"Come follow me and I will make you fishers of men." Matthew 4:19

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Sacred Spaces.

MaryEllen Montville

“God did this so that they would seek him and perhaps reach out for him and find him, though he is not far from any one of us” –Acts 17:27.

“For as I walked around and looked carefully at your objects of worship, I even found an altar with this inscription: to an unknown god. So you are ignorant of the very thing you worship—and this is what I am going to proclaim to you. “The God who made the world and everything in it is the Lord of heaven and earth and does not live in temples built by human hands. And he is not served by human hands, as if he needed anything. Rather, he himself gives everyone life and breath and everything else” –Acts 17:23-25.

I love God’s written Word. It reveals His character and His kindness to Me. It has the power to remove scales from my eyes, and it softens areas in my heart I never even knew existed. God’s Living Word enables me to drink deeply and often from the very Source of my life.

I love meeting God in His Word, discovering Him there, being drawn into the very depths of Him.

Understanding His Justice and being ever thankful for the laws He gave, all that I might live free, safe, and protected. He is a Loving, intimate, deeply caring Father. A Father who, according to His Word, so loved me, so wanted to ensure that nothing, here and now, nor in eternity, ever separated us, that He gave His only Son in exchange for me, to demonstrate the depth of that love. He then placed His Holy Spirit in me, into this clay vessel, as surely as if He had slipped an engagement ring on my finger. Because He did, He has—I Am my Beloveds, and He is mine. “But God proves His own love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us!” –Romans 5:8.

And yet, I also love those Kairos moments when I’m lost in Him.

When God sends His Spirit to enliven that one Word or sentence, when eternity lays exposed for the briefest of seconds, opening my understanding and forever changing me. These moments leave in their wake some intuitive understanding that I’ve just been given a most precious gift. A Pearl of Great Value. Some intimate “knowing” of Him. And all because I serve this Beautiful, Wonder-filled, personal God who loves me and desires that I know Him through His Word and His Spirit both. Relationally—Spirit and Truth, One.

My God, our Father, desires for us, all of us, to want Him, long to be with Him; He wants us to seek His face, look deeply into His eyes as only lovers do, and to witness the unplumbed depth of Him—to be one with Him. And no, I am by no means suggesting that a Pure and Holy God relates to us sexually. But what I am saying is this. The highest form of oneness expressed via human intimacy is between man and wife. And so, our God deigns to bend down to our level and use a language that will leave no doubt in our minds as to the depth of the connection He seeks with us, His beloved. The Song of Solomon is replete with such language and imagery. Solomon penned his love letter to his betrothed, the Shulamite woman. It foreshadows the intimate connection, the sacred love bond between Christ, our King, and His beloved bride. Listen to the bride’s heart-cry to her beloved: “Take me away with you—let us hurry! Let the king bring me into his chambers” –Song of Songs 1:4

Jesus Himself shared this Truth of the Father’s desire for such intimate connection with a Samaritan woman while talking with her near a well. A Truth as radical, liberating, as tradition-shaking, chain-breaking, and ceiling-raising as He Himself was when He walked amongst us—as He is, still. “But the hour is coming, and is now here, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for the Father is seeking such people to worship him. God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth” –John 4:23-24.

Friends, our God doesn’t parcel Himself out to us. A wink here, a nod there. No, He is an exceedingly, abundantly, more than we can ever think or image, God. A God who still desires you and me. To be with us—Emmanuel, and to be seen by us. And though no longer with us in the flesh, now He openly shows Himself daily, through His creation. That we might catch some glimpse of His love and tender care for us through what He has created for us—wooing us to fall more and more in love with Him because of our seeing Him ever before us. “Of old You founded the earth, And the heavens are the work of Your hands. “Even they will perish, but You endure; And all of them will wear out like a garment; Like clothing You will change them and they will be changed. “But You are the same, And Your years will not come to an end” –Psalm 102:25-27.

“Sacred Spaces.” These two words have been stirring in my belly for the past several weeks now. These places God has created, carved out, that He might transcend time and space as we under it and intimately unveil Himself, show some aspect of Himself, His favor or will, His goodness, mercy, or great love, some personal attribute of His, to you and me. Imagine! Yet this awareness of sacred spaces isn’t new to me; only God has enlivened it, breathed on it, allowing me to see afresh, something I have been aware of for many years. I’ll explain.

From the beginning, literally, in Genesis 2, verse 8, we witness God create a sacred space to fellowship with His children, His beloved. A place to meet with them, sharing, displaying the many facets of Himself that they might witness Him, and drink Him in. Creator God. Abba God. God, our Provider. The Omniscient and Omnipotent God. A Tender, Merciful, Loving Father. The Sole Giver of every good and perfect gift. Supreme Artist and Author. A Jealous Lover of His own, to name but a few. And because of who He is, has proven Himself, shown Himself to be from the beginning. From somewhere back before, He stood over the dark void when He chose me in Himself before the very foundation of the world has even lain. Faithful and True, time and time and time again; I stand firmly on, and take deep comfort in, the Truth found in Matthew 28:20: “…surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age”.  

Knowing this Truth, believing it, assures me that contrary to how I may feel on any given day, my ability to sense Abba’s nearness, or not, God is nevertheless closer to me than my own breath.

Still, there are moments and places where, whether for seconds or minutes, maybe hours sometime, God pulls back the veil, and His palpable presence surrounds me—is undeniably with me. And, because of His being “with me,” all else melts away, is melting away still—especially time. I wonder if Adam and Eve ever felt this way when God walked with them in the cool of the day?

So, whenever I am blessed to catch the sunlight settling on some leaf, setting it ablaze, transforming its everydayness into something fiery, glowing, and alive. Or when the full weight of the sun gives itself over to the surface of the water, and a trillion sparkling tiny diamonds bursting forth because of that union. Or when the branches dance just so with the wind. When the morning birdsong fills the air swirling about my backyard, or when I float on my back in the sea, imagining it is God’s own hands, not buoyant force, at work cradling me—upholding me. When the intoxicating fragrance of some flower awakens something in me, allowing me to catch some watered-down heavenly scent of the prayers of the saints that have clung to Him as He passed before me. Sacred spaces each of these; places where God dropped a ladder from heaven to earth, and, in so doing, the things of heaven mingled with earth for one sacred moment, transforming everything in its wake. I know I have witnessed some aspect of my Jesus in those moments.

I know my God has revealed Himself to me in the way only dear and trusted friends do with each other, drawing me ever deeper into Himself as a result. “Call to me and I will answer you, and will tell you great and hidden things that you have not known” –Jeremiah 33:3.

So let me ask you: “Has the Lord been in your midst, wooing you, loving you, calling out for you to come and sit awhile with Him? Has He carved out some sacred space for the two of you to meet, and, like Adam and Eve maybe, you hid from His nearness?” Feared coming too close to His Beauty, His passion for you—His presence? If so, you’re in good company. Moses feared meeting the Lord face to face too. Yet before you turn away entirely, consider this, please. The very God that created you wants you, all for Himself! And He wants you to have an eternal, loving, and wide-open relationship with Him.

Lorraine Espenhain says this concerning God’s wanting us for Himself: How swift was Heaven’s intervention in the day His jealousy was aroused, when He saw you loving, needing, trusting, desiring, enjoying, and reaching out for something other than Him! From His temple He saw you giving to another what solely belonged to Him, and His jealousy was ignited in Heaven. Said scripturally: “I belong to my beloved, and his desire is for me” –Song of Solomon 7:10.

How awesome and humbling it is to know that our God loves us with such a fierce, intimate, and passionate love. That He created—creates still, these sacred spaces, these transformational moments in time when His Holy Spirit overshadows us—Mary-like, enabling us to conceive of Him—some part of Him alive in us! The impossible made possible. A miracle for sure. God allowing mere men to take inside of themself their Creator! Who but God could make such a thing happen! To enable finite man to take into himself the Divine. The Apostle Paul said it this way: “But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us” –1 Corinthians 4:7. And who but God could weave together the 66 books of the Bible, threading the 39 books of the Old Testament seamlessly into the 27 books of the New Testament?

Dear friend, if you’ve yet to experience this kind of love, this God who so loved you that He made sure you’d be reading this today so that you might ask Him to show Himself real to you right now. He’s patiently waiting just for you. His creation leaves us without excuse on that day; every man will stand before the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords. So won’t you come to Him now? “The heavens are telling of the glory of God; And their expanse is declaring the work of His hands. Day to day pours forth speech, And night to night reveals knowledge” –Psalm 19:1-2.

