"Come follow me and I will make you fishers of men." Matthew 4:19

Category: Accountability (Page 4 of 5)

Inroads. 1 Corinthians 10:12.

“So, if you think you are standing firm, be careful that you don’t fall!

We are always wanting something, always desiring a yet-beyond. Our hearts are constantly yearning and looking to attach itself to some ‘thing’. –Bella.

This entire tenth chapter of Corinthians is shaped by Paul’s admonition of Israel’s idolatry. That of the church in Corinth as well. Our idolatry is tagged in here too. This, “I want” mentality put on blast. I encourage you to read verses 1-14 of this chapter. Read the entire chapter actually, and you will see for yourself the litany of sins Paul presents us with. That ugly, un-Godly sin of idolatry the Holy Spirit has pointed out via Paul, taking center stage. Shamefully, I confess I’ve allowed it to visit my heart on occasion too. This same sin that must be confessed and quickly rooted out by the washing of the Word, replaced by Truth—least I fall—least any of us fall prey to its ungodly pull. “All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness.” —2 timothy 3:16.

Saved and unsaved alike are surrounded by worldly inroads, seductive and treacherous, they stretch out before us as far as the eye can see…

If followed by the believer beloved, they can quickly cause us to deviate from our True Path. We need only look at the examples Paul points us towards for confirmation. These inroads of pride, covetousness, idolatry, gluttony, and revelry to mention but a few. On occasion, lust makes the list, sexual immorality, and insolence towards God, too. Our toes have no business coming so dangerously close to the line that ought to separate us as believers from the road the world so often hops back-and-forth across with such ease.

I have not shared this list of sin with you today to make sin sound normal or to treat its slithering nearness with nonchalance beloved. God forbid! No, we as Christians need to run from sins clutching, often seductive grip as quickly as Joseph did in Genesis 39:11-12! “One day Joseph went into the house to do his work. He was the only man in the house at the time. His master’s wife grabbed his coat and said to him, “Come to bed with me.” But Joseph ran out of the house so fast that he left his coat in her hand.” No person who calls himself a Christian should ever feel at all comfortable chumming around with sin. Armed with this truth, go back now, and reread what Paul has to say in Chapter 10.

He was talking to the Church beloved! He wasn’t rebuking unbelievers, rather those who had claimed to know Christ! And, through them, he is speaking to us too—as all Scripture does. He is course-correcting us, the every you and me who do know Christ!! “And indeed, have mercy on those who doubt; save others by snatching them from the fire; and to still others, show mercy tempered with fear, hating even the clothing stained by the flesh.”—Jude 1:22-23.

Solomon forewarned us there was nothing new under the sun. So I have to wonder if at any time while Paul or Sosthenes’ were writing this chapter, did either of their minds flash to Solomon’s Proverbs? Particularly, Proverb 4 since it admonishes the believer to seek after the life-saving wisdom we each need as a constant companion on our daily faith walk. Its way is wise, profitable, and life-giving.  Its essence the curative remedy for the issues Paul presents us with today—for so many of life’s invasive inroads. It is “due north”. It’s the road the Israelites—should have taken. The way we should take, too. Instead, some side-stepped—others veered way off. We do too. “Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.” And, by not doing this—by not heeding Solomon’s wise advice, they each wandered miles away from the narrow road we, as believers are warned to stick to like glue.

This chapter makes crystal clear to its reader—to us, that there was little, if any, heel-to-toe walking going on here. Hardly anyone walking on this narrow path. Instead, deciding they knew best, they chose their own paths—foreign paths, unguarded inroads. Wandering around on some unknown back-alley unprotected, exposed to whatever may be waiting there, coiled, and ready to strike at their heels! We, you and me and him and her, them too, we each would do well to follow wisdom’s advice, to check our hearts, often, and to coarse correct, before we too find ourselves having veered away from the One who stands guard over our hearts.

All this talk of inroads. What are they? What does an inroad even look like?

By definition, an inroad is anything that “encroaches on, advances at another’s expense, or reduces the amount of something. Inroads are “an invasion.”

In other words, inroads do not add to our lives as the word itself seems to imply they do. Their very name, like their father—is deceptive. They come to do his bidding. They come to steal what God has freely given us. They come to kill our joy and peace—our brotherly love. They come to destroy our relationship with God firstly, and then with His children. These masqueraders—these mimics who disguise themselves as apples, bright and alluring. Inroads first expose our pride then wham, we land face-first on their harsh surface. Nose bloodied; teeth chipped. Pride always proceeds a fall, our,” I know better than God” thinking, conscious or otherwise, will get us every time. By offering us that “thing” we feel we do not have. That thing God has—for whatever His reason, denied us.

Inroads are what deceived the Israelites—Adam and Eve, too. See inroads have their origins much further back then in those sins Paul points out in Chapter 10. Inroads can be traced back to the garden. To that insidious one who first exposed the proverbial chink in man’s armor. Our willingness to doubt God. To not take Him at His Word. “Now the serpent was more crafty than any other beast of the field that the Lord God had made. He said to the woman, “Did God actually say, ‘You shall not eat of any tree in the garden?” –Genesis 3:1.

Now beloved, take Adam and Eve’s example of an inroad and lay it side-by-side with those sins Paul tells us the Israelites were guilty of—we’re guilty of; covetousness, rebellion, pride, gluttony, grumbling, lust, sexual immorality, and insolence towards God. Then, reading in Scripture what happened to most of those Israelites, knowing too, what happened to Adam and Eve, is it any wonder that Solomon, one of the wisest men to ever have lived, coupled with Paul, the apostle responsible for writing some three-quarters of the New Testament, each admonishes us to guard our hearts against these worldly inroads that come to exalt themselves in our eyes? To not take our steadfastness for granted—least we fall? Our head in the clouds—we leave our feet unguarded for the serpent to strike. These evils then, that slither in as sin so easily can, if left unchecked, cause hearts once tender towards the things of God, to harden. Contaminating them then, even causing the potential death of those “every-things” that flow from them. “Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.” Our love and worship of God—tainted. Every-thing tainted. Spoiled somehow because we were not vigilant in avoiding the perils caused by taking an alluring inroad. “So, if you think you are standing firm, be careful that you don’t fall!” 

Listen to how one commentator opens this up for us: We often want to excuse our particular tempting circumstances as “very unique” and a “special exception,” but God reminds us that our temptation is not unique. Many other men and women of God have faced the same or similar temptation and have found the strength in God to overcome the temptation. God has promised to supervise all temptation that comes at us through the world, the flesh, or the devil. He promises to limit it according to our capability to endure it – according to our capability as we rely on Him, not our capability as we rely only on ourselves. God has promised to not only limit our temptation, but also to provide a way of escape in tempting times. He will never force us to use the way of escape, but he will make the way of escape available. It is up to us to take God’s way of escape. Barclay says the word for a way of escape is really a mountain pass, with the idea of an army being surrounded by the enemy, and then suddenly seeing an escape route to safety. Like a mountain pass, the way of escape isn’t necessarily an easy way…

Be encouraged today beloved. If you know Jesus as Lord and have drifted, finding yourself on one of the inroads mentioned here, or another—take comfort. He’s just waiting for you to repent and to ask for His help in guiding you safely back to Himself. Paul went on to encourage us that “No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation he will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it.” –1 Corinthians 10:13

And friend, if you’ve read this far and have realized that you too have inroads in your life that you’d like to get off of, I encourage you to ask Jesus to meet you right where you’re at. If you don’t know Him personally, simply ask Him to come into your life and show Himself real to you now, today, as Lord and Savior. The Bible tells us that, ‘If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.’ –Romans 10:9.

