"Come follow me and I will make you fishers of men." Matthew 4:19

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Saturation Point.

MaryEllen Montville

“They will fall by the sword, or be carried off into slavery among all the Gentiles. And Jerusalem will be trampled underfoot by the Gentiles, till the appointed times of the Gentiles have expired.” –Luke 21:24

Saturation Point. Dictionary.com defines it this way: A point at which some capacity is at its fullest; limit:

As I read today’s Scripture, its last nine words came alive. God’s Logos, His written Word, became Rhema, a Living Word. I couldn’t help but think of everything happening in Israel right now. Let me explain: the Holy Spirit mostly speaks a Rhema Word into our spirit as we read His Written Word. It’s made alive and often applies to a right-now situation in our lives or the world around us. A Rhema Word is the Holy Spirit drawing our attention to or confirming something of importance. In every case, God’s Rhema Word must align with His written Word—His Logos. Holy Spirit is a God of order, not confusion. He will not “share” something with any of His children that does not align with what He has already spoken in His inerrant Scriptures.

“When, Lord? “When will the fullness of the Gentiles be complete?”

“When will You rapture Your Church?”

Those questions were burning in my heart as I read today’s Scripture. Like many brothers and sisters, I, too, am “watching and waiting” for our Lord’s return.

A greater sense of expectation has gripped me lately—an even deeper longing has been awakened.

Today, that growing expectation made me ask: “When will You call us Home, Lord?”

This world is not our home, and it’s undoubtedly nearing its saturation point. How much further will You allow things to deteriorate before You say, “Come on Home?

Abba, I’m not questioning You. I’m asking You a question, putting to words the recurring thoughts in so many of Your children’s hearts, Lord. “Are we one drop, five, ten drops even from this world having reached its absolute ability to contain the sin, hatred, hardheartedness, rebellion and rejection of You and most anything to do with You?

Will my brothers, sisters, and I live to be raptured?”

Mind you, either way, we won’t stand idly by, just watching the sky or the news for signs—concerning the rapture, they’ve been fulfilled. Still, while we watch, wait, trust, and pray to the Lord of the harvest, we’ll fish for men.

Yet I’m hoping that today, no, before this sentence is finished…

“It will happen in a moment, in the blink of an eye, when the last trumpet is blown. For when the trumpet sounds, those who have died will be raised to live forever. And we who are living will also be transformed.” –1 Corinthians 15:52.

Still, I wanted to know more about those nine words Holy Spirit brought to life to answer my question.

I’ll pause here to clarify that Scripture clearly states no man knows the day or hour the rapture will occur, so, straightaway, what this teaching is not, is a false prophetic word concerning the Church being raptured. Given today’s climate, I choose to leave nothing open for interpretation.

As I said, I wanted to know the meaning behind today’s Scripture, so I went digging.

I read more concerning the historical background of Jerusalem and the Jewish people. That led me back to the Bible, to Jesus and today’s verse, then to the Apostle Paul and his teaching on the meaning of the fullness of the Gentiles. “I do not want you to be ignorant of this mystery, brothers and sisters, so that you may not be conceited: Israel has experienced a hardening in part until the full number of the Gentiles has come in, and in this way all Israel will be saved.” –Romans 11:25-26.

At the end of the day, Jesus and the Apostle Paul confirm that a divinely set number of Gentile believers must first accept Jesus as Lord and Savior before every living Jew will be saved, having finally accepted the Truth that Jesus is the Messiah.

In roughly A.D. 70, Jerusalem received its fatal blow at the hands of Rome, its oppressor, where, it’s said, some 1.1 million Jews had been murdered and where approximately 100,000 others were enslaved, used to feed Rome’s insatiable appetite for dominance. Of this horrific atrocity, Johannes Norval Geldenhuys, a South African minister and Bible Commentator, writes: From the commencement of the history of the Jewish nation, God, through His servants, warned them clearly that if they behaved unfaithfully and wickedly, they would reap disastrous retribution. Especially the striking words of Deuteronomy 28:15-68. There is almost no form of calamity that visited the Jews during the Roman-Jewish war, not mentioned here in Deuteronomy.

I strongly recommend you pick up your Bible and read what the Lord warned would happen to His chosen people should they disobey Him. And then, ask yourself, if God did not allow His firstborn to escape the consequences of their deliberate sin and rebellion, what makes anyone today think that they will escape God’s judgement if they refuse to repent of their intentional, flagrant sins?

I share this Truth in love, not to frighten you but to remind us all, starting with myself, that we serve a God who is the same yesterday, today and forever. Full of mercy, longsuffering, and whose heart it is certainly, that not one should perish, yet He’s also a just God who will not allow his creations to reject Him forever. “The Lord is not slow about His promise, as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not wishing for any to perish but for all to come to repentance.” –2 Peter 3:9.

God’s heart is that no one tastes destruction—that which was created for Satan and his followers.

Some commentators say that when Rome had sated its savage appetite, having devoured Jerusalem and its people, not one Jew was left alive. In addition, no Jew was allowed to enter Jerusalem save one day a year—when they were allowed to enter and mourn the ravaging of their people, Jerusalem’s utter destruction, and its renaming at the hand of its Roman conquerors.