Such Love. 1 John 4:17-18.

“And as we live in God, our love grows more perfect. So we will not be afraid on the day of judgment, but we can face him with confidence because we live like Jesus here in this world. Such love has no fear, because perfect love expels all fear. If we are afraid, it is for fear of punishment, and this shows that we have not fully experienced his perfect love.”

What is our brother John saying to us? What is it he is trying to open our eyes to see—more, our lives to be filled with and built upon? Verses 17 &18 answers this, in part. Our ability to have confidence in the day of judgment. And that perfect love, faith in the finished work of Christ, in His complete, benevolent love for us will dispel all of our fears.

Whether or not we believe it, the day of God’s judgment is coming. More, whether you believe this or not, you will face God and give an account for your life. Perhaps the greatest part of that account being why you chose not to believe in His Son? Yet John does not leave us alone with this knowledge of the coming judgement. Equally, verse 17 also instructs believers on just how to have this confidence or boldness on the day of judgment. And in verse 18 he instructs us how to cast fear out of our lives.

John Piper summarises these 2 verses this way: “These are simply positive and negative ways of saying the same thing: getting rid of fear is the negative way of saying become confident. I hope we all take the day of judgment as seriously as John does. So the main point of the text is clear: John wants to help us enjoy confidence before God. He does not want us to be paralyzed or depressed by fear of judgment. Nothing would make John happier (1 John 1:4) than to produce a generation of Christians who were utterly confident that God would accept them on the judgment day.”

Yet verses 17 and 18 are somehow wanting minus the glue that binds them together. The Truth found in verse 16 that girds them. God is love, and the one who abides in love abides in God, and God abides in him –1 John 4:16. This gem is key to understanding just where this ability we must have to gain this confidence John speaks of, comes from.

Yet what does this love look like? And, how do we, as mere men, mange to love as God loves?

The Apostle John makes it clear that if we do not have a relationship—not a head knowledge, not our parents passed on religion, but an authentic relationship with Jesus—we cannot abide with God. More, we will not be able to love as God loves because it is the perfect love of God in us, at work in us, and not our own anemic, flawed love, that enables us to love as God has commanded us. You see that faith was active along with his works, and faith was completed by his works—James 2:22.

With this in mind, let’s follow along with John as he lays out how it is, we must take in, pattern ourselves after, and, have full, fixed confidence in—this love…

1). As we live in God…
That is, firstly, accepting in our hearts that God’s love for us is indisputable. Believing too, in the proof of His love. That this same God sent His only Son, Jesus, to die for us—literally in our place. And, that, finally, because of Jesus’ sacrifice, if we accept Him, God places His righteousness over us—covering our sin, eradicating our shame. Just as surely as He placed the bloodied skins of animals over a naked Adam and Eve –Genesis 3:21. We are made clean then, in His Pure, Spotless Blood, shed on our behalf. This acceptance is the nascent beginnings of our faith walk. For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life—John 3:16.

I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing—John 15:5.

2) Our love grows more perfect…
The perfecting of our love for God and, conversely, for His people, is accomplished and grows in the crucible of relationship. In the friction of the day-to-day. Firstly, in our relationship with God. And, then, from its foundation springs our relationship with our neighbor. It is in our everyday walk with God, in the smallest of moments, of details, that He graciously reveals Himself. Demonstrates His great love and providential care for us. These tiny, at times seemingly insignificant, and easily overlooked moments string together forming our trust in Him. Our lifeline. An abiding love and trust we may not realize we have until life happens and then bam! Suddenly there they are; having been being built-up within us—unawares.

Our foundational relationship is with Christ Jesus. A lifelong, stabilizing gift crafted by God upon which our walk with Him begins. And, then, from this shoots grow; our love takes action and we desire to see others love Him as we do. “In this, that is in your love for each other, God’s love is put into action and so reaches its appointed goal. It does not remain at the imperfect stage of mere talk but reaches the stage of action. Perfect love is love that does not die on the vine. It’s love that comes to fruition”—John Piper.

No man has ever seen God; if we love one another, God abides in us and his love is perfected in us –1 John 4:12

3) So we will not be afraid on the day of judgment...

Fear implies judgment. That is all fear outside of deferential fear. More accurately, respect for God. Being awed by Him—to our very core. Overcome, undone by who He is. His majesty. His splendor. His unfathomable love. His being all-powerful and all-knowing. Creator of all things. All of them. The knowledge that our next breath and heartbeat are afforded us at His discretion. Reverential fear is not only healthy, more, it is also fundamental in the life of every believer. Least we get so puffed up and proud, thinking all that we have and do and accomplish is by our wit and hand. It is this reverential fear in us, in part, that produces both our humility to bow low before the Lord while propelling us to also go boldly before Him. Lowly in our reverence and boldly in the full confidence we have that when God sees us—He is looking at the finished work of His Son. He is looking straight at Jesus, we being hidden in Him.

On the other hand, to fear God on the day of judgment, to feel afraid, would imply that we have not loved as we ought. That some doubt lingers in us. That we do not look like Jesus. Are not clothed in His righteousness. We do not have His perfect Love as our garment. Remember, perfect love cast out fear. Our fear (doubt) before God reveals that we have not loved as we have been commanded to love—purely without reservation nor judgment. We need Jesus! Beloved, we are God’s children now; it does not yet appear what we shall be, but we know that when he appears we shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is. And everyone who thus hopes in him purifies himself as he is pure—1 John 3:2–3.

4) …perfect love expels such fear:
Our confidence in the finished work of the Cross, in Christ abiding in us—His Spirit residing in us, and, in Gods perfect love living and flowing from us; empowering us to love others as He would have us to love them, has commanded us to love them, demonstrates the perfected love of God at work in our lives. In everyday words—the more we surrender to the will of God, the closer we draw to Him, the more we are being shaped into the image and likeness of His Son; day after day after day. This change in us breeds lasting confidence that when we finally stand before the Throne of God, it is Jesus that The Father will see. His perfection—and not our sins and shame and short-comings. Not our sullied, flawed, imperfect selves—rather His Spotless, Perfect Son. And so we come boldly before Him. Trusting completely in the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

Because of who God is and what He has done our lives, we can entrust ourselves into His Hands—just as Jesus has. God is not a man, that he should lie; neither the son of man, that he should repent: hath he said, and shall he not do it? or hath he spoken, and shall he not make it good—Numbers 23:19?

If we are afraid, it is for fear of punishment, and this shows that we have not fully experienced his perfect love — 1 John 4:18. Friend if you have read through until now and know that do not have the relationship with Jesus described above—a personal, intimate, loving relationship; then please, don’t let the sun go down on this day without asking Jesus to come into your life. Don’t go one more day without Jesus as your friend, your guide, your Lord. Ask Him to come and live in you—and you with Him. No man is promised tomorrow. And, truth be told, aren’t you hungry for more than you have right now? Jesus wants to love you, to help fill your life with everything its been missing—starting with, and most importantly, Himself.

And, now, to my brothers in Christ. Allow me, please, to encourage you. If there was some check in your Spirit as you read, some doubt that lingers in you, some sin that weighs you down, go before your Father and confess. Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal anything in you that is not of Him. Then, take courage and turn from it, beloved, regardless of the cost. Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith, let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily trips us up. And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us —Hebrews 12:1

Use Your Words… 2 Corinthians 5:20

“So we are Christ’s ambassadors; God is making his appeal through us. We speak for Christ when we plead, “Come back to God!”

Every human being has received the gift of a language. Some means by which we communicate with the world around us. Whether using one’s voice, or hands, or eyes, or an art form, some expression, or, various other mode used through which we’re able to express the fiery passion that burns within us; we as people have been blessed with the ability to somehow communicate with each other. Cave men painted on walls in order to express themselves. Others carved images on stone. Others still, made impressions on clay vessels. Ideas formed shapes; feelings were conveyed —and awe was expressed …

How much richer the language, weightier the “words”, how much more awe-inspiring and enlivening the language given to the ones who carry within them the Word of God? Words that are not theirs, rather His, deposited into the mouths of the everyday people—a common vessel used to speak such holy Words, snatching people from a dark, dead world, while supernaturally witnessing them be shifted into the glorious, enlivening Light of His presence. And all we needed to do was use the Words given us. To be faithful. To show up and open our mouths. The transforming power behind ours Word, well, that’s all God!

