"Come follow me and I will make you fishers of men." Matthew 4:19

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Parousia. Luke 12:35-38.

“Be ready for action, and have your lamps burning. Be like servants waiting to open the door at their master’s knock when he returns from a wedding. Blessed are those servants whom the master finds awake when he comes. I can guarantee this truth: He will change his clothes, make them sit down at the table, and serve them. They will be blessed if he comes in the middle of the night or toward morning and finds them awake.”

The Greek word Parousia (παρουσία) means “presence” or “arrival”. It is used as a technical term to refer to the return of Christ in glory at the end of this world. –Jesse Cragwall.

Words such as union, fusion, and symbiosis hint at the ineffable oneness with Jesus that the apostle Paul experienced: “It is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me” (Gal. 2:20). No human word is even remotely adequate to convey the mysterious and furious longing of Jesus for you and me to live in His smile and hang on His words. But union comes close, very close; it is a word pregnant with a reality that surpasses understanding, the only reality worth yearning for with love and patience, the only reality before which we should stay very quiet. CEASE STRIVING AND KNOW THAT I AM GOD. (PS. 46:10 NASB) ― Brennan Manning.

Just last night I sat staring out of my window. The trees, dark, shadowy figures pressed up against an even darker night. I was calling out to You. “Abba, I’m here”. My face pushed against my window screen (I just wanted to get as close to you as I could) my heart full of longing. My words meant only for Your ears. I poured my heart out, and up to You—like Samuel’s mother did—with yearning. My lips barely moving. Lord, I long for this time with You. These few precious moments when I am not doing anything—nor am I asking you to. When I am not seeking after some-thing. Not asking that you provide this or that or answer this prayer or that one from earlier today. Neither am I bringing my questions—nor my concerns. Rather, I am simply just drinking-in this time of the day when I can just be alone with you. That is it. Just me and you alone in this sacred space. This dent in the screen my forehead made while pressing against it. Pressing into this moment. This deep longing to just be with You. And so, I sit here. Face pressed to the screen, talking to you. The night breeze carrying my every Word to your ears. You smile just to hear them. I can feel Your happiness in my belly. You testifying to Your nearness, Your promise. “…And lo, I am with you always [remaining with you perpetually—regardless of circumstance, and on every occasion], even to the end of the age”.Matthew 28:20. So, for the moment, I sit here. But not idly my Love. You gave me instructions to follow in your absence. The beginning of that same promise You left me, my charge. “teaching them to observe everything that I have commanded you…” –Matthew 28:20. There is much work to do. I must be about Your business while I await Your return…

Even now, remembering that moment, the feeling of longing, of wanting to be where you are—with you. Equally aware too, that the barrier of this flesh of mine—the temporariness of this tent I am sitting in, prohibits that. Being wholly where You are, I mean. At least for a time. Your timing, not mine… 

Yes, new friend, I am offering you a glimpse of the letter I’ve just written my Lover, my God, my Beginning—and my End. Yes, I have unashamedly invited you into this, our private conversation. An exchange that happens between those who are intimate—or those who genuinely want to be. And not just physically intimate—though we are. We are so much more. We are spiritually One. One, even as He and the Father are One. My God and I. Mind-blowing, right? Him knowing the very number of every hair on my head. Him knowing my words before I speak them, my thoughts before I think them. His Word tells me that it was His hands that knit me together in my mother’s womb. He chose to have this intimacy with me even before the foundation of the world. Before He stood over the dark void and said, “Let there be” and there was. While He was yet covering Adam and Eve in the bloody skins of animals sacrificed to clothe them, His thoughts were on me. Were on the Blood of the One that would one day shed that Blood so that He and I might have this intimacy. Ours is so much more than just a physical knowing. And on my end, He has placed Himself in me. His Holy Spirit alive in me. My Teacher and Counselor and Guide. My guarantee of the future I will have with Him, soon and very soon. As He is, so too will I be. His Peace left as a gift for me now. His strength too. And His ways, should I allow them to overtake me, mine too.

This new lesson of Oneness offered me when I was invited to come into my Love’s presence. Only when, as Esther can testify, the King extended His royal scepter in my direction. To, “come up here”. Up to His Throne room. To sit with Him for even a moment, in heavenly places. And because I was made certain of our love, was I bold enough to share my heart with Him. My deep longing for Him—with Him. “When the king held out the golden scepter to Esther, Esther rose and stood before the king” –Esther 8:4. There is nothing outside this window now that thrills me nearly as much as His presence does.  I choose then, daily, minute by minute often—to die to myself—that I might live with Him and in Him, more and more every day.