Even then, to ensure nothing of the Jews remained, Rome renamed and rebuilt a city atop Jerusalem’s ruins, calling it Aelia Capitolina.

Antisemitism is nothing new.

Knowing that He had forewarned His people of the inescapable destruction to come upon them and their land should they choose not to obey Him, is it any wonder that as Jesus drew near Jerusalem and, seeing into its near future, the utter pain and destruction yet to come, He wept? “Now as He drew near, He saw the city and wept over it, saying, “If you had known, even you, especially in this your day, the things [that make] for your peace! But now they are hidden from your eyes. “For days will come upon you when your enemies will build an embankment around you, surround you and close you in on every side, “and level you, and your children within you, to the ground; and they will not leave in you one stone upon another, because you did not know the time of your visitation.” –Luke 19:41-44.

In 1948, a Jewish state was established by what can only be described as the Sovereign Hand of God after thousands of years of its people having been scattered, existing in exile. Yet it wasn’t until 1967 that Israel took control of the Old City in the Six-Day War with Egypt, Syria, and Jordan. And yet, even to this very day, Arab Gentiles continue to reign over the most contested site in all of Jerusalem – the Temple Mount.

And so, we wait and watch while we continue to work—knowing that, at least for today, the fullness of the Gentiles has yet to occur.

Unless, suddenly…

Friends, the fullness of the Gentiles is about God not wanting any man—Jew or Gentile, to perish. So, if you have yet to accept Jesus into your heart as Lord and Savior, please do it today. Listen to Jesus’ Words concerning the hour we find ourselves: “But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father. As it was in the days of Noah, so it will be at the coming of the Son of Man. “Therefore keep watch, because you do not know on what day your Lord will come. So you also must be ready, because the Son of Man will come at an hour when you do not expect him.” Matthew 24: 36-37; 42:44.

Shana Tov!

MaryEllen Montville

“But those who trust in the Lord will find new strength. They will soar high on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint.” –Isaiah 40:31, emphasis my own.

“New.” As defined by the Oxford Dictionary: not existing before, recently made.

I am writing on the eve of the Jewish New Year, Rosh Hashanah, meaning “head of the year.” And so, a changing of the guard is about to occur. Yet the old year would have given way to the new by the time you read this. Those who had been eyeing the perfect head of cabbage or garlic at market, the ideal fish or rooster or lamb for roasting—wanting to ensure the head of something extra-ordinary and satisfying was the centerpiece of a table ladened with hope, the companion of new beginnings, home now.

Their hope? That with its last breath, this year passed away peacefully; pray God, relinquishing all it held dear, having entrusted any loose ends, any unspoken goodbye, that remnant of heartbreak or suffering, into the Sovereign hands of God. And then, as with a baby’s first breath, the embryonic New Year would instinctively, joyfully announce its arrival, ushering in a new sound, as do all things the Lord ordains, if we have ears to hear. And, with its clean slate and new beginnings, Rosh Hashanah will cry out from the bottom of its hope-filled lungs, announcing its triumphal arrival. “Make a joyful noise to the LORD, all the earth; break forth—let your cry ring out, and sing praises!” –Psalm 98:4.

And this New Year, original as it is, nevertheless follows an age-old pattern. Like its predecessors, contrary to the joys or pains it might hold, it will come and go. It has been this way since man began tracking time, one year following another, landing me here on the eve of yet another New Year. “What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun.” –Ecclesiastes 1:9.”What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun.” –Ecclesiastes 1:9.

Yet, in today’s verse, this “new strength” the Lord describes to His Prophet, Isaiah, this newness born of His Spirit, is unlike anything else. “Have you never heard? Have you never understood? The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of all the earth. He never grows weak or weary. No one can measure the depths of his understanding.” –Isaiah 40:28.

This newness is uncreated, having no beginning. It mirrors its Creator; its end, known only to Him. “Now God himself will have his home with them—’God-with-them’ will be their God! He will wipe away every tear from their eyes and eliminate death entirely. No one will mourn or weep any longer. The pain of wounds will no longer exist, for the old order has ceased.” And God-Enthroned spoke to me and said, “Consider this! I am making everything to be new and fresh.” –Revelation 21:3-5.

With an all-in certainty, soon and very soon, God will fulfill the above Power-filled verses.

I am also unquestionably confident that Jesus is renewing the strength of His beloved children who trust in Him. In this New Year, I choose to take God at His Word. He is imparting His strength to those who place their trust in Him; new, uncreated, supernatural power flowing straight from the heart of God into His people.

Into you, whose body has been ravaged by cancer, beloved of the Father. And into you, whose faith is in tatters, a mere thread holding it together. And you, weary soul, bent over that grave, wetting its dug-up soil with your tears, leaving so many unspoken words and unfilled hopes of tomorrow in its cold depth. To you, husband, or wife, crying out night and day over your strained marriage as you seek God for answers—and dear parents, carving paths in the carpet from pacing to and fro. Praying, beseeching, wondering where your child may be this night; like the prodigals before them, having taken all they could fit in a bag, they have run after the illusive, shiny bobbles of the world.

