"Come follow me and I will make you fishers of men." Matthew 4:19

Tag: Guides

Examples. Ephesians 2:7.

“So God can point to us in all future ages as examples of the incredible wealth of his grace and kindness toward us, as shown in all he has done for us who are united with Christ Jesus.”

The starry heavens are best seen by reflecting telescopes, which, in their field, mirror the brightness above. –MacLaren Commentaries.

Though Paul directs all glory and honor towards Jesus Christ, towards Gods kindness, mercy, and grace being lavished on all those whom He has chosen in Christ as His own; here, in our scripture, in some small way too, he makes known to us how God uses His creations, those He has chosen for Himself, as examples for all who will follow their example of perpetual faithfulness in the face of adversity—and even death. If not for Gods unplumbed love, of His desiring to be in relationship with His creation, His chosen ones, how else might we explain our ability to interact—more, share intimacy with, the Sovereign God of the universe? God’s kindness is all ‘in Christ Jesus’; in Him is the great channel through which His love comes to men, the river of God which is full of water. And that kindness is realised by us when we are ‘in Christ.’ Separated from Him we do not possess it; joined to Him as we may be by true faith in Him, it is ours, and with it all the blessings which it brings into our else empty and thirsting hearts.

Neither Paul, knocked from this world, quite literally into the next, on a dusty Damascus road, nor Peter, called to leave behind nets and boats, family and livelihood, nor Simon, torn between one form of revolution and another, and then Matthew—transformed from a collector of coins and animals and all sorts of goods, to one used instead, to amass souls for the Kingdom. Examples each. Confirmations each of God’s Word. Truly He uses the weak things of this world—the rough, broken, and downtrodden, the outsider and the defeated, the liar and thief, haughty and bigot, the self-righteous and pauper to confound those that see themselves as wise and superior.

Who better to reach the average man than the average man transformed by the power of Jesus Christ?

Yet, not each of His chosen 12 were true prodigals. Even so, all were born sinners. Perhaps you and I cannot relate to a Paul. To an outwardly haughty—self-aggrandizing man full of a pride born from his station and position. Maybe he, his thinking and privilege, is too far removed from us, our way of life, to take in, even scarcely, his thinking or actions.  So full of his own “rightness” he was willing to kill and destroy lives that it may be satisfied. And yet God saw fit to use him mightily. And, his opposite, Peter. A man who reeked of fish and sweat—of resignation perhaps? A simple man—not eloquent, but plain-spoken. Mouthy even. Some might say brash. And Simon the Zealot, though eventually obscure, was a man who had hungered for change. For a better life—a more level playing field for his people. For fairness, safety, and peace; by any means necessary. A man who so wanted fairness and freedom he was willing to die for it. A man who, after encountering his Lord, eventually laid down the plowshares beaten into sword and, instead, used the Sword of the Spirit—the Word of God, with which to fight his battles. And our brother Matthew—a tax collecting thief. Pilfering from his own people. Benefiting from their suffering—and loss. Swindling and conniving that his purse might grow fat while theirs—his fellow Jew, was filled only with dust. Emptied of opportunities—and food, by the Roman demand for unjust taxes, and his greed for more…

Yet Gods unfathomable mercy is demonstrated to us through the example of each of these quite ordinary men…

In this text, when read in context, we witness, in part, Paul shifting gears. We see, through the eyes of his understanding, that the dawn of Christs return may be much further off than what he first believed—what they each first believed. We witness his looking towards the dawning of the future church. Towards us. And, in his viewing of us, recognizing all the more the weight of his own example to the world at large and, specifically for Gods elect. Hence, encouraging us via his informing us of the unending plethora of God’s grace. Paul is detailing his responsibility—our responsibility too, and great privilege as Christians, to demonstrate Gods unplumbed love to the world. This grace of God which fills his epistles—his heart and life, forever changing each. This amazing grace of Gods; so lavished upon him and so obviously over-flowing that the world cannot help but witness how God touches ordinary, sin-filled men, and, as a result, they are forever changed by Him. Not made instantly perfect in the natural mind you, yet, are everlastingly changed, made perfect. in time, by Christ. Used then as examples of His great mercy and love. Of His longing to have restored relationship with His creations. The characters of Christian people are in every age the clearest and most effectual witnesses of the power of the Gospel. Their transformed lives, our lives, a living testament to a loving and merciful God. That we, mere men, be used—chosen to partner with this God whose mercy and grace is as far from our full understanding as the east is from the west…

And, though Paul—and these dear brothers each, are guideposts used still, pointing us towards the God of mercy and grace and patients and unfathomable love, this mantle of demonstrating, of being living examples of the transformative touch of Christ is now ours to wear—if, we know Him as Savior and Lord. If we too have taken off the old man and put on Christ. Our witness is as valid and vital this day as it was the day it issued from Paul’s heart and onto the pages of God’s Word…

In closing, do we daily demonstrate, via our Christian character, that transforming touch of God we’ve been chosen and privileged to have received? That magnificent mercy we hold in our bellies, in these clay vessels, which Paul speaks of. Do we share the privilege of Gods saving grace as we ought—have been commanded to? As a blazing love for him, to serve Him only would drive us to? If not, why not? Should we be stricken suddenly mute—would the world recognize Christ in us at all?

