"Come follow me and I will make you fishers of men." Matthew 4:19

Category: Choice (Page 7 of 7)

I Want You, but You Must Decide…

“Teacher,” the man replied, “I’ve obeyed all these commandments since I was young.”  Looking at the man, Jesus felt genuine love for him. “There is still one thing you haven’t done,” he told him. “Go and sell all your possessions and give the money to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.”

What do we do then when Jesus shows up—the Light of His presence exposing us? Our sins laid bare before us both. Indisputable. Catching us, not Him, unawares…

Reading through the account of “The Rich Young Ruler” I caught a glimpse of my heart. Well, at least I saw one idol that was sitting quite smugly upon it —one that I had allowed to reign where only God alone belongs. Must always remain. Money is its name, this idol of mine. More specifically, the discomfits and sacrifices its lack may cause me. And as of this moment it is only a “may”. Some possible future thing yet to have happened; nothing has changed. Financially speaking that is. Nonetheless, it was in this “just catching a glimpse that something may change moment” that my idol was exposed. In a nano-second I lost the sure footing I’d felt just that one second before. I was suddenly off-balance, falling, unexpectedly tugged, the solid ground beneath me failing me now….

Because isn’t that the point of this young man’s story? The ground beneath him, and I, had been unexpectedly shaken in Jesus’ pointing out of the idols that have clutched our hearts? The death grip of these things that have been allowed to exalt themselves above God? Isn’t that what a loving God comes and does for us; unsteadies our ground, forcing us to reevaluate our footing? Doesn’t He show up, at just the right time, in love, to show us a better way? The way of life, not of stuff. The prosperity preachers seem to pass that over most times. But that’s for a different day…

In that instant we feel as naked before Him as the day we were born. With nowhere to hide He exposes our sin and reveals that—for as long as we continue to live in this body, in this world, we will repeatedly be exposed to experiencing these pebbles of painful revelation found in our proverbial shoes that we might grow. These uncomfortable choices that will force us to stop and remove them least our journey be somehow permanently hindered, or worse. These sins in our camp that must be exposed, dealt with, and, removed. There will always be these moments when we will be made to feel off-balance. These “suddenly” moments when the Light of His Love will shine into the darkness of some tucked away sin, some stronghold or idol that must, for our betterment, must be destroyed. God is far more interested in our characters than in our comfort. Thus, as with the young man in Marks Gospel, we too will be faced with making the choice Jesus has offered Him. It, your idol, or Me?

The choice afforded him, us too, is to follow Jesus. To willingly leave behind our idols, our false sense of security, our creature comforts, perhaps—those “things” we feel we must have in order for our world to run smoothly. In order for us to feel sure-footed, of having everything in order, under control. Not because God does not want us to have things mind you, that’s not it. More to the point, God doesn’t want things to have us. To rule and reign over us—in our hearts, above Him; becoming the god that keeps our world running smoothly and, our things the proof of our accomplishments and abilities. All the while pushing the One True God off of His rightful place—the very center of our lives and hearts. Dismissing Him as being our All-in All. Our more than enough. The One who is so much more than we deserve. The Giver of life. The only true Source of every good thing. The One that valued our lives so dearly He laid down His own to ransom them.

Rather, whether intentionally—as with this rich young ruler, or in continued conscious rebellion, as with most of us ( we are often far too aware of those sins we chose to continue to push back under the table of deniability each time they threaten to pop their heads out from beneath like the a dog lacking discipline groveling.) we must choose, over and over and over again, for as long a we live, just who it is that truly reigns Sovereign in our lives? Us, with our willful wants and needs and have-to-haves, or Jesus?

At the end of the day do we really mean what we say: Thy will be done in my life Lord?

And I do believe, that if we love Jesus, truly, if we’ve surrendered our lives to Him—rather, been chosen by Him, in Him, then yes, we do want His perfect will to be the standard for our lives. Because it is His will, alive and burning and leading and guiding us within that causes this desire to surrender into His loving hands any-thing He might ask of us. Unto our very lives. We hunger for Him to be our True North. The One we follow—come what may; no matter the terrain, contrary to anything that may be required of us to give up—or over to, to be surrendered, knocked down, destroyed, or abandoned altogether.

In closing, our idol never sits alone. Typically, it is always accompanied by its cohort, its devotee, its banker and backer, pride. Pride always wants the best seat. The front row. It will always attempt to set our paltry idols up on a Kings throne. Anemic. It was pride coupled with a false sense of security and identity that caused our rich young friend to turn away from Jesus’ humble offer to follow Him rather than chasing after the short-term pleasures of this world.

False identity that will one day rot and be eaten up by moth and flame—leaving its reward in its wake…

Once again, this day, so many years after He first came and called me to Himself, asked if I would leave it all behind for His name sake; the Light of God’s saving love has shone brightly, yet again, exposing some thing I have allowed to sit, however briefly, upon a Throne reserved for Christ alone. And, though it is my true desire to upend this imposter from Gods rightful place in my heart, I acknowledge that without Him, willing it alone, I have no permanent power to topple them. My willpower is insufficient. Had it been enough, they’d never gained access  into me in the first place. Therefore, I take the greatest comfort that even in this, even though I allowed the imposter in, He has assured me, promised even “Everything is possible with God.” It is defeated in Jesus name! I am thankful that with God and, in His strength, pride and every idol it dares to back will be defeated—because of who He is and what He alone has done…

So then, what do we do then when Jesus shows up—the Light of His presence exposing us? Our sin laid bare before us both, indisputable. Catching us, not Him, unawares? Firstly, we thank Him for such a gift. Then, we must make the only real and lasting choice there is. Trust God. Irrespective of our fears, contrary to whatever may come—we must, we must always and in all of our ways choose God, first.

My brothers and sisters be encouraged today remembering this, our Father only chastens those He loves. And you have forgotten the exhortation that addresses you as sons: “My son, do not take lightly the discipline of the Lord, and do not lose heart when He rebukes you. For the Lord disciplines the one He loves, and He chastises everyone He receives as a son.” Endure suffering as discipline; God is treating you as sons. For what son is not disciplined by his father?” –Hebrews 12:5-7

Dearest friend, if you are questioning “is there a God who truly loves me” the answer in an unequivocal and eternal, yes! He is the reason you’re here right now, reading this. He wants to help answer the questions of your heart. To demonstrate that though you may be faced with difficult decisions, He fully understands. He met you here today specifically to ask, “won’t you follow me?” So then, won’t you please say yes to Him today? But God proves His love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us. Therefore, since we have now been justified by His blood, how much more shall we be saved from wrath through Him! For if, when we were enemies of God, we were reconciled to Him through the death of His Son, how much more, having been reconciled, shall we be saved through His life! –Romans 5:8-10

Division. Luke 12:51

 “Do you suppose that I came to grant peace on earth? No, I tell you, but rather division [between believers and unbelievers…”

When most people hear the name Jesus, they associate it with love. Jesus and love are often equated as being one in the same—synonymous. Jesus. Is. Love. Jesus is merciful—compassionate, long-suffering, tender, sacrificial—and the list goes on…

And these are each true and components, one and all, of His character. But what about His justice? What about God being divisive?

