"Come follow me and I will make you fishers of men." Matthew 4:19

Category: Teachings From The Word… (Page 13 of 15)

A weekly teaching series designed to encourage, challenge, and better inform those seeking a relationship with the Lord, or those who want to simply just come and hear what the Lord is saying to His people

If You’ll Just Follow… Mark 8:36

 “For what does it benefit a man to gain the whole world [with all its pleasures], and forfeit his soul? For what will a man give in exchange for his soul and eternal life [in God’s kingdom]?”

If you’d be so kind as to indulge me for a moment or two—I promise you, by the time we part company today, we’ll have discovered some Truths together…

Today I was led to the book of Zechariah.

It’s where my journey with the Lord began this morning. But, before I get into what He revealed, allow me to share just how joy-filled it is to sit at the feet of the Lord and have Him open the eyes of my understanding to His Truth! It’s as humbling today as it was the very first time the proverbial light-of-my-understanding was flicked on! Just like that, out of seemingly nowhere, bam! Truth is realized! And, as a result, I am forever changed in some great or small way. And so are you! Or, you certainly can be! Take a moment to think about that the next time you’re in your Word. The Creator of the universe is right there with you whispering His Truth into your spirit; causing your belly to jump in response to His presence with you!

Elizabeth knew a thing or two about this…

But it was the mention of being “brought through the fire” in verse 9 of Zechariah 13 that caused me to pause today. It resonated with me. In its reading I was reminded of a Word the Lord had spoken to me almost a year ago now concerning my imminent relocation. Sitting with Him one morning I had heard the Word ‘crucible’ drop in my spirit. I knew this was a Word concerning the season He was leading me into.  Now, I don’t know about you, but I’ve been walking with the Lord long enough to know that when you hear a Word like that drop in your spirit—buckle up! This was not going to be a mountaintop season—no refreshing time by the brook for this gal! This was going to be one of those walking through the shadow of the valley of death deals! Mine that is. I knew God was about to do a deep work in me. I also knew it was time…

Let us be re-minded that in this season of giving the very act of giving itself is designed to cost us something…

My first clue came in a “suddenly” moment. Standing at my kitchen island I heard the Lord say, “take your hands off of it.” Foolishly in the moment I thought He was referring to the new home He had just provided. In other words, “don’t get too attached to it.” See He’d dealt with me in the past about making idols of “things”. So, it was easy for me to see this as a reminder: This is a gift, NOT a possession!

Hence the hands-off thing…

I had no idea in that moment however, that in a just a few short months, not only would I leave that new home behind but with it my family, friends, my church family, my ministry work, and, the islands I so love. Those same Islands God has been bringing me back and forth between for the past 27 years! Would I ever come back?  Like I said, I had no idea this was coming. His ways are surely not mine!I would love to tell you that I was all super-spiritual and instantly—joyfully obeyed His command to pack it up, give it away, and go where He was leading me. But that would be a lie. However, I did pack. I did give away what I was told to, and I did go amid one of the worst hurricanes the Islands had seen in years. So severe was this storm that just 48 hours prior to my departure there were no flights off the islands due to the menacing wind. Only by Gods divine Hand was the storm turned away and literally swept out to sea.

His Word will not return to Him void…

Allow me to pause here and clarify something important: I was joy-filled to hear from God; that is my Spirit-man was. My flesh on the other hand, not so much.

Now you may be thinking, nice testimony, but what does this have to do with today’s scripture, or to your earlier reference of being led to the book of Zechariah? It’s here then that I will thank you for patiently following along. More, where I will start filling in the pieces of this puzzle for you…

In this season when everyone is running around searching for the perfect gift to give, it was in and through each of these passages that the Lord re-minded me of that one “perfect gift” He requires from us—from me, His children. A heart of obedience. One completely surrendered to His Lordship. After-all, it’s a large part of the reason He came for you and me. Why He chose us. Why He allowed Himself to be wrapped in milk rags and sleep in the leftover straw meant for animals. It’s why He gave up heaven and took on human flesh. It’s why that same flesh was ripped open by the Roman lictors whips. Why He held His Cross as one would hold their lover. It’s why He laid down upon it—willingly, stretching Himself wide; He wanted there to be room “for all who will” inside the Inn of His Body. It’s why this Spotless One took on every filthy thing I have ever done, said, thought. You too. He did this, and so much more, for us both. He did it for each soul that has ever been, is now, and those yet to be called by His great name.

Is there anything we might gain that is worth having outside of Jesus?

Is a fine home, a car, beautiful furnishings, cash in the bank, exotic destinations, the best of spouses or a house filled with children; never mind some finely wrapped gifts given us at Christmas worth having if our not knowing Jesus is the price we must pay to have them?

I say no. There is nothing. No thing I would exchange for knowing, and being both known and loved by my Lord. Nothing. And, that’s scary to say out loud. Though I know that I know He works all things together for my good—those “things He’s working with” are often exacting. Yet still, it’s on trembling knees I lovingly say, “not my will but Thine be done.” After all, I am His. Who else is there for me but Him?

It was in reading Zechariah 13 verse 8 that I was re-minded I have been chosen in Christ Jesus. Saved to serve my Savior. And, in verse nine how it is through this fire of adversity spoken of—this election of sacrifice and refining, that He burns off my dross. One day we will—I will, stand before Him spotless and without wrinkle. Oh, glorious day! It was during this same time that a verse we sing at this time of the year found its way into my heart. Thinking of it again now I am brought to my knees: “Till He appeared and the soul felt its worth…”

Oh, night divine! Oh, holy night…!

And there is it. My life, your life, the greatest gift we will ever receive laid out for us in nine simply profound and life-changing words. My worth—your worth, is found in Christ alone! Be re-minded of that in this season of hope beloved! Receive this precious gift friend. Is there any “thing” He might ask of us that is too great to give back to the One who came as Gods greatest, most costly gift to the world?

Friend, if you’ve yet to meet Him—to experience the life-changing joy of His birth, don’t let this Christmas pass without finding your way to His side and bow before Him in humble adoration. And, if you’re unsure just how to find Him, fear not, He is as faithful to guide you today as He was to those lowly shepherds so long ago… “And this will be a sign to you: You will find a baby wrapped in swaddling cloths and lying in a manger.” And suddenly there appeared with the angel a great multitude of the heavenly host, praising God and saying: “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to men on whom His favor rests” … Luke 2:12-14!

And, to my brothers and sisters I welcome you to join me in worshiping anew our King. The greatest gift we will ever be given, Jesus Christ, the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. May His star burn brightly in your hearts. And, may it be used as it was that first night to lead those who will to Him…


Don’t Be A Drifter. Hebrews 10:29

 “But we’re not quitters who lose out. Oh, no! We’ll stay with it and survive, trusting all the way.”

Adrift is just that—adrift. You’re not lost.  Wake up! And be righted…

While the storm was raging all around him, Jonah was asleep. Above him, on deck, a prayer meeting was in full swing. Every pagan god was being called upon to stop the raging storm that threatened to kill them all. Yet Jonah, a child of the Most High God, slept on. Oblivious to the danger that surrounded both himself and everyone on board that ship…

Such a danger is swirling around our world today. Such a storm is brewing now my brothers and sisters!

