“No man shall be able to stand before you all the days of your life. Just as I was with Moses, so I will be with you. I will not leave you or forsake you” (Josh. 1:5).

How many of us have, or are about to, sabotage what we know God has called us to do out of fear of failure? Fear of not measuring up? Out of our insecurities and doubts? We know that God called us to a particular ministry, job, or task, yet we find ways to drag our feet, avoid moving into or even towards our calling…


We heed, listen to, our fears and frailties over God’s Sovereign voice…

It’s not our lack of gifting’s or talents that prevents us from receiving all that God has for us. Far too often it’s our doubts, insecurities, fear of failure, that robs us of our destiny…

And, sadly, that thief doesn’t have to try to too hard to take what is rightfully ours—right out from under us…

God knew that if He did not encourage Joshua before He became the new leader of the Israelite’s, before one step was taken to enter this promised land, Joshua would likely falter under the weight of his new mantle…

Because he wasn’t courageous? Called? Appointed and anointed?

Not at all!

The Word tells us that Joshua was a mighty man of God. He was Moses’s right-hand man (Josh. 1:1).

In fact, out of the 12 scouts sent out by Moses to look over the promised land, Joshua was one of the two scouts that reported back to him and the people, that the land could be taken. He instructed them not to be afraid (Num. 14:7-9).

So why is it that three times within three verses of Joshua Chapter 1 God commands Joshua, “to be strong and courageous?” Surely Joshua has proven himself strong, courageous, and, faithful?

The answer. Promotion! Advancing in the Kingdom will cost you. Just ask Jesus…

God was transitioning Joshua toward his destiny, but first a cutting away needed to take place…

Joshua needed circumcision to reach his full potential. Not only in his body but also in his heart. Before God could entrust Him with all He had prepared for His hands to accomplish some things had to go…(Josh. 5:1-3).

He had to endure a cutting away of himself. Of his past, the old misguided, faulty beliefs of who he was. Of his worthiness, or lack thereof…

You see, though he was a mighty warrior, a trusted servant, and an esteemed assistant, Joshua associated with himself with, was, Moses’s assistant.

He was a servant, a follower, not a leader…

That was Moses’s job…

Joshua would now however be called to step out of the foreground and into the stoplight of God’s divine plan for the fulfillment of His promise to His people. Joshua had just received a divine upgrade—he’d been commissioned the new leader of God’s people.

This new level of calling on Joshua’s life was going to require a whole new level of strength. His sheer brawn wasn’t going to cut it any longer. With this new promotion, would come new duties. Duties Joshua had never met in his past.

And, beside all of that, the people were used to Moses.

And, Joshua knew he was no Moses…

Moses the miracle worker. Moses on the Mount with God. Moses who delivered the laws for the people. Moses the one who Yahweh used to deliver these same Israelite’s from under the task-masters pitiless whips. Moses, who stretched out his staff and the sea parted that they may cross over it safely; and then watch the waters fall back to destroy those who sought to destroy them. Moses, who spoke to God on their behalf and bread came down from heaven and their bellies were filled. (Exo. 14;16:4-8).

That Moses…

Who spoke with God and shone with the Light of Yahweh (Exo. 34:29-30).

Joshua knew he could never be that…

And he was right.

More, he wasn’t called to be…

Take heart new leaders—new ministers, Pastors, and all those called to blaze a new trail. Remember, God promised that just as He was with Moses He would be with Joshua…

But catch that. He didn’t tell Joshua he’d be a Moses Junior. No. Joshua was called to walk in his own gifting’s and talents. His own calling and anointing. God knew Joshua would doubt himself and his capacity to lead these people. But, God also knew Joshua’s heart and more—his faith. Part of Joshua’s gift was his fight. His tenacity. His unwavering belief that if God said it, it will happen…

God says it this way: “Then he said to me, “This is what the LORD says to Zerubbabel: It is not by force nor by strength, but by my Spirit, says the LORD of Heaven’s Armies” (Zech. 4:6).

We won’t and can’t accomplish any of the work that God has set before us to do in our own power.

It will never get done…

Not in using our best intentions nor in our own will. We are too weak, outside of God, to accomplish anything of eternal value without the aid of His providence and grace…

And so, the Lord assures Joshua before he serves one day in his new role that everything he will do—anything that he accomplishes, will be done only through God’s Sovereign Authority and Providence. Let’s read our Scripture verse again: “No man shall be able to stand before you all the days of your life. Just as I was with Moses, so I will be with you. I will not leave you or forsake you” (Josh.1:5)

What is God calling you to do today? Are you being led to a ministry position, a job, move, or some new task? Is He asking you to write a book, sing your song, or travel to a country He’s directing you towards? Is God asking you to do what seems, in your flesh, to be the impossible? Then you’re most likely right where God both wants and needs you to be!

Reliant on Him…

However, in order for you to complete this seemingly impossible task God has placed before you, you must choose, decide—intentionally walk through the door He alone has opened for you.

God promised Joshua that the same Sovereign power that directed Moses’s steps would direct his also—always. And that is His promise to you as well.

How can I be sure—certain, confident of that? How can you? Easy, God’s Word tells us this Truth. “God is not a man, that he should lie; neither the son of man, that he should repent: hath he said, and shall he not do it? or hath he spoken, and shall he not make it good” (Num. 23:19)?

Again, catch What Scripture is saying—what the Holy Spirit is speaking: and He not make it good? God alone has the power to make good His perfect will for your life. But He never said it would be easy. He never said you wouldn’t have to walk past—through, the shadow those that had gone before you had cast…

Those others—that mentor, pastor, teacher, leader who appeared more talented, gifted, and certainly more qualified….

But if God has called you, appointed you, anointed you, for such a time as this. If He has command you to be strong and very courageous, then know you must—claim, walk in, fix your eyes on that calling. Standing sure—locked into your anointing, putting to use your own gifting’s and talents, established in you by God. “They answered Joshua, saying, “All that you have commanded us we will do, and wherever you send us we will go. “Just as we obeyed Moses in all things, so we will obey you; only may the LORD your God be with you as He was with Moses” (Josh.1:16-17).

You were not chosen accidentally. God purposed you—fashioned you, for such as time as this. And no, you are not “Moses”. And that’s okay—it’s as it should be “Joshua” …

Trust in the One that brought you to this moment. The one that has fashioned you through the fires of adversity, trials, and tribulations. Through your willingness to serve—to be of service, and, through your battles.

Your appointment—that commission that stands before you, it was never solely about you. It was—is, all about God’s plan and those souls He has chosen to bless and save through your obedience….

Moses is dead. And you are not Moses Junior. You are Joshua, son of Nun. That is your name. Now go—lead. You have souls depending on your faithfulness.  “Moses my servant is dead. Now therefore arise, go over this Jordan, you and all this people, into the land that I am giving to them, to the people of Israel” (Josh. 1:2).