"Come follow me and I will make you fishers of men." Matthew 4:19

Tag: Heaven

“Unexpected Places” Luke 15:1-10


Jesus didn’t choose those who followed Him from among the pious religious leaders of His day. Nor did He chose the mega-church pastors, kings or rulers. He chose people from unexpected places…people like you and I (1Cor.1:27-30).

If you have ever lost something, something that was precious to you, that you placed great value in, then you can relate to the feelings of being frantic, grief-stricken even, until that which was lost is found.

I’m not talking car keys here, I’m talking about a sickening feeling, however brief, that grips your heart. When, for an instance, as a parent or guardian of a child you turn your head for the briefest second and wham!

The child is gone! The shopping mall nightmare!

Fortunately for most of us, all ends well. And within minutes a little head pops out, and their giggling is heard, from beneath the rack of clothes you’d been looking through.

Here I am silly daddy, I was hiding on you…!

God is also familiar with finding what’s been lost (Mt 4:19 NIV). Like us, He experiences heartbreak over the one who leaves the safety of His side. However, unlike us, God does not get panicky. He is Omniscient. He knew before He brought us into this swarming peopled planet, that we’d get lost.

So, as a result, He took steps to make sure we’d always be able to find Him…

No matter what separated us (Ps.33:11 NIV).

God so loved us that He sent His Only Begotten Son, Jesus, to find and return to Him that which has and will become lost. Us…

“All that the Father gives Me will come to Me, and the one who comes to Me I will certainly not cast out. “For I have come down from heaven, not to do My own will, but the will of Him who sent Me’” (Jn.6:37-38).

In today’s teaching Jesus is talking to a large crowd. And, though the Pharisees and Teachers of the Law are present, scripture opens with, “Now the tax collectors and “sinners” were all gathering around to hear Him” (Lk.15:1 NIV).

There were always holy men around Jesus, yet it was those unexpected few that came seeking after Him that He came intentionally to find.

Why is God so concerned with the lost? Very simply stated, He loves us!

We are valuable and cherished by Him. His desire is that not one person be lost! Liken it to the sense of loss mentioned above, then multiply that by too many zeros to type here!

So great is His love for us, so precious are we, that He sent Jesus, His Only Begotten Son to save us. So, that through Him, we would have a way back to God: “For God loved the world so much that he gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life” (Jn 3:16 NASB)!

That lost sheep referred to in our text represents you and I if we don’t know the Lordship of Jesus in our hearts…

I’m not speaking here about knowing of Jesus. I’m not even talking about being saved, a gift that is unfathomable to those who have tasted such mercy and grace…

I’m speaking specifically of knowing Jesus.

Knowing in the way a husband and wife know each other. Intimately. To the exclusion of another. Mystically One (Jn.17:20-22 ESV).

I’m talking about being relationally bonded. Not mere intellectual buddies or people who regurgitate platitudes to God in the hopes of gaining points.

In plain speak, not like the Pharisees and hypocrites referred to in Matthew (Mat. 23:13 ESV). So let’s break down this parable into two segments shall we?

  1. What are the risks involved in being lost? And 2. Why finding is finding us so important?

#1. What is wrong with being the lone sheep that leaves the safety of the fold to go out exploring what looks good to us?

A.) It is Separation from God and His will for our lives…

It represents the potential that separation our may be eternal. Plainly, Hell. Which was not created for man but rather for satan and his fallen angels. However, next to salvation, one of the greatest gifts God gave us is free will. It was not God’s plan, and is not His choice, that any man should go to hell. Jesus came to make it possible for each man to be reconciled to God after the fall of Adam and Eve.

But, yes there is a but. We must choose God.

Here, and now. While it is stilll called today…

Or, we run the risk of following into eternal death the one we choose to follow in life (Mt.25:40-42 NIV). One of the more quoted Scriptures explaining the danger of hell is found in Proverbs 14:12, it states, “There is a way which seems right to a man, But its end is the way of death.” The ways  of this world, the desires of our eyes and flesh, the have it your way attitude that permeates this worlds thinking fails to infer, never mind tell us clearly that we even have an enemy who seeks to kill us…

One that is ever-near, standing  just off in the shadows waiting to get us alone. Or that he’s fixed and ready to pounce on us like credulous prey! Only God in His Word foretells of satan’s fatal intentions,“Be well balanced (temperate, sober of mind), be vigilant and cautious at all times; for that enemy of yours, the devil, roams around like a lion roaring [in fierce hunger], seeking someone to seize upon and devour” (1 Pe.5:8 AMPC)

.…in fierce hunger? Devour? Isn’t there something in God’s Word about a path that leads to life?

I choose that one please!

“You can enter God’s Kingdom only through the narrow gate. The highway to hell is broad, and its gate is wide for the many who choose that way”(Mt.7:13NLT).

What about you? Given the above knowledge, which road do you choose? And here’s the follow-up. Have you chosen it yet? And if not, why not?

These examples are but a few of the copious reasons given throughout Scripture about the perils of being and choosing to stay, lost.

Though you were born into sin, you don’t have to stay in it…

You have a choice. You’ve been empowered through the loving sacrifice accomplished for you on The Cross of Christ!




Reread above about His concern, your value and how cherished you are.

Better yet, open your Bible and read John 3:16!

We are valuable to Him and He does not want to see harm come to us. He intentionally seeks us out to save us from harm. His love is not random because He’s not! There is nothing random about God. He is intentional,ordered, in all of His ways. And His love for you is not a mistake, you are not a mistake! Throughout His Word we find every answer to every issue, question, or, life problem we will ever face.

His Word is our road map…

It safety guides us through hostile enemy territory, aka, the world (Ps.119:105 NIV). God, being Omniscient, placed within His Word many lessons informing us of the dangers of going astray.

But… there’s that but again, It is our choice to follow Jesus or jump the fence for other another’s pasture. For more on this topic see (Isa. 53:6;1Pet. 5:8; Job 1:7;Pr.28:15; Pr.2:17;Pr.10:17; Pr.21;16;Lu.12:5).

One of the greatest dangers  for a sheep is to get separated from the protection, love and care of the Sheppard. Sheep are far more vulnerable not only to attack from unforeseen predators, but, more often, death, when alone. “The thief comes only to take the sheep and to put them to death: he comes for their destruction: I have come so that they may have life and have it in greater measure” (Jn.10:10 BBE).

Verse 8 of Luke plainly illustrates that another risk of being lost is being in darkness…

We may feel safe in the dark, unseen, our whereabouts unknown by God or man. And we may be right on this second account, at least the man part of it…

But, be assured we are felonious on the first part! (Ps.139:1-16 NIV). Let me explain by sharing with you just a taste of this Psalm…,” Where can I go from Your Spirit? Or where can I flee from Your presence? If I ascend to heaven, You are there; If I make my bed in Sheol, (hell) behold, You are there.”

Just as the lost coin could not escape the searching eye of the woman in Jesus parable, we can’t hide from an all-knowing, all-seeing, God! Throughout Scripture God is referred to as Light, and not just light, but pure light! “There is no darkness within Him at all” (1Jn.1:5 KJV).

God always seeks what is best for us. Our decision of choosing to go it solo often results from not believing this one fundamental Truth about God. Too many in today’s world feel God is chasing them down to take something from them, when in fact, He’s running after them to give to them.

God came to give life, not take it away (John 10:10).

The common denominator in verses 1 through 10 of Luke is intentionality: By definition it is: done with intention or on purpose; intended: designed, planned; deliberate.

Through the shepherd’s intentionality in finding the lost sheep, and the woman the lost coin; and as both rejoiced when each were found, we’re able to catch a glimpse of the Fathers deliberate search for us!

“Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in and dine with him, and he with Me” (Rev 3:20 BSB).

Lastly, concerning Gods rejoicing over finding us, His love toward us may feel unexpected, but never forget our God is deliberate. Be encouraged today. He is searching for you…



“Birth Days…” Ps.139:13-16

“…For you formed my inward part you knitted me together in my mother’s womb.  I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well.  My frame was not hidden from you, when I was being made in secret, intricately woven in the depths of the earth. Your eyes saw my unformed substance; in your book were written, every one of them, the days that were formed for me, when as yet there was none of them” (Ps. 139:13-16).


Why were you born? Why are you here—now? Have you ever asked yourself those questions?

Have you ever felt like some giant cosmic accident? A mistake even?

If so, please understand that what you are thinking or feeling is a lie spoken to you from the enemy of your soul. “Be sober [well balanced and self-disciplined], be alert and cautious at all times. That enemy of yours, the devil, prowls around like a roaring lion [fiercely hungry], seeking someone to devour” (1 Peter 5:8).

Today’s Scripture clearly—emphatically, states that even as you were being made, God saw. He was there. He was your witness. More, He had predestined you—your birth. Everything about you was planned, unique, and, intentional. Regardless of how you may have been conceived, your birth—your life, was ordained by God…

And, as we see in 1 Peter, the enemy of your soul will do everything in his power to devour the Truth of God—and that Truth is found in verse 14, “…You are fearfully and wonderfully made.”