In our scripture verse, Jesus has just made a paradoxical statement…

He knows that His disciples—as well as most of Israel, believe the coming Messiah will usher in—bring with Him, peace. Not only for the nation of Israel—more, into each man’s heart. After all—didn’t the first part of Zechariah’s vision proclaim this peace (Zechariah 9:9-10)? And too, the message of hope, of peace, offered them by God through the Prophet Isaiah? “You will go out in joy and be led forth in peace…” Isaiah 55:12. And, doesn’t Isaiah 9:6 refer to Him as the Prince of Peace? “…And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.”

Most of those gathered around Him had no problem with Jesus’ message of peace and love. But, not so much when it came to receiving His message of repentance of their sins—or of God’s coming judgement. They, like so many of us today, started squirming a little—quickly changing the conversation, becoming angry—verbally aggressive, even jousting at the mere mention of being a sinner worthy of God’s just punishment, after all, they were God’s chosen!

Sound familiar? How many of God’s “chosen” balk today, when confronted with their sins?

That’s typically where you’ll hear folks interject, but I though Jesus was all about loving people. And suddenly too, the person who doesn’t even own a Bible is now quoting Scripture. Doesn’t the Bible say that God so loved the world that He sent His only Son to save it? Suddenly everyone knows John 3:16… “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.”

And yes, contrary to their scoffing, the answer to both above questions is yes, and yes.

Jesus is pure love…

However, when it comes to this topic of sin and guilt, God’s love is expected, by most, to be judgement free.


If all are guilty of sin—and we are, then the same just judgement must be passed down to each of us. That’s Justice. The same sentence for the same crime. Yet, the unplumbed depths of God’s love is such that Jesus, out of His unfathomable love for us said, “Father, I’ll take their place”. That is, He took your place and my place…. “For at just the right time, while we were still powerless, Christ died for the ungodly. It is rare indeed for anyone to die for a righteous man, though for a good man someone might possibly dare to die. But God proves His love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” –Romans 5:6-8. And concerning this justice, God couldn’t ignore the price of sin needing to be paid in full. If He had, the penalty for sin would not have been paid in full. He’d have waived His perfect justice and holiness—therefore rendering Himself unjust. Yet to impose this penalty on each soul would in fact fly in the face of His immense love and mercy. Therefore, through the sacrificial work of Jesus on the cross, God demonstrates Himself as both just and the justifier of the those who put their faith in—choose, Jesus.  “God presented Him as an atoning sacrifice through faith in His blood, in order to demonstrate His righteousness, because in His forbearance He had passed over the sins committed beforehand. He did this to demonstrate His righteousness at the present time, so as to be just and to justify the one who has faith in Jesus.” –Romans 3:25-26

So how then do we reconcile this loving God with the statement He makes in our Scripture?

With this warning, this heads-up He’s giving His friends to prepare them for what’s about to come?

With His Words, Jesus squarely drew a line in the proverbial sand here. Placing those who were for Him on the one side—and those who were against on the other. And, He made it clear one must choose a side. From the beginning—there has only ever been 2 choices afforded every man. To follow God, or not to follow God.

To not choose is to choose. There has never been a middle ground with God. “Now listen! Today I am giving you a choice between life and death, between prosperity and disaster” –Deuteronomy 30:15

The price for sin is death. Period.

And, now, we witness this same Jesus preparing His disciples—course correcting them, to get ready for what being a follower of His might do to a soul, to a family, to friendships…

The Cross of Christ was intended to cause division. Meant to test the allegiance of those who call Jesus, Lord. Jesus pointed His disciples towards the Prophet Micah to help illustrate the very division soon to beset each of them—us too. “For a son thinks his father is a fool, a daughter challenges her mother, and a daughter-in-law her mother-in-law; a man’s enemies are his own family” –Micah 7:6. Yet, apart from a few breaks—the entire 12th chapter of Luke is a message of salvation. A key demonstration of Jesus’ infinite love and mercy. It’s Jesus inviting all those listening—and us, to receive freely what He’s offering them. Eternal life and forgiveness of their sins—if, by faith they’d believe He is Messiah.

Again, Jesus has squarely drawn a hard-line in the proverbial sand…

Division: When one believes and the other doesn’t, division enters in. A husband accepts Christ’s message—the wife doesn’t. Division. The father accepts Christ’s saving grace—his children do not. Division. This division is a double-edged sword. In John 3 Jesus said, “If you believe, you have eternal life.  If you don’t believe, your unbelief puts you under judgment.” Since God can neither change nor lie—this Truth stands as much today as it did the moment it left Jesus’ mouth—believe it or not…

So, in summary, why, in a world that finds itself so divided, would I post this teaching that stresses division? My answer is simple. Because God said to. Division is nothing new. Until Christ returns to unite us all—division will exist. It must. It was intended to. We must make a choice to follow Jesus. To not choose is a choice. That said, Scripture also tells us to seek peace, unity with all men. “Now I beseech you, brethren, mark them which cause divisions and offences contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned; and avoid them. For they that are such serve not our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly; and by good words and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple” –Romans 16:17-18.

Hear me please: I am not, by any means, using this teaching to advocate causing division for selfish personal gain, nor to push or further one’s agenda—personal, political, or spiritual. That is contrary to everything I believe. However, I am stating as plainly as I know how, that I do not believe in peace at any cost. If forced to choose—I will choose Christ at all cost. And, my prayer for you is that you will join me in my choice. We should seek to be at peace with all men but should never forget that Jesus warned we will be hated for His sake. Because those who reject Him hate Him, they will hate His followers as well“If the world hates you, understand that it hated Me first. If you were of the world, it would love you as its own. Instead, the world hates you, because you are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world” –John 15:18-19.

A hard Word I know, but Truth demands a choice…

Friend, if you have not yet asked Jesus into your heart—if you’ve not yet made your choice, I pray you’ll do it now, today. I’m praying for you…

“Repeats.” Jeremiah 18:18

 “Then [my enemies] said, Come and let us devise schemes against Jeremiah; for the law [of Moses] shall not perish from the priest [as this false prophet Jeremiah predicts], nor will counsel from the wise, nor the word from the prophet. Come, let us smite him with the tongue [making a charge against him to the king], and let us not pay any attention to his words.”

It started in the garden and made its way out. Deceitfulness. Eve chose to believe a lie and sin entered the world. One brother hated the other for no good reason—and murder resulted. A man was swayed by his wife and a division occurred that, outside of God—is inescapable. A nation was divided—and its split is evident still…

These words could be found in any “Tell-All” novel on many bookshelves in America today.

But they’re not from some book…

They come straight from the pages of God’s Word—the Bible.

The Bible recounts many accounts of deceptions, murders, and greed. And, much to our consternation, we are, and will continue to feel their impacts until Jesus either returns for us—or we are taken Home to be with Him. This is a fact I state plainly—knowing it is infallible. How? Jesus himself said so. “For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. Then they will deliver you up to tribulation and kill you, and you will be hated by all nations for My name’s sake. And then many will be offended, will betray one another, and will hate one another. Then many false prophets will rise up and deceive many. And because lawlessness will abound, the love of many will grow cold” –Matthew 24:7;9-12. And, John 16:33 which assures us of these troubles, listen: … “In the world you have tribulation and distress and suffering, but be courageous [be confident, be undaunted, be filled with joy]; I have overcome the world.” [My conquest is accomplished, My victory abiding.]