An alarm  has gone off in heaven. A clarion call has gone out.  Here is what I heard in the Spirit: Wake-up, wake-up, says the God of Angel Armies. Wipe the sleep from your eyes and darn your battle gear. A war is raging all about you. The enemy of your soul is waging a full-on assault that he might devour souls as the locust devour field and leaf. Blood is flowing and will soon reach the bridle. Prepare says the Lord of Angel Armies, heed the alarm heaven has sent to awaken those that are asleep. Time is short.

Sleeping Christian, there is much work to be done! We, like Peter, John, and James before us have all fallen asleep. Some of us more soundly than others. I don’t say this to condemn, who am I? I say this instead to convict as I was convicted. I place myself at the forefront of those who have drifted off. There are times when your whole soul seems on fire. If anybody had spoken of you then, they would have said, “What a fine man that is! What love he has for Christ! What concern for the souls of men! He ought to be sent forth as a missionary at once.” Wait till you see him asleep! He can sleep very soundly! In fact, he is as great at sleeping as at waking. He can descend into depths of stupidity and indifference as naturally as he just now rose into heights of fervor and enthusiasm. Yes, there are many such, and I would say to any brothers and sisters who are conscious of a propensity in that direction—is it not high time that you, that I, that any, that all of us should awake out of sleep? —Charles Spurgeon

God asked each of us, called each of us, as He did our brothers before us—to follow Him and complete a specific task. And we did, follow that is, joyfully! We started out strong—we started off awe-struck and in earnest, wanting nothing more than to give all that we had—everything that we are, to the One we love. The One who invited us to follow Him. To be His witnesses to these key moments; these intimate moments where human vulnerability is eternally overcome by divine will. Yet somehow, we’ve drifted. And now, we’re being called to wake up and right ourselves! Remove the sleep that blinds our eyes to our sin as well as to the needs of those God has placed before us.

As it was in the garden, so it is on the battlefield. Jesus has crushed the serpent and reigns victorious—this day. Yet, we’re called to fight a war that has already been won. And, to fight it even unto our deaths. Just as surely as we’ve been called to work out a salvation that we’ve freely received—one that also demands our death. But, what a privilege to have been chosen to be a soldier in the army of our God! To be entrusted with being used to go—under the cover of the Holy Spirit, into enemy territory snatching souls from the grip of the one who is intent on their destruction! A great responsibility has been entrusted to us—we were born for such a time as this. For such a battle.

Is it any wonder then, that to faithfully serve our God in this battle we first must be fully alert?

How can we hear the voice of God—His instructions for us, if we’re half asleep? How will we know His plan if we’re not fully engaged with Him? If we’ve allowed the cares of this world—complacency, insensitivity, detachment, schisms, selfish pursuits, to have robbed us of our ability to justly do battle with our true enemy, and not the soul which stands before us wounded, bloodied, and in need of God?

But I digress, an alarm has been sounded in heaven!

A Clarion call has gone forth! (A very clear message or instruction about what action is needed; a shrill alarm issued from a trumpet used in war)

Those of us that have drifted off must wake up! We must right our course towards the grounding shore once again. The hand of God is shaking each of His children from their comfortable slumber. Vigilance is in order. We whose fervor has waned must pray and seek God. Souls are on the line. We have been chosen and appointed for such a time as this. As surely as Peter, James, and John were chosen to follow Jesus into the garden. It’s why the accident didn’t kill us. Why your mom walked out of the abortion clinic. Why we were delivered from drugs—booze—sex—porn—and all those chains that had us in bondage. It’s why the beatings didn’t kill you—the disease didn’t ravage your body. It’s why you’ve never fit in—you weren’t created to.

Warriors were created for the battlefields—not to hang out in the mall. You were carefully crafted for such a time as this. Deliberately placed exactly where you are for Gods greater purpose. You’ve heard it said, “God doesn’t make mistakes.” Trust that in due time you will understand in full what you now only understand in part.

Yet, above all else that I’ve shared here today, my purpose is to share with you this sense of urgency I feel in my Spirit. To rouse you from your nap! Wake up dear brother! Shake the sleep from your tired mind my sister! Don’t fall asleep! Though you’re weary from pressing forward—your arms tired from the constant resistance you meet daily, right yourself! Wipe the sleep from your eyes and fix them towards the shore. You’ve been saved that you might be used to save another. That’s not something you can do if you’ve drifted off yourself. Be re-minded of whose you are—now. You were not created to shrink back. You were created as a vessel. Sturdy. Steadfast. Leak-proof. A vessel designed to secure the safe passage of others…

“And this word, Yet once more, signifieth the removing of those things that are shaken, as of things that are made, that those things which cannot be shaken may remain” Hebrews 12:27.

There are outgoing lines of life that bind us not only with some men, but, in fact, with all humanity, so that if we did but know it, the thought of one brain, the utterance of one mouth, the movement of one pair of hands does in its measure influence the whole human race to some degree and will do so till time shall be no more. –Charles Spurgeon

Friend, if you’ve read through this message know that God has a purpose and a plan for your life. If you’ve not yet invited Jesus into your heart as Lord and Savior today is the day! Take a moment  and ask Jesus into your heart. You need Him, and He wants to be with you. Why wait? We’re not promised another opportunity…


Joined. John 15:4

 “Remain in Me, and I [will remain] in you. Just as no branch can bear fruit by itself without remaining in the vine, neither can you [bear fruit, producing evidence of your faith] unless you remain in Me.”

The Message Bible says it like this: “Live in me. Make your home in me just as I do in you. In the same way that a branch can’t bear grapes by itself but only by being joined to the vine, you can’t bear fruit unless you are joined with me.

In the opening sentence of our Scripture we hear a vow being exchanged—a promise being made. Remain in Me, and I [will remain] in you.  An offer to make an everlasting home in, and with Jesus. “Live in me. Make your home in me just as I do in you. So, is the Scripture talking about fruit only, or are we witnessing a marriage proposal as well? Through the revelation of the Holy Spirit, I posit, at its deepest level, this Scripture lends itself to both…

In the parable of the Vine we’re called—commanded (this is no mere suggestion) to remain joined to, to never separate from, Jesus. Just as a husband and wife are joined as one, so too are we commanded to be with Jesus in this verse—If we are His. We’re called to cling, stick to like glue, to “stay put” in Him, that we might be fruitful. As a bride becomes filled with new life once she has cleaved to her husband, so too do we, as Christians, in the Spirit, once we are joined with Jesus.

His Word tells us, as a woman without a man, Christians, outside of Jesus, will be barren—fruit-less, able to bear nothing of eternal value. They might try, through works of their own—but those works will die on the vine…

To do this, to be fruitful, prolific, we must be united to Him—belong to Him, as a wife belongs to, is joined to, her husband. After all, if you are a believer in Christ Jesus, that is exactly who you are—His Bride, the Church! A member of the, “ekklēsia” (Lexicon: Strong’s G1577 – ekklēsia). The inference being that a relationship exists, a rather intimate relationship. A knowing, gnosis, an intimate knowing, as in the knowing a husband shares of his wife. (Strong’s Greek: 1108. γνῶσις (gnósis) – a knowing, knowledge).

Hence, we begin to see the connection bubbling up between the parable of the Vine and marriage. A joining—a oneness is taking shape. No longer are they two, but now one flesh. One message. Concerning Christ, both the Vine and Marriage are inextricably linked…

Jesus makes plain that the branch cannot produce fruit outside of its relationship with the Vine; and the Body—the Church, cannot bear spiritual fruit apart from the power of the Holy Spirit of God. Each relies on intimate union that lasting fruit might be produced.

