"Come follow me and I will make you fishers of men." Matthew 4:19

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Inextricable. Ephesians 2:10

“For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.”

Let your religion be less of a theory and more of a love affair. ~ G.K. Chesterton

Merriam Webster defines Inextricable this way: incapable of being disentangled or untied; not capable of being solved. We beloved, our life in Christ and the gifts born from it, a grand, vibrant, eternal visual of this very definition…

I recently read a quote by Charles Spurgeon that said this concerning Christians and what links us—past, present, and future. There are many chosen ones who have not yet believed in Christ, and the Church cannot be one till these are saved. These chosen ones are to believe — that is a work of grace, but they are to believe through our word. If you would promote the unity of Christ’s Church, look after His lost sheep. If you ask what is to be your word, the answer is in the text — it is to be concerning Christ. They are to believe in Him. Every soul that believes in Christ is built into the great gospel unity in its measure.

This is how I hear Jesus saying this in the Book of Revelation—His Revelation to us. “But they have gained the victory over him because of the blood of the Lamb and of the testimony which they have borne, and because they held their lives cheap and did not shrink even from death” –Revelation 12:11. Recognizing fully they would have no testimony—I wouldn’t either, neither, my Christian brother or sister, would you, except through our being chosen in Christ Jesus! Our testimony a direct result of our relationship. No Jesus—no salvation—no testimony! That is exactly what Paul is telling us in his two preceding verses, listen: “God saved you by his grace when you believed. And you can’t take credit for this; it is a gift from God. Salvation is not a reward for the good things we have done, so none of us can boast about it.” –Ephesians 2:8-9. Equally then, we cannot boast of the “good things” we do as a result of this salvation—the two as inextricably linked as the mystical bond that exists between the Trinity from which they were born. One bible commentator had this to say concerning what Paul is telling us in these verses: It is here (in these verses) that we see the glorious power in the faith that He has given to us. Paul’s argument is straightforward. If we are saved, then we are saved to live out good works such as Christ would do. Paul is expanding the notion of what it means to be raised up together with Christ. Christ lives through our lives in the power of the Holy Spirit.

We have become, in Him—God’s poiēma, His artwork…

Today’s Scripture verse refers to us as God’s masterpiece—this is Truth, we are. Yet, it is only when we see ourselves through the eyes of Scripture, through the eyes of God’s Truth, that we’re able to see ourselves clearly. When we allow the Truth of who and what God says we are to overtake and fully silence our fleshly voice, that of the lying, life-stealing voice of the enemy of our soul, too—only then may we begin to see ourselves as that masterpiece our God sees each time He looks at us. Unless that is, we choose to continue seeing ourselves instead, as one of Picasso’s cubist portraits. A disjoined—distorted version of that which is beautifully and wonderfully made, in God’s eyes.“For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well” –Psalm 139:14-15. Since the Word, which cannot lie, tells us that we know this “very well”, our continuing to believe anything else makes Christ a liar…

“What if some were unfaithful? Will their unfaithfulness nullify God’s faithfulness? Not at all! Let God be true, and every human being a liar…” Romans 3:3-4

Beloved, we are quite literally connected. You and me and him and her and them way over there on the opposite end of the globe. On the opposite end of the pew—in Christ Jesus. Both in our salvation and our common predestination to do these good works God has for us to do.  Each of us chosen by God—saved in Christ—specifically for this purpose. In light of this, I lift you up today. I pray you will finish your course well.“So we keep on praying for you, asking our God to enable you to live a life worthy of his call. May he give you the power to accomplish all the good things your faith prompts you to do. Then the name of our Lord Jesus will be honored because of the way you live, and you will be honored along with him. This is all made possible because of the grace of our God and Lord, Jesus Christ.” 1 Thessalonians 1:11-12.

If we share the same Father beloved than you are my brother. Period. Each of us using what we have been freely given, our testimony, gifts, and talents. Spending our energy, the entirety of the gift of time, to be used by God. These good works given us by God, no more our own than our salvation is. Neither can be accomplished simply because we will it or wish them to be. Paul makes this abundantly clear throughout this second chapter of Ephesians.“Teacher,” said John, “we saw someone driving out demons in your name and we told him to stop, because he was not one of us. “Do not stop him,” Jesus said. “For no one who does a miracle in my name can in the next moment say anything bad about me, for whoever is not against us is for us. Truly I tell you, anyone who gives you a cup of water in my name because you belong to the Messiah will certainly not lose their reward” –Mark 9:38-41.

Nothing of Kingdom value will be gained by our being envious of each other’s giftings either. Rather, God’s will is accomplished through our gifts as we support, uphold each other, encouraging and rejoicing over them as the incredibly unique and essential treasures they are. Blessings each to His Universal Body. These seeds, placed in our belly, your belly—before the foundation of the world. That at just the right moment—God might have His Holy Spirit hover over them as surely as He hovered over Mary. Calling forth life He alone intended to birth through us. “Now the earth was formless and void, and darkness was over the surface of the deep. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the surface of the waters. And God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light.… Genesis 1:1-3. Let Him who has ears hear what the Spirit is saying here…

This free, incomprehensible gift of salvation was not given us to keep to ourselves—God forbid! Some bag of treasure we bury so as not to lose track of it. Having been entrusted with it at all, it empowers us to be the very hands and feet of Jesus, thus aiding in its multiplication. Affording us then, the divine privilege of investing every ounce of what we’ve been given, in another. Listen to how Jesus says it in the Parable of the Talents. “For to everyone who has will more be given, and he will have an abundance. But from the one who has not, even what he has will be taken away” –Matthew 25:29.

Beloved, as God’s masterpieces, we are called to imitate Him. To love this world as our great TeacherJesus did. As God did. Both willing to lay down their absolute best for, “whosoever will.” Since we carry some spark of this Divine within us, let us then lay down our best. hat which Jesus died to give us and that which God weaved into us for such a time as this. Pouring the very last drop of them both out—in love, for the sake of our God, and those He has called us to reach. “In the presence of God and of Christ Jesus, who will judge the living and the dead, and in view of his appearing and his kingdom, I give you this charge: Preach the word; be prepared in season and out of season; correct, rebuke and encourage—with great patience and careful instruction” –2 Timothy 4:1-2.

Friend, if you have read this far and do not know this Jesus personally, know this: There are no coincidences. You are not here by accident—God is holding His hand out to you. Take it, please… “Yet to all who did receive him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God—” John 1:12.

Unfaithful. Hosea 1:2.

When the Lord first spoke through Hosea, the Lord said to him, “Go, take for yourself a wife of prostitution and have children of [her] prostitution; for the land commits great acts of prostitution by not following the Lord.”

I’ve heard it said that It is important to remember that grace is not merely unmerited favor, but it is favor in spite of merited judgment…

Our Scripture is shocking I know. Not exactly the nice “after Easter message” you may have been expecting. I get it. I do. But if you’ll just extend me a little grace, I promise you the same Jesus we just praised and hailed and exalted last week—will show-up here today. Our Savior will come bursting forth as surely, as plainly and eternally, as He did that first Easter morning!

I recently read a compelling point made by commentator James Montgomery Boice concerning today’s Scripture. It opened my eyes afresh as I took in his reflection. It pointed me, with laser precision, directly toward the whole raw, deep, eternal Truth that is laid bare before us within the Book of Hosea. Boice’s arrow most definitely hitting its intended target: If Hosea’s story cannot be real (because ‘God could not ask a man to marry an unfaithful woman’), then neither is the story of salvation real, because that is precisely what Christ has done for us…

This quote instantly took me straight back to the pure, innocent, devoted, crucified Christ that I’d recently just beheld hanging on a criminal’s tree. In an instant, I found myself staring into His eyes caked with blood yet so soft still, full of a love and compassion, a tenderness, that quite literally brought me to my knees. This Godman, this Christ, was hanging there because of me. I felt the Truth of this in my soul. My sins the nails that had pierced His hands and precious feet. Innocent. And yet the Truth I saw so clearly expressed in those eyes pierced my heart. I couldn’t escape them. I didn’t want to. I never want to not know—live one second that I breathe the very air He created, outside of the Truth I saw in those eyes: “MaryEllen, my love for you is what held me—to that Cross.”

