"Come follow me and I will make you fishers of men." Matthew 4:19

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MaryEllen Montville

Then he said, “Throw out your net on the right-hand side of the boat, and you’ll get some!” So they did, and they couldn’t haul in the net because there were so many fish in it”–John 21:6.

A consciousness of our powerlessness should cast us upon Him who has all power. Here then is where a vision and view of God’s sovereignty helps, for it reveals His sufficiency and shows us our insufficiency. Arthur W. Pink

This week, as with last, our focus will be on Jesus and Peter. Their relationship. Will we dig a little deeper into what has happened between them—and within Peter, since Jesus last commanded him to “Follow Me.” –Matthew 4:19.

Peter had met Jesus on the shore once before. His nets chock-full that day too, bursting at the seams. His heart had been pierced through and through—he had been driven to his knees in awe of what Jesus had done. Both divine appointments taking place within three short years. Years that felt like a lifetime ago now. Long before this fitful day filled with angst and anticipation—waiting to see if Jesus would show up. “Simon Peter said to them, “I am going fishing”. They said to him, “We will go with you”. They went out and got into the boat, but that night they caught nothing. –John 21:3.

It was the dawn of Peter’s great fall. That night in the garden, the night of Jesus’ arrest. The night Peter, in his rash attempt at stopping the soldiers from arresting Jesus sliced off Malchus’ ear with his sword. Before Peter had ever denied the One, he loved three times, He declared during their last meal together that he would never deny Jesus. “No!” Peter insisted. “Even if I have to die with you, I will never deny you!” And all the other disciples vowed the same”–Matthew 26:35. And yet he did –deny Christ that is. As mentioned above, not just once—but three times. Yet as soon as Peter’s eyes locked onto Jesus’ in those early hours before dawn, after His mock trial before Caiaphas—in one fateful nanosecond, Peter felt the overwhelming weight of his betrayal crush him. Felt everything within him implode under its treacherous weight. “…Then Peter remembered the word that Jesus had spoken: “Before the rooster crows, you will deny Me three times”. And he went outside and wept bitterly. –Matthew26:75.

His heart torn asunder. His once grandiose ego, shattered. His duplicity had just crushed him. Peter knew in that instant he was not the Rock. Peter knew instead that he was a sinner who desperately needed the Savior he had just denied. Whatever he had mistakenly believed of himself, died this fateful morning. Now He was exactly where he needed to be. Moldable. Pliable. Humbled. Was it all for naught? Was it too late for Peter? Having your destiny shaped by the hand of God can be an agonizing process. Death to self and pride usually are. Self-reliance and ego struggle to surrender their grip on us all. They certainly did in Peter’s case. But in the end, God’s plan for Peter’s life was accomplished through his suffering and submission both. We serve a merciful God! There are times nevertheless, God must strip us down to our very foundation that he might sure-up the cracks that have formed within it. Cracks that will inevitably cause us to topple over under the weight of the calling He has placed on our lives. His firmly establishing us then, to withstand the weight of the calling He has on us, is paramount to our growth. Paramount to our ongoing relationship with Him and for the sake of those, He has called us to serve.

We expect our leaders to be flaw-less. Not so with Jesus. Jesus calls those He has chosen to lead exactly as they are—then, He begins their reshaping. A pulling out and a putting in. Drawing out of their brokenness—humility, and an obedience to Him, trust too. All the while removing self-reliance, pride, and ego—and all their other grainy bits…

Peter had experienced some profound, life-changing events during his three-plus-year walk with Jesus. He had a front-row seat for the Sermon on the Mount. He drank in the Beatitudes. The lesson on being Salt and Light, about the law and anger, adultery, and divorce, about vows and revenge, and loving your enemy. Peter heard about giving to the needy and he learned how to pray. He learned about money and possessions, judging others, and who Jesus considers true disciples to be. Peter was an eyewitness to a man being healed from leprosy and the faith of one Roman soldier that was so great, Christ Himself was amazed. It was his walking on water, his divine revelation of Jesus’ being the Messiah, the Son of the living God, his witnessing Jesus’ transfiguration. It was all these instances, and so much more—the private conversations and corrections we are not privy to—that had been poured into establishing Peter’s foundation. Each of these above lessons can be read in their entirety in Matthew Chapters 5-7;14-17.

Now, after the worst days of his life, John’s Gospel tells us Peter is fishing once again. Doing what is familiar, using his reasoning. That is until he hears a voice tell him to cast his nets to the other side of his boat. Did Peter wonder to himself, “Why does that sound so familiar…?”

Once again, his nets were suddenly bursting at the seams! It appears from Scripture that it was at that moment John recognized the man standing at the shore as Jesus. And as soon as he shared that news with Peter, Peter jumped off the boat and headed straight to Him. This is not the first time that Peter has seen Jesus since His resurrection. In Luke’s Gospel, we hear of Peter’s encountering Jesus soon after His resurrection. Those disciples who had encountered Jesus on the Emmaus road returned to Jerusalem—to where the disciples were staying. And after sharing their story of meeting Jesus and breaking bread with Him, the disciples confirmed for them that Jesus had indeed risen from the dead! “They got up and returned at once to Jerusalem. There they found the Eleven and those with them, assembled together and saying, “It is true! The Lord has risen and has appeared to Simon”. –Luke 24: 33-34.

Now, the fish cooked, the nets washed and put away, once again Jesus directs the conversation to where Jesus had intended it to go from before the foundation of the world. To Peter’s mission and calling. But first, restoration needed to happen. Jesus could have easily done this when He showed Himself to Peter that first time, and perhaps He did? Scripture is silent on this matter. Perhaps that is where Peter’s restoration started? Perhaps that is why Peter’s feelings are hurt the third time Jesus asks Peter if he loves Him? Or perhaps it is because we need to be here as a witness too. Perhaps we need to witness Godly restoration that we might one day extend it just as Jesus did? When a leader falls publicly, as Peter did, for any to follow him again—for others to be able to trust that God has chosen to use him in ministry once again, He must be publicly restored. This is in part what Jesus is doing here in John’s Gospel. Publicly reinstating Peter as the Rock on which His Church will be built—in front of the very ones who witnessed Peter’s fall. Christ is far more interested in our character being right before Him then He is with our title or position being restored to us. Remember that whole shoring-up Peter’s foundation I spoke about earlier? Jesus is doing that here. Godly correction brings about healing and restoration to our relationship with God—above all else. “Brothers, if someone is caught in a sin, you who are spiritual should restore him gently. But watch yourself, or you also may be tempted. Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ” –Galatians 6:1-2.

In closing, listen to what one writer shares with us concerning Peter’s restoration: After they were finished eating, Jesus addressed Peter with a question he would ask him three times in a row, “Simon son of John, do you love me?” (John 21:15, 16, 17). Simon was Peter’s name by birth, Peter (which means “Rocky”) was a nickname Jesus gave him. The first time Jesus asked this question, he asked Peter if he loved him “more than these” (John 21:15). What does Jesus mean by this question? Scholars think Jesus was asking Peter if he loved Jesus more than any of the other disciples loved Jesus. Remember, this is what Peter claimed in Mark 14:29 (and in Matthew 26:33). Before the arrest of Jesus, Peter boldly claimed to love Jesus better than anyone else. Peter’s answer demonstrates that he has been chastened and humbled, “Yes, Lord, you know that I love you” (John 21:15). Jesus repeats the question two more times, “Simon son of John, do you love me?” (John 21:16-17). Peter was hurt that Jesus kept asking him the same question. Peter admits that Jesus knows his heart better than he does. Peter answers, “Lord, you know all things; you know that I love you” (John 21:17). Peter has lost his arrogance. He knows that Jesus knows his true heart. Why did Jesus ask him this question three times? The three questions echo the three denials Peter made of knowing Jesus after his arrest (see John 18:15-18, 25-27). Jesus was reinstating Peter and restoring him to public ministry within view of the other disciples.

