"Come follow me and I will make you fishers of men." Matthew 4:19

Category: Choice (Page 6 of 8)

Are You Willing to Climb?

MaryEllen Montville

 “And when Jesus came to the place, he looked up and said to him, “Zacchaeus, hurry and come down, for I must stay at your house today.” So he hurried and came down and received him joyfully” –Luke 19:1-10.

Exactly when did Jesus know Zacchaeus, this chief tax collector, this marginalized, ostracized son of Abraham, would run through the thick of the crowd gathered in his village, climb up into a fig tree—just to get a look at Him?

Was it while Jesus was teaching another crowd on another day in some other village about the Parable of the lost—lost sheep, a lost coin, and a lost son? Was it during His time of teaching His disciples about forgiveness and faith? Maybe It was after He had entered a small village somewhere between Galilee and Samaria, and ten men covered in leprosy cried out to Him for healing? Or, perhaps, it was in a Nanosecond of what we call time, somewhere in eternity past? Was Jesus standing over the dark void when He planned to meet Zacchaeus under that Sycamore-fig tree?

The Bible doesn’t fill in that particular blank for us.

Suffice it to say, however, God knew the exact second this man of small moral and physical stature would quite literally be found, “up a tree.” God had always been working in Zacchaeus, just below the surface. Unnoticed, unrecognized, yet ever-present in every-thing that had ever happened in Zacchaeus’ life. God had been using every joy, smile, every pain, hurt, and disappointment. Every rejection, each harsh word spoken, every bright ray of sun that had ever pierced the darkness of Zacchaeus’ isolation—his loneliness. God had used each moment—every choice, good or bad,, like so many stones. And God laid them one by one, paving a path that would eventually lead Zacchaeus to climb up that exact fig tree—at precisely the right time.

The Holy Spirit is stealth—and intentional. There are no accidents with God. No “almost.

God had a plan for Zacchaeus’s life, just as surely as He did for Father Abraham’s. Different, certainly, just as each man’s life is different. God’s plans for you, you, and I are as unique as we are. Yet similar somehow, united in purpose in Christ Jesus, we are His Body after all. God had a plan for our salvation and our ongoing transformation. Just as God had a plan that would empower Zacchaeus to do,, in all probability, what he had not done since boyhood, climb a tree! God will drive us towards the most peculiar of places, and He’ll do it at the most inopportune of times—untimely for us, that is. God’s timing is always perfect. Always on time. “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the Lord. “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts” –Isaiah 55:8-9.

Zacchaeus had heard about Jesus, about the miracles He’d performed. Maybe he’d climbed that tree hoping he’d get something from Jesus? And get something he did! Surely Zacchaeus never saw coming what it was he would receive from Jesus—newness of life. Unlike the blind beggar who had shouted out to Jesus from the gate of this same village, Zacchaeus had his sight, physically speaking, that is. But in fact, it was the blind man who had 20/20 vision compared to Zacchaeus and many others gathered there that day. The blind man recognized Jesus for who He was, “Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me” –but that’s best left for us to explore another day.

That blind beggar knew he wanted to be healed, and he let everyone within earshot know about it. “Jesus of Nazareth is passing by,” they told him. So he called out, “Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me” –Luke 18:37-38. We never hear Zacchaeus crying out to Jesus for healing or forgiveness. Verse six plainly says that when Jesus called him down out of the tree that they might share lunch, “Zacchaeus climbed down quickly and with great joy and took Jesus into his house.” Where’s the shame? The downcast eyes, heart, and spirit? Where’s the wailing, gnashing of teeth, and tearing of his garments, evidence of Zacchaeus’ feeling the weight of his sins? Where were the sackcloth and ashes? The remorse?

Answer: God sees what mere men cannot. And I, for one, am so grateful that He does. “But the LORD said to Samuel, “Don’t judge by his appearance or height, for I have rejected him. The LORD doesn’t see things the way you see them. People judge by outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart” –1 Samuel16:7. In reading the account of Zacchaeus and Jesus, I was reminded of yet another wayward son of Abraham. A son separated from his family and community due to sin—and selfish choices.

We’re never told what drove Zacchaeus to become a chief tax collector—perhaps the vilest of jobs a Jew could have. Maybe we should look to the Apostle Matthew for our answer? Remember, he was a tax collector right up to the moment Jesus “just happened” to walk past him.

Although I’m a woman, and they’re tax collectors, I saw my own life staring back at me through the lens of Zacchaeus and Matthew’s choices. I, too, was broken and dead in my sin. Having lusted after the things of this world, I was once separated from family and friends due to my poor choices—sullied by the sins of my countless offenses. More, I was separated from God.

Yet unbeknownst to us, God was never far from us. His Holy Spirit knew precisely when and where He’d call us out of darkness, into His glorious Light. “But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light” –1 Peter 2:9.

Unlike blind Bartimaeus, it had never occurred to me to call out to Jesus.

Sure, I knew of Him. I believed in Him even—at least I believed that He was. Yet I never opened my mouth. I never asked for what I most needed. How fortunate (such a pale expression of such an incredible blessing) I was that Jesus had determined to walk past me—just as He did Zacchaeus and Matthew, Paul too. How fortunate (such a pale expression of such an incredible blessing) I was that Jesus had determined to walk past me—just as He did Zacchaeus and Matthew, Paul too. “But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us” –Romans 5:8.

God chose each of us in Himself long before we had a clue. “Later I passed by, and when I looked at you and saw that you were old enough for love, I spread the corner of my garment over you and covered your naked body. I gave you my solemn oath and entered into a covenant with you, declares the Sovereign Lord, and you became mine”Ezekiel 16:8.

While Zacchaeus and Matthew were swindling and cheating people out of their hard-earned money and goods, Paul’s heart was burning with murderous intentions to kill those who believed in this Jesus. Yet God had sealed each of these men in Himself—calling them His own. And He did the same for me. Scripture is clear that Zacchaeus never cried out to Jesus. Never shouted out to get God’s attention—Matthew either. In each of their cases—Paul’s also, God made sure that He was the One to get their attention. This Pure and Holy God came to each of these sin-soaked men—and to me, presenting Himself in such a way that to not follow after Him—not leave it all behind, not change our ways— repent, was not an option. “Under what circumstances was it credited? Was it after he was circumcised, or before? It was not after, but before! And he received circumcision as a sign, a seal of the righteousness that he had by faith while he was still uncircumcised. So then, he is the Father of all who believe but have not been circumcised, in order that righteousness might be credited to them” –Romans 4:10-11.

I certainly don’t profess to understand the depths of God. I see and understand in part. I’m a simple sheep following after a God that is far too big—too marvelous—too Brilliant, Creative, Deep, Holy, and Pure for me to comprehend fully—this side of eternity, nor would I want to. I am thankful for being me, knowing I serve a God who is far too big for me to get my arms—mind, knowing—heart around.

Yet, by His grace, I can follow Zacchaeus’ example and climb whatever tree necessary to get a better look at—a more intimate understanding of—a more profound revelation of the One I love as He passes by. My Triune One, who stood over the void and said, “This world will not be complete without my daughter.”

My Jesus, who left the Father’s side that He might walk before me, ensuring I forget my way back home.

How about you, friend? If you’ve only heard about Jesus, knowing Him from afar, are you willing to climb whatever tree you must to get closer to Him? I pray you do. “Then you will call upon Me and come and pray to Me, and I will listen to you. You will seek Me and find Me when you search for Me with all your heart” –Jeremiah 29:12-13.

His Perfect Will

Kendra Santilli

Talk is cheap. It doesn’t cost anyone to say something that makes them feel right. We often hear people saying things that perhaps they don’t mean, but it sounds great at the moment. They make their feel-good comments and carry about their day, probably forgetting what they said. We’ve all been there. Surely, you’ve heard the phrase, “Follow your heart?” How about “Do you?”

In Christian culture, we do this same thing sometimes! We have become fluent in “Christianese.” Verbiage that sounds theologically correct, good to our listener, making us feel like we’ve said a good thing. We become so well versed in Scripture that we learn how to hide behind it, masking our wicked intentions with what we know to be Biblical. We say things like, “love God, love people,” but then turn around and act in an unloving way towards our brother when we exit the church doors. We say things like, “I’m not worried, God is in control,” but get lost when we don’t get what we want or when life doesn’t go as planned. And while each of the above statements holds much Truth, it is easy for us to speak them without conveying the full weight of their meaning.

I’m suggesting this: There are times when God will allow us to go through troubles so that He can deepen our understanding of these seemingly basic principles.

