"Come follow me and I will make you fishers of men." Matthew 4:19

Category: Obedience (Page 9 of 10)

Tag, Your It.

MaryEllen Montville

“Then Peter opened his mouth, and said, Of a truth I perceive that God is no respecter of persons: But in every nation he that feareth him, and worketh righteousness, is accepted with him” –Acts 10:34-35.

Everything was about to be upended for Peter—yet again. By this point in his walk with the Lord, I have to wonder if Peter had begun to figure out that the only thing that will ever remain the same for as long as he walks with the Lord, the only thing guaranteed to stay the same, is the Lord, Himself?

If biblical chronology is correct, some seven or eight months had passed since the Lord ascended back to the Father. Six or seven months since the Holy Spirit had been poured out on those gathered together in the Upper Room and since Peter had preached his first sermon and Christ’s Church was born. We can read all about these things in the Book of Acts, Chapters One through Five.

By this point in Peter’s walk, by the time Peter meets Cornelius in Acts Chapter 10 that is, God has already commissioned Peter as a leader over his brothers and sisters and His Church. He’s also been told to elect another to fill Judas Iscariot’s place among them. God has used Peter to heal a man who’d been lame since birth; and along with the Apostle John, Peter has also been taken into custody and forbidden by the Sadducees to teach using the name of Jesus. And, Peter has confronted Ananias and Saphira about their lying to the Holy Spirit, which resulted in their deaths. He and John were sent to Samaria to spread and teach God’s Word. Additionally, in Acts nine, Peter visits fellow believers in Lydda. The Lord uses him there to heal Aeneas, who’d been bedridden for eight years due to paralysis, and raise a young girl named Dorcas; some say, Tabitha, from the dead. You can read each of these accounts in the following Scriptures: Acts 1:16-26; 2:14-36; 3:6-8; 4:3-18; 5:3-9;8:14;9:32-40.

We catch up with Peter in Acts 10. We’ll find him in Joppa, a seaport town about 40 some miles south of Caesarea, at the home of Simon, the tanner. Being a devout Jew, I found it noteworthy that Peter would have chosen to stay with someone who would have been considered unclean, due to his chosen profession. After all, in a minute, we’ll read how Peter decries God’s instruction to kill and eat what the law teaches is unclean. A law Peter had painstakingly followed his entire life! “Peter went up on the roof to pray. He became hungry and wanted something to eat, and while the meal was being prepared, he fell into a trance. He saw heaven opened and something like a large sheet being let down to earth by its four corners. It contained all kinds of four-footed animals, as well as reptiles and birds. Then a voice told him, “Get up, Peter. Kill and eat.” “Surely not, Lord!” Peter replied. “I have never eaten anything impure or unclean.” The voice spoke to him a second time, “Do not call anything impure that God has made clean.” –Acts 10:9-15.

So to find Peter staying in the home of someone who handles dead animal carcasses, a person another devout Jew would shun Peter for even associating with, is nothing short of unconscionable for this out-front, chosen leader of the Way. “The carcass of any animal which divides the foot, but is not cloven-hoofed or does not chew the cud, is unclean to you. Everyone who touches it shall be unclean. And whatever goes on its paws, among all kinds of animals that go on all fours, those are unclean to you. Whoever touches any such carcass shall be unclean until evening. Whoever carries any such carcass shall wash his clothes and be unclean until evening. It is unclean to you” –Leviticus 11:26-28. But God was on the move. And everything was about to change—forever.

As I said earlier, everything in Peter’s life was about to be upended, yet again. Very soon, Peter would face having to choose to place the full weight of the knowledge, faith, and trust he had on his Lord’s leading, regardless of it being unconventional, controversial, and undoubtedly unorthodox. Or, he’d have to turn away from His Master’s prompting, clinging instead to the law and teachings that had guided him since his youth. Because in a short twenty-four hours, all those traditions and rules, the religious rites and rituals that Peter had clung to so fiercely would all be upended.

Peter’s unraveling had begun on the rooftop of a tanner in Joppa, and it would reach its climax inside the home of yet another unlikely soul in Caesarea. Now, as Peter was in prayer on the rooftop of Simon’s house, the Lord, as only He can, broke through time and space with a message that challenged Peter to his very core. God needed Peter to shift, to move with Him and His plan for the future of His Church and all His people. There are times God will use the unorthodox, the unconventional, the new, and different to shake up the religiosity that has taken hold of us. All the “familiar” that we’ve allowed to enshroud us, blind us, stunting our growth. Stopping us from remembering that we can not, must not ever, put God in a box or attach some succinct, precise formula to how He will or does move or decide to show up. Jesus Himself is our most perfect example of this Truth.

“The next day, as they went on their journey and drew near the city, Peter went up on the housetop to pray, about the sixth hour. Then he became very hungry and wanted to eat; but while they made ready, he fell into a trance and saw heaven opened and an object like a great sheet bound at the four corners, descending to him and let down to the earth” –Acts 10:9-11. On this great sheet was every kind of unclean animal. Peter saw all those repugnant animals that the law forbade and was instantly repelled by them. So when the Lord commands him to kill and eat, Peter barks back and tells God no. “Surely not, Lord!” Peter replied. “I have never eaten anything impure or unclean” –Acts10:14.

Saying no to God is never a good idea. He is God, and we are not. And, as we’ll see, God had His way with Peter in the end.

Scripture indeed points towards Peter’s staying in the house of an unclean, gentile tanner to be no mere accident; more, it appears to be a herald, a preparation of sorts for Peter. Because soon, three men would appear and ask him to follow them. One commentary sums things up this way: The Jews already considered gentiles to be unclean. By drawing Peter into the home of a gentile tanner – the dirtiest of the dirty – God was breaking down barriers and preparing Peter as a vessel to pour out His blessing onto the gentiles.

Enter Cornelious.

While Peter was still atop Simon’s roof trying to sort out what he was to glean from God’s dropping that sheet before him, three men sent by a Roman Centurion named Cornelius to locate Peter show up to escort him to Caesarea. They’d been dispatched to accompany him to the home of yet another gentile. “Now while Peter wondered within himself what this vision which he had seen meant, behold, the men who had been sent from Cornelius had made inquiry for Simon’s house, and stood before the gate” –Acts 10:17.

Skipping ahead for time’s sake, these men tell Peter who they are and why they’ve come. “And they said, “Cornelius the centurion, a just man, one who fears God and has a good reputation among all the nation of the Jews, was divinely instructed by a holy angel to summon you to his house, and to hear words from you.” Then he invited them in and lodged them. On the next day Peter went away with them, and some brethren from Joppa accompanied him” –Acts 10:22-23. Yet their news was only confirmation for Peter as the Holy Spirit had already revealed to him that He wanted Peter to go with these men when they arrived. “While Peter was still thinking about the vision, the Spirit said to him, “Simon, three men are looking for you. So get up and go downstairs. Do not hesitate to go with them, for I have sent them.” –Acts 10:19-20.

Again, skipping ahead, Cornelius has assembled his close friends and family in anticipation of Peter’s arrival. Before leaving Joppa, the men sent to accompany him tell Peter that an angel had visited Cornelius and told him to send for him. Upon arriving in Caesarea, Peter goes into Cornelius’ house, but not before making him aware that it is against the law for a Jew to be doing what he is doing. He said to them: “You are well aware that it is against our law for a Jew to associate with or visit a Gentile. But God has shown me that I should not call anyone impure or unclean. So when I was sent for, I came without raising any objection. May I ask why you sent for me?” –Acts 10:28-29.

One last skip, I promise, and we’ll arrive at our destination:

In answer to Peter’s question, Cornelius outlines all that the angel had shared with him: “Three days ago I was in my house praying at this hour, at three in the afternoon. Suddenly a man in shining clothes stood before me and said, ‘Cornelius, God has heard your prayer and remembered your gifts to the poor. Send to Joppa for Simon who is called Peter. He is a guest in the home of Simon the tanner, who lives by the sea.’ So I sent for you immediately, and it was good of you to come. Now we are all here in the presence of God to listen to everything the Lord has commanded you to tell us” Acts 10:30-33.

And in that nanosecond, by the revelation of the Holy Spirit, Peter gets it. The Light has shone inside of him, illuminating Truth and God’s glorious plan for His Church. A Truth and plan Peter never would have been able to grasp, outside of God doing something so unconventional. “Then Peter began to speak: “I now realize how true it is that God does not show favoritism but accepts from every nation the one who fears him and does what is right” –Acts 10:34.

Tag. Your It! And just like that, we, each gentile believer, from Cornelius and those gathered in his household, were grafted into the Body of Christ. Jew and Gentile now, one in Messiah. As Peter shared the Gospel message with this group of gentiles, salvation became there’s! Yet this plan for the grafting in of the gentiles isn’t new, however.  We caught our first glimpse of it back in the garden. It’s just now being unfolded, revealed afresh to Peter that he might ensure that God’s intended plan for His Church be carried out to the letter. But more on that next week. Remember, friends; God has set precise times and seasons for all things.

The Apostle Paul’s teaching on why this has occurred ought to lead us towards living our lives with great humility and boldness for the Lord. And for the things of the Lord, yet tenderly and with reverence for the grace and mercy shown us by such a loving Father. “Now I am speaking to you Gentiles. Inasmuch then as I am an apostle to the Gentiles, I magnify my ministry in order somehow to make my fellow Jews jealous and thus save some of them. For if their rejection means the reconciliation of the world, what will their acceptance mean but life from the dead? If the dough offered as firstfruits is holy, so is the whole lump, and if the root is holy, so are the branches. But if some of the branches were broken off, and you, although a wild olive shoot, were grafted in among the others and now share in the nourishing root of the olive tree, do not be arrogant toward the branches. If you are, remember it is not you who support the root, but the root that supports you” –Romans 11:13-18.

