"Come follow me and I will make you fishers of men." Matthew 4:19

Category: Connection (Page 10 of 10)

Snatched From the Fire. Zechariah 3:2.

“And the Lord said to Satan, “I, the Lord, reject your accusations, Satan. Yes, the Lord, who has chosen Jerusalem, rebukes you. This man is like a burning stick that has been snatched from the fire.”

Snatched:  To take or grasp abruptly or hastily; to attempt to seize something suddenly.

You beloved are that burning stick that has been snatched from the fire. A sinner saved by His amazing grace! Like Joshua before you, you have been washed clean—made new by the sacrificial shedding of Blood. The Spotless Blood of Jesus shed on your behalf. If, that is, you have accepted Jesus as your Lord…

To enter into any meaningful and lasting relationship requires intentionality. To deeply consider your commitment. A deliberate, deep and highly personal choice born from the wanting to share and grow, exchange and receive. To sacrifice and serve another or others; come what may. A conscious laying down of one’s life born out of genuine love for the well-being of the other. Entering into a relationship with Jesus is no different. It ought to be born from a deep desire to connect with this One, like no other. Remembering this: once that relationship has been established, you’ve then been set apart to both serve God and His people. And, then, to spend eternity with Him…

Yours will not be an eternity spent in the hell, that place of separation and torment that was neither created nor intended for you or any man. It was created for Satan and all those fallen angels who followed him in his rebellion against God—Matthew 25:41.

You fellow believers, are the ministers of the Most High God. Those chosen from a long line of royal priests. And yet, even though you are the King’s kid still, His ownership of you stands above your service to Him. Your priesthood—your role in ministering before the Lord exists solely because He alone has bestowed its use and service, privilege and anointing, upon you.

Ah! I have my filthy garments on. I cannot pray to Him. I cannot praise Him as I would.” I know what it is to come and preach to you sometimes, and to feel such an overwhelming sense of my own unworthiness, that, were it not, “Woe unto me if I do not preach the gospel,” I would not come on this platform again, for it is hard to feel that your garments are defiled even while endeavoring to be God’s mouth to men—Charles Spurgeon.

Friends, we cannot curry the favor of God. There’s not one thing we can do to earn “our spot.” Earn His Love for us. His forgiveness. Not-one-single-thing. Without God’s mercy and His election of us, take away His unfathomable love for us; our sins demand we spend eternity in the hell created for Satan and his gang of fallen angels, separated from God. As all those who deliberately chose to rebel against Him—deny Him, will. Not popular, I know. But it’s Truth nonetheless. For it is time for judgment to begin with God’s household; and if it begins with us, what will the outcome be for those who do not obey the gospel of God? —1 Peter 4:17. Now, with that knowledge ever before us, may we be about working out our salvation. Never forgetting the very heart of the words cried out by our brother, Paul.

O wretched man that I am! Who will deliver me from this body of death…? I thank God—through Jesus Christ our Lord! —Romans 7:24.

May this be our cry too, brothers and sisters. May we, like Joshua and Paul, and a remnant of the nation of Israel before us—like every saint that has been or is yet to come, never lose sight of how—by whose power it is, we either stand or fall; least we begin to think too highly of ourselves and risk being humbled by our Lord and, accused before His Throne by the one whose joy is found in pointing out our sins to Him.

My true position, as a Christian, is to be always ministering to God, always standing before His altar. –Charles Spurgeon.

Satan stood at the right hand of the Angel of the Lord accusing Joshua of every sin he and his people had committed. And Satan stands there still; pointing out our sins as well. Accusing all those who dare to believe in The Name above all names! Jesus!

But, here’s the good news beloved…

Jesus Christ has the final Word! He is always, “a very present help in times of trouble”—Psalm 46. There is nothing that Satan can say or do to tear you down before the Lord. We see this Truth not only within our Scripture verse today, but this same Truth permeates the Word of God. Jesus knows everything Satan will use in His attempt to destroy you—to kill you and, He’s got you covered. He’s covered your every sin with His precious Blood. You are now the righteousness of Christ Jesus.

When God spoke to Zechariah concerning the forgiveness of Joshua’s sin, the stain on the priesthood, and the sins of Israelites—you were right there in the center of God’s heart also; represented in the person of Joshua. You stood there before the Lord in all your sin, with all of your faults and flaws, and, you were covered by God’s intentions towards you. Your filthy clothes were also removed, and, in their place, the new raiment of Christ’s righteousness was placed on you. Covering your guilt and shame, you were cleansed and then redressed from head to toe!

Beloved, now when God looks at you, it is His Son—The Spotless Lamb slain for your sins, that He sees.

The rebuke is forcibly applicable to the case in hand. He says, “Is not this a brand plucked out of the fire.” Satan says, “The man’s garments are filthy…”
“Well,” says Jesus, “how do you expect them to be otherwise? When you pull a brand out of the fire, do you expect to find it milk-white or polished?” No, it had begun to crack and burn, and though you have plucked it out of the fire, it is in itself still black and charred. So it is with the child of God. What is he at his best? Till he is taken up to heaven, he is nothing, but a brand plucked out of the fire
—Charles Spurgeon.

Can you even fathom so great a love, my friends? Whether or not we can wrap our heads around this, the Truth of God’s love stands fixed. Our firm foundation. God loves you and He gave His only begotten Son to die for you that you might be restored into right relationship with Him—John 3:16.

That is the very heart of the Father’s love towards you, beloved.

The Apostle Paul says it this way: Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for us, for it is written: “Cursed is everyone who is hung on a pole.” He redeemed us so that the blessing given to Abraham might come to the Gentiles through Christ Jesus so that by faith we might receive the promise of the Spirit —Galatians 3:13-15.

You have been snatched from the fire so that you might have a relationship with the Father…

That you might spend your remaining days running after Him. Seeking Him out. Loving Him and spending time with Him. Desiring Him above all else. Above everyone and everything—placing even yourself at the very top of that list of those, you are willing to sacrifice up to Jesus. Understanding now, you are no longer your own. You have been purchased at an exceedingly high price—1 Corinthians 7:23.

So, then, be re-minded beloved: Just as Joshua was lovingly and thoroughly cleansed and prepared, so too have you been cleansed. You too are being prepared for something unimaginable beloved; to become the bride of this Christ who came and gave His life in exchange for yours. That’s Good News! The very One who reached into that all-consuming fire and said, “Not this one. This one is my own.”