Our God—my God, this Christ that left heaven behind so that He could wrap Himself in the temporary-ness of human flesh that He might feel every thing, everything you and me feel; every need I have, we have, you’ve ever felt. From hunger and pain to cutting betrayal and great love—such inexplicable love. Thirst, hunger, heat, cold, loss too—He felt all of them. Did I mention knowing rejection by its first name? Jesus felt everything. Every hot Israeli day and it’s partner, the cold night. Every hour of deep longing for a people He came into this world specifically to die for—to make a way for, as no other ever could. “O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, the one who kills the prophets and stones those who are sent to her! How often I wanted to gather your children together, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, but you were not willing!” –Matthew 23:37.

If only they’d have welcomed Him. If only they would have accepted the ring He came asking them to slip on. If only they’d have taken His name and remained faithful to Him. It is this God—this Christ, this Bridegroom that comes to Israel in the book of Hosea. That comes to you and me and him and her and says I know you’re a prostitute. I know that you’re unfaithful. I know that while you are still here, wrapped in your sin-full flesh there will always be “others” in your life—standing in between us. In Hosea, God teaches us—however frankly, not only how He feels about us, more the lengths He will go to, to make us His own. You see He knows our frame, our sinful state, as surely and completely as He knew Israel’s sins and idolatry—their whoredom. Strong words I know, but Truth is biting at times. And as we witness in the language of Hosea, God can and will be as frank as He so chooses to be to get our attention…

By the start of Hosea’s first chapter, Israel has already wandered far from God. It’s been chasing after the Baal’s. The gods of this world. Those things they thought would bring them pleasure, would satisfy their deep hunger. Sound familiar? It should. We are each guilty, on some level, of this very sin! “But you thought your fame and beauty were your own. So you gave yourself as a prostitute to every man who came along. Your beauty was theirs for the asking. You used the lovely things I gave you to make shrines for idols, where you played the prostitute. Unbelievable! How could such a thing ever happen?” –Ezekiel 16:15-16.

Is it any wonder then that at this pivotal moment, Gomer is introduced to us? This woman who, representing Israel, has broken her vows, her covenant to remain faithful to this innocent Prophet of God. In Gomer, we witness the condition of Israel’s heart —a people He has chosen for Himself—a wanton and rebellious people God has chosen as His own. But don’t judge them too harshly, because in Gomer a mirror is also handed to you and me—reflecting back to us our unfaithfulness. And, as painful as it may be to look into, if we, like Israel, like Gomer, are to truly repent of our whoredom—our idolatry and sin-full wonderings, our spiritual adultery, then look into it we must. “So I bought Gomer back for 6 ounces of silver and 9 bushels of barley. Then I told her, “You must stay at home with me for many days. You will not be like a prostitute. You will not have sexual relations with another man. I will be your husband.” In the same way the people of Israel will continue many days without a king or a leader. They will be without a sacrifice or a memorial stone. They will be without an ephod or a household god. After this, the people of Israel will come back and look for the Lord their God and for David their king. In the last days they will come to honor the Lord and his goodness.” Hosea 3:2-5.

Our God is long-suffering and merciful, yes, but let us never forget our Husband is also just—and jealous of His bride…

In this first chapter of Hosea, we witness the not-so-shadowy figure of the Messiah—the Christ that will come, emerging. This Jesus who will come to us while we are yet filthy and wallowing, like some unrestrained beast, in our sins. A God who is not put off by the foul-stench of these, our many sins. In this first chapter of Hosea, we meet this God who sees past all of our stuff —our every sin, our shame, lies, and our hustle, to the person He has created us to be in His Son Jesus. He bids us then to follow after Him.

Just as we are, He calls us to Himself…

Yet, as with Gomer, His great love for us refuses to leave us in the state in which He found us. Even after His bearing witness to every thing we’ve ever said and done, still, He wants us to come to Him. To not let our stuff stop us from accepting His marriage proposal. To just get up and run to Him—leaving our filthy past in the dust! And get up and follow we must! He loves us far too much, has paid too great a price to ransom us, to leave us continuing to roll around in the same filth in which He first found us. “What benefit did you reap at that time from the things you are now ashamed of? Those things result in death! But now that you have been set free from sin and have become slaves of God, the benefit you reap leads to holiness, and the result is eternal life.” –Romans 6:21-22.

Despite how degrading and repulsive it may have felt to Hosea to be asked by God to marry Gomer, out of obedience to Him, he did it; regardless if it made sense to anyone, himself included. God had commanded Hosea to go and marry this harlot—not die for her. Jesus would soon be sent to cover dying for her. In Christ’s taking a bride from amongst a polluted, sin-drenched, wanton world, we witness the nascent beginnings of His great obedience to do the will of the Father also—however contrary the Father’s will may appear to us in sending One that is sinless to marry one so full of sin. If we were paying attention, we would have caught God’s intention to send us Christ, back in the garden when He covered Adam and Eve in bloody animal skins. But that’s for another day…

In Hosea, we see the foreshadowing of Christ’s donning His wedding suit—a human body, mere flesh, and willingly, obediently, lovingly, stepping across time and eternity at the Father’s behest. Not only to save Israel but also you and me too; we were a great part of why He came at all. To give us His name. To bestow upon us rights, privileges, and honor we’d otherwise never have known. He gave us our place in this world—and the next. In Hosea’s loving-kindness to Gomer, we are privileged to catch but a glimpse of this Jehovah God’s great love, both for Israel—His firstborn, and for you and me, branches grafted into His precious Body. And yes, even for that one too…

“For rarely will anyone die for a righteous man, though for a good man someone might possibly dare to die. But God proves His love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” –Romans 5:7-8.

Friend, if you are here today and there is something in you that’s saying, “wait, if God can love a prostitute then there’s hope for me too” you’re right! There’s room for us all at the feet of Christ Jesus! And yes, He’ll take you just as you are. No need to try and get cleaned up before you come. I was a Gomer, and He met me right where I was. Won’t you ask God to come into your life right now? Why wait? “Yet the number of the sons of Israel Shall be like the sand of the sea, Which cannot be measured or numbered; And in the place Where it is said to them, “You are not My people,” It will be said to them, “You are the sons of the living God.” –Hosea 1:10.

Deliverance, Again. Luke 24:13-16.

“Now that same day two of them were going to a village called Emmaus, about seven miles from Jerusalem. They were talking with each other about everything that had happened. As they talked and discussed these things with each other, Jesus himself came up and walked along with them; but they were kept from recognizing him.”

“We are marching towards this new thing God is about to reveal; we are marching towards the New Jerusalem.”

Gethsemane felt like a distant memory, His precious Blood long dried now; browned—at least what was left of it that is. His Cross, bare. His tomb, empty. Everything that had once filled them with such hope, painted bright with the broad brushstrokes of possibility, those areas of their lives that had been infused with faith and joy and a future in Him—because He had said it was so— as dried up and brown now as His spilled Blood. But how? How could this have happened? Why? Why didn’t He save Himself? Save us all? Why didn’t we see this coming? Distractions are designed to force you to make adjustments to your area of focus. –Pastor Mike Padgett.

They had been expecting Him—their Messiah, to come and fight. To raise up an army. To deliver them from the death-like grip of Roman oppression as David, the mighty warrior King would have…

There’s a real danger in looking backward when something new is standing right in front of you. Not only will looking back blind you from being able to recognize the new thing standing before you—but looking backward also robs the hope new-ness offers. And so it was with these two men. Heads bent, heavy from grief and disbelief. They were certain they had just lost forever the One person that meant everything to them. Grief has a way of blinding us to those who are walking right beside us.

Jesus had been with them for some three years. He had foretold of His death and resurrection on numerous instances while He was with them. “…He said to them, “The Son of Man is going to be delivered into the hands of men. They will kill him, and after three days he will rise.” –Mark 8:31; Luke 13:33; Matthew 16:21. He’d also told them that He had come to do the will of His Father. “For I have come down from heaven not to do my will but to do the will of him who sent me.”—John 6:38. Not once did He ever mention fulfilling their will—nor His own. That day on the Emmaus road they hadn’t yet grasped that this Jesus, their Messiah—ours too, was their Paschal Lamb. Would quite literally throw Himself in front of the enemy of their souls—ours too—in a way no David, no mere man ever could. They had no clue the power in this Lamb’s Blood! They didn’t understand its reach extended far beyond the doorposts and lintels of their ancestors…

Christ was right there with these two. This same Christ whom they had walked with and ate with. Had slept beside and had their hearts and minds and bellies filled by His teachings was walking side-by-side with them now. And, yet, they weren’t able to recognize them. The Scriptures tell us they were kept from recognizing Him. It wasn’t until Jesus broke the bread and blessed it that their eyes were finally opened. For whatever reason, the Bible doesn’t elaborate, it wasn’t until they saw this familiar action being performed that their eyes were finally opened, recognizing Him. “When he was at table with them, he took the bread and blessed and broke it and gave it to them. And their eyes were opened, and they recognized him. And he vanished from their sight.” –Luke 24:30-31.

