"Come follow me and I will make you fishers of men." Matthew 4:19

Tag: Living Water

A Living Fountain

Matthew Botelho

On the last day, that great day of the feast, Jesus stood and cried out, saying, “If anyone thirsts, let him come to Me and drink. He who believes in Me, as the Scripture has said, out of his heart will flow rivers of living water.” –John 7:37-38.

One of my many joys is camping with my family, which goes back to when I was growing up in New Hampshire, and my dad would take us camping in the White Mountains. Sometimes, the days were bright and sunny without a cloud in the sky. But then there were days when dark clouds would form in the distance and roll in on us. This meant it was about to rain, and we needed to take cover in our tents and wait for the storm to pass. 

Waiting was never my strong suit when I was a kid, and I may struggle occasionally still as an adult. So, I would leave the tent with my sister and go out and play in the rain, jumping in puddles and getting all muddy, and my mom would tell my dad to get us back in the tent. But he would just let us run around and get wet and muddy. It was all about the experience and the memories we were making.

Why am I sharing this time with you? Because now I’m the dad. And I just took my family on a camping trip. And while I was there, the Lord shared a revelation.

I usually like to camp in a tent, but we decided to rent a little cabin on a hill this time. While camping, a huge rainstorm came over us, complete with winds. It stormed until the next day. When morning came, I walked out of the cabin and looked around. As we were on a hill, I could see some cranberry bogs about a mile away from the cabin. They were filled with the rain from the night before. 

Cranberry bogs are made to grow cranberries; some bogs are designed to collect and hold water. When the time comes to harvest the cranberries, the farmer will open the channels and let loose the water from one bog to flood the other, making it easier to gather the cranberries.

As I looked out over the bog, the revelation came to me: “Imagine if there was no rain.” Imagine if water never touched the surrounding land. What if the ground was dry and barren, and nothing would grow? That is when I heard God speak this clearly in my Spirit, “What if My Spirit was never poured out on you?”

Can you think of a time when you did not have the Holy Spirit with you?

Throughout the Bible, we read of droughts and famines. In 2 Kings 17:1, we read where the prophet Elijah says: “….As the Lord God of Israel lives, before whom I stand, there shall not be dew or rain these years, except at my word.” Scripture tells us King Ahab was married to Jezebel, A very evil priestess of the Baals. The land was in sin, and the prophet Elijah declared God’s hand; His presence over this land would be removed. God was not worshiped and loved there. The land was dry and barren as a result of God’s judgement upon it; the wages of sin is death. 

We can see in this what Jesus meant, beloved, “What if My Spirit was never poured out on you?”

This is the revelation the Holy Spirit shared concerning those who run to Jesus.

No longer are they dry and barren, but like that bog, they are full to overflowing with God’s Holy Spirit. Those who repent of their sins and declare that Jesus is Lord will no longer walk in the ways of the Baals but run to the only One that will give them eternal life. The only One who can bring them into right standing with the Father, the only One who died and rose again for the sins of all humanity. Jesus Christ, the King of kings and Lord of lords!

At one point in our lives, we were all dry. We were living a life full of sin and fleshly desires. We were empty, cracked vessels, unable to hold or let anything Godly grow inside us. The water we drank could only quench our fleshly thirst. We were just like the woman at the well.

Jesus answered and said to her, “Whoever drinks of this water will thirst again, but whoever drinks of the water that I shall give him will never thirst, But the water that I shall give him will become in him a fountain of water springing up into everlasting life.” –John 4:13-14:

Water helps things grow. When we sow a seed in the ground, we do not just plant it and leave. Seeds need to be watered as well.

And how do we water a spiritual seed? Through praise and worship, my dear friends. The Holy Spirit comes in power and will help you grow your relationship with God the Father. Knowing God’s Son, Jesus, is the only way for the Holy Spirit to live in you. “All things have been delivered to Me by my Father, and no one knows the Son except the Father, Nor does anyone know the Father except the Son, and the one to whom the Son wills to reveal Him.” –Matthew 11:27

My dear brothers and sisters, If you have a relationship with Jesus, have repented of your sins and confessed Him as your Lord and Savior, then His Holy Spirit is living inside you.

Jesus is the Living Water who springs forth within you.

He is not still and stagnant. He is a Living, rushing, mighty river of Water bursting forth within you.

Think back to when the farmer opened the water channel to fill that bog I spoke of earlier. That water rushed throughout the bog, saturating it so the ripened fruit could be harvested. So, too, the Holy Spirit rushes in and helps harvest the fruit you will bear.

