"Come follow me and I will make you fishers of men." Matthew 4:19

Tag: Honesty

Exposed. Genesis 2:25

 “And the man and his wife were both naked and were not ashamed or embarrassed.”

So why do we lie? Cover-up? What makes us so afraid of being truthful? It’s not the way we were created—so what happened to us? Why the need for the fig leaves…?

The deepest of all mysteries is the origin of evil. Explain sin, and you explain everything. –MacLaren

Today’s teaching was inspired after reading an article on transparency within our primary relationships. At its core, the article asked this pointed question: Is it ever OK to hide anything from those we love? Principally, is it okay to lie? It pointed out that even the most pious among us have lied or still do. It went on to address the often-irrevocable damage that we do to our relationships when we lie. When complete transparency is not our fixed default, our knee-jerk reaction is to lie. We’ll hide what we’ve said or done in the hopes of escaping the consequences we know will surely follow our actions—or lack thereof.  Ask any husband or wife that’s missed their anniversary or their spouse’s birthday, they’ll confirm this.

This article addressed the stress experienced—the amount of energy spent in “hiding” our deceptions…

From not wanting our significant other to have access to our cellphones or computers because of the unacceptable content or conversations found within them, to some secret from our past we’re ashamed to show, or, it’s something we’ve done more recently and are afraid to own up to it. Afraid of the consequence owning it may bring to our doorstep. Our lie is born when we say one thing, feasibly with the best of intentions, yet we do another. Over time our inconsistent behavior erodes others ability to trust us. The article concluded that whatever our hiding might look like, deceit of any kind, in any relationship, will at best test the relationships permanency and, at its worst—will end it. Broken trust often leads to feelings of betrayal, anger, hurt, fear, and, confusion. This article pointed the reader towards a variety of reasons about why peoples lie: these reasons ranged from fear of rejection, to insecurity, anger, and entitlement issues, to narcissism, inferiority, right on down to unresolved early childhood trauma.

That’s how the world chooses to frame our lies…

It leaves us an out—a reason or reasons why we do what we do. And, sometimes, those reasons appear valid, sometimes, even kind. Yet, the article wasn’t asking if each of the potential “whys” it offered were valid. The article was forcing me to answer a fundamental question, “is it ever okay to lie?”

Conversely, as I pondered this question, it led me to think about my relationship with God. Have I ever lied to God? Sadly, my answer was yes. I’ve treated God’s trust in me as casually as I’ve treated that of others. How grateful I am for His Blood!

Adam and Eve understand how I feel. Of this I’m certain…

We’re told in His Word that God is all-knowing. We hear this attribute referred to as His being Omniscient. Psalm 44:21 informs us that God knows, “the secrets of our hearts”. So much for our hiding anything from God. From men maybe, never from God. He knows what we’re going to think before we ever think it—never mind before we do the thing! He knows the intentions of our hearts. So why would we want to? Hide anything from God I mean. What deludes us into thinking that we can? I have to wonder if Adam and Eve knew this about God? About His being Omniscient? After all, they shared a loving relationship with Him. Walked and talked with Him daily in the garden. So, you’d think they knew this about Him. And, if they did—why lie to Him? Why hide themselves? Why play the blame game? Why use something He had created and called good to cover-up those lies—their shame? Why tell God, “You’re not allowed to check our cellphones. Look through our pics— laptops, into our bank accounts? Why tell God, I trust you but. I give you my life except. Whatever label the world may attach to our rationale for lying—for blaming others or trying to cover-up our stuff—the Word of God calls it what it is, sin. Plain and simple. We can try to dress it up—but at its core it’s sin that causes us to lie.

We choose to lie—we’re not forced to…

“Did God really say?” That one question seemingly changed our destiny. Yet, God used the enemies lie, in part, that His Truth might be revealed to the world. God is Sovereign. He can use anyone or anything He so chooses to carry out His will. Does that mean it is right or good to lie? Emphatically, no. Does it then mean that God is a liar or capable of lying? Again, emphatically, no. It’s not in God’s character to lie. God is Immutable; therefore, He has never, nor will He ever be able to lie. However, being Omniscient, God knew that our first parents would not only lie about their sin—He also knew that they’d try to cover them up. That they’d avoid taking responsibility for what they’d done by playing the blame game. And, ultimately, that they’d try to pin their sin not only on each other but more, on God Himself! “The man said, “The woman you put here with me—she gave me some fruit from the tree, and I ate it.” Then the Lord God said to the woman, “What is this you have done?” The woman said, “The serpent deceived me, and I ate” Genesis 3: 11-13.