That got me to wondering: So how much of Jesus, His nearness and wisdom, His desiring for us to see beyond our natural seeing do we miss in our everyday walk with Him because we’re not able to recognize Him in anything other than what’s familiar to us? This newly resurrected Christ had been keeping stride with Cleopas and this other disciple all the while—and nothing. Not a clue. Not only did they not recognize Him by sight, but His voice was obviously foreign to them as well.

Are we being offered some glimpse into our resurrected appearances within this verse? I digress…

In allowing Christ Jesus to be sacrificed, God had just done this new thing. Actually, He had just fulfilled an old agreement. No more sprinkling the people with the blood of slaughtered animals. “Moses then took the blood, sprinkled it on the people and said, “This is the blood of the covenant that the Lord has made with you in accordance with all these words.” –Exodus 24:8. From now on, there’d be no further need for walking between slaughtered animals. His covenant with Abraham confirmed and undergirded through Moses, (Exodus, chapters 19-34) fulfilled now in His Paschal Lamb, Christ Jesus. “So the Lord said to him, “Bring me a heifer, a goat and a ram, each three years old, along with a dove and a young pigeon.” Abram brought all these to him, cut them in two and arranged the halves opposite each other; the birds, however, he did not cut in half. When the sun had set and darkness had fallen, a smoking firepot with a blazing torch appeared and passed between the pieces. On that day the Lord made a covenant with Abram… –Genesis 15: 9-10;17-18.

Notice that it was only God who walked between these bloody carcasses. He was that “smoking firepot with a blazing torch.” Abram was in a deep sleep. The covenant made with Abraham and Moses has always been God’s alone to fulfill. From the very second He stood over the dark void, until the very second the feet of Jesus touch this earth for a second time, only God is, has been, or will ever be, worthy to uphold His covenant. He is the only One without sin. Only God has ever been capable of fulfilling the promises He’s made to any man. Man, on the other hand, has broken every promise we’ve ever made to God. We’ve never once managed to hold up our end of the covenant…

And as it was with those who have gone before us, those who swore to keep God’s commands, to follow His ordinances, His ways, so too is it with every one of us today. Sinners all, in need of salvation. In need of the Blood. In need of what had been offered to us way back in the garden—a relationship with God.  This broken relationship restored now, made possible once again through Jesus, our Paschal Lamb. In God’s offering of His only Son, never again would the blood of an animal be required to atone for the sins of a people—any people, us. No more animal blood need be painted on doorposts and their lintels. “And the blood shall be to you for a token upon the houses where ye are: and when I see the blood, I will pass over you, and the plague shall not be upon you to destroy you, when I smite the land of Egypt. And this day shall be unto you for a memorial; and ye shall keep it a feast to the Lord throughout your generations; ye shall keep it a feast by an ordinance for ever. –Exodus 12:13-14. What had been required by God’s law; a foreshadowing—has become a memorial now, a homage, an altar of remembrance, our unfathomable privilege…

“Why is tonight different from all other nights?” Because God had just sacrificed the only Lamb, the only sacrifice, that is wholly acceptable in His sight; His pure, sinless, spotless Son. The Lamb of God Himself. Because He chose to cover us, as He did Adam and Eve and Abram and Moses and Joshua and all of His children before us—as well as those yet come. This same God who had covered Adam and Eve with bloody animal skins in the garden—a foreshadowing, knew death was coming for every first-born in Egypt, a judgment, yet another foreshadowing, flung Himself in front of death and, in offering His own Blood said, “Not this one!” God, with Jesus in mind, protected His people eternally with the shed blood of a lamb or a kid so that He might deliver them—leading them out from under the grip of the one who sought to oppress them, destroy them. Leading them instead, back into right relationship with Himself…

Sound familiar? It should.

God is still delivering us out from under the death-like grip of that same one whose sole mission in this life is to steal from us, destroy us, and finally, to kill us. “The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.” John 10:10. This part of the story has never changed. It started in the garden with the words, “Did God really say”, and it will continue until the day Jesus returns and puts an end to him.

Friend, many things in this life will not change until Christ returns. That’s just a fact. If you’re waiting to get it right or for things to be right before you come to know Christ, you, my dear friend, will miss out on all that He has for you both now, and in the world to come. More, you will have been as blind as those friends of Jesus who failed to see what was right in front of them. That same Christ that was with them is walking right beside you now. He’s just waiting for you to ask Him into your life. And I promise you, that if you do, honestly ask Him I mean, then He will open your eyes to all that God has for you, has yet to come in this world, just as He did for those two.

And to you my brothers and sisters, if you’ve become stagnant in your walk with the Lord, I pray you will begin to stir up your faith, your gift—repent, earnestly seek His face and will and direction for your life. The price Christ paid that you might be restored— have a relationship with God at all, was far too dear for you or me—for any of us to let grow cold or stale…

Again and again, God has delivered those He calls to Himself. Delivered them from every kind of sin, sickness, and dis-ease. “It is finished.” So when Jesus had received the sour wine, He said, “It is finished!” And bowing His head, He gave up His spirit. –John 19:30. We don’t serve a one time—one chance God. Thankfully, we serve a God whose mercy is new each morning. An Intercessor who sits at the right hand of the Father, praying for us day and night. A God who is ever offering us the opportunity of a new life in Himself…

Friend, if you don’t know this Jesus personally, in this holy season of hope and renewal, won’t you ask Him to break bread before you that your eyes may be opened too? He did it for them, if you truly desire it, He’ll surely do it for you …

Whether you know it, or not. Recognize it, or not. We are marching towards this “new thing” God is about to reveal; we are marching towards the New Jerusalem…”  

My highest prayer for you today is that you’ll march with us. If you have yet to ask this Jesus to come and break bread with you, make Himself real and recognizable to you, then please, don’t let this moment pass. “He who was seated on the throne said, “I am making everything new!” Then he said, “Write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true.” –Revelation 21:5.

Rescued. Zechariah 3:2

“The Lord said to Satan, “The Lord rebuke you, Satan! The Lord, who has chosen Jerusalem, rebuke you! Is not this man a burning stick snatched from the fire?”

You beloved are that burning stick that has been snatched from the fire. A sinner saved by His amazing grace! Like Joshua before you, you have been washed clean—made new by the sacrificial shedding of Blood. The Blood of the Spotless Lamb, Jesus, shed on your behalf. If that is, you have accepted Him as your Lord and Savior…

Entering into any meaningful and lasting relationship requires our being intentional; a deep consideration of our willingness to commit. It is a deliberate and highly personal choice born from a wanting to share and grow, exchange and receive, with another. It’s one built on a foundation of sacrifice and service to another or others; come what may. It’s a conscious laying down of one’s life, born out of genuine love for the well-being of the other. In this same sense, entering into a relationship with Jesus is no different. However, it, above all other relationships, must be birthed from a deep desire to connect with this God more intimately than with any other person. Understanding this: once that relationship has been established, you’re then set apart to serve God and His people. And, then, to spend a joy-filled eternity with Him. You, beloved, though your sins demanded it, will not spend an eternity in hell; that place of separation and torment that was neither created nor intended for you or any man. It was created for Satan, and all those fallen angels who followed him in his rebellion against God—Matthew 25:41.

You, my fellow believers, are now ministers of the Most High God. Those chosen to be royal priests. And, yet, even though you are the King’s kid still, His ownership of you stands above your service to Him. Your priesthood—your role in ministering before the Lord exists solely because He alone has bestowed its use and service, its privilege and anointing, upon you.

Ah! I have my filthy garments on. I cannot pray to Him. I cannot praise Him as I would.” I know what it is to come and preach to you sometimes, and to feel such an overwhelming sense of my own unworthiness, that, were it not, “Woe unto me if I do not preach the gospel,” I would not come on this platform again, for it is hard to feel that your garments are defiled even while endeavoring to be God’s mouth to men—Charles Spurgeon.

