"Come follow me and I will make you fishers of men." Matthew 4:19

Category: Preparation (Page 6 of 7)

Reliance.1 Kings 17:2-4

 And the word of the Lord came to him, saying,  “Go from here and turn eastward and hide yourself by the brook Cherith, which is east of the Jordan [River].  You shall drink from the brook, and I have commanded the ravens to sustain you there [with food].”

“For My thoughts are not your thoughts, Nor are your ways My ways,” declares the Lord” –Isaiah 55:8

We see the evidence of this Scripture when God tells Elijah to go and rest by a brook for a while. But wait, in the previous chapter, didn’t Elijah just tell Ahab that God said it wouldn’t rain again for the next few years; until he commanded it to? So how is that brook God is instructing Elijah to drink out of going to keep flowing if there’s no rain?

Has God ever done this to you? Called you to a meanwhile place? A place of complete reliance and trust? I mean above our daily reliance and trust in Him as Creator, provider, and sustainer of us all?

Into something deeper…

Have you experienced a moment of great revelation from God? Been flooded with a sense of divine power and purpose, certain you’re about to have a Mount Sinai moment, only for God to say; Nope. Not yet. First, I need you to go hang out in the wilderness for a bit.

If you’ve been walking with the Lord for any time, you’re probably shaking your head in agreement. Yup, I’ve been there! I’m there now!

And if not, trust me, it’s on the way!

Often, right before the Lord leads us deeper into our calling, revealing more—the next step of His plan and purpose for our lives and ministries—He’ll first test us. Will we follow Him even when where He’s calling seems to be going in the exact opposite direction of what He showed us—told us?

Will we be—will you be, as obedient as Elijah was? “So he went and did in accordance with the word of the Lord; he went and lived by the brook Cherith, which is east of the Jordan.” –verse 5

God did not need Elijah to carry out His divine plan any more than He needed Moses or Abraham, Joshua, or King David. And He doesn’t need you and me either! He chooses us—as He chose them, to partner with Him. To be the hands and feet and hearts and minds and voices He used to carry His message of Love into a lost and dying world—His warnings and corrections too. As Elijah did…

“What is man that You are mindful of him, And the son of man that You visit him? For You have made him a little lower than the angels, And You have crowned him with glory and honor.” –Psalm 8:4-5

Jesus asks us to trust Him in all things—always. Trust is the very life-breath of our faith. Without it, there is no amount of “service” we can offer God that will please Him. “But without faith it is impossible to please Him…” – Hebrews 11:6.

Elijah trusted God. Period. Was he perfect, no, Scripture reveals that Elijah was a bit full of himself, full of fear at moments—and cheeky, like many of us. But He loved the Lord and desired to do His will. And it is this heart—this willingness, that delights God. “For the eyes of the LORD run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to show himself strong in the behalf of them whose heart is perfect toward him…” –2 Chronicles 16:9

If God has called you into a ministry, a season, school, a new job—asked you to leave all that you know and cross the state, country, or the world and follow Him, do it. Just do it. Trust that He loves you with an everlasting love—a love far deeper, wider, stronger than any love you’ve ever known. And, as it was with Elijah, there’s a purpose in this call you too may not yet see. Just trust God and go. Trust too, that He has already made the way for you. He has already provided your daily Bread. Both physical and spiritual. He is with you in this secret place—this stage, season, time of preparation and transformation.

His Word is burning and alive in you—feeding your Spirit man—strengthening you for what is yet to come. “He would feed them also with the finest of the wheat; And with honey out of the rock would I satisfy thee” Psalm 81:16.

 Though you can’t yet see them, know too, that your ravens have been dispatched…
Your needs provided for you. The water is fresh and cool and running freely, the bread and meat is at hand, the grass soft, and the tree strong—offering you both protection, and the shade needed, just for today…

Long before He led Elijah to the brook, God had already set the limits, and made the provision for Elijah’s time in the secret place.

And He has set yours as well…

There was a set time (a season).

There were basic provisions given for that time (bread, meat, and water).

There was divine protection assured (it was a hiding place).

And God was ever present…

Everything that Elijah needed was provided by God that He might be refreshed, built up, strengthened for what lay ahead of him. God was about to show Himself mighty and crush the powers of darkness on Mount Carmel. The Baal’s (idols—false gods), and those who worshiped them, were about to be exposed for the powerless, frauds—the false gods and prophets they were. Elijah needed to be physically, emotionally, and spiritually ready for what would his greatest call in ministry. A spiritual battle unlike any other he had or would face…

He would stand before not only his enemies—these false prophets, but in front of his own people, the Israelites. Those now steeped in idolatry and rebellion who had forgotten the Lord. –1 Kings 18:20-40

With such a mighty work set before him, is it any wonder he needed a time set apart with the Lord? A time to allow God to do the deep work necessary (building Elijah’s trust and reliance in Himself) to prepare him for this pivotal battle? And yet, the very provision God had provided would dry up.

Elijah would be forced to follow God deeper still… (1 Kings 17:7-9).

Perhaps this is where you find yourself? Being called by God to go from one deep place into another? One place of trust and faith to another? Maybe this is the point in the story when you say, “Wait, she’s talking about me!” If so, congratulations! You’re in excellent company. Read the Book of Hebrews, Chapter 11, and check out the long list of all those who have been in your shoes.

Those who God also called and said, “Just trust Me…”

“The Everyday Wait” James 5:7-8

“So wait patiently, brothers and sisters, until the coming of the Lord. The farmer waits [expectantly] for the precious harvest from the land, being patient about it, until it receives the early and late rains. You too, be patient; strengthen your hearts [keep them energized and firmly committed to God], because the coming of the Lord is near…”

We are living in a day and time, seemingly like no other. Yet, I would venture to guess that if the Apostles of old were among us today, if Paul were present, each might shed some light on just how similar, in many ways, the days in which we live run parallel to the lives they lived.

Civil unrest, wars and rumors of war, persecutions of every kind, unjust laws, unfair taxation, false gods at the forefront of their culture, ‘the rich getting richer while the poor get poorer’. Sounds like the front page of any major newspaper—or the information, being stated as fact, that comes from most news commentators today.

And it is…

But so it was too, this murky shadow of our home, for Peter, James, and John— for Paul as well. Each had tasted of the Lord, of The Promise of His Fullness—as some have today. They’d each uniquely experienced a pure drink, straight from the hose, if you will—undiluted by the thoughts and opinions of others—or had they? Even these pillars of the faith, each martyred for what they knew to be The Truth—had moments when they grew impatient, stepped out in their own timing, not in the Lords. And not in the way they’d heard Him teach that one who follows Him ought…

Is any man capable, save Jesus, of purity? Of a pure heart and hands? Pure intentions? Of not having so much as a sliver of his own agenda attached to his prayer—well intended as it may be? No. not even these stalwarts of the faith.

Each man’s soul is an unplumbed depth…( Ezekiel 22:29-30).

Rich and powerful oppressors surrounded them—people of high station whose word became law, just or not, threatened to destroy all they held sacred. James refers to them as: …rich and arrogant people who oppress others with injustice and immorality. Sound familiar? So how did they, how do we, wait patiently on the Lord to fulfill His promises amidst all of this? How do we wait for the dreams He’s placed in our bellies to manifest? How do wait when we don’t even understand the what and why of God’s plans for us— of His timing? To say nothing of the self-doubt we may feel at even feeling fit to carry them out, to partner with God!

What is God doing to us, through us, in the course of our ‘everyday’ wait?

He’s maturing us. Just as He did with our brethren before us. Through patient endurance our faith is being tested—strengthened, matured, made ready for His use…( 1 Peter 1: 6-8).

I use the term everyday as a thread—a means of uniting everyone who is waiting. It’s intended as a common denominator—but in no way intended to diminish any one individuals struggle nor pain, while they’re braving, by the grace of God, their wait. Those closest to Him walked with Him for three plus years, yet didn’t fully understand who He was or why He had come—and gone, the way He had—until well past the time He was no longer physically with them (Deuteronomy 31:6). Waiting means standing firm in what you believe—in faith believing for, white-knuckle holding fast to, what you do not yet see simply because—God put that thing, that dream, that Word, that knowledge, The Truth, that vision, ministry, deep down in your belly (Romans 8:24-25).