Accordingly, as it was with Joshua and Peter and Noah and Mary, with Paul and John and Father Abraham, brides each, made ready for their wedding day; so too has every detail of your life been, and will forever remain in the All-Knowing and capable hands of the Father. He has spared no expense on preparing you for that day that will rival no other.

The day you meet Him face to face…

That day when your fullness of joy spills out at His feet in loving gratitude. In praise and thanksgiving. In holy adoration.

Beloved, if you have forgotten, as we sometimes do, just how deeply you are loved and cherished by God, then please, ask the Holy Spirit to re-mind you. To fill you once again with the fullness of His Word concerning His great love for you. May you experience renewal, being re-united with the One it is you belong to; have been betrothed to.

The One in whose name you have been called to minister…

I believe each of us needs to stop, from time to time, and reflect on this enormous Truth. To recalibrate, realigning ourselves with our True North.

See to it, brothers and sisters, that none of you has a sinful, unbelieving heart that turns away from the living God. But encourage one another daily, as long as it is called “Today,” so that none of you may be hardened by sin’s deceitfulness. We have come to share in Christ, if indeed we hold our original conviction firmly to the very end—Hebrews 3:12-14.

I like that closing sentence, “And the angel of the LORD stood by.” Oh, yes, we want Him always to stand by. When you have your new garments on, when you wear your mitre, you still want His presence. “Abide with us,” must be our daily prayer. We want still His strength, His comfort, His smile, the help of His arm, the light of His countenance—for if we have Him not, we shall soon slip from our steadfastness, and have reason to stand again, like Joshua, with filthy garments on—Charles Spurgeon.

Friend, if you are here today and have not asked Jesus into your heart know this; God Himself has called you here. These words should be little more than a confirmation. A quickening inside of you that says, “I believe this is God. I believe this is Him answering my question, God, would you truly love someone like me?” He says yes. Yes, I love you. Yes, I led you here. And no, there is nothing that you have ever done that is so filthy that my Sons Spotless Blood will not wash it clean. Just ask me in and let us begin the journey I have planned for you…

The Lord said to the prophet Jeremiah concerning the Israelites, concerning you and me: For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future—Jeremiah 29:11.

Use Your Words… 2 Corinthians 5:20

“So we are Christ’s ambassadors; God is making his appeal through us. We speak for Christ when we plead, “Come back to God!”

Every human being has received the gift of a language. Some means by which we communicate with the world around us. Whether using one’s voice, or hands, or eyes, or an art form, some expression, or, various other mode used through which we’re able to express the fiery passion that burns within us; we as people have been blessed with the ability to somehow communicate with each other. Cave men painted on walls in order to express themselves. Others carved images on stone. Others still, made impressions on clay vessels. Ideas formed shapes; feelings were conveyed —and awe was expressed …

How much richer the language, weightier the “words”, how much more awe-inspiring and enlivening the language given to the ones who carry within them the Word of God? Words that are not theirs, rather His, deposited into the mouths of the everyday people—a common vessel used to speak such holy Words, snatching people from a dark, dead world, while supernaturally witnessing them be shifted into the glorious, enlivening Light of His presence. And all we needed to do was use the Words given us. To be faithful. To show up and open our mouths. The transforming power behind ours Word, well, that’s all God!

These seeds of life entrusted to those of us who, in one-minute praise God, and in the next curse His creation! This is a mystery to me—our being chosen as vessels at all, being entrusted with such weighty a language—such a great privilege! Think of it; this God-given ability, this gift of being able to speak Words of life into another human being and then stand back and watch them become impregnated with the full knowledge of God! Right before our eyes we witness nine months in a minute! Death to life in a nanosecond. And God has seen fit for us to co-labor with Him. “For God, who said, “Let light shine out of darkness,” made His light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ. Now we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this surpassingly great power is from God and not from us” –2 Corinthians 4:7.

Paul calls us Gods Ambassadors. The vessels through whom God had chosen to make His appeal to a world that has chosen to close both their eyes and ears to the life-giving reality of who He is. The great I Am. The One True God. The One who stood over the void and said, “Let there be,” and there was. Their Creator—and ours. More, He is Life to us. Our All-in All. Through us, God pours the softening oil of His love, His great passion and care are poured out—lavished upon the calloused heart. “Come back to God!” we plead. Yet it is God alone who speaks through us. Their heart hearing only the sweetness of His voice. Like that of a new lover they respond to the wooing of His Spirit, they lean in, inhaling His exhale. His power made manifest in our weakness.

“God has made Christ, who never sinned, to be the offering for our sin, so that we could be made right with God through Christ.” We hear these Words tumble from our soiled lips, pure and powerful. In the Spirit, God is standing as close to us as our breath. And the soul He’s speaking to is washed clean by His Holy Word. Washed in the Blood of a Spotless Lamb. Jesus the Christ! He who has been with God from the beginning—One, He alone is God! And, He stands before the judgement Throne of heaven—our advocate. His Truth offered to the Father as our defense. “I’ll stand in his place, her place, their place, in the place of “all who will.” Allow me to cover their guilt with my innocence, Father. See them now as You see Me. Spotless and without sin. When you pass sentence on them, see me. Allow my shed Blood to be all that You see.”

Then, turning towards us, Jesus lovingly whispers, “I did this for you. You’re free to go now. However, don’t make light of this gift you’ve been given. It cost me my life. On Calvary’s Cross I took your place. Now, if you are profoundly grateful, go, and tell the world what I have done for you personally. Tell them how your life has changed—how you’ve changed! Don’t worry if not everyone listens to you, not everyone listened to me either. Just be faithful as I was faithful. Serve, as I served. Tell them this: if they’ll but ask me, I will stand before the Throne of heaven and plead for them as surely as I did for you—I promise. And, as with you, I’ll also teach them how to use their Words. But should they doubt you, refer them instead to my servant Moses. There was a time he felt as unworthy as you do to carry my glory on his stammering tongue. Yet, if you will, if she will, or him, or them over there will, but open your mouths, be willing to be used by Me—I will come to you. I will place my Spirit in you as surely as it was with Moses, or David, or Abraham. As fiercely and boldly as it burned inside John the Baptizer it will burn within you. As I did with them—I’ll do the same with you. Use you as voices crying out in the wilderness, “Repent of your sins and turn to God, for the Kingdom of Heaven is near” Matthew 3:2.

My dear brother and sister in Christ. In these dark days might I add my encouragement to Paul’s. Be bold in your witness! Willing to be used all-ways as God’s voice. Remembering always that time is short. At any moment, our Lord may return. May He find us about His business when He comes!