Friends, we cannot curry the favor of God. There’s not one thing we can do to “earn our spot.” Earn His love for us. His forgiveness. Not-one-single-thing. Without God’s mercy and His election of us, take away His unfathomable love for us; our sins demanded that we spend eternity in the hell created for Satan and his band of fallen angels; separated eternally from God. As all those who deliberately chose to rebel against Him—deny Him, will. Not popular, I know. But it’s the Truth, nonetheless. “For it is time for judgment to begin with God’s household; and if it begins with us, what will the outcome be for those who do not obey the gospel of God?”  —1 Peter 4:17. Now, with that knowledge ever before us, may we be about working out our salvation with fear and trembling. Never forgetting the very heart of the words cried out by our brother, Paul. “O wretched man that I am! Who will deliver me from this body of death…? I thank God—through Jesus Christ our Lord!” —Romans 7:24. May this be our cry too, brothers and sisters. May we, like Joshua and Paul, and a remnant of the nation of Israel before us—like every saint that has been or is yet to come, never lose sight of how—by whose power it is, we either stand or fall; least we begin to think too highly of ourselves and risk being humbled by our Lord. My true position, as a Christian, is to be always ministering to God, always standing before His altar. –Charles Spurgeon.

Satan stood at the right hand of the Angel of the Lord accusing Joshua of every sin he and his people had committed. And Satan stands there still, pointing out our sins as well. Accusing all those who dare to believe in The Name above all names! Jesus!

But, here’s the good news, beloved: Jesus Christ has the final Word! He is our great and powerful Intercessor, a priest like Melchizedek. “He is able to save forever those who draw near to God through him, because he always lives to make intercession for them” –Hebrews 7:25. There is nothing that Satan can say or do to change the way God sees you. We stand witness to this Truth not only within our Scripture verse today, but this very same Truth permeates the Word of God. Jesus knows everything Satan will use in His attempt to destroy you—to kill you and, He’s got you covered. He’s covered your every sin with His precious Blood. You are now the righteousness of Christ Jesus! Let that sink in for a moment…

When God spoke to Zechariah concerning the forgiveness of Joshua’s sin, the stain on the priesthood, and the sins of the Israelites—you were right there in the center of His heart also; represented in the person of Joshua. You stood there before the Lord in all your sin, with all of your faults and flaws, and, you too were covered by God’s intentions towards you. Your filthy clothes were also removed, you were washed clean and, the raiment of Christ’s righteousness was placed upon you. Covering your guilt and shame, you were cleansed and redressed from head to toe!

Beloved, now, when God looks at you, it is His Son—The Spotless Lamb slain for your sins that He sees.

The rebuke is forcibly applicable to the case in hand. He says, “Is not this a brand plucked out of the fire.” Satan says, “The man’s garments are filthy…” “Well,” says Jesus, “how do you expect them to be otherwise? When you pull a brand out of the fire, do you expect to find it milk-white or polished?” No, it had begun to crack and burn, and though you have plucked it out of the fire, it is in itself still black and charred. So it is with the child of God. What is he at his best? Till he is taken up to heaven, he is nothing, but a brand plucked out of the fire—Charles Spurgeon.

Can you even fathom so great a love, my friends? Whether or not we can wrap our heads around this great Truth, God’s love stands fixed, nonetheless. It ever remains our firm foundation on which to build. “God loves you and He gave His only begotten Son to die for you that you might be restored into right relationship with Him”—John 3:16.

That is the very heart of the Father’s love towards you, beloved.

The Apostle Paul says it this way: Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for us, for it is written: “Cursed is everyone who is hung on a pole.” He redeemed us so that the blessing given to Abraham might come to the Gentiles through Christ Jesus so that by faith we might receive the promise of the Spirit —Galatians 3:13-15.

You have been snatched from the fire to have a relationship with the Father. That you might spend your remaining days running after Him. Seeking Him out. Loving Him and spending time with Him. Desiring Him above all else. Above everyone and every-thing—placing even yourself at the very top of that list of those you are willing to sacrifice up to Jesus. Understanding, somehow, that you are no longer your own. You have been purchased at an exceedingly high price—1 Corinthians 7:23. So, then, be re-minded beloved: Just as Joshua was lovingly and thoroughly cleansed and prepared, so too have you been cleansed. You too are being prepared for something unimaginable beloved; to become the bride of this Christ who came and gave His life in exchange for yours. That’s Good News! The very One who reached into that all-consuming fire and said, “Not this one. This one is my own.” Accordingly, as it was with Joshua and Peter and Noah and Mary, with Paul and John and Father Abraham, brides each, made ready for their wedding day; so too has every detail of your life been, and will forever remain in, the All-Knowing and capable hands of the Father.

He has spared no expense on preparing you for that day that will rival no other. The day you meet Him face to face. That day when your fullness of joy spills out at His feet in loving gratitude, a crown. One of praise and thanksgiving…

I believe each of us needs to stop, from time to time, and reflect on this enormous Truth. To recalibrate, realigning ourselves with our True North. Therefore beloved, if you have forgotten, as we sometimes do, just how deeply you are loved and cherished by God, then please, ask the Holy Spirit to re-mind you. To fill you, once again, with the fullness of His Word concerning His great love for you. May you experience renewal, being re-united with the One it is you belong to; have been betrothed to. The One in whose name you have been called to minister…

 “See to it, brothers and sisters, that none of you has a sinful, unbelieving heart that turns away from the living God. But encourage one another daily, as long as it is called “Today,” so that none of you may be hardened by sin’s deceitfulness. We have come to share in Christ, if indeed we hold our original conviction firmly to the very end”—Hebrews 3:12-14.

I like that closing sentence, “And the angel of the LORD stood by.” Oh, yes, we want Him always to stand by. When you have your new garments on, when you wear your mitre, you still want His presence. “Abide with us,” must be our daily prayer. We want still His strength, His comfort, His smile, the help of His arm, the light of His countenance—for if we have Him not, we shall soon slip from our steadfastness, and have reason to stand again, like Joshua, with filthy garments on—Charles Spurgeon.

Friend, if you are here today and have not asked Jesus into your heart know this; God Himself has called you here. These words should be little more than a confirmation. A quickening inside of you that says, “I believe this is God. I believe this is Him answering my question: “God, would you truly love someone like me?” He says yes. Yes, I love you. Yes, I led you here. And no, there is nothing that you have ever done that is so filthy that my Sons Spotless Blood will not wash it clean. Just ask me in and let us begin the journey I have planned for you… 

“The Lord said to the prophet Jeremiah concerning the Israelites, concerning you and me: For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future”—Jeremiah 29:11.

All along… Psalm 145:9

The Lord is good to all, and His tender mercies are over all His works.

Recently, while listening to Dante Bowe sing, The Goodness of God, the Holy Spirit got hold of me; opening the eyes of my understanding, He stretched me. Drawing me in, I was given a peek, just some small glimpse, of what God’s goodness meant—has looked like, in my life. I was wrecked and repenting by the time He was finished showing me, yet I was left hungry for so much more. I had tasted, and it was good! I knew this was no one-time revelation, no amuse-bouche’. Rather, it is a fine dining experience. A multi-course meal whose unique, rich, layered, subtle textures and flavors will have me revisiting this experience of God’s Goodness, over and over and over again…

The Holy Spirit took me back to specific days and seasons in my life; revisiting very specific sins. I was able to see glimpses of myself in the thick of it—covered in my filth, yet seemingly not carrying. Selfish. Oblivious to anything other than what I wanted or needed to make me happy or feel satisfied, at that moment. I saw the bars and the many men and the lies and the sex. The sneaking around. The adultery. The hurt I’d caused my parents and later, my children, friends, and family. I saw my filth stream before my eyes like some twisted, lust-filled, foul-mouthed, underground movie. I saw myself stealing, hustling, getting high, watching porn. I saw when I was molested as a child. I saw my depression, my wanting to die, my neglect. And then I felt the weight of my wretchedness; instantly.