Brothers and sisters, I encourage you in the Lord to seek Him afresh in this season, to purify your hearts. Shaking off any spiritual slumber that has hampered you, all fear, and any confusion that has troubled the Body of Christ over this past year, instead, seek the Lord for what it is He’ll have you do now, while it is still day. “Seek the LORD while he may be found; call on him while he is near. Let the wicked forsake his way and the evil man his thoughts. Let him turn to the LORD, and he will have mercy on him, and to our God, for he will freely pardon. For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the LORD. As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts” –Isaiah 55:6-9.

And dear friend, if you have yet to meet our unconventional and Loving Lord, Jesus the Christ, I hope that you’ll pause wherever you are right now and ask Him to make Himself as real and tangible to you as He did for Peter as he prayed on Simons rooftop.

Be sure to return next week for the conclusion of “Tag. You’re It…”

Train Up A Child.

Stephanie Montilla

“Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old, he will not depart from it. –Proverbs 22:6.

As Mother’s Day approached, I began contemplating parenting a child in the ways of the Lord. Although I am not yet a mother, I understand both the value and essential responsibility of parenting, especially in our current climate. While there is no manual for parenting, I am sure that raising a child in the Lord’s way presents its unique challenges in a world fueled by social media and conflicting beliefs on what it means to be a Christian? Having experienced a Catholic upbringing, I now realize that I lacked knowledge of the Word of God and instruction on how to pray. And while I had a great childhood, my family did not always model the love of Christ for me. My mother failed to ask the Holy Spirit to guide her in many of her parenting decisions throughout my upbringing. 

It was in musing over Proverbs 22:6 which caused me to reflect on my childhood, upbringing, and early childhood experiences. It caused me to reflect on what I had lacked, what I thought could have been better, and how my parent’s choices impacted my personal growth and development. All of this led me to more fully understand that a Godly home and God-fearing parents that are filled with the Holy Spirit are foundational for training a child in the ways of the Lord. “Direct your children onto the right path, and when they are older, they will not leave it” –Proverbs 22:6. Parenting future disciples of Jesus in many ways fulfills the Great Commission. And as a parent, I’m confident it must be an honor to take part in—co-labor with Christ in laying the foundation of a child’s life with the Truth of God. It must be a great privilege and responsibility to help them find and cultivate their kingdom voices and to remind them of their identity in Christ. In parenting with the Holy Spirit, we certainly must see how serving our children daily also serves the Lord.

So, with this in mind, allow me to share three encouraging points on Godly parenting—advice I plan on following with my children one day.

  1. Make prayer a priority.

As I’ve stated, I am not a mother, yet having helped raise my four nieces for the first few years of their lives, I have had some experience caring for children. And, while this time with them was filled with excitement, it was also stressful, anxiety-causing, and frustrating. Lack of sleep sometimes heightened my frazzled emotions, and that led to irrational decision-making. When my nieces would get sick, it caused fear, and their disobedient and rebellious behaviors caused frustration. From my experience and from what I’ve witnessed, parenting pokes a range of emotions. From joyful celebrations to distressing hardships, yet whatever the circumstance may be, regardless of how the scenarios may play out, I’m learning to lift them all in prayer before His throne of grace. The Bible says: “Let us then approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need” –Hebrews 4:16.

God is omniscient. He is fully aware of your emotions; He knows what you think, can see what is happening in your life, and, most importantly, He has the power to intervene and guide you in every area of your life. The Lord knows both the value of and the concerns that come with parenting, and He knows that it’s in the daily setting aside of quiet time to seek His face, where He’ll empower you to face those challenges. Even when you feel weary or unworthy, the Lord Almighty never turns a deaf ear to the earnest prayers of His children. “The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit” –Psalm34:18. And though Google tips may prove helpful and the reassurance of fellow parents’ and friends’ confidence-boosting, nothing compares to speaking to and seeking guidance from the Creator of the universe. God created your children. He understands their thoughts, temperaments, and personalities far better than you ever will—or can. “You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body and knitted me together in my mother’s womb” –Psalm 139:13. Make prayer a priority and give the Holy Spirit an open invitation to lead and guide your parenting. “I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with my eye upon you” –Psalm 32:8.

2. Model the Christian faith.

The Bible teaches us: “The things you have learned and received, and heard and seen in me, practice these things; and the God of peace will be with you” –Philippians 4:9. Loving and raising your children according to God’s Word is honoring them, just as guiding them in how they should live is your God-given responsibility. While teaching your children the Word of God is essential, modeling your faith is, in most instances, a more powerful tool. How can you genuinely teach children to love the Lord yet not model the love of Christ in your own lives daily via submission to His will and your Godly behavior? “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind” –Matthew 22:37.

How can we teach children to “Love your neighbor as yourself” yet not serve others or demonstrate grace and compassion, and patients towards them? –Mark12:31. Or, how can we teach children that “A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger” and yet create an environment of verbal hostility, belittlement, and abuse in our homes? –Proverbs 15:1. As parents, if your desire is for your children to love the Lord, you are responsible for reflecting that in your behavior. Children are sponges in their initial stages of development. What you model before them, they’ll absorb and emulate. The Bible says, “But don’t just listen to God’s Word. You must do what it says. Otherwise, you are only fooling yourselves” –James 1:22. As parents, if you are not modeling the very Godly behavior you expect from your child: faith, patience, kindness, gentleness, love, joy, peace, grace, and compassion, then isn’t that, in fact, teaching to them that Christianity can be unreliable and hypocritical?

3. Love your children well.

The Bible teaches us, “Love is patient, Love is kind. It does not envy; it does not boast; it is not proud. It does not dishonor others; it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the Truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres” –1 Corinthians 14:4-8. God’s definition of Love far exceeds a mere emotion. Love is a choice. We choose to love one another. God’s love is rooted and grounded in decision and choice; and our love is birthed from these very actions. Love is not simply an emotion you feel; it is something to be demonstrated. One of the most significant ways to parent with the Holy Spirit is by operating in His Love. “God is love, and he who remains in love remains in God, and God remains in him” –1 John 4:16.

Parents can sometimes respond to their children at the whim of a feeling or mood. Maybe they’re stressed about work, and so they take their frustration out on their children? Perhaps they’re frustrated with a child’s behavior, or they’re not patient with them during homework? Yet, the biblical definition of unconditional love is that they must respond lovingly towards them nevertheless, even when we do not feel like being loving. Godly love for children is never contingent upon whether they deserve to receive it; conversely, they deserve it solely because it is the will and command of God. That unconditional love that God so freely demonstrates towards us, we have been commanded to model before the world—especially in our homes. “This is my commandment: Love each other in the same way I have loved you” –John 15:12. Loving our children ought to be filled with speaking life into them, seeing the potential for the best in them, and believing in and fostering the gifts God has placed in them. Loving children well ought to look like teaching them to read, meditate, and abide in the Word of God, making it their go-to then when they’re feeling fearful or anxious. “There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out all fear because fear has punishment” –1 John 4:18.

And when a child is acting out in panic and anxiety due to the overwhelming demands of school or life, as parents, shouldn’t you offer them, lead them towards peace and calm, and not add to their chaos or confusion? Shouldn’t you attempt to encourage them along the way? As a parent, you ought not to keep a record of their mistakes or let their rebellious nature provoke you to lash out at them. Parent’s ought to act in patience and kindness, just as God does with them daily. Proverbs 22:6 assures us that training up a child in the ways of the Lord is an honorable responsibility, however challenging at times. And, if you have multiple children, you know full-well that their different temperaments require different parenting techniques. In part, training up a child in the way he or she should go is about recognizing that your children are not carbon copies of you. They are to be guided, trained, molded, and shaped in the direction the Lord has willed for their life, and that may mean your needing to understand and be patient and nurturing with traits in them that are foreign to you or different than your own.

The Bible informs us that “Children are a gift from the Lord; they are a reward from him” –Psalm 127:3. Children are a gift entrusted to us by the Lord. Children are not possessions to do with as we please. They will grow up, leave home and live life on their own, and so because they are precious gifts, we must love them, treasure them, guide them, and protect them while we are able. “Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change” –James 1:17.

I can only imagine that one of the most incredible facets of parenting is that the Lord will use the very gifts He’s entrusted to your care, your children, to refine you, His child, teaching you to depend on Him even more! I pray this teaching was encouraging.

In closing, I pray that you continue to make prayer a priority. To always model the ways of the Lord before your children and love them well. Remember, even Jesus modeled Godly training to His disciples, and we can do the same. Take heart in knowing that God is with you on your parenting journey every step of the way. And that God’s unmerited grace and mercy covers our temporary, frail, all too human weaknesses, shortcomings, and failures. The Bible reminds us, “If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you” –James 1:5. So ask the Lord for the wisdom you need, and He will generously supply it. And whether you’re parenting or a single person who is without the sweet presence of the Lord, I encourage you to earnestly seek Him, asking Him to come into your heart and life as Lord. His guidance will transform not only your life but your children’s lives as well. That is one promise I don’t need to be a mom to make. I have tasted and seen that it’s True for myself!

When God Calls You To It, Do It.

Stephanie Montilla

“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go” – Joshua 1:9.

Now that New England’s weather is slowly becoming warmer, my car rides have become more enjoyable. I can finally open my sunroof and feel the pressing warmth of the sun on my face. It feels great to extend my arm out of the car window and feel the force of the wind blowing against it. And I’m so enjoying being able to soak up more sunlight throughout the day now. The warmer weather brings with it an added boost of happiness as well. Yet none of these things compare to the joy my car ride conversations with Jesus bring me.

