"Come follow me and I will make you fishers of men." Matthew 4:19

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Division. Luke 12:51

 “Do you suppose that I came to grant peace on earth? No, I tell you, but rather division [between believers and unbelievers…”

When most people hear the name Jesus, they associate it with love. Jesus and love are often equated as being one in the same—synonymous. Jesus. Is. Love. Jesus is merciful—compassionate, long-suffering, tender, sacrificial—and the list goes on…

And these are each true and components, one and all, of His character. But what about His justice? What about God being divisive?

In our scripture verse, Jesus has just made a paradoxical statement…

He knows that His disciples—as well as most of Israel, believe the coming Messiah will usher in—bring with Him, peace. Not only for the nation of Israel—more, into each man’s heart. After all—didn’t the first part of Zechariah’s vision proclaim this peace (Zechariah 9:9-10)? And too, the message of hope, of peace, offered them by God through the Prophet Isaiah? “You will go out in joy and be led forth in peace…” Isaiah 55:12. And, doesn’t Isaiah 9:6 refer to Him as the Prince of Peace? “…And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.”

Most of those gathered around Him had no problem with Jesus’ message of peace and love. But, not so much when it came to receiving His message of repentance of their sins—or of God’s coming judgement. They, like so many of us today, started squirming a little—quickly changing the conversation, becoming angry—verbally aggressive, even jousting at the mere mention of being a sinner worthy of God’s just punishment, after all, they were God’s chosen!

Sound familiar? How many of God’s “chosen” balk today, when confronted with their sins?

That’s typically where you’ll hear folks interject, but I though Jesus was all about loving people. And suddenly too, the person who doesn’t even own a Bible is now quoting Scripture. Doesn’t the Bible say that God so loved the world that He sent His only Son to save it? Suddenly everyone knows John 3:16… “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.”

And yes, contrary to their scoffing, the answer to both above questions is yes, and yes.

Jesus is pure love…

However, when it comes to this topic of sin and guilt, God’s love is expected, by most, to be judgement free.


If all are guilty of sin—and we are, then the same just judgement must be passed down to each of us. That’s Justice. The same sentence for the same crime. Yet, the unplumbed depths of God’s love is such that Jesus, out of His unfathomable love for us said, “Father, I’ll take their place”. That is, He took your place and my place…. “For at just the right time, while we were still powerless, Christ died for the ungodly. It is rare indeed for anyone to die for a righteous man, though for a good man someone might possibly dare to die. But God proves His love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” –Romans 5:6-8. And concerning this justice, God couldn’t ignore the price of sin needing to be paid in full. If He had, the penalty for sin would not have been paid in full. He’d have waived His perfect justice and holiness—therefore rendering Himself unjust. Yet to impose this penalty on each soul would in fact fly in the face of His immense love and mercy. Therefore, through the sacrificial work of Jesus on the cross, God demonstrates Himself as both just and the justifier of the those who put their faith in—choose, Jesus.  “God presented Him as an atoning sacrifice through faith in His blood, in order to demonstrate His righteousness, because in His forbearance He had passed over the sins committed beforehand. He did this to demonstrate His righteousness at the present time, so as to be just and to justify the one who has faith in Jesus.” –Romans 3:25-26

So how then do we reconcile this loving God with the statement He makes in our Scripture?

With this warning, this heads-up He’s giving His friends to prepare them for what’s about to come?

With His Words, Jesus squarely drew a line in the proverbial sand here. Placing those who were for Him on the one side—and those who were against on the other. And, He made it clear one must choose a side. From the beginning—there has only ever been 2 choices afforded every man. To follow God, or not to follow God.

To not choose is to choose. There has never been a middle ground with God. “Now listen! Today I am giving you a choice between life and death, between prosperity and disaster” –Deuteronomy 30:15

The price for sin is death. Period.

And, now, we witness this same Jesus preparing His disciples—course correcting them, to get ready for what being a follower of His might do to a soul, to a family, to friendships…

The Cross of Christ was intended to cause division. Meant to test the allegiance of those who call Jesus, Lord. Jesus pointed His disciples towards the Prophet Micah to help illustrate the very division soon to beset each of them—us too. “For a son thinks his father is a fool, a daughter challenges her mother, and a daughter-in-law her mother-in-law; a man’s enemies are his own family” –Micah 7:6. Yet, apart from a few breaks—the entire 12th chapter of Luke is a message of salvation. A key demonstration of Jesus’ infinite love and mercy. It’s Jesus inviting all those listening—and us, to receive freely what He’s offering them. Eternal life and forgiveness of their sins—if, by faith they’d believe He is Messiah.

Again, Jesus has squarely drawn a hard-line in the proverbial sand…

Division: When one believes and the other doesn’t, division enters in. A husband accepts Christ’s message—the wife doesn’t. Division. The father accepts Christ’s saving grace—his children do not. Division. This division is a double-edged sword. In John 3 Jesus said, “If you believe, you have eternal life.  If you don’t believe, your unbelief puts you under judgment.” Since God can neither change nor lie—this Truth stands as much today as it did the moment it left Jesus’ mouth—believe it or not…

So, in summary, why, in a world that finds itself so divided, would I post this teaching that stresses division? My answer is simple. Because God said to. Division is nothing new. Until Christ returns to unite us all—division will exist. It must. It was intended to. We must make a choice to follow Jesus. To not choose is a choice. That said, Scripture also tells us to seek peace, unity with all men. “Now I beseech you, brethren, mark them which cause divisions and offences contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned; and avoid them. For they that are such serve not our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly; and by good words and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple” –Romans 16:17-18.

Hear me please: I am not, by any means, using this teaching to advocate causing division for selfish personal gain, nor to push or further one’s agenda—personal, political, or spiritual. That is contrary to everything I believe. However, I am stating as plainly as I know how, that I do not believe in peace at any cost. If forced to choose—I will choose Christ at all cost. And, my prayer for you is that you will join me in my choice. We should seek to be at peace with all men but should never forget that Jesus warned we will be hated for His sake. Because those who reject Him hate Him, they will hate His followers as well“If the world hates you, understand that it hated Me first. If you were of the world, it would love you as its own. Instead, the world hates you, because you are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world” –John 15:18-19.

A hard Word I know, but Truth demands a choice…

Friend, if you have not yet asked Jesus into your heart—if you’ve not yet made your choice, I pray you’ll do it now, today. I’m praying for you…

Inclusion. Mark 9:40

 “For he who is not against us is for us.”

To say this world is  divided is an understatement…

Truth be told—from the day Adam and Eve were expelled from the garden for believing the discordant lies of the enemy—division has become a thread the enemy has skillfully used to weave division and destruction both into God’s perfect design. We may blush at its mention, balk when its pointed out, close our eyes to its demoralizing tentacles—but the truth of it presence remains nonetheless.

Racial, religious, and political divide has become an almost daily byline…

Venomous, erosive poison sprinkled, with some version of truth, across the evening news—monopolizing many of our social media sites. The retellings, the hashtags and “shares” of our societal discord so often sensationalized. Too often used as fuel to garner ratings and hits as each commentator applies their own spin—their own agenda or bias, to whatever the malevolent story du jour may be.

