"Come follow me and I will make you fishers of men." Matthew 4:19

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“Just A Taste” Mk.9:1-8

ice-cream-1123717_960_720 In today’s Scripture Jesus opens with a puissant statement of fact. But what is He alluding to specifically?

A clue is given within His word choice. Jesus hints at its deep significance through His word usage. The solemnity of what He is about to say, He uses language which He reserves only for occasions such as this. Pay attention…“Verily I say unto you…”

Is it His death and resurrection to which He is referring in this odd opening verse? Or, maybe it’s the coming of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost?

Perhaps He’s speaking to the imminent spread of Christianity or, to Jerusalem’s destruction in A.D. 70?

Mark’s opening verse is ambiguous, oddly placed…hence all the scholarly debate surrounding it.

But if we just look at it, it seems a natural flow, an easy pivot. It serves to transition us into what’s coming next. Linking some of those present to His, Jesus’ own future intent. Jesus gathers us up and points us toward Mt. Hermon—to His Transfiguration. And everything is clear, deep but clear.

While each of the fore-mentioned events are Biblical fact, for a few within the crowd that day, three within earshot of Jesus actually—each of these events will become a reality. Eye-witnessed.

And that is the very heart, the core, of this event, this witnessing. So it’s toward that, toward seeing and tasting for oneself that we’ll look toward today. One delicious spoonful at a time…

What happens to us, each of us, when we’re given a taste of Jesus?

If we are anything like our brothers we’re left wanting more. A taste isn’t nearly enough to sate our longing, our desire for Jesus.

But it is just enough, typically, to leave us wanting. Craving that is, desiring, running after—more of Him.

You noticed no doubt the visual used today is ice cream. Specifically, many tasting spoons standing in many tubs of various flavors of ice cream.


To demonstrate a point, two actually. The first, as human beings we do enjoy our options, dare I say, demand them!

If you have doubt about the validity of my statement, check out the variety of television stations available to us. The variety of, types of, cars, colors, watches, fashion choices and eateries. How many flavors do we really need—to flavor our coffee?

We are inundated with choices, varieties, types. As a result, we are often left unsatisfied, overstimulated, by what we’ve chosen. Left flat. Yet we’re happy glad that we get to wake up tomorrow and get to choose anew!

We have not yet been satiated.

Neither have our three brothers.

But things are about to change—eternally…

Three have been chosen, hand-picked to follow Jesus up a mountain. And you…come along.

Yet, for these three, this is nothing new, being the first to go, do, and see that is. Somethings aren’t meant for everyone to witness, first, filters are required.

Peter, James, and John—Jesus ’ inner circle. They are those filters through which Jesus pours Truth, His Truth, Kingdom Come Truth—full strength, by the mouthfuls.

These were chosen for their unique abilities. Each eventually would learn both how to consume, ingest and then disperse, speak out, allocate, teach—these unfiltered Truths.

Three prodigious leaders of the future Church. They’ve each been with Jesus from the beginning. Hand-picked. Known by God—Ginṓskō, like a man knows his wife. Intimate like.

For nearly Three years now these have slept beside Him, eaten with Him, been privy to His numerous miraculous healing’s and extraordinary, unparalleled, radical teachings. Yet they are not yet fully firm, not yet set in their knowledge of His divinity…more time is needed.

Things are still a little wobbly…

But wait you say, Peter? Wasn’t it Peter, this same Peter, who said out loud, who answered correctly when all others failed, that Jesus was The Christ—The Son of God?

Yes, you are correct.

It was this same Peter indeed. The one who loved Jesus the most, think John 21. Yes, it was this impulsive, bold, bodacious Apostle—the denier, the reinstated one, the Fisher-of-men, the fisherman, the rock. Simon.

And yes, it was John. The same John who laid his head against Jesus’ chest at the Last Supper, the one Jesus loved. The Beloved. The one who stood at the foot of the Cross and received Mary as his own mother. The very same John that would write a Revelation on an Isle called Patmos. Exiled there after having survived being boiled in oil for his refusal to stop preaching the Gospel when ordered to do so by the Emperor Domitian.

And James, John’s brother. Whose mom asked Jesus that each of her sons sit at His right and left hand in Heaven. James one of two brothers whom Jesus prophesied would in fact drink of the shared cup of suffering that He, Jesus, would  Himself drink from. This same James would be the first of the chosen Twelve Apostles to see martyrdom by the sword at the hands of King Herod Agrippa, as witnessed in Acts Chapter Twelve.

We could get heavy here. We could delve into deep Biblical Truths and mysteries— from here on out in fact.