Still, beloved, if you will but fix your sorrow-full eyes on heaven, lifting your bowed head, you will find yourself staring into the eyes of Love unsearchable. Jesus will have stooped down beside you and, in His strength, bid you drink deep and freely of Him until you are sated and restored. “…those who drink the water I give will never be thirsty again. It becomes a fresh, bubbling spring within them, giving them eternal life.” –John 4:14.

But, you will not be restored to who or what you were before.

No, beloved, remember, old things have passed away. God is doing something new in you. Rest confidently in this Truth as you mount up on new wings, soaring to new heights in this a new season: “He gives power to the faint, and to him who has no might he increases strength.” –Isaiah 40:29. Beloved, this singular, unifying nugget of Truth unearthed in Isaiah 40:29, upholds the believer from the beginning of any one year until its end.

It has been this way before time as we know it because this mysterious Truth exists in God, a sliver of His multifaceted, benevolent character.

And then, no longer weak nor weary after being lifted by God’s new strength, go, in the power of His Holy Spirit and encourage your brother, your neighbor. The soul who has yet looked into the eyes of Love unsearchable that they too may be made new this year. “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, and he has anointed me to be hope for the poor, healing for the brokenhearted, and new eyes for the blind, and to preach to prisoners, ‘You are set free! ‘ I have come to share the message of Jubilee, for the time of God’s great acceptance has begun.” –Luke 4:18-19.

“Shana Tov,” beloved of God.

You dear friend, If the God I speak of, the God whose unsearchable Love for you, has called and kept you glued here, please, take a moment longer and say yes to what it is He is offering you: Love and a new beginning in Him—with Him. Start by telling Him you are sorry for everything you know you have done wrong—tell Him everything—and mean it. Then, tell Him you want Him, and His Holy Spirit will come and make His home in you. Don’t take my word for it. Read it for yourself: “…if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For one believes with the heart and so is justified, and one confesses with the mouth and so is saved.” –Romans 10:9-10.

Walk It Out On The Sea Of Doubt.

Matthew Botelho

 “He who testifies to these things says, “Surely I am coming quickly.” Amen, Even so, come Lord Jesus!—Revelation 22:20.

I was awakened to the above words early this morning, and what a wake-up call it is, my dear friends. My response to this Truth was precisely what the Apostle John had said after our Lord spoke this promise to him. I, too, found myself uttering these exact words with the most sincere amen. Knowing soon, they will come to pass. I do not know the hour, but soon our Lord Jesus is coming.

So, to my dear brothers and sisters who are taking the time to read this teaching, rest assured that soon and very soon, Jesus is coming back. Rest in the assurance that God finishes what He has started. He has finished the work of the Cross by paying our sin debt in full. We are washed clean by the Blood of Jesus of our past, present, and future sins. God is faithful to forgive us when we come to Him in repentance. Jesus said, “It is finished,” and His work, the finished work of the Cross, was done. As believers, what more assurance do we need to believe that Jesus never has and will never forget that promise? By faith, I know Jesus will come again!

As Christians, our lifestyle must be one of faith and obedience; of taking that first step of faith, the next, and then a third; until we walk in a way that is not common to what the world perceives as normal.

When all hell has broken loose, and people are searching for answers, be assured that God is still in control.

He is the one that controls the wind and the waves. Nothing is too difficult for our God! Jeremiah 32:17 confirms this. “‘Ah, Lord God! Behold, You have made the heavens and the earth by Your great power and outstretched arm. There is nothing too hard for You.” 

One of my favorite Scriptures is found in Matthew 14:22-33. It is a Scripture that has helped me during those times of doubt and not knowing which way to turn. After feeding the five thousand, which I highly recommend reading Matthew 14:13-21, Jesus tells the disciples to get into the boat and go ahead of Him to the other side while He sent the multitudes away. And after sending them away, Jesus went up to a mountain to pray. “Now the evening came, and He was alone there.” –Matthew 14:22-23

The disciples did not question why Jesus was not coming with them. They just got in the boat and did what they were told.

 Now think about that for a moment. When God asks us to do something, are we often obedient to do the first thing he asks of us? Or do our little minds start racing and asking, “Why, Lord? Or,  “You want me to do what, Jesus?!”

Brothers and sisters, how will we make it to that second step if we get stuck on the first step—our being obedient?

Next is the word “immediately”—a strong word to put in there. There is an urgency attached to it. Some reason why Jesus is telling them to go at that very moment. Are we sensitive to the urgency in God’s promptings or Word? When He says, “Move’ or ‘Go now’?

God has a purpose in it. He wants to show you or bring you to what is next.

In verse 24, we read that the waves in the middle of the sea were tossing the boat the disciples were in. For the wind was contrary, and all hell was breaking loose. Do you think they had any doubts at that point? Scripture does not say anything to the contrary, but by human standards, I am sure they did. Now let’s be honest here. We all have had our doubts, my dear friends.

If you haven’t experienced one yet, live long enough, and you will.

We are frail, sinful humans, not perfect by any means. And yet, when we walk in obedience and do what God asks us to do, we will experience God stilling the waves of doubt and the negative thoughts blowing around us. How can we be sure? In verse 23, Jesus told His disciples to go before Him to the other side. That assures us we will get to the other side of our storm. WE ARE GOING TO MAKE IT!