What fruit?   The fruit of the Spirit. “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. Against such there is no law.” –Galatians 5:22-23. A follower of Christ will display at least one, hopefully a few, of these fruits.

Do not worry if you still need to get all of them. Sometimes, it takes longer for some to grow than others. And if you feel you are not bearing fruit in your life, ask the Holy Spirit to help you. But remember as you do this that you are the branch, Jesus is the vine, and God the Father is the Vinedresser. So you may be pruned to see that fruit come forth. Pruning is a necessary process. It rids us of dead things that are stopping our growth. Pruning is painful, but its harvest will be beautiful. 

As we end here, know that if Christ is in you, you are an overcomer. “You, dear children, are from God and have overcome them, because the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world.” –1 John 4:4.

If you are a child of God, Christ in you is a river of everlasting Life. The Potter Himself has changed you. The Fountain of Living Water has filled you with Himself.

And if He has not filled you, will you allow Jesus to bring you to a place of overflowing joy today, knowing that if you do, your name will be written in the Lamb’s Book of Life? Jesus says in Matthew 7:28, “Come to Me, all you who labor and heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” Declare today, “I choose You, Lord Jesus, and come fill me with You, Living Water!” Amen.

Ever, Green…

MaryEllen Montville

“But blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in him. They will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream. It does not fear when heat comes; its leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit” –Jeremiah 17:7-8.

Because it is limited in its own essence. No tree has unbounded potentialities; though it live for centuries it will grow itself out, exhaust all its latent force. Not so with the soul. It has unending powers of growth. Because it is limited in its supplies the river at its roots may dry up; the nutriment in its soil it may exhaust. Not so with the soul; its roots strike into the inexhaustible fountain of life. Its leaf shall be green, — ever green. –Joseph S. Excell

To fully take in the rich imagery and deep spiritual inferences Jeremiah places before his readers in verses seven and eight, that ‘ever-fruitful tree planted by the stream’ mentioned above, we must go back and read verses five and six so that we might bear witness to another, this tree’s “ever-green” opposite—the barren, stunted, prickly heath. A dusty, fruitless thing fit only for wastelands and arid places. Side by side now, we can rightly assess them. And, as it with these two exemplars, so too is it with every man; thus a choice lay before us all. One, wholly reliant on God, desperate for want of Him. The other, stiff-necked, and self-reliant, stubborn, and resistant, it turns to anyone but God for sustenance, making gods then, of created things. This is what the Lord says: “Cursed is the one who trusts in man, who draws strength from mere flesh and whose heart turns away from the Lord. That person will be like a bush in the wastelands; they will not see prosperity when it comes. They will dwell in the parched places of the desert, in a salt land where no one lives” –Jeremiah 17:5-6.

The Bible tells us that God “so loved the world He gave us His only Son”—yes, even to these rebellious ones determined to go their own way, no one is excluded. God provides for all His creation. Yet some are willfully barren, while others are joyfully well watered. Some choosing to live in their stiff-necked, empty self-reliance, just as Judah did, the spigot of their hearts rusted over now to God’s will, to His love and tenderest of mercies. They were unwilling, their choice made, they will not receive the Living water needed to thrive and flourish. These simply refuse to join the man who will not live anywhere other than beside this Life-giving stream. Instead, they drink in the fierce, fiery judgment they have brought down upon their own heads, shaking their fist at God all the while, as if they had no part to play in their own calamity. As well might bees try to get honey from a vase of wax flowers as we to draw what we need from creatures, from ourselves, from visible and material things? Where else will you get love that will never fail nor change nor die? Where else will you find an object for the intellect that will yield inexhaustible material of contemplation and delight? Where else infallible direction for the will? Where else shall weakness find unfailing strength, or sorrow adequate consolation, or hope certain fulfillment, or fear a safe hiding place if not in Christ alone, that Living water for our souls. –Alexander Maclaren, D. D.

“They will not see prosperity when it comes.” This ‘heath’ cannot receive, his will, like his heart, sealed shut to those things—those countless blessings that come from the merciful, bountiful, hand of the Lord. His eyes fixed instead on his own abilities and accomplishments, on self, on another’s—any others, input, or assessments of his self-worth. He does not need to acknowledge God for his everyday blessings, he is far too busy chasing after the gods of this world to waste his valuable time. Money, lust, more and stiller, and stiller. Judah was his teacher and he’s become an exemplary student. Hence, determined in his sin and hard-heartedness, he loses out on those blessings God had intended him. “The LORD says, “People of Judah, your sin is written with an iron pen; it is engraved on your hearts with a diamond point and carved on the corners of your altars” –Jeremiah 17:1. He seeks ‘things’ only, never their Creator. He has chosen to go his own way. He is root-less. Disconnected. Parched. Withered and brittle. A tumbleweed of a person tossed first here, then there, never at rest, never satisfied with his lot. This an example of one devoid of connection to the Source of Life-giving Water—the Holy Spirit of God. Jesus describes such a one as being able to do nothing of lasting or eternal value. “Remain in Me, and I will remain in you. Just as no branch can bear fruit by itself unless it remains in the vine, neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in Me. I am the vine and you are the branches. The one who remains in Me, and I in him, will bear much fruit. For apart from Me you can do nothing. If anyone does not remain in Me, he is like a branch that is thrown away and withers. Such branches are gathered up, thrown into the fire, and burned.…” –John 15:4-6.