So, how does this joining—this abiding, this knowing come about? What is its genesis—where does it begin?

We witness its birth within the confines of a relationship. To truly know anything— any person, one must have a relationship with them. Otherwise, they may know about a thing, know of the person—but they do not know them. It is only within the confines of relationship that we are both known and, grow to know another…

And, as it is in our earthly relationships, how much more in our relationship with Jesus?

Jesus, speaking to His friends, is instructing them, commanding them, to remain in relationship with Him (if they want this relationship to flourish, to bloom and become all it can be—that they might continue being productive for Kingdom purposes). He assures them, in vow language, in covenant speak, that He’ll never leave them. He’ll never bail on their relationship. Never. That’s His vow to His friends—His Bride. What He’s asking of them in return is for their vow of love and fidelity also. A promise to remain loyal—to stay joined, connected—in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health, being poor or in plenty, regardless the circumstance, against all odds—never let go of Me. That is—in part, what Jesus is saying in our Scripture—to their hearts and to ours.

Stay with Me…

The other part of His message?

There can only be One Source—and I’m it.

You cannot be joined to Me and the world. You must commit—be joined, serve, One, or the other… “No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon [money, possessions, fame, status, or whatever is valued more than the Lord].” –Matthew 6:24.

We hear this echoed in Paul’s writings to the Romans. He doesn’t mention vines, but he does talk about fruit. In the 7th Chapter of Romans, Paul uses the illustration of marriage to make a point about the law having rule over a married person so long as their spouse is alive. He talks about a woman being bound to her husband—as one flesh, eternally joined. Should she leave him and be joined to another while her husband lives, she is committing adultery. (vs’s 1-3). He then flips the script and tells his audience that they in fact have died to their old life—the law. They’ve now died to being single, to doing it their way, to serving—being joined to, other gods. And, that now, since they have been freed from this death, (the husband they were bound to, the law) they’re free to be joined to Christ, married to Him. Now, they must serve Him only—bearing good and lasting fruit because of this new union, this joining. No longer will they bring forth corrupt fruit that withers and rots on the vine; a result of their marriage to, them being joined to, the law. (vs’s 4-6).

In our Scripture verse, Jesus is planting seeds that He will bring to fruition during one of His final conversations with those He loves—at their last meal together. Seeds that have lasted throughout the generations in order that you too might benefit from them today… “Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me” –John 14:6. Said differently, a relationship between you and Me must exist in order for you to be mine, to bear eternal fruit.  We must be one, jointed like the branch is to the vine. Joined—united, one, as a wife is to her husband.

You must know (gnosis) me…

Friend, let me ask you. What are you joined to? More directly, who? What type of fruit is your life producing? Is it lasting, eternal fruit, or is your fruit, what you’re producing, dying, and withering on the vine? If you’re reading this and you do not know Jesus, you’re not connected to Him, then please, use this invitation the Holy Spirit is extending to you to “know” Him—become joined to Him.

You’re not here by accident, you’ve been chosen! Jesus loves you…

Will you join Him so that you might become all that He has created and called you to be?

Then he said to me, “Write, ‘Blessed are those who are invited to the marriage supper of the Lamb ‘” And he said to me, “These are true words of God.” –Revelation 19:9



The Dynamic Duo. John 6: 68-69

 Simon Peter answered, “Lord, to whom shall we go? You [alone] have the words of eternal life [you are our only hope]. We have believed and confidently trusted, and [even more] we have come to know [by personal observation and experience] that You are the Holy One of God [the Christ, the Son of the living God].”

They, unlike all those who’d walked away, had faith in this man, this Jesus. They believed Him when He told them that He was their long-awaited Messiah—even though some of His claims were extraordinary. His Flesh as bread to eat? His Blood, wine to drink? The power to grant eternal life! Ascending into the clouds of heaven from where He came? Yes! They believed. —John 6:1–71

But what is faith? And where did their faith—their ability to believe where others couldn’t, come from?

First, faith: In the New Testament the English word faith is used to translate the Greek word pistis. The New Strong’s Expanded Dictionary of Bible Word says, “Pistis is used of belief with the predominate idea of trust (or confidence) whether in God or in Christ, springing from faith in the same. ‘Faith’ means trust, confidence, assurance, and belief”

Hebrews 11: 1 says it this way: “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.”

We get a clue about why some of these had faith others didn’t possess in verse 70.

Election… God had chosen them to believe in His Son—and, for so much more.

They would be the collective womb through which His Church would be birthed and flourish. Each possessing his own unique gifting’s and contributions. Jesus said as much about these 12 a few verses back after chiding some other disciples concerning their grumbling—their speculating, over His lineage. “Jesus answered them, “Did I not choose you, the twelve…?

So, their faith was a gift then—an undeserved, unearned, non-repayable gift from God? Yes. Yes, it was. As all faith is.

But what of this ‘election’?

Listen to how John MacArthur, Bible scholar and Author defines this term: “…the doctrine of election simply means that God, uninfluenced and before creation, predetermined certain people to be saved.

And in Scripture, The Apostle Paul speaks of election this way in 2 Thessalonians 2:13: “But we should always give thanks to God for you, brethren beloved by the Lord, because God has chosen you from the beginning for salvation through sanctification by the Spirit and faith in the truth.” (Emphasis my own)

Just as an unborn child cannot choose to give itself life, and a dead man cannot will himself to get up and live once again, neither can we as sinful man, dead in our sins, choose to have faith—outside of the Sovereign will of God… “Therefore He says, Awake, O sleeper, and arise from the dead, and Christ shall shine (make day dawn) upon you and give you light.”  Ephesians 5:14.

Scripture abounds with references of election, those chosen by God: (Matt. 22:14; 24:22, 24, 31; Luke 18:7; Acts 9:15; 11:18; Rom. 8:29, 30, 33; Eph. 1:4, 5, 11; Col. 3:12; 2 Tim. 2:10; Titus 1:1; 2 Pet. 1:10. See, also, Luke 10:21-22; John 6:37, 44, 65; 10:26; 15:16; 17:2, 6, 9; Acts 5:31; 13:48; Rom. 9:11, 15, 16; 18 11:5, 7, 28; 1 Cor. 1:27, 28, 30; Gal. 1:15; 2 Thes. 2:13; 1 Pet. 1:1-2; 2:8, 9; Rev. 5:9; 7:10-12).

Which leads me to introduce you to our second Superhero, Knowledge. In our Scripture verse Peter states that not only did He and the others have faith, but they also possessed knowledge of Jesus. Certainly, being Jewish and growing up hearing God’s Word taught in the Temple and spoken of at home, they’d be familiar with the Torah. They’d have been aware of hearing tell of the Scriptures that foretold of Messiah. We see evidence of that knowledge when Andrew, a fisherman, calls his brother Peter, beckoning Him to come and follow the man he believes is the Messiah. “He first found his own brother Simon and told him, “We have found the Messiah!” (which is translated Christ). Yet, I believe, and Scripture lends to this fact, that Peter was referring not only to his knowledge of Scripture, more, to experiential knowledge in this instance. He and the others had lived with, ministered, ate, slept, talked, and, listened to every Word that Jesus spoke…

To say nothing of being present as He performed His many miracles.

Strong’s Greek Concordance defines this type of knowledge in the following way: functional (“working”) knowledge gleaned from first-hand (personal) experience, connecting theory to application; “application-knowledge,” gained in (by) a direct relationship.