Friend, if you are here today and do not know this Jesus who knows you better than you know yourself, who loves you beyond what you could ever imagine possible, then I encourage you, please, ask Him to show Himself real to you now. There is nothing you have done that will prevent His coming. But you not asking Him to come may. “Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to mankind by which we must be saved” –Acts 4:12.

Rescued. Zechariah 3:2

“The Lord said to Satan, “The Lord rebuke you, Satan! The Lord, who has chosen Jerusalem, rebuke you! Is not this man a burning stick snatched from the fire?”

You beloved are that burning stick that has been snatched from the fire. A sinner saved by His amazing grace! Like Joshua before you, you have been washed clean—made new by the sacrificial shedding of Blood. The Blood of the Spotless Lamb, Jesus, shed on your behalf. If that is, you have accepted Him as your Lord and Savior…

Entering into any meaningful and lasting relationship requires our being intentional; a deep consideration of our willingness to commit. It is a deliberate and highly personal choice born from a wanting to share and grow, exchange and receive, with another. It’s one built on a foundation of sacrifice and service to another or others; come what may. It’s a conscious laying down of one’s life, born out of genuine love for the well-being of the other. In this same sense, entering into a relationship with Jesus is no different. However, it, above all other relationships, must be birthed from a deep desire to connect with this God more intimately than with any other person. Understanding this: once that relationship has been established, you’re then set apart to serve God and His people. And, then, to spend a joy-filled eternity with Him. You, beloved, though your sins demanded it, will not spend an eternity in hell; that place of separation and torment that was neither created nor intended for you or any man. It was created for Satan, and all those fallen angels who followed him in his rebellion against God—Matthew 25:41.

You, my fellow believers, are now ministers of the Most High God. Those chosen to be royal priests. And, yet, even though you are the King’s kid still, His ownership of you stands above your service to Him. Your priesthood—your role in ministering before the Lord exists solely because He alone has bestowed its use and service, its privilege and anointing, upon you.

Ah! I have my filthy garments on. I cannot pray to Him. I cannot praise Him as I would.” I know what it is to come and preach to you sometimes, and to feel such an overwhelming sense of my own unworthiness, that, were it not, “Woe unto me if I do not preach the gospel,” I would not come on this platform again, for it is hard to feel that your garments are defiled even while endeavoring to be God’s mouth to men—Charles Spurgeon.

Friends, we cannot curry the favor of God. There’s not one thing we can do to “earn our spot.” Earn His love for us. His forgiveness. Not-one-single-thing. Without God’s mercy and His election of us, take away His unfathomable love for us; our sins demanded that we spend eternity in the hell created for Satan and his band of fallen angels; separated eternally from God. As all those who deliberately chose to rebel against Him—deny Him, will. Not popular, I know. But it’s the Truth, nonetheless. “For it is time for judgment to begin with God’s household; and if it begins with us, what will the outcome be for those who do not obey the gospel of God?”  —1 Peter 4:17. Now, with that knowledge ever before us, may we be about working out our salvation with fear and trembling. Never forgetting the very heart of the words cried out by our brother, Paul. “O wretched man that I am! Who will deliver me from this body of death…? I thank God—through Jesus Christ our Lord!” —Romans 7:24. May this be our cry too, brothers and sisters. May we, like Joshua and Paul, and a remnant of the nation of Israel before us—like every saint that has been or is yet to come, never lose sight of how—by whose power it is, we either stand or fall; least we begin to think too highly of ourselves and risk being humbled by our Lord. My true position, as a Christian, is to be always ministering to God, always standing before His altar. –Charles Spurgeon.

Satan stood at the right hand of the Angel of the Lord accusing Joshua of every sin he and his people had committed. And Satan stands there still, pointing out our sins as well. Accusing all those who dare to believe in The Name above all names! Jesus!

But, here’s the good news, beloved: Jesus Christ has the final Word! He is our great and powerful Intercessor, a priest like Melchizedek. “He is able to save forever those who draw near to God through him, because he always lives to make intercession for them” –Hebrews 7:25. There is nothing that Satan can say or do to change the way God sees you. We stand witness to this Truth not only within our Scripture verse today, but this very same Truth permeates the Word of God. Jesus knows everything Satan will use in His attempt to destroy you—to kill you and, He’s got you covered. He’s covered your every sin with His precious Blood. You are now the righteousness of Christ Jesus! Let that sink in for a moment…

When God spoke to Zechariah concerning the forgiveness of Joshua’s sin, the stain on the priesthood, and the sins of the Israelites—you were right there in the center of His heart also; represented in the person of Joshua. You stood there before the Lord in all your sin, with all of your faults and flaws, and, you too were covered by God’s intentions towards you. Your filthy clothes were also removed, you were washed clean and, the raiment of Christ’s righteousness was placed upon you. Covering your guilt and shame, you were cleansed and redressed from head to toe!

Beloved, now, when God looks at you, it is His Son—The Spotless Lamb slain for your sins that He sees.

The rebuke is forcibly applicable to the case in hand. He says, “Is not this a brand plucked out of the fire.” Satan says, “The man’s garments are filthy…” “Well,” says Jesus, “how do you expect them to be otherwise? When you pull a brand out of the fire, do you expect to find it milk-white or polished?” No, it had begun to crack and burn, and though you have plucked it out of the fire, it is in itself still black and charred. So it is with the child of God. What is he at his best? Till he is taken up to heaven, he is nothing, but a brand plucked out of the fire—Charles Spurgeon.

Can you even fathom so great a love, my friends? Whether or not we can wrap our heads around this great Truth, God’s love stands fixed, nonetheless. It ever remains our firm foundation on which to build. “God loves you and He gave His only begotten Son to die for you that you might be restored into right relationship with Him”—John 3:16.

That is the very heart of the Father’s love towards you, beloved.

The Apostle Paul says it this way: Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for us, for it is written: “Cursed is everyone who is hung on a pole.” He redeemed us so that the blessing given to Abraham might come to the Gentiles through Christ Jesus so that by faith we might receive the promise of the Spirit —Galatians 3:13-15.

You have been snatched from the fire to have a relationship with the Father. That you might spend your remaining days running after Him. Seeking Him out. Loving Him and spending time with Him. Desiring Him above all else. Above everyone and every-thing—placing even yourself at the very top of that list of those you are willing to sacrifice up to Jesus. Understanding, somehow, that you are no longer your own. You have been purchased at an exceedingly high price—1 Corinthians 7:23. So, then, be re-minded beloved: Just as Joshua was lovingly and thoroughly cleansed and prepared, so too have you been cleansed. You too are being prepared for something unimaginable beloved; to become the bride of this Christ who came and gave His life in exchange for yours. That’s Good News! The very One who reached into that all-consuming fire and said, “Not this one. This one is my own.” Accordingly, as it was with Joshua and Peter and Noah and Mary, with Paul and John and Father Abraham, brides each, made ready for their wedding day; so too has every detail of your life been, and will forever remain in, the All-Knowing and capable hands of the Father.

He has spared no expense on preparing you for that day that will rival no other. The day you meet Him face to face. That day when your fullness of joy spills out at His feet in loving gratitude, a crown. One of praise and thanksgiving…

I believe each of us needs to stop, from time to time, and reflect on this enormous Truth. To recalibrate, realigning ourselves with our True North. Therefore beloved, if you have forgotten, as we sometimes do, just how deeply you are loved and cherished by God, then please, ask the Holy Spirit to re-mind you. To fill you, once again, with the fullness of His Word concerning His great love for you. May you experience renewal, being re-united with the One it is you belong to; have been betrothed to. The One in whose name you have been called to minister…

 “See to it, brothers and sisters, that none of you has a sinful, unbelieving heart that turns away from the living God. But encourage one another daily, as long as it is called “Today,” so that none of you may be hardened by sin’s deceitfulness. We have come to share in Christ, if indeed we hold our original conviction firmly to the very end”—Hebrews 3:12-14.