Friend, let me ask you, do you know this Jesus? This One who loved you with such a profound love that He willingly gave His life in exchange for yours? If not, won’t you ask Him into your life, your heart now, today? Not letting another day slip away simply ask Him to come and show Himself real to you. “Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me” –Revelation 3:20.


Safe in the Sieve. Amos 9:9

“For, look, I will command, and I will sift the house of Israel among all the nations, as grain is sifted in a sieve, yet not the least kernel will fall on the earth.”

I think I see you, poor believer, tossed about like that wheat, up and down, right and left, in the sieve, and in the air, never resting. Perhaps it is suggested to you, ‘God is very angry with me.’ No, the farmer is not angry with his wheat when he casts it up and down in the sieve, and neither is God angry with you; this you shall see one day when the light shall show that love ruled in all your griefs. (Spurgeon)

There is a swift pivot—a sharp shift that takes place precisely between verses 10 and 11 of Amos 9. One so clean the best of NBA players would envy it! Up until the first Words of verse 11, the Lord has spoken solely of destruction, devastation, and death. A complete and widespread destruction is  vividly portrayed within its opening verse concerning the destruction of the doorpost. “I saw the Lord standing beside the altar: and he said, Smite the capitals, that the thresholds may shake; and break them in pieces on the head of all of them; and I will slay the last of them with the sword: there shall not one of them flee away, and there shall not one of them escape “ Amos 9: 1. If the doorposts of a structure have been destroyed (often the strongest part of the house), then surely the rest of the house has fallen also.

This descriptive, systematic destruction will come upon all those who do not know and love the Lord; we witness it begin in the opening verse of Amos 9 and run, terrifyingly, throughout verse 10.

But it is verse 9 that caught my attention. This talk of sifting—and safety.

If you are even mildly spiritually discerning, then you know that there is a shaking going on in the earth. If you have somehow missed it, just read the world headlines or watch the world news. God’s Hands have firmly gripped the sieve and, He is shaking loose the chaff from the wheat. Separating some things.

A refining is occurring in the Body…

God is reminding His own not to take Him for granted. Not to presume upon His mercy and grace. To remain awe-struck and humble before the Sovereign God of the universe. He is reminding us to shake off our presumption and—dare I say, expectant attitudes—as well as our luke-warm-ness. Our spoiled-rotten chosen-ness—and all that comes along with them…

I am feeling this—in a very real and tangible way in my walk.

Though I am secure in my salvation— both knowing and being known by my Husband, I have felt—and am feeling still, the crushing of my most recent re-folding. I am once again being reshaped for His glory. I am acutely aware of the Lords fingers working out the unwanted—the harmful hard bits that I have allowed to accumulate in my vessel, bits that are not a part of His work in me. I can hear Him asking, as His fingers lovingly press against me, “Will you surrender to my reshaping?”

I must confess here that as much as I love my Husband, and I do, there are moments where my lovers’ touch rubs me the wrong way! Especially in those moments when I am thinking everything is “good between us—we’re coasting along just fine, thank you very much!” Then wham, that rub! Or should I say pinch! Whatever you want to call it, it is meant to get my attention. To snap me out of my rote-ness and refocus my full attention back on Him. That’s where I am right now. And, from what I hear from my brothers and sisters across the country, that is where so many of us are. As our Scripture states, and as Spurgeon so aptly described it—we are all being tossed about, to and fro! Take heart beloved, it is intentional! And, as unsettling, as confusing—painful, discouraging, as disappointing as this feels in the moment, unless there are some holes in your spiritual foundation that are causing you to doubt the Truth of your salvation in Christ Jesus, then this work that He is doing, His asking that you be submissive to His knowing touch is exactly what you need in this season. He is sifting you. And sifting is a very un-settling, un-comfortable business. Nonetheless, as I stated earlier, it is intentional. To say nothing of beneficial!

For some, Gods wanting to rid them of spiritual pride…

Anyone that the Lord has shown great favor, mercy, and grace towards will understand just how easily—if left unchecked, spiritual pride can grab hold of you. And, as with any lie we leave unchallenged—its whisper quickly turns into a roar that eventually drowns out the Truth the Holy One is pointing us towards. Anyone who has spent a consistent amount of time on the mountaintop has most likely battled with spiritual pride—to one degree or another. It is a very sobering moment however—both a shocking and deeply humbling experience, when the Lord allows you to get a glimpse of your ugly! When He shines His Light on your sin, revealing it for what it truly is!

For others however, porn is their sin—or drugs are, judgement, or sex outside of marriage, or gossiping, stealing, lying, idolatry, or adultery; sin is anything we know to be wrong, unpleasing to God, and yet we rebelliously continue in it. “As it is, you boast in your proud intentions. All such boasting is evil. Therefore, whoever knows the right thing to do, yet fails to do it, is guilty of sin” –James 4:16-17.

And though the lord is speaking of Israel to Amos, it is the Lords brother James who opens-up for us Jesus’ plan to include the gentiles into the community of Jewish believers during the meeting known as the Jerusalem Council. In Acts 15 we hear James, along with Peter, Paul, and Barnabas, making clear to those present, as well as to us, that the gentiles (all non-Jewish races) would also become part of the Kingdom under Messiah—they would be grafted in. “‘After this I will return and rebuild David’s fallen tent. Its ruins I will rebuild, and I will restore it, that the rest of mankind may seek the Lord, even all the Gentiles who bear my name, says the Lord, who does these things’—things known from long ago. –Acts 15:16-18.

If anyone is qualified to speak to us of the deep pain, shame, and exacting sting of their sins, it is the one who was so highly favored—yet so deeply flawed; our brother Peter. He speaks ardently to us of the confusion experienced during the dark nights of the soul that come along with wrestling with our sin—as well as with our sifting. He can also speak first-hand of the pitfalls of spiritual pride. And yet, because of all these, despite them perhaps, and more, he is also uniquely qualified to teach us valuable lessons in personal integrity, steadfastness, commitment, decisive leadership, and deep humility. It was on the heels of his profound revelation, in his answering of one simple question posed that Gods Truth is first revealed to a small band of dusty brothers who would swallow His Truth whole. First feeding themselves—then going to the ends of the earth to share it, like so many pieces of bread, with a lost and starving world. “Simon, Simon, behold, Satan demanded to have you, that he might sift you like wheat, but I have prayed for you that your faith may not fail; and when you have turned again, strengthen your brethren.”–Luke 22:31-32.