I understood the Holy Spirit wasn’t condemning me, He’s already forgiven me. Rather, He was allowing me to feel the weight of that disgusting filthiness once again that I might be stretched, opened up in some new way, to drink in this heightened, vivid, understanding of just how good and loving and kind and merciful, how patient and long-suffering this God, my Jesus, is. Not that over-used, over-worked, knee-jerk, ‘God is good’ kind of goodness, rather His pure, life-changing, transformative, loving, goodness. The very goodness that caused Him to hold tight His Cross willingly lay down upon it, then allow those He was offering His very life for, to drive their sin through His Perfect flesh. That kind of Goodness…

A Goodness that is far too big, and deep, and wide, for my puny, finite mind, thoughts, and feelings, to fully take in! God had seen each of my sins. And still, after seeing them all, He came to me, personally. He came in a way like no one in my life had ever come; in the gentlest of ways, as softly as the softest of summer breezes. He was just, there. Suddenly. I can close my eyes and go back to that moment, it’s so alive and vivid still; I can feel His nearness as deeply now, more actually, as I did then. And, from that moment until today, I am His and He is mine.

I’ve experienced the goodness of God that Dante was singing about in my own life, without a doubt. I too have sung of the goodness of God. Read about it in the Scriptures, certainly. I’ve witnessed to folks about His goodness. Posted and shared quotes and pics extolling that goodness on social media sites; sharing it personally with new believers. Yet, I had never stopped long enough to truly dig down into the depth of just how far back His goodness had been active in my life; just how far back it truly reached. In that moment, by the revelation of The Holy Spirit, I saw, more, I felt and understood in a new way, just how far back His goodness reached. It went Ephesians 1:4 back, Jeremiah 1:5 and Psalm 139:13-18 back, to mention just a few examples. It went standing over the void back…

I’ve taken many cursory glances at this reality over the years, mind you. But in truth, never really sat alone with the thought of His goodness and what it meant in my life—all of my life, giving it the time it so richly deserves. I never knew it in my bones, felt the reality of it churning around in the very depths of me until that moment when the Holy Spirit opened my eyes to all of what God had watched me do in my life. All those days and nights and instances I thought I was being so slick. When I thought I was being so careful, so clever. When I felt the darkness of some strange room was all the hiding place I’d ever need; my sins were safe there, hidden.

Friends and brothers and sisters, I’m not here today sharing my dirt with you for any reason other than to be transparent and to encourage that one who may be here now; feeling as filthy dirty as I was then, would be still, had it not been for the Goodness and love and mercy of my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

I am here today to share with you the wonder and the beauty and the Awesomeness of God. Of exactly what He can and will do in the life of the one He grabs hold of. I say He grabs hold of because I had nothing to do with that. I surely didn’t deserve it. I wasn’t praying for it, honestly. God hadn’t even been a thought that had crossed my mind in any real way—until He did. Until that ‘suddenly’ moment when, in hindsight, I now understand was the Holy Spirit giving me the desire to go to a particular church at a specific time. And I went. I followed that ‘feeling’. And right there, in that Catholic Church, in the midst of the priest’s sermon, The Holy Spirit came for me. And, as I said earlier, He came as softly and gently as the softest of summer breezes. There were no beams of light streaming through the stained-glass windows, no choir of angelic voices singing holy songs, just a deep, the very pit of me deep, and oh so subtle, shift inside. And from that moment, sitting in that Church with my then lover at my side, unashamedly languishing in the pit of my adultery, the Goodness of God has kept one such as me. John 10:27-29

Friends, I am not here today to point you towards something I’ve read or heard tell of. Something that’s been sung about or shared. I’m not here to regurgitate someone else’s story of how they met this God who offers us—all of us, this goodness we must experience for ourselves. I’m here because I know Him, love Him, have been afforded the privilege of serving Him. I’m here to point us each towards the only one that can and has and will always, until the very last, pour this fresh clean water of His goodness and His love, His unfathomable capacity to forgive us—over us. The One who loves us too much to leave us where we are—whether we’ve known Him for years and years or have just met Him today—or will meet Him soon, I pray. I’m here today to share with you that this Good God has so much more for you and me. He is troubling the water, stirring up something inside of you. Step in and be made whole. Be restored, made clean. Be refreshed.

Brother’s and sister’s and friends let us not settle for the common. For swimming in the shallow end because we can manage that nicely on our own. Cry out to God to rid us of our preconceived notions and ideas of who we believe Him to be and ask Him instead to show Himself to us afresh, new. Let us cry out to God right now in repentance, for mercy, and for more of Him. May He draw us each into an ever deeper and wider, a more pure and True understanding of who He is—and of ourselves, in Him, as He intended us to be and live and share and give and love and serve each other —Psalm 145:5-7.

Friend, if your reading this today and can relate. If you’ve not yet asked this Good God that I’ve spoken of today to be your God, come into your life and change it as surely as He has changed mine—and so many countless others like us; ask Him now. Don’t wait another day, please. “If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father who is in heaven give good things to those who ask Him!” Matthew 7:11. 

Exodus 14:22. In Spite of The Fear…

“So the people of Israel walked through the middle of the sea on dry ground, with walls of water on each side!”

They did this, it’s true. Yet, they didn’t do it alone. God had safely hemmed them in as they walked across this parted sea on a dry seafloor. It was so dry, in fact, that neither carriage wheel nor full-grown man was lost to its once sopping, sandy, sea bottom. We can read the account of their crossing over and the subsequent death of their captors in the Scriptures —Exodus 13:17-22;14.

As for you, lift up your staff and stretch out your hand over the sea and divide it, and the sons of Israel shall go through the midst of the sea on dry land. –Exo. 14:16.

There’s a Word of confirmation for someone in today’s verse: Just take that next step regardless of how things might look to you. Even though your flesh may be screaming, “this is crazy!” Choose to believe instead, that God’s got your best interest at hand. Just as the Israelites had the choice to cross over or to stay put; so do you. Even when the path He’s chosen for you looks both frightening and unappealing, just keep moving in the direction He’s led you and trust Him; in spite of your fears.

If I were to stop here, life and hope and confirmation have been tossed out like a life ring to that one soul that was in jeopardy of going under. Yet the Holy Spirit isn’t finished speaking with us…

Their prayers had been answered. God sent them a man to help deliver them from days of brutal oppression and unalleviated struggles. God had sent Moses to free His people from Pharaoh’s tyrannical grip. How apt that this man who had gone from freely strolling the opulent halls of Egypt’s palaces, to spending 40 something years in Midian’s wilderness as a shepherd, be called to return to the very place and people he’d fled from; in fear for his very life. This same man who knew well the deadly ire of Pharaoh was being used to deliver and lead a people he was born kin to, out from under Pharaoh’s despotic grip.

Here’s a lesson to us all: God can send the very one that once hung out in your enemy’s house to save you. Not that Moses was such a one, mind you. Nevertheless, don’t judge who or how God has chosen to save you. – Exodus 14:2-4; Isaiah 45:1–8.

And so they stood, leader and followers; much like a ship that has gone aground. Momentarily hemmed in before this outwardly impossible path which led to their safety. Moses at the fore, the lion’s share of those following him at the aft. Each facing the near mile divide of salty sea that separated them from the safety they so desperately longed for, there on its other side. (To put this in perspective, safety loomed some 17.6 football fields across a seemingly impassable sea!) All the while behind them, a demented Pharaoh with his army of Egyptian fighting men were rapidly closing in. Doggedly eating up the ground that stood between them both. This blood-thirsty band of despots locked onto them, like some weapon of mass annihilation, determined to land a swift and deadly blow.

Is this not the word that we spoke to you in Egypt, saying, ‘Leave us alone that we may serve the Egyptians’? For it would have been better for us to serve the Egyptians than to die in the wilderness.” The Lord will fight for you while you keep silent.” Then the Lord said to Moses, “Why are you crying out to Me? Tell the sons of Israel to go forward –Exodus 14:12;15.

As it was with Moses and the Israelites, so it is with us. Our enemy Satan seeks not to simply destroy us rather annihilate us –John 10:10.
Yet when all appeared hopeless, when the scent of defeat rose thick above any other scent in the very air they breathed, God did what only God can do. He made a way where, just a nano-second before, one simply had not existed.

And, He’ll do the same for you and me!

Now God may have used Moses to lead His people to the very edge of their deliverance, but He alone would save them from certain death. This is simply who our God is. He alone is mighty to save! God will use any man He so chooses to take us so far. But He will not share His glory with another…

It is at the end of Chapter 13 that we begin to catch a glimpse of God’s perfect plan of deliverance for His people. In His Sovereignty, God chose to lead these people to freedom via the long way home, when a much shorter route was available. But why? Why would God place these worn and weary people He had sent Moses to free in such a seemingly indefensible position?