I like that closing sentence, “And the angel of the LORD stood by.” Oh, yes, we want Him always to stand by. When you have your new garments on, when you wear your mitre, you still want His presence. “Abide with us,” must be our daily prayer. We want still His strength, His comfort, His smile, the help of His arm, the light of His countenance—for if we have Him not, we shall soon slip from our steadfastness, and have reason to stand again, like Joshua, with filthy garments on—Charles Spurgeon.

Friend, if you are here today and have not asked Jesus into your heart know this; God Himself has called you here. These words should be little more than a confirmation. A quickening inside of you that says, “I believe this is God. I believe this is Him answering my question: “God, would you truly love someone like me?” He says yes. Yes, I love you. Yes, I led you here. And no, there is nothing that you have ever done that is so filthy that my Sons Spotless Blood will not wash it clean. Just ask me in and let us begin the journey I have planned for you… 

“The Lord said to the prophet Jeremiah concerning the Israelites, concerning you and me: For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future”—Jeremiah 29:11.

Always On My Mind. Isaiah 43.

“But now, this is what the Lord, your Creator says, O Jacob,
And He who formed you, O Israel,
“Do not fear, for I have redeemed you [from captivity];
I have called you by name; you are Mine!”

The Lord remembers the bonds which unite us to himself even when we forget them; he recollects his eternal love, and all the deeds of mercy that have flowed from it. Though our memory is treacherous, and our faith is feeble, “yet he abideth faithful: he cannot deny himself;” blessed be his holy name! –Charles Spurgeon

Man’s profession of love has been the impetus behind countless love songs and verses of poetry. Odes have been written and country rivers cried as a result of its birth, and death. But its genesis, its heart, its very Lifeblood is found in God’s love for man from eternity past. By day the Lord directs his love, at night his song is with me—a prayer to the God of my life –Psalm 42:8. Long before He stood over the dark void God knew us, called us His beloved. His was the first love song ever written. The Lord your God is with you, the Mighty Warrior who saves. He will take great delight in you; in his love, he will no longer rebuke you, but will rejoice over you with singing —Zephaniah 3:17. God’s absolute love for us runs so deep, is so profoundly intimate, complete and everlasting, it ensures we, His beloved, will always possess a place in the Father’s heart. He gave His firstborn, our Lord, as a ransom to ensure that fact. Jesus paid the sin debt we owed that our loving Father might have all of His children gathered about  Him—eternally. Mark Lauterbach describes this radiant beauty of God singing over us like this: He sings over those for whom he has removed his judgments (verse 15). He sings over a rebelling people, who have been restored. He sings over a people who have no righteousness in themselves. He sings over those who have every reason to fear the face of God, not desire it. Scripture resounds with God’s singing His songs of love, deliverance, and redemption over us. Wooing us with a pledge of unfaltering, and endless love. The guarantee of that love sealed, for all eternity, in the shed Blood of His Only Begotten Son, Jesus.

 “Think of the great Jehovah singing! Can you imagine it? Is it possible to conceive of the Deity breaking into a song: Father, Son and Holy Ghost together singing over the redeemed? God is so happy in the love which he bears to his people that he breaks the eternal silence, and sun and moon and stars with astonishment hear God chanting a hymn of joy.” (Spurgeon)

Before Father Abraham saw the smoking firepot and the flaming torch pass between the blood path of the slain carcasses, he’d laid side by side in obedience to Lord, God’s love and providential care of His elect had long been established. In the lifeblood of each of these animals, we witness the prophetic; the Blood of Jesus, yet to be shed. The fulfillment of God’s covenant promises to Abraham in the death of His only Son, Jesus, our Messiah. –Genesis 15:7-20.  The only One worthy to be offered once, for all—for the sins of the whole world. In Him is found every tribe and nation

Remember though, that the first glimpse of this Blood—His Blood, is witnessed in the garden. Those animals whose blood was shed that their skins might be used to cover the sin-stained bodies of Adam and Eve. Their blood is our first glimpse of that One whose Blood actually sealed this covenant God made with Abraham. Abraham had done nothing to earn Gods saving grace, His mercy, and promises of protection and provision. God alone chose Abraham, just as He chose each of us. He alone established the covenant promise with Abraham, and, God alone is the only One who can fulfill the terms of His covenant. He alone is God. He alone is able…

Before Jesus stood over the dark void and spoke one Word, His elect had already been sealed in Him – Ephesians 1:4-5. Their love songs of love and deliverance already sung. I don’t know about you, but that is mind-blowing to me! Songs of a love so profound existed in the Father’s heart for you and me long before we were even knit together in our mother’s womb! God knew every sin, every evil thought, every selfish bone in our bodies—our great rebellion and turning away and still, He chooses to sing over us.

We are the heirs of the depth of God’s love for His Son—and of the Son’s complete obedience to His Father. For rarely will anyone to die for a righteous man, though for a good man someone might possibly dare to die. But God proves His love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us –Romans 5: 7-8.

As Christians, we believe that in Jesus, God has accepted us. Yet all too often as the result of abuse, harsh judgments, hurtful words, and actions we also have the propensity to be far more sin conscience than we ought—allowing the heavy-weight of feelings of unworthiness to rob us of the Truth of the song of love God is singing over us. Left unchecked, it will cause us to become callous to the Truth that God delights in us—views us as cherished. He brought me out into a broad place; he rescued me, because he delighted in me –Psalm 18:19. I am in no way suggesting that we should allow ourselves to become so lofty and mystical that we lose sight of the need to come before the Holy Spirit in prayer, asking Him to search us, revealing anything in us that is not pleasing to Him, and then repent. I am simply here to remind those that are going through a trial—or are about to, perhaps even the one that has just emerged from some faith-fight that God loves you, delights in you, fights for you, will never leave you or forsake you—regardless of how you may think or feel about yourself. When thou passest through the waters, I will be with thee and through the rivers, they shall not overflow thee: when thou walkest through the fire, thou shalt not be burned; neither shall the flame kindle upon thee –Isaiah 43:2

We can’t fathom God’s incredible love for us. In and of ourselves, there would be nothing to attract him, nothing for him to delight in. But he has made us new creations in Christ, created in the likeness of Jesus, in whom is all his delight. Praise God today that he has made you precious and delightful to himself –Mark Altrogge.

Beloved, Praise Him today, that He has written a song of love specifically for you. Be encouraged as you face this new season, this trial, this heartache, this loss—nothing, not one thing you’re facing can nor ever will, separate you from the love that has called you and sustained from eternity past. He gave the Author of the greatest love song ever sung—just for you. For I am the LORD thy God, the Holy One of Israel, thy Saviour: I gave Egypt for thy ransom, Ethiopia and Seba for thee. Since thou wast precious in my sight, thou hast been honorable, and I have loved thee: therefore will I give men for thee, and people for thy life –Isaiah 43:3-4.

Friend, if you are here today and want to know this Jesus, this One who is Mighty to save you who will sing songs of love and protection and redemption over you, ask Him to come to you and show Himself real in your heart. Call out to Him, from your heart, and He will answer you. If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved –Romans 10:9-10.

A Word from the Lord: Emergency Intervention Is Needed.

As I was sitting down to study, preparing for what I thought I’d be sharing this week, the Lord showed me instead, an image of a full-term baby stuck in the birthing canal.

It was in the birthing position, fully engaged, ready for delivery, yet the child was stuck and could not be delivered. My sense was that this baby had been in this position for quite some time. Fully formed—full-term, ready to enter “new life” yet, stuck, hence, it could not come forth. Emergency intervention was necessary to save its life. To deliver it into the life it was destined to live outside of the womb. To live and grow and fulfill what it had been created to be. But, it could not quite get there on its own. Couldn’t come into this life the same way most babies do. It needed another to rescue it, to save it from dying in the womb…

There are many in the Body of Christ who have been crying out to God to be delivered. Babies who are fully formed and should have long been birthed, delivered, yet, for whatever reason, have remained stuck. God is getting ready to intervene. He alone will deliver them, performing the emergency measures needed to remove them from the womb, as with an emergency Cesarean section. He will free them, lest they die there. Tell my children I am coming. Soon and very soon I, the Lord will deliver them.

