"Come follow me and I will make you fishers of men." Matthew 4:19

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“Atom to Adam and Beyond…” Col. 1:15

hand-898232_960_720 “He is the exact living image [the essential manifestation] of the unseen God [the visible representation of the invisible], the firstborn [the preeminent one, the sovereign, and the originator] of all creation” (Col.1:15).

Originator of all creation? Wait. Does that mean that the same God that created me, created the salamander and the snail? The sea and slime? What about the milky way and neutrons? Oxygen and sunshine? Souls and Spirits and intelligence too? Abilities and ideas? Even my desire to do or be a thing?

Yes. Categorically—without equivocation. Yes (Acts 17:27-28).

Our Scripture today plainly attests to this fact—this reality.

Jesus is not only (as in simply, merely or just) our Lord and Savior, not just God’s substantive equal, in that He is not solely the firstborn human fathered by God—literally (Phil.2:6-7). He is the God of the Trinity.

Think the Holy Spirit over-shadowing Mary here…

She, by the power of the Holy Spirit, would conceive and give birth to God’s only begotten Son—Jesus the Christ (Lk.1:35). Three in One, the Godhead.

He is inestimable—boundless. Omnipresent. All of creation—all of it, contains His essence. His Word, thought and will (Ps.33:6-9).

He is God with us—permeating His creation, Immanuel. The very templet of the New Creation, the New Adam. Pure—undefiled, worthy of God. He is Deity wrapped in flesh—man as God intended, perfect. He is in intimate relationship with—gnosis with, the Father God. (Rom.5:12-18).

Creator of all, over all—atom to Adam. In Jesus is found the very definition of fullness—the sum total of all. Both Alpha and Omega, babe and man, lamb—spotless, and lion—roaring, all-powerful, eternal (Col.1:19).

This Jesus is the greatest author, the most prolific of artist. He is the creator of mechanics and all things mechanical, designer, and engineer. Gravitational pull, magnetic poles, the very site of, placement of our galaxy, temperate zones and lightening—tectonics and solar nebula’s (Job 9:9-10; Amos 5:8; Ps.19:1-6; Rev.4:11).

This Jesus—our Jesus, He is the stuff of Greek myth. Half man, half God. Difference is, He’s no myth. He’s real, authentic, sole, glorious, magnificent, awesome—He is God all by Himself.

Contained within man, animals, aquatic life and yes, even plant life, is a protein known as Laminin. Science has come to bear out the Truth of God’s Word…

After all, He is Creator of all things—science included, it is only fitting that science should confirm His Truth.

The Laminin Protein.


What is this stuff?

According to the Journal of Cell Biology: “Lamins line the inside of the nuclear membrane, where they provide a platform for the binding of proteins and chromatin and confer mechanical stability.”

Laminin Protein is the physical proof of—form of, substance of—what we find in Colossians 1:17. “And HE IS before all things and in and through Him the universe is a harmonious whole, all things are held together.”  (Emphasis added).

And, as it is physically impossible for man to be literally held together in the absence of this protein, so it is also, spiritually speaking, to hold together as well—without Jesus we fall apart… (Gen.3:6-7).

We have absolute need of Jesus. Without whom, life is and will always be—without form or substance.


And we, having no true, set form, nothing fixed and unchanging to which we can attach to and sustain our lives—are left to our own inadequate devises—veiled attempts at self-construction.

Thus we build shabby frames and frame-works—pointless, faltering constructs—unable, incapable of successfully sustaining function long-term—our essential static, fixed framework nonexistent.

No God, no life. Simple… (Acts:28 specifically; 17:22-31).

Put Scripturally, “Remain in Me, and I will remain in you. Just as no branch can bear fruit by itself unless it remains in the vine, neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in Me. I am the vine and you are the branches. The one who remains in Me, and I in him, will bear much fruit. For apart from Me you can do nothing” (Jn.15:4-5).

Break off a branch from any vine, tree, plant and what happens? Death. No life-source, no life.

And that leads us into this protein also being present in plants of the field, birds of the air, as well as the fish of the sea.

In “types” of their own of course…

Each type—each protein strand, unique to whom it inhabits. Makes sense right? Man is unique from all other created things. He is the only created article that God formed in His own likeness and blew His Ruach breath into—His Spirit, His life-giving, creative breath. (Gen.1:27; Gen.2:7).

Certainly fish, snails, sea algae, and, cows should not—don’t need to, carry within them the fullness of what man has. They are not called—were not created to be him—man. To follow after his Creator, to co-create with Him…

Yet, even these creatures contain within themselves this life-force—this divine glue, that holds them together. It allows for them to work and flourish, to reproduce, and have dominion over—their little place under the sun… (Ecc. 3:1). All of which Jesus’s hand is in as well—His creations. (John 1:3).

Our God—this Jesus, is far too enormous for us to take in. Trying to ingest this enormity of–the scale of, His person, intelligence and creative abilities is like trying to eat an elephant in a single bite—impossible!

Jesus is too great for our finite minds to even begin to grasp. We try. We wrestle and grapple and stare out into the void—in wonder, with a sense of slack-jawed awe…God! My God!

And we are left still—silent, humbled, incapable. As it should be. How thoroughly disheartening—horrifying, it would be if we could conceive—thoroughly take in—this Lamb, this Lion, this Baby, Child, Man, eternal—what is an eternal God? Inconceivable!

He is One who speaks and things are—poof! (Jer.1:5)

And with that same breath speaks—and they are not. Gone, baby gone… (Lk.12:20).

