"Come follow me and I will make you fishers of men." Matthew 4:19

Tag: God (Page 11 of 15)

The Fulcrum. Genesis 1:2

 “Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters.”

He has always been. He stood over the void and called everything into existence…

He led the Israelite’s as a pillar of fire by night, and as a cloud by day. He was the mighty rushing wind that swept through an upper room, turning customs and preconceived ideas upside down. You see, nothing can come into contact with Him and remain the same. Nothing.

Who is He? He is the Holy Spirit of God. He is God…

He has always been. So, what does that mean? What does that look like for the one who knows Him or, for the one who’s still seeking?

Simply stated—He knows everything. Sees everything. Is in every place—all the time. Nothing has ever, nor will ever escape Him. The Bible says it this way: “I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End.” –Revelation 22:13. He is the only One who knows the thoughts of God—His plans. 1 Corinthians 2:11 assures us of this, listen: “For who knows a person’s thoughts except their own spirit within them? In the same way no one knows the thoughts of God except the Spirit of God.” So, what do you do when this all-knowing, all-seeing God puts His finger on an area of your life, requesting access ? If you’re wise, you move with Him. Allowing Him access to all and everything—to more than He’s asking for…

After all, it’s all His!

The Bible is riddled with people who have had this experience with Him, this “requesting.” We are privy, as we read about them, to glean from their decisions. The paths they took—their choices, both wrong and right. And, what those choices left in their wake—blessings, or losses. We can make a list of sorts, of do’s and don’ts, to save ourselves from making the same mistakes those who went before us made. This is wisdom. “Without good advice everything goes wrong–it takes careful planning for things to go right.” –Proverbs 15:22

Moses knew this. So did Noah. Abraham knew this too. And he, like they, came into a fuller, a far deeper, a richer understanding of this wisdom when He felt the Spirit of God leading him to walk away from all he’d ever known. To leave behind his life and family, his work and home. To grab on to Gods promise more, His command, to set out for, “A land I will show you” (Genesis 12:1). Abraham loved God—he trusted Him, and so he took that promise, stuck it deep in his pocket, and went as the Spirit had commanded him. And,  as a result of his submission to the leaning of the Holy Spirit on that area of his life, blessings were left in the wake of his decision to submit.

To stay in current step with the leaning of the Holy Spirit on an area of your life—you’re going to have to move, stay fluid, submissive, under His weight—least you collapse! —Pastor Wayne Cordeiro

He is our fulcrum.

He exerts pressure on a specific area in our lives—asking us to trust Him, to change perhaps, give up, turn over to Him, surrender, conform— possibly grow or expand into something else—something more. And, with that moment of asking, we are also given a choice. Yet, take it or not, He will have His way. He alone is God. Yet, He wishes for us—His heart for us is this: that out of our great love for Him we will do what He’s asking us to do—because we trust Him, and choose to do His will. Just as any loving parent would expect…

He alone is Omniscience.

Perhaps something unpleasant or harmful is about to befall us or to someone connected to us. The Holy Spirit is pressing  so that movement will take place. Our current environment is not conducive for what He sees coming. Something must change. Much like a shard left undetected in a “perfect looking” vessel, if not removed, it can destroy the vessels future usefulness. The potter must rework the pot…  “And the vessel he was making of clay was spoiled in the potter’s hand, and he reworked it into another vessel, as it seemed good to the potter to do.” –Jeremiah 18:4

Jonah, unlike Abraham, Moses, and Noah, rebelled against this leaning of the Holy Spirit. Refusing, at first, to obey Gods call to go where He was leading. Jonah decided he knew better than God, not only what was best for himself—but for others as well. When we read this short book, we see just how wrong he was in not trusting God straight out of the proverbial gate. Not only did Jonah have to endure God’s effective and unique correction, he inevitably had to do what God had directed Him to do in the first place! As I said earlier—God will always have His way.

When we give our lives to Jesus Christ they truly are no longer our own…

Jonah forgot that for a minute—so do you and me. That’s why when we too are being rebellious, every once in a while, God will send a big fish into our lives as a reminder that He’s still God. Nothing escapes Him.  Though He may be long-suffering and patient with us, we’re only allowed to stray so far off course before that fish shows up! “Now the LORD had arranged for a great fish to swallow Jonah. And Jonah was inside the fish for three days and three nights.” –Jonah 1:17

We have a purpose—and He has a plan…

The judgement of an entire nation stood in the balance. God had chosen the Prophet Jonah to deliver a message of judgement over Nineveh. But because Jonah hated the Ninevites’ and knew God was likely to forgive them if they repented—he wanted nothing to do with Gods plan—so he ran. Have you ever run from what you know God was calling you to do? Perhaps fear, insecurity or maybe stiff-necked rebellion made you say no to God? How did that work out for you? My guess is, God sent a fish of some sort your way? Did you, like Jonah,  inevitably relent, repent?

Jonah prayed to the Lord, “Isn’t this what I said, Lord, when I was still at home? That is what I tried to forestall by fleeing to Tarshish. I knew that you are a gracious and compassionate God, slow to anger and abounding in love, a God who relents from sending calamity.”  –Jonah 4:2. See Jonah hated those in this pagan city ruled by Dagon—the fish god (don’t miss that). He wanted them judged—punished for their wickedness and their many, many sins. Jonah had forgotten that his sins, like theirs, had once separated him from the very God he now served. He’d forgotten that had it not been for the Lords infinite mercy and great loving-kindness he too would still be under God’s just judgement. He forgot he was the servant and that God alone was God.

And isn’t that true of all those who serve the Lord?

Who call themselves Christian? There are moments, if we want to come completely clean, instances where we too make rash judgments. Are goaded by hasty emotional decisions driven by fear or pain, insecurity or jealously. Judgments that are made with such uncompromising swiftness we too forget that our own sins once precluded us from ever experiencing an authentic, transformative relationship with God. Yet, just as the Holy Spirit leaned on this area of Jonah’s life to bring it back into balance—into compliance, He’ll do the same with us when we, like Jonah, are headed in the  opposite direction of Gods intended plan for our lives…

So now, the question posed earlier in this text must be answered by you the reader. If you’re feeling the Holy Spirit leaning on an area of your life—how will you respond? Will you, of your own accord, move towards where He’s leaning? Will your love and desire to be smack dab in the center of your Father’s will propel you forward? Or, as with Jonah, will God need to send a big fish your way to get your attention?

You see, nothing can come into contact with Him and remain the same. Go its own way. Nothing.

Who is He? He is the Holy Spirit of God…

Friend, if you are reading this and have not yet given your life to Christ—now is the time, today is the day! Stop what you’re doing now, right now, and ask Jesus to be the Lord of your life. Don’t wait until the fish comes! Do it today—you’re being here is not an accident. I’m praying for you! “If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.”—Romans 10:9

A Change Is Coming… John 20:1

 Early on Sunday morning,while it was still dark, Mary Magdalene came to the tomb and found that the stone had been rolled away from the entrance. “

Authentic change starts from within. And, those eager for it will do anything to find it.

External factors may influence that change—in fact they often do. But an authentic change—a switch from death to life, blindness to sight, from being lame to walking—it all starts from the inside—then, manifests out.

If you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always be what you’ve always been. –T.D. Jakes

So, the notion that a woman, or a man for that matter, rolled away Jesus’s tomb stone implies they possessed a power they certainly did not have. The average stone used to seal a tomb weighed between 1-2 tons (that’s between 2000-4000 pounds and it ranged between 4-6 feet tall and, was an inch plus in thickness).

Not even the Angel that sat upon it  had anything, directly, to do with its removal. He too was a witness—a herald…

The Power that moved that stone had been laid within the tomb it sealed. Many thought they had extinguished that power—His power, when they sealed Jesus’ dead body behind it…

Not everything is as it seems. Truth is Truth whether you believe it to be—or not.

