"Come follow me and I will make you fishers of men." Matthew 4:19

Tag: Loss

“Half-hearted” Numbers 32:11-12

 “None of the men who came up from Egypt, from twenty years old and upward, shall see the land which I promised to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob, because they have not followed Me completely, except Caleb the son of Jephunneh the Kenizzite and Joshua the son of Nun, for they have followed the Lord completely.”

The Word of God tells us: “Abraham believed God and righteousness was given him as a free gift” (Gen. 15:6).

More often than not, the only proofs that God gives us concerning His promises He’s made us will be found, are found, in His Word. God is not like man, He can’t lie. It is impossible for God to not fulfill a promise He’s made to us. So, knowing that—believing that Truth, I can guarantee you that if God has told you He will bring something about in your life—He will do it. His Word confirms this, listen: “For still the vision awaits its appointed time; it hastens to the end—it will not lie. If it seems slow, wait for it; it will surely come; it will not delay” (Habakkuk 2:3). And the very next verse says this: “Behold, as for the proud one, His soul is not right within him; But the righteous will live by his faith.…

I want to talk with you today about the giants in the land and the faith, the belief,  necessary to overcome them…

Because there are giants—spiritual giants, in each of our backyards. Giants of fear, lying giants, giants of insecurity, of disbelief, of procrastination, apathy and depression, to name but a few. They’re there, in part, to draw us closer to God. So that we can, as we partner with God, relying on His strength, overcome those looming giants in our lives. Giants that, if not overcome, will most certainly rob us from—obtaining, operating in, the full potential and promise that God has planned for our lives. From walking in the full blessing of our divine purpose.

And yes, whether you accept Jesus or not—if you’re reading this, you have a purpose…

So, why does God allow these giants? Simply stated, that we may be—built up, strengthened, grow, our faith muscles. But, that can be accomplished only when we believe that God is who He says He is—and will do, accomplish, in, and through us, all that He’s said He will do. Though unchanging in His character, He’s still speaking and revealing Himself to us today. The question is, are we still listening?

Only Joshua and Caleb, two men out of the multitude of Israelite’s that were led out of Egypt—out of slavery, were granted access by God to enter the promised land of Canaan. These same two men had been sent by Moses to go on a fact-finding maneuver. They, along with other men, were sent to scope out this new promised land and report back if it were possible for the Israelite’s’ to overtake it. It was Joshua and Caleb alone who would report back that they—as a people, could in fact, overcome the giants in this new promised land (Numbers 13:1-31).

God always knows what’s coming down the road. It may surprise us, but it most certainly does not surprise God! And, if He’s sent us—sent you, if He’s allowed us, to be sent down any ‘giant possessed’ road He may, in part, have done—be doing so, as an opportunity, a chance given us, to overcome our giants and to build our faith muscles in preparation for what is yet to come…

Friends, we are surely living in the last days. Any moment Jesus may return for His children, His Word tells us that none of us knows the day or the hour. We know—trust, have faith, in the fact that He is coming back for us because He said He would. But In the meantime—while we wait in hope, we must be diligent in walking out the mission—the commission, He gave us before He left this world. To bring the Good News of who He is to the whole world. “He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation” (Mark 16:15).

I am doing my best to do that today through sharing with you what the Holy Spirit has put on my heart…

And that is that God has so much for you—for His people. He intended you to walk in the fullness of all that He has for you, now—in this world. That by so doing, and through faith in Him—in His Word, you might bless others with what He has entrusted to you. Yet, to walk in the fullness of your destiny, you must overcome your giants. You must, like Joshua and Caleb, believe that you can—because God has said that you can defeat any enemy, any giant, that rises up against you. Not because of any strength or talent you possess in and of yourself; but because you believe in –have unwavering faith in, the all-sufficient power of The Blood of Jesus…

His last words on the Cross were, “It is finished” (Mark 16:15).