This Jesus, as we have just witnessed, in part, such a small,small part, is greater, bigger, more far reaching—present in everything we think of, image or remember—daily. He is God present not only with us—but in all things. All of life, every created thing, every situation—He is there in it all.

Since this is fact, it only stands to reason that He is here—now, present with us, in this space and time. The Word of God tells us that no man is promised tomorrow. That today is the acceptable day. Your problem is not too big for this big God. Your mistakes not too great for Him to forgive and more—turn into a lifesaving word for another.

There are no bars that can hold Him back or keep Him out, no addiction He can’t overcome—stomp out beneath His all forgiving feet.

There is no crime unforgivable, ask the thief on the cross, he’ll tell you I’m telling the truth. Jesus told Him at his moment of salvation, as he hung dying next to Jesus, the very same words you will here on your day of –your moment of salvation; “And Jesus replied, “I assure you, today you will be with me in paradise” (Lk.23:43).

But, like with this thief, you must believe that He, Jesus, is who He says that He is. You must ask Him to come into your life and have mercy on you—forgive your sins. We all must, each of us.He won’t just bust in and save you, me, us, from hell.

God’s Word says it like this; “If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. If we say we have not sinned, we make Him out to be a liar, and His word is not in us.…(1Jn.1:8-10).

Today is that acceptable day. Now—right now, this second, is the acceptable time—what are you waiting for. You just received your personal invitation, please respond now to assure your place in heaven.

There is a great big creating God who has—in all His building, all His creating, prepared a place specifically—exclusively, for just you—and Him. All that will, come…


“Start Where You Are” Phil.3:15-16

shoes-1265438_960_720  No one starts at the finish line. None of us start-off in perfect shape. Look at the Olympic athletes that ran, tumbled, and, flew across our television screens this past week. No medals, no wreaths—symbols of that sure victory—hung from around their necks before they competed—before they entered the race.

It is through our trials, in the midst of running of our race, that the best in us surfaces, bursts forth. And if we endure, we are victorious. We finish our race well.

To get a sure grasp on our Scripture for today we have to backtrack a bit—look towards what precedes it. Paul’s having a conversation with his beloved Philippians. This church—this group of predominately gentile believers have always been devoted to Paul. They are known for their generous giving—both to him and within their community.

Paul is writing this letter from inside a prison cell. He is talking to the Philippian Church about not having confidence in their flesh—in their own abilities. Rather, he instructs them to stayed laser focused on what they’ve been taught by him…and know. Christ and Him crucified…

You see there is a group of Judaizing teachers in their midst attempting to get the Philippians to follow the law of Moses yet again. They are stressing, falsely, that one must be circumcised, salvation alone won’t cut it…

Paul is instructing them to remember all he had taught them.

In our ongoing walk with the Lord there will always be those who will try to get us to deviate from the Truth. To back-track. They will do their level best to convince us that we need a bit of this—whatever “this” may be at the moment, along with what we know, in order to really have it all. To be complete in God…

Paul calls them dogs. Jesus called them vipers—hypocrites! Blind guides lost themselves, doing their best to convince us that theirs is the way to God…

We must take great care to stay the course the Holy Spirit has—and will continue to, lead us towards. He knows each of us—intimately…

Remember, He is Alpha and Omega. Knowing our beginning from our end. He knows exactly what we need, when we need it and more, what we don’t need and never will!

And what we, like the Philippians, don’t need is to return to the ways of our flesh…like dogs returning to their vomit.

Looking back to Chapter One, Paul  reminds us that Jesus began a good work in us and that He alone will carry it on to completion until the day He returns for us, or calls us home to Himself. “Because I trust, (have faith), concerning this, that He who has begun a good work in you will accomplish that until the day of our Lord Yeshua The Messiah. (Phil, 1:6).

Paul is sharing the heart  of this thought with his friends in his letter. He is telling them to follow the example he, Paul, has laid down for them—as he is nearing the end of his race, but not yet…

Not before he writes them one more time—joyfully, yet again, about leaving behind all that we once considered gain in our lives—for the sake of having, knowing, serving—loving Jesus Christ.

Paul shares with us that what he once held in such high esteem, his learning and his standing as a Hebrew among Hebrews, a Pharisee, he now counts it all as nothing having gained Christ. “Yes, everything else is worthless when compared with the infinite value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. For his sake I have discarded everything else, counting it all as garbage, so that I could gain Christ and become one with him. I no longer count on my own righteousness through obeying the law; rather, I become righteous through faith in Christ. For God’s way of making us right with himself depends on faith” (Phil. 2:8-9).

And Paul knows a thing or two about humility, remember, he is the Apostle who carried a thorn in his flesh as a reminder to stay humble. “By reason of the exceeding greatness of the revelations, that I should not be exalted excessively, there was given to me a thorn in the flesh, a messenger of Satan to torment me, that I should not be exalted excessively” (2 Cor. 12:7).

Sometimes when we have been given much, be it worldly possessions, positions of influence, or great material wealth, it is often too easy to get a big head. To loose sight of what truly matters… Jesus.

How much more when this occurs with the gifts given by the Spirit? With vast spiritual knowledge and great revelation? With high positions of authority within the Church? Paul, having seen the great Light of Christ and heard His audible voice. Paul, the great Apostle to the gentiles—having written 13 books of the Bible,  traveled far and near to save souls from the grip of sin and death knew all too well the perils of taking oneself too seriously.

And so he tells his beloved Philippians to have no confidence in their flesh, or the words told to them from blind guides.