From the garden to Jeremiah, to Jesus, straight on towards today; a line can be found that links mans rejection of Truth and of those who deliver it—to the fearsome consequences that inevitably follow…

It appears that King Solomon hit the proverbial nail on the head when he wrote: “That which has been is that which will be [again], And that which has been done is that which will be done again. So there is nothing new under the sun” –Ecclesiastes 1:9.

Solomon was, certainly, referring to man (his sinful condition and predilections) and the cyclical sameness he experiences outside of a relationship with God. Nothing of eternal value can be accomplished outside of a life committed to Christ…

What we set before us as our “god” will have rule over us…

We see evidence of this in the beginning of Chapter 18. We witness God instructing Jeremiah to go to the potter’s shop. Once there, and after observing the potter folding in a clay jar he’d been forming due to its defect, God gives Jeremiah a Word. He instructs him to warn all of Judah and Jerusalem. And Jeremiah faithfully ministers the Word God had given him. “‘Thus says the Lord, “Behold, I am shaping a disaster and working out a plan against you. Turn back, each of you from his evil way; correct your habits and change your actions for the better.”’ –Jeremiah 18:11

Did they follow the Word Jeremiah spoke? No…

Why? Because they had their own agenda—their own plan, their way of doing things. And, if Jeremiah wouldn’t get on board with ‘their way’ they’d just have to get rid of him and put someone else in place that would…

Sound familiar? It should. Not only do we hear this concerning our own leaders, those in positions of influence and power, but we also hear it loud and clear in Scripture. And no, not just from those surrounding our friend Jeremiah. This ultimatum came from the high priest and the Sanhedrin concerning Jesus. “The chief priests and the elders…plotted together in order to arrest Jesus by stealth and kill him. But they said, ‘Not during the feast, lest there be an uproar” –Matthew 26:3-4.

Stealth: a secret, quiet, and clever way of moving or behaving; done or happening in a secret or quiet way that does not attract attention.

They were all sneaky! All hypocrites! Each of those in positions of power, of authority, wanted nothing to do with hearing the Truth Jesus spoke either. Jeremiah was in good company then!

John Chrysostom comments on these Pharisees, saying that “they never were afraid of the judgment of God but only the judgment of people”

Both groups, those that revolted against Jeremiah, as well as those who falsely accused—flat out lied about Jesus, were motivated by sin, by greed, pride, position, profit, and power.  More precisely, the loss of it. Rather than open themselves up to the Truth, to Jesus, they chose to cling—wrap themselves up in, their traditions—in the law, in rites, rituals, and rigidity of heart. They preferred lies, hardheartedness, and manipulation over humility, Truth, and God. “And he spake a parable unto them, Can the blind lead the blind? shall they not both fall into the ditch?” –Luke 6:39

Sounds like the world we live in doesn’t it? “Your dwelling is in the midst of deceit; Through deceit they refuse to know Me,” declares the LORD –Jeremiah 9:6.

Nothing new…

Yet none of this, not one bit it, has caught God by surprise. Not the rebellion of  those in Judah and Jerusalem, not the Pharisees, not your rebellion, nor mine. All of it was clear to Him as He stood over the void and spoke all things into existence. From the garden, to Jeremiah, to the Pharisees, to each of us today—every deed ever committed by every man ever created was made plain to God as He was knitting them together in their mother’s wombs. Not one word, not a thought, nor an action, has ever escaped the eye and ear of God. What men have meant for evil God has and will always, use for good.

The Creator’s providence, John Calvin says, will ensure that events turn out exactly as He has planned…

Not even Jesus escaped the scathing effects sin has on the world. Yet, God knew exactly what He was doing—allowing to happen, when He sent Jesus to the Cross. God used what evil men meant for harm, what the devil intended to end Jesus, for good. He used it as a pathway, a bridge, that you and I might cross over to be eternally re-membered with Him.

He was about to end sins power once, and for all, through the perfect sacrifice of His Son Jesus…

Just as surely as the enemy was present in the crowd spoken about in our Scripture verse, those baying after Jeremiah’s blood, we know too, he was at the front of the line the day Jesus went to the Cross. Listen to his arrogant, proud, hate-filled hissing among the religious leaders of the day: “What can we do?” they asked. “This man is doing many miraculous signs. If we let Him keep on doing this, everyone will believe in Him. Then the Romans will come. They will take away our temple and our nation” John 11:47-48.

We’re witnessing a repeat. The Garden to Jeremiah to Jesus…

Satan was indeed holding Caiaphas’s hand, whispering into Ananias’s ear, goading, and pricking those in the crowd to scream, “crucify Him, crucify Him!

And know this. If you are a Christian, the world will not stand for you and the Truth you’ll speak either. Expect it. It will reject you…

But take heart! Stand firm!

And listen to what God says across the ages—to you, to every person who ever has, or ever will, follow Him. To those like Jeremiah, who chose Him, those like yourself who love and obey Him. “When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; And through the rivers, they will not overflow you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be scorched, Nor will the flame burn you. “For I am the LORD your God, The Holy One of Israel, your Savior; I have given Egypt as your ransom, Cush and Seba in your place. “Since you are precious in My sight, Since you are honored and I love you, I will give other men in your place and other peoples in exchange for your life.…” –Isaiah 42:2-4.

There will always, so long as it is today, be those who hate the Truth and the ones sent to deliver it. Take heart my friend, Jesus has overcome this world! There may be nothing new under the sun, but there will soon be a new heaven and a new earth. And if you are His then it will be yours!

And Truth will reign for all eternity…

If you don’t know Jesus and you’re here hoping to find the Truth, won’t you ask Jesus to show Himself to you? … He says, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me” –John 14:6.

You have a choice, we all do. Don’t be a repeat. Choose Truth…

The Conclusion of; The Foreshadowing. Galatians 6:7-8

 “Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. Whatever a man sows, he will reap in return. The one who sows to please his flesh, from the flesh will reap destruction; but the one who sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life.…” —Galatians 6:7-8


The covering of our sins started in a garden. It is here we get our first glimpse of The Lamb of God…

God went to great lengths—to extreme measures, to ensure His sin-stained children were afforded a way to be returned to right relationship with Him. Last week we read that it was God Himself who enacted the first blood sacrifice for His own. He killed innocent animals that both Adam and Eve might be covered by their bloody skins—a foreshadowing of the work of Jesus. A murky glimpse at how His Innocent Blood would come to be willingly—lovingly, purposefully shed, once, for all…

So, if God went to such extreme measures—the sacrificing of His Only Begotten Son, that His children might be given a way to return to Him, why were Adam and Eve punished? Their sins were forgiven. Why were they made to endure God’s wrath? His Judgement?

Why are we?

Love. Judgement mingled with mercy forms the Cross…

As with all Truth, we find our answers squarely in the Word of God. Listen: “…And you have forgotten the exhortation that addresses you as sons: “My son, do not make light of the Lord’s discipline, or lose heart when He rebukes you. For the Lord disciplines the one He loves, and He chastises everyone He receives as a son.” Endure suffering as discipline; God is treating you as sons. For what son is not disciplined by his father? … (Hebrews 12:5-7; also see Deut. 8:5; Psalm 94:12; Psalm 119:75; Proverbs 3:11-12; and Revelation 3:19).

