"Come follow me and I will make you fishers of men." Matthew 4:19

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Safe in the Sieve. Amos 9:9

“For, look, I will command, and I will sift the house of Israel among all the nations, as grain is sifted in a sieve, yet not the least kernel will fall on the earth.”

I think I see you, poor believer, tossed about like that wheat, up and down, right and left, in the sieve, and in the air, never resting. Perhaps it is suggested to you, ‘God is very angry with me.’ No, the farmer is not angry with his wheat when he casts it up and down in the sieve, and neither is God angry with you; this you shall see one day when the light shall show that love ruled in all your griefs. (Spurgeon)

There is a swift pivot—a sharp shift that takes place precisely between verses 10 and 11 of Amos 9. One so clean the best of NBA players would envy it! Up until the first Words of verse 11, the Lord has spoken solely of destruction, devastation, and death. A complete and widespread destruction is  vividly portrayed within its opening verse concerning the destruction of the doorpost. “I saw the Lord standing beside the altar: and he said, Smite the capitals, that the thresholds may shake; and break them in pieces on the head of all of them; and I will slay the last of them with the sword: there shall not one of them flee away, and there shall not one of them escape “ Amos 9: 1. If the doorposts of a structure have been destroyed (often the strongest part of the house), then surely the rest of the house has fallen also.

This descriptive, systematic destruction will come upon all those who do not know and love the Lord; we witness it begin in the opening verse of Amos 9 and run, terrifyingly, throughout verse 10.

But it is verse 9 that caught my attention. This talk of sifting—and safety.

If you are even mildly spiritually discerning, then you know that there is a shaking going on in the earth. If you have somehow missed it, just read the world headlines or watch the world news. God’s Hands have firmly gripped the sieve and, He is shaking loose the chaff from the wheat. Separating some things.

A refining is occurring in the Body…

God is reminding His own not to take Him for granted. Not to presume upon His mercy and grace. To remain awe-struck and humble before the Sovereign God of the universe. He is reminding us to shake off our presumption and—dare I say, expectant attitudes—as well as our luke-warm-ness. Our spoiled-rotten chosen-ness—and all that comes along with them…

I am feeling this—in a very real and tangible way in my walk.

Though I am secure in my salvation— both knowing and being known by my Husband, I have felt—and am feeling still, the crushing of my most recent re-folding. I am once again being reshaped for His glory. I am acutely aware of the Lords fingers working out the unwanted—the harmful hard bits that I have allowed to accumulate in my vessel, bits that are not a part of His work in me. I can hear Him asking, as His fingers lovingly press against me, “Will you surrender to my reshaping?”

I must confess here that as much as I love my Husband, and I do, there are moments where my lovers’ touch rubs me the wrong way! Especially in those moments when I am thinking everything is “good between us—we’re coasting along just fine, thank you very much!” Then wham, that rub! Or should I say pinch! Whatever you want to call it, it is meant to get my attention. To snap me out of my rote-ness and refocus my full attention back on Him. That’s where I am right now. And, from what I hear from my brothers and sisters across the country, that is where so many of us are. As our Scripture states, and as Spurgeon so aptly described it—we are all being tossed about, to and fro! Take heart beloved, it is intentional! And, as unsettling, as confusing—painful, discouraging, as disappointing as this feels in the moment, unless there are some holes in your spiritual foundation that are causing you to doubt the Truth of your salvation in Christ Jesus, then this work that He is doing, His asking that you be submissive to His knowing touch is exactly what you need in this season. He is sifting you. And sifting is a very un-settling, un-comfortable business. Nonetheless, as I stated earlier, it is intentional. To say nothing of beneficial!

For some, Gods wanting to rid them of spiritual pride…

Anyone that the Lord has shown great favor, mercy, and grace towards will understand just how easily—if left unchecked, spiritual pride can grab hold of you. And, as with any lie we leave unchallenged—its whisper quickly turns into a roar that eventually drowns out the Truth the Holy One is pointing us towards. Anyone who has spent a consistent amount of time on the mountaintop has most likely battled with spiritual pride—to one degree or another. It is a very sobering moment however—both a shocking and deeply humbling experience, when the Lord allows you to get a glimpse of your ugly! When He shines His Light on your sin, revealing it for what it truly is!

For others however, porn is their sin—or drugs are, judgement, or sex outside of marriage, or gossiping, stealing, lying, idolatry, or adultery; sin is anything we know to be wrong, unpleasing to God, and yet we rebelliously continue in it. “As it is, you boast in your proud intentions. All such boasting is evil. Therefore, whoever knows the right thing to do, yet fails to do it, is guilty of sin” –James 4:16-17.

And though the lord is speaking of Israel to Amos, it is the Lords brother James who opens-up for us Jesus’ plan to include the gentiles into the community of Jewish believers during the meeting known as the Jerusalem Council. In Acts 15 we hear James, along with Peter, Paul, and Barnabas, making clear to those present, as well as to us, that the gentiles (all non-Jewish races) would also become part of the Kingdom under Messiah—they would be grafted in. “‘After this I will return and rebuild David’s fallen tent. Its ruins I will rebuild, and I will restore it, that the rest of mankind may seek the Lord, even all the Gentiles who bear my name, says the Lord, who does these things’—things known from long ago. –Acts 15:16-18.

If anyone is qualified to speak to us of the deep pain, shame, and exacting sting of their sins, it is the one who was so highly favored—yet so deeply flawed; our brother Peter. He speaks ardently to us of the confusion experienced during the dark nights of the soul that come along with wrestling with our sin—as well as with our sifting. He can also speak first-hand of the pitfalls of spiritual pride. And yet, because of all these, despite them perhaps, and more, he is also uniquely qualified to teach us valuable lessons in personal integrity, steadfastness, commitment, decisive leadership, and deep humility. It was on the heels of his profound revelation, in his answering of one simple question posed that Gods Truth is first revealed to a small band of dusty brothers who would swallow His Truth whole. First feeding themselves—then going to the ends of the earth to share it, like so many pieces of bread, with a lost and starving world. “Simon, Simon, behold, Satan demanded to have you, that he might sift you like wheat, but I have prayed for you that your faith may not fail; and when you have turned again, strengthen your brethren.”–Luke 22:31-32.

There is a swift pivot—a sharp shift that takes place precisely between verses 10 and 11 of Amos 9.

And beloved, it is in the cleft of these closing verses that the Lord speaks lovingly to His own. Sweet and comforting Words of reassurance, restoration, of His divine love, and Fatherly protection. Take heart brothers and sisters, though everything is shaking around you—though people and habits, jobs, and friends, and family, governments and systems are falling away. Though possessions and homes may be lost—lives even, God is on His Throne. And you, child of God, are safe and sound within His sieve…

“God’s Message: “Don’t let the wise brag of their wisdom. Don’t let heroes brag of their exploits. Don’t let the rich brag of their riches. If you brag, brag of this and this only: That you understand and know me. I’m God, and I act in loyal love. I do what’s right and set things right and fair, and delight in those who do the same things. These are my trademarks.” God’s Decree –Jeremiah 9:24.

Just as God the Father prayed for our brother Peter during his time in the sieve, so too He prayers for you beloved. Take heart and know that you are safe in the One who neither sleeps nor slumbers…

Beloved, continue to pray to the Lord of the harvest during these days of great trials—and great miracles! Keep watch over your house, hold tight to the everlasting Hand of God, and always, always, surrender to Gods sifting…

And friend, if you are here for the first time and have yet to meet Jesus face-to face, today is the day! God has you here to confirm in your heart Words/promptings He has shared with you. Won’t you say yes to Him today? Please give Him the seat of honor at the table of your heart…

Just invite Him in, He will do the rest…



From Position to Possessions. 2 Samuel 5:12

 “Then David knew that the Lord had established him as king over Israel and had exalted his kingdom for the sake of his people Israel.”

What had happened that caused David to know everything he’d been given, from position to possessions, had been given him that he might use it to bless others?

Who told him?

Did God whisper it in his ear?

Did he have a dream?

A divine revelation?

Perhaps it was an angel who had enlightened him?

Maybe he remembered Gods promise to Abraham: “And I will make of you a great nation, and I will bless you and make your name great, so that you will be a blessing”—Genesis 12:2.

Or, had the sudden favor and acceptance that had been recently bestowed upon him stir this knowing awaking it within him? Did it stretch the smallness of his vision of tending sheep for the rest of his life—opening him to grasp the vast favor and provision of the future palace? Making room within to fully embrace his  God-given destiny…

Understand that though I am using this text reach out to us, the modern church concerning our responsibility for giving, blessing, sharing, caring, defending, loving Gods people, for accepting all that God has for us, its literal application is intended for the nation of Israel.

