optimism-619018_960_720 Judgement. It happens far too often within our lives. The biting criticism that blindly enlightens you—you’ve failed.

Contrary to your best efforts—what you did, how well you did it, or how well intended your heart was in the doing of the thing, at the end of your best attempts and intentions, others meet you with their pass or fail measuring stick…

Wrong. Sorry, you didn’t do it the right way. Why did you do it that way? How dare you!

Critics. We saw them in last week’s post. Those mourners gathered around the dead girl. They laughed in Jesus’ face when He informed them that the girl they were there wailing over, mourning… wasn’t dead.

Often, when something frightens us, challenges our status quo, our equilibrium, our feelings of safety, our fight or flight instinct kicks in unawares and says, kill it!  And, left to our human natures, we will simply seek our own survival. But not  Jesus. And if we are called to follow Him it should not be that way with us either; “Those controlled by the flesh cannot please God. You, however, are controlled not by the flesh, but by the Spirit, if the Spirit of God lives in you. And if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, he does not belong to Christ” (Rom.8:8-9).

In our text today we see an example of just such people. The very same Jesus had to contend with for the duration of His earthly ministry. Mosquito’s in His ear—always abuzz.

In fact, even as He hung dying on the tree of their construction, the very one they schemed and lied to ensure He be nailed to, even then they accused Him of not dying right! “He saved others, but He cannot save Himself. He is the King of Israel! Let Him come down now from the cross, and we will believe in Him. He trusts in God. Let God deliver Him now if He wants Him. For He said, ‘I am the Son of God’” …(Mat.27:42-43).

Using the lens of the Synoptic Gospels, it becomes clear that from the onset of Jesus’ earthly ministry the judges and critics made it their business to be about His business. They, the Pharisees, have either personally been amongst the throngs following Jesus, as in today’s Scripture, or they have been kept in-the-know of His every move by someone in the crowd.

Either way, Jesus couldn’t escape their malignant scrutiny. They were simply glass half empty people. If they couldn’t conceive of it, produce it, attain it or somehow profit from it well, it must obviously be evil.

If you have ever been here, if these people sound familiar, then you are in good company! If they did it to Jesus and you’re His follower with your mosquito’s, your Pharisees, those attempting to perpetually dictate what is and is not acceptable for your particularly faith walk, well than as the Scriptures teaches, “Count it all joy!”

However, I do feel led here, so as not to be misconstrued or appear guilty of being aligned with or giving license to living and doing as you feel; to point out that Jesus throughout Scripture, always was about our Fathers business. He was always in prayer seeking the Fathers will and serving and doing all things to those ends. That being clarified, we can now move ahead.

Until this point in Scripture the Pharisees have for the most part been silent though Jesus has healed many of people of their infirmities. Starting in Matthews Eighth Chapter the man with leprosy is healed along with the Centurions daughter, Peter’s mother-in-law and many whom Scripture tell us were demon-possessed.

So our fellow, this mute demon-possessed man found in today’s text, was not the first by far that the people had witnessed being healed and delivered by Jesus. But it’s here in this moment, amongst this crowd that we are called today. To be part of, to witness first-hand the extreme divergence of reactions to Jesus’ faith and works.

The crowd is collectively amazed by Jesus and celebrates, sings the praises of His astonishing works. “Nothing like this has ever been seen in Israel” (Mat9:33)!

The Pharisees on the other hand, see only evil. Their inner darkness prohibits them from extolling or embracing the works of Pure Light. And that’s what sin does to us—it robs us not only of our sight but also of our pure voice.

How can we possibly acknowledge with praising lips that which we cannot—will not, refuse, to believe in? Impossible!

And so, when these Pharisees finally open their lips it is to accuse the Only Begotten Son of the Father of being in league with the devil listen; But the Pharisees said, “He can cast out demons because he is empowered by the prince of demons” (Mat.9:34).

Scripture teaches us that no student is above his Master, so pay attention. If you are being called by God to do His work but it has yet to manifest or, you are currently about your Fathers business—truly about His business as Jesus was—not playing ministry with a self-given title and a showy business card…then arm yourself with the foreknowledge that if the Pharisees haven’t yet arrived, they’re coming! Their still standing stealth, hidden in the crowd observing you…

The Holy Spirit, our Revelator, illumines lesson after lesson throughout Jesus’ three plus years of earthly ministry. Instructing us that there will always be those that are for us, and there will always be those whom are against. if we are to survive, more, thrive and bear good fruit via our God-given assignments, we must follow Jesus’ example.

That is to have bottomless reserves of compassion for His people, be wise and discerning, and above these, to be in continual communion with the Father. Seeking His will, guidance, voice and approval only. Over every competing voice and emotional pull, particularly our own! Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth” (Col.3:2). Emphasis my own. “Fight the good fight of the faith. Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called and about which you made the good confession in the presence of many witnesses” (1Tim.6:12).

Jesus came into this world, His ministry—to offer it salvation, to restoration it back to the Father, foreknowing His outcome, His end. He knew these very ones calling Him Beelzebub, accusing Him of being demonically in league with the devil. These same were awaiting His birth, His life, and, unbeknownst to them, would be used as the catalysts to bring about the fulfillment of His ministry. As well as His inevitable return to The Father.

Just as Jesus knew what was ahead of Him, He too knows what awaits you. Take heart today beloved, and listen to the comforting words spoken to you through the Prophet Jeremiah of the personal love, care, protection and provision The Father has for you. “For I know what I have planned for you,’ says the LORD. ‘I have plans to prosper you, not to harm you. I have plans to give you a future filled with hope” (Jer. 29:11).

Walk wisely and with each step know that the God who commands the Heavenly Armies goes before you, clearing the way and making your every crooked path straight. So run your race today beloved in full confidence that the same God that delivered Jesus, the Faithful and True God, is the same God yesterday, today, and forever. And He  holds you in the palm of His loving, mighty Hand.

Your steps have been ordained by God. Step strong and insure confidence of not only who you are in Christ Jesus, more, who you are commanded to not distract you. Not alter your focus and purpose in Him.

Do with mosquito’s what you do with all pesky distractions. With those who, when they finally speak, speak only death over your ministry…swat them and keep it moving! Stand firm in the Lord and the power of His might…” Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done” (Phil.4:6).

Blessings Beloved, until next time…