Clearly, the Word of God has much to say about God’s just judgement—the chastening of His children…

Don’t allow God’s great mercy and forgiveness to be confused with His justice—His Righteous Judgement’s. His Word assures us that once we have accepted Him as Lord and Savior of our lives we are—in that very instant, washed clean, and are reconciled to Him, through The Blood of Jesus. That’s the mercy part… “For God was pleased to have all His fullness dwell in Him, and through Him to reconcile to Himself all things, whether things on earth or things in heaven, by making peace through the blood of His cross.” —Colossians 1:20 Yet, though forgiven of our sins—and though they are remembered no more—no longer counted against us, sin always has and always will have consequences. That’s the just judgement part…

Last week I referred to King David being familiar with God’s punishment, His Righteous Judgement. David suffered great loss as the result of his sins with Bathsheba, another man’s wife; and the subsequent murder of her husband in a desperate attempt to cover up his sins. His treachery—his slippery slope into sinning started in rebellion—as most sin does. As King, it was a custom that each Spring all Kings and their armies would march against their enemies into war. Though Scripture doesn’t tell us why, David, rather than marching to war with his men, sent his Commander Joab and his officers, as well as all the fighting men of Israel, out to war without him. And, as result, one sleepless night David would get up and walk to his rooftop terrace to get fresh air. And It would be there that the enemy of his soul would be waiting to take him captive—if only a for a time…

Bathsheba was on an adjacent rooftop just finishing her ritual bath. It is thought she was a great beauty—fair in face and form. David saw her and desired her. He sent a messenger to go and get her. Yet not before he had inquired into who she was and learned that she was the wife of Uriah, one of his own fighting men. Had David been where he was supposed to have been—doing what he should have done, perhaps none of this would have happened. Isn’t that the way sin typically gets its hooks in us? When we have strayed from the straight path? And so it did with David. Yet, rather than turning from his sin and repenting, David delves deeper in. Bathsheba informs him that she’s now pregnant as a result of their adulterous affair.

And that’s where events worsened. “But each one is tempted when by his own evil desires he is lured away and enticed. Then after desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and when sin is fully grown, it gives birth to death.” —James 1:15-16

Scripture tells us the rest of the story…

David summons Uriah, tries to get him to sleep with his own wife, Bathsheba, so it could be said that the child that had been conceived in secret was, in fact, Uriah’s own. When Uriah, a man of honor, didn’t sleep with his wife, David had him sent to the front lines—into the thick of battle, thus ensuring he’d die there. And he does. And David takes Bathsheba as his wife. And the Lord, the same God Hagar called, El Roi. The God who sees me—saw, was witness to, what King David had done. And so, God sends the Prophet Nathan to convict David of his sin and to pronounce His Righteous Judgement. And, after hearing Nathan’s account, David is convicted saying of his actions, “I have sinned against the Lord.” —2 Samuel 12:13. Now, listen to what Nathan says to David in response to his confession of sin. “…And the Lord has taken away your sin; you will not die. However, because you treated the Lord with such contempt in this matter, the son born to you will die. (You can read the full account of this story in 2 Samuel, Chapters 11 &12).

David, like Adam and Eve, was forgiven his sins because this first blood covenant covered their sins, the shedding of innocent blood instituted in the Garden of Eden by God— a foreshadowing of Jesus’s coming. We will see further evidence of this and its lasting effects on the lives of the Israelites. God instructs His servant Moses in the building of the First Temple and in the shedding of blood for the forgiveness of sin…

Though God forgave David his sin—a sign of His unfathomable mercy, Yet, David suffered the consequences of his sins—a demonstration of the law of seed-time and harvest told in His Word. “Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. Whatever a man sows, he will reap in return. The one who sows to please his flesh, from the flesh will reap destruction; but the one who sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life.…” —Galatians 6:7-8

Listen to the words Nathan spoke to David concerning God’s judgement resulting from David’s sin: “This is what the Lord says, ‘I am going to bring disaster on you from your own family: I will take your wives and give them to another[d] before your very eyes, and he will sleep with them in broad daylight. You acted in secret, but I will do this before all Israel and in broad daylight.’”—2 Samuel 12:11-12

Yes, God first covered His children—His chosen, with animal blood. The law—His law, commanded it. “According to the law almost everything is purified with blood, and without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness.”—Hebrews 9:22

But God—our all-loving, merciful Father—is also our Righteous and Just Lord. Blood was shed so that sin—whose penalty is death, might be forgiven. “For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” —Romans 6:23

David did not receive what he deserved—death. Neither did Adam and Eve. And, neither do we if, we are God’s child…

Yet, sin is so egregious to God that man had to be cut off from a Holy God as its result. Every man who does not have a relationship with God is actually, ‘a walking dead-man’—spiritually speaking. They are likened to the white washed tombs Jesus spoke of when He chastised the Pharisees. On the outside all appears well enough—they do good deeds, help when they can, they try not to hurt anyone. But on the inside—nothing more than a dead man’s bones. The Word of God is clear; As it is written: “There is no one righteous, not even one; There is no one who understands; no one who seeks God. All have turned away; they have together become worthless; there is no one who does good, not even one.… (Romans 3:10-12)

We’ve just celebrated Christmas. The little baby we saw laying in a manger, wrapped in milk rags, was placed there to die. His entire purpose for coming into the world was to die for it. To shed His Innocent Blood that you and I and he and she, and all of them, might have Life in Him and restoration with the Father. The spilling of animal blood was never intended as a permanent solution for reconciling God and man. A lasting and True—a complete sacrifice, had to be offered. So, God sent His Only Son to do what only One who is Pure and Holy can do.

Cleanse us of our sins. Once, and for all…

Yet, it is in this most loving act that we witness how both God’s great mercy and His just judgement are intrinsically linked—how they live as one. At the Cross, an Innocent suffered that the guilty might live. “For indeed Christ died for sins once for all, the Just and Righteous for the unjust and unrighteous [the Innocent for the guilty] so that He might bring us to God, having been put to death in the flesh, but made alive in the Spirit;” —1 Peter 3:18

Nowhere in Scripture does God tell us we get a pass on the consequences of our sins. They cost Him too much to simply look the other way. That we are not dead as their result is yet another astounding display of God’s unfathomably great mercy and love on display for all who will—to witness.

Rest assured, sinful decisions have consequences, if not in this life, then in the next. We are blessed, though, because the principle of reaping and sowing works in a positive way as well: “The one who sows to the Spirit will from the Spirit reap eternal life” (Gal. 6:8). We can sow good seeds that will turn negative situations into positive ones. –Charles Stanley

Have you asked Jesus into your life? Won’t you do that now? He’s waiting for you…

“Are You Going Gray, Part 2”. Revelation 3:15-16

  “But you, believers, [all you who believe in Christ as Savior and acknowledge Him as God’s Son] are not in spiritual darkness [nor held by its power], that the day [of judgment] would overtake you [by surprise] like a thief; for you are all sons of light and sons of day. We do not belong to the night nor to darkness”

  Before we get into this Word, let’s pray: Spirit of the Living God, illuminate your Word, breath your Ruach breath on it, that it may come alive in us, and through us feed may. In Jesus matchless name we pray, Amen.
Referring to His Body, Jesus said this to His friends. That if it were destroyed, He would raise it again in three days. God can’t lie. It will happen.