David was an underdog. A ruddy kid who smelled of sheep and sweat and was treated as a hired-hand by his father and brothers. Scripture tells us that when the prophet Samuel showed up at David’s fathers house in search of the new king God had sent him there to anoint—David’s father didn’t even acknowledge David as his child until the prophet pressed him by asking if all his sons were present? Then Samuel said to Jesse, “Is that all of the young men?” Jesse replied, “There is still the youngest one, but he’s taking care of the flock.” Samuel said to Jesse, “Send and get him, for we cannot turn our attention to other things until he comes here.”—1 Samuel 16:11.

David wasn’t the kid who’d always had everything handed to him—Scripture will confirm this. Yet, Scripture also confirms that David had a deep and abiding love, some might call it a fierce and passionate love for the Lord God. We catch a tiny glimpse of this passionate devotion to God in his response to the Philistine giant Goliath’s taunting of the Israelite army (1 Samuel 17:26;45-47).David was a man after Gods own heart. And yet, anyone God blesses—any person He elevates into a position of leadership, will suddenly feel the exacting weight of the great privilege they’ve been afforded. We are not given the gifts and talents we’ve freely received, the jobs, homes, or resources, the time nor opportunities, for our benefit alone—rather, as with David, we are blessed by God that we’ll in-turn bless others. More accurately—we were blessed by God for that specific purpose. To be a blessing to others. Abundantly. There’s a Christian colloquialism for this Scriptural truth that states, “we’re blessed to be a blessing…”.

The modern Church is rich beyond measure. Even the smallest, poorest member of this Body is far richer than most folks’ wildest dreams! How you ask? Each member owns—if they know Jesus as their Lord and Savior, the Pearl of great Price. Christ Himself. And, in Him, they have the fullness of the Father and the Holy Spirit. Hence, they have been honored, entrusted to share His great treasure, the Gospel—with all men. Yet, as I stated, with privilege comes great responsibility. Said Scripturally; “…much will be demanded from everyone who has been given much, and from the one who has been entrusted with much, even more will be asked” –Luke 12:48.

Now that you know this you can never un-know it. Now, you are responsible to spend your riches wisely, lavishly! Riches that can neither tarnish nor rot. Riches no thief can steal from you nor, if prized, the one you share them with, and, no faulty economy will ever be able to diminish its value…

Our God is no respecter of persons.

As with David, so anyone whom the world rejects, considers to be the least of theirs, a throw-away. If they know Jesus as Lord they’ve  been entrusted, as David was, with unplumbed wealth, True wealth. A mind-boggling treasure has been entrusted to them as surely and fully as if they were David! A treasure given that it may be spread around like so many seeds. And, though this spreading of the Gospel is our greatest responsibility, we are also responsible for using wisely each resource we’ve been afforded. From our money to our time, talents, and service to others, we must aid in “feeding” all those who are hungry…

They didn’t even acknowledge David as one of their own—Yet God had chosen him to be the King of His people, Israel while he was faithfully, wholeheartedly, selflessly caring for his father’s sheep…

Has God placed you among sheep for this season?

Are you feeling forgotten? Are you alone in some overlooked field tending someone else’s resources? If so, praise God! You are being prepared for who and what God has coming your way! Little did David realize that he was a king in a shepherd boys’ clothes! “David will forever have a descendant sitting on the throne of Israel” –Jeremiah 33:17.

Perhaps you need to ask God to give you His vision? Ask to see yourself as He sees you…

David had served faithfully, joyfully, with little to call his own. His long, lonely nights in the field, his father’s cold indifference, his brothers’ disdain and disregard, and his father’s sheep his constant companions. Yet David served them each faithfully. Giving all that he had to protect and defend them. And God was watching. We judge by outward appearances. God judges our hearts. God had placed David on the throne for the sake of His people and that His covenant promise to David would be fulfilled in the person of the coming Messiah, Jesus Christ. “And your house and your kingdom shall be established forever before you. Your throne shall be established forever” –2 Samuel 7:16.

Yet, God sent a man of prominence to David specifically to bless him. To ensure that all David’s needs were more than taken care of! That he had surplus—an overflow. “Now Hiram king of Tyre sent envoys to David, along with cedar logs and carpenters and stonemasons, and they built a palace for David”—vs. 12, 2 Samuel 5.

David had been faithful with little. Now God was about to bless that faithfulness and fulfill His good purpose…

Our Scripture tells us that David knew that God had established him and blessed him. Yet, is it possible that the reason David’s knowing didn’t kick in until after his palace was completed is due to the fact that he’d had so little for so long? Did it take seeing the completed palace before he fully “knew” all that had been spoken over him, promised him, was now finally coming to pass? Had all those days of lack caused a deep chasm of fear to develop within him? Momentarily placing his faith just beyond his reach? Had David—like so many of us—incorrectly believed that God was certainly able to bless anyone He chose. Abundantly. Lavishly even—just not him? Not me— and certainly not you! That kind of blessing belonged to others. After-all we, like David, have witnessed it all our lives. Others being richly favored that is. Others living in overflow. But not us. Never us. We live among the sheep, our cloaks wrapped tightly around us—as protection. Heads down, serving where we’ve been placed, blessing those whom we meet—giving to all that are in need, grateful to God for this tiny square of earth, this room, apartment, house, gift, talent, dollar, job we’ve been afforded. Yet hoping, always hoping, that we’ll be next…

Or, was there a more practical reason for David’s “knowing”? Was it merely a clue into the mindset of his time and culture? “Put your outdoor work in order and get your fields ready; after that, build your house” –Psalm 24:27. David had this first part down. He’d tended and looked after. Built-up and cared for. Multiplied for the good of His father, for others. He ‘d been a good steward. Now, it was time to build his own house. Let those that have ears hear…

Let us never forget that it was God who blessed David just as surely as it was God who gave David both the heart and desire to bless all those his life touched. Even if it cost him the palace. All that we have is a gift from God. David knew this. He knew nothing was his own.Freely it has all been given, so freely give all. Lavishly…

“But King David said to Araunah, No, but I will buy it of you for a price. I will not offer burnt offerings to the Lord my God of that which costs me nothing. So David bought the threshing floor and the oxen for fifty shekels of silver” –2 Samuel 24:24.

Brothers and sisters know that our Father has many blessings stored up for you. Be on the look out for The One who is coming to deliver them…

If you are here today and have not yet asked Jesus into your life as Lord and Savior, today is the day, now the time! Soon and very soon He’ll come—bringing with Him His reward. Are you ready to receive Him?


“Nontransferable. Matthew 25:1-13.

 “At that time the kingdom of heaven will be like ten virgins who took their lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom. Five of them were foolish and five were wise. The foolish ones took their lamps but did not take any oil with them. The wise ones, however, took oil in jars along with their lamps. The bridegroom was a long time in coming, and they all became drowsy and fell asleep. “At midnight the cry rang out: ‘Here’s the bridegroom! Come out to meet him..!’

I could start by sharing with you the cultural traditions of the eastern wedding. How it is the groom whom usually assumes full responsibility for the wedding cost in Oriental weddings and not the bride’s father, as in western culture. How it is the bridegroom, and not the bride, who is customarily the center of attention. I could tell you that normally the bridegroom comes for his bride in the early evening—usually around dusk. And, that before him a herald is sent to announce his arrival at the bride’s home where she and her attendants are awaiting his arrival. But I’m not a learned student of eastern customs. And, you might easily obtain this information for yourself—If you’re interested…

I’d rather share what grabbed my attention as I read the opening verses of Matthew 25 entitled, “The Parable of the Ten Virgins.” More, I know this is what I’m supposed to share.

Actually, there were several points that jumped out at me. Oil, sleep, and relationship…

Yet it was the first that grabbed hold of me and would not let me go. The oil. The mention of oil was the first of the three things that caught my attention. One of three things that all ten of these virgins had in common. They each had oil—at least a measure of it. But I’m getting ahead of myself. I had started my reading in Matthew, Chapter 24. As I continued reading on it became clear to me in Chapter 25 that a chapter division had been unnecessary. Chapter 25 is a continuation of Jesus’ conversation concerning the Coming of The Kingdom of God found throughout Chapter 24 which closes with Him talking about “The destruction of the temple and signs of the end times” and goes into “The day and hour of the coming of the Son of Man”. Then Jesus continues with this theme of the coming Kingdom straight into the parable of the ten virgins in the opening verses of Chapter 25.

But back to what caught me: the oil. Typically, in Scripture, when we hear about oil being used it is referring to the Holy Spirit. Such as when it was used to anoint prophets, priests, and kings (Exodus 28:41; Leviticus 8:12; 1 Samuel 16:13). So why was oil so prevalent in this parable? What was Jesus trying to get us to see? And what did this oil reference have to do with the Holy Spirit and our ten virgins?