We could get theological. We could enter into the significance of, the meaning behind, these three brothers being allowed to witness Jesus’ Transfiguration. More, we could delve into both the immediate and lasting reasons why Jesus took them, as leaders, along in the first place…

We could look into the significance of, the meaning behind, the Law and the Prophets. Symbolized by Moses and Elijah’s appearance and witnessed by these men. Moses, symbolizing those that have died in Christ, the other, Elijah, one who never tasted death…Wait. Didn’t Jesus say something about not tasting death before His return?

We could examine how neither the prophets nor the law could or can save a man. How it is only through the shed Blood of Jesus Christ, only by His Redemptive work done for you and I on Calvary’s Cross, that our salvation may be, can be found. How one such as you and I can’t even enter the place of desiring the new life Jesus’ death and resurrection provides without, outside of, the Fathers call.

We could go into it all. But we won’t…

Rather, I’d have your focus be on what’s to come…

As with our brothers, let’s assume you’ve had a taste of Jesus also. And like our brothers, though wobbly at times, you’re determined, fixed on following after Him. You’re walking up the mountain with Jesus, trusting, curious, excited, yet filled with trepidation’s. But your walking. Heel to toe—your walking.

The Apex is in sight yet you stop because He did. Look! What’s happening to Him? You can’t look anymore, not straightaway, only barely, through squinted eyes. Dazzling bright whiteness. Jesus stands before you—éclat.

And that Voice, that soul-penetrating, commanding Voice. Emanating from within the clouds. That same Voice that said, that you heard say, “This is my Son, listen to Him.” That Voice. The One that changes everything…

And wham…you’re on the ground. Stiff as a dead man with fright. You knew He was different this Jesus, knew He was powerful, believed He was a Prophet, The Son of God even, Messiah—but now. Oh now, sweet undeniable now…

Silent in contemplation, each step a thought, you return to the mundane that awaits you at the end of this journey, the base of this mountain. There’s always a valley. The necessary mundane, the purpose of the journey. Lessons. You’re now a witness to something so immense, so life altering it can only do one thing for you, propel you, prepare you, for what awaits you…The Fullness of Jesus.

There is a song by Jesus Culture entitled, “Holy Spirit”.

Within its second verse these lyrics are found; “I’ve tasted and seen, of the sweetest of loves. Where my heart becomes free and shame is undone. In your presence Lord.”

That dear heart, beloved, that is where I want you to focus today. On that taste. That moment on your personal mountain top, your place of witnessing His Transformative power…

I’m challenging you today to continue to walk in the footsteps of those three brothers who went before you. Trailblazers. The original taste-testers…

Follow their lead, read their stories, listen to their hearts—every time you, like they, get a little wobbly. And you will. We all do. Each time, every time your taste buds need a reminder of that one-of-a-kind, mind-blowing flavor of Jesus Christ. That other-worldly experience only He provides!

Why? Preparation.

Once you’ve tasted His love, mercy, goodness, grace, kindness—the plethora of His unmerited favor, His benevolence. Once you’ve had a taste of Him, His perfection, everything outside of Him becomes lack-luster, bland. Hospital food bland. It becomes ordinary and eventually, prayerfully, completely undesirable…

This is our great goal. Here, now, on earth. Before others—to desire, exude, crave, Him alone.

Like our brothers before us the taste of Jesus should leave us, has left us—ravenous. And it, that taste, should drive us to do anything—anything. Destroy every, any obstacle, every relationship that stands in the way of more—of it. Of Jesus.

Everything must be pushed aside, left. As we stand before all that Jesus has for us, like greedy, unashamed children we should be jumping up-and-down. Shovels, not spoons in our grasping hands, saying, screaming… yes please daddy, I would most definitely like more, and more—and more.

Until the day I stand before you a shirt-stained mess, belly puffed out from the bits hungrily gobbled-up along the way. Now, home with you. Sated. Finally, no further need for my spoon…

“Get Set” 1Pt.1:13-14

road-908176_960_720 “So roll up your sleeves, put your mind in gear, be totally ready to receive the gift that’s coming when Jesus arrives. Don’t lazily slip back into those old grooves of evil, doing just what you feel like doing. You didn’t know any better then; you do now” (1Pt.1:13-14)

Let’s talk about grace—yes I know, the Scripture verse speaks to us about Holiness. But without grace, prevenient grace, it is impossible to achieve holiness! As impossible as achieving salvation on our own accord—ridiculous.

Our brother Peter, that great Apostle, addresses the bewildering, unmerited, inconceivable gift of our salvation within the opening of his Epistle. He writes to you expounding on the glorious future reserved for the chosen of God!

Straight-away in verse two he addresses God’s elect.  If you have received Jesus as your Lord and Savior, he’s talking to you, personally!

Amazing right? Listen: “Chosen by the foreknowledge of God the Father and sanctified by the Spirit for obedience to Jesus Christ and sprinkling by His blood” (1:2) He goes on to say that in His great mercy He has given you new birth into a living hope.