It did happen…

Had they forgotten? They must have. They went to a tomb expecting to find a dead body there, when clearly, He had told them it would not be there, but rather, be raised up—resurrected…

Our Scripture today reminds those of us that have put our hope—our faith, in Jesus that we are no longer ignorant of what is to come because His Spirit lives within us. Therefore, we do not live in spiritual darkness, as unbelievers—unknowing, left without a clue about what is to come. Just as Jesus had told His followers that He would not be found in a tomb—a dead thing, powerless, hopeless,

so too He has told us…!

“At that time people will see the Son of Man coming in clouds with great power and glory.”—Mark 13:26

He is sifting this world. Jesus is. He said He would. And there are only two sides—two camps, one can end up in. Sheep or goats. Not my words. Jesus tells us that this is what’s to come—the sifting, this separation of those that love and choose to follow Him, obey Him, and those that don’t. —Matthew 25:31–46

We each have been given the same choice…

Don’t, as the saying goes, shoot the messenger! Rather, humble yourself. Perhaps, just perhaps, today, right now, God is causing you, allowing you, to feel a little prickly, a bit uncomfortable—that you might be challenged! If so, run to Him, come to salvation— if you haven’t. Or, wake up from your slumber—your luke-warmness, your grayness, if you have…

This is your, my, our, clarion call—God is at the door!—Revelation 3:20

They went gray for a moment—His disciples…

After seeing Him betrayed, beaten, falsely accused, after seeing the One they thought would save them—their people, hanging limp, lifeless on a criminals Cross, enshrouded, laid-out in a tomb, a place for dead things. They went gray. As did their hopes—their dreams, of a future free from tyranny, injustice, and the evil allowed under the Roman’s rule. Sound familiar? What in your own walk with the Lord, in your life, has caused yo to loose hope? To walk away from your dreams?

Perhaps they’d forgot too, that Jesus had told them as long as they were in this world, there’d be trouble. Maybe in their grief, they’d forgotten He’d said also, ‘to take heart, don’t be afraid.’ He’d told them not to lose their peace—to trust in Him, and stay strong. Not to allow the grayness, the fear, the troubles, and doubts that will assail them, assail us all, to swallow up their hope—the Truth.

That He’d overcome the world—John 16:33

And we, like our brothers and sisters before us— have this same Jesus with us too. This One who has overcome the world. And, we have Him in ways they never did. We have not only their accounts to glean from, but we have every Word, every promise spoken by God—Alpha to Omega. Every utterance of the Holy Spirit, each step of our path laid out before us—foretold to us.

He is alive within us leading and guiding our every step…

“I will not leave you orphans; I will come to you.”—John 14:18

He wasn’t just speaking to the ones He was about to depart from…

We, like our brothers before us, are being called to move past the Tomb, past what was. We’re being called to set—fix our eyes, our hopes—our faith and trust, in what is yet to come. The Majesty on High! The Hope of Glory! On Jesus, seated at the Right Hand of the Father. Waiting. Risen, and coming again in all power. The very power He has given us, as a deposit—to lead us and guide us, as it did our brothers before us—into all Truth.

And, when our work, like theirs, is finished—safely back home with Him…

When the women had gone to the tomb to anoint—prepare, His body for burial—they too must had forgotten that Mary, Lazarus’s sister, had already done that when she had broken open her costly bottle of Nard—washing Jesus’s feet and wiping them with her hair? The resurrected sitting in the presence of the Resurrection. Had they forgotten that if the body is clean, only the feet need be washed? Odd that, seeing how it was a part of the culture, a custom. Wait—didn’t Jesus Himself demonstrate this very Truth to them the last time they had broken bread together? But I digress…

It was when the woman went to the last place they had seen their Lord—that they were told by a messenger that the One they were looking for wasn’t there! What! How He can He not be here? It’s where we left Him. We saw them put Him in there! And along with Him, went all our hopes and dreams. He must be there! He simply must be! Otherwise, where shall we go to find Him…?

Let me ask you friend—is it possible that you, like myself, and our brothers before us, continue to go back to a place that is familiar? Back to the spot you last saw Him, had your last encounter with Him? Have we become tomb dwellers?Seeking what is alive among what’s dead? Are we looking for a God who is no longer in the familiar place we left Him—our go-to spots?

“He is not there, He is risen!”—Matthew 28:6

Is God calling you, as He is me, to a new place today? That He might open our eyes to our unbeknownst gray-ness? To point out, that we—those that want Him, live for Him, will go out searching for Him, that we need to be willing to move out beyond what we know—just as those that went before us did. Think Peter getting out of the boat here.

To meet Jesus in a new place, he had to first leave his familiar that he might walk, however briefly, where no mere man ever had or could, without Jesus (Matthew 14:28-29).

And, since Jesus is speaking to us too, guiding us, as he did our brothers, to follow Him, to be open to experiencing Him afresh—in a new place, recharged, glowing with renewed power and purpose shouldn’t we, like Peter leap over the side of our proverbial boats and start walking on the water we’re being called to walk upon!

“I will not leave you orphans; I will come to you.”—John 14:18

He wasn’t just speaking to those He was about to physically depart from…

The entire 16th Chapter of the Gospel of St. John is filled with instructions—specific instructions. Instructions for you and for me.  Look them up for yourself. Re-member them, roll around in them, let them seep into your pores, swim in your very Blood—His!

“His Word is the same, yesterday, today, and forever more.”—Hebrews 13:8  And, since this is Truth, then what Jesus spoke in love, from a deep place of great caring and foreknowledge—applies to us as well. “I pray for those who will believe in me through their message, that all of them may be one.”—John 17:1-2

Friend, Jesus isn’t challenging our grayness today because He doesn’t love us, God forbid! Rather, He is chastising us—stirring us up, to re-member with the passion we once carried in our hearts for our First Love…

To re-member, reconnect, with that passion, the desire, the time spent—alone, longing just for Him! To re-member how we could not wait to be with Him, to sit at His feet, hanging on His every Word—like some young groupie! How we told everyone we met about this man Jesus! We were alive, in love, piping hot—on fire! There wasn’t a shred of gray-ness, of lukewarmness, about us. And today, like no other time in the history of the world, grayness cannot be tolerated.


Ask the Pharisees. Grayness is neutral, it’s half believing, it hasn’t chosen, committed, to a side. Grayness, lukewarmness, is being a fence straddler, a half-in, half out kinda person, an, in between person. How can that person expect to please God! —Lk 20:45-47

Signs. God always gives us signs.  A warning. Time to prepare. Noah will vouch for this…

The Sun and moon and stars—times. Signs in the heavens pointing towards what God is about to do—has promised to do. “And when he had said these things, as they were looking on, he was lifted up, and a cloud took him out of their sight.”—Acts 1:9

If we are to shed our gray-ness, now that we have been made aware of it, and become re-awakened, more determined than ever before to recommit to God what is His—knowing that time is short. And, to chase after Him, and all that He has for us to do for Heaven’s sake—then we must leave the familiar safety of the Gospels behind. As life-affirming, and informed as they are, we must be willing to go out beyond what is comfortable and familiar to us—out past the death of the Cross, and the entombment of the grave. We, like our brothers before us, must follow what Jesus is calling us to do now—today. Not only what we first believed. What’s familiar…

We must stir the embers of our once raging fires…

“And do this, understanding the occasion. The hour has come for you to wake up from your slumber, for our salvation is nearer now than when we first believed. The night is nearly over; the day has drawn near. So let us lay aside the deeds of darkness and put on the armor of light.…”—Romans13:11

Join me next week as I share Part 3, the final post of this teaching. Until then, may the Lord bless you and keep you until He returns…



Are You Going Gray? Revelation 3: 15-16

 I know your deeds, that you are[neither cold (invigorating, refreshing) nor hot (healing, therapeutic); I wish that you were  cold or hot. So because you are lukewarm (spiritually useless), and neither hot nor cold, I will vomit you out of My mouth [rejecting you with disgust].”