These seeds of life entrusted to those of us who, in one-minute praise God, and in the next curse His creation! This is a mystery to me—our being chosen as vessels at all, being entrusted with such weighty a language—such a great privilege! Think of it; this God-given ability, this gift of being able to speak Words of life into another human being and then stand back and watch them become impregnated with the full knowledge of God! Right before our eyes we witness nine months in a minute! Death to life in a nanosecond. And God has seen fit for us to co-labor with Him. “For God, who said, “Let light shine out of darkness,” made His light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ. Now we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this surpassingly great power is from God and not from us” –2 Corinthians 4:7.

Paul calls us Gods Ambassadors. The vessels through whom God had chosen to make His appeal to a world that has chosen to close both their eyes and ears to the life-giving reality of who He is. The great I Am. The One True God. The One who stood over the void and said, “Let there be,” and there was. Their Creator—and ours. More, He is Life to us. Our All-in All. Through us, God pours the softening oil of His love, His great passion and care are poured out—lavished upon the calloused heart. “Come back to God!” we plead. Yet it is God alone who speaks through us. Their heart hearing only the sweetness of His voice. Like that of a new lover they respond to the wooing of His Spirit, they lean in, inhaling His exhale. His power made manifest in our weakness.

“God has made Christ, who never sinned, to be the offering for our sin, so that we could be made right with God through Christ.” We hear these Words tumble from our soiled lips, pure and powerful. In the Spirit, God is standing as close to us as our breath. And the soul He’s speaking to is washed clean by His Holy Word. Washed in the Blood of a Spotless Lamb. Jesus the Christ! He who has been with God from the beginning—One, He alone is God! And, He stands before the judgement Throne of heaven—our advocate. His Truth offered to the Father as our defense. “I’ll stand in his place, her place, their place, in the place of “all who will.” Allow me to cover their guilt with my innocence, Father. See them now as You see Me. Spotless and without sin. When you pass sentence on them, see me. Allow my shed Blood to be all that You see.”

Then, turning towards us, Jesus lovingly whispers, “I did this for you. You’re free to go now. However, don’t make light of this gift you’ve been given. It cost me my life. On Calvary’s Cross I took your place. Now, if you are profoundly grateful, go, and tell the world what I have done for you personally. Tell them how your life has changed—how you’ve changed! Don’t worry if not everyone listens to you, not everyone listened to me either. Just be faithful as I was faithful. Serve, as I served. Tell them this: if they’ll but ask me, I will stand before the Throne of heaven and plead for them as surely as I did for you—I promise. And, as with you, I’ll also teach them how to use their Words. But should they doubt you, refer them instead to my servant Moses. There was a time he felt as unworthy as you do to carry my glory on his stammering tongue. Yet, if you will, if she will, or him, or them over there will, but open your mouths, be willing to be used by Me—I will come to you. I will place my Spirit in you as surely as it was with Moses, or David, or Abraham. As fiercely and boldly as it burned inside John the Baptizer it will burn within you. As I did with them—I’ll do the same with you. Use you as voices crying out in the wilderness, “Repent of your sins and turn to God, for the Kingdom of Heaven is near” Matthew 3:2.

My dear brother and sister in Christ. In these dark days might I add my encouragement to Paul’s. Be bold in your witness! Willing to be used all-ways as God’s voice. Remembering always that time is short. At any moment, our Lord may return. May He find us about His business when He comes!

Friend, let me ask you, do you know this Jesus? This One who loved you with such a profound love that He willingly gave His life in exchange for yours? If not, won’t you ask Him into your life, your heart now, today? Not letting another day slip away simply ask Him to come and show Himself real to you. “Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me” –Revelation 3:20.


Fixed Obedience.. John 21:15

 “‘So when they had finished breakfast, Jesus said to Simon Peter, “Simon, son of John, do you love Me more than these [others do—with total commitment and devotion]?'”

Luke 14:25-34 clearly lays out Jesus’ unadorned, blunt definition of what being His disciple entails—at least in part. Bottom line—it’s sacrificial at its core. That’s not so surprising when we consider that we, His disciples, are the students of a sacrificial King. It would rightly follow then, that we too would be expected to sacrifice…

There is a moment after the worship has ended and the sermon’s been preached when emotions are running high. In researching Luke 14, it became clear that Jesus was actually thinning out the throng of would be applicants. He knew many were following on feet fueled strictly by emotion. Folks consciences have perhaps been pricked—they’ve been stirred. Moments later they are on their way to the altar saying yes to Jesus. Yes, I’ll follow you. Yes, I’ll do whatever it is you ask of me. Yes.

They say yes having no clue what saying yes to Jesus will actually cost them.

They failed to read the fine print on their application for discipleship. Often they are simply following  their feelings, or, equally, they’re blindly following another’s lead. They’d gotten caught up, as so many do, in the emotion and awe of seeing miracles performed—seeing friends and loved ones healed and, they wanted some of that for themselves. Who can blame them? Wouldn’t you want a healing if you or your wife, child, brother or sister, mother were sick? Yet, Jesus knew anyone who came after Him fueled solely by emotion would eventually die on the battlefield. Mortally wounded in the inevitable war waged against their pseudo-faith. “Examine yourselves to see whether you are in the faith; test yourselves. Do you not realize that Christ Jesus is in you—unless, of course, you fail the test?” 1 Corinthians 13:5.

Speaking the Truth in love He tells them this:

Here’s what it’s going to cost you to follow me; I demand your complete allegiance—your undivided loyalty. For some, following me will split your family, marriage, relationships in two. For others, not so much. Yet, even among those “not so much” there will still be moments when what I’ve asked you to do, where I’ve asked you to go, will not line up with the hopes, dreams, plans, or desires of those who love you. Those who think they know best. They will demand you follow their ways and not mine. Whose voice will you follow then? See here’s the thing, if it’s not mine, then it’s best you just stay in your seat. I get it, I do. I understand emotions better than anyone—I created them. Lived with them just as you do. But, hear me, they can’t be trusted and, they can get you killed. I know that’s hard for you to understand right now, your sight is limited to the here and now—this moment only. In that, I have a great advantage seeing your end as well as your beginning. Nonetheless, I assure you it isn’t your time—yet. Trust me and live another day. I am not finished with you. Trust my timing…

Some in that crowd had ears that heard and they decided in their hearts that, come what may, they would do whatever this Jesus asked of them. Most however, turned away. And, as foretold, over time their great swells of emotion ebbed, and life returned to normal. Even so, Jesus knew the few He had spoken to. He knows His sheep will hear His voice and follow Him anywhere He leads them…

Being a just God however, everyone must be equally informed of the cost of loving Him. Hence the Law and the Prophets. The cost of saying yes to Him—of dying that they may live. Of giving all away that they might have all that really matters. That they may not be found as a half-finished work, a mere shell of a building. A Shell constructed by one who builds with their emotions in the one hand and their lack of knowledge—gnosis, in the other.One lacking a sure foundation and the strength necessary to weather the storms. Ours is not a low-cost, low-risk endeavor. Rather, being a disciple of Jesus, having faith in Him, is an all-in adventure. But make no mistake, there will be perilous moments along the way.  “‘Many will say to Me on that day [when I judge them], ‘Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, and driven out demons in Your name, and done many miracles in Your name?’ And then I will declare to them publicly, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me [you are banished from My presence], you who act wickedly [disregarding My commands]’ Matthew 7:22-23

Jesus will always have those that are willingly to follow Him from a safe distance. Crosses are not easy to carry, and flesh-piercing nails don’t play! Following this Jesus will cost you your life. A small price to pay for gaining your life…

If this the first time your hearing this little lamb—I know, it’s shocking—but I love you too much to leave you ignorant. More, Jesus loves you so much He made sure I wrote this. He also made sure you were here today to read it. See, He didn’t want you to take one more step in your pseudo-faith, go one more day, without knowing; “the Truth the whole Truth and nothing but the Truth.” Why? He has a plan for your life. And, He’s about to move in it. You have heard His voice. He has singled you out of the crowd of emotional followers. He has called you to be a true believer—a disciple. It’s why you’re struggling right now. “My son, do not make light of the Lord’s discipline, or lose heart when He rebukes you. For the Lord disciplines the one He loves, and He chastises everyone He receives as a son.” Endure suffering as discipline; God is treating you as sons. For what son is not disciplined by his father..? Hebrews 12:5-7. Take heart beloved, your application has been Hand selected—the job of disciple is yours. If, you’ll pick up your cross and follow wherever He may lead.

