"Come follow me and I will make you fishers of men." Matthew 4:19

Tag: Awe


Kendra Santilli

The English word for fear can carry with it negative connotations. While many unhealthy, paralyzing fears exist, we don’t always realize that fear can often be healthy. Fear of putting your hand on a hot stove is beneficial because it protects you from getting burned. The fear of falling protects you from falling off a building or a cliff to your demise.

Fear is a crucial survival instinct which helps keep us alive.

The Bible frequently speaks of the “fear of the Lord. “When hearing this phrase, there are two ways people initially react. They may retreat to some negative mental space, afraid of the man in the sky who can strike at any moment of weakness. Then there’s the interpretation that the “fear of the Lord” is a literary way of describing reverence.

As we dive deeper into this phrase, I propose that the fear of the Lord is both/ and.

 It is both standing in awe and trembling at His greatness. It is both the desire to remain secure in His love and the hesitation to hurt the heart of God. They go hand in hand. The Hebrew word for fear in this context is Yirah.

While the English language loosely translates Yirahto mean reverence, Yirah carries far more weight to its meaning than our English word for “fear” can bear. Yirah is being overwhelmed by something that is so much greater than yourself. It is to behold something that is far beyond your understanding. This fear causes us to put the Lord first in everything because once we’ve beheld Him, He becomes the most extraordinary thing we’ve ever known. Not that God is a thing, mind you.

The fear of the Lord brings wisdom.

“The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.” — Proverbs 9:10

Do you find yourself trying to draw near to God but not understanding His Word and ways? Ask yourself this: do I fear the Lord? Our experience with our Creator starts with what the Psalmist describes as the Fear of the Lord. The covenantal language in this verse shows us the natural exchange that happens as our hearts turn toward the Father. Wisdom starts with this reverential awe of God. Wisdom’s foundation is the fear of God. If you don’t understand, keep seeking Him until you find Him; keep reading His Word until it moves you. Knowing God and actively turning away from evil leads you to understand.

He said to mankind, “The fear of the Lord—that is wisdom. And to turn from evil is understanding. — Job 28:28

While you cannot force yourself to “fear the Lord,” you can develop it through beholding Him.

To behold God in your everyday life, you don’t need some special event. If you’re looking for Him, God can be beheld through prayer, His beautiful works of nature, your family, and the blessings all around you. When you encounter the presence of God, Yirah comes over you as you dwell in His presence. Drawing near to God develops your ear for His voice as He whispers wisdom into your situations.

The fear of the Lord ignites awe and wonder deep within you.

The book of Job exemplifies this kind of awe and wonder. Job is the biblical account of a man who lost everything. Yet the Bible calls him a man who was blameless and upright. Job’s thoughts and affections were pointed towards the Lord in all things. Even when his friends mocked him for still trusting God after losing everything, Job maintained that the Lord is good. There is a moment in this biblical account where Job powerfully encounters God. The Lord speaks to Job while he’s experiencing this deep sorrow and reminds God reminds Job of who He is!

For four chapters, the Lord challenges Job as He lists His remarkable works, reminding Job of who He really is. Job’s response was that of awe and wonder. “I am so insignificant. How can I answer you? I place my hand over my mouth. I have spoken once, and I will not reply; twice, but now I can add nothing. I had heard reports about you, but now my eyes have seen you.” — Job 40:4-5; 42:5

Job was left speechless. When we encounter the maker of the universe, our response is none other than awe and wonder, fear, and trembling. He is more than we could ever even begin to fathom in our hearts and minds.

When the fear of God comes over us, our lives are never the same.

The fear of the Lord initiates trembling.

“Serve the Lord with fear, And rejoice with trembling.” — Psalms 2:11

“Therefore, my beloved, as you have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling.” — Philippians 2:12

What good is striving to be good or righteous if it’s only done in front of others? It means nothing in the sight of God if our hearts intend to look good to those around us. God desires that our hearts are pure, that we genuinely live rightly before Him, and not just want to look like we live righteously to others. When our motive is to honor God above anything else, our behaviors naturally align in our public and private lives.