The power necessary to move an obstacle that prohibits life from coming forth is only found within. And, once It has decided to come forth, once its time has come, after its been called forth—no man can stop it. The dead man came out, his hands and feet wrapped with strips of linen, and a cloth around his face. Jesus said to them, “Take off the grave clothes and let him go.” –John 11:44

It was, is, and will forever be, all about Jesus…

From His birth in a lowly manager to His sacrificial death on a tree. “Who has ascended to heaven and come down? Who has gathered the wind in his fists? Who has wrapped up the waters in a garment? Who has established all the ends of the earth? What is his name, and what is his son’s name? Surely you know!” –Proverbs 30:4

Neither time nor inconvenience will stop a soul from seeking after the only One who can bring about true change—who can call forth new life from death. Mary had tasted this in Jesus. And it was her love for Him and desire to give back to Him that had her at His tomb before sunrise. Early one morning—the world changed. Life would never again be defined in the same way it had always been. Nothing can stay the same once it has had a genuine encounter with Jesus. Nothing. Not a rock, and certainly not a mere man…

Just ask Cornelius. Only a short time ago He stood there watching Jesus be ripped apart by the Roman scourge—watched as the flagrum brutalized Jesus’ body, ripping His innocent flesh from His bones; causing His Blood to flow like water from a pitcher. Innocence shed for guilt. He had stood beside Pilot as the Jewish leaders told their lies that he might do the dirty work of killing the One they so desperately wanted dead. And, He stood at the foot of Jesus’s Cross after he had pierced His hands and feet with spikes and a hammer. He heard Jesus, only moments from death, ask God to forgive him—to forgive them all. “…Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.” And they divided up his clothes by casting lots.”

It is thought in some theological circles that as Pilot’s commander, Cornelius was the man who had been put in charge to lead the 100 men under his charge in carrying out Jesus’ crucifixion. Luke’s gospel eludes to this also. After the Bloodied hammer had been tossed aside—the unthinkable done, Cornelius stood there watching as the sky turned black, dark clouds overtaking the bright expanse of the sky. From noon until midday there was a thick dark stillness. Then, Jesus’ voice pierced that darkness as He cried out, “Eli, Eli, lema sabachthani?” (My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?) – Matthew 27:46

The earth shook, boulders split in two, the veil in the Temple split in halves, top to bottom. Tomb seals—these massive boulders, were broken open (Recall their size and weight from above). And, days later, after Jesus’s resurrection, their occupants would be seen in Jerusalem very much alive—by many witnesses! So then, is it any wonder after having witnessed all of that Cornelius stated, “Surely he was the Son of God!” –Matthew 27:54. Most assuredly a seed had been planted. And, after reading Acts 10:1-7;23-48, there is no doubt that that seed had taken root too…

We are a witness to this fruit come to bear after God drops what appears like a sheet from heaven before Peter’s eyes, commanding him not to call unclean what He, God, was calling clean. And Cornelius, though not on that list was certainly on Gods “list” of what would forever be considered clean as the result of Jesus’ finished work on the Cross. As a result of His life, death, and resurrection. The gentiles would now be grafted into The Body of Believers—His Church.

And Cornelius and his household would be the first of them. Acts 10:9-22.

This Resurrection Sunday, if you have not invited Jesus into your heart to be your Lord and Savior, I urge you to stop everything you’re doing and ask Him now—no man is promised the next minute, never mind the next day. And, if you’re thinking that your sin is too great, you’ve strayed too far to ever return to God, just keep this in mind. Let this visual be seared into your heart—your every contrary thought: Jesus looked at Cornelius—into the eyes of the man who had just moments before crucified Him—drove nails through His hands and feet and said this to Him, and to all those who aided him; “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.” Let that imagery wash over you—let it soak into you like a healing balm being poured over your every fear, your shame, and your questioning, doubt-filled heart…

There is room at the foot of His Cross for you; forgiveness to be had if you will but receive it. Cornelius did, though his sin was great—it was no greater, is no greater, than mine and yours. Our sins nailed Him to that Cross just as surely as Cornelius’s own did. And He knew that of us before He willingly laid His life down in exchange for ours…

The Power that shook the earth, forever changed the way we experience Life, the power that caused tomb stones to break open as easily as egg shells has emerged Victorious! And, just as sure as a change took place that day, be assured a Change is coming! Back that is. Death and the power of the grave were destroyed that first Easter morning. Jesus, The King of Glory will return for me, for you—for the whole of the world. That is as True, as sure, as the fact that He lived, died, and rose again! A change is coming, soon and very soon…

Are you ready for it?

“I, Jesus, have sent My angel to testify to you and to give you assurance of these things for the churches. I am the Root (the Source, the Life) and the Offspring of David, the radiant and bright Morning Star.” The [Holy] Spirit and the bride (the church, believers) say, “Come.” And let the one who hears say, “Come.” And let the one who is thirsty come; let the one who wishes take and drink the water of life without cost.” –Revelation 22:16-17

Worthy. John 14:1

 “Do not let your heart be troubled (afraid, cowardly). Believe [confidently] in God and trust in Him, [have faith, hold on to it, rely on it, keep going and] believe also in Me.” 

Worthy. None of us are. We each deserve death for our sins against God alone. Yet, because of the Precious Lamb of God, because of the One, the only One, who is and was and will forever be worthy, we who have been chosen by Him, washed in His shed Blood, are made worthy through Him…

We are witnesses to the shift in a conversation. A shift in the way we witness love—our understanding of it, our part in it, our own worth as a result of it…

Jesus has talked to His disciples about His impending death. But, during this conversation, one of these, Peter, proclaims that so great is his love, his belief in Jesus—that he’s ready to die for him! And that’s where Jesus tells Peter—bold Peter, certain Peter, that not only won’t he die for Him anywhere soon—he’s about to betray Him by denying he ever knew Him! In fact, Jesus gets so specific, He tells Peter that he’ll deny Him not once, or twice, but three times before the morning fully comes…

And then it happens. The pivot—the shift in the conversation…

As if Jesus had not just dropped these back to back “bombs”—these, game changing, life altering declarations, He tells everyone present to be calm—not to get all worked up about what He had just said. “Do not let your heart be troubled.” Are you kidding me right now! Don’t let your hearts be troubled after Jesus, tells them that He’s about to die after only three years of friendship? Really? They were just getting to know and deeply trust Him…

And what of Him being the Messiah?

Who would free them from Roman tyranny if He died?

And Why? Why was this happening? How could Jesus say something so contrary to the state of each of their “already fearful” hearts?

“Believe in God, believe also in Me.”  Jesus is trying to shift their focus from fear and fright—to a deeper faith in Him. Towards the work He knew He was about to do, and had already done, in them. He knew also that in just a moment the Holy Spirit would come to them turning their mourning, their fear and sadness, in to joy unspeakable! He’d turn their every question mark into a period. He’d expose them to Pure Truth.

Jesus knew His friends believed in Him, but He also knew that even believers have heart trouble at times. And this was one of those times. Yet, if they would only trust in Him just a little longer…

Our friends had each missed the shift—the opportunity to change the basic assumptions they had lived out as fact. They missed the peek into Truth—into what was truly real. Into the who, what and why of Jesus, the purpose for His coming—and going. They missed entirely how their worth was really His. How when God saw them—He saw Jesus and His finished redemptive work in their lives—and ours.They had each been called to follow Him. To leave all that they had known, were, for this new life He had for them, in Him…

They missed the clue Jesus had just given them into what was about to happen—to them all…

Jesus knew long before any of these had even thought to follow Him He had chosen them as the very vessels He would use to usher in His Church—the Way. Use them to bring about, to cause, an upheaval in the fixed, rigid, legalistic, idolatrous world system. The way in which some Jews, and the rest of the world, had come to view God, His Temple, and their relationship with Him.

And, Peter was about to become the leader of this new revolution!

It’s why he was, in part, created—chosen. Made worthy. Redeemed, again and again. Yes, this same Peter whom Jesus had just stated would thrice betray Him will end up being the great apostle God will use to build His Church.  If you’ve ever betrayed Jesus, you should be shouting for joy now! Not for your betrayal, but because If God forgave Peter and saw worth in him—He’ll  do the same for you too!

It is, was, and will forever be—all about Jesus. His work. His will. His choosing and love of us, first, that makes us worthy to boldly come before Him.

Where we see failure, frailty, ambiguity, God sees our worth…

Jesus alone modeled an untroubled heart amid what certainly appeared—to those gathered, to be a time of trouble. He alone knew Gods will not only for Himself—for why He had come at all, but also for each one gathered with Him and more—for you and me and for the whole of humanity. We are their harvest, the apostles. But we are Gods seed.