Besides being at home, I spend most of my time in my car. It’s where I do my pondering, my questioning, confessing, and my praying. And I am convinced that my car transforms into my own private sanctuary in those precious moments. The other day, while driving, I talked with God about many of my worries and stresses. See, I have always been a planner. I’m always looking towards the future. And as great as being prone to thinking and planning for the future may sound, this mindset is also riddled with its own fears and anxieties—Its endless loop of questions. Questions like: “What if this doesn’t work out?”, “What if I run short of money?”, “How long do I have to wait, God?” And the more questions I ask, the more it feels like I’m doing little more than enabling my anxiety. Then suddenly, somewhere on that same drive, the Holy Spirit brought to my remembrance Joshua 1:9, “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.”

Now I’ve heard and read this verse numerous times, but this time, it felt personal. Being reminded that the Lord is with me brought me comfort and peace. My remembering not to be discouraged; uplifted me. Knowing I need not be afraid; strengthened me. And that’s when it hit me: the same God that had spoken those exact words to Joshua; just brought them back to my remembrance! And knowing this prompted me to go and dig into Joshua’s story yet again. Allow me to pivot here and share some of what I discovered about courage and faith, and strength as a result.

The bible tells us, Joshua, son of Nun, became Israel’s leader after Moses’s death.

Moses had appointed him his successor before his death. And shortly after Moses died, the Lord said this to Joshua concerning his new ministry: “Moses, my servant is dead. Now then, you and all these people, get ready to cross the Jordan river into the land I am about to give them – to the Israelites” –Joshua 1:2. God called Joshua to lead the Israelites across the Jordan River and take possession of the land promised to their forefather Abraham –Joshua 1:1-5; Genesis 17:8. Yet before Joshua ever issued his first command to the people, God had already commanded Joshua three times to be strong and courageous. –Joshua 1:5, 7, 9. God’s repeated command over Joshua stood out to me because the Lord’s command for Joshua to be ‘strong and courageous’ was vital for Joshua’s future, his preparedness. Joshua would need to drink deep of this command before he could lead these people—before he would be able to execute God’s plan for them all. The Lord, who is both Sovereign and Omniscient, knows what lies ahead of us—and within us. He knows what we’ll need to be prepared to lead those He has entrusted to us, just as He did both with Moses and Joshua.

Leadership is no easy task. So, God makes things clear for Joshua and, through Him, for us. He outlines for Joshua what he must do to be prosperous and successful. First, and above all, love God and be obedient to Him. Keep God’s Word close to his heart—on his lips, and to not rely upon his own strength but, in all things, to trust God. “Be careful to obey all the law my servant Moses gave you; do not turn from it to the right or to the left, that you may be successful wherever you go” –Joshua 1:7. Secondly, “Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it” –Joshua 1:8. And lastly, “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go” –Joshua 1:9.

The Lord’s repetitive command to Joshua to be strong and courageous is meant to draw Joshua into a greater understanding that the strength he’ll need moving forward will not be his own, but the Lords. Joshua would never be able to do all that the Lord had for him to do in his own strength. Neither can you and me. Think about it. How many times have you felt afraid before executing a task? How many times have you lost your nerve? God knows we get anxious; Scripture assures us that “He knows our anxious thoughts” –Psalm 139:23. He knows that discouragement will come our way. Yet, if we’ll but only remember that God is with us wherever we go, we can, in His strength, become empowered to be bold and walk confidently in the will of God—despite how weak and incapable we may feel.

It’s not true that God does not give us more than we can handle—He does. He allows it so that we’ll learn to rely and depend on Him even more!

After Joshua instructs the Israelites to cross the Jordan River, he then sent two spies ahead of the people into the next town to scout out its fighting force. Once these spies entered enemy territory, it wasn’t long before they needed to be hidden, and they were with the help of a prostitute named Rahab. But why would Joshua’s spies enter the home of a prostitute in the first place? Simple. No one would have thought it strange for these strangers, these men, to enter and leave the house of a prostitute at all hours of the day and night. But Jericho’s King found out about them and questioned Rahab as to their whereabouts. And as per her agreement with them, she lied to the King. “But the woman had taken the two men and hidden them. She said, “Yes, the men came to me, but I did not know where they had come from. At dusk, when it was time to close the city gate, they left. Go after them quickly” –Joshua 2:4-5.

“By faith the prostitute Rahab, because she welcomed the spies, was not killed with those who were disobedient” –Hebrews 11:31. Talk about courage! Rahab shares with these Israelite spies her belief that it was indeed Yahweh who had given Israel this land. “I know the Lord has given you this land and that a great fear of you has fallen on us so that all who live in this country are melting in fear because of you” –Joshua 2:8-9. I found it remarkable that this harlot from Jericho, a woman from Jesus’ lineage, was used by God to play a significant role in Israel’s story. As with Rahab and the Samaritan woman, God still demonstrates that He will use the unlikeliest of people to protect and support His children. And He’ll use the most improbable people to carry out His will. Let this be a reminder to us all that God goes before us to prepare the way, that He is preparing hearts to receive us, even now.

We can learn many valuable lessons from the first six chapters of the book of Joshua. The first is that even when we do not feel courageous or strong, we must trust God’s strength at work in us. The second is that the Lord is faithful to prepare the way, and He can use an unlikely person in a strange set of circumstances to aid and protect you just as the Lord used with Rahab with the spies. The third is that sometimes God’s instructions both sound and appear foolish; it’s in these moments we must hold tight to His Truth. Even when our minds desire to question God’s will or the instructions He gives us, faith in God means that we obey Him because He alone is faithful to do what He says He will. “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts” –Isaiah 55:8-9. And finally, if we desire to see a supernatural move of God, we must be willing to exercise an unwavering, dare I say, crazy faith and obedience to His Word. “Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful” –Hebrews 10:23.

Friends, our obedience to God is evidence of our faith in Him. Like Joshua, the more we unflinchingly follow his commands, we, too, will conquer and be victorious in our walk with the Lord—in His strength. The God of the Bible keeps His promises. So, I encourage you to stir up your faith in this miracle-working God. I encourage you to be strong and courageous no matter what you are facing today. And I pray that, like Joshua, you become unflinching in your obedience to God—come what may. And, if you desire to know more of this God, that you’ll invite Him into your heart. I pray that He reveals Himself to you. And that you’ll trust Him to show you His wonder-working power and faithfulness. “In conclusion, be strong in the Lord [draw your strength from Him and be empowered through your union with Him] and in the power of His [boundless] might” –Ephesians 6:10.

Once It Becomes Personal.

MaryEllen Montville

“In the past I heard about you, but now I have seen you with my own eyes. And I am ashamed of myself. I am so sorry. As I sit in the dust and ashes, I promise to change my heart and my life.” –Job 42:5-6.

Perhaps Job’s faith in God had been handed down to him from his parents? Maybe it came to him through his listening to the oral retellings of old? Accounts of God’s goodness and mercy, of His great love for His children.

Whatever the channel used, Scripture clarifies that Job recognized there was a God. Job never denied He existed. We realize this in Job’s response to his wife when she flat out tells him to give up on this God who had just allowed one calamity after another to befall them: “His wife said to him, “Are you still maintaining your integrity? Curse God and die!” He replied, “You are talking like a foolish woman. Shall we accept good from God, and not trouble?” In all this, Job did not sin in what he said. –Job 2:9-10.

Job surely had some level of faith. Some belief in the God of the old retellings, the God who went to great lengths to redeem, provide for, and protect His people. “I’ve also done it so you can tell your children and grandchildren about how I made a mockery of the Egyptians and about the signs I displayed among them—and so you will know that I am the LORD” –Exodus 10:2. Maybe Job had lived his life essentially mimicking, perhaps wholeheartedly, what he had observed his parents and family, neighbors and friends—those in his tribe doing or saying—wanting it to be true for himself, wanting to believe it all. Indeed believing, on some level, that this God is real. Remember though, that up until this point in Job’s story, he’d not encountered God personally yet. Job had only known Him as the God of someone else’s relationship. But until Job knows God personally—until anyone does, God remains impersonal, and their lives untouched by the enlivening, relational presence of His Holy Spirit at work

This is the case for so many of us before our relationship with God became personal, Jesus was just a person someone else has experienced. A head knowledge that had yet to touch our heart. A good man hanging on a cross, perhaps? A god among many other gods, maybe? Our mother or father or grandmother’s God? Or the symbol of some unreachable deity whose rules demand more than anyone can give? So then why even try to know Him for ourselves?

I know this is how it was for me.

Raised Catholic, I attended Catholic school in the 60’s—went to Mass daily with those in my class. I learned about Jesus certainly—knew He had a Father, God. I had heard of the Holy Spirit but quite literally never knew Him as anything other than the picture of the Dove I’d seen painted on the Cathederal ceiling, in paintings, or heard referenced in the priest’s homily. I had no clue He was an actual person—the Third Person of the Godhead. Like Job and so many others today, I had undoubtedly heard about God—had some cursory head knowledge of Him, but I did not know Jesus—personally, that is. I had never encountered God face-to-face, so to speak.

But one day, in the blink of an eye, right there in the Catholic Church, all of that changed!

No longer was God someone that lived outside of me in paintings, nor was He a man who hung on a cross over my bed; Jesus Christ was now alive in me—His Spirit at work in me. One minute I was dead in my sin, the next, alive in Christ—just like Job. “But because of his great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions—it is by grace you have been saved” –Ephesians 2:4-5. And, as with Job, I too felt the weight of my many past sins. How I, too, had questioned God at every turn. Yet, by God’s grace and mercy, the weight of my sins drove me to God, towards true repentance. And in that scared moment of His visitation—I unknowingly followed Job’s example and, as the song says, was gracefully broken.

I’ve since learned this one thing over these many years of walking with the Lord:

God does not break us to harm us; instead, He breaks us that He might re-fashion us, working out of us—pruning away those unfruitful habits—those sins that repeatedly trip us up and stunt our growth, muddying His plan for our lives. Sins like pride, fornication, adultery, addictions, stealing, stubbornness, rebellion, and lying, just to name a few.

