
“…There is no truth or mercy Or knowledge of God in the land” Hosea 4:1.
When cabin pressure within a plane’s cabin drops, passengers will need air masks to receive sufficient oxygen. These air masks prevent hypoxia—a condition caused when the body lacks enough oxygen to maintain normal physiological function. When a plane loses cabin pressure, the temperature inside the plane drops, and passengers feel great discomfort in their ears and eyes, but the main health risk is low oxygen. —AeroSavvy.com
Our twenty-one-day fast ended just six short days ago now. It was an amazing, refreshing, illuminating, and personally edifying time for me and many in the Body. Thank you, Abba, for doing what only you can through the power of your Holy Spirit when your children seek you with a sincere and repentant heart.
Shortly after our corporate fast began, I saw in the spirit oxygen masks hanging down in an airplane cabin while doing my morning devotion. I then heard the Words in my spirit, “change in cabin pressure.” And the Holy Spirit began to minister to me. I do not feel released to share all that was given to me now, but I am confident in sharing the following. Before I do, I feel lead to preface what I am about to share by plainly stating that I am not a prophet. I do not profess to walk in the anointing of that sacred office. That said, as with many of my fellow believers in Christ, I have prayed that I should both love as I ought and seek the gift of prophecy, just as the Apostle Paul instructs us to in 1Corinthians 14:1. “Let love be your highest goal! But you should also desire the special abilities the Spirit gives—especially the ability to prophesy.” Yet, even while praying in this vein, I understand that the pure prophetic voice is a gift from God. One He alone freely bestows on those He chooses that they might walk in it to warn, encourage, or to declare His judgment or intentions, to share some revelation with an individual or group that only God, in His Sovereignty, could know. Prophecy is not something one can gain by study or force, by human ingenuity, lest it is false prophecy. God forbid! I encourage every believer, new or seasoned, never to follow, to swallow whole the words of any man, but in all things, all things, use wisdom. Take what is said, read, spoken over you, and lay it aside your final authority, God’s Word. If what you’ve heard or read, what has been told to you, spoken over you, does not align with His Word, I encourage you to spit it out quickly, lest, left unchecked, it poisons you. “Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, for many false prophets have gone out into the world” –1 John 4:1.
Many false prophetic voices, coupled with a lack of discernment within the Body, have caused God’s people to go astray in recent months. We will each give an account to God for what we have asserted comes from His mouth.
My position on the Prophetic clearly stated then, let’s continue.
You may be thinking, okay, got it. I agree with all that. But what does a Word from God and an airplane’s cabin pressure have to do with each other? My hope is by the time I share what I have been given, I’ll have answered that as clearly as I am able. As most know, each seat on an airplane has an overhead panel. On that panel, you find your air vent, call button, light switch, etc. What is not so obvious is the oxygen mask tucked discreetly away within it. I’m sure those who’ve flown have watched or half-watched as a flight attendant walked the passengers through the safety procedures? Step by step, they explained what to do in the event of an emergency or sudden change in cabin pressure. How, when the mask dropped down, place it over your face, securing it tightly by pulling on the attached elasticized band, putting your oxygen mask on first before helping a child or anyone else in need. And though you may not see air moving within its airbag, oxygen is indeed flowing.
And herein lies the connection between a change in cabin pressure and the Word God gave me:
The Holy Spirit made it clear that the days in which we live, these “perilous times,” are about to ramp up quickly, becoming increasingly darker ever so quickly now. This quickening, the shift has already occurred. With it, the volume of the clanging, clamoring voices of the world—those of the false prophets too. Their voices will increase both in number and intensity. And those believers who are not firmly rooted in the Word of God, now more than ever was the sense I had, will be easily deceived. Led astray, they will wander from the Truth because they are not rooted in it. I heard the Holy Spirit say that the cabin pressure has already changed—hence the masks hanging in mid-air.
