"Come follow me and I will make you fishers of men." Matthew 4:19

Category: Faith (Page 9 of 9)

“She Didn’t Want to Do It.” Lk. 8:46-48

“And when the woman saw that she was not hidden, she came trembling, and falling down before him declared in the presence of all the people why she had touched him, and how she had been immediately healed. And he said to her, “Daughter, your faith has made you well; go in peace”(Luke 8:47-48).

Our Scripture today concerns a woman who was desperate. The Bible tells us that for 12 years she had dealt with a physical issue that had not only ravaged her body, depleted her resources—more, it had caused her to live in fear, shame, and, isolation.

So, let me ask you, as we step into the closing weeks of this New Year—what “dis-ease”, are you carrying into this new season from times long passed? And what, if anything, has you in a state of desperate abandon for your right-now miracle?

You see for her, this woman with no name, it was a physical healing she was after—it’s what forced her fear right out her front door! She had been bleeding for 12 years. 12 years! And in those years of chasing after a cure, she had spent all that she had…

Now, broke, and still bleeding, she heard some commotion near her home. A crowd was gathering in the village. She Peeked out through the crack in her gate she saw Jairus, a ruler of the synagogue. He was on his knees before this new Rabbi, this Jesus. She’d overheard others speak of His miraculous healings…

What if He could…No! I couldn’t possibly. The law forbids it! He’s a rabbi, a Holy man—and the crowd, all those people, I’d be stoned!

These tempestuous thoughts were chasing each other around in her mind. Yet, in her belly—in that place of her knowing, there was a calm…

She began to recognized her need to take a step of faith. It was like something was beckoning her to come…

Is it possible that this Jesus may be her only hope?

If we’re willing to be honest, I’m certain we’ve all experienced living in that kind of tension. In the fear of having our issue—that thing that shames us, brought out into the open. Yet our want for freedom pushes us to the very brink of that fear. Leaving us teetering.

We may know what needs to be done, what must be done in order that we be healed…

Yet, we’re frightened. Because the first step required to receive our healing is confession. It’s bringing that thing, that issue, shaking and sniveling out of its comfortable darkness, out of its hiding place—and exposing it to the Light of the World…

You see, the law had kept this woman bound in fear and shame. To touch a woman such as herself made one ceremonially unclean until the sun went down. She was a thing to be avoided, shunned at all cost. She was defiled. “If a woman has a discharge of blood for many days, not at the time of her menstrual impurity, or if she has a discharge beyond the time of her impurity, all the days of the discharge she shall continue in uncleanness. As in the days of her impurity, she shall be unclean” (Lev. 15:25).

Seeing herself as such, how could she go out among normal people to see this Jesus? What if she touched someone—what if someone touched her? The shame of it…

Can you relate?

Have you ever felt like this woman?

Are you feeling like her today? Afraid? Uncertain? Ashamed? Isolated? Alone?

Are you, like her, frightened of being found out? Of having your issue exposed? How long have you been hiding your shame?

For her, it was twelve years. It may well have been a life time. It  certainly felt that way…

She had tried everything she could think of, to handle her business on her own. She saw anyone she thought might heal her—help her. But nothing. Twelve years had passed and she was still bleeding.

Now what she saw as her last chance to get her healing was standing only feet away. It was this Jesus…

She knew that if she could just touch His clothes—no, just the tassels of His outer garment as they slid past her fingers in the dust, everything would be okay—she’d be healed.

I’ll just slip into the crowd unnoticed. I’ll stoop down low enough to the ground to just touch His tassel as He passes by—He’ll never even know I was there! And hopefully, neither will anyone else. I’ll just stay real low to the ground and …

Shame will do that to us. It steals our dignity. It causes us to feel unworthy to even go before the only One who is truly able to heal us—save us, free us from our sin, wrong thinking, and, shame.

But Jesus was having no part of her worldly way of thinking! He was not interested in playing hide and seek. He was not going to allow this woman to live her life isolated any longer…

He was interest in healing far more than her mere issue of blood… “Who touched me?” Jesus asked (Lk. 8:45).

Her worst nightmare had just been realized. He had singled her out! Oh no, no, please, no, Lord I did not mean to... “And when the woman saw that she was not hidden, she came trembling, and falling down before him…” (Lk. 8:47).

Why? Why would Jesus call her out? Surely, being God—He knew who it was who had touched Him and why…

So why call her out in front of the very people she was so ashamed and afraid to be seen by? To touch…

Was He trying to shame her? Was He going to publicly rebuke her?