Paul. This same Paul that stood by watching the first martyr of the church, Stephen, be stoned to death. Paul, who with great zeal and blood-lust persecuted Christians. Paul, our great teacher did not start off nearly as well as he finished.

As I said earlier, none of us starts at the finish line. None of us start-off in perfect shape. Those lofty aspirations we have for Holiness,Godliness, will never be fully met in this world. Paul knew this, and it drove him, as it must drive us, to strive, to press on, nonetheless. We must always—continually keep taking stock of our spiritual state.

Checking our moral compasses—setting right the plumb lines of our integrity. We like our brother—our teacher Paul must continue to press towards the mark, that glorious finish line where Christ awaits us. where we—like Paul, will hear, “Well done my good and faithful servant, now enter in to your rest.”

But in the meantime, we start where we are. God in His infinite wisdom—His Omniscience, knows the exact moment—the precise place and time He will say… Enough of this, come to me, I have need of you. I love you…We, outside of our yes, have nothing to do with His choosing. A mystery too great for even the likes of Paul… “For he chose us in him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in his sight. In love” (Eph.1:4). And in the Book of the Prophet Jeremiah, God says it this way, “Before I formed you in your mother’s womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart”…

It’s okay to not agree with me, to not fully understand the depth of what God holds for you, Paul didn’t. I know I didn’t, and still don’t. None of us, I believe do. It’s a process. It ‘s part of the glorious joy of following after the Lord. Learning more of Him…

Daily the Lord reveals Himself to me, to you—new dimensions, sneak peeks of His personality and desires. That blows my mind! As the song says, “Who am I, that the Lord of all the earth, would care to know my name?” He shows Himself to Us. His new creation who cost Him, Jesus—greatly! His pure and precious Blood had to be spilled—was demanded of Him—in order that we might be restored to right relationship with the Father…

God is not expecting us to have it all together, to know it all. He’s looking for a heart willing to be surrendered—a life willing to be given over to His plan, purpose and use. To be poured out, to the very last drop, in obedience to His will and calling.

This is what, I believe, Paul is trying to get us to understand today. Do your best, use all that God has given you—gifted you with for the advancement of His Kingdom and the fulfillment of His will. Keep your eyes focused—fixed on Jesus and His calling on your life. Never mind the naysayer’s, and those who have, and are free to share, their opinions—what they think is right for you…

Always seek wise counsel within the brotherhood of believers and those you hold in esteem, but measure all advice against the Word of God. God alone is your final Authority. He alone never wavers—is unchanging.  Saturate your mind with His Word. Pray without ceasing—ask for more and more of Him daily—hourly, minute by minute. Seek first His Kingdom and leave the details, providence and provisions needed to Him. Just keep pressing your nose against the ceiling of heaven, never being satisfied until you hear, “Well done—enter in.”

“So let those [of us] who are spiritually mature and full-grown have this mind and hold these convictions; and if in any respect you have a different attitude of mind, God will make that clear to you also. Only let us hold true to what we have already attained and walk and order our lives by that” (Phil. 3:15-16).

Start where you are, with what you have in your hands—but never be satisfied staying there—Press on…

I pray that God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ will meet you where you are today. I pray also that you become so uncomfortable in that place that you must move—perpetually forward. Desiring, with an unquenchable thirst—the Living Water only our Lord can offer you…Amen.



“Does God Play Favorites?” Rom.9:21-22

smiley-1041796_960_720 When a potter makes jars out of clay, doesn’t he have a right to use the same lump of clay to make one jar for decoration and another to throw garbage into? In the same way, even though God has the right to show his anger and his power, he is very patient with those on whom his anger falls, who are destined for destruction” (Rom.9:21:22).

So are we to understand that we serve a God who plays favorites? Some school-yard bully randomly choosing up sides for a game of you-go-to-heaven-you-go-to-hell?

“You—yeah, you, the fast one, I’ll take you.”

“And you, yeah, you next to him, you can come too.”

“But not you—are you kidding me…not on my team!”

For many this example brings up memories of being the last man standing. Cheeks-red, ashamed. And even now, after all these many years and accomplishments later, you’re feeling the pain, still— are angry, still—to say nothing of feeling like it was completely unfair!

After all, what’s wrong with me you’ve asked? I’ve got two legs and two feet. I could run fast—heck, I could run faster than him! So why didn’t I get chosen—I am too good enough!

And there it is… Paul’s argument.

Our answer—Election.

God’s Sovereignty.

The topic some pastors dodge, and unseasoned ministers shrink under the weight of. But not Paul. Why do they run and shrink? It’s unforgiving—this topic of election. It doesn’t play well with collection plates and full pews—true statement.

So what do we do with unpopular Truth? Truth too great for finite man to wrap his finite mind around? Do we who have been called to bring His Word, this Truth, into a lost and dying world, water-down the gospel—dilute God, so as not to offend?

I will say as my brother Paul said before me, “God Forbid!”

No, we are called to boldly proclaim the Gospel, boldly speak the Truth. We serve a Sovereign God. He does not serve us…Potter, clay. Divine order.

I’m reminded of a quote I recently came across. “A watered down gospel may fill pews, but it will never lead a sinner to the Cross of Christ.” And we are sinners, of that be sure. All of us. There’s not one of us “deserves” to be on team Jesus.

Not one of us is good enough to have gotten picked for His team…

Who of you reading this, in the light of God knowing your heart can say, “but I am”—good enough that is.