I know this first-hand because not only does God’s Word make this plain, but, by God’s grace, Jesus enabled me to turn away from the sins that had had a death-grip on me for so much of my life. By His grace alone, I was able to leave them behind me, running after God with all I had in me instead. And I’m still running towards Him today, now, more than ever! Yet, I have miles and miles to go in my learning more and more about this God I love. This man that came and changed everything—in an instant, and counting. See, that’s what happens when He comes; He makes all things new—not usually overnight—but most certainly over time. And, after having met the Living God personally, after having experienced His Love, mercy, and grace, I began to understand the breadth of His forgiveness. In my finite, weak-as-water way, I caught some dim glimpse of what it cost Him to save me, and that revelation drove me so far into God that now, all I want in this life, for the rest of my life, is more of Jesus. Catching a genuine glimpse of your sins against the unblemished backdrop of God’s Purity and Holiness will cause you to cry out in repentance, in humility.

We witness this piercing truth in today’s Scripture verse. Undeniably, this was the case with Job, listen: “In the past I heard about you, but now I have seen you with my own eyes. And I am ashamed of myself. I am so sorry. As I sit in the dust and ashes, I promise to change my heart and my life.” –Job 42:5-6. The Prophet Isaiah also understood this Truth, listen: “I was frightened and said, “Oh, no! I will be destroyed. I am not pure enough to speak to God, and I live among people who are not pure enough to speak to him. But I have seen the King, the Lord All-Powerful” –Isaiah 6:5. The Apostle Peter understood it as well—me too. Each of us touched by God, transformed in an instant by the power of His Holy Spirit coming and taking up residence within us, making all things new, understood, more believed, that we were sinners who’d been brought into contact with a Holy God. “When Simon Peter realized what had happened, he fell to his knees before Jesus and said, “Oh, Lord, please leave me—I’m such a sinful man” –Luke 5:8.

The Pure Light of God’s presence unmasks every lie we’ve ever told ourselves about who we are—and who He is, exposing then the naked Truth, we are sinners in need of a Savior.

When we come face-to-face with the Living God, we face the depths of our depravity and our propensity for sin and sinning also. We become a witness to our self-justification, denial, pride, and those inflated opinions we hold of ourselves.And in this sacred moment, we must choose: to repent of these and accept Jesus into our hearts and lives, or to shut Him out—keeping Him then out there somewhere as the God of someone else’s relationship. And it is smack-dab in the instant of just such an awakening that we witness Job acknowledging God as His Lord and Savior in today’s Scripture verse.

My prayer in this season of hope and miracles is this: If you know of God, yet have not encountered Him personally, then right now, in these days leading up to Easter, to His death and Resurrection, His ultimate display of love—you’ll follow Job’s lead and say yes to having a relationship with Him, Move Him from being the God of someone else’s relationship, to being the God of your own.


MaryEllen Montville

Then the Lord said, “Rise and anoint him; this is the one.” So Samuel took the horn of oil and anointed him in the presence of his brothers, and from that day on the Spirit of the Lord came powerfully upon David” –1 Samuel 16:12-13.

The Word of God is full of these—previews, I mean. Of God allowing His chosen to catch some small sliver of a glimpse of the destiny, they’ve been set apart to fulfill…

One minute a young David is out in the field tending his father’s sheep, and the next, his father’s servant is calling out to him. “David, come quickly; the prophet Samuel is asking after you!” And right there, in the presence of his slack-jawed family, in one life-changing, whirlwind of a moment, David, a young shepherd boy, is anointed Israel’s new King. “Thus Jesse made seven of his sons pass before Samuel. But Samuel said to Jesse, “The LORD has not chosen these.” And Samuel said to Jesse, “Are these all the children?” And he said, “There remains yet the youngest, and behold, he is tending the sheep.” Then Samuel said to Jesse, “Send and bring him; for we will not sit down until he comes here.” So he sent and brought him in. Now he was ruddy, with beautiful eyes and a handsome appearance” –1 Samuel 16: 10-12. And although it took only a few short minutes for Samuel to seal the destiny of this newly appointed boy-King, it would take David’s “preview” some 15 plus years and beyond to bear mature fruit. And Scripture is littered with examples like David’s. Of the destinies of God’s chosen suddenly being shifted on a dime. Of the so-big plans of God being carried out by His finite creations. Examples of men and women who were changed in an instant, yet it took years for them to grow into the fullness of their calling. A calling God had deposited within them in less time than it takes us to blink! One such example that comes to mind is Joseph, Jacob’s youngest son

I have to wonder how many times Joseph thought, “Lord, why all this lag time,” as he watched and waited for his preview to come to pass? (Lag time: that period, however short or long, God uses to prepare us for the destiny He’s allowed us to catch some glimpse of). Remember, Joseph was about 17 years old when God gave him a glimpse of his future via a dream. Then, shortly after sharing that dream with his family, he was violently ripped away from his beloved father and sold into slavery by his jealous brothers. After which, Potiphar’s wife unjustly accused him, and he was imprisoned. While there, he was betrayed by those he had worked to free. Then, finally, some 13 years later, at the approximate age of 30, Joseph entered Pharaoh’s service, becoming the second most powerful man in all of Egypt. And soon after that, the dream given him by God when he was 17 was finally fulfilled when those who had sold him into slavery came and bowed down before Joseph. You can read all about Joseph’s extraordinary life in Genesis, Chapters 37- 50.

My apology; we were talking about David.

Some scholars suggest David was somewhere between 12 to 15 years old when he was anointed King by the Prophet Samuel; you can read about this in 1 Samuel, Chapter 16. And yet, David would not ascend to his throne for another 15 plus years. Sound familiar? Didn’t we just read of something similar happening to Joseph? We’ll need to jump over to 2 Samuel 5 and beyond in order to read the account of David’s ascension and reign. And then, moving on from David, let’s look at others throughout the Scriptures who’d caught a preview of their destinies as well.

We’ll start with a young Galilean girl from Nazareth named Mary. She had been given a glimpse of God’s calling on her life—and so had her fiancé, Joseph. Apocryphal accounts say Mary was between 12 to 15 years old when she became betrothed to Joseph. Yet before they could marry, the angel Gabriel appeared to Mary—changing the course of her life forever—Joseph’s too. “In the sixth month, God sent the angel Gabriel to a town in Galilee called Nazareth, to a virgin pledged in marriage to a man named Joseph, who was of the house of David. And the virgin’s name was Mary. The angel appeared to her and said, “Greetings, you who are highly favored! The Lord is with you”—Luke 1:26-28. Verses 30-31 goes on to tell us that Gabriel told Mary, this newly engaged virgin, not to be afraid, that she was going to have God’s baby—and she was to name Him Jesus, listen: “Behold, you will conceive and give birth to a son, and you are to give Him the name Jesus.” And then there’s John the Baptist, Elizabeth’s son. And Father Abraham. God called him to leave behind his family and country, all that was familiar to him—to set off towards a destiny that would rival even that of a Hollywood blockbuster! And the list goes on and on. There’s also a young Samuel, woken up one night out of a sound sleep by God’s preview on his life. –1 Samuel 3. And then Moses, who went from a babe being drawn from the Nile in a pitch-sealed basket to a mighty prince of Egypt, turned wilderness shepherd before finally being used by God to free His people from the tyrannical grip of Pharaoh –Exodus, Chapters 2-5. And We haven’t even touched on the Apostles Peter, John, and Paul; each of these men and women hand-chosen by God—and all of them given a “preview” of sorts.

So why the lag time between their being called and that call being fulfilled? Why, since God had chosen them, didn’t He just use them right away? Why so long for David to finally take the throne? Or for Joseph or Abraham to see the call on their life fulfilled? Why did Moses have to experience so many tests and trials? And why will you and I have to endure lag time as well?

The answer is “simple—yet not.”

First, the simple: It’s about election and preparation. The simpler part of it, well, simple for God at least, is election—being chosen in Him: God’s initial call on their lives bubbled up from a deep place within them in an instant—it was effortless. But the preparation part, well, that took some time. That required God to prepare them for the preview He had given them. Preparation then is the “yet not” piece of, “simple, yet not.”

Their preparation would involve God having to strengthen and refine their trust in Him—in His ways and timing as they faced the many challenges and trials that answering His call brought with it. He was teaching them to walk out the “how” of His call on their life—that stepping out in faith part. That, faith over feelings—regardless of what it looks like, part. Think Paul here in Acts 9. Think of the reshaping that God did in Him, the breaking down, and the rebuilding that took place deep within him as he spent three days and nights in that room on Straight Street, having been blinded after seeing God. “He remained there blind for three days and did not eat or drink” –Acts 9:9.

Times of preparation allowed each of the above mentioned to grow into God’s unique call on their life. They afforded them both the circumstances and the opportunities to learn about accepting heartache and loss. To grow in love, they discovered new levels of sacrifice and how to be stretched to the point of breaking yet trusting God that they wouldn’t be. But that’s only after passing their first test, that of answering God’s call on their life. Then, and only then could they start putting one foot in front of the other and, over time, through adversity and times of great confusion or suffering, learn to follow God wherever He led them. And through all of this, they became awoken to what some may say is the hardest of all God’s lessons—trusting His timing. It’s Scripturally sound to say that of the many things God will use to test our calling, His use of time is undoubtedly one of His biggest. “But do not overlook this one fact, beloved, that with the Lord one day is as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day “–2 Peter 3:8.

So, let me ask you, has God shown you a preview? Has He allowed you to catch some small sliver of a glimpse of His call on your life?