This is what I saw and heard, in my Spirit…

The Scriptures I was led to during this time were Matthew 13: 52 and all of Ezekiel 16. Pray saints. Repent and cry out for God’s forgiveness and mercy if these Words are confirming in your belly what you know the Lord has been speaking to you for some time. I trust that He who began a good work in you and I will complete what He has started.

Yet keep in mind your guilt, knowing that His punishment is just—contrary to what your flesh might have to say about it. Humble yourself then, before God. Acknowledge your sins and repent. Then wait on the Lords just judgments to pass over you as you remain steadfast and chasing after Him; trusting that He is finishing the good work in you necessary to bring you fully forth…

It Will Not Return Void. 2 Chronicles 3:1

 “Then Solomon began to build the temple of the Lord in Jerusalem on Mount Moriah, where the Lord had appeared to his father David. It was on the threshing floor of Araunah the Jebusite, the place provided by David.”

Whether there were 42 generations between the time Abraham took his son, Isaac, to Mount Moriah and the day Jesus, God’s only begotten Son, freely laid down His life for the sins of the whole world there, is a debate I will leave for those theologians far more learned in deciphering biblical genealogy than myself. What I am clear on is this: Before time as we understand it began, God had chosen this plot of the earth as holy ground. He had a plan for Jerusalem and a purpose for this mountain. And, as we know, “God’s will cannot be thwarted”—Job 42:2. Before He stood over the dark void, before Daniel had written a word of what was yet to come—Paul either, God knew—Daniel 9; 2 Thess. 2:1-4.

There is nothing random with God. No—thing. Nothing has, nor ever will, catch Him unawares. No outcome or nanosecond in time happens outside of His purview.

And, just as surely as Jerusalem and this mountain have a place in God’s plan, He too has chosen those He would call to this mountain as part of that plan. This place of reconciliation and restoration, of sacrifice and testing. This exacting rough country where He first led Father Abraham that he might sacrifice his son, Isaac—Genesis 22:1-19. Then after Abraham, Jacob came here and prayed. He sought the Lord for reconciliation with his estranged brother, Esau—Genesis 32:1-21. Then came David. He would be led to this very mountain after receiving a word from Gad, the prophet. An angel had told Gad to instruct David to build an altar on this mountain. To buy a specific plot of ground from the Jebusite Araunah, a gentile, so that he might offer sacrifices and offerings to the Lord there on behalf of himself and his people—2 Samuel 24: 10-25; 1 Chronicles 22:1. And, though it was David who desired to build the Temple for the Lord it would be David’s son, Solomon, whom God would entrust to build His holy Temple on this site—this threshing floor which David had purchased from Araunah, the Jebusite —2 Chronicles 3:1. Solomon’s temple, destroyed by the Roman army led by Titus, was rebuilt by Nehemiah and those Jews who had been delivered from Babylonian captivity—Nehemiah 2:1-20. And, then, God Himself, the Living Temple, would ascend this mountain. His every step a declaration of His love for, and obedience to, the Father. Wrapped in flesh, Jesus, our Messiah, would climb Moriah carrying His Cross towards its peak, Mount Golgatha. Now, in Christ, “it is finished.” The single-greatest demonstration of love and obedience the world will ever know was witnessed on this very mountain. One far surpassing the splendor and majesty of anything built by human hands—Jesus. Far greater than Abraham’s obedience. Jacob’s and David’s too. Gods great love—His Perfect redemptive plan on display for all to see—John 3:16. God’s very character, His attributes, the sheer essence of who God is hung here for all to see. His redemptive sacrifice changing lives for all eternity. Abraham named this place “The LORD Will Provide.” And He did. Even now people say, “On the mountain of the LORD it will be provided” –Genesis 22:14.

God has chosen Jerusalem as His own. This place, and its people, a template He repeatedly uses to display His great love, His redemptive plan, both for Jerusalem and for the whole world. What God set in motion, “In the beginning” continues to expand and grow and thrive and live and breathe and reproduce, to this very day. His every desire for His creation—His chosen, is being accomplished—still. Soon and very soon, a new Jerusalem will descend from heaven. No longer will there be a need for Solomon to lay one stone nor for any temple made by human hands. Soon and very soon there will be a new heaven and a new earth. “The Lord God Almighty and the Lamb are its temple” –Revelation 21:22.

What was set into motion long before Father Abraham took one step of obedience on Moriah’s rugged terrain, before Solomon’s laborers had laid one stone, lives and thrives and calls to hearts, still. More, those that our Lord has chosen in Himself to live in obedience to His will, are, much like Solomon and Abraham, Jacob, and David before them, seeking after Gods will for their lives too. Lovingly, obediently, they offer their own living sacrifices before Him. Their very lives. Their hopes, and dreams, wants and wills, each laid lovingly, on the altar. Each soul seeking out their Moriah. That place where they too will do the work God has destined for their hands alone to do; for His Kingdom and glory. What was set into motion long ago pulses across time and space still. Words were spoken, His will. They will not return to Him void. And, it will continue this way until that moment when all they were sent out to do has been accomplished in the One who stood over the void and said, “let there be.” Until that glorious final Sabbath day when our mortal tents are taken down and we find our eternal rest in Him; God has placed a pledge in our hungry belly—a promise, a foretaste. His Spirit in us. The sure promise of what is yet to come for those who love the Lord and follow His commands.

The final battle is near—though when no man knows. God has set in stone the smallest of details that must yet come to pass. Each life chosen in Him as well; destined to receive His glorious, free gift of salvation. Every ministry that will flourish and thrive and grow and feed His sheep—His lambs—under His watchful, providential eye. In the meantime brothers and sisters, as surely as God has a purpose for Moriah, for Jerusalem, as certainly as Solomon was chosen to do the work God had equipped him for—created him to do, so too is your Moriah waiting for you…

That place that calls to you like no other, that floods your heart with a God-given longing to go and give and build and serve and love and spend yourself on. That people group or country, those prisoners, or refugees, the elderly or the infirm. Those widows and orphans and homeless men and women—the veteran and those who are mentally or emotionally challenged, the teen or the addict, those single mothers, and the prostitutes. Every child stolen and sold for sex. The everyday man whose heart and soul are hungry for something they can’t yet put a name to. These are the callings sent out by God. Ministry’s each. They’re His will for your life’s work placed deep within your bowels; awaiting that one moment in time when He would call you to serve and build and do with the tools and materials provided you by another. The One who died for you. You are not your own. Neither was Abraham or Solomon or Jacob or David before you. They were, as you are, part of Gods eternal plan. And, as we know, “God’s will cannot be thwarted”—Job 42:2. Build wisely with what has been given to you. One day, soon and very soon, you will have to give an account for it all…

Beloved, God has blessed you with gifts and talents and ministry’s, use them wisely—as good stewards should. Remembering always: You may well reap what another has planted. “I sent you to reap what you have not worked for. Others have done the hard work, and you have reaped the benefits of their labor.”—John 4:38.

Friend, if you are here today and have not asked Jesus into your life, know that He has led you here that you might ask Him in now, this day. He is waiting for you to open your heart and life to Him—asking Him to be Lord of all. Won’t you please ask Him to show you the work He has destined solely for your hands to accomplish, for His Kingdom and glory?

“If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. 10 For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved” –Romans 10:9.

Deliverance. Exodus 14:21-22.

Then Moses raised his hand over the sea, and the Lord opened up a path through the water with a strong east wind. The wind blew all that night, turning the seabed into dry land. So the people of Israel walked through the middle of the sea on dry ground, with walls of water on each side!”. 

Talk about being delivered in a way you never saw coming! Whoever heard of a sea dividing then standing at attention; allowing folks to walk smack through its middle all night long?

What do you do when your deliverance comes wrapped in risk?