The Word of God itself condemns you. “If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us” (1Jn.1:8).  “All have turned away; they have together become worthless; there is no one who does good, not even one.…(Rom.3:12).

God is the Righteous Sovereign over the whole world. As such, He, God, has the right to do with anyone or anything He created exactly as He wishes, sees fit —no questions asked..

.And that’s where our backs get up—our necks stiffen…

That’s where we cry, “foul!” That’s where the screaming starts, “but it’s not fair!”

We forget that we serve at His pleasure and His calling. Grateful beyond words to have been called, chosen at all. We are not owed our salvation—quite the opposite in fact. What we deserved is hell… Why do we all try to convince ourselves that we are good? Haven’t we all told a lie before? Haven’t we all stolen something that did not belong to us? Haven’t we all looked with lustful eyes or had sexually perverted thoughts?

Jesus defined looking with lust-filled eyes to be the same as adultery (Matthew 5:28).

You are a liar, a thief and an adulterer and so am I. And there is not one person on this planet that likes liars, thieves, adulterers or murderers…

The reality is you agree with God and you cannot fight something you agree with…

How would you defend yourself when you agree with the very laws you’ve broken?

Romans 9 is God speaking to us in and with His authority. It’s not Paul speaking to us—sharing his opinions. How can we know that God’s promise of salvation will not fail? Paul’s answer is that our salvation is secure because it doesn’t depend on us, rather on God’s purpose according to election.

As the sovereign of the universe, God always accomplishes what He purposes to do. He chooses some for salvation apart from anything that they do, and He rejects others apart from anything they do… “So it is written: “Jacob I loved, but Esau I hated.” (Rom. 9:13).

Think the man at the pool of Bethesda in John 5:15. Was He the only one there that day in need of a healing? Why not heal all those gathered? And Why Israel? Why wasn’t Africa or Asia made the Apple of God’s eye—His chosen people?

We need to submit, joyfully, to this truth of Gods Sovereignty. Not question it. It’s God’s authoritative revelation of Himself. And this revelation should put an immediate end to our, “I’m good enough for His team argument.”

Paul knew then, as ministers of the gospel know now, today, that there will always be those who will cry out loudly, “but that’s just not fair!” Why them and not me? I’m a good person, don’t I deserve…

Their failure to see—their shortsightedness, comes from their inability to realize, accept, that God is not bound further than He has been pleased to bind Himself by his own covenant and promises…

In other words, God is bound by His will and Word only. Not be our wills and wants. Not by what we think we should have and deserve. Our screaming, “It’s not fair”, changes nothing…

It serves only to show how little we fear God and how prideful arrogant we actually are—how little we know of submission or humility…

How little we understand—know—about God. About the unconditionality of being chosen by God as a child of promise. “So then it depends not on human will or exertion, but on God, who has mercy.” (vs.16)

He owes His creation nothing. Hard pill to swallow I know. Doesn’t sound like the squeezably-soft God of love, and plenty and forgiveness for all being preached about today. Apostasy! A feel good gospel designed to tickle the ears of those who cannot—will not—hear the saving Truth of the Gospel.

So to answer my opening question, no, God is not some school-yard bully. He is rather an Awesome God, Righteous in everything He does. Sovereign, sinless and pure—perfect in all of His ways—above reproach.

But, as this Righteous Sovereign God He is also free to harden whom He wishes, in order to display His glory…

God could have chosen to be merciful to Pharaoh and the Egyptians by softening their hearts—telling them about the need to put the blood on their doorposts to escape the wrath of the destroying angel. Rather, God chose to harden Pharaoh’s heart for the greater purpose of displaying His glory in power and judgment, so that His fame would spread throughout the earth.

As the Righteous Sovereign over all, God has the freedom to harden sinners for His greater purpose of displaying His glory and power in righteous judgment. “You will say to me then, “Why does He still find fault? For who resists His will?” On the contrary, who are you, O man, who answers back to God? The thing molded will not say to the molder, “Why did you make me like this,” will it? Or does not the potter have a right over the clay, to make from the same lump one vessel for honorable use and another for common use? (Rom.9:19-21).

Remember today that you are the clay, not the Potter. “For the sake of Jacob My servant, And Israel My chosen one, I have also called you by your name; I have given you a title of honor Though you have not known Me. “I am the LORD, and there is no other; Besides Me there is no God. I will gird you, though you have not known Me; That men may know from the rising to the setting of the sun That there is no one besides Me. I am the LORD, and there is no other” (Isa. 45:4-6).


“I’ve Been Where You Are.” 2 Cor.5:11-21

driving-mirror-472758_960_720 I believe one of the many wonderful gifts God offers us—is diversity.  I’m not speaking here of the diversity found within the melting-pot of nationalities, though beautiful. Nor of cultures, though certainly diverse.

I’m speaking directly—specifically of  diversity found within experiences— our varied yet collective flawed pasts.

Those universal hurts, mistakes, betrayals, and, tragic-regrets we’ve shared or witnessed. Those life-events survived. The events that didn’t kill us, but rather strengthened us.  The experiences we might offer each other as balm to sooth, as encouragement to keep going, as a proof-of-life that helps to build up, that unites rather than divides.

Those very things that shamed us, ripped lives apart. Ours and theirs…

Those things that made us drop to our knees and cry out—in loneliness, desperation, pain, and regret. Like a wounded animal bellowing from places of deep brokenness. From almost-fatal wounds.

Painful scars, cruel slashes, some raw still…staring at us from just over there.