He’s not speaking to the world in general. In Chapter 3 of the book of Revelation, God is talking specifically to His own—to the Body of Christ, the Church.

If you are a Blood bought believer in Jesus Christ, then God is talking to you! And, if you don’t yet know Him, now is the time. He loves you fiercely, and wants you to be with Him always…

Before we get into this Word, lets pray: Spirit of the Living God, illuminate your Word, breath your Ruach breath on it, that it may come alive in us, and through us feed may. In Jesus matchless name we pray. Amen

Gray days, we all have them—perhaps even a season of gray-ness…

Everything just feels neutral—status quo. No great highs, neither any major dips, or lows. We are not one way nor the other—we’re neutral—comfortable, blithely moving along. Our ministries are fine, our lives, fine. So are our families, friends, finances, and oh yeah, so are those sins that so easily entangle, those little foxes we’ve allowed to slip into our house—they’re fine too…

Wait, what! Sin is fine? No! No, it’s not! It’s not fine!

Now that I have your undivided attention you’re ready to hear that in the same way you were just reading along and then wham, something slipped in that wasn’t right, didn’t belong, so it is with satan. One of the enemy’s greatest tricks—his greatest deceptions, is to lull us—unsuspectingly, into a state of gray—of complacency.

Neutral-ness, grayness, lukewarm-ness, will kill your fervor for God—and for His people! If the enemy of your soul, that roaring, roaming, vicious, lying enemy—set on taking you out, can’t rip you from God’s Mighty Hands, then he will settle for robbing you of your passion. The power of your light…

I feel the Lord impressing upon me that now is not a time for grayness, neutrality. Not a time to be lukewarm! He will tolerate that no longer. It’s as though God is calling His children to perform an, ‘internal temperature check’ of sorts. Not to shame us, and certainly not to harm us. But rather to refine us, to bring us that one step closer to Him. Like myself, any believer who has had their sleep disturbed when the Holy Spirit roused them at 1, 2, 3 o’clock in the morning with that ‘call’ that goes off in the pit of your belly, that tightening that will not be ignored—that Holy disruption that wakes you up, or sits you down, or stops you in your tracks at random times of your day. Knows what I’m talking about. God is calling you to pray and pray and pray, pleading prayers of mercy. There’s a sense of urgency—a quickening, in your Spirit…

I know that you understand what I’m sharing.

And, as it is in the Spiritual realm, so too, will it manifest in the natural—the division, separation, polarization. The result of the great shaking, the sifting—the separation of the Sheep and the goats that has begun in the spirit realm. And, as with a woman’s labor pains, shall only increase. We, as a people, are experiencing a pronounced polarization in the natural world…

Allow me to explain.

If you are a parent, boss, leader—one in authority, then you should know that to lead and guide people righteously, then justice, mercy, patients, and a great deal of love, among other attributes, must accompany this great privilege. Even in doing all that your able however, there may yet come a time, when contrary to all you’ve poured into them, they will simply refuse to accept your kindness. And, so, with a heavy heart, you must allow them to go their own way. As I said, as it is in the Spirit, so it is about to manifest in the earth…

This is what I sense is happening in the Spirit, now.

God has left man with no excuse not to acknowledge Him. The world in which we live, all of creation, testifies as to His existence. And, in the technological age in which we live—now, in many places on earth, most have heard that there is only One True God—and of His Son, Jesus Christ. Most have heard that God sent Jesus into the world—a sinless sacrifice, so that all men might have the opportunity to be reconciled back to Him after sin had separated us from Him, after the fall of Adam and Eve in the garden. Yet contrary to this knowledge, many refuse to acknowledge God and turn to Him and repent of their sins. Allowing Him to restore them back into right relationship with Himself. A time is quickly coming upon us—a tipping point, when God will say enough, and contend with man no longer. When He will allow those, who continue to slander Him, refuse to acknowledge Him, those who mock and ridicule Him—to have their own way…

Since you are now reading this, you too now know.

God will always confirm His Word (Mark 16:20). How? Through His Spirit.

And, by signs. His Word tells us that He, in the last days, will sift the world. That there will come, in those days, a great sifting—a great separation, a stark division will occur. “…But he said, ‘No, lest while you gather up the tares you also uproot the wheat with them. Let both grow together until the harvest, and at the time of harvest I will say to the reapers, “First gather together the tares and bind them in bundles to burn them, but gather the wheat into my barn” (Matthew 13:29-30).

One must only look at our sin-saturated society to see evidence of this division—this polarization that’s occurred—this line in the sand that becomes more divisive daily. And I’m not talking politics or its cabals here, they’re a symptom only—a byproduct of this polarization. I’m speaking specifically about a society that is now calling good evil and evil good. I’m talking about just how far, as a people, a society, most have drifted from God…

But the prickly part, the crux of this message, is not for those who have chosen not to follow Jesus, but rather, for those who have. Those He is speaking to in this verse. As believers in Christ Jesus, we His Body, must be held to a higher standard.

It must, according to Scripture, start with us…

Join me next week, God willing, on 12/10 when we’ll delve deeper into the more personal ‘prickly parts’ of this teaching. What specifically, is God calling His children to do, ‘in such a time as this?’ Until then saints, pray in the Spirit. Pray without ceasing. Repent, ask the Holy Spirit to reveal those ‘hidden’ areas in your life that need to be laid open before the Lord…

And, if you have not yet asked Jesus into your life as Lord and Savior, but what you’ve just read is resonating with you, then now, right now, without delay, is the time to ask Jesus to come into your life as Lord and Savior. Here’s what His Word assures you if you do: “If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart one believes and is justified, and with the mouth one confesses and is saved” (Romans 9-10).


“Action!” James 1:22

 “But prove yourselves doers of the word [actively and continually obeying God’s precepts], and not merely listeners [who hear the word but fail to internalize its meaning], deluding yourselves [by unsound reasoning contrary to the truth].”

In the devastating wake of hurricane Harvey, a life-changing storm that did its level best to annihilate Texas, there were rays of goodness that shined brightly—and they continue to, piercing the crushing darkness Harvey brought with it. Rays of light in the form of volunteers, financial and material relief, to say nothing of a day of prayer set aside that our nation may unite as one to lift up—come along side of, those who may be feeling utterly alone. Rays that came quickly in wading boots and on flat-bottom Louisiana boats. Through the open door of a furniture store, and in emergency aid, and in Convoys of Hope. Rays witnessed by neighbor helping neighbor—freely sharing what little this thief named Harvey had left them…

Before I continue in this teaching let me say that by no means are my words nor my examples used meant to diminish, from the smallest to the greatest loss, the horrific tragedy and personal pain experienced by any soul touched by Harvey. Though I have not experienced what they have endured, I can only image their deep sense of loss.