And so, as the servant in our Scripture sits, nose pressed to the glass, alert, watchful, waiting for their Master to return from His time away at the wedding feast. I too am waiting for my Lord. The Lover of my soul. Just as the father of the prodigal went out daily and stood to gaze out over the plains. Anticipating that at any moment he would catch a glimpse of his son there, just over that next crest returning home. I too look with longing at this night sky—hope-filled—that I might catch some glimpse of my God. Maybe in the song of the crickets or the verses the wind whistles as it passes through the trees? Will I catch some glimpse of His sweeping Kingly robe in that bold orange and violent pink of the sunset colors? Or perhaps it will be in the blinding gold of the setting sun? His Crown just might be made visible there, If I am watchful…

Remember, Jesus told us to always be ready. Always be on the lookout for His coming. To always be prepared. Wicks trimmed and lamps lit. Having more than enough oil. Staying alert and watchful. Storing up our treasure in places where the moths of this world cannot get it. Where thieves cannot break in and rob what we have been given. These days, I find myself at this window far more than I used to be—just looking up. Waiting. Expecting. Longing to see the face of my Beloved. It’s as if, from somewhere way over there, I can almost hear His footsteps nearing. And I am up and at the door! His promise now fulfilled. That when He returns, He will do again what He did before. Put on His apron and serve—me this time…

Brothers and sisters allow me to encourage you as you wait through this fourth and final watch of the night. I know your eyes are tired. I know the night has been long. I know it seems as though our Master will never return. I know many are whispering in your ear. Urging you to throw in the towel. Taunting you perhaps? Asking, “where is your God?” Remember the Truth now, weary one. What we know about our God. “God is not man, that he should lie, or a son of man, that he should change his mind. Has he said, and will he not do it? Or has he spoken, and will he not fulfill it” –Numbers 23:19? Jesus promised that He would only be gone for a moment. He was going to prepare a place for us so that it would be ready when He returns to bring us home. Hold tight, fellow servants. He will be back any second now…

And you, new friend. You have read a part of my letter, read the rest of what is written here, too. Now you know that this same Jesus who came to earth as a man some two-thousand years ago is due back at any moment. It is not too late to get ready for His arrival. Won’t you keep watch with me too? Ask Him into your heart now, while there’s still time. “Of course, you realize that if the homeowner had known at what hour the thief was coming, he would not have let him break into his house. Be ready because the Son of Man will return when you least expect him”. –Luke 12:39-40.

Is it Ready Yet? John 14:3

 “When everything is ready, I will come and get you, so that you will always be with me where I am.”

We are a people, most of us at least, who are impatient for an expected end. Bear with me for a moment as I explain…

You wake up to the smell of something delicious baking. Sticky buns drizzled with warm icing? Your favorite cake or cookies perhaps? Maybe? Hopefully! Whatever it is, your nose has foretold the rest of you to expect some gooey, goodness soon! And, your taste buds have announced that they will not be denied! Your salivating in anticipation of the deliciousness that is soon to come.

Or, You’re a child. Your parents announce they’re taking the whole family out for a drive. It’s a surprise. Someplace fun! And you can bring a friend. Your adrenaline starts pumping. You become feverish with excitement. The butterflies in your belly have turned into dragons by the time you get into the car! You’re ready! Anxious even. Yet full of enthusiasm and expectation! “I can’t wait” you squeal! This is going to be so good!

Perhaps its a  blood test that has confirmed what you’ve instinctively known for days now. Your pregnant! Even though you know that it takes nine months before the baby is born, you find your hand searching out your belly. You’re in front of the mirror looking for the slightest evidence of a “bump”. It’s too soon though. Yet everyday you’re examining your body for signs of what’s to come. Knowing it takes 9 months doesn’t deter you from checking things out daily. Why? Your waiting to see evidence of your baby! Even though you know he or she is there, still, you want to see for yourself. What will you be like little one? And the anticipatory ticking away of days and weeks and months begins…

Most of us do great beginnings. Some of us even finish strong. It’s that middle part—the “in-between” waiting part that we’re not all necessarily the best at. Those, “for-evah” in-between places where some of us eventually lose it! It’s around the 78th time we hear ourselves singing about the wheels on the bus that our proverbial wheels fall right off!

“Are we there yet?”

“Is it ready yet!”

“God how much longer; I’ve been carrying this baby f-o-r-e-v-e-r already!”