Numbers 23:19 assures us, “God is not a man, that He should lie, Nor a son of man, that he should repent. Has he said, and will not do? Or has He spoken, and will He not make it good?”

And in Hebrews 6:13: “For when God made a promise to Abraham, because He could swear by no one greater, He swore by Himself.”

Going back to Jesus and His disciples verses 25-26 tell us this: “Now in the fourth watch of the night Jesus went to them, walking on the sea. And when the disciples saw Him walking on the sea, they were troubled saying, “it is a ghost!’ and they cried out for fear.”

So, in verse 24, we hear nothing about fear until they get into the middle of the sea. It is here where fear starts to grip them. There is nothing in sight due to the low visibility of the storm. Equally, fear can blind you and distort your vision. Example: The disciples saw Jesus and yelled, “It is a ghost!” they were so gripped with fear that they could not see it was Jesus. Yet it is so reassuring that God will make His presence known even in the middle of such chaos. For some of us, our issue, at one time or another, will be our need to see Jesus through the eyes of faith and not by what we see in front of us.

Hebrews 11:1 says about faith: “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.”

And in Romans 8:24-25  we read: “For we were saved in this hope, but hope that is seen is not hope; for why does one still hope for what he sees? But if we hope for what we do not see, we eagerly wait for it with perseverance.”

Many of us have asked, “How will I get through this?”

Do not abandon ship when your flesh and impulses lead you, making it feel like there is no way out. Remember that God is for you! Remember why Jesus came; you have purpose. There is a reason why you are reading this right now. I do not know who this is for, but I believe someone is about to give up their walk as I write this. You have been praying and waiting for the answer, but it has not happened yet. You have repeatedly heard the same thing, “Be still and know I am God.”

Know that our Lord does not turn a deaf ear towards His children. Jesus is the mediator between us and the Father. Please, do not give up, my friend; you are so close to the other side! Philippians 1:6 promises you this: “I am sure of this, that He who started a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.”


Matthew Botelho

Hello to all my dear brothers and sisters in our Lord. I am praying that His mercies are covering you and that His peace comforts you in all situations you may be going through in this season. And to all those who have yet to accept Jesus as Lord, welcome, and I pray that you ask Jesus into your heart today. I do need to start this on a serious note, however. Today, in my city,  many parents received an email stating that the local public schools were in lockdown due to a threat of sorts. As it turns out, it was merely a hoax, a cruel joke played by someone lost in the dark. I hear these stories of public schools being raided by a gunman, and I think about how horrible this act truly is. These attacks are direct assaults from the pits of hell. My heart cries out for every student, parent, and teacher involved.

I praise our Lord that nothing came from this, and everyone is safe.

Yet I would never have thought this would happen so close to home. I am sure many of you reading this can relate on some level. Some of you may have similar stories, and if you do, please, know that I am standing in the gap for you. This twisted, nightmare-like fright results from God being banished from our schools. Other idols and gods have been allowed to set up residence. Baals, these false gods, have come for our children. And as this present darkness has settled in, people have become increasingly blind to it.

Now, any invitation or initiative to allow God’s Light into the many social systems and structures that once allowed Him free access, to be first and foremost in the classrooms and courthouses across this great land, has, for the most part, been rescinded.

But, my brothers and sisters, there is still hope for Christ to be restored to His rightful place in our land. As parents, pastors, leaders, and teachers, we must teach and raise the next generation of giant slayers to live full out for Christ.

Proverbs 22:6  instructs us, “Train up a child in the way he should go; and when he is old, he will not part from it.”

Psalm 33:12 tells us, “Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord, The people He has chosen as His own inheritance. “ This passage of scripture speaks of the covenant God made not with the United States but with the nation of Israel. However, America was established, likened to a blueprint of Israel. How? Judeo-Christian values founded America. Yet as a nation, much like Israel, how far we have strayed from God, His Word, and statues. In his “City on a Hill” speech, John Winthrop said:  “But if our hearts shall turn away, so that we will not obey, but shall be seduced, and worship and serve other gods, our pleasure and profits, and serve them…we shall surely perish.”

But if we adhere to the promise God gives to the nation of Israel, we will see the fruit of that promise in our lives. When we as a people submit to God, He watches and leads His people. In Deuteronomy 7:12-13, God gives this amazing promise to Moses and the entire nation of Israel.

“Then it shall come to pass, because you listen to these judgments, and keep and do them, that the Lord your God will keep with you the covenant and the mercy which He swore to your fathers. And He will love you and bless you and multiply you; He will also bless the fruit of your womb and the fruit of your land, your grain and your new wine and your oil, the increase of your cattle and the offspring of your flock, in the land of which He swore to your fathers to give you.”

Only through Jesus shall we share in that inheritance promised from the very beginning. Jesus is the fulfillment of the Law. And His Love sets us free from the Law. “For the law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made me free from the law of sin and death.” –Romans 8:2.

The blood of Jesus is the atonement for our sins. So to receive this forgiveness for our sins, we need to accept Jesus as Lord by acknowledging we are sinners, sincerely asking God for His forgiveness, and then living our lives submitted to Jesus. “Be fruitful,” says God. Live in abundance because Jesus has come to give you life and make it more abundant! “Then God blessed them, and God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it; have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over every living thing that moves on the earth.” –Genesis 1:28.