He’s got you! Just do as He asks. Do all that He asks. And, continue to follow Him. If you’re thinking to yourself, “I don’t deserve this” you’re absolutely spot on.  No one deserves this unfathomable honor! However, you’re in good company. Neither David or Peter or Paul. Neither did Abraham, Noah or Rehab the prostitute. None of them believed they deserved Jesus either. And yet…

Peter will vouch for me on this.

I believe the reason the Holy Spirit led me to our Scripture verse rather than one taken from Luke 14 is because of the lesson we witness in its reading. Peter, hand-chosen by God, is being restored to ministry. Peter, this legend of the faith—this vessel of divine revelation, this courageous father of the faith chosen to help birth God’s Church fell—and he fell hard. After having his great revelation of who Jesus was, after having walked and talked and eaten and lived with Him for three years, after having witnessed His miracles, after having performing miracles of his own—Peter not only denied knowing Jesus three times; He ran off and abandoned Him during His final hours on earth!

Peter left Jesus high and dry all-the-while Jesus was dripping the Blood that had saved Peter.  Then he began to call down curses, and he swore to them, “I don’t know the man!” Immediately a rooster crowed. Then Peter remembered the word Jesus had spoken: “Before the rooster crows, you will disown me three times.” And he went outside and wept bitterly. Matthew 26:74-75.

Failure does not mean your finished. More, that God is finished with you. Three times Peter denied knowing Christ. And three times Christ in turn asked Peter, “do you love me.” Agape love that is. Greek for unconditional love. Jesus was using these final moments with His friend to both restore Peter and to teach him. Unbeknownst to Peter however, Jesus was stretching him for the weight of the ministry he was about to walk into. And, if one’s ear is keen they’ll hear Jesus’ prophetic Word spoken over their life as well. Restoration is coming!

From this moment in Scripture on, until he was martyred for Christ’s sake, Peter followed after the example of fixed obedience set in place by His Lord…

Yet, God saw fit to use the whole of Peter’s earthly life to extract every last drop of promise He had placed in him. God used his every sin, his betrayal, lies, every moment he’d displayed lack of faith; God used to crush Peters flesh that He would extract from him the pure oil that He had placed within Him.  His restoration completed in Christ, Peter finally heard, “Well done, good and faithful servant. You have been faithful and trustworthy over a little, I will put you in charge of many things; share in the joy of your master” –Matthew 25:23-24.

Be encouraged today my friend. Fix your eyes on the Author and Finisher of your faith. Fix your heart on Jesus. Allow Him to remove your dross. Every sin of rebellion, unbelief, idolatry, every impurity that remains in you. And, let no man, job, wife, child, desire, or dream deter you from putting Jesus first—above all else. Those in the crowd were followers Jesus however was speaking to His disciples. Let those who have ears hear. “A large crowd was following Jesus. He turned around and said to them, “If you want to be my disciple, you must, by comparison, hate everyone else—your father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters—yes, even your own life. Otherwise, you cannot be my disciple. And if you do not carry your own cross and follow me, you cannot be my disciple” –Luke 14:25-27. Emphasis my own.

Friend whether you’re here for the first time or the tenth time, it’s no accident. Jesus is speaking to you. What is it He’s asking you to turn from, to let go of, that you might fully turn towards Him? Ask, and He will be faithful to show you—that is, if He hasn’t already. And, if you’re here today and have not yet accepted Christ, now is the time. Today is the day. Jesus is calling you. Won’t you answer His call?

The answer to this one question will change your life. “…do you love Me more than these [others do—with total commitment and devotion]?


Complete Submergence. Luke 12:50

 But I have a baptism to undergo, and how it consumes me until it is finished!”

A new season is being birthed. And, birthing is a very, messy and painful business. But oh, when that baby comes!

I’d heard it said recently that there’s a moment in each believer’s life where their faith must cross over from doctrinal, head knowledge, a learned faith—into a practical, determined faith. A faith that’s been tested. One that’s been tried in the fire of adversity, of loss. Tried when God says no. When doors are closed and no hint of God’s voice can be heard nor His presence felt.  Faith formed in moments of being pruned so deeply there is no end to our tears. The awakening of such tenacious faith however, often occurs only in the crucible of adversity…

Crucible. A Word that dropped into my Spirit back in early July of this year. And it’s been sitting in my belly until now. It’s defined as follows: a situation of severe trial, or in which different elements interact, leading to the creation of something new: a severe test: a place or situation in which concentrated forces interact to cause or influence change or development.

I am in such a crucible now. Many of us are. It’s one of those seasons when God is requiring us to dig deeper.  When the “fluff” of casual faith is being sifted away; leaving behind instead, a tried and tangible faith. Truth is, it’s so much easier to preach the Cross of Christ—teach about His Cross—than it is to heft it up on our own all too fragile shoulder and carry it. And yet, for those of us found in Him—called by His glorious name, we are expected to do just that. Carry our Cross that is. “If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me…” –Matthew 16:42. And, although His life-extracting Cross was His alone to carry Jesus was never alone. The Father had ensured He’d been given a helper. Someone who would help Him carry the weigh of His cross. He does the same for us as well. “And as they led him away, they laid hold upon one Simon, a Cyrenian, coming out of the country, and on him they laid the cross, that he might bear it after Jesus” –Luke 23:26. The weight of our cross forces us to release the last vestiges of our will. Gods finger on any area of our lives will have that affect on us. And, in our moments of complete surrender the Holy Spirit comes. Our Helper places His shoulder under the weight of our cross. Making the carrying of it possible, sufferable.

So why then, are we so befuddled—feel so betrayed, let down when we’re asked by God to pick up our cross and carry it for a season? Why is this such a shocking thing to us? I by no means know the full answer to the question I’m posing. My purpose in asking it at all is simply to provoke us to think. To drive us into seeking the Lords answer in prayer. To go searching the Scriptures for answers. To start a conversation that might shake us from our sleep. Re-minding us that we were each told one day we’d have a cross of our own to carry. But we forget. Become comfortable in our every-day-ness until the moment that is that our waters are troubled!

Yet there is one thing I know about cross carrying. Of being asked to carry a cross I mean. And it’s this: It is all about Love.  His great Love for us. The Cross is a tangible reminder of love having come and revealed Himself to us—to me. It’s a privilege too. The Cross is our highest example. The most complete definition of Love we have—or will ever know. And we are blessed—honored, to be trusted in having any part of it all…

To be a partaker of His Cross is like witnessing a dad sitting across from his beloved child and, while looking them straight in their eyes, pouring out his heart to them. Filling their ears with every desire he has for them. Every hope and dream he’s ever thought towards them. Lovingly detailing every iota of promise, purpose, and potential he sees within them and all that he would do and give to help draw it out of them; being blessed himself by witnessing their gifts and talents used to change the world He alone created for them, one person at a time. But don’t take my word for it. Pick up your Bible and check out the conversations for yourself. Read the part that details the greatest definition of love ever written: “For God so loved the world…”.

Jesus knew the Cross would be agonizing. Extracting. He knew in the end it would kill Him. Rather, it would kill His flesh

Nothing could touch His Life. From the beginning that has always been One with the Father. Guarded for all eternity. A sure promise. An Amen. But His flesh, His flesh would have to die in order that the purpose of His birth be accomplished, fulfilled. He would have to completely immerse His will into the Fathers. There is no other way to accomplish the perfect will of God. No half measure will ever suffice. “It was a perfect sacrifice by a perfect person to perfect some very imperfect people. By that single offering, he did everything that needed to be done for everyone who takes part in the purifying process” –Hebrews 10:14 MSG Bible. So too it is—must be, with us. A relationship with God is all or nothing. Done correctly, it’s an “all-in” commitment. The two become One flesh. His Flesh. Our crosses are intended to kill our flesh that we might, like gold being refined in the fiery furnace, be poured out, rid of those impurities that tarnish—preventing the pure image of Jesus from being seen in and through us to a lost a dying world.

