"Come follow me and I will make you fishers of men." Matthew 4:19

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Actions, Not Words.

MaryEllen Montville

“But the man who has doubts (misgivings, an uneasy conscience) about eating, and then eats [perhaps because of you], stands condemned [before God], because he is not true to his convictions and he does not act from faith. For whatever does not originate and proceed from faith is sin [whatever is done without a conviction of its approval by God is sinful]” –Romans 14:23.

They will know us by our fruit. Aka—how we live, speak, act—react, and how we love, our choices. We can say we’re a Christian all day long—but they will know us—believe us, trust us, follow us, as we follow Christ. They will judge us by our fruit, our example. Not by our lip service.

Chapter 14 of Romans is filled with what we as Christians are allowed to do—our liberties. Those things we can eat, drink, watch, participate in, who we ought to become “besties” with, where we can spend time together. And regarding these things, our choices then reflect our level of maturity—our understanding or our lack thereof; choices that will highlight the strong brother’s character—and the weak one.

We won’t focus on the definition of what is clean and unclean today—those examples found in Leviticus—in the law handed down from Moses. Paul has covered that far better than I could ever hope to. Nor will I be recapping the numerous commentaries written concerning the turbulent era of a newborn Church. From the infancy of the Mosaic era, a Church born from the belly of the familiar rites and rituals into this brand-new, unfamiliar, “adulting in Christ.” Of chasing after, desiring—trying, failing, getting up, and striving to—follow after Christ’s teachings. (Galatians 5:2-4; Galatians 2:21; Romans 15:4).

Today, instead, we’ll focus on the final words of verse 23. “For whatever does not originate and proceed from faith is sin.” Why? Because Paul forces us here to look beyond our liberties, those things he’s already outlined and leads us instead, into those recesses of ourselves, those places we’d often rather ignore. In this verse, Paul delineates the difference between what we can do as fellow believers and what we cannot. We can eat meat. We cannot allow unrepented sin of any kind to exist in our lives, etc. If something is pricking our conscience, we must repent of it—must address it with God and turn from it. We can drink wine if our conscience allows us, but we cannot lie, steal, cheat, nor commit adultery. We can’t smoke crack, sleep around, or continue to cover up our past dirty deeds like a dog covers his bone. Within this verse, Paul’s instructions concerning what we can or cannot do as Christians reach far beyond food and drink. It reaches instead into the realm of “anything” that convicts us, whether that be an action that’s offensive to another brother, food or drink, or some deeper hidden thing—some secret or unconfessed sin.

If it convicts us—it is a sin, and we must confess it, least it keeps us separated from God. And, in opening this Scripture up in this way, Paul, whether intentionally or not, linked it back to a conversation—a teaching concerning the Truth of setting men free. Truth Jesus had shared with the His fellow Jews. You can read Jesus’ teaching in John 8:31-59.

Jesus assured us in John 8:36 that if we are indeed His, His child—if our faith and hope are in Him alone, we are freed then, by Him, from the power of the subjective truths of this world. “So if the Son makes you free, then you are unquestionably free.” Released from these deceptive so-called “truths” that permeate our society—that once permeated our lives before we knew Christ. Those voices of relative reason that say: because it is true for me—then it is true.

Jesus, however, assures us that if we are His, we will hear His voice—the Voice of Truth—and we’ll hear it purely, above all those contaminated voices clamoring for our attention-seeking to distract us—to devour us. John 10:27; Romans 12:2;1 Peter 5:8).

And yet this is a process for the Christian. Not His Truth, mind you—His Truth is instant, constant, clear, pure, never-changing, eternal. However, learning to hear it more clearly and trust it without question, is a process. It is part of the awe-inspiring journey of discovering, of following after, Christ. Of growing, and maturing in Him, as His child—in being His follower, His servant. Yet Paul reminds us that even in this, in our desire to follow Christ wholeheartedly, we each will do it differently—following a calling uniquely our own. One which will eventually lead us to a solid, sure standing in Christ. By His mercy and grace, and in His Divine timing, landing us exactly where it is He intended us to be.

Don’t get it twisted now. I’m in no way saying that all roads lead to Rome—here, meaning God. There is only one way back to a right relationship with the Father: through His only Begotten—sinless Son, Jesus Christ! “…I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me” –John 14:6.

That clarified, our unique callings do not exempt us from collectively clinging to Jesus in times of uncertainty—or of not adhering to the precepts He’s lovingly provided us—to guide us in our learning, our Christian walk. Are we free to go our own way when His way is not immediately apparent to us? Must we continue to keep ourselves pure and accountable by self-examination through prayer and supplications? Yes, and yes! We each are accountable! And, because of our accountability—we must confess our sin as our consciousness demands it.

Our “different paths,” our uniqueness’s—are as singular as our relationships with Christ are. As our relationships with each other—our children, friends, coworkers, family members are. God deals with each of us according to His knowledge of us, yet equally. No man is above God’s law. Hence, we must be faithful to God and properly, reverently employ the gifts, talents, provisions, and knowledge He has bestowed upon us. Trusting that what He has provided us is all we need for our leg of the journey. True freedom—maturity in Christ, comes first, from knowing Christ through a genuine conversion, then from a loving, intimate relationship with our God—and through a lasting faith steeped and upheld in His Word. Maturity comes through time and testing. In having witnessed God’s undeserved faithfulness over and over and over again. Maturity comes in loving Jesus above all else, above everyone else.

As we grow in God—He alone opens the eyes of our understanding and strengthens us to do all that He has called us to do in Him. Yet, never forget my brothers and sisters that the eyes of the world are always watching us. And they will either want we have or, they’ll be repelled by it; how you live your life matters—keeping your hands, heart, and life clean and upright matters; your walk matching up with your words matters. Your words then, actions, and reactions matter. Keeping your conscience pure before God and man matters. This, in essence, is the modern-day version of what Paul has just spoken to us in verse 23.

In closing, I’ll remind you yet again: “They will know us by our fruit.” Aka—how we live, speak, act—react, and how we love, our choices. We can say we’re a Christian all day long—but they will know us—believe us, trust us, follow us, only as we follow Christ. They will judge us by our fruit, our example. Not by our lip service.

So, I will leave you then right where we started, with the words of the Apostle Paul. Words of wisdom and encouragement both. And, if applied, words that can lead and guide us into a fuller—more unrestrained faith indeed! “Let us therefore make every effort to do what leads to peace and to mutual edification. Do not destroy the work of God for the sake of food. All food is clean, but it is wrong for a person to eat anything that causes someone else to stumble. It is better not to eat meat or drink wine or to do anything else that will cause your brother or sister to fall” –Romans 14:19-21.

Friend, if you have read this far and do not know Jesus as your Lord and Savior, I encourage you not to live one more day without Him in your life! Won’t you welcome Him in as Lord right now? Then watch the fruit of your life change as you learn to trust, love, and walk with Him, daily…

Get Good Friends.

Kendra Santilli

“As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another” –Proverbs 27:17.

Our friendships are some of the most important relationships we have in this life. And a good friend knows the best and worst versions of us…

They know what makes our eyes light up and what makes our blood boil. Our friends have seen our tears, both happy and sad. They’ve celebrated our victories and shared comforting or encouraging words when we most needed them. Often, those we call friends can have great sway over us. So, depending on the type of friends you’re surrounding yourself with, your opinions are apt to change. I would dare to say that most people are not the resolved, independent thinkers they may credit themselves to be. Think about it: When you spend time with one group of friends, you may think what they have to say makes sense, rendering you agreeable to their opinions. Get around a different group of friends, those who offer differing or opposing information on the same subject, and suddenly, your opinion may change yet again. One of the many powers of friendship is its potential to sway us, one way or another. So, the question then is not if you are growing within your friendships; instead, how are we growing within them?

Are your friendships nudging you toward God, or are they moving you away from Him?

Thankfully, the Bible has so much to say about friendship. Proverbs 27:17 reads, “As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.” So, who is sharpening you?

As I was considering this verse the other day, I had this profound realization regarding Iron sharpening iron. I have never heard of an iron blade sharpened by wood or pure gold. Why? I believe the answer is evident. Iron is denser than both materials. Knife blades carve wood, and hand files are used in shaping gold, but neither gold nor wood would have any tangible impact on shaping iron. It takes a compound of equal or greater strength to sharpen an object made of iron. So too, our Christian friends, like iron blades, keep us sharp when it comes to our friendships.