You’ve been chosen. Made pregnant by God…

And now you must wait.

Waiting is the labor room of growing-up in the patient endurance that James is speaking to us about—and maturity is the child that emerges from it. “Consider it nothing but joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you fall into various trials. Be assured that the testing of your faith [through experience] produces endurance [leading to spiritual maturity, and inner peace]. And let endurance have its perfect result and do a thorough work, so that you may be perfect and completely developed [in your faith], lacking in nothing” (James 1:2-4).

Ask any person who has spent time in the waiting room carving circles in the carpet as they paced expecting, what did you learn during your wait?

And, as with Peter, James, John, Paul, and any other believer that has ever gone before you—each went in it—entered into it, with their own set of expectations, hopes, dreams and desires. Yet, each came out joy-filled and praising God for the healthy promise that now lay in their arms. Contrary to the pain, contrary to whether it had red hair—not brown, or black. Was fair skinned—and not coffee-colored. A girl, and not the long waited for boy…

Each emerged—after their fiery trial, after the dross had been burned off in the furnace of patience endurance, after the waiting—hours, days, weeks, months, even years, and years having passed them by—finally holding the promise God had planted in their bellies. While others still needed to be fired once, twice, three times more, in that hot, uncomfortable, trying, furnace before they would see their promise.

Don’t grumble… Just ask the Israelite’s about the delay grumbling can cause. What should have taken them days took forty years! Let him who has ears hear…

Beloved, contrary to what is going on around us, what the social and political climate may be, contrary to wickedness’s—the wars and rumors of wars, the scandals, to kneel or stand, the immorality—those who call wrong right and right wrong. Don’t jump the line, don’t run ahead of God. there’s purpose in the delay. Your reward, like Peter’s and James’ , John’s—like Paul’s, is at the door. “God is not a man, that He should lie, Nor a son of man, that He should repent. Has He said, and will He not do it? Or has He spoken and will He not make it good and fulfill it” (Numbers 23:19)?

Beloved, I’ll leave you with this: While you’re waiting, I’m waiting, we, as a Body, are waiting—for whatever it may be the Lord has you waiting for, take heart. Be encouraged. Consider our brother Paul’s words, and keep close to your heart the strength and comfort afforded you from such a great cloud of witnesses. These Saints who waited too. Waited, before their hopes were fulfilled, before their patient endurance produced the fruit of the promise… “Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off every encumbrance and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with endurance the race set out for us. Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Consider Him who endured such hostility from sinners, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart…

If you’ve never asked Jesus Christ into your life as your Lord and Savior, now is the time. Don’t wait friend, He’s waiting just for you. As it is said, “Today, if you hear his voice, do not harden your hearts as in the rebellion.” (Hebrews 3;15). Jesus loves you…

Blessings Beloved…

“Preperation” Isaiah 6:5-8

 Then I said, “Woe to me! I [too] am doomed! —because I, a man with unclean lips, living among a people with unclean lips, have seen with my own eyesthe King, AdonaiTzva’ot!”  One of the s’rafim flew to me with a glowing coal in his hand, which he had taken with tongs from the altar. He touched my mouth with it and said, “Here! This has touched your lips. Your iniquity is gone, your sin is atoned for.” Then I heard the voice of Adonai saying,“Whom should I send? Who will go for us?” I answered, “I’m here, send me!”

Charles Spurgeon says this: God will never do anything with us till he has first of all undone us.

Isaiah must have felt undone—discouraged, right before God charges, commissions, him. The great King Uzziah had died. Once a revered and righteous King, Uzziah, also known as Azariah (2 Kings 15), allowed pride to take root in his heart, and, as can be the case with many a mature believer—those who love, reverence, and follow the Lord—have walked with the Lord for a while, if they are not mindful, pride can grip their hearts too. Uzziah allowed the pride of life to trip him up…

Plain speak, he exalted himself above God, and, as a result, he fell from God’s favor, and protection. (2 Chronicles 26:16). Thus, bringing God’s just judgement upon himself.  The result? He lived out his last days in exile—as a leaper (2 Chronicles 26).

There is a lesson for all believers in King Uzziah’s fall…

And now God is about commission Isaiah, charge him, to tell Israel what is yet to come. But before He does, there’s a little undoing that Isaiah needs experience in order that he might be prepared for the arduous tasks set before him. Some preparation that needs to occur, some perspective given, so that perhaps, just perhaps, he won’t fall into the same offence the late, once great, King Uzziah had?

Of the 66 chapters found in the Book of Isaiah, 39, more than half, have him delivering God’s Words of Judgement on Judah and the surrounding nations! To say people wouldn’t like him—didn’t always want to see him coming, is probably an understatement! He wasn’t likely the best-liked kid on the block. Still, Isaiah had resolve, stamina. And more, God had a plan for him. A job only he could do. God saw something unique in Isaiah. And, God sees something unique inside of you too—something He’s preparing you, and you alone, to do! Yet, God had another, a new, lesson for Isaiah—some realization that needed to occur, some revelation that would both humble and add a great resolve to his prevailing—stalwart faith. Our text certainly suggests as much. It demonstrates that God was doing something both great and deep within Isaiah!

And, maybe He’s doing a deep work in you as well!

So, now, let’s meet up with Isaiah. We’ll have a front row seat as we witness his every moment of preparedness. We’ll observe his great humility and the palpable, awe-inspiring, awareness he displays at his genuine frailty and certain un-holiness…

Our Scripture opens with Isaiah detailing his Heavenly vision. As the Apostle Paul stated, “…whether in the body or not, I do not know” (2 Corinthians 12:2-4). And neither do we. We are privy to the particulars only. And they are that God is working in Isaiah!

Though a righteous, godly man, a prophet, God allows Isaiah to see himself against the backdrop of both heavenly beings, and, far more, God’s own Perfection and Holiness. Isaiah witnesses the Seraphs. Some scholars believe these to be the living creatures spoken of in Revelation 4:8. He hears their thunderous pure voices proclaiming God’s Holiness back and forth to each other, to all of heaven. Their declarations  are so resonant that the very doorposts and thresholds of heaven shake! Isaiah has witnessed God in all His Sovereign power and majesty seated on His Kingly Throne in heaven. And, finally, he sees the fullness of God’s presence fill the temple with the smoke (vs’s 1-4). And he’s certain he’ll die. See he knew what God had spoken to Moses on Mount Horeb concerning seeing His and remaining alive , listen: “But,” he said, “you cannot see my face, for no one may see me and live” ( Exodus 33:20).

Now, aside from the sheer terror, imagine for a moment, just how unholy, how unworthy, you would feel standing in the very presence of Gods Pure Radiant Holiness—His Majesty and Splendor?

That’s how it must have felt for Isaiah…

How it was, according to Scripture, for other Godly men we read about in the Bible. Men such as Daniel, in Daniel 10:15-17, And Peter, in Luke 5:8, and, John the Revelator, in Revelation 1:17. And, because we, along with Isaiah and each of these men, serve a loving, compassionate, and, merciful God who doesn’t judge us  as we deserve—but rather, lavishes upon His children unmerited mercy we too  can stand boldly in His Holy presence…

Why? Because He washes us, cleansing us—like the Seraphs cleaned Isaiah’s lips, from all unrighteousness if we’ll but cry out also. (1 John 1:9).

And, He alone enables us—through His Imputed Righteousness, and through the conviction of The Holy Spirit, to be rid of unclean lips, prideful lips, boasting lips, lies, and, contemptuous speech. Isaiah recognized this sin of unclean lips, among others, in himself. Though he loved and served the Lord, when set side by side next to God’s standard of Purity and Holiness, he saw, knew, just how guilty he was of sinful speech. In all its forms and abilities. And he cried out to God.