And for that, the nation and I grieve with you…

I had chosen a different picture for this post. But as I began to pray for the Holy Spirit’s leading, the above image flashed in my mind. And it made perfect sense—it fit, this image of a doer. Of one spent in service to others. One that gave and gave until he couldn’t take one more step. This iconic picture is a visual definition. It’s the embodiment of what James is instructing the Church in. He admonishes us, as believers, to leave it all on the field, to, like the  man in the photo, be doers. “But prove yourselves doers of the word [actively and continually obeying God’s precepts], and not merely listeners [who hear the word but fail to internalize its meaning], deluding yourselves [by unsound reasoning contrary to the truth]” (vs.22 amp).

He’s saying in part, that as Christians, we’re not to just fill ourselves with the Word of God—though we must, so that we have the Words of Life to share with others. As well as having our own sword at the ready so as to defeat our enemy. More, James is instructing us to be active with our faith—to sweat God’s Word—to labor in it, to pour it out, demonstrate it, live it, allow it to shine forth, in and through our exhaustive service to others.

James is cautioning us not to be guilty of hearing the Word of God—taking it all in, yet, not allowing what we’ve heard—taken in, the room and soil necessary to take deep root and hence produce within us good fruit that might be shared. A bounty—a plethora, that others might see what God has done in us and through us, and give glory to The Father. And, if we missed what he was cautioning us against, James amps up his first instruction later in Chapter 4, listen: “Therefore, to one who knows the right thing to do, and does not do it, to him it is sin” (James 4:17). Did you catch that? James goes from telling us not to delude ourselves into thinking that just by having—knowing, God’s Word, by being saved, we’re good…

No! James makes it abundantly clear in Chapter 4 that to know we’re supposed to be the hands and feet of Jesus—know that Jesus Himself charged us—commanded us, to take His Word, the wonderful, life-giving Word of the Gospel, to everyone, to all nations, and then to turn around and not act on what we’ve heard, not share we what we’ve been freely blessed with, is a sin. “Jesus came up and said to them, “All authority (all power of absolute rule) in heaven and on earth has been given to Me. Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations [help the people to learn of Me, believe in Me, and obey My words], baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe everything that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always [remaining with you perpetually—regardless of circumstance, and on every occasion], even to the end of the age.” (Matthew 28:18-20; emphasis my own).

And there it is, our charge. But how? How can those who are not Pastors, Preachers, Teachers of God’s Word, not missionaries, don’t encounter nations, or even crowds of people—how can they be doers of God’s Word? It’s simple really. Ready? We are—we become, doers of God’s Word by staying in our lane and by exercising the faith and gifts God has given us. We are all ministers of the Gospel. And we peach it by doing what God has called us to do. If you’re a mom—raise your children up in the ways of the Lord. If you’re a student—share Jesus with those you encounter on campus, in line at the cafe, in the gym. If you work a 9-5, take advantage—use the opportunities available to you to talk to co-workers about the Lord—simply invite them to lunch, to church, a home Bible study, or a small group meeting. Show Jesus to them…

You may very well be the only Jesus someone ever meets!

Whoever you are, whatever you do, regardless of your station or education—if you are a child of God, He has appointed and anointed you to be a doer of His Word! To reach as many as you can for as long as you can, with the time and talents you’ve been entrusted with. In fact, listen to what Jesus spoke to His friends—His disciples, as He was both comforting and encouraging them—before His return to the Father: “I assure you and most solemnly say to you, anyone who believes in Me [as Savior] will also do the things that I do; and he will do even greater things than these [in extent and outreach], because I am going to the Father. And I will do whatever you ask in My name [as My representative], this I will do, so that the Father may be glorified and celebrated in the Son. If you ask Me anything in My name [as My representative], I will do it” (John 12:12-14).

Beloved, I urge you today to be doers of all that God has called us to do. If you haven’t acted in the past—today is the acceptable day to start. Act—or as James instructed and Jesus commanded—be a doer!

Let your highest goal in this lifetime be that you will spend yourself being imitators of The One who gave it all—spent Himself, for you…

If you’ve not asked Jesus to be your Lord and Savior—now is the time! That feeling inside is The Holy Spirit knocking on the door of your heart. He wants to come in and begin the good work in you that The Father has had planned for you from before creation! A simple yes, and Jesus will come to you and be the change you’ve never been able to create for yourself! You’re not too young nor too old. And you’re certainly not too far gone— if there’s breath in your lungs, contrary to ANYTHING you may have done—Jesus loves you! He’s been waiting—just for you

Won’t you ask Him—welcome Him,invite Him, into your life today?

“Half-hearted” Numbers 32:11-12

 “None of the men who came up from Egypt, from twenty years old and upward, shall see the land which I promised to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob, because they have not followed Me completely, except Caleb the son of Jephunneh the Kenizzite and Joshua the son of Nun, for they have followed the Lord completely.”

The Word of God tells us: “Abraham believed God and righteousness was given him as a free gift” (Gen. 15:6).

More often than not, the only proofs that God gives us concerning His promises He’s made us will be found, are found, in His Word. God is not like man, He can’t lie. It is impossible for God to not fulfill a promise He’s made to us. So, knowing that—believing that Truth, I can guarantee you that if God has told you He will bring something about in your life—He will do it. His Word confirms this, listen: “For still the vision awaits its appointed time; it hastens to the end—it will not lie. If it seems slow, wait for it; it will surely come; it will not delay” (Habakkuk 2:3). And the very next verse says this: “Behold, as for the proud one, His soul is not right within him; But the righteous will live by his faith.…

I want to talk with you today about the giants in the land and the faith, the belief,  necessary to overcome them…

Because there are giants—spiritual giants, in each of our backyards. Giants of fear, lying giants, giants of insecurity, of disbelief, of procrastination, apathy and depression, to name but a few. They’re there, in part, to draw us closer to God. So that we can, as we partner with God, relying on His strength, overcome those looming giants in our lives. Giants that, if not overcome, will most certainly rob us from—obtaining, operating in, the full potential and promise that God has planned for our lives. From walking in the full blessing of our divine purpose.

And yes, whether you accept Jesus or not—if you’re reading this, you have a purpose…

So, why does God allow these giants? Simply stated, that we may be—built up, strengthened, grow, our faith muscles. But, that can be accomplished only when we believe that God is who He says He is—and will do, accomplish, in, and through us, all that He’s said He will do. Though unchanging in His character, He’s still speaking and revealing Himself to us today. The question is, are we still listening?

Only Joshua and Caleb, two men out of the multitude of Israelite’s that were led out of Egypt—out of slavery, were granted access by God to enter the promised land of Canaan. These same two men had been sent by Moses to go on a fact-finding maneuver. They, along with other men, were sent to scope out this new promised land and report back if it were possible for the Israelite’s’ to overtake it. It was Joshua and Caleb alone who would report back that they—as a people, could in fact, overcome the giants in this new promised land (Numbers 13:1-31).