That means, in part, that He has given you all that you need to overcome—if you know Him, have a relationship with Him—are His child. His Spirit within you will give you the strength, courage, and, the measure of faith you need, to conquer any and every giant that will fight you for the right to stay in your promised land. In your ministry, your marriage, your business, in your God-given dreams, and, visions, anywhere, and everywhere. That’s a promise God made to Joshua and it stands for you as well, listen: “I have given you every place on which the sole of your foot treads, just as I promised to Moses” (Joshua 1:3)

The choice is yours and the outcome is clearly before you. Today’s Scripture is a witness—either for, or against us.  It’s our warning not to be halfhearted in our faith—as the Israelite’s’ were. Wanting all that God had for them; but only half- believing that God would do what He said He would do to ensure they’d have it. Rather, we must believe fully—wholeheartedly, as Joshua and Caleb did. So that we too may enter in to all that God has for us, and be a blessing to all those He’s attached to us—for such a time as this. Pray—be wise in your choosing. Your future—and all those tied to it, are depending on your choices. I know the giants can be daunting, especially if they’ve been allowed to remain in your land for a while. Yet allow me, please—to encourage you by sharing the very Words the Lord spoke to Joshua: “No man will [be able to] stand before you [to oppose you] as long as you live. Just as I was [present] with Moses, so will I be with you; I will not fail you or abandon you. Be strong and confident and courageous, for you will give this people as an inheritance the land which I swore to their fathers (ancestors) to give them” (Joshua 1:5-6).

But you must make a choice. Will you stand with God, will you allow Him to defeat those enemies—those giants? Giants of addictions, those hurts and habits that have robbed you of His best for you? Will you  stand with God against that giant of sexual or physical abuse that’s been allowed to keep abusing you because it’s been allowed to live—for twenty, thirty, forty, or more years, unchallenged, in your land? That giant of abortion that’s left you so guilt ridden and filled with shame that you dread intimacy—connection. Jesus is asking you today—now, to believe that you can, in His strength, take the land He has for you.

And if you don’t know Jesus as your Lord and Savior—it’s not too late. He wants to help you defeat your giants too. Please, won’t you ask Him into your heart today? Remember friend, none of us are promised tomorrow. And alone—we’ll never conquer our giants. Don’t believe me, jut take a look at what’s still living in your land. Jesus is waiting for you to ask Him to help defeat your giants…


“Everything” Philippians 3:7-8

But whatever former things were gains to me [as I thought then], these things [once regarded as advancements in merit] I have come to consider as loss [absolutely worthless] for the sake of Christ [and the purpose which He has given my life]. But more than that, I count everything as loss compared to the priceless privilege and supreme advantage of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord [and of growing more deeply and thoroughly acquainted with Him—a joy unequaled].”

One of the greatest lessons I am learning—becoming filled with, to the exclusion of all else in Autumn of my life is this: Nothing, let me stress that—nothing, is more valuable to me than God. Knowing and being known by Him is my greatest gift, greatest joy—the prize above every prize, and He has blessed me with some amazing gifts over the years!

Yet by far—without comparison—in a league all by itself, is my relationship with Jesus. More accurately, it’s His choosing to have one with me. There is nothing more valued, more treasured, or near to my heart than loving and be being loved by God. Period. This is my truth.

Now, this great love of my life—this great prize without measure, this God who is the Light of my life, has allowed me to experience some of the lowest, most pain filled, tear-filled moments in of my life. Not everything I’ve experienced with Him has been a honeymoon high. There have been deaths, implausible loss, sickness, abandonment, betrayal, abuse, disgrace—and great pain. Some—a lot, came at the hands of my choices—bad ones. Other stuff came because that’s life—they come at the expense of being alive. They are the salt in the sugar…

I share this with you to portray, as realistically as I know how, that this same God who showered me with the blessings of three amazing children, a grandchild that has my heart, parents that I love, siblings I am grateful for, health, strength, peace, and, provision that some would only hope for—all of this and more than our limited time together and these pages have room for, I would give up, hand it and them all back—if it meant I couldn’t have, if it meant, losing Jesus. That’s not easy to say mind you—and truth be told, I’m not even sure what saying it truly means.