No. Quite the contrary…

Our first clue to Jesus’ motives in calling her out comes through His choice of words. He called her daughter. It’s a relational title. A title that infers privilege. A daughter has unfettered access to her dad—she shares an intimacy and bond with him that is not shared with just anyone…

Secondly, He declared her healed. Again, let’s look at His choice of words…

He uses the expression Shalom—which encapsulates; renewal, completeness, and, a blessing for peace…

Jesus knew that for His daughter to be truly healed—soul healed, she, as well as those around her, needed to hear Him openly declare her to be healed. From the root of  her need, not merely from her symptoms.

His words restored her, made her touchable once again, worthy of love, worthy of all the rights and honors a father confers, lovingly, upon his daughter…

In bringing her issue out into the open Jesus not only healed her physically, He released a life that had wasted away in a prison of religious isolation. She had skulked through 12 long years of shame—of others thoughtlessness disregard…

Jesus gave her, and indirectly those around her, permission to once again live communally, openly, equally. To live a life made whole. “And he said unto her, Daughter, thy faith hath made thee whole; go in peace” (Lk. 8:48).

She didn’t want to do it—take that first frightening step into the all revealing light of Christ. That Light that would bring illumination to her secrets, and expose her hidden fears.

Overcoming shame, and the fear that often accompanies it, requires us to muster the courage to fall—to humble ourselves, at Jesus’ feet and confess openly to Him our “issue”…

We must be brave enough to finally walk away from—reject, both our own human thoughts and vain imaginings, as well as those imposed on us by others…

We must leave behind those ideas that caused us to close ourselves off from Jesus—and simply accept Him at His Word.

“Surely he took up our pain and bore our suffering, yet we considered him punished by God, stricken by him, and afflicted. But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds we are healed” (Isa.53:4-5).


He wasn’t interested in simply stopping her bleeding. Nor is He interested in just stopping yours. He wanted her restored to Him. And He wants that same restoration for you as well.

Now, and for all eternity.

It’s why He came into the world. Why He stepped across time and eternity to bring heaven to earth…

Why He would not walk away from such a pitiless death. “Now my soul is troubled, and what shall I say? ‘Father, save me from this hour’? No, it was for this very reason I came to this hour” (Jn. 12:27).

Won’t you, like the woman found in today’s Scripture, bring your issue to Jesus? Why squander another year of your life carting around something you weren’t created to carry…?

Give it to Jesus today. Receive His power in exchange for your weakness. “Who touched me?” Jesus asked. “Someone touched me; I know that power has gone out from me” (Jn. 8:45-46).


“Cracks In the Ice” Mk. 9:24

chain-937943_960_720 No sooner were the words out of his mouth than the father cried, “Then I believe. Help me with my doubts” (Mk. 9:24)!

This Father knew he was powerless to save his son—to heal him.  He had knowledge, however, of the one that could save him—you see, he’d heard those stories told in the village. “He healed a many of palsy”, one said. Another chiming in said, “And did you hear about the man blind from birth? I’ve heard it told that he can see now!” These words resounded within him—encouraging the whisper of faith that was in his belly…

He had to find this Jesus, he just had to—maybe He really could help his son?

This father is symptomatic of so many of us today.  We have known Jesus. We have witnessed His miraculous power in our own lives—certainly, via the wonders of technology, in the lives of others. We have a measure of faith. We, too, have heard the stories of His many miracles, His love. We know of His desire to want us whole and healed. Yet in this one—maybe several, areas of our lives, there is a crack in our proverbial ice…

Our faith waivers. We suffer from believing unbelief…

Crack. We hear it, that sharp cautionary warning that makes the hairs on the back our necks stand tall. That siren call that roar’s instantly. We’re standing on ice too thin to support our weight

Isn’t that a great analogy ? Those weaker areas of our faith should always signal us to run back to the safety of the shore. Back to the loving, nurturing arms of Jesus. Back to where we’re able to rest in Him and be strengthened in our walk. Reestablished on a sure, solid foundation— the one that is required to walk with Christ. And what is that? Faith

Maybe we have areas where our faith is perhaps a bit too weak to support what God tells us He can and will do for us? Those things He wants to do with us and through us? We all have them. There’s not a Christian alive who doesn’t have that weak area in their faith walk. No one this side of eternity is exempt! Conversely, when our faith is solid,  like a pond frozen deeply enough to withstand the weight of  life’s unexpected circumstances, trials, and the day to day testing of our faith, even then…

Crack… We here that dreadful sound that inspires distress deep within…

They’re in the boat—these 12, battered by wind and waves and they see something—no someone, in the distance. It wasn’t until He spoke that they understood it was Jesus. Yet even knowing this, even after hearing His voice, catch what Peter says, “Lord, if it is you bid me to come to you on the water” (Matt.14:28).