Connecting theory to application. Said differently, the marriage of faith to knowledge (experiential). Their faith was solidified—reinforced, by what they knew of the Man. Their experiencing Him.

As it is with all who share in this faith…

It was this gnosis enlivened by the Ruach Breath of the Holy Spirit that enabled these ill-informed, unschooled, common men to write the beloved Word of God—The Holy Scriptures, those coveted Words each that feeds, comforts, teaches, corrects, and sustains all believers. “But it is the spirit in a person, the breath of the Almighty, that gives them understanding.” —Job 32:8

This dynamic duo of faith and knowledge lived so deeply within them that from its very roots grew a love so strong—a bond so indestructible, that even when faced with deprivation, beatings, and death—often a cruel and violent death, each of Jesus’s Apostles, save John, faced their violent end having firm faith that when their end was met here, their eyes would open to see His glorious face yet again!

And they did… Even John, who died at a ripe old age exiled on Isle of Pathos.

If faith and knowledge of the Living God could create in an unlearned, but believing few, a force that brought about a world change—a change in how life and living are still defined; just think of what could happen in your life, church, family, ministry, marriage, community, corner of the globe—if you, like our brothers before us, joined forces with the dynamic duo of faith and knowledge!

If you invited the Holy Spirit to do all within you that aligned with God’s perfect will for your life…

But to extend this invitation to the Holy Spirit—you first must know Him—have a relationship with Him. So, won’t you do that know—ask Him into you, please? He’s waiting. He wants to introduce you to the dynamic duo of faith and knowledge of Him. More, He wants to spend every minute of your life loving you, and blessing you, and, teaching you. “I have many more things to say to you, but you cannot bear [to hear] them now.  But when He, the Spirit of Truth, comes, He will guide you into all the truth [full and complete truth]. For He will not speak on His own initiative, but He will speak whatever He hears [from the Father—the message regarding the Son], and He will disclose to you what is to come [in the future]” John 16:12-13.

“The Fountain” Jude 1:2

I’m certain you’ve heard the expression that breakfast is the most important meal of the day?

Typically, I ask the Lord each morning to show me what it is I need to eat for that day. Though I usually follow a reading plan, when Spirit led I deviate. I believe God knows far better than any plan what it is I need daily…

And, on this day He led me into the Book of Jude.

I began to read and then reread. As I finished the Book I asked God what it was that He wanted me to see because I felt like I’d missed the reason He’d led me there. I’d missed the “why” or “what” I was supposed to have seen. Nothing had stood out—leapt off the page, nor came alive to me. I heard Him say, “Read it again.” And I did, twice. But it wasn’t until the third time that I read it that It came to me. In my haste to get at what I had assumed was the meat—the depth of this text, I had completely skimmed over Jude’s salutation.

And that’s where the Lord caused my eyes to fall…

Tucked within my Bible, like so many treasures, are scraps of paper or whole sheets. Words written, and messages, or teaching topics, Scriptures that the Spirit has led me to through-out the years. I felt draw to one in-particular. It was a Word God had shared with me after having read Ezekiel 47:3-6. “When the man went out toward the east with a line in his hand, he measured a thousand cubits, and he led me through the water, water reaching the ankles. Again he measured a thousand and led me through the water, water reaching the knees. Again he measured a thousand and led me through the water, water reaching the loins. Again he measured a thousand; and it was a river that I could not ford, for the water had risen, enough water to swim in, a river that could not be forded. He said to me, “Son of man, have you seen this?” Then he brought me back to the bank of the river.”

I don’t know the date of the writing unfortunately. Suffice it to say, based on the worn condition of this sheet of paper, it had been in my Bible for a long while…

I kept looking between what I had just read in Jude and what I was reading on this paper. I was trying to see the connection. And then it hit me, abundance. An increase and an abundance…

While reading Jude Two the Spirit showed me a vision of a fountain. But not just any fountain. Look at the picture above and you will see, in part, what it is I saw.

An abundance of water. A plethora…

I understood the Lord was using all that He had put before me, as disconnected and piecey as it felt, to draw me into seeing and understanding just how it is He gives Himself and His Spirit to us—in this lavish, plentifully, way, and through ever-increasing intimacy, as we spend time in His Word. He draws us ever more deeply into Himself.

And, as a result of following His great example—instructs us how we too must pour out from our overflow on those we encounter with no thought of running dry ourselves—because we know (koinonia) our source is never-ending!

Matthew Henry says it far more succinctly yet with eloquence in his commentary on Ezekiel 47: Christ is the temple; he is the door; from him those living waters flow, out of his pierced side. It is the water that he gives us that is the well of water which springs up, Jn. 4:14. And it is by believing in him that we receive from him rivers of living water; and this spoke he of the Spirit, Jn. 7:38, Jn. 7:39. The original of these waters was not above-ground, but they sprang up from under the threshold; for the fountain of a believer’s life is a mystery; it is hid with Christ in God, Col. 3:3.

Elisha said to her, “What shall I do for you? Tell me, what do you have in the house?” And she said, “Your maidservant has nothing in the house except a jar of oil.” Then he said, “Go, borrow vessels at large for yourself from all your neighbors, even empty vessels; do not get a few” (2 Kings 4:2-3, emphasis my own).

Elisha, sent by God to this widow to ensure that she not only had what she needed—but had it in abundance! Listen to what he says to this widow in verse 7: “He said, “Go! Sell the oil and pay your debts. You and your sons can live on what remains.”

Surplus—an inconceivable supply for this woman who just moments ago, had nothing but a bit of oil and some borrowed empty jars…

Through her obedience to Elisha, and His to God, they are each refreshed. Both she and her family are renewed—spiritually first, and then their physical needs are met as well (I Kings 17:8-10; 2 Kings 4:3-5).

That is what Jesus was showing me. Reminding me of. How we are each called to pour out—pour into, lavish others with all that He has given us, holding nothing back. So, that those He sends us to may be filled to overflowing, and in return—pour into others as well…

Jesus factually poured out His life in service to the Father. And, as the widow’s oil continued to flow until the very last jar was filled, so Jesus continues to pour out the benefits of His Work on the Cross today—in abundance, that all men might have life eternal, still. …“I have come so that they may have life and have it in abundance” (John.10:10).

And we too must be willing to give all. Including and up to the pouring out of our very lives for another…

We each have gifts. A call on our life. A unique reason for being here. And only we—only you, can contribute—bring to the world, what God has placed inside of you to give—and to do, with abandoned, in abundance, completely—until you are spent and others have received from your overflow all that God has for them…


Friends, God gives us more than we deserve daily. Think of it—I mean really think of it. In fact, grab a piece of paper and sit and write a gratitude list to God today. Pray, and ask the Spirit to bring to your remembrance all that God gives you daily—starting with Himself…

You don’t have a personal relationship with Jesus yet? That’s okay—for the moment. He has one with you. Ask Him to show you what He does for you daily starting with His mercy—given in abundance, spoken of in Joel’s salutation. Surely that will lead you into a peace that surpasses all understanding (Phil. 4:7), and immerse you into a love that has yet to be plumbed. “So that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith. And I pray that you, being rooted and grounded in love, may have power, together with all the saints, to comprehend the length and width and height and depth of His love, and to know the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge, that you may be filled with all the fullness of God” (Eph. 3:17-19 emphasis my own).