We too, are guilty of unclean lips and more.  And we need to cry out to God for forgiveness also…

Listen to how James, the brother of Jesus, describes what our mouths are capable of: “…the tongue is a small part of the body, but it boasts of great things. Consider how small a spark sets a great forest on fire. The tongue also is a fire, a world of wickedness among the parts of the body. It pollutes the whole person, sets the course of his life on fire, and is itself set on fire by hell” (James 3:5-6).

That’s a searing statement—no pun intended. But it is. Seriously.

In essence, it’s saying that you can love the Lord, be in ministry, serving God with all  that’s in you, and yet—if you’re not measuring your words—if your careful with your tongue,asking the Holy Spirit to be the guard over your words, if you don’t keep your mouth in check, you may well be guilty of great sin. And, be doing untold damage to the very Kingdom you’re out their promoting and serving in God’s name! I don’t know if you struggle with unclean lips, but I know I do. It’s one reason I am grateful for the written word. For texting and letter writing, because I can edit my speech.  I can look over it—rethink it, reword it, and perhaps, just not say what I thought to say at all! Thus, saving myself from sinning, from great embarrassment, and more, from offending another, or, doing irrevocable relational damage…

So, let me ask you, what is God doing in you? What is He revealing to you, that you might finish your walk and service to Him well? Or, maybe you’re feeling the Lord tug at your heart for the first time—calling you into His service?

But, perhaps, before you answer here am I Lord, use me—send me, you should seek Him out and ask if He’s placing a hot coal on any area of your life that first needs purifying? If so, be glad! He’s pointing out your impurities. Helping you to close spiritual doors you may have opened unawares—doors that grant the enemy of your soul access into you. Doors that grant him free access into every aspect of your life. Doors that enable—allow him, to do what he does best—steal, kill and destroy  what God has for you. (John 10:10).

God isn’t trying to harm you friend, rather He is making you like pure gold, fit for Him…

Listen once again to Charles Spurgeon as he describes how God prepares us for His service: The effect of that live coal will be to fire the lip with heavenly flame. ‘Oh,’ says one man, ‘a flaming coal will burn the lip so that the man cannot speak at all.’ That is just how God works with us; it is by consuming the fleshly power that he inspires the heavenly might. Oh let the lip be burnt, let the fleshly power of eloquence be destroyed, but oh for that live coal to make the tongue eloquent with heaven’s flame; the true divine power which urged the Apostles forward, and made them conquerors of the whole world~

“Your Future is Safe…” 1 Sam. 9:24

“And the cook lifted high the shoulder and what was on it [indicating that it was the priest’s honored portion] and set it before Saul. [Samuel] said, See what was reserved for you. Eat, for until the hour appointed it was kept for you, ever since I invited the people. So Saul ate that day with Samuel.” 1 Samuel 9:24: Emphasis my own.

No man can take or cancel out the plans God has for your life.  So, I’m here to say hold on! Just keep doing what God has for you to do, because what He has stored up for you is safely waiting—just for you. Don’t believe me?  Ask Saul, Abraham, or Moses. Talk a minute with The Woman at the Well. They’ll each confirm that what I’m advising you is not only right, but that it’s Truth.

If you have walked with the Lord for any length of time then I am confident of your awareness of this one fact. The ‘suddenly’ moments that occur as a result of God’s will for your life. The almost whiplash-like speed wherein God will bring whatever change, person, or shift in life-events that is needed into your life, in order that you are kept—or perhaps realigned back into, both the center of His will and Divine timing. Mind you, these quick shifts don’t happen daily. At least not to our conscious understanding; though, they are always happening around us…

What I mean is simply this. The very—literal second, God spoke, or thought the words, “Let there be,” while He was yet hovering there over the deep void, there was suddenly, an, “and there was” moment. A response to His command. It must happen that way (Isa. 55:11). The very second His Hands scooped a bunch of dirt together into a mound, shaped it, and then blew His Rauch (Life-giving Spirit) Breath into it, all that He spoke—intended, came forth. Was birthed (Gen. 2:7). And, contained within those—His same Words—same creations, was seed. Promise, potential—the future. A future that’s ever expanding, ever unfolding, it’s right there. Always illusively before us. A certain mirage. And we, foolishly forget, daily—or for days, weeks and months, that this same future is not entirely under our control…

We have a certain say, surely—but not control. We are not the One who stood over the void, or formed the dirt with our own hands…

I think Saul must have felt something similar on this day. Then again, I’m pretty certain, being a fellow human being, that Abraham, Moses, and, The Woman at the Well, each felt similarly too. Each had experienced this suddenly moment with God. And, if you’ve experienced a suddenly moment in your walk with the Lord, you know exactly what it is I’m talking about. If not, just give it a minute it will happen. It’s that second where your life is moving along smoothly, familiar—like an easy rhythm. You hum half unaware, a very sing-song cadence that follows one step behind you as you move about. Then, with just one step, a shift, of what, you’re not quite sure, happens and you find yourself in a life that kinda reminds you of your own, but is now completely different. New. It’s both terrifying—yet enlivening!

There’s just enough of ‘you’, and those things familiar in and around you, that remain constant for a time, no radical instant changes—usually. So, you’re not left feeling entirely disoriented. Rather, you’re just mildly thrown for a loop. Wobbly. Mind you, this is not a bad thing. Though in its initial stages it may certainly feel as if it is. What is this thing? This strange happening? Some call it Transition. Some, going from grace to grace. Some, a divine upgrade, and others yet, being moved—positioned, into your destiny. Your nest is being stirred. God is doing a New Thing…

Whatever you call it, this one thing is certain. It is a stark reminder that your life is not your own…

We know this, as Christians I mean. We’ve read it in our Word, heard it preached from the pulpit—said it ourselves to others. We take great comfort in knowing that we serve a God and Father who orders our steps, watches out over us, has a plan and purpose for our lives. But we too often forget it. Until…

For Saul, he was just going out to look for his father’s lost donkey’s, He had no idea that he would return the King of Israel. (1 Sam.9-10). For Abraham, seemingly out of nowhere, God calls this Abraham to leave his country—his father, all that he had known, and head out to some undisclosed location. And so, at 75 years old he goes. He takes his promise from God—his obvious faith, his wife, nephew, and some of his possessions and sets out. And Moses, well he was just standing there on Mount Horeb, perhaps whistling, playing a lyre, maybe taking a lunch break while caring for his father-in-law’s flocks,

when suddenly a fire breaks out in a nearby bush. In itself, this is not a strange occurrence in this part of the world. But this bush had a strange-looking fire. It wasn’t burning the bush itself, it was a fire that did not consume. And then it went from strange to stranger still—God started talking to Moses from within the very fire that was not burning up this bush! And—suddenly, Moses is sent to free God’s people from the grip of the Pharaoh of Egypt where they’ve been living as slaves (Exo.3:7-21).

And, lastly, this no-named woman we meet at Jacob’s well.  Much like Saul, Abraham, and, Moses before her, she too is simply going about her normal day. She’d gone out the well to draw water. We can imagine her humming softly as she walked along the dusty road, her water jar perched atop her veiled head, eyes down cast. “Will you give me a drink?” six seemingly innocent words, a reasonable request from a person standing near a well—but these Words would change the trajection of her life, presumably, forever… (John 5:9-42).

So, I’ve said all of this to say what precisely?

Simply this, as I was reading the Word mentioned above—Samuel 9, this is what struck me. What, I believe the Holy Spirit was saying to me. Maybe to you too.

So please, eat the meat and spit out the bones…

We forget that He—God, has a plan for His children. And we forget, I forget, though we may stray—or go completely off track at times, He will always, always, use our missteps to get us to the place we’re intended to be (Rom. 8:28). And He reminded me that before He put me in a skin suit and gave me an earthly life, He had a plan for that life—a purpose. I was not random, you, are not random! (Jer. 29:11; 1 Cor. 12:18; John 14: 2-3; Phil. 1-6; 1 Peter 1:3-4; 2 Peter 1:3) …

And, He reminded me that though it may not always feel as though He’s close-at-hand, that He is in fact, always with me, with you (Matt. 28:20), always leading, clearing the way for, pruning, nourishing, praying for and protecting—directing us towards our God-appointed destination. And too, as with Saul, so it is with you and me. What He—God, has for us is for us— it has been appointed—stored up, is waiting—to be revealed at His appointed time. And nothing or no one can take that from us (vs.24).