Paul carries them too, these scars. Thorns in our flesh. Dare I say they compel him? Us…?

Listen as he pours himself out in this Fifth Chapter. Read it, Dig into it. See for yourself how he understands—firsthand, what being saved from sin, his sin, truly means… as best one can this side of glory.

He understands that no man’s promised tomorrow— that the light which emanates from a life can, and, often is, snuffed out without warning—zero regard for station.

Beggars and kings, young, old, rich and poor alike—will each will face the Throne of God’s Judgement… ready or not.

Paul knows this like you know water is wet.

And so we witness him defending himself, his knowing, before those who think him arrogant, superior even.


Because they’ve mistake his heart of compassion, his certain knowledge of God’s mercy, his unmerited, unwarranted internalized forgiveness as arrogance, insolence.

Yet he is trying to persuade men still, to seek salvation in the Lord. Be ye reconciled! And those that do not find him arrogant or superior, those that know him, his sincerity, that know the Truth, will most certainly view him as hypocritical, unreliable, untrustworthy even, should he not boldly speak out, should he back down—from defending this Truth.

Everyone is watching…

Yet despite their fierce scrutiny, he has great love for these Corinthians—so he does all he’s able to remind them, encourage them—of who they are.

Our charge..

There are times in our walk when competing voices will try to put their distracting hands of confusion over others ears. Attempting to block out the deep Truth that lives within us all. But thankfully, mercifully, we serve a God whose will won’t be blocked—His will—will be done in the lives of His children. Those He’s called…

His strength, not ours.

That’s where Paul finds himself today. Convicted. Fiercely. Determined. We’ll all stand in his shoes one day, if we’re truly called as Ambassadors of God…

In his opening verses Paul’s doing his best to say, “Hey, listen to me please. I’m not trying to indoctrinate you into some cult. I’m not bullying or threatening you. I’m not using cheap scare tactics or throwing around disheartening words merely as frightful rhetoric—just because. I’m trying to tell you I’ve been where you are, and by the grace and mercy of Jesus Christ I’ve been saved, restored in Him. It’s only now, as a result of His mercy, that I understand just how far my sinned stained soul was from God—please listen, you’re making an eternal choice.”

Paul is telling us that God’s judgement is coming to each of us—to the whole of the world. There is no escaping.

In the closing lines of the previous chapter he states that all men will appear before the Throne of God, judged for the deeds done while in the body.

Paul has tasted the goodness of Jesus, His saving grace. Remember he was once among the greatest of those who not only persecuted Christians—he stood as a witness and championed Stephan’s death… stoned  for his witness of Christ—of the Truth.

He, Paul, possibly, threw stones himself. Maybe the fatal blow. He stood among the mob gathered…Stephan’s accusers. The first verse of Acts Eight tells us plainly that Paul stood there, “giving approval to his (Stephan’s) death.”

Stephen, God’s servant, operated in signs and wonders. Unheard of…

Recall that at this time in biblical history only the Apostles had been known to move in signs and wonders…

We never know who we may be standing before. Judge not, least…

Yet Paul hated him—as he did all Christians. He rejected everything and anything that smacked of it—Christianity that is. Paul was relentless in his pursuit and elimination of Christians…Think today. Think Isis. That type of determined righteous erroneous hate.

Deeper, more personal. Have you hated or rejected someone for their faith in Christ?

Acts Eight states that Paul, “began to destroy the church. Going from house to house. He dragged off men and women and put them in prison.”

It becomes plain to see why, at this place in his life Paul is so convicted—so concerned about people being reconciled to Jesus. It’s plain to see how well acquainted he is with the weight of sins, his, theirs and ours—and their eternal reach.

Now freed himself through God’s mercy and grace, that freedom drives him to pour out his life in service to the One He had persecuted. Now he lays down his life so that some would know—be reconciled to—find—his Jesus.

Rejection by the world is an oddly a unifying thread among Christians…

We each own a piece of it…this rejection.

It’s an ever present—however silent—tie that binds us all to Jesus. After all, who more than He knew rejection, persecution, and the need for man’s salvation?

And we, His children are commanded to go out into that world that wants little to do with us, often despises us, and daily, faithfully, in-spite-of, carry-out His directive? Go ye therefore unto all the world…

Paul didn’t care what these Corinthians, or anyone else for that matter, thought of him—how they perceived him—so long as his God was honored.

He stood as naked as one may stand fully clothed…our example. Bold.

Naked—in his removal of self-will.

Naked, because he had stripped off his care for the opinions of the world—standing, he was clothed only in the pure love of Christ. Confident that he might reach those he’d been sent to reap—to bring in to the Kingdom. Listen to his plea in verse 20: “Therefore, we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God were making an appeal through us; we beg you on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God.”

And there it is. The heart-cry of Paul and Peter, of James and John and the remaining Eight. Of every Christian Martyr that shared in their same faith, their same certainty. The point of this message…

It’s the heart-cry of every Pastor, every minister and evangelist. The song of every worshiper and the prayer of every warrior who storms the gates of Heaven— violently, for the sake of salvation of souls.

Be reconciled to Christ Jesus!

We are  Ambassadors of Reconciliation. Marked by God. Chosen…

We must wear that mark soberly into each encounter, before each new soul presented in Christ.

Not as one still in bondage, God forbid!

Rather as a Holy fuel!

Being ministers who live in a state of such relentless remembrance of Gods mercy towards us, allowing that to spur us on, to pour out our lives for each other, and the whole world.