Are you heading off to Bible College? Is God calling you into your first pastoral position? Or, maybe, He’s calling you to head up the worship team or become an evangelist or missionary? Perhaps He’s just calling you to get up out of your pew and join in? Does God want to use you somewhere in the board room, city council, or the Nation’s Capital instead of in the pulpit? As a mom instead of a worship leader, or maybe you’ll be both? Wherever that “bubbling up” from your depths inevitably takes you, of this one thing be assured, friend: there will be times of preparation ahead. But oh, the joy they’ll bring with them! The surpassing peace and unplumbed Love of God you’ll experience by stepping out in faith and learning to trust His mysterious ways and timing, learning to accept heartache and loss, love, and sacrifice—the ever-changing-same-ness of God. The fixed fluidness of following Him. And the learning to be stretched to the point of breaking yet trusting God that you won’t be. Learning, as Mary Fairchild so aptly put it: We can pour out our honest desires to God, even when we know they conflict with his, even when we wish with all of our body and soul that God’s will could be done in some other way.

Learning, like Mary, David, Joseph, and Peter did, as Jesus did, to say: “Father, not my will but Thy will be done” –Luke 22:44.

Friend, I hope you know this God who both calls and prepares us for the previews He allows us to catch. But know this: if you don’t yet, you can today. Know that God’s Word brings salvation. Won’t you ask Him into your life as Lord and Savior right now? “But what does it say? “The word is near you; it is in your mouth and in your heart,” that is, the word of faith we are proclaiming: that if you confess with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. For with your heart you believe and are justified, and with your mouth you confess and are saved” –Romans 10:8-10.

What’s in Your Hand?

Kendra Santilli

Somewhere on the far side of the wilderness, there’s a heaven-meets-earth moment waiting for you. It’s just past the whirlwind of insecurity that can leave you feeling the sting of defeat. It’s beyond the doubts that tell you that there is nothing about you that could ever make a difference in this life because you’re just an average person.

But what if? What if I told you that the Creator of the universe wholeheartedly disagrees with you? What if He could take your most common attribute and make it extraordinary? God is not afraid of your inabilities; instead, He sees abilities in you—you never even knew existed. And so, it was with an unlikely character we encounter at the beginning of the Old Testament. His story a remarkable one, filled with redemption. Moses, a Hebrew turned Egyptian Prince born during a very hostile and oppressive time in Egypt’s history.     

Follow me as I paraphrase Moses’ story. I believe historical context is important:

…During Joseph’s reign in Egypt, he was second in command of all Egypt. Scripture tells us the Israelites prospered and multiplied while under his care. “…the Israelites were exceedingly fruitful; they multiplied greatly, increased in numbers and became so numerous that the land was filled with them”—Exodus 1:7. So much so that even after his death, they continued to thrive and flourish because Joseph had been so highly revered and regarded. The Bible informs us that the Israelites did far more than merely exist in this new land; they fully occupied it.

Now, fast forward 400 years. Joseph is long dead, and a new Pharaoh has been appointed. One who found Joseph’s legacy irrelevant, and the Israelites’ success in their small Egypt corner a threat to his rule. His response then—enslave them all. It’s extreme, I know. And, sadly, it only gets worse from there. To decrease the Hebrew population, Pharaoh ordered all the male babies be killed at birth.

Meanwhile, a humble yet audacious Hebrew woman gives birth to a son. And in her desire to save him from Pharaoh’s death decree, she sends him floating down the Nile river in a pitch-protected basket. And Pharaoh’s daughter was just a way downstream, bathing. Her handmaids were with her; they saw the basket and brought it to her. She was delighted, believing this was a gift from the gods! Little did she know that he would one day become the Hebrew God, Yahweh’s gift to His own people. She sends for a Hebrew slave to come and nurse the child, but the slave who comes ends up being the child’s mother.

Even amid oppression, God still showed kindness to his people.

After the child was weaned, he was sent back to Pharaoh’s daughter. She gave him the name Moses, and he grew up in Pharaoh’s palace. As you read in Exodus, skipping ahead, after a series of destiny-shaping events, Moses ran away from the palace to Midian, today’s Saudi Arabia. There he met his wife, worked as a shepherd, and started his family. All of that could have been his happily ever after, but God had other plans for Moses’s life. One day, this Egyptian prince-turned-shepherd led his sheep to the “far side of the wilderness and came to Horeb, the mountain of God” –Exodus 3:1. In the perfect position for a heaven-touches-earth moment, Moses was all alone on the mountain, and he got that exact moment! We know that God manifested as fire burning within a bush, yet the bush wasn’t burning up—this mystified Moses. God had preserved Moses, allowing him to be rescued from the Nile by Pharaoh’s daughter, to now stand before this burning bush. And the same God that saved Him was now commissioning him to go and free His enslaved people, the Israelites, just as He had promised Moses’ great-great-grandfather He would do hundreds of years before. God says to Moses, “the cry of the Israelites has reached me, and I have seen the way the Egyptians are oppressing them. So now, go. I am sending you to Pharaoh to bring my people the Israelites out of Egypt” –Exodus 3:9-10.

Let’s pause here for a moment and figure out where we fit into this story.

From Joseph to Moses, the above events didn’t happen in a day, a week, a month, or even over a year’s time. Over the years and lifetimes, these events occurred by God having placed these men strategically into positions where He would equip them to lead His people out of the places and circumstances that oppressed them and led to their suffering. And so, He might do this same thing for you, too. Perhaps that’s where you fit into this story? You may feel like you’re on the “far side of the wilderness,” but God has not forgotten you there. Even as you read this, you’re just moving along, living your everyday life. And yet, right in the middle of your daily life, God might show up in a sudden, all-consuming, “burning bush moment” that will forever rearrange the trajectory of your entire life, turning your ‘just daily living’ into something extra-ordinary. Or maybe you may feel so content with your everyday life that you’re missing those burning bush moments that are right in front of you?

Back to the story, Moses is in front of the burning bush and is so confused about why God would ask him of all people to lead His people out of Egypt. He’s just an average shepherd, and remember, he had that series of unfortunate circumstances back in Egypt? He wasn’t sure how he would do any of what God asked of him without getting himself killed? Little did Moses know, something extraordinary was about to happen to him. Yet in that pivotal moment, the Lord asked the most seemingly random question: “The Lord said to him, ‘What is that in your hand?’ ‘A staff,’ he replied. The Lord said, ‘Throw it on the ground.’ Moses threw it on the ground and it became a snake, and he ran from it. Then the Lord said to him, ‘Reach out your hand and take it by the tail.’ So Moses reached out and took hold of the snake and it turned back into a staff in his hand. Then the Lord said, ‘Put your hand inside your cloak.’ So Moses put his hand into his cloak, and when he took it out, the skin was leprous[a]—it had become as white as snow. ‘Now put it back into your cloak,’ he said. So Moses put his hand back into his cloak, and when he took it out, it was restored, like the rest of his flesh.” –Exodus 4:2-4; 6-7).

God used what Moses had. Moses didn’t need special equipment, a theology degree, or a select title. All he needed was obedience and loyalty to God. As you read on, Moses was not a fan of this idea of being used by God. He made excuse after excuse. He even asked God to send someone else. Yet in the end, Moses obeyed God; and his obedience led to an entire people’s freedom. It also led him to experience the glory of God in ways he never knew were possible. His obedience to the Lord led to his being used by God to transcribe God’s law for the people. Moses became one of the Old Testament’s most prominent leaders because of his obedience to God’s call.

Hebrews 11 tells us: “By faith Moses, when he had grown up, refused to be known as the son of Pharaoh’s daughter. He chose to be mistreated along with the people of God rather than to enjoy the fleeting pleasures of sin. He regarded disgrace for the sake of Christ as of greater value than the treasures of Egypt, because he was looking ahead to his reward. By faith he left Egypt,not fearing the king’s anger; he persevered because he saw him who is invisible. By faith he kept the Passover and the application of blood, so that the destroyer of the firstborn would not touch the firstborn of Israel.”

We often want to see remarkable things in our lives, yet we aren’t willing to act in simple obedience. We admire the faith of people who can keep their relationships with God even through the craziness of life. Those who can be joyful amid trials. Those who can still pray for the house seemingly beyond their means or for the job they didn’t think they’d ever get. Those who pray for healing and see it happen. Those who have a powerful walk with the Lord. We admire that faith, and we even want it. Let me remind you, “faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see. This is what the ancients were commended for.” –Hebrews 11:1-2. Faith is not something to be attained; it is a lifestyle. As you obey the word of God, you grow in faith—your faith increasing as your obedience gets bolder.

I will ask you the same thing God asked Moses…

“What’s in your hand? What do you already have that God can use?” Ask God to help you to see the burning bush even within the ordinary. He is faithful to meet you right where you are, just as He did with Moses. God will introduce Himself to you. And, as you discover Him, I promise you’ll find that you have far more in your hand than you ever realized you had. God will use you in ways you never thought possible. And, if you’re here today and have never asked this God into your life, please, do it now. Let Him use what you have sitting right there in your hand…

Cabin Pressure

MaryEllen Montville

“…There is no truth or mercy Or knowledge of God in the land” Hosea 4:1.

When cabin pressure within a plane’s cabin drops, passengers will need air masks to receive sufficient oxygen. These air masks prevent hypoxia—a condition caused when the body lacks enough oxygen to maintain normal physiological function. When a plane loses cabin pressure, the temperature inside the plane drops, and passengers feel great discomfort in their ears and eyes, but the main health risk is low oxygen. —AeroSavvy.com

Our twenty-one-day fast ended just six short days ago now. It was an amazing, refreshing, illuminating, and personally edifying time for me and many in the Body. Thank you, Abba, for doing what only you can through the power of your Holy Spirit when your children seek you with a sincere and repentant heart.