And lastly, He said, “Watch for Me…”

Friend if the Lord is pulling at your heart, if any of this sounds even vaguely familiar—if it’s resonating with, then please, pray. Ask for conformation. God will always confirm His Word. Ask the Lord what it may mean for you—personally, specifically, now, in this season.


And then do as He commanded, “Watch for Me…”


“Ruach” Ezekiel 37:1-14

What struck me as I began to unpack this trove of Scripture was its Triune nature. He is a Sovereign God, a relational God, and, He is Also an Omnipotent God. As I dug into these verses, The Holy Spirit began revealing a mere hint of the unplumbed depths of the God contained within them.

Of His immensity, the enormity of His love…

How He embraces His creation as He did His Cross—because they are one-in-the-same.

And, almost Immediately my mind went to The Gospel of John.

There we’ll witness that it is this same God who stood over the then blank canvas of creation, that had also communed with Ezekiel in his vision. In John, we witness God standing over the very edge of the void using this same Ruach—Spirit, Life-Giving Breath, spoken of in Ezekiel, to speak all of life into existence—not just to these dry bones. “…Everything came into being through the Word, and without the Word nothing came into being. What came into being through the Word was life…” (John 1:3-4).

I find it extraordinary that such an All-Powerful and Holy God would deign to touch mere man. Yet clearly, as evidenced in the opening verse of our Scripture, He did—and still does. The Apostle Paul said it this way: But somewhere it is testified in these words: “What is man, that You are mindful of him, or the son of man, that You care for him” (Heb.2:6)? Ezekiel displays this type of awe when God asks him if these dry—these very dry bones he is witnessing, could ever live again. Within Ezekiel’s response, we witness pure truth. We are simply incapable of being wholly able to take in—fathom, such an All-Powerful God.

Yet we have faith. We who have a relationship with Him. We believe that He is all that He says He is. And, in fact, can do all that He says He can do.

Right off the bat in our Scripture, we witness not only the intimate, relational aspect of God, but we are re-membered with His creative power—witnesses to His Sovereign, unstoppable Will. This same Hand spoken of in this opening of Ezekiel 37 is the very same Hand that flung the stars into the sky—that hung both the moon and the sun. This Hand formed Adam of out dirt and then He blew this same Ruach Breath spoken of in Ezekiel, into him—so that he, like those dead bones, would also come to life.

God used Ezekiel to Prophesy to the dry bones. These bones were representational of children of Israel trapped in Babylonian exile—thinking that their situation was beyond hopeless (the very dry bones), and that their God was incapable of restoring them. Of keeping the promises He had made long ago…

Did the gods of Babylon (this world) have more power than the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob? That was the big question on the Israelite’s mind. collectively and individually at the time of Ezekiel’s writing.Had God forgotten them?

Can you relate? Do you ever feel like God has abandoned you—forgotten you exist? Do you ever feel like the gods of this world are winning? The gods of greed, violence, lies—the gods that destroy families and rob people of hope?

“Can these bones live?” Do you believe that I Am who I Am Ezekiel? I know that Israel has lost all faith in me, will you stand in the gap and have faith for them?

That is, in essence, what God was asking him—is asking you…

And within His answer we find a string of pure Truth that unites man’s reliance to God: “O Sovereign Lord, you alone know.”  God alone is Sovereign. Ezekiel acknowledged that yes, he did have faith in God’s ability to do all things—He knew that without God nothing in this death-valley could ever live again (Isa. 55:8).

“Prophesy to these bones and say to them, ‘Dry bones, hear the Word of the Lord! This is what the Sovereign Lord says to these bones. I will make breath enter you and you will come to life. I will attach tendons to you and make flesh come upon you and cover you with skin; I will put breath in you, and you will come to life. Then you will know that I am Lord.’ 

Ezekiel obeyed the Lord and Prophesied exactly what God had instructed him to. And while Ezekiel was busy obeying the Lord’s Word, the Lord was busy doing what no man could ever do for His people.

Piece-by-piece, in His perfect time…

“And as I was prophesying, there was a noise, a rattling sound, and the bones came together, bone to bone.” Ezekiel obeyed God, and God acted—but, God both had and has a specific and perfect time for all things. There is a Divine order to all of creation…

He said to me, “Prophesy to the breath; prophesy, human one! Say to the breath, The Lord God proclaims: Come from the four winds, breath! Breathe into these dead bodies and let them live.” I prophesied just as he commanded me. When the breath entered them, they came to life and stood on their feet, an extraordinarily large company.”

Even though Israel had rebelled against the Lord, been taken captive and now were living in exile, God had not forgotten the promise He had made to them. And He was about to restore to everything that had been lost—everything their enemy had taken from them…

Listen: “So now, prophesy and say to them, The Lord God proclaims: I’m opening your graves! I will raise you up from your graves, my people, and I will bring you to Israel’s fertile land. You will know that I am the Lord, when I open your graves and raise you up from your graves, my people. I will put my breath (Spirit; Life-Giving Breath) in you, and you will live. I will plant you on your fertile land, and you will know that I am the Lord. I’ve spoken, and I will do it. This is what the Lord says.”

God has brought you here today—now, just as He did Ezekiel, for a very specific purpose. First and always to remind you of, if you know Him, and to introduce you to, if you don’t, the Truth. That He alone is the Triune God. Sovereign, Relational, and Omnipotent.

And, to ensure that someone has told you that you are loved beyond the grandest of loves that you can imagine. And, that there is nothing—nothing, no circumstance, no sin, regardless how dire or unforgivable it may seem to others—or you, that can stop God from loving you and fulfilling the plan He has for your life—if you are His child.

He wants—more, came into this world, leaving all of Heaven behind, specifically to grab hold of His Cross as if it were a most valuable and precious lover—because it was, it was you. And He laid Himself down on it—unto the point of death, so that you would never have to stay in that hopeless valley of separation from Him. Or continue to live in fear and despair…

He brought you hear today to push aside all the doubts that plague you, those voices that say, “give up, it will never happen, it’s too late!” He sent me here to tell you that those voices are a lie!!

He alone is Sovereign—and commands the Breath of life! And today He has instructed me to speak to your very dry bones—your long dead hopes and dreams. He sent me to tell you to listen, soon and very soon you will hear the sound of rattling…

Take heart beloved, He has sent me to restore your hope—just believe, that’s your part, that those dreams, desires, and, hopes that once lived in that secret place within, though dry—even very dry, are not dead…

God has just spoken life into them and they will live…

“Then he answered and spake unto me, saying, This is the word of the Lord unto Zerubbabel, saying, Not by might, nor by power, but by my spirit, saith the Lord of hosts” (Zech. 4:6 emphasis my own).







“Even the Tree Had A Purpose” Luke 19:4-6

“So he ran ahead and climbed a sycamore-fig tree to see him, since Jesus was coming that way.  When Jesus reached the spot, he looked up and said to him, “Zacchaeus, come down immediately. I must stay at your house today.” So he came down at once and welcomed him gladly” (Luke 19:4-6).

Only in Luke’s Gospel accounts do we find the Parables of the “lost things.” The coin, the sheep, and, the son. Luke’s lost theme points us towards the reason Jesus has come to Jericho on this particular day.

It was not accidental…

There is nothing random about God. He both can and will use anything, any circumstance, to reach us.

Luke directs our focus. He Causes us to realize why it was Jesus had stepped down across time and eternity to donned a suit of flesh. He has come to find that which is lost. “For the Son of man is come to save that which was lost” (Luke 19:10).

And He knows exactly where to go to find it…

Even the tree in Luke’s account had a purpose. Why? It was a place of gain. A predetermined location, a portal of sorts, where the Divine would meet a man and from that meeting the will of God would be born—again. A sign in our narrative of what was about to take place. Now it was Zacchaeus who would climb the tree to see Jesus. Soon however, it would be Jesus being lifted-up on a tree for all men to see. No longer would man’s view of His Savior be obstructed. Jesus would make certain of that…

It’s why He came, first into the world, but today, specifically, into Jericho.