We want the benefits of such a love: the salvation He died to offer us. The blessings and favor and forgiveness a relationship that results from such a love offers. But in our humanity, we run from—reel under, the weight of carrying its cross. We lose sleep. We’re tormented. We question and plead, bargaining with God to remove this cup of suffering from us. I know I did. Jesus understands this about us. He knows our weakness. Knows that though we love God—want to follow Him, we’re weak, frail, incapable, outside of Him to do anything—carry anything, of eternal value. “For we do not have a high priest who is unable to empathize with our weaknesses, but we have one who has been tempted in every way, just as we are–yet he did not sin” —Hebrews 4:15. He understands that the harassment and oppression of anticipation can be as heavy, sometimes more so, than the real thing itself. He understands we just want it to be over. To have passed our test. To have this season behind us. He understands that though we want to do the will of God, the journey towards its end is agonizing. He, better than us all, understands agony. Hence, our Scripture verse today. “But I have a baptism to undergo, and how it consumes me until it is finished!” –Luke 12:50

He understands we want to do the will of God all-the-while hoping that His will might somehow be fulfilled minus the pain. “And going a little farther, He threw Himself upon the ground on His face and prayed saying, My Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass away from Me; nevertheless, not what I will [not what I desire], but as You will and desire” –Matthew 26:39. Yet it’s through Jesus’ impending death, in His total surrender, that we learn some of our greatest lessons about how to truly live. “…not what I will [not what I desire], but as You will and desire.” Jesus teaches us just how to drink of the cup that has been passed to us. A cup which, regardless of its bitterness, we are blessed to partake of. “Jesus told Peter, “Put your sword away. Shouldn’t I drink the cup [of suffering] that my Father has given me?” –John 18:11

After we have prayed, we must obey. And as surely as Sunday morning came and His tomb was found empty, so too are we guaranteed our own victory over all suffering. But first—we must completely submerge our will, ourselves, into Him…

Friend, if you have not repented of your sins, not asked God into your life as your Lord and Savior, please do it today! He loves you regardless of the sins you’ve committed. I am sure of this because His Word is True. Because He forgave one such as me, with all of my many sins. Call out to Him today…


Three Crosses: The Conclusion. Matthew 6:33

 “But first and most importantly seek (aim at, strive after) His kingdom and His righteousness [His way of doing and being right—the attitude and character of God], and all these things will be given to you also.”

It has always been and will forever be, all about Jesus…

We preach Christ crucified. This is the focal point of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It is a picture of blood flowing from Christ’s veins as He hung on the cross. The message of shed blood is repugnant to many, and they turn from such a gory sight, feeling that their delicate sensibilities have been outraged. Many people will accept Christ’s character, but they reject His crucifixion. –Billy Graham

“It is finished.” The three most powerful Words ever spoken. In them the “amen” to every promise God ever made for those who believe in Him…

Those three Words were sitting inside Jesus’s mouth waiting to be released over a world He had yet to speak into existence. As He said, “Let there be light”, “It is finished” was holding its breath, back straight, ready—waiting its turn. As the Light of the world literally spoke light into existence—a way had been made too for that same Light to pierce the darkness of sin-stained hearts…

“It is finished.” With that, he bowed his head and gave up his spirit” –John 19:30. The cross of Jesus Christ is elemental to the Christian faith. The cross unveils the character of God. The Cross is where God’s love for sinners and His perfect justice converge. It’s where Jesus said a visible yes to the will of God. “Yes, I’ll lay down my life for them Father.” “Yes, though it means leaving heaven to take on their every sin, I’ll go. Though it means wrapping up the Light of my glory, concealing it in flesh, though it means betrayal and heartbreak and hunger and pain, though it means rejection and ridicule, being momentarily forsaken by You, I’ll go. Though it meant that the One who knew no sin would take into Himself every sin that every person ever created had ever committed—past, present, and future, still, before any one of us had broken through our mother’s womb—drew our first breath in, He had already said yes, “I’ll die for her, for him, for all of them”.

If God had to send His only Son to the cross in order to pay for sin, than sin must be dark indeed in the sight of God.–Billy Graham

In the Cross we see two inseparable Truths:

The greatest proof of Love known to man was ordained before one living-soul stepped foot on the earth. “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” “It is rare indeed for anyone to die for a righteous man, though for a good man someone might possibly dare to die. But God proves His love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” And, besides this evidence of such great a love, we see evidence too of God’s intense hatred of sin. Both attributes are inextricably linked, foundational Truths standing side-by-side, indivisible. “The one who sins is the one who will die. The child will not share the guilt of the parent, nor will the parent share the guilt of the child. The righteousness of the righteous will be credited to them, and the wickedness of the wicked will be charged against them” (John 3:16; Romans 5:7-8; Ezekiel 18:20).

And, though we have His love and can also know His Love; to fully rest in its promises, we must first come to the Cross He stepped down across time and space to lay Himself upon. And we must answer His call of Love. We must first confess our guilt and ask forgiveness for it. We, like Peter, must answer this one question: “But who do you say that I am?” Simon Peter replied, “You are the Christ (the Messiah, the Anointed), the Son of the living God” –Matthew 16:15-16.

In so doing, in answering this one life-changing question, what we’re professing is this:

Jesus I know, I admit, You are God. I know I deserve to be hanging there—not You. I know it should be my blood spilled and not yours. I’m the sinner, not You. I’m sorry, terribly sorry, I repent of my sins and I thank you that You’ve made a place at the foot of Your Cross for me to come and acknowledge openly that You are God and I am not, and that I need you. Thank you for taking my place Jesus. And thank you that I’m now able to serve you, to be with you eternally…

This final teaching on the Cross of Christ may make some a bit uncomfortable. I make no apologies for that. Truth can often makes us squirm a bit. And that’s okay. Rather, I boldly offer you the Truth His Cross offers the world—the Life it affords us all. Instead of offering an apology for the Cross, I’ll ask that you think of—conjure up, the most unimaginable, most vile, hate-filled, perverse, twisted sin you can scarcely image, have ever heard tell of.

Got it? Now, understand this: As much as God hates that sin, hates all sin—He loves us, the sinners, infinitely more…

That same Cross that offends so many, that shed Blood of Jesus Christ—the Sinless Son of God, the One who left heaven for you and me, took that unimaginable sin, no, more, He willingly died, to take upon Himself all the unimaginable sins. And, with them, every other sin ever committed—and to be committed, so that the ones who confess those sins and truly repent of them will not have to die for having committed them. He did that for us—died in our place that is. That is the power, the humility, the forgiveness, and the unfathomable pure Love of our final and greatest Cross. The Cross of Jesus Christ. Sit with that thought for a second…

This Jesus came and in His coming, is the incarnate New Covenant. Covering laws, we could not keep with His Blood, once for all, so that we might be afforded life eternal. “For if that first [covenant] had been faultless, then should no place have been sought for the second” –Hebrews 8:7.

All are welcomed at Jesus’ Cross. It doesn’t matter who you are, Jew or gentile, black, white, brown, tan or “other”. It doesn’t matter what you’ve done, or who you’ve done it with. It doesn’t matter who you identify as—not even that “scarcely unimaginable sin” you’d heard of earlier is any match for the Love God has for you. For the Power of Jesus’ shed Blood to scrub it so white, only you will ever know it was ever there. “And love consists in this: not that we loved God, but that He loved us and sent His Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins” –1 John 4:10.

So, to recap: At our first cross, the Law, we saw God lay down an exacting, yet life-giving path that leads us towards the knowledge of who He is—of His standards. At our second Cross, we witnessed Jesus teaching us—transitioning us, readying us for a more intimate, a more “Parent-child” relationship with Himself. Teaching us the “how to’s” of presenting ourselves, our prayers and petitions, before Him. How to carry on a conversation with our Father. And here, now, at our third and final Cross—The Cross of Christ, we witness the price God our Father was willing to pay that we might be restored into relationship with Him. A relationship destroyed by sin. A relationship only the Cross of Christ; faith in Truth of His life, death, and resurrection could afford us… “For He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us” –2 Corinthians 5:21.

The cross of Christ is not only the basis of our peace and hope–but it is the means of our eternal salvation. The goal of the cross is not only a full and free pardon, but a changed life lived in fellowship with God. No wonder Paul said 2,000 years ago, “We preach Christ crucified.” The world needs this message today. This is the message of hope, peace, and brotherhood. This is what the world calls “foolishness” but what God has been pleased to call “wisdom.” What do you call it? –Billy Graham

Friend, if you haven’t yet come to His Cross, I implore you to come today. Christ died for you. Confess your sins to Him, ask Him into your life, and let your life truly begin anew… “Therefore if anyone is in Christ [that is, grafted in, joined to Him by faith in Him as Savior], he is a new creature [reborn and renewed by the Holy Spirit]; the old things [the previous moral and spiritual condition] have passed away. Behold, new things have come [because spiritual awakening brings a new life]” –2 Corinthians 5:17.