The second thing that caught my attention was that both the wise and foolish virgins had fallen asleep…

So if it isn’t the oil nor their mutual falling asleep that made some wise and the rest foolish, what then is Jesus trying to get us to see?

This led me to the third piece of the parable that had caught my attention; their relationships with the person of the Holy Spirit—the oil. More specifically—evidence of an intimate knowledge of Him, a connectedness. Not all had a reserve of oil. But I digress…

If they each knew Him equally wouldn’t they each be equally wise? Similarly, if they each had an unremarkable knowledge of Him—wouldn’t they each be equally foolish? Again, in my desire to understand why some were foolish and some wise, my focus was drawn to their relationship with Him. One that would either prove itself genuine and lasting or one that would burn out over time.  A gift to each of them for sure, this relationship—this common grace. Yet, in order for this very personal gift to burn brightly throughout unexpected delays, before others, throughout trials and persecution, throughout life’s ups and downs, it will require an unbreakable connection to The Source. It must be held tightly, cherished beyond all else. Never given up. Certainly not shared (Matthew 13:44-45).

The five wise virgins had reserves of oil that the five foolish did not. Each had the Holy Spirit, knew Him but, to varying degrees. Hence—the point of the parable; in order to be invited to the wedding we must be “family”, we must have a personal relationship with the bridegroom. Simply hanging around those that are related will never suffice…

Due to the bridegrooms delay the foolish virgins ran out of oil. They had nothing to rekindle their lamps once the initial oil they had with them had been burned up. They had no reserves of their own to draw from. Nothing with which to replenish their lamps. Nothing to rekindle the sputtering, flickering flame of their dying light. And, as a result, they had to leave their counterparts behind and go out in search of more oil.

Unlike our faith in God, we cannot “give-away” (like some piece of bread, some drink) the portion of the Holy Spirit the Father has entrusted to us. What we have has been apportioned to us exclusively. Again, as with our faith, those we touch may benefit—reap the fruits of this unfathomable gift we’ve been afford—but it is not ours to give them. We did nothing to get it, to earn it, hence, it isn’t ours to give away. As with everything else in our lives He—our inward reserve, is a Gift from God. We may share Him, yes. We must! Give Him away, never! His inexhaustible reserve has been placed within us by the Father. This first deposit we’ve been afforded, is to be prized above all else. It is because of our relationship with Him—in Him, because of His choosing of us, that we have the reserve needed to see us through the long night of His delay.

Those five whose lamps sputtered out—whose light died, symbolize those in this world who have a superficial, shallow knowledge of God. They have the same general touch of His Spirit as the rest of the world—the very same common grace. (Nahum 1:3; Psalm 145:9; Psalm 81:11-12; Matthew 5:45b). They run to Him in times of trouble seeking relief from their trials. They open His Word searching for clues that might help them escape their current circumstance—ease their guilt, sooth their grieving hearts, rescue them from their sense of disconnection and isolation. Yet they are not willing to bow before the Lord in humility—confessing both their sin, as well as their deep need of Him in their lives. They do not wish to drink deeply of persecution—they want no part of sharing in His suffering, of dying to self and the things of this world. They have fallen prey to the lie that a little faith, a casual glance at the Bible, a toe-in-the water of faith, will go a long way. That their knowledge of God, of church protocol, their involvement in a ministry, their gift-giving, will get them into heaven.

After all, they’re good people—church people. They “believe” in God—mostly. These unwise souls are people who want to make a partial commitment to God. They’ll try to compromise any way they can. Believing Him in pieces they can easily swallow but never in full bites that need some serious chewing! They refuse to take God in as a whole—unconditionally. They refuse to allow Him to change their actions, never mind their hearts. Having a bit of Jesus will never suffice. That’s what Jesus is saying in verses 11-12. It’s why he clearly says to the foolish maidens, “Truly, I say to you, I do not know you.”  We cannot hide who we are or are not, from a God who has numbered the very hairs on our heads.

“…for you know very well that the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night. While people are saying, “Peace and safety,” destruction will come on them suddenly, as labor pains on a pregnant woman, and they will not escape” –1 Thessalonians 5:2-3.

“Therefore keep watch, because you do not know the day or the hour” –Matthew 25:13.

To the wise brothers and sisters, I urge you to keep a close watch over your souls. Guard with your very lives this most precious gift that has been entrusted to you. Holding tight to the knowledge that He who began a good work in you is faithful to carry it out to completion until the day of Christ Jesus. And, to you who have not committed your life to Jesus, now is the time. Today the day. The time of testing the waters is past. A little bit of Jesus will never be enough! I urge you today to ask Christ Jesus into your life as Lord and Savior! We don’t know if we’ll have tomorrow. 

“At midnight the cry rang out: ‘Here’s the bridegroom! Come out to meet him” Matthew 25: 6!





Convergence. Mark 5: 29-30

 Immediately her flow of blood was dried up; and she felt in her body [and knew without any doubt] that she was healed of her suffering. Immediately Jesus, recognizing in Himself that power had gone out from Him, turned around in the crowd and asked, “Who touched My clothes?”


More blood. Another day of isolation and sameness. Would it ever stop?

Have you ever felt this way? Is there something “bleeding” in your life?

It was just another day in the village. The sun had risen as it always had—and with it, her never-ending flow of blood. This was her morning; every day. For years—12 to be exact. The sun rose, and the blood flowed. “But one day Lord, I know you will heal my body, I just know you will.” She had whispered this little prayer every morning, hopefully. Trying to believe that at any moment it would happen—her healing that is. She offered it up, this silent pray, as she scattered the morning grain to those hungry hens that gathered unfailingly the moment they heard her footsteps. She had no idea however, that this day, unlike all the others, would usher in the end of her long years of suffering. No idea it would afford her what all the money she’d spent in vain never could. What no doctors visit ever did. She had no idea that every wet-eyed midnight plea, every sunlit prayer was about to be answered…

“She had suffered a great deal under the care of many doctors and had spent all she had, yet instead of getting better she grew worse” –vs.26.

The sudden commotion in the village was her first clue. The air was abuzz with a myriad of babbling voices. A large crowd was forming near the edge of the nearby lake. At its center, Jairus, leader of the synagogue. And with him some stranger whom Jairus seemed to be pleading with. She didn’t know who this stranger was. She didn’t recognize the One who held her healing. The One to whom her silent prayers ascended, day after day. She didn’t know that before she was even born this very second had been ordained. And, as a result, life as she had known it these past 12 years would be changed forever…

As I read this account of the unnamed woman with the issue of blood, I was struck by the “suddenly” of her healing. Of her encountering Jesus. Of how every single detail concerning that divine moment had to have lined up perfectly in order that she be healed and set free by days end. I was reminded of exactly how involved God is in every detail, every second of our lives—and, how unaware we can be of Him. How we have the propensity to wander through our days robotically, excepting whatever comes our way at face value—life becomes just another day of unremitting bleeding. Like lemmings, we follow rote days that turn into rote weeks that become rote years of living minus any sense of genuine expectancy that at any moment, God may show up suddenly—changing everything!  Just as He did for our unnamed woman. Just as He did for me. Just as He does for so many of His “unnamed” children.

God is moved when our faith, no matter how small, is put into action. Suddenly, He shows up and, as a result, nothing is ever the same…

At once Jesus realized that power had gone out from him. He turned around in the crowd and asked, “Who touched my clothes” –vs. 30?

Scripture makes it clear that our unnamed woman had never met Jesus—she’d only heard tell of this man who performed many miracles. It struck me that though she’d not met Him, she most certainly had a measure of faith. Otherwise, why would Jesus have said that her faith had healed her? Some might argue here that she had nothing to lose. That she’d lost everything, had been ostracized long enough, suffered long enough, that it all finally culminated into her running out into the crowd chasing after the One she’d heard the others tell stories of. That faith was not the motivating force behind her dash towards Jesus, rather it was sheer desperation that drove her towards Him that fateful day…

Even so, who’s to say that Jesus won’t use our moments of desperation? Won’t allow our weaknesses, fears, and failures—our illnesses and insecurities, our fractured families and relationships, those moments of sheer exasperation that cause us to crack, to serve His good pleasure? Use them to break up the fallow ground of our hearts, preparing them to fully receive Him? Who says He won’t allow “our bleeding” to be used both to water and to cultivate our tiny seeds of fragile embryonic faith?

Anyone who’s received their salvation later in life—possibly after years of having lived life on their own terms, will, I believe understand this …

Perchance this is what happened to the woman with the issue of blood?