Among the various “reasons” listed in the article about why peoples lie, pride never made the list. Wanting to be like God never made the list. Wanting to be the captain of our own ship never made the list. “For God knows that when you eat from it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.” When the woman saw that the fruit of the tree was good for food and pleasing to the eye, and also desirable for gaining wisdom, she took some and ate it. She also gave some to her husband, who was with her, and he ate it” –Genesis 3:5-6. Only a brief time before this both the man and his wife were naked together in the garden and they were unashamed—untainted. The moment they chose to disobey what God had commanded them and listen instead to what the crafty serpent had to say, they recognized they were standing bare before each other. In an instant, their nakedness was no longer a natural state for them and they ran to stitch leaves together to cover themselves up. “Then the eyes of both of them were opened, and they realized they were naked; so they sewed fig leaves together and made coverings for themselves” –Genesis 3:7.

Isn’t this what we do when we’re aware of our wrong doing being exposed? We try to avoid taking responsibility for our lies too…

Unless we decide in our hearts to follow God, His Laws and precepts—regardless the cost, we, like those mentioned in the article I read, will always run towards the “reasons” why we did a thing. We’ll forever run towards our justifications for betraying a loved one—breaking a heart, destroying a friendship—a marriage, ruining a partnership, obliterating trust, rather than learning to simply run towards the Truth; to just plain own up. We’ll never get to the place in ourselves—with God, where we’ll place greater worth on valuing other over self, on integrity, transparency, or building relationship, over self-preservation, momentary gain, and lying. We who claim to be followers of Christ are responsible for following Jesus’s lead in obeying Gods Laws. Did we forget that He didn’t come to destroy one iota of the Law, rather to fulfill it?

Adam and Eve walked with God and had no idea they were naked until the moment a lie was told. They were innocent. Suddenly, their eyes were opened, as was their awareness that they needed to cover-up. Deceit will always open our eyes to everything but the Truth. And guilt will send us running for fig leaves—quick fixes to help escape consequence. Only God covers us with what is lasting and pure, with Jesus, He that was intended from the foundation of the world to be the only acceptable place one should hide… “The Lord God made garments of skin for Adam and his wife and clothed them” Genesis 3:21.

Friend, if you are here today the Holy Spirit of God called you here. He loves you and wants to open your eyes to His Truth. Only He can do this for you. You’ve come this far—please, ask Jesus into your heart now, while it’s still today. “For it is by grace you have been saved through faith, and this not from yourselves; it is the gift of God, not by works, so that no one can boast. For we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance as our way of life” –Ephesians 2:8-10.

“Your Accountable.” Lk. 19:26

boy-854401_960_720 Our Chapter begins with correction—a setting straight of the record…

The people are gathered around Jesus slacked jawed. He’s in the house of that sinner Zacchaeus! Worse than a sinner—he’s a tax collector! You see Jesus was passing through Jericho on His way to Jerusalem. About 17 more miles and they would end up at His last Passover celebration with His beloved friends. Golgotha was calling. But before His Bloody ascent up that final hill—He still had things of great importance to teach those He would soon be leaving behind—momentarily.

They thought—mistakenly, that Jesus was about to establish the Kingdom of God on earth, right there and right then. They were thinking short-term and Jesus needed them to see the bigger picture. So, He adjusts their misguided expectations—gently, with yet another parable. An oblique method of teaching He often used—somethings can’t be taken in by all.

Jesus says it this way: “In them the prophecy of Isaiah is fulfilled: ‘You will be ever hearing but never understanding; you will be ever seeing but never perceiving. For this people’s heart has grown callous; they hardly hear with their ears, and they have closed their eyes. Otherwise they might see with their eyes, hear with their ears, understand with their hearts, and turn, and I would heal them’(Matt.13:114-15).

There was nothing wrong with their expecting the Kingdom of God to come. It is, after all, the hope, the promise—the anchor to which Christians should affix their lives. The problem rests not in expectation—but rather, complacency.