Imperfectly perfect, just as you are.

Whether you were wanted by those who were supposed to want you—or not. Loved by those who were meant—intended, to model to you what love was supposed to look,feel—taste like. Or not.

If you had a birthday—you are wanted. Needed—by God…

Intended and intentional.

Maybe you were born as the result of rape—or a so-called, “unplanned pregnancy.” Maybe you look at your life—one seemingly endless string of bad decisions after another—and see no point to it?

But the simple fact that you are here—were born at all, emphatically speaks volumes. It states you are not an accident. Not some pointless person meant to aimlessly wander—purposeless.

Listen to what your Creator says of you: “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future” (Jer. 29:11).

Gianna Jessen was not supposed to live. Her mother was advised to abort her—even though it was late in the pregnancy. A saline abortion—intended to burn a child alive, both internally and externally, while still in their mother’s womb. Causing it to be delivered dead. That is what was inflicted on Genna’s tiny body…

But, Gianna survived—after 18 hours of being burned alive in her mother’s womb she was delivered alive. And she considers her Cerebral Palsy, the result of the botched abortion she survived, a gift.

“But I say to you, love [that is, unselfishly seek the best or higher good for] your enemies and pray for those who persecute you,  so that you may [show yourselves to] be the children of your Father who is in heaven; for He makes His sun rise on those who are evil and on those who are good, and makes the rain fall on the righteous [those who are morally upright] and the unrighteous [the unrepentant, those who oppose Him]” (Matt.5:44-45).

Thankfully, the abortion doctor wasn’t present at that time or she would most certainly had been left to die—or worse, been suffocated or strangled. But the nurse on duty called an ambulance—and though she was not expected to live—she did. You can listen to Gianna’s amazing testimony in full on You Tube…

But first, please listen to God’s Words for Gianna—for you and me.

“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you [and approved of you as My chosen instrument], And before you were born I consecrated you [to Myself as My own]; I have appointed you as a prophet to the nations” (Jer. 1:5).

Perhaps your story wasn’t as factually life-threatening as Gianna’s was. Perhaps you being burned alive was the result of the corrosive, demeaning words spat at you daily? Maybe someone tried to end you with brutal careless fists that assailed you, body, mind, and soul—without cause. Or, perhaps you were starved to death—through withholding. Lovelessness, carelessness, hopelessness, the three-course meal you were fed—daily. When you were fed at all.

Pain causing pain. Brokenness replicating itself…

And so, you ask, “How can this be intended for anyone?” Is this why I was born?

It isn’t. And it wasn’t. Your pain is the result of the sin-stained world you live in. From birth, you are surrounded by those who both made and make decisions for you daily. And, as the expression goes, Hurt people hurt people.

Please, understand, I am not condoning nor making excuses for what you may have endured. It was wrong. I’m just asking you to allow me to help redirect your focus. Because thankfully, ultimately, you have a Creator—a Savior, who has the final Word. The last say over everything that has been undeservedly done to you.

If you allow Him to…

And, thankfully, you may have the implausible opportunity to have yet another birthday! A “do-over” day. The chance to have every pain, every scar, everything that has held you back—or down, removed from you!

Nothing magic. Rather Restoration. Wholeness. Oneness.

More, every sin you have ever committed, everything that has separated you from God, forgiven.

That’s Good News!

Listen to how Jesus explains it to a man called Nicodemus: Jesus answered him, “I assure you and most solemnly say to you, unless a person is born again [reborn from above—spiritually transformed, renewed, sanctified], he cannot [ever] see and experience the kingdom of God.” Nicodemus said to Him, “How can a man be born when he is old? He cannot enter his mother’s womb a second time and be born, can he?” Jesus answered, “I assure you and most solemnly say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit he cannot [ever] enter the kingdom of God.  That which is born of the flesh is flesh [the physical is merely physical], and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit” (John 3:3-6).

Two births? Yes. And both are—or certainly can be, painful!

Even a man, who can never experience this type of pain first hand—can imagine it. Take it in…

He can be a witness to births pain.

He sees it with his eyes. Hears it’s screams with his ears. Birth pains become real to a man—evident, even though he will never experience them firsthand.

Or will he?

Think the second birth here. Our second birthday has the potential to manifest a pain all its own…

Just as our physical birth was painful—so it may be also with our rebirth. Birthing is a painful, messy business—however, “A woman, when she is in labor, has pain because her time [to give birth] has come; but when she has given birth to the child, she no longer remembers the anguish because of her joy that a child has come into the world” (John 16:21).

The maternal death rate in the United States has risen since the year 2000. In 2014 24 mothers died per every 100,000 live births.

How many of us will die twice? Both the physical as well as a spiritual death?

There are no statistics to quote for this…

So, in place of these nonexistent statistics, I offer you the infallible Word of God. A plausible Scriptural account for these—dual deaths. “The pains of childbirth come on him; But he is not a wise son, For it is not the time to delay [his chance at a new birth] as the womb opens [but he ignores the opportunity to change]” (Hosea 13:13).

Plain speak—We bring ruin on ourselves by putting off—side-stepping, our opportunity for a new birth day through the repentance of our sins. Like a child whose mother doesn’t have the strength to bring it forth, and it stays so long in the passage of the womb that it runs the risk of death, so too do we when we refuse—ignore, the free gift offered us of being born again…

Perhaps the way you entered this world the first time was less than ideal. And perhaps your life has been a little more than a repetitive reflection of the circumstances that conspired to end you before you ever began…

But let me ask you, is the pain your experiencing right now labor pangs?

Are you becoming aware, full of God attempting to birth you afresh?

Are you feeling God’s Word spoken to Nicodemus being stirred up inside your belly? “No one can see the Kingdom of God unless he is born again” (J0hn. 3:3).

If so, squat where your standing, bite down and start pushing…

Birthing is a messy business, but oh the joy when the child is delivered!

Birth Days—is today yours?



“Assurance, He Is Sovereign” Prov. 8:27-29

sunrise-1756274_960_720 “When he established the heavens, I was there; when he drew a circle on the face of the deep, when he made firm the skies above, when he established the fountains of the deep, when he assigned to the sea its limit, so that the waters might not transgress his command, when he marked out the foundations of the earth” ( Proverb   8:27-29).

One of the purposes of God’s creation is to showcase both His majesty and power—His wisdom. This is how David explains it: “The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims his handiwork” (Ps.19:1).

Job, found in the Old Testament, saw great value in witnessing God’s power displayed through His creation. Even during the time of his great loss, Job displayed great patients. But, he also expressed a desire to understand the why of what God had allowed to happen to him—he could not understand God’s actions—nor his own losses (Job 1:13-19).

And so, Job goes to God asking why …?

And even though Job didn’t get the answers he was looking for, he did walk away with a greater—a renewed, appreciation for God’s Sovereignty.

We must never forget that though God is loving, kind, merciful, slow to anger, and, full of patients—He is, and will eternally be, Sovereign over all creation. He is God—we are not.

And Job knew God. Trusted in Him. In His Sovereignty. We see evidence of Job’s great faith in Job 1:20-21. “Then Job arose and tore his robe and shaved his head and fell on the ground and worshiped. And he said, “Naked I came from my mother’s womb, and naked shall I return. The Lord gave, and the Lord has taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord.”

Job understood nothing  is owed us…

Yet, in response to Job’s faith—in the last chapters of this book, God comes and speaks to Job. But, not in the way Job thought He would—nor wanted Him too.  Rather, God spoke at length concerning His power demonstrated through His Creation…

Creation? Why are you talking  about creation when all I want to know is why you did what you did? Why did you take all I held dear away from me? Why did you change everything up on me God, I don’t understand?

As with Job, many today, the day after what will surely go down in history as a conflict-ridden election, are asking why? Many are seeking answers to ease their confusion, anger, and disbelief. Many are grieving today, feeling a genuine sense of loss…

And, as with Job, they want to know the purpose of it all.

Yet, God does not always answer people in the way that they would like Him to—nor expect. That is where faith comes in. Why it is so very needed. Faith that the God who created us, along with everything seen, and, that which is unseen—has everything under control…

He has a purpose for the momentary pain—the seeming confusion. Listen: “You are fortunate when God corrects you. So, don’t complain when God All-Powerful punishes you. God might injure you, but he will bandage those wounds. He might hurt you, but his hands also heal” (Job 5:17-18).

When speaking to the Prophet Jeremiah concerning the false prophets the Lord says of Himself, “Am I a God at hand, declares the Lord, and not a God far away” (Jer. 23:23)? What is He saying?…

God is telling Jeremiah,  that He is right here with us in the thick of things. That nothing happens without His knowledge or permission. And, that as with the false prophets of old, many today are feeling that God is nowhere to be found. That He is unseeing, unknowing—unconcerned. I am certain Job must have felt this way for a moment or two himself…

Yet nothing is further from the Truth. And the creation spoken of in today’s proverb testifies to that. God is still in control, still on His Throne, still very involved and concerned with man and this world.