Our lives begin to match the Yirah of encountering the God of the universe.

I pray you’ll encounter God in a new way this week. If you have not yet met God in a life-changing way, I invite you to ask Him into your life. Let Him make you a new creation today as you make Jesus your Lord and Saviour. I believe the fear of God will come over you as you surrender to Him, and you will begin to live in the awareness of His awe-inspiring presence.

Awe and Wonder…

Kendra Santilli

But the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid. I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people. Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the LordLuke 2:9-11.

I’ve been going for a lot of long nature walks lately. Not even because I’m super reflective, not because I have an affinity for nature, no. It’s much simpler than that, it’s because I have a dog. Yes, you read that right; my dog is the reason I go for long nature walks. Bear with me here as I tell you a bit about my fur baby. I have a golden retriever named Daisy, and boy is she energetic! Simple neighborhood walks don’t do it for her any longer, not like they did when she was a pup. She requires the cool of the earth beneath her paws now, she wants the scent of crisp autumn leaves, actually, more like whatever’s lurking beneath them. She wants the sight of the forest with its beams of sunlight and the sound of squirrels rustling about, birds chirping, up in the trees somewhere, she wants to lick the dew off of the fallen foliage. To say she loves the woods is an understatement—she is elated when she’s in them! When I say the words, “wanna go for a walk?” she comes to life. She bolts towards the door, ready to run, head-on into a new adventure. Over the past couple of months, as Daisy and I have trekked various New England trails, my dog has taught me to love creation. It’s because of her that I’ve been reminded nature was created for me to enjoy as well. Daisy stops and smells the flowers. She investigates every twig that appears suspicious. She picks up on any trace of any other creature who may have gone before her. She is so present in every moment. Locked in discovery mode, she traces every sight and scent—familiarizing herself for next time. Her desire for discovery got me thinking: “what if we lived in wide-eyed wonder as Daisy does? Awestruck by all the beauty that surrounds us? What if the earth, formed by the hands of our Maker and designed for us to thrive in, elicited the same awe-struck response in us as it does in Daisy?

Throughout Scripture, God is referred to as an AWEsome God. I think that says something about the lens through which He wants us to view Him…

By definition, awe is an overwhelming feeling of reverence, admiration, fear, etc. It is produced by that which is grand, sublime, extremely powerful, or the like. Knowing the Creator of the universe invokes just such an awe inside of us. It awakens some deep knowing that fulfills our every need for belonging. I mean, it was the voice of God, after all, who spoke the stars into existence and gave the earth its form; He who, with just one Word, spoke light into existence. And it was this same God who allocated a place in the ecosystem for every living being. Everything that has breath sends that same breath right back to Him, in praise. His hands the very ones that formed humankind, the crown jewel of His creations. And it was His breath blown into the lungs of that first man that gave him life—us too. Yes. From the very beginning of time, God’s watchful eye has been on us. If I stopped right here, what I just said should be enough to ignite a great big spark of awe in you. But alas! There’s more…

The bond between God and man was broken by Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden—their sin separating them from Him. But God set out to—had a plan to, restore what they had broken! Considering the Christmas season that is upon us, I thought it appropriate to look at the response of mankind to the arrival of God in the flesh, in the person of His Son, Jesus. In Luke 2, we find the story of Jesus’ birth. But before I get there, I need to remind us- Jesus chose to come into this world in the most unlikely way, and to the most unlikely of people. Ordinary people like me and you. Jesus did not come with a heavenly army, nor to a kingdom as we know it. He came through Mary, a humble servant. And He chose to be born in a simple stable, in a very unlikely town. In Luke 2 we learn that the very first people to be told of His birth were lowly shepherds. What got me when I read Luke 2 was the shepherd’s response. An angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were terrified. But the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid. I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people. Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord. So, they hurried off and found Mary and Joseph, and the baby, who was lying in the manger” –Luke 2:9-11; 16. They were terrified—a response to being awed. Yet despite this, after they were reassured by the angel, they were moved to action. That overwhelming awe didn’t paralyze them. It moved them. First, to go and see, then, secondly, to go and tell!