It could be she needed to spend every dime she had, see every doctor that was available, spend countless nights in fear and burdened with worry before she would cry out to God in complete surrender. Some folks need to come to the end of themselves before they’ll humble themselves before Jesus. And too, God will allow us to do things our own way—even if our way isn’t beneficial to us. I liken this to a willful child determined to do things their own way. Loving parents will try to guide them—direct their child towards a path that will benefit their future. Yet, in their rebellious determination to do things their own way, the child runs recklessly headlong on their chosen path of self-destruction. Often getting hurt, losing money, friends, jobs, and precious years of their lives in the process. Ask anyone whose struggled with addiction, they’ll tell you…

Is this where we find our woman with the issue of blood? Is she at the end of herself—her money, patients, and precious time spent stubbornly chasing after a healing that has consistently eluded her?

Has she, like so many of us, exhausted herself through relentless self-sufficiency? Much like the hamster on his proverbial wheel?

Or, did she, like many who’ve been “bleeding”, want nothing more than to taste normalcy and acceptance once again? Hope to be included once again? Become a functioning member of their family, neighborhood, community once again. Join in again. Being rid, finally, and completely, of what has held them captive—isolating them for far too long. Was she instead proving to each of us what true faith in the face of continuous adversity looks like? Was she showing us that even an anemic, isolated faith can muster the strength necessary to push past everything in its way when empowered by the Holy Spirit? Allowing it thus to be led to the place where desperation, desire, and destiny converge. Where the plans to prosper and not to harm finally see the Light of day? “If I just touch his clothes, I will be healed” –Mark 5: 22.

On behalf of every person who is weak from years of “bleeding” I believe, and Scripture certainly appears to favor that it’s this later scenario, rather than the former, that enabled this woman to come to the only One who had destined to meet her at this particular shore at this particular time.  To allow His virtue to flow into her the moment she allowed herself to go low—to push past everything that had prohibited her to press forward until now. To exchange her un-cleanness and shame—her isolation and pain, for His love, recognition, and healing. The old covenant replaced by the New. By her willingness to drag the ground if need be, the woman with the issue of blood was able to finally stand tall. She was healed. Freed. At peace. There’s a paradox that’s proved in this healing: it wasn’t simply touching Jesus’ garment that healed this woman. It was, according to Jesus’ own Words, her touch of “faith that had freed her and made her whole” –Mark 5:34.

If this is you today my brother or sister, if something in your life is “bleeding”, has caused you to become weakened; whether physically or psychological; If depression or addiction, fear or cutting or drugs, sex or porn has held you captive far too long, then please, I beseech you, take a page from this woman’s playbook. Run after Jesus in faith believing—regardless of those things or people that surround you. Allow your desperation to converge with the wooing of the Holy Spirit so that you too might touch the only One who can make you whole…

And friend, if you’ve yet to ask Jesus into your life—if you’ve yet to meet Him, today is your day! He has led you hear that you too might reach out in faith believing and be made whole in Him. Won’t you stretch out your hand in faith today?






Doubts. Luke 7:19

 “John called two of his disciples and sent them to the Lord, saying, “Are You the Expected One (the Messiah), or should we look for someone else?”


Nothing was turning out as John the Baptist had hoped. He had some questions…

He has been imprisoned by Herod Antipas. Roman reign is still as exacting as August’s humidity despite all the good that this Jesus was doing. And, more, Jesus—his relative, the one he once pointed towards and declared to be, “the Lamb of God” has yet to deliver their people from their enemies. How could this mild man who instructs all those who follow him to, “love their enemies” be their long-awaited Messiah? He is no David. No mighty warrior. And where is his army? How does he plan on crushing Rome and freeing his people?

John’s discouragement has blinded him to the Truth he’s recognized since he was in his mother’s womb. A Truth that had wooed him into the Judean wilderness then, inescapably, to the banks of the murky waters of the Jordan where he’d baptize his people—and Jesus.

He has done everything he knows to do and yet nothing has changed…

Have you ever felt like that?

Have you ever waited and waited for Jesus to move in a specific way in your life; all-the-while nothing is happening the way you expected it would? You place check mark after check mark on your proverbial calendar—marking the passing of days so similar that if not for the big red checks next to each—you wouldn’t be able to distinguish one from the other. Vanilla days that run into vanilla nights—day after day after day. Rather than moving forward, you feel as though you’ve gone backward! Your feelings of discouragement—disillusionment, and frustration are as near to you as the air of your next breath. Take heart beloved, you’re in good company…

This man John was exactly that—a mere man. Fragile. Sinful. One minute on fire the next wrestling with his doubts. We forget that. After all, he was John the Baptist. Yet, his deep questioning, his wresting with his faith reveals a certain fragile humanity to us. This same one who would later humbly confess that he wasn’t even worthy to untie the straps of Jesus’ sandals though a prophet, and Jesus’ forerunner, was nonetheless a man like you and me. Though he avowed that he must decrease that Jesus may increase—nevertheless, he was a man. Bold in his doubt. He too had the same sinful predispositions as you and I. He faced the same temptations. He too lost patience, and he, like us, acted inappropriately at times also. Yet, this reverential mere-man is the one to whom the honor of recognizing Jesus as Messiah was given!

But God chose what is foolish in the world to shame the wise; God chose what is weak in the world to shame the strong; God chose what is low and despised in the world, even things that are not, to bring to nothing things that are, so that no human being  might boast in the presence of God” 1 Corinthians 1:27-29.

Yet despite all of this, John had momentarily lost sight of who this Jesus truly is. Something that’s easier to do than we’d care to admit. It is for me at least. If I take my eyes off Him for too long, wham, I’m underwater! We who follow and serve our Lord often have the propensity to take ourselves a bit too seriously…

In reading Luke’s biblical account, it’s obvious Johns disciples had told him all about Jesus having healed a Roman Centurions valued slave, saving him from near death. And, then, how He did in fact raise a widow’s dead son back to life in the village of Nain. Add this knowledge—these miracles, to everything else John had seen and heard tell of Jesus and one must wonder if Johns question wasn’t meant to force Jesus into declaring publicly what John himself believed, yet wanted assurance of; is Jesus Israel’s Messiah? John appears to have lost sight momentary, of this sure knowledge, a fixed Truth he had openly professed not so long ago… “Then John gave this testimony: “I saw the Spirit come down from heaven as a dove and remain on him. And I myself did not know him, but the one who sent me to baptize with water told me, ‘The man on whom you see the Spirit come down and remain is the one who will baptize with the Holy Spirit.’ I have seen and I testify that this is God’s Chosen One” –John 1:32-34.

John had openly testified that this Jesus he’d baptized—this same one he’d declared to be the Lamb of God is in fact, God’s Chosen One. Israel’s Messiah. Yet, even in his knowing, disillusionment had momentarily stolen this truth from him. Sound familiar? Have you, like John, become so disillusioned with how Jesus has chosen to move in your life or circumstances, or, in the events of the world in which we live, that you’re trying to force Jesus’ hand? Are you trying to spur Jesus along too, challenging Him to “show Himself? Are you trying to force Him to move as you think He should? Expected He would?

Johns provocative question concerning Jesus’ being Israels Messiah is in essence saying, “if you don’t do things the way I believe they should be done, then I think I may have to start looking toward someone else, following after another.”  Things just weren’t lining up for John. Jesus was not acting anything like what John anticipated a warring deliver should. From the onset of his ministry he’d been proclaiming Jesus would come in judgement of the world—bringing fire with Him. Yet this Jesus spoke mostly of forgiveness and love. John didn’t realize that this judgement would in fact come later on–at Jesus’ Second Coming. For now, Jesus was here to offer the world salvation. John had quickly forgotten the prophecies of the Old Testament. He’d forgotten Jesus couldn’t announce Himself as their Messiah. Only the Spirit of God could make that pronouncement —not flesh and blood. Jesus’ works and Words would do the testifying as to who He was. These would be His proofs… “If I am not doing the works of My Father, then do not believe Me. But if I am doing them, even though you do not believe Me, believe the works themselves, so that you may know and understand that the Father is in Me, and I am in the Father” — John 10:37-38.

We must remember that, as it was with John so too it is with you and I…

The most devout among us is a mere man. And, at any moment we will fall to our fears and doubts if we aren’t watchful. We mustn’t allow ourselves to become blinded by what we know to be right or true.  Rather, we must keep our eyes fixed on the One with whom God declared He was well pleased. Jesus, the author, and finisher of our faith. When we, like John, allow ourselves to become disillusioned and disappointed, blinded to the Truth of who Jesus is—and who we are in Him, when we confuse feelings, and opinions  with faith, and, it will happen somewhere in our walk with Him, then we too will question His Truth living inside of us. On that day may He have the same great mercy and compassion He showed towards John on us—on me.  May God always send us a messenger, One who will re-mind us of all that He has done in our lives. “So he replied to the messengers, “Go back and report to John what you have seen and heard: The blind receive sight, the lame walk, those who have leprosy are cleansed, the deaf hear, the dead are raised, and the good news is proclaimed to the poor” –Luke 7:22.