Now if into a living hope, what was the state of that hope before it became alive? None. No hope—zilch !

You had no hope in Him. Until grace, amazing grace, astonishing grace, unmerited grace came and rescued you from the pig-pen, the death-snare, the extreme disconnectedness from God—certain death is what your so-called life looked like!

Mind you, God was never disconnected from you. Get that into your inner-most being. Not for one second did God not know what was happening in your life. Let me take that one step further to demonstrate the extent of His awareness—He was orchestrating your every step! “You scrutinize my path and my lying down, And are intimately acquainted with all my ways. Even before there is a word on my tongue, Behold, O LORD, You know it all. You have enclosed me behind and before, and laid Your hand upon me” (Ps.139:3-5).

Yup, even those days you thought were going to kill you—God knew about those, grace upon grace. It’s why your still here!

So let’s get on with it, shall we?

Now that you know that you’re His, chosen before the world was even formed! And, that the work of sanctification is working within you via the power of the Spirit you received the very second Jesus sealed you as His own…now you can focus, with laser-beam intensity on Kingdom work! but don’t miss that…

Sealed as His own!

Listen to how the Apostle Paul, the one responsible for writing Thirteen Books of the Old Testament explains it to you: “Now it is God who establishes both us and you in Christ. He anointed us, placed His seal on us, and put His Spirit in our hearts as a pledge of what is to come” (2Cor.1:22).

Is that a promise I hear sprinkled within his words? A deposit given you toward a future inheritance? If a deposit, that surely means there is more to come…grace upon grace.

It is to this grace that Peter transitions when he hits verse thirteen. Moving us from salvation he now elucidates holiness. He is teaching you a great theological truth… Holy living.

He speaks to the need of your preparedness. To the  actions required on your part. That you, in our mission to live holy, must be self-controlled. That you must establish, regulate, affix our hope unwaveringly on the grace to be given when Jesus Christ is revealed. (1:13). Though a free gift, you must choose to receive it. Positioning yourself to bring God glory.

Wait, what did he just say? Grace to be given you? You mean in addition to what you have now—there’s more grace coming to you?

Yes! Peter is trying to tell you that there is grace, upon grace, upon grace…endless grace. Necessary grace. Merciful grace. Saving grace…poured out on you to help strengthen you to live Holy, worthy, radical lives! (Jn.15:5).

Is grace a license? As Paul says, God forbid (2Cor. 2:10)!

When you were ignorant in your sin, living unenlightened lives, you had no knowledge that God’s grace was already at work in you, willing His way be done (2 Pt.3:9). You were blinded by your selfishness and—your have it my way mentality! For many, it was only after they received salvation that they were taught that it was by His grace, His unmerited favor, that this salvation came to them at all. Not until They had experienced His dawning—imbibing illumination from The Holy Spirit did they understand their salvation (Phil.2:12-13; 2Pt.1;10; Gal. 2:20).

Before I go on, let that sink in. Indulge me here…Visualize a feather, like in the opening scene of Forrest Gump. See it floating about on the air, languidly drifting along the unseen current—with seeming aimlessness. It almost touches down on one fellow, but wait…nope. A sudden updraft and it’s off again. Watch it land ever so gently, intentionally, at the feet of Forrest as he sits at a bus stop.

And so it was with you and I… “And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting” (Acts 2:2). You may not have heard His mighty arrival, but if you’re His—surely you felt Him! In the pew or at your bus stop…that tiny tremor whose after shocks are still toppling mountains in your life.

The Holy Spirit is laser-focused, locked on—to awakening in you Christ-like obedience. And just as Forrest picked up that seemingly random feather and placed it safely in his suitcase, so too must you, with great care and determined resolve, take hold of and follow the promptings of the Holy Spirit (2 Cor.3:18). Grace, and more grace will be given…

How do you receive this grace? You set our hope. This is not a fanciful suggestion, rather a challenging command. Peter is your General in the Army of the Lord and he is training you to—set your hope. Fix it, cement it, tie it down as with blocks. You must focus unshakable faith, your complete, whole, entire hope on the grace that awaits you when Jesus returns. As a soldier prepares for battle, so too you must prepare (Eph.6:10-18).

Your example?

As always—Jesus. Allow the Master to teach by example just how it is you are to set your hope—your faith.

Luke’s Gospel tells you that shortly after Jesus’ transfiguration, as His time was drawing near to face His death, burial and resurrection Jesus; “Resolutely set out for Jerusalem” (Lk. 9:51). With foreknowledge, and strong-willed purpose.