When you have a genuine encounter with the Living God, something magnificent happens within you. That encounter causes you to act because of what you’ve just experienced for yourself! Understand, this kind of supernatural reaction doesn’t just impact you, the one who has the initial experience, it has an eternal chain-link effect that connects you somehow to countless others. Luke 2 goes on to tell us that, “all who heard it were amazed by what the shepherds said to them” –Luke 2:18. All who heard. Those shepherds couldn’t keep quiet about their awesome experience with the angel of the Lord. They told anyone who would listen to them all about Jesus, His star, and His birth—about their divine encounter with Him. They shared all that the angel had spoken to them and everything they had witnessed with their own two eyes. They could have chosen to write the angel off as some dream-like apparition, yet they chose instead to unapologetically stand by what they knew to be true.

I can call to mind some experiences I’ve had where I may have dulled down the story to make it seem a bit more “normal”. But the truth is, the supernatural things of God are anything but normal. There’s a reason they’re called “super-natural”. They defy earthly definition. And when we share these supernatural things God has done in our life with others, it causes amazement to well up in them.

Let’s look, for a moment, at the wise men. Fun fact: The Bible doesn’t say how many wise men there actually were. We know from Scripture that there were three gifts, but there very well could have been a caravan of people traveling to behold the Savior of the world! Regardless, these wise men, or “Magi” as they’re referred to in Matthew 2, were highly esteemed and well-educated men. Yet these same men came and bowed humbly before a baby they believed to be the Messiah. They saw a star in the heavens, a sign, and they followed it. They did not worship this sign mind you, they simply allowed it to lead them to their Creator. With this in mind: I pray we are never too old or too prideful to recognize and respond to the move of God—no matter how undignified doing so may seem. Like the Magi who knelt before a baby, I pray we have the humility to adore Him in every situation we may find ourselves in. Secondly, I pray we don’t look at signs as gods, rather that we allow them to lead us to the One True God—the source of all wisdom and life.

From the moment He was born, Jesus evoked an unadulterated passion from His own—from all those who recognized Him as their Messiah. I have the feeling that all the emotion tucked into the Christmas story may have been placed there to help us to return to a childlike state of simple joy and admiration for the Babe in the manger.

As Jesus grew into His ministry, He healed many and spoke with such wisdom it shocked those who heard Him speak. The Samaritan woman, the lepers, the blind men, the lame, each received His gift of healing and love. Then, telling everyone they knew what they had experienced, most of them responded just as the shepherds did—in wonder and amazement. Part of the beauty of this story is that we get see Jesus amaze people all around the world, still. Whether it be restoring hope to the hopeless, bringing healing to the afflicted and broken, or bestowing a sense of belonging to someone who is lost. Jesus is still working today—right here, right now. He still displays signs and wonders around us every day. We just need to open our eyes, our hearts, to both see and to receive them.

If my dog can live in the moment, soaking in the awe and wonder of God’s endless goodness, His abundant provision, and splendor, I’m thinking we ought to be able to as well. Wouldn’t you agree? This Christmas season, my prayer for you is that you might find the “extra” in ordinary things. Most of all, I pray that you discover the hope found only in Jesus Christ. I pray His joy fills you beyond measure! I pray you begin to live in a state of wonder and awe, flat out amazed by all that God has done, is doing, and is yet to do!

And if you’ve never asked this God of awe and wonder into your heart—what better time than now! Give your life to Jesus today let it be your gift to Him in return for all that He has given you, starting with your very breath. He has allowed all this time to pass just so that you’d read this, and then ask Him into your heart as Lord. “But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day. The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance” –2 Peter 3:8-9.

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