If it, is you…? On the water? That’s a whole other teaching for a different time. For now, let’s get back Peter…

Wasn’t it Peter who had been the one given the Divine revelation from the Father? Wasn’t he the one who recognized Jesus as the Christ—his long-waited Messiah. And, wasn’t it Peter to whom Jesus was referring when He said that upon the rock of this Truth, this Divine inspiration the church would be built—and safeguarded?  Shouldn’t Peter have known it was Jesus? Quickly, without any shadow of doubt? “It’s impossible to please God apart from faith. And why? Because anyone who wants to approach God must believe both that he exists and that he cares enough to respond to those who seek him” (Heb.11:6).

Some of us might be saying yes! Definitely! Yes! Of Course, he should have known it was Jesus! Duh!

To which I’ll ask you, “Have you ever missed sight of Him when he was standing right in front of you?”

I take it, much like myself, much like the father in today’s scripture verse, you’re no longer quite so emphatic?

“For judgment is without mercy to one who has shown no mercy. Mercy triumphs over judgment” (James.2:13).

Peter—Gods chosen. Peter, who spoke boldly in Acts 2 and three-thousand were added to an embryonic Church in one day. This disciple, whose simple shadow, by the power of the Holy Spirit, healed the sick. Peter, who saw being crucified upright, in the manner of his Savior, as something unworthy of himself. And so requested to be martyred upside down. (Acts 2:14-41; Acts 5:14-16; Ref. John, pp. 889,890, H. A. Ironside).

Perhaps our cracks occurred because we’ve walked with Jesus for so long that we’ve taken our relationship with Him for granted? Perhaps, we have become so busy serving Him that we can’t remember the last time we just stopped everything to simply be with Him? We’ve been weakened by busyness. Cracks in our faith have appeared.

Maybe we’ve become religious—haughty in our assumptions that our faith is safe—solid. So, we don’t seek Him—more of Him, as arduously, as ravenously—as we once did?

Or, perhaps our cracks exist intentionally. Perhaps they are a part of our Father’s loving plan—His design for us. Knowing us as He does, perhaps He allows us to experience these cracks to keep us reliant on Him. The One who both gives faith and increases its measure. Perhaps if we had no cracks in our ice we would grow arrogant—more, distant from the God we so desperately need…

And, if cracks appear with one such as Peter, and within believers like you and I who know the Lord. How much more clear will the cracks be in the one who has no personal relationship with Jesus? That one who desperately wants to know—are you real? If I stand on you, will you support my weight? Will you heal me? What about my child?

Can you truly be trusted—I’ve heard stories. But now I’m coming to you for myself…You see I’m desperate. I have this seed of hope—this whisper of a voice I call faith within me, but up ‘til now it has not helped my son. I can’t fix my boy. Can you Jesus? 

“Jesus said, “If? There are no ‘ifs’ among believers. Anything can happen” (Mk.9:23).

And, as it was with Peter,  so it was with this father who despaired for his son…

Just one Word from Jesus ignited that deeper level of faith they needed to strengthen their walk with the Lord—As it was with them, so it is with us…

Even though they had believing unbelief, God knew their heart—knew that at their core, they did believe. And Jesus helped them both to overcome the cracks in their ice. Mercifully, graciously—loving.

Cracks in your otherwise solid walk with the Lord. I beg you not to allow the enemy of your soul to cause you to focus on these conditions. I implore you, rather, look to the One who is telling you here—now, “Everything is possible for him who believes” (Mk. 9:23). Focus on what Jesus can do…

The father in our scripture verse did, read for yourselves how that worked out for him. (Mk.9:14-32).

Cracks in our ice, we’ll each contend with them until that day when we are transformed,” It will happen in a moment, in the blink of an eye, when the last trumpet is blown. For when the trumpet sounds, those who have died will be raised to live forever. And we who are living will also be transformed” (1 Cor.15:52).

Only then friends will we be made complete—crack-less. “But when the perfect comes, the partial will be done away” (1 Cor. 13:10).  Ask Jesus into your heart now, as Lord and Savior of your life…

“Assurance, He Is Sovereign” Prov. 8:27-29

sunrise-1756274_960_720 “When he established the heavens, I was there; when he drew a circle on the face of the deep, when he made firm the skies above, when he established the fountains of the deep, when he assigned to the sea its limit, so that the waters might not transgress his command, when he marked out the foundations of the earth” ( Proverb   8:27-29).