Zacchaeus, a wealthy man by all accounts—and a chief tax collector, was about to gain the greatest gift he would ever own. One worth giving up—surrendering, turning over to, everything that he had known, accumulated—and clung to. Zacchaeus had heard of Jesus, perhaps he had even seen Him—as a passerby, or one standing in the many crowds that had followed Jesus. Certainly, he had heard tell of Him and of His power to do miracles—to restore to life that which was dead. To make those that were blind see. To bring healing and restoration to dead, useless limbs.

But, as a Jew, there was something else that caught Zacchaeus attention. He had heard the whispers…

Could this be the Messiah? The One he and his people had been waiting for? The One foretold by the Prophets of old? Spoken of by the elders? Or was He just another rabble-rouser? After all, there had been so many that had come claiming to be the one who would deliver his people.

Yet there was something about this one—something that caused Zacchaeus to get excited—more, hopeful, that perhaps, just maybe, He truly was the Messiah. The Son of the Living God. And he was not the only one to share this curiosity. The streets were filling up quickly, like when the people prepared for a festival. There was a great sense of expectancy and excitement in the air…

Why did I have to be born so short? I’ll never be able to see Him now, and I just must, I must! That tree, that’s it!! It’s perfect—it’s solid enough to support me, yet short enough for me to climb up; and yet tall enough for me to get just high enough so as not to miss Him as He passes by!

Perfect tree…

Jesus knew exactly where Zacchaeus was. He had seen across time and eternity that on this very day, at this very hour, Zacchaeus would climb this very tree—and more, God knew why he’d do it. Zacchaeus wanted more. And he was willing to do whatever it took to make sure he got it. Little did Zacchaeus know as he was climbing that tree that Jesus had seen him doing so before the very foundations of the world had been laid. And today—at this hour, was the exact moment Jesus had chosen to show Himself to Zacchaeus—for all Eternity…

Zacchaeus couldn’t have known that this simple tree he was climbing to better see this Jesus had been planted just for him, just for this reason—it was its purpose, to lift Him higher. To elevate Him above those that had come out of a “carnival curiosity.”

Zacchaeus had no idea, as he was climbing to catch a glimpse of this maybe Messiah, that he was actually on a bridge that God had constructed to bring the natural man and the Divine together.

One in a tree, another on the road below. Yet both on their respective paths to destiny. To the fulfillment of their Divine purposes…

And the rest of Luke’s account attest to the fact that this one tree had not been created in vain. Rather, in being the conduit that facilitated this supernatural encounter, it had fulfilled its purpose in being created…

And in Zacchaeus, we see the Spirit of Jesus’s Words found in Luke 18:14: coming to life; “I tell you, this sinner, not the Pharisee, returned home justified before God. For those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted.”

So here’s the question that God has put before me; and so I’ll ask it of you too. “What does your tree look like? What has He put before you that you would choose to climb up in to go higher—solely that you may see Jesus more clearly?”

Or is your tree something that God is asking you to walk away from—leave behind, let go of perhaps?

Will you, like Zacchaeus, drop everything so that you too may better see God?

“So he ran on ahead and climbed a sycamore tree to see Him, since Jesus was about to pass that way. When Jesus came to that place, He looked up and said, “Zacchaeus, hurry down, for I must stay at your house today” So Zacchaeus hurried down and welcomed Him joyfully.… (Luke 19:4-6; emphasis my own).





“Moses Junior?” Joshua 1:5

“No man shall be able to stand before you all the days of your life. Just as I was with Moses, so I will be with you. I will not leave you or forsake you” (Josh. 1:5).

How many of us have, or are about to, sabotage what we know God has called us to do out of fear of failure? Fear of not measuring up? Out of our insecurities and doubts? We know that God called us to a particular ministry, job, or task, yet we find ways to drag our feet, avoid moving into or even towards our calling…


We heed, listen to, our fears and frailties over God’s Sovereign voice…

It’s not our lack of gifting’s or talents that prevents us from receiving all that God has for us. Far too often it’s our doubts, insecurities, fear of failure, that robs us of our destiny…

And, sadly, that thief doesn’t have to try to too hard to take what is rightfully ours—right out from under us…

God knew that if He did not encourage Joshua before He became the new leader of the Israelite’s, before one step was taken to enter this promised land, Joshua would likely falter under the weight of his new mantle…

Because he wasn’t courageous? Called? Appointed and anointed?

Not at all!

The Word tells us that Joshua was a mighty man of God. He was Moses’s right-hand man (Josh. 1:1).

In fact, out of the 12 scouts sent out by Moses to look over the promised land, Joshua was one of the two scouts that reported back to him and the people, that the land could be taken. He instructed them not to be afraid (Num. 14:7-9).

So why is it that three times within three verses of Joshua Chapter 1 God commands Joshua, “to be strong and courageous?” Surely Joshua has proven himself strong, courageous, and, faithful?

The answer. Promotion! Advancing in the Kingdom will cost you. Just ask Jesus…

God was transitioning Joshua toward his destiny, but first a cutting away needed to take place…

Joshua needed circumcision to reach his full potential. Not only in his body but also in his heart. Before God could entrust Him with all He had prepared for His hands to accomplish some things had to go…(Josh. 5:1-3).

He had to endure a cutting away of himself. Of his past, the old misguided, faulty beliefs of who he was. Of his worthiness, or lack thereof…

You see, though he was a mighty warrior, a trusted servant, and an esteemed assistant, Joshua associated with himself with, was, Moses’s assistant.

He was a servant, a follower, not a leader…

That was Moses’s job…

Joshua would now however be called to step out of the foreground and into the stoplight of God’s divine plan for the fulfillment of His promise to His people. Joshua had just received a divine upgrade—he’d been commissioned the new leader of God’s people.

This new level of calling on Joshua’s life was going to require a whole new level of strength. His sheer brawn wasn’t going to cut it any longer. With this new promotion, would come new duties. Duties Joshua had never met in his past.

And, beside all of that, the people were used to Moses.

And, Joshua knew he was no Moses…

Moses the miracle worker. Moses on the Mount with God. Moses who delivered the laws for the people. Moses the one who Yahweh used to deliver these same Israelite’s from under the task-masters pitiless whips. Moses, who stretched out his staff and the sea parted that they may cross over it safely; and then watch the waters fall back to destroy those who sought to destroy them. Moses, who spoke to God on their behalf and bread came down from heaven and their bellies were filled. (Exo. 14;16:4-8).

That Moses…

Who spoke with God and shone with the Light of Yahweh (Exo. 34:29-30).

Joshua knew he could never be that…

And he was right.

More, he wasn’t called to be…

Take heart new leaders—new ministers, Pastors, and all those called to blaze a new trail. Remember, God promised that just as He was with Moses He would be with Joshua…

But catch that. He didn’t tell Joshua he’d be a Moses Junior. No. Joshua was called to walk in his own gifting’s and talents. His own calling and anointing. God knew Joshua would doubt himself and his capacity to lead these people. But, God also knew Joshua’s heart and more—his faith. Part of Joshua’s gift was his fight. His tenacity. His unwavering belief that if God said it, it will happen…

God says it this way: “Then he said to me, “This is what the LORD says to Zerubbabel: It is not by force nor by strength, but by my Spirit, says the LORD of Heaven’s Armies” (Zech. 4:6).

We won’t and can’t accomplish any of the work that God has set before us to do in our own power.

It will never get done…

Not in using our best intentions nor in our own will. We are too weak, outside of God, to accomplish anything of eternal value without the aid of His providence and grace…

And so, the Lord assures Joshua before he serves one day in his new role that everything he will do—anything that he accomplishes, will be done only through God’s Sovereign Authority and Providence. Let’s read our Scripture verse again: “No man shall be able to stand before you all the days of your life. Just as I was with Moses, so I will be with you. I will not leave you or forsake you” (Josh.1:5)

What is God calling you to do today? Are you being led to a ministry position, a job, move, or some new task? Is He asking you to write a book, sing your song, or travel to a country He’s directing you towards? Is God asking you to do what seems, in your flesh, to be the impossible? Then you’re most likely right where God both wants and needs you to be!