Jesus saw Peter as worthy—as a son, not as a betrayer. Perhaps that’s why He didn’t belabor the point with Peter concerning his betrayal after He had spoken of it? Jesus saw Peter as a finished product—complete and sinless in Himself; high and lifted-up—already seated with Him in Heaven, victorious. Through the very work He had talked to them about and would soon accomplish on His Cross—by His resurrection, the defeat of sin, death, and the grave, it was through this reality—by this Truth, that Peter, and each of these disciples was made worthy.

As are each of us called by His name and into the family of God…

Jesus continues telling His friends that shortly, it may seem that He’s left them—He never will. But, He must go before them to prepare all that He has predestined for them all from the moment it entered Him to bring them forth, give them life and a purpose, a calling. He reminds them—instills in them, that He is the only way in which anyone can be re-united with God. He tells them plainly that in seeing Him, they have in fact—seen God. And, if they can’t yet get their heads around that fact for its own sake, believe it because of all His works—the signs, wonders, and miracles He had done.

This is the second time our friends have heard Jesus claiming this same Truth.

It was wintertime in Jerusalem, the time of Hanukkah. Jesus and these same friends were walking around the Temple near Solomon’s colonnade when a high-spirited crowd broaches Him with a very pointed question. Read John 10:22-42 to hear their whole conversation…

But to get back to the conversation Jesus is having with His friends—lets once again listen in…

Jesus affirms each of them as worthy in Him—by Him, through Him, as He tells them that these very same miracles He has done they too will do—and even greater things than these! He reiterates that He’s going back to the Father and, in that moment a mystery is exposed to them—yet another shift occurs. Jesus makes plain that because He’s going back to God they will now be able to have access to the same power of God Jesus Himself had. All they must do is ask the Father anything in His name and, so long as it’s the Fathers will, it will be done for them as it was for Jesus. Because of His choice of them—they have been made worthy of heaven—of relationship with God. Of sonship.

And, Jesus will use them each to change the world for heaven’s sake!

One cannot meet God and remain unchanged. Christ in them caused such a love for Himself to swell up on the inside, they joyfully, willingly, obeyed His commands. Just as He lovingly, willingly obeyed the Father’s. Christ in us—a true encounter with Christ, will always cause disruption to our norm.  Will always bring about both a letting go—and a letting in. Love makes us want to be—stretch to become, the very best version of ourselves. Love causes us to surrender to itself. And, it is in that surrender that our worth is found. We are worthy because He chose us as His own.

The question is—do you believe it?

Have you found your worth in the Living God—Jesus Christ? If you don’t know Him, haven’t yet met Him, invited Him, and all He offers you, into your life, do it today. While there’s still time. Why continue living feeling like your unworthy when God has so much more planned for your life? Christ died to show you just how worthy He thought you were. Don’t pass that by. Call out to the One who holds your worth, my worth, in the palm of His nail pierced hand…

“Do not let your heart be troubled (afraid, cowardly). Believe [confidently] in God and trust in Him, [have faith, hold on to it, rely on it, keep going and] believe also in Me.” 

Sound Familiar? Matthew 14:30

 “But when he saw the wind, he was afraid; and beginning to sink, he cried out, saying, Lord, save me.”

What greater words could any man ever utter! How blessed a plea! Three simple words that sum up our hearts cry when we acknowledge—are face to face with, the limits of our mortal coil…

“Lord, save me!”

Only a moment ago Peter was boldly—confidently, asking Jesus to bid him come to Him on the water—so that he too could walk upon the waves. Now, moments later, Peter is being swallowed up by this very same raging sea!

What was sure and solid beneath him a second ago—is now threatening to consume him! Yet, before Peter realizes that he is dealing with the engulfing effects doubt can have on a soul—he’s able to cry out to the only One he knows can help him—save him, Jesus…

When Jesus bid Peter come He was promising him he could in fact, do what he sought to do—walk on water. And, for one faith-filled moment Peter did just that. He defied the law of nature through the power of the One who both created and controls nature! When we doubt the promises given us by God—when we start to pick-and-choose what we’ll believe, once we allow doubt in—our faith is damaged, weakened, and, will inevitably fail us as it did Peter. And, we will find ourselves being swallowed up by waves of doubt as well…

Have you ever been in this same state with Jesus?

One minute your chest is bursting with bold confidence that you truly can do all things through Christ in you. Then, just for a second you take your eyes off Him, and before you know what hit you—wham! You too are being swallowed up by doubt! Taken under by lack of faith…

You’re in need of saving—yet again!

As a Christian, it’s not difficult for me to imagine the confusion, shame and guilt Peter might have felt after Jesus restored him safely back into the boat. His sense of, what just happened to me? I was just walking on that water; how did I end up under it? I don’t understand…!

Have you ever tasted the bitter bile of doubt? Have you been left to swallow the awful after-taste lack of faith leaves in your mouth? Has shame ever covered you as completely—as uncomfortably, as Peter’s wet clothes covered and clung to him?

If you’re cringing right now—you get it. You’ve been where Peter was.

I have too…

But, what caused Peter to take his eyes off Jesus? It’s not like the storm wasn’t there all along. What happened to cause Peter to look away?

Jesus answers this question for us in the following verse: It was doubt…

The conditions surrounding Peter hadn’t changed. Jesus hadn’t suddenly disappeared. Scripture never mentions anything about a creäture of sorts coming up out of the water to attack Peter.

It was doubt. Plain and simple. “Immediately Jesus extended His hand and caught him, saying to him, “O you of little faith, why did you doubt?”  (vs.31)

In Hebrews 11:6 Scripture informs us: “But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.”

Jesus had bid Peter to come.

He had Jesus’ Word that he could walk on the water if he so chose to. The same power that allowed Jesus to walk on water was available to Peter too. “Therefore Jesus answered and was saying to them, “Truly, truly, I say to you, the Son can do nothing of Himself, unless it is something He sees the Father doing; for whatever the Father does, these things the Son also does in like manner” –John 5:19. So why Jesus and not Peter?

Aside from Jesus being God in the flesh, Jesus had unwavering, immovable trust in His Father. Peter wasn’t there yet…

The Apostle Paul tells us in 2 Timothy 3:16 that, “All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness.”

Therefore,  in this instance, I posit for your consideration that —God was enacting all the above—in tandem, within Peter. Building in him faith, trust, steadfastness through, despite, his weakness —in what appeared at that moment as a failure? For the divine purpose of what was yet to come.

Scripture appears to bear this out. After Peter’s brush with death, we see him running away from—denying Jesus, multiple times… (Luke 22:54-62). Once again, Peter’s fears and doubts have taken him under. Left him filled with deep shame, an awareness that he too has betrayed and abandoned his friend—Judas wasn’t  the only one to betray Jesus. And so we see Peter doing what we are guilty of doing ourselves. Peter gives up and returns to what he knows… (John 21:3). Sound familiar? Have you done that as well? Are you there now perhaps? Defeated, shamed, hands and head hung low in disgrace and self-disappointment? If so take heart, there’s forgiveness and restoration waiting for you just as it was for Peter….

We’re now back in a boat with Peter and several of the apostles. It’s nearing the shore after a night of unsuccessful fishing. At the shore, a figure they do not recognize—once again, is standing. He bids them to cast their empty nets over the right-hand side of the boat. They do, and in an instant, their nets are teeming with fish!

At that moment it is John who recognizes that it’s Jesus, risen from the dead, standing on shore. He tells Peter as much. And, once again we hear of Peter jumping out of a boat to be where Jesus is. After Jesus feeds Peter and the others with natural food He takes Peter aside and asks him three questions He knew the answer to…

Three simple, gentle, restorative questions that release Peter from the shame, guilt, and anguish of betraying his friend and his Lord…

Friend, if you too have jumped out of the boat, chasing after the One you love—and then failed Him due to lack of faith, doubt, a drug relapse, divorce, imprisonment, alcoholism, pride, and rebellion—take heart…

Hear the Words Jesus spoke to one just like yourself; and make them your own. Allow them to wash over you taking away—removing eternally, your shame, guilt, pain, and, betrayal’s ugly blight.

You too have a divine purpose to fulfill!