God’s Providence and Sovereignty—His ever-present Hand is clear daily in all His creation. And, as we witness it, we will find Him clearly evidenced throughout… If we are looking for the comfort and surety demonstrated in God’s consistency.

Creation is a gift to us—a declaration.

Job did in fact get answers to his questions, as we will get ours. But, we must first come to God as open vessels—tucking away our wants and ideas. Our limited notions of how it is we believe He will come to us—answer us. Remembering that our scope and knowledge are limited—finite…

He alone is infinite—Omnipresent, able to see the beginning and ending of all things…

Job says it this way, “I know you can do everything. You make plans, and nothing can change or stop them” (Job 42:2).

And, as with Job, when we are experiencing—witnessing, difficult times, we too can look to creation and take comfort—solace in, an ever-present God who indeed has all things in hand. We may not understand the reasons for the happenings going on about us—in the world, in our present sufferings or angst…

Why? Because of our limited knowledge—our finite minds cannot—will never be able, in their present state, to take in the thinking and plans that God has for us in their entirety…

But, we, like Job, can experience a renewed—refreshed, re-calibrated, relationship with God. If we choose to place and keep our focus—our trust, not on our circumstance, but rather on the greatness—the Providence of God.

Knowing the truth of creation and witnessing the demonstration of God’s powerful Sovereignty—His abilities displayed all around us, should strengthen our faith and encourage us to trust the One True God who is all-knowing and able…

And, it should guide us into trusting in each of His plans and promises for us—for our Nation, for our futures….

Yet,If you, like Job, find yourself questioning God. Asking where He is amid a world that seems to have temporarily been thrown into deep chaos, I suggest you listen to Job himself—follow his example…

Listen to his reply to God after He came to Job personally and revealed that He alone is God…

Additionally, that He alone created this world and all that’s in it… “I know you can do everything. You make plans, and nothing can change or stop them. You asked, ‘Who is this ignorant person saying these foolish things?’ I talked about things I did not understand. I talked about things too amazing for me to know. “You said to me, ‘Listen, and I will speak. I will ask you questions, and you will answer me.’ In the past I heard about you, but now I have seen you with my own eyes. And I am ashamed of myself. I am so sorry. As I sit in the dust and ashes, I promise to change my heart and my life” (Job 42:1-6).

Through God’s lesson Job figured out that God owed him nothing. No explanations. Yet, in His great love, He came and showed Himself. He explained Himself through His Sovereignty, His Omniscience, His Being the One True God all by Himself. Through His creation that surrounds us daily—for a season. That we might witness it and be reminded of His great nearness—His Omnipresence daily.

And through our witnessing— be assured and draw strength. Increase in faith, in relationship.

“The heavens tell about the glory of God. The skies announce what his hands have made. Each new day tells more of the story, and each night reveals more and more about God’s power. You cannot hear them say anything. They don’t make any sound we can hear.  But their message goes throughout the world. Their teaching reaches the ends of the earth. The sun’s tent is set up in the heavens” (Ps.19:1-4).


“Dead Men Speaking?” Heb.11

people-1099783_960_720 “[Prompted, actuated] by faith Abel brought God a better and more acceptable sacrifice than Cain, because of which it was testified of him that he was righteous [that he was upright and in right standing with God], and God bore witness by accepting and acknowledging his gifts. And though he died, yet [through the incident] he is still speaking” (Heb.11:4). Emphasis my own.

These men of God, these stalwarts of the faith—eternal voices, esteemed each, and found in the Christian Hall of Fame, Hebrews Chapter Eleven, are no more dead—no more silent, than is Jesus. And Jesus is most certainly not dead! He is alive and speaking still, as are they—always, to His children—to the world!

There are times, that in order for us to understand where we are now and how it is we got there, we must look over our shoulder for a moment and evaluate—take stock of, our path, our journey. This is  what Paul, I believe, is reminding us to do in Chapter Ten’s conclusion. He signals us to remember those moments when we first believed, when we were on fire for the Truth—for God. We must rekindle those moments, afresh, again and again.

There is no price too great to pay to follow what burns in our hearts—what we hunger for, thirst after.  Paul reminds us that though time has passed—and with it’s passing, perhaps it’s taken some of our ardor also. Nevertheless, we must hold on, hold fast to, our passion for God. We must remain steadfast in faith. We must persevere…

He reminds us that none of us is promised a smooth path to follow. But he also states plainly that the one who went before us is coming back for us as well—and He won’t delay! That is our Hope delayed, but not denied! Yet this Jesus is not looking for—is not pleased with us when we shrink away from our walk with Him simply because it’s gotten hard…

Think how hard it was for Him. How hard it was for Abraham, Moses and Noah. For David, Mary, His mother, and Rahab, the prostitute. For Peter and John, Matthew the tax collector and Simon the Zealot. Even for Paul himself. How difficult it was for all those who choose to follow the call they knew came from God in the midst of a pagan world who wanted nothing to do with their Jesus…

Sound familiar?

Yet we, like they, gain our strength through The Holy Spirit, so that, we too may endure until the end. If we will turn our hearts to Him—crying out to the only One who can sustain us in our hours of weakness, our times of trials and loss and testing. And there will be testing. Jesus did not escape it, and we certainly won’t either. Like Master—like servant. We must hold firm to our faith. It was this very thing—this faith, this elementary foundational building block, which straightened their spines, these stalwarts, and aided them in putting one foot in front of the other when persecution, uncertainty and yes, fear, hunted them.

We, like with those who’ve gone before us, who’ve finished their race and received their crown, have been bought for a price. The ultimate price, The Atoning  Blood of Jesus. Christ’s sacrificial giving of His life in exchange for our own. Least we never forget!

Now,echoing across this Hall of Fame, we hear the footsteps of Abel—out first dead man speaking. “By faith Abel brought God a better offering than Cain did. By faith he was commended as righteous, when God spoke well of his offerings. And by faith Abel still speaks, even though he is dead.”

As we continue to listen to Paul’s naming of those found in this encouraging—life affirming, faith building chapter, next we hear of Enoch…

Enoch, Noah’s great-grandfather. Much like Elijah in Kings 2:11, Enoch too, was taken up to heaven, never to have tasted physical death (vs.5). Then comes Noah. Noah who in holy fear built the Ark that God instructed him to build—and he built it precisely as he was told…

He built it in the midst of persecution and torment. He built it though he had never seen rain. God had told Noah to build a boat—and he did it, by faith, in obedience. And as a result, he, his whole family, and those animals the Lord chose to enter this boat, were all saved from the coming flood. Through Noah’s faithfulness, God ushered in His judgement on a sinful world. You see, Noah was a type of the Christ to come—and Christ, through His obedience to the Father—offers Salvation for all who will…

An Ark…safety.

Concerning Noah and us all: Faith moves us to do those things we have no foreknowledge of—no reference point from which to spring forward. We are made to be solely reliant on the Christ whom we confess… (James 2:14-26).

And when we think faith, how can our minds not go straight to Father Abraham. Not only did he leave home and country when called to by God, also, when he was nearly 100 years old, he had the faith to believe a promise given him by the Lord under a starry, night sky. A promise which stated that from his withered, and all but dried-up body he would sire a child, Father a nation. And this promise would be fulfilled through the womb of his equally dried-up, and barren wife! It is never too late for God…

Faith is the evidence of things unseen, yet hoped for… (Heb.11:1).

Our Hall of Fame list goes on to mention such memorable names as, Isaac and Jacob and Joseph of the multi-colored coat. Who would save his entire family from famine—because by faith he endured pits and slavery, false accusations, deceptions and treachery, attempts on his life, and abuse at the hands of those he thought loved him—those whom he loved…

In this world you will have trials and tribulations, but fear not, take heart, for I have overcome this world… (Jn.16:33).

And, as I stated earlier, sometimes, in order for us to know how best to move forward we must look back to where we started—for the purposes of re-calibration, not in sorrow or longing for things past, God forbid! If we have been made new creations in Christ Jesus, why would we ever long to unite our new selves to the corpse of the dead selves we left floating about in our Baptismal waters? Though we are—and will be until Christ’s return, working out—learning this new self, this new relationship; it’s thinking and resulting actions.Each of these things will never be made complete should we continue to reach behind…

Paul says it this way, “Brothers and sisters, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus” (Phil.3:13-14).

Each of those found in our Hall of Fame, as well as every Christian that’s gone before us, knew of one trait in our arsenal that was essential to or faith walk. Needed like air and water…


Paul knew it. Paul’s faith, along with those mentioned in Hebrews 11, was fashioned in trials, made sure through perseverance. In faith believing that the One who started this new thing—this good work, would do just as He said He would, and complete it. That was His part—His promise to them, to us. Our part is the persevering through whatever comes. Through the fiery furnaces, through so much we’ll never understand this side of eternity. That is what Paul is teaching us—back there, in Chapter 10…

Paul says it this way: “But we are not of those who shrink away and are destroyed, but of those who believe and are saved” (Heb.10:39). And not because of anything we’ve done…

Perseverance is the take-away when we look to God’s Word for how it is we’ll get through this world and all of its many trials and woes. It’s what lead us into Chapter 11, into Faith—the how of perseverance, its partner.