There is a swift pivot—a sharp shift that takes place precisely between verses 10 and 11 of Amos 9.

And beloved, it is in the cleft of these closing verses that the Lord speaks lovingly to His own. Sweet and comforting Words of reassurance, restoration, of His divine love, and Fatherly protection. Take heart brothers and sisters, though everything is shaking around you—though people and habits, jobs, and friends, and family, governments and systems are falling away. Though possessions and homes may be lost—lives even, God is on His Throne. And you, child of God, are safe and sound within His sieve…

“God’s Message: “Don’t let the wise brag of their wisdom. Don’t let heroes brag of their exploits. Don’t let the rich brag of their riches. If you brag, brag of this and this only: That you understand and know me. I’m God, and I act in loyal love. I do what’s right and set things right and fair, and delight in those who do the same things. These are my trademarks.” God’s Decree –Jeremiah 9:24.

Just as God the Father prayed for our brother Peter during his time in the sieve, so too He prayers for you beloved. Take heart and know that you are safe in the One who neither sleeps nor slumbers…

Beloved, continue to pray to the Lord of the harvest during these days of great trials—and great miracles! Keep watch over your house, hold tight to the everlasting Hand of God, and always, always, surrender to Gods sifting…

And friend, if you are here for the first time and have yet to meet Jesus face-to face, today is the day! God has you here to confirm in your heart Words/promptings He has shared with you. Won’t you say yes to Him today? Please give Him the seat of honor at the table of your heart…

Just invite Him in, He will do the rest…



Inclusion. Mark 9:40

 “For he who is not against us is for us.”

To say this world is  divided is an understatement…

Truth be told—from the day Adam and Eve were expelled from the garden for believing the discordant lies of the enemy—division has become a thread the enemy has skillfully used to weave division and destruction both into God’s perfect design. We may blush at its mention, balk when its pointed out, close our eyes to its demoralizing tentacles—but the truth of it presence remains nonetheless.

Racial, religious, and political divide has become an almost daily byline…

Venomous, erosive poison sprinkled, with some version of truth, across the evening news—monopolizing many of our social media sites. The retellings, the hashtags and “shares” of our societal discord so often sensationalized. Too often used as fuel to garner ratings and hits as each commentator applies their own spin—their own agenda or bias, to whatever the malevolent story du jour may be.

As an aside, hear me please here for clarification sake: I do not, do not, I do not advocate racial divide nor discrimination in any of its loathsome, hate-filled, fear-full, divisive forms. Period. And, as for my politics, though I do have a party I favor, I prefer not to employ my political pining’s as a divisive sword wielded simply because wielding it is my right…

Sadly, these same divisions that have infected our world have also made their way into the hearts of those who call themselves “Christian”. Christians, belonging to One Body though we are many parts. However, being a follower of Christ in the 21st century Church has in some cases become akin to wearing a designer label. With some choosing denominational affiliations as badges of loyalty and honor. I belong to such and such a denomination. I follow Pastor so and so. And the list of I’s goes on and on…

Shouldn’t the only “I” we as Christians share—the only mutual affiliation we claim be unity, Oneness in Christ alone?

“I seek to do the will of my Father” being our unifying battle cry? Regrettably however, there are denominations and individuals both whom support such exclusions. Sadly, there have always been…

But not so with Jesus. Jesus didn’t teach exclusion due to denominationalism! He didn’t set-up divides, compartments within His Body, rather, He tore them down at the Cross. This is His prayer for all those that belong to Him: “For them I sanctify Myself, so that they too may be sanctified by the truth. I am not asking on behalf of them alone, but also on behalf of those who will believe in Me through their message, that all of them may be one, as You, Father, are in Me, and I am in You. May they also be in Us, so that the world may believe that You sent Me.…” John 17:19-21.

So what is denominationalism? At its core, here is how it is mostly commonly defined: The division of one religion into separate groups, sects, schools of thought or denominations.

Jesus however, speaks of the power of His Blood to unite and cover, cleanse and purify—make Righteous for the whom-so-ever-will.  He speaks of unity and oneness. Even as He and God are One –John 17:21-23. Again, listen to His Word in Matthew 26:28: “…for this is My blood of the [new and better] covenant, which [ratifies the agreement and] is being poured out for many [as a substitutionary atonement] for the forgiveness of sins.” Sinless Blood poured out for every person who calls Jesus “Lord”. There was no pause—no clause that stated: “By this I mean—only if you call yourself a Baptist or Methodist, a Presbyterian, a Lutheran, or a member of the World Assemblies of God, a Roman Catholic…

And, though Jesus was a Jew who did in fact minister first to the Jews—ultimately His death on the Cross instantly, and with fore-intention, opened the way for “who-so-ever-will” to enter right relationship with the One True God. That was always His plan. The moment He said, “It is finished”, and breathed His last, the curtain in the Temple was split open signifying that the way back to right relationship with God was now possible because of the sacrificial Blood of Jesus being shed once for all. Matthew 27:51.  We also see evidence of this Truth when reading the account of Peter and Cornelius. Read the full account in Acts 10. But for now, listen to verses 44-46: “While Peter was still speaking, the Holy Spirit fell upon all who heard the word. The circumcised believers who had come with Peter were astounded that the gift of the Holy Spirit had been poured out even on the Gentiles,for they heard them speaking in tongues and extolling God…”

We are the ones whom withhold; you and I are guilty of judgement and diving the Body. We have set up these divides, these compartments that are not from God. Compartments that divide those God died to unite. We have set the tone for, decided, who will be accepted and who will not. Who we will worship with, and who we won’t. We disagree with, are uncomfortable with, the way certain denominations “do” worship or how they pray—therefore we judge or reject them as a result.

Yet, the moment we cause division in The Body—and there is only One Body, we too are displaying the same attitude of exclusiveness that the early church displayed in saying that those who were gentiles and followed the way needed first to become Jews, to be purified—they must first be circumcised before they could be included into the Way (Read Acts 15). If you don’t do it the way it’s always been done you aren’t welcomed to join us! Sound familiar? That isn’t what Jesus taught us. He said, “If anyone causes one of these little ones–those who believe in me–to stumble, it would be better for them to have a large millstone hung around their neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea.” –Matthew 18:6

If you have ever experienced the unwelcoming icy chill of being ignored sadly, you’re qualified to empathize with those who have been rejected because of how they worship/pray/ proselytize their faith. For not being a member of the “right” denomination. Not donning the right label…

Perhaps you have felt such rejection? If so, let me apologize for whomever it was that made you feel marginalized—judged. I apologize for them because I too shamefully, have been guilty of such divisive judgements. Please, forgive us both?