When we say, “God is in control,” what do we mean? I have been revisiting the concept of the Sovereignty of God lately, and if I’m being honest, there are times I’ve let that principle get away from me. Instead of walking by faith as the Bible instructs (2 Corinthians 5:7), I walked instead by sight.

As believers, we must live on a level of trust in God that sets us apart from the world around us.

We witness a clear cycle with the Israelites in the Old Testament, God’s chosen people. They start out trusting God; yet, over time, when God no longer meets their expectations, they begin to murmur and complain. They disobey God’s instructions. Remember, God is concerned with our heart and character. And so, God is pleased when our intentions are pure, and our heart desires righteousness (Psalm 51:17). We can make statements like, “God is in control,” but if our hearts don’t honestly believe what we’re professing, what good is our declaration?

When we talk about God’s Sovereignty, we may hear it referred to as “the will of God.” Others may point to His sovereignty by saying that He is in complete control. Sovereignty is God’s supreme power and authority being exercised over all things. In the Bible, we see several references to “God’s will” used in different contexts.

First, we have God’s perfect will. “Do not be conformed to this age, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may discern what is the good, pleasing and perfect will of God.” – Romans 12:2.

The perfect will of God is the way which God intended for us to live since creation. His perfect will goes beyond what our eyes can see; it targets our hearts, lives, thoughts, and choices. God’s perfect will for us is found in His Word. He instructs us in the type of spouse we should choose what it looks like to be a Godly man/woman, our family dynamics, and what love truly means. God didn’t set these parameters to frustrate us; Instead, He designed us to work optimally within a particular environment. God’s perfect will is not found in manufactured philosophies or our careers. His perfect will is found in our knowing and trusting His Word so completely, so deeply, it forms the very foundation of how we make decisions concerning every aspect of life.

Knowing God’s Word sharpens our discernment as we begin to recognize His voice. His perfect will is found in our obedience; God leads us through life as we respond to His gentle prompting.

 We see yet another example of God’s perfect will right before Jesus was arrested. Jesus was in such distress, knowing that the burden of His death was before Him. He prayed, “My Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass from me. Yet not as I will, but as You will.” – Matthew 26:39. I imagine that in His humanity, Jesus could have chosen to disobey God, yet He didn’t. Even when Jesus’ despair was so great, He began to sweat blood; even then, Jesus chose to lay His human desires down to fulfill God’s perfect will. Jesus was not meant to escape this fate. Jesus was sent into this world to pass through Gethsemane, taking the sins of the whole world upon Himself, then, finally, stand victorious on the far side of Golgatha.

How many times do we quit before we see our victory?

Jesus is our perfect example, enduring pain and suffering in the face of death. For most of us, our struggles are unpleasant at best; they do not compare to what Jesus endured. If God uses death to bring about victory, I know He can turn your situation around for good. Stay faithful to Him in your circumstance, asking Him to lead you in His good and perfect will, even when what you see doesn’t make sense. He will work it out for your good!

Second, the Bible shows us examples of the provisional will of God. God’s provisional will may also be called the “permissive will of God.” In God’s permissive will, we begin to understand why bad things happen to good people. While I do not believe that God causes harm or pain to His people, Scripture makes clear He does allow it. Jesus’ life exemplifies this Truth.

We read about the Israelites wandering in the desert for 40 years in the Book of Numbers. They were supposed to take possession of the land called Canaan, the land God had promised them, yet because of their disobedience, God did not allow them to enter it. His plan was for them to have a home in this new land, so He instructed them to go in at a specific time, but fear caused the Israelites not to enter it in God’s appointed time. Numbers 14 describes the Israelites getting stressed out about entering Canaan because of the strong men and a fortified city the spies sent to check it out had found there.

They let what they could see with their eyes stop them from trusting what God had promised them.

Only two men, Joshua and Caleb, trusted God and tried to urge the people to invade and take the land. They alone trusted more in the power and favor of God than in what their eyes could see or in what their minds told them was impossible. They said the land they had explored was ” an extremely good land.” They went on to say, “If the Lord is pleased with us, he will bring us into this land, a land flowing with milk and honey, and give it to us. Only don’t rebel against the Lord and don’t be afraid of the people of the land, for we will devour them. Their protection has been removed from them, and the Lord is with us. Don’t be afraid of them!” – Numbers 14:7-9.

There are two conditions found in this passage: have faith and not rebel against God’s will. But instead, the Israelites were fearful, so they missed God’s best for them. While God still loved and favored the Israelites, providing for their every need (Deuteronomy 2:36), God allowed them to wander in the wilderness instead of walking into their promise, because of their unbelief.

As you go about your week, I want to remind you to let God be in control, one day at a time. I challenge you to try and understand the principles of God’s Word more deeply, that you might live in His perfect will. As He walks with you, He will lead you—but it’s up to you to obey. I challenge you to look beyond what your eyes can see, and, as you do, may God continue to grow your faith. If you don’t yet know Jesus, or you can’t understand how living with this kind of faith is possible, I invite you to accept Him into your heart today. Ask God to forgive your sins and help you live blameless before him. The Bible says, “If you confess with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.” – Romans 10:9.

Welcome to the family of God! I pray you to begin to see the fruit walking in His will produce in your life!

The Truth Is…

Kendra Santilli

“For where I found Truth, there found I my God, the Truth itself; which since I learnt, I have not forgotten.” – Saint Augustine.

Like many of us, Saint Augustine had an entire life of inquisition and soul searching before he found God. While his mother was a devout Christian, he did not share her values. She prayed for his salvation, and although she did not see the fruits of this prayer, his salvation came after her death. He accepted Jesus and became a prominent figure in church history. Augustine’s revelation on truth is reminiscent of King Solomon’s realizations after searching high and low for the meaning of life. Solomon concluded, “everything is meaningless” –Ecclesiastes 1:2.


What is truth? This question is not new. It has been a question that has shaped generations for thousands of years. The definition of truth may change as each generation passes. For example, one generation may be religious, finding truth in sacred texts. The next generation may define truth as relative, coming from within oneself. I do not have a seminary dissertation for you on the answer to this question, but I can share, in part, what I have found in the scriptures regarding what God, our Creator, says about Truth.

Let’s start with the dictionary. Truth (as defined by Miriam-Webster dictionary) is conformity to fact or reality; correct opinion; honesty; purity from falsehood. We can refer to truth as “the truth,” meaning the opposite of a lie, or “truth” as a noun meaning a moral position. The former is a factual statement or account; the latter can become an abstract idea, requiring a gauge for measurement. We cannot count our mere perceptions or emotions as truth because they change daily. What we feel today may not be the same tomorrow. We must have a standard that is unshakable by which we measure our position.

That standard is the Word of God.

While the world constantly changes its definition of what is morally right, the Word of God continues to stand the test of time, being uninfluenced by the shifting shadows of this world. During His ministry, Jesus boldly addressed this question of Truth by giving a simple answer for those who pursued truth. In John 14, Jesus was describing the kingdom of heaven to His disciples. “Don’t let your heart be troubled. Believe in God; believe also in me. In my Father’s house are many rooms. If it were not so, would I have told you that I am going to prepare a place for you? If I go away and prepare a place for you, I will come again and take you to myself, so that where I am you may be also. You know the Way to where I am going.” “Lord,” Thomas said, “we don’t know where you’re going. How can we know the Way?” Jesus told him, “I am the Way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. If you know me, you will also know my Father. From now on you do know him and have seen him” – John 14:1-7.

There is far more to our lives than meets the eye. Jesus is God in the flesh. And by telling His disciples that they knew the Way, Jesus introduced Himself to them yet again, by this new name—Truth. He follows it up again with an incredibly profound statement. I am the Way, the truth, and the life. You see, in those days, the Jewish people knew “I Am” as one name for God. God introduced Himself to Moses at the burning bush as “I Am.” Jesus said, “before Abraham was, I AM”– John 8:58. What Jesus claimed could have been taken as a blasphemous statement; Jesus was saying He was God! But understand this: “I Am” is just one of His many names! And by saying, “I am the way,” I also read this passage as Jesus describing Himself as:

I Am (the infinite one) who is the way to the Father, the [everlasting] truth that outlasts generations, and the life that gives vigor and makes you move and breathe.

Truth is not what we say, and it cannot exist independent of the standard by which we gauge it. The world says, “live your truth,” but they are really saying, “stay comfortable in your ideology.” Just because we think or believe something to be true doesn’t make it a truth; believing the sky is green doesn’t make it true. Your reality allows you to take the easy route, remaining in your old or current patterns that may or may not be healthy, while God’s Truth—His Word, requires sacrifice and change.