You were given an abundance for a purpose…

“Unexpected Places” Luke 15:1-10


Jesus didn’t choose those who followed Him from among the pious religious leaders of His day. Nor did He chose the mega-church pastors, kings or rulers. He chose people from unexpected places…people like you and I (1Cor.1:27-30).

If you have ever lost something, something that was precious to you, that you placed great value in, then you can relate to the feelings of being frantic, grief-stricken even, until that which was lost is found.

I’m not talking car keys here, I’m talking about a sickening feeling, however brief, that grips your heart. When, for an instance, as a parent or guardian of a child you turn your head for the briefest second and wham!

The child is gone! The shopping mall nightmare!

Fortunately for most of us, all ends well. And within minutes a little head pops out, and their giggling is heard, from beneath the rack of clothes you’d been looking through.

Here I am silly daddy, I was hiding on you…!

God is also familiar with finding what’s been lost (Mt 4:19 NIV). Like us, He experiences heartbreak over the one who leaves the safety of His side. However, unlike us, God does not get panicky. He is Omniscient. He knew before He brought us into this swarming peopled planet, that we’d get lost.

So, as a result, He took steps to make sure we’d always be able to find Him…

No matter what separated us (Ps.33:11 NIV).

God so loved us that He sent His Only Begotten Son, Jesus, to find and return to Him that which has and will become lost. Us…

“All that the Father gives Me will come to Me, and the one who comes to Me I will certainly not cast out. “For I have come down from heaven, not to do My own will, but the will of Him who sent Me’” (Jn.6:37-38).

In today’s teaching Jesus is talking to a large crowd. And, though the Pharisees and Teachers of the Law are present, scripture opens with, “Now the tax collectors and “sinners” were all gathering around to hear Him” (Lk.15:1 NIV).

There were always holy men around Jesus, yet it was those unexpected few that came seeking after Him that He came intentionally to find.

Why is God so concerned with the lost? Very simply stated, He loves us!

We are valuable and cherished by Him. His desire is that not one person be lost! Liken it to the sense of loss mentioned above, then multiply that by too many zeros to type here!

So great is His love for us, so precious are we, that He sent Jesus, His Only Begotten Son to save us. So, that through Him, we would have a way back to God: “For God loved the world so much that he gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life” (Jn 3:16 NASB)!

That lost sheep referred to in our text represents you and I if we don’t know the Lordship of Jesus in our hearts…

I’m not speaking here about knowing of Jesus. I’m not even talking about being saved, a gift that is unfathomable to those who have tasted such mercy and grace…

I’m speaking specifically of knowing Jesus.

Knowing in the way a husband and wife know each other. Intimately. To the exclusion of another. Mystically One (Jn.17:20-22 ESV).

I’m talking about being relationally bonded. Not mere intellectual buddies or people who regurgitate platitudes to God in the hopes of gaining points.

In plain speak, not like the Pharisees and hypocrites referred to in Matthew (Mat. 23:13 ESV). So let’s break down this parable into two segments shall we?

  1. What are the risks involved in being lost? And 2. Why finding is finding us so important?

#1. What is wrong with being the lone sheep that leaves the safety of the fold to go out exploring what looks good to us?

A.) It is Separation from God and His will for our lives…

It represents the potential that separation our may be eternal. Plainly, Hell. Which was not created for man but rather for satan and his fallen angels. However, next to salvation, one of the greatest gifts God gave us is free will. It was not God’s plan, and is not His choice, that any man should go to hell. Jesus came to make it possible for each man to be reconciled to God after the fall of Adam and Eve.

But, yes there is a but. We must choose God.

Here, and now. While it is stilll called today…

Or, we run the risk of following into eternal death the one we choose to follow in life (Mt.25:40-42 NIV). One of the more quoted Scriptures explaining the danger of hell is found in Proverbs 14:12, it states, “There is a way which seems right to a man, But its end is the way of death.” The ways  of this world, the desires of our eyes and flesh, the have it your way attitude that permeates this worlds thinking fails to infer, never mind tell us clearly that we even have an enemy who seeks to kill us…

One that is ever-near, standing  just off in the shadows waiting to get us alone. Or that he’s fixed and ready to pounce on us like credulous prey! Only God in His Word foretells of satan’s fatal intentions,“Be well balanced (temperate, sober of mind), be vigilant and cautious at all times; for that enemy of yours, the devil, roams around like a lion roaring [in fierce hunger], seeking someone to seize upon and devour” (1 Pe.5:8 AMPC)

.…in fierce hunger? Devour? Isn’t there something in God’s Word about a path that leads to life?

I choose that one please!

“You can enter God’s Kingdom only through the narrow gate. The highway to hell is broad, and its gate is wide for the many who choose that way”(Mt.7:13NLT).

What about you? Given the above knowledge, which road do you choose? And here’s the follow-up. Have you chosen it yet? And if not, why not?

These examples are but a few of the copious reasons given throughout Scripture about the perils of being and choosing to stay, lost.

Though you were born into sin, you don’t have to stay in it…

You have a choice. You’ve been empowered through the loving sacrifice accomplished for you on The Cross of Christ!




Reread above about His concern, your value and how cherished you are.

Better yet, open your Bible and read John 3:16!

We are valuable to Him and He does not want to see harm come to us. He intentionally seeks us out to save us from harm. His love is not random because He’s not! There is nothing random about God. He is intentional,ordered, in all of His ways. And His love for you is not a mistake, you are not a mistake! Throughout His Word we find every answer to every issue, question, or, life problem we will ever face.

His Word is our road map…

It safety guides us through hostile enemy territory, aka, the world (Ps.119:105 NIV). God, being Omniscient, placed within His Word many lessons informing us of the dangers of going astray.

But… there’s that but again, It is our choice to follow Jesus or jump the fence for other another’s pasture. For more on this topic see (Isa. 53:6;1Pet. 5:8; Job 1:7;Pr.28:15; Pr.2:17;Pr.10:17; Pr.21;16;Lu.12:5).

One of the greatest dangers  for a sheep is to get separated from the protection, love and care of the Sheppard. Sheep are far more vulnerable not only to attack from unforeseen predators, but, more often, death, when alone. “The thief comes only to take the sheep and to put them to death: he comes for their destruction: I have come so that they may have life and have it in greater measure” (Jn.10:10 BBE).

Verse 8 of Luke plainly illustrates that another risk of being lost is being in darkness…

We may feel safe in the dark, unseen, our whereabouts unknown by God or man. And we may be right on this second account, at least the man part of it…

But, be assured we are felonious on the first part! (Ps.139:1-16 NIV). Let me explain by sharing with you just a taste of this Psalm…,” Where can I go from Your Spirit? Or where can I flee from Your presence? If I ascend to heaven, You are there; If I make my bed in Sheol, (hell) behold, You are there.”

Just as the lost coin could not escape the searching eye of the woman in Jesus parable, we can’t hide from an all-knowing, all-seeing, God! Throughout Scripture God is referred to as Light, and not just light, but pure light! “There is no darkness within Him at all” (1Jn.1:5 KJV).

God always seeks what is best for us. Our decision of choosing to go it solo often results from not believing this one fundamental Truth about God. Too many in today’s world feel God is chasing them down to take something from them, when in fact, He’s running after them to give to them.

God came to give life, not take it away (John 10:10).

The common denominator in verses 1 through 10 of Luke is intentionality: By definition it is: done with intention or on purpose; intended: designed, planned; deliberate.