We must never forget our past sin-stained state—more, we mustn’t care for the opinions of others towards it, that in that caring we may be deterred—save the opinion of Christ alone. “But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong. He chose the lowly and despised things of the world, and the things that are not, to nullify the things that are.”

We must keep in the forefront of our minds that we, and those that have yet to know our Father, are not promised tomorrow. And while it is today labor tirelessly for the reconciliation of souls.

In closing, listen to our brother Paul’s heart…“If it seems we are crazy, it is to bring glory to God. And if we are in our right minds, it is for your benefit. Either way, Christ’s love controls us. Since we believe that Christ died for all, we also believe that we have all died to our old life. He died for everyone so that those who receive his new life will no longer live for themselves. Instead, they will live for Christ, who died and was raised for them.”

Receive this word as a charge. Wrap yourself in it. Arm yourself with it because; “I tell you, now is the time of God’s favor, now is the day of salvation.”

I’ve been where you are, dear heart, precious soul, please, hear my plea that you too be reconciled to the Father. Cry out to Jesus for forgiveness of your sins.

Until next time…

“Eyewitnesses” 2Pt.1:19

eye-428390_960_720 “We couldn’t be more sure of what we saw and heard—God’s glory, God’s voice. The prophetic Word was confirmed to us. You’ll do well to keep focusing on it. It’s the one light you have in a dark time as you wait for daybreak and the rising of the Morning Star in your hearts” (2 Pt.1:19).

Is Peter double talking?

Or, is he confirming Scripture?

Confirming Scripture I believe. And Scripture bears me out. Listen to what Jesus says: “The eyes that see the things you see are blessed! For I tell you that many prophets and kings wanted to see the things you see yet didn’t see them; to hear the things you hear yet didn’t hear them” (Luke 10:23-24).

It is on The Word of God alone that we must rely.

Peter is nearing the end of his life, he has finished his race and is awaiting his Crown of life to return home to his Friend. It’s from this mindset that he’s speaking—observation and experience. You see he was privy to be eye-witness to what only burned in the hearts of the prophets to know…to witness for themselves. But it was not for them…

They longed for what Peter and the disciples had experienced. The magnificent privilege of living in the physical presence of Messiah. The Holy One of Israel. To taste of His Divinity, bask in His Holiness. To listen to, be taught and instructed by Him daily. To fellowship and tabernacle with Him at will—and live! Think God speaking to Moses here—listen: “But you may not look directly at my face, for no one may see me and live” (Ex.33:20).

Yet here is Peter telling us that not only was he eye-witness to the Messiah, more astonishingly, He was His friend…

In fact it is Peter alone, in the Gospel of Mark, who answered unswervingly the question Jesus posed to His disciples. “Who do people say that I am? And what about you?” Peter answered—via divine revelation: “You are Christ, the Messiah, God’s own Son” (Mk.8:29, Lk.9:20).

For three years Peter walked with, ministered alongside of, ate with, slept near and had been privy to the teachings of Jesus. Couple this with being one of three welcomed into Jesus’ inner circle and certainly, by all accounts, we have evidence of Peter being a fit eyewitness—a worthy and reliable source.

Need more?

Let’s go to Mark 9. Here we see Jesus, Peter, James, and John. The three are witnesses to Jesus’ Transfiguration. This only eight or so days following Peter’s revelation and profession of Jesus being the Son of God. In the blink of an eye Peter went from being the one who had followed Jesus in faith, had believed Him to be the Messiah, to an eyewitness.

There was no room for doubting that Jesus was in fact—the I Am spoken of by the prophets!

Perhaps Peter was in the crowd the day John baptized Jesus and heard God’s voice declaring Him His Son  (Mk. 1:10-12)? Perhaps that was the first time Peter heard God’s audible voice? Was that what caused him to drop everything and follow after Jesus? Scripture doesn’t specify. Whatever the case may be, Peter most certainly heard God’s voice loud and clear on the mountain when Jesus was Transfigured. He also saw Moses and Elijah, as well as witnessed the physical realm shift in appearance as they were collectively engulfed within a cloud (Matt.17:1-5; Lk. 9:28-36).

So is Peter in any way questioning, doubting or challenging the veracity of the prophets accounts of Jesus? Absolutely, emphatically—no! What he is in fact doing is laying down, confirming, adding, another layer of truth—an eyewitness account.

Peter is doing what each of us are called to do. Fulfill the Great Commission. He is giving testimony to, lending a voice to what he knows—emphatically. He is saying if you have any doubt that the Old Testament prophets may have gotten it wrong let me set the record straight. He is a lawyer’s dream come true!

And tell us Peter, on the day in question, on that mountain—can’t you just hear it?

Their questions, his sharp, crisp, quick answers! No hesitation, no second-guessing. Just here it is, this is the way it happened.

So now that we’ve established we can rely on Peter’s eyewitness testimony, it follows we should adhere to his instructions to us. We must stay fixed, focused on Jesus—and His Word. Patiently awaiting Jesus’ promised return for us—His eyewitnesses.

But how do we do this? How do we like Peter, James and John, like the prophets of old—become reliable eyewitnesses?

By following after the example of the one who spoke to them—instructed them. By following, via strict adherence, Jesus’ instructions. Just as they did.