And it came to pass, when Pharaoh had let the people go, that God led them not through the way of the land of the Philistines, although that was near; for God said, Lest peradventure the people repent when they see war, and they return to Egypt. But God led the people about, through the way of the wilderness of the Red sea: and the children of Israel went up harnessed out of the land of Egypt –Exodus 13:17-18.

Here is where we clearly see that God’s ways are so far beyond us. And, also, why we are instructed to walk by faith, and not by sight. Not allowing ourselves to be led, like one with a ring through their nose, by our fickle feelings. God knew that His people would be weary from wear after leaving Egypt. He also knew a formidable enemy lay in wait for them. Being tried in the wilderness would help to prepare them for the fight that lay ahead— for those events just beyond their knowing. No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it –1 Corinthians 10:13.

So, now, seeing the sea parted some mile wide before them, these frail, frightened souls numbering 2-3 million, men, woman, and children, had each to decide whether they would take their chances walking between these walls of towering seawater, or stay put and do battle with a known and deadly enemy.

And so will we…

Friends, there will be times in our walk with the Lord, when, in His leading us towards the fulfillment of His promises for us, in His shaping and reshaping of us, we, like these Israelite’s, must decide if we’ll also take that next step of faith. In spite of how things around us might appear. Even though our flesh may be screaming, “this is crazy!” We must choose to believe instead, that God has our best interest at hand. Just as the Israelites had the choice to cross over or stay put; so do you and me.

Even when the path He’s chosen for us looks both frightening and unappealing, just keep moving in the direction He’s led you and trust Him; despite the walls of water that surround you. In spite of all your fears...

But the Israelites went through the sea on dry ground, with a wall of water on their right and on their left. That day the Lord saved Israel from the hands of the Egyptians, and Israel saw the Egyptians lying dead on the shore. And when the Israelites saw the mighty hand of the Lord displayed against the Egyptians, the people feared the Lord and put their trust in him and in Moses his servant –Exodus 14: 29-31.

Friend, if you’re here today and have not yet met the One who will never leave you alone in your wilderness. Never abandoned you to fight one single battle on your own; won’t you ask this Jesus to come into your life and show Himself real to you, now? Ask Him to take up your fight for you. He will if you’ll but sincerely ask…

A Word from the Lord: Emergency Intervention Is Needed.

As I was sitting down to study, preparing for what I thought I’d be sharing this week, the Lord showed me instead, an image of a full-term baby stuck in the birthing canal.

It was in the birthing position, fully engaged, ready for delivery, yet the child was stuck and could not be delivered. My sense was that this baby had been in this position for quite some time. Fully formed—full-term, ready to enter “new life” yet, stuck, hence, it could not come forth. Emergency intervention was necessary to save its life. To deliver it into the life it was destined to live outside of the womb. To live and grow and fulfill what it had been created to be. But, it could not quite get there on its own. Couldn’t come into this life the same way most babies do. It needed another to rescue it, to save it from dying in the womb…

There are many in the Body of Christ who have been crying out to God to be delivered. Babies who are fully formed and should have long been birthed, delivered, yet, for whatever reason, have remained stuck. God is getting ready to intervene. He alone will deliver them, performing the emergency measures needed to remove them from the womb, as with an emergency Cesarean section. He will free them, lest they die there. Tell my children I am coming. Soon and very soon I, the Lord will deliver them.

This is what I saw and heard, in my Spirit…

The Scriptures I was led to during this time were Matthew 13: 52 and all of Ezekiel 16. Pray saints. Repent and cry out for God’s forgiveness and mercy if these Words are confirming in your belly what you know the Lord has been speaking to you for some time. I trust that He who began a good work in you and I will complete what He has started.

Yet keep in mind your guilt, knowing that His punishment is just—contrary to what your flesh might have to say about it. Humble yourself then, before God. Acknowledge your sins and repent. Then wait on the Lords just judgments to pass over you as you remain steadfast and chasing after Him; trusting that He is finishing the good work in you necessary to bring you fully forth…

I Want You, but You Must Decide…

“Teacher,” the man replied, “I’ve obeyed all these commandments since I was young.”  Looking at the man, Jesus felt genuine love for him. “There is still one thing you haven’t done,” he told him. “Go and sell all your possessions and give the money to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.”

What do we do then when Jesus shows up—the Light of His presence exposing us? Our sins laid bare before us both. Indisputable. Catching us, not Him, unawares…

Reading through the account of “The Rich Young Ruler” I caught a glimpse of my heart. Well, at least I saw one idol that was sitting quite smugly upon it —one that I had allowed to reign where only God alone belongs. Must always remain. Money is its name, this idol of mine. More specifically, the discomfits and sacrifices its lack may cause me. And as of this moment it is only a “may”. Some possible future thing yet to have happened; nothing has changed. Financially speaking that is. Nonetheless, it was in this “just catching a glimpse that something may change moment” that my idol was exposed. In a nano-second I lost the sure footing I’d felt just that one second before. I was suddenly off-balance, falling, unexpectedly tugged, the solid ground beneath me failing me now….

Because isn’t that the point of this young man’s story? The ground beneath him, and I, had been unexpectedly shaken in Jesus’ pointing out of the idols that have clutched our hearts? The death grip of these things that have been allowed to exalt themselves above God? Isn’t that what a loving God comes and does for us; unsteadies our ground, forcing us to reevaluate our footing? Doesn’t He show up, at just the right time, in love, to show us a better way? The way of life, not of stuff. The prosperity preachers seem to pass that over most times. But that’s for a different day…

In that instant we feel as naked before Him as the day we were born. With nowhere to hide He exposes our sin and reveals that—for as long as we continue to live in this body, in this world, we will repeatedly be exposed to experiencing these pebbles of painful revelation found in our proverbial shoes that we might grow. These uncomfortable choices that will force us to stop and remove them least our journey be somehow permanently hindered, or worse. These sins in our camp that must be exposed, dealt with, and, removed. There will always be these moments when we will be made to feel off-balance. These “suddenly” moments when the Light of His Love will shine into the darkness of some tucked away sin, some stronghold or idol that must, for our betterment, must be destroyed. God is far more interested in our characters than in our comfort. Thus, as with the young man in Marks Gospel, we too will be faced with making the choice Jesus has offered Him. It, your idol, or Me?

The choice afforded him, us too, is to follow Jesus. To willingly leave behind our idols, our false sense of security, our creature comforts, perhaps—those “things” we feel we must have in order for our world to run smoothly. In order for us to feel sure-footed, of having everything in order, under control. Not because God does not want us to have things mind you, that’s not it. More to the point, God doesn’t want things to have us. To rule and reign over us—in our hearts, above Him; becoming the god that keeps our world running smoothly and, our things the proof of our accomplishments and abilities. All the while pushing the One True God off of His rightful place—the very center of our lives and hearts. Dismissing Him as being our All-in All. Our more than enough. The One who is so much more than we deserve. The Giver of life. The only true Source of every good thing. The One that valued our lives so dearly He laid down His own to ransom them.

Rather, whether intentionally—as with this rich young ruler, or in continued conscious rebellion, as with most of us ( we are often far too aware of those sins we chose to continue to push back under the table of deniability each time they threaten to pop their heads out from beneath like the a dog lacking discipline groveling.) we must choose, over and over and over again, for as long a we live, just who it is that truly reigns Sovereign in our lives? Us, with our willful wants and needs and have-to-haves, or Jesus?

At the end of the day do we really mean what we say: Thy will be done in my life Lord?

And I do believe, that if we love Jesus, truly, if we’ve surrendered our lives to Him—rather, been chosen by Him, in Him, then yes, we do want His perfect will to be the standard for our lives. Because it is His will, alive and burning and leading and guiding us within that causes this desire to surrender into His loving hands any-thing He might ask of us. Unto our very lives. We hunger for Him to be our True North. The One we follow—come what may; no matter the terrain, contrary to anything that may be required of us to give up—or over to, to be surrendered, knocked down, destroyed, or abandoned altogether.

In closing, our idol never sits alone. Typically, it is always accompanied by its cohort, its devotee, its banker and backer, pride. Pride always wants the best seat. The front row. It will always attempt to set our paltry idols up on a Kings throne. Anemic. It was pride coupled with a false sense of security and identity that caused our rich young friend to turn away from Jesus’ humble offer to follow Him rather than chasing after the short-term pleasures of this world.