As an aside, hear me please here for clarification sake: I do not, do not, I do not advocate racial divide nor discrimination in any of its loathsome, hate-filled, fear-full, divisive forms. Period. And, as for my politics, though I do have a party I favor, I prefer not to employ my political pining’s as a divisive sword wielded simply because wielding it is my right…

Sadly, these same divisions that have infected our world have also made their way into the hearts of those who call themselves “Christian”. Christians, belonging to One Body though we are many parts. However, being a follower of Christ in the 21st century Church has in some cases become akin to wearing a designer label. With some choosing denominational affiliations as badges of loyalty and honor. I belong to such and such a denomination. I follow Pastor so and so. And the list of I’s goes on and on…

Shouldn’t the only “I” we as Christians share—the only mutual affiliation we claim be unity, Oneness in Christ alone?

“I seek to do the will of my Father” being our unifying battle cry? Regrettably however, there are denominations and individuals both whom support such exclusions. Sadly, there have always been…

But not so with Jesus. Jesus didn’t teach exclusion due to denominationalism! He didn’t set-up divides, compartments within His Body, rather, He tore them down at the Cross. This is His prayer for all those that belong to Him: “For them I sanctify Myself, so that they too may be sanctified by the truth. I am not asking on behalf of them alone, but also on behalf of those who will believe in Me through their message, that all of them may be one, as You, Father, are in Me, and I am in You. May they also be in Us, so that the world may believe that You sent Me.…” John 17:19-21.

So what is denominationalism? At its core, here is how it is mostly commonly defined: The division of one religion into separate groups, sects, schools of thought or denominations.

Jesus however, speaks of the power of His Blood to unite and cover, cleanse and purify—make Righteous for the whom-so-ever-will.  He speaks of unity and oneness. Even as He and God are One –John 17:21-23. Again, listen to His Word in Matthew 26:28: “…for this is My blood of the [new and better] covenant, which [ratifies the agreement and] is being poured out for many [as a substitutionary atonement] for the forgiveness of sins.” Sinless Blood poured out for every person who calls Jesus “Lord”. There was no pause—no clause that stated: “By this I mean—only if you call yourself a Baptist or Methodist, a Presbyterian, a Lutheran, or a member of the World Assemblies of God, a Roman Catholic…

And, though Jesus was a Jew who did in fact minister first to the Jews—ultimately His death on the Cross instantly, and with fore-intention, opened the way for “who-so-ever-will” to enter right relationship with the One True God. That was always His plan. The moment He said, “It is finished”, and breathed His last, the curtain in the Temple was split open signifying that the way back to right relationship with God was now possible because of the sacrificial Blood of Jesus being shed once for all. Matthew 27:51.  We also see evidence of this Truth when reading the account of Peter and Cornelius. Read the full account in Acts 10. But for now, listen to verses 44-46: “While Peter was still speaking, the Holy Spirit fell upon all who heard the word. The circumcised believers who had come with Peter were astounded that the gift of the Holy Spirit had been poured out even on the Gentiles,for they heard them speaking in tongues and extolling God…”

We are the ones whom withhold; you and I are guilty of judgement and diving the Body. We have set up these divides, these compartments that are not from God. Compartments that divide those God died to unite. We have set the tone for, decided, who will be accepted and who will not. Who we will worship with, and who we won’t. We disagree with, are uncomfortable with, the way certain denominations “do” worship or how they pray—therefore we judge or reject them as a result.

Yet, the moment we cause division in The Body—and there is only One Body, we too are displaying the same attitude of exclusiveness that the early church displayed in saying that those who were gentiles and followed the way needed first to become Jews, to be purified—they must first be circumcised before they could be included into the Way (Read Acts 15). If you don’t do it the way it’s always been done you aren’t welcomed to join us! Sound familiar? That isn’t what Jesus taught us. He said, “If anyone causes one of these little ones–those who believe in me–to stumble, it would be better for them to have a large millstone hung around their neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea.” –Matthew 18:6

If you have ever experienced the unwelcoming icy chill of being ignored sadly, you’re qualified to empathize with those who have been rejected because of how they worship/pray/ proselytize their faith. For not being a member of the “right” denomination. Not donning the right label…

Perhaps you have felt such rejection? If so, let me apologize for whomever it was that made you feel marginalized—judged. I apologize for them because I too shamefully, have been guilty of such divisive judgements. Please, forgive us both?

We are one family with Christ as the Head of that family. Therefore, when one of our family members isn’t well—eventually it infects our whole Body. Being a multi-cultural Body–racially, economically, socially and intellectually diverse, how is it possible that amongst such diversity, such beauty, people will still cling to, still choose to gather only with “my kind of people?” Those I’m familiar and comfortable with?

The Apostle Paul wrote a letter to the believers in Galatia addressing a very similar issue. And nowhere in his words do we find even a hint of the unity he spoke of being ascribed to denominational affiliations. Rather, he speaks of our common faith in the One True God, in Jesus Christ, as the Source that unites us all. And not our memberships in the Baptist or Methodist, Presbyterian, Lutheran, World Assemblies of God, or the Roman Catholic. Nor in any other Christian denomination or organization that acknowledges the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ—as the One True God.

It is our faith in Christ Jesus alone that unites us! “For you [who are born-again have been reborn from above—spiritually transformed, renewed, sanctified and] are all children of God [set apart for His purpose with full rights and privileges] through faith in Christ Jesus. For all of you who were baptized into Christ [into a spiritual union with the Christ, the Anointed] have clothed yourselves with Christ [that is, you have taken on His characteristics and values]. There is [now no distinction in regard to salvation] neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female; for you [who believe] are all one in Christ Jesus [no one can claim a spiritual superiority]” –Galatians 3:26-28.

Christ’s Body was established for inclusion, not exclusion…

It is this inclusion that Christ speaks of in Mark 9:38-42. “John said to Jesus, “Teacher, we saw someone using your name to cast out demons, but we told him to stop because he wasn’t in our group.” “Don’t stop him!” Jesus said. “No one who performs a miracle in my name will soon be able to speak evil of me. Anyone who is not against us is for us. If anyone gives you even a cup of water because you belong to the Messiah, I tell you the truth, that person will surely be rewarded. “But if you cause one of these little ones who trusts in me to fall into sin, it would be better for you to be thrown into the sea with a large millstone hung around your neck.”

Perhaps you are reading this and have not asked God into your heart as Lord and Savior? Please know there is a place in our family reserved just for you. Won’t you take your place today? Jesus loves you. The rest of us need your presence! Just ask Him to come into your heart—to be your Lord. He’ll do the rest… “If you openly declare that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved” –Romans 10:9.

And to my Beloved Brothers and Sisters in Christ; there is room for us all at the feet of our Lord. Please, join me there as we pray for unity in the Body of Christ…




Stand-in Faith. Mark 2:3-12

 Then they came, bringing to Him a paralyzed man, who was being carried by four men.  When they were unable to get to Him because of the crowd, they removed the roof above Jesus; and when they had dug out an opening, they let down the mat on which the paralyzed man was lying.  When Jesus saw their [active] faith [springing from confidence in Him], He said to the paralyzed man, “Son, your sins are forgiven.”  vs’s 3-5.

What might stand-in faith look like?

Along with the example of 4 faith-filled friends offered in our Scripture verses, we also see stand-in faith demonstrated in Queen Esther; Esther 8:3-5 and, in Father Abraham; Genesis 18:23-33. Yet most  certainly our greatest example of stand-in faith is witnessed in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. God’s only begotten Son. Unique in Being, fully God yet fully man.(John 1:1;1:14;3:16;1 John 4:9; Colossians 2:9;1 Corinthians 15:4-5; 1 Peter 1:20). The Scriptures tell us He willingly left Heaven—stepped across time and eternity, donned a human body, all that He might offer Himself as a stand-in.

