"Come follow me and I will make you fishers of men." Matthew 4:19

Tag: New Year

Shana Tov!

MaryEllen Montville

“But those who trust in the Lord will find new strength. They will soar high on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint.” –Isaiah 40:31, emphasis my own.

“New.” As defined by the Oxford Dictionary: not existing before, recently made.

I am writing on the eve of the Jewish New Year, Rosh Hashanah, meaning “head of the year.” And so, a changing of the guard is about to occur. Yet the old year would have given way to the new by the time you read this. Those who had been eyeing the perfect head of cabbage or garlic at market, the ideal fish or rooster or lamb for roasting—wanting to ensure the head of something extra-ordinary and satisfying was the centerpiece of a table ladened with hope, the companion of new beginnings, home now.

Their hope? That with its last breath, this year passed away peacefully; pray God, relinquishing all it held dear, having entrusted any loose ends, any unspoken goodbye, that remnant of heartbreak or suffering, into the Sovereign hands of God. And then, as with a baby’s first breath, the embryonic New Year would instinctively, joyfully announce its arrival, ushering in a new sound, as do all things the Lord ordains, if we have ears to hear. And, with its clean slate and new beginnings, Rosh Hashanah will cry out from the bottom of its hope-filled lungs, announcing its triumphal arrival. “Make a joyful noise to the LORD, all the earth; break forth—let your cry ring out, and sing praises!” –Psalm 98:4.

And this New Year, original as it is, nevertheless follows an age-old pattern. Like its predecessors, contrary to the joys or pains it might hold, it will come and go. It has been this way since man began tracking time, one year following another, landing me here on the eve of yet another New Year. “What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun.” –Ecclesiastes 1:9.”What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun.” –Ecclesiastes 1:9.

Yet, in today’s verse, this “new strength” the Lord describes to His Prophet, Isaiah, this newness born of His Spirit, is unlike anything else. “Have you never heard? Have you never understood? The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of all the earth. He never grows weak or weary. No one can measure the depths of his understanding.” –Isaiah 40:28.

This newness is uncreated, having no beginning. It mirrors its Creator; its end, known only to Him. “Now God himself will have his home with them—’God-with-them’ will be their God! He will wipe away every tear from their eyes and eliminate death entirely. No one will mourn or weep any longer. The pain of wounds will no longer exist, for the old order has ceased.” And God-Enthroned spoke to me and said, “Consider this! I am making everything to be new and fresh.” –Revelation 21:3-5.

With an all-in certainty, soon and very soon, God will fulfill the above Power-filled verses.

I am also unquestionably confident that Jesus is renewing the strength of His beloved children who trust in Him. In this New Year, I choose to take God at His Word. He is imparting His strength to those who place their trust in Him; new, uncreated, supernatural power flowing straight from the heart of God into His people.

Into you, whose body has been ravaged by cancer, beloved of the Father. And into you, whose faith is in tatters, a mere thread holding it together. And you, weary soul, bent over that grave, wetting its dug-up soil with your tears, leaving so many unspoken words and unfilled hopes of tomorrow in its cold depth. To you, husband, or wife, crying out night and day over your strained marriage as you seek God for answers—and dear parents, carving paths in the carpet from pacing to and fro. Praying, beseeching, wondering where your child may be this night; like the prodigals before them, having taken all they could fit in a bag, they have run after the illusive, shiny bobbles of the world.

Still, beloved, if you will but fix your sorrow-full eyes on heaven, lifting your bowed head, you will find yourself staring into the eyes of Love unsearchable. Jesus will have stooped down beside you and, in His strength, bid you drink deep and freely of Him until you are sated and restored. “…those who drink the water I give will never be thirsty again. It becomes a fresh, bubbling spring within them, giving them eternal life.” –John 4:14.

But, you will not be restored to who or what you were before.

No, beloved, remember, old things have passed away. God is doing something new in you. Rest confidently in this Truth as you mount up on new wings, soaring to new heights in this a new season: “He gives power to the faint, and to him who has no might he increases strength.” –Isaiah 40:29. Beloved, this singular, unifying nugget of Truth unearthed in Isaiah 40:29, upholds the believer from the beginning of any one year until its end.

It has been this way before time as we know it because this mysterious Truth exists in God, a sliver of His multifaceted, benevolent character.

And then, no longer weak nor weary after being lifted by God’s new strength, go, in the power of His Holy Spirit and encourage your brother, your neighbor. The soul who has yet looked into the eyes of Love unsearchable that they too may be made new this year. “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, and he has anointed me to be hope for the poor, healing for the brokenhearted, and new eyes for the blind, and to preach to prisoners, ‘You are set free! ‘ I have come to share the message of Jubilee, for the time of God’s great acceptance has begun.” –Luke 4:18-19.