False identity that will one day rot and be eaten up by moth and flame—leaving its reward in its wake…

Once again, this day, so many years after He first came and called me to Himself, asked if I would leave it all behind for His name sake; the Light of God’s saving love has shone brightly, yet again, exposing some thing I have allowed to sit, however briefly, upon a Throne reserved for Christ alone. And, though it is my true desire to upend this imposter from Gods rightful place in my heart, I acknowledge that without Him, willing it alone, I have no permanent power to topple them. My willpower is insufficient. Had it been enough, they’d never gained access  into me in the first place. Therefore, I take the greatest comfort that even in this, even though I allowed the imposter in, He has assured me, promised even “Everything is possible with God.” It is defeated in Jesus name! I am thankful that with God and, in His strength, pride and every idol it dares to back will be defeated—because of who He is and what He alone has done…

So then, what do we do then when Jesus shows up—the Light of His presence exposing us? Our sin laid bare before us both, indisputable. Catching us, not Him, unawares? Firstly, we thank Him for such a gift. Then, we must make the only real and lasting choice there is. Trust God. Irrespective of our fears, contrary to whatever may come—we must, we must always and in all of our ways choose God, first.

My brothers and sisters be encouraged today remembering this, our Father only chastens those He loves. And you have forgotten the exhortation that addresses you as sons: “My son, do not take lightly the discipline of the Lord, and do not lose heart when He rebukes you. For the Lord disciplines the one He loves, and He chastises everyone He receives as a son.” Endure suffering as discipline; God is treating you as sons. For what son is not disciplined by his father?” –Hebrews 12:5-7

Dearest friend, if you are questioning “is there a God who truly loves me” the answer in an unequivocal and eternal, yes! He is the reason you’re here right now, reading this. He wants to help answer the questions of your heart. To demonstrate that though you may be faced with difficult decisions, He fully understands. He met you here today specifically to ask, “won’t you follow me?” So then, won’t you please say yes to Him today? But God proves His love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us. Therefore, since we have now been justified by His blood, how much more shall we be saved from wrath through Him! For if, when we were enemies of God, we were reconciled to Him through the death of His Son, how much more, having been reconciled, shall we be saved through His life! –Romans 5:8-10

The Promise… Deuteronomy 4:30-31.

 “In the distant future, when you are suffering all these things, you will finally return to the Lord your God and listen to what he tells you. For the Lord your God is a merciful God; he will not abandon you or destroy you or forget the solemn covenant he made with your ancestors.”

This world  surrounds us with evidence that God is who He says He is. Its inescapable. God is Creator of heaven and earth. Of the sky and sea and everything in, and on, and under them. Without a voice of its own the very wind sings His praises! And, each leaf adds its amen in its rustling. “…Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they reveal knowledge. They have no speech, they use no words; no sound is heard from them. Yet their voice goes out into all the earth, their words to the ends of the world” –Psalm 19:2-4.

At the base of a mountain called Sinai,  shrouded now in dark clouds, fire, shooting skyward from its peak, God has allowed the Israelite’s to hear Him speak—to know the sound of His voice! How fortunate for these chosen few—this nation who has stolen the very heart of God to have heard Him for themselves! This people, so deeply loved by Him; loved as one loves an only child.  “The Lord said to Moses, “I am going to come to you in a dense cloud, so that the people will hear me speaking with you and will always put their trust in you.” Then Moses told the Lord what the people had said” –Exodus 19:9. They had endured such privation at the hands of a merciless Pharaoh. Evil is relentless by its very nature. Its only joy is found in torment. Its driving force, its sole hope, to exact death and destruction. And yet through Moses, God reminds His people who He alone delivered them from: “the iron-smelting furnace of Egypt in order to make them His very own people and His special possession…” –Deuteronomy 4:20.

And, as God did for each one standing at the base of Sinai, He does for us too. Our Lover pursues us. Hems us in. Still. Because of this joyful Truth it’s here where I say Hallelujah! I too have been delivered from Egypt’s chains. So then, it’s here I join my whispered “thank you Lord” to the deep night. Weaving my gossamer thread into the brilliant tapestry of thank you’s. I join it to the millions who have gone before me—and, with those whispering their thank you, now, still.  We each, trembling, yet certain the Lord catches our offerings with His own hands; pressing them to His heart. Cherished. Its my love song, a heart posturing itself in adoration—in recognition that He first loved me, chose me.  A heart that admits that He alone has opened this one heart to be able to hear His voice calling in the night.

As it was in their wilderness, so it was in my own; yours too I’d imagine. Sin isolates us. Yet, because of His great love for us, we, like the Israelite’s before us, mustn’t take this love we’ve been afforded for granted. We must never forget  He is a jealous lover who will not tolerate our “flirting” with another. After-all, how would you, a mere man, react to your beloved playing the harlot with another? Making room in her heart for someone other than yourself, the one she has vowed to remain faithful to—’til death part you? And yet they did. We do too. Take His great love for us for granted that is. Though forewarned of the consequences of their actions, they allowed their ardor for the One who loved them like no other to wax cold. And, in their luke-warm-ness, they soon found themselves following after the culture of the peoples around them. Cultures filled with foreign gods and moral compromise. A tainted world comprised of second-bests. They had forgotten they were called to come out from them and be separate. They had for gotten they were the chosen of the Lord. They were not created—never intended, to live with second best. After all, they were His beloved. But they forgot that. They allowed themselves to relapse into the “mentality of captivity.” And so do we. At least I have, momentarily…

Let me ask you Christian; after having been freed, have you ever felt the chains of captivity threatening to bind you once again? Felt it’s fetters searching you out? Wanting to bind, once again, what God had freed you from? Moses, through the revelation of the Holy Spirit, was allowed to see the future fate of those gathered before him. Those God had instructed him to pronounce liberty over. Yet the Israelite’s freedom was not the result of Moses showing up on the scene, nor of Pharaoh’ agreeing to release them.  Rather, the Israelite’s would gain their freedom because God, through His election of them, and, in His infinite wisdom and great mercy towards, saw fit that they would be His chosen people. “A chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light. Once you were not a people, but now you are the people of God; once you had not received mercy, but now you have received mercy” –1 Peter 2:9-10. And, though Peter was speaking to us here, the gentile nations, still, all of us, all those “chosen” in Christ, whether Jew or the grafted in gentile, would never have tasted His Truth, known His freedom, had we not first been chosen by Him…

Fidelity and integrity are non-negotiable; they are the very ink with which the covenant between God and man has been written. Sealed by Loves promise, His bond irrevocable!

And still we fall short. Still we rebel. Much like Lots wife we each stop and look back toward the Egypt God has delivered us from. And, though we aren’t instantly turned to a pillar of salt—we do not escape the consequences of our rebellious actions. God is just. We tend to forget that fact. As His children, we sometimes close our eyes to this Truth as it applies to our own lives. Consequences and discipline are for others, we becry, God’s grace covers me! And that’s true.  It does. He is merciful beyond measure. Yet, it is equally true that God disciplines His children; listen: And you have forgotten the exhortation that addresses you as sons: “My son, do not make light of the Lord’s discipline, or lose heart when He rebukes you. For the Lord disciplines the one He loves, and He chastises everyone He receives as a son.” Endure suffering as discipline; God is treating you as sons. For what son is not disciplined by his father…?” –Hebrews 12:5-7.

Moses foresaw the Israelite’s’ wondering around in a wilderness for 40 years. Many died there. Never to see, touch, nor taste, the fruit of this beautiful promised land God swore to give them. Their dreams dying a barren death. They’d bore no fruit. They had chosen to come away from the True vine, lusting instead after the gods of Asherah poles and the Baals. This jealous Lover of our souls will not be mocked! “Be careful not to forget the covenant of the Lord your God that he made with you; do not make for yourselves an idol in the form of anything the Lord your God has forbidden. For the Lord your God is a consuming fire, a jealous God” –Deuteronomy 4:23-24. And, yet, inconceivably, even though God knew His own would reject Him, turn away from Him and towards the gods of money and greed, of pride; even though we’d blindly run after the god of “more”, nonetheless, He loves us still. Died for us. Gave His only begotten Son for us, still. He’s here now. Available to all who will, today. Even when we are Gomers, He remains our Hosea. In their shame and rebellion—and in ours, Moses comforts us each with the words he spoke to those who followed, and follow still, the Pillar of Cloud by day and of Fire by night: “When you are in distress and all these things have happened to you, then in later days you will return to the Lord your God and obey him. For the Lord your God is a merciful God; he will not abandon or destroy you or forget the covenant with your ancestors, which he confirmed to them by oath” –Deuteronomy 4:30-31.