The Sinless Substitute standing in for a sinful world; a world He foreknew would reject Him –Hebrews 2:5-18. His Perfect example now established, let’s turn our attention to everyday men created in his image. Let’s examine the 4 friends mentioned in today’s Scripture. Those no different from Esther, Abraham, and others whose faith God recognized.

We’re told only that their friend is paralyzed…

That’s why they’re carrying him to see Jesus. Had his paralysis been from birth, as it was with the beggar outside the Temple (Acts 3:2), or was it the result of an accident as with Mephibosheth (2 Samuel 4:4)? In this instance, Scripture doesn’t mention the how or why of it so it’s obviously not something we need to spend a lot of time thinking about. He was paralyzed—whatever the reason. Rather, let’s focus our attention on his 4 friends. After all, they are the ones Jesus chose to focus on.  It’s safe to believe that at some point God had laid it on the hearts of these 4 friends to get this one in need of healing in front of Jesus the only One they believed would heal their friend. It’s also fair to imagine, it’s implied even, that each of these 4 were men of faith.

They believed God…

Surely as young Jewish boys they had spent time in the Temple? It’s also reasonable to say that they’d been exposed to the telling of many of the familial stories concerning the coming of Messiah? And, it’s also possible they had witnessed Jesus healing others the last time He was there in Capernaum? Perhaps they, like so many, had heard all about this Jesus bringing Peter’s mother-in-law back from the edge of death (Matthew 8:14-15)? Perhaps all of this, combined with witnessing their friend—one they obviously cared greatly for, wasting away, motivated them into action? The truth is we don’t know for certain the whole of why they came. Scripture doesn’t always explain every detail to us. It may have been a perfect storm of faith. A simultaneous collision of all the above at play in their lives that caused them to lower their friend to the feet of Jesus.

What is certain is this: God moved on each of their hearts to get their friend in front of Jesus. And they obeyed…

Jesus let nothing stand in His way of leaving heaven and coming to earth that He might open the way that leads us back into right relationship with the Father—back into the loving arms of God (Matthew 27:51). And, when reading this account concerning our paralytic friend—it appears his friends too, wouldn’t allow anything to stand in the way of getting their friend in front of Jesus.

Let those who have ears hear…

They had fixed their eyes on Jesus. And, if it took ripping  the roof off to get their friend in front of Him, well, so-be-it! Off it would have to come!

And it did…

While Jesus was busy sharing God’s Word— 4 friends were busy hoisting their friend, mat and all, up onto the roof.  Get that image in your mind.  They hoisted a grown man tied to a cot up on to a roof. Jesus is preaching in the room below where, Scripture tells us a, “throng of people” are packed in—shoulder to shoulder. These 4 men approach the house with their friend in tow and realize— “this isn’t going work. These people won’t budge—no one will make room for us to get to Jesus!” Yet, they weren’t deterred. Why? The burning in their hearts wouldn’t allow for it. That very burning is what had prompted this entire journey of faith!

And then it hit them, “the roof, we’ll get him in through the roof!”

Have you ever been so moved by the leading of the Holy Spirit of God that, come what may, you were determined to do what you know He was leading you to do? Even if doing it meant doing something as unorthodox, as risky, as bold as taking the roof off a place ?

These 4 had been so moved…

While Jesus was sharing God’s Truth with this room full of people—these 4 were busy digging up the mud roof.

Shards of ceiling were falling on the crowd—on Jesus, yet, there is no rebuke mentioned. No one looks up and cries out, “have you guys lost your minds, stop it! Where trying to focus on what Jesus is saying! Nor does Scripture mention a rebuke of any kind coming from Jesus. Rather, we witness Jesus recognizing a reflection of Himself in these 4 friends. He recognizes a “reflection”, a type, of His own inextinguishable faith. Faith that says, “come what may, I’ll do it, I’ll make a way…”

And, in that second of recognition—a miracle occurred.

The one they had carried all these years—the one they had cared for and fed, helped provide for and shared with—Jesus now looked at and said, “you’re forgiven!”, and he was. He was now healed, made whole.

He was made new…

That’s what happens when we have an authentic encounter with Jesus. We are made new, washed clean—restored.

Whatever sin had held him to his mat, for however long it had had a grip on him—it was gone now; eternally forgiven. God had used the stand-in faith of his 4 faith-filled friends that He might deliver , restore, make new this one who couldn’t quite get there on His own…

If you’ve been praying for—interceding for, a friend or loved one, you should be excited right now! If Jesus honored their faith—surely, He will honor yours too! Just keep on taking that roof off!

God has asked each of us to be a stand-in. Jesus commissioned us all—all who believe on His name, to be stand-in’s. “He said to them, “Go throughout the whole world and preach the gospel to all people.” –Mark 16:15.

Friend, if you claim faith like one of today’s 4,  here’s my question to you: how far will you carry the one that isn’t quite able to get to Jesus without your help?

And, if you’ve not yet asked Jesus into your heart—to heal what may be “paralyzed” in your life, do it now. My faith has carried you this far, I’ve now laid you safely at Jesus’ feet—don’t let this opportunity pass you by.

Ask Jesus into your heart now…

“If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved” Romans 10:9.



Restoration. Romans 5:10

  For if while we were enemies we were reconciled to God through the death of His Son, it is much more certain, having been reconciled, that we will be saved [from the consequences of sin] by His life [that is, we will be saved because Christ lives today].”

John 3:16, one of the most quoted verses of Scripture assures us of the unfathomable, unplumbed love of God. Listen: “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.”

And, God did this while we were yet His enemies—separated from partaking in, sharing in a loving, intimate relationship with Him because of our sin and rebellion. Yet so great is His love for His creation that even in our fallen state, He, this God we’ve denied, turned away from, rebelled against, said “no thanks” to, sacrificed the person He loved most—Jesus, His only Son. So that through Him—through His life, His death, and His resurrection—a way back to God—back to intimate relationship with Him, would be made for us…

Now I’ve been given many a gift over the course of my lifetime. Some that were downright amazing! However, never, never has anyone loved me so much that they were not only willing, but in fact went as far as, giving up their life—dying, to ensure that I was afforded the opportunity to have, share, partake of—life everlasting with God! Not even my momma, the one God chose to love me “the best”. Though I am certain that her mother’s prayers pierced His heart on more than one occasion—it is only Jesus who stood before the Father and said, Here I am Dad, I’ll die in her place.

And, in your place, and his, and hers, and theirs, and in place of the whole world…

Imagine if you will, the sacrificial love of both God and Christ towards us through this very pale light of comparison:

Most of us have heard of “Spiderman”. His name is Mamoudou Gassama. He’s the 21-year-old man who recently scaled a 5-story building to save the life of a little 4-year-old boy whose life hung—quite literally, in the balance. Now imagine further, if Mamoudou went to such extreme lengths to save this child, do you believe he would then deny this same child He had sacrificed so much for—”time for a visit with each other” if it was something the child he saved asked of him?

If a mere man—heroic and self-sacrificing as he may be, is capable of such extreme acts of sacrificial love, how much more God? “For if while we were enemies we were reconciled to God through the death of His Son, much more, having been reconciled, we shall be saved by His life” Romans 5:10.

And, if this same God sacrificed His very best—His greatest, most precious possession, His only begotten Son so that He might have relationship with—have reconciled to Himself a people He knew beforehand would reject His gift—reject Jesus; how much more will this same God give to those who have, who will, opened their hearts to this sacrificial loving gift of His Son? We find the full weight of that answer in our Scripture verse today.