Had Jesus taken-up His Earthly Throne then and there, at that first Palm Sunday, the work of the cross wouldn’t have been completed. And salvation and grace would be an unknown to us. That is what His disciples thought was about to happen. But Jesus had you and I in mind when He set His face toward Jerusalem that day. And you too, should always be looking ahead—eyes fixed on things eternal (Col. 3:2).

He was looking toward a future He would make available to those that would follow Him. And with it, the grace necessary to run their race faithfully, effectively—until His return for them, you, and I.

So what is this faith you are to have? faith is hope. Hope in an unseen, unknown future. Trusting. What distinguishes faith and hope? Little actually. faith is a now thing—your motivating force. You need faith in action to believe, today, moment to moment, that God is going to do what He said He would do (Heb. 11:1).

Hope is something you cast into the future. You attach faith to your line of hope and toss it forward. And what is it you’re hoping to catch? First, always—the strength needed to bring glory to God. After, eternity with Jesus! The crown of life, the, “Well done my good and faithful servant!”  That is your hope. Your expectation… grace upon grace.

You witness faith and hope linked explicitly in Father Abraham. In faith He believed God (now) when God promised Him a child and from him, a nation. Even when he knew that his body was a withered vine incapable of producing fruit! That’s hope in action. (Gen.17:21). Again we see faith and hope united in Caleb. He had the faith necessary to believe that they, (the Israelite’s) could overcome fortified cities and giants and takes possession of the land the Lord promised them? What land? The Promised Land …Caleb’s now faith, (Jos.14:7-8). His hope, (Jos.14:14).

I keep repeating this phrase—grace upon grace. Why? Because just as surely as it was grace that reached His All-Powerful Hand across time and eternity to saves you; it is and will continually be grace upon grace that continually lavishes you, undeservedly… until the Day of His coming (Jud.1:24).

Solely by the saving power of His unmerited grace is how you will accomplish what Peter is exhorting in verse fourteen. Be obedient children…

Now that you have obtained His amazing, glorious, transformative gift of salvation, you are not to be like a dog that returns to its own vomit. Don’t return to the evil desires of the flesh you had when you lived in ignorance, darkness—as the living dead…

Rather, wrap yourself in a cocoon, a shield of hope and faith. Separating yourself from the world. Because as John 3:3 tells us; “He that hath this hope in him purifies himself.” 

God is Omniscient. He knew you would require this grace upon grace, not only for our salvation but also—to finish your race. (Eph. 1:7-10)

Beloved, you need to jump head long, unabashed, into the promises of God. Boldly, confidently, steadfastly chasing after God, His will and good-pleasure! Until that day mentioned in Philippians.

“And I am convinced and sure of this very thing, that He Who began a good work in you will continue until the day of Jesus Christ [right up to the time of His return], developing [that good work] and perfecting and bringing it to full completion in you” (1:6).

Be Holy as He is Holy Beloved…How? Set your face. And hold tight to grace upon grace. Be a light in this present darkness!

“Don’t End Up in His Shoes” Eph.4:7-8

shoe-68770_960_720 But grace was given to each one of us according to the measure of the gift of Christ. Therefore, He says: “When He ascended on high, He led captivity captive, and gave gifts to men” (Eph.4:7-8).

Don’t miss that part—The grace being given to each one of us… That’s huge! Why? Because without it we will never accomplish one-single-thing worthy of Heaven. Huge right?

As with last week’s post, this week also we’re being taught by the Apostle Paul. Additionally, we’re going to drop anchor in the depths of yet another of Paul’s…Therefore   pivotal points.

Paul has a fitting and consistent usage of, “Therefore”. It is meant to whittle down the general teaching statements directed at the entire Body, into very specific, deeply personal statements directed specifically to each of Gods children.

More precisely, to you. God is equipping you to walk in your own shoes.

If, and only if, you are a Blood bought believer of Jesus Christ this Scripture applies to you!

If you’re not, I implore you to stop now. Invite Jesus into your heart as your personal Lord and Savior. One simple prayer, one plea, from your heart to His will make this happen. I’m talking about salvation. About stepping from death in sin-stained world and nature into forgiveness and righteousness in Christ. A second chance, a new beginning! How can I be sure of this? I know my Father… and, I’m a living example of His Grace.

Also, I can guarantee if you’ve been thinking of Him, thinking of going back to church, reading your Bible, accidentally meeting people or coming across teachings/messages like this one, you are being wooed, pursued by, The Holy Spirit. He wants you as His own and He also wants to give Himself to you. “It is rare indeed for anyone to die for a righteous man, though for a good man someone might possibly dare to die. But God proves His love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us. Therefore, since we have now been justified by His blood, how much more shall we be saved from wrath through Him” (Rom.5-8). Emphasis my own.

Not let’s follow Paul’s pivot and make this personal…

Let’s talk about God’s grace. How it should—and should not be handled by us in conjunction to our gifting/ our purpose.