Why perseverance? Why Faith? The closing verses of our chapter gives us a glimpse—and sets us up for what is yet to come. Jesus. It was Jesus these stalwarts in our Hall of Fame wanted, served—yet did not know by name. They knew only the God of Laws and the Prophets. Paul tells us that, “These were all commended for their faith, yet none of them received what had been promised, since God had planned something better for us so that only together with us would they be made perfect” (Heb.11:39-40).


And how much more than Paul and Peter and John and Mark are we—witnesses to the fulfillment of the promise each of these Hall of Famer’s clung to. If we, like those before us, will continue to persevere in faith—in spite of, regardless of—come what may. Our joy too will be made complete! Our Faith rewarded…that we may see Him coming on the clouds, returning to bring us to Himself in glory!

“And I heard a great voice out of the throne saying, Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and he shall dwell with them, and they shall be his peoples, and God himself shall be with them, and be their God: and he shall wipe away every tear from their eyes; and death shall be no more; neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain, any more: the first things are passed away. And he that sitteth on the throne said, Behold, I make all things new. And he saith, Write: for these words are faithful and true” (Rev. 21:3-5).




“Free or Freedom?” Jn. 8:36

by-wlodek-428549_960_720  Moses was instructing the Israelite’s in the tenets of the new covenant and its oaths. A New Covenant they were about to enter with God—after their long sojourn through the wilderness. Moses makes plain to the Israelite’s in Deuteronomy 30, that a choice to follow God, and all He asks of them, must be set in their hearts—chosen by them—fixed…

Also, in Chapter 29, Moses, during this same instructing, says this, “Someone may hear the conditions of this promise. He may think that he is so blessed that he can say, “I’ll be safe even if I go my own stubborn way. After all, [the LORD would never] sweep away well-watered ground along with dry ground” (Duet.29:19).

Plain speak. Don’t think to yourselves, “I believe in God, I’m his, after all, He is the God of my father’s—He’s got my back, I’m not like those people.” (the world, the unsaved) those that may know of the Lord—yet presume upon, take for granted, His grace, His patient mercy…because what they actually have is religious knowledge, not true relationship.

For those that may say, but that’s what the Old Testament says with it’s dark, negative speak…listen to what the Apostle Paul tells us in the New Testament. Listen to what he has to say about taking such liberties with God’s  mercy and grace, “What shall we say then? shall we continue in sin, that there may be abundance of grace? God forbid! How shall we that are dead as touching sin live any longer therein” (Rom. 6:1-2).

You may be asking what this has to do with today’s verse? Everything, would be the short answer…

Allow me to elaborate. There is an eternal difference between having freedom’s and being—free…

It is the theme—the fact stated, by our above mentioned principles, Moses and Paul. Each a witness to the Truth, Jesus, who alone is able to set men free.

Solomon informs us in Ecclesiastes that there’s nothing new under the sun, listen: “History merely repeats itself. It has all been done before. Nothing under the sun is truly new.” (Emphasis mine.) As it was then, so it is today…

Culture, technology, fashions, foods, appearances…all of these certainly are different—unarguably. But the heart of man, his core, remains unchanged. The sin-nature that drives him to chase after the illusive “anything” that will offer him the slightest whiff of supposed freedom—his right to choose, that has not changed one iota in man…

And that friends, that searching, that rebellious selfish want is what drives a man to serve the masters of his flesh, his thoughts, plans, needs and wants—his, what’s best for me. That is what this world and the father of it calls—offers as, supposed freedom. Freedom to choose—my choice, I get to pick, I get to say…Me.

Think of the Israelite’s and the golden calf here…Me, what I want. And I’ll give everything I have and own to get it! They forgot all about Moses on the mountain, weren’t giving a second thought to the fact that he was up there seeking God on their behalf—now, I want it now…(Ex.32:1-3).

Think Pharisees…Me, I deserve the best. All roads point to what I want, what best serves what my flesh is screaming out for. Recognition, accumulation, stature. Don’t I deserve that, after all… (Matt.23:4-7).

Concerning this freedom, how can the world give you something it does not possess? Doesn’t have to give? (Matt.4:9),

Only Jesus has the power and the authority to set a captive soul free (Lk.4:18-19).

There is no better evidence of the false freedoms this world offers, no greater evidence of its lie, and the father of its lies, than what we witness in the dialogue between Jesus and satan. Concerning the temptation of Jesus in the wilderness, listen as satan tries to offer Jesus the very things  which Jesus himself created! “Again, the devil took Him to a very high mountain and showed Him all the kingdoms of the world and their glory; and he said to Him, “All these things I will give You, if You fall down and worship me.” (Matt.4:8-9).

Why would anyone ever choose a counterfeit over an original? The world—satan and what he does not have to offer—his temporary smoke screens, over God the creator of heaven and earth and satan as well?  satan, known from the beginning as Lucifer, was a high-ranking angel allowed to choose sin, choose selfishness. He was cast to earth and away from God where he was given dominion to rule temporarily—but never is he, nor will he ever be, mightier than God…

And both he and his illusions of freedom will one day be cast into hell for all eternity… (Rev. 20:1-3).

Regarding this false freedom: it was this-worldly, prideful, sin-soaked freedom, that the Lord allowed one of His creations to choose. And in his choosing, he became the father of lies. The father of those he whispers to—lures, with false promises, stroking their prideful ego’s. Just as he tried to do to Jesus. It failed—he failed. Because it is written—Truth, true freedom, will always, always, expose the darkest of lies—illusions of freedom.

Now let’s hold that idea of freedom—satan’s lies, and contrast, compare them to, the Freedom found in Christ…

God’s Word clearly states, “So if the Son sets you free, you are free through and through.” (Jn.8:36). Completely free—nothing held back from you.

Being free is found only through submission—selflessness. It’s the choice we make to relinquish the freedom to choose our own way for God’s…Sounds backward right? It’s certainly a-not-of-this world thinking—not man’s logic.

The best known Bible figures each referred to themselves as, ‘bondservants” of Jesus Christ and claimed to be free through His ownership of them and through their service to others, seflessness…

The term “bondservant” in the New Testament (bond-servant or slave in some translations) is a translation of the Greek word doulos. Unlike perceptions of modern slavery, bondservant or doulos is a relatively broad term with a wider range of usage. In the time of the New Testament a bondservant could refer at times to someone who voluntarily served others. In most cases, however, the term referred to a person in a permanent role of service. The importance of these New Testament authors referring to themselves as bondservants should not be overlooked. Despite proclaiming a message of freedom from sin in Jesus Christ, these writers were dedicated to Jesus as their one master. Further, their service to the Lord was not one they could consider leaving. Most importantly, the image of the bondservant became one of great importance for Christians, who are called to live as bondservants of Christ Jesus…

Just as a bondservant was more than an employee who could leave for another job, the true Christian is a servant who can never leave their master for another. As Christ belonged to the Father and submitted His will to Him, and unto death for us, so we too must submit to Jesus—via our death to self.

Being free is found only in surrendering our wills—wants, desires, those temper tantrums of the flesh, to a higher calling—the common good. Service to another—others. Being free is found only in the resurrected self.  Made alive through Christ’s life, death and resurrection… “Truly, truly, I tell you, no servant is greater than his master, nor is a messenger greater than the one who sent him” (Jn.13:16).

Freedom to do it my way….  It’s a lie. It was born from the father of lies. A poisonous brew concocted from the twisted mind of the father of lies—worldly. Offered to all who will as a sweet drink that promises to please. And it does, for a time…but ultimately it ravages, destroys—takes captive, the mind—soul, body, emotions, of the one who drinks it in. It, like its slithering originator, will squeeze the very life from its partaker—one poisonous sip at a time… (Jn.8:43-44; Pro.14:12).

Being truly—eternally free to live a life worthy of—dedicated to God, and service to His people. Will cost you your so-called life…But here’s the thing, since you didn’t create yourself, give live to yourself, it’s not really yours to keep after all… is it (Matt.10:24)?

And unless your life is given in loving surrender to the One who died to purchase your opportunity—the chance for you to be free, the moment you exhale that last breath, His gift to you—it is to your father you will go to partake in a final—eternal glass, of his poisonous brew…

I beseech you today to choose being free in Christ Jesus…As long as you have breath in your lungs there is time…

Listen to Jesus as He shares this same Truth with the Israelite’s gathered around Him: Jesus replied, “Very truly I tell you, everyone who sins is a slave to sin. Now a slave has no permanent place in the family, but a son belongs to it forever. 36 So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed’” (Jn.8:34-36).