Biblical Truth requires you to be uncomfortable, making changes that reflect God’s character and result in blessings in your life.

Reading just a few chapters earlier, in John 8, Jesus instructs His followers how to live, walk out, Biblical Truth. The world has always been a confusing place, but God has not left us alone to figure it out. Jesus said to the Jews who had believed him, “If you continue in my word, you are really my disciples. You will know the truth and the truth will set you free” – John 8:31-32. So now we know Jesus as The Truth. Jesus is The Truth. He tells his followers here in John 8 to know the Truth, and in John 14, He reveals that He is the Truth! The One they have talked and walked with, known as Jesus, reveals Himself by this new name—I Am the Truth!

The first step in learning the Truth is to continue in The Word of God. Read your Bible and know what it says. Let it be your gauge, your compass, as you commit yourself to understand it, living it, not just being a harbor for its Words. Ask God to help you to know what the scriptures mean. The more you know His Word, the more you will know Him (The Truth), and Jesus (The Truth) will set you free!

If you’re anything like the people of that day, you’ll say you’re not a slave and have nothing from which to be “set free.” But according to Jesus, everyone who sins is a slave of sin. Yet if the Son sets you free, you indeed be, free. –John 8:34, 36. Sin has you in bondage, whether you realize it or not. The good news is that while Jesus exposes this harsh Truth, He also provides a way out. He can set you free, and you will begin to see things so differently. The lens of a sinful lifestyle is focused afresh that you might now see yourself living in sonship with God—being part of His family.

And while the world will tell you that you can live and thrive in “whatever truth works for you,” the eternal Word of God says otherwise. It assures us only Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. Only He can fulfill you; everything else will leave you hungering for increasingly more. Like Saint Augustine and King Solomon, I pray that just as the Holy Spirit has led you here today, He will lead you into the understanding that Jesus, Yahweh, is the Truth you need for fulfillment and freedom. If you don’t yet know Him, I invite you to ask Jesus into your heart. Ask Jesus to reveal Himself to you as the Truth today. Why wait another day? Repent of your sins, ask Jesus to set you free and bring you into sonship with the Father.

Blessings, in Disguise.

MaryEllen Montville

“The Israelites were leaving with their arms raised in victory. But the Lord caused Pharaoh, the king of Egypt, to become brave. And Pharaoh chased the Israelites” –Exodus 14:8.

“I’ve heard it said, “nothing can stop God’s love, and God’s love stops at nothing.”

The Lord had told Abram that His chosen people would be afflicted for 400 years— “Then the Lord said to Abram, “Know for certain that your offspring will be sojourners in a land that is not theirs and will be servants there, and they will be afflicted for 400 years” –Genesis 15:13. We read of the Israelite’s first steps towards freedom from their oppressor through the lens of today’s Scripture. They were leaving behind some 430 years of affliction and subjugation in Egypt. This bloody, tyrannical chapter in the lives of God’s people coming to a seemingly implausible close; God’s Word is inerrant, All-Powerful, it cannot return to Him void. So even as God spoke to Abram, a non-rescindable promise was released over future generations. God’s people would be free. God’s promise would be fulfilled. All of this then, in God’s own time.

No seeming victory by the prince of this world can ever come to bear over the will and plans of our Sovereign King.

It is God alone who gives Satan both the power and permission to execute his thieving, murderous plots and schemes so that, in the end, all men may witness God’s glory and victory over every evil, giving glory to God for the victory. “And I will harden Pharaoh’s heart, and he will pursue them. But I will gain glory for myself through Pharaoh and all his army, and the Egyptians will know that I am the Lord.” So the Israelites did this'” –Exodus 14:4.

So how do we respond when our blessings show up disguised as trials? When the love of God feels like anything but love?

Do we take God at His Word? Do we honestly know, trust, believe that even our trials are blessings in disguise? “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose” –Romans 8:28.

Scripture reveals two vastly different responses to this question.

Yet before we read about those, I pray the Holy Spirit gives us a fresh vision, a new level of discernment, that He does what only He can in removing the scales from our eyes, every preconceived notion we have concerning God, period. Specifically, I pray this as we walk through these perilous times of wars and rumors of wars concerning how we perceive God will, or will not, can, or cannot move, in our lives and our world. I pray we trust His Omniscience. I pray He refines us, bringing us to new levels of surrender to His will. I pray we catch a fresh revelation of the Sovereignty and Power of our God—and fully surrender ourselves to Him, leaving our every fear, our unbelief, need for control, our striving, and grappling at His feet. “Father, not our will, but Yours be done.” Amen.

Hear the heart of God’s people when faced with a situation that looked nothing like the blessing they had been told was coming. “As Pharaoh approached, the Israelites looked up, and there were the Egyptians, marching after them. They were terrified and cried out to the Lord. They said to Moses, “Was it because there were no graves in Egypt that you brought us to the desert to die? What have you done to us by bringing us out of Egypt? Didn’t we say to you in Egypt, ‘Leave us alone; let us serve the Egyptians’? It would have been better for us to serve the Egyptians than to die in the desert!” –Exodus 14:10-12.

And later, having walked through a seemingly impossible situation, a sea divided, walls of water standing tall, straight, and obedient as soldiers at attention. God continued to stand watch, ensuring the last Israelite stepped out from between the walls of water before commanding them to stand down. God spoke, and the water came crashing down. Exodus 12 informs us some 600,000 men plus their women and children safely crossed the Red Sea on dry ground, the walls of water God had used to deliver His people; He also used to bury their enemy. Yet their grumbling continued. “Then Moses led Israel from the Red Sea, and they went into the Desert of Shur. For three days they traveled in the desert without finding water. When they came to Marah, they could not drink its water because it was bitter. (That is why the place is called Marah. So the people grumbled against Moses, saying, “What are we to drink?” –Exodus 15:22-24.

Having endured a season of crushing, time spent in the wilderness, or the fire of affliction, how long do you walk around with your hands raised in victory and thanksgiving before dropping them, beloved? For the Israelites, it was three short days. The sea had been parted. They’d crossed over on dry land. They sang songs of thanksgiving and deliverance; then, their need for water appears to have washed away any remembrance of the miracle they’d literally walked through.

Is it any wonder that God calls us sheep? How easily we forget, go astray, want what we want, forgetting the blows the sin of rebellion once dealt us.

Until we come to a garden, that is. Not the first one; that is where all this finger-pointing, pride, and rebellion was born. It’s in the second garden, during the watches of the night—Scripture informs us it was about midnight that finger-pointing, pride, rebellion, every sin, was poured into one Life-demanding cup. Understanding fully now that accepting the cup meant death, Jesus knelt and prayed. He asked the Father if this bitter affliction might be removed from Him. But God said no. Not only did He say no, He waited as Jesus drank deeply and all, the very last drop of the sins of this world. Your sins—all of them. Mine, too, poured upon His Beloved Son. God knew the Cross awaited Jesus. Just as He knew, the Red Sea and Pharaoh’s army awaited his people.

God also knew for our sins to be removed, for us to be restored to Him, Jesus had to die. That had always been part of His plan. We catch our first glimpse of it back in that first garden when innocent animals were killed; their bloody skins used to cover Adam and Eve’s nakedness. Even in our rebellion and sin, the heart of the Father is to provide for His children. “The LORD God made garments of skin for Adam and his wife and clothed them” –Genesis 3:21.

Jesus would eventually finish the work we witnessed in the garden when His Spotless Blood was shed as the final covering for all that those might accept His free gift of salvation.

So how do we respond when God’s love feels like anything but love?

Now, hear the Words of the One who said “absolutely! I’ll go” when asked to lay down His life in exchange for ours. Listen for Jesus’ pure tones of acceptance, resolve, trust, obedience, love, devotion, His wholehearted desire to do endure anything the Father asked of Him. “Then He said to them, “My soul is deeply grieved, to the point of death; remain here and keep watch with Me.” And He went a little beyond them, and fell on His face and prayed, saying, “My Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass from Me; yet not as I will, but as You will” –Matthew 26:38-39.

And a while later, going back to pray, Jesus’ heart is revealed to us a second time—God always confirms His Word. This same One who took away our sin-blackened garments and, not leaving us naked, cloaks us instead with His Pure White Royal Robes of His Righteousness. “He went away again a second time and prayed, saying, “My Father, if this cup cannot pass away unless I drink from it, Your will be done” –Matthew 26:42.

Friends, God has given us the unfathomable gift of free will. Not wanting robots that love, worship, or serve Him out of fear or some false sense of obligation or duty, God affords us the privilege of serving Him.