Shortly after our corporate fast began, I saw in the spirit oxygen masks hanging down in an airplane cabin while doing my morning devotion. I then heard the Words in my spirit, “change in cabin pressure.” And the Holy Spirit began to minister to me. I do not feel released to share all that was given to me now, but I am confident in sharing the following. Before I do, I feel lead to preface what I am about to share by plainly stating that I am not a prophet. I do not profess to walk in the anointing of that sacred office. That said, as with many of my fellow believers in Christ, I have prayed that I should both love as I ought and seek the gift of prophecy, just as the Apostle Paul instructs us to in 1Corinthians 14:1. “Let love be your highest goal! But you should also desire the special abilities the Spirit gives—especially the ability to prophesy.” Yet, even while praying in this vein, I understand that the pure prophetic voice is a gift from God. One He alone freely bestows on those He chooses that they might walk in it to warn, encourage, or to declare His judgment or intentions, to share some revelation with an individual or group that only God, in His Sovereignty, could know. Prophecy is not something one can gain by study or force, by human ingenuity, lest it is false prophecy. God forbid! I encourage every believer, new or seasoned, never to follow, to swallow whole the words of any man, but in all things, all things, use wisdom. Take what is said, read, spoken over you, and lay it aside your final authority, God’s Word. If what you’ve heard or read, what has been told to you, spoken over you, does not align with His Word, I encourage you to spit it out quickly, lest, left unchecked, it poisons you. “Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, for many false prophets have gone out into the world” –1 John 4:1.

Many false prophetic voices, coupled with a lack of discernment within the Body, have caused God’s people to go astray in recent months. We will each give an account to God for what we have asserted comes from His mouth.

My position on the Prophetic clearly stated then, let’s continue.

You may be thinking, okay, got it. I agree with all that. But what does a Word from God and an airplane’s cabin pressure have to do with each other? My hope is by the time I share what I have been given, I’ll have answered that as clearly as I am able. As most know, each seat on an airplane has an overhead panel. On that panel, you find your air vent, call button, light switch, etc. What is not so obvious is the oxygen mask tucked discreetly away within it. I’m sure those who’ve flown have watched or half-watched as a flight attendant walked the passengers through the safety procedures? Step by step, they explained what to do in the event of an emergency or sudden change in cabin pressure. How, when the mask dropped down, place it over your face, securing it tightly by pulling on the attached elasticized band, putting your oxygen mask on first before helping a child or anyone else in need. And though you may not see air moving within its airbag, oxygen is indeed flowing.

And herein lies the connection between a change in cabin pressure and the Word God gave me:

The Holy Spirit made it clear that the days in which we live, these “perilous times,” are about to ramp up quickly, becoming increasingly darker ever so quickly now. This quickening, the shift has already occurred. With it, the volume of the clanging, clamoring voices of the world—those of the false prophets too. Their voices will increase both in number and intensity. And those believers who are not firmly rooted in the Word of God, now more than ever was the sense I had, will be easily deceived. Led astray, they will wander from the Truth because they are not rooted in it. I heard the Holy Spirit say that the cabin pressure has already changed—hence the masks hanging in mid-air.

As it is now and ever shall be, until the Lord’s return, expressly in these last hours of human history, we need to know God’s Word for ourselves more than ever before! It’s dark out there, friends, and it’s getting increasingly darker. We need God’s Word, our Word—for our very existence; as surely and desperately as we would need oxygen to breathe if the pressure in the cabin of a plane changed suddenly, lest we perish. Without God’s Living Word, we are starved of wisdom, direction, and knowledge. Adrift, direction-less. Air-less.“But if they do not listen, they perish by the sword and die without knowledge” –Job 36:12. Without it, believers, all humanity in truth, are starved of knowing how God has chosen for His children to conduct and walk out their lives. His Word, the very guardrails that keep us safe and our feet on that narrow, straight path; the staunchest of believers susceptible to stray from, falling prey to the wiles of the enemy without the guidance and affirmations God’s Word affords us all. “Teach me, O Lord, the way of thy statutes; and I shall keep it unto the end. Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path” –Psalm 119:33;105. Knowing this then, we must first take a firm hold of His Word for ourselves—applying it daily, liberally, to every facet of our lives, our thoughts. Hungrily breathing it in if you will, guaranteeing it is the standard by which our desires and ministries are measured. Doing this as instinctively, deliberately, and with the same innate urgency to live, we’d display in thirstily reaching-out for said oxygen-mask if it suddenly dropped before us mid-flight!

Assuredly friends, God’s Word is that essential for Godly living. Not only for our day-to-day well-being, equally our eternal destination. Because believe it or not, we each have one. Reading and studying God’s Word is an intentional act. We each must decide, choose to cling to it.

These are perilous times, my brothers and sisters, new friends. And perilous isn’t an everyday word. It’s not one we come across much in our daily lives except perhaps when we encounter it in our Bibles. Webster’s 1828 edition, my go-to dictionary, defines perilous this way: dangerous, hazardous, full of risk, and more. And God’s Word says this concerning perilous times: “But know this, that in the last days perilous times will come: For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, unloving, unforgiving, slanderers, without self-control, brutal, despisers of good, traitors, headstrong, haughty, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having a form of godliness but denying its power. And from such people turn away!” –2 Timothy 3:1-5. One need only look back to the recent scourge that stained our country, the violent storming of our nation’s Capital, and the staggering global death toll resulting from COVID-19. Adding to these, those that seek not to stifle, rather rid our country of anything or anyone that stands for or proclaims our God! And this list could go on and on. I say this not to instigate nor inflame, instead to cast Light on the Truth.

Friends, I trust the Holy Spirit has led me to share this Word with you that it might lead you, lead us, to repent of any spiritual laziness or complacency we’ve allowed to creep into our relationship with our Lord. To come before Him once again in sincere repentance, seeking His forgiveness and His face. Asking Him to remove any debris we’ve allowed to build-up within us, consciously or unconsciously. Those things that block the flow of His spirit within us, that He might more effectively minister to us personally, and outwardly, that His Spirit might flow more freely from us, reaching those He’s predestined us to reach. Things like too much T.V time and not enough Bible time. Making the time necessary to do the things we choose to do, want to do, all the while willingly sacrificing our time with God to do them. God recently pointed to just such areas in my life and said, “will you offer these to me?” “Will you put these on the altar?” By His grace and in His strength, out of a deep sense of conviction and love, I said, “yes, Lord!” So, I am not condemning you, friend; rather, I share God’s correction with you in my own life to spur you on, encouraging you to reach and stretch and grab with both hands all that God has for you—wants to get to others through you!

And I encourage you to do the same. Time is short, and the harvest is great!

We serve a faithful God, friends. One who chastens His children only to make us pure as gold—to refine and strengthen us for what is yet ahead of us. But take heart, for with His chastening comes His promise: “Because you have kept My command to persevere, I will also keep you from the hour of testing that is about to come upon the whole world, to test those who dwell on the earth” –Revelation 3:10.

And new friend, if you have not yet sincerely asked Jesus into your heart, inviting Him to come and take up residence within you, to lead and guide, to restore and make your life new, washing you clean of a past you may be less than proud of perhaps, then come to Him, now. It may be the very reason He’s led you here! And if I’m speaking to you, my prodigal brother or sister, return to your Father now. He’s waiting, open-armed, to receive you back to Himself.

Calm my Anxious Heart …

Stephanie Montilla

“But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you. Therefore do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.” – Matthew 6:33-34 ESV

 At the turn of each New Year, I dedicate 21 days in January to prayer and fasting. I was excited and eager to purchase a new notebook to detail my New Year’s desires with joyful expectancy. All in the hopes that the Lord would bless those desires, making them fruitful, and that He would deliver me from those things I have struggled to release to Him completely.

One of the many things I wrote down in said notebook was my desire to become a first-time homebuyer. The thought of owning a home of my own has been a long-time desire. For the past two years, however, the Lord has continued to show me my desire to purchase a home, and His timing for me to have it haven’t come into alignment just yet. So, since receiving this confirmation, I’ve dedicated these last two years instead to become more disciplined in my finances. And, praise God, my commitment paid off, literally! I have successfully paid off many of my debts while simultaneously accruing money in my savings account. In retrospect, I firmly believe that while these past two years have been valuable in teaching me financial discipline, they were also invaluable in teaching me how to be patient and trust God’s perfect timing for my life. Fast forwarding. It’s now 2021, and as I am standing on this new ground of financial freedom, I am more prepared, more confident, positioned to now become a first-time homebuyer. So, in the first week of January, I decided to seek a loan officer and a real estate agent to begin my purchasing journey. Within a few hours, I was approved for a generous home loan and had booked multiple home tours.

On the morning of my first home viewing, I asked the Holy Spirit to guide me and confirm if any of the houses I’d visit that day were for me. As excited as I was, I was equally as nervous. When I stepped foot into the first home, the Holy Spirit confirmed that this house was someone else’s; it wasn’t for me. I finished the home tour out of consideration for the realtor’s time and having scheduled this appointment for me. My optimism assured me that if I continued browsing, I would see and feel something different at the next house and not what the Holy Spirit had just confirmed for me inside of this one. I applied this same approach to every home I visited that day. Yet to my disappointment, after seeing so many potential homes, my heart never quite felt settled on any of them.

Soon I was noticing that I was losing sleep. I started obsessing over searching for new homes every hour and soon began experiencing spiritual exhaustion. Full of grievances, I came before God: “Lord, I am tired of waiting, tired of fasting. I am plain tired of waiting on your promises and for my breakthrough! I am so tired of hearing other folks’ prophetic words, words that have yet come to pass. You’ve prepared me and then made me wait for two whole years! Now what?” Honestly, this was one of the sincerest expressions of emotion and frustration I’ve ever brought before God. And then, clear as day, I heard the Lord say, “You have forsaken time with me chasing after this dream, and that is why you are lost.” The Lord always speaks to me with just a few simple words, yet they are always profound, nevertheless.

I’ve shared all of this with you to lead you into the heart of my message: I began thinking how tragic it is that out of our heart’s unchecked determined carnal eagerness to have what it wants when it wants it, we sometimes actively ignore or silence the Holy Spirit’s confirmations. Bypassing them entirely at times, all to get what we want instead of what He says is best for us.