Poor Timing…


I pray this first week of the New Year has found you positioned—fixed, on following after Jesus as never before. I pray too, that it has infused you with a renewed determination to leave behind any thing that hinders your faithfully following after God, wholeheartedly seeking to draw ever closer, nearer, to the pure desires of His heart. I’m sure the Holy Spirit has allowed you glimpses of His will and calling, both for you personally, as well as for your family and ministry. My prayers go with you as you valiantly take your next step of obedience in full confidence knowing that Jesus is drawing you ever closer to Himself. Refining you. Purging you. Breaking off, along the way, those ‘things’ that no longer serve you or bring God glory. I do hope this New Year will find you, as a dear brother recently wrote, choosing to follow after the cloud and not the crowd…

“The [presence of the] Lord was going before them by day in a pillar (column) of cloud to lead them along the way, and in a pillar of fire by night to give them light, so that they could travel by day and by night. He did not withdraw the pillar of cloud by day, nor the pillar of fire by night, from going before the people” Exodus 13:21-22.

Friends, it saddens me to say that due to a very recent illness, sonsofthesea.org will not post our next full teaching, “Governed by God” until next Saturday, January 18th at noon. I thank you in advance for patient understanding and continued patronage. Know that I do so miss sharing both His Word and my time, with you. I am ever grateful that you continue to follow me as I follow Christ. Until next week beloved, may God bless you and keep you…

In His Adventure,


From Position to Possessions. 2 Samuel 5:12

 “Then David knew that the Lord had established him as king over Israel and had exalted his kingdom for the sake of his people Israel.”

What had happened that caused David to know everything he’d been given, from position to possessions, had been given him that he might use it to bless others?

Who told him?

Did God whisper it in his ear?

Did he have a dream?

A divine revelation?

Perhaps it was an angel who had enlightened him?

Maybe he remembered Gods promise to Abraham: “And I will make of you a great nation, and I will bless you and make your name great, so that you will be a blessing”—Genesis 12:2.

Or, had the sudden favor and acceptance that had been recently bestowed upon him stir this knowing awaking it within him? Did it stretch the smallness of his vision of tending sheep for the rest of his life—opening him to grasp the vast favor and provision of the future palace? Making room within to fully embrace his  God-given destiny…

Understand that though I am using this text reach out to us, the modern church concerning our responsibility for giving, blessing, sharing, caring, defending, loving Gods people, for accepting all that God has for us, its literal application is intended for the nation of Israel.

David was an underdog. A ruddy kid who smelled of sheep and sweat and was treated as a hired-hand by his father and brothers. Scripture tells us that when the prophet Samuel showed up at David’s fathers house in search of the new king God had sent him there to anoint—David’s father didn’t even acknowledge David as his child until the prophet pressed him by asking if all his sons were present? Then Samuel said to Jesse, “Is that all of the young men?” Jesse replied, “There is still the youngest one, but he’s taking care of the flock.” Samuel said to Jesse, “Send and get him, for we cannot turn our attention to other things until he comes here.”—1 Samuel 16:11.

David wasn’t the kid who’d always had everything handed to him—Scripture will confirm this. Yet, Scripture also confirms that David had a deep and abiding love, some might call it a fierce and passionate love for the Lord God. We catch a tiny glimpse of this passionate devotion to God in his response to the Philistine giant Goliath’s taunting of the Israelite army (1 Samuel 17:26;45-47).David was a man after Gods own heart. And yet, anyone God blesses—any person He elevates into a position of leadership, will suddenly feel the exacting weight of the great privilege they’ve been afforded. We are not given the gifts and talents we’ve freely received, the jobs, homes, or resources, the time nor opportunities, for our benefit alone—rather, as with David, we are blessed by God that we’ll in-turn bless others. More accurately—we were blessed by God for that specific purpose. To be a blessing to others. Abundantly. There’s a Christian colloquialism for this Scriptural truth that states, “we’re blessed to be a blessing…”.

The modern Church is rich beyond measure. Even the smallest, poorest member of this Body is far richer than most folks’ wildest dreams! How you ask? Each member owns—if they know Jesus as their Lord and Savior, the Pearl of great Price. Christ Himself. And, in Him, they have the fullness of the Father and the Holy Spirit. Hence, they have been honored, entrusted to share His great treasure, the Gospel—with all men. Yet, as I stated, with privilege comes great responsibility. Said Scripturally; “…much will be demanded from everyone who has been given much, and from the one who has been entrusted with much, even more will be asked” –Luke 12:48.

Now that you know this you can never un-know it. Now, you are responsible to spend your riches wisely, lavishly! Riches that can neither tarnish nor rot. Riches no thief can steal from you nor, if prized, the one you share them with, and, no faulty economy will ever be able to diminish its value…

Our God is no respecter of persons.

As with David, so anyone whom the world rejects, considers to be the least of theirs, a throw-away. If they know Jesus as Lord they’ve  been entrusted, as David was, with unplumbed wealth, True wealth. A mind-boggling treasure has been entrusted to them as surely and fully as if they were David! A treasure given that it may be spread around like so many seeds. And, though this spreading of the Gospel is our greatest responsibility, we are also responsible for using wisely each resource we’ve been afforded. From our money to our time, talents, and service to others, we must aid in “feeding” all those who are hungry…

They didn’t even acknowledge David as one of their own—Yet God had chosen him to be the King of His people, Israel while he was faithfully, wholeheartedly, selflessly caring for his father’s sheep…

Has God placed you among sheep for this season?

Are you feeling forgotten? Are you alone in some overlooked field tending someone else’s resources? If so, praise God! You are being prepared for who and what God has coming your way! Little did David realize that he was a king in a shepherd boys’ clothes! “David will forever have a descendant sitting on the throne of Israel” –Jeremiah 33:17.

Perhaps you need to ask God to give you His vision? Ask to see yourself as He sees you…

David had served faithfully, joyfully, with little to call his own. His long, lonely nights in the field, his father’s cold indifference, his brothers’ disdain and disregard, and his father’s sheep his constant companions. Yet David served them each faithfully. Giving all that he had to protect and defend them. And God was watching. We judge by outward appearances. God judges our hearts. God had placed David on the throne for the sake of His people and that His covenant promise to David would be fulfilled in the person of the coming Messiah, Jesus Christ. “And your house and your kingdom shall be established forever before you. Your throne shall be established forever” –2 Samuel 7:16.

Yet, God sent a man of prominence to David specifically to bless him. To ensure that all David’s needs were more than taken care of! That he had surplus—an overflow. “Now Hiram king of Tyre sent envoys to David, along with cedar logs and carpenters and stonemasons, and they built a palace for David”—vs. 12, 2 Samuel 5.

