"Come follow me and I will make you fishers of men." Matthew 4:19

Tag: doubt

Believe and Be Confident.

Elda Othello-Wrightington.

Have you ever felt like you were a little fish in a big pond? Sometimes, life can feel that way, especially if you have lived life in a small pond. Truth be told, in order for a small fish to become a big fish, its environment has to change. Change is hard but possible. But what if, due to circumstances, the environment cannot be changed? Well, then, one’s mindset must change. What do I mean? One must work through all their thoughts and feelings of unbelief.

Unbelief has a way of crippling one’s dream and what God might be calling you to do.

When fear sets in, questions start to arise. Can I really do this? Soon, that God-sized dream becomes a man-sized what could have been. Too often, many God-given dreams, visions, and plans end up in the cemetery because they were never walked out by faith. Fear and a lot of second-guessing brought on their early death.

Recently, I realized that had happened to me.

I have been going through a lot of transitions (maybe some midlife—joking!), and it occurred to me that I believed God could do God-sized things for everyone except me. This untruth was allowed to live in my imagination because I allowed fear, doubt, and unbelief to settle in.

You might be reading this and saying to yourself, “That’s me!” Or “But you don’t know what I’ve been through. I prayed, and God didn’t answer.” Or “I’ve been waiting, and it didn’t happen at all the way I expected or anticipated it would.”

Welp! That kind of talk and thinking is unbelief.

I want to share with you the question Holy Spirit asked me. “You say you trust God, but do you really believe God can do it for you?”

Many of you may know the Bible story of the man who brought his son to the disciples to be healed, but the disciples couldn’t heal him (Mark 9 1-29). Interestingly, Jesus identifies them as “you unbelieving generation.” Wow! What a statement. The disciples and even the boy’s father struggled and wondered why this boy couldn’t receive his healing. The father’s statement is a very thought-provoking one. He exclaims, “I believe but help by unbelief.”

Now, that’s a bold statement to tell Jesus.

 It’s also one that most of us struggle to admit. Friends, we must muster up the courage to believe and not doubt. “All things are possible if you believe “—Mark 9:23.

You might not have all the confidence in the world, but as a result of my own struggle, can I encourage you to start with God?

If you haven’t made Jesus your Lord and Savior, I want to encourage you to do so today. The Bible says in Romans 10:9-10 “If you declare with your mouth Jesus is lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. It is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved.”

 When you put your confidence in God, He will lead you not only to salvation BUT also cause you to grow and thrive.

So, be confident in what He has called you to be and do by simply believing that He who calls you will also qualify you. He will show you the way. And will connect you to the right people. “But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong. God chose the lowly things of this world and the despised things—and the things that are not—to nullify the things that are, so that no one may boast before him.” –1 Corinthians 1:27-29.

Another encouragement I have for you, if you’re struggling with believing, is to remember the promise found in Hebrews 10:23: “Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering for he who promised is faithful.”

Joseph had a dream he once shared with his brothers, and all it seemed to get him was sold into slavery and various other troubles. I wonder how often he questioned if he had heard God or asked himself where God was!

Friends, I’ve been there, and I just wanted to share an insight God shared with me about holding on to His promises: Hold on with patience!

Joseph had to learn to be patient before he could be Pharaoh’s second in command, a position that would ultimately save Joseph, his family, and many nations. Joseph didn’t know his dream would require that he be sold into slavery, be accused, and placed in prison, not to mention be forgotten—yet all of this was part of God’s plan for Joseph’s life.

 When we feel God has forgotten us, the truth is we have often underestimated God’s displaying patience toward us. That might sound a little backward. Yes, God is displaying patience towards us. Could it be possible that He is waiting for us to believe so that our growth can begin?

I was sent here today to encourage and remind someone that Jesus is in control and has a plan far bigger than our own. I’ve learned that God sometimes waits for us to believe Him. He is patiently waiting to see if we will grow into what He has called us to be through simple obedience and trust that He controls the process.

Be patient. Remember, the process has its purpose.

God is patient with us, and we must learn to be patient with our journey and wait for our dream or goal—whatever it might be. Believe my sisters and my brothers, and be confident in God. “Let us seize and hold tightly the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is reliable and trustworthy and faithful [to His word.” –Hebrews 10:23.

Walk it Out On The Sea Of Doubt. Part 2.

Matthew Botelho

As the title implies, doubt can be like a raging sea.

Thoughts can suddenly blow through our minds; waves of fear can crash and swell within them. And like all storms, our thoughts can be dark and foreboding, but God! Oh, hallelujah! Only God can calm those thoughts, those sudden, stormy waves, and winds. Only God can make the sea of our minds like glass, perfectly still. With just a Word from His mouth: “Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.” – John 14:27

“Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us, to Him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and ever. Amen”. -Ephesians 3:20-21. 

That, my dear friends, what our God can do and does, it’s straight from the Word.

No man can make up the workings of God. The Spirit testifies in each of us that God is who He says He is. Jesus came to give life and make it more abundant. Jesus came to give us peace, His peace. We need to cling to and pray for His peace daily—this “peace that surpasses all understanding.” The world does not understand this peace because it cannot. The kind of peace the world offers is a failed promise of peace, inconsistent, temporary. Romans 12:2 “And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is good and acceptable and perfect will of God.”