Reliant on Him…

However, in order for you to complete this seemingly impossible task God has placed before you, you must choose, decide—intentionally walk through the door He alone has opened for you.

God promised Joshua that the same Sovereign power that directed Moses’s steps would direct his also—always. And that is His promise to you as well.

How can I be sure—certain, confident of that? How can you? Easy, God’s Word tells us this Truth. “God is not a man, that he should lie; neither the son of man, that he should repent: hath he said, and shall he not do it? or hath he spoken, and shall he not make it good” (Num. 23:19)?

Again, catch What Scripture is saying—what the Holy Spirit is speaking: and He not make it good? God alone has the power to make good His perfect will for your life. But He never said it would be easy. He never said you wouldn’t have to walk past—through, the shadow those that had gone before you had cast…

Those others—that mentor, pastor, teacher, leader who appeared more talented, gifted, and certainly more qualified….

But if God has called you, appointed you, anointed you, for such a time as this. If He has command you to be strong and very courageous, then know you must—claim, walk in, fix your eyes on that calling. Standing sure—locked into your anointing, putting to use your own gifting’s and talents, established in you by God. “They answered Joshua, saying, “All that you have commanded us we will do, and wherever you send us we will go. “Just as we obeyed Moses in all things, so we will obey you; only may the LORD your God be with you as He was with Moses” (Josh.1:16-17).

You were not chosen accidentally. God purposed you—fashioned you, for such as time as this. And no, you are not “Moses”. And that’s okay—it’s as it should be “Joshua” …

Trust in the One that brought you to this moment. The one that has fashioned you through the fires of adversity, trials, and tribulations. Through your willingness to serve—to be of service, and, through your battles.

Your appointment—that commission that stands before you, it was never solely about you. It was—is, all about God’s plan and those souls He has chosen to bless and save through your obedience….

Moses is dead. And you are not Moses Junior. You are Joshua, son of Nun. That is your name. Now go—lead. You have souls depending on your faithfulness.  “Moses my servant is dead. Now therefore arise, go over this Jordan, you and all this people, into the land that I am giving to them, to the people of Israel” (Josh. 1:2).


“From Those We Least Expect It…” Luke 22:21-22


“But behold, the hand of him who betrays me is with me on the table. For the Son of Man goes as it has been determined, but woe to that man by whom he is betrayed!” (Luke 22:21-22).

If you are of a certain age unfortunately you have felt the brutal sting of betrayal.

Our text this week deals with that very issue, betrayal at that hand of one you invited in, your Judas. That one you opened your heart, home, and wallet to. The very one you shared all those confidences with. That same friend who, to term a modern colloquialism was, your ride or die. Your best-friend, that entrusted brother or sister, one who sat at your table and broke bread with you.

Forgive me if you feel I am belaboring this point, but it is imperative you understand the magnitude of the type of betrayal to which our scripture is referring,it is one of dire eternal consequence.

This was no faux-pas. No painful, yet, unintended shower of friendly fire.

To quote a famous  World War II propaganda expression: loose lips sink ships. At one time in our lives, we have each been guilty of betraying someone, consciously or not. Even the greatest of saints were once flesh-pots and calloused!  “There is some good in the worst of us and some evil in the best of us. When we discover this, we are less prone to hate our enemies.” Martin Luther King, Jr. (excerpt).

However, most people, when made aware of their unintended disloyalty, will immediately apologize and do all that is possible to seek immediate reconciliation. “Moreover if thy brother shall trespass against thee, go and tell him his fault between thee and him alone: if he shall hear thee, thou hast gained thy brother” (Matt. 18;15-17).

The Bible has many examples of betrayal at the hands of those we would consider members of this very family type…

Here in Hawaii, they are called “Hanai” relatives. Those we adopt, take into our hearts as family. Our inner circle. Hanai speaks directly to this friend that is like our kin because we have chosen to allow them in to ourselves, our hearts and trust…

As an example, look at the relationship that existed between King Saul and young David, shepherd boy and future King of a reunited Israel…

They clearly shared this deep bond of brotherly love and affection. Saul kept David with him like a second son, and David submitted himself to Saul in all things, served him valiantly, cared for him after he defeated the giant Goliath. Saul put David in charge of his men of war. David went from shepherd to general of Israel’s Army in the blink of an eye. Yet in the end, jealously and treachery strangled Saul’s heart of affection for David and Saul sought to kill him (1 Sam. 18:1-16 NKJV).

Strong’s Greek Concordance refers to this above relationship type as; Adelphos: A brother, member of the same religious community, especially a fellow-Christian. And, both Saul and David were fellow Jews who each loved and served the One True God.

Betrayal is inescapable as long as man exists. Satan made sure of that in the garden. And God spoke to its resulting condition, “I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and her offspring; he shall bruise your head, and you shall bruise his heel” (Gen.3:15 ESV). An ongoing blood-feud between what we want to do and what we actually do.

Arguably, the greatest instance of betrayal known in scripture is found within Jesus’ inner circle of friends. His name: Judas Iscariot, his crime, apostasy. An unthinkable betrayal (Lk.22:3-4 ESV).

He is the one who freely choose to take all that Jesus had offered him, a place by His side, love, His teachings, instruction, care, and the opportunity to have new life and he rewarded Jesus for all of this how?

By selling him out for thirty pieces of silver!

Sound familiar?

How many in our world today are selling Him out for their equivalent of thirty pieces of silver?

Saying, both, to themselves and Him…

I thought following you would make life easier but it’s not working, see ya!

Why did you let this happen to me to my child?

No, I don’t want to have to hear your name in any public place and that’s my right!

My tax dollars pay to keep that school open and my son will not pray to you!

So what that you created the heavens and the earth, some book a bunch of uneducated men wrote says that and they all tell it differently, so no thanks!

I believe in the Big-Bang.


Talk about betrayal…

This is Jesus were talking about! The One spoken of in John,  listen…“In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things came into being through Him, and apart from Him nothing came into being that has come into being. In Him was life, and the life was the Light of men” (Jn.1:1-4 NIV).

This is Jesus Judas betrayed! You betrayed, I betrayed, the world betrays daily. Jesus. Who foresaw He would be betrayed, and spoke of it at the Last Super (Lk. 22:21-22 NIV). These same scriptures speak plainly of Judas’s betrayal and subsequent endAnd we too face Judas’s same outcome, today, should we decide to join Judas in our betrayal of Jesus…

Spiritual death and hell await all those who betray Jesus and crucify Him afresh in their denial of His being, “The King of Kings, and Lord of Lords” (Rev. 19:16).

However, unlike Jesus, we can’t always foresee our betrayers. They don’t walk into our lives with signage that states, need your heart shredded, want to feel like a loser for trusting me? (Ps.55:12-14)

So, if we know that betrayal is unavoidable, how do handle it when it comes our way? When we experience the depression, yes, Christians do get depressed, that betrayal leaves in its wake? What of our self-doubt or the shell that we might so readily slip into for protection?

Do we give as good as we got by taking matters into our own hands?

After all, don’t we deserve retribution? NO. Certainly not!

If we are trying to follow in Jesus’ footsteps than we must set our hearts toward forgiveness, “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do” (Lk. 23:34NIV). It is our responsibility, let me say that again, our responsibility to choose to forgive just as we have been forgiven. Keeping ever before us our own betrayal of the Beloved, least we forget…

Forgiveness is a conscience. It’s determined, deliberate, acted out. It’s not something that is simply thought about or felt. “But I say, love your enemies, Pray for those who persecute you! (Matt.5:44 NIV).

If we waited until we felt like forgiving those who have betrayed us, we wouldn’t act. Why? Because in our flesh, we wouldn’t feel like it! Forgiving is an act of submission, it takes humility, it is us handing Jesus our will and saying, “not my will but thy will be done” (Lk. 22:42 NIV).