Suppose we don’t refresh ourselves through Godly relationships. In that case, our faith gets weaker and our spirits duller as we allow ourselves to be inundated with secular ideologies—“Sweet friendships refresh the soul and awaken our hearts with joy.” –Proverbs 27:9. Yes, we can read our Bibles, go to church, listen to podcasts, watch sermons, and read books. Each of these is a necessary thing in our Christian walk; I believe that. But suppose our “friendship time” is filled with ungodly relationships? In that case, we become people then filled with a bunch of head knowledge minus the Godly accountability that undergirds the Truth we’ve found in God’s Word. As I think about what’s happening around the world, I sometimes get overwhelmed, trying not to get caught up in the fear and uncertainty running rampant through the earth. I must remind myself that there is hope, and I believe that hope can be found in the Church of Jesus Christ because God’s Spirit is alive in His people. “… it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me” Galatians 2:20.

Over this past year, it became far too easy for people to get comfortable watching church from home; then going on about their everyday lives through the rest of their week. From the couch, they watch a sermon on Sunday in solitude, moving on then to their jobs and families, forgetting somehow that there is, needs to be, a gathering of the believers. As I reflected on this new reality of how many have been “doing Church,” I gained a new appreciation for the weight of the Truth found in Hebrews 10:25. “And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another-and all the more as you see the Day approaching.” I now possess a greater understanding of the importance of gathering with other like-minded people. Why? Because being around our Christian community challenges us to uphold God’s standard to the best of our ability. Rather than being swayed by the eloquent words of the world, being in church receiving solid teaching and submitting ourselves to the ministry regularly reminds us of what the Bible teaches us.

And while it’s comfortable to stay home on Sunday morning, the danger lies in getting caught up in the undertow of the world, drifting further and further away from the Godly influences His righteous people have in our lives. Suddenly, secular ideologies don’t sound so bad now. Why? Because the people you’ve surrounded yourself with have given you ample reasons to believe what it is they believe. And all the while, without you even realizing it, your flame is growing dimmer and dimmer. Although you’ve been given the power to influence the world, drawing them to Christ, instead, you’ve allowed your blade to become dull, unused.

Those who don’t know the Word of God will never be able to sharpen you in the things of God.

Conversely, establishing relationships with other believers sharpens your blade, enabling you then to inscribe an imprint on the world around you. From the above passages, we learn that Godly friendships will encourage you and move you towards loving as God loves and doing good according to God’s standard of good. They will refresh your soul and make you strong. I have a newfound appreciation for my Christian friendships. I love my neighbors and coworkers, mind you, but there is just something special about the encouragement that comes from my brothers and sisters in Christ.

When I consider the constant barrage of shifting opinions and ideas that come at me from others, whether via social media, the news, or just from those I encounter daily, I remind myself of my need for the consistency of God’s Word. In a world swirling with confusion and ever-changing opinions, the Word of God is the one thing that always remains constant; it is our solid rock. “As for everyone who comes to me and hears my words and puts them into practice, I will show you what they are like. They are like a man building a house, who dug down deep and laid the foundation on rock. When a flood came, the torrent struck that house but could not shake it, because it was well built” –Luke 6:47-48.

Putting God’s Word into practice builds that strong foundation in your life.

And having Godly friends and community around you is vital to your living a Godly life. If you don’t yet have a community of Christian friends, I strongly encourage you to find a church where you can form solid Christian friendships that will sharpen you and encourage you to live according to God’s will and Word.

If you haven’t yet accepted Jesus into your heart, consider this your invitation to become a part of the family of God. The Bible says in 1 John 1:9 that “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.” When you humble yourself and repent before the Lord, He will cleanse your heart and give you a new identity in Him.

 Welcome to the family!

Through The Valley…

MaryEllen Montville

Psalm 34:18 gives this assurance to those who are grieving: “The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit.”

Due to the sudden loss of my beloved aunt, a dear sister, and a dedicated and loving mother, a friend to many; Sonsofthesea will not be posting this week. Thank you for your understanding. I covet your prayers for my mother and family. I’ll ask you, please, to pray too for all those walking alongside us through this valley of heartache. And, if this is you, know that you and your loved ones are in my prayers. Until next week then, God willing, may God bless you and keep you. “Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our affliction, so that we may be able to comfort those who are in any affliction, with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God. For as we share abundantly in Christ’s sufferings, so through Christ we share abundantly in comfort too” –2  Corinthians 1:3-5

Tag, You’re It! Part Two…

MaryEllen Montville

“For Christ [the Messiah Himself] died for sins once for all, the Righteous for the unrighteous (the Just for the unjust, the Innocent for the guilty), that He might bring us to God. In His human body He was put to death, but He was made alive in the spirit” –1 Peter 3:18.

To err is human; that said,I apologize for the grammatical slaying of the title of last week’s post for those of you that caught it. Though I am confident it will not be my last grammatical blunder, it was blatant. I do know how to spell, I promise! Moving forward then…

Last week, we read how God had used the Apostle Peter to break down the wall of separation that stood between the gentiles and their receiving the Gospel message. We’ll conclude this two-part teaching with this post. So, to recap: Though not the first gentile believer to hear the Gospel message, Cornelius, a Roman centurion, and those in his household, were the first gentiles we witness in Acts to receive the Gospel message directly from one of the Apostles. Until Acts 10, where you can read about the Apostle Peter sharing the Gospel with Cornelius and those in his household, the Gospel had mainly been shared with other Jews and those Gentile converts to Judaism. Such was the case with Philip and the Ethiopian eunuch, a treasurer and a court official of Candace, Queen of the Ethiopians. This eunuch was the first known gentile believer we encounter in Acts to hear about Jesus and to come to saving faith in Him. You can read all about their encounter in Acts 8:26-40.

Ready? Let’s jump around a bit…

Though both Philip and Peter each ministered to gentiles, it is Jesus Himself who first gave us some glimpse of His plan to include “others,” the so-called unclean outsiders into His Church—His Body. In John’s Gospel account, we read about Jesus doing the unthinkable, the forbidden, for any respectable Jewish man, that is, to say nothing of a Rabbi. We witness Jesus talking with a Samaritan woman at a well. Augustine calls her “a symbol of the Church not yet made righteous.” “The woman said, “I know that Messiah” (called Christ) “is coming. When he comes, he will explain everything to us.” Then Jesus declared, “I, the one speaking to you—I am he” –John 4:25-26. Augustine continues by saying that she came from a foreign people is part of the symbolic meaning, for she is a symbol of the Church. The Church was to come from the Gentiles, of a different race from the Jews.

The ApostlePaul may have bristled at Augustine’s declaration, saying perhaps that salvation came first to the Jew and then to the Gentile. Yet both would agree that God had planned to graft the Gentiles into His Church, the Original Vine—His Body, making them One, in Messiah Jesus. “So then, remember that at one time you Gentiles by birth, called “the uncircumcision” by those who are called “the circumcision”—a physical circumcision made in the flesh by human hands—remember that you were at that time without Christ, being aliens from the commonwealth of Israel, and strangers to the covenants of promise, having no hope and without God in the world. But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far off have been brought near by the blood of Christ” –Ephesians 2:11-13.

More on Paul in a bit…

Let’s go back to Philip. That encounter between Philip and the eunuch was significant on several levels.

Firstly, as we saw last week with Peter, Philip’s having been sent to this eunuch by the Holy Spirit was a herald of sorts for the early Church, a signal of what was to come; the Holy Spirit had specifically sent Philip to minister to a gentile. And two, the fact that he is a eunuch, and, if, by physical castration, would have been prohibited from entering the assembly of the Lord. In short, he would not have been welcomed into full fellowship with other Jewish believers. “If a man’s testicles are crushed or his penis is cut off, he may not be admitted to the assembly of the Lord” –Deuteronomy 23:1. But as I said, this meeting was a herald. In part, it fulfilled Isaiah’s prophecy concerning this very hour of Church history—and beyond. “For thus says the Lord: To the eunuchs who keep my sabbaths, who choose the things that please me and hold fast my covenant, I will give, in my house and within my walls, a monument and a name better than sons and daughters; I will give them an everlasting name that shall not be cut off” –Isaiah 56:4-5.

One commentator says this of this nascent encounter between Philip and this Ethiopian: The whole point of this scene is that what was promised to the prophet Isaiah is now coming to pass in the life of the Church. A Gentile and a eunuch are welcomed among God’s people. And another had this to say them: The salvation of this Ethiopian eunuch was clearly a matter of divine election and calling, as was the choice of the human instrument (Philip) a part of God’s sovereign will.

And as clearly as we witnessed God using both Philip, one of the original seven chosen to oversee the feeding of the Hellenistic Jewish widows back in Acts 6:5-6; a deacon turned Evangelist, and Peter, the first Apostle to share the Gospel with the gentiles, so too did Jesus anoint and call the Apostle Paul for this same work. –Acts 10;11; Galatians 2:7-9. In many ways, Paul would pick up the mantle Peter had worn as the first Apostle to the gentiles, darn it until his death, touching the lives of countless Jews and gentiles alike by the power of the Holy Spirit. But it’s in Acts 7:54-60 where we witness the catalyst for this Gentile inclusion. We see it was triggered by Stephen’s having been stoned to death.