God always knows what’s coming down the road. It may surprise us, but it most certainly does not surprise God! And, if He’s sent us—sent you, if He’s allowed us, to be sent down any ‘giant possessed’ road He may, in part, have done—be doing so, as an opportunity, a chance given us, to overcome our giants and to build our faith muscles in preparation for what is yet to come…

Friends, we are surely living in the last days. Any moment Jesus may return for His children, His Word tells us that none of us knows the day or the hour. We know—trust, have faith, in the fact that He is coming back for us because He said He would. But In the meantime—while we wait in hope, we must be diligent in walking out the mission—the commission, He gave us before He left this world. To bring the Good News of who He is to the whole world. “He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation” (Mark 16:15).

I am doing my best to do that today through sharing with you what the Holy Spirit has put on my heart…

And that is that God has so much for you—for His people. He intended you to walk in the fullness of all that He has for you, now—in this world. That by so doing, and through faith in Him—in His Word, you might bless others with what He has entrusted to you. Yet, to walk in the fullness of your destiny, you must overcome your giants. You must, like Joshua and Caleb, believe that you can—because God has said that you can defeat any enemy, any giant, that rises up against you. Not because of any strength or talent you possess in and of yourself; but because you believe in –have unwavering faith in, the all-sufficient power of The Blood of Jesus…

His last words on the Cross were, “It is finished” (Mark 16:15).

That means, in part, that He has given you all that you need to overcome—if you know Him, have a relationship with Him—are His child. His Spirit within you will give you the strength, courage, and, the measure of faith you need, to conquer any and every giant that will fight you for the right to stay in your promised land. In your ministry, your marriage, your business, in your God-given dreams, and, visions, anywhere, and everywhere. That’s a promise God made to Joshua and it stands for you as well, listen: “I have given you every place on which the sole of your foot treads, just as I promised to Moses” (Joshua 1:3)

The choice is yours and the outcome is clearly before you. Today’s Scripture is a witness—either for, or against us.  It’s our warning not to be halfhearted in our faith—as the Israelite’s’ were. Wanting all that God had for them; but only half- believing that God would do what He said He would do to ensure they’d have it. Rather, we must believe fully—wholeheartedly, as Joshua and Caleb did. So that we too may enter in to all that God has for us, and be a blessing to all those He’s attached to us—for such a time as this. Pray—be wise in your choosing. Your future—and all those tied to it, are depending on your choices. I know the giants can be daunting, especially if they’ve been allowed to remain in your land for a while. Yet allow me, please—to encourage you by sharing the very Words the Lord spoke to Joshua: “No man will [be able to] stand before you [to oppose you] as long as you live. Just as I was [present] with Moses, so will I be with you; I will not fail you or abandon you. Be strong and confident and courageous, for you will give this people as an inheritance the land which I swore to their fathers (ancestors) to give them” (Joshua 1:5-6).

But you must make a choice. Will you stand with God, will you allow Him to defeat those enemies—those giants? Giants of addictions, those hurts and habits that have robbed you of His best for you? Will you  stand with God against that giant of sexual or physical abuse that’s been allowed to keep abusing you because it’s been allowed to live—for twenty, thirty, forty, or more years, unchallenged, in your land? That giant of abortion that’s left you so guilt ridden and filled with shame that you dread intimacy—connection. Jesus is asking you today—now, to believe that you can, in His strength, take the land He has for you.

And if you don’t know Jesus as your Lord and Savior—it’s not too late. He wants to help you defeat your giants too. Please, won’t you ask Him into your heart today? Remember friend, none of us are promised tomorrow. And alone—we’ll never conquer our giants. Don’t believe me, jut take a look at what’s still living in your land. Jesus is waiting for you to ask Him to help defeat your giants…


“A Way”… Proverbs 14:12

 “There is a way that appears to be right, but in the end it leads to death.”

How do you react, what do you do, when your miracle, your Word from God—comes to you seemingly—too late? When it offers you—no tah-dah  moment? No sharp intake of astounded breath—rather it offers, brings along with it—a heavy, still, disappointing silence. It leaves you staring off, befuddled, clueless—that’s it? Really?

You know that look. Certainly, you’ve witnessed it.  it’s disappointment—unfulfilled expectation. Instead of going left, it went right—way right! How do you handle disappointment and its emotional fallout?

We all have expectations—all of us. Even the most spiritual. Try as we might to live minus our faulty human ideals—our faultier still ungrounded expectations, we have them—we do. We even expect things from Jesus. And, to a certain extent, we’re right to. We, as His children, should expect things. Things like a certain measure of faith, His protection and provision, His presence, and the fulfillment of every promise He has ever made—to name but a few.

But here’s the catch—they’ll come His way, and, in His timing. Not ours.

Adding to this—don’t allow, you mustn’t allow, foolish expectations—self-serving expectations, to lead you down the wrong path. Proverbs 14:12 makes that abundantly clear, listen: “There is a way that appears to be right, but in the end it leads to death.”  Don’t allow presupposition to pervade your relationship with Jesus—a wrong move—bad! It will cause you, most assuredly, to fall—headlong, into sin. And, following quickly behind that sin—comes sins cronies—heartache and disaster.

By allowing for a—He’s my buddy, He’s got this for me—irreverent way of thinking to creep in, exist, between the two of you—you and Jesus that is  you open the door for a mighty hard fall! Think of the leaven of the Pharisees here—a little of it in your relationship with Jesus can—will eventually, kill it.

Judas Iscariot is just such an example of what happens to us when we go, head-long, our own way.  Judas had a definite, ‘my buddy’ mindset. From perhaps the outset of his relationship with Jesus he allowed seeds of irreverence and a lust for the things of this world to grow within. He had Jesus all figured out. He, Jesus, had come to do Judas’s will, Judas’s way. Jesus would raise up an army to demolish the tyrannical, brutal, socially unjust, Roman reign over Israel. Jesus, according to Judas, was going to restore home rule, order, and power. And then Judas would get a hefty slice of that pie. Finally, order restored, surely then he’d have  real power and a secure place all for himself. His expectations weren’t only wrong and unwise—they were sin-filled.

His greed, arrogance, and lust for the riches of this world robbed Him of the True prize that was ever before him. Ever with him. Jesus.

He traded the eternal for the temporal. Jesus in exchange for a few pieces of silver…

Watch out for your faulty expectations…

There’s a saying that goes, Things are not always as they appear. When we focus on what we see, the tangible—rather than using our eyes of faith, looking out for the potential, the possible— we will always—always, be left disappointed by what we see. Just ask Judas. Seldom does anything end-up lining up exactly the way we’ve expected it to. See that’s the thing about this faith we possess—we’re called to walk by it—not by what we see…

Walking by sight is the way of Judas—not Jesus.  Steady your focus on The Giver and not His gifts. All we need do is read Judas’ outcome to learn what happens when we allow ourselves to be overcome by the lusts of our flesh. By what seems right. It’s okay to want things but there’s a line that when crossed it will blind us from being able to distinguish The Way from any way; from our own way…

Our Scripture bears repeating here:  “There is a way that appears to be right, but in the end it leads to death.”

Don’t follow Judas into a fate of certain death, spiritually certainly, perhaps physically also. Ask The Holy Spirit to search you out. To bring to mind anything in you that may be headed in the wrong direction. Fueled by the wrong desires, the wrong motives. And, when He does, repent, on the spot, and course correct. We serve a loving Father who patiently awaits our coming to Him to ask for His help to do it His way. To surrender our temporal for His eternal.

There is only one right way and it’s not the way of Judas…


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