What does your example look like?

Will God use it to touch some future soul looking towards the horizon of faith and wondering…?

Saints, in Christ Jesus Father God has taken us and all future generations into account. He has showered us each in His redemptive love. Washing us clean, He has pardoned, adopted, and fully restored us to Himself. We have been both blessed by Him and chosen in Him to demonstrate a living example of God’s amazing grace, as well the miraculous power of encouragement one receives having witnessed the true conversation of a soul. The restored hope and eternal optimism, the joy God offers a hopeless and exasperated world. “So from now on we regard no one from a worldly point of view. Though we once regarded Christ in this way, we do so no longer. Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here! All this is from God, who reconciled us to himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation: that God was reconciling the world to himself in Christ, not counting people’s sins against them. And he has committed to us the message of reconciliation” 2 Corinthians 5:16-19.

Dear friend, if you are with us today for the first time, or, if God has wooed you back once more, perhaps it is to confirm His calling you to Himself? Perhaps He wants you to receive His free gift of this great mercy and grace Paul speaks of? Perhaps He wants to use all that you’ve lived through as an example of hope and encouragement for another? Won’t you say yes to Him today? Won’t you ask Him into your life as King of your heart? He loves you my friend. “But for this very reason I was shown mercy, so that in me, the worst of sinners, Christ Jesus might display His perfect patience as an example to those who would believe in Him for eternal life” –1 Timothy 1:16.


“Dead Men Speaking?” Heb.11

people-1099783_960_720 “[Prompted, actuated] by faith Abel brought God a better and more acceptable sacrifice than Cain, because of which it was testified of him that he was righteous [that he was upright and in right standing with God], and God bore witness by accepting and acknowledging his gifts. And though he died, yet [through the incident] he is still speaking” (Heb.11:4). Emphasis my own.

These men of God, these stalwarts of the faith—eternal voices, esteemed each, and found in the Christian Hall of Fame, Hebrews Chapter Eleven, are no more dead—no more silent, than is Jesus. And Jesus is most certainly not dead! He is alive and speaking still, as are they—always, to His children—to the world!

There are times, that in order for us to understand where we are now and how it is we got there, we must look over our shoulder for a moment and evaluate—take stock of, our path, our journey. This is  what Paul, I believe, is reminding us to do in Chapter Ten’s conclusion. He signals us to remember those moments when we first believed, when we were on fire for the Truth—for God. We must rekindle those moments, afresh, again and again.

There is no price too great to pay to follow what burns in our hearts—what we hunger for, thirst after.  Paul reminds us that though time has passed—and with it’s passing, perhaps it’s taken some of our ardor also. Nevertheless, we must hold on, hold fast to, our passion for God. We must remain steadfast in faith. We must persevere…

He reminds us that none of us is promised a smooth path to follow. But he also states plainly that the one who went before us is coming back for us as well—and He won’t delay! That is our Hope delayed, but not denied! Yet this Jesus is not looking for—is not pleased with us when we shrink away from our walk with Him simply because it’s gotten hard…

Think how hard it was for Him. How hard it was for Abraham, Moses and Noah. For David, Mary, His mother, and Rahab, the prostitute. For Peter and John, Matthew the tax collector and Simon the Zealot. Even for Paul himself. How difficult it was for all those who choose to follow the call they knew came from God in the midst of a pagan world who wanted nothing to do with their Jesus…

Sound familiar?

Yet we, like they, gain our strength through The Holy Spirit, so that, we too may endure until the end. If we will turn our hearts to Him—crying out to the only One who can sustain us in our hours of weakness, our times of trials and loss and testing. And there will be testing. Jesus did not escape it, and we certainly won’t either. Like Master—like servant. We must hold firm to our faith. It was this very thing—this faith, this elementary foundational building block, which straightened their spines, these stalwarts, and aided them in putting one foot in front of the other when persecution, uncertainty and yes, fear, hunted them.

We, like with those who’ve gone before us, who’ve finished their race and received their crown, have been bought for a price. The ultimate price, The Atoning  Blood of Jesus. Christ’s sacrificial giving of His life in exchange for our own. Least we never forget!