“Shana Tov,” beloved of God.

You dear friend, If the God I speak of, the God whose unsearchable Love for you, has called and kept you glued here, please, take a moment longer and say yes to what it is He is offering you: Love and a new beginning in Him—with Him. Start by telling Him you are sorry for everything you know you have done wrong—tell Him everything—and mean it. Then, tell Him you want Him, and His Holy Spirit will come and make His home in you. Don’t take my word for it. Read it for yourself: “…if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For one believes with the heart and so is justified, and one confesses with the mouth and so is saved.” –Romans 10:9-10.

But That’s Impossible.

MaryEllen Montville

Mary asked the angel, “But how can this happen? I am a virgin. –Luke 1:35.

Christmas has passed. And as we prepare to walk into 2023, many of us will do so with expectations, doubts, with wondering. “What will this year bring? Will I have peace? Will my faith grow stronger, my service to God more steadfast? Will I lay aside, even for a season, what I know God is telling me to step away from, that I might pick up, make room for, what He’s calling me to take up? My obedience in exchange for my comfort—the familiar, the rote. The good even.

Many of us will come face to face with the seemingly impossible in this new season.

We’ll find ourselves asking the same question Mary asked. “How, Lord?” You know God is leading you in a new direction, asking something of you He’s not yet fully disclosed—and may never. And you know that only by faith and reliance on Jesus, trusting the leading and guidance of His Holy Spirit, will what God is asking of you be accomplished. So turn away from rebellion, put on discipline, and allow God to cut away the fat from around your heart—hardening it. Whatever the state you find yourself in these final hours of 2022, Beloved, repent if sin is present. Refocus, and follow hard after Jesus. Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, “This is the way; walk in it.” –Isaiah 30:21.

The Holy Spirit has already brought some of you face-to-face with your Mary moment, whether good or seemingly bad. Your reading this is confirmation. As with Mary, the only question remaining is how you’ll respond to what you’ve been told. Will it be with a simple, humble, heartfelt, “Thy Will be done,” or will you proffer a litany of reasons why whatever God has or will ask of you is impossible? “How can this be, Lord? I don’t have the education, know-how, resources, the connections. I’m not gifted in that area. I haven’t the intelligence. I’m single, financially challenged, I can’t have children.”

Take heart, Beloved. You are not alone in your questioning. Others have also questioned how it is God accomplishes the seemingly impossible.

And as only God could arrange it, their question was directly connected to a seemingly impossible birth, the re-birth of man. His salvation. Being born again. That instantaneous regeneration occurring the very second Holy Spirit comes and makes His home in the life of the one God has called out of darkness into His glorious Light. Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but not with God; all things are possible with God.” –Mark 10:27.

Brother, sister, as surely as God unconcealed His will and plan to Mary and His disciple, He’ll do the same with you—in His own time and timing. Still, as it was with them, so too with us; God does not need to comply with our desire to know the ABCs of a thing before He brings it about. We must trust Him. Exercise faith in Him—in His Word—just as Mary and the disciples did. We must believe and have faith that whatever it is, God is birthing, salvation, a new ministry, marriage, a move, a book, or business, you having a child. However seemingly impossible, the thing may appear. If it is truly from God, He will bring it about. Hebrews 11:6 says this: And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who approaches Him must believe that He exists and that He rewards those who earnestly seek Him.

So how will you respond to the Holy Spirit when He presents you with your “how will I ever take on such an undertaking” moment?

Mary asked, “How can this be” because she’d never known a man. Yet, for many of us, this same question will be asked in moments steeped in a lack of faith or fear of man, from coming face-to-face with our finite limitations or paralyzing unbelief. We will forget that the One who has overshadowed us, just as He did Mary—is calling into being that which has been in our belly from eternity past. Like so many before us, we’ll temporarily forget that the Sovereign Creator of this world is Omnipotent—He spoke, and it was finished. The world in a seed—perpetual. An orchard inside an apple—complete. We’ll fail to realize God is doing little more than manifesting an already-finished piece of His plan for our lives, some seed. That life-giving piece of the puzzle needed to make us complete in Christ Jesus is being birthed—bringing God glory. Through Him all things were made, and without Him nothing was made that has been made. –John1:3.

How will you respond in your Mary moment, Beloved? Will you display belief and humility, knowing anything is possible with God, or question the same plans and purposes God Himself implanted within you, seed-like, in eternity past? In essence, saying there’s no way. Just look at me! That’s impossible!

We’re in a new season of, no, a new era of birthing.