Joined. John 15:4

 “Remain in Me, and I [will remain] in you. Just as no branch can bear fruit by itself without remaining in the vine, neither can you [bear fruit, producing evidence of your faith] unless you remain in Me.”

The Message Bible says it like this: “Live in me. Make your home in me just as I do in you. In the same way that a branch can’t bear grapes by itself but only by being joined to the vine, you can’t bear fruit unless you are joined with me.

In the opening sentence of our Scripture we hear a vow being exchanged—a promise being made. Remain in Me, and I [will remain] in you.  An offer to make an everlasting home in, and with Jesus. “Live in me. Make your home in me just as I do in you. So, is the Scripture talking about fruit only, or are we witnessing a marriage proposal as well? Through the revelation of the Holy Spirit, I posit, at its deepest level, this Scripture lends itself to both…

In the parable of the Vine we’re called—commanded (this is no mere suggestion) to remain joined to, to never separate from, Jesus. Just as a husband and wife are joined as one, so too are we commanded to be with Jesus in this verse—If we are His. We’re called to cling, stick to like glue, to “stay put” in Him, that we might be fruitful. As a bride becomes filled with new life once she has cleaved to her husband, so too do we, as Christians, in the Spirit, once we are joined with Jesus.

His Word tells us, as a woman without a man, Christians, outside of Jesus, will be barren—fruit-less, able to bear nothing of eternal value. They might try, through works of their own—but those works will die on the vine…

To do this, to be fruitful, prolific, we must be united to Him—belong to Him, as a wife belongs to, is joined to, her husband. After all, if you are a believer in Christ Jesus, that is exactly who you are—His Bride, the Church! A member of the, “ekklēsia” (Lexicon: Strong’s G1577 – ekklēsia). The inference being that a relationship exists, a rather intimate relationship. A knowing, gnosis, an intimate knowing, as in the knowing a husband shares of his wife. (Strong’s Greek: 1108. γνῶσις (gnósis) – a knowing, knowledge).

Hence, we begin to see the connection bubbling up between the parable of the Vine and marriage. A joining—a oneness is taking shape. No longer are they two, but now one flesh. One message. Concerning Christ, both the Vine and Marriage are inextricably linked…

Jesus makes plain that the branch cannot produce fruit outside of its relationship with the Vine; and the Body—the Church, cannot bear spiritual fruit apart from the power of the Holy Spirit of God. Each relies on intimate union that lasting fruit might be produced.

So, how does this joining—this abiding, this knowing come about? What is its genesis—where does it begin?

We witness its birth within the confines of a relationship. To truly know anything— any person, one must have a relationship with them. Otherwise, they may know about a thing, know of the person—but they do not know them. It is only within the confines of relationship that we are both known and, grow to know another…

And, as it is in our earthly relationships, how much more in our relationship with Jesus?

Jesus, speaking to His friends, is instructing them, commanding them, to remain in relationship with Him (if they want this relationship to flourish, to bloom and become all it can be—that they might continue being productive for Kingdom purposes). He assures them, in vow language, in covenant speak, that He’ll never leave them. He’ll never bail on their relationship. Never. That’s His vow to His friends—His Bride. What He’s asking of them in return is for their vow of love and fidelity also. A promise to remain loyal—to stay joined, connected—in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health, being poor or in plenty, regardless the circumstance, against all odds—never let go of Me. That is—in part, what Jesus is saying in our Scripture—to their hearts and to ours.

Stay with Me…

The other part of His message?

There can only be One Source—and I’m it.

You cannot be joined to Me and the world. You must commit—be joined, serve, One, or the other… “No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon [money, possessions, fame, status, or whatever is valued more than the Lord].” –Matthew 6:24.

We hear this echoed in Paul’s writings to the Romans. He doesn’t mention vines, but he does talk about fruit. In the 7th Chapter of Romans, Paul uses the illustration of marriage to make a point about the law having rule over a married person so long as their spouse is alive. He talks about a woman being bound to her husband—as one flesh, eternally joined. Should she leave him and be joined to another while her husband lives, she is committing adultery. (vs’s 1-3). He then flips the script and tells his audience that they in fact have died to their old life—the law. They’ve now died to being single, to doing it their way, to serving—being joined to, other gods. And, that now, since they have been freed from this death, (the husband they were bound to, the law) they’re free to be joined to Christ, married to Him. Now, they must serve Him only—bearing good and lasting fruit because of this new union, this joining. No longer will they bring forth corrupt fruit that withers and rots on the vine; a result of their marriage to, them being joined to, the law. (vs’s 4-6).

In our Scripture verse, Jesus is planting seeds that He will bring to fruition during one of His final conversations with those He loves—at their last meal together. Seeds that have lasted throughout the generations in order that you too might benefit from them today… “Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me” –John 14:6. Said differently, a relationship between you and Me must exist in order for you to be mine, to bear eternal fruit.  We must be one, jointed like the branch is to the vine. Joined—united, one, as a wife is to her husband.

You must know (gnosis) me…

Friend, let me ask you. What are you joined to? More directly, who? What type of fruit is your life producing? Is it lasting, eternal fruit, or is your fruit, what you’re producing, dying, and withering on the vine? If you’re reading this and you do not know Jesus, you’re not connected to Him, then please, use this invitation the Holy Spirit is extending to you to “know” Him—become joined to Him.

You’re not here by accident, you’ve been chosen! Jesus loves you…

Will you join Him so that you might become all that He has created and called you to be?

Then he said to me, “Write, ‘Blessed are those who are invited to the marriage supper of the Lamb ‘” And he said to me, “These are true words of God.” –Revelation 19:9



The Dynamic Duo. John 6: 68-69

 Simon Peter answered, “Lord, to whom shall we go? You [alone] have the words of eternal life [you are our only hope]. We have believed and confidently trusted, and [even more] we have come to know [by personal observation and experience] that You are the Holy One of God [the Christ, the Son of the living God].”

They, unlike all those who’d walked away, had faith in this man, this Jesus. They believed Him when He told them that He was their long-awaited Messiah—even though some of His claims were extraordinary. His Flesh as bread to eat? His Blood, wine to drink? The power to grant eternal life! Ascending into the clouds of heaven from where He came? Yes! They believed. —John 6:1–71

But what is faith? And where did their faith—their ability to believe where others couldn’t, come from?

First, faith: In the New Testament the English word faith is used to translate the Greek word pistis. The New Strong’s Expanded Dictionary of Bible Word says, “Pistis is used of belief with the predominate idea of trust (or confidence) whether in God or in Christ, springing from faith in the same. ‘Faith’ means trust, confidence, assurance, and belief”

Hebrews 11: 1 says it this way: “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.”

We get a clue about why some of these had faith others didn’t possess in verse 70.

Election… God had chosen them to believe in His Son—and, for so much more.

They would be the collective womb through which His Church would be birthed and flourish. Each possessing his own unique gifting’s and contributions. Jesus said as much about these 12 a few verses back after chiding some other disciples concerning their grumbling—their speculating, over His lineage. “Jesus answered them, “Did I not choose you, the twelve…?

So, their faith was a gift then—an undeserved, unearned, non-repayable gift from God? Yes. Yes, it was. As all faith is.

But what of this ‘election’?

Listen to how John MacArthur, Bible scholar and Author defines this term: “…the doctrine of election simply means that God, uninfluenced and before creation, predetermined certain people to be saved.

And in Scripture, The Apostle Paul speaks of election this way in 2 Thessalonians 2:13: “But we should always give thanks to God for you, brethren beloved by the Lord, because God has chosen you from the beginning for salvation through sanctification by the Spirit and faith in the truth.” (Emphasis my own)

Just as an unborn child cannot choose to give itself life, and a dead man cannot will himself to get up and live once again, neither can we as sinful man, dead in our sins, choose to have faith—outside of the Sovereign will of God… “Therefore He says, Awake, O sleeper, and arise from the dead, and Christ shall shine (make day dawn) upon you and give you light.”  Ephesians 5:14.