The cup Jesus drank in the Garden of Gethsemane affords us that privilege—still. Your ability to serve God, to call Him Father, to carry His Spirit, alive, in you, is the costliest privilege afforded any man, having cost Jesus His very life.

Two examples. Two vastly different responses. Willful rebellion and self-satisfaction on one side, complete surrender, and the giving of self for another, even unto death, on the other.

So not if friend, but when your blessing comes disguised as anything but a blessing, which of these responses will be yours?

If you have not accepted Jesus into your heart, why wait? Ask Him in now, friend. He’s just waiting for your invitation. “Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in and dine with him, and he with Me. To the one who overcomes, I will grant the right to sit with Me on My throne, just as I overcame and sat down with My Father on His throne” –Revelation 3:20-21.

Don’t Forget to Remember.

Kendra Santilli

“I remember the days of long ago; I meditate on all your works and consider what your hands have done” –Psalm 143:5

Remember when the simple things brought joy to your childhood heart? I mean, really simple, like getting out of class 5 minutes early or going out for ice cream on a sizzling summer day? How about waking up on Christmas morning to find a pile of gifts ready for your little hands to tear open or when your mom cooked your favorite meal? Then, one day, seemingly while you weren’t looking, the simple things that once put a sparkle in your eye seem so ordinary now.

They’ve become so normal now; you complain when they don’t show up exactly as expected. Gone is the appreciation for the very thing that once brought you such joy. So many times, our spiritual journey can be a bit like this. The curiosity for the things of God can begin to fade when you neglect reading His word, forgetting to look for what He is saying to you through the Bible. The excitement for answered prayer can begin to fade as your prayer life takes a back seat to everyday busyness. God’s provision becomes so ordinary that you don’t even remember what life was like before His bountiful hand touched your life.

Failing to remember what God has done for you is an open invitation for complacency to come in and rob you of your destiny.

The Old Testament describes a cycle of forgetfulness in the Israelites, whom the Bible calls God’s Chosen people. God chose to favor the Israelites of all the people on earth, calling them His own people. Unfortunately, the Israelites’ fatal flaw was that they consistently forgot what God had done for them. They forgot who He was to them as their God, warrior, provider, and protector. For some background, the first few books of the Bible show us a bit of Israel’s history. We see, repeatedly, the signs and wonders God performed to lead His people into freedom.

While enslaved in Egypt, the Lord brought Moses to lead them out of the land of captivity. In these first few books of the Bible, we see God perform impossible acts for His people. These acts included the Red Sea parting for their escape from the Egyptian army, Manna from heaven for their daily bread, and a pillar of fire descending from heaven to lead them on their journey through the desert. They were in the desert for 40 years, as told in the book of Numbers.

When the people complained, it displeased the Lord, for the Lord heard it, and His anger was aroused.

The mixed multitude among them yielded to their intense cravings, so the children of Israel wept before the Lord again, saying: “Who will give us meat to eat? We remember the fish which we ate freely in Egypt, the cucumbers, the melons, the leeks, the onions, and the garlic; but now our whole being is dried up; there is nothing at all except this manna before our eyes!” Now the manna was like coriander seed, and its color like the color of bdellium. The people went about and gathered it, ground it on millstones or beat it in the mortar, cooked it in pans, and made cakes of it; and its taste was like the taste of pastry prepared with oil. And when the dew fell on the camp in the night, the manna fell on it. Then Moses heard the people weeping throughout their families, everyone at the door of his tent; and the anger of the Lord was greatly aroused; Moses also was displeased” –Numbers 11:1, 4-10.

When we remember Egypt…

The people of God remembered the wrong things. Sure, they recognized that they had fish in Egypt but forgot that they had been forced to build cities for a cruel master. Exodus 1 describes the Egyptians as “ruthless in all the tasks assigned to the Israelites while they were enslaved.” The people of Israel had forgotten how horrible their lives were in Egypt, but they remembered the meat they had eaten there. The manna that was once a miraculous provision from God Himself became a source of great murmuring and complaining.

Instead of continuing to be grateful for the nourishment given by God, they resorted to wishing they could trade their freedom for slavery again, simply for something different to eat. The Lord was angry with their complaining hearts. I’m convinced that it wasn’t the fact that they wanted something else to eat; instead, it was the fact they looked at God with anger in their hearts rather than as their provider. Asking Him for something other to eat, then trusting Him; however, He would have responded.

There are several stories of people in the Bible asking God for something different, and He provided the change they needed- whether it be laws or victories. He responded to a humble heart that asked for provision. But the prideful heart that complains and makes demands of God is not pleasing to Him. In the same way that the Lord provided for His people in ancient days, He continues to provide everything you need right when you need it. His favor is unmatched and will follow you wherever you go, so long as your faith and trust are in Him alone.

Because of their half-hearted trust in Him, the Lord did not allow that generation to see the land that would have been their home. “Surely none of the men who came up from Egypt, from twenty years old and above, shall see the land of which I swore to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, because they have not wholly followed Me” –Numbers 32:11.

While there is so much beauty and redemption in deliverance, equally, there is the danger of slipping back into old habits, reverting to old ways of thinking and behaving. Instead of fully turning their backs on Egypt, they walked, looking over their shoulder as if something beneficial had been left behind. Instead of fully trusting God and looking forward, eyes full of faith, trusting God for the promised land that lay ahead, they looked instead with physical eyes. Eyes that only saw the lack that came with living a nomadic life in the Egyptian desert. They almost entered the promised land but didn’t . The fear of their enemies and their lack faith in God prevented their entering in. The Lord waited for the older generation to pass away before giving Israel the land He had promised them.

God waited for a whole new generation, untouched by Egypt, to take over and occupy the land He had promised them.

Many times, our eyes are fixed on the wrong things. We, like the Israelites before us, remember the wrong things. Think back to when you felt like you were in a desert of sorts.

It’s hard when you don’t see the light at the end of the tunnel. It’s hard when you can’t afford the groceries you want to buy. It’s hard when you feel like things are tough at work. Yet, it becomes easy too long for an oasis in those same desert moments, even if it meant taking steps backward to reach it. Yet this biblical account reminds us to keep pressing forward, even when it’s hard. It calls us to live by the principle; God is ever faithful, and feelings are fleeting. It instructs us to walk in obedience to God, even when things don’t seem to make sense.

Jesus is our key to communion with Father God.

Just as He wanted the Israelites free to live in community with Him, He wants us to be part of His family, too. Jesus made the way for that! He is our righteousness. You don’t have to have it all together to come to Him or to pray. Wherever you are, ask Him to come into your heart. Commit to living in obedience to Him with the help of the Holy Spirit. Remember who you are today and who you have been, and, moving forward, never forget what God does for you, and give thanks in all things.

If you know Jesus, take a moment to recenter your heart and mind on Him today. Ask Him to purify your heart and help you trust Him in all things. And don’t forget to remember who He is and who you are in Him. And if you don’t know Jesus personally, if you haven’t fully surrendered your heart to Him, do it today.

“We have come to share in Christ if we hold firmly to the end the assurance we had at first. As it has been said: “Today, if you hear His voice, do not harden your hearts, as you did in the rebellion.” For who were the ones who heard and rebelled? Were they not all those Moses led out of Egypt?” –Hebrews 3:14-16.


Pastor Maria Braga

“Be careful to follow every command I am giving you today so that you may live and increase and may enter and possess the land the Lord promised on oath to your ancestors. Remember how the Lord your God led you all the way in the wilderness these forty years, to humble and test you in order to know what was in your heart, whether or not you would keep his commands. He humbled you, causing you to hunger and then feeding you with manna, which neither you nor your ancestors had known, to teach you that man does not live on bread alone but on every word that comes from the mouth of the Lord” –Deuteronomy 8:1.

As it was with God’s people in days past, so it is today. Born-again believers continue to make like decisions and choices, operating similarly to those who came before us. We won’t always understand our spiritual seasons unless we continually communicate with the Father. Are we faithfully reading His Word, fellowshipping, and gathering with like-minded brothers and sisters? Scripture teaches that “iron sharpens iron, so we sharpen each other” –Prov. 27:17. Our part in helping usher in the revelation of our unique destinies is by seeking God’s presence daily through His Holy Spirit at work in us. We must be intentional and vigilant to catch this revelation. We must ready ourselves and be careful to follow the commands of the Lord. These revelations will often come when we are at the feet of Jesus, just as Mary, Martha’s sister, once was. “As they traveled along, Jesus entered a village where a woman named Martha welcomed Him into her home. She had a sister named Mary, who sat at the Lord’s feet listening to His message” –Luke 10:38-39.