In order to be conformed to something, you must be connected to, faithful, to whatever or whomever you are placing your faith in. If we put our faith in the world, we will reap what the world offers, the fruits of the flesh. You’ll draw your nourishment from the world if it is your source, your vine. And you’ll get its byproduct, an exact replica of what you’ve been drawing from. The world can only produce its own kind.

Instead of what this world has to offer, Jesus wants to be the Vine you draw from daily. He wants to be your Source.

His gift of salvation, His Spirit, will produce lasting fruit that will sustain you in times of trouble. When those waves of doubt crash into you, you can find the strength in Jesus, you never thought you had. The Helper, God’s Holy Spirit, can and desires to dwell within you. My pastor always says, “Transformation starts from the inside, then makes its way outward.” A person our Lord saves will be transformed from the inside, and all the world will see the fruit of their salvation. 

Do you believe that today?                                                                       

Do you believe that God can bring peace to your mind, healing to your body, and above all, salvation to those who cry out for the forgiveness of their sins?

Jesus can, and He will! He is coming back, friends, brothers, and sisters! It’s only a matter of time—I cling to this truth by faith, believing. Now there are moments, my dear friends, that I will have doubt wash over me. Does it make me a non-believer? Of course not! I am human, and there will be those moments when I fall short in faith. But God will prove Himself faithful when I am lacking. So, if my lack of faith is my thorn in the flesh, I will remember and cling to these words spoken to the apostle Paul:

And He said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore most gladly I will rather boast in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me.” –2 Corinthians 12:9.

A thorn in our flesh could be several things, whether it be fear, doubt, anxiety, depression, an actual sickness, as Scholars suggest it was with the Apostle Paul or a divorce; whatever it may be, a thorn in your side will make you feel weak, causing you to lose focus and fall. But in those moments especially, remember, hold tight to what Jesus said, “My grace is sufficient for you, for May strength is made perfect in weakness.”

 When you posture yourself in surrender to God, He will take over in whatever situation you may be going through. Submission is about our heart of worship and willingness to lay it all down at His feet; when you are tired, worship. When you cannot take another step, worship; when you have lost your job, worship, whatever the enemy is throwing at you, cast your ALL cares and worries on Jesus, and just worship the Lord!

Praise is one of the greatest weapons we have when we are facing trouble. God’s unmerited favor will get you through life’s storms and trials—God’s favor found in knowing His Son, Jesus, will see you through!

Child of God, you have the favor of the Father living inside you! What can this world do to you? Lift your eyes to heaven and know that God is for you.

He has not left you. The apostle Paul writes, “What shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us?” -Romans 8:31 

I genuinely feel that someone reading this is about to receive their breakthrough.

Doubt is not your portion, dear friend. The keys have been handed to you. Jesus has taken them back from the enemy and now holds all the authority. Move, in the authority you’ve been given, in Jesus’ name!

Friend, if you don’t know Him as Lord, Jesus is waiting for you to take that step and reach out by faith, grab hold of His gift of salvation by repenting your sins and asking Jesus to be Lord of your life. I pray that the Holy Spirit has spoken to you through His inspired teaching and that you will walk out what He’s asking you to do, my friend. Amen

Settle the Matter! Ephesians 1:4-5.

For He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world to be holy and blameless in His presence. In love. He predestined us for adoption as His sons through Jesus Christ, according to the good pleasure of His will…”

Today, I’m speaking to the one who wrestles with doubting their salvation—then uses the guilt that wrestling produces as a reason to flog yourself. The Truth is you really do know Him in that deepest part of yourself—you know you are truly His. That He came to you and chose you. So why all this questioning? Why the doubts and the fears that follow after them?

The answer beloved is that your focus is out of focus. Your looking to yourself and not to Christ for the Truth of who you are. Is it any wonder then that you’re struggling? “My old self has been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me. So I live in this earthly body by trusting in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me” Galatians 2:20. As we begin to fully take in just what it is that God has done for us, in Christ Jesus, the weight of that revelation will send us to our knees! We’ll then begin to know true humility on a first named basis. Not only did God specifically choose Christ to fulfill His redemptive plan—He equally chose you as a part of it as well!

First Christ, then you in Him. Humbling, isn’t it? The thought of you and Christ found in the same sentence…

The thought that you are so loved by God. Predestined to be His now, and for all eternity. He doesn’t want you to miss one second of time spent in His presence! The Sovereign God of the universe, Creator of heaven and earth, and all that fill them, has chosen you! And all of this before one single blade of grass had ever broken free of the soil. More specifically—before there ever was soil; or stars, snails, clouds, rain, sun, deer, or Adam. Long before it all—God had chosen you for Himself—in His Son. You were already His as they stood—the Trinity, over the dark void. You are saved in Christ Jesus because God chose you to be! Yet, though chosen, you are nevertheless responsible to guard this precious salvation as one guards his home and his most prized possessions from robbers, with greatest vigilance and care…

Our salvation is from God alone; we cannot boast in our being able to bring it about, somehow offering it to ourselves. Willing it, by hook or by crook, into existence; as a child wills their imaginary friend to come and help fill their empty hours with play. Yet, we must care for it, guarding it. Our being chosen in Christ and our responsibility in His choosing of us that is. These are inseparable.