Stephen’s stoning caused the early converts of the Way to scatter. Philip was one of these. As was young Steven, a foreign-born Jew, whom the Apostles had also chosen to help feed the Hellenistic Jewish widows along with Philip and five others. And at this time, the Apostle Paul, known then as Saul of Tarsus, stood by in assent as he held the coats of those whose stones would crush young Stephen’s skull. The earthly voice of this gifted, passionate young Evangelist silenced. His final words being: “Look,” he said, “I see heaven open and the Son of Man standing at the right hand of God.” At this they covered their ears and, yelling at the top of their voices, they all rushed at him, dragged him out of the city and began to stone him. Meanwhile, the witnesses laid their coats at the feet of a young man named Saul” –Acts 7:56-57.

Yet despite this, despite Saul’s duplicitousness in Stephen’s death and countless other believers in the Way, while in the thick of his bloodthirsty invective to eradicate every Jesus follower, Jesus showed up—changing Saul’s earthly and eternal destiny both—in a literal flash. “But Saul, still breathing threats and murder against the disciples of the Lord, went to the high priest and asked him for letters to the synagogues at Damascus, so that if he found any belonging to the Way, men or women, he might bring them bound to Jerusalem. Now as he went on his Way, he approached Damascus, and suddenly a light from heaven shone around him. And falling to the ground, he heard a voice saying to him, “Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting me?” And he said, “Who are you, Lord?” And he said, “I am Jesus, whom you are persecuting. But rise and enter the city, and you will be told what you are to do” –Acts 9:1-6.

And, once again, just that quick, the torch was passed. This time, Apostle to Apostle—Tag. You’re it!

And Paul, this once bloodthirsty hater of Christians, was forever changed, used by God now to lead countless souls to the very Lord whose followers He once detested. And though his name became synonymous with Christianity, Paul, like Peter before him, was proud of his Jewish roots. “I was circumcised when I was eight days old. I am a pure-blooded citizen of Israel and a member of the tribe of Benjamin—a real Hebrew if there ever was one! I was a member of the Pharisees, who demand the strictest obedience to the Jewish law” –Philippians 3:5. And yet I believe it safe, more, biblically sound to say that Paul understood firsthand God’s mercy and grace, how all these things, these traditions, Jew or Gentile, these titles, rituals and norms, his learning and station, meant nothing to him now when compared to his knowing Jesus. Jesus was all that mattered to Paul—serving Him faithfully and leading others to do the same.

“For I delivered to you as of first importance what I also received: that Christ died for our sins in accordance with the Scriptures, that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day in accordance with the Scriptures, and that he appeared to Cephas, then to the twelve. Then he appeared to more than five hundred brothers at one time, most of whom are still alive, though some have fallen asleep. Then he appeared to James, then to all the apostles. Last of all, as to one untimely born, he appeared also to me. For I am the least of the apostles, unworthy to be called an apostle, because I persecuted the church of God. But by the grace of God I am what I am, and his grace toward me was not in vain. On the contrary, I worked harder than any of them, though it was not I, but the grace of God that is with me” –1 Corinthians 15: 3-10.

And this free gift of salvation that Paul had received, this great mercy and grace that had been lavished on a gentile Ethiopian eunuch and the Samaritan woman, on you and me and every gentile believer who has accepted the Truth of the Gospel message, who has made Jesus Lord of their life. To us all, Paul, as I stated earlier, reminds us of our roots: “So I ask, did they stumble in order that they might fall? By no means! Rather, through their trespass salvation has come to the Gentiles, so as to make Israel jealous. Now if their trespass means riches for the world, and if their failure means riches for the Gentiles, how much more will their full inclusion mean! Now I am speaking to you Gentiles. Inasmuch then as I am an apostle to the Gentiles, I magnify my ministry in order somehow to make my fellow Jews jealous, and thus save some of them. For if their rejection means the reconciliation of the world, what will their acceptance mean but life from the dead? If the dough offered as firstfruits is holy, so is the whole lump, and if the root is holy, so are the branches. But if some of the branches were broken off, and you, although a wild olive shoot, were grafted in among the others and now share in the nourishing root of the olive tree, do not be arrogant toward the branches. If you are, remember it is not you who support the root, but the root that supports you” –Romans 11:11-18.

From Philip and Peter to Paul, from John and Andrew and Matthew to you, fellow believer, Tag. You’re it! You’ve been given the same command from our Lord as each of these. “And he said to them, “Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation” –Mark16:15.

If you are here today and do not know Jesus as your Lord and Savior, believe this, please. This same Jesus who died that all men, whether Jew or Gentile, may be set free from their sins, washed clean with the sacrificial Blood He shed, and their names written in the Lamb’s Book of Life has intentionally called you here today. He wants nothing more than to come into your life and build a relationship with you. But He won’t force His way in; He’s a gentleman. He must be invited in. So won’t you invite Him into your heart today? After all, none of us are promised a tomorrow…

Tag, Your It.

MaryEllen Montville

“Then Peter opened his mouth, and said, Of a truth I perceive that God is no respecter of persons: But in every nation he that feareth him, and worketh righteousness, is accepted with him” –Acts 10:34-35.

Everything was about to be upended for Peter—yet again. By this point in his walk with the Lord, I have to wonder if Peter had begun to figure out that the only thing that will ever remain the same for as long as he walks with the Lord, the only thing guaranteed to stay the same, is the Lord, Himself?

If biblical chronology is correct, some seven or eight months had passed since the Lord ascended back to the Father. Six or seven months since the Holy Spirit had been poured out on those gathered together in the Upper Room and since Peter had preached his first sermon and Christ’s Church was born. We can read all about these things in the Book of Acts, Chapters One through Five.

By this point in Peter’s walk, by the time Peter meets Cornelius in Acts Chapter 10 that is, God has already commissioned Peter as a leader over his brothers and sisters and His Church. He’s also been told to elect another to fill Judas Iscariot’s place among them. God has used Peter to heal a man who’d been lame since birth; and along with the Apostle John, Peter has also been taken into custody and forbidden by the Sadducees to teach using the name of Jesus. And, Peter has confronted Ananias and Saphira about their lying to the Holy Spirit, which resulted in their deaths. He and John were sent to Samaria to spread and teach God’s Word. Additionally, in Acts nine, Peter visits fellow believers in Lydda. The Lord uses him there to heal Aeneas, who’d been bedridden for eight years due to paralysis, and raise a young girl named Dorcas; some say, Tabitha, from the dead. You can read each of these accounts in the following Scriptures: Acts 1:16-26; 2:14-36; 3:6-8; 4:3-18; 5:3-9;8:14;9:32-40.

We catch up with Peter in Acts 10. We’ll find him in Joppa, a seaport town about 40 some miles south of Caesarea, at the home of Simon, the tanner. Being a devout Jew, I found it noteworthy that Peter would have chosen to stay with someone who would have been considered unclean, due to his chosen profession. After all, in a minute, we’ll read how Peter decries God’s instruction to kill and eat what the law teaches is unclean. A law Peter had painstakingly followed his entire life! “Peter went up on the roof to pray. He became hungry and wanted something to eat, and while the meal was being prepared, he fell into a trance. He saw heaven opened and something like a large sheet being let down to earth by its four corners. It contained all kinds of four-footed animals, as well as reptiles and birds. Then a voice told him, “Get up, Peter. Kill and eat.” “Surely not, Lord!” Peter replied. “I have never eaten anything impure or unclean.” The voice spoke to him a second time, “Do not call anything impure that God has made clean.” –Acts 10:9-15.

So to find Peter staying in the home of someone who handles dead animal carcasses, a person another devout Jew would shun Peter for even associating with, is nothing short of unconscionable for this out-front, chosen leader of the Way. “The carcass of any animal which divides the foot, but is not cloven-hoofed or does not chew the cud, is unclean to you. Everyone who touches it shall be unclean. And whatever goes on its paws, among all kinds of animals that go on all fours, those are unclean to you. Whoever touches any such carcass shall be unclean until evening. Whoever carries any such carcass shall wash his clothes and be unclean until evening. It is unclean to you” –Leviticus 11:26-28. But God was on the move. And everything was about to change—forever.

As I said earlier, everything in Peter’s life was about to be upended, yet again. Very soon, Peter would face having to choose to place the full weight of the knowledge, faith, and trust he had on his Lord’s leading, regardless of it being unconventional, controversial, and undoubtedly unorthodox. Or, he’d have to turn away from His Master’s prompting, clinging instead to the law and teachings that had guided him since his youth. Because in a short twenty-four hours, all those traditions and rules, the religious rites and rituals that Peter had clung to so fiercely would all be upended.