I know only this: I never want a life without Jesus as the center of it…

And as scary as it is to say that I count it all loss, and it is scary (which doesn’t mean I don’t have faith. Contrary to what you may have been told you can have faith and be afraid. Often actually faith requires you to press forward on shaky legs).  I’ve seen in my life; a sampling of what God will take away from us as we walk through the firing process of being shaped and molded into the image and likeness of His Son. Much like what a clay pot endures in the furnace to finish it in something solid and lasting. Yet, still I trust God. I know the plans He has for me are for my good, not to kill me—even if it feels that way at times.

But let’s get back to the blessings. Let’s look at the many blessings that each of us have. And, although some may have what the world calls “more” in terms of material possessions—status, beauty, intelligence, toys, etc. If you are reading this now, we are each equal in that we share breath, life, and opportunity. The possibilities are endless in what you might accomplish having possession of these blessings.

If you think I’m wrong—remember, the moment God takes them back, and He will, (it’s another thing we all have in common)—the blessings end, life ends—we will all be required to return the gifts we’ve been entrusted with. See, they were always only on loan. In our humanity, we forget that and we get attached to them and think that they are our possessions—and that we have a right to them.

There’s a lesson there for someone—for me…

Jesus has given us all innumerable gifts, blessings, and, opportunities. Paul knew this. And in today’s passage he forced me to re-member this—refocus. Why? Because as much as I love Jesus—and I do. As much as I am willing to say yes, as scary as saying yes can be—and I am and it is, I still, in my humanness, get distracted by ‘things.’ The gifts, the people, the stuff—the blessings. And I need to be re-minded—to refocus. To never lose sight of the One who blesses, who chose me for Himself—who willingly laid His life down on a Cross He held like a lover, so that I could have a new life in and with Him. Both now and in Heaven…

And that is why friends—in the autumn of my life, I am asking Jesus to prune me deeply. Is that scary, as I’ve already said—you bet it is! At almost 60 I’ve tasted enough of loss to not take saying this lightly or the sting—the sometimes-paralyzing effects, on a life losing something or someone can have. But I trust God despite how I may feel. Feelings change, God alone is eternal. And I believe with everything in me—in paying it forward. Of my life benefitting another’s. I believe that to gain one must be willing to pay a dear price—to suffer loses. I didn’t always have this wisdom—and I can’t claim what I’ve learned as mine. That credit goes to The Holy Spirit. To a God who’s walked with me through the train-wreck I had turned my life into, and said, “Trust Me, I have such great plans for you.” And, even the trust it took to trust Him—He alone provided!

Perhaps the reason I am here today and you are here today—is that God is still working in us both? Or, maybe He is calling you to Himself for the first time and you needed to hear this (remember the breath, life, and, opportunity?) …

Perhaps you needed to be reminded—as I certainly do, as Paul is reminding us all— to stay focused on the Giver and not on HIs gifts. On The One—and not the stuff the One provides. As I said earlier, one day He will ask each of us for all His stuff back. The only “forever” things we get to keep are, primarily, our relationship with Him. Then, the lasting effects of those things that we give away (the good we do for others). Those actions are forever multiplying. And love. That, like it’s creator—is eternal. We each have choices to make. Where and how to spend our time, talents, and the resources we’ve been entrusted with. Greater still, the choice of what it is we hold dear—our best thing if you. What ‘everything’ are you willing to let go of today that you may gain Christ—or more of Him. Remember, to gain you must be willing to lose something.

With trembling human legs—I count it all joy that I may lose all things and gain Christ Jesus my Lord. Not even fully understanding the scale of my words, I choose to profess them nonetheless. I do not need to see to believe…

Friend, what about you? Are you too willing to count it all a loss to gain God? He is looking for hearts that are willing to say, “yes to your will and ways Lord.”

I am praying your strength because I know what it is to have a heart that is willing but also flesh that is so weak. Yet greater than my prayers are the prayers of Jesus sitting at the Right Hand of the Father praying for you—cheering you on. Because He so wants you to lose it all that you would gain Him. Trust Him today. Take the first—or maybe the 101st step, and say yes Lord, be my everything. I count it all loss that I might gain you. He’s waiting…

Then buckle up and enjoy the journey—and Love, of a lifetime…!

“They traded the truth about God for a lie. So, they worshiped and served the things God created instead of the Creator himself, who is worthy of eternal praise! Amen” Romans 1:25

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