And you have a purpose, without a doubt. Your purpose is tied to your God-given gifting. And it’s been given you for the  explicit use of serving God and His Body. It was fully brought to life in you when you accept Jesus as Lord and His Holy Spirit took up residence inside of you. He alone enabled and empowered you to use this gifting for Kingdom and not self-serving purposes, thereby aiding you in fulfilling your destiny.

For all those who’ve ever questioned whether they have a purpose in life, you should be exhaling in loud sighs of delighted relief right about now! God has gifted you—specifically,intentionally. Yes, you have been chosen by God to serve Him! That should knock your socks off! Of all the people in the world He could have chosen, He chose you… you’re Handpicked! And, if that weren’t enough, He also supplied you with the grace necessary for you to fulfill the purpose He’s placed within you….Listen: “For out of His fullness (abundance) we have all received [all had a share and we were all supplied with] one grace after another and spiritual blessing upon spiritual blessing and even favor upon favor and gift [heaped] upon gift” (Jn.1:16).

With every blessing in life, each God-given position brings responsibility. Regardless the scope of our purpose in Christ. Whether Pastor, author, janitor or front door greeter… do all God has entrusted to you solely for His good pleasure and purpose.

And do it in thanksgiving. Do it with a joy that should arise in you from knowing that you’re serving the same God who put breath in your lungs and who controls every beat of your heart.

And when you get discouraged, and you will, when you feel like quitting, and it might just happen, keep this close to your heart. Let it serve as a warm wrap in a sometimes cold world. “Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the inheritance as your reward. You are serving the Lord Christ” (Col.3:23-24). Emphasis my own.

Why is this vital? Verse Eight of our Teaching makes that abundantly clear to us.

We not only serve the King who showed Himself mighty in the Old Testament within the Ark of the Covenant with David (2 Sam. 6:1).  Nor a God who merely led His people by a Pillar of cloud by day and of fire by night (Ex. 13:21). But more, we serve a Living God, a Warrior God… Our Defender. He led captivity captive; which speaks of Christ’s conquests and triumph over sin, death and the grave. Over satan, and the world and every single spiritual enemy both of His and His people.

Principally, the devil, who leads men captive at his will. Christ has ruined Him. Making of him a crushed foe. Jesus ascended into heaven saving His people, taking captive all the power of the enemy and giving grace upon grace to His chosen.

That is the God who has placed purposed within you to serve Him, to co-labor with Him in accomplishing His will.

And He continues to do so still. In giving gifts to men; the most supreme of which is His Holy Spirit. He empowers each of us for the work set before our hands…His purpose for us, for creating us. “Having canceled the debt ascribed to us in the decrees that stood against us. He took it away, nailing it to the cross! And having disarmed the rulers and authorities, He made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them by the cross” (Col.2:15). Emphasis my own.

In conclusion, let’s go back to our pivot—the role His grace plays in your purpose:

If you’re feeling like your purpose is too small, or worse yet that your somehow…gift-less. If you’re assuming your purpose makes no clear difference because you can’t preach, evangelize, teach or write books.  Please, pay attention to a man who thought just as you do. Because doing so might just literally save your life. Don’t throw your service to God under the bus thinking it has little or no value. Don’t take it lightly… or for granted.

By doing so you’re presuming you know more than God and, that like Him, you’re able to see your end from your beginning, like He does.

Turn with me to Matthew 25:24-30. Let’s learn of the outcome of the servant who did not treat that which is Holy as it should be treated. And your Purpose is holy and it given to you to serve a Holy God. And God gives it to you according to your ability.

Are you angry at God because you feel He short-changed you? Fearful and mistrusting His judgement in giving you something you is too big for you and you’ll just mess it up? Do you, like this servant know that God demands your best and your just not sure you can manage that? Please, please trust God…if He gave it to you He’s given you all you need to accomplish the task. Don’t follow this servants example and wind up in his shoes…“He also who had received the one talent came forward, saying, ‘Master, I knew you to be a hard man, reaping where you did not sow, and gathering where you scattered no seed, so I was afraid, and I went and hid your talent in the ground. Here you have what is yours.’ But his master answered him, ‘You wicked and slothful servant! You knew that I reap where I have not sown and gather where I scattered no seed? Then you ought to have invested my money with the bankers, and at my coming I should have received what was my own with interest. So take the talent from him and give it to him who has the ten talents. For to everyone who has will more be given, and he will have an abundance. But from the one who has not, even what he has will be taken away. And cast the worthless servant into the outer darkness. In that place there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.”

Celebrate what you have been given. And be the very best_________________, you can be. (fill in the blank with your gift, your purpose.) You’re not responsible for what you don’t have, but you are certainly are responsible for what you do have…great or little.