One of the purposes of God’s creation is to showcase both His majesty and power—His wisdom. This is how David explains it: “The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims his handiwork” (Ps.19:1).

Job, found in the Old Testament, saw great value in witnessing God’s power displayed through His creation. Even during the time of his great loss, Job displayed great patients. But, he also expressed a desire to understand the why of what God had allowed to happen to him—he could not understand God’s actions—nor his own losses (Job 1:13-19).

And so, Job goes to God asking why …?

And even though Job didn’t get the answers he was looking for, he did walk away with a greater—a renewed, appreciation for God’s Sovereignty.

We must never forget that though God is loving, kind, merciful, slow to anger, and, full of patients—He is, and will eternally be, Sovereign over all creation. He is God—we are not.

And Job knew God. Trusted in Him. In His Sovereignty. We see evidence of Job’s great faith in Job 1:20-21. “Then Job arose and tore his robe and shaved his head and fell on the ground and worshiped. And he said, “Naked I came from my mother’s womb, and naked shall I return. The Lord gave, and the Lord has taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord.”

Job understood nothing  is owed us…

Yet, in response to Job’s faith—in the last chapters of this book, God comes and speaks to Job. But, not in the way Job thought He would—nor wanted Him too.  Rather, God spoke at length concerning His power demonstrated through His Creation…

Creation? Why are you talking  about creation when all I want to know is why you did what you did? Why did you take all I held dear away from me? Why did you change everything up on me God, I don’t understand?

As with Job, many today, the day after what will surely go down in history as a conflict-ridden election, are asking why? Many are seeking answers to ease their confusion, anger, and disbelief. Many are grieving today, feeling a genuine sense of loss…

And, as with Job, they want to know the purpose of it all.

Yet, God does not always answer people in the way that they would like Him to—nor expect. That is where faith comes in. Why it is so very needed. Faith that the God who created us, along with everything seen, and, that which is unseen—has everything under control…

He has a purpose for the momentary pain—the seeming confusion. Listen: “You are fortunate when God corrects you. So, don’t complain when God All-Powerful punishes you. God might injure you, but he will bandage those wounds. He might hurt you, but his hands also heal” (Job 5:17-18).

When speaking to the Prophet Jeremiah concerning the false prophets the Lord says of Himself, “Am I a God at hand, declares the Lord, and not a God far away” (Jer. 23:23)? What is He saying?…

God is telling Jeremiah,  that He is right here with us in the thick of things. That nothing happens without His knowledge or permission. And, that as with the false prophets of old, many today are feeling that God is nowhere to be found. That He is unseeing, unknowing—unconcerned. I am certain Job must have felt this way for a moment or two himself…

Yet nothing is further from the Truth. And the creation spoken of in today’s proverb testifies to that. God is still in control, still on His Throne, still very involved and concerned with man and this world.

God’s Providence and Sovereignty—His ever-present Hand is clear daily in all His creation. And, as we witness it, we will find Him clearly evidenced throughout… If we are looking for the comfort and surety demonstrated in God’s consistency.

Creation is a gift to us—a declaration.

Job did in fact get answers to his questions, as we will get ours. But, we must first come to God as open vessels—tucking away our wants and ideas. Our limited notions of how it is we believe He will come to us—answer us. Remembering that our scope and knowledge are limited—finite…

He alone is infinite—Omnipresent, able to see the beginning and ending of all things…

Job says it this way, “I know you can do everything. You make plans, and nothing can change or stop them” (Job 42:2).

And, as with Job, when we are experiencing—witnessing, difficult times, we too can look to creation and take comfort—solace in, an ever-present God who indeed has all things in hand. We may not understand the reasons for the happenings going on about us—in the world, in our present sufferings or angst…

Why? Because of our limited knowledge—our finite minds cannot—will never be able, in their present state, to take in the thinking and plans that God has for us in their entirety…

But, we, like Job, can experience a renewed—refreshed, re-calibrated, relationship with God. If we choose to place and keep our focus—our trust, not on our circumstance, but rather on the greatness—the Providence of God.

Knowing the truth of creation and witnessing the demonstration of God’s powerful Sovereignty—His abilities displayed all around us, should strengthen our faith and encourage us to trust the One True God who is all-knowing and able…

And, it should guide us into trusting in each of His plans and promises for us—for our Nation, for our futures….