Peter’s unraveling had begun on the rooftop of a tanner in Joppa, and it would reach its climax inside the home of yet another unlikely soul in Caesarea. Now, as Peter was in prayer on the rooftop of Simon’s house, the Lord, as only He can, broke through time and space with a message that challenged Peter to his very core. God needed Peter to shift, to move with Him and His plan for the future of His Church and all His people. There are times God will use the unorthodox, the unconventional, the new, and different to shake up the religiosity that has taken hold of us. All the “familiar” that we’ve allowed to enshroud us, blind us, stunting our growth. Stopping us from remembering that we can not, must not ever, put God in a box or attach some succinct, precise formula to how He will or does move or decide to show up. Jesus Himself is our most perfect example of this Truth.

“The next day, as they went on their journey and drew near the city, Peter went up on the housetop to pray, about the sixth hour. Then he became very hungry and wanted to eat; but while they made ready, he fell into a trance and saw heaven opened and an object like a great sheet bound at the four corners, descending to him and let down to the earth” –Acts 10:9-11. On this great sheet was every kind of unclean animal. Peter saw all those repugnant animals that the law forbade and was instantly repelled by them. So when the Lord commands him to kill and eat, Peter barks back and tells God no. “Surely not, Lord!” Peter replied. “I have never eaten anything impure or unclean” –Acts10:14.

Saying no to God is never a good idea. He is God, and we are not. And, as we’ll see, God had His way with Peter in the end.

Scripture indeed points towards Peter’s staying in the house of an unclean, gentile tanner to be no mere accident; more, it appears to be a herald, a preparation of sorts for Peter. Because soon, three men would appear and ask him to follow them. One commentary sums things up this way: The Jews already considered gentiles to be unclean. By drawing Peter into the home of a gentile tanner – the dirtiest of the dirty – God was breaking down barriers and preparing Peter as a vessel to pour out His blessing onto the gentiles.

Enter Cornelious.

While Peter was still atop Simon’s roof trying to sort out what he was to glean from God’s dropping that sheet before him, three men sent by a Roman Centurion named Cornelius to locate Peter show up to escort him to Caesarea. They’d been dispatched to accompany him to the home of yet another gentile. “Now while Peter wondered within himself what this vision which he had seen meant, behold, the men who had been sent from Cornelius had made inquiry for Simon’s house, and stood before the gate” –Acts 10:17.

Skipping ahead for time’s sake, these men tell Peter who they are and why they’ve come. “And they said, “Cornelius the centurion, a just man, one who fears God and has a good reputation among all the nation of the Jews, was divinely instructed by a holy angel to summon you to his house, and to hear words from you.” Then he invited them in and lodged them. On the next day Peter went away with them, and some brethren from Joppa accompanied him” –Acts 10:22-23. Yet their news was only confirmation for Peter as the Holy Spirit had already revealed to him that He wanted Peter to go with these men when they arrived. “While Peter was still thinking about the vision, the Spirit said to him, “Simon, three men are looking for you. So get up and go downstairs. Do not hesitate to go with them, for I have sent them.” –Acts 10:19-20.

Again, skipping ahead, Cornelius has assembled his close friends and family in anticipation of Peter’s arrival. Before leaving Joppa, the men sent to accompany him tell Peter that an angel had visited Cornelius and told him to send for him. Upon arriving in Caesarea, Peter goes into Cornelius’ house, but not before making him aware that it is against the law for a Jew to be doing what he is doing. He said to them: “You are well aware that it is against our law for a Jew to associate with or visit a Gentile. But God has shown me that I should not call anyone impure or unclean. So when I was sent for, I came without raising any objection. May I ask why you sent for me?” –Acts 10:28-29.

One last skip, I promise, and we’ll arrive at our destination:

In answer to Peter’s question, Cornelius outlines all that the angel had shared with him: “Three days ago I was in my house praying at this hour, at three in the afternoon. Suddenly a man in shining clothes stood before me and said, ‘Cornelius, God has heard your prayer and remembered your gifts to the poor. Send to Joppa for Simon who is called Peter. He is a guest in the home of Simon the tanner, who lives by the sea.’ So I sent for you immediately, and it was good of you to come. Now we are all here in the presence of God to listen to everything the Lord has commanded you to tell us” Acts 10:30-33.

And in that nanosecond, by the revelation of the Holy Spirit, Peter gets it. The Light has shone inside of him, illuminating Truth and God’s glorious plan for His Church. A Truth and plan Peter never would have been able to grasp, outside of God doing something so unconventional. “Then Peter began to speak: “I now realize how true it is that God does not show favoritism but accepts from every nation the one who fears him and does what is right” –Acts 10:34.

Tag. Your It! And just like that, we, each gentile believer, from Cornelius and those gathered in his household, were grafted into the Body of Christ. Jew and Gentile now, one in Messiah. As Peter shared the Gospel message with this group of gentiles, salvation became there’s! Yet this plan for the grafting in of the gentiles isn’t new, however.  We caught our first glimpse of it back in the garden. It’s just now being unfolded, revealed afresh to Peter that he might ensure that God’s intended plan for His Church be carried out to the letter. But more on that next week. Remember, friends; God has set precise times and seasons for all things.

The Apostle Paul’s teaching on why this has occurred ought to lead us towards living our lives with great humility and boldness for the Lord. And for the things of the Lord, yet tenderly and with reverence for the grace and mercy shown us by such a loving Father. “Now I am speaking to you Gentiles. Inasmuch then as I am an apostle to the Gentiles, I magnify my ministry in order somehow to make my fellow Jews jealous and thus save some of them. For if their rejection means the reconciliation of the world, what will their acceptance mean but life from the dead? If the dough offered as firstfruits is holy, so is the whole lump, and if the root is holy, so are the branches. But if some of the branches were broken off, and you, although a wild olive shoot, were grafted in among the others and now share in the nourishing root of the olive tree, do not be arrogant toward the branches. If you are, remember it is not you who support the root, but the root that supports you” –Romans 11:13-18.

Brothers and sisters, I encourage you in the Lord to seek Him afresh in this season, to purify your hearts. Shaking off any spiritual slumber that has hampered you, all fear, and any confusion that has troubled the Body of Christ over this past year, instead, seek the Lord for what it is He’ll have you do now, while it is still day. “Seek the LORD while he may be found; call on him while he is near. Let the wicked forsake his way and the evil man his thoughts. Let him turn to the LORD, and he will have mercy on him, and to our God, for he will freely pardon. For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the LORD. As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts” –Isaiah 55:6-9.

And dear friend, if you have yet to meet our unconventional and Loving Lord, Jesus the Christ, I hope that you’ll pause wherever you are right now and ask Him to make Himself as real and tangible to you as He did for Peter as he prayed on Simons rooftop.

Be sure to return next week for the conclusion of “Tag. You’re It…”

Train Up A Child.

Stephanie Montilla

“Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old, he will not depart from it. –Proverbs 22:6.

As Mother’s Day approached, I began contemplating parenting a child in the ways of the Lord. Although I am not yet a mother, I understand both the value and essential responsibility of parenting, especially in our current climate. While there is no manual for parenting, I am sure that raising a child in the Lord’s way presents its unique challenges in a world fueled by social media and conflicting beliefs on what it means to be a Christian? Having experienced a Catholic upbringing, I now realize that I lacked knowledge of the Word of God and instruction on how to pray. And while I had a great childhood, my family did not always model the love of Christ for me. My mother failed to ask the Holy Spirit to guide her in many of her parenting decisions throughout my upbringing. 

It was in musing over Proverbs 22:6 which caused me to reflect on my childhood, upbringing, and early childhood experiences. It caused me to reflect on what I had lacked, what I thought could have been better, and how my parent’s choices impacted my personal growth and development. All of this led me to more fully understand that a Godly home and God-fearing parents that are filled with the Holy Spirit are foundational for training a child in the ways of the Lord. “Direct your children onto the right path, and when they are older, they will not leave it” –Proverbs 22:6. Parenting future disciples of Jesus in many ways fulfills the Great Commission. And as a parent, I’m confident it must be an honor to take part in—co-labor with Christ in laying the foundation of a child’s life with the Truth of God. It must be a great privilege and responsibility to help them find and cultivate their kingdom voices and to remind them of their identity in Christ. In parenting with the Holy Spirit, we certainly must see how serving our children daily also serves the Lord.

So, with this in mind, allow me to share three encouraging points on Godly parenting—advice I plan on following with my children one day.