In 1 Thessalonians 5:19, Paul tells the church, “Do not quench the Spirit.” In other words, imagine the Holy Spirit as a fire, a flame; we ought not to dampen this flame; instead, we ought to fan it as the gift from God that it is! We ought not to push the Holy Spirit down or away but instead fan His flame that it may grow brighter. When we quench the Spirit, we are essentially overriding God’s principles with our own fleshly, worldly desires. In essence, we are actively ignoring what is right, to chase after what is so wrong instead, and, then, later down the road, end up wondering why we are struggling to hear or experience the fullness of the Holy Spirit. (Typically, it’s because we’ve ignored His guidance for so long.)

God’s response to my complaint made me realize that in being consumed with the bustle of life, the search for what I wanted, I was distancing myself from Him.

In Ephesians 4:30-32, Paul tells the church, “Do not grieve the Holy Spirit, with whom you were sealed for the day of redemption….” I was doing precisely that. I was quenching and grieving the Holy Spirit by forsaking my intimacy with God all that I might pursue my desires instead, chasing after my dreams. Truth is, it is typically our fault when we feel distant from the Holy Spirit, not His. We’ve moved away from Him, distancing ourselves. He is ever-present and ever-faithful to direct us; that’s part of His purpose in our lives, in us. So, if He is ever near and ever ready to guide us into God’s best for us, the natural conclusion must be, if we’re not hearing Him, that we’ve shut Him out—choosing our way instead.

So once again, I came before the Lord, only this time in deep repentance, saying, “Forgive me, Lord, for actively disregarding your guidance because I wanted things to go my way. Calm my anxious heart.” It is a contradiction to say you have faith while simultaneously having an anxious heart. These two things cannot occupy the same space within us. An anxious heart is not fixed on eternity, while one that is trusting God’s ways is. An anxious heart dwells or focuses on tomorrow; a trusting heart remembers that tomorrow is God’s, not ours. An anxious heart grabs for their tomorrows with today’s hands, while a heart that trusts the Lord entrusts their tomorrows to God hand’s. An anxious heart lives full of worry for an unpredictable, not promised tomorrow.

In contrast, a trusting heart knows how to live freely today. “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus” –Philippians 4: 6-7. During my season of allowing this anxious heart to rise-up in me, I meditated on the following verses for consolation and to help settle my anxiousness: Each of these unique verses makes one common point: that our delighting in, abiding in, and seeking the Lord to direct us, align us to His will; will bring about our delight; creating the atmosphere through which He may, in His timing, grant us the desires of our hearts.

Proverbs 3:5-6: “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not unto your own understanding in all thy ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct thy paths.”

Psalm 37:4: “Take delight in the LORD, and He will give you the desires of your heart.”

Psalm 94:19: “When anxiety overwhelms me, Your consolation delights my soul.”

Friends, an anxious heart may desire to trust in the Lord while simultaneously believing God is operating too slowly, deciding then to step in and “help God out,” as if God needs our help! An anxious heart usually stems from us stepping in to force our will to be done; assuming control then, we fix our eyes on our circumstances and desires and not on the One who is Sovereign and in control of them. The Scriptures refer to this as being double-minded and warns us against living in this way, listen: “But he must ask in faith, without doubting, because he who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind. That man should not expect to receive anything from the Lord. He is a double-minded man, unstable in all his ways” –James 1:6-8.

The effectiveness of the Holy Spirit in us is hindered when we refuse to submit to Him—He has given us this choice after all. Yet when we refuse to yield, we restrict not only the Spirit’s ministry in our lives but also our potential usefulness to God in the life of another. More than anything else, we ought to desire that the Holy Spirit have free reign within us so that we may live under His complete control. How can we understand the will of the Lord if we’re always trying to supersede it rather than yield to it, choosing to carry out the flesh’s desire instead of walking by the Spirit? “So I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh. For the flesh desires what is contrary to the Spirit, and the Spirit what is contrary to the flesh. They are in conflict with each other, so that you are not to do whatever you want. The acts of the flesh are obvious: sexual immorality, impurity and debauchery;  idolatry and witchcraft; hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions and envy; drunkenness, orgies, and the like. I warn you, as I did before, that those who live like this will not inherit the kingdom of God” –Galatians 5:16-17; 19-21.

The prescription to an anxious heart is our yielding and walking in His Spirit so that our heart’s desires will increasingly align with His will, seeking not only the blessings that flow from His hand but so much more, a closer relationship with Him. It is His heart alone, after all, that truly satisfies us.

God has confirmed for me that while I am walking in financial freedom, owning my own home will require more waiting. But this time, rather than complaining, I responded with a gentle heart, “Yes Lord, not my will but yours be done!” I wholly trust that the One who formed my heart, that knows my end from my beginning, knows what I need and when I need it, far better than I. It is no surprise to God when we worry. That is why His word speaks about worrying. “Fear not” is stated nearly 365 times throughout Scripture. It’s also not a surprise to God when we pre-plan our future and become disappointed when we don’t receive what we planned on receiving. Proverbs 16:9 says it this way: “In their hearts humans plan their course, but the Lord establishes their steps.”

 We become less disappointed as we become more trusting in the Lord. It can be challenging, indeed, but it’s certainly possible! “For nothing will be impossible with God” –Luke 1:37.

Friends know that our joy and contentment ought to abide in fulfilling the will of the Father and increasingly trusting more fully in God’s heart for us. Be assured, our joy and contentment will never be fully realized, chasing after the things of this world. Great is the Lord’s faithfulness. He is not slow in keeping His promises. “But do not forget this one thing, dear friends: With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day. The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance” –2 Peter 3:8-9.

I encourage you to allow the following verses to guide you. Memorize them so that you might apply to them whenever you feel your heart becoming anxious: Psalm 16:5: “Lord, you alone are my portion and my cup; you make my lot secure.”

Ecclesiastes 3:1: “For everything there is an appointed time, an appropriate time for every activity on earth.”

Lamentations: 3:25-26: “The Lord is good to those whose hope is in Him, to the one who seeks Him; it is good to wait quietly for the salvation of the Lord.”

Friends continue seeking and focusing on the Almighty always and in all circumstances – even in those dry, waiting seasons; remembering to encourage yourself in the fact that God is aware of your needs and desires and that tomorrow belongs to Him. In His perfect timing, you will understand, often in hindsight, just why patience was in order that you might have your heart’s desires. I pray that you cling to God and the verses I have shared if you too are experiencing an anxious heart. I also pray that you will follow my example of chasing after Christ’s will in your desire to draw closer to God. And that you might more fully understand His will for your life. I pray that you ask Him with absolute sincerity to lead and guide you and help you know His perfect will and timing for your unique situation—trusting that He will respond. And, if you’ve not yet come to know this Jesus who calms our fears and holds our future in the palm of His hand, I encourage you to ask Him into your heart as Lord and Savior this day. I can promise you; you’ll never regret that you did! “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus” –Philippians 4:6-7.

Who of You by Worrying?

Stephanie Montilla

“Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to your life?” –Luke 12:25

Amid the world’s chaos, with its many “clanging cymbals,” sadly, so many souls live in a state of heightened fear. Anxiety, depression, frustration, and unrest have left them adrift with no sure place of refuge. For many, the holidays’ joyful spirit has been lost, and many loved ones have died, wedding plans have been postponed, physical touch is all but absent for some, and division within men’s hearts has intensified. While these realities experienced in the natural realm have caused disappointment and great anxiety to grow in so many hearts, we have instruction from our heavenly Father to not worry as Christians. In fact, throughout Scripture, this directive to “fear not” has been expressed multiple times. God knows our frame. He knew how we would react to bad or unexpected situations if we allowed ourselves to focus on our flesh—hence perhaps, His many reminders to “fear not.”

Jesus Christ gives us instruction because He is fully aware of the human heart and its temptations. “For we do not have a high priest who is unable to empathize with our weaknesses, but we have one who has been tempted in every way, just as we are—yet he did not sin” –Hebrews 4:15.

Worry can happen quickly if our minds and spirits aren’t unwaveringly fixed on the One who holds our every answer, Jesus Christ.

Have you ever considered that worry is the exact opposite of faith! Worry doesn’t stimulate us because it is a depressant. It doesn’t provide joy; it robs our peace. Because fear causes us to trust and rely on our abilities, it drains us, leaving us feeling heavy. This because we were never meant to carry such things, instead to put them in the hands of the One whose burden is light and whose yoke is easy. “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light” –Matthew 28:28-30.

Worry robs our rest, and it tears us apart. Do you know what “worry” means? According to Merriam Webster, worry is defined as a state of anxiety and uncertainty over actual or potential problems.. Fear of the unknown, aka worry, steals our ability to live and enjoy the present moment by dragging us back into a past that has expired or forward into a future that remains unknown. Anxiety hinders our intimacy and ability to trust in the Lord. Rather than resting on the sure foundation of God’s Sovereignty and faithfulness, we rely instead upon our skills and limited understanding.

As believers, my brothers, and sisters in Christ, though challenging at times undoubtedly, worry has no place in the kingdom of God; if we truly have faith, what then is the use of our worrying?

Listen to the surety given us by God: “Then Jesus said to his disciples: ‘Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat; or about your body, what you will wear. Life is more than food, and the body more than clothes. Consider the ravens: They do not sow or reap, they have no storeroom or barn; yet God feeds them. And how much more valuable you are than birds! Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life? Since you cannot do this very little thing, why do you worry about the rest?'” –Luke 12:22-26; Matthew 6:25-34 NIV. Jesus is both profound and all-encompassing. Knowing us as only He can, He gives us clear examples of those things He knows we as humans are prone to worry about: “what we would eat or what we would wear.” Yet, in His lovingkindness, Jesus prompts us to look beyond these simple daily cares. He reminds us that our life is far more important than those concerns of the body; if He can provide for the ravens, who have no storeroom, why should you and I not trust Him? After all, who better to know what we need than He who fashioned us! If He has provided the birds a place to lay their head, why would the creator of the universe not supply your needs? He assures us, after all, that we are more valuable to Him than birds!

