your will for His will. Your plans, for His plans for you. Your timing for His timing. Self for service. Sounds contrary doesn’t it? That’s because what you need for a successful revolution will never, cannot be— found in this world…

Colossians says it like this; “Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth” (Col.3:2). Jesus came to this world for one specific purpose. You. The work He did on His Cross—His choosing to die in your place, gave you the necessary tools, that if used correctly, can enable you to humble yourself and ask Him to come into your life, both as your Lord and your Savior…

Doing for you what He intended when He created you… “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future” (Jer. 29:11).

Revolutions don’t start accidentally, nor are they unplanned—willy-nilly, they require purpose, decision—planning. True revolution requires a blazing spark from a heart that has said—enough! Change—whatever the cost!

The thing about revolution—there’s never a right time to start one…

The right time is always today, now!

If you don’t know Jesus as your Lord and Savior, ask Him in your heart—your life! “But as for me, my prayer is to You, O LORD, at an acceptable time; O God, in the greatness of Your loving kindness, Answer me with Your saving truth” (Ps.69:13).

Until next time beloved…Blessings.

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