We need only turn to today’s parable for confirmation. Of the servants referenced—only two, not only used their talents, but more, multiplied them. Proving to the King that they could be trusted with what He had given them. That from His one gift they would labor to bring Him an increase. And this pleased the King—after all, it’s why the talents were given them in the first place! From the one, many…

They were forward thinking. Reverent. Obedient. So unlike the servant who buried what was given him in fear that he could never satisfy this King. They, instead, looked forward to the day the King would return and they could give Him a pleasing report—a profit on His investment in them.

In addition to a right heart, integrity, etc, the act of serving should include using what you’ve been given wisely. Whether money, gifting’s, or your time—after all, you’re accountable to the King! That’s what Jesus was trying to get those gathered to understand… Don’t sit around making excuses waiting on a  Kingdom that will come. Serve where you are until it appears…increase! Take what has been given to you and use it up right up until the day the King returns for an accounting.

Let’s pause here for a moment to take in the wonder of God’s loving kindness. Notice, however, that though these servants were equally gifted, each receiving one mina, their return was not proportionate. Even so, the King was equally pleased with each because they had whole-heartedly, invested what was given them. Each gained the praise and reward of their King, “Well done, my good and faithful servant!” It was all about their using what they had been given obediently and to the best of their ability.

This particular parable is found in only two of the four Gospels, Luke, and Matthew. Matthew references talents, Luke, minas. Money each—about three month’s wages. This was no small investment on the part of the soon to be King!

Throughout the parable—this allegory, we see Jesus as that King whom the people rejected. Yet, to their vexation, He was made King nonetheless. And, this money the King handed out to be invested by his servants is, some say, representational of the spiritual gifts God bestows on His children. And to the gifts a command is attached: “Put this money to work, He said, until I get back” (vs.13)!

Be obedient. Invest wisely what I give you (Matt.13:1-9).

And as it was with these servants, so it is with us today—not all are equally gifted. Yet, we are each equally commanded to labor until the King arrives…God loves His children equally—nevertheless, some have been set apart for works that not all are called to do. “In a large house there are articles not only of gold and silver, but also of wood and clay; some are for special purposes and some for common use” (2 Tim.2:20, also, Eph. 4:11-12). Whether we possess a single gift or many, we are accountable to God to use our talent wisely—exponentially.

As commanded…

That is made copiously clear in this parable as we witness Jesus’ derision of the one who laid away his mina in a cloth—he didn’t take the King’s command seriously…Since he did nothing, he was judged according to his own heart—and its by-product—his words. Listen to the Kings rebuke: “He said to him, ‘I will condemn you with your own words, you wicked servant! You knew that I was a severe man, taking what I did not deposit and reaping what I did not sow?  Why then did you not put my money in the bank, and at my coming I might have collected it with interest?’  And he said to those who stood by, ‘Take the mina from him, and give it to the one who has the ten minas’ (Lk. 19:22-24).

Was this servant standing in judgement of this King? Was he truly fearful of Him? Did he, like the citizens, just not want to bother with this King and so gave a poor excuse to explain away his rebellion? What made him think he would not be accountable? It appears He suffered from the dangers of short-term thinking. The Word of God tells us: “The good person out of the good treasure of his heart produces good, and the evil person out of his evil treasure produces evil, for out of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaks” (Lk. 6:45).

The Kingdom will soon be here, I’ll just wait for the King…

At the beginning of this parable, Luke told us that Jesus was trying to get those gathered to stop looking for the kingdom to come immediately. A “short-term” mindset discourages “long-term” vision.

There is a very real tension in Christian living. We must hold two truths concurrently as we seek to apply them. On the one hand, we live in the light of Christ’s imminent return. He may come at any moment, and we should both be ready and watching for His return. But we must also live wisely, making good investments for His kingdom, knowing that His return may not be as soon as we think or hope. We have been command by the Lord to use wisely—invest smartly, what we have been freely given, His good and gracious gifts. The choice has been presented to us all.

Are you being accountable? If not, it’s not too late. Ask the King where He will have you invest your minas…


The Lord requires this above all else. Why? We find that answer in 1 Samuel, listen:And Samuel said,“Has the Lord as great delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices, as in obeying the voice of the Lord? Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice, and to listen than the fat of rams.For rebellion is as the sin of divination and presumption is as iniquity and idolatry…”( 1 Sam. 15:22-23). Emphasis added.

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