David had been faithful with little. Now God was about to bless that faithfulness and fulfill His good purpose…

Our Scripture tells us that David knew that God had established him and blessed him. Yet, is it possible that the reason David’s knowing didn’t kick in until after his palace was completed is due to the fact that he’d had so little for so long? Did it take seeing the completed palace before he fully “knew” all that had been spoken over him, promised him, was now finally coming to pass? Had all those days of lack caused a deep chasm of fear to develop within him? Momentarily placing his faith just beyond his reach? Had David—like so many of us—incorrectly believed that God was certainly able to bless anyone He chose. Abundantly. Lavishly even—just not him? Not me— and certainly not you! That kind of blessing belonged to others. After-all we, like David, have witnessed it all our lives. Others being richly favored that is. Others living in overflow. But not us. Never us. We live among the sheep, our cloaks wrapped tightly around us—as protection. Heads down, serving where we’ve been placed, blessing those whom we meet—giving to all that are in need, grateful to God for this tiny square of earth, this room, apartment, house, gift, talent, dollar, job we’ve been afforded. Yet hoping, always hoping, that we’ll be next…

Or, was there a more practical reason for David’s “knowing”? Was it merely a clue into the mindset of his time and culture? “Put your outdoor work in order and get your fields ready; after that, build your house” –Psalm 24:27. David had this first part down. He’d tended and looked after. Built-up and cared for. Multiplied for the good of His father, for others. He ‘d been a good steward. Now, it was time to build his own house. Let those that have ears hear…

Let us never forget that it was God who blessed David just as surely as it was God who gave David both the heart and desire to bless all those his life touched. Even if it cost him the palace. All that we have is a gift from God. David knew this. He knew nothing was his own.Freely it has all been given, so freely give all. Lavishly…

“But King David said to Araunah, No, but I will buy it of you for a price. I will not offer burnt offerings to the Lord my God of that which costs me nothing. So David bought the threshing floor and the oxen for fifty shekels of silver” –2 Samuel 24:24.

Brothers and sisters know that our Father has many blessings stored up for you. Be on the look out for The One who is coming to deliver them…

If you are here today and have not yet asked Jesus into your life as Lord and Savior, today is the day, now the time! Soon and very soon He’ll come—bringing with Him His reward. Are you ready to receive Him?


“Stay Low.” 1 Peter 5:6-7

 Humble yourselves, therefore, under God’s mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time. Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you”.

“The Christian ideal has not been tried and found wanting. It has been found difficult; and left untried”. G.K. Chesterton

Peter was addressing the elders responsible for overseeing and instructing the believers and new converts. He instructs them to be earnest in their undertaking— to lead from a place of genuine love and care for those God had entrusted to them. He admonishes them not to lord their position of authority over any of these. Basically, don’t take advantage of the least of these in any way. Neither were they to carry out this sacred calling hoping to make a buck—looking for some “opportune” opening to fleece the flock and line their proverbial pockets. He was also admonishing both the new believer as well as the elder to be submissive one toward another—humble. Reminding them that pride comes before destruction… “Be shepherds of God’s flock that is under your care, watching over them—not because you must, but because you are willing, as God wants you to be; not pursuing dishonest gain, but eager to serve; not lording it over those entrusted to you, but being examples to the flock” –1 Peter 5:2-3.

Perhaps this admonition was born from Peter’s own failures to do this very thing. Staying low—being humble?

Not that Peter ever stole from those he led. Nor did he lead them from a place other than a heart of genuine love and sacrificial service. Scripture certainly attest to this. He didn’t take advantage of his flock—rather, like his Master, he gave his life leading them towards the One he willingly died for. There was however a moment in Peter’s early walk with God that pride was a like, “a stone in his shoe”. Something that hindered his walk with God. Pride had caused Peter to sin. To deny knowing the One he left everything for—the One he undoubtedly loved above all else.

Peter was speaking from experience to all those gathered. It’s what added meat to the bones of his words. Making them so believable—so easy to receive.

G.K. Chesterton, a writer and lay-theologian, best known for his fictional character, Father Brown, was once asked, “what’s wrong with the world?” He bypassed the answers the author of said article thought surely would be tops on his list of probable responses: Flourishing wickedness, corrupt politicians, crime, unjust laws, or warring nations. Rather than any of these, Chesterton gave the reporter a simple two-word answer that left him slack-jawed! “I am”.

I am responsible…

Peter had learned what Chesterton had professed. And, he had learned it the hard way. Pride had caused him to fall. And it was a hard fall indeed. Peter was well acquainted with the undeserved grace of God. He knew first-hand of the power of Love and forgiveness, of unearned mercy. When they had finished eating, Jesus said to Simon Peter, “Simon son of John, do you love me more than these?” “Yes, Lord,” he said, “you know that I love you. “Jesus said, “Feed my lambs.” Again Jesus said, “Simon son of John, do you love me?” He answered, “Yes, Lord, you know that I love you.” Jesus said, “Take care of my sheep.” The third time he said to him, “Simon son of John, do you love me? Peter was hurt because Jesus asked him the third time, “Do you love me?” He said, “Lord, you know all things; you know that I love you.” Jesus said, “Feed my sheep” John 21:15-17.

Peter knew, in the depths of his soul, that whatever authority he and these elders had, had been given them as a gift from God; as was everything else they had. Even unto their very breath. It is from this place of being intimately acquainted with humility that Peter can offer-up these kernels of hard-won wisdom to the elders, to us. Leading them and us towards this realization that like himself, we each, will one day have to give an account of our service, our very lives, to Jesus.

It is as we walk in subjection to Him who is meek and lowly in heart that we can appreciate the preciousness of that grace which He gives to the humble. Pride is a barrier to all spiritual progress.

Being acquainted with this Truth, like any good dad, Peter poured out Truth after Truth into those that he loved—spiritual children entrusted to his care. Instructing them to: 1.) Remain humble. Don’t let the favor of God on your life allow you to get all puffed up. Seek God first. All else will come. 2.) Do all that you do from a pure and loving heart. Do it out of obedience to the One who has called you into His service. 3.) Don’t lord your position over those that have been entrusted to your care. Remember as quickly as the Lord gives, He too will take away. 4.) Guard your heart. You have an enemy that is always looking for a way to take you out. Even if that means taking out one that’s been given to you in order that he wound you to gain access into you. 5.) Repent quickly. Don’t give your enemy a crack in which to slither into. Humble yourself before God. He is faithful to forgive those who repent with a sincere heart. And the lessons went on and on until he had finished his race.

Peter, likening himself an equal to those he’d been entrusted with, faithfully fed them spiritual food that they’d  be made strong in the Lord and the power of His might. And, that they, you, and I, might remember his instructions on responsibility, submission, and humility in our hour of testing;when Satan asks to sift us. Peter knew that hour would come for us all. You can almost hear this “fisher of men” reminding us to stay low. To trust God only. Telling us that Jesus will lift us up in due season, if we’ll but humble ourselves under His Mighty hand. We are to take the lowly place of unquestioning submission to the will of God now, knowing on the authority of His Word that in the day of manifestation He will take note of all we have endured for His name’s sake, and He will then give abundant reward.

Friend, This Word came to examine me first. Causing me to bow low before the One who knows my tomorrow. Won’t you ask Him to search your heart and if He reveals anything within it that is not of Him—humble yourself, and repent. Confident that He is a good Father who is faithful to forgive.

And if you’re here today and have not asked Jesus into your heart—do it now. Don’t let another hour pass. Ask Him to forgive those sins you know are there—and those you are not aware of. He is faithful to forgive you—if, you’ll humble yourself before Him and ask sincerely…

Beyond Liberty… Romans 14:23.

 “But the man who has doubts (misgivings, an uneasy conscience) about eating, and then eats [perhaps because of you], stands condemned [before God], because he is not true to his convictions and he does not act from faith. For whatever does not originate and proceed from faith is sin [whatever is done without a conviction of its approval by God is sinful].”