Now,echoing across this Hall of Fame, we hear the footsteps of Abel—out first dead man speaking. “By faith Abel brought God a better offering than Cain did. By faith he was commended as righteous, when God spoke well of his offerings. And by faith Abel still speaks, even though he is dead.”

As we continue to listen to Paul’s naming of those found in this encouraging—life affirming, faith building chapter, next we hear of Enoch…

Enoch, Noah’s great-grandfather. Much like Elijah in Kings 2:11, Enoch too, was taken up to heaven, never to have tasted physical death (vs.5). Then comes Noah. Noah who in holy fear built the Ark that God instructed him to build—and he built it precisely as he was told…

He built it in the midst of persecution and torment. He built it though he had never seen rain. God had told Noah to build a boat—and he did it, by faith, in obedience. And as a result, he, his whole family, and those animals the Lord chose to enter this boat, were all saved from the coming flood. Through Noah’s faithfulness, God ushered in His judgement on a sinful world. You see, Noah was a type of the Christ to come—and Christ, through His obedience to the Father—offers Salvation for all who will…

An Ark…safety.

Concerning Noah and us all: Faith moves us to do those things we have no foreknowledge of—no reference point from which to spring forward. We are made to be solely reliant on the Christ whom we confess… (James 2:14-26).

And when we think faith, how can our minds not go straight to Father Abraham. Not only did he leave home and country when called to by God, also, when he was nearly 100 years old, he had the faith to believe a promise given him by the Lord under a starry, night sky. A promise which stated that from his withered, and all but dried-up body he would sire a child, Father a nation. And this promise would be fulfilled through the womb of his equally dried-up, and barren wife! It is never too late for God…

Faith is the evidence of things unseen, yet hoped for… (Heb.11:1).

Our Hall of Fame list goes on to mention such memorable names as, Isaac and Jacob and Joseph of the multi-colored coat. Who would save his entire family from famine—because by faith he endured pits and slavery, false accusations, deceptions and treachery, attempts on his life, and abuse at the hands of those he thought loved him—those whom he loved…

In this world you will have trials and tribulations, but fear not, take heart, for I have overcome this world… (Jn.16:33).

And, as I stated earlier, sometimes, in order for us to know how best to move forward we must look back to where we started—for the purposes of re-calibration, not in sorrow or longing for things past, God forbid! If we have been made new creations in Christ Jesus, why would we ever long to unite our new selves to the corpse of the dead selves we left floating about in our Baptismal waters? Though we are—and will be until Christ’s return, working out—learning this new self, this new relationship; it’s thinking and resulting actions.Each of these things will never be made complete should we continue to reach behind…

Paul says it this way, “Brothers and sisters, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus” (Phil.3:13-14).

Each of those found in our Hall of Fame, as well as every Christian that’s gone before us, knew of one trait in our arsenal that was essential to or faith walk. Needed like air and water…


Paul knew it. Paul’s faith, along with those mentioned in Hebrews 11, was fashioned in trials, made sure through perseverance. In faith believing that the One who started this new thing—this good work, would do just as He said He would, and complete it. That was His part—His promise to them, to us. Our part is the persevering through whatever comes. Through the fiery furnaces, through so much we’ll never understand this side of eternity. That is what Paul is teaching us—back there, in Chapter 10…

Paul says it this way: “But we are not of those who shrink away and are destroyed, but of those who believe and are saved” (Heb.10:39). And not because of anything we’ve done…

Perseverance is the take-away when we look to God’s Word for how it is we’ll get through this world and all of its many trials and woes. It’s what lead us into Chapter 11, into Faith—the how of perseverance, its partner.

Why perseverance? Why Faith? The closing verses of our chapter gives us a glimpse—and sets us up for what is yet to come. Jesus. It was Jesus these stalwarts in our Hall of Fame wanted, served—yet did not know by name. They knew only the God of Laws and the Prophets. Paul tells us that, “These were all commended for their faith, yet none of them received what had been promised, since God had planned something better for us so that only together with us would they be made perfect” (Heb.11:39-40).


And how much more than Paul and Peter and John and Mark are we—witnesses to the fulfillment of the promise each of these Hall of Famer’s clung to. If we, like those before us, will continue to persevere in faith—in spite of, regardless of—come what may. Our joy too will be made complete! Our Faith rewarded…that we may see Him coming on the clouds, returning to bring us to Himself in glory!

“And I heard a great voice out of the throne saying, Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and he shall dwell with them, and they shall be his peoples, and God himself shall be with them, and be their God: and he shall wipe away every tear from their eyes; and death shall be no more; neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain, any more: the first things are passed away. And he that sitteth on the throne said, Behold, I make all things new. And he saith, Write: for these words are faithful and true” (Rev. 21:3-5).




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