When God asks you to take a leap of faith that looks more like cliff diving at Possum Kingdom Lake than puddle jumping in the summer rain? When it’s tied-off with ribbons of uncertainty and challenge? When you come face-to-face with your deepest truths—your fears. When everything you think you believe about God, have known of Him, your faith in Him, the depth of your relationship with Him—is unexpectedly challenged? Shifts beneath you somehow. When the familiar of it all is suddenly slipping through your fingers like so much sand? How do you survive that walk through the unfamiliar? Through the soul-crushing valley-of-the-shadow-of death and then back, yet again, into the bright newness of your next season?

What did it look like when God moved in your life? When He delivered you from an enemy intent on your destruction? When He said “enough” to your bondage, “no more” to your being held captive. Did your freedom come wrapped the way you hoped it might? Or, did it arrive ragged and banged up? Looking like some barely recognizable version of what you’d imagined it would?

The Israelite’s faced what undoubtedly appeared to be certain death.

Pharaohs army closing in on their left—and on their right an outwardly impassable sea. What do you do then when you’re faced with an impossible situation? How does going from a seemingly bad situation to one that’s worse affect your faith? Does it send you chasing after God? Doing all that you’re able to stay tucked-up tight under His Providential care? Or, does the impossible before you remain just that, the impossible that’s before you?

Faith or flesh? How do you respond? Moses and the Israelite’s had to decide. So will you and I…

As we’ll see, the Israelite’s opted for the flesh. Moses, in contrast—held tight to his faith. On one side you had thousands of people grumbling and faith-less; carping about how they would have been better off to have died in Egypt—remained in bondage—rather than to die in an unknown wilderness. All they saw was the impossible, the unmovable, the outwardly insurmountable that was hemming them in. These same descendants of Father Abraham, hand-picked by God to be saved—had lost that faith. These same souls who had witnessed God bring water from a rock, deliver fresh food to the desert floor each morning, these whose clothes and sandals never got old though they wore them for some 40 years; responded to Gods delivering them from Pharaoh’s savage grip with grumbling and fear. Resentful of His method—they were angry with Moses for the loss of the familiar chains that had bound them. Truth be told—don’t we each have a bit of this same tendency within us? This leaning towards fleshly “living in the moment.” This grumbling and high-mindedness? An initial knee-jerk resentment towards God for pulling us out of the familiar muck that we’d become accustomed to?  Our pride-filled thinking that often says, “if I were the one able to deliver someone, I would do it so much differently—painlessly and swift.

On the other hand, if you’ve been walking with God for any length of time surely, you’ve witnessed His mercy and grace? I can only assume that He has delivered you from one or more, if not perilous situations, then perhaps that near-miss situation. That, how am I going to make it this week—this month—today situation? That, “how did I walk away from that in one-piece” moment? Maybe He’s kept you from losing it when your spouse walked out—or worse, died suddenly. When a parent took ill—or your child. When you went through that season when God went silent and His silence shook you to your core! Or, maybe, God has asked you to take your hands off of something—someone or someplace? And, although what you experienced while immersed in it was painful, it was nonetheless familiar—had become dangerously safe. That’s what it may have felt like to be an Israelite wondering around in the desert. Suddenly set free from years of bondage. Their faith being stretched and tested to its breaking point; they cursed Moses and questioned God rather than seeking after Him.

Though their miracle stood literally before them, expectation blinded them for seeing it. And yet, despite their lack of faith and their grumbling, contrary to their blindness and hard-heartedness, God never left them. To the contrary, He was always one step in front of them, leading them ever closer to Himself. Oh, how He longed for them to just trust Him…

And then there’s Moses. A man whose faith allowed him to look out over this same seemingly impossible situation, with great faith. A man familiar with the unconventional. An Israelite raised by Pharaoh’s daughter in Pharaoh’s palace. A man accustomed to the wilderness. Familiar with Gods placing him in the midst of impossible situations. A bush ablaze that is never consumed. Facing a half-brother who resented him as pitilessly. Moses, a murderer returning to the very scene of his crime. This man with a stammer was told by God that he’d become His mouthpiece; a vessel used to help free His people. A man who, in spite of his own fears determined he’d be faithful to God; regardless of what stood before him. Moses was a leader forged over 40 years of being crushed and reshaped during his Midian exile. He was a shepherd. A man who knew first-hand that God never fails.

As both sides stared down that same seemingly impossible situation; Moses believed not only could God deliver them all—more, He surely would. The Israelites on the other hand wavered. Their faith devoured by their fickle feelings. And yet each of these, be they faith-filled or fickle, had a purpose in Gods redemptive plan. Each is our example. As believers, we must choose however whose example we will follow when faced with our own impossible wilderness. Will we hold tight to our faith? Or will we follow after our feelings?

Because here’s the thing—when you belong to God as the Israelites do and He decides some-thing, some situation, relationship, or habit when even the topography of your life must be changed; it’s going to change. It is simply impossible for Gods will to be thwarted. As surely as His Body was broken for you,  He will split a sea wide open to make a way for you. Not only is God Sovereign, He loves you too much to leave you trapped in bondage. Somehow, if you are His, He is certain to bring your deliverance to pass. The unknown of it—to you and me at least, is His timing.

Moses’ hands are lifted beloved. Your sea is about to open before you…

Be expectant my brothers and sisters. God has heard your cry—deliverance is at hand. Allow me to encourage you to remain pliant, stay wide open to whatever—however, God has chosen for you. Trust Him. Period.  Be ready to move wherever God may be leading you in this season of your deliverance. When you pass through deep waters, I will be with you; your troubles will not overwhelm you. When you pass through fire, you will not be burned; the hard trials that come will not hurt you. For I am the Lord your God the holy God of Israel, who saves you. I will give up Egypt to set you free. I will give up Ethiopia[a] and Seba. I will give up whole nations to save your life, because you are precious to me and because I love you and give you honor” –Isaiah 43:2-4.

And friend, if you’ve found yourself here for the first time, or, if you’re a returning friend know this: There is no such thing as a coincidence. God has led you here today because He wants to deliver you—lead you, into all that He has waiting for you. Won’t you follow Him today? Please ask Him into your heart as Lord and Savior this day. No man is promised tomorrow. If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved” –Romans 10:9

A Living Hope! 2 Corinthians 1:3-4.

Blessed [gratefully praised and adored] be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and the God of all comfort, who comforts and encourages us in every trouble so that we will be able to comfort and encourage those who are in any kind of trouble, with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God.”

Despondency and hopelessness have been their constant companions—shame too, since their Master was unjustly dragged away in chains; since they’d abandoned Him in fear of losing their own lives. While Jesus stood before a mock jury of viper’s intent on seeing Him dead, as He was ushered off in the wee hours, brought before Pilot, a ruthless man, whose bloody rule was marked by merciless brutality. Then, flogged to near death and rendered unrecognizable, crowned with thorns, and spat upon. Condemned and left standing before those He had been born to save. All the while “crucify Him, crucify Him” rang out in place of the, “Hosanna in the Highest” that had filled His ears mere days before. His Cross let fall on His bloodied shoulder—as heavy as the weight of the sins of the world. Those He carried now, within. He holds His Cross tightly to Himself, as one holds a precious lover, Gods mercy towards us demonstrated in this embrace. Determined to save us, Jesus starts off for Golgotha, and all that awaits Him there…

How can we give what we do not possess? Demonstrate what we do not know ourselves? Is it any wonder than that Paul wants us to know these life-sustaining attributes of The Father who sent His only Son, this same Jesus, to die in our place? That He wants us to fully take in as our own that, not only does He show us mercy—He is the Father of mercies—that means every mercy. That means every type of mercy you and I have ever, or will ever be shown—forever!