Wilderness times of testing are inevitable! They will come. And God will humble us that we may come out of this testing refined, polished, and ready for what He has before us.

Typically, these “God moments” we experience happen when something meaningful happens in our lives. Often, our emotions are tied to these moments. Deuteronomy Eight tells us about one such moment in time.

The Israelites had to experience a season of testing before God allowed them to enter their “Promised Land.” This season of anticipation, of inheriting God’s promise,  a promise that had been spoken of and handed down for generations, was now before them. The moment of their liberation was in reach. Yet knowing the oppression they had endured in Egypt; the Israelites had never anticipated that God’s promise to give them the Promised Land would be attached to a test. A test of their faithfulness—forty years of preparation, wandering in the wilderness.

As anticipation grew in the Israeli-Camp, they expectantly waited out what they thought would be eleven days of preparation before entering in. They were thrilled that finally, after what felt like forever, they’d be ushered into the fulfillment of God’s promise. Yet it would not be eleven days but forty years before they’d walk into their promised land.

God had warned the Israelites to follow His commands carefully, yet they could not obey even this one command. So, it wasn’t the physical distance between Egypt and The Promised Land that had delayed their taking possession of it. It was their disobedience, their grumbling, which had delayed their access. They thought they knew better than God. Disobedience, pride, grumbling, bitterness is what delayed the Israelites from taking possession of God’s promise. Sounds familiar, doesn’t it, this human condition? Our thinking we know better than God? It is so hard, even impossible, to obey God’s commands on our own, trusting God and not ourselves or our ideas. To be quiet and simply obey God. “Be still and know that I am God” –Psalm 46:10.

Before coming to know the Lord, this concept of simple obedience was foreign to me. It seemed unattainable. I was too busy, and “time was gold.” My prayers were quick, and everything else came first. Now that I’ve aged some, I call this time spent waiting on God a gift from my Father to me. I have learned that it is in the waiting that the Lord prepares me for my “moments.” I have assignments to fulfill. Every child of God does. And often, they’re scattered throughout our mundane, daily lives.

Also hidden within the mundane are many distractions. “The Lord answered, “you are worried and upset about many things, but few things are needed—or indeed only one. Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her.” –Luke 10:41-42.

While working at a previous job, I remember when the Lord allowed me to share His love with someone, and I totally missed it. For days, I felt guilty for not obeying God. A seemingly small thing, yet it marked my life significantly. It was a missed moment. I was disobedient. I had been saved about five years at that time, yet I was paralyzed still by anxiety and fear; so intimidated, I withdrew. I lived a quiet life, not speaking up or out when I should have.

I was so torn by the fact that I had missed the moment. But I thank the Lord, He set me free from this oppression. From the fear, anxiety, and intimidation that once held me captive. Just as He had for the Israelites before me, instead, that missed moment became a memorial of sorts; it caused me to step out bravely, sharing His love with others instead of being quiet. It was part of my deliverance from these demonic forces that once had a grip on me. I have determined to share my experiences more openly and boldly as the opportunities present themselves. And in making that decision to be bold for Christ, my life was never the same.

Moments can grow, inspire, bless, and transform us as we walk out our faith. Romans Eight assures us of this.

God created us. He knows us far better than we know ourselves. “And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for God’s people in accordance with the will of God. And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose” Romans 8:27-28. Because of God’s Agape Love for us –aGreek term used to define a particular aspect of love. Love without condition, sacrificial, gracious, and underserved God is the source of agape love.God will allow what He knows is necessary to touch our lives, bringing about these moments that mark us—Think about God’s servant Job here.

And the key to not missing these moments is to spend quiet time with God in our prayer closets.

There is always a reason for all that God does or allows. But, as I said earlier, we must be ready, tuned in to His voice, prepared to receive so as not to miss our moment. As Scripture makes clear in Ecclesiastes: there is a time for everything under heaven. “a time to be born and a time to die, a time to plant and a time to uproot, a time to kill and a time to heal, a time to tear down and a time to build” –Ecc. 3:2-3.

Let us all pray this prayer throughout our New Year: “Lord, I Trust In You.” Regardless of what may happen, my eyes will stay focused on your promises and the command You gave to follow You. So I say yes, I will trust in You alone!”

Proverbs 3:5-6 says this same thing this way: “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.”

Typically, we only want to hear what we want to hear, yet it’s in those quiet moments spent alone with our Father where God whispers the plan He has for our lives, what He is testifying to within our hearts. It’s here too, where we must choose God’s way or our own. I pray, fast, refocus in my wilderness, and my moment appears after pressing, pushing, and standing. It is as though the Lord is saying, “Well done my good and faithful servant. Here is your reward” –Matthew 5:23. My previous test prepares me for the one to come. And I’ll face it with greater confidence, knowing that what I have seen God do before, He will do again – in more excellent ways. There are no limitations with God.

The mission is spiritual, but the victory is supernatural! Victory typically follows our wilderness experiences. It was no different for the Israelites. We witnessed Joshua lead his people into The Promised Land and conquer Jericho.

So be encouraged. Continue trusting in God alone. Follow and obey His commands.

Remember that His promises become our reality. Being one in Him, we will enter the Promised Land awaiting those that love Him and are called by His name. A Land flowing with milk and honey. “On the tenth day of the first month the people went up from the Jordan and camped at Gilgal on the eastern border of Jericho. And Joshua set up at Gilgal the twelve stones they had taken out of the Jordan. He said to the Israelites, “In the future when your descendants ask their parents, ‘What do these stones mean?’ tell them, ‘Israel crossed the Jordan on dry ground.’ For the Lord your God dried up the Jordan before you until you had crossed over. The Lord your God did to the Jordan what he had done to the Red Sea when he dried it up before us until we had crossed over. He did this so that all the peoples of the earth might know that the hand of the Lord is powerful and so that you might always fear the Lord your God.” –Joshua 4:19-24.

I encourage us all to make the following our New Year’s prayer:

Lord Jesus, I want to know you personally. I give you my heart and make you Lord of my life. Making this decision for the first time takes a measure of faith. And Jesus strengthens us. He makes us new. He promises never to leave nor forsake you. So, march forward into your Promised Land with confidence. Be assured that Jesus will cause “moments” of revelation, the fullness of joy, peace, and abundant life to follow you! May His Love fill your heart as you embark on this spiritual journey! “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!” – 2 Cor 5:17

A very blessed New Year to you!


Kendra Santilli

New Year. New hope. New future.

Often, that is the mantra for an ambitious person stepping into a new year. New Year’s resolutions brim over with eager plans for lifestyle changes, new habits, and new goals. Along with completing these resolutions comes the pleasure of feeling brand new! For the believer, however, fulfillment of vision only feels complete when our vision is in line with the will of God. If you are anything like me, you are great at producing ideas and starting things. Whether we want to do something as simple as reading more books or completing house projects, we are great at beginning tasks but not so great at finishing them. My house has plenty of half-finished projects, half-read books, and half-completed meal plans.

So I thank God that although inconsistency may be a part of my human condition, that less-than-stellar trait God is working out in me, my flaws are in no way reflective of God’s character. He is not a halfway God. He always finished what He started. He leaves no page unturned. “The Lord is trustworthy in all He promises and faithful in all He does” – Psalm 145:13.

As we look forward to this New Year, let us pause for a moment and invite God into our plans. “A person’s heart plans his way, but the Lord determines his steps” – Proverbs 16:9. Throughout Scripture, we witness God keeping His promises to His children. And there is no greater satisfaction than living and walking in our God-given purpose. We can set goals in and of ourselves and then complete them certainly. But when we do it with God, He multiplies the return on our efforts.

As I read Joshua and saw the words “fulfilled promise,” two things hit my Spirit. First, a promise fulfilled is a vow that has already come to pass, whether it comes from personal efforts or through a gift we’ve received. Second, fulfillment is a feeling of satisfaction—the pleasure of knowing that what has been achieved is a good thing indeed. “Not one of all the good promises the Lord your God gave you has failed. Every promise has been fulfilled; not one has failed” –Joshua 23:14

Inviting God to be Lord over our goal-setting opens up a way for us to grow in Him. Asking God for His vision enables us to see what He wants us to accomplish. It is beautiful to live out His vision for our lives because, in His vision, we thrive—growing in passion and vigor. When our vision is void of God, it is only self-serving. But in living out His vision for our lives, we do not just come alive within our hearts, but we help build His kingdom in the process. In part, living out God’s vision for our lives means that it will have both internal and external effects in our here and now.