If you are a child of God, speak your name, in place of Peter’s,as you read this Scripture. “So when they had finished breakfast, Jesus said to __________Simon Peter, “_____________Simon, son of John, do you love Me more than these [others do—with total commitment and devotion]?” He said to Him, “Yes, Lord; You know that I love You [with a deep, personal affection, as for a close friend].” Jesus said to him, “Feed My lambs.” –John 21:15

The Living Word of God restored Peter…

It restores all men who say yes when called. And He will restore you also.

Will you jump out of the boat one last time? Will you trust Him afresh, sin stained as you are? Will you join Him for a meal that will forever alter the direction of your life? He’s standing right here at the shore of your heart bidding you to come, eat what He has already prepared for you while you were away…

And, if you don’t yet know Him, Jesus is asking to come into your heart—right now, He’s already done everything for you too, He prepared the way for you to come to Him through the work He did on His Cross.

Please say yes to His invitation friend…

“Those I love, I rebuke and discipline. Therefore be earnest and repent. Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in and dine with him, and he with Me. To the one who is victorious, I will grant the right to sit with Me on My throne, just as I overcame and sat down with My Father on His throne.” Revelation 3:19-21.

The Foreshadowing Part 1; Genesis 3:21

 “The Lord God made clothing from skins for the man and his wife, and he clothed them.”

“For the life of the flesh is in the blood, and I have given it to you on the altar to make atonement for your souls; for it is the blood by reason of the life that makes atonement.” —Leviticus 17:11


Before we get into this Word, let’s pray:

Spirit of the Living God, illuminate your Word, breath your Ruach Breath on it, that it may come alive in us, and through us, feed may. In Jesus’ matchless name we pray, amen.

The law was clear. In order that God’s righteous anger regarding sin be satisfied, blood must be shed. Now before you lose your mind over that Truth, try to understand the Righteous anger of God in this context: J.I. Packer summarizes: “God’s wrath in the Bible is never the capricious, self-indulgent, irritable, morally ignoble thing that human anger so often is. It is, instead, a right and necessary reaction to objective moral evil” (Knowing God, 151).

So  then, how can a sinful man offer a pure blood sacrifice in an attempt to satisfy God’s Righteous anger?

The answer is—he cannot. Only one who is sinless—a pure substitute, can stand in the place of a sinner to make atonement. And so, we see God’s plan of redemption from the beginning of man’s existence unfolding through His merciful covering of the sin of Adam and Eve with bloodied animal skins.  Substitution. It’s a murky shadow of what was yet to come; not only for Adam and His wife, but for all mankind.

The covering of our sins started in a garden. It is here we get our first glimpse of The Babe in the manger. The Most Precious Lamb of God…

Come with me into that garden. It’s okay, we’ve been invited. Quietly though, so not to interrupt—let’s watch what’s unfolding between God, Adam, Eve, and a serpent…

Adam and Eve have sinned. They have each knowingly done what God commanded them not to do! Adam explicitly heard God say not to eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil—and, that if he did, he would surely die! “But the LORD God warned him, “You may freely eat the fruit of every tree in the garden—except the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. If you eat its fruit, you are sure to die.”—Genesis 2:16-17 But Adam was not alone! Scripture clearly shows that Eve knew not to eat the fruit also. Scripture points out that God had instructed her, as He had Adam. “Of course we may eat fruit from the trees in the garden,” the woman replied. “It’s only the fruit from the tree in the middle of the garden that we are not allowed to eat. God said, ‘You must not eat it or even touch it; if you do, you will die”—Genesis 3:2-3.

So, now their hiding—as people do, or try to, when they know that they’ve sinned by disobeying God. It’s a carnal proclivity all have inherited from our original parents—a knee-jerk reaction. Don’t believe that? Catch any three-year-old doing something they know they have no business doing and watch how quickly and how easily they’ll lie when confronted! We are each born with a sin nature. “For everyone has sinned; we all fall short of God’s glorious standard”—Romans 3:23. And, simply because some refuse to accept this Truth—In no way voids it reality…

Just ask King David. He will tell you all about what happens when we to hide our sins (2 Samuel 12).

But more on that next week…

Thankfully, God wasn’t then, nor is He now—caught off guard by our propensity to lie and cover up our sins. In fact, He had, unbeknownst to Adam and Eve, implemented a permanent solution for their, and our, sinful condition…

But first—a foreshadowing of God’s all-inclusive plan…

From the time God’s first image bearers—Adam and Eve sinned, God grieved the loss of communion with His people. He went to extreme lengths to restore our relationship by sending His one and only Son “to seek and to save the lost” —Luke 19:10. Without the birth of Jesus, and without His unconditional willingness to die on His Cross, to shed His Innocent Blood as payment for our sins, thus offering us the hope of restoration back to God, we each would be eternally lost. Dead in our sins…

God called. Adam and Eve hid. Let me ask you, are you hiding also? Has the Holy Spirit been convicting you—calling you? And has your response, like Adam’s, has been; “I heard you walking in the garden, so I hid. I was afraid because I was naked.” (3:10) Has that sin you committed left you feeling exposed—guilty, shameful? You’re not alone. But might I urge you to come out of hiding—confess to God what He knows that you’ve done! Don’t follow Adam and Eve’s lead by playing the blame game with God. We, each, are responsible for our actions and responses (Genesis 3:12-13). Rather, go to God and confess your sins and ask His forgiveness. You may not escape the consequences of your sin—that is something only God will decide, but, you will be forgiven…

However, to do this, to be forgiven, you first must have a relationship with God…

So, if you are feeling something inside of you that’s telling you to ask Jesus for forgiveness—it’s the Holy Spirit doing what He does—the will of God! God wants you for Himself! Won’t you stop here, now, and simply say yes to Jesus? Ask Him to come into your life and be your Lord and Savior. He wants you, loves you, He died for you—

but, He won’t force you…

Little did Adam and Eve know, that God knew they would fall—would sin. And, little did they know that He had predestined a way—the only way—for all who sin to be forgiven. And yes, that means you too! He’s made a way just for you. As surely as He did for Adam and Eve, for Abraham and Moses, for Rahab the prostitute, and, for all those who will…

How? Through the Blood of Jesus. His Only Son…

He would be born to a virgin (Matthew 1:18-25; Luke 1:26-38). Wrapped in milk rags and laid in a manger (Luke 2:7). A king would try to kill Him (Matthew 2:16). He would be despised by those He was sent to save. And in the end, His own would betray Him and demand He was handed over to those who would crucify Him (Luke 23:21). He’d be nailed to a cross (Luke 23:26-43). But not before they beat Him so severely His insides were literally hanging out (Isaiah 52:14). His innocent Blood shed. He would be hung high and naked on that cross—innocence between two thieves (Matthew: 38; Luke 23:32).  And, He’d be buried in a tomb not His own (Isaiah 53:9). He’d be left alone—abandoned by those whom He loved, who’d promised to follow Him always (Mark 14:50). But, early on a Sunday morning the stone they’d used to seal Him off—shut Him up, be done with Him, was rolled away!He was not there (Luke 24:1-12). Had anyone been listening the prophets of old, as well as to Jesus Himself, each had foretold of these events. How they must happen and why (Isaiah 53; Psalm 22; Psalm 16; Luke 9:22; Matthew 17:23). An animals blood was never meant to be a lasting substitute. It was only a foreshadowing— for The One yet to come.

Jesus—the One who would come in the fullness of time (Hebrews 10).

Animal blood could never fully quell God’s righteous anger caused by man’s sin and rebellion. Sin is so grievous to God that only death would be its just payment…

But, now, standing here in the garden, we witness God’s first hint of a love that is far too big for any of us to take in this side of eternity. We watch as God’s great love and mercy for His own, His children, gives birth to His killing innocent animals in place of Adam and Eve—that His justice be served. Even though their sin warranted their death. And, then, God lovingly covers their bodies with those bloody sacrificial skins—signifying their sin was forgiven.

Blood must be shed for atonement—for the forgiveness of sin. It’s the law…

Yet, though they were forgiven—the consequences of their choices followed them (Genesis 3:13-23). God is loving, yes. But He is also Just. We forget that, or try to…

Again, we need only look to King David as an example, both of God’s forgiveness and His justice ((2 Samuel 12:16-18).