Yet,If you, like Job, find yourself questioning God. Asking where He is amid a world that seems to have temporarily been thrown into deep chaos, I suggest you listen to Job himself—follow his example…

Listen to his reply to God after He came to Job personally and revealed that He alone is God…

Additionally, that He alone created this world and all that’s in it… “I know you can do everything. You make plans, and nothing can change or stop them. You asked, ‘Who is this ignorant person saying these foolish things?’ I talked about things I did not understand. I talked about things too amazing for me to know. “You said to me, ‘Listen, and I will speak. I will ask you questions, and you will answer me.’ In the past I heard about you, but now I have seen you with my own eyes. And I am ashamed of myself. I am so sorry. As I sit in the dust and ashes, I promise to change my heart and my life” (Job 42:1-6).

Through God’s lesson Job figured out that God owed him nothing. No explanations. Yet, in His great love, He came and showed Himself. He explained Himself through His Sovereignty, His Omniscience, His Being the One True God all by Himself. Through His creation that surrounds us daily—for a season. That we might witness it and be reminded of His great nearness—His Omnipresence daily.

And through our witnessing— be assured and draw strength. Increase in faith, in relationship.

“The heavens tell about the glory of God. The skies announce what his hands have made. Each new day tells more of the story, and each night reveals more and more about God’s power. You cannot hear them say anything. They don’t make any sound we can hear.  But their message goes throughout the world. Their teaching reaches the ends of the earth. The sun’s tent is set up in the heavens” (Ps.19:1-4).


“Dead Men Speaking?” Heb.11

people-1099783_960_720 “[Prompted, actuated] by faith Abel brought God a better and more acceptable sacrifice than Cain, because of which it was testified of him that he was righteous [that he was upright and in right standing with God], and God bore witness by accepting and acknowledging his gifts. And though he died, yet [through the incident] he is still speaking” (Heb.11:4). Emphasis my own.

These men of God, these stalwarts of the faith—eternal voices, esteemed each, and found in the Christian Hall of Fame, Hebrews Chapter Eleven, are no more dead—no more silent, than is Jesus. And Jesus is most certainly not dead! He is alive and speaking still, as are they—always, to His children—to the world!

There are times, that in order for us to understand where we are now and how it is we got there, we must look over our shoulder for a moment and evaluate—take stock of, our path, our journey. This is  what Paul, I believe, is reminding us to do in Chapter Ten’s conclusion. He signals us to remember those moments when we first believed, when we were on fire for the Truth—for God. We must rekindle those moments, afresh, again and again.

There is no price too great to pay to follow what burns in our hearts—what we hunger for, thirst after.  Paul reminds us that though time has passed—and with it’s passing, perhaps it’s taken some of our ardor also. Nevertheless, we must hold on, hold fast to, our passion for God. We must remain steadfast in faith. We must persevere…

He reminds us that none of us is promised a smooth path to follow. But he also states plainly that the one who went before us is coming back for us as well—and He won’t delay! That is our Hope delayed, but not denied! Yet this Jesus is not looking for—is not pleased with us when we shrink away from our walk with Him simply because it’s gotten hard…

Think how hard it was for Him. How hard it was for Abraham, Moses and Noah. For David, Mary, His mother, and Rahab, the prostitute. For Peter and John, Matthew the tax collector and Simon the Zealot. Even for Paul himself. How difficult it was for all those who choose to follow the call they knew came from God in the midst of a pagan world who wanted nothing to do with their Jesus…

Sound familiar?

Yet we, like they, gain our strength through The Holy Spirit, so that, we too may endure until the end. If we will turn our hearts to Him—crying out to the only One who can sustain us in our hours of weakness, our times of trials and loss and testing. And there will be testing. Jesus did not escape it, and we certainly won’t either. Like Master—like servant. We must hold firm to our faith. It was this very thing—this faith, this elementary foundational building block, which straightened their spines, these stalwarts, and aided them in putting one foot in front of the other when persecution, uncertainty and yes, fear, hunted them.

We, like with those who’ve gone before us, who’ve finished their race and received their crown, have been bought for a price. The ultimate price, The Atoning  Blood of Jesus. Christ’s sacrificial giving of His life in exchange for our own. Least we never forget!

Now,echoing across this Hall of Fame, we hear the footsteps of Abel—out first dead man speaking. “By faith Abel brought God a better offering than Cain did. By faith he was commended as righteous, when God spoke well of his offerings. And by faith Abel still speaks, even though he is dead.”