Holy Spirit is about to overshadow many who are reading this—and some who are not—pulling from their depths the seemingly impossible. Those seeds, gifts, talents, ministries, marriages, a new level of boldness, and hunger for the things of God. It’s already begun. If you still yourself before the Lord, you may already feel the tiny flutters, the shifting of sorts that has already taken place within you—making room for the new—stretching you, making you Holy uncomfortable. I make known the end from the beginning, from ancient times, what is still to come. I say, ‘My purpose will stand, and I will do all that I please.’ –Isaiah 46:10.

You innately know this thing that’s about to happen—is happening, is going to cause you great discomfort, disrupting your status quo Christian walk in ways you would not have imagined just one short month ago. Welcome to the Mary club. The Apostles Peter, James, John, Paul, and even Gideon were members of the Mary club. The question walking into 2023 is, are you? Then Mary said: “Behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord. Let it be done to me according to your word.” –Luke 1:38.

Friend, I can think of no more perfect way to ensure that you, like Mary, are open and welcoming of all that God has for you in 2023 and beyond than by asking God’s Son, Jesus, into your heart as your Lord and Savior. God has done His part. John 3:16 assures us of that. For this is how God loved the world: He gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life. And Mary did her part in partnering with God, scary as it may have been, by saying yes to God’s plan for her life. Won’t you ask Jesus into your heart today, now? Won’t you partner with God, allowing Him to birth all He has for you beginning in 2023?

New Year’s Blessings!

MaryEllen Montville. Kendra Santilli, Stephanie Montilla

On behalf of each of us here at Sonsofthesea, we pray blessings over your New Year. The very blessings the Apostle Paul speaks of in Ephesians 3. We thank God that He has drawn you here. And we pray that you continue to follow us into this New Year as we continue to follow after all that Jesus has for those of us who love Him and diligently seek after more of Him—Psalm. 42:1. Know that we are praying God’s best over you, your family, and your ministry. Part of that “best” is a greater understanding, a ginṓskō understanding—one that is intimate, experiential, and ever-deepening. That first-hand knowledge of the multidimensional love of God of which Paul speaks in Ephesians 3:17-19, listen: “And may you, having been [deeply] rooted and [securely] grounded in love, be fully capable of comprehending with all the saints (God’s people) the width and length and height and depth of His love [fully experiencing that amazing, endless love]; and [that you may come] to know [practically, through personal experience] the love of Christ which far surpasses [mere] knowledge [without experience], that you may be filled up [throughout your being] to all the fullness of God [so that you may have the richest experience of God’s presence in your lives, completely filled and flooded with God Himself].”

This is our Prayer for you on this first day of this New Year—and beyond. That you are ever-growing, ever-deepening in your intimate knowledge of our God. All that you might continue to bear more and more fruit for His glory! The fields are white friends; pray to Lord of the harvest…

In His Adventure,

MaryEllen Montville, Overseer.

“After-Glow.” Matthew 1:23

 Behold, the virgin shall be with child and give birth to a Son, and they shall call His name Immanuel”—which, when translated, means, “God with us.”

So much had to be sacrificed  in order that one flawless night, one single, holy night, that life-changing night, might come to pass. And, too, that one night happened so that you and I might be afforded the opportunity to follow the Light that had guided three wise men and some lowly shepherds to a child born in the lowliest of settings, so awfully long ago…

The birth has occurred. Jesus is among us! The sweat from birthing a child dried now on Mary’s body. Her flush waning. The sheep are back out in the fields with their respective shepherd’s. Jesus is wrapped up securely. He sleeps peacefully tucked up against Mary’s warm side. Josephs’ face is still beaming. Look there! Yet His star guides us still, this day! Just over that next hill the wise men linger on their way back east. The memory of His star that had guided them to that Holy place, lasting. Burning brightly in their hearts, still. Its light as inescapable now as it was the moment it first summoned them on their journey. Never again will this world be the same. They are not the same now as they were that pivotal day each decided to mount up on their camels in pursuit of this newborn King.

Immanuel is here now—and nothing, not one thing ever, will be the same. Loves brilliant Light has pierced every darkened corner of this world—theirs too! Inescapable…

As a result of that first Christmas some 2000 years ago, neither these three kings—nor any man, anywhere, will ever again be able to say that they did not know about the glory of God having been birthed in a manger! If somehow, they  had been blinded to the physicality of His Truth seen in creation; there could still be pardon. Now, with the knowledge of His birth, all excuses have been removed. And so it is still in these final hours. All excuses are removed. All men have but two choices set before them. Those same two choices that have been set before each of us. Will you, like wise men before you, leave everything behind and follow in pursuit of the King? Or, will you enter this new year once again closing your eyes, hearts, minds, every unction bubbling up within you, off from the guiding Light of His glorious presence?Choosing instead to remain in darkness…

Love was born with one purpose in mind—sacrificial obedience. And, out of that obedience to God this new babe would one day lay down on His Cross—willingly. Stretching Himself wide, He’d make certain there is room for you and me inside the inn of His body. The divine exchange taking place. Him taking in your death—your filthy sins, that you might instead have His eternal life having been washed as pure as He is by the shedding of His innocent Blood. That is what this and every other Christmas is all about. That is the gift God has offered you—year, after year, after year. Him loving you so much that He’d send His only Son—to you. A free gift. As I said a moment ago, it’s most definitely personal. Will you receive Gods’ gift or, will stuff it in some forgotten corner of your life until this time next year?