“But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong. God chose the lowly things of this world and the despised things—and the things that are not—to nullify the things that are, so that no one may boast before him. It is because of him that you are in Christ Jesus, who has become for us wisdom from God—that is, our righteousness, holiness and redemption” –1 Corinthians 1:27-30.

You, my struggling brother, my sister, wresting still with the surety of your salvation, are those foolish, weak, lowly, and despised “things” God chose when, looking at us, no one would ever have believed we’d one day belong to Him. We the broken and filthy, the lowly and guilty, all those who know that we know, had it not been for His election of us; for that merciful reaching-out of His most precious hand across time and eternity—at precisely the right time, salvation would not be ours. Certainly we said yes. But which came first, His calling us, or our answering Him? As for me, I lean into His calling of us. I was too broken—too incapable, to sin-stained to even think about my name and Christ’s in the same sentence. Of His wanting me—never mind choosing me; of His having a plan for my life or of being useful or used by God.

If redemption were our choice (if we could choose to be saved, to somehow ask Jesus to come into our lives, truly—minus His first tugging on our hearts, offering Him the place of honor at the table of our lives, surely) our salvation would have passed us by—busy as we were wallowing in our sins, chasing after them; as blindly and as fully as our prodigal brother did. That goes for you too—son or daughter of the pastor. Raised in the church yet full of resentment and doubt and rebellion—longing to be free from it all. To live your own life. Or you, the one who strived to do it all right. You who genuinely wanted Christ. Who believed what the priest said—what your parents said—you, whose heart never chose to wander off chasing after what others did—or wanted to do. Nonetheless, sin separated you too from ever having a right relationship with God.

And now though, now that it is yours, you must do all that you can, by the grace of God, to safe-guard your heart and mind against everything that will try to steal that Truth out from under you. Leaving you foundation-less. A builder who cannot build. The Truth is this. If you, any of you, have truly been chosen in Christ, by God, then you are saved. Period. How do I know this for certain? Because God Himself said it. And, as He also said, “God is not a man, that He should lie, or a son of man, that He should change His mind. Does He speak and not act? Does He promise and not fulfill?” –Numbers 23:19.

If you have faith in Jesus Christ beloved it is solely because it was given you by God, our Father. It is a free gift. As is your salvation and the Holy Spirit who indwells you…

We all get momentarily lost, my brother and sisters, when our focus shifts between Christ’s finished work and our ever-changing situations, circumstances, and trials. More specifically, on to how we feel about the Truth of our salvation. How  we view its certainty, its guarantee. But we must fight through those false and shifting feelings using the armor Christ has provided us. As John says: “I write this letter to you who believe in the Son of God. I write so that you will know that you have eternal life now” –1 John 5:13. What John is saying, in other words, is that our sure fidelity to Christ does not guarantee that we will always have so firm a confidence in Christ. John Piper says it this way: “Faith can be real when the feelings of assurance are weak.” Our flesh is weak and will always fails us. Hence, why we must, we must, always trust God. Trust only what He says about us. After all, it is His finished work in Christ Jesus that will forever have the final Word. Now, with that in mind beloved, let us settle this matter of our being saved in Christ—chosen by God—once and for all. God is as faithful to bring the whole Truth of this revelation about, this certainty you possess, as surely as He was true in His choosing of you. Therefore, concerning being settled on this blessed assurance which we possess—have been entrusted with, let no man, no circumstance, trial or test, no battle or temptation, neither any competing voice of the enemy of our soul, nor your own words, negate Gods Truth “Who dares accuse us whom God has chosen for his own? No one–for God himself has given us right standing with himself” –Romans 8:33.

My Brothers and sisters remember that there is no condemnation for those in Christ Jesus. Therefore, I pray your strength today. May God do a quick work of re-minding you of His Truth.

Dear friend, if you’re here today for the first time, or if you’ve returned, feeling somehow drawn back, I pray this Word has spoken to your heart. Know that it is this same God who you’ve just read about that is calling you to Himself. Won’t you please invite Him into your life as both Lord and Savior now?

If you were of the world, it would love you as its own. Instead, the world hates you, because you are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world –John 15:16.


Doubts. Luke 7:19

 “John called two of his disciples and sent them to the Lord, saying, “Are You the Expected One (the Messiah), or should we look for someone else?”


Nothing was turning out as John the Baptist had hoped. He had some questions…

He has been imprisoned by Herod Antipas. Roman reign is still as exacting as August’s humidity despite all the good that this Jesus was doing. And, more, Jesus—his relative, the one he once pointed towards and declared to be, “the Lamb of God” has yet to deliver their people from their enemies. How could this mild man who instructs all those who follow him to, “love their enemies” be their long-awaited Messiah? He is no David. No mighty warrior. And where is his army? How does he plan on crushing Rome and freeing his people?

John’s discouragement has blinded him to the Truth he’s recognized since he was in his mother’s womb. A Truth that had wooed him into the Judean wilderness then, inescapably, to the banks of the murky waters of the Jordan where he’d baptize his people—and Jesus.

He has done everything he knows to do and yet nothing has changed…

Have you ever felt like that?