Take dominion of the land that God has given you. Take authority of your household and let the enemy know that the battle is the Lord’s and he, your enemy, is defeated! Raise up your children on the foundation of the gospel of Jesus Christ that they will go into these schools and proclaim that the Kingdom of God has come! Repent! and believe in the Good News!

The night that Jesus was betrayed, He spoke to His disciples and said, “I will no longer talk much with you, for the ruler of this world is coming, and he has nothing in Me.” –John 14:30.

Satan has no authority over Jesus because He is God’s Son, meaning that all authority has been given to Jesus by God the Father. “All things have been delivered to Me by My Father, and no one knows the Son except the Father. Nor does anyone know the Father except the Son, and the one to whom the Son wills to reveal Him.” –Matthew 11:27

So then, the invitations have been sent out, dear family. How will you respond? If you’ve already said yes to Jesus, continue to extend His invitation by sharing the Good News that Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. Remember, we are to deliver these invitations throughout the world. “I am the vine, you are the branches, He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing.” –John 15:5.

And if you are reading this, dear friend, and do not know Jesus as Lord, this is your invitation. Today is the day of salvation. Do not cast this moment away! This invitation is one you want to take advantage of. Ask Jesus for the forgiveness of your sins, then allow Him to wash them all away with His precious Blood. Ask Him to come into your heart and make His home in you. “As it is said, “Today, if you hear his voice, do not harden your hearts as in the rebellion.” –Hebrews 3:15.

Welcome to the wedding feast! Now, your seat is ready. Amen

Until Then…

MaryEllen Montville

“So pray to the Lord who is in charge of the harvest; ask him to send more workers into his fields.” –Matthew 9:38.

God alone knows the hour He will say to Jesus, His Son, “It’s time for You to bring Your Bride home. Now go—the house has been readied to receive her. My Father’s house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am. –John 14:2-3.

In Matthew 9:38, Jesus was speaking to His disciples. He asked them to pray for the physical solution to a great spiritual need. We would do well to imitate this principle.

Countless souls from every tribe and tongue, desperate for hope, healing, and deliverance. Lost and wandering, sheep in need of a Shephard. In need of those chosen by God to proclaim the Good News to “whosoever will.” You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you so that you might go and bear fruit—fruit that will last—and so that whatever you ask in my name the Father will give you. –John 15:16.

Jesus knew many were ready. “Ripe” to believe in Him, in the Good News of the radical Gospel of repentance and salvation He preached. From then on Jesus began to preach, “Repent of your sins and turn to God, for the Kingdom of Heaven is near.” –Matthew 4:17. The problem, if it can be called that, is that there was only one of Him. Only One who could deliver, save, heal and set free. One God-man standing amidst a sea of need.

Within Matthew, Chapter Nine, we read that Jesus healed a man who, some say, had been paralyzed since birth. Jesus also raised a young girl from the dead. Then, He called a new disciple. He restored the sight of not one but two blind men. Jesus healed a woman who, the Bible tells us, had been bleeding for twelve years. And immediately following all of this, and knowing the work ahead, the sheer number of those that will come to believe in Him as a result of the miracles He has and will do. Jesus knows the time is at hand for more “harvesters”  to be deployed. Those He will call, just as He did these disciples, to join them in their labors. And so, Jesus instructs His disciples to pray for those who are coming. Then He said to His disciples, “The harvest is [indeed] plentiful, but the workers are few. So pray to the Lord of the harvest to send out workers into His harvest.” –Matthew 9:37-38.

I tell you the truth, anyone who believes in me will do the same works I have done, and even greater works, because I am going to be with the Father. –John 14:12. Jesus is not suggesting that anyone He had or, by the power of the Holy Spirit, will call to Himself, ever could or will “outdo what He has done.” No. When Jesus spoke these words, He was speaking of sheer numbers. Quantity, not quality.

In His Sovereignty, God knew there would be an ever-greater need for those who would do what He was doing—had come to do. The will of His Father. To proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord to the captive—setting people free. The Spirit of the Lord is on Me, because He has anointed Me to preach good news to the poor. He has sent Me to proclaim liberty to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to release the oppressed, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor. –Luke 4:18-19.

Today, Beloved, we are blessed to have been chosen by God to do just that. Join Jesus in doing the will of our Father by proclaiming the acceptable year of the Lord to the captive.

We get to spread the Good News of salvation worldwide with the click of our mouse. Via a single podcast or television program. Modern technology enables us to reach more people with the Gospel daily than perhaps Jesus did in His three-year earthly ministry. And, while some today, by the power of the Holy Spirit, have been given the power and authority to heal the sick, cast out demons, lay hands on, and deliver a soul from oppressive spirits, not everyone who professes to be a believer will do any of one these. There are spiritual seasons. Seasons of grace in which the Holy Spirit moves in power according to the will of the Father.

God chooses to use us according to His will—think Jesus’s mother, Mary, here. Or Moses, Noah, David, and the Apostle Paul. Or that one God used just today to lay hands on that soul bound by addiction one moment and was freed the next.