Since He gave so mush to us while we were yet His enemies, how much more will He save those He calls His friends!

Jesus, God’s gift freely given to a sin-soaked, seditious world for the express purpose of reconciliation to, and relationship with Himself. A relationship none of us can ever—will ever have outside of our acceptance of Jesus as Lord and Savior. “For no one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws them to me, and at the last day I will raise them up” John 6:44. Jesus, while speaking to His disciples—expresses this inextricable Oneness, this unity—the mystery of the Trinity between The Father and Himself. “Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me –John 14:6 (emphasis my own).

God gave all—the very best He had to give while you and I were His enemies…

There is a perpetual bond that now exists between Mamoudou Gassama and the child who is known only as, “the child dangling from a 4th floor balcony.” Here is what this young hero had to say about his selfless act: I ran. I crossed the street to save him. He said he didn’t think twice. When I started to climb, it gave me courage to keep climbing.

If a perpetual bond can exist between a mere man—a stranger and a child, born from one heroic act of selfless sacrifice—how much deeper, wider, stronger is the bond between God and those that know Him—that call Him Father? “You see, at just the right time, when we were still powerless, Christ died for the ungodly. Very rarely will anyone die for a righteous person, though for a good person someone might possibly dare to die. But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us” –Romans 5:6-8. Belonging to God—having a relationship with Him doesn’t guarantee us, as with the toddler in Paris, that we’ll never be in a life-threatening situation.

He does guarantee us however, that He will scale any wall, face any enemy, endure any suffering, sacrifice everything to save us. In fact, He’s already done it! It is rare indeed for anyone to die for a righteous man, though for a good man someone might possibly dare to die. But God proves His love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.…” Romans 5:7.

If you are a child of God take great comfort in the Father’s Providential love for you—in His promise of, “how much more”, found in Romans Chapter 8. “For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord” 8:38-39.

Beloved, it’s no coincidence you’re here right now. If you have yet to call Him your Lord, today is the day! He’s just waiting for you to call out to Him, “Help, Jesus! Save me please!”  He hears your pray and is on His way before you even ask.  “And it shall come to pass, that before they call, I will answer; and while they are yet speaking, I will hear” –Isaiah 65:24


Clean As A Whistle! Ephesians 5:27

 “… so that [in turn] He might present the church to Himself in glorious splendor, without spot or wrinkle or any such thing; but that she would be holy [set apart for God] and blameless.”

He’s doing a new thing in us! There’s not one of us who doesn’t have an unsteady stone in their foundation. Not one. We all have some area, that one area, that needs shoring up. We’re all in need of a little more mortar…

If you are a Christian, you are undergoing this process daily—moment by moment. This cleansing, this washing away of the “you-you’ve-always-known-yourself-to-be.”  This being made ready. This transformation.

The moment we are saved, (brought into right relationship with God through the saving works of Jesus Christ) in the blink of an eye we are made righteous—in right standing before God—in that same moment however; we are also propelled into a lifelong journey of transformation. One filled with moving ever forward—closer to, giving up and over to, this newness of life in Christ. All the while simultaneously surrendering those aspects of ourselves that aren’t aligned with this new life.

This is a mystery…

Perhaps it’s also a peek into the unfathomable mercy and grace of a God whose goodness and love we can scarce take in. “For by grace you are saved through faith, and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God; it is not from works, so that no one can boast. For we are his creative work, having been created in Christ Jesus for good works that God prepared beforehand so we can do them.” –Ephesians 2:8-10

Conversely however, our “hard drives” aren’t wiped when we say yes to this salvation—to Jesus! We don’t become super spiritual, squeaky-clean, individuals who have every wrong learned behavior immediately taken from us. It is our “Spirit man” that is made instantaneously new.

Our flesh—the “you-you’ve-always-known-yourself-to-be”, our hearts, minds, and habits—our learned behaviors and choices, our sin; these all need renewing.

And, this renewing is a life-long process.

It’s one of mistakes, and missteps. Of getting it wrong before we get it right. Of midnight prayers and sleepless nights of surrender. It will involve tears, letting go of, and, letting in. Changing. Always changing. It’s a willingness to die—a wanting to be free of, far from, those sins and habits and choices we’ve made, and may be making still. Choices we know displease God. It’s those tears that stain our cheeks as we cry out to God in our weakness, “save me from myself oh God! It’s a hunger for holiness—a wanting of so much of God in you—there’s no room left for the “you-you’ve-always-known-yourself-to-be.”

It’s the complete surrender of our wills in exchange for His. It’s saying yes to God before He even asks the question or makes the request. And that’s just fine—perfect actually.

The moment we said yes to Jesus—rather the moment He said Yes to us, chose us, our lives and sin were imputed, charged to Him and His righteousness was imputed, credited onto us. A holy exchange took place. One far too great for this finite mind to fully take it in! “It is because of Him that you are in Christ Jesus, who has become for us wisdom from God: our righteousness, holiness, and redemption” –1 Corinthians 1:30.

So how do we define this “clean as a whistle?” This set apart-ness? This ongoing process of transformative emptying that we might be filled again.

What does it mean for us to be without spot or wrinkle?

Let’s start at the beginning…

Firstly, we cannot achieve this state outside of Jesus Christ. Only a life in Him—one that has been washed in His shed Blood can ever be made blameless because He is blameless. “For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God—not by works, so that no one can boast” –Ephesians 2:8-9.

God imputes or credits the perfect righteousness of Jesus Christ to the believing sinner while he is still in his sin.

The purpose of this? Romans 3: 23-24 explains it: “…since all have sinned and continually fall short of the glory of God, and are being justified [declared free of the guilt of sin, made acceptable to God, and granted eternal life] as a gift by His [precious, undeserved] [a]grace, through the redemption [the payment for our sin] which is [provided] in Christ…”

Plain speak: there’s not chance for any of us to be reconciled—reunited with, have a genuine relationship with God, nor to hit the mark He has set for the eminent standards of His righteousness outside of Jesus. Ever. Jesus alone is sinless and perfect. Therefore, He alone is the only One worthy to offer His life in exchange for ours that we might be reunited, re-membered with God. Re-membered through His works, and not our own. “Unlike those other high priests, he does not need to offer sacrifices every day. They did this for their own sins first and then for the sins of the people. But Jesus did this once for all when he offered himself as the sacrifice for the people’s sins.” –Hebrews 7:27

And, though we must do all that we are able to do to rid ourselves of those corrosive, immoral, sinful habits and choices, our crude speech, and the ungodly relationships we’ve made friends with over the course of our lives. Those lifestyle choices we’ve preferred, up to now, over God; it is ultimately, solely, the work of the Holy Spirit—the power of the Living God within us that will “root out of us” all of these—if we are in fact truly His.

You cannot have a genuine relationship with the Holy Spirit and remain the same. It is impossible. Nothing can encounter the Living God and remain unchanged…

The Apostle Paul tells us in Colossians 3:12 that the fruit—the byproduct of our salvation is in part: compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience.

So, now, as we endeavor to be like Christ, to model in our everyday lives after all that He has commanded. To take His character on as our own—model His righteousness in our lives; it remains that it is Jesus who both wills and works in our hearts to produce a life that is worthy of a Holy God. “For it is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill his good purpose” –Philippians 2:13.