  1. Make prayer a priority.

As I’ve stated, I am not a mother, yet having helped raise my four nieces for the first few years of their lives, I have had some experience caring for children. And, while this time with them was filled with excitement, it was also stressful, anxiety-causing, and frustrating. Lack of sleep sometimes heightened my frazzled emotions, and that led to irrational decision-making. When my nieces would get sick, it caused fear, and their disobedient and rebellious behaviors caused frustration. From my experience and from what I’ve witnessed, parenting pokes a range of emotions. From joyful celebrations to distressing hardships, yet whatever the circumstance may be, regardless of how the scenarios may play out, I’m learning to lift them all in prayer before His throne of grace. The Bible says: “Let us then approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need” –Hebrews 4:16.

God is omniscient. He is fully aware of your emotions; He knows what you think, can see what is happening in your life, and, most importantly, He has the power to intervene and guide you in every area of your life. The Lord knows both the value of and the concerns that come with parenting, and He knows that it’s in the daily setting aside of quiet time to seek His face, where He’ll empower you to face those challenges. Even when you feel weary or unworthy, the Lord Almighty never turns a deaf ear to the earnest prayers of His children. “The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit” –Psalm34:18. And though Google tips may prove helpful and the reassurance of fellow parents’ and friends’ confidence-boosting, nothing compares to speaking to and seeking guidance from the Creator of the universe. God created your children. He understands their thoughts, temperaments, and personalities far better than you ever will—or can. “You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body and knitted me together in my mother’s womb” –Psalm 139:13. Make prayer a priority and give the Holy Spirit an open invitation to lead and guide your parenting. “I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with my eye upon you” –Psalm 32:8.

2. Model the Christian faith.

The Bible teaches us: “The things you have learned and received, and heard and seen in me, practice these things; and the God of peace will be with you” –Philippians 4:9. Loving and raising your children according to God’s Word is honoring them, just as guiding them in how they should live is your God-given responsibility. While teaching your children the Word of God is essential, modeling your faith is, in most instances, a more powerful tool. How can you genuinely teach children to love the Lord yet not model the love of Christ in your own lives daily via submission to His will and your Godly behavior? “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind” –Matthew 22:37.

How can we teach children to “Love your neighbor as yourself” yet not serve others or demonstrate grace and compassion, and patients towards them? –Mark12:31. Or, how can we teach children that “A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger” and yet create an environment of verbal hostility, belittlement, and abuse in our homes? –Proverbs 15:1. As parents, if your desire is for your children to love the Lord, you are responsible for reflecting that in your behavior. Children are sponges in their initial stages of development. What you model before them, they’ll absorb and emulate. The Bible says, “But don’t just listen to God’s Word. You must do what it says. Otherwise, you are only fooling yourselves” –James 1:22. As parents, if you are not modeling the very Godly behavior you expect from your child: faith, patience, kindness, gentleness, love, joy, peace, grace, and compassion, then isn’t that, in fact, teaching to them that Christianity can be unreliable and hypocritical?

3. Love your children well.

The Bible teaches us, “Love is patient, Love is kind. It does not envy; it does not boast; it is not proud. It does not dishonor others; it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the Truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres” –1 Corinthians 14:4-8. God’s definition of Love far exceeds a mere emotion. Love is a choice. We choose to love one another. God’s love is rooted and grounded in decision and choice; and our love is birthed from these very actions. Love is not simply an emotion you feel; it is something to be demonstrated. One of the most significant ways to parent with the Holy Spirit is by operating in His Love. “God is love, and he who remains in love remains in God, and God remains in him” –1 John 4:16.

Parents can sometimes respond to their children at the whim of a feeling or mood. Maybe they’re stressed about work, and so they take their frustration out on their children? Perhaps they’re frustrated with a child’s behavior, or they’re not patient with them during homework? Yet, the biblical definition of unconditional love is that they must respond lovingly towards them nevertheless, even when we do not feel like being loving. Godly love for children is never contingent upon whether they deserve to receive it; conversely, they deserve it solely because it is the will and command of God. That unconditional love that God so freely demonstrates towards us, we have been commanded to model before the world—especially in our homes. “This is my commandment: Love each other in the same way I have loved you” –John 15:12. Loving our children ought to be filled with speaking life into them, seeing the potential for the best in them, and believing in and fostering the gifts God has placed in them. Loving children well ought to look like teaching them to read, meditate, and abide in the Word of God, making it their go-to then when they’re feeling fearful or anxious. “There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out all fear because fear has punishment” –1 John 4:18.

And when a child is acting out in panic and anxiety due to the overwhelming demands of school or life, as parents, shouldn’t you offer them, lead them towards peace and calm, and not add to their chaos or confusion? Shouldn’t you attempt to encourage them along the way? As a parent, you ought not to keep a record of their mistakes or let their rebellious nature provoke you to lash out at them. Parent’s ought to act in patience and kindness, just as God does with them daily. Proverbs 22:6 assures us that training up a child in the ways of the Lord is an honorable responsibility, however challenging at times. And, if you have multiple children, you know full-well that their different temperaments require different parenting techniques. In part, training up a child in the way he or she should go is about recognizing that your children are not carbon copies of you. They are to be guided, trained, molded, and shaped in the direction the Lord has willed for their life, and that may mean your needing to understand and be patient and nurturing with traits in them that are foreign to you or different than your own.

The Bible informs us that “Children are a gift from the Lord; they are a reward from him” –Psalm 127:3. Children are a gift entrusted to us by the Lord. Children are not possessions to do with as we please. They will grow up, leave home and live life on their own, and so because they are precious gifts, we must love them, treasure them, guide them, and protect them while we are able. “Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change” –James 1:17.

I can only imagine that one of the most incredible facets of parenting is that the Lord will use the very gifts He’s entrusted to your care, your children, to refine you, His child, teaching you to depend on Him even more! I pray this teaching was encouraging.

In closing, I pray that you continue to make prayer a priority. To always model the ways of the Lord before your children and love them well. Remember, even Jesus modeled Godly training to His disciples, and we can do the same. Take heart in knowing that God is with you on your parenting journey every step of the way. And that God’s unmerited grace and mercy covers our temporary, frail, all too human weaknesses, shortcomings, and failures. The Bible reminds us, “If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you” –James 1:5. So ask the Lord for the wisdom you need, and He will generously supply it. And whether you’re parenting or a single person who is without the sweet presence of the Lord, I encourage you to earnestly seek Him, asking Him to come into your heart and life as Lord. His guidance will transform not only your life but your children’s lives as well. That is one promise I don’t need to be a mom to make. I have tasted and seen that it’s True for myself!

The Art Of Waiting…

Kendra Santilli

She sat at her windowsill, wide-eyed and waiting for her first guest to appear down the driveway for the celebration. Her mother was in the kitchen preparing for the festivities, pleading with her to help get the house to look presentable for the party. Still, the anticipation of having her favorite people in one place with gifts just for her was too much! How could she just set the table or sweep the floor? She needed to watch and wait patiently, wondering if anything she had hoped for would be in one of their presents? Her heart skipped a beat with every car that passed the house. Between the mundane preparations and her wandering eyes, she dreamt of the endless opportunities that awaited her in adolescence and adulthood. And there was not a single limitation on her imagination! She would never be in the single digits again after today. For some reason, the thought of crossing that threshold of single, into double digits made her think she was grown-up somehow. Unbeknownst to her, life would be filled with uncertainty and waiting. The possibilities she dreamt up on the day of her 10th birthday would not come with as much clarity as she had hoped. She grew to learn that who she would become would be molded in the waiting. Through the years, she came to realize that the more she learned, the less she knew.

The concept of waiting seems to have gotten away from us as a society.

From accessing information with the mere flick of a finger to the satisfaction of receiving a “like” within seconds on our social media accounts, we live in an era of instant gratification. The ability to wait seems like it’s getting further and further away from us as our instantaneous access to everything gets closer and closer. A rare commodity, patience has become valued less and less with each passing generation.

That said, today, I’d like to look at two types of waiting: the kind born from endurance and hard work and the type that exists just beyond our capabilities.

If we don’t have firsthand experience, we can imagine what waiting for a seed to grow into a flower might feel like? We can understand what becoming proficient at a task through arduous work and patience is? We know the feeling of waiting for guests to arrive who said they’d be there 10 minutes ago or waiting for a cake to finish baking in the oven? In this type of waiting, we know in advance what the final result will be; therefore, our waiting produces a reward. However, in Romans 8:24, the Bible says, “hope that is seen is no hope at all.” We cannot hope for our cake mixture to turn into a cake if we already know that’s what it is. It’s not like a pan of vegetables went into the oven, and somehow, we hope that what will come out is a cake. No, we already know what the final product will be. There’s no hope in that, just certainty.

Hope can only exist when uncertainty is factored into the equation.

The second kind of waiting is seen interchangeably across different Bible translations with the term “hope.” This form of waiting goes beyond our ability to produce something. It’s the kind of patience that requires hope. In Kingdom culture, hope and waiting go hand in hand; you can’t have one without the other. The Bible usually refers to this waiting as “waiting on the Lord.” Isaiah 40:31 tells us that: “those who wait on (hope in) the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint.”