My beloved brothers and sisters, consider these words shared by our older brother, Peter, concerning our living in a pagan society, and, as you do, ask the Holy Spirit to open your eyes that you might reflect on the condition of your life: “Dear friends, I urge you, as foreigners and exiles, to abstain from sinful desires, which wage war against your soul. Live such good lives among the pagans that, though they accuse you of doing wrong, they may see your good deeds and glorify God on the day he visits us” 1 Peter 2: 11-12. Beloved, as iron sharpens iron, allow me to urge you to seek the Lord today. Asking Him to revel all un-confessed sin before Him. And then, repent, quickly; remembering His mercy and His promise to forgive. And please, tuck His Words of assurance to Joshua into your heart. In today’s world, we need  to hold more tightly than ever to His promise! “Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you” Deuteronomy 31:6.

Dear friend, if you’re visiting us for the first time, welcome! Know that Jesus has called you here today to confirm what He has been pointing you towards—Himself. He loves you with a love that we’ll never fully be able to take in this side of heaven! Won’t you accept His invitation to share Himself, His time, His love with you today? “Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me” –Revelation 3:20

Are You Willing to Climb? Luke 19:1-10

 And when Jesus came to the place, he looked up and said to him, “Zacchaeus, hurry and come down, for I must stay at your house today.” So he hurried and came down and received him joyfully. “‘

Exactly when did Jesus know that this man would run through the thick of the crowd that had gathered and climb up into a tree—simply to get a look at Him? Zacchaeus, this chief tax collector, this marginalized, ostracized son of Abraham…

Was it while Jesus was teaching yet another crowd on another day in some other little village; concerning the Parable of the lost? The lost Sheep, coin, and son that is. Was it during His time of teaching His disciples about forgiveness and faith? Maybe It was after He had entered a small village somewhere between Galilee and Samaria and ten men covered in leprosy cried out to Him for healing? Or, perhaps it was in a Nanosecond of time somewhere in eternity? Was Jesus standing over the dark void perhaps when the plan to meet Zacchaeus under the Sycamore-fig came to be?

The Bible doesn’t fill in that particular blank for us…

Suffice it to say however, God knew the exact second this man of small moral and physical stature both would quite literally be found, “up a tree!” More, it had always been God working just below the surface of Zacchaeus’s knowing. Across the span of his lifetime; unnoticed by him, unrecognized, yet ever-present in every-thing that had ever-happened to him, or in him, or through him! God had used every-thing. Every joy, each smile, every pain, hurt, disappointment. Every rejection, each harsh word spoken, every bright ray of sun that had ever pierced the darkness of Zacchaeus isolation—and loneliness. God had used them all to pave the path that would eventually lead Zacchaeus to this exact tree, at this precise time.

The Holy Spirit is stealth—and intentional. There are no accidents with God. No almost…

God had a plan for Zacchaeus’s life. Just as surely as He had for Father Abraham’s. Different certainly. Each of ours are—different that is; those plans God has for you, and you, and me. Yet similar because we are One Body in Christ Jesus, if we believe. God has a plan for our salvation; if we are found in Him. He has a plan for our transformation. Just as He had a plan that would empower Zacchaeus to do what he had not done, probably, since boyhood. Climb a tree. God will drive us towards the most peculiar of tasks and, He’ll do it at the most inopportune of times. Our time that is, not His. “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future” –Jeremiah 29:11.

There is no reason given us in Scripture as to why Zacchaeus wanted to “see” Jesus.

He, unlike the blind beggar that shouted out to Jesus from the roadside entrance of this same Jericho village had his sight; physically speaking that is. But in fact, it was the blind man who had 20/20 vision when compared not only to Zacchaeus, but to many others gathered together that day! He saw Jesus for who He was. But that’s best left for us to explore another day. The blind beggar knew he wanted to receive healing from Jesus. He stated it plainly.What do you want me to do for you?” “Lord, I want to see,” he replied –Luke 18:41.

Yet we never hear Zacchaeus crying out to Jesus for healing or forgiveness. Verse six plainly says that when Jesus called him down out of the tree that they might share lunch together, “Zacchaeus climbed down quickly and with great joy and took Jesus into his house.” Where’s the shame? The downcast eyes, heart, and spirit? Where’s the wailing and tearing of garments that might evidence Zacchaeus’ feeling the weight of his sins? Where is the sackcloth and ashes? Where’s the remorse? Thank God that He sees what mere men cannot! But the LORD said to Samuel, “Don’t judge by his appearance or height, for I have rejected him. The LORD doesn’t see things the way you see them. People judge by outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart” –1 Samuel 16:7.

In this account of Zacchaeus, I was reminded of yet another wayward son of Abraham—a son separated from his family and community as a result of his sins and selfish choices. We’re never told what drove Zacchaeus to become a chief tax collector—perhaps the vilest of jobs a Jew could have. Maybe we should ask the Apostle Matthew? Remember, he too was a tax collector up until the moment Jesus “just happened” to walk by him that day in the Temple.

In spite of their both being men and tax collectors I saw myself in Zacchaeus and Matthew. Broken and dead in sin. Separated from family and friends due to poor choices. Having lusted after the things of this world. Sullied by the sin of countless offences. More, I too was separated from God. Thankfully for each of us, God, unbeknownst to us, was never far from us. Plus, unlike blind Bartimaeus, it had never occurred to me to call out to Jesus! Sure, I knew of Him. Believed in Him even—at least I believed that He was. But I never opened my mouth. Never asked for what I needed most. How fortunate (such a pale expression of such an incomprehensible blessing!) I was that Jesus determined to walk past me—just as He did Abraham, Zacchaeus and Matthew, Paul too. “But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us” –Romans 5:8.

For whatever His reason God chose each of us in Himself long before we had a clue!

While Zacchaeus and Matthew were swindling and cheating people out of their hard-earned money and goods and while Paul’s heart was burning with murderous intentions to kill those that believed in this Jesus, God had sealed each of them in Himself—as His own. Me too. Scripture is clear that Zacchaeus never cried out to Jesus. Never shouted out to get Gods attention. Matthew either. In each of their cases—Paul’s also, it was God who made certain He had gotten their attention. It was God who came to them. It’s always God. God whom presented Himself to each of them in such a way that to not follow after Him—not leave it all behind, not change their ways—not repent, was not an option. Me too. “Under what circumstances was it credited? Was it after he was circumcised, or before? It was not after, but before! And he received circumcision as a sign, a seal of the righteousness that he had by faith while he was still uncircumcised. So then, he is the father of all who believe but have not been circumcised, in order that righteousness might be credited to them” –Romans 4:10-11.

I don’t profess to understand the depths of God—or fully understand His ways for that matter. I see and understand in part.  I’m no biblical scholar. Just a simple sheep following after a God that is far too big—to marvelous—too brilliant, creative, deep, Holy, and pure for me to ever comprehend in full this side of eternity. Nor would I want to. I am incredibly happy being me and knowing that I serve a God who is far too big for me to get my mind, knowing—and heart around. What I am capable of doing, by His grace, is climbing whatever tree necessary to get a better look at—a more intimate understanding of—a deeper revelation of, the One I love. The One who stood over the void and said to himself, “This world will not be complete without my daughter in it.” The One who left the Fathers side that He might walk before me. Making certain that I don’t forget my way back home.

And I know that my brothers Abraham, Zacchaeus and Matthew and Paul, and all in that great cloud of witnesses, felt much the same as I do now.

How about you?

Are you willing to climb?

Beloved, I encouraged  you today to keep climbing! let nothing or no one stop your running after or seeking out our Lord. Especially not those lies the enemy of your soul whispers incessantly. Telling you you’re not saved, or good enough, smart enough, or that God could never love someone who has made the mistakes you’ve made. Sinned as grossly as you have. It’s a lie! God has chosen you. And He’ll never let go of you! See, even now, He’s passing you by…

And friend, if you’ve yet to ask Jesus into your heart as Lord and Savior, let today be your day. Look! Just there. He’s coming your way. Won’t you ask Him to come in and dine with you? HE will if you will…

If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved” Romans 10:9-10.

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