As Jesus continues to will and work in us, may our voice of assent be as that of our Brother Paul’s’. “What is more, I consider everything a loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things. I consider them garbage, that I may gain Christ.” –Philippians 3:8-10

Friend, if you’re reading this it’s no accident. If you don’t know Jesus as your Lord and Savior I’m certain it’s why He has you here now. Please, take a moment and ask Jesus to be your Lord and Savior. No big prayer,  no “churchy” words needed. Just a sincere heart asking Him in is all He’s looking for. He’ll do the rest. God bless you today. I’m praying for you…

A Change Is Coming… John 20:1

 Early on Sunday morning,while it was still dark, Mary Magdalene came to the tomb and found that the stone had been rolled away from the entrance. “

Authentic change starts from within. And, those eager for it will do anything to find it.

External factors may influence that change—in fact they often do. But an authentic change—a switch from death to life, blindness to sight, from being lame to walking—it all starts from the inside—then, manifests out.

If you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always be what you’ve always been. –T.D. Jakes

So, the notion that a woman, or a man for that matter, rolled away Jesus’s tomb stone implies they possessed a power they certainly did not have. The average stone used to seal a tomb weighed between 1-2 tons (that’s between 2000-4000 pounds and it ranged between 4-6 feet tall and, was an inch plus in thickness).

Not even the Angel that sat upon it  had anything, directly, to do with its removal. He too was a witness—a herald…

The Power that moved that stone had been laid within the tomb it sealed. Many thought they had extinguished that power—His power, when they sealed Jesus’ dead body behind it…

Not everything is as it seems. Truth is Truth whether you believe it to be—or not.

The power necessary to move an obstacle that prohibits life from coming forth is only found within. And, once It has decided to come forth, once its time has come, after its been called forth—no man can stop it. The dead man came out, his hands and feet wrapped with strips of linen, and a cloth around his face. Jesus said to them, “Take off the grave clothes and let him go.” –John 11:44

It was, is, and will forever be, all about Jesus…

From His birth in a lowly manager to His sacrificial death on a tree. “Who has ascended to heaven and come down? Who has gathered the wind in his fists? Who has wrapped up the waters in a garment? Who has established all the ends of the earth? What is his name, and what is his son’s name? Surely you know!” –Proverbs 30:4

Neither time nor inconvenience will stop a soul from seeking after the only One who can bring about true change—who can call forth new life from death. Mary had tasted this in Jesus. And it was her love for Him and desire to give back to Him that had her at His tomb before sunrise. Early one morning—the world changed. Life would never again be defined in the same way it had always been. Nothing can stay the same once it has had a genuine encounter with Jesus. Nothing. Not a rock, and certainly not a mere man…

Just ask Cornelius. Only a short time ago He stood there watching Jesus be ripped apart by the Roman scourge—watched as the flagrum brutalized Jesus’ body, ripping His innocent flesh from His bones; causing His Blood to flow like water from a pitcher. Innocence shed for guilt. He had stood beside Pilot as the Jewish leaders told their lies that he might do the dirty work of killing the One they so desperately wanted dead. And, He stood at the foot of Jesus’s Cross after he had pierced His hands and feet with spikes and a hammer. He heard Jesus, only moments from death, ask God to forgive him—to forgive them all. “…Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.” And they divided up his clothes by casting lots.”

It is thought in some theological circles that as Pilot’s commander, Cornelius was the man who had been put in charge to lead the 100 men under his charge in carrying out Jesus’ crucifixion. Luke’s gospel eludes to this also. After the Bloodied hammer had been tossed aside—the unthinkable done, Cornelius stood there watching as the sky turned black, dark clouds overtaking the bright expanse of the sky. From noon until midday there was a thick dark stillness. Then, Jesus’ voice pierced that darkness as He cried out, “Eli, Eli, lema sabachthani?” (My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?) – Matthew 27:46

The earth shook, boulders split in two, the veil in the Temple split in halves, top to bottom. Tomb seals—these massive boulders, were broken open (Recall their size and weight from above). And, days later, after Jesus’s resurrection, their occupants would be seen in Jerusalem very much alive—by many witnesses! So then, is it any wonder after having witnessed all of that Cornelius stated, “Surely he was the Son of God!” –Matthew 27:54. Most assuredly a seed had been planted. And, after reading Acts 10:1-7;23-48, there is no doubt that that seed had taken root too…

We are a witness to this fruit come to bear after God drops what appears like a sheet from heaven before Peter’s eyes, commanding him not to call unclean what He, God, was calling clean. And Cornelius, though not on that list was certainly on Gods “list” of what would forever be considered clean as the result of Jesus’ finished work on the Cross. As a result of His life, death, and resurrection. The gentiles would now be grafted into The Body of Believers—His Church.

And Cornelius and his household would be the first of them. Acts 10:9-22.

This Resurrection Sunday, if you have not invited Jesus into your heart to be your Lord and Savior, I urge you to stop everything you’re doing and ask Him now—no man is promised the next minute, never mind the next day. And, if you’re thinking that your sin is too great, you’ve strayed too far to ever return to God, just keep this in mind. Let this visual be seared into your heart—your every contrary thought: Jesus looked at Cornelius—into the eyes of the man who had just moments before crucified Him—drove nails through His hands and feet and said this to Him, and to all those who aided him; “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.” Let that imagery wash over you—let it soak into you like a healing balm being poured over your every fear, your shame, and your questioning, doubt-filled heart…

There is room at the foot of His Cross for you; forgiveness to be had if you will but receive it. Cornelius did, though his sin was great—it was no greater, is no greater, than mine and yours. Our sins nailed Him to that Cross just as surely as Cornelius’s own did. And He knew that of us before He willingly laid His life down in exchange for ours…

The Power that shook the earth, forever changed the way we experience Life, the power that caused tomb stones to break open as easily as egg shells has emerged Victorious! And, just as sure as a change took place that day, be assured a Change is coming! Back that is. Death and the power of the grave were destroyed that first Easter morning. Jesus, The King of Glory will return for me, for you—for the whole of the world. That is as True, as sure, as the fact that He lived, died, and rose again! A change is coming, soon and very soon…

Are you ready for it?

“I, Jesus, have sent My angel to testify to you and to give you assurance of these things for the churches. I am the Root (the Source, the Life) and the Offspring of David, the radiant and bright Morning Star.” The [Holy] Spirit and the bride (the church, believers) say, “Come.” And let the one who hears say, “Come.” And let the one who is thirsty come; let the one who wishes take and drink the water of life without cost.” –Revelation 22:16-17

When Destiny Meets Destiny. John 4:8

 “He was alone at the time because his disciples had gone into the village to buy some food.”

There are times in our walk with God that He will call us to walk alone…

To come out and be separate from who and what we know.  To go to a place, speak to a person, that others may choose to avoid—are not called or equip to be sent to. Thus, it was with Jesus; and our Samaritan woman. And, so it is with you and I as well. For us, following the call of God on our lives often requires us to go outside our comfort zones. To push past the fear of rejection and ridicule. To be stretched beyond, push through, the scars of past pain. Past the fear of losing face, losing friends or family—those dear and the closest to us. Yet, obedience to God, to the call we know as True and demanding of our compliance, requires, dare I say demands, that we set out on a road others may walk miles out of their way to avoid. Yet through our obedience, trust is built. And, as a result, our relationship with God is firmly established—forged, as though through fire.