Wait on the Lord.

This phrase makes me feel helpless in a way, but in the end, it reminds me of the truth that assures me His strength is made perfect in my weakness. But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me” –2 Corinthians 12:9.

It’s countercultural to say that rest will produce a product other than, well, rest. But Biblical principles are often paradoxical. That is, they typically don’t make sense. Waiting on the Lord requires a certain confidence in God that can only grow over time. Experientially, one that knows that although the outcome is uncertain, the hands of the One who holds you are good. His plans for you are not to harm you [but plans to] give you hope and a future Jeremiah 29:11. “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” That is the hope that trusts that good things are coming even when there’s no end in sight. This hope comes from experience with repeated faithfulness of God. When you’ve seen the goodness of God, you can’t help but expect that He will come through yet again, even when it doesn’t make sense!

One of my favorite things to do in the face of uncertainty is to sit still in complete silence. For me, these times are reminiscent of what I’ve read in Mark 4:35-41. Within these verses, we read that Jesus is on a boat with His disciples in the middle of a storm. A furious storm suddenly came up, and the waves broke over the boat, so much so that it was nearly swamped. Jesus was in the stern, sleeping on a cushion. The disciples woke him and said to him, “Teacher, don’t you care if we drown?” He got up, rebuked the wind and said to the waves, “Quiet! Be still!” Then the wind died down and it was completely calm. He said to his disciples, “Why are you so afraid? Do you still have no faith?”

So, when I’m going through periods of chaos in life, I like to imagine that I’m sitting still with Jesus on that boat. I close my eyes and allow my mind to see the chaos all around me. I can almost hear the howling wind, and I allow myself to feel the fear of the unknown. The smell of the ocean becomes ripe in my olfactory receptors. Then I look up to notice that the One who commands the seas to be still is the One who’s keeping me safe, my firm foundation, Jesus. At that moment, I begin to realize that the howl of the fierce ocean storm that surrounds me is much louder than its actual bite. I realize, too, that so long as I hold fast to Jesus, He will take care of the uncertainties and turn them around for my good, just as He promises in His word. That doesn’t mean I have no problems, and it certainly doesn’t mean relinquishing control is easy, but it does mean that waiting is a rewarding discipline.

Those moments of chaos and confusion, of fear, require us to cling ever more closely to the Lord, sharpening our faith with each passing wave.

Waiting on the Lord produces peace, not pride. It helps us to look at our many blessings with eyes of gratitude rather than entitlement. Jesus then becomes the object of our affection as we grow stronger in Him. “Wait on the Lord; be of good courage, and He shall strengthen your heart; wait, I say, on the Lord!” –Psalm 27:14. Culture tries to convince us that we can’t control our emotions, but the word of God says contrary. It doesn’t say, “try to be of good courage.” It says, “Be of good courage.”

To do this requires that we renew our minds daily in His Word. And live with the mindset of courageously trusting in the Lord.

I want to leave you with these encouraging words found in 2 Peter 3:9. “The Lord is not slow in keeping His promise, as some understand slowness. Instead, He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.” God is patient on His timetable, not ours. He wants to see your character built and strengthened before He can add the weight of His blessings to you.

Our trust in Him builds patience and steadfastness. As this verse indicates, His heart desires to see each one of us come to repentance. Abiding in Him produces more than you could ever produce on your own. Would you repent today and ask the Lord to help you trust in Him? My prayer is that as you repent and make Him your rock, the Holy Spirit will walk beside you, reminding you to surrender your anxieties to Him. I pray that the Holy Spirit teaches you how to trust in Him more deeply every day.

This Is Me, And You. Abraham, too.

MaryEllen Montville

“Is this blessing then only for the circumcised, or also for the uncircumcised? For we say that faith was counted to Abraham as righteousness. How then was it counted to him? Was it before or after he had been circumcised? It was not after, but before he was circumcised” –Hebrews 4:9-10.

I literally have no idea just how many times I have read these very verses over the years. Nevertheless, today, the Holy Spirit allowed me to see them anew—more profound somehow.

As a Christian, I know the Truth found in these few lines of Scripture, in this chapter, really. More, I believe them.

In them is found the very foundation of who I am and in whom I believe. The Rock-Solid Truth on which I hang the full weight of my hope. Yet as I read them today, it was as if the Holy Spirit allowed me somehow to see their Truth afresh. It was as if His Words took on a life of their own, like some scene unfolding before me, animated. For just the briefest of moments, He opened my heart to understand these verses more personally, and in an instant, I was visually transported back to a little church by the sea. That place where the Lord saw fit, one spring day in March, to first whisper, “Come, follow Me.” Years later, He would whisper this same command when He anointed me to birth this blog. And yet it didn’t start there—my relationship with God, I mean. I didn’t go searching for Him on that Spring day; He called me—had been wooing me. I know that now. All I knew then was I had this pressing, inexplicable need to go to that little church by the sea, so I went.

I now understand I was one of those lost sheep Jesus spoke of in Luke 15:4. “What man of you, having a hundred sheep, if he has lost one of them, does not leave the ninety-nine in the open country, and go after the one that is lost, until he finds it?” And way back when so too was Father Abraham—He was a lost sheep as well. I also understand that Jesus had a plan for both of our lives; I know that now, I didn’t then. A plan that would only unfold after He’d pull from our bellies the very faith, He’d placed in them, in eternity past. Faith is the genesis of everything. Without it, we can’t do anything. “And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him” –Hebrews 11:6.

I forget that sometimes as I read Scripture. I forget that Abraham, and Moses, David and Daniel, Martha, and Mary, Paul, and Peter, all of these had been given their own measure of faith—just as you and I have been.

Yet Scripture informs me that though I possess this faith, say nothing of the gifts and talents on lone to me; I cannot lay claim to them as if they were something I made happen. Something I did or found on my own, lest pride swells up in me, and I fall. As with everything else in my life, even the very measure of faith I possess is a precious gift given me from my Heavenly Father. “I say to everyone among you not to think more highly of himself than he ought to think; but to think so as to have sound judgment, as God has allotted to each a measure of faith” 1 Corinthians 12:9. Equally true is this: This measure of faith was given me because God had already accepted me as His own; He’d chosen me in Christ Jesus in eternity past.

Sitting in that little seaside church on that spring day, how could I have known that? For that matter, neither would Abraham have had any idea the day God showed up, of the call, nor the unfathomable blessing that would soon be made manifest in his life as he went about his everyday life in Ur. “And he received circumcision as a sign, a seal of the righteousness that he had by faith while he was still uncircumcised. So then, he is the father of all who believe but have not been circumcised, in order that righteousness might be credited to them” –Romans 4:11.

See, that’s the thing the Holy Spirit illuminated afresh today. How profoundly personal our conversion is, and how suddenly it is that we are changed. Just how suddenly this literal life-changing gift is bestowed upon us. Abraham and I are both witness to this Truth. One moment we were dead in our sins, and then, in the twinkling of an eye, we were made new. And so too were that great cloud of witnesses that went on to glory before me. One second, we were all dead in our sins, and in the next, in fulfillment of the will and plan of God, all were washed clean; made a new creation in Christ Jesus, His now, eternally.

That’s where it all starts, in that nanosecond in time, determined in eternity past. Hear the Word of God: “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you [and approved of you as My chosen instrument], And before you were born I consecrated you [to Myself as My own]; I have appointed you as a prophet to the nations” –Jeremiah 29:11.

Did you catch what the Prophet Jeremiah said by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit?

God chooses us before we ever come into being. And, not only had Jeremiah been chosen by God, given his measure of faith by Him, more, wrapped up in His being chosen, was Jeremiah’s calling. His purpose. So too is ours, our “one-of-a-kind calling,” our unique piece of the creation puzzle that God will anoint, using it to bring His eternal plan to fruition. “My frame was not hidden from you, when I was being made in secret, intricately woven in the depths of the earth. Your eyes saw my unformed substance; in your book were written, every one of them, the days that were formed for me, when as yet there was none of them” –Psalm 139:15-16.

The Apostle Paul found this foundational Truth of being chosen in Christ Jesus and gifted with faith of such import that it permeates almost all His writings. “For by the grace given to me I say to everyone among you not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think, but to think with sober judgment, each according to the measure of faith that God has assigned” Romans 12:3.

John Piper says it this way concerning Paul’s writings. Concerning this faith that we who believe are given: God has given all Christians varying measures of faith. This is the faith with which we receive and use our varying gifts. It is the ordinary daily faith by which we live and minister. Paul’s final remedy for spiritual pride is to say that not only are spiritual gifts a work of God’s free grace in our lives, but so also is the very faith with which we use those gifts. This means that every possible ground of boasting is taken away. How can we boast if even the qualification for receiving gifts is also a gift?