They will know us by our fruit. Aka—how we live, speak, act—react, and how we love, our choices. We can say we’re a Christian all day long—but they will know us—believe us, trust us, follow us as we follow Christ—by our fruit, our example. Not by our lip service…

In Chapter 14 of Romans, Paul the Apostle addresses what we as Christians can do—our liberties. What we can eat, drink, watch, take part in, who we can become “besties” with, where we can hang out. Those choices which, when made, well, actually, before we make them, reflect our maturity—our understanding or its lacking…

Choices made that describe both the weak brother—and the strong…

Today however, we won’t be focusing on the definition of clean and unclean found in Leviticus—in the law handed down from Moses. Paul has covered that far better than I could ever hope to. Nor will I be recapping the many commentaries written concerning the turbulent era of a newly born Church. A Church born from the belly of the familiar rites and rituals, from the infancy of the Mosaic era into this brand-new, unfamiliar, “adulting in Christ.”

Of chasing after, desiring—trying to, failing, getting up and striving to—following Christ… (Galatians 5:2-4; Galatians 2:21; Romans 15:4).

Instead, we’ll be focusing on the berth described in vs. 23. “For whatever does not originate and proceed from faith is sin.” Why? By addressing Christian liberties Paul forces us to look beyond those liberties he’s outlined, and into those recesses of ourselves we’d often rather ignore. It’s in this verse that Paul delineates the difference between what we can do as fellow believers, and what we cannot. We can eat meat. We cannot allow unrepentant sin of any kind to exist in our lives. If it is pricking our conscience, we must address it with God, turning from it. We can drink wine, we cannot lie, steal, cheat, nor commit adultery. We can’t smoke crack, sleep around, or continue to cover up our past dirty deeds like a dog covering his bone…

In verse 23, Paul has opened the door for this teaching of what we can and cannot do as Christians to reach beyond food and drink and into the realm of, “anything” that convicts us. Whether it’s an action that’s offensive to another brother, or some deeper hidden thing—some secret, or unconfessed sin. If it convicts us before God—it is sin and we must confess it, least it remains, and keeps us separated from God. And, in opening this Scripture up, Paul, whether intentionally or not, links it back to a conversation—a teaching concerning true freedom Jesus had shared with a crowd John calls ‘believing Jews (John 8:31-59; Romans 1:21).

Jesus however assures us in John 8:36 that if we are truly His, if we’re His child—if our faith and hope are in Him alone, we will be freed from the subjective truths of this world. “So if the Son makes you free, then you are unquestionably free.” Freed from the deceptive, so-called “truths” that permeate our society—that once permeated our own lives before we knew Christ.

Those voices of relative reason that argue—and once argued within us:  if it is true for me—then it is true…

Jesus however, assures us that if we are His we will hear His voice—the Voice of Truth—and we’ll hear it purely, above all the other contaminated voices clamoring for our attention—seeking to distract us—to devour us (John 10:27; Romans 12:2;1 Peter 5:8).

Yet this is a process for the Christian.

Not the Truth mind you—the Truth is instant, constant, clear, pure, never-changing, eternal…Numbers 23:19; James 1:17; Hebrews 13:8.

Learning to hear it however—more, to recognize and trust it, that is part of the awe-inspiring journey of discovery that comes with following Christ. Of Growing and maturing in Him, as His child—in being His follower, His servant. Yet our same Paul encourages us that even in our mutual questing after Christ— we each will do it, experiencing Him, differently—following a different path that will eventually, inevitably—lead us to our solid, sure standing in Christ. Ending us exactly where it is He intended us to be—only in His way and in His divine timing for our lives.

Don’t get it twisted. I’m in no way saying that all roads lead to Rome—Rome here meaning God. There is only One way back to relationship with the Father and that is through His only begotten—Sinless Son, Jesus Christ! “…I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me” John 14:6.

That clarified, neither does going our unique way imply that we are exempt from needing to cling to Him in times of uncertainty—of not adhering to the precepts He’s lovingly provided us —to guide us in our learning. Are we free to go our own way when His way is not always made immediately clear to us? Must we continue to keep ourselves pure and accountable by self-examination through prayer and supplications? Yes, and yes! We are accountable. And, because of our accountability—we must confess our sin when our conscience demands it. Our “different paths”, our uniqueness—are as singular as our relationships with Christ. As our relationships with each other—our children, friends, coworkers, and family members. God deals with each of us according to His knowledge of us—and His intended plan and call on our lives. Hence, we must be true to God and properly, reverently use the gifts, talents, provisions, and knowledge He has bestowed upon us. Trusting, that what He provides for  us is what we’ll need for our leg of the journey. And, we shouldn’t be envious of what another brother or sister has, “more” of.  Nor how he or she ministers, their style, or  what they’re able to discern that we, as yet, may not!

That is for God to judge, not us.

I’m speaking here concerning the parameters of our Christian liberties—not when we, or another brother or sister, might step over the line into sin. Even then however—it is not ours to judge. We’re called to confess, and to encourage our brothers and sisters to do the same, and be restored to God. True freedom—maturity in Christ comes, in part, from knowing Christ through a genuine conversation and a lasting, saving faith that is steeped in His Word. Through relational trust built over time we begin to follow Him into unfamiliar areas that stretch us. And, these all culminate in our works, our fruit. As we grow in God—He alone opens the eyes of our understanding and strengthens us to do all that He has called us to do in Him… “I pray that your hearts will be flooded with light so that you can understand the confident hope he has given to those he called–his holy people who are his rich and glorious inheritance” (Ephesians 1:18).

I will leave you with the words of Paul. Words of wisdom and encouragement. Words that lead and guide us into a richer—deeper, a more freeing faith indeed! “Remind the believers of these things, charging them before God to avoid quarreling over words; this is in no way profitable, and leads its listeners to ruin. Make every effort to present yourself approved to God, an unashamed workman who accurately handles the word of truth.…” 2 Timothy 14-15.

Friend, if you have yet to ask Jesus into your heart, your life,  to be your Lord and Savior, I believe He led you here today that you might stop right now and ask Him in. It only takes a moment, but eternally, it changes everything! He’s calling. Will you answer Him, “Yes Lord, I here you! Here I am…”

“If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved” Romans 10:9.

The Conclusion of; The Foreshadowing. Galatians 6:7-8

 “Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. Whatever a man sows, he will reap in return. The one who sows to please his flesh, from the flesh will reap destruction; but the one who sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life.…” —Galatians 6:7-8


The covering of our sins started in a garden. It is here we get our first glimpse of The Lamb of God…

God went to great lengths—to extreme measures, to ensure His sin-stained children were afforded a way to be returned to right relationship with Him. Last week we read that it was God Himself who enacted the first blood sacrifice for His own. He killed innocent animals that both Adam and Eve might be covered by their bloody skins—a foreshadowing of the work of Jesus. A murky glimpse at how His Innocent Blood would come to be willingly—lovingly, purposefully shed, once, for all…

So, if God went to such extreme measures—the sacrificing of His Only Begotten Son, that His children might be given a way to return to Him, why were Adam and Eve punished? Their sins were forgiven. Why were they made to endure God’s wrath? His Judgement?

Why are we?

Love. Judgement mingled with mercy forms the Cross…

As with all Truth, we find our answers squarely in the Word of God. Listen: “…And you have forgotten the exhortation that addresses you as sons: “My son, do not make light of the Lord’s discipline, or lose heart when He rebukes you. For the Lord disciplines the one He loves, and He chastises everyone He receives as a son.” Endure suffering as discipline; God is treating you as sons. For what son is not disciplined by his father? … (Hebrews 12:5-7; also see Deut. 8:5; Psalm 94:12; Psalm 119:75; Proverbs 3:11-12; and Revelation 3:19).