The Apostles had power bestowed upon them by the Holy Spirit per the season for which they’d been called. Remember, the Church was nascent. And God was moving differently than He did say, in David’s day or ours. Now that is not to say we will not or cannot experience such an anointing or outpouring in our time—that is for God alone to decide. We must watch and wait and be ready should it happen.

Yet even if it should, we will never outdo the One who created and endowed us with His power and authority.

Beloved, only God knows when He will send my Lord to bring us Home, ushering in then, the great and final harvest, the end of this age. How blessed are we to have been chosen to be a part of it at all! An answer to prayer? When Jesus and His disciples prayed to the Father for workers. They weren’t just praying for the one who showed up after the amen; they were also praying for us. That God would send us out to gather in those He had sealed in Christ Jesus from before the foundation of the world—so that not one soul be missed. God has made us what we are, and in our union with Christ Jesus he has created us for a life of good deeds, which he has already prepared for us to do. –Ephesians 2:10.

 And so, Beloved, when Jesus returns, may He find us doing the will of our Father.

Dear friend, if you’ve read this far and what you’ve read makes no sense to you, please, take a moment, and ask Jesus to reveal its Truth to you. Invite Him into your life as Lord, repenting of your sins, and ask Him to give you new hope, new sight, a new life in Him! We don’t know when Jesus will return, only that He will. Please, be found ready when He does. “Then the kingdom of heaven shall be likened to ten virgins who took their lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom. Now five of them were wise, and five were foolish. Those who were foolish took their lamps and took no oil with them, but the wise took oil in their vessels with their lamps. But while the bridegroom was delayed, they all slumbered and slept. “And at midnight a cry was heard: ‘Behold, the bridegroom is coming; go out to meet him!’ Then all those virgins arose and trimmed their lamps. And the foolish said to the wise, ‘Give us some of your oil, for our lamps are going out.’ But the wise answered, saying, ‘No, lest there should not be enough for us and you; but go rather to those who sell, and buy for yourselves.’ And while they went to buy, the bridegroom came, and those who were ready went in with him to the wedding; and the door was shut. “Afterward the other virgins came also, saying, ‘Lord, Lord, open to us!’ But he answered and said, ‘Assuredly, I say to you, I do not know you.’ “Watch therefore, for you know neither the day nor the hour in which the Son of Man is coming. –Matthew 25:1-13.

Reset, Refocus.

Kendra Santilli

Entering a new year always comes with “the thrill of hope!” Yes! Just like in the Christmas carol.

It is only fitting as we just came out of the season of rejoicing in the advent of Jesus Christ and all that comes with it: joy, peace, love, and hope. The spirit of the season leaves us ripe with the hope of a fresh start. I mean, the natural succession of the Christmas season is the anticipation of new beginnings. They’re what Jesus came to do, after all. He came to give us a new name, a new start. He came to rewrite humanity’s story so that we could, once again, have a relationship with our Creator God, finally free from the spiritual bondage of sin.

At the beginning of every year, our church prepares for corporate fasting and prayer like many other churches worldwide. I felt at a standstill this time as I approached the fast, praying and searching for direction on what to pray. I felt the Spirit of God whisper to my heart, “get to know me.” It was a call to focus, once again, on Jesus. It was the gentle hand of the Father turning my head back toward Himself, knowing that I have all that I could ever need with Him.

If then you have been raised with Christ, seek the things that are above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth. For you have died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God. When Christ who is your life appears, then you also will appear with him in glory. – Colossians 3:1-4

Following Jesus is the furthest thing from a passive lifestyle. It is an active choice to live by faith in Jesus. Not only for our spiritual freedom but also for the freedom of others.

Yet somehow, it is easy to get comfortable with our freedom. We slip into autopilot when we realize that what we have feels good. The result is a slow leak of faith. We move from seeking God’s heart to fitting His heart into our agendas. We become so consumed with the cares of this life- work, school, home life, family, volunteer work- that we forget to leave space for the One who is the very source of that life. Even when we are doing things for Him, our God-given purpose can turn our worship and affection toward our “calling” or “purpose” rather than God Himself.

As a believer, do you worship, worship, or worship the One you should be worshipping? For the one who is searching. Do you worship your accomplishments, or have you encountered the One who gifted you with those things?

 Throughout the Bible, a consistent re-invitation is offered to find fulfillment by following the Lord. Still, as human nature has it, we revert to our comfortable rhythms and patterns. Yet one of the very defining characteristics of a believer is the death to self. Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has passed away, and see, the new has come! — 2 Corinthians 5:17

 But instead of living with eyes of faith that come with new life in Christ, we keep wearing blinders of complacency—doing what makes sense to our minds without ever considering His plan.

 Keeping our minds consumed with the things on earth shifts our hearts from heaven-focused to self-focused. Set your minds on things that are above. This is a daily discipline. How often do you think about the things of Heaven? Does God enter your thoughts regularly, or is He only considered after everything has taken place in your day, week, or month? Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will. —Romans 12:2.

We renew our minds by meditating on the Word of God and by checking our thoughts regularly. Yet reading and remembering are two different things. We must read and digest, digest and remember, remember and meditate. That is the practice of mindfulness. It is living on purpose, not passively. This year, would you join me in resetting your focus on Jesus? Let us turn our gaze from trivial things that rob us of our affection for Jesus and shift our focus back to Him! As we do, He refines us, making us new over and over again. This year, I invite you to find your renewed identity and purpose as you seek the Lord.