In reading Joshua 23, I found it interesting that there are reminders throughout the text to “be strong and obey the commands of God.” It starts in verse six and echo’s back to the chapter one. Joshua reminds himself, and his people of all the Lord has promised them.

Moses, that great prophet and father of the faith, is long dead, having never entered the land promised him and his people—instead Joshua is the one God had chosen to step into it, leading the Israelites to take possession of the land. The Lord had to appoint a new servant to lead His people into the land He had promised them years prior. And while Moses did not see Israel’s promise happen, God had not forgotten His promise. This promised land, however, was no move-in-ready situation. There were strong enemies in the land who needed evicting.

In Joshua, Chapter One, we read, “Be strong and courageous… do not be afraid.” My favorite reiteration of this command is Joshua 1:8-9. “Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful. Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”

Have you ever been let down because someone broke a promise they made but did not keep? Have you ever felt the weight of not being able to carry out what you intended to do?

Be encouraged today that when God makes a promise, He never breaks it. He is always faithful to fulfill what He says. Ask Him what He has for you and trust Him to lead you in His divine purpose for your life.

So, why did God have to remind Joshua to keep the book of the law on his lips? It is because God knows us better than we know ourselves. God knows that man will go his own way, deviating from God and His Word at the slightest inkling of success or the moment we think we can do things on our own. God also knows that it is in our wandering where sin creeps in. And sin deprives us of the plans and purpose God intended for us, robbing the fruit that comes along with knowing Him. “Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control”– Galatians 5:22-23. The fruit of the Spirit is evidence of God working in our lives.

God knows that mans human nature tends to slip into self-serving ambitions rather than maintain a life-giving lifestyle. Be strong, but also remember His word. Remember the way of righteous living that is taught throughout scripture.

As you realize what God has for you in this new year, be it physically, mentally, spiritually, or emotionally, walk with confidence that He will not fail you. Even if it means you are quivering at the knees a little bit, do what you are called with faith in Him, knowing that He will never let you down. And, if things do not happen according to your plan, do not be discouraged. Keep pressing on, knowing that God has never failed, and He never will. It is not in His nature. Remember also that God’s timing and our own often differ. Trust God’s over your own.

Our God will supply every one of your needs. He is in the smallest of details and will leave no page unturned in your story.

In this time of looking ahead to the new year, be open to wild visions and scary dreams. Do not close the door on things that make you say, “not me.”

Move forward, in things you want to accomplish and those things God wants you to do. In the end, I promise you that you will come away both feeling and being, fulfilled. Having not only the evidence of your dreams realized; you will also have the satisfaction of looking back and knowing that God blessed what He called you to do. This level of satisfaction is not solely for your gratification; it also allows for God’s glory to shine in your life. Your faith will increase as you behold with your own eyes the faithfulness of God at work in your life. Let your faith precede the evidence. As God comes through for you, you will have the surmounting proof that gives you the confidence to know that the Lord has never failed you, and He will not start failing you now.

Today, I invite you to make Jesus the Lord of your life. Let Him be the author and finisher of your faith. Wherever you find yourself today, He is faithful to meet you where you are. He is omnipresent, meaning He can be everywhere at any time. He saw you and knew you before you were born, and He died for you so that you may be saved and live an abundant life. Ask Him to reveal Himself to you and help you find a new purpose in this new year.

No More Excuses.

Kendra Santilli

I have found it challenging to rest over the last couple of months if I’m honest. One only needs to open their eyes and look around to see that the world is not okay right now. I mean, maybe it never was, but as days go by, I see the reality of it more and more clearly. While I have personal issues that I am working through, it seems as though the aches and pains of this world overshadow those trivial things that I consider problems. Yet, in all the chaos, I must remind myself to turn my eyes towards Heaven, asking God for His perspective. His vantage point. As I consider all the uncertainty in the world, I am reminded of Romans 8:22. It reads, “We know that the whole creation has been groaning as in the pains of childbirth right up to the present time.” The Apostle Paul, the writer of Romans, was referring to this present hour when he wrote this book.

This tells me that the earth has been groaning for a long time, in fact, for thousands and thousands of years. Long before I became aware of the rapidly decaying state of our world, the earth has been groaning in preparation for the return of our Lord Jesus Christ. Yet this passage is oozing with hope when we read it through today’s lens.

God is not surprised by anything. He has been managing crises since the beginning of time. Since the dawn of creation, He has been working things out for the good of those who love Him (Romans 8:28). We have hope in Jesus that, although the earth is groaning, He is still preparing a place for us in our eternal home, in Heaven. While this hope exists for the believer, my heart aches thinking of the people in the world who choose to reject Christ. I’m sure that’s why my heart has been heavy as I’ve been preparing to share a word with you this week; I have not been able to shake the finality of Romans 1:26 from my mind. “God gave them over to shameful lusts…”

As I tried to digest just this sliver of Romans 1, I asked God what He’d have me to say concerning it. And, as uncomfortable as it may be, I believe the answer is this: It is a warning for mankind.

I feel such a sense of urgency as I sit to write about this. Here is the full context of the passage above: “The wrath of God is being revealed from Heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of men who suppress the truth by their wickedness. For although they knew God, they neither glorified Him as God nor gave thanks to Him, but their thinking became futile, and their foolish hearts were darkened [they] exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images made to look like mortal man and birds and animals and reptiles. Therefore God gave them over to the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another. They exchanged the truth of God for a lie and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator who is forever praised. Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural relations for unnatural ones. In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another.”

This Book of the Bible was written thousands of years ago, which tells me that the world wasn’t a wonderful place back then either.

When God throws His hands up and says, “have it your way. I’ll give you over to your sinful desires”, that’s never a good thing. The standards set forth in God’s law, the 10 Commandments, exist for a reason. They’re given to us as a safeguard- much like a guard rail on the side of a road. I also see them this way: dietary recommendations that exist to keep us healthy. If we load ourselves with saturated fats, poorly digestible carbohydrates, sugar, processed foods, and the like, we may feel great while we’re indulging, and we certainly satisfy our cravings. However, as a result of our indulgences now, years down the road, we will experience diseases that poorly impact the quality of our lives. Diseases that may have been prevented had we kept to the dietary standards recommended by doctors.

In like fashion, Biblical standards act like spiritual guardrails or like diets for our souls. The Bible gives us crystal clear directions from our Maker on what is required to make us function optimally. Sin is cancer to our souls. It eats away at our very being. And though often unrecognizable at first, in time, it will ultimately kill us. I’m sure when the above passage in Romans was written, it was intended to address what God calls “wickedness.” And, since God doesn’t change, the same wickedness that existed in that day is still considered wickedness in our day.

As I read these verses, I saw patterns emerge throughout history—patterns of evil days, and then times of revival. And where there was a revival, prosperity followed quickly behind. Look at the first Great Awakening; shortly after the Great Awakening of the 1700s came the Industrial Revolution. The Second Great Awakening was in the 1830s, then, in the 1850s, we saw the gold rush followed by a great economy in the US. I believe that where the Spirit of God is alive and well, people prosper. Not just in riches but also spirit.

We look around our world right now, and we see economies are failing. People are desperate for hope. Depression and anxiety are rampant as fear grips the heart of man, a byproduct of Covid-19. This world needs Jesus! We need to repent and turn from godlessness. The answer to our aching world is Jesus. We need revival; where the souls of man wake up from mediocrity’s stupor and turn towards the fear of God once again. Most people worldwide are so removed from the God of the Bible, Elohim, that they are merely existing. My friends, we were not created to merely exist. We were created to live in the family of God: in a state of belonging, fulfillment, and purpose.

So I urge you, now, to turn from godlessness and run to the Father. These verses are not past tense; instead, they accurately describe God’s heart towards wickedness. Yes, God is good, and yes, He is kind and merciful and loving and a gracious provider for His children. The Bible tells us that He does love the world! You’ve heard this verse I’m sure, it’s John 3:16: “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.”

And, “That while we were still sinners, Christ died for us” — Romans 5:8. God still sees the world He created, and He loves every person in it. He will forgive the sins of anyone who sincerely repents, but, His greatest blessings are reserved for those who obey Him.

Here’s the hope we have in Jesus: God will not expose us without providing a remedy.

Living in sin does not have to be your story. If you feel you can identify with the wickedness mentioned in the verses above, I beg you not to fall into the trap of “oh well! I guess I’m just going to hell then” and wrongly accept that lie. You do not have to go to hell! I repeat, you DO NOT have to go to hell. Repent of your sin, ask Jesus into your heart, and ask the Holy Spirit to lead you in the way of His salvation. I promise there is more joy and peace in living for Jesus than in the life you’re currently living. In Romans 2:7, the Bible says, “To those who by persistence in doing good seek glory, honor and immortality, He will give eternal life.” And Ezekiel 18:21 reads, “But if the wicked man turns from all his sins which he has committed and observes all My statutes and practices justice and righteousness, he shall surely live; he shall not die.”