We are one family with Christ as the Head of that family. Therefore, when one of our family members isn’t well—eventually it infects our whole Body. Being a multi-cultural Body–racially, economically, socially and intellectually diverse, how is it possible that amongst such diversity, such beauty, people will still cling to, still choose to gather only with “my kind of people?” Those I’m familiar and comfortable with?

The Apostle Paul wrote a letter to the believers in Galatia addressing a very similar issue. And nowhere in his words do we find even a hint of the unity he spoke of being ascribed to denominational affiliations. Rather, he speaks of our common faith in the One True God, in Jesus Christ, as the Source that unites us all. And not our memberships in the Baptist or Methodist, Presbyterian, Lutheran, World Assemblies of God, or the Roman Catholic. Nor in any other Christian denomination or organization that acknowledges the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ—as the One True God.

It is our faith in Christ Jesus alone that unites us! “For you [who are born-again have been reborn from above—spiritually transformed, renewed, sanctified and] are all children of God [set apart for His purpose with full rights and privileges] through faith in Christ Jesus. For all of you who were baptized into Christ [into a spiritual union with the Christ, the Anointed] have clothed yourselves with Christ [that is, you have taken on His characteristics and values]. There is [now no distinction in regard to salvation] neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female; for you [who believe] are all one in Christ Jesus [no one can claim a spiritual superiority]” –Galatians 3:26-28.

Christ’s Body was established for inclusion, not exclusion…

It is this inclusion that Christ speaks of in Mark 9:38-42. “John said to Jesus, “Teacher, we saw someone using your name to cast out demons, but we told him to stop because he wasn’t in our group.” “Don’t stop him!” Jesus said. “No one who performs a miracle in my name will soon be able to speak evil of me. Anyone who is not against us is for us. If anyone gives you even a cup of water because you belong to the Messiah, I tell you the truth, that person will surely be rewarded. “But if you cause one of these little ones who trusts in me to fall into sin, it would be better for you to be thrown into the sea with a large millstone hung around your neck.”

Perhaps you are reading this and have not asked God into your heart as Lord and Savior? Please know there is a place in our family reserved just for you. Won’t you take your place today? Jesus loves you. The rest of us need your presence! Just ask Him to come into your heart—to be your Lord. He’ll do the rest… “If you openly declare that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved” –Romans 10:9.

And to my Beloved Brothers and Sisters in Christ; there is room for us all at the feet of our Lord. Please, join me there as we pray for unity in the Body of Christ…




Stand-in Faith. Mark 2:3-12

 Then they came, bringing to Him a paralyzed man, who was being carried by four men.  When they were unable to get to Him because of the crowd, they removed the roof above Jesus; and when they had dug out an opening, they let down the mat on which the paralyzed man was lying.  When Jesus saw their [active] faith [springing from confidence in Him], He said to the paralyzed man, “Son, your sins are forgiven.”  vs’s 3-5.

What might stand-in faith look like?

Along with the example of 4 faith-filled friends offered in our Scripture verses, we also see stand-in faith demonstrated in Queen Esther; Esther 8:3-5 and, in Father Abraham; Genesis 18:23-33. Yet most  certainly our greatest example of stand-in faith is witnessed in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. God’s only begotten Son. Unique in Being, fully God yet fully man.(John 1:1;1:14;3:16;1 John 4:9; Colossians 2:9;1 Corinthians 15:4-5; 1 Peter 1:20). The Scriptures tell us He willingly left Heaven—stepped across time and eternity, donned a human body, all that He might offer Himself as a stand-in.

The Sinless Substitute standing in for a sinful world; a world He foreknew would reject Him –Hebrews 2:5-18. His Perfect example now established, let’s turn our attention to everyday men created in his image. Let’s examine the 4 friends mentioned in today’s Scripture. Those no different from Esther, Abraham, and others whose faith God recognized.

We’re told only that their friend is paralyzed…

That’s why they’re carrying him to see Jesus. Had his paralysis been from birth, as it was with the beggar outside the Temple (Acts 3:2), or was it the result of an accident as with Mephibosheth (2 Samuel 4:4)? In this instance, Scripture doesn’t mention the how or why of it so it’s obviously not something we need to spend a lot of time thinking about. He was paralyzed—whatever the reason. Rather, let’s focus our attention on his 4 friends. After all, they are the ones Jesus chose to focus on.  It’s safe to believe that at some point God had laid it on the hearts of these 4 friends to get this one in need of healing in front of Jesus the only One they believed would heal their friend. It’s also fair to imagine, it’s implied even, that each of these 4 were men of faith.

They believed God…

Surely as young Jewish boys they had spent time in the Temple? It’s also reasonable to say that they’d been exposed to the telling of many of the familial stories concerning the coming of Messiah? And, it’s also possible they had witnessed Jesus healing others the last time He was there in Capernaum? Perhaps they, like so many, had heard all about this Jesus bringing Peter’s mother-in-law back from the edge of death (Matthew 8:14-15)? Perhaps all of this, combined with witnessing their friend—one they obviously cared greatly for, wasting away, motivated them into action? The truth is we don’t know for certain the whole of why they came. Scripture doesn’t always explain every detail to us. It may have been a perfect storm of faith. A simultaneous collision of all the above at play in their lives that caused them to lower their friend to the feet of Jesus.

What is certain is this: God moved on each of their hearts to get their friend in front of Jesus. And they obeyed…

Jesus let nothing stand in His way of leaving heaven and coming to earth that He might open the way that leads us back into right relationship with the Father—back into the loving arms of God (Matthew 27:51). And, when reading this account concerning our paralytic friend—it appears his friends too, wouldn’t allow anything to stand in the way of getting their friend in front of Jesus.

Let those who have ears hear…

They had fixed their eyes on Jesus. And, if it took ripping  the roof off to get their friend in front of Him, well, so-be-it! Off it would have to come!