By comparison, the other “does not fear when heat comes…”  Why? Because he has been blessed to have fostered an everlasting connection to his Living Source. Conversely, the doors of his heart flung open, his entrance swept clean, wide, and welcoming. The teeniest of his root-hairs pining after more and more of this Living water—unquenchable. His very song one of wanting. “As the deer pants for streams of water, so my soul pants for you, O God. My soul thirsts for God, for the living God” –Psalm 42:1. This one’s everything, each blessing: from his very breath to his undeserved forgiveness he acknowledges having come solely from his Creators loving hand. He is filled with a wave of peace not his own, content to take his rest on this dewy bank he’s been planted on. He seeks no riches for himself, nothing silver or gold might buy; his worth found in God alone, this ever-fecund tree. And so, he sings: “Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord, my soul. I will praise the Lord all my life; I will sing praise to my God as long as I live. Do not put your trust in princes, in human beings, who cannot save. When their spirit departs, they return to the ground; on that very day, their plans come to nothing. Blessed are those whose help is the God of Jacob, whose hope is in the Lord their God. He is the Maker of heaven and earth, the sea, and everything in them—he remains faithful forever” –Psalm 146:1-6.

You, I, the poorest and humblest of men, will never be right, never feel in native soil, with appropriate surroundings, until we have laid our hearts and our hands on the breast of God, and rested ourselves on Him. Not more surely do gills and fins proclaim that the creature that has them is meant to roam through the boundless ocean, nor the anatomy and wings of the bird witness more surely to its destination to soar in the open heavens, than the make of your spirits testify that God, none less or lower, is your portion. –Alexander Maclaren

Friends, Jeremiah’s words assure us of two things: The promises God has made to those that are His: that we need not fear amid the fiercest of circumstances, the most trying, leanest, most arid of times—the depth of our Source cannot be plumbed. We are firmly planted in Him—by Him, our roots running deep and straight into our inexhaustible Source. Therefore, we shall not fear the drought, our leaves will never wither nor grow dry. Our strength found in worshipping our God. We possess this Life-giving Water the world knows nothing of—more, we are wholly possessed by It—by Jesus. Conversely then, you can trust in mere flesh, but you cannot have it both ways. To turn toward something other than the Lord is to turn away from the Lord. We can’t face both directions at the same time. And don’t be fooled dear friend, God will not be mocked! The man who chooses his own way has chosen to be planted in poisonous soil—nothing fecund or prosperous can ever be found in him. His the salty place where the heath grows—those whose shallow roots have difficulty reaching deep enough to drink from the Life-giving water just beyond their reach.

We each must choose. You’ve been made aware now, there’s a difference—God, in His infinite love for you, would not leave you unawares, uninformed, without a witness. Whom will you serve then? God or man? There is no middle ground, friend—no ‘other’ choice. I’m praying you chose wisely. I’m praying you chose the Lord and all that He’s had planned for your life since before the foundation of the world. I’m praying this Word to take deep root in your soul, and that it shoots forth tendrils that will affix you to Him, always.

Friend, if you don’t know this Jesus, I pray you to call out to Him today. Ask Him to come into your heart as Lord and Savior. Here is His promise to you if you will: “The LORD will always guide you; He will satisfy you in a sun-scorched land and strengthen your frame. You will be like a well-watered garden, like a spring whose waters never fail” –Isaiah 58:11.

When Destiny Meets Destiny. John 4:8

 “He was alone at the time because his disciples had gone into the village to buy some food.”

There are times in our walk with God that He will call us to walk alone…

To come out and be separate from who and what we know.  To go to a place, speak to a person, that others may choose to avoid—are not called or equip to be sent to. Thus, it was with Jesus; and our Samaritan woman. And, so it is with you and I as well. For us, following the call of God on our lives often requires us to go outside our comfort zones. To push past the fear of rejection and ridicule. To be stretched beyond, push through, the scars of past pain. Past the fear of losing face, losing friends or family—those dear and the closest to us. Yet, obedience to God, to the call we know as True and demanding of our compliance, requires, dare I say demands, that we set out on a road others may walk miles out of their way to avoid. Yet through our obedience, trust is built. And, as a result, our relationship with God is firmly established—forged, as though through fire.