And we the Church are no different…

Much like those above, we too are filled with a growing sense of expectation. We too are keeping our eyes open for our expected end. The scenery of life whipping past our windows in a blur. We’re focused on our destination. We’re looking for our hope to finally be fulfilled! We know we’re going on the ride of our lives! A heavenly journey unlike any other. We know we’re about to partake in a slice of heavenly goodness unlike anything we’ve ever tasted before! Sure we’ve had a sample. A little wooden spoon full of a taste. A taste that so enticed us it has left us longing for so much more of its sweet goodness. Forget this wooden spoon stuff give me the scoop and a bowl! We know that at any moment, in a nanosecond, before they can fully blink their eyes we’ll be gone; delivered from this world. “Caught up” we’re told. Snatched, as one would snatch another from a roaring fire. Saving them from death…

Rejoice! No more wooden spoons.  Jesus is coming for us! For some 2000 plus years we’ve been told—in some shape, form, or fashion, that He will return for His children! Even the world knows of this Truth; those that don’t believe in “all that Jesus stuff” have heard about Jesus’ returning.

So then, are we that generation every other generation before us has spoken of? The, “This generation that will not pass away until, generation?” Will He come in my lifetime? In yours? By all indications time has crowned. Its head is showing. We’re almost there! We are one more “big push” away from seeing Jesus face to face! From, quite literally—meeting our maker, our Father, our lover. That Friend who has stuck closer to us than a brother throughout our anticipation of His coming. And yet, even in our knowing He will return for us, in the guarantee He has given of this fact, in its absolute-ness, are we really still looking up? Still eagerly awaiting Him? Yearning for His coming? Or, have we allowed ourselves to become so enamored by the seductive scenery passing by the windows of our lives that we’ve mistakenly accepted it as our home? Have we taken our eyes off of Jesus’ promise to come and, “snatch us up?” Bringing us to Himself. Back home where we belong? Back to all He has prepared for us? Have we taken our eyes off of Jesus while we were busy running around preparing for His arrival?

Martha knows a thing or two about this type of distraction. You know Martha; Mary and Lazarus’s sister. She was the one scurrying about making certain every detail of her dinner and its presentation was well attended. After all, Jesus was the guest of honor. She was so focused on everything being “just so”, she snaps at Jesus, her honored guest, commanding Him to get after Mary! To charge her to get up and start helping with the serving of this dinner! Martha has definitely lost her focus. Jesus is with her. The Prince of peace is in the room and yet she is filled with anxiety. She’s gotten caught up in the seductive scenery. She’s taken her eyes off of her honored Guest. But not Mary. She was determined to pull up a cushion and just sit, enthralled, at Jesus’ feet; drinking in His every Word. Her belly full long before she’d taken one bite of her dinner. After all, man doesn’t live by bread alone…

This account of John’s goes on to tell us that Mary, in her devotion and love for her friend, her teacher, her Lord, breaks open, what in all likelihood was, if not her entire dowry then certainly a large portion of it, an alabaster jar of nard. In an instant she is at Jesus’ feet. And her worship, along with her nard, is freely spilling forth.  Filling the room with a sweet fragrance. Mary sees Jesus clearly. Yes, she has enjoyed dinning with Him and laughing with Him—but she never lost sight of just who it was she was sharing this privilege with. Yes, He was her friend. And yes, He was her Teacher—her Rabbi. But above all He was her Lord. Her long-awaited Messiah. She was certain of this. After all, He had raised her brother Lazarus from his tomb after he’d been 4 days dead. Who but God could do such a miracle! And, she remembered His conversation with the 3 of them concerning their belief in seeing the glory of God.

Beloved, how often do you find yourself looking up or out these days and asking, “Jesus, are we there yet? Is it time yet? How much longer must I wait to enjoy your sweet presence face to face Lord? How often do you find your hand checking the proverbial bump on your own belly? This world is one more good push from seeing Jesus face to face. This world has crowned. Its waters have broken, and creation is bearing down with all its might. Are you ready to receive your portion? Beloved let these words found in Hebrews encourage and comfort you both. “Therefore, do not throw away your confidence, which has a great reward. For you have need of endurance, so that when you have done the will of God, you may receive what was promised. For yet in a very little whileHe who is coming will come, and will not delay” Hebrews 10:35-37.

And for you dear friend saying to yourself, “I don’t think it’s an accident I’m here today.” You’re right! Listen to what Jesus is saying to you too; if you’ll just ask Him into your life as Lord: Those whom I love I rebuke and discipline. So be earnest and repent. Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me. To the one who is victorious, I will give the right to sit with me on my throne, just as I was victorious and sat down with my Father on his throne” Revelation 3:19-21.

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