Every time we might have died, and didn’t. Every time we should have felt the sting of our poor choices but instead, mercy showed up. When our child came home safely. When the test results came back clean. When our hearts were breaking, and that one word we so needed to hear was spoken. And, more, in our every moment of pain, of suffering, heart-break, and disappointment. In that life-shattering diagnosis, the death of that child, in the heart-break of witnessing a loved one in the throes of addiction—or rebellion; He is the God of all comfort. The One who comes along side us, just as He walked along-side Jesus on His exacting journey towards Golgotha, comforting and encouraging us, too. Whispering to the very marrow of our bones that there is a purpose in our pain. Some marvelous life that will be birthed from this death that is trying to ravage us. And only then, only armed with His strength, His comfort and mercy, with His assurance, can we walk toward what looks like certain death fixed in our faith. Resolute. Knowing  there is a purpose in it all…

Love does not guarantee we will escape trials and pain and losses, in fact, in love, Jesus told us to expect these things for as long as we live in this fallen world. “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world” –John 16:33. Our hope, our comfort and strength, our ability to move forward after these things take our very legs out from under us, rob us of our breath, is found in the Truth of Sunday morning. Just as it was for our brothers before us.

Life—new life, will come out of all this pain. We will live. We will love—again!

So, then, imagine their great joy when this same Jesus appears to them alive once more! Imagine for a moment the great comfort, the renewed reassurance they experienced! Peter, and all those that ran when they had pledged to follow Him always; that shame-filled, terror filled day. The death of their every hope and dream restored now! All of the hope that had died in them, in His dying, resurrected now, as He is resurrected! How can this be! Their hope restored once more! Their very lives restored!

This is the heart of our resurrection story: A heart once dead in its sin and shame, pain, brought to life once again by the sacrifice of One who was born to die that they, and you, and I, might live! To forgive our sins. To wash us clean in the very Blood He’d just shed. This blessed hope is what every believer has then been commanded to go, and share with a lost, hurting, and broken world. A world in need of the love, mercy, and compassion of God. In need of being re-minded that hope truly is alive! Now. This day! And, to help with instructing the world around us as to just who this great hope is, Jesus Christ, the One and only God. The Hope of Glory!

This is a message of mercy is the essence of the comfort Paul is speaking to us about. The mercy and comfort that restores life and hope and strength where only moments ago the heavy weight of loss or betrayal or despondency rested, where the weight of our sins had all but done us in. This comfort is the Lightness of His Mercy replacing, with great Love, the heavy garment of our sin and shame. If, we’ll but accept it, wearing it as our own. This is what happens in the human heart—in the very soul of the one who experiences the dawn of Sunday morning—the hope of His Resurrection! Those who experience the mercy and comfort and encouragement that our brother Paul is speaking of. We are comforted by God that we might intimately know His great Love and mercy within; then go and share that same comfort and mercy and encouragement given us, with another. Just as Jesus did, as all those in the faith that have gone before us have. “Comfort, comfort my people, says your God. Speak tenderly to Jerusalem, and proclaim to her that her hard service has been completed, that her sin has been paid for, that she has received from the LORD’s hand double for all her sins” –Isaiah 40:1-2.

There is no grave, no stone weighty enough to hold back the love, the mercy, the unfathomable compassion that has burst forth from them both! “God so loved” us, that He sacrificed, poured every ounce of His Mercy and Compassion out for us, in the Person of His only Son so that He might have us in Himself—restored, cleansed, made new. This same God whom Paul informs is the Father of these same mercies, the God of all comfort, who displayed the depth of His love, His heart towards us, in Christ Jesus. Freely His love was lavished upon us, poured out for us, spent on our behalf, freely then, we must lavish, pour out, spend our lives loving others…

This Resurrection morning exists, this hope we have is surely alive solely because of this God who is the Father of mercies, the God of all comfort. “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. … For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life” John 3:16.

Be encouraged this hour, my brother. Be refreshed! Your strength renewed by the same power that raised Jesus from His grave!

And dear friend, the Father has allowed me to share His message of Love once again. You are loved by God—whether you believe that, or not. In fact, His love for you is so great that if you were the only soul to be found on this planet—Jesus would have died solely for you. The Truth is—He did. Won’t you ask Him into your heart and life now, today? There’s no guarantee we’ll meet again next year…

Examples. Ephesians 2:7.

“So God can point to us in all future ages as examples of the incredible wealth of his grace and kindness toward us, as shown in all he has done for us who are united with Christ Jesus.”

The starry heavens are best seen by reflecting telescopes, which, in their field, mirror the brightness above. –MacLaren Commentaries.

Though Paul directs all glory and honor towards Jesus Christ, towards Gods kindness, mercy, and grace being lavished on all those whom He has chosen in Christ as His own; here, in our scripture, in some small way too, he makes known to us how God uses His creations, those He has chosen for Himself, as examples for all who will follow their example of perpetual faithfulness in the face of adversity—and even death. If not for Gods unplumbed love, of His desiring to be in relationship with His creation, His chosen ones, how else might we explain our ability to interact—more, share intimacy with, the Sovereign God of the universe? God’s kindness is all ‘in Christ Jesus’; in Him is the great channel through which His love comes to men, the river of God which is full of water. And that kindness is realised by us when we are ‘in Christ.’ Separated from Him we do not possess it; joined to Him as we may be by true faith in Him, it is ours, and with it all the blessings which it brings into our else empty and thirsting hearts.

Neither Paul, knocked from this world, quite literally into the next, on a dusty Damascus road, nor Peter, called to leave behind nets and boats, family and livelihood, nor Simon, torn between one form of revolution and another, and then Matthew—transformed from a collector of coins and animals and all sorts of goods, to one used instead, to amass souls for the Kingdom. Examples each. Confirmations each of God’s Word. Truly He uses the weak things of this world—the rough, broken, and downtrodden, the outsider and the defeated, the liar and thief, haughty and bigot, the self-righteous and pauper to confound those that see themselves as wise and superior.

Who better to reach the average man than the average man transformed by the power of Jesus Christ?

Yet, not each of His chosen 12 were true prodigals. Even so, all were born sinners. Perhaps you and I cannot relate to a Paul. To an outwardly haughty—self-aggrandizing man full of a pride born from his station and position. Maybe he, his thinking and privilege, is too far removed from us, our way of life, to take in, even scarcely, his thinking or actions.  So full of his own “rightness” he was willing to kill and destroy lives that it may be satisfied. And yet God saw fit to use him mightily. And, his opposite, Peter. A man who reeked of fish and sweat—of resignation perhaps? A simple man—not eloquent, but plain-spoken. Mouthy even. Some might say brash. And Simon the Zealot, though eventually obscure, was a man who had hungered for change. For a better life—a more level playing field for his people. For fairness, safety, and peace; by any means necessary. A man who so wanted fairness and freedom he was willing to die for it. A man who, after encountering his Lord, eventually laid down the plowshares beaten into sword and, instead, used the Sword of the Spirit—the Word of God, with which to fight his battles. And our brother Matthew—a tax collecting thief. Pilfering from his own people. Benefiting from their suffering—and loss. Swindling and conniving that his purse might grow fat while theirs—his fellow Jew, was filled only with dust. Emptied of opportunities—and food, by the Roman demand for unjust taxes, and his greed for more…

Yet Gods unfathomable mercy is demonstrated to us through the example of each of these quite ordinary men…

In this text, when read in context, we witness, in part, Paul shifting gears. We see, through the eyes of his understanding, that the dawn of Christs return may be much further off than what he first believed—what they each first believed. We witness his looking towards the dawning of the future church. Towards us. And, in his viewing of us, recognizing all the more the weight of his own example to the world at large and, specifically for Gods elect. Hence, encouraging us via his informing us of the unending plethora of God’s grace. Paul is detailing his responsibility—our responsibility too, and great privilege as Christians, to demonstrate Gods unplumbed love to the world. This grace of God which fills his epistles—his heart and life, forever changing each. This amazing grace of Gods; so lavished upon him and so obviously over-flowing that the world cannot help but witness how God touches ordinary, sin-filled men, and, as a result, they are forever changed by Him. Not made instantly perfect in the natural mind you, yet, are everlastingly changed, made perfect. in time, by Christ. Used then as examples of His great mercy and love. Of His longing to have restored relationship with His creations. The characters of Christian people are in every age the clearest and most effectual witnesses of the power of the Gospel. Their transformed lives, our lives, a living testament to a loving and merciful God. That we, mere men, be used—chosen to partner with this God whose mercy and grace is as far from our full understanding as the east is from the west…

And, though Paul—and these dear brothers each, are guideposts used still, pointing us towards the God of mercy and grace and patients and unfathomable love, this mantle of demonstrating, of being living examples of the transformative touch of Christ is now ours to wear—if, we know Him as Savior and Lord. If we too have taken off the old man and put on Christ. Our witness is as valid and vital this day as it was the day it issued from Paul’s heart and onto the pages of God’s Word…

In closing, do we daily demonstrate, via our Christian character, that transforming touch of God we’ve been chosen and privileged to have received? That magnificent mercy we hold in our bellies, in these clay vessels, which Paul speaks of. Do we share the privilege of Gods saving grace as we ought—have been commanded to? As a blazing love for him, to serve Him only would drive us to? If not, why not? Should we be stricken suddenly mute—would the world recognize Christ in us at all?