Moses knew this. So did Abraham, David, and Peter…

Each knew they had been divinely called, uniquely appointed—they also knew they were not qualified to receive such a blessing—yet they obeyed the call nonetheless. Now, it was time for this broken, sin-stained Samaritan woman to learn this lesson as well. To learn that God does not call those who are qualified, equip—feel worthy or ready, or are even prepared for what’s to come. He alone equips those He calls. Being chosen to be used by God is not about us, not in the sense of our readiness or worthiness. This call, it is not about you or me. It’s not about our being “special” or “better than.” It is all about God—about fulfilling His will. About the eternal plan He has both for our lives, and the welfare or betterment of another.

Our call, in the end, is all about love. His Love undeservedly poured out on us, that we in turn, can, will, pour out—share, with another. And so on, and so on, and so on until the whole world has heard of His Great Love…

The account of the, “Woman At the Well”,   is a lush text. It’s ripe with imagery, full of deep spiritual Truths, of revelation. And, though her story alone is teeming and textured—a story chuck full of isolation, loss, misunderstanding even, it is also a story ripe wipe transformation, packed full of purpose, joyfully heralding a soul’s great calling. Some might even say it’s a story of destiny and of hope. So, the fact God chose to illuminate this verse from this account, as opposed to the more central, well know verses speaks directly to how God will  show in the places we least expect Him. For me, and now, for you as well, it was this very sentence, and not one of the more traditional that He spoke through. This sentence, with little apparent connection to the overall text, that the Holy Spirit used to capture my attention—drew my eye and heart into. I pray this blesses you—encourages you, challenges you even—as it certainly has me…

So much to be mined, explored, so much to learn, in this dialogue between Jesus and this woman known to us only as a Samaritan…

She, like most who meet Jesus, have no idea the hour He will appear to us. We, like our friend the Samaritan woman, are often going about our day in typical fashion. In ordinary oblivion, repetitive sameness, and often, in a dense, blinkered denial…

She, for instance, only went to the well at a time of day most others would do anything to avoid having to go. Yet, it was her routine, day in and day out, she waited until the sun was high in the midday sun before venturing out.

Why? Shame mostly…

Death had so deeply wounded her—robbed her, she felt. Not only had she buried five husbands, but in a culture that placed a high premium on having a child—she had none.  So, as not to live the life of a prostitute, a beggar, she has allowed a man to come and live with her, to share her bed, comfort her, help provide for her—but, there is a high price to pay for choosing to live this way.

Compromise often costs us far more than we’re willing to pay…

Scripture reminds us that the price demanded for sin is death. Yet, by the grace and mercy of God we don’t actually physically die when we sin—usually. But, as our friend the Samaritan will certainly attest, we’re all but dead—spiritually, socially certainly, familial also, and, her not venturing out until midday speaks volumes of her self-worth…

Paradoxically, God was about to use the very “thing” that had been the source of much of her pain. The very “thing” that had caused her to sin, and, as sins result, the source of her shame too. What was this ‘thing”?

It was another man…

But, unlike any other man she’d ever known, this Man would forever change the course of her life—and, as a result of that change, countless other lives would be changed as well.


When God chooses to remove the scales from our eyes—allows us to taste of the Living Water He alone offers us, we can’t help but leave all that we know—have clung to, wallowed in, wasted years to behind us and take off running to tell anyone who will listen about this Man—this Jesus. The one who comes and shows us—us.

Who shines a light on all we’ve spent so much time and energy trying to keep in the dark—hidden away.

Sound familiar? If so, take heart! God doesn’t play favorites the way people often do. If He brought about a life changing transformation for this un-named, unknown, broken woman—and He did, purposefully, intentionally, as part of His divine plan, He both can, and wants to, do the same for you too!

Thousands came to Him—a whole town we’re told, because of His obedience. Jesus obeyed God and went where others dare not go. And it was in that place where Destiny met destiny—that lives were forever changed.

Friend, if you’re reading this at your “well” today and a stranger asks you for a drink—don’t hesitate! Drink deep…

but just as it is written [in Scripture], “Things which the eye has not seen and the ear has not heard, And which have not entered the heart of man, All that God has prepared for those who love Him [who hold Him in affectionate reverence, who obey Him, and who gratefully recognize the benefits that He has bestowed]” –1 Corinthians 2:9.

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