Have you ever waited and waited for Jesus to move in a specific way in your life; all-the-while nothing is happening the way you expected it would? You place check mark after check mark on your proverbial calendar—marking the passing of days so similar that if not for the big red checks next to each—you wouldn’t be able to distinguish one from the other. Vanilla days that run into vanilla nights—day after day after day. Rather than moving forward, you feel as though you’ve gone backward! Your feelings of discouragement—disillusionment, and frustration are as near to you as the air of your next breath. Take heart beloved, you’re in good company…

This man John was exactly that—a mere man. Fragile. Sinful. One minute on fire the next wrestling with his doubts. We forget that. After all, he was John the Baptist. Yet, his deep questioning, his wresting with his faith reveals a certain fragile humanity to us. This same one who would later humbly confess that he wasn’t even worthy to untie the straps of Jesus’ sandals though a prophet, and Jesus’ forerunner, was nonetheless a man like you and me. Though he avowed that he must decrease that Jesus may increase—nevertheless, he was a man. Bold in his doubt. He too had the same sinful predispositions as you and I. He faced the same temptations. He too lost patience, and he, like us, acted inappropriately at times also. Yet, this reverential mere-man is the one to whom the honor of recognizing Jesus as Messiah was given!

But God chose what is foolish in the world to shame the wise; God chose what is weak in the world to shame the strong; God chose what is low and despised in the world, even things that are not, to bring to nothing things that are, so that no human being  might boast in the presence of God” 1 Corinthians 1:27-29.

Yet despite all of this, John had momentarily lost sight of who this Jesus truly is. Something that’s easier to do than we’d care to admit. It is for me at least. If I take my eyes off Him for too long, wham, I’m underwater! We who follow and serve our Lord often have the propensity to take ourselves a bit too seriously…

In reading Luke’s biblical account, it’s obvious Johns disciples had told him all about Jesus having healed a Roman Centurions valued slave, saving him from near death. And, then, how He did in fact raise a widow’s dead son back to life in the village of Nain. Add this knowledge—these miracles, to everything else John had seen and heard tell of Jesus and one must wonder if Johns question wasn’t meant to force Jesus into declaring publicly what John himself believed, yet wanted assurance of; is Jesus Israel’s Messiah? John appears to have lost sight momentary, of this sure knowledge, a fixed Truth he had openly professed not so long ago… “Then John gave this testimony: “I saw the Spirit come down from heaven as a dove and remain on him. And I myself did not know him, but the one who sent me to baptize with water told me, ‘The man on whom you see the Spirit come down and remain is the one who will baptize with the Holy Spirit.’ I have seen and I testify that this is God’s Chosen One” –John 1:32-34.

John had openly testified that this Jesus he’d baptized—this same one he’d declared to be the Lamb of God is in fact, God’s Chosen One. Israel’s Messiah. Yet, even in his knowing, disillusionment had momentarily stolen this truth from him. Sound familiar? Have you, like John, become so disillusioned with how Jesus has chosen to move in your life or circumstances, or, in the events of the world in which we live, that you’re trying to force Jesus’ hand? Are you trying to spur Jesus along too, challenging Him to “show Himself? Are you trying to force Him to move as you think He should? Expected He would?

Johns provocative question concerning Jesus’ being Israels Messiah is in essence saying, “if you don’t do things the way I believe they should be done, then I think I may have to start looking toward someone else, following after another.”  Things just weren’t lining up for John. Jesus was not acting anything like what John anticipated a warring deliver should. From the onset of his ministry he’d been proclaiming Jesus would come in judgement of the world—bringing fire with Him. Yet this Jesus spoke mostly of forgiveness and love. John didn’t realize that this judgement would in fact come later on–at Jesus’ Second Coming. For now, Jesus was here to offer the world salvation. John had quickly forgotten the prophecies of the Old Testament. He’d forgotten Jesus couldn’t announce Himself as their Messiah. Only the Spirit of God could make that pronouncement —not flesh and blood. Jesus’ works and Words would do the testifying as to who He was. These would be His proofs… “If I am not doing the works of My Father, then do not believe Me. But if I am doing them, even though you do not believe Me, believe the works themselves, so that you may know and understand that the Father is in Me, and I am in the Father” — John 10:37-38.

We must remember that, as it was with John so too it is with you and I…

The most devout among us is a mere man. And, at any moment we will fall to our fears and doubts if we aren’t watchful. We mustn’t allow ourselves to become blinded by what we know to be right or true.  Rather, we must keep our eyes fixed on the One with whom God declared He was well pleased. Jesus, the author, and finisher of our faith. When we, like John, allow ourselves to become disillusioned and disappointed, blinded to the Truth of who Jesus is—and who we are in Him, when we confuse feelings, and opinions  with faith, and, it will happen somewhere in our walk with Him, then we too will question His Truth living inside of us. On that day may He have the same great mercy and compassion He showed towards John on us—on me.  May God always send us a messenger, One who will re-mind us of all that He has done in our lives. “So he replied to the messengers, “Go back and report to John what you have seen and heard: The blind receive sight, the lame walk, those who have leprosy are cleansed, the deaf hear, the dead are raised, and the good news is proclaimed to the poor” –Luke 7:22.