Walk in your own shoes, you never know where another man’s path may be leading…and remember, fear is a purpose killer and it’s not from God!

Until next week Beloved, Blessings…



“Living Sacrifices?” Rom. 12

hand-1030566_960_720 “Therefore I urge you, brothers and sisters, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies [dedicating all of yourselves, set apart] as a living sacrifice, holy and well-pleasing to God, which is your rational (logical, intelligent) act of worship.  (Rom. 12: 1)

With one word the Apostle Paul packs a powerful punch! More to the point, a powerful pivot in his Epistle. If we were to back track through Chapter 11 and unpack just some of its contents we would learn these two key lessons.

Firstly, Gods love and plan for Israel. The Apple of His eye. In the opening verses of Chapter 11, Paul stresses Gods foreknowledge of a remnant of Jews that He has “set aside” by His grace for a future time. “Even so then at this present time also there is a remnant according to the election of grace” (Rom.11:5).

And why does this happen? Gods providence. It allows for the engrafting of the gentiles…” I say then, have they (the Jews) stumbled that they should fall? God forbid: but rather through their fall salvation is come unto the Gentiles, for to provoke them to jealousy” (Rom. 11:11).

Yet Paul also warns the gentile nations, not to feel superior in attitude because of this, our glorious new gift of salvation. As if we are somehow better than, more holy than, the Jews. He reminds us it is by God’s grace that we are each alive.

That we have even been offered this unfathomable gift of a possible eternity spent with God as heirs…if we choose to accept His free gift. “God saved you by his grace when you believed. And you can’t take credit for this; it is a gift from God” (Eph. 2:8). Emphasis my own.


Now on to Paul’s, Therefore…

How do we respond to a God who makes room for us? Loves us, woos us and pursues us, A God that laid down His very life out of pure love for us? I write this in the present tense because it is still on-going.

Simple. We follow the loving example of Jesus. We serve an unchanging God… “Remember your leaders who spoke the word of God to you. Consider the outcome of their way of life and imitate their faith. Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever” (Heb 13:8) Emphasis my own.

And how exactly do we do it?

By emulating Jesus’ sincere sacrifice in our daily walk. We too must be willing to lay aside our wants, needs and desires for those of the Fathers. Just as Jesus did, a student is no greater than His Teacher.

After all, sacrifice is the crux of the Christians walk. “Then Jesus said to his disciples, “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me” (Matt.16:24).

What does it look like to carry this out?

Firstly, we can’t do something we don’t know to do. So we must study.

Root ourselves in what is necessary for navigating the dicey waters of the world. We need the Word of God.

It’s our Life-line. Oxygen in our needy lives. The only Guide to navigating our walk with God.

By The Holy Spirit, it’s how we discern Gods will.

For instance, to solidify Paul’s instruction to us in Romans, we only need turn to Galatians for his more explicit discourse on the perils of following after the desires of the flesh.

Paul takes our teaching Scripture a step further leaving no room to question what God wants and doesn’t want from us… listen; “The acts of the flesh are obvious: sexual immorality, impurity, and debauchery; idolatry and sorcery (magic and enchantment); hatred, discord, jealousy, and rage; rivalries, divisions, factions, and envy; drunkenness, carousing, (indulging in one’s appetites excessively) and the like. I warn you, as I did before, that those who practice such things will not inherit the kingdom of God” (Gal. 5:19-21).

We overcome this list by our sole, tenacious reliance on the strength and guidance of the Holy Spirit. It’s the only way we are able to love God, flee sin, and, love our brother as our-self. In our own strength all of this is impossible. We prove our love and devotion through our actions, our sacrifices.

The Word tells us somewhere that faith without works is a dead faith. We must lovingly, like Jesus, sacrifice our best.  We mustn’t approach God with anything less than a heart that is burning to please Him. As with Abraham, so it must be with us.

We must be willing to kill the very promises of the future God has given us, spoken over us. Also, put to death everything in us that stands in the way of our doing nothing less than our absolute best.

That is our reasonable act of worship. If we are not offering that, we’re offering God an imperfect sacrifice, our leftovers. Should a God who gave His all accept  second best from a people He died to save?

How do you feel when your aware that a loved one is simply going through the motions with you?

Isn’t invested enough in you to give you their very best…(time, love, attention, thoughtfulness, restraint)?

Worship is… our acts of submission, humility, our intentional willingness to serve God, not-self. It is a paramount first step in cleansing our hearts and hands. It is being humble, teachable, sacrificial in our giving. It’s lovingly placing on Gods altar our willful, selfish desires.

Those carnal qualities that are diametrically opposed to God and His Lordship over us. Those desires that arise in us when we ignore the promptings of the Holy Spirit and instead, choose to feed the insatiable beastly appetites of our carnal fleshly nature.This is but a sliver of how we can set ourselves apart as living sacrifices pleasing to God.