“Atom to Adam and Beyond…” Col. 1:15

hand-898232_960_720 “He is the exact living image [the essential manifestation] of the unseen God [the visible representation of the invisible], the firstborn [the preeminent one, the sovereign, and the originator] of all creation” (Col.1:15).

Originator of all creation? Wait. Does that mean that the same God that created me, created the salamander and the snail? The sea and slime? What about the milky way and neutrons? Oxygen and sunshine? Souls and Spirits and intelligence too? Abilities and ideas? Even my desire to do or be a thing?

Yes. Categorically—without equivocation. Yes (Acts 17:27-28).

Our Scripture today plainly attests to this fact—this reality.

Jesus is not only (as in simply, merely or just) our Lord and Savior, not just God’s substantive equal, in that He is not solely the firstborn human fathered by God—literally (Phil.2:6-7). He is the God of the Trinity.

Think the Holy Spirit over-shadowing Mary here…

She, by the power of the Holy Spirit, would conceive and give birth to God’s only begotten Son—Jesus the Christ (Lk.1:35). Three in One, the Godhead.

He is inestimable—boundless. Omnipresent. All of creation—all of it, contains His essence. His Word, thought and will (Ps.33:6-9).

He is God with us—permeating His creation, Immanuel. The very templet of the New Creation, the New Adam. Pure—undefiled, worthy of God. He is Deity wrapped in flesh—man as God intended, perfect. He is in intimate relationship with—gnosis with, the Father God. (Rom.5:12-18).

Creator of all, over all—atom to Adam. In Jesus is found the very definition of fullness—the sum total of all. Both Alpha and Omega, babe and man, lamb—spotless, and lion—roaring, all-powerful, eternal (Col.1:19).

This Jesus is the greatest author, the most prolific of artist. He is the creator of mechanics and all things mechanical, designer, and engineer. Gravitational pull, magnetic poles, the very site of, placement of our galaxy, temperate zones and lightening—tectonics and solar nebula’s (Job 9:9-10; Amos 5:8; Ps.19:1-6; Rev.4:11).

This Jesus—our Jesus, He is the stuff of Greek myth. Half man, half God. Difference is, He’s no myth. He’s real, authentic, sole, glorious, magnificent, awesome—He is God all by Himself.

Contained within man, animals, aquatic life and yes, even plant life, is a protein known as Laminin. Science has come to bear out the Truth of God’s Word…

After all, He is Creator of all things—science included, it is only fitting that science should confirm His Truth.

The Laminin Protein.


What is this stuff?

According to the Journal of Cell Biology: “Lamins line the inside of the nuclear membrane, where they provide a platform for the binding of proteins and chromatin and confer mechanical stability.”

Laminin Protein is the physical proof of—form of, substance of—what we find in Colossians 1:17. “And HE IS before all things and in and through Him the universe is a harmonious whole, all things are held together.”  (Emphasis added).

And, as it is physically impossible for man to be literally held together in the absence of this protein, so it is also, spiritually speaking, to hold together as well—without Jesus we fall apart… (Gen.3:6-7).

We have absolute need of Jesus. Without whom, life is and will always be—without form or substance.


And we, having no true, set form, nothing fixed and unchanging to which we can attach to and sustain our lives—are left to our own inadequate devises—veiled attempts at self-construction.

Thus we build shabby frames and frame-works—pointless, faltering constructs—unable, incapable of successfully sustaining function long-term—our essential static, fixed framework nonexistent.

No God, no life. Simple… (Acts:28 specifically; 17:22-31).

Put Scripturally, “Remain in Me, and I will remain in you. Just as no branch can bear fruit by itself unless it remains in the vine, neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in Me. I am the vine and you are the branches. The one who remains in Me, and I in him, will bear much fruit. For apart from Me you can do nothing” (Jn.15:4-5).

Break off a branch from any vine, tree, plant and what happens? Death. No life-source, no life.

And that leads us into this protein also being present in plants of the field, birds of the air, as well as the fish of the sea.

In “types” of their own of course…

Each type—each protein strand, unique to whom it inhabits. Makes sense right? Man is unique from all other created things. He is the only created article that God formed in His own likeness and blew His Ruach breath into—His Spirit, His life-giving, creative breath. (Gen.1:27; Gen.2:7).

Certainly fish, snails, sea algae, and, cows should not—don’t need to, carry within them the fullness of what man has. They are not called—were not created to be him—man. To follow after his Creator, to co-create with Him…

Yet, even these creatures contain within themselves this life-force—this divine glue, that holds them together. It allows for them to work and flourish, to reproduce, and have dominion over—their little place under the sun… (Ecc. 3:1). All of which Jesus’s hand is in as well—His creations. (John 1:3).

Our God—this Jesus, is far too enormous for us to take in. Trying to ingest this enormity of–the scale of, His person, intelligence and creative abilities is like trying to eat an elephant in a single bite—impossible!

Jesus is too great for our finite minds to even begin to grasp. We try. We wrestle and grapple and stare out into the void—in wonder, with a sense of slack-jawed awe…God! My God!

And we are left still—silent, humbled, incapable. As it should be. How thoroughly disheartening—horrifying, it would be if we could conceive—thoroughly take in—this Lamb, this Lion, this Baby, Child, Man, eternal—what is an eternal God? Inconceivable!

He is One who speaks and things are—poof! (Jer.1:5)

And with that same breath speaks—and they are not. Gone, baby gone… (Lk.12:20).

This Jesus, as we have just witnessed, in part, such a small,small part, is greater, bigger, more far reaching—present in everything we think of, image or remember—daily. He is God present not only with us—but in all things. All of life, every created thing, every situation—He is there in it all.

Since this is fact, it only stands to reason that He is here—now, present with us, in this space and time. The Word of God tells us that no man is promised tomorrow. That today is the acceptable day. Your problem is not too big for this big God. Your mistakes not too great for Him to forgive and more—turn into a lifesaving word for another.

There are no bars that can hold Him back or keep Him out, no addiction He can’t overcome—stomp out beneath His all forgiving feet.

There is no crime unforgivable, ask the thief on the cross, he’ll tell you I’m telling the truth. Jesus told Him at his moment of salvation, as he hung dying next to Jesus, the very same words you will here on your day of –your moment of salvation; “And Jesus replied, “I assure you, today you will be with me in paradise” (Lk.23:43).

But, like with this thief, you must believe that He, Jesus, is who He says that He is. You must ask Him to come into your life and have mercy on you—forgive your sins. We all must, each of us.He won’t just bust in and save you, me, us, from hell.

God’s Word says it like this; “If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. If we say we have not sinned, we make Him out to be a liar, and His word is not in us.…(1Jn.1:8-10).

Today is that acceptable day. Now—right now, this second, is the acceptable time—what are you waiting for. You just received your personal invitation, please respond now to assure your place in heaven.

There is a great big creating God who has—in all His building, all His creating, prepared a place specifically—exclusively, for just you—and Him. All that will, come…


“Does God Play Favorites?” Rom.9:21-22

smiley-1041796_960_720 When a potter makes jars out of clay, doesn’t he have a right to use the same lump of clay to make one jar for decoration and another to throw garbage into? In the same way, even though God has the right to show his anger and his power, he is very patient with those on whom his anger falls, who are destined for destruction” (Rom.9:21:22).

So are we to understand that we serve a God who plays favorites? Some school-yard bully randomly choosing up sides for a game of you-go-to-heaven-you-go-to-hell?

“You—yeah, you, the fast one, I’ll take you.”

“And you, yeah, you next to him, you can come too.”

“But not you—are you kidding me…not on my team!”

For many this example brings up memories of being the last man standing. Cheeks-red, ashamed. And even now, after all these many years and accomplishments later, you’re feeling the pain, still— are angry, still—to say nothing of feeling like it was completely unfair!

After all, what’s wrong with me you’ve asked? I’ve got two legs and two feet. I could run fast—heck, I could run faster than him! So why didn’t I get chosen—I am too good enough!

And there it is… Paul’s argument.

Our answer—Election.

God’s Sovereignty.

The topic some pastors dodge, and unseasoned ministers shrink under the weight of. But not Paul. Why do they run and shrink? It’s unforgiving—this topic of election. It doesn’t play well with collection plates and full pews—true statement.

So what do we do with unpopular Truth? Truth too great for finite man to wrap his finite mind around? Do we who have been called to bring His Word, this Truth, into a lost and dying world, water-down the gospel—dilute God, so as not to offend?

I will say as my brother Paul said before me, “God Forbid!”

No, we are called to boldly proclaim the Gospel, boldly speak the Truth. We serve a Sovereign God. He does not serve us…Potter, clay. Divine order.

I’m reminded of a quote I recently came across. “A watered down gospel may fill pews, but it will never lead a sinner to the Cross of Christ.” And we are sinners, of that be sure. All of us. There’s not one of us “deserves” to be on team Jesus.

Not one of us is good enough to have gotten picked for His team…

Who of you reading this, in the light of God knowing your heart can say, “but I am”—good enough that is.