Through the shepherd’s intentionality in finding the lost sheep, and the woman the lost coin; and as both rejoiced when each were found, we’re able to catch a glimpse of the Fathers deliberate search for us!

“Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in and dine with him, and he with Me” (Rev 3:20 BSB).

Lastly, concerning Gods rejoicing over finding us, His love toward us may feel unexpected, but never forget our God is deliberate. Be encouraged today. He is searching for you…



“What Will You Choose?” Luke 10:38-42

“Now while they were on their way, Jesus entered a village [called Bethany], and a woman named Martha welcomed Him into her home.  She had a sister named Mary, who seated herself at the Lord’s feet and was continually listening to His teaching. But Martha was very busy and distracted with all of her serving responsibilities; and she approached Him and said, “Lord, is it of no concern to You that my sister has left me to do the serving alone? Tell her to help me and do her part.”  But the Lord replied to her, “Martha, Martha, you are worried and bothered and anxious about so many things; but only one thing is necessary, for Mary has chosen the good part [that which is to her advantage], which will not be taken away from her” (Luke 10:38-42).


If you’re a Christian, there are very clear lines in the sand you mustn’t cross. The world around you will always tell you otherwise, that’s its job…“Did God really say” (Gen 3:1 NIV)?

Please, don’t take my word for this. Just listen to what the world itself has to say. Read the newspapers. Listen in on the conversations people are having. People of every walk of life are talking about how chaotic the world has become. For that matter, drive on any metropolitan highway. Talk about chaos! One wrong turn and you end up in places that your GPS doesn’t recognize!

Pay attention, also, to the billboard advertisements lining those freeways. To their not-so subliminal messages aimed at shanghaiing your choices and directing them towards what some ad company wants you to view as important, needed, crucial, to your happiness…

Within our scripture passage today we’ll witness, in part, the blessings missed when we make unwise or harried choices. Those precious moments with Jesus that we allow to be snatched from our hands daily, when we permit ourselves to get so caught-up in work that we get sidetracked from seeking God’s presence. And, how that often leads us into making the wrong choices at crucial moments.(James 1:13-16 NASB).

“When you have to make a choice and don’t make it, that is in itself a choice.” -William James

Statistics tell us the average adult makes approximately 35,000 decisions a day. Now multiply that times two. Remember, we had to choose between two options to reach our one decision…

So, about 70,000 choices are contending for our attention on any given day. Ranging from the mundane: what we will eat, drink, wear? To what brand of toothpaste will we purchase? Then on to the more complex choices. Spend or save, rent or own, marry or remain single. And we haven’t touched on the sundry issues of the heart. Or, deeper still, our most important of choices…

Where will we be spending eternity?

Let’s enter the home of Martha and Mary. It’s okay, we’ve been invited in along with Jesus and His disciples. Let’s take our place at the dinner table. Pay attention to Martha. How busy she is bustling about. Remember, this is her home and she’s our hostess tonight. Mary, her sister, has been right beside her throughout the day seeing to it that everything is just-so for each of their guests. From the dinner choice and preparation, right down to the flower selection. Martha has insisted everything be picture-perfect!

After all, Jesus, their Rabbi, and friend, will be in attendance…

Often, our choices may seem to be the right-thing to do. They’re certainly done made with the best of intentions. With a good-heart, and from a desire to please. Undoubtedly, we want to do our best and give our best to those we love. And how much more when that someone is Jesus?

It’s within this tension of choices that our two sisters diverge in their definitions of what the better portion is…

Everyone’s seated and Jesus begins to speak. And with that, Mary pulls up a stool and sits at the His feet to listen to Him. Oh, how she loves to hear her Rabbi speak. His simplest words are like honey to her ears! (Luke.10:39).

Yet while Mary sits listening to Jesus, Martha returns to the kitchen clearly irked! Mary unawares, is in her glory! There is nothing more, in this life, that she enjoys than time spent with Jesus. She could sit for hours and simply drink in every word that flows from the Masters mouth…

Martha also, but not now, not tonight.

Tonight, Martha has chosen to make work—her service to the Lord. Her priority. After all, she has worked on this meal and its presentation all day. There will be time to sit with the Master another day. Now there is still much to do. The bread, I must put out the bread. Where is that sister of mine? I must speak to Jesus about her. Surely, HE will make her get up and help me…

And with that Martha, in the midst of her distraction, knocks the basket laden with the warm bread to the floor. She is now beside herself and burst into the dining room in a huff to demand that Jesus help…

Just listen to her rant!

“Lord, don’t you care that my sister has left me to do all the work by myself? Tell her to help me!”  Now pay attention to how lovingly, tenderly, yet plainly, Jesus answers His frazzled friend… “Martha, Martha,” the Lord answered, “you are worried and upset about many things, but few things are needed—or indeed only one. Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her” (Luke. 10:42-43 NIV).

“Watch over your heart with all diligence, for from it flow the springs of life” (Pr. 4:23 NASB).

Martha had just been taught a very valuable lesson about her choices. The question is, was she listening to the Lord as He spoke to her? Are we? Or are we doing nothing more than walking about distracted? Praying for answers but half listening when the answers are given to us?

I’m reminded of the words of the prophet Micah concerning what it is God truly requires of us, “He has told you, O man, what is good; And what does the Lord require of you Except to be just, and to love [and to diligently practice] kindness (compassion), And to walk humbly with your God [setting aside any overblown sense of importance or self-righteousness] (Micah 6:8 AMP).

Martha was not an enemy of the Lord, she was His friend, and more, she loved Him and was a true believer. A follower of The Way. Scripture made that clear within the context of the conversation she and Jesus had. It had taken place when He came to her and her sister Mary after the death of their brother Lazarus. Jesus told Martha that Lazarus would live again. He asked her if she believed this. Let’s listen to her reply…

“Yes, Lord,” she replied, “I believe that you are the Messiah, the Son of God, who is to come into the world” (Luke 11:27 NLT).

Even the most fervent of us, those who hunger and thirst after Jesus, who crave time alone with Him, get caught-up, on occasion, in service to Him. We forget to come away from all the work of our hands. We forget to simply be still in front of Him (Ps. 46:10 NKJV).

Like Mary, our first duty to the Lord is to Love HIM above all else. To seek Him out—to purposefully set aside time to sit at His feet so that we might build a deeper relationship with Him. To know Him, love Him, to spend time and converse with Him.

And, like Mary, desire to drink in His every Word (Duet.8:3 NIV).

We would each do well to follow her in her desire to be in communion with Jesus. In her desire to saté herself in Him alone demonstrates that she had in fact chosen the better portion. Walking away joy-filled and refreshed.

Neither woman was wrong in their choice of how they’d worshiped the Lord. Though each demonstrated their adoration quite differently…

I believe the deeper issue Jesus was communicating concerning Marth was one of the leaning of her heart.

What is the leaning of your heart? Work or worshiping at His feet? Deeper, what is your motivation for each…?

The take-away, Jesus replied: “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind” (Matt.22:37 NLT).