To be a credible witness, one must deny himself. That is—deny what you think, feel or imagine to be real and true if it does not align with Scripture—the inerrant Word of God. Jesus did nothing outside of His Father’s will. “Every part of Scripture is God-breathed and useful one way or another, showing us truth, exposing our rebellion, correcting our mistakes, training us to live God’s way” (2Tim.3:16). Obviously I am not referring here to mundane daily tasks like picking out your wardrobe…

As eyewitness for Jesus we must be discerning. We must know, via The Holy Spirit within us, what to pay attention to. What we should allow to influence our thoughts, words and deeds. And what to dismiss, run from, disdain as folly—snares meant to rob our Truth. “Dear friends, do not believe everyone who claims to speak by the Spirit. You must test them to see if the spirit they have comes from God. For there are many false prophets in the world” (1Jn.4:1)

We must be willing to lose our lives, not popular I know, but necessary. Every belief, possession, personal ideal—everything must be willingly laid at the foot of The Cross. We must be subject to Jesus’ Lordship over us or we are useless. Salt without taste—willful, rebellious. Using eyes that do not see—the blind leading the blind. “For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake will find it. What will it profit a man if he gains the whole world, yet forfeits his soul? Or what can a man give in exchange for his soul” (Matt. 16:25-26)?

Witnesses must be confident, bold in their truth. We must be audacious, uninhibited in our testimony, come what may.

We, unlike the Peter and the Apostles, may not have yet seen Jesus face to face but that doesn’t diminish our knowing Him—our certainty in His existence. He is no less real to His friends today than He was when He stood and spoke to Peter, James and John face to face. To be a credible, trustworthy, reliable eyewitness we must have zero regard for our reputation. We must be singularly focused on speaking the truth—God’s Truth. Solely. Without wavering. Without compromise. “Pray also for me, that whenever I open my mouth, divine utterance may be given me, so that I will boldly make known the mystery of the gospel, for which I am an ambassador in chains. Pray that I may proclaim it fearlessly, as I should” (Eph.6:19-20).

Beloved, we have yet to see our Lord face to face, yet we do have firsthand knowledge of Him and in fact have seen a shadow of His Magnificence. “For since the creation of the world God’s invisible attributes—his eternal power and divine nature—have been understood and observed by what he made, so that people are without excuse” (Rom.1:20).

If we have eyes, we are eyewitnesses…

Even if we were blind our Spirit would testify to His truth!

Go, as eyewitness, into all the world telling anyone—everyone that Jesus Christ is Lord while it is still today. While you here, sojourners in a foreign land, awaiting your Crown…then you will have fulfilled Peter’s instruction—to wait for daybreak and the rising of the Morning Star in your hearts.

Be a faithful and true eyewitness…

Until next Beloved, Blessings.


“Get Set” 1Pt.1:13-14

road-908176_960_720 “So roll up your sleeves, put your mind in gear, be totally ready to receive the gift that’s coming when Jesus arrives. Don’t lazily slip back into those old grooves of evil, doing just what you feel like doing. You didn’t know any better then; you do now” (1Pt.1:13-14)

Let’s talk about grace—yes I know, the Scripture verse speaks to us about Holiness. But without grace, prevenient grace, it is impossible to achieve holiness! As impossible as achieving salvation on our own accord—ridiculous.

Our brother Peter, that great Apostle, addresses the bewildering, unmerited, inconceivable gift of our salvation within the opening of his Epistle. He writes to you expounding on the glorious future reserved for the chosen of God!

Straight-away in verse two he addresses God’s elect.  If you have received Jesus as your Lord and Savior, he’s talking to you, personally!

Amazing right? Listen: “Chosen by the foreknowledge of God the Father and sanctified by the Spirit for obedience to Jesus Christ and sprinkling by His blood” (1:2) He goes on to say that in His great mercy He has given you new birth into a living hope.

Now if into a living hope, what was the state of that hope before it became alive? None. No hope—zilch !

You had no hope in Him. Until grace, amazing grace, astonishing grace, unmerited grace came and rescued you from the pig-pen, the death-snare, the extreme disconnectedness from God—certain death is what your so-called life looked like!

Mind you, God was never disconnected from you. Get that into your inner-most being. Not for one second did God not know what was happening in your life. Let me take that one step further to demonstrate the extent of His awareness—He was orchestrating your every step! “You scrutinize my path and my lying down, And are intimately acquainted with all my ways. Even before there is a word on my tongue, Behold, O LORD, You know it all. You have enclosed me behind and before, and laid Your hand upon me” (Ps.139:3-5).

Yup, even those days you thought were going to kill you—God knew about those, grace upon grace. It’s why your still here!

So let’s get on with it, shall we?

Now that you know that you’re His, chosen before the world was even formed! And, that the work of sanctification is working within you via the power of the Spirit you received the very second Jesus sealed you as His own…now you can focus, with laser-beam intensity on Kingdom work! but don’t miss that…

Sealed as His own!

Listen to how the Apostle Paul, the one responsible for writing Thirteen Books of the Old Testament explains it to you: “Now it is God who establishes both us and you in Christ. He anointed us, placed His seal on us, and put His Spirit in our hearts as a pledge of what is to come” (2Cor.1:22).

Is that a promise I hear sprinkled within his words? A deposit given you toward a future inheritance? If a deposit, that surely means there is more to come…grace upon grace.

It is to this grace that Peter transitions when he hits verse thirteen. Moving us from salvation he now elucidates holiness. He is teaching you a great theological truth… Holy living.

He speaks to the need of your preparedness. To the  actions required on your part. That you, in our mission to live holy, must be self-controlled. That you must establish, regulate, affix our hope unwaveringly on the grace to be given when Jesus Christ is revealed. (1:13). Though a free gift, you must choose to receive it. Positioning yourself to bring God glory.