The Apostle Paul says it plainly: “For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast” –Ephesians 2:8-9.

So perhaps this brief visual journey afforded me by the Holy Spirit today came as a reminder? Maybe He was reminding me how the faith I claim as my own came into being? Perhaps I need re-minding of that sometimes? There’s no perhaps about it; actually, shamefully, I do.

Why? I find it curious, wholly human perhaps, how I can hold something as sacred as my faith so dear, yet so dispassionately at times. As if taking it for granted somehow. At times we forget, in our flesh, that our faith must be stirred up. Watched over and cherished, as the treasure of great price that it is—guarded, with our very lives. I, for one, am thankful that the Holy Spirit reminds me of this Truth when I become lax.

Perhaps today, I needed to be re-minded to cling to this precious treasure I have been entrusted with. Re-minded to continuously exercise my faith on behalf of those who have yet to come into their measure of faith? Re-minded perhaps, that on a day I did not expect Him, the Spirit of the Living God came, suddenly, and blessed me with this precious, Life-giving gift of faith—just as He had for Father Abraham, just as He’ll do for you. And so, friend, if you’ve yet to call this faith your own, you can now. I believe the Holy Spirit has led you here for just that reason, to bless you with your measure of faith.

But first, you must ask Him to come into your life as Lord and Savior. Confess that you have sinned and that you need Him. Then stand still and watch the Lord fight for you—change you, increase with time, the measure of faith He’ll give you today. “Now not for his sake alone was it written that it was credited to him, but for our sake also—to whom righteousness will be credited, as those who believe in Him who raised Jesus our Lord from the dead—who was betrayed and crucified because of our sins, and was raised [from the dead] because of our justification [our acquittal—absolving us of all sin before God]” –Romans 4:23-25.

He Knows Your Frame.

MaryEllen Montville

“But Jesus said, “Why are you troubled? Why do you doubt what you see? Look at my hands and my feet. It’s really me. Touch me. You can see that I have a living body; a ghost does not have a body like this” –Luke 24:38-39.

Jesus wasn’t chastising His disciples; He was comforting them—reassuring them. He knew perfectly well that though his disciples had witnessed others being resurrected (the son of the widow of Nain—Luke 7:11-17, Jairus’ daughter—Matthew 9:18-26, and finally, their friend, Lazarus—John 11:38-44), their witnessing Him return from the dead borderlined on being just way too much for their finite minds to take in.

Remember, these were everyday men like you and me—many, simple fishermen. It was only Jesus who was both fully human—and fully Divine. Plus, up until the time they’d met Jesus, dead had always meant precisely that, dead. People just didn’t come back from the grave. Yet there He was, their Rabbi, standing right in front of them. A savage beating at the hands of the Romans. His Crucifixion. Three days in His tomb. It was impossible! Surely this could not be! And yet, there He stood. There was only one explanation for this. Suddenly, a scene played out in Peter’s mind. In it, Jesus had also asked His disciples a question. “But what about you?” Jesus asked. “Who do you say I am?” Peter answered, “You are the Christ.” And Jesus warned them not to tell anyone about Him.…” –Mark 8:29-30.

So, can you imagine their shock? Their disbelief? Is it any wonder then that Jesus asks them why they’re troubled? Why they doubt who it is that’s standing right in front of them? Honestly, wouldn’t you have been troubled too?

Maybe it was due to their reaction to Him suddenly appearing before them? Or perhaps it was out of His great love and compassion for His friends, in His mercy, and with the most extraordinary tenderness that Jesus offers His beloved and troubled friends, His Peace? “…He said to them, “Peace be with you” –Luke 24:36. I choose to believe that it was the latter.

Jesus knows that as mere men, when we experience seasons of deep pain and loss, of trauma, often it’s the ordinary and the everyday-ness of life that we tether to; it aids in recentering us. He knows it’s’ the route and familiar that helps slow the wild spinning down just enough to feel safe enough to step away from the pain and towards life and living. Their having been eyewitnesses to the savage scourging Jesus had suffered before His barbaric Crucifixion leaves little doubt that John and Mary and the other woman would have shared the details of what they had witnessed with the rest of His disciples. “Near the cross of Jesus stood his mother, his mother’s sister, Mary the wife of Clopas, and Mary Magdalene. When Jesus saw his mother there, and the disciple whom he loved standing nearby, he said to her, “Woman,[a] here is your son,” and to the disciple, “Here is your mother” –John 19:52-27.

Shared how they’d watched in horror and with the most profound sorrow as Jesus took His last breath. His final exhale perhaps forcing them to release their grip on the last vestige of hope they’d so desperately been clinging to. Jesus’ final breath—meant the end for them all. Its final work, snuffing out any flickering promise that remained in their hearts. Any remnant of hope these past three-plus years spent with Him had offered them. Joy-filled years spent talking with and learning from Him, walking, and eating, and marveling at His wonderful works. Their Messiah was dead. Jesus’ lifeless Body hung before them on His Cross. And with it, in their finite minds at least, the long-awaited, lifeless promise that the Kingdom of God had finally come. That after generations of oppression, their deliverer had finally come. That soon and very soon, they would all taste newfound freedom. And they would—just not in the way they had imagined it would come.

And once again, in verses 41-43 of this same chapter, we witness Jesus’ tenderness. His patient love towards His friends being displayed once more through a familiar, everyday gesture. Remember, Jesus knows it’s the everyday things that help center us. So He asks His friends if they have anything to eat? And when someone hands Him a piece of fish, Jesus proceeds to eat it; but more than just eating fish, Jesus wants to settle their anxious hearts, so He uses this everyday act to assure them that they do not see a ghost. That no ghost could do what they are watching Him do; being omniscient, Jesus knows that they are awed and joyful by His sudden appearance, but He also knows that they’re confused and bewildered by it as well. Jesus knows they need time. That seeing Him do anything ordinary will help put them at ease. “The followers were amazed and very, very happy to see that Jesus was alive. They still could not believe what they saw. He said to them, “Do you have any food here?” They gave him a piece of cooked fish. While the followers watched, he took the fish and ate it.” Jesus knows His sudden reappearance has caused His disciples to have tunnel vision, focusing only on the here and now.

On the possibilities of what His sudden return may mean for them? What His being with them once more is all about? What might it look like moving forward now? But Jesus needs their minds to shift beyond this moment. Beyond themselves and their immediate wants and needs. Time is a precious commodity now. Remember, Jesus also knows that very soon He will be returning to the Father. So He needs their minds to shift towards His eternal plan and purpose for having had come at all. Jesus needs them to move forward. Towards those, He knows are depending on them. So then, for the final time in these closing verses, Jesus does the familiar yet again. This time, He taught His disciples. “Jesus said to them, “Remember when I was with you before? I said that everything written about me must happen—everything written in the Law of Moses, the books of the prophets, and the Psalms.” Then Jesus helped the followers understand these Scriptures about him. Jesus said to them, “It is written that the Messiah would be killed and rise from death on the third day” –Luke 24: 44-46.

Jesus grounds His jittery friends. He recenters them—focusing their attention on the familiar—on the mission. On what they know, the scriptures. On what has been foretold concerning Him, their Messiah. Concerning the bewildering and fright-full moment in which they now find themselves. Then, Jesus goes further still, reminding His friends that they have been His witnesses. That all of what they’ve seen while with Him is now part of their story. Their testimony. The very foundation of all that they will share as they go forth into all the world. It’s their legacy. The unplumbed treasure they’ll leave behind for future generations—for you and me. Then he opened their minds to understand the Scriptures, and said to them, “Thus it is written, that the Christ should suffer and on the third day rise from the dead, and that repentance for the forgiveness of sins should be proclaimed in his name to all nations, beginning from Jerusalem. You are witnesses of these things” –Luke 24: 45-48.

Jesus knew His disciple’s—their frame. He knows ours too. He knows that for us to do what He has destined us to, created us to do, we must wait on Him. Wait for His strength and the power of His Holy Spirit. We must wait for His timing, wait to be gathered together, called, and we must wait to be released. Jesus knows that our minds must first be opened to the Truth—To Him, His Spirit, to His Word just as His disciples were. Just as they had to wait before continuing with the work that Jesus had started—so must we. “Then he said, “This is God’s message to Zerubbabel: ‘Not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit, says the Lord Almighty—you will succeed because of my Spirit, though you are few and weak’ –Zechariah 4:6-7.

Jesus knew that the birth of His Church was imminent. That within days He would be ascending back to His Father—our, Father. His work here on earth, in the physical sense at least, being all but finished now. And, that it would be these men, His chosen, these mere mortals that He’d soon empower, baptizing them with His Spirit, charging them then, to carry out this magnificent work of spreading the Good News to all, to you and me, so that we too might carry His Truth all the way to the ends—of the earth that is. “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you, and you will be My witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” After He had said this, they watched as He was taken up, and a cloud hid Him from their sight.…” Acts 1: 8-9.