As we continue to listen to Paul’s naming of those found in this encouraging—life affirming, faith building chapter, next we hear of Enoch…

Enoch, Noah’s great-grandfather. Much like Elijah in Kings 2:11, Enoch too, was taken up to heaven, never to have tasted physical death (vs.5). Then comes Noah. Noah who in holy fear built the Ark that God instructed him to build—and he built it precisely as he was told…

He built it in the midst of persecution and torment. He built it though he had never seen rain. God had told Noah to build a boat—and he did it, by faith, in obedience. And as a result, he, his whole family, and those animals the Lord chose to enter this boat, were all saved from the coming flood. Through Noah’s faithfulness, God ushered in His judgement on a sinful world. You see, Noah was a type of the Christ to come—and Christ, through His obedience to the Father—offers Salvation for all who will…

An Ark…safety.

Concerning Noah and us all: Faith moves us to do those things we have no foreknowledge of—no reference point from which to spring forward. We are made to be solely reliant on the Christ whom we confess… (James 2:14-26).

And when we think faith, how can our minds not go straight to Father Abraham. Not only did he leave home and country when called to by God, also, when he was nearly 100 years old, he had the faith to believe a promise given him by the Lord under a starry, night sky. A promise which stated that from his withered, and all but dried-up body he would sire a child, Father a nation. And this promise would be fulfilled through the womb of his equally dried-up, and barren wife! It is never too late for God…

Faith is the evidence of things unseen, yet hoped for… (Heb.11:1).

Our Hall of Fame list goes on to mention such memorable names as, Isaac and Jacob and Joseph of the multi-colored coat. Who would save his entire family from famine—because by faith he endured pits and slavery, false accusations, deceptions and treachery, attempts on his life, and abuse at the hands of those he thought loved him—those whom he loved…

In this world you will have trials and tribulations, but fear not, take heart, for I have overcome this world… (Jn.16:33).

And, as I stated earlier, sometimes, in order for us to know how best to move forward we must look back to where we started—for the purposes of re-calibration, not in sorrow or longing for things past, God forbid! If we have been made new creations in Christ Jesus, why would we ever long to unite our new selves to the corpse of the dead selves we left floating about in our Baptismal waters? Though we are—and will be until Christ’s return, working out—learning this new self, this new relationship; it’s thinking and resulting actions.Each of these things will never be made complete should we continue to reach behind…

Paul says it this way, “Brothers and sisters, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus” (Phil.3:13-14).

Each of those found in our Hall of Fame, as well as every Christian that’s gone before us, knew of one trait in our arsenal that was essential to or faith walk. Needed like air and water…


Paul knew it. Paul’s faith, along with those mentioned in Hebrews 11, was fashioned in trials, made sure through perseverance. In faith believing that the One who started this new thing—this good work, would do just as He said He would, and complete it. That was His part—His promise to them, to us. Our part is the persevering through whatever comes. Through the fiery furnaces, through so much we’ll never understand this side of eternity. That is what Paul is teaching us—back there, in Chapter 10…

Paul says it this way: “But we are not of those who shrink away and are destroyed, but of those who believe and are saved” (Heb.10:39). And not because of anything we’ve done…

Perseverance is the take-away when we look to God’s Word for how it is we’ll get through this world and all of its many trials and woes. It’s what lead us into Chapter 11, into Faith—the how of perseverance, its partner.

Why perseverance? Why Faith? The closing verses of our chapter gives us a glimpse—and sets us up for what is yet to come. Jesus. It was Jesus these stalwarts in our Hall of Fame wanted, served—yet did not know by name. They knew only the God of Laws and the Prophets. Paul tells us that, “These were all commended for their faith, yet none of them received what had been promised, since God had planned something better for us so that only together with us would they be made perfect” (Heb.11:39-40).


And how much more than Paul and Peter and John and Mark are we—witnesses to the fulfillment of the promise each of these Hall of Famer’s clung to. If we, like those before us, will continue to persevere in faith—in spite of, regardless of—come what may. Our joy too will be made complete! Our Faith rewarded…that we may see Him coming on the clouds, returning to bring us to Himself in glory!

“And I heard a great voice out of the throne saying, Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and he shall dwell with them, and they shall be his peoples, and God himself shall be with them, and be their God: and he shall wipe away every tear from their eyes; and death shall be no more; neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain, any more: the first things are passed away. And he that sitteth on the throne said, Behold, I make all things new. And he saith, Write: for these words are faithful and true” (Rev. 21:3-5).




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