When we fail to make room for, to be obedient to, the Holy Spirit’s guidance. It’s then that we’re in jeopardy to falling prey to sin and death. It’s there  we fail to head the Words of life laid out for us within Romans 12.

There we miss out on an awesome opportunity to shower God with our love by willingly offering Him all of our—I wants in exchange for—your will be done.

How do we do this?

By surrendering our will, our body, our actions and reactions into His Loving Hands.

By saying, have Your way in me…

This desire, fostered only through the Holy Spirit, must cause us to bring all to at the Altar of the Lord. Everything that is not pleasing to Him, every impure thing, so that God may send down a Holy fire to burn off our spots and wrinkles—our sins. “Search me, O God, and know my heart; Try me and know my anxious thoughts; And see if there be any hurtful way in me, and lead me in the everlasting way” (Ps.139:24).

We must not do as the Israelite’s did. That is, bring less than our best, most pure sacrifice before the Lord. That’s irreverent, it’s treating that which is Holy as common. It’s ignorant and unworthy of a flawless God. Don’t take my word for it, let’s listen to Gods heart on the subject;

“When you offer blind animals for sacrifice, is that not wrong? When you sacrifice lame or diseased animals, is that not wrong? Try offering them to your governor! Would he be pleased with you? Would he accept you?” says the LORD Almighty” (Mal.1:8).

If it’s not something we would want for ourselves, wouldn’t giveto another, how much less is it worthy of God?

As Christians, we’re called to live at a higher standard than the world around us. That can feel tricky at times. Like walking a razor-sharp line that feel’s too precarious to walk without getting cut!

And that’s wisdom, because the truth is, it is—if you’re trying to walk it alone!

We need to bind ourselves to the Holy Spirit with an eternal knot. One  so obvious and unyielding that it’s visibility alone should speak to the fact that we will not allow anything to loosen our reliance on God. Period.

Regardless the attaches our flesh may attempt to wage against us. Regardless the lures and wiles of a world set on ensnaring us and robbing us of our relationship with God.

How will we know what those storms may look like? Foreseeing them is far easier than you may think…


Here’s how…

Stay saturated in the Word of God. It’s your eyes. Use it to see clearly.

Stay anchored to it, like a ship apt to go adrift when left unmanned, it’s your life line, your harbor when the storms of life and the desires of the flesh rage. Doing their utmost to uproot and weaken your hold on what you know to be Truth…. “Take hold of instruction; [actively seek it, grip it firmly and] do not let go. Guard her, for she is your life” (Pro. 4:13).

If this all sounds daunting friend and you’re feeling like you’ll never be able to finish your race, especially in the world in which we live today. One deeply entrenched in an evil.One in which sin and temptation camp-out in waiting to entrap you.

Take heart beloved—I’ll leave you here with the very Words Jesus used to encourage a group of men who felt just as you do…

“I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Helper, that He may be with you forever; that is the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it does not see Him or know Him, but you know Him because He abides with you and will be in you.

 “I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you (John 14:16-18) Emphasis my own.

“When They Finally Have Something To Say”… Mat. 9:32-34

optimism-619018_960_720 Judgement. It happens far too often within our lives. The biting criticism that blindly enlightens you—you’ve failed.

Contrary to your best efforts—what you did, how well you did it, or how well intended your heart was in the doing of the thing, at the end of your best attempts and intentions, others meet you with their pass or fail measuring stick…

Wrong. Sorry, you didn’t do it the right way. Why did you do it that way? How dare you!

Critics. We saw them in last week’s post. Those mourners gathered around the dead girl. They laughed in Jesus’ face when He informed them that the girl they were there wailing over, mourning… wasn’t dead.

Often, when something frightens us, challenges our status quo, our equilibrium, our feelings of safety, our fight or flight instinct kicks in unawares and says, kill it!  And, left to our human natures, we will simply seek our own survival. But not  Jesus. And if we are called to follow Him it should not be that way with us either; “Those controlled by the flesh cannot please God. You, however, are controlled not by the flesh, but by the Spirit, if the Spirit of God lives in you. And if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, he does not belong to Christ” (Rom.8:8-9).

In our text today we see an example of just such people. The very same Jesus had to contend with for the duration of His earthly ministry. Mosquito’s in His ear—always abuzz.

In fact, even as He hung dying on the tree of their construction, the very one they schemed and lied to ensure He be nailed to, even then they accused Him of not dying right! “He saved others, but He cannot save Himself. He is the King of Israel! Let Him come down now from the cross, and we will believe in Him. He trusts in God. Let God deliver Him now if He wants Him. For He said, ‘I am the Son of God’” …(Mat.27:42-43).