The Word of God itself condemns you. “If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us” (1Jn.1:8).  “All have turned away; they have together become worthless; there is no one who does good, not even one.…(Rom.3:12).

God is the Righteous Sovereign over the whole world. As such, He, God, has the right to do with anyone or anything He created exactly as He wishes, sees fit —no questions asked..

.And that’s where our backs get up—our necks stiffen…

That’s where we cry, “foul!” That’s where the screaming starts, “but it’s not fair!”

We forget that we serve at His pleasure and His calling. Grateful beyond words to have been called, chosen at all. We are not owed our salvation—quite the opposite in fact. What we deserved is hell… Why do we all try to convince ourselves that we are good? Haven’t we all told a lie before? Haven’t we all stolen something that did not belong to us? Haven’t we all looked with lustful eyes or had sexually perverted thoughts?

Jesus defined looking with lust-filled eyes to be the same as adultery (Matthew 5:28).

You are a liar, a thief and an adulterer and so am I. And there is not one person on this planet that likes liars, thieves, adulterers or murderers…

The reality is you agree with God and you cannot fight something you agree with…

How would you defend yourself when you agree with the very laws you’ve broken?

Romans 9 is God speaking to us in and with His authority. It’s not Paul speaking to us—sharing his opinions. How can we know that God’s promise of salvation will not fail? Paul’s answer is that our salvation is secure because it doesn’t depend on us, rather on God’s purpose according to election.

As the sovereign of the universe, God always accomplishes what He purposes to do. He chooses some for salvation apart from anything that they do, and He rejects others apart from anything they do… “So it is written: “Jacob I loved, but Esau I hated.” (Rom. 9:13).

Think the man at the pool of Bethesda in John 5:15. Was He the only one there that day in need of a healing? Why not heal all those gathered? And Why Israel? Why wasn’t Africa or Asia made the Apple of God’s eye—His chosen people?

We need to submit, joyfully, to this truth of Gods Sovereignty. Not question it. It’s God’s authoritative revelation of Himself. And this revelation should put an immediate end to our, “I’m good enough for His team argument.”

Paul knew then, as ministers of the gospel know now, today, that there will always be those who will cry out loudly, “but that’s just not fair!” Why them and not me? I’m a good person, don’t I deserve…

Their failure to see—their shortsightedness, comes from their inability to realize, accept, that God is not bound further than He has been pleased to bind Himself by his own covenant and promises…

In other words, God is bound by His will and Word only. Not be our wills and wants. Not by what we think we should have and deserve. Our screaming, “It’s not fair”, changes nothing…

It serves only to show how little we fear God and how prideful arrogant we actually are—how little we know of submission or humility…

How little we understand—know—about God. About the unconditionality of being chosen by God as a child of promise. “So then it depends not on human will or exertion, but on God, who has mercy.” (vs.16)

He owes His creation nothing. Hard pill to swallow I know. Doesn’t sound like the squeezably-soft God of love, and plenty and forgiveness for all being preached about today. Apostasy! A feel good gospel designed to tickle the ears of those who cannot—will not—hear the saving Truth of the Gospel.

So to answer my opening question, no, God is not some school-yard bully. He is rather an Awesome God, Righteous in everything He does. Sovereign, sinless and pure—perfect in all of His ways—above reproach.

But, as this Righteous Sovereign God He is also free to harden whom He wishes, in order to display His glory…

God could have chosen to be merciful to Pharaoh and the Egyptians by softening their hearts—telling them about the need to put the blood on their doorposts to escape the wrath of the destroying angel. Rather, God chose to harden Pharaoh’s heart for the greater purpose of displaying His glory in power and judgment, so that His fame would spread throughout the earth.

As the Righteous Sovereign over all, God has the freedom to harden sinners for His greater purpose of displaying His glory and power in righteous judgment. “You will say to me then, “Why does He still find fault? For who resists His will?” On the contrary, who are you, O man, who answers back to God? The thing molded will not say to the molder, “Why did you make me like this,” will it? Or does not the potter have a right over the clay, to make from the same lump one vessel for honorable use and another for common use? (Rom.9:19-21).

Remember today that you are the clay, not the Potter. “For the sake of Jacob My servant, And Israel My chosen one, I have also called you by your name; I have given you a title of honor Though you have not known Me. “I am the LORD, and there is no other; Besides Me there is no God. I will gird you, though you have not known Me; That men may know from the rising to the setting of the sun That there is no one besides Me. I am the LORD, and there is no other” (Isa. 45:4-6).


“I’ve Been Where You Are.” 2 Cor.5:11-21

driving-mirror-472758_960_720 I believe one of the many wonderful gifts God offers us—is diversity.  I’m not speaking here of the diversity found within the melting-pot of nationalities, though beautiful. Nor of cultures, though certainly diverse.

I’m speaking directly—specifically of  diversity found within experiences— our varied yet collective flawed pasts.

Those universal hurts, mistakes, betrayals, and, tragic-regrets we’ve shared or witnessed. Those life-events survived. The events that didn’t kill us, but rather strengthened us.  The experiences we might offer each other as balm to sooth, as encouragement to keep going, as a proof-of-life that helps to build up, that unites rather than divides.

Those very things that shamed us, ripped lives apart. Ours and theirs…

Those things that made us drop to our knees and cry out—in loneliness, desperation, pain, and regret. Like a wounded animal bellowing from places of deep brokenness. From almost-fatal wounds.

Painful scars, cruel slashes, some raw still…staring at us from just over there.


Paul carries them too, these scars. Thorns in our flesh. Dare I say they compel him? Us…?

Listen as he pours himself out in this Fifth Chapter. Read it, Dig into it. See for yourself how he understands—firsthand, what being saved from sin, his sin, truly means… as best one can this side of glory.

He understands that no man’s promised tomorrow— that the light which emanates from a life can, and, often is, snuffed out without warning—zero regard for station.

Beggars and kings, young, old, rich and poor alike—will each will face the Throne of God’s Judgement… ready or not.

Paul knows this like you know water is wet.

And so we witness him defending himself, his knowing, before those who think him arrogant, superior even.


Because they’ve mistake his heart of compassion, his certain knowledge of God’s mercy, his unmerited, unwarranted internalized forgiveness as arrogance, insolence.

Yet he is trying to persuade men still, to seek salvation in the Lord. Be ye reconciled! And those that do not find him arrogant or superior, those that know him, his sincerity, that know the Truth, will most certainly view him as hypocritical, unreliable, untrustworthy even, should he not boldly speak out, should he back down—from defending this Truth.

Everyone is watching…

Yet despite their fierce scrutiny, he has great love for these Corinthians—so he does all he’s able to remind them, encourage them—of who they are.

Our charge..

There are times in our walk when competing voices will try to put their distracting hands of confusion over others ears. Attempting to block out the deep Truth that lives within us all. But thankfully, mercifully, we serve a God whose will won’t be blocked—His will—will be done in the lives of His children. Those He’s called…

His strength, not ours.

That’s where Paul finds himself today. Convicted. Fiercely. Determined. We’ll all stand in his shoes one day, if we’re truly called as Ambassadors of God…

In his opening verses Paul’s doing his best to say, “Hey, listen to me please. I’m not trying to indoctrinate you into some cult. I’m not bullying or threatening you. I’m not using cheap scare tactics or throwing around disheartening words merely as frightful rhetoric—just because. I’m trying to tell you I’ve been where you are, and by the grace and mercy of Jesus Christ I’ve been saved, restored in Him. It’s only now, as a result of His mercy, that I understand just how far my sinned stained soul was from God—please listen, you’re making an eternal choice.”

Paul is telling us that God’s judgement is coming to each of us—to the whole of the world. There is no escaping.

In the closing lines of the previous chapter he states that all men will appear before the Throne of God, judged for the deeds done while in the body.

Paul has tasted the goodness of Jesus, His saving grace. Remember he was once among the greatest of those who not only persecuted Christians—he stood as a witness and championed Stephan’s death… stoned  for his witness of Christ—of the Truth.

He, Paul, possibly, threw stones himself. Maybe the fatal blow. He stood among the mob gathered…Stephan’s accusers. The first verse of Acts Eight tells us plainly that Paul stood there, “giving approval to his (Stephan’s) death.”

Stephen, God’s servant, operated in signs and wonders. Unheard of…

Recall that at this time in biblical history only the Apostles had been known to move in signs and wonders…

We never know who we may be standing before. Judge not, least…

Yet Paul hated him—as he did all Christians. He rejected everything and anything that smacked of it—Christianity that is. Paul was relentless in his pursuit and elimination of Christians…Think today. Think Isis. That type of determined righteous erroneous hate.

Deeper, more personal. Have you hated or rejected someone for their faith in Christ?

Acts Eight states that Paul, “began to destroy the church. Going from house to house. He dragged off men and women and put them in prison.”

It becomes plain to see why, at this place in his life Paul is so convicted—so concerned about people being reconciled to Jesus. It’s plain to see how well acquainted he is with the weight of sins, his, theirs and ours—and their eternal reach.