What does your example look like?

Will God use it to touch some future soul looking towards the horizon of faith and wondering…?

Saints, in Christ Jesus Father God has taken us and all future generations into account. He has showered us each in His redemptive love. Washing us clean, He has pardoned, adopted, and fully restored us to Himself. We have been both blessed by Him and chosen in Him to demonstrate a living example of God’s amazing grace, as well the miraculous power of encouragement one receives having witnessed the true conversation of a soul. The restored hope and eternal optimism, the joy God offers a hopeless and exasperated world. “So from now on we regard no one from a worldly point of view. Though we once regarded Christ in this way, we do so no longer. Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here! All this is from God, who reconciled us to himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation: that God was reconciling the world to himself in Christ, not counting people’s sins against them. And he has committed to us the message of reconciliation” 2 Corinthians 5:16-19.

Dear friend, if you are with us today for the first time, or, if God has wooed you back once more, perhaps it is to confirm His calling you to Himself? Perhaps He wants you to receive His free gift of this great mercy and grace Paul speaks of? Perhaps He wants to use all that you’ve lived through as an example of hope and encouragement for another? Won’t you say yes to Him today? Won’t you ask Him into your life as King of your heart? He loves you my friend. “But for this very reason I was shown mercy, so that in me, the worst of sinners, Christ Jesus might display His perfect patience as an example to those who would believe in Him for eternal life” –1 Timothy 1:16.


Mercy. Micah 7:9

 “I will be patient as the Lord punishes me, for I have sinned against him. But after that, he will take up my case and give me justice for all I have suffered from my enemies. The Lord will bring me into the light, and I will see his righteousness.”

Life and death stood face to face. Darkness tried to steal my heart away, thank You Jesus, Mercy said no…

For anyone who has ever felt the crushing weight of sin drive you to despair, to hopelessness, to your knees, you, most of all, will, quite literally, feel your spirit rise up within you as you read the words above.  

After-all, what prisoner, once set free, does not rejoice in his new freedom?

“I deserved death—but mercy said no.” “I deserved the full weight of Gods wrath, but mercy said no.” I am guilty Lord, yet you say, no. And though these words, this Truth, applies to every Blood bought believer; today I’m speaking specifically to the brother or sister who has acknowledged their sin of rebellion against God. The one who knew sin was taking them away from trusting in their Father—and yet, they went—willingly. We aren’t left without a choice…

No one person likes to be corrected. No child enjoys being punished by their parent. Yet, as every loving, caring parent knows, correcting your child is both a necessary and, an indispensable part of parenting. Equally as important as building them up, as encouraging them, as lavishing your loving attention on them, as your pouring praise into them; is your instructing them, your correcting them. Setting boundaries—safe parameters where they might thrive and grow. And, yet, should they continue to deliberately rebel against your repeated rebuking, punishment must certainly follow.

Out of love, you must act. Must correct. Love demands it…

Child of God, have you ever known sin was living in your camp yet refused to uncover it—to repent of it immediately? Rather than exposing it for what it was you, as with the rebellious child above, continued on in your sinful behavior; your pit getting ever deeper as you tried to cover it up; keeping it hidden until that moment it became so deep only God could finally free you from its grip. If this is you, please, don’t despair! King David was exactly where you find yourself today. So was I. As with David, perhaps it was unchecked lust that drove you into the arms of a man or woman you know you had no business being with? Maybe your sin is lying? Or cheating perhaps? Is it unfaithfulness to your spouse? Pornography? Drugs? Alcohol? Any sin we refuse to repent of—turn away from, we are inviting Gods just punishment into the midst of. God will not be mocked beloved. He will not allow the enemy of our soul nor the angels that surround Him to witness His children running around wild—living any kind of way. We have been taught better. We know what our Father expects of us because He’s told us—He’s taken the time to instruct us. He’s given us His Spirit as a check in our belly, lest we forget His Words…

If you’ve ever known just how deep that dark, dank, hopeless place of sin unchecked can take you, and, if you’re now free of its mire—from the snare of that particular sin, the one that’s had its death-like grip on you; might I encourage you to just stand still for a moment. It may sound strange, granted, but remember, sin weakens us. So don’t do anything rash. Don’t run after some new plan. Rather, just breath and allow God to right you. Being suddenly loosed from the grip of a long-standing sin can leave one limp. Sin always exacts a price far greater than we could ever imaged it would while it was gleefully wooing us. I know this because I too have allowed sin to take far more from me than I was ever willing to give. And yet I did—allowed sin to take from me that is. And, though I knew my actions warranted the loss I rightly experienced, I felt wounded and breathless nonetheless. Weakened, as though I’d been in a battle. I’d lost something that I valued—a blessing I’d long been waiting for, longing for. Yet, I had allowed sin to take it from me. I literally let it slip through my fingers like so much sand. The very moment we do not turn away from what we know is wrong—is sin. We are guilty. I know I certainly was.

Suddenly, the phone call came. Suddenly, my hope was dashed. Suddenly, I’d lost what I know the Lord had intended for me. I felt crushed. Yet, that wasn’t a bad thing…

Once the warmth of His company has waxed cold, after the Lord has chastised us—has momentarily turned His face from us, removed His hand of blessing from us, we must, nevertheless, stand once more and regain our footing. We must press on. Must wipe our eyes and wash the tears from our face. We must turn in our heavy garments of mourning and, rejoice instead in His mercy; joyfully seeking Him once again with love and hope in our hearts—just as David did. Trusting, that for His name sake, He will not be angry with us forever. Rather, as a result of His unfathomable mercy, He will once again turn His face towards us, restoring us to Himself and, perhaps, leave a blessing in His wake. A “new thing” to take the place of what we allowed sin to take from us.

King David knew all about this. After He had sinned with Bathsheba, another mans wife, and impregnated her, in his attempts to cover up their sin, David has Uriah, her husband, sent into the front lines of battle, ensuring his death. None of this, however, had escaped the Lords seeing. So the Lord sent the Prophet Nathan to deliver the news of what would happen to David—and His household, as a result of his sins. Because of the work Jesus will do on His Cross, David’s life, as with all those who died living and believing in God, is spared. Gods justice however, demanded the life of David’s child. Yet, in His great mercy, and for His name sake, the Lord blessed David with Solomon—another child was born to David and Bathsheba.

When our sins demanded death as their payment; mercy said no. The Word of God says it like this: “It is rare indeed for anyone to die for a righteous man, though for a good man someone might possibly dare to die. But God proves His love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us. Therefore, since we have now been justified by His blood, how much more shall we be saved from wrath through Him!…” –Romans 5:7-9.