If you don’t know Jesus, ask Him to reveal Himself to you. He will renew your innermost being as you surrender your life to Him.


Kendra Santilli

How do you start a fire with ashes?

Seasons come, and seasons go. And often, it feels like we have nothing left to give. Nothing left to offer on the altar. Our spirit is consumed, burnt out. Our fire has slowly subsided, and we cannot reignite it. Thankfully, we serve a God who makes beauty from ashes. And it is His Spirit that can reignite the embers of our souls. I’m not sure why some seasons are ripe with passion while others feel like a drag, but one thing I know is that Jesus is the one constant through it all. Whether mountain-high or valley-low, our circumstances will quickly begin to inform our perspectives if we’re not diligent about keeping our fire burning.

The fire of the Holy Spirit makes us come alive. It is all-consuming. He is an indicator of our spiritual health. And while He may ignite feelings of passion and vigor, He is not in and of Himself, a feeling. The Holy Spirit is the Living presence of God inside of us. Just as God was the Flame that met Moses at the burning bush, He is also the Flame that meets us within our hearts.

“Let love be genuine. Abhor what is evil; hold fast to what is good. Love one another with brotherly affection. Outdo one another in showing honor. Do not be slothful in zeal, be fervent in spirit, serve the Lord. Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer. Contribute to the needs of the saints and seek to show hospitality.” –Romans 12:9-13.

“Be fervent in spirit.” In Latin, “fervent” comes from the word fervor, meaning “a boiling violent heat.” This language is clear. By the power of the Holy Spirit, it is possible to maintain a living boiling, “violent heat” within our hearts. Keeping our flame alive is not accomplished in ways that come naturally to the self-serving, self-absorbed human heart. It comes from total surrender to the Lord and His will, which is servitude. His heart is that the world may know Him, but it is also that He may have a relationship with His bride, who is His church.

Years ago, I felt myself slipping into laziness. I would have what seemed like an endless list of chores to be completed. I prayed that God would give me the energy to do what needed to be done in the mundane day-to-day tasks. In my prayer, He showed me two things: number one, I was giving in to laziness, and number two, I had the power to overcome laziness before it could overcome me. The word I got from the Lord during that prayer was this: whatever it is you don’t feel like doing, do it. I was expecting God to change my habits in a moment. I wanted Him to make me want to do all the chores and all the tasks. I was ready for Him to grant me my wish of instantly becoming a laundry lover. Instead, He reminded me that I also had a part to play in my prayers. I have never forgotten those words whispered to my spirit that day. I have carried them with me since.

You see, complacency leads to embers, not flames. When you don’t feel like showing up, it is when you need to show up. When you don’t feel like honoring the person you are doing life with, you need to show up and outdo them in showing honor. When you don’t feel like you have a fervent heart, you must go before the Lord and ask for a refill. Romans 12 is clear, serving the Lord will only ever increase your fervor.

find out what pleases the Lord. Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them… everything exposed by the light becomes visible—and everything that is illuminated becomes a light. This is why it is said: “Wake up, sleeper, rise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you.” –Ephesians 5:10-11; 13-14.

As we go about our lives, it is impossible to never be around nonbelievers. That is why it is of utmost importance to the believer that they stay close to the body of Christ. Our flame is kept alive there by the flame of the brother beside us. When we come to Jesus, His light exposes our wickedness. It makes us uncomfortable and causes us to live differently. Romans 12 doesn’t say to leave the people of God. It doesn’t say to stay around people who hate God. It instructs us that serving the saints (other believers) gives us life! Ask God for His Birdseye view when your circumstance seems to be guiding your perspective. If you feel hopeless, rejoice, knowing that you have hope even when you can’t feel it. If you’re suffering or facing tribulation, choose patience instead of complaining. Seek out the good instead of pointing out the bad. If you don’t feel like praying, pray anyway. If you don’t feel like serving, serve regardless. If you don’t feel like being hospitable, do it despite your feelings. Our faith is not based on emotions. It is to be laid down, an offering on the altar of our hearts for the Lord and others.

Of course, mentally, we must take time to reset and find our bearings, but we cannot live there. Complacency is a detrimental dwelling place for our souls. Reset and then press on!

Today, I pray that you are encouraged to find the flame that burns bright within your heart. If you feel down, I will echo the words in Ephesians 5:14. “Wake up, sleeper, rise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you.” I pray you find your zeal as you serve the Lord and His people and grow in generosity.

And if you read this today and said, this is me! I can relate to this. But have not asked Jesus to be Lord of your life. Then that is your starting block. The surest and only lasting way for the fire in your heart to begin burning brightly! “Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.” –John 14:6.


Matthew Bothelo

Blessings, my brothers, and sisters in the Lord; I pray God’s peace continues to pour over everyone who takes the time to read this teaching. May we all grow in His knowledge, and may His Holy Spirit bring wisdom to all who cry out for it. God is so worthy of all our praise!

So, before we get into this week’s teaching, permit me to share what has been stirring in my heart for a few months.    