In plain speak, “Johns been momentarily blinded. Go, remind him of what He already knows.  And, remind Him too of the blessing that comes to those who are faithful until the end—despite their challenges, disappointments, and set-backs.”

“Blessed is anyone who does not stumble on account of me” –Luke 7:23.

I have been sent today to remind you beloved brothers and sisters of what it is you already know. Trust Gods ways and His timing. They don’t have to make sense to you. You are Gods chosen. He has not forgotten you. He sees you and is on His way. Hang on just a little longer. You’re not forgotten. Gods got you! Look up, look up, your time is at hand…

And friend, if you’re here today and have yet to ask Jesus into your heart as Lord and Savior, then I’m believing that today is day God has ordained for that to happen! Won’t you ask Jesus to come into your life as Lord and Savior? Confess your need for Him; your sins to him. He is faithful and waiting for you…








Don’t Be A Drifter. Hebrews 10:29

 “But we’re not quitters who lose out. Oh, no! We’ll stay with it and survive, trusting all the way.”

Adrift is just that—adrift. You’re not lost.  Wake up! And be righted…

While the storm was raging all around him, Jonah was asleep. Above him, on deck, a prayer meeting was in full swing. Every pagan god was being called upon to stop the raging storm that threatened to kill them all. Yet Jonah, a child of the Most High God, slept on. Oblivious to the danger that surrounded both himself and everyone on board that ship…

Such a danger is swirling around our world today. Such a storm is brewing now my brothers and sisters!

An alarm  has gone off in heaven. A clarion call has gone out.  Here is what I heard in the Spirit: Wake-up, wake-up, says the God of Angel Armies. Wipe the sleep from your eyes and darn your battle gear. A war is raging all about you. The enemy of your soul is waging a full-on assault that he might devour souls as the locust devour field and leaf. Blood is flowing and will soon reach the bridle. Prepare says the Lord of Angel Armies, heed the alarm heaven has sent to awaken those that are asleep. Time is short.

Sleeping Christian, there is much work to be done! We, like Peter, John, and James before us have all fallen asleep. Some of us more soundly than others. I don’t say this to condemn, who am I? I say this instead to convict as I was convicted. I place myself at the forefront of those who have drifted off. There are times when your whole soul seems on fire. If anybody had spoken of you then, they would have said, “What a fine man that is! What love he has for Christ! What concern for the souls of men! He ought to be sent forth as a missionary at once.” Wait till you see him asleep! He can sleep very soundly! In fact, he is as great at sleeping as at waking. He can descend into depths of stupidity and indifference as naturally as he just now rose into heights of fervor and enthusiasm. Yes, there are many such, and I would say to any brothers and sisters who are conscious of a propensity in that direction—is it not high time that you, that I, that any, that all of us should awake out of sleep? —Charles Spurgeon

God asked each of us, called each of us, as He did our brothers before us—to follow Him and complete a specific task. And we did, follow that is, joyfully! We started out strong—we started off awe-struck and in earnest, wanting nothing more than to give all that we had—everything that we are, to the One we love. The One who invited us to follow Him. To be His witnesses to these key moments; these intimate moments where human vulnerability is eternally overcome by divine will. Yet somehow, we’ve drifted. And now, we’re being called to wake up and right ourselves! Remove the sleep that blinds our eyes to our sin as well as to the needs of those God has placed before us.

As it was in the garden, so it is on the battlefield. Jesus has crushed the serpent and reigns victorious—this day. Yet, we’re called to fight a war that has already been won. And, to fight it even unto our deaths. Just as surely as we’ve been called to work out a salvation that we’ve freely received—one that also demands our death. But, what a privilege to have been chosen to be a soldier in the army of our God! To be entrusted with being used to go—under the cover of the Holy Spirit, into enemy territory snatching souls from the grip of the one who is intent on their destruction! A great responsibility has been entrusted to us—we were born for such a time as this. For such a battle.

Is it any wonder then, that to faithfully serve our God in this battle we first must be fully alert?

How can we hear the voice of God—His instructions for us, if we’re half asleep? How will we know His plan if we’re not fully engaged with Him? If we’ve allowed the cares of this world—complacency, insensitivity, detachment, schisms, selfish pursuits, to have robbed us of our ability to justly do battle with our true enemy, and not the soul which stands before us wounded, bloodied, and in need of God?

But I digress, an alarm has been sounded in heaven!

A Clarion call has gone forth! (A very clear message or instruction about what action is needed; a shrill alarm issued from a trumpet used in war)

Those of us that have drifted off must wake up! We must right our course towards the grounding shore once again. The hand of God is shaking each of His children from their comfortable slumber. Vigilance is in order. We whose fervor has waned must pray and seek God. Souls are on the line. We have been chosen and appointed for such a time as this. As surely as Peter, James, and John were chosen to follow Jesus into the garden. It’s why the accident didn’t kill us. Why your mom walked out of the abortion clinic. Why we were delivered from drugs—booze—sex—porn—and all those chains that had us in bondage. It’s why the beatings didn’t kill you—the disease didn’t ravage your body. It’s why you’ve never fit in—you weren’t created to.

Warriors were created for the battlefields—not to hang out in the mall. You were carefully crafted for such a time as this. Deliberately placed exactly where you are for Gods greater purpose. You’ve heard it said, “God doesn’t make mistakes.” Trust that in due time you will understand in full what you now only understand in part.

Yet, above all else that I’ve shared here today, my purpose is to share with you this sense of urgency I feel in my Spirit. To rouse you from your nap! Wake up dear brother! Shake the sleep from your tired mind my sister! Don’t fall asleep! Though you’re weary from pressing forward—your arms tired from the constant resistance you meet daily, right yourself! Wipe the sleep from your eyes and fix them towards the shore. You’ve been saved that you might be used to save another. That’s not something you can do if you’ve drifted off yourself. Be re-minded of whose you are—now. You were not created to shrink back. You were created as a vessel. Sturdy. Steadfast. Leak-proof. A vessel designed to secure the safe passage of others…

“And this word, Yet once more, signifieth the removing of those things that are shaken, as of things that are made, that those things which cannot be shaken may remain” Hebrews 12:27.

There are outgoing lines of life that bind us not only with some men, but, in fact, with all humanity, so that if we did but know it, the thought of one brain, the utterance of one mouth, the movement of one pair of hands does in its measure influence the whole human race to some degree and will do so till time shall be no more. –Charles Spurgeon

Friend, if you’ve read through this message know that God has a purpose and a plan for your life. If you’ve not yet invited Jesus into your heart as Lord and Savior today is the day! Take a moment  and ask Jesus into your heart. You need Him, and He wants to be with you. Why wait? We’re not promised another opportunity…


“Stay Low.” 1 Peter 5:6-7

 Humble yourselves, therefore, under God’s mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time. Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you”.

“The Christian ideal has not been tried and found wanting. It has been found difficult; and left untried”. G.K. Chesterton

Peter was addressing the elders responsible for overseeing and instructing the believers and new converts. He instructs them to be earnest in their undertaking— to lead from a place of genuine love and care for those God had entrusted to them. He admonishes them not to lord their position of authority over any of these. Basically, don’t take advantage of the least of these in any way. Neither were they to carry out this sacred calling hoping to make a buck—looking for some “opportune” opening to fleece the flock and line their proverbial pockets. He was also admonishing both the new believer as well as the elder to be submissive one toward another—humble. Reminding them that pride comes before destruction… “Be shepherds of God’s flock that is under your care, watching over them—not because you must, but because you are willing, as God wants you to be; not pursuing dishonest gain, but eager to serve; not lording it over those entrusted to you, but being examples to the flock” –1 Peter 5:2-3.

Perhaps this admonition was born from Peter’s own failures to do this very thing. Staying low—being humble?

Not that Peter ever stole from those he led. Nor did he lead them from a place other than a heart of genuine love and sacrificial service. Scripture certainly attest to this. He didn’t take advantage of his flock—rather, like his Master, he gave his life leading them towards the One he willingly died for. There was however a moment in Peter’s early walk with God that pride was a like, “a stone in his shoe”. Something that hindered his walk with God. Pride had caused Peter to sin. To deny knowing the One he left everything for—the One he undoubtedly loved above all else.

Peter was speaking from experience to all those gathered. It’s what added meat to the bones of his words. Making them so believable—so easy to receive.

G.K. Chesterton, a writer and lay-theologian, best known for his fictional character, Father Brown, was once asked, “what’s wrong with the world?” He bypassed the answers the author of said article thought surely would be tops on his list of probable responses: Flourishing wickedness, corrupt politicians, crime, unjust laws, or warring nations. Rather than any of these, Chesterton gave the reporter a simple two-word answer that left him slack-jawed! “I am”.