And, while all this was happening  in the garden, Jesus was there, watching. Knowing He’d be next. He was—willingly, patiently, waiting. So, in God’s perfect timing, His sacrificial death would atone for our sins—once, for all.

Love came in the form of a babe wrapped in milk rags and laid in a manger—

His Atoning Blood would come later…

“Why Peter?” Matthew 16:15-17

 He said to them, But who do you [yourselves] say that I am?  Simon Peter replied, You are the Christ, the Son of the living God. Then Jesus answered him, Blessed (happy, fortunate, and [a]to be envied) are you, Simon Bar-Jonah. For flesh and blood [men] have not revealed this to you, but My Father Who is in heaven.”

So why is it that Jesus called Peter out of the boat? Why not Andrew, John, or James? If it were to demonstrate to them all the truth of His divinity, then certainly His walking on the water, according to both Johns and Marks Gospel accounts, accomplished that. Each writer clearly states that, all of those in the boat fell down and acknowledged that He was the Son of God.

So why Peter?

Why did Jesus call Him—solely, to step out of the boat and walk on a raging, life-threatening, sea?

I posit, and the Scriptures certainly backs up, that it was apparently groundwork for what was yet to come…

For a Peter who ran, God came. For a loud mouth, God came. For one who was so rash he reached for a sword as his answer, God came. For a leader who tucked-tailed, God came. For a beloved friend who denied Him, not once or twice, but thrice, God came. For what God saw inside the heart of Peter, and not what we see, God came. And, through Peter’s life, the Holy Spirit reveals what can happen to a man when God comes…

Think of it. Walking on water—stepping out on a sea as solid as dry land, for however briefly, is something one would never forget. And, even if the memory of it dimmed with time—as the most powerful of our memories do, one word, one poke at the embers of that experience and it would rage white-hot once again!

The foundation for doing the seemingly impossible—the sheer miraculous, had been laid—through this one-act of obedience, of great faith. Great humility would be laid in Peter also, suffusing with this faith—but only after his unfathomable betrayal. And these would come together and congeal with his fierce loyalty. An allegiance that was born both from revelation knowledge—gnosis, and from directly tasting the fruit of that revelation—of what Jesus offered, however baffling at times—repeatedly.

Knowing it would never be found—that Truth, in anyone or anything else. Ever…

And, that one experience, mixed with this humility and this knowledge—this gnosis, would be so seared into Peter’s being, his faith, that even the denial of its Author—as astonishing and heart-rending as it was, could not erase what he knew to be Truth. We see evidence of that on a sandy shore during breakfast—John 21:15-17.

It was to Peter that Jesus said if he’d but give Him the rest of His life, He would make him into a ‘fisher of men’, one who would change the world—Mark 1:17. It was Peter to whom God revealed that Jesus was the Messiah—the Son of God, the rock—the Truth, on which His Church would be built when asked, “Who do you say that I am?”– Matthew 16:13-20 And, too, it was Peter, who, after the visitation of the Holy Spirit in the Upper Room, addressed the crowd gathered in Jerusalem for Passover, each in his own language—and about 3000 were saved and baptized—Acts 2:41. And Peter who first brought the Word of God to the gentiles when Cornelius and his entire household accepted Jesus as Lord and were baptized—Acts 10. Peter, who is recognized as the Apostolic leader of the early Church whose counsel Paul, and Barnabas sought about how the gentiles should be taught to practice the way and their rights as followers—Acts 15.

And in the end, it was Peter who was crucified upside down. Not worthy, according to his own words, to taste death as His Lord did.

Yet throughout the Gospels we see evidence too, of the dichotomy present in Peter. His bold profession’s and pitiful shortcomings. His humanity.

The very same Peter who denied Him and ran, God chose to be the pillar of the early Church

Yet it is this bold, impetuous, ill-tempered, sometime weak-as-water, unwavering martyr that God used—to help carry the Gospel forward and perpetuate the Truth of Who Jesus is, and the Life He offers—that is still producing fruit to this day.

Back to my original question. Why Peter? There were at least 10 others that loved Jesus as Peter did. Who had given up everything and followed as Peter had. Left homes, families, husbands, wives, and children—gave of their time and resources until they had given it all. Up to their very lives…

What was it that Jesus saw inside of Peter? Surely, he wasn’t perfect.

I believe the Word shows us that it was both the measure of faith, as well as the fierce loyalty that God had placed in Peter—Romans 12:6, along with a deep and abiding humility, that set him apart for the task which God had called him—John 21:15-17. Though he didn’t always understand Jesus—or His teachings, Peter recognized the Truth in them. Simple man that he was, Peter knew, that only Jesus had these Words of Life—these teachings, and that outside of them there was nothing—John 6:68. Not that the other’s lacked faith or loyalty, they didn’t. But God knew what He had created Peter for—what would be asked of him—required, and exactly what it would take to see Peter through—to accomplish what He had destined Peter for. And through him, his Church on earth. And it would take walk-on-water faith, and an abiding, in-the-face-of-all-adversity, stalwart loyalty, mixed with a knee-bending humility, to partner in perpetuating God’s eternal Truth…

Jesus Christ is the way, and the Truth, and the Life—John 14:6

What has God placed exclusively within you, Peter?

More, will you  be faithful, humble, and, loyal to what He has given you also—for such a time as this—and, for those who you alone were created to influence?

“Are You Mephibosheth?” Part 2

  …And Mephibosheth the son of Jonathan, son of Saul, came to David and fell on his face and paid homage. “And David said, Mephibosheth.” “Yes sir?”  “Don’t be frightened,” said David. “I’d like to do something special for you in memory of your father Jonathan. To begin with, I’m returning to you all the properties of your grandfather Saul. Furthermore, from now on you’ll take all your meals at my table.” Shuffling and stammering, not looking him in the eye, Mephibosheth said, “Who am I that you pay attention to a stray dog like me?” David then called in Ziba, Saul’s right-hand man, and told him, “Everything that belonged to Saul and his family, I’ve handed over to your master’s grandson. You and your sons and your servants will work his land and bring in the produce, provisions for your master’s grandson. Mephibosheth himself, your master’s grandson, from now on will take all his meals at my table.” Ziba had fifteen sons and twenty servants. “All that my master the king has ordered his servant,” answered Ziba, “your servant will surely do.” And Mephibosheth ate at David’s table, just like one of the royal family. Mephibosheth also had a small son named Mica. All who were part of Ziba’s household were now the servants of Mephibosheth. Mephibosheth lived in Jerusalem, taking all his meals at the king’s table. He was lame in both feet” (2 Samuel 9:6-13).

So, to recap:

Last week we learned a few things about Mephibosheth. We learned that being the grandson of Saul—the former king, had left him feeling intensely vulnerable in the wake of this new king’s summons.

  • We learned that he was familiar with living in hiding—with being physically isolated.
  • We learned too, that he was fearful for his life.
  • Additionally, we learned that having lived his life with a disability—at a disadvantage, Mephibosheth knew a thing or two about pain and persecution—but also about perseverance.
  • And, that, being a royal descendant doesn’t spare you from the trials and tribulations life brings along with it each new morning.

Can you relate? Have you shared in, experienced, any of what Mephibosheth went through? Do you have scars too? Feel isolated? Do you know what it’s like to be hurting and lonely? Then please, keep reading, because as it was for Mephibosheth, so too, might it be for you. Where there’s still breath, there’s hope.

We also saw last week, that everything—literally, that Mephibosheth thought he knew about his circumstances, (his future, who he thought he was—as a man, and an heir, how he self-identified) ended up being used as means to a future he had not so much as left a crack in the door for!  He was too busy keeping his head down, living small in Lo Debar… “What is your servant, that you should regard a dead dog like me?”

Are you feeling like you’re at the end of yourself? That all you’ve been through has automatically disqualified you from anything better than what you’ve known—have been through, survived? Do you believe too, that how it is you’ve always seen yourself is really how it is? Who you truly are? If so, then you might be in the exact right spot for a setup to get up!

From Lo Debar to the King’s table. From prostrating himself in humility, to having every worldly possession his family had owned restored to him. More, a guarantee from the king that, for as long as he lived, Mephibosheth would never again have to eat alone. There would always be a place set for him at the king’s table—Mephibosheth now had a lasting place to call home. “So Mephibosheth lived in Jerusalem, for he ate always at the king’s table.”