As it is now and ever shall be, until the Lord’s return, expressly in these last hours of human history, we need to know God’s Word for ourselves more than ever before! It’s dark out there, friends, and it’s getting increasingly darker. We need God’s Word, our Word—for our very existence; as surely and desperately as we would need oxygen to breathe if the pressure in the cabin of a plane changed suddenly, lest we perish. Without God’s Living Word, we are starved of wisdom, direction, and knowledge. Adrift, direction-less. Air-less.“But if they do not listen, they perish by the sword and die without knowledge” –Job 36:12. Without it, believers, all humanity in truth, are starved of knowing how God has chosen for His children to conduct and walk out their lives. His Word, the very guardrails that keep us safe and our feet on that narrow, straight path; the staunchest of believers susceptible to stray from, falling prey to the wiles of the enemy without the guidance and affirmations God’s Word affords us all. “Teach me, O Lord, the way of thy statutes; and I shall keep it unto the end. Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path” –Psalm 119:33;105. Knowing this then, we must first take a firm hold of His Word for ourselves—applying it daily, liberally, to every facet of our lives, our thoughts. Hungrily breathing it in if you will, guaranteeing it is the standard by which our desires and ministries are measured. Doing this as instinctively, deliberately, and with the same innate urgency to live, we’d display in thirstily reaching-out for said oxygen-mask if it suddenly dropped before us mid-flight!
Assuredly friends, God’s Word is that essential for Godly living. Not only for our day-to-day well-being, equally our eternal destination. Because believe it or not, we each have one. Reading and studying God’s Word is an intentional act. We each must decide, choose to cling to it.
These are perilous times, my brothers and sisters, new friends. And perilous isn’t an everyday word. It’s not one we come across much in our daily lives except perhaps when we encounter it in our Bibles. Webster’s 1828 edition, my go-to dictionary, defines perilous this way: dangerous, hazardous, full of risk, and more. And God’s Word says this concerning perilous times: “But know this, that in the last days perilous times will come: For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, unloving, unforgiving, slanderers, without self-control, brutal, despisers of good, traitors, headstrong, haughty, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having a form of godliness but denying its power. And from such people turn away!” –2 Timothy 3:1-5. One need only look back to the recent scourge that stained our country, the violent storming of our nation’s Capital, and the staggering global death toll resulting from COVID-19. Adding to these, those that seek not to stifle, rather rid our country of anything or anyone that stands for or proclaims our God! And this list could go on and on. I say this not to instigate nor inflame, instead to cast Light on the Truth.
Friends, I trust the Holy Spirit has led me to share this Word with you that it might lead you, lead us, to repent of any spiritual laziness or complacency we’ve allowed to creep into our relationship with our Lord. To come before Him once again in sincere repentance, seeking His forgiveness and His face. Asking Him to remove any debris we’ve allowed to build-up within us, consciously or unconsciously. Those things that block the flow of His spirit within us, that He might more effectively minister to us personally, and outwardly, that His Spirit might flow more freely from us, reaching those He’s predestined us to reach. Things like too much T.V time and not enough Bible time. Making the time necessary to do the things we choose to do, want to do, all the while willingly sacrificing our time with God to do them. God recently pointed to just such areas in my life and said, “will you offer these to me?” “Will you put these on the altar?” By His grace and in His strength, out of a deep sense of conviction and love, I said, “yes, Lord!” So, I am not condemning you, friend; rather, I share God’s correction with you in my own life to spur you on, encouraging you to reach and stretch and grab with both hands all that God has for you—wants to get to others through you!
And I encourage you to do the same. Time is short, and the harvest is great!
We serve a faithful God, friends. One who chastens His children only to make us pure as gold—to refine and strengthen us for what is yet ahead of us. But take heart, for with His chastening comes His promise: “Because you have kept My command to persevere, I will also keep you from the hour of testing that is about to come upon the whole world, to test those who dwell on the earth” –Revelation 3:10.
And new friend, if you have not yet sincerely asked Jesus into your heart, inviting Him to come and take up residence within you, to lead and guide, to restore and make your life new, washing you clean of a past you may be less than proud of perhaps, then come to Him, now. It may be the very reason He’s led you here! And if I’m speaking to you, my prodigal brother or sister, return to your Father now. He’s waiting, open-armed, to receive you back to Himself.
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