David got up from the floor of affliction, as did I. We knew we deserved death as a result of our sins. But Jesus said, “No, I won’t kill them, but neither will I be mocked.” My brother and sister, you and I have been saved by grace. Jesus has said, “No, you will not die” over each of our lives. Nevertheless, if our mortal parents were just in their punishment of us, how much more just is our Lord in His! Though long-suffering, He will not allow us to carry on in our sin for long. God will not allow the enemy of our soul nor the angels that surround Him to witness His children running around wild—living any kind of way. We have been taught better. We know what our Father expects of us because He’s told us—He’s taken the time to instruct us, He’s given us His Spirit as a check in our belly, lest we forget His Words…

If there is sin in your camp, repent now! Mercy has chosen to spare your life, yet as His child, His justice demands you be disciplined. God cannot wink at our sins.

Mercy laid down and lovingly spread out His arms. Justice was the Cross however, on which He willingly laid to do it. My brothers and sisters, allow me encourage you to repent out of your love for our Lord! Knowing He is just waiting for you to come and humble yourself before Him, that He might forgive you; easing your soul crushing burden. You may not have tomorrow. The hour of our being called to Him is nearer than ever before, the time in which we live is drawing to a close.  Please, take heed to James’ words beloved! “And a servant who knows what the master wants, but isn’t prepared and doesn’t carry out those instructions, will be severely punished” –James 12:47.

And, dear friend, if you’re here today and do not know Jesus as your Lord and Savior, please, allow  Mercy to come into your heart now. Allow Jesus to wash you clean of your sins. Won’t you start your life anew today, in Him? Don’t take my word for this, rather, listen to Jesus’s Words concerning having new life in Him: “Jesus replied, “Truly, truly, I tell you, no one can see the kingdom of God unless he is born again” –John 3:3.

Deliverance. Exodus 21-22

“Then Moses stretched out his hand over the sea, and all that night the Lord drove the sea back with a strong east wind and turned it into dry land. The waters were divided, and the Israelite’s went through the sea on dry ground, with a wall of water on their right and on their left.”


This message dropped in my belly on New Year’s Day. I grabbed my Bible, journal, a pen, and headed over to the nearby pond for some alone time with the Lord. It was the first morning of the New Year…

As I sat before the Lord seeking His will for this new season, I realized that it had taken a series of awfully specific yet outwardly random events to lead me to one simple, yet powerful Word: Deliverance. And, just in case I might have missed what the Lord was impressing on my spirit, in His infinite wisdom and grace, He confirmed His Word yet again, today. As I share what’s been deposited in my belly with you, I’m also speaking over myself. This was—is, a very personal, specific, and, for me at least, a very timely Word. And I believe it is for some of you as well. For someone this will be the confirmation you have prayed for, for others not.

Might I suggest you eat the meat and spit out the bones…

Amid all the New Year hype, all the varied conversations with family and friends concerning resolutions, intentions, and hopes, all I wanted—needed actually, was to go and get alone with God. I couldn’t wait to get out of the house. There was a sense of urgency bubbling-up within me. I sensed in my spirit that a “suddenly” moment is upon the Body of Christ. A communal experience for sure, yes—yet also a deeply personal one as well.

There is nothing new under the sun…

Scholars estimate that some 2 million plus Jews—and those Egyptians that chose to go with them in the exodus, left Egypt behind following after Moses and Aaron. To give you a visual of what that may look like today, picture turning on the news and seeing all of Houston Texas, with its population of 2 million plus citizens, walking some 220 plus miles—the approximate distance from Egypt to the Red Sea—across that state. Or, google a picture of the Anti-Nuclear March that took place in New York’s Central Park in 1982; though that visual would pale in comparison to the march of the Israelite’s, as only a mere million people were gathered in Central Park. I stress these numbers that you might try to wrap your mind around such a great multitude. Now, liken that visual to the mammoth amount of individuals God actually delivered across  11 miles of the Red Sea—safely! Through a sea He had to first divide and then continue to send such powerful winds through its midst that its saturated sea-bottom became dry land! Firm enough to bear up under the weight of many souls, of every animal, cart, child, and its mother…

Surely if God fulfilled His promise to deliver those who had become so entrenched in hopelessness that most had all but forgotten He was God; He is equally faithful to deliver you and me, all those equally entrenched in their own slavish hopelessness. As I stated at the beginning of this post—I’m sharing this for all who believe. Also, for each of you who have yet to come to have faith in Jesus as their Lord and Savior. The blanket of God’s promise to deliver His people covers even those whose toes are still sticking out from under its covering…

None of us stand before an actual sea that must be crossed in order that we might live. And yet each of does stand facing our own Red Sea nonetheless. What has God strategically put in front of you? What impossible “thing”, what situation, addiction, relationship, life-style choice are you currently facing? What is your personal impossible? Is it drug addiction? Porn perhaps? Are you drinking too much? Lying, cheating, or stealing maybe? Are you sleeping with someone you have no business being intimate with? Have you aborted your baby? Are you eating yourself to death? Does your mouth profess one thing, yet your secrets tell an entirely different story? Are you full of fear? Suicidal? Do you wrestle with ongoing depression? Are you an adulterer? A child molester? Maybe a murderer? Do you choose to believe there is no God? I’m here today to tell you that if you’ve ticked any or all of these boxes—God still loves you. Let me say that again. If you’ve committed every sin I’ve listed—or some I haven’t, God loves you. Period.

It’s not, “God loves you, but you must.” Or, “God loves if you’ll but do x, y, and z.” It’s not like that. God just loves you ________ (add your name).

Do you see the difference there? Pay close attention. There’s the you that God has created, and then  the sins you’ve committed that keep you separated from Him. You are not your sins! You are God’s creation! And you were created for a purpose! And, He died that you might one day walk across the bridge of His Body—broken just for you. Delivered now, safely back to the Father, washed clean in the Blood He shed to rid you of those sins. As surely and safely as God delivered Israel from the grip of their enemy so too Jesus will deliver you from the grip of your enemy as well. That’s His part—to deliver you. As only He can…

Yet look at our Scripture verse. We too have a part to play in this deliverance account. Small as it might be it’s ours nonetheless—and, there are no stand-ins. As it was with Moses, so it is with us. We need to act. We must offer back to God what He has graciously placed in our hands; our free will. We must stretch it out before God in humility—in recognition, admitting that outside of Him we are powerless to deliver ourselves from all that is “impossible” before us.

He alone is God of the impossible. Only He can deliver His children…

Even the mighty King David, a man after God’s own heart, knew this… “The valleys of the sea were exposed and the foundations of the earth laid bare at your rebuke, Lord, at the blast of breath from your nostrils. He reached down from on high and took hold of me; he drew me out of deep waters. He rescued me from my powerful enemy, from my foes, who were too strong for me. They confronted me in the day of my disaster but the Lord was my support. He brought me out into a spacious place; he rescued me because he delighted in me” –Psalm 18:15-19.

Beloved, as you stand facing the very dawn of this New Year take heart, you are not alone! God has led you to this seeming wilderness. Suddenly, while facing what has appeared impossible to conquer, or get, let go of, repent of, believe Him for—maybe half a life-time now for some, God will divide the waters before you that you may cross over safely. Never to see this vicious enemy that has held you captive again! “But Moses told the people, “Don’t be afraid. Just stand still and watch the LORD rescue you today. The Egyptians you see today will never be seen again” Exodus 14:13.

Friend, I do believe God in His infinite mercy, and out of His great love for you, has surely brought you here today. If you are His child, I pray this Word confirms what He has already spoken to you. And, I pray your obedience in seeking what it is He will have you to do, give up, submit yourself to, take your hands off of, repent of; in this season of His mighty deliverance!

And, if you find yourself here and have yet to ask Jesus into your life as your Savior and Lord, then I believe also, that today is the day God has chosen as your new birth day! Jesus, when talking to Nicodemus, a teacher of the Law said this: “He came to Jesus at night and said, “Rabbi, we know that You are a teacher who has come from God. For no one could perform the signs You are doing if God were not with him.” Jesus replied, “Truly, truly, I tell you, no one can see the kingdom of God unless he is born again”—John 3:2-3; emphasis my own.

Whatever it is your facing today beloved know this in your very bones: You can cross over safely if you’ll but take the Hand of the One who makes all things possible. Jesus Christ the Lord…

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