Using the lens of the Synoptic Gospels, it becomes clear that from the onset of Jesus’ earthly ministry the judges and critics made it their business to be about His business. They, the Pharisees, have either personally been amongst the throngs following Jesus, as in today’s Scripture, or they have been kept in-the-know of His every move by someone in the crowd.

Either way, Jesus couldn’t escape their malignant scrutiny. They were simply glass half empty people. If they couldn’t conceive of it, produce it, attain it or somehow profit from it well, it must obviously be evil.

If you have ever been here, if these people sound familiar, then you are in good company! If they did it to Jesus and you’re His follower with your mosquito’s, your Pharisees, those attempting to perpetually dictate what is and is not acceptable for your particularly faith walk, well than as the Scriptures teaches, “Count it all joy!”

However, I do feel led here, so as not to be misconstrued or appear guilty of being aligned with or giving license to living and doing as you feel; to point out that Jesus throughout Scripture, always was about our Fathers business. He was always in prayer seeking the Fathers will and serving and doing all things to those ends. That being clarified, we can now move ahead.

Until this point in Scripture the Pharisees have for the most part been silent though Jesus has healed many of people of their infirmities. Starting in Matthews Eighth Chapter the man with leprosy is healed along with the Centurions daughter, Peter’s mother-in-law and many whom Scripture tell us were demon-possessed.

So our fellow, this mute demon-possessed man found in today’s text, was not the first by far that the people had witnessed being healed and delivered by Jesus. But it’s here in this moment, amongst this crowd that we are called today. To be part of, to witness first-hand the extreme divergence of reactions to Jesus’ faith and works.

The crowd is collectively amazed by Jesus and celebrates, sings the praises of His astonishing works. “Nothing like this has ever been seen in Israel” (Mat9:33)!

The Pharisees on the other hand, see only evil. Their inner darkness prohibits them from extolling or embracing the works of Pure Light. And that’s what sin does to us—it robs us not only of our sight but also of our pure voice.

How can we possibly acknowledge with praising lips that which we cannot—will not, refuse, to believe in? Impossible!

And so, when these Pharisees finally open their lips it is to accuse the Only Begotten Son of the Father of being in league with the devil listen; But the Pharisees said, “He can cast out demons because he is empowered by the prince of demons” (Mat.9:34).

Scripture teaches us that no student is above his Master, so pay attention. If you are being called by God to do His work but it has yet to manifest or, you are currently about your Fathers business—truly about His business as Jesus was—not playing ministry with a self-given title and a showy business card…then arm yourself with the foreknowledge that if the Pharisees haven’t yet arrived, they’re coming! Their still standing stealth, hidden in the crowd observing you…

The Holy Spirit, our Revelator, illumines lesson after lesson throughout Jesus’ three plus years of earthly ministry. Instructing us that there will always be those that are for us, and there will always be those whom are against. if we are to survive, more, thrive and bear good fruit via our God-given assignments, we must follow Jesus’ example.

That is to have bottomless reserves of compassion for His people, be wise and discerning, and above these, to be in continual communion with the Father. Seeking His will, guidance, voice and approval only. Over every competing voice and emotional pull, particularly our own! Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth” (Col.3:2). Emphasis my own. “Fight the good fight of the faith. Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called and about which you made the good confession in the presence of many witnesses” (1Tim.6:12).

Jesus came into this world, His ministry—to offer it salvation, to restoration it back to the Father, foreknowing His outcome, His end. He knew these very ones calling Him Beelzebub, accusing Him of being demonically in league with the devil. These same were awaiting His birth, His life, and, unbeknownst to them, would be used as the catalysts to bring about the fulfillment of His ministry. As well as His inevitable return to The Father.

Just as Jesus knew what was ahead of Him, He too knows what awaits you. Take heart today beloved, and listen to the comforting words spoken to you through the Prophet Jeremiah of the personal love, care, protection and provision The Father has for you. “For I know what I have planned for you,’ says the LORD. ‘I have plans to prosper you, not to harm you. I have plans to give you a future filled with hope” (Jer. 29:11).

Walk wisely and with each step know that the God who commands the Heavenly Armies goes before you, clearing the way and making your every crooked path straight. So run your race today beloved in full confidence that the same God that delivered Jesus, the Faithful and True God, is the same God yesterday, today, and forever. And He  holds you in the palm of His loving, mighty Hand.

Your steps have been ordained by God. Step strong and insure confidence of not only who you are in Christ Jesus, more, who you are commanded to not distract you. Not alter your focus and purpose in Him.

Do with mosquito’s what you do with all pesky distractions. With those who, when they finally speak, speak only death over your ministry…swat them and keep it moving! Stand firm in the Lord and the power of His might…” Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done” (Phil.4:6).

Blessings Beloved, until next time…



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