This verse isn’t just talking about our last breath on earth. “He shall not die” refers to eternity. You shall not spend eternity in hell; if you repent and accept Jesus as Lord of your life, you shall spend eternity alive and well with the Father. The hour is now, no more excuses. I pray that this heavy word spoke to you, pushed you even, towards accepting Jesus and living for Him. You’ll have an eternity to not regret that it did.

Face it, Afraid.

Kendra Santilli

I found myself on the shoreline of the most beautiful beach I’d ever seen; one might call it by happy accident. With only one way in and one way out, you’d never know this beautiful beach was even there except fate lead you, as it did me, and, once discovered, it was truly a sight to behold. Encircling the steep shoreline were cliffs that hold back an ocean that seemed to come alive as the wonder of what lies beneath its surface beckons onlookers. Copper sand sifted between my toes while my curiosity led me down the steep coastline that continued to descend rapidly into the water, a swimmer’s dream. With its splintered walls and four decaying posts, a hut stood not too far in front of me. It served as a resting spot for tired surfers and swimmers. “There is no way that thing is safe,” I thought as I observed the veteran swimmers hop up onto its deck. I could sense the power of the ocean as its banks tried their best to hold all that power back just long enough for me to be able to absorb the beauty before me. But the feeble ability of the shoreline proved no match for the powerful might of the ocean. So, its efforts at holding back the more sea didn’t last awfully long.

The receding water was the ocean’s way of communicating that trouble was on the way, or so I thought. I sensed impending doom. A tsunami-type wave was approaching. Panicking, I RAN to try and get everyone to safety. To hurry them out towards the only tiny opening available for everyone to escape through. This once beautiful oasis quickly became my nightmare. And yet, no one else seemed phased by this enormous wave that was mounting up higher now than my eyes could see over. Then, just as that terrifying wave crashed, I woke up, heart pounding, gasping for air!

In my dreams, I found myself on this beach several more times. Each time I wondered what my being there meant. On one such night, I pushed the limits of my fear and feelings of doom and just stood on the shoreline. And this time, like everyone else in the dream, I didn’t move when the wave finally came. Yet the anxiety that stood with me in my dream felt as powerful as that tsunami-wave had looked, and it told me it had come to take me away. And just as I braced for its crash, nothing. Nothing happened to me. The wave crashed, and it didn’t take me out. It didn’t destroy the hut, and everyone else just continued with their day.

The once anxiety-inducing tsunami, which had become a regular occurrence in my dreams, lost its power once I faced it afraid.

I’ve shared this dream in-depth with you because it marked me. Since I was a child, I have found comfort in the Bible stories of Joseph of Samuel. If you read their stories, the former proves that God can speak to us in dreams, and the latter proves that His voice is not partial to adults. Yes, even children can hear His voice, just as young Samuel did in the Old Testament. Like Joseph, I believe God was teaching me something about bravery in my dream.

Anxiety can often feel as real, terrifying, and overwhelming, inescapable, and larger than life, as that wave in my dream felt to me. But alas, God is not surprised by our anxiety or stress. He is aware of this very human condition and gives us guidance on how to handle it—with Him. In Joshua, we find a young man who has suddenly been raised to power in the wake of his predecessor, Moses, death. God is about to lead His people (the Israelites) into the land He promised to them. But before Joshua can get his men ready for battle, the Lord God gives him explicit instructions and a directive: Be “strong and courageous.” In fact, God gives Joshua this same directive three times within Joshua, Chapter One. God knew that this would be a high anxiety situation for him. Any human heading into battle, weighing victory or defeat, would be anxious imagining what lies ahead.

I imagine God knew Joshua’s mental state of mind required one of the greatest pep talks we see in the Old Testament. “Be strong and very courageous. Be careful to obey all the law my servant Moses gave you; do not turn from it to the right or to the left, that you may be successful wherever you go. Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful. Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go” -Joshua 1:7-9.

Culture tells us that we can’t help feeling anxious. We can’t do anything to help with our anxious thoughts. It tells us that we can’t control what we think or feel. But this verse says otherwise. Within it, God instructs Joshua to go against his anxious thoughts and feelings and choose strength and courage instead!

Now, I’m not saying we’ll never have moments of fear or anxiety, but I am saying this: God will always give us the power not to have live-in, stay stuck in our anxiety. Through His Word, He gives us the tools not to allow our emotions to cripple us. Instead, He empowers us to face our fears with courage and strength. It’s as if this passage is our “how-to” on living courageously.

Obedience is at the helm of God’s instruction.

After telling Joshua to be strong and courageous, the next thing God tells Joshua is to “obey all the law Moses gave” (v. 7). Remember, before his death, Moses, one of the most important prophets of all time, was Joshua’s mentor. The laws that Moses passed on were given to him directly from God himself. So when God tells Joshua to obey Moses’ law, God is, in fact, telling Joshua to obey His law. There is order. God didn’t give Joshua a new set of laws; He told him to honor what had already been set before him. Furthermore, God tells Joshua not to “turn to the left or the right” (v. 7), speaking of having a singular focus. If Joshua had allowed the many voices that I’m sure were clamoring for his attention to distract him, he wouldn’t have been able to fix his focus on God and was He was speaking to him. So what is the takeaway? First, we must obey the Word of the Lord. Not looking to the right or left, we must focus solely on Him, honoring His commands.

The next thing outlined in this passage; we find in verse 8. God reiterates His first point: “Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful.” In this world riddled with distraction, it is easy to forget what the Truth is. We hear numerous self-affirmations, motivational speakers’ thoughts and ideas, and good vibes sayings, and we almost believe those things to be the truth. Yet so much of what the world says is true does not align with God’s perfect Truth. To give one example, how many times do we hear, “do what makes you feel good?” But the Bible says this regarding the world’s truth: “the heart is deceitful above all things” -Jeremiah 17:9. This Truth is just one of the many such examples found in Scripture concerning our feelings. Yet, in this one verse, we learn that although something may “feel good,” that doesn’t always mean it’s the right thing to do. Truth is found only in God’s Word. So if you are searching for The Truth, not others’ opinions or some feel-good message, spend time learning the Truth found in the Word of God. Listen to Godly podcasts and read books that will help you to grow in your faith.

Spend time in prayer. It is there, and only there, where God promises you will be prosperous and successful.

Finally, God seals this segment by promising Joshua His presence. He’s not giving Joshua an ultimatum in it by saying, “only if you’re not afraid, will I be with you,” or “don’t be afraid, or else I won’t be with you.” I understand this instead to be a comforting saying, “I’m with you; therefore, you have nothing to be afraid of.”

When I was younger, the house I lived in with my parents was located within the woods. I was so afraid of the dark. I would not go outside by myself under any circumstance. Yet, whenever my dad was with me, my story changed. I had nothing to be afraid of if dad were with me because I knew he would take care of anything that might attack or harm me. I think this is the same sense of security that God was trying to instill in Joshua. God gives Joshua his instructions, and then God rewards Joshua’s obedience with His presence. A presence that did not and does not fail—any of us.

Maybe you’re in a place where you feel you can’t face the waves of anxiety that are coming at you in life. Yet if you’d dare to stand on the shore and allow yourself the experience that the wave won’t kill you, after all, you’d find that fear truly doesn’t have to own you. Maybe you’re like Joshua, and you need to be reminded several times over to be strong and courageous in your present circumstance? Whatever it is, the apostle Paul reminds you to “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.” -Philippians 4:6.

So if you’re anxious or fearful today, I encourage you to respond to your fear with prayer. Respond by reading and meditating on the Word of God. Start by surrendering your heart, whether for the first or the hundredth time and humble yourself before God. Repent of your sins. Ask God for His forgiveness and that He leads you in His ways. Pray these verses to God. And as you dedicate time to learn His Word and commands, He will bless and prosper your faith. I pray your heart’s desire is for God to be with you all the days of your life. I pray that you find the courage to face your wave and fulfill the God-given purpose you were created to, even if it means you do it afraid.

And, if you have not yet asked Jesus into your heart and life as Lord and Savior, please “be strong and courageous ” and do it now. The same promises God made Joshua can be yours today. Why wait another day?

Living In The End Times.

Stephanie Montilla

“And you will hear of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not troubled, for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet. For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. And there will be famines, pestilences, and earthquakes in various places” –Matthew 24:6.