And it did…

While Jesus was busy sharing God’s Word— 4 friends were busy hoisting their friend, mat and all, up onto the roof.  Get that image in your mind.  They hoisted a grown man tied to a cot up on to a roof. Jesus is preaching in the room below where, Scripture tells us a, “throng of people” are packed in—shoulder to shoulder. These 4 men approach the house with their friend in tow and realize— “this isn’t going work. These people won’t budge—no one will make room for us to get to Jesus!” Yet, they weren’t deterred. Why? The burning in their hearts wouldn’t allow for it. That very burning is what had prompted this entire journey of faith!

And then it hit them, “the roof, we’ll get him in through the roof!”

Have you ever been so moved by the leading of the Holy Spirit of God that, come what may, you were determined to do what you know He was leading you to do? Even if doing it meant doing something as unorthodox, as risky, as bold as taking the roof off a place ?

These 4 had been so moved…

While Jesus was sharing God’s Truth with this room full of people—these 4 were busy digging up the mud roof.

Shards of ceiling were falling on the crowd—on Jesus, yet, there is no rebuke mentioned. No one looks up and cries out, “have you guys lost your minds, stop it! Where trying to focus on what Jesus is saying! Nor does Scripture mention a rebuke of any kind coming from Jesus. Rather, we witness Jesus recognizing a reflection of Himself in these 4 friends. He recognizes a “reflection”, a type, of His own inextinguishable faith. Faith that says, “come what may, I’ll do it, I’ll make a way…”

And, in that second of recognition—a miracle occurred.

The one they had carried all these years—the one they had cared for and fed, helped provide for and shared with—Jesus now looked at and said, “you’re forgiven!”, and he was. He was now healed, made whole.

He was made new…

That’s what happens when we have an authentic encounter with Jesus. We are made new, washed clean—restored.

Whatever sin had held him to his mat, for however long it had had a grip on him—it was gone now; eternally forgiven. God had used the stand-in faith of his 4 faith-filled friends that He might deliver , restore, make new this one who couldn’t quite get there on His own…

If you’ve been praying for—interceding for, a friend or loved one, you should be excited right now! If Jesus honored their faith—surely, He will honor yours too! Just keep on taking that roof off!

God has asked each of us to be a stand-in. Jesus commissioned us all—all who believe on His name, to be stand-in’s. “He said to them, “Go throughout the whole world and preach the gospel to all people.” –Mark 16:15.

Friend, if you claim faith like one of today’s 4,  here’s my question to you: how far will you carry the one that isn’t quite able to get to Jesus without your help?

And, if you’ve not yet asked Jesus into your heart—to heal what may be “paralyzed” in your life, do it now. My faith has carried you this far, I’ve now laid you safely at Jesus’ feet—don’t let this opportunity pass you by.

Ask Jesus into your heart now…

“If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved” Romans 10:9.



Restoration. Romans 5:10

  For if while we were enemies we were reconciled to God through the death of His Son, it is much more certain, having been reconciled, that we will be saved [from the consequences of sin] by His life [that is, we will be saved because Christ lives today].”

John 3:16, one of the most quoted verses of Scripture assures us of the unfathomable, unplumbed love of God. Listen: “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.”

And, God did this while we were yet His enemies—separated from partaking in, sharing in a loving, intimate relationship with Him because of our sin and rebellion. Yet so great is His love for His creation that even in our fallen state, He, this God we’ve denied, turned away from, rebelled against, said “no thanks” to, sacrificed the person He loved most—Jesus, His only Son. So that through Him—through His life, His death, and His resurrection—a way back to God—back to intimate relationship with Him, would be made for us…

Now I’ve been given many a gift over the course of my lifetime. Some that were downright amazing! However, never, never has anyone loved me so much that they were not only willing, but in fact went as far as, giving up their life—dying, to ensure that I was afforded the opportunity to have, share, partake of—life everlasting with God! Not even my momma, the one God chose to love me “the best”. Though I am certain that her mother’s prayers pierced His heart on more than one occasion—it is only Jesus who stood before the Father and said, Here I am Dad, I’ll die in her place.

And, in your place, and his, and hers, and theirs, and in place of the whole world…

Imagine if you will, the sacrificial love of both God and Christ towards us through this very pale light of comparison:

Most of us have heard of “Spiderman”. His name is Mamoudou Gassama. He’s the 21-year-old man who recently scaled a 5-story building to save the life of a little 4-year-old boy whose life hung—quite literally, in the balance. Now imagine further, if Mamoudou went to such extreme lengths to save this child, do you believe he would then deny this same child He had sacrificed so much for—”time for a visit with each other” if it was something the child he saved asked of him?

If a mere man—heroic and self-sacrificing as he may be, is capable of such extreme acts of sacrificial love, how much more God? “For if while we were enemies we were reconciled to God through the death of His Son, much more, having been reconciled, we shall be saved by His life” Romans 5:10.

And, if this same God sacrificed His very best—His greatest, most precious possession, His only begotten Son so that He might have relationship with—have reconciled to Himself a people He knew beforehand would reject His gift—reject Jesus; how much more will this same God give to those who have, who will, opened their hearts to this sacrificial loving gift of His Son? We find the full weight of that answer in our Scripture verse today.

Since He gave so mush to us while we were yet His enemies, how much more will He save those He calls His friends!

Jesus, God’s gift freely given to a sin-soaked, seditious world for the express purpose of reconciliation to, and relationship with Himself. A relationship none of us can ever—will ever have outside of our acceptance of Jesus as Lord and Savior. “For no one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws them to me, and at the last day I will raise them up” John 6:44. Jesus, while speaking to His disciples—expresses this inextricable Oneness, this unity—the mystery of the Trinity between The Father and Himself. “Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me –John 14:6 (emphasis my own).

God gave all—the very best He had to give while you and I were His enemies…

There is a perpetual bond that now exists between Mamoudou Gassama and the child who is known only as, “the child dangling from a 4th floor balcony.” Here is what this young hero had to say about his selfless act: I ran. I crossed the street to save him. He said he didn’t think twice. When I started to climb, it gave me courage to keep climbing.

If a perpetual bond can exist between a mere man—a stranger and a child, born from one heroic act of selfless sacrifice—how much deeper, wider, stronger is the bond between God and those that know Him—that call Him Father? “You see, at just the right time, when we were still powerless, Christ died for the ungodly. Very rarely will anyone die for a righteous person, though for a good person someone might possibly dare to die. But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us” –Romans 5:6-8. Belonging to God—having a relationship with Him doesn’t guarantee us, as with the toddler in Paris, that we’ll never be in a life-threatening situation.