Scripture abounds with references of election, those chosen by God: (Matt. 22:14; 24:22, 24, 31; Luke 18:7; Acts 9:15; 11:18; Rom. 8:29, 30, 33; Eph. 1:4, 5, 11; Col. 3:12; 2 Tim. 2:10; Titus 1:1; 2 Pet. 1:10. See, also, Luke 10:21-22; John 6:37, 44, 65; 10:26; 15:16; 17:2, 6, 9; Acts 5:31; 13:48; Rom. 9:11, 15, 16; 18 11:5, 7, 28; 1 Cor. 1:27, 28, 30; Gal. 1:15; 2 Thes. 2:13; 1 Pet. 1:1-2; 2:8, 9; Rev. 5:9; 7:10-12).

Which leads me to introduce you to our second Superhero, Knowledge. In our Scripture verse Peter states that not only did He and the others have faith, but they also possessed knowledge of Jesus. Certainly, being Jewish and growing up hearing God’s Word taught in the Temple and spoken of at home, they’d be familiar with the Torah. They’d have been aware of hearing tell of the Scriptures that foretold of Messiah. We see evidence of that knowledge when Andrew, a fisherman, calls his brother Peter, beckoning Him to come and follow the man he believes is the Messiah. “He first found his own brother Simon and told him, “We have found the Messiah!” (which is translated Christ). Yet, I believe, and Scripture lends to this fact, that Peter was referring not only to his knowledge of Scripture, more, to experiential knowledge in this instance. He and the others had lived with, ministered, ate, slept, talked, and, listened to every Word that Jesus spoke…

To say nothing of being present as He performed His many miracles.

Strong’s Greek Concordance defines this type of knowledge in the following way: functional (“working”) knowledge gleaned from first-hand (personal) experience, connecting theory to application; “application-knowledge,” gained in (by) a direct relationship.

Connecting theory to application. Said differently, the marriage of faith to knowledge (experiential). Their faith was solidified—reinforced, by what they knew of the Man. Their experiencing Him.

As it is with all who share in this faith…

It was this gnosis enlivened by the Ruach Breath of the Holy Spirit that enabled these ill-informed, unschooled, common men to write the beloved Word of God—The Holy Scriptures, those coveted Words each that feeds, comforts, teaches, corrects, and sustains all believers. “But it is the spirit in a person, the breath of the Almighty, that gives them understanding.” —Job 32:8

This dynamic duo of faith and knowledge lived so deeply within them that from its very roots grew a love so strong—a bond so indestructible, that even when faced with deprivation, beatings, and death—often a cruel and violent death, each of Jesus’s Apostles, save John, faced their violent end having firm faith that when their end was met here, their eyes would open to see His glorious face yet again!

And they did… Even John, who died at a ripe old age exiled on Isle of Pathos.

If faith and knowledge of the Living God could create in an unlearned, but believing few, a force that brought about a world change—a change in how life and living are still defined; just think of what could happen in your life, church, family, ministry, marriage, community, corner of the globe—if you, like our brothers before us, joined forces with the dynamic duo of faith and knowledge!

If you invited the Holy Spirit to do all within you that aligned with God’s perfect will for your life…

But to extend this invitation to the Holy Spirit—you first must know Him—have a relationship with Him. So, won’t you do that know—ask Him into you, please? He’s waiting. He wants to introduce you to the dynamic duo of faith and knowledge of Him. More, He wants to spend every minute of your life loving you, and blessing you, and, teaching you. “I have many more things to say to you, but you cannot bear [to hear] them now.  But when He, the Spirit of Truth, comes, He will guide you into all the truth [full and complete truth]. For He will not speak on His own initiative, but He will speak whatever He hears [from the Father—the message regarding the Son], and He will disclose to you what is to come [in the future]” John 16:12-13.

“Crushed” Luke 14:33

 “So then, any of you who does not forsake (renounce, surrender claim to, give up, say good-bye to) all that he has cannot be My disciple.”

Before we jump in to this week’s message, my prayer for you, for me, is this:

That we will give our will’s, our want’s, what may seem ‘right’—sound right to us, over to the will and calling of Jesus. That we will trust Him above all else. Putting to death all the internal chatter that clamors for answers to the life-robbing, peace stealing, ‘why’s’. May the exhale of our every breath be, Thy Will be done. Whether we understand it—or not. Whether it makes sense—or not. Even if we must say yes with wobbly knees and a trembling voice—yes. We say yes. I say yes, to His will, His way, and, yes to His Divine timing… Amen and Amen.

Following Jesus will cost you. A price must be paid—a sacrifice given.  And there is no one in all of Scripture who knew this principle of cost better than Jesus Himself…

He paid the ultimate price for obeying the Will of The Father. Yet He tells us that to do His will—God’s will, is why He came at all. In other words, He specifically came to pay God’s required price. Jesus, while having one of His infamous conversations with the Jews, said it like this: “I tell you the truth, the Son can do nothing by himself. He does only what he sees the Father doing. Whatever the Father does, the Son also does” (John 5:19). And if the teacher—the One we, as Christians, follow, profess, came to do the will of God—how much more His students? Who are we to feel that because we are followers of Jesus, we’re exempt?That it—our lives, should go off without a hitch?

Unlike Jesus, God may never ask you and me to give up our lives—at least not physically speaking that is.

Yet we are asked to give them up, our lives—to give them back,as a love offering. In faith believing that the One who gave them to us knows far better than we ever could just what to do with them. He knows the ‘when’, and the ‘how to’s’ of us—His plan for us, the purpose, destiny, we were brought into this life to fulfill. And so, He asks us to trust Him completely—to surrender, in faith, to His will and this plan He has for us. Listen to how God said it while talking to the Prophet Jeremiah: “For I know the thoughts and plans that I have for you, says the Lord, thoughts and plans for welfare and peace and not for evil, to give you hope in your final outcome” (Jeremiah 29:11). We forget—I forget, that we are not here, were not created to just, ‘hang-out’ on planet earth, feet up, feel’n good. Doing as we please, when we please, for as long as we please. One glimpse of where that thinking got Nebuchadnezzar should dispel any desire for that life (Daniel 4:1-33)!


Just as Jesus was not sent, didn’t come into this world to do His own thing—act on His will, on His desires, rather, to do the will of the One that sent Him—The Father. So too it is with us, if we are connected to Him. “In that day you will know that I am in my Father, and you in me, and I in you” (John 14:20).

The moment you said—I said, we, collectively said yes to God’s call on our lives, yes to His loving offer to return Home to Him—back into a restored relationship with Him, we in fact released our will’s, our plan’s, desire’s, dream’s, destiny’s, children, spouse’s, ministry’s, mother’s, father’s—our very lives, into His Hands that He might fulfill in us His desires for the advancement of His Kingdom through us. “Now may the God of peace, who through the blood of the eternal covenant brought back from the dead our Lord Jesus, that great Shepherd of the sheep, equip you with everything good for doing his will, and may he work in us what is pleasing to him, through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory for ever and ever” (Hebrews 13:20-21; emphasis my own).

Even when we feel as though, like Jesus apparently did in Gethsemane, that what is being asked of us is more than we can handle—can bear, survive under the weight of, like Him also, we must come to the place of complete surrender. And we must do it repeatedly. Even if it kills us… “And taking with Him Peter and the two sons of Zebedee, He began to show grief and distress of mind and was deeply depressed. Then He said to them, My soul is very sad and deeply grieved, so that I am almost dying of sorrow. Stay here and keep awake and keep watch with Me. And going a little farther, He threw Himself upon the ground on His face and prayed saying, My Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass away from Me; nevertheless, not what I will [not what I desire], but as You will and desire. And He came to the disciples and found them sleeping, and He said to Peter, What! Are you so utterly unable to stay awake and keep watch with Me for one hour? All of you must keep awake (give strict attention, be cautious and active) and watch and pray, that you may not come into temptation. The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak. Again a second time He went away and prayed, My Father, if this cannot pass by unless I drink it, Your will be done. And again He came and found them sleeping, for their eyes were weighed down with sleep. So, leaving them again, He went away and prayed for the third time, using the same words” (Matthew 26:37-44).