I am responsible…

Peter had learned what Chesterton had professed. And, he had learned it the hard way. Pride had caused him to fall. And it was a hard fall indeed. Peter was well acquainted with the undeserved grace of God. He knew first-hand of the power of Love and forgiveness, of unearned mercy. When they had finished eating, Jesus said to Simon Peter, “Simon son of John, do you love me more than these?” “Yes, Lord,” he said, “you know that I love you. “Jesus said, “Feed my lambs.” Again Jesus said, “Simon son of John, do you love me?” He answered, “Yes, Lord, you know that I love you.” Jesus said, “Take care of my sheep.” The third time he said to him, “Simon son of John, do you love me? Peter was hurt because Jesus asked him the third time, “Do you love me?” He said, “Lord, you know all things; you know that I love you.” Jesus said, “Feed my sheep” John 21:15-17.

Peter knew, in the depths of his soul, that whatever authority he and these elders had, had been given them as a gift from God; as was everything else they had. Even unto their very breath. It is from this place of being intimately acquainted with humility that Peter can offer-up these kernels of hard-won wisdom to the elders, to us. Leading them and us towards this realization that like himself, we each, will one day have to give an account of our service, our very lives, to Jesus.

It is as we walk in subjection to Him who is meek and lowly in heart that we can appreciate the preciousness of that grace which He gives to the humble. Pride is a barrier to all spiritual progress.

Being acquainted with this Truth, like any good dad, Peter poured out Truth after Truth into those that he loved—spiritual children entrusted to his care. Instructing them to: 1.) Remain humble. Don’t let the favor of God on your life allow you to get all puffed up. Seek God first. All else will come. 2.) Do all that you do from a pure and loving heart. Do it out of obedience to the One who has called you into His service. 3.) Don’t lord your position over those that have been entrusted to your care. Remember as quickly as the Lord gives, He too will take away. 4.) Guard your heart. You have an enemy that is always looking for a way to take you out. Even if that means taking out one that’s been given to you in order that he wound you to gain access into you. 5.) Repent quickly. Don’t give your enemy a crack in which to slither into. Humble yourself before God. He is faithful to forgive those who repent with a sincere heart. And the lessons went on and on until he had finished his race.

Peter, likening himself an equal to those he’d been entrusted with, faithfully fed them spiritual food that they’d  be made strong in the Lord and the power of His might. And, that they, you, and I, might remember his instructions on responsibility, submission, and humility in our hour of testing;when Satan asks to sift us. Peter knew that hour would come for us all. You can almost hear this “fisher of men” reminding us to stay low. To trust God only. Telling us that Jesus will lift us up in due season, if we’ll but humble ourselves under His Mighty hand. We are to take the lowly place of unquestioning submission to the will of God now, knowing on the authority of His Word that in the day of manifestation He will take note of all we have endured for His name’s sake, and He will then give abundant reward.

Friend, This Word came to examine me first. Causing me to bow low before the One who knows my tomorrow. Won’t you ask Him to search your heart and if He reveals anything within it that is not of Him—humble yourself, and repent. Confident that He is a good Father who is faithful to forgive.

And if you’re here today and have not asked Jesus into your heart—do it now. Don’t let another hour pass. Ask Him to forgive those sins you know are there—and those you are not aware of. He is faithful to forgive you—if, you’ll humble yourself before Him and ask sincerely…

Exposed. Genesis 2:25

 “And the man and his wife were both naked and were not ashamed or embarrassed.”

So why do we lie? Cover-up? What makes us so afraid of being truthful? It’s not the way we were created—so what happened to us? Why the need for the fig leaves…?

The deepest of all mysteries is the origin of evil. Explain sin, and you explain everything. –MacLaren

Today’s teaching was inspired after reading an article on transparency within our primary relationships. At its core, the article asked this pointed question: Is it ever OK to hide anything from those we love? Principally, is it okay to lie? It pointed out that even the most pious among us have lied or still do. It went on to address the often-irrevocable damage that we do to our relationships when we lie. When complete transparency is not our fixed default, our knee-jerk reaction is to lie. We’ll hide what we’ve said or done in the hopes of escaping the consequences we know will surely follow our actions—or lack thereof.  Ask any husband or wife that’s missed their anniversary or their spouse’s birthday, they’ll confirm this.

This article addressed the stress experienced—the amount of energy spent in “hiding” our deceptions…

From not wanting our significant other to have access to our cellphones or computers because of the unacceptable content or conversations found within them, to some secret from our past we’re ashamed to show, or, it’s something we’ve done more recently and are afraid to own up to it. Afraid of the consequence owning it may bring to our doorstep. Our lie is born when we say one thing, feasibly with the best of intentions, yet we do another. Over time our inconsistent behavior erodes others ability to trust us. The article concluded that whatever our hiding might look like, deceit of any kind, in any relationship, will at best test the relationships permanency and, at its worst—will end it. Broken trust often leads to feelings of betrayal, anger, hurt, fear, and, confusion. This article pointed the reader towards a variety of reasons about why peoples lie: these reasons ranged from fear of rejection, to insecurity, anger, and entitlement issues, to narcissism, inferiority, right on down to unresolved early childhood trauma.

That’s how the world chooses to frame our lies…

It leaves us an out—a reason or reasons why we do what we do. And, sometimes, those reasons appear valid, sometimes, even kind. Yet, the article wasn’t asking if each of the potential “whys” it offered were valid. The article was forcing me to answer a fundamental question, “is it ever okay to lie?”

Conversely, as I pondered this question, it led me to think about my relationship with God. Have I ever lied to God? Sadly, my answer was yes. I’ve treated God’s trust in me as casually as I’ve treated that of others. How grateful I am for His Blood!

Adam and Eve understand how I feel. Of this I’m certain…

We’re told in His Word that God is all-knowing. We hear this attribute referred to as His being Omniscient. Psalm 44:21 informs us that God knows, “the secrets of our hearts”. So much for our hiding anything from God. From men maybe, never from God. He knows what we’re going to think before we ever think it—never mind before we do the thing! He knows the intentions of our hearts. So why would we want to? Hide anything from God I mean. What deludes us into thinking that we can? I have to wonder if Adam and Eve knew this about God? About His being Omniscient? After all, they shared a loving relationship with Him. Walked and talked with Him daily in the garden. So, you’d think they knew this about Him. And, if they did—why lie to Him? Why hide themselves? Why play the blame game? Why use something He had created and called good to cover-up those lies—their shame? Why tell God, “You’re not allowed to check our cellphones. Look through our pics— laptops, into our bank accounts? Why tell God, I trust you but. I give you my life except. Whatever label the world may attach to our rationale for lying—for blaming others or trying to cover-up our stuff—the Word of God calls it what it is, sin. Plain and simple. We can try to dress it up—but at its core it’s sin that causes us to lie.

We choose to lie—we’re not forced to…

“Did God really say?” That one question seemingly changed our destiny. Yet, God used the enemies lie, in part, that His Truth might be revealed to the world. God is Sovereign. He can use anyone or anything He so chooses to carry out His will. Does that mean it is right or good to lie? Emphatically, no. Does it then mean that God is a liar or capable of lying? Again, emphatically, no. It’s not in God’s character to lie. God is Immutable; therefore, He has never, nor will He ever be able to lie. However, being Omniscient, God knew that our first parents would not only lie about their sin—He also knew that they’d try to cover them up. That they’d avoid taking responsibility for what they’d done by playing the blame game. And, ultimately, that they’d try to pin their sin not only on each other but more, on God Himself! “The man said, “The woman you put here with me—she gave me some fruit from the tree, and I ate it.” Then the Lord God said to the woman, “What is this you have done?” The woman said, “The serpent deceived me, and I ate” Genesis 3: 11-13.

Among the various “reasons” listed in the article about why peoples lie, pride never made the list. Wanting to be like God never made the list. Wanting to be the captain of our own ship never made the list. “For God knows that when you eat from it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.” When the woman saw that the fruit of the tree was good for food and pleasing to the eye, and also desirable for gaining wisdom, she took some and ate it. She also gave some to her husband, who was with her, and he ate it” –Genesis 3:5-6. Only a brief time before this both the man and his wife were naked together in the garden and they were unashamed—untainted. The moment they chose to disobey what God had commanded them and listen instead to what the crafty serpent had to say, they recognized they were standing bare before each other. In an instant, their nakedness was no longer a natural state for them and they ran to stitch leaves together to cover themselves up. “Then the eyes of both of them were opened, and they realized they were naked; so they sewed fig leaves together and made coverings for themselves” –Genesis 3:7.