Now freed himself through God’s mercy and grace, that freedom drives him to pour out his life in service to the One He had persecuted. Now he lays down his life so that some would know—be reconciled to—find—his Jesus.

Rejection by the world is an oddly a unifying thread among Christians…

We each own a piece of it…this rejection.

It’s an ever present—however silent—tie that binds us all to Jesus. After all, who more than He knew rejection, persecution, and the need for man’s salvation?

And we, His children are commanded to go out into that world that wants little to do with us, often despises us, and daily, faithfully, in-spite-of, carry-out His directive? Go ye therefore unto all the world…

Paul didn’t care what these Corinthians, or anyone else for that matter, thought of him—how they perceived him—so long as his God was honored.

He stood as naked as one may stand fully clothed…our example. Bold.

Naked—in his removal of self-will.

Naked, because he had stripped off his care for the opinions of the world—standing, he was clothed only in the pure love of Christ. Confident that he might reach those he’d been sent to reap—to bring in to the Kingdom. Listen to his plea in verse 20: “Therefore, we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God were making an appeal through us; we beg you on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God.”

And there it is. The heart-cry of Paul and Peter, of James and John and the remaining Eight. Of every Christian Martyr that shared in their same faith, their same certainty. The point of this message…

It’s the heart-cry of every Pastor, every minister and evangelist. The song of every worshiper and the prayer of every warrior who storms the gates of Heaven— violently, for the sake of salvation of souls.

Be reconciled to Christ Jesus!

We are  Ambassadors of Reconciliation. Marked by God. Chosen…

We must wear that mark soberly into each encounter, before each new soul presented in Christ.

Not as one still in bondage, God forbid!

Rather as a Holy fuel!

Being ministers who live in a state of such relentless remembrance of Gods mercy towards us, allowing that to spur us on, to pour out our lives for each other, and the whole world.

We must never forget our past sin-stained state—more, we mustn’t care for the opinions of others towards it, that in that caring we may be deterred—save the opinion of Christ alone. “But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong. He chose the lowly and despised things of the world, and the things that are not, to nullify the things that are.”

We must keep in the forefront of our minds that we, and those that have yet to know our Father, are not promised tomorrow. And while it is today labor tirelessly for the reconciliation of souls.

In closing, listen to our brother Paul’s heart…“If it seems we are crazy, it is to bring glory to God. And if we are in our right minds, it is for your benefit. Either way, Christ’s love controls us. Since we believe that Christ died for all, we also believe that we have all died to our old life. He died for everyone so that those who receive his new life will no longer live for themselves. Instead, they will live for Christ, who died and was raised for them.”

Receive this word as a charge. Wrap yourself in it. Arm yourself with it because; “I tell you, now is the time of God’s favor, now is the day of salvation.”

I’ve been where you are, dear heart, precious soul, please, hear my plea that you too be reconciled to the Father. Cry out to Jesus for forgiveness of your sins.

Until next time…

“Just A Taste” Mk.9:1-8

ice-cream-1123717_960_720 In today’s Scripture Jesus opens with a puissant statement of fact. But what is He alluding to specifically?

A clue is given within His word choice. Jesus hints at its deep significance through His word usage. The solemnity of what He is about to say, He uses language which He reserves only for occasions such as this. Pay attention…“Verily I say unto you…”

Is it His death and resurrection to which He is referring in this odd opening verse? Or, maybe it’s the coming of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost?

Perhaps He’s speaking to the imminent spread of Christianity or, to Jerusalem’s destruction in A.D. 70?

Mark’s opening verse is ambiguous, oddly placed…hence all the scholarly debate surrounding it.

But if we just look at it, it seems a natural flow, an easy pivot. It serves to transition us into what’s coming next. Linking some of those present to His, Jesus’ own future intent. Jesus gathers us up and points us toward Mt. Hermon—to His Transfiguration. And everything is clear, deep but clear.

While each of the fore-mentioned events are Biblical fact, for a few within the crowd that day, three within earshot of Jesus actually—each of these events will become a reality. Eye-witnessed.

And that is the very heart, the core, of this event, this witnessing. So it’s toward that, toward seeing and tasting for oneself that we’ll look toward today. One delicious spoonful at a time…

What happens to us, each of us, when we’re given a taste of Jesus?

If we are anything like our brothers we’re left wanting more. A taste isn’t nearly enough to sate our longing, our desire for Jesus.

But it is just enough, typically, to leave us wanting. Craving that is, desiring, running after—more of Him.

You noticed no doubt the visual used today is ice cream. Specifically, many tasting spoons standing in many tubs of various flavors of ice cream.


To demonstrate a point, two actually. The first, as human beings we do enjoy our options, dare I say, demand them!

If you have doubt about the validity of my statement, check out the variety of television stations available to us. The variety of, types of, cars, colors, watches, fashion choices and eateries. How many flavors do we really need—to flavor our coffee?

We are inundated with choices, varieties, types. As a result, we are often left unsatisfied, overstimulated, by what we’ve chosen. Left flat. Yet we’re happy glad that we get to wake up tomorrow and get to choose anew!

We have not yet been satiated.

Neither have our three brothers.

But things are about to change—eternally…

Three have been chosen, hand-picked to follow Jesus up a mountain. And you…come along.

Yet, for these three, this is nothing new, being the first to go, do, and see that is. Somethings aren’t meant for everyone to witness, first, filters are required.

Peter, James, and John—Jesus ’ inner circle. They are those filters through which Jesus pours Truth, His Truth, Kingdom Come Truth—full strength, by the mouthfuls.

These were chosen for their unique abilities. Each eventually would learn both how to consume, ingest and then disperse, speak out, allocate, teach—these unfiltered Truths.

Three prodigious leaders of the future Church. They’ve each been with Jesus from the beginning. Hand-picked. Known by God—Ginṓskō, like a man knows his wife. Intimate like.

For nearly Three years now these have slept beside Him, eaten with Him, been privy to His numerous miraculous healing’s and extraordinary, unparalleled, radical teachings. Yet they are not yet fully firm, not yet set in their knowledge of His divinity…more time is needed.

Things are still a little wobbly…

But wait you say, Peter? Wasn’t it Peter, this same Peter, who said out loud, who answered correctly when all others failed, that Jesus was The Christ—The Son of God?

Yes, you are correct.

It was this same Peter indeed. The one who loved Jesus the most, think John 21. Yes, it was this impulsive, bold, bodacious Apostle—the denier, the reinstated one, the Fisher-of-men, the fisherman, the rock. Simon.

And yes, it was John. The same John who laid his head against Jesus’ chest at the Last Supper, the one Jesus loved. The Beloved. The one who stood at the foot of the Cross and received Mary as his own mother. The very same John that would write a Revelation on an Isle called Patmos. Exiled there after having survived being boiled in oil for his refusal to stop preaching the Gospel when ordered to do so by the Emperor Domitian.

And James, John’s brother. Whose mom asked Jesus that each of her sons sit at His right and left hand in Heaven. James one of two brothers whom Jesus prophesied would in fact drink of the shared cup of suffering that He, Jesus, would  Himself drink from. This same James would be the first of the chosen Twelve Apostles to see martyrdom by the sword at the hands of King Herod Agrippa, as witnessed in Acts Chapter Twelve.

We could get heavy here. We could delve into deep Biblical Truths and mysteries— from here on out in fact.

We could get theological. We could enter into the significance of, the meaning behind, these three brothers being allowed to witness Jesus’ Transfiguration. More, we could delve into both the immediate and lasting reasons why Jesus took them, as leaders, along in the first place…

We could look into the significance of, the meaning behind, the Law and the Prophets. Symbolized by Moses and Elijah’s appearance and witnessed by these men. Moses, symbolizing those that have died in Christ, the other, Elijah, one who never tasted death…Wait. Didn’t Jesus say something about not tasting death before His return?

We could examine how neither the prophets nor the law could or can save a man. How it is only through the shed Blood of Jesus Christ, only by His Redemptive work done for you and I on Calvary’s Cross, that our salvation may be, can be found. How one such as you and I can’t even enter the place of desiring the new life Jesus’ death and resurrection provides without, outside of, the Fathers call.

We could go into it all. But we won’t…

Rather, I’d have your focus be on what’s to come…

As with our brothers, let’s assume you’ve had a taste of Jesus also. And like our brothers, though wobbly at times, you’re determined, fixed on following after Him. You’re walking up the mountain with Jesus, trusting, curious, excited, yet filled with trepidation’s. But your walking. Heel to toe—your walking.

The Apex is in sight yet you stop because He did. Look! What’s happening to Him? You can’t look anymore, not straightaway, only barely, through squinted eyes. Dazzling bright whiteness. Jesus stands before you—éclat.