Mephibosheth had a choice to make. He could except the unbelievably gracious—the beyond generous, undeserved offer of the king, or, he could continue to believe—live with, what had been his reality for most of his life—hurt, lack, wanting, isolation—separation. And as it was with Mephibosheth, so too is it with you, and me, and all those invited to always dine with the king. The offer has been extended—the place set. The only thing that remains is will we, the Mephibosheth’s, have the courage to show up and take our place at the table? Can we push past the voices that have taken up residence in our heads? Those voices that tell us dogs are not allowed at the dinner table..

Yet, for any of this to have happened for Mephibosheth, a change had to occur first. A shift…

Something had to happen, some inquiry made, an introduction perhaps, someone powerful enough, beckoning to him, calling, for him to come out of hiding—out from behind obscurities shadow.  “And the king said, “Is there not still someone of the house of Saul, that I may show the kindness of God to him?”

And so David, The King, sends Ziba, a former servant of King Saul’s, to go and find Mephibosheth.

And, as it was for this man with a past—this broken, lost, disconnected man—So too, it is for us. Only we, much more than this man with the tongue-twister of a name, have the great privilege of The King Himself having come to find us! Listen to how this is told to us in the Gospel of Saint John: “For God so [greatly] loved and dearly prized the world, that He [even] gave His [One and] only begotten Son, so that whoever believes and trusts in Him [as Savior] shall not perish, but have eternal life” (3:16).

In David, a mere shadow of the King of King’s —we see the desire and the heart of God. Who so loved you so much Mephibosheth, who so loved me, the world, that He sent for us—in the Person of Jesus, His only begotten Son. He not only prepared a place for us at His table, more, He fed us with His Most Choice Food—the very best Wine, all this, that we might never be hungry or thirsty—or broken, or alone—separated from Him ever again. So Jesus said to them, “Truly, truly, I tell you,unless you eat the flesh and drink the blood of the Son of Man, you have no life in you. Whoever eats My flesh and drinks My blood has eternal life, and I will raise him up at the last day.…” (John 6:53-54).

But what if Mephibosheth had been too afraid of David to come when he had called? Chances are the man with a tongue-twister of a name might still be living in Lo Debar. Still disfigured and carrying the weight of all the years, and all the names and taunts and hurts and lack—every scar, on his own, still. While all the time someone very much wanted him at their table—so much so that they had set a place for him, made a way for him to come back safely, no questions asked. Listen to how the Prophet Micah shared this sentiment: “Where is the god who can compare with you— wiping the slate clean of guilt, turning a blind eye, a deaf ear to the past sins of your purged and precious people? You don’t nurse your anger and don’t stay angry long, for mercy is your specialty. That’s what you love most. And compassion is on its way to us. You’ll stamp out our wrongdoing. You’ll sink our sins to the bottom of the ocean…” (Micah 7:18-19, The Message Bible)

Friend, if David, a mere man—imperfect and sinful, sent someone out searching for Mephibosheth to ensure he be brought back to him unharmed so that he might reestablish Mephibosheth, how much more God the Father? A perfect, sinless God who created you and knows your ‘stuff, my stuff,’—all of it. This God who sent His Only Son to find you and tell you not to be afraid, the king doesn’t want to kill you—the king wants you returned to himself safely, that he might restore what’s been taken from you. More, that the two of you might always be together. He already knows all you’ve been through—done, or had done to you. He knew that before He even sent for you! He doesn’t care as much about that as He does about you—He can turn all ‘that’ around, just as he did with Mephibosheth.

He just wants you back where you belong. Period. That’s his heart—no strings attached…

“But God clearly shows and proves His own love for us, by the fact that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us” (Romans: 8).

The table had been set, the servant sent—and Mephibosheth came.

Trembling he came.

Fearful for what might come next—he came.

Ashamed—he came…

So, my question to you is this: Despite all that’s held you back, will you come—just as you are, when the King calls?

Are you Mephibosheth?

“Preperation” Isaiah 6:5-8

 Then I said, “Woe to me! I [too] am doomed! —because I, a man with unclean lips, living among a people with unclean lips, have seen with my own eyesthe King, AdonaiTzva’ot!”  One of the s’rafim flew to me with a glowing coal in his hand, which he had taken with tongs from the altar. He touched my mouth with it and said, “Here! This has touched your lips. Your iniquity is gone, your sin is atoned for.” Then I heard the voice of Adonai saying,“Whom should I send? Who will go for us?” I answered, “I’m here, send me!”

Charles Spurgeon says this: God will never do anything with us till he has first of all undone us.

Isaiah must have felt undone—discouraged, right before God charges, commissions, him. The great King Uzziah had died. Once a revered and righteous King, Uzziah, also known as Azariah (2 Kings 15), allowed pride to take root in his heart, and, as can be the case with many a mature believer—those who love, reverence, and follow the Lord—have walked with the Lord for a while, if they are not mindful, pride can grip their hearts too. Uzziah allowed the pride of life to trip him up…

Plain speak, he exalted himself above God, and, as a result, he fell from God’s favor, and protection. (2 Chronicles 26:16). Thus, bringing God’s just judgement upon himself.  The result? He lived out his last days in exile—as a leaper (2 Chronicles 26).

There is a lesson for all believers in King Uzziah’s fall…

And now God is about commission Isaiah, charge him, to tell Israel what is yet to come. But before He does, there’s a little undoing that Isaiah needs experience in order that he might be prepared for the arduous tasks set before him. Some preparation that needs to occur, some perspective given, so that perhaps, just perhaps, he won’t fall into the same offence the late, once great, King Uzziah had?

Of the 66 chapters found in the Book of Isaiah, 39, more than half, have him delivering God’s Words of Judgement on Judah and the surrounding nations! To say people wouldn’t like him—didn’t always want to see him coming, is probably an understatement! He wasn’t likely the best-liked kid on the block. Still, Isaiah had resolve, stamina. And more, God had a plan for him. A job only he could do. God saw something unique in Isaiah. And, God sees something unique inside of you too—something He’s preparing you, and you alone, to do! Yet, God had another, a new, lesson for Isaiah—some realization that needed to occur, some revelation that would both humble and add a great resolve to his prevailing—stalwart faith. Our text certainly suggests as much. It demonstrates that God was doing something both great and deep within Isaiah!

And, maybe He’s doing a deep work in you as well!

So, now, let’s meet up with Isaiah. We’ll have a front row seat as we witness his every moment of preparedness. We’ll observe his great humility and the palpable, awe-inspiring, awareness he displays at his genuine frailty and certain un-holiness…

Our Scripture opens with Isaiah detailing his Heavenly vision. As the Apostle Paul stated, “…whether in the body or not, I do not know” (2 Corinthians 12:2-4). And neither do we. We are privy to the particulars only. And they are that God is working in Isaiah!

Though a righteous, godly man, a prophet, God allows Isaiah to see himself against the backdrop of both heavenly beings, and, far more, God’s own Perfection and Holiness. Isaiah witnesses the Seraphs. Some scholars believe these to be the living creatures spoken of in Revelation 4:8. He hears their thunderous pure voices proclaiming God’s Holiness back and forth to each other, to all of heaven. Their declarations  are so resonant that the very doorposts and thresholds of heaven shake! Isaiah has witnessed God in all His Sovereign power and majesty seated on His Kingly Throne in heaven. And, finally, he sees the fullness of God’s presence fill the temple with the smoke (vs’s 1-4). And he’s certain he’ll die. See he knew what God had spoken to Moses on Mount Horeb concerning seeing His and remaining alive , listen: “But,” he said, “you cannot see my face, for no one may see me and live” ( Exodus 33:20).

Now, aside from the sheer terror, imagine for a moment, just how unholy, how unworthy, you would feel standing in the very presence of Gods Pure Radiant Holiness—His Majesty and Splendor?

That’s how it must have felt for Isaiah…

How it was, according to Scripture, for other Godly men we read about in the Bible. Men such as Daniel, in Daniel 10:15-17, And Peter, in Luke 5:8, and, John the Revelator, in Revelation 1:17. And, because we, along with Isaiah and each of these men, serve a loving, compassionate, and, merciful God who doesn’t judge us  as we deserve—but rather, lavishes upon His children unmerited mercy we too  can stand boldly in His Holy presence…

Why? Because He washes us, cleansing us—like the Seraphs cleaned Isaiah’s lips, from all unrighteousness if we’ll but cry out also. (1 John 1:9).