Clearly, the Word of God has much to say about God’s just judgement—the chastening of His children…

Don’t allow God’s great mercy and forgiveness to be confused with His justice—His Righteous Judgement’s. His Word assures us that once we have accepted Him as Lord and Savior of our lives we are—in that very instant, washed clean, and are reconciled to Him, through The Blood of Jesus. That’s the mercy part… “For God was pleased to have all His fullness dwell in Him, and through Him to reconcile to Himself all things, whether things on earth or things in heaven, by making peace through the blood of His cross.” —Colossians 1:20 Yet, though forgiven of our sins—and though they are remembered no more—no longer counted against us, sin always has and always will have consequences. That’s the just judgement part…

Last week I referred to King David being familiar with God’s punishment, His Righteous Judgement. David suffered great loss as the result of his sins with Bathsheba, another man’s wife; and the subsequent murder of her husband in a desperate attempt to cover up his sins. His treachery—his slippery slope into sinning started in rebellion—as most sin does. As King, it was a custom that each Spring all Kings and their armies would march against their enemies into war. Though Scripture doesn’t tell us why, David, rather than marching to war with his men, sent his Commander Joab and his officers, as well as all the fighting men of Israel, out to war without him. And, as result, one sleepless night David would get up and walk to his rooftop terrace to get fresh air. And It would be there that the enemy of his soul would be waiting to take him captive—if only a for a time…

Bathsheba was on an adjacent rooftop just finishing her ritual bath. It is thought she was a great beauty—fair in face and form. David saw her and desired her. He sent a messenger to go and get her. Yet not before he had inquired into who she was and learned that she was the wife of Uriah, one of his own fighting men. Had David been where he was supposed to have been—doing what he should have done, perhaps none of this would have happened. Isn’t that the way sin typically gets its hooks in us? When we have strayed from the straight path? And so it did with David. Yet, rather than turning from his sin and repenting, David delves deeper in. Bathsheba informs him that she’s now pregnant as a result of their adulterous affair.

And that’s where events worsened. “But each one is tempted when by his own evil desires he is lured away and enticed. Then after desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and when sin is fully grown, it gives birth to death.” —James 1:15-16

Scripture tells us the rest of the story…

David summons Uriah, tries to get him to sleep with his own wife, Bathsheba, so it could be said that the child that had been conceived in secret was, in fact, Uriah’s own. When Uriah, a man of honor, didn’t sleep with his wife, David had him sent to the front lines—into the thick of battle, thus ensuring he’d die there. And he does. And David takes Bathsheba as his wife. And the Lord, the same God Hagar called, El Roi. The God who sees me—saw, was witness to, what King David had done. And so, God sends the Prophet Nathan to convict David of his sin and to pronounce His Righteous Judgement. And, after hearing Nathan’s account, David is convicted saying of his actions, “I have sinned against the Lord.” —2 Samuel 12:13. Now, listen to what Nathan says to David in response to his confession of sin. “…And the Lord has taken away your sin; you will not die. However, because you treated the Lord with such contempt in this matter, the son born to you will die. (You can read the full account of this story in 2 Samuel, Chapters 11 &12).

David, like Adam and Eve, was forgiven his sins because this first blood covenant covered their sins, the shedding of innocent blood instituted in the Garden of Eden by God— a foreshadowing of Jesus’s coming. We will see further evidence of this and its lasting effects on the lives of the Israelites. God instructs His servant Moses in the building of the First Temple and in the shedding of blood for the forgiveness of sin…

Though God forgave David his sin—a sign of His unfathomable mercy, Yet, David suffered the consequences of his sins—a demonstration of the law of seed-time and harvest told in His Word. “Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. Whatever a man sows, he will reap in return. The one who sows to please his flesh, from the flesh will reap destruction; but the one who sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life.…” —Galatians 6:7-8

Listen to the words Nathan spoke to David concerning God’s judgement resulting from David’s sin: “This is what the Lord says, ‘I am going to bring disaster on you from your own family: I will take your wives and give them to another[d] before your very eyes, and he will sleep with them in broad daylight. You acted in secret, but I will do this before all Israel and in broad daylight.’”—2 Samuel 12:11-12

Yes, God first covered His children—His chosen, with animal blood. The law—His law, commanded it. “According to the law almost everything is purified with blood, and without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness.”—Hebrews 9:22

But God—our all-loving, merciful Father—is also our Righteous and Just Lord. Blood was shed so that sin—whose penalty is death, might be forgiven. “For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” —Romans 6:23

David did not receive what he deserved—death. Neither did Adam and Eve. And, neither do we if, we are God’s child…

Yet, sin is so egregious to God that man had to be cut off from a Holy God as its result. Every man who does not have a relationship with God is actually, ‘a walking dead-man’—spiritually speaking. They are likened to the white washed tombs Jesus spoke of when He chastised the Pharisees. On the outside all appears well enough—they do good deeds, help when they can, they try not to hurt anyone. But on the inside—nothing more than a dead man’s bones. The Word of God is clear; As it is written: “There is no one righteous, not even one; There is no one who understands; no one who seeks God. All have turned away; they have together become worthless; there is no one who does good, not even one.… (Romans 3:10-12)

We’ve just celebrated Christmas. The little baby we saw laying in a manger, wrapped in milk rags, was placed there to die. His entire purpose for coming into the world was to die for it. To shed His Innocent Blood that you and I and he and she, and all of them, might have Life in Him and restoration with the Father. The spilling of animal blood was never intended as a permanent solution for reconciling God and man. A lasting and True—a complete sacrifice, had to be offered. So, God sent His Only Son to do what only One who is Pure and Holy can do.

Cleanse us of our sins. Once, and for all…

Yet, it is in this most loving act that we witness how both God’s great mercy and His just judgement are intrinsically linked—how they live as one. At the Cross, an Innocent suffered that the guilty might live. “For indeed Christ died for sins once for all, the Just and Righteous for the unjust and unrighteous [the Innocent for the guilty] so that He might bring us to God, having been put to death in the flesh, but made alive in the Spirit;” —1 Peter 3:18

Nowhere in Scripture does God tell us we get a pass on the consequences of our sins. They cost Him too much to simply look the other way. That we are not dead as their result is yet another astounding display of God’s unfathomably great mercy and love on display for all who will—to witness.

Rest assured, sinful decisions have consequences, if not in this life, then in the next. We are blessed, though, because the principle of reaping and sowing works in a positive way as well: “The one who sows to the Spirit will from the Spirit reap eternal life” (Gal. 6:8). We can sow good seeds that will turn negative situations into positive ones. –Charles Stanley

Have you asked Jesus into your life? Won’t you do that now? He’s waiting for you…

“The Voice” Isaiah 30:21

 “Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, “This is the way; walk in it.” Isaiah 30:21

We each must decide—make the choice to listen to something—someone. Some compass we’ve come to rely on for direction, for guidance. We all have one—that go to person, that voice of reason we’ve grown to trust. There comes a moment—or many moments, in our lives, when the path we’re on will have an off-shoot—and a choice must be made. Either stay the course, or explore this new or, ‘other’ way. It’s in that moment, consciously or otherwise—that we respond to the voice of our dominate guide. Some call that internal voice instinct, some knowledge. For others, it’s an actual person they’ve come to rely on—trust in.