In plain speak, “Johns been momentarily blinded. Go, remind him of what He already knows.  And, remind Him too of the blessing that comes to those who are faithful until the end—despite their challenges, disappointments, and set-backs.”

“Blessed is anyone who does not stumble on account of me” –Luke 7:23.

I have been sent today to remind you beloved brothers and sisters of what it is you already know. Trust Gods ways and His timing. They don’t have to make sense to you. You are Gods chosen. He has not forgotten you. He sees you and is on His way. Hang on just a little longer. You’re not forgotten. Gods got you! Look up, look up, your time is at hand…

And friend, if you’re here today and have yet to ask Jesus into your heart as Lord and Savior, then I’m believing that today is day God has ordained for that to happen! Won’t you ask Jesus to come into your life as Lord and Savior? Confess your need for Him; your sins to him. He is faithful and waiting for you…








Sound Familiar? Matthew 14:30

 “But when he saw the wind, he was afraid; and beginning to sink, he cried out, saying, Lord, save me.”

What greater words could any man ever utter! How blessed a plea! Three simple words that sum up our hearts cry when we acknowledge—are face to face with, the limits of our mortal coil…

“Lord, save me!”

Only a moment ago Peter was boldly—confidently, asking Jesus to bid him come to Him on the water—so that he too could walk upon the waves. Now, moments later, Peter is being swallowed up by this very same raging sea!

What was sure and solid beneath him a second ago—is now threatening to consume him! Yet, before Peter realizes that he is dealing with the engulfing effects doubt can have on a soul—he’s able to cry out to the only One he knows can help him—save him, Jesus…

When Jesus bid Peter come He was promising him he could in fact, do what he sought to do—walk on water. And, for one faith-filled moment Peter did just that. He defied the law of nature through the power of the One who both created and controls nature! When we doubt the promises given us by God—when we start to pick-and-choose what we’ll believe, once we allow doubt in—our faith is damaged, weakened, and, will inevitably fail us as it did Peter. And, we will find ourselves being swallowed up by waves of doubt as well…

Have you ever been in this same state with Jesus?

One minute your chest is bursting with bold confidence that you truly can do all things through Christ in you. Then, just for a second you take your eyes off Him, and before you know what hit you—wham! You too are being swallowed up by doubt! Taken under by lack of faith…

You’re in need of saving—yet again!

As a Christian, it’s not difficult for me to imagine the confusion, shame and guilt Peter might have felt after Jesus restored him safely back into the boat. His sense of, what just happened to me? I was just walking on that water; how did I end up under it? I don’t understand…!

Have you ever tasted the bitter bile of doubt? Have you been left to swallow the awful after-taste lack of faith leaves in your mouth? Has shame ever covered you as completely—as uncomfortably, as Peter’s wet clothes covered and clung to him?

If you’re cringing right now—you get it. You’ve been where Peter was.

I have too…

But, what caused Peter to take his eyes off Jesus? It’s not like the storm wasn’t there all along. What happened to cause Peter to look away?

Jesus answers this question for us in the following verse: It was doubt…

The conditions surrounding Peter hadn’t changed. Jesus hadn’t suddenly disappeared. Scripture never mentions anything about a creäture of sorts coming up out of the water to attack Peter.

It was doubt. Plain and simple. “Immediately Jesus extended His hand and caught him, saying to him, “O you of little faith, why did you doubt?”  (vs.31)

In Hebrews 11:6 Scripture informs us: “But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.”

Jesus had bid Peter to come.

He had Jesus’ Word that he could walk on the water if he so chose to. The same power that allowed Jesus to walk on water was available to Peter too. “Therefore Jesus answered and was saying to them, “Truly, truly, I say to you, the Son can do nothing of Himself, unless it is something He sees the Father doing; for whatever the Father does, these things the Son also does in like manner” –John 5:19. So why Jesus and not Peter?

Aside from Jesus being God in the flesh, Jesus had unwavering, immovable trust in His Father. Peter wasn’t there yet…

The Apostle Paul tells us in 2 Timothy 3:16 that, “All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness.”

Therefore,  in this instance, I posit for your consideration that —God was enacting all the above—in tandem, within Peter. Building in him faith, trust, steadfastness through, despite, his weakness —in what appeared at that moment as a failure? For the divine purpose of what was yet to come.

Scripture appears to bear this out. After Peter’s brush with death, we see him running away from—denying Jesus, multiple times… (Luke 22:54-62). Once again, Peter’s fears and doubts have taken him under. Left him filled with deep shame, an awareness that he too has betrayed and abandoned his friend—Judas wasn’t  the only one to betray Jesus. And so we see Peter doing what we are guilty of doing ourselves. Peter gives up and returns to what he knows… (John 21:3). Sound familiar? Have you done that as well? Are you there now perhaps? Defeated, shamed, hands and head hung low in disgrace and self-disappointment? If so take heart, there’s forgiveness and restoration waiting for you just as it was for Peter….

We’re now back in a boat with Peter and several of the apostles. It’s nearing the shore after a night of unsuccessful fishing. At the shore, a figure they do not recognize—once again, is standing. He bids them to cast their empty nets over the right-hand side of the boat. They do, and in an instant, their nets are teeming with fish!