Knowing all of this, why would we allow worries to steal our breath or rob our peace? Have we forgotten that we serve the same faithful, powerful God that oceans, seasons, and life itself both yield and respond to, at His command? Worry is synonymous with unbelief. The Lord knows what we need before we ask. So, for Christians, worry ought to be a spiritual wake-up call, alerting us to the fact that we have lost sight of God’s power and ability, His faithfulness, and His Sovereignty.

I hope I do not sound as though I am above the fray of human emotions or the need to beat back the fears that chase after me? I, too, wrestle with that seemingly ever-present foe known as worry. Recently, I was struggling with fear regarding my future. I bought into the enemy’s lie that the Lord had passed me over, forgotten about me. But God, in His lovingkindness, directed me to the above passages in Luke and Matthew, assuring me not to worry, instead to place my full hope in Him, now and forever. This same assurance was given to me when, again, recently, I also struggled with worry over whether we would ever see unity in the United States? Would order ever be restored from out of this current dis-order? Again, the Lord faithfully assured me through His Word. He redirected my anxiety back to His peace and Sovereignty by leading me to Psalm 20:7. “Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the Lord.”

Some trust in political parties, some in offices, but our faith must rest squarely in the Lord as Christians.

As I was preparing to write this, I had an epiphany. The Holy Spirit reminded me that this same type of evil, these wicked, unpredictable, volatile, antichrist spirits we see in operation today, were present when Jesus entered our world as a Godman. And they will continue to exist until the day God Himself puts an end to them, once-for-all. Only God can restore the wicked heart of man, washing away his sin. As Christians, we have something the world so desperately needs friends – and they’ll continue to need it until the very day of His Coming; His Living, glowing, peaceful, loving, the infallible, inerrant, Gospel of Jesus Christ!

Sadly, while the world may feel as though it’s catching the brunt of some never-ending hurricane, those who put their faith in Jesus will always find shelter in our Strong Tower, in the shelter of the Most High God. “The Lord does not delay and is not tardy or slow about what He promises, according to some people’s conception of slowness, but He is long-suffering (extraordinarily patient) toward you, not desiring that any should perish, but that all should turn to repentance.” –2Peter 3:9.

In closing, friends, when worry tries to enter through your front door, remind it where you keep your hope. Remind it that you “Trust in the Lord with all your heart And do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He will make your paths straight” –Proverbs 3:5-6. Tell worry that God’s Holy Spirit helps you in your time of weakness and that, “…in all things God works for the good for those who love Him” –Romans 8:26-28. Our worry reveals that we have not yet fully cast all our cares, sudden fear, and anxiety into God’s capable hands. We must pray, present our requests with Thanksgiving unto God, and ultimately surrender every care to Him – It’s not surrendering if we continue to pick it up!

Pray, “Lord Jesus, I transfer _____ to you. Your word says come to me those who are weary and burdened, and you shall provide rest for our souls. I yield ____ to you and trust that you will take care of it as you will. Have your way, Father God. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Friends, take heart. Be at ease. Find rest. Jesus has overcome the world! Seek His guidance, then step out of the way that the Lord may work on your behalf. And if you haven’t yet decided to follow Jesus yet sincerely want Him in your life—ask Him to reveal Himself to you. Ask Him to enter your heart. And if worries burden you, call out to the name of Jesus to grant you peace of mind. He is so faithful to answer.

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus” –Philippians 4:6-7.

Victory, in Pursuit…

Kendra Santilli

Here we are in November 2020, suspended in thin air hoping for release, at any moment. The joy of freely gathering with our beloved friends and family, the privilege of returning to work, the gift of peace of mind. It appears time has decided to just stop without a care in the world about its effects on our human experience. Yet as I sit here asking God how I can share a spark of hope, I am reminded of all the times that God has met me with supernatural strength to fight my way through the muddy seasons of life. I’m not talking about physically, but more so mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. It feels reminiscent of the story of Gideon. It’s one of great courage and redemption which seems like a timely message for this moment.

God tends to catch us off guard by finding us right in the place of obscurity where we thought we were invisible. Let me give you a tiny snippet of Gideon’s situation before we dive into the good stuff.

When we find Gideon in Judges 6, Israel (God’s chosen people) had been under the oppression of Midian for 7 years after they had “done evil in the sight of God”. At this point, much of Israel had adopted the pagan gods of their oppressors. In this case that god was Baal. Now, let’s meet the man of the hour. While Gideon is thought to be one of the greatest judges of the Old Testament, his valor did not come naturally. At our introduction to Gideon, we find that he was timid (although I’d say timid is an understatement). He was NOT the kind of guy I’d pick to lead me into battle. We meet him while he was threshing wheat in secret. Threshing is the process by which the edible portion of wheat (the kernel) is separated from the stalk, a laborious task that I can’t imagine was very subtle. But in this case, he was literally preparing his food in secret out of fear of his oppressors. He feared they would steal the bounty of his demanding work. Yet it is in this secret place that the Bible tells us, “When the angel of the Lord appeared to Gideon, he said, “The Lord is with you, mighty warrior” —Judges 6:12.

The Lord is with you, mighty warrior?

Those words echo so loudly in the caverns of my soul. Perhaps that’s because I’ve found myself in a fearful place where hearing the words “mighty warrior” would have been too overwhelming to bear. I don’t know that I would have believed anyone who would call me a “mighty warrior”. Honestly, I’m not 100% convinced that Gideon bought it either. But I don’t think the angel of the Lord cared whether Gideon believed it, because the angel was speaking to who he knew Gideon was created to be, not to who Gideon thought he was. See, our perceptions of ourselves don’t always reflect God’s intentions for our purpose. He sees the warrior in you long before you can ever even think you’re capable of being strong.

The first thing we learn in this story is that although he was insecure and filled with doubt, God STILL chose Gideon. Instead of being confident in this identity, he came back with skepticism, listing reasons the angel was wrong according to what Gideon could see, God wasn’t doing signs and wonders anymore; God had abandoned them—and his clan was the weakest of all the clans, and, he’s the weakest in his family. These are all declarations devoid of hope. Yet, when hope is all but gone, God can restore your purpose in a moment! The response was remarkable. The Lord turned to him and said, “Go in the strength you have and save Israel out of Midian’s hand. Am I not sending you?” “I will be with you, and you will strike down all the Midianites, leaving none alive.” Judges 6: 14;16. God’s responses are always brilliant. He speaks to the root of the problem and not just the symptoms. Gideon is giving all these excuses as to 1) why God is absent and 2) why he’s not qualified, but it’s almost as if the Lord said, “yeah, and?” In a lot of ways, He does the same with us. Just stick with Him and He will lead you out of the hands of your oppressor! Whether that oppressor is someone, something, or even anxiety, depression, or insecurity. He is faithful to lead you into victory.

The next thing we see about Gideon is how fearful he was. This angel had just given him a divine revelation of who he was, but Gideon was skeptical; he needed proof. So, the angel gave him a sign that he was from the Lord, and then Gideon was *kind of* comfortable following his lead. The first thing the Lord commands Gideon to do is to tear down the altar to Baal. Now, instead of making a scene in broad daylight, Gideon is terrified. He agreed, but he did it at night when no one could see. Let’s stop here and observe something. How often do we get caught up trying to make ourselves good enough to live for God or even do something as simple as going to church? Right here, in this humble story, we learn something about God the Father, He’s not afraid of your fear. Gideon was afraid, but he obeyed while afraid. God knows our fear, but he’s looking for our obedience. He alone will give us the courage to obey His Word in the face of our greatest fears!

Are you getting the gist of Gideon’s personality yet? I hope so!

Let’s fast forward a bit. Now, Gideon is getting used to fearful obedience (which ultimately turns him into that mighty warrior God knew he was). God leads Gideon to fight a battle with Midian (remember, these were the oppressors). Now, the Midianites were a large army; the Israelites were not. But that’s JUST how God wanted it. In fact, as small as the Israelite army was, God wanted it smaller still. God’s power shines brightest in the face of the impossible. So, Gideon chose 300 of the most unlikely men to be in his army, and off they went to war.

Now, if you’ve made it this far, here’s where I REALLY want you to pay attention!

Gideon and his three hundred men exhausted, yet keeping up the pursuit, came to the Jordan and crossed it. –Judges 8:4. The text makes it clear these warriors were exhausted. But they KEPT. ON. FIGHTING. How many times have you been so exhausted and wanted to throw in the towel? I for one have oft found myself too tired to keep moving forward, maintaining joy amid crisis, keeping faith when I felt incredibly let down, finding hope when it felt like I was drowning. I’m sure you can relate in some way? But be of good courage, because if you walk with God, He promises to be with you! He will give you strength. He’ll give you what it takes to keep up the pursuit! Victory is often just around the bend, yet how often we miss it because we quit too soon. Keep fighting. Keep moving. God is on your side!

You may find yourself in the same place Gideon was—just living your life when bam! your all of a sudden moment comes, and you get that sense that there must be more to life than this. We can be doing the most normal thing when God moves us to action, and it’s up to us whether to respond with obedience or complacency. As we think about this time we are living in, may I remind you that God has created you and me for such a time as this, to surrender to Him, be His righteous ones, live with the kind of obedience that “does it afraid”, and fight until the battle your in is won. I know these are trying times, but remember, God’s power shines brightest in the face of the impossible. “His power is made perfect in your weakness” 2 Cor 12:9.

Are you afraid, tired, hopeless, doubtful, lonely, anxious? God sees you. He knows your short-comings, yet He still calls you by name- the name HE gave you. It’s up to you to respond. With God by your side, victory is yours! I invite you to turn to Jesus, repent of anything in your life that may not be pleasing to Him, and ask Him to walk with you, giving you courage and strength to live to your fullest potential.

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