Friend, if you’ve read this till the end, yet you don’t know this Jesus personally, then do know this: You’re here because He wanted the two of you to meet. He wants a friendship with you, to walk together and work together. He’s done His part by bringing you here. Won’t you please do your part by accepting His invitation? Just ask Him into your heart, sincerely repent of your sins, and He’ll take it from there. He knows your frame, what you truly need. “…if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation” –Romans 10:9-10.

We Have A Great High Priest…

MaryEllen Montville

“For this reason He had to be made like His brothers in every way, so that He might become a merciful and faithful high priest in service to God, in order to make atonement for the sins of the people” –Hebrews 2:17.

This morning has been pain-filled—my heart is heavy. Truth be told, this has been a very trying season. Some seasons are just like that. And when we’re walking through our pain—at least when I am, it’s easy to fall into despair. To forget for a time that, even though what we’re experiencing is real, we shouldn’t be surprised that it’s happening—or that it hurts as bad as it does. Jesus assured us that as long as we’re on this earth, things like this will happen. But how easy it is to forget that sometimes. “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid”  –John 14:27.

I’m sure it’s because of just how pain-filled these recent times have been for me that the Holy Spirit came as only He can in His gentle, loving way, and reminded me of something this morning that I needed to be reminded of. Something I’d recently heard the character who portrays Jesus in the series, The Chosen, say. A statement He made in response to a question posed to Him by the hostess of a dinner party He was attending.

The hostess asked, “When I was a little girl, my father told me the Messiah would bring an end to pain and suffering. If you are who people are saying you are, when will you do that?” And the character that portrays Jesus responded: “I’m here to preach the Good News of the Kingdom of heaven, a Kingdom that is not of this world, a Kingdom that is coming soon, so yes, sorrow and sighing will flee away. I make a way for people to access that Kingdom but, in this world, bones will still break, hearts will still break. But in the end, Light will overcome darkness.”  I needed to be re-minded of that today. And I thank the Holy Spirit, not only for what He deposits within me but equally, for what He re-minds me of when I need reminding. And so I’m here to re-mind you, as well. Because perhaps like me, you may need reminding right now.

But first, notice Jesus’ response to this woman. He pointed her towards the Good News—towards God’s Kingdom, towards The Truth. And then He addressed her concerns. So today, as I share with you what God has placed on my heart, I pray it points you towards God. Towards His Kingdom, and His Word—made flesh. Towards the Truth; towards Jesus and His great Love for you.

Over these past several months, I’ve lost four dear friends. I take great comfort in knowing that I will see them again one day soon as each of them knew Jesus. But it still hurts that they’re no longer with me now. In addition, I’m currently typing this message in an entirely different state, as in location. I’m here because the enemy has attacked my family, and the Lord suddenly sent me here, for now, to help. Also, before I began typing this teaching this morning, I was—I have been, praying with my brothers and sisters back home for a dear brother in Christ who is undergoing surgery today to remove a cancerous tumor from his body. Updates continue to come in via text of complications the doctors have encountered. Suffice it to say that my heart hurts this morning—it’s heavy. Yet, at the same time, by God’s grace, I have great peace.

As I was sitting here praying, pouring my heart out to the Lord, the Holy Spirit, my precious Comforter, came. And, doing what only He can, He began ministering to my broken heart.

He reminded me, as I had just reminded my friend’s wife via a text message, that we have a Great High Priest who has tasted everything—every emotion and situation we can imagine. So, He knows—can personally relate to, exactly what we’re feeling and thinking. He is not a God who is far off. He is close to us—to my friend in surgery and me right now, to his wife and his family as well. He’s close in the hour of our deep need. He’s close to my son and your son or daughter in their moment of need. Closer even than we can fathom. And I, for one, am so grateful for that fact right now because I need what only Jesus can give me—His peace and strength. “Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall. But those who wait upon the LORD will renew their strength; they will mount up with wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not faint” –Isiah 40:30-31.

I am grateful for the assurance that He will never leave me nor forsake me—no matter the circumstances—no matter what every demon springing up around me may be screaming at me right now!

I know God is with me –I trust Him. And He sent me here to you today not only to share my testimony but also to remind you that as surely as God is with me, so too is He with you. If you are His child, then His Spirit at work in us reminds us that we are to walk by faith, not by sight, not according to how we feel. Feelings change; Truth doesn’t. His Spirit in us reminds us to trust Him. Especially now, when so much of what is going on around us makes absolutely no sense. In these trying and uncertain seasons of my life—these dark and challenging valleys, I am so thankful that I don’t have to walk by sight. That I can trust Jesus to lead and guide me instead. Otherwise, I don’t know if I would make it out of this present pain-filled valley in one piece, to experience the mountaintop, once again, that faith and my relationship with Jesus have taught me are waiting for me on the other side of this. “For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but we have one who was tempted in every way that we are, yet was without sin. Let us then approach the throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need” –Hebrews 4:15-16.

I’m also reminded this morning that no matter how painful this valley may be, I’m not walking through it blindly. This pain will not overtake me because Jesus made sure to forewarn me that people will get cancer in this fallen and sin-riddled world—yet He is with them, still. They’ll die what seems like way too early, in my mind at least. Divorce will happen, and we’ll be forced to stand by and watch those we love walk through the pain it brings while not being able to do one thing to stop it from happening. Our children will become addicted—or maybe our parents. They’ll make lifestyle choices that, as Christians, we cannot and do not agree with—and yet we’ll love them despite their choices. Just as Jesus loved us—and still does. Despite those sinful choices we continue to make. “Because He Himself suffered when He was tempted, He is able to help those who are being tempted” –Hebrews 2:18.

We may never understand—or know why God allows certain things to happen to us or to those we love, this side of heaven that is. But if we have a relationship with Jesus, this much we do know about Him now, today, for certain: He’s a loving Father. A Good God. And because we know this, know Him—because we’ve tasted and seen for ourselves that He alone is Good, we can confidently say as Job did: “…What? Shall we receive only pleasant things from the hand of God and never anything unpleasant?” –Job 2:10. In fact, right before Jesus was about to be betrayed—about to willingly take up His Cross. Before His sinless Body was about to be ripped open by the Roman whip, well before thorns were viciously pressed into His forehead and scalp, and before spikes were savagely driven through His wrists and feet and a spear jabbed into His side, Jesus assured His disciples—comforted them really, us too, me right now, with these Words: “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world, you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world” –John 16:33.

All you and I can do is comfort and pray for each other, friends—be Jesus’ hands and feet, honestly, compassionately, and tangibly.

Because whatever valley I may find myself in, whatever my sister and her husband will face once he’s out of surgery today, whatever valley my son or your son or daughter, your parent or parents may be walking through at this very moment. By God’s grace alone, we must remember, as we pass through it, that we have not endured the ultimate betrayal, the pain—physical or emotional, that Jesus suffered for us—for me, lest I ever forget His pain was personal. It was and still is personal for you, too.

So, if like me, and so many others today, you find yourself in the valley of despair—walking through pain so heavy it’s taking all you have to just put one foot in front of the other, please friend, know you are not alone right now. Even as I type, I am still praying—for you this time. I’m praying and take authority over whatever has your heart in its vice-like grip this day, in Jesus’ name. I’m praying you will follow my lead and cry out to the One who knows us better than we know ourselves—the One who sees the end of your situation from its beginning, despite your pain.

Cry out to the One who saw it all coming and will, no matter how it looks to you right now, no matter how hard it is for you to believe you’re going to get through this, more, believe that you’ll eventually smile and thrive and grow and love and heal and forgive and reach out, again. And why? Because we have this Great High Priest who not only felt and experienced everything we have, He will also empower us to overcome this. This same Jesus assures us in His Word that: “I am the LORD, the God of all the peoples of the world. Is anything too hard for me” –Jeremiah 32:27.

So If you’re reading this and have said to yourself, “wait, this is me! This is how I’ve been feeling, too! I’m walking in a valley of my own right now. Then won’t you cry out to Jesus for help? And, if you’ve yet to ask this Jesus into your life and heart as Lord, what better time than while you’re in a pain-filled valley? Why? Because He’s just waiting for you to ask for His help, waiting to help you walk through it. He’ll come and forgive and restore, renew, and heal you, right where you are. Yes, friend, even there in the thick of that sin you think is so unforgivable. Just repent of your sins today and ask Jesus into your heart. Why go it alone when you can do it with Jesus? “He is able to deal gently with those who are ignorant and misguided, since he himself is beset by weakness” –Hebrews 5:2.

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