Awaken oh my soul, awaken

The Lord helps me to be steadfast and ready

Awaken all these dormant gifts

Resurrect my soul for You

Awaken oh my soul, awaken

Refill my heart with only You

Refill my heart with new wine

Strengthen my bones

Strengthen my soul

Awaken oh my soul, awaken

For my Lord will save me in times of trouble

He is always for me. He alone goes before me

He shows me the path to take. He anoints my eyes and allows me to see

For He is victorious overall, He has laid waste the enemy

He alone reigns. I fall to my knees

For He is holy and righteous, our Lord will never fail

My soul cries out to the one I love

He has awakened me from the dead. He has resurrected me by His blood

He has strengthened my bones. He has saved my soul

He has awakened me. My soul is awakened

My Jesus has awakened me!

This word “awaken” has been stirring in my belly for many months. The Church that once was asleep is coming alive now. And the Light of the gospel will be preached in its sanctuaries. Those men of God Christ have appointed will not shrink back but will boldly preach in the name of our Lord, Jesus!

Indeed, friends, times are dark. And it can be hard to see clearly. Yet remember the reminder our Lord shared with the people during His Sermon on the Mount. “You are the light of the world. A city situated on a hill cannot be hidden. No one lights a lamp and puts it under a basket, but rather on a lampstand, and it gives light for all who are in the house. “In the same way, let your light shine before men so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father in heaven” –Matthew 5:14-16. As Christians, we have been set apart from the world. We are that light in our homes, in our places of work, and in our schools.

Our Lord Jesus has given us the great commission. He gave it to His disciples then, and He reminds us of it today! From the greatest to the least, we are appointed. “Then He said to them, “Go into the world and preach the gospel to the whole creation. Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned. And these signs will accompany those who believe: In My name, they will drive out demons; they will speak in new languages; they will pick up snakes; If they should drink anything deadly, it will never harm them; they will lay hands on the sick, and they will get well” –Mark 16:15b-18.

If you have a relationship with Jesus, know Him as your Lord and Savior; You are a new creation. Your sins have been forgiven. And you ought to be walking in a manner the world is not used to seeing.

We may live in this world, but we do not have to think the way this world would have us think. The Apostle Paul writes, “For if we have been joined with Him in the likeness of His death, we will certainly also be in the likeness of His resurrection. For we know that our old self was crucified with Him in order that sin’s dominion over the body may be abolished, so that we may no longer be enslaved to sin, since a person who has died is freed from sin’s claims” –Romans 6:5-7.

Many right now are walking into churches searching for answers, seeing if there really is hope, a Light that will shine bright. Their lives are seemingly endless, void of any light. Yet Jesus calls us to be that Light. This world is dark, my brothers and sisters, and it will only get darker. But God’s Word will remain—shining evermore brightly! Jesus has come for those who are blind and roaming around in the darkness. And as they place their faith in Him, they will see clearly!

Deception equals darkness. And today, one such deception leading many astray says being a “good person” somehow equals salvation. But Jesus asked, “Who is good?”

Firstly, salvation is found only in God’s Son. Every good work, then, is the fruit of your salvation. “I am the vine; you are the branches, the one who remains in Me and I in him produces much fruit, because you can do nothing without Me” –John 15:5. Just because you do good does not mean that you are good. Even an evil person can be nice to their own. But when it comes to someone else, they can be devious; their heart is not in the right place. God knows the heart, brothers, and sisters. The Holy Spirit is reminding many today that salvation does not come through their works. Instead, they must be awakened in their spirit and be firmly rooted in God’s Word. Without seeking God and knowing Him, they are still in darkness. To do God’s work, you must seek His will. We are called to partner and be in a relationship with our Lord.

Friends, the Holy Spirit has been reminding me of John 15:5, and so I’m reminding you. You have been called out, set apart to be God’s Light.

To remain where there is no light and life will only bring you spiritual stagnation and death. Do not let the ways of the world back you into a corner, intimidating you. Persecution will always be there for the believer. Jesus said, “Remember the word I spoke to you: a slave is not greater than his master. If they persecuted Me, they will persecute you. If they kept my word, they will also keep yours. The thief comes only to steal, kill, and destroy whispering and trying to remind you on who you once were. Jesus said, “I have come so that they may have life and have it in abundance.” –John 10:10.

God also gives us the peace and assurance to know that no matter how bad things may get, He is always with us. “The thief comes only to steal, kill, and destroy. I have come so that they may have life and have it in abundance” –John 10:10.

As I close dear friends, the Holy Spirit is revealing many other scriptures on this topic. If I were to continue, many of you would go cross-eyed, and my editor would have a thing or two to say to me later!

So instead, may God’s peace blanket your every negative thought, and His Word be sealed in your hearts. I look forward to our next meeting, God willing. And, if you’ve read this far, I pray this teaching is the confirmation you have been praying for.

And if you don’t know Jesus, have a real relationship with Him. Let this be the day our Lord Jesus calls you out of death into life. Declare that your sins are washed away by His precious blood. Do not harden your heart but be renewed in your mind and your spirit. Awaken to the freshness that is found in Jesus Christ alone. Amen. “Then Jesus spoke to them again: “I am the light of the world. Anyone who follows Me will never walk in the darkness but will have the light of life” –John 8:12.

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