The Jews knew that voice as; Bath Kol, the daughter of the voice. It was believed to be a divine admonition that pointed one toward the ‘right’ way—the straight path…

Teachers often stand behind their students. Their eyes alert—they’re watching to ensure that their charges remain attentive to their tasks. That their minds don’t wander, foolishly distracted—wasting valuable time, allowing for correction. Should a head pop up, looking left to a neighbor, or right to the other neighbor, the teacher’s voice would be heard from behind, perhaps a simple clearing of the throat, some small sound that would indicate a refocusing needing to occur—redirecting the student to keep their eyes front. And in that moment a choice would be made. Obey or accept the consequences of their rebellion—their choice.

Remember, we all must decide what it is we will listen to.

Isaiah 30—for the most part, speaks to, about—Israel’s obstinate nature. The Prophet Isaiah expounds throughout this chapter on their wayward, rebellious, behaviors. He tells of their running to others, instead of God, as their source—for comfort. Of them relying on themselves, doing as they please. Deliberately closing themselves off to what they knew was right and who it was they should be listening to—following (vs’s 10-11). We are given guides—teachers, instructors, for a reason. We do not—contrary to our lofty, over-inflated, opinions of ourselves—have all the answers. Nor do we know what is ahead of us. What will the consequences be for the choices we make today? And how those choices will affect our tomorrow?

Much like the Shepard’s that stand behind their flocks ensuring—providing safety, safe passage, for their sheep, God The Holy Spirit provides safety, and guidance, for His children—those called by His Name.

As often as Israel went astray—was taken captive by their enemies, the lusts of their flesh, contrary to how often they wandered away from God in willful rebellion verse 18 speaks to us of God longing to be gracious to them—to show them compassion. In His just nature God must allow them—us, to feel the consequences of rebellion against His Sovereign Will. Yet in His infinite mercy—and abounding in great grace, He longs, it is His nature to, protect, forgive, and love His children—those people called by His name.

And so, we, His children, have His—God’s, Spirit within us—given to us as a deposit. He is our Teacher, our Guide, That Still Small Voice within us that says; go this way—not that way, be still, don’t touch that!  He is our loving parent, our Daddy, The Lover of our souls, The Just Judge, The All-Knowing One, He is God all by Himself. He sees our beginning from our end. He not only stands behind us—He has gone before us—knowing all that will happen to us. And so, He whispers—guides, instructs, calls to, offers us His Wisdom—to share in His Knowledge. So that we will we be ever vigilant—straining to hear His voice behind us saying, “This is the way; walk in it.”

God will allow us to feel the weight of our sin, our rebellion against Him, not to kill us or crush our Spirits, but rather to correct us, like those teachers spoken of earlier, or the Shepherd’s—He wants to save us from a world of hurt, pain, guilt, and disappointment. Save us from separation from Him…

Guilt can eat away at the spiritual vitality of a Christian like a raging cancer. It causes a person to lose control of life; it leads to a desire to quit or retire from spiritual activity; and, finally, it brings on physical pain and disease. Like cancer, guilt feeds upon itself until all spiritual life is gone, and the result is weakness and a sense of shame and failure.” Davidson Wilkerson, World Challenge Ministries.

It is the voice of the one who calls you away—to stray from the straight path that is trying to kill you. That’s his mission—he is the father of lies, the original deceiver. He met Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden and convinced each of them to turn away from God—to rebel, to listen to his voice, not God’s Truth. And they did, and rebellion and shame entered the world. “At that moment, their eyes were opened, and they suddenly felt shame at their nakedness. So they strung fig leaves together around their hips to cover themselves. Toward evening they heard the LORD God walking about in the garden, so they hid themselves among the trees.” Genesis 3:7-8

As believers in Jesus, those who have accepted Him as The Lord and Savior of their lives—we have been given His Spirit (1 Cor. 3:16). His voice lives—is alive and well within us. Somethings bear repeating. We each must decide—make the choice to listen to something—someone. Some compass we’ve come to rely on for direction, for guidance. We all have one—that go to person, that voice of reason we’ve grown to trust. There comes a moment—or many moments, in our lives, when the path we’re on will have an off-shoot—and a choice must be made. Either stay the course, or explore this new or, other way. It’s in that moment, consciously or otherwise—that we respond to the voice of our dominate guide. Some call that voice instinct, some knowledge. For others, it’s a person they’ve come to rely on—trust in.

Choices. We each have them. You must decide who it is you will listen to—and then set a course in their direction– following them with all your might…

As it is said, “Today, if you hear his voice, do not harden your hearts as in the rebellion.” (Hebrews 3:15)


“I See You.” Luke 19:36-38

Jesus wasn’t using His natural eyes to see those gathered on the road near Jerusalem’s gate, those crying out Hosanna! —it wasn’t that kind of “seeing” going on that day. The seeing He used was born from His knowledge of us, of them—from His Omniscience…

This type of “seeing” belongs to God alone.  Webster defines this ability to see as: Having complete or unlimited knowledge, awareness, or understanding; perceiving all things.

Stated Scripturally: “You have searched me, LORD, and you know me. You know when I sit and when I rise; you perceive my thoughts from afar. You discern my going out and my lying down; you are familiar with all my ways. Before a word is on my tongue you, LORD, know it completely” (Ps. 139:1-4).

Have you ever completely misjudged a person’s intentions? I know I have. You’re certain, convinced that you know who they are and what they’re were made of. You feel as though you know the exact role, the purpose, they were brought into your life to fulfill. Everything about them just seemed to fit your ideal—this “picture-perfect” image you had of them.

And then wham!

That person you just knew would go left suddenly went right—and not just right, but a hard right! You’re left standing slack-jawed and powerless, your hopes and expectations have crashed and burned. You’re left with mere rubble. You’re standing stunned, mangled, from this devastating brush with an unwanted reality that has now landed squarely at your bruised, and bitter feet…

The thing is, it’s only after—the ragged shards of “betrayal” have been removed—when that blindsided feeling of total let down has ebbed, that you’re left to really see the part you played in your own pain.

You were responsible. The other person involved was simply being who they were—who’d they’d always been. It was your misguided expectations of them—how they’d fit into your story—that created the real problem. And so it was—in varying degrees, with the those milling about the city gates—His disciples, those followers, shouting Hosanna, Hosanna in the Highest!

They too had a sure level of responsibility for their actions…

A Lamb atop a colt is how He arrived that day (Zech. 9:9). But that’s not how they saw Jesus. For most of those gathered He had come solely to deliver them—and for most, their envisioned deliverance would come not through His sacrifice—but only via a bloodied sword. Not through One who’d willingly lay down His life for all—but through a messianic deliverer, a would-be king, one that would readily shed the blood of those that oppressed his people. And not one who would willingly lay down and shed His own blood…

Passover was about a week away and preparations for this time of sacred celebration was underway. Jerusalem was teaming with those who had come to purchase their lambs and herbs—there grains and figs. The air crackled with a festive joy! And look, there, it’s Jesus! How perfect was this! Their King—the One they knew had been sent to them by Yahweh. After all, no one had ever done miracles like this man.

They had seen Prophets and Holy men before—but this Jesus was different…

They’d witnessed blind men regained their sight, a tax collector who had given away most everything he’d owed to follow Jesus, and the most miraculous of all, the dead that had been brought back to life—not once but twice! So surely now He would free them from this oppressive Roman tyranny—after all, isn’t that why He’d come—to set the captive free (Luke 4:18) …?

A wholehearted sacrifice must cost you something… (2 Sam. 24:23-25).