Moses knew this. So did Abraham, David, and Peter…

Each knew they had been divinely called, uniquely appointed—they also knew they were not qualified to receive such a blessing—yet they obeyed the call nonetheless. Now, it was time for this broken, sin-stained Samaritan woman to learn this lesson as well. To learn that God does not call those who are qualified, equip—feel worthy or ready, or are even prepared for what’s to come. He alone equips those He calls. Being chosen to be used by God is not about us, not in the sense of our readiness or worthiness. This call, it is not about you or me. It’s not about our being “special” or “better than.” It is all about God—about fulfilling His will. About the eternal plan He has both for our lives, and the welfare or betterment of another.

Our call, in the end, is all about love. His Love undeservedly poured out on us, that we in turn, can, will, pour out—share, with another. And so on, and so on, and so on until the whole world has heard of His Great Love…

The account of the, “Woman At the Well”,   is a lush text. It’s ripe with imagery, full of deep spiritual Truths, of revelation. And, though her story alone is teeming and textured—a story chuck full of isolation, loss, misunderstanding even, it is also a story ripe wipe transformation, packed full of purpose, joyfully heralding a soul’s great calling. Some might even say it’s a story of destiny and of hope. So, the fact God chose to illuminate this verse from this account, as opposed to the more central, well know verses speaks directly to how God will  show in the places we least expect Him. For me, and now, for you as well, it was this very sentence, and not one of the more traditional that He spoke through. This sentence, with little apparent connection to the overall text, that the Holy Spirit used to capture my attention—drew my eye and heart into. I pray this blesses you—encourages you, challenges you even—as it certainly has me…

So much to be mined, explored, so much to learn, in this dialogue between Jesus and this woman known to us only as a Samaritan…

She, like most who meet Jesus, have no idea the hour He will appear to us. We, like our friend the Samaritan woman, are often going about our day in typical fashion. In ordinary oblivion, repetitive sameness, and often, in a dense, blinkered denial…

She, for instance, only went to the well at a time of day most others would do anything to avoid having to go. Yet, it was her routine, day in and day out, she waited until the sun was high in the midday sun before venturing out.

Why? Shame mostly…

Death had so deeply wounded her—robbed her, she felt. Not only had she buried five husbands, but in a culture that placed a high premium on having a child—she had none.  So, as not to live the life of a prostitute, a beggar, she has allowed a man to come and live with her, to share her bed, comfort her, help provide for her—but, there is a high price to pay for choosing to live this way.

Compromise often costs us far more than we’re willing to pay…

Scripture reminds us that the price demanded for sin is death. Yet, by the grace and mercy of God we don’t actually physically die when we sin—usually. But, as our friend the Samaritan will certainly attest, we’re all but dead—spiritually, socially certainly, familial also, and, her not venturing out until midday speaks volumes of her self-worth…

Paradoxically, God was about to use the very “thing” that had been the source of much of her pain. The very “thing” that had caused her to sin, and, as sins result, the source of her shame too. What was this ‘thing”?

It was another man…

But, unlike any other man she’d ever known, this Man would forever change the course of her life—and, as a result of that change, countless other lives would be changed as well.


When God chooses to remove the scales from our eyes—allows us to taste of the Living Water He alone offers us, we can’t help but leave all that we know—have clung to, wallowed in, wasted years to behind us and take off running to tell anyone who will listen about this Man—this Jesus. The one who comes and shows us—us.

Who shines a light on all we’ve spent so much time and energy trying to keep in the dark—hidden away.

Sound familiar? If so, take heart! God doesn’t play favorites the way people often do. If He brought about a life changing transformation for this un-named, unknown, broken woman—and He did, purposefully, intentionally, as part of His divine plan, He both can, and wants to, do the same for you too!

Thousands came to Him—a whole town we’re told, because of His obedience. Jesus obeyed God and went where others dare not go. And it was in that place where Destiny met destiny—that lives were forever changed.

Friend, if you’re reading this at your “well” today and a stranger asks you for a drink—don’t hesitate! Drink deep…

but just as it is written [in Scripture], “Things which the eye has not seen and the ear has not heard, And which have not entered the heart of man, All that God has prepared for those who love Him [who hold Him in affectionate reverence, who obey Him, and who gratefully recognize the benefits that He has bestowed]” –1 Corinthians 2:9.

Worthy. John 14:1

 “Do not let your heart be troubled (afraid, cowardly). Believe [confidently] in God and trust in Him, [have faith, hold on to it, rely on it, keep going and] believe also in Me.” 

Worthy. None of us are. We each deserve death for our sins against God alone. Yet, because of the Precious Lamb of God, because of the One, the only One, who is and was and will forever be worthy, we who have been chosen by Him, washed in His shed Blood, are made worthy through Him…

We are witnesses to the shift in a conversation. A shift in the way we witness love—our understanding of it, our part in it, our own worth as a result of it…

Jesus has talked to His disciples about His impending death. But, during this conversation, one of these, Peter, proclaims that so great is his love, his belief in Jesus—that he’s ready to die for him! And that’s where Jesus tells Peter—bold Peter, certain Peter, that not only won’t he die for Him anywhere soon—he’s about to betray Him by denying he ever knew Him! In fact, Jesus gets so specific, He tells Peter that he’ll deny Him not once, or twice, but three times before the morning fully comes…

And then it happens. The pivot—the shift in the conversation…

As if Jesus had not just dropped these back to back “bombs”—these, game changing, life altering declarations, He tells everyone present to be calm—not to get all worked up about what He had just said. “Do not let your heart be troubled.” Are you kidding me right now! Don’t let your hearts be troubled after Jesus, tells them that He’s about to die after only three years of friendship? Really? They were just getting to know and deeply trust Him…

And what of Him being the Messiah?

Who would free them from Roman tyranny if He died?

And Why? Why was this happening? How could Jesus say something so contrary to the state of each of their “already fearful” hearts?

“Believe in God, believe also in Me.”  Jesus is trying to shift their focus from fear and fright—to a deeper faith in Him. Towards the work He knew He was about to do, and had already done, in them. He knew also that in just a moment the Holy Spirit would come to them turning their mourning, their fear and sadness, in to joy unspeakable! He’d turn their every question mark into a period. He’d expose them to Pure Truth.

Jesus knew His friends believed in Him, but He also knew that even believers have heart trouble at times. And this was one of those times. Yet, if they would only trust in Him just a little longer…

Our friends had each missed the shift—the opportunity to change the basic assumptions they had lived out as fact. They missed the peek into Truth—into what was truly real. Into the who, what and why of Jesus, the purpose for His coming—and going. They missed entirely how their worth was really His. How when God saw them—He saw Jesus and His finished redemptive work in their lives—and ours.They had each been called to follow Him. To leave all that they had known, were, for this new life He had for them, in Him…

They missed the clue Jesus had just given them into what was about to happen—to them all…

Jesus knew long before any of these had even thought to follow Him He had chosen them as the very vessels He would use to usher in His Church—the Way. Use them to bring about, to cause, an upheaval in the fixed, rigid, legalistic, idolatrous world system. The way in which some Jews, and the rest of the world, had come to view God, His Temple, and their relationship with Him.

And, Peter was about to become the leader of this new revolution!

It’s why he was, in part, created—chosen. Made worthy. Redeemed, again and again. Yes, this same Peter whom Jesus had just stated would thrice betray Him will end up being the great apostle God will use to build His Church.  If you’ve ever betrayed Jesus, you should be shouting for joy now! Not for your betrayal, but because If God forgave Peter and saw worth in him—He’ll  do the same for you too!

It is, was, and will forever be—all about Jesus. His work. His will. His choosing and love of us, first, that makes us worthy to boldly come before Him.