Wait, what did he just say? Grace to be given you? You mean in addition to what you have now—there’s more grace coming to you?

Yes! Peter is trying to tell you that there is grace, upon grace, upon grace…endless grace. Necessary grace. Merciful grace. Saving grace…poured out on you to help strengthen you to live Holy, worthy, radical lives! (Jn.15:5).

Is grace a license? As Paul says, God forbid (2Cor. 2:10)!

When you were ignorant in your sin, living unenlightened lives, you had no knowledge that God’s grace was already at work in you, willing His way be done (2 Pt.3:9). You were blinded by your selfishness and—your have it my way mentality! For many, it was only after they received salvation that they were taught that it was by His grace, His unmerited favor, that this salvation came to them at all. Not until They had experienced His dawning—imbibing illumination from The Holy Spirit did they understand their salvation (Phil.2:12-13; 2Pt.1;10; Gal. 2:20).

Before I go on, let that sink in. Indulge me here…Visualize a feather, like in the opening scene of Forrest Gump. See it floating about on the air, languidly drifting along the unseen current—with seeming aimlessness. It almost touches down on one fellow, but wait…nope. A sudden updraft and it’s off again. Watch it land ever so gently, intentionally, at the feet of Forrest as he sits at a bus stop.

And so it was with you and I… “And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting” (Acts 2:2). You may not have heard His mighty arrival, but if you’re His—surely you felt Him! In the pew or at your bus stop…that tiny tremor whose after shocks are still toppling mountains in your life.

The Holy Spirit is laser-focused, locked on—to awakening in you Christ-like obedience. And just as Forrest picked up that seemingly random feather and placed it safely in his suitcase, so too must you, with great care and determined resolve, take hold of and follow the promptings of the Holy Spirit (2 Cor.3:18). Grace, and more grace will be given…

How do you receive this grace? You set our hope. This is not a fanciful suggestion, rather a challenging command. Peter is your General in the Army of the Lord and he is training you to—set your hope. Fix it, cement it, tie it down as with blocks. You must focus unshakable faith, your complete, whole, entire hope on the grace that awaits you when Jesus returns. As a soldier prepares for battle, so too you must prepare (Eph.6:10-18).

Your example?

As always—Jesus. Allow the Master to teach by example just how it is you are to set your hope—your faith.

Luke’s Gospel tells you that shortly after Jesus’ transfiguration, as His time was drawing near to face His death, burial and resurrection Jesus; “Resolutely set out for Jerusalem” (Lk. 9:51). With foreknowledge, and strong-willed purpose.

Had Jesus taken-up His Earthly Throne then and there, at that first Palm Sunday, the work of the cross wouldn’t have been completed. And salvation and grace would be an unknown to us. That is what His disciples thought was about to happen. But Jesus had you and I in mind when He set His face toward Jerusalem that day. And you too, should always be looking ahead—eyes fixed on things eternal (Col. 3:2).

He was looking toward a future He would make available to those that would follow Him. And with it, the grace necessary to run their race faithfully, effectively—until His return for them, you, and I.

So what is this faith you are to have? faith is hope. Hope in an unseen, unknown future. Trusting. What distinguishes faith and hope? Little actually. faith is a now thing—your motivating force. You need faith in action to believe, today, moment to moment, that God is going to do what He said He would do (Heb. 11:1).

Hope is something you cast into the future. You attach faith to your line of hope and toss it forward. And what is it you’re hoping to catch? First, always—the strength needed to bring glory to God. After, eternity with Jesus! The crown of life, the, “Well done my good and faithful servant!”  That is your hope. Your expectation… grace upon grace.

You witness faith and hope linked explicitly in Father Abraham. In faith He believed God (now) when God promised Him a child and from him, a nation. Even when he knew that his body was a withered vine incapable of producing fruit! That’s hope in action. (Gen.17:21). Again we see faith and hope united in Caleb. He had the faith necessary to believe that they, (the Israelite’s) could overcome fortified cities and giants and takes possession of the land the Lord promised them? What land? The Promised Land …Caleb’s now faith, (Jos.14:7-8). His hope, (Jos.14:14).

I keep repeating this phrase—grace upon grace. Why? Because just as surely as it was grace that reached His All-Powerful Hand across time and eternity to saves you; it is and will continually be grace upon grace that continually lavishes you, undeservedly… until the Day of His coming (Jud.1:24).

Solely by the saving power of His unmerited grace is how you will accomplish what Peter is exhorting in verse fourteen. Be obedient children…

Now that you have obtained His amazing, glorious, transformative gift of salvation, you are not to be like a dog that returns to its own vomit. Don’t return to the evil desires of the flesh you had when you lived in ignorance, darkness—as the living dead…

Rather, wrap yourself in a cocoon, a shield of hope and faith. Separating yourself from the world. Because as John 3:3 tells us; “He that hath this hope in him purifies himself.” 

God is Omniscient. He knew you would require this grace upon grace, not only for our salvation but also—to finish your race. (Eph. 1:7-10)

Beloved, you need to jump head long, unabashed, into the promises of God. Boldly, confidently, steadfastly chasing after God, His will and good-pleasure! Until that day mentioned in Philippians.

“And I am convinced and sure of this very thing, that He Who began a good work in you will continue until the day of Jesus Christ [right up to the time of His return], developing [that good work] and perfecting and bringing it to full completion in you” (1:6).

Be Holy as He is Holy Beloved…How? Set your face. And hold tight to grace upon grace. Be a light in this present darkness!

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