Let me leave you to ponder an excerpt from, Matthew Henry’s Concise Commentary of our text. I believe you’ll find it to be not only eloquent, but more, enlightening, thought-provoking and biblically sound…

Here with respect to our Lord Jesus and right care of her household affairs (speaking of Martha). But there was something to be blamed. She was for much serving; plenty, variety, and exactness. Worldly business is a snare to us, when it hinders us from serving God, and getting good to our souls. What needless time is wasted, and expense often laid out, even in entertaining professors of the gospel! Though Martha was on this occasion faulty, yet she was a true believer, and in her general conduct did not neglect the one thing needful. The favour of God is needful to our happiness; the salvation of Christ is needful to our safety. Where this is attended to, all other things will be rightly pursued. Christ declared, Mary hath chosen the good part. For one thing is needful, this one thing that she has done, to give up herself to the guidance of Christ. The things of this life will be taken away from us, at the furthest, when we shall be taken away from them; but nothing shall separate from the love of Christ, and a part in that love. Men and devils cannot take it away from us, and God and Christ will not. Let us mind the one thing truly needful more diligently than all else.

“Free or Freedom?” Jn. 8:36

by-wlodek-428549_960_720  Moses was instructing the Israelite’s in the tenets of the new covenant and its oaths. A New Covenant they were about to enter with God—after their long sojourn through the wilderness. Moses makes plain to the Israelite’s in Deuteronomy 30, that a choice to follow God, and all He asks of them, must be set in their hearts—chosen by them—fixed…

Also, in Chapter 29, Moses, during this same instructing, says this, “Someone may hear the conditions of this promise. He may think that he is so blessed that he can say, “I’ll be safe even if I go my own stubborn way. After all, [the LORD would never] sweep away well-watered ground along with dry ground” (Duet.29:19).

Plain speak. Don’t think to yourselves, “I believe in God, I’m his, after all, He is the God of my father’s—He’s got my back, I’m not like those people.” (the world, the unsaved) those that may know of the Lord—yet presume upon, take for granted, His grace, His patient mercy…because what they actually have is religious knowledge, not true relationship.

For those that may say, but that’s what the Old Testament says with it’s dark, negative speak…listen to what the Apostle Paul tells us in the New Testament. Listen to what he has to say about taking such liberties with God’s  mercy and grace, “What shall we say then? shall we continue in sin, that there may be abundance of grace? God forbid! How shall we that are dead as touching sin live any longer therein” (Rom. 6:1-2).

You may be asking what this has to do with today’s verse? Everything, would be the short answer…

Allow me to elaborate. There is an eternal difference between having freedom’s and being—free…

It is the theme—the fact stated, by our above mentioned principles, Moses and Paul. Each a witness to the Truth, Jesus, who alone is able to set men free.

Solomon informs us in Ecclesiastes that there’s nothing new under the sun, listen: “History merely repeats itself. It has all been done before. Nothing under the sun is truly new.” (Emphasis mine.) As it was then, so it is today…

Culture, technology, fashions, foods, appearances…all of these certainly are different—unarguably. But the heart of man, his core, remains unchanged. The sin-nature that drives him to chase after the illusive “anything” that will offer him the slightest whiff of supposed freedom—his right to choose, that has not changed one iota in man…

And that friends, that searching, that rebellious selfish want is what drives a man to serve the masters of his flesh, his thoughts, plans, needs and wants—his, what’s best for me. That is what this world and the father of it calls—offers as, supposed freedom. Freedom to choose—my choice, I get to pick, I get to say…Me.

Think of the Israelite’s and the golden calf here…Me, what I want. And I’ll give everything I have and own to get it! They forgot all about Moses on the mountain, weren’t giving a second thought to the fact that he was up there seeking God on their behalf—now, I want it now…(Ex.32:1-3).

Think Pharisees…Me, I deserve the best. All roads point to what I want, what best serves what my flesh is screaming out for. Recognition, accumulation, stature. Don’t I deserve that, after all… (Matt.23:4-7).

Concerning this freedom, how can the world give you something it does not possess? Doesn’t have to give? (Matt.4:9),

Only Jesus has the power and the authority to set a captive soul free (Lk.4:18-19).

There is no better evidence of the false freedoms this world offers, no greater evidence of its lie, and the father of its lies, than what we witness in the dialogue between Jesus and satan. Concerning the temptation of Jesus in the wilderness, listen as satan tries to offer Jesus the very things  which Jesus himself created! “Again, the devil took Him to a very high mountain and showed Him all the kingdoms of the world and their glory; and he said to Him, “All these things I will give You, if You fall down and worship me.” (Matt.4:8-9).

Why would anyone ever choose a counterfeit over an original? The world—satan and what he does not have to offer—his temporary smoke screens, over God the creator of heaven and earth and satan as well?  satan, known from the beginning as Lucifer, was a high-ranking angel allowed to choose sin, choose selfishness. He was cast to earth and away from God where he was given dominion to rule temporarily—but never is he, nor will he ever be, mightier than God…

And both he and his illusions of freedom will one day be cast into hell for all eternity… (Rev. 20:1-3).

Regarding this false freedom: it was this-worldly, prideful, sin-soaked freedom, that the Lord allowed one of His creations to choose. And in his choosing, he became the father of lies. The father of those he whispers to—lures, with false promises, stroking their prideful ego’s. Just as he tried to do to Jesus. It failed—he failed. Because it is written—Truth, true freedom, will always, always, expose the darkest of lies—illusions of freedom.

Now let’s hold that idea of freedom—satan’s lies, and contrast, compare them to, the Freedom found in Christ…

God’s Word clearly states, “So if the Son sets you free, you are free through and through.” (Jn.8:36). Completely free—nothing held back from you.

Being free is found only through submission—selflessness. It’s the choice we make to relinquish the freedom to choose our own way for God’s…Sounds backward right? It’s certainly a-not-of-this world thinking—not man’s logic.

The best known Bible figures each referred to themselves as, ‘bondservants” of Jesus Christ and claimed to be free through His ownership of them and through their service to others, seflessness…

The term “bondservant” in the New Testament (bond-servant or slave in some translations) is a translation of the Greek word doulos. Unlike perceptions of modern slavery, bondservant or doulos is a relatively broad term with a wider range of usage. In the time of the New Testament a bondservant could refer at times to someone who voluntarily served others. In most cases, however, the term referred to a person in a permanent role of service. The importance of these New Testament authors referring to themselves as bondservants should not be overlooked. Despite proclaiming a message of freedom from sin in Jesus Christ, these writers were dedicated to Jesus as their one master. Further, their service to the Lord was not one they could consider leaving. Most importantly, the image of the bondservant became one of great importance for Christians, who are called to live as bondservants of Christ Jesus…

Just as a bondservant was more than an employee who could leave for another job, the true Christian is a servant who can never leave their master for another. As Christ belonged to the Father and submitted His will to Him, and unto death for us, so we too must submit to Jesus—via our death to self.

Being free is found only in surrendering our wills—wants, desires, those temper tantrums of the flesh, to a higher calling—the common good. Service to another—others. Being free is found only in the resurrected self.  Made alive through Christ’s life, death and resurrection… “Truly, truly, I tell you, no servant is greater than his master, nor is a messenger greater than the one who sent him” (Jn.13:16).

Freedom to do it my way….  It’s a lie. It was born from the father of lies. A poisonous brew concocted from the twisted mind of the father of lies—worldly. Offered to all who will as a sweet drink that promises to please. And it does, for a time…but ultimately it ravages, destroys—takes captive, the mind—soul, body, emotions, of the one who drinks it in. It, like its slithering originator, will squeeze the very life from its partaker—one poisonous sip at a time… (Jn.8:43-44; Pro.14:12).

