“But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light. Once you were not a people, but now you are the people of God; once you had not received mercy, but now you have received mercy” –1 Peter 2:9.
The header to this passage is titled: “The Living Stone and a Chosen People” and something to single out, purely from fascination, is that the author of this epistle, Peter (Greek) or Cephas (Aramaic), was renamed by Jesus Christ—his name both meaning “stone” or “rock” (John 1:42). Right out the gate, Peter points to his intended audience, to God’s elect, exiles scattered throughout (1 Peter 1). For background and setting, under the governance of Emperor Nero, a great fire broke out in Rome destroying much of the city. The fire’s rage lasted approximately three days destroying homes, many of Rome’s religious elements, and ultimately devastating the Roman culture. Many died and those that survived the fire were left homeless, resentful, and hopeless. Emperor Nero’s scapegoat to blame for the fire were the Christians, who were already hated for their association with Jews, their growing influence, and their hostility towards the Roman culture. As Nero spread the word of this, with the pretext that Christians were the cause of the fire, vicious Christian persecution escalated, causing many to spread throughout the provinces of Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia, and Bithynia (1 Peter 1). The apostle Peter penned this epistle to his intended audience, suffering Christians, to provide them with spiritual strengthening. Throughout Peter’s letter, he outlines several things.
To scattered, persecuted Christians, Peter exhorts steadfastness in the face of persecution and holy, virtuous conduct before unbelievers. He gives special importance to the body of believers in that they’ve been purified through acceptance of God’s truth and that they are God’s chosen or elect people, a comforting reminder to persecuted Christians. In this letter, Peter is reminding Christians that there is purpose in suffering for righteousness with the knowledge of their future victory and heavenly inheritance. Moreover, perseverance and unremoved joy, amid trials, is what God expects from His people and is the revealer of the genuineness of a believer’s faith. Christians have Jesus Christ as the model for how to respond when the world rejects and persecutes them. Peter’s counsel to the body of Christ then, remains applicable for Christians today and we ought to be refreshed by the revelation of what it means to be “God’s elect” as Peter penned in this opening letter.
It is a wonderful, astonishing revelation to be called God’s special possession, royal, chosen and consecrated for God’s unique purpose(s) – in that we “may declare the praises of our God who called us out of darkness into his wonderful light” –1 Peter 2:10. Peter calls out the distinguishing marks of God’s people that separate us from the world (1 Peter 2:9-12).
Believers are a Chosen People:
Peter calls believers a chosen people. In the King James Version, the term peculiar is used instead—a “peculiar people” and, in 1 Peter 2:9, the original Greek meaning for peculiar describes someone or something as being private property. It can also mean exclusivity, belonging solely to a particular person. Today, one can interpret Peter’s verse to mean that believers are odd, peculiar people, however, we should consider this verse as referring to believers as those belonging to God; we are His special possessions. In the Old Testament, Israel was mentioned and described as a nation chosen by God (see Exodus 19:5-6, Isaiah 43:20-21, Deuteronomy 4:20; 7:6; 14:2). I love that Peter uses Old Testament terminology to describe the people of Israel and then applies that same connection to all believers. Just as Israel is God’s chosen people, the church stands as God’s chosen people too, a new branch grafted in. We must consider that we are chosen not because we are elevated higher in comparison to others, rather we are considered chosen solely because of God’s unmerited favor: “For he chose us in him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in his sight. In love, he predestined us to be adopted as his sons through Jesus Christ, in accordance with his pleasure and will – to the praise of his glorious grace, which he has freely given us in the One he loves” –Ephesians 1:4-6. God does not choose people based on their giftedness, talents, or intelligence even. That said, regardless of our giftings, what unites all those chosen by God is that awesome responsibility of adhering to His instructions, being a light in this world, holding steadfast to God’s promises, and modeling to this world the fruitfulness that comes from following God (Exodus 19:5-6). To be chosen by God is not only a privilege given us via His incredible grace, but it’s also a blessing to be used when partnered with His Holy Spirit to help convey His glory. It remains astonishing to me that God chooses to partner with us!
As believers, we are connected to the cornerstone, Christ—chosen by God to receive his salvation. When Peter wrote this, Christians were being persecuted. Peter reminds them that they are a chosen people. In today’s climate, persecution (hostility, ill-treatment, violence) towards Christians exists in various forms too, and so what Peter reminded the persecuted Christians in AD 60-67 should serve as both a refresher and reminder to all Christians today as well. Just as Jesus Christ was “rejected by humans but chosen by God” (1 Peter 2:4), you also have to bear in mind that when man rejects you, it’s God who’s chosen you! We are in this world, but not of this world. History has proven that suffering is not new to the Christian who chooses God’s kingdom over culture – but take heart! God has already overcome the world and your citizenship is in heaven! And another marker that distinguishes the people of God is that they are a royal priesthood—a holy nation.
Believers are a Royal Priesthood and a Holy Nation…
Peter calls believers a royal priesthood and a holy nation. Once again, Peter uses Old Testament terminology to describe Israel’s priests, applying it now to all believers. In the Old Testament, the priesthood had the sole privilege of offering the sacrifice and approaching God in the temple. The priests were the only ones that could enter the Holy of Holies (a special room where God’s sacred presence dwelled) but thanks be to God, because of Jesus’ sacrifice, we no longer have that blockade—that veil that separated us from God, removed now in Jesus’s obedience to the Father. Instead, we can go boldly now before the Father. We have accessibility to His presence, and, as royal priests, we are united with Christ! Romans 8:17 states that “we are heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ” – we are therefore set apart for Christ in this world. As a royal priesthood, we have been entrusted with the same authority as Christ gave his disciples (Matthew 28:18). As priests, we can intercede in prayer on behalf of others and we fight spiritually, armored, to trample against the strongholds of the enemy (Matthew 16:18, Ephesians 6). Also, Peter refers to us Christians as a holy nation, “holy” meaning set apart – as God’s special possessions! “…that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light” –1 Peter 2:9.
Friends, whatever difficulties you may face in carrying out your faith in Jesus Christ, hold fast to Peter’s encouragement that we are a chosen people, we are God’s special possession and are called royalty. And while the world may reject us, God has elected us to play a vital role on earth for His kingdom and to declare His praises! You may ask yourself, “why was I chosen?” God chose you because of His great love for you because He desires to have a relationship with you, and, He chooses to reveal to you God’s unique purpose(s) designed specifically for you. While we co-exist with others that may not have a relationship with the Lord, we must remind ourselves that we are called to be set apart in that we’ve died to ourselves and have chosen Kingdom over culture, even if persecution, mockery, political outlaw or humiliation awaits us. God’s love is profound in part, in that it allows us, His creation, to either obey His commandments or to follow our fleshly desires and human reasoning. I love that God gives us this choice more, I hope and pray that you’ll use it to choose Him—your affirmative response then, your yes to Jesus, ensuring you too will be a part of His royal priesthood, the chosen that will share in the first resurrection and reign with Christ in God’s holy kingdom (Revelation 17:14, 20:4-6).
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