Are we living in the end times? Have current events signaled a push closer to the second coming of the Messiah, Jesus Christ?

Worldwide, and within the Christian community, surely, these questions are being asked now, more than at any other time in recent history. One cause: the swiftness with which global events are moving, causing even some of those who are not followers of Jesus Christ to question their lingering unbelief and skepticism. Questions once thought unrealistic seem somehow less farfetched, worthy of a closer look. The COVID-19 pandemic caused many unanticipated shifts in life as we knew it, especially within our workplaces, homes, and our connections to friends and loved ones. Sadly, church attendance declined due to many churches having closed their doors—social gathering restrictions having played some part in this. Yet, one positive that did emerge is how many people bought a bible. Several news outlets shared that Bible publishers noticed a spike in Bible sales during the pandemic. They attributed this is to people seeking comfort—searching for peace, hope, and healing, in a Savior that is close to the suffering and broken-hearted; amid chaos and uncertainty, they longed to find meaning and experience a connection with God.

Unquestionably, this past year was a season plagued by spirits of fear, division, confusion, distrust, and lawlessness. Added to this were the unprecedented political tensions; it was evident something within our world had shifted; indeed, an awakening of some sorts, felt by almost everyone.

Circling back to the original question – are we living in the end times? My opinion? Yes, we are. Scripturally speaking, we have been since Jesus ascended back to the Father. And, yet, while we certainly shouldn’t attempt to predict the day of His return nor interpret every earthquake or other natural disaster as signs of the end, physical and political evidence nevertheless continues to point towards the fulfillment of many of the end-time prophecies. For instance, one that jumps to mind tells us this: “This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good…lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God” –2 Timothy 3:1-5.

We’re there, people! We’re living in that age where being “lovers of self” is witnessed daily in the barrage of self-portraits, coined “selfies,” being splashed across most social media platforms. Their purpose? Self-validation perhaps? Empowerment? Insecurity assuaged by/ grounded in likes and followers, maybe? We’re indeed living in an age where those who “blaspheme” what God calls holy and seemingly take pride in or promote the very pleasures that mock and grieve the heart of God. We’re living in that age where the objective, solid, immovable Truth of the Word of God has become subjective somehow, second to how a person feels, their perspectives, and opinions. The Bible clearly foretold of this generation, listen: “For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears, they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander off into myths” –2 Timothy 4:3-4.

In one sense, we see these things arise due to New Age followers—those who promote many gods and the paths to them, themselves included. In a considerable number of people rebelling against God. Evidenced in a society that has all but thrown God, and His commandments, out of the public square. It’s challenging for some of us to grapple with the notion that we live in such a critical time in history, more so as the days grow darker and evil seemingly prevails. Yet the question I continue to ask myself is this:

 “As a Christian, how does Jesus command me to live my life in the face of those who so vehemently oppose my Christian values?”

I ask this question with great seriousness as many in the world continue to voice their dislike/dare I say, disdain of Christians and Christian values. Values such as marriage being solely between one man and one woman. The sanctity of the unborn human life, or sexual purity before marriage, to mention but a few. Or that God created us male and female, period. In such a world, then, is it any wonder that God’s transformative, powerful Word, His Truth, is somehow heard or wrongly carries with it the sting of hate speech? Yet concerning our remaining faithful to God’s Word, regardless of the social climate in which we might find ourselves, the Bible reminds us of this powerful Truth. “If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first. If you belonged to the world, it would love you as its own. As it is, you do not belong to the world, but I have chosen you out of the world. That is why the world hates you. Remember what I told you: ‘A servant is not greater than his master.’ If they persecuted me, they would persecute you also. If they obeyed my teaching, they would obey yours also. They will treat you this way because of my name, for they do not know the one who sent me.” –John 15: 18-21.

Jesus makes it starkly plain that as His followers, we’ll be hated. Equally, however, the Bible also makes clear how we are to live while we wait. How we must respond to those who do not believe in Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. And the signs we must watch for that will signal Jesus’ return for His Church.

Over the past two years, I’ve experienced some uncomfortable and tense conversations with close friends, family, and work colleagues who have either questioned or attacked my Christian faith. I reminded them that while Christian values may seem countercultural to those who don’t share them, the Word of God is nevertheless solid, unchanging, and Truth-full regarding these values. I also reminded them of another Truth found in Scripture, my Truth: “I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me” –Galatians 2:20. Moreover, while my faith demands that I defend and live out the Truth of Christ, my Savior, I’m also called to model Jesus—how He loved, lived, and served others.

That said, I’ll share two biblical Truths that may help us as believers live with and respond to those who may not believe or live their lives as we do: Firstly, we must Love the unbeliever. When I was an unbeliever, I didn’t see much of an issue with fornicating, getting drunk, and cursing here and there. I was once lost in the crowds, helpless without a shepherd, and it was Jesus that saved me from my distress, brought me out of darkness, and broke me free from the chains that had me bound. I, too, falsely believed that I would be right with God if I treated others well. After all, I was a good person, yet the Bible says, “There is none good but One, that is, God” –Mark 10:18. And after accepting Jesus Christ into my life, I soon discovered that one of the devil’s biggest lies is that following Christ is synonymous with missing out on what others are doing “out in the world.” When in fact, it was indeed my encounter and experience of God’s Love for me that had awakened my heart and opened my eyes to see that I was being deceived.

Therefore, we must…

1). Pray for those who have yet to accept Jesus into their hearts. On the cross, “Jesus said, “Father forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing” –Luke 23:34. Similarly, Jesus prayed for those who persecuted Him; as followers of Jesus Christ, we must do the same. Again, Jesus said, “You have heard that it was said ‘Love your neighbor’ and ‘Hate your enemy.’ But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you” –Matthew 5: 43-48. Praying for someone you’d instead retaliate against is easier said than done, yet the Holy Spirit reminds us of and empowers us to love them. Why Love? Because only God’s Love is powerful enough to transform the hearts and minds of those who hate us.

2). We must be mindful that unbelievers need a Pure Love only Jesus can offer; God uses us certainly, but only His Love rescues a soul from sin and death. It should never surprise us, then, that sinners will sin. We need only remember how we lived before Christ came into our lives. Remember that the Bible reminds us: “The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers so that they cannot see the light of the gospel that displays the glory of Christ, who is the image of God” –2 Corinthians 4:4. Their hearts have yet to be softened to the things of God. “There is no fear of God before their eyes.” –Romans 3:18. They are blind. As followers of Christ, we ought to pray that they begin to have a distaste for the things of this world. Pray that they start to see their need for a Savior. That, as it says in Ezekiel 36:26, “their hearts of stone are replaced with a heart of flesh.” Yet being ever mindful of the Truth found in Ephesians 6:12. “Our struggle is not against flesh and blood because it’s against spiritual forces and the power of evil.”

Friends, the Bible says, “And because lawlessness will abound, the love of many will grow cold” –Matthew 24:12.

The spiritual temperature of many has grown cold. As believers, however, we ought to be burning hot. “Did not our heart burn within us while He talked with us on the road, and while He opened the Scriptures to us?” –Luke 24:32. We should be burning hot for the things of Jesus, interceding for others, overcoming evil with good, and sharing the good news with the lost; John 3:36 says, “Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life, but whoever rejects the Son will not see life, for God’s wrath remains on them.” Those who do not accept Jesus Christ as their Savior will remain under the Lord’s wrath.” As Christians, regardless of how the world grows in their distaste or hostility concerning biblical values, we ought to be the most hope-filled and joyous people around because we know how the story ends – God wins! Rather than living in fear or outrage, we ought to love others with all we have in us and seek every opportunity to be kind. The Apostle Paul shares this reminder: “Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience… encourage one another and build each other up… Be kind to one another” –Colossians 3:12; 1 Thessalonians 5:11; Ephesians 4:32.

The end is swiftly advancing. Yet the fantastic news is that you still have time to choose eternal life, to choose Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior. You can do nothing to earn His grace; Jesus has paid the price for you. “Yet God, in his grace, freely makes us right in his sight. He did this through Christ Jesus when he freed us from the penalty for our sins” –Romans 3:24.

God desires to have a relationship with you, personally. All you must do is accept, by faith, the gift of God’s grace. I hope and pray that together, we’ll be ready for the Lord’s return, which will come soon and very soon! “But understand this: If the homeowner had known in which watch of the night the thief was coming, he would have kept watch and would not have let his house be broken into. For this reason, you also must be ready, because the Son of Man will come at an hour you do not expect” –Matthew 24:43-44.

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