Being truly—eternally free to live a life worthy of—dedicated to God, and service to His people. Will cost you your so-called life…But here’s the thing, since you didn’t create yourself, give live to yourself, it’s not really yours to keep after all… is it (Matt.10:24)?

And unless your life is given in loving surrender to the One who died to purchase your opportunity—the chance for you to be free, the moment you exhale that last breath, His gift to you—it is to your father you will go to partake in a final—eternal glass, of his poisonous brew…

I beseech you today to choose being free in Christ Jesus…As long as you have breath in your lungs there is time…

Listen to Jesus as He shares this same Truth with the Israelite’s gathered around Him: Jesus replied, “Very truly I tell you, everyone who sins is a slave to sin. Now a slave has no permanent place in the family, but a son belongs to it forever. 36 So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed’” (Jn.8:34-36).




“Does God Play Favorites?” Rom.9:21-22

smiley-1041796_960_720 When a potter makes jars out of clay, doesn’t he have a right to use the same lump of clay to make one jar for decoration and another to throw garbage into? In the same way, even though God has the right to show his anger and his power, he is very patient with those on whom his anger falls, who are destined for destruction” (Rom.9:21:22).

So are we to understand that we serve a God who plays favorites? Some school-yard bully randomly choosing up sides for a game of you-go-to-heaven-you-go-to-hell?

“You—yeah, you, the fast one, I’ll take you.”

“And you, yeah, you next to him, you can come too.”

“But not you—are you kidding me…not on my team!”

For many this example brings up memories of being the last man standing. Cheeks-red, ashamed. And even now, after all these many years and accomplishments later, you’re feeling the pain, still— are angry, still—to say nothing of feeling like it was completely unfair!

After all, what’s wrong with me you’ve asked? I’ve got two legs and two feet. I could run fast—heck, I could run faster than him! So why didn’t I get chosen—I am too good enough!

And there it is… Paul’s argument.

Our answer—Election.

God’s Sovereignty.

The topic some pastors dodge, and unseasoned ministers shrink under the weight of. But not Paul. Why do they run and shrink? It’s unforgiving—this topic of election. It doesn’t play well with collection plates and full pews—true statement.

So what do we do with unpopular Truth? Truth too great for finite man to wrap his finite mind around? Do we who have been called to bring His Word, this Truth, into a lost and dying world, water-down the gospel—dilute God, so as not to offend?

I will say as my brother Paul said before me, “God Forbid!”

No, we are called to boldly proclaim the Gospel, boldly speak the Truth. We serve a Sovereign God. He does not serve us…Potter, clay. Divine order.

I’m reminded of a quote I recently came across. “A watered down gospel may fill pews, but it will never lead a sinner to the Cross of Christ.” And we are sinners, of that be sure. All of us. There’s not one of us “deserves” to be on team Jesus.

Not one of us is good enough to have gotten picked for His team…

Who of you reading this, in the light of God knowing your heart can say, “but I am”—good enough that is.

The Word of God itself condemns you. “If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us” (1Jn.1:8).  “All have turned away; they have together become worthless; there is no one who does good, not even one.…(Rom.3:12).

God is the Righteous Sovereign over the whole world. As such, He, God, has the right to do with anyone or anything He created exactly as He wishes, sees fit —no questions asked..

.And that’s where our backs get up—our necks stiffen…

That’s where we cry, “foul!” That’s where the screaming starts, “but it’s not fair!”

We forget that we serve at His pleasure and His calling. Grateful beyond words to have been called, chosen at all. We are not owed our salvation—quite the opposite in fact. What we deserved is hell… Why do we all try to convince ourselves that we are good? Haven’t we all told a lie before? Haven’t we all stolen something that did not belong to us? Haven’t we all looked with lustful eyes or had sexually perverted thoughts?

Jesus defined looking with lust-filled eyes to be the same as adultery (Matthew 5:28).

You are a liar, a thief and an adulterer and so am I. And there is not one person on this planet that likes liars, thieves, adulterers or murderers…

The reality is you agree with God and you cannot fight something you agree with…

How would you defend yourself when you agree with the very laws you’ve broken?

Romans 9 is God speaking to us in and with His authority. It’s not Paul speaking to us—sharing his opinions. How can we know that God’s promise of salvation will not fail? Paul’s answer is that our salvation is secure because it doesn’t depend on us, rather on God’s purpose according to election.

As the sovereign of the universe, God always accomplishes what He purposes to do. He chooses some for salvation apart from anything that they do, and He rejects others apart from anything they do… “So it is written: “Jacob I loved, but Esau I hated.” (Rom. 9:13).

Think the man at the pool of Bethesda in John 5:15. Was He the only one there that day in need of a healing? Why not heal all those gathered? And Why Israel? Why wasn’t Africa or Asia made the Apple of God’s eye—His chosen people?

We need to submit, joyfully, to this truth of Gods Sovereignty. Not question it. It’s God’s authoritative revelation of Himself. And this revelation should put an immediate end to our, “I’m good enough for His team argument.”

Paul knew then, as ministers of the gospel know now, today, that there will always be those who will cry out loudly, “but that’s just not fair!” Why them and not me? I’m a good person, don’t I deserve…

Their failure to see—their shortsightedness, comes from their inability to realize, accept, that God is not bound further than He has been pleased to bind Himself by his own covenant and promises…

In other words, God is bound by His will and Word only. Not be our wills and wants. Not by what we think we should have and deserve. Our screaming, “It’s not fair”, changes nothing…

It serves only to show how little we fear God and how prideful arrogant we actually are—how little we know of submission or humility…

How little we understand—know—about God. About the unconditionality of being chosen by God as a child of promise. “So then it depends not on human will or exertion, but on God, who has mercy.” (vs.16)

He owes His creation nothing. Hard pill to swallow I know. Doesn’t sound like the squeezably-soft God of love, and plenty and forgiveness for all being preached about today. Apostasy! A feel good gospel designed to tickle the ears of those who cannot—will not—hear the saving Truth of the Gospel.

So to answer my opening question, no, God is not some school-yard bully. He is rather an Awesome God, Righteous in everything He does. Sovereign, sinless and pure—perfect in all of His ways—above reproach.

But, as this Righteous Sovereign God He is also free to harden whom He wishes, in order to display His glory…

God could have chosen to be merciful to Pharaoh and the Egyptians by softening their hearts—telling them about the need to put the blood on their doorposts to escape the wrath of the destroying angel. Rather, God chose to harden Pharaoh’s heart for the greater purpose of displaying His glory in power and judgment, so that His fame would spread throughout the earth.

As the Righteous Sovereign over all, God has the freedom to harden sinners for His greater purpose of displaying His glory and power in righteous judgment. “You will say to me then, “Why does He still find fault? For who resists His will?” On the contrary, who are you, O man, who answers back to God? The thing molded will not say to the molder, “Why did you make me like this,” will it? Or does not the potter have a right over the clay, to make from the same lump one vessel for honorable use and another for common use? (Rom.9:19-21).

Remember today that you are the clay, not the Potter. “For the sake of Jacob My servant, And Israel My chosen one, I have also called you by your name; I have given you a title of honor Though you have not known Me. “I am the LORD, and there is no other; Besides Me there is no God. I will gird you, though you have not known Me; That men may know from the rising to the setting of the sun That there is no one besides Me. I am the LORD, and there is no other” (Isa. 45:4-6).

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