At that moment it is John who recognizes that it’s Jesus, risen from the dead, standing on shore. He tells Peter as much. And, once again we hear of Peter jumping out of a boat to be where Jesus is. After Jesus feeds Peter and the others with natural food He takes Peter aside and asks him three questions He knew the answer to…

Three simple, gentle, restorative questions that release Peter from the shame, guilt, and anguish of betraying his friend and his Lord…

Friend, if you too have jumped out of the boat, chasing after the One you love—and then failed Him due to lack of faith, doubt, a drug relapse, divorce, imprisonment, alcoholism, pride, and rebellion—take heart…

Hear the Words Jesus spoke to one just like yourself; and make them your own. Allow them to wash over you taking away—removing eternally, your shame, guilt, pain, and, betrayal’s ugly blight.

You too have a divine purpose to fulfill!

If you are a child of God, speak your name, in place of Peter’s,as you read this Scripture. “So when they had finished breakfast, Jesus said to __________Simon Peter, “_____________Simon, son of John, do you love Me more than these [others do—with total commitment and devotion]?” He said to Him, “Yes, Lord; You know that I love You [with a deep, personal affection, as for a close friend].” Jesus said to him, “Feed My lambs.” –John 21:15

The Living Word of God restored Peter…

It restores all men who say yes when called. And He will restore you also.

Will you jump out of the boat one last time? Will you trust Him afresh, sin stained as you are? Will you join Him for a meal that will forever alter the direction of your life? He’s standing right here at the shore of your heart bidding you to come, eat what He has already prepared for you while you were away…

And, if you don’t yet know Him, Jesus is asking to come into your heart—right now, He’s already done everything for you too, He prepared the way for you to come to Him through the work He did on His Cross.

Please say yes to His invitation friend…

“Those I love, I rebuke and discipline. Therefore be earnest and repent. Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in and dine with him, and he with Me. To the one who is victorious, I will grant the right to sit with Me on My throne, just as I overcame and sat down with My Father on His throne.” Revelation 3:19-21.

“Who Are You?” John 1:19-28


“And this is the testimony of John when the Jews sent priests and Levites to him from Jerusalem to ask him, Who are you? He confessed (admitted the truth) and did not try to conceal it, but acknowledged, I am not the Christ! They asked him, What then? Are you Elijah? And he said, I am not! Are you the Prophet? And he answered, No! Then they said to him, Who are you?…” (John 1:19-22)

The moment we accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior our identity is changed. Not outwardly mind you—rather, Spiritually. We are born again. If that confuses you, you’re in good company. Nicodemus, a Pharisee, a teacher of the Law, was equally perplexed (John 3:1-3).

John, known as the Baptist, was called to point all men towards the One who would follow him—but, was not in the least inferior to him. He was called to make all men aware of their sin, and to call them to repent of those sins. Yet, John was different from those of his station. You see, John was born to Zechariah—a priest from the line of Aaron, and from Elizabeth, a relative—the cousin in fact, of Mary, Jesus’ mom. So by all accounts, he should have been found wearing a fine linen tunic and been seen serving inside the splendor and protection of the Temple.

But that’s not where we meet him—God called John—predestining him to be a forerunner. A herald. To be a voice crying out in the wilderness and, that is precisely where we come across him. Clad not in a tunic of fine linen, but rather of rough camel’s hair. In fact, it is safe to say that John was very rough. And not merely in his appearance…

Aside from his severe clothing and wild haired appearance, John also spoke coarsely. Calling those, who perhaps at a different time, would have been his contemporaries, his peers—vipers and hypocrites! You must be dead certain—so to speak, confident, of who you are, and know exactly what it is God has called you to do to be that emboldened—that antagonistic, and impertinently dismissive—of the ruling religious powers of the day! And John was.

He lived to please an audience of One, and only One…

He knew his only mission in life was to prepare the way for the coming of Messiah…

He also knew he was not that Messiah. Nor was he the Prophet Elijah—though in defense of the Pharisees and Priests, John had apparently, somewhat, adopted the appearance of Elijah in that he wore a hair-tunic tied at the waist with a leather belt (2 Kings 1:8). Nor did John consider himself a Prophet. So, when these same authorities came challenging him—asking in whose authority did he rebuke the people, calling them to repent and be baptized, he emphatically stated that his authority came from the One that was standing right in front of them—The One whom their false-piety and high-mindedness would never allow for them to truly see…

John knew both who he was, and who he was not…

He stayed in his own lane—in complete obedience to God’s call on his life—even unto death…

When challenged, concerning your faith, your calling—the work the Lord has placed before you to do, how will you answer? Because, at one time or another, you will be challenged. Are you, like John, rock solid—laser-focused in your certainty of what God has called you to be, or speak, or, to do for the advancement of His Kingdom?

Will you be able to refute others when they challenge your faith or your ministry?

If so how? And by whose authority? What is the basis of the certainty of your calling/ your relationship with Jesus? It, your confidence, should stem from your relationship with the Father. And, to fully grasp His will for your life—you must first know (ginskō, in the Greek; yada, in Hebrew) Him. “Those who do wickedly against the covenant he shall corrupt with flattery; but the people who know their God shall be strong, and carry out great exploits” (Dan. 11:32; emphasis my own).