Gethsemane is a place where a seed, a hope, a ministry, a man, hits the ground as one thing and leaves as another. It’s simply the nature of the place…

It’s a place of extraction, of refinement. People become, things become, a purer version of themselves— after having their life blood separated from their husk’s. Gethsemane is a place of crushing. A place where the last ounce of our humanity—His humanity, was extracted, so that only the Divine, The Pure Will of the Father, may remain. There is a cost to following Jesus. It may very well kill you— actually, it’s meant to. Over, and over, and over again. Until, as with Jesus, the last drop of your humanity is extracted—and all that’s left of you is the shining, Pure Image of Jesus pointing all who witness it, back to The Father. “Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a basket. Instead, they set it on a lampstand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven” (Matthew 5:15-16).

There is a cost to following Jesus—always has been, always will be. Love costs us something. Jesus knew that better than anyone…

So, the question is not, is there a cost? The real question is, if asked, are you willing to pay it? “But Jesus replied, “The hour has come for the Son of Man to be glorified. Truly, truly, I tell you, unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a seed; but if it dies, it bears much fruit. Whoever loves his life will lose it, but whoever hates his life in this world will keep it for eternal life… (John 12:24-25).

Are you willing to endure the crushing that takes place in Gethsemane so that what is most precious in you may be brought out of you for the glory of God? “So that [the genuineness] of your faith may be tested, [your faith] which is infinitely more precious than the perishable gold which is tested and purified by fire. [This proving of your faith is intended] to redound to [your] praise and glory and honor when Jesus Christ (the Messiah, the Anointed One) is revealed.” (1 Peter 1:7).

The pressing, His pressing, isn’t intended, was never meant to harm you. It has always been intended as a reward for those who, by faith, trust in the exacting process, painful as it may be. Following Jesus will always cost you. But oh what a gain! “But without faith it is impossible to please and be satisfactory to Him. For whoever would come near to God must [necessarily] believe that God exists and that He is the rewarder of those who earnestly and diligently seek Him [out]” (Hebrews 11:16).

 If God is knocking on the door of your heart, won’t you say yes to Him now—even if it hurts? 

“Yet now has [Christ, the Messiah] reconciled [you to God] in the body of His flesh through death, in order to present you holy and faultless and irreproachable in His [the Father’s] presence. [And this He will do] provided that you continue to stay with and in the faith [in Christ], well-grounded and settled and steadfast, not shifting or moving away from the hope [which rests on and is inspired by] the glad tidings (the Gospel), which you heard and which has been preached [as being designed for and offered without restrictions] to every person under heaven, and of which [Gospel] I, Paul, became a minister” (Colossians 1:22-23).


“Everything” Philippians 3:7-8

But whatever former things were gains to me [as I thought then], these things [once regarded as advancements in merit] I have come to consider as loss [absolutely worthless] for the sake of Christ [and the purpose which He has given my life]. But more than that, I count everything as loss compared to the priceless privilege and supreme advantage of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord [and of growing more deeply and thoroughly acquainted with Him—a joy unequaled].”

One of the greatest lessons I am learning—becoming filled with, to the exclusion of all else in Autumn of my life is this: Nothing, let me stress that—nothing, is more valuable to me than God. Knowing and being known by Him is my greatest gift, greatest joy—the prize above every prize, and He has blessed me with some amazing gifts over the years!

Yet by far—without comparison—in a league all by itself, is my relationship with Jesus. More accurately, it’s His choosing to have one with me. There is nothing more valued, more treasured, or near to my heart than loving and be being loved by God. Period. This is my truth.

Now, this great love of my life—this great prize without measure, this God who is the Light of my life, has allowed me to experience some of the lowest, most pain filled, tear-filled moments in of my life. Not everything I’ve experienced with Him has been a honeymoon high. There have been deaths, implausible loss, sickness, abandonment, betrayal, abuse, disgrace—and great pain. Some—a lot, came at the hands of my choices—bad ones. Other stuff came because that’s life—they come at the expense of being alive. They are the salt in the sugar…

I share this with you to portray, as realistically as I know how, that this same God who showered me with the blessings of three amazing children, a grandchild that has my heart, parents that I love, siblings I am grateful for, health, strength, peace, and, provision that some would only hope for—all of this and more than our limited time together and these pages have room for, I would give up, hand it and them all back—if it meant I couldn’t have, if it meant, losing Jesus. That’s not easy to say mind you—and truth be told, I’m not even sure what saying it truly means.

I know only this: I never want a life without Jesus as the center of it…

And as scary as it is to say that I count it all loss, and it is scary (which doesn’t mean I don’t have faith. Contrary to what you may have been told you can have faith and be afraid. Often actually faith requires you to press forward on shaky legs).  I’ve seen in my life; a sampling of what God will take away from us as we walk through the firing process of being shaped and molded into the image and likeness of His Son. Much like what a clay pot endures in the furnace to finish it in something solid and lasting. Yet, still I trust God. I know the plans He has for me are for my good, not to kill me—even if it feels that way at times.

But let’s get back to the blessings. Let’s look at the many blessings that each of us have. And, although some may have what the world calls “more” in terms of material possessions—status, beauty, intelligence, toys, etc. If you are reading this now, we are each equal in that we share breath, life, and opportunity. The possibilities are endless in what you might accomplish having possession of these blessings.

If you think I’m wrong—remember, the moment God takes them back, and He will, (it’s another thing we all have in common)—the blessings end, life ends—we will all be required to return the gifts we’ve been entrusted with. See, they were always only on loan. In our humanity, we forget that and we get attached to them and think that they are our possessions—and that we have a right to them.

There’s a lesson there for someone—for me…

Jesus has given us all innumerable gifts, blessings, and, opportunities. Paul knew this. And in today’s passage he forced me to re-member this—refocus. Why? Because as much as I love Jesus—and I do. As much as I am willing to say yes, as scary as saying yes can be—and I am and it is, I still, in my humanness, get distracted by ‘things.’ The gifts, the people, the stuff—the blessings. And I need to be re-minded—to refocus. To never lose sight of the One who blesses, who chose me for Himself—who willingly laid His life down on a Cross He held like a lover, so that I could have a new life in and with Him. Both now and in Heaven…

And that is why friends—in the autumn of my life, I am asking Jesus to prune me deeply. Is that scary, as I’ve already said—you bet it is! At almost 60 I’ve tasted enough of loss to not take saying this lightly or the sting—the sometimes-paralyzing effects, on a life losing something or someone can have. But I trust God despite how I may feel. Feelings change, God alone is eternal. And I believe with everything in me—in paying it forward. Of my life benefitting another’s. I believe that to gain one must be willing to pay a dear price—to suffer loses. I didn’t always have this wisdom—and I can’t claim what I’ve learned as mine. That credit goes to The Holy Spirit. To a God who’s walked with me through the train-wreck I had turned my life into, and said, “Trust Me, I have such great plans for you.” And, even the trust it took to trust Him—He alone provided!

Perhaps the reason I am here today and you are here today—is that God is still working in us both? Or, maybe He is calling you to Himself for the first time and you needed to hear this (remember the breath, life, and, opportunity?) …

Perhaps you needed to be reminded—as I certainly do, as Paul is reminding us all— to stay focused on the Giver and not on HIs gifts. On The One—and not the stuff the One provides. As I said earlier, one day He will ask each of us for all His stuff back. The only “forever” things we get to keep are, primarily, our relationship with Him. Then, the lasting effects of those things that we give away (the good we do for others). Those actions are forever multiplying. And love. That, like it’s creator—is eternal. We each have choices to make. Where and how to spend our time, talents, and the resources we’ve been entrusted with. Greater still, the choice of what it is we hold dear—our best thing if you. What ‘everything’ are you willing to let go of today that you may gain Christ—or more of Him. Remember, to gain you must be willing to lose something.

With trembling human legs—I count it all joy that I may lose all things and gain Christ Jesus my Lord. Not even fully understanding the scale of my words, I choose to profess them nonetheless. I do not need to see to believe…

Friend, what about you? Are you too willing to count it all a loss to gain God? He is looking for hearts that are willing to say, “yes to your will and ways Lord.”

I am praying your strength because I know what it is to have a heart that is willing but also flesh that is so weak. Yet greater than my prayers are the prayers of Jesus sitting at the Right Hand of the Father praying for you—cheering you on. Because He so wants you to lose it all that you would gain Him. Trust Him today. Take the first—or maybe the 101st step, and say yes Lord, be my everything. I count it all loss that I might gain you. He’s waiting…

Then buckle up and enjoy the journey—and Love, of a lifetime…!

“They traded the truth about God for a lie. So, they worshiped and served the things God created instead of the Creator himself, who is worthy of eternal praise! Amen” Romans 1:25

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