What will you do with the Gift that cost both Father and Son so very much? Mary and Joseph too? Just think of it all! If it were not enough—as unimaginable as that is, that the Sovereign God of the universe handed over His pure, perfect, beloved Son to us—filthy, fallen, sinful man—He did so knowing that we were going to kill Him!

More, God sent Him to us specifically that we would kill Him! He was Gods spotless atoning sacrifice. Intentional! Gods most precious gift to the entire world. And, Jesus, when asked to leave heaven and die for us said: “Yes, sure, I’ll go. I know I’m the only One who’s able to help them make their way back to You. Father” More still, if the Prince of heaven coming to earth were not a great enough sacrifice, an incomprehensible gift given us; think then of simple everyday people, like Mary and Joseph, ordinary people willing to offer so much of themselves for you. When’s the last time a complete stranger sacrificed anything for you?

Mary, a woman like any other woman, endured great shame and rejection for you and me so that Gods Son might be born of her virgin flesh. That He might understand, from a human perspective, everything you and I think, desire, and experience. Feeling every temptation; yet He’d never sin. Mary, this stranger to us, endured this and so much more, for you. Only God can place the grace needed for this level of sacrifice inside of anyone’s heart. And then there’s Joseph. Joseph who was ostracized—thought to be a fool by many for going through with a marriage to a girl who obviously cared so little for him she had allowed herself to be sullied by another man! Joseph who left a family, a home and a business, a plan for a life he’d never know…

My friend, now that you’ve once again heard about this Jesus, now that you’ve been re-minded that He was born, and that He died just for you; what will you do with this knowledge? Will you, like the wise the wise men of old, follow after this same guide they were afforded—Jesus’ undeniable, inextinguishable Light? Will you, like those who’ve gone before you, use whatever ray of hope that’s been shined into your current darkness to mount up in pursuit of this King of Kings? Or, will you choose to close the door of your heart for one more year? Again. Will you, as some did that holy night, hang a “do not disturb” sign on your door? Refusing to acknowledge even now the still visible after-glow of a Love so divine, so cherished above all things that men, wise men, common men, both learned and unlearned men, still, to this very day. leave all behind to follow Him . So much has been sacrificed for you. So much has been freely given that you might know—might be willing to experience, such a love.

Friend, it’s never too late, So long as there is breath there’s hope…

With this in mind, I’ll close asking you just one question. Yet before I do, in anticipation of those who might say, “I don’t believe in that Bible stuff. I don’t believe in your Jesus. Nice story, but I’ve read  many a nice story. I just don’t buy it!” I will add this precursor. Please, know, some things are real whether you believe in them or not. Now, with that having been proved, my question on the eve of this New Year is: What will you do with the greatest gift ever presented you? Yes you. It is personal. I know, I know, He came for the entire world. And that’s Truth. Yet, it’s equally True that He came explicitly for you. Christ chose to leave God and the glory of heaven. He chose to wrap Himself up in flesh and be birthed by Mary among barnyard animals, reeking Shepherd, and dank hay. There was not one accidental event leading up to Jesus’ birth—nor has there been one since. So, if you’ve been thinking Jesus came for everyone but you—you’re mistaken! The world may have told you that lie—many of us have been lied to by broken people who’ve been lied to themselves—but He sent me here today, in the power of the Holy Spirit, to bring you good news!

Jesus came specifically for you! That is the Truth of why He came at all…

Wise men, in adoration and hope, look up to heaven still in their silent nightly prayers. And, their reward is that of the Light of the world reaching down from heaven touching their birthing places here on earth—the Inns of their hearts. His Body once broken on our behalf mended by our re-joining with it…

Again Jesus spoke to them, saying, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life” John 8:12.

Friend, that star that shone brightly might seem but a dim reminder of some tall-tale told long ago of a babe born to us that few acknowledge today. I pray if you have been one of these—may His star be magnified in your New Year sky! Leading you to the One that was born to save you! Won’t you choose to follow Him in this New Year friend?

Simply ask Him into your heart as both Lord and Savior. He is faithful to come. He’s already proven that once…









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