This “Knowing” according to John Rittenbaugh, indicates a close, warm, and even passionate intimacy combined with head knowledge that produces an “edge” in a person’s life. This enables us to trust God and, at the same time, to perceive what He is doing. It is this factor that makes God’s Word authoritative to us.

John had it, this knowing. Jesus Himself confirms that he did, listen to what He tells two of John’s disciples sent to Him for answers: This is the one about whom it is written: “Behold, I will send My messenger ahead of You, who will prepare Your way before You. Truly I tell you, among those born of women there has risen no one greater than John the Baptist” (Matt.11:10-11).

And, there is yet another—One greater than John, if fact, He is the One John states that He was unworthy to even unlace the sandals of, Jesus—our example. Jesus had the greatest, most pure, form of this knowing of God and His will. “It is He Who, coming after me, is preferred before me, the string of Whose sandal I am not worthy to unloose” (John 1:27).

Jesus too, knew who He was. He was certain of it. As with John Jesus too was certain unto death. And, as with John, it was, in part, the certainty of that knowledge that emboldened Jesus also, to fulfill the will of the One that had called Him—sent Him, predestined Him, to save souls, to draw all men unto Himself, to restore to right relationship to Himself everyone that has, is, and, will ever, go astray…

So, in order to answer the question posed to you today, like John, you must first know Jesus. And, like Jesus—you must know God—His will for your life, starting with His deepest desire. And that is for you to have a relationship with Him. That He be both Lord and Savior of your life.

And that can only happen when you accept Jesus into your heart…

Then, and only then, will you, too, be truly able to state emphatically who you are! “My Father is honored by this, that you bear much fruit and show that you are my disciples” (John 15:8).

And, if you’re reading this and you’re not sure who you are, then I beg you—now, to ask Jesus into your life as both your Lord and Savior. “Because, if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart one believes and is justified, and with the mouth one confesses and is saved” (Romans 10:9-10).

Plainly stated, you will be able to boldly reply to anyone that may ask, who are you? I am a Son/Daughter of The Most High God, saved by His amazing grace…

And that is the most potentially life-changing answer you may ever give to anyone!  Just ask John, or better still, Jesus. “And they overcame him (Satan) because of the blood of the Lamb, and because of the word of their testimony; and they loved not their life even unto death” ( Rev.12:11).

“Really, That’s My Miracle?” Jn.11:41-43

6a00d8341c660253ef00e54f55a29c8834-800wi How do you react, what do you do, when your miracle, your Word from God—comes to you seemingly flat, elementary and, more importantly—too late? When it offers you—no tah-dah moment of right now jubilation! No sharp intake of astounded breath—rather it offers, brings along with it—a heavy, still, disappointing silence. It leaves you staring off befuddled, clueless, blank—in that universally recognized, that’s it? Really? Sort-of-way.

You know the look. Certainly you’ve witnessed it?  it’s disappointment—unfulfilled expectation. Instead of going left, it goes right—way right!

How do you handle disappointment—along with its plethora of emotional fallout?

We all have expectation—all of us. Even the most spiritual. Try as we might to live minus our faulty human ideals—our faultier still ungrounded expectations, we have them—we do.

We even expect things from Jesus. And, to a certain extent, we’re correct in doing so. We, as His kids should expect things. Things like a certain measure of faith, His protection and provision, His presence and the fulfillment of every promise He has ever made—to name a few. Here’s the catch—they’ll come His way not ours.

That aside—don’t allow, you mustn’t allow, foolish expectations—self-serving expectations to lead you down the wrong path. Proverbs 14:12 makes that abundantly clear, listen: “There is a way that appears to be right, but in the end it leads to death.”

Don’t allow presupposition to pervade your relationship with Jesus—a wrong move—bad! It will cause you, most assuredly, to fall—headlong, into sin. And, following quickly behind that sin—comes its cronies—the perils of disaster and heartache.

By allowing for a—He’s my buddy, He’s got this for me—irreverent way of thinking to creep in, to exist between the two of you—you and Jesus that is—the above mentioned attitude has already spelled-out your demise—Spiritually always, perhaps physically. Think the leaven of the Pharisees here—a little of it in your relationship with Jesus can—will eventually, kill it.

Example, Judas Iscariot. He had a definite, my buddy, mindset. From perhaps the outset of his relationship with Jesus he allowed seeds of irreverence to grow—simmer crock-pot slowly within him. He had Jesus all figured out. He, Jesus had come to do Judas will, Judas’s way. Jesus would raise up an army to demolish the tyrannical, brutal, socially unjust Roman reign over His people Israel. He was going to restore home rule, order, power, and, opulence. And Judas would have a hefty slice of the pie—position, and power all for himself. See he forgot he was only an ingredient, not the finished product.

His expectations were very unwise—sinful.

The polar opposite of his fatal mindset, the life-robber, the bandit of reverence—is selflessness and faith.

Examples—think King David. Talk about unfulfilled expectations—talk about selflessness. Twenty plus years of unfulfilled promises and betrayal at the hands of his mentor, waiting. Saul, the king, one akin to a father to David tries to take him out—kill him. And his own son, David’s own Absalom, heir to his throne—plots not only to over throw his Father and take his throne, but more—to kill him also! Check in out—read 2nd Samuel.