Isn’t this what we do when we’re aware of our wrong doing being exposed? We try to avoid taking responsibility for our lies too…

Unless we decide in our hearts to follow God, His Laws and precepts—regardless the cost, we, like those mentioned in the article I read, will always run towards the “reasons” why we did a thing. We’ll forever run towards our justifications for betraying a loved one—breaking a heart, destroying a friendship—a marriage, ruining a partnership, obliterating trust, rather than learning to simply run towards the Truth; to just plain own up. We’ll never get to the place in ourselves—with God, where we’ll place greater worth on valuing other over self, on integrity, transparency, or building relationship, over self-preservation, momentary gain, and lying. We who claim to be followers of Christ are responsible for following Jesus’s lead in obeying Gods Laws. Did we forget that He didn’t come to destroy one iota of the Law, rather to fulfill it?

Adam and Eve walked with God and had no idea they were naked until the moment a lie was told. They were innocent. Suddenly, their eyes were opened, as was their awareness that they needed to cover-up. Deceit will always open our eyes to everything but the Truth. And guilt will send us running for fig leaves—quick fixes to help escape consequence. Only God covers us with what is lasting and pure, with Jesus, He that was intended from the foundation of the world to be the only acceptable place one should hide… “The Lord God made garments of skin for Adam and his wife and clothed them” Genesis 3:21.

Friend, if you are here today the Holy Spirit of God called you here. He loves you and wants to open your eyes to His Truth. Only He can do this for you. You’ve come this far—please, ask Jesus into your heart now, while it’s still today. “For it is by grace you have been saved through faith, and this not from yourselves; it is the gift of God, not by works, so that no one can boast. For we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance as our way of life” –Ephesians 2:8-10.

Painting with Broad Strokes. Genesis 12:1

 ‘Now [in Haran] the Lord had said to Abram, “Go away from your country, And from your relatives And from your father’s house, To the land which I will show you…”


God is not bound to offer us details. We are in His service—He, by no means, is in ours…

Hebrews Chapter 11 is often referred to as the “Hall of Faith”. Within it are listed 16 names of the faith-filled men and women of God. Number 4 on this list is Abraham. He’s a descendant of Noah’s son, Shem. We know him as Sarah’s husband—the father of Isaac and Jacob. More, we know him as a man of unmovable faith…

We first hear of Abraham at the close of Genesis Chapter 11. Only he isn’t called Abraham (“father of a multitude”)—yet. That will come later—along with his new identity. For now, he’s Abram (“high father”) …

Abram is one of Terah’s three sons. For reasons Moses doesn’t explain, Terah, after the death of his son Haran, decided to move his family to Canaan. And again, for reasons undisclosed to us in Scripture, they all settled in Harran rather than in Canaan. It is here in Harran that God instructs Abram to leave everything and everyone behind and head off to a land he’ll be shown—somewhere down the line. And He does. Notice God’s instructions to Abram were both fixed, yet fluid. God seldom makes known His Truth to us all at once. Rather, He reveals it one glimpse behind the veil at a time. As we faithfully obey His wooing—the next step in our faith walk is revealed. God’s plan for our lives is unfolding gradually. It’s a progressive revelation. “The plans of the LORD stand firm forever, the purposes of His heart through all generations” –Psalm 33:11.

Abram obeyed Gods call to pick up and leave. Later in Abrams story, we’ll see God give Abram a new name—and with it, a new identity. “I promise that you will be the father of many nations. That’s why I now change your name from Abram to Abraham” –Genesis 17: 4-5. Later still, God tests Abraham’s loyalty. He asks Abraham to give back to Him the one thing Abraham has waited—literally, a lifetime for; this promised, beloved son. Nonetheless, at God’s command, Abraham takes his son, the son in whom the seed of promise for all future generations rests, and heads up to the top of the mountainous region known as Moriah or, more commonly, Mount Moriah. There, at the Lords biding, he ties Isaac up and lays him on the altar of sacrifice. He pulls out a dagger, hefts it up that he might plunge it deep into his beloved son—bringing an end to both Gods promise and Isaac’s life. Even so, Abraham was faith-filled. He obeyed believing deeply that if God allowed him to take his sons life—God would also bring Isaac back to life. God had made him a promise. More—a blood covenant. “This is my covenant, which ye shall keep, between me and you and thy seed after thee: every male among you shall be circumcised. And ye shall be circumcised in the flesh of your foreskin; and it shall be a token of a covenant betwixt me and you”—Genesis 17:10-11.

As I stated earlier, God’s instructions to Abraham were both fixed yet fluid.

Fixed in that God had always known exactly what He would do with Abraham and, exactly how Abraham would respond. Fluid in that, for Abraham’s part, he would have to step unseeingly, obediently, and then wait on Gods timing for his next step of faith. And then step and wait again. And again. Trusting always in this God He just knew would neither disappoint—nor fail him. Ever. Though Abraham certainly saw specific glimpses come to pass of the picture of Gods promise spoken over him—there was no way Abraham could have known that the brush strokes God was using to paint this picture would be carried out with such broad strokes. Strokes that would be added by Moses and David, by Rahab, Gideon, and Samson. “All these died in faith [guided and sustained by it], without receiving the [tangible fulfillment of God’s] promises, only having seen (anticipated) them and having welcomed them from a distance and having acknowledged that they were strangers and exiles on the earth” –Hebrews 11:13. A picture made clear—made perfect and complete, in Jesus only.

Yet, God is still developing—defining, through You and me, this same canvas He started with Abraham…

Just as Abraham was obedient to the call of God on his life—to the “leave and cleave” command, down to the, “use what’s in your hand” of Moses, and on to the, “follow me” heard by Peter, we too, you and I, must also be faith-full. They—these first fruits of the faith, were called forth to pave the path you and I have the great privilege to walk along today.  We get to follow their examples, by faith, adding our own colors to this canvas called the plan of God. We, each, ordinary men, and women, made extraordinary by the power of the One who called them—and us, out of darkness and into His glorious Light. Everyday people like Abraham and Moses and David and Peter, and you, and I, all who dare to believe God. And, like them, we too may never see our picture completed. No man is promised this.

God is not bound to offer us details. It’s not about us. We, like Abraham, and so many others that have gone before us, may never know, this side of heaven, the why’s and what-for’s of Gods call on our lives.

Why were we asked to let go or to hang on? Why did our child die, or our spouse walk out? What was the fruit of our purpose? Why did we receive the diagnosis that reached out and snatched the very air from our lungs? Why, after we did what we know God asked us to do, is everything falling apart? Why was it our child who became addicted?

Why did it have to happen to us…?

To say that we, like Abraham, may never know until that day we see Jesus face to face may feel cruel—harsh, or simply unfair. But, dear heart, it may be nonetheless true.  It was for Abraham. Yet, if we, like those spoken of in Hebrews 11 will just believe, as outlandish as being asked to have faith may sound considering your circumstances, believe that God does have a plan—that all of this seeming random insanity, this apparent chaos, serves a greater purpose; that God will use it, all of it, every scrap, to make something beautiful, rich and unfathomably rewarding come to pass in our lives—if, we’ll just believe…

The joy of following Jesus isn’t found in the details. It’s found in the broad strokes—in the leaps of faith, both great and small. It’s found living in peace beside the chaos, or, around the corner from confusion. It’s living right next door to disappointment and failure and thriving—despite the neighborhood. The joy of following Jesus that the fathers of the faith held on to is found in the blunt Truth that they didn’t deserve Him. We don’t either; and yet, He chose us and gave us this measure of faith necessary to believe for just one more day, and then one more day… “Now faith is the assurance (title deed, confirmation) of things hoped for (divinely guaranteed), and the evidence of things not seen [the conviction of their reality—faith comprehends as fact what cannot be experienced by the physical senses]. For by this [kind of] faith the [a]men of old gained [divine] approval. By faith [that is, with an inherent trust and enduring confidence in the power, wisdom and goodness of God] we understand that the worlds (universe, ages) were framed and created [formed, put in order, and equipped for their intended purpose] by the word of God, so that what is seen was not made out of things which are visible” Hebrews 11:1-3.

Hang in there beloved. God didn’t fail Abraham and He won’t fail you either. He can’t. If He commanded you to do it, He will equip you to complete it…

Trust God. Abraham did. And it was credited to Him as righteousness…

You’re not here by accident friend. If you’re a believer, then pray, ask the Lord what it is He’s calling you towards? Or, ask what it is He may be leading you away from? What’s He asking you to leave behind that you might follow Him more closely?

And, if you’ve not yet met this Living God who ever leads us towards our best life, then now is the time. Today is your day. Take the step. Ask Jesus to come into your life and lead you too. Go ahead, ask Him. He’s been waiting to answer you. It’s why He led you here…

 “For I know the plans and thoughts that I have for you,’ says the Lord, ‘plans for peace and well-being and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope. Then you will call on Me and you will come and pray to Me, and I will hear [your voice] and I will listen to you. Then [with a deep longing] you will seek Me and require Me [as a vital necessity] and [you will] find Me when you search for Me with all your heart.  I will be found by you,’ says the Lord, ‘and I will restore your fortunes and I will [free you and] gather you from all the nations and from all the places where I have driven you,’ says the Lord, ‘and I will bring you back to the place from where I sent you into exile”’ Jeremiah 29: 11-14.