And that Voice, that soul-penetrating, commanding Voice. Emanating from within the clouds. That same Voice that said, that you heard say, “This is my Son, listen to Him.” That Voice. The One that changes everything…

And wham…you’re on the ground. Stiff as a dead man with fright. You knew He was different this Jesus, knew He was powerful, believed He was a Prophet, The Son of God even, Messiah—but now. Oh now, sweet undeniable now…

Silent in contemplation, each step a thought, you return to the mundane that awaits you at the end of this journey, the base of this mountain. There’s always a valley. The necessary mundane, the purpose of the journey. Lessons. You’re now a witness to something so immense, so life altering it can only do one thing for you, propel you, prepare you, for what awaits you…The Fullness of Jesus.

There is a song by Jesus Culture entitled, “Holy Spirit”.

Within its second verse these lyrics are found; “I’ve tasted and seen, of the sweetest of loves. Where my heart becomes free and shame is undone. In your presence Lord.”

That dear heart, beloved, that is where I want you to focus today. On that taste. That moment on your personal mountain top, your place of witnessing His Transformative power…

I’m challenging you today to continue to walk in the footsteps of those three brothers who went before you. Trailblazers. The original taste-testers…

Follow their lead, read their stories, listen to their hearts—every time you, like they, get a little wobbly. And you will. We all do. Each time, every time your taste buds need a reminder of that one-of-a-kind, mind-blowing flavor of Jesus Christ. That other-worldly experience only He provides!

Why? Preparation.

Once you’ve tasted His love, mercy, goodness, grace, kindness—the plethora of His unmerited favor, His benevolence. Once you’ve had a taste of Him, His perfection, everything outside of Him becomes lack-luster, bland. Hospital food bland. It becomes ordinary and eventually, prayerfully, completely undesirable…

This is our great goal. Here, now, on earth. Before others—to desire, exude, crave, Him alone.

Like our brothers before us the taste of Jesus should leave us, has left us—ravenous. And it, that taste, should drive us to do anything—anything. Destroy every, any obstacle, every relationship that stands in the way of more—of it. Of Jesus.

Everything must be pushed aside, left. As we stand before all that Jesus has for us, like greedy, unashamed children we should be jumping up-and-down. Shovels, not spoons in our grasping hands, saying, screaming… yes please daddy, I would most definitely like more, and more—and more.

Until the day I stand before you a shirt-stained mess, belly puffed out from the bits hungrily gobbled-up along the way. Now, home with you. Sated. Finally, no further need for my spoon…

“Don’t End Up in His Shoes” Eph.4:7-8

shoe-68770_960_720 But grace was given to each one of us according to the measure of the gift of Christ. Therefore, He says: “When He ascended on high, He led captivity captive, and gave gifts to men” (Eph.4:7-8).

Don’t miss that part—The grace being given to each one of us… That’s huge! Why? Because without it we will never accomplish one-single-thing worthy of Heaven. Huge right?

As with last week’s post, this week also we’re being taught by the Apostle Paul. Additionally, we’re going to drop anchor in the depths of yet another of Paul’s…Therefore   pivotal points.

Paul has a fitting and consistent usage of, “Therefore”. It is meant to whittle down the general teaching statements directed at the entire Body, into very specific, deeply personal statements directed specifically to each of Gods children.

More precisely, to you. God is equipping you to walk in your own shoes.

If, and only if, you are a Blood bought believer of Jesus Christ this Scripture applies to you!

If you’re not, I implore you to stop now. Invite Jesus into your heart as your personal Lord and Savior. One simple prayer, one plea, from your heart to His will make this happen. I’m talking about salvation. About stepping from death in sin-stained world and nature into forgiveness and righteousness in Christ. A second chance, a new beginning! How can I be sure of this? I know my Father… and, I’m a living example of His Grace.

Also, I can guarantee if you’ve been thinking of Him, thinking of going back to church, reading your Bible, accidentally meeting people or coming across teachings/messages like this one, you are being wooed, pursued by, The Holy Spirit. He wants you as His own and He also wants to give Himself to you. “It is rare indeed for anyone to die for a righteous man, though for a good man someone might possibly dare to die. But God proves His love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us. Therefore, since we have now been justified by His blood, how much more shall we be saved from wrath through Him” (Rom.5-8). Emphasis my own.

Not let’s follow Paul’s pivot and make this personal…

Let’s talk about God’s grace. How it should—and should not be handled by us in conjunction to our gifting/ our purpose.

And you have a purpose, without a doubt. Your purpose is tied to your God-given gifting. And it’s been given you for the  explicit use of serving God and His Body. It was fully brought to life in you when you accept Jesus as Lord and His Holy Spirit took up residence inside of you. He alone enabled and empowered you to use this gifting for Kingdom and not self-serving purposes, thereby aiding you in fulfilling your destiny.

For all those who’ve ever questioned whether they have a purpose in life, you should be exhaling in loud sighs of delighted relief right about now! God has gifted you—specifically,intentionally. Yes, you have been chosen by God to serve Him! That should knock your socks off! Of all the people in the world He could have chosen, He chose you… you’re Handpicked! And, if that weren’t enough, He also supplied you with the grace necessary for you to fulfill the purpose He’s placed within you….Listen: “For out of His fullness (abundance) we have all received [all had a share and we were all supplied with] one grace after another and spiritual blessing upon spiritual blessing and even favor upon favor and gift [heaped] upon gift” (Jn.1:16).

With every blessing in life, each God-given position brings responsibility. Regardless the scope of our purpose in Christ. Whether Pastor, author, janitor or front door greeter… do all God has entrusted to you solely for His good pleasure and purpose.

And do it in thanksgiving. Do it with a joy that should arise in you from knowing that you’re serving the same God who put breath in your lungs and who controls every beat of your heart.

And when you get discouraged, and you will, when you feel like quitting, and it might just happen, keep this close to your heart. Let it serve as a warm wrap in a sometimes cold world. “Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the inheritance as your reward. You are serving the Lord Christ” (Col.3:23-24). Emphasis my own.

Why is this vital? Verse Eight of our Teaching makes that abundantly clear to us.

We not only serve the King who showed Himself mighty in the Old Testament within the Ark of the Covenant with David (2 Sam. 6:1).  Nor a God who merely led His people by a Pillar of cloud by day and of fire by night (Ex. 13:21). But more, we serve a Living God, a Warrior God… Our Defender. He led captivity captive; which speaks of Christ’s conquests and triumph over sin, death and the grave. Over satan, and the world and every single spiritual enemy both of His and His people.

Principally, the devil, who leads men captive at his will. Christ has ruined Him. Making of him a crushed foe. Jesus ascended into heaven saving His people, taking captive all the power of the enemy and giving grace upon grace to His chosen.

That is the God who has placed purposed within you to serve Him, to co-labor with Him in accomplishing His will.

And He continues to do so still. In giving gifts to men; the most supreme of which is His Holy Spirit. He empowers each of us for the work set before our hands…His purpose for us, for creating us. “Having canceled the debt ascribed to us in the decrees that stood against us. He took it away, nailing it to the cross! And having disarmed the rulers and authorities, He made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them by the cross” (Col.2:15). Emphasis my own.

In conclusion, let’s go back to our pivot—the role His grace plays in your purpose:

If you’re feeling like your purpose is too small, or worse yet that your somehow…gift-less. If you’re assuming your purpose makes no clear difference because you can’t preach, evangelize, teach or write books.  Please, pay attention to a man who thought just as you do. Because doing so might just literally save your life. Don’t throw your service to God under the bus thinking it has little or no value. Don’t take it lightly… or for granted.

By doing so you’re presuming you know more than God and, that like Him, you’re able to see your end from your beginning, like He does.

Turn with me to Matthew 25:24-30. Let’s learn of the outcome of the servant who did not treat that which is Holy as it should be treated. And your Purpose is holy and it given to you to serve a Holy God. And God gives it to you according to your ability.

Are you angry at God because you feel He short-changed you? Fearful and mistrusting His judgement in giving you something you is too big for you and you’ll just mess it up? Do you, like this servant know that God demands your best and your just not sure you can manage that? Please, please trust God…if He gave it to you He’s given you all you need to accomplish the task. Don’t follow this servants example and wind up in his shoes…“He also who had received the one talent came forward, saying, ‘Master, I knew you to be a hard man, reaping where you did not sow, and gathering where you scattered no seed, so I was afraid, and I went and hid your talent in the ground. Here you have what is yours.’ But his master answered him, ‘You wicked and slothful servant! You knew that I reap where I have not sown and gather where I scattered no seed? Then you ought to have invested my money with the bankers, and at my coming I should have received what was my own with interest. So take the talent from him and give it to him who has the ten talents. For to everyone who has will more be given, and he will have an abundance. But from the one who has not, even what he has will be taken away. And cast the worthless servant into the outer darkness. In that place there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.”

Celebrate what you have been given. And be the very best_________________, you can be. (fill in the blank with your gift, your purpose.) You’re not responsible for what you don’t have, but you are certainly are responsible for what you do have…great or little.

Walk in your own shoes, you never know where another man’s path may be leading…and remember, fear is a purpose killer and it’s not from God!

Until next week Beloved, Blessings…



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