Where we see failure, frailty, ambiguity, God sees our worth…

Jesus alone modeled an untroubled heart amid what certainly appeared—to those gathered, to be a time of trouble. He alone knew Gods will not only for Himself—for why He had come at all, but also for each one gathered with Him and more—for you and me and for the whole of humanity. We are their harvest, the apostles. But we are Gods seed.

Jesus saw Peter as worthy—as a son, not as a betrayer. Perhaps that’s why He didn’t belabor the point with Peter concerning his betrayal after He had spoken of it? Jesus saw Peter as a finished product—complete and sinless in Himself; high and lifted-up—already seated with Him in Heaven, victorious. Through the very work He had talked to them about and would soon accomplish on His Cross—by His resurrection, the defeat of sin, death, and the grave, it was through this reality—by this Truth, that Peter, and each of these disciples was made worthy.

As are each of us called by His name and into the family of God…

Jesus continues telling His friends that shortly, it may seem that He’s left them—He never will. But, He must go before them to prepare all that He has predestined for them all from the moment it entered Him to bring them forth, give them life and a purpose, a calling. He reminds them—instills in them, that He is the only way in which anyone can be re-united with God. He tells them plainly that in seeing Him, they have in fact—seen God. And, if they can’t yet get their heads around that fact for its own sake, believe it because of all His works—the signs, wonders, and miracles He had done.

This is the second time our friends have heard Jesus claiming this same Truth.

It was wintertime in Jerusalem, the time of Hanukkah. Jesus and these same friends were walking around the Temple near Solomon’s colonnade when a high-spirited crowd broaches Him with a very pointed question. Read John 10:22-42 to hear their whole conversation…

But to get back to the conversation Jesus is having with His friends—lets once again listen in…

Jesus affirms each of them as worthy in Him—by Him, through Him, as He tells them that these very same miracles He has done they too will do—and even greater things than these! He reiterates that He’s going back to the Father and, in that moment a mystery is exposed to them—yet another shift occurs. Jesus makes plain that because He’s going back to God they will now be able to have access to the same power of God Jesus Himself had. All they must do is ask the Father anything in His name and, so long as it’s the Fathers will, it will be done for them as it was for Jesus. Because of His choice of them—they have been made worthy of heaven—of relationship with God. Of sonship.

And, Jesus will use them each to change the world for heaven’s sake!

One cannot meet God and remain unchanged. Christ in them caused such a love for Himself to swell up on the inside, they joyfully, willingly, obeyed His commands. Just as He lovingly, willingly obeyed the Father’s. Christ in us—a true encounter with Christ, will always cause disruption to our norm.  Will always bring about both a letting go—and a letting in. Love makes us want to be—stretch to become, the very best version of ourselves. Love causes us to surrender to itself. And, it is in that surrender that our worth is found. We are worthy because He chose us as His own.

The question is—do you believe it?

Have you found your worth in the Living God—Jesus Christ? If you don’t know Him, haven’t yet met Him, invited Him, and all He offers you, into your life, do it today. While there’s still time. Why continue living feeling like your unworthy when God has so much more planned for your life? Christ died to show you just how worthy He thought you were. Don’t pass that by. Call out to the One who holds your worth, my worth, in the palm of His nail pierced hand…

“Do not let your heart be troubled (afraid, cowardly). Believe [confidently] in God and trust in Him, [have faith, hold on to it, rely on it, keep going and] believe also in Me.” 

Sound Familiar? Matthew 14:30

 “But when he saw the wind, he was afraid; and beginning to sink, he cried out, saying, Lord, save me.”

What greater words could any man ever utter! How blessed a plea! Three simple words that sum up our hearts cry when we acknowledge—are face to face with, the limits of our mortal coil…

“Lord, save me!”

Only a moment ago Peter was boldly—confidently, asking Jesus to bid him come to Him on the water—so that he too could walk upon the waves. Now, moments later, Peter is being swallowed up by this very same raging sea!

What was sure and solid beneath him a second ago—is now threatening to consume him! Yet, before Peter realizes that he is dealing with the engulfing effects doubt can have on a soul—he’s able to cry out to the only One he knows can help him—save him, Jesus…

When Jesus bid Peter come He was promising him he could in fact, do what he sought to do—walk on water. And, for one faith-filled moment Peter did just that. He defied the law of nature through the power of the One who both created and controls nature! When we doubt the promises given us by God—when we start to pick-and-choose what we’ll believe, once we allow doubt in—our faith is damaged, weakened, and, will inevitably fail us as it did Peter. And, we will find ourselves being swallowed up by waves of doubt as well…

Have you ever been in this same state with Jesus?

One minute your chest is bursting with bold confidence that you truly can do all things through Christ in you. Then, just for a second you take your eyes off Him, and before you know what hit you—wham! You too are being swallowed up by doubt! Taken under by lack of faith…

You’re in need of saving—yet again!

As a Christian, it’s not difficult for me to imagine the confusion, shame and guilt Peter might have felt after Jesus restored him safely back into the boat. His sense of, what just happened to me? I was just walking on that water; how did I end up under it? I don’t understand…!

Have you ever tasted the bitter bile of doubt? Have you been left to swallow the awful after-taste lack of faith leaves in your mouth? Has shame ever covered you as completely—as uncomfortably, as Peter’s wet clothes covered and clung to him?

If you’re cringing right now—you get it. You’ve been where Peter was.

I have too…

But, what caused Peter to take his eyes off Jesus? It’s not like the storm wasn’t there all along. What happened to cause Peter to look away?

Jesus answers this question for us in the following verse: It was doubt…

The conditions surrounding Peter hadn’t changed. Jesus hadn’t suddenly disappeared. Scripture never mentions anything about a creäture of sorts coming up out of the water to attack Peter.

It was doubt. Plain and simple. “Immediately Jesus extended His hand and caught him, saying to him, “O you of little faith, why did you doubt?”  (vs.31)

In Hebrews 11:6 Scripture informs us: “But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.”

Jesus had bid Peter to come.

He had Jesus’ Word that he could walk on the water if he so chose to. The same power that allowed Jesus to walk on water was available to Peter too. “Therefore Jesus answered and was saying to them, “Truly, truly, I say to you, the Son can do nothing of Himself, unless it is something He sees the Father doing; for whatever the Father does, these things the Son also does in like manner” –John 5:19. So why Jesus and not Peter?

Aside from Jesus being God in the flesh, Jesus had unwavering, immovable trust in His Father. Peter wasn’t there yet…

The Apostle Paul tells us in 2 Timothy 3:16 that, “All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness.”

Therefore,  in this instance, I posit for your consideration that —God was enacting all the above—in tandem, within Peter. Building in him faith, trust, steadfastness through, despite, his weakness —in what appeared at that moment as a failure? For the divine purpose of what was yet to come.

Scripture appears to bear this out. After Peter’s brush with death, we see him running away from—denying Jesus, multiple times… (Luke 22:54-62). Once again, Peter’s fears and doubts have taken him under. Left him filled with deep shame, an awareness that he too has betrayed and abandoned his friend—Judas wasn’t  the only one to betray Jesus. And so we see Peter doing what we are guilty of doing ourselves. Peter gives up and returns to what he knows… (John 21:3). Sound familiar? Have you done that as well? Are you there now perhaps? Defeated, shamed, hands and head hung low in disgrace and self-disappointment? If so take heart, there’s forgiveness and restoration waiting for you just as it was for Peter….