He does guarantee us however, that He will scale any wall, face any enemy, endure any suffering, sacrifice everything to save us. In fact, He’s already done it! It is rare indeed for anyone to die for a righteous man, though for a good man someone might possibly dare to die. But God proves His love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.…” Romans 5:7.

If you are a child of God take great comfort in the Father’s Providential love for you—in His promise of, “how much more”, found in Romans Chapter 8. “For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord” 8:38-39.

Beloved, it’s no coincidence you’re here right now. If you have yet to call Him your Lord, today is the day! He’s just waiting for you to call out to Him, “Help, Jesus! Save me please!”  He hears your pray and is on His way before you even ask.  “And it shall come to pass, that before they call, I will answer; and while they are yet speaking, I will hear” –Isaiah 65:24


“Dependence” Isaiah 41:13

“For I the Lord your God keep hold of your right hand; [I am the Lord], Who says to you, ‘Do not fear, I will help you.’

In this world, we are usually discouraged from being or becoming dependent on anything or anyone. Dependence on someone is—more often than not, seen as a sign of weakness—of immaturity. Particularly when a person is of sufficient age, in the natural, that being independent should be a thing celebrated and actively pursued. And, while this is true—and necessary in our natural evolution into adulthood and its subsequent responsibilities, there is one area in every believer’s life in which we should never—must never, seek to become independent.

That being , in our relationship with God—and our sole reliance on Him.

There is a well-known Christian song entitled, ” Cornerstone.”  Part of its lyrics are as follows:

When darkness seems to hide His face
I rest on His unchanging grace
In every high and stormy gale
My anchor holds within the veil
My anchor holds within the veil

I rest on His unchanging grace. Said differently, I depend, solely rely on, completely trust in, God.

So, the question then becomes, in a world where dependence is discouraged and individualism touted, “Who do you, can you, depend on?”

Before we go further, before you answer that, please, allow me pause here to urge you: If you do not have a personal relationship with Jesus, please, ask Him into your heart, now, today, without delay, as your Lord and Savior. Pray this simple prayer: Dear Jesus, come into my heart, I surrender it to you. I believe you died for me and resurrected on the third day. Have your way in my life. I choose to depend on you. Romans 10:9-10 says this to us: “If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart one believes and is justified, and with the mouth one confesses and is saved.”

Notice, however, that you must both confess and believe. Lip service will not do! So, If you prayed that prayer for the first time, I now encourage you to ask God to lead you into a solid Christ centered church so that you will learn to grow in Him and His Word, and find your place, your part, His will for your life…

Welcome Home my brother or sister in Christ! I look forward to meeting you in Our Father’ s House!

Now, let’s dig in, shall we?…

A recent quote I read said this: In the world, dependency is seen as immaturity. But in my Kingdom, dependence on Me is a prime measure of maturity.

It is well-known, factually established—that what is said in the Word of God, what we are taught about what is right, and good, and true, what is best for us, is, characteristically, the polar opposite of what we are taught in the world in which we live. For example, God’s Word teaches: We must die to live, forgive everyone—no exceptions, love our enemies, give away that we may receive, be humble so that He may lift us up. I could list many other examples of how living according to God’s Word—His will,  is the exact opposite of the self-sufficient ways in which the world encourages us to live.

And who is this world?

John 2:15-16 explains that:  “Do not love the world nor the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh and the lust of the eyes and the boastful pride of life, is not from the Father, but is from the world.” The world, that is the ways of it, as opposed to God’s ways is, as one Theologian describes it: an evil (rebellious) organized system under Satan, which operates through unbelieving people who are opposed to God.

Now hold up! I can hear the rants and visceral disapproval. The, how-dare-you!

And I understand, I do. I too, at one time, would have ranted right along with you. Probably the loudest! Rebelled against those stinging words with like vehemence. With the same indignant outrage. Why? I was very much a part of, steeped in, the world. In doing life my way. And, if truth be told, there are still remnants of that same thinking and its subsequent actions that still linger with me today, like a foul odor. Those sins I still struggle with daily. This is not about being holier than though. But it is about the strength, the surety to forgive those sins, my sins, your sins,  that lives in the Blood of Jesus Christ alone…

It’s also about the choices we must make. And then live by.

I’m sure you’d agree that we are surrounded by choices. From the moment we open our eyes until the time we close them, we are in choice-making mode. Stating with five more minutes or get up now? What will I eat? What to wear? Which route to take to work? Will I go to work? Time for coffee or maybe it’s tea today? you get the idea…


And so, along that line, is our choice to follow—rely, depend on, set our hope on, God. That too, though obviously a far greater and consequential, to say nothing of, eternal choice, is also our’s to make. We are free to, must in fact, say yes to God. To His calling us to Himself. Or, by default, in saying nothing, in continuing on, eyes-closed, things as they are, we are effectively saying—no, nope, not now. I’m good on my own God. Maybe later…

However, unlike the above daily chore list of choices we robotically make, choosing God is, must be, intentional. As it is the only eternally life changing choice we will ever make. Let me explain. John 3:16, often familiar, even, to those who are not yet students of God’s Word tells us: “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life” When we say yes to God’s calling us to Himself we are not only making a right-now choice, we’re not just given a new life here on earth—but, as if that were not enough, we will have, are promised, an eternal home with God in Heaven.

One choice—eternal consequence. And to not choose Christ is your choice. Literally…

As a believer in Christ Jesus we must live our lives in absolute reliance, dependence, on Him. Something that one will never—can never do, without faith in—complete belief in, Him being exactly who He says He is, and that He will do all that He says He will do. Period. That is the basis of our faith. Numbers 23:19 says it like this: “God is not a man, that he should lie; neither the son of man, that he should repent: hath he said, and shall he not do it? or hath he spoken, and shall he not make it good?”

If you look at the photo image attached to this post you will notice that the climber is reliant—dependent, literally, on her chosen ropes for safety—for her life. To complete her journey, unencumbered by worry, she cannot waste precious time and valuable energy constantly checking to make certain her rope is secured and her connection to it solid. She must choose,both her equipment and,what she will anchor herself to, wisely. As Christians,


our faith and reliance, our dependence, on God must also be like that also.  Notice that she is leaning back confidently, being mindful,surely,of what is around her, but confidently nonetheless—enjoying this adventure she’s on! She knows—is certain, that what she is connected to—dependent on, is solid—fixed, reliable. Therefore, she is confident to climb or to descend without trepidation. If we will trust our very lives to a piece of rope—how much more to God? To Him who is dependable, sure, fixed, unchanging. To the God who calls us to anchor our life to His. To depend solely on Him for safety, guidance, provision, Truth, and life?  Just a this climber has anchored her ropes into rock.