Fixed Obedience.. John 21:15

 “‘So when they had finished breakfast, Jesus said to Simon Peter, “Simon, son of John, do you love Me more than these [others do—with total commitment and devotion]?'”

Luke 14:25-34 clearly lays out Jesus’ unadorned, blunt definition of what being His disciple entails—at least in part. Bottom line—it’s sacrificial at its core. That’s not so surprising when we consider that we, His disciples, are the students of a sacrificial King. It would rightly follow then, that we too would be expected to sacrifice…

There is a moment after the worship has ended and the sermon’s been preached when emotions are running high. In researching Luke 14, it became clear that Jesus was actually thinning out the throng of would be applicants. He knew many were following on feet fueled strictly by emotion. Folks consciences have perhaps been pricked—they’ve been stirred. Moments later they are on their way to the altar saying yes to Jesus. Yes, I’ll follow you. Yes, I’ll do whatever it is you ask of me. Yes.

They say yes having no clue what saying yes to Jesus will actually cost them.

They failed to read the fine print on their application for discipleship. Often they are simply following  their feelings, or, equally, they’re blindly following another’s lead. They’d gotten caught up, as so many do, in the emotion and awe of seeing miracles performed—seeing friends and loved ones healed and, they wanted some of that for themselves. Who can blame them? Wouldn’t you want a healing if you or your wife, child, brother or sister, mother were sick? Yet, Jesus knew anyone who came after Him fueled solely by emotion would eventually die on the battlefield. Mortally wounded in the inevitable war waged against their pseudo-faith. “Examine yourselves to see whether you are in the faith; test yourselves. Do you not realize that Christ Jesus is in you—unless, of course, you fail the test?” 1 Corinthians 13:5.

Speaking the Truth in love He tells them this:

Here’s what it’s going to cost you to follow me; I demand your complete allegiance—your undivided loyalty. For some, following me will split your family, marriage, relationships in two. For others, not so much. Yet, even among those “not so much” there will still be moments when what I’ve asked you to do, where I’ve asked you to go, will not line up with the hopes, dreams, plans, or desires of those who love you. Those who think they know best. They will demand you follow their ways and not mine. Whose voice will you follow then? See here’s the thing, if it’s not mine, then it’s best you just stay in your seat. I get it, I do. I understand emotions better than anyone—I created them. Lived with them just as you do. But, hear me, they can’t be trusted and, they can get you killed. I know that’s hard for you to understand right now, your sight is limited to the here and now—this moment only. In that, I have a great advantage seeing your end as well as your beginning. Nonetheless, I assure you it isn’t your time—yet. Trust me and live another day. I am not finished with you. Trust my timing…

Some in that crowd had ears that heard and they decided in their hearts that, come what may, they would do whatever this Jesus asked of them. Most however, turned away. And, as foretold, over time their great swells of emotion ebbed, and life returned to normal. Even so, Jesus knew the few He had spoken to. He knows His sheep will hear His voice and follow Him anywhere He leads them…

Being a just God however, everyone must be equally informed of the cost of loving Him. Hence the Law and the Prophets. The cost of saying yes to Him—of dying that they may live. Of giving all away that they might have all that really matters. That they may not be found as a half-finished work, a mere shell of a building. A Shell constructed by one who builds with their emotions in the one hand and their lack of knowledge—gnosis, in the other.One lacking a sure foundation and the strength necessary to weather the storms. Ours is not a low-cost, low-risk endeavor. Rather, being a disciple of Jesus, having faith in Him, is an all-in adventure. But make no mistake, there will be perilous moments along the way.  “‘Many will say to Me on that day [when I judge them], ‘Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, and driven out demons in Your name, and done many miracles in Your name?’ And then I will declare to them publicly, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me [you are banished from My presence], you who act wickedly [disregarding My commands]’ Matthew 7:22-23

Jesus will always have those that are willingly to follow Him from a safe distance. Crosses are not easy to carry, and flesh-piercing nails don’t play! Following this Jesus will cost you your life. A small price to pay for gaining your life…

If this the first time your hearing this little lamb—I know, it’s shocking—but I love you too much to leave you ignorant. More, Jesus loves you so much He made sure I wrote this. He also made sure you were here today to read it. See, He didn’t want you to take one more step in your pseudo-faith, go one more day, without knowing; “the Truth the whole Truth and nothing but the Truth.” Why? He has a plan for your life. And, He’s about to move in it. You have heard His voice. He has singled you out of the crowd of emotional followers. He has called you to be a true believer—a disciple. It’s why you’re struggling right now. “My son, do not make light of the Lord’s discipline, or lose heart when He rebukes you. For the Lord disciplines the one He loves, and He chastises everyone He receives as a son.” Endure suffering as discipline; God is treating you as sons. For what son is not disciplined by his father..? Hebrews 12:5-7. Take heart beloved, your application has been Hand selected—the job of disciple is yours. If, you’ll pick up your cross and follow wherever He may lead.

He’s got you! Just do as He asks. Do all that He asks. And, continue to follow Him. If you’re thinking to yourself, “I don’t deserve this” you’re absolutely spot on.  No one deserves this unfathomable honor! However, you’re in good company. Neither David or Peter or Paul. Neither did Abraham, Noah or Rehab the prostitute. None of them believed they deserved Jesus either. And yet…

Peter will vouch for me on this.

I believe the reason the Holy Spirit led me to our Scripture verse rather than one taken from Luke 14 is because of the lesson we witness in its reading. Peter, hand-chosen by God, is being restored to ministry. Peter, this legend of the faith—this vessel of divine revelation, this courageous father of the faith chosen to help birth God’s Church fell—and he fell hard. After having his great revelation of who Jesus was, after having walked and talked and eaten and lived with Him for three years, after having witnessed His miracles, after having performing miracles of his own—Peter not only denied knowing Jesus three times; He ran off and abandoned Him during His final hours on earth!

Peter left Jesus high and dry all-the-while Jesus was dripping the Blood that had saved Peter.  Then he began to call down curses, and he swore to them, “I don’t know the man!” Immediately a rooster crowed. Then Peter remembered the word Jesus had spoken: “Before the rooster crows, you will disown me three times.” And he went outside and wept bitterly. Matthew 26:74-75.

Failure does not mean your finished. More, that God is finished with you. Three times Peter denied knowing Christ. And three times Christ in turn asked Peter, “do you love me.” Agape love that is. Greek for unconditional love. Jesus was using these final moments with His friend to both restore Peter and to teach him. Unbeknownst to Peter however, Jesus was stretching him for the weight of the ministry he was about to walk into. And, if one’s ear is keen they’ll hear Jesus’ prophetic Word spoken over their life as well. Restoration is coming!

From this moment in Scripture on, until he was martyred for Christ’s sake, Peter followed after the example of fixed obedience set in place by His Lord…

Yet, God saw fit to use the whole of Peter’s earthly life to extract every last drop of promise He had placed in him. God used his every sin, his betrayal, lies, every moment he’d displayed lack of faith; God used to crush Peters flesh that He would extract from him the pure oil that He had placed within Him.  His restoration completed in Christ, Peter finally heard, “Well done, good and faithful servant. You have been faithful and trustworthy over a little, I will put you in charge of many things; share in the joy of your master” –Matthew 25:23-24.

Be encouraged today my friend. Fix your eyes on the Author and Finisher of your faith. Fix your heart on Jesus. Allow Him to remove your dross. Every sin of rebellion, unbelief, idolatry, every impurity that remains in you. And, let no man, job, wife, child, desire, or dream deter you from putting Jesus first—above all else. Those in the crowd were followers Jesus however was speaking to His disciples. Let those who have ears hear. “A large crowd was following Jesus. He turned around and said to them, “If you want to be my disciple, you must, by comparison, hate everyone else—your father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters—yes, even your own life. Otherwise, you cannot be my disciple. And if you do not carry your own cross and follow me, you cannot be my disciple” –Luke 14:25-27. Emphasis my own.

Friend whether you’re here for the first time or the tenth time, it’s no accident. Jesus is speaking to you. What is it He’s asking you to turn from, to let go of, that you might fully turn towards Him? Ask, and He will be faithful to show you—that is, if He hasn’t already. And, if you’re here today and have not yet accepted Christ, now is the time. Today is the day. Jesus is calling you. Won’t you answer His call?

The answer to this one question will change your life. “…do you love Me more than these [others do—with total commitment and devotion]?


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