And, He alone enables us—through His Imputed Righteousness, and through the conviction of The Holy Spirit, to be rid of unclean lips, prideful lips, boasting lips, lies, and, contemptuous speech. Isaiah recognized this sin of unclean lips, among others, in himself. Though he loved and served the Lord, when set side by side next to God’s standard of Purity and Holiness, he saw, knew, just how guilty he was of sinful speech. In all its forms and abilities. And he cried out to God.

We too, are guilty of unclean lips and more.  And we need to cry out to God for forgiveness also…

Listen to how James, the brother of Jesus, describes what our mouths are capable of: “…the tongue is a small part of the body, but it boasts of great things. Consider how small a spark sets a great forest on fire. The tongue also is a fire, a world of wickedness among the parts of the body. It pollutes the whole person, sets the course of his life on fire, and is itself set on fire by hell” (James 3:5-6).

That’s a searing statement—no pun intended. But it is. Seriously.

In essence, it’s saying that you can love the Lord, be in ministry, serving God with all  that’s in you, and yet—if you’re not measuring your words—if your careful with your tongue,asking the Holy Spirit to be the guard over your words, if you don’t keep your mouth in check, you may well be guilty of great sin. And, be doing untold damage to the very Kingdom you’re out their promoting and serving in God’s name! I don’t know if you struggle with unclean lips, but I know I do. It’s one reason I am grateful for the written word. For texting and letter writing, because I can edit my speech.  I can look over it—rethink it, reword it, and perhaps, just not say what I thought to say at all! Thus, saving myself from sinning, from great embarrassment, and more, from offending another, or, doing irrevocable relational damage…

So, let me ask you, what is God doing in you? What is He revealing to you, that you might finish your walk and service to Him well? Or, maybe you’re feeling the Lord tug at your heart for the first time—calling you into His service?

But, perhaps, before you answer here am I Lord, use me—send me, you should seek Him out and ask if He’s placing a hot coal on any area of your life that first needs purifying? If so, be glad! He’s pointing out your impurities. Helping you to close spiritual doors you may have opened unawares—doors that grant the enemy of your soul access into you. Doors that grant him free access into every aspect of your life. Doors that enable—allow him, to do what he does best—steal, kill and destroy  what God has for you. (John 10:10).

God isn’t trying to harm you friend, rather He is making you like pure gold, fit for Him…

Listen once again to Charles Spurgeon as he describes how God prepares us for His service: The effect of that live coal will be to fire the lip with heavenly flame. ‘Oh,’ says one man, ‘a flaming coal will burn the lip so that the man cannot speak at all.’ That is just how God works with us; it is by consuming the fleshly power that he inspires the heavenly might. Oh let the lip be burnt, let the fleshly power of eloquence be destroyed, but oh for that live coal to make the tongue eloquent with heaven’s flame; the true divine power which urged the Apostles forward, and made them conquerors of the whole world~

“Residue” 2 Corinthians 12: 7-10

  “…but He has said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you [My lovingkindness and My mercy are more than enough—always available—regardless of the situation]; for [My] power is being perfected [and is completed and shows itself most effectively] in [your] weakness.” Therefore, I will all the more gladly boast in my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ [may completely enfold me and] may dwell in me.”

I was in that place between waking and still half-asleep—I had a foot in each world. And that’s when God spoke to me about ‘residue. The stuff He’s allowed—to cling to us, to me…

We, those who have accepted Christ as our Savior love Him. And, we believe, by faith, that we have been—are, saved, by His redemptive work done for us all on the Cross. Through the shedding of His Precious Blood He paid our sin debt. And through the power of His Resurrection we, in faith believe, that we’ve been given a new life in Him. A fresh hope—a new beginning…

So why then do so many still feel anything but fresh—new, cleansed? It’s called residue. And If you struggle with it, you’re in good company. The Apostle Paul—the Apostle’s Apostle, the man responsible for writing, scholar’s say, over 2/3’s of the New Testament, felt like he had residue too. Though saved, and on fire for Christ—even though he was spreading the good news of the Gospel, and evangelizing the gentile nations, Paul struggled with what he called a ‘thorn in his flesh’. In fact, on three separate occasions he went to God and prayed that this thing, this thorn—this residue, carried over into his new life in Christ, be removed from him. God’s answer. No—nope, it needs to stay…

But why? Why didn’t God remove this thorn—this thing that Paul saw as a hindrance—this residue left clinging to him from a life spent steeped in the importance of his station, his position as a Pharisee. (Acts 22:20;23:6;26:10-11). Paul had been steeped in pride. Prior to meeting His Lord—before he had tasted the transforming love of God—Paul, it seems, may have had a bit of an ego. Maybe, like so many of us, he suffered from the inability to see himself—his true motives and actions, for what they really were. A pride issue.

Webster’s defines residue as follows: a usually small amount of something that remains after a process has been completed or a thing has been removed; something that remains after a part is taken, separated, or designated or after the completion of a process.

Listen to the conversation, as Paul recounts it, between himself and Jesus concerning his, ‘thorn’… “Because of the surpassing greatness and extraordinary nature of the revelations [which I received from God], for this reason, to keep me from thinking of myself as important, a thorn in the flesh was given to me, a messenger of Satan, to torment and harass me—to keep me from exalting myself” (2 Corinthians 12: 7)!

So, wait! Is God saying that He is allowing this thorn—this residue, to say with Paul? Yes. Emphatically, yes—and more, for Paul’s own good!

So how do we, as everyday Christians, deal with that? If God allowed Paul to endure his thorn—his past residue, what about us and ours? How do we deal? After all, he was

Or could he? Handle his thorn that is? Paul! Certainly, he could handle—endure, anything that came into—was permitted into his life; anything that was allowed to remain, cling, or live within him! He’s Paul. The champion, the pinnacle of Christendom! The one who has arrived at the destination that we, as striving Christians, stretch to reach—that great place of complete surrender to the call and will of God on our lives. That place of dying to self and living for the glory of Christ alone…

Had he really arrived at complete surrender? Is that even possible while we are living in these suits of fallible—weak flesh? And why did God allow this man who He hand-picked—had literally knocked from a horse to get to, get the attention of, why did he, do I, or you—do all Christians, have to endure our thorns? That stuck-on residue of our repulsive fleshly selves, that thing that both sickens and shames us when it rears its revolting head.  That relentless reminder of our fragility—our shame, our dependence. That thing that just popped up in your head…

The answer to the above question: “Is complete surrender possible?”, is yes, it’s absolutely possible. But only when we humble ourselves before God, fully acknowledging our weaknesses and dependence on Him.

Let’s listen to more of what Paul has to teach us about the possible ‘why’ of our residue—the why of our thorns, those things that are allowed to cling to us: “Concerning this I pleaded with the Lord three times that it might leave me; but He has said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you [My lovingkindness and My mercy are more than enough—always available—regardless of the situation]; for [My] power is being perfected [and is completed and shows itself most effectively] in [your] weakness” (vs’s 8-9).

And there it is…

The answer to our why. The, ‘why do I still?’ ‘How come this hasn’t left me?’ The,’ I’ve prayed and prayed and still—I struggle with: fear, depression, anger, pride, lust…, you fill in the blank, ________.

If we believe that God’s Word—His Word being a part of Himself, is infallible—It cannot lie. And I do, and It can’t because He can’t (Numbers 23:19). Then we are left with the fact that God not only allowed Paul’s thorn to remain—but that in remaining—in being the residue left as God extracted the best from Paul, this thorn—this weakness, this, ‘thing’, whether physical or behavioral, was deliberately left clinging to Paul by an Omniscient God for Paul’s betterment—for his own good! And, more importantly, it speaks to the goodness of God, and the power of His amazing grace and mercy, demonstrated in and through our lives…

Our residue, our thorns, those weaknesses in us, they are the stages on which God’s power and grace are most visibly demonstrated!