“The disciples told him, “Rabbi, the Jewish leaders were just now trying to stone you to death, and you are going back there again” (John 11:8)? Yet despite the warnings Jesus received concerning His safety, He went back willingly, into Jerusalem, through those city gates—more, He did it boldly—lovingly, as the Lamb of God. No more silence, no more hiding. He was hand-chosen, Gods Passover Sacrifice.

And He entered knowing full-well that He would be slaughtered soon for the sins of the whole world…

A knowledge seemingly lost on so many of those gathered at the city gates…

Jesus saw their hearts. He’d heard, recognized, each voice He’d created as it sang His praises. He’d watched, knowingly, as they’d thrown down their palm branches and cloaks in homage (2 Kings 9:13) …

Yet what he truly saw was the condition of those hearts…

The motivation behind why most were praising Him—their blind and selfish desires for welcoming His coming. “… because He was near Jerusalem, and they assumed that the kingdom of God was going to appear immediately [as soon as He reached the city]” (Luke 19:11 AMPC).

Even His closest friends had missed the point of both His time with them, and His return to Jerusalem, listen: “But the disciples understood none of these things [about the approaching death and resurrection of Jesus]. This statement was hidden from them, and they did not grasp the [meaning of the] things that were said [by Jesus]” (Luke 18:34).

It wasn’t their time yet; their hearts were still being shaped to fit His…

However, unlike those present at His Triumphal Entry—only Jesus saw clearly the Truth behind why He was there. Why He’d come at all. And, despite their sins, their ignorance, and the outright betrayal that surrounded Him, despite the blindness of most of those looking at Him for gain, to satisfy some agenda, despite the flat-out hatred that pelted him like stinging stones coming from the religious leaders, He saw one thing only before Him—You, and me…

More, He too saw the fulfillment of His Father’s will. It was always before Him. The reason He’d stepped down across time and eternity was about to unfold. The purpose of His leaving behind the glory of Heaven with The Father and darning a suit of flesh, and blood, and, feelings…

He had set His face towards eternity. And nothing was about to deter Him…

Why would He do this? Why the sacrifice?

Because He is the Alpha and The Omega—seeing your beginning from your end (Rev. 1:8). He saw you in the crowd that day, carrying the weight of your sin and your misguided want of Him—and His heart went out to you. He knew you needed so much more than what you’d be able to get on your own…

You needed a Savior.

He saw you—and so He came for you, with one purpose in mind… And here it is:

“Those whom I [dearly and tenderly] love, I tell their faults and convict and convince and reprove and chasten [I discipline and instruct them]. So be enthusiastic and in earnest and burning with zeal and repent [changing your mind and attitude]. Behold, I stand at the door and knock; if anyone hears and listens to and heeds My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and will eat with him, and he [will eat] with Me. He who overcomes (is victorious), I will grant him to sit beside Me on My throne, as I Myself overcame (was victorious) and sat down beside My Father on His throne. He who is able to hear, let him listen to and heed what the [Holy] Spirit says to the assemblies (churches)” (Rev.3:19-23 AMPC).


“Knockoffs” Phil. 1:18

“What then [does it matter]? So long as in every way, whether in pretense [for self-promotion] or in all honesty [to spread the truth], Christ is being preached; and in this I rejoice. Yes, and I will rejoice [later as well]” (Phil.1:18).

 My sister in Christ said she felt that the next title, or words she’d heard in her spirit was, “Knockoffs.” Immediately I thought of handbags in a foreign night market in Thailand. It was in such a place that I’d once browsed, looking at those very things…

Here on Oahu I can drive to downtown Chinatown and purchase a decent looking replica of most any name brand purse or wallet.

But why would I betray the originals of the fashion industry to buy a counterfeit?

I guess that all depends…


I used to believe that I had to go to the Bon Marche or Nordstrom to buy only the “real stuff”. And not because of the function, no. I wanted it for it’s label, its beauty, and prestige. I wanted to be that gal with that trendy purse.

You see, that made me “feel” successful…

I’ve traveled in circles of women who would tear another woman down for buying a knock-off and then try passing it off as authentic—when clearly it wasn’t. And, I’ve been around those women who would only buy knockoffs made at the same factory as their original counterparts. Yet these women didn’t mind if others knew that they’d purchased a knockoff.

Why? Because they had only paid half the price of the original item…

Original vs Knockoff. Does it matter what you carry?

While writing to the Church in Philippi, Paul acknowledged that he both understood and had heard about the knockoff preachers that were stirring up confusion and ministering with pretentious motives. These counterfeit men he referred to were perhaps in competition with him. He stated as much in verse seventeen. “… but the former preach Christ [insincerely] out of selfish ambition [just self-promotion], thinking that they are causing me distress in my imprisonment.”

He knew that they were preaching the gospel from a place of selfish ambitions, with counterfeit motives. Not for Christ but for their own agendas and to cause more trouble for him. Yet he did not loose heart nor sight of what burned in his heart. To preach the authentic, pure Word of God.

Have you ever suspected someone of being a knockoff preacher or counterfeit Christian? Can you envision the scene that took place in Phillipi unfolding in today’s church? What do you think people today would say about such knockoff preachers?

Might I suggested that rather than guessing what the world might have to say about the subject we listen instead to how the Apostle Paul suggested we, as Christians, respond to them: “What then [does it matter]? So long as in every way, whether in pretense [for self-promotion] or in all honesty [to spread the truth], Christ is being preached; and in this I rejoice.Yes, and I will rejoice [later as well]” (Phil. 1:18).

It matters little if you feel that a knockoff preacher shouldn’t (in your opinion) be preaching. It matters little if someone you’ve encountered looks to you like a counterfeit Christian; the essential point that Paul was making is this: Christ was being preached. And,that God knowing the heart would judge those who mishandled His Word.

We must always trust that God will place in the path of those hearing such watered down or distorted Truths, a Paul who will bring correction. Christ can and does, however, work through—use, a seemingly counterfeit Christian’s life…

Epoch Times quoted Coco Chanel in an online article titled, “The Reality of a Fake”. In it, the quote stated, Fashion should slip out of your hands. The very idea of protecting the seasonal arts is childish. One should not bother to protect that which dies the minute it is born. Two additional quotes from the designer are: In order to be irreplaceable one must always be different. And: To be original one must be ready to be copied.

Not only does Coco see her copies as advertisement, she recognizes that if people love her designs that chances are they’ll be copied…

That being said however, there is a world—literally, of distance between knockoff fashions and the Authentic, Living, Genuine Word of God. God and His Word are not knockoffs! They’re original. Jesus, is an original, the Holy Spirit, is original.

Yet, there will be those knockoffs who will come along trying to copy The One True God. We however, must remain steadfast. Leaning not on our own understanding but relying on God’s Will and Word to correct and expose…

His standards, not ours…

Being a genuine follower of Jesus is not only about keeping His laws; a set of rules we must follow, more, it’s about having a  loving, committed, authentic relationship with Him.

Let’s read…“Therefore no one will be justified in His sight by works of the Law. For the Law merely brings awareness of sin. But now, apart from the Law, the righteousness of God has been revealed, as attested by the Law and the Prophets. And this righteousness from God comes through faith in Jesus Christ to all who believe. There is no distinction,…” (Rom. 3:21).

Knockoff preachers as well as knockoff Christians, you may find both in the Church.

There was a time when I too was as blind as they. Blinded by rules. Precepts—my own that is. Rules that falsely led me to believe that if I did x, y, and z, I was a “good Christian.” An original, no knockoff here!

