“At that time the kingdom of heaven will be like ten virgins who took their lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom. Five of them were foolish and five were wise. The foolish ones took their lamps but did not take any oil with them. The wise ones, however, took oil in jars along with their lamps. The bridegroom was a long time in coming, and they all became drowsy and fell asleep. “At midnight the cry rang out: ‘Here’s the bridegroom! Come out to meet him..!’

I could start by sharing with you the cultural traditions of the eastern wedding. How it is the groom whom usually assumes full responsibility for the wedding cost in Oriental weddings and not the bride’s father, as in western culture. How it is the bridegroom, and not the bride, who is customarily the center of attention. I could tell you that normally the bridegroom comes for his bride in the early evening—usually around dusk. And, that before him a herald is sent to announce his arrival at the bride’s home where she and her attendants are awaiting his arrival. But I’m not a learned student of eastern customs. And, you might easily obtain this information for yourself—If you’re interested…

I’d rather share what grabbed my attention as I read the opening verses of Matthew 25 entitled, “The Parable of the Ten Virgins.” More, I know this is what I’m supposed to share.

Actually, there were several points that jumped out at me. Oil, sleep, and relationship…

Yet it was the first that grabbed hold of me and would not let me go. The oil. The mention of oil was the first of the three things that caught my attention. One of three things that all ten of these virgins had in common. They each had oil—at least a measure of it. But I’m getting ahead of myself. I had started my reading in Matthew, Chapter 24. As I continued reading on it became clear to me in Chapter 25 that a chapter division had been unnecessary. Chapter 25 is a continuation of Jesus’ conversation concerning the Coming of The Kingdom of God found throughout Chapter 24 which closes with Him talking about “The destruction of the temple and signs of the end times” and goes into “The day and hour of the coming of the Son of Man”. Then Jesus continues with this theme of the coming Kingdom straight into the parable of the ten virgins in the opening verses of Chapter 25.

But back to what caught me: the oil. Typically, in Scripture, when we hear about oil being used it is referring to the Holy Spirit. Such as when it was used to anoint prophets, priests, and kings (Exodus 28:41; Leviticus 8:12; 1 Samuel 16:13). So why was oil so prevalent in this parable? What was Jesus trying to get us to see? And what did this oil reference have to do with the Holy Spirit and our ten virgins?

The second thing that caught my attention was that both the wise and foolish virgins had fallen asleep…

So if it isn’t the oil nor their mutual falling asleep that made some wise and the rest foolish, what then is Jesus trying to get us to see?

This led me to the third piece of the parable that had caught my attention; their relationships with the person of the Holy Spirit—the oil. More specifically—evidence of an intimate knowledge of Him, a connectedness. Not all had a reserve of oil. But I digress…

If they each knew Him equally wouldn’t they each be equally wise? Similarly, if they each had an unremarkable knowledge of Him—wouldn’t they each be equally foolish? Again, in my desire to understand why some were foolish and some wise, my focus was drawn to their relationship with Him. One that would either prove itself genuine and lasting or one that would burn out over time.  A gift to each of them for sure, this relationship—this common grace. Yet, in order for this very personal gift to burn brightly throughout unexpected delays, before others, throughout trials and persecution, throughout life’s ups and downs, it will require an unbreakable connection to The Source. It must be held tightly, cherished beyond all else. Never given up. Certainly not shared (Matthew 13:44-45).

The five wise virgins had reserves of oil that the five foolish did not. Each had the Holy Spirit, knew Him but, to varying degrees. Hence—the point of the parable; in order to be invited to the wedding we must be “family”, we must have a personal relationship with the bridegroom. Simply hanging around those that are related will never suffice…

Due to the bridegrooms delay the foolish virgins ran out of oil. They had nothing to rekindle their lamps once the initial oil they had with them had been burned up. They had no reserves of their own to draw from. Nothing with which to replenish their lamps. Nothing to rekindle the sputtering, flickering flame of their dying light. And, as a result, they had to leave their counterparts behind and go out in search of more oil.

Unlike our faith in God, we cannot “give-away” (like some piece of bread, some drink) the portion of the Holy Spirit the Father has entrusted to us. What we have has been apportioned to us exclusively. Again, as with our faith, those we touch may benefit—reap the fruits of this unfathomable gift we’ve been afford—but it is not ours to give them. We did nothing to get it, to earn it, hence, it isn’t ours to give away. As with everything else in our lives He—our inward reserve, is a Gift from God. We may share Him, yes. We must! Give Him away, never! His inexhaustible reserve has been placed within us by the Father. This first deposit we’ve been afforded, is to be prized above all else. It is because of our relationship with Him—in Him, because of His choosing of us, that we have the reserve needed to see us through the long night of His delay.

Those five whose lamps sputtered out—whose light died, symbolize those in this world who have a superficial, shallow knowledge of God. They have the same general touch of His Spirit as the rest of the world—the very same common grace. (Nahum 1:3; Psalm 145:9; Psalm 81:11-12; Matthew 5:45b). They run to Him in times of trouble seeking relief from their trials. They open His Word searching for clues that might help them escape their current circumstance—ease their guilt, sooth their grieving hearts, rescue them from their sense of disconnection and isolation. Yet they are not willing to bow before the Lord in humility—confessing both their sin, as well as their deep need of Him in their lives. They do not wish to drink deeply of persecution—they want no part of sharing in His suffering, of dying to self and the things of this world. They have fallen prey to the lie that a little faith, a casual glance at the Bible, a toe-in-the water of faith, will go a long way. That their knowledge of God, of church protocol, their involvement in a ministry, their gift-giving, will get them into heaven.

After all, they’re good people—church people. They “believe” in God—mostly. These unwise souls are people who want to make a partial commitment to God. They’ll try to compromise any way they can. Believing Him in pieces they can easily swallow but never in full bites that need some serious chewing! They refuse to take God in as a whole—unconditionally. They refuse to allow Him to change their actions, never mind their hearts. Having a bit of Jesus will never suffice. That’s what Jesus is saying in verses 11-12. It’s why he clearly says to the foolish maidens, “Truly, I say to you, I do not know you.”  We cannot hide who we are or are not, from a God who has numbered the very hairs on our heads.

“…for you know very well that the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night. While people are saying, “Peace and safety,” destruction will come on them suddenly, as labor pains on a pregnant woman, and they will not escape” –1 Thessalonians 5:2-3.

“Therefore keep watch, because you do not know the day or the hour” –Matthew 25:13.

To the wise brothers and sisters, I urge you to keep a close watch over your souls. Guard with your very lives this most precious gift that has been entrusted to you. Holding tight to the knowledge that He who began a good work in you is faithful to carry it out to completion until the day of Christ Jesus. And, to you who have not committed your life to Jesus, now is the time. Today the day. The time of testing the waters is past. A little bit of Jesus will never be enough! I urge you today to ask Christ Jesus into your life as Lord and Savior! We don’t know if we’ll have tomorrow. 

“At midnight the cry rang out: ‘Here’s the bridegroom! Come out to meet him” Matthew 25: 6!