We’re now back in a boat with Peter and several of the apostles. It’s nearing the shore after a night of unsuccessful fishing. At the shore, a figure they do not recognize—once again, is standing. He bids them to cast their empty nets over the right-hand side of the boat. They do, and in an instant, their nets are teeming with fish!

At that moment it is John who recognizes that it’s Jesus, risen from the dead, standing on shore. He tells Peter as much. And, once again we hear of Peter jumping out of a boat to be where Jesus is. After Jesus feeds Peter and the others with natural food He takes Peter aside and asks him three questions He knew the answer to…

Three simple, gentle, restorative questions that release Peter from the shame, guilt, and anguish of betraying his friend and his Lord…

Friend, if you too have jumped out of the boat, chasing after the One you love—and then failed Him due to lack of faith, doubt, a drug relapse, divorce, imprisonment, alcoholism, pride, and rebellion—take heart…

Hear the Words Jesus spoke to one just like yourself; and make them your own. Allow them to wash over you taking away—removing eternally, your shame, guilt, pain, and, betrayal’s ugly blight.

You too have a divine purpose to fulfill!

If you are a child of God, speak your name, in place of Peter’s,as you read this Scripture. “So when they had finished breakfast, Jesus said to __________Simon Peter, “_____________Simon, son of John, do you love Me more than these [others do—with total commitment and devotion]?” He said to Him, “Yes, Lord; You know that I love You [with a deep, personal affection, as for a close friend].” Jesus said to him, “Feed My lambs.” –John 21:15

The Living Word of God restored Peter…

It restores all men who say yes when called. And He will restore you also.

Will you jump out of the boat one last time? Will you trust Him afresh, sin stained as you are? Will you join Him for a meal that will forever alter the direction of your life? He’s standing right here at the shore of your heart bidding you to come, eat what He has already prepared for you while you were away…

And, if you don’t yet know Him, Jesus is asking to come into your heart—right now, He’s already done everything for you too, He prepared the way for you to come to Him through the work He did on His Cross.

Please say yes to His invitation friend…

“Those I love, I rebuke and discipline. Therefore be earnest and repent. Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in and dine with him, and he with Me. To the one who is victorious, I will grant the right to sit with Me on My throne, just as I overcame and sat down with My Father on His throne.” Revelation 3:19-21.

Reliance.1 Kings 17:2-4

 And the word of the Lord came to him, saying,  “Go from here and turn eastward and hide yourself by the brook Cherith, which is east of the Jordan [River].  You shall drink from the brook, and I have commanded the ravens to sustain you there [with food].”

“For My thoughts are not your thoughts, Nor are your ways My ways,” declares the Lord” –Isaiah 55:8

We see the evidence of this Scripture when God tells Elijah to go and rest by a brook for a while. But wait, in the previous chapter, didn’t Elijah just tell Ahab that God said it wouldn’t rain again for the next few years; until he commanded it to? So how is that brook God is instructing Elijah to drink out of going to keep flowing if there’s no rain?

Has God ever done this to you? Called you to a meanwhile place? A place of complete reliance and trust? I mean above our daily reliance and trust in Him as Creator, provider, and sustainer of us all?

Into something deeper…

Have you experienced a moment of great revelation from God? Been flooded with a sense of divine power and purpose, certain you’re about to have a Mount Sinai moment, only for God to say; Nope. Not yet. First, I need you to go hang out in the wilderness for a bit.

If you’ve been walking with the Lord for any time, you’re probably shaking your head in agreement. Yup, I’ve been there! I’m there now!

And if not, trust me, it’s on the way!

Often, right before the Lord leads us deeper into our calling, revealing more—the next step of His plan and purpose for our lives and ministries—He’ll first test us. Will we follow Him even when where He’s calling seems to be going in the exact opposite direction of what He showed us—told us?

Will we be—will you be, as obedient as Elijah was? “So he went and did in accordance with the word of the Lord; he went and lived by the brook Cherith, which is east of the Jordan.” –verse 5

God did not need Elijah to carry out His divine plan any more than He needed Moses or Abraham, Joshua, or King David. And He doesn’t need you and me either! He chooses us—as He chose them, to partner with Him. To be the hands and feet and hearts and minds and voices He used to carry His message of Love into a lost and dying world—His warnings and corrections too. As Elijah did…

“What is man that You are mindful of him, And the son of man that You visit him? For You have made him a little lower than the angels, And You have crowned him with glory and honor.” –Psalm 8:4-5

Jesus asks us to trust Him in all things—always. Trust is the very life-breath of our faith. Without it, there is no amount of “service” we can offer God that will please Him. “But without faith it is impossible to please Him…” – Hebrews 11:6.

Elijah trusted God. Period. Was he perfect, no, Scripture reveals that Elijah was a bit full of himself, full of fear at moments—and cheeky, like many of us. But He loved the Lord and desired to do His will. And it is this heart—this willingness, that delights God. “For the eyes of the LORD run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to show himself strong in the behalf of them whose heart is perfect toward him…” –2 Chronicles 16:9

If God has called you into a ministry, a season, school, a new job—asked you to leave all that you know and cross the state, country, or the world and follow Him, do it. Just do it. Trust that He loves you with an everlasting love—a love far deeper, wider, stronger than any love you’ve ever known. And, as it was with Elijah, there’s a purpose in this call you too may not yet see. Just trust God and go. Trust too, that He has already made the way for you. He has already provided your daily Bread. Both physical and spiritual. He is with you in this secret place—this stage, season, time of preparation and transformation.

His Word is burning and alive in you—feeding your Spirit man—strengthening you for what is yet to come. “He would feed them also with the finest of the wheat; And with honey out of the rock would I satisfy thee” Psalm 81:16.

 Though you can’t yet see them, know too, that your ravens have been dispatched…
Your needs provided for you. The water is fresh and cool and running freely, the bread and meat is at hand, the grass soft, and the tree strong—offering you both protection, and the shade needed, just for today…

Long before He led Elijah to the brook, God had already set the limits, and made the provision for Elijah’s time in the secret place.

And He has set yours as well…

There was a set time (a season).

There were basic provisions given for that time (bread, meat, and water).

There was divine protection assured (it was a hiding place).

And God was ever present…

Everything that Elijah needed was provided by God that He might be refreshed, built up, strengthened for what lay ahead of him. God was about to show Himself mighty and crush the powers of darkness on Mount Carmel. The Baal’s (idols—false gods), and those who worshiped them, were about to be exposed for the powerless, frauds—the false gods and prophets they were. Elijah needed to be physically, emotionally, and spiritually ready for what would his greatest call in ministry. A spiritual battle unlike any other he had or would face…

He would stand before not only his enemies—these false prophets, but in front of his own people, the Israelites. Those now steeped in idolatry and rebellion who had forgotten the Lord. –1 Kings 18:20-40

With such a mighty work set before him, is it any wonder he needed a time set apart with the Lord? A time to allow God to do the deep work necessary (building Elijah’s trust and reliance in Himself) to prepare him for this pivotal battle? And yet, the very provision God had provided would dry up.

Elijah would be forced to follow God deeper still… (1 Kings 17:7-9).

Perhaps this is where you find yourself? Being called by God to go from one deep place into another? One place of trust and faith to another? Maybe this is the point in the story when you say, “Wait, she’s talking about me!” If so, congratulations! You’re in excellent company. Read the Book of Hebrews, Chapter 11, and check out the long list of all those who have been in your shoes.

Those who God also called and said, “Just trust Me…”

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