Forgiveness is a command, we are ordered to do it (Eph. 4:32 NIV). God in His infinite wisdom knew that we as prideful man would seldom, if ever, willingly forgive each other such an offense as betrayal. Choosing to forgive those that we never saw it coming from, or, even from those we had a clue just might have it in them, is saying to Jesus; I remember when I betrayed you. For everyone has sinned; we all fall short of God’s glorious standard (Rom. 3:23).

Even now, after having walked with you, in my rebellion, I sin and betray you, still, in my thoughts, words and, deeds….

Thankfully for us, we have Jesus as our defender, our advocate before the Father. We have access to His promised forgiveness for our sins through repentance.

Sadly, and with eternal consequence, it’s something Judas never humbled himself to do…

And, through Jesus sacrificial, Atoning Blood, if we ask Jesus into our lives, He comes, as both our Lord and our Savior. 1 John 1:9 says, “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.”

We as church-ed folk forget that just a moment ago, we too were the ones inflicting the betrayal…

I know I was.

Yet forgiveness doesn’t mean doormat. We aren’t letting the one that hurt us off the hook. Forgiveness simply means they can no longer live in our heart and head rent free! “Purify me with hyssop, and I shall be clean; Wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow” (Ps.51:7). You evict them from the space their betrayal used to take up and you make room for what God is trying to bring into your life now.

Don’t give the enemy a foothold to allow bitterness to set itself up in your heart…

Can we do this on our own, no. But in Christ Jesus, “I can do all things”(Phil. 4:15). Friend, don’t believe the lies of your accuser. Love always looks for the best. Don’t take my word listen to The Apostle Paul, “Love is patient and kind. Love is not jealous or boastful or proud or rude. It does not demand its own way. It is not irritable, and it keeps no record of being wronged. It does not rejoice about injustice but rejoices whenever the truth wins out. Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance” ( 1 Cor. 13:4-7).


I pray this has brought you some small comfort, helped to chase away or ease your feelings of; I’m so stupid, how did I not see this coming?

Let me leave you to refresh yourself with the knowledge of the One who fights your battles for you, if you’ll just ask Him into your heart today… “My dear children, I write this to you so that you will not sin. But if anybody does sin, we have one who speaks to the Father in our defense—Jesus Christ, the Righteous One. He is the atoning sacrifice for our sins, and not only for ours but also for the sins of the whole world” (1 John 2:1-2 NIV).

“Birth Days…” Ps.139:13-16

“…For you formed my inward part you knitted me together in my mother’s womb.  I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well.  My frame was not hidden from you, when I was being made in secret, intricately woven in the depths of the earth. Your eyes saw my unformed substance; in your book were written, every one of them, the days that were formed for me, when as yet there was none of them” (Ps. 139:13-16).


Why were you born? Why are you here—now? Have you ever asked yourself those questions?

Have you ever felt like some giant cosmic accident? A mistake even?

If so, please understand that what you are thinking or feeling is a lie spoken to you from the enemy of your soul. “Be sober [well balanced and self-disciplined], be alert and cautious at all times. That enemy of yours, the devil, prowls around like a roaring lion [fiercely hungry], seeking someone to devour” (1 Peter 5:8).

Today’s Scripture clearly—emphatically, states that even as you were being made, God saw. He was there. He was your witness. More, He had predestined you—your birth. Everything about you was planned, unique, and, intentional. Regardless of how you may have been conceived, your birth—your life, was ordained by God…

And, as we see in 1 Peter, the enemy of your soul will do everything in his power to devour the Truth of God—and that Truth is found in verse 14, “…You are fearfully and wonderfully made.”

Imperfectly perfect, just as you are.

Whether you were wanted by those who were supposed to want you—or not. Loved by those who were meant—intended, to model to you what love was supposed to look,feel—taste like. Or not.

If you had a birthday—you are wanted. Needed—by God…

Intended and intentional.

Maybe you were born as the result of rape—or a so-called, “unplanned pregnancy.” Maybe you look at your life—one seemingly endless string of bad decisions after another—and see no point to it?

But the simple fact that you are here—were born at all, emphatically speaks volumes. It states you are not an accident. Not some pointless person meant to aimlessly wander—purposeless.

Listen to what your Creator says of you: “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future” (Jer. 29:11).

Gianna Jessen was not supposed to live. Her mother was advised to abort her—even though it was late in the pregnancy. A saline abortion—intended to burn a child alive, both internally and externally, while still in their mother’s womb. Causing it to be delivered dead. That is what was inflicted on Genna’s tiny body…

But, Gianna survived—after 18 hours of being burned alive in her mother’s womb she was delivered alive. And she considers her Cerebral Palsy, the result of the botched abortion she survived, a gift.

“But I say to you, love [that is, unselfishly seek the best or higher good for] your enemies and pray for those who persecute you,  so that you may [show yourselves to] be the children of your Father who is in heaven; for He makes His sun rise on those who are evil and on those who are good, and makes the rain fall on the righteous [those who are morally upright] and the unrighteous [the unrepentant, those who oppose Him]” (Matt.5:44-45).

Thankfully, the abortion doctor wasn’t present at that time or she would most certainly had been left to die—or worse, been suffocated or strangled. But the nurse on duty called an ambulance—and though she was not expected to live—she did. You can listen to Gianna’s amazing testimony in full on You Tube…

But first, please listen to God’s Words for Gianna—for you and me.

“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you [and approved of you as My chosen instrument], And before you were born I consecrated you [to Myself as My own]; I have appointed you as a prophet to the nations” (Jer. 1:5).

Perhaps your story wasn’t as factually life-threatening as Gianna’s was. Perhaps you being burned alive was the result of the corrosive, demeaning words spat at you daily? Maybe someone tried to end you with brutal careless fists that assailed you, body, mind, and soul—without cause. Or, perhaps you were starved to death—through withholding. Lovelessness, carelessness, hopelessness, the three-course meal you were fed—daily. When you were fed at all.

Pain causing pain. Brokenness replicating itself…

And so, you ask, “How can this be intended for anyone?” Is this why I was born?

It isn’t. And it wasn’t. Your pain is the result of the sin-stained world you live in. From birth, you are surrounded by those who both made and make decisions for you daily. And, as the expression goes, Hurt people hurt people.

Please, understand, I am not condoning nor making excuses for what you may have endured. It was wrong. I’m just asking you to allow me to help redirect your focus. Because thankfully, ultimately, you have a Creator—a Savior, who has the final Word. The last say over everything that has been undeservedly done to you.

If you allow Him to…

And, thankfully, you may have the implausible opportunity to have yet another birthday! A “do-over” day. The chance to have every pain, every scar, everything that has held you back—or down, removed from you!

Nothing magic. Rather Restoration. Wholeness. Oneness.

More, every sin you have ever committed, everything that has separated you from God, forgiven.

That’s Good News!

Listen to how Jesus explains it to a man called Nicodemus: Jesus answered him, “I assure you and most solemnly say to you, unless a person is born again [reborn from above—spiritually transformed, renewed, sanctified], he cannot [ever] see and experience the kingdom of God.” Nicodemus said to Him, “How can a man be born when he is old? He cannot enter his mother’s womb a second time and be born, can he?” Jesus answered, “I assure you and most solemnly say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit he cannot [ever] enter the kingdom of God.  That which is born of the flesh is flesh [the physical is merely physical], and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit” (John 3:3-6).

Two births? Yes. And both are—or certainly can be, painful!

Even a man, who can never experience this type of pain first hand—can imagine it. Take it in…

He can be a witness to births pain.

He sees it with his eyes. Hears it’s screams with his ears. Birth pains become real to a man—evident, even though he will never experience them firsthand.

Or will he?

Think the second birth here. Our second birthday has the potential to manifest a pain all its own…

Just as our physical birth was painful—so it may be also with our rebirth. Birthing is a painful, messy business—however, “A woman, when she is in labor, has pain because her time [to give birth] has come; but when she has given birth to the child, she no longer remembers the anguish because of her joy that a child has come into the world” (John 16:21).

The maternal death rate in the United States has risen since the year 2000. In 2014 24 mothers died per every 100,000 live births.

How many of us will die twice? Both the physical as well as a spiritual death?