Think also about Joseph—not Mary’s—the other one. The dreamer of dreams and owner of a coat of many colors. Joseph—young Joseph. Jacobs son— inexperienced Joseph. Tells not only his eleven brothers but also his Father—the one who wrestled with God and has a limp to prove it. About his dreams—a bit haughtily. Joseph tells them all that according to his dream the sun, moon and eleven stars will all bow down before him. And though he was correct—his presentation of the facts was a bit naïve, foolish. How we present ourselves—matters.

He’s about seventeen when he has this prophetic dream. And now at thirty-something, some thirteen plus years after being sold into slavery at the hands of his jealous brothers, after being falsely accused of crimes and being imprisoned for them—finally, his dream, his promise, comes to pass. Read it for yourself—Genesis 37-44:9. I’ve skimmed over a lot!

Unlike Judas Iscariot, neither David, nor Joseph, nor our upcoming protagonist Martha, viewed their relationship with Jesus as anything but sacred—cherished. Mind you, they each had their faults—we all do, save Jesus. Yet, each in-turn demonstrated great faith in, and reverence for, God. Each demonstrated deference to His will…

So now—finally, at our close we meet Martha. As disappointed and heartbroken as she was—she remained reverential to Jesus in her grief. Who is Martha you’re asking? She’s a friend of Jesus.

She’s also the eldest sister of Mary and Lazarus, friends of Jesus as well. In fact, you may remember Mary as the one some other friends of Jesus scolded for pouring spikenard, an expensive perfume on Jesus’ feet then wiping it off with her hair?

You see Martha, Mary, and Lazarus followed Jesus—were His disciples. Each believed that if they had faith in Him they would see the Glory of God in the world to come. After all, that is what Jesus taught them—and they believed everything He told them. They would not taste death.

So now standing with Jesus days after she had sent for Him, asking Him to come and heal, touch—save her only brother, His friend, from death—she is confused. Had He forgotten what He had said to them? Did He forget His love for His friend, her brother? Maybe He didn’t hear her say that her brother has been dead for four days now and his body must, well—stink?

That’s it. That must be it. He didn’t hear her. Why else would was He instructing these men to roll away her brothers grave stone? Surely He knows…not in front of all these people…

What will they think? He must be irrational from grief…

What’s the use now? What can come of His being here—too late. It’s too late! Her brother is, in fact—dead. This makes no sense…

Wait! What is He doing? Why is He shouting out Lazarus’ name—as if a dead man can hear…

Before we go forward, I want to remind you here, now, of the question I initially asked—way back in the beginning of this blog. How do you react, what do you do, when your miracle, your Word from God—comes to you seemingly flat, elementary and, more importantly—too late?

Do you like myself—like these brothers and these sisters mentioned above, ever forget that we are not in charge—not our own? We are ingredients in the making of—the construction of something far greater than we will ever know or understand—this side of heaven. And that as ingredients we offer only what it is we created to add to the outcome of the overall product we’re part of—Gods will, His divine plan?

Martha knew that, so did David and Joseph.  Unfortunately, Judas didn’t and it cost him—his life.

Never forget that we are mere ingredients—imbibed with power certainly, but ingredients none-the-less. We are not the Maker, the Originator—not the finished product. That is Gods alone—created for, meant for—His glory.

We are but pieces of our Father—of Him, but not Him. We don’t possess His knowledge. We, unlike Him are not omniscient. We can’t possibly see the outcome—the end of anyone journey, or anything’s purpose. Never mind the thousand little reasons why things are allowed in the first place—why their allowed to exist at all!

And so it was with Martha and Mary and most of their little town for that matter. They were all knocked-out by Lazarus’ death. After all, this was their only brother, Martha and Mary’s—and the towns beloved friend. All they saw—could see, was that Lazarus was dead. And the pointlessness of his death.

Martha had sent news to Jesus days before to come right-away—posthaste! So why did He wait days, two in fact—before going to save His friend?  Why let Him die? As with every other answer to a believer’s questions, the answers are found in God’s Holy Word.

Since the Second Chapter of John a foundation has been laid by Jesus. Clues left like a proverbial bread-crumb trail that we might see the big picture—the finished product if you will. Yet even when answers are right before us—in our blindness, we miss them. It is not until Jesus opens our eyes that we are able to see what has been before us all along—His purpose for it all.

Where Martha, Mary, and everyone gathered at that tomb saw only death—Jesus saw life. Ingredients are not meant to be the final product—rather their use is to it bring about—a perfect, complete product that is.

Jesus knew what His disciples did not. Lazarus would live—and his physical resurrection would help to usher in Jesus’ own necessary—impending death. Lazarus was one of the necessary final ingredients needed to accomplish a perfect end product—The Cross.

And that—The Cross of Christ, the reason for it all, our only hope, did not look anything like what anyone would expect from a merciful, loving, forgiving Father…

Watch out for your faulty expectations… There’s a saying that goes; things may not always be what they look like!

When you focus on what you see, the tangible—what things seem to be, rather than using eyes of faith, the potential, the possible— you will always—always feel disappointment…

Seldom does anything ever end-up lining up exactly in the fanciful way you’ve expected it to—your visions, your way.

See that’s the thing about this faith—you’re called to walk by it—not by your sight, not your own way. That’s the way of Judas—not Jesus.


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