As I said in the beginning, dependence, according to the world, is seen as a sign of weakness. But, as I also said in the beginning, the Bible often teaches us the polar-opposite of what the world teaches…

Listen to yet another example: “That is why, for Christ’s sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong” 2 Corinthians 12:10, emphasis my own.

The world will ultimately fail us. Its rope will fray and we will fall—perhaps to our deaths, as many climbers have. Only when we rely—depend, put our life into the All-Powerful Hands of Jesus—can we be assured we will never fall to our deaths.

On that we can depend…

The more mature in the faith we are, the bigger God will be for us. As our vision of God becomes clearer and we understand His enormity, we learn to rest in him. We grow in our ability to depend completely on him and know that with a God as competent as the God we find in the pages of Scripture, the universe in which we find ourselves is truly a safe place for us. The surety of God’s promise is God Himself.

Said Scripturally: “He will not let your foot slip—he who watches over you will not slumber” Psalm 121:3

Depend on The Rock of Ages. Jesus Christ, the Cornerstone. Our only sure foundation…

“Connection” John 15:4

 “Live in me. Make your home in me just as I do in you. In the same way that a branch can’t bear grapes by itself but only by being joined to the vine, you can’t bear fruit unless you are joined with me.” John 15:4

So, let me ask you, what are you connected to?

What type of soil have you taken root in? Is your life producing good fruit? Lasting, eternal fruit that is a product of—evidence of, The Holy Spirits work in your life?

If it’s not, it can…

In today’s Scripture Jesus is telling us to remain—stay connected to, be rooted, in Him. Share in the same Oneness—same union, with Him, that He shares with the Father. To make our home with—reside in, Him. Jesus does nothing outside of The Father’s Will (John 5:19;30; 8:28). And in all things—always, Jesus makes connection to The Father His priority. All else that flows from Jesus’ life—flows out of that indestructible, and most sacred Oneness.

In John 15 Jesus uses a common agricultural note, one easily understood by His audience, to make a spiritual—an eternal, point. That He—Jesus, is not only our root-system, The trunk to our vine, more His Holy Spirit is that pure life-giving water that flows freely into and through us. Nourishing us, enabling not only our growth—but also what type of, and how much, fruit we can or will produce. If and only if—we remain connected to Him.

Just as Jesus would do nothing outside of The Father’s will—neither should we. In all things pertaining to Life Jesus is our Truest Guide—our Teacher.

Notice that I said He would do nothing. Jesus was not only fully God, He was also fully man. Theoanthropos. And, in being a man He—like us, had the ability to choose to do things His own way. We witness both this ability to choose and His willing eagerness to submit to, rely on God, during His Temptation in the wilderness. (Luke 4:1-13) Yet, because of the great love He has for The Father—because they are One and have the same Divine Attributes, Jesus chooses God’s perfect will for His life—even unto His earthly death. He could not do otherwise being One with God…

God cannot contradict Himself. If He did, we could not believe what He says or know how to follow Him.

Therefore, we would do well to model this—Jesus’ love, His devotion and faithfulness and submission, in our own life—in our relationship with God.

But how did Jesus do it? Stay so seamlessly connected to The Father? Through connectedness, obedience, love, and submission…

So then,  how can we too maintain the connection to Jesus that He’s referring to in John 15 since we are fallible man?

We see it spelled out—the how-to in John 14. Through a continuous dialogue with The Father and, in living a life of obedience to God’s Commandments—putting His will first, submitting to His Sovereignty—His Lordship, over our lives. Simply put, by following the example of Jesus.

We need a solid root system. An unshakable, vital faith in The God that loves us like no other—and, more, a trust in Him who knows what’s best for His creation.

But how exactly is that accomplished?

Jesus—The Living Word is telling His disciples that He must leave them but that He wouldn’t leave them as orphans—separate from Himself. Rather, He was sending them another that would be with them for all time. In other words, He was telling them that His journey—His time on earth with them was ending, but that His purpose for coming was just getting started. If fact, His being there, with them—on earth, couldn’t fully accomplish all that the Father intended when sending Him into the world until this other One God was going to send also—arrived. “Truly, truly, I say to you, the one believing in Me, the works that I do, also he will do. And he will do greater than these, because I am going to the Father” (John 14:12).

Jesus’ life, death, and, resurrection was the beginning of, the Genesis of, God’s plan to save a lost and dying world. He—Jesus was the only One worthy to die in our place—for the sins we committed. (1 Peter 1:19) He alone was pure—and as a result, He alone had the power to not only lay His life down that He would stay connected to The Father eternally—but also on the third day, He would again pick up His life thus ensuring that we too might not only share in eternal life with Him and The Father, but that while we were still here in this life, if we, like the disciples, had a relationship with Him—a right connection with Jesus, then we would be guaranteed this same Comforter—His Holy Spirit. The Pure Water of The Word. (John 10:18; John 7:37-39; Isaiah 44:3; John 4:14)

And here we find our find our answer. How do we stay connected to Jesus? Through both His example and His Spirit within us that is leading and guiding us into all Truth…

One fact that I discovered in researching grapevines was this: That its root system filters out harmful elements that may be in the soil so that the sap—the very life-blood that feeds the vine will be pure.

Doesn’t that description of the vines roots loosely summarize Jesus’ message to His disciples, to us?

If you choose to live a holy, a fruitful life—be mindful of what you allow yourself to become rooted, attached, fixed, to. You’re able only to produce good and lasting fruit because of My Spirit, My Word in you. Acting as the filter in your life. Straining away those things that will harm you—us, our connection, My purpose for your life. And guiding you towards, allowing to flow into you, all that you need for Godly living. Stay firmly rooted in Me…

Jesus instructed His disciples—us, to remain, abide, stay fully connected to—rooted in Him. Just as He is in The Father, that our life be built on The Pure Water of The Word, His Spirit,  and coupled with a willing obedience to live out The Father’s Commandments. To be grounded in love, possessing an unshakable faith in God’s Sovereignty and Just Judgement, That this might produce in us—and through us, pure and lasting fruit.

Just as He did in Jesus…

“I am the Real Vine and my Father is the Farmer. He cuts off every branch of me that doesn’t bear grapes. And every branch that is grape-bearing he prunes back so it will bear even more. You are already pruned back by the message I have spoken” John 15:1-3

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