There are no statistics to quote for this…

So, in place of these nonexistent statistics, I offer you the infallible Word of God. A plausible Scriptural account for these—dual deaths. “The pains of childbirth come on him; But he is not a wise son, For it is not the time to delay [his chance at a new birth] as the womb opens [but he ignores the opportunity to change]” (Hosea 13:13).

Plain speak—We bring ruin on ourselves by putting off—side-stepping, our opportunity for a new birth day through the repentance of our sins. Like a child whose mother doesn’t have the strength to bring it forth, and it stays so long in the passage of the womb that it runs the risk of death, so too do we when we refuse—ignore, the free gift offered us of being born again…

Perhaps the way you entered this world the first time was less than ideal. And perhaps your life has been a little more than a repetitive reflection of the circumstances that conspired to end you before you ever began…

But let me ask you, is the pain your experiencing right now labor pangs?

Are you becoming aware, full of God attempting to birth you afresh?

Are you feeling God’s Word spoken to Nicodemus being stirred up inside your belly? “No one can see the Kingdom of God unless he is born again” (J0hn. 3:3).

If so, squat where your standing, bite down and start pushing…

Birthing is a messy business, but oh the joy when the child is delivered!

Birth Days—is today yours?



“A Voice In the Storm” Lk. 8:24-25


And they went and woke him, saying, “Master, Master, we are perishing!” And he awoke and rebuked the wind and the raging waves, and they ceased, and there was a calm. He said to them, “Where is your faith?” And they were afraid, and they marveled, saying to one another, “Who then is this, that he commands even winds and water, and they obey him” (Lk. 24-25)?

It’s the last line of our verse that gives us the answer about why Jesus rebuked His disciples…

Their faith had wavered.

I can relate. There have been moments in my life that my normal “mountain moving” faith wasn’t strong enough to move my own doubts out of the way…

How about you? Have you ever experienced moments of weak faith? Days that even though you know that you know God is Sovereign you panic when a storm comes your way…?

They had been with Him. They believed He was the Messiah—these twelve, His hand chosen. They had read the Holy Scriptures or at least they’d heard the oral traditions told and retold them by their elders. They knew of the accounts spoken of during the time of the Exodus of their people. When Jehovah God delivered His first-born son, Israel, from under the ruthless oppression of Pharaoh—and his taskmaster’s flesh-splitting whips (Exodus 13).

God intervened and showed Himself the Sovereign Ruler over all men, believer, and unbeliever alike. He demonstrated just how all-powerful He is by taking charge over the elements…

They knew, these twelve, that God had split the sea in two so that His people could cross over on dry land and then with the same ease—folded this sea back over the Egyptian’s who were in hot pursuit of His people. Sending them all to a watery grave (Ex. 14:21-30).

And the disciples believed in this God of their Father’s…

But now their Master—their Rabbi, the One Peter had called the Messiah—God’s own Son (Matt.16:16), is sleeping in their boat.  While this sudden storm has arisen, and is raging!  And they panicked. Some were seasoned fisherman familiar with the sea. Accustomed to sudden, violent, stormy, weather.

Yet they panicked nonetheless…

So, what is it that caused them to be filled with this gripping fear? To doubt that Jesus, God’s Son, could save them from a certain watery death? Was it the sheer size of the storm that raged about them?

Or was it a deeper issue that swirled unanswered within them…?

Let’s talk about faith. Theirs’s, yours, and mine…

The Scriptures tell us that without it, this faith, it is impossible to please God: “But without faith it is impossible to [walk with God and] please Him, for whoever comes [near] to God must [necessarily] believe that God exists and that He rewards those who [earnestly and diligently] seek Him” (Heb.11:6).

Now we know that to please God we must have faith, so the next logical question follows, “What is this faith?”

“Now faith is the assurance (title deed, confirmation) of things hoped for (divinely guaranteed), and the evidence of things not seen [the conviction of their reality—faith comprehends as fact what cannot be experienced by the physical senses]” (Heb.11:1).

So, now that we know we need faith and we know what this faith is, wouldn’t it seem reasonable to think that these twelve men who had walked with Jesus for such a long while would have it in abundance?

Particularly if they truly understood—more, believed that Jesus was truly The Son of God—One with Father. God in the Flesh…

They’d heard Him say as much to the Jews who asked Him for a plain accounting of Himself back at the colonnade of Solomon during the feast of dedication (John. 14:22-38).

And they were His witnesses to so many of the signs and miraculous healings He performed…

There was the man with the withered hand that He fully restored (Luke 6:10). The cleansing of the leaper, (Luke 5:12-13). The healing of a paralytic, (Luke 5:18-20). The powerful teaching we’ve come to know as, “The Beatitudes” (Matt.5:1-12). And even raising a widow’s only son at his own funeral (Luke 7:13-15)!

They—these twelve, and all the Jews, had been waiting for Messiah to come and deliver them from the Romans and their cruel oppression, much like He did with their forefathers in Egypt. And they knew He would, just as He had during the days of Moses and Aaron.

So why was He sleeping at the bow of the boat while this powerful storm was threatening to tear them apart?

That was their question…

But perhaps what they should have asked, what we should be asking is: What was the Voice who spoke to the storm trying to teach that day? What was the lesson He needed them to understand—us too? What is it that He wanted them, and us, to be confident in? No room for doubts?

Let’s go back to our Scripture verses for that answer. He said to them, “Where is your faith?”


Jesus was allowing their faith to be built up while simultaneously reminding them that He was the One who had complete control over all things, ALL things—always.

Jesus knew what His disciples would face shortly—how their faith would be tested repeatedly. He knew they believed Him to be the Messiah. But He needed them to continue to grow. To be stretched. He knew also, that He would only be with them for a short time. And He needed them solid—rock solid, unwavering in their faith.

He need them to understand that He was God. And what that soon would entail…

The future of His Church depended on it… (Acts 2:39-40).

In a moment of unbelief, the disciples implored Jesus for deliverance from the raging sea.  Much like when Moses called on God for deliverance as he and God’s people stood trapped at the mouth of the Red Sea, with Pharaoh’s army closing in, threatening to annihilate them…

He needed His disciples to know—have faith in, that He was the same God who demonstrated His power to deliver and save the Israelite’s. That it was He who commanded the elements then and it was He who would do it now, and for all time. “And the sea became as wall on their left and on their right” (Ex. 14:22).

He continues to demonstrate His mercy and His unfathomable power to save His chosen ones—His children. And, since this same Jesus cannot change, is it possible that the storm that is raging about you has been allowed?

Was it sent as a reminder that you must stay firmly anchored to Jesus? The One who will never allow the storms in your life to overtake you. Regardless of what things may look like. “Beloved, think it not strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened unto you” (1 Pet. 4:12).

Did your storm come to strengthen you? To build you up? To enable you to push through life’s situations and circumstances that clamor for your attention—the endless distractions? Those situations that frighten you and cause you to freeze drawing your focus away from Jesus? That negative doctor’s report, the loss of a job or spouse? Past hurts and disappointments?

That runaway child or addicted parent?

Did the storm in your life arise to strengthen your faith?  Or perhaps to expose your hidden doubt? Maybe it came to increase your understanding? Or to show you how to still yourself, and listen to the One whose Word commands all storms to end?

Jesus needed to remind His disciples that He was Sovereign over all His creation. That He was so much more than their narrow understanding of who Messiah was and the role He would play in His people’s lives…

He needed them to know that not one detail of their life, not one of their trials escaped Him—and we too, as witnesses, are remind, that if we will but anchor our faith to Him, listen for His voice to guide us, no storm will ever overtake us, nor separate us from Him…

“No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us. For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor principalities, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord”(Rom.8:37-39).

Jesus is just as aware of what’s threatening to end you as He was of the storm that frightened His disciples. And the sea that needed to part for His children to cross over safely…

Allow me to remind you that Jesus is with you today. And anything that looks threatening around you cannot overtake you unless the Sovereign God of the Universe allows it to be…

“The LORD does whatever pleases him, in the heavens and on the earth, in the seas and all their depths” (Psalm 135:6).


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