Is it possible that thing we see in our lives as a hindrance to our relationship with God is—has been left there intentionally, by God’s divine design, for a season—a period? That our residue serves a greater purpose then we—through our limited scope, with our finite, imperfect, understanding can recognize or understand? Clearly, the answer is yes. It is possible. If God allowed Paul’s thorn, his residue, to cling to him, to bring out the best in Him—God’s perfect plan and purpose for Paul’s life, then perhaps, just perhaps, the same is true for you—for me, for all those struggling with their residue…

But please don’t get it twisted! I’m not advocating, in no way encouraging, that we use our weaknesses— nor allow them to become, a license to sin…

Rather I’m saying that if our purpose as His children, is to bring glory to the Father in all that we do —in all that we are, and it is. Then we, like Paul, must learn, through the power of The Holy Spirit, to count even our residue as a blessing so that Christ may be glorified in and through it. Let’s close our time together today listening to the Apostle Paul explain to us how we too—through the acceptance of our weaknesses—our residue, may draw ever closer to God. May it/they embolden us to cling unremittingly to Him as we learn to trust more deeply, relying fully on His mercy—and His never-ending grace.  “Therefore, I will all the more gladly boast in my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ [may completely enfold me and] may dwell in me. So I am well pleased with weaknesses, with insults, with distresses, with persecutions, and with difficulties, for the sake of Christ; for when I am weak [in human strength], then I am strong [truly able, truly powerful, truly drawing from God’s strength]” (vs’s. 9-10).

I urge you today, if you’ve not asked Jesus to come into your life, to be your Lord and Savior, ask Him to come now. What are you waiting for? Today is the acceptable day, now is the acceptable time(Heb. 3:15)! You’ll never have it together enough—if that’s what you’re waiting for, it will never happen! Ask Him now, while it’s still today.

He’s just waiting for you…

“Rescued from the Wrath” Romans 5:9-10

 “Therefore, since we have now been justified [declared free of the guilt of sin] by His blood, [how much more certain is it that] we will be saved from the ]wrath of God through Him. For if while we were enemies we were reconciled to God through the death of His Son, it is much more certain, having been reconciled, that we will be saved [from the consequences of sin] by His life [that is, we will be saved because Christ lives today].” 

If you want to know the love of God, know the work of Christ. —John Piper

From the moment John spoke the words that forever changed the world—forever altered, shifted human history, and with it—every man’s destiny: “Behold The Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!”,  we were—we are still, being introduce to Redemption, to Life. In the blink of an eye the man that everyone was pushing past to get to John the Baptist—takes center stage. He has stepped across time and donned a body made of flesh just to be with us. He once was wrapped in milk rags and put to bed in a manger—an animal hotel. He left The Throne of Heaven, left the Father’s presence, to step into the sin-stained world He spoke into existence. One that would cry out for His Very Blood—and they’d get it.

One that had the to freedom to denounce Him—and it did. And it does, still…

Yet the last time we’d heard anything about Him—this Jesus, he was about 12 years old. His parents were desperate with fright—searching everywhere for this Lamb—their son, Mary’s, and Joseph’s—God’s own. They’d thought they’d lost Him—little did they know He could never be lost. That’s our choice, man’s, to go on being lost that is— not God’s, ever. Our Scripture verse today bears witness to that Truth. Because of God’s unfathomable, unplumbed, love He chose to give—gave to the world, the whole world, in the form of His only Son, a way back to Himself. So that whomsoever would believe in Him would have life eternal—reconciliation, a relationship, with God.

That’s the heart of God for all of humanity—for you. Believe it, or not…

Because you, we deserve it? No. Despite, regardless of, contrary to, everything, anything, and I do mean anything, you and I may have done—might have been through, God loves us, loves you, personally. Right this minute, just as you are. And, He has a plan and a purpose for your life—for your reading this message at this exact moment. As sin-stained and guilty as you may be—however dirty, or unworthy you may feel, contrary to anything that may have been inflicted upon you, done to violate you, whether you know Him or have yet to meet Him. You are loved by God.

He knows you—and more, He loves you deeply…

See while Jesus was hanging on His Cross dying for you, dying for me, the very Cross He willingly went to so that you might escape eternal death—escape a life, this life, separated from Him—from the Father, from His very best for you, both now, and in the world to come, He did so knowing if you’d respond to Him, to His great love for you, or not.He knew if you’d say yes to Him or, if you’d turn away as many standing there did that fateful day did. Our society, this world, has done a bang-up job, and I say this loosely and with intended irony, of stressing one of God’s greatest character traits—His great love for us. And, while this is true, the God’s great love part, it is also equally true that there are times His love is used as a blanket to cover over our sins, our bad habits, and actions. And that love—His love, biblically based love, has or had nothing to do with. No part of…


As I write this, the deplorable, hate-filled, evil, events that recently took place in Charlottesville that did their level best to recreate a racial divide paralleled to that of the pre-civil rights era, come to mind as one such example of just how man will attempt to turn, bend, reshape, the love of God for all mankind, into a sanctimonious, weak-as-water, far from holy, version of its most base nature. Its lowest version of itself. And yet, somehow equate that nature, those actions, to the will and intentions of a holy, loving, God…

Which leads me into the oft forgotten counterpart of God’s great love—His wrath. You can’t fully grasp one without having, at one point, known the other. We as a people choose to skip over the wrath part of God when we see it written somewhere, hear it preached from Sunday morning pulpit’s. But denying God’s wrath does not negate it, nor the effect it has on a person’s life. I started off this teaching with a quote from renowned bible scholar, John Piper. And it’s to him that we’ll turn now for a slice of his teaching on Romans 5:9-10. Listen as he explained how the love of God and His wrath—are inextricably linked: The Bible makes it plain that God will one day pour out the full measure of his wrath on the sinful unbelieving world, and the unrepentant will be cast into what John calls the “lake of fire.” Revelation 20:15, “And if anyone’s name was not found written in the book of life, he was thrown into the lake of fire.” And Revelation 14:10 describes it like this: They will “be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels and in the presence of the Lamb. And the smoke of their torment goes up forever and ever.” It is like fire. It is torment. It is forever and ever with no end. This is terrifying. If enmity ever had meaning, this is it. If this is not having an enemy, then there is no such thing as having an enemy. God will one day pour out his enmity – his wrath – on the whole world of humankind who have ever lived and not trusted him. The question is: Who can rescue us from this wrath of God? The clear answer of this text – and the whole New Testament – is this:

Only God can rescue us from the wrath of God…


Where can we see this? Verse 9: “having now been justified, shall we be saved.” Verse 10: “If while we were enemies we were reconciled to God through the death of his Son, much more having been reconciled, we shall be saved by his life.” In all those actions, we are being acted upon. Who is acting? Who is doing this justifying, reconciling, saving? The answer is God the Father. How do we know that? Because in verse 10 it says, “we were reconciled to God through the death of his Son.” But if the Son was doing the reconciling, it wouldn’t say he did it “through the Son.” You wouldn’t say. “The Son of God reconciled us to God through his Son.” No. The Father, himself, loves us.

That was the clear point of verse 8, “But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.” Here’s the good news: the love of God rescues us from the the wrath of God against sinners. Don’t try to defend the love of God for us by denying the wrath of God against sinners. If you do, you will undermine the love of God. Because the greatest demonstration of the love of God is the way it rescues us from the wrath of God. If you deny wrath to defend love, you lose love. God the Father himself works to rescue us from his wrath. And the point is that he has done this in the past, and he will do it in the future. This is the way both verse 9 and 10 are built. Verse 9: “Much more then, having now been justified by His blood [that’s the past work of God – “blood” referring to the death of his Son whom he sent], we shall be saved from the wrath of God through Him [that’s the future work of God].” Then verse 10: “For if while we were enemies we were reconciled to God through the death of His Son [the past work of God in history], much more, having been reconciled [in the past], we shall be saved by His life [the work of God in the future].”

Friends, whether you’ve met Him yet, or not. And whether you believe in Him yet, or not, does not negate—will never negate, the fact, the Truth, that God so loves you that He sent Jesus to restore you to Himself, to have a relationship with you, and to save you, rescue you, as in the days of Noah, from His certain wrath…

 “For God so [greatly] loved and dearly prized the world, that He[even] gave His [One and] only begotten Son, so that whoever believes and trusts in Him [as Savior] shall not perish, but have eternal life” John 3:16

Won’t you say yes to Him, to His hand extended toward you in love—while it still today?





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