“He [Jesus] went on, “What comes out of a man is what makes him ‘unclean’. For from within, out of a man’s heart, come evil thoughts, sexual immorality, theft, murder, adultery, greed, malice, deceit, lewdness, envy, slander, adultery, arrogance, and folly. All these evils come from inside and make a man ‘unclean’ (Mark 7:21-23).

Ever feel that way in your walk with God? Do you feel that way now? Take heart!

Thankfully, eventually, God spoke to me about such things. And He’ll do the same for you…

A knockoffs value is determined solely within the heart of the person who assesses it…

In Mark 7 Jesus was with his disciples eating and some teachers of the law (Pharisees) saw that some of his disciples were sitting and eating with hands that weren’t washed, so they questioned Jesus.  “He [Jesus] replied, “Isaiah was right he prophesied about you hypocrites; as it is written; “These people honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me. They worship me in vain; their teachings are but rules taught by men” (Mark 7:6-7).

Jesus searches the heart—the seat of our motives. Looking past our outer man, our label—past our actions, whether we’re acting real or like a counterfeit version of ourselves. He sees all our inside stuff. And one day those who are knockoffs must—will answer, not to us, but to the Lord himself.

Matthew 7:21-23 says, “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. On that day many will say to me, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many mighty works in your name?’ And then will I declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness.’

Paul knew that the knockoff preachers had ill intentions. And, that they were maliciously trying to create more problems for him. But, ultimately, he knew it wasn’t his place to worry, fixate, on their intentions nor try tirelessly to expose those counterfeits…

He was an original who was about His Father’s business. And He trusted God to both expose and deal with the knockoffs out preaching the gospel for their own gain….

So, take heart, when your skin crawls and/or when your Spirit is disturbed by the fact that there are many apparent knockoffs in this world…

Trust God. Hold tight to The One who is Unchanging—Original, and True.

And, remember to always strive to live out His greatest commandment…

“…Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’38 This is the first and greatest commandment. 39 And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments” (Matthew 22:37-40).

Love God. Love Your neighbor as yourself. And yes, that includes the knockoffs as well.


“What Will You Choose?” Luke 10:38-42

“Now while they were on their way, Jesus entered a village [called Bethany], and a woman named Martha welcomed Him into her home.  She had a sister named Mary, who seated herself at the Lord’s feet and was continually listening to His teaching. But Martha was very busy and distracted with all of her serving responsibilities; and she approached Him and said, “Lord, is it of no concern to You that my sister has left me to do the serving alone? Tell her to help me and do her part.”  But the Lord replied to her, “Martha, Martha, you are worried and bothered and anxious about so many things; but only one thing is necessary, for Mary has chosen the good part [that which is to her advantage], which will not be taken away from her” (Luke 10:38-42).


If you’re a Christian, there are very clear lines in the sand you mustn’t cross. The world around you will always tell you otherwise, that’s its job…“Did God really say” (Gen 3:1 NIV)?

Please, don’t take my word for this. Just listen to what the world itself has to say. Read the newspapers. Listen in on the conversations people are having. People of every walk of life are talking about how chaotic the world has become. For that matter, drive on any metropolitan highway. Talk about chaos! One wrong turn and you end up in places that your GPS doesn’t recognize!

Pay attention, also, to the billboard advertisements lining those freeways. To their not-so subliminal messages aimed at shanghaiing your choices and directing them towards what some ad company wants you to view as important, needed, crucial, to your happiness…

Within our scripture passage today we’ll witness, in part, the blessings missed when we make unwise or harried choices. Those precious moments with Jesus that we allow to be snatched from our hands daily, when we permit ourselves to get so caught-up in work that we get sidetracked from seeking God’s presence. And, how that often leads us into making the wrong choices at crucial moments.(James 1:13-16 NASB).

“When you have to make a choice and don’t make it, that is in itself a choice.” -William James

Statistics tell us the average adult makes approximately 35,000 decisions a day. Now multiply that times two. Remember, we had to choose between two options to reach our one decision…

So, about 70,000 choices are contending for our attention on any given day. Ranging from the mundane: what we will eat, drink, wear? To what brand of toothpaste will we purchase? Then on to the more complex choices. Spend or save, rent or own, marry or remain single. And we haven’t touched on the sundry issues of the heart. Or, deeper still, our most important of choices…

Where will we be spending eternity?

Let’s enter the home of Martha and Mary. It’s okay, we’ve been invited in along with Jesus and His disciples. Let’s take our place at the dinner table. Pay attention to Martha. How busy she is bustling about. Remember, this is her home and she’s our hostess tonight. Mary, her sister, has been right beside her throughout the day seeing to it that everything is just-so for each of their guests. From the dinner choice and preparation, right down to the flower selection. Martha has insisted everything be picture-perfect!

After all, Jesus, their Rabbi, and friend, will be in attendance…

Often, our choices may seem to be the right-thing to do. They’re certainly done made with the best of intentions. With a good-heart, and from a desire to please. Undoubtedly, we want to do our best and give our best to those we love. And how much more when that someone is Jesus?

It’s within this tension of choices that our two sisters diverge in their definitions of what the better portion is…

Everyone’s seated and Jesus begins to speak. And with that, Mary pulls up a stool and sits at the His feet to listen to Him. Oh, how she loves to hear her Rabbi speak. His simplest words are like honey to her ears! (Luke.10:39).

Yet while Mary sits listening to Jesus, Martha returns to the kitchen clearly irked! Mary unawares, is in her glory! There is nothing more, in this life, that she enjoys than time spent with Jesus. She could sit for hours and simply drink in every word that flows from the Masters mouth…

Martha also, but not now, not tonight.

Tonight, Martha has chosen to make work—her service to the Lord. Her priority. After all, she has worked on this meal and its presentation all day. There will be time to sit with the Master another day. Now there is still much to do. The bread, I must put out the bread. Where is that sister of mine? I must speak to Jesus about her. Surely, HE will make her get up and help me…

And with that Martha, in the midst of her distraction, knocks the basket laden with the warm bread to the floor. She is now beside herself and burst into the dining room in a huff to demand that Jesus help…

Just listen to her rant!

“Lord, don’t you care that my sister has left me to do all the work by myself? Tell her to help me!”  Now pay attention to how lovingly, tenderly, yet plainly, Jesus answers His frazzled friend… “Martha, Martha,” the Lord answered, “you are worried and upset about many things, but few things are needed—or indeed only one. Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her” (Luke. 10:42-43 NIV).

“Watch over your heart with all diligence, for from it flow the springs of life” (Pr. 4:23 NASB).

Martha had just been taught a very valuable lesson about her choices. The question is, was she listening to the Lord as He spoke to her? Are we? Or are we doing nothing more than walking about distracted? Praying for answers but half listening when the answers are given to us?

I’m reminded of the words of the prophet Micah concerning what it is God truly requires of us, “He has told you, O man, what is good; And what does the Lord require of you Except to be just, and to love [and to diligently practice] kindness (compassion), And to walk humbly with your God [setting aside any overblown sense of importance or self-righteousness] (Micah 6:8 AMP).

Martha was not an enemy of the Lord, she was His friend, and more, she loved Him and was a true believer. A follower of The Way. Scripture made that clear within the context of the conversation she and Jesus had. It had taken place when He came to her and her sister Mary after the death of their brother Lazarus. Jesus told Martha that Lazarus would live again. He asked her if she believed this. Let’s listen to her reply…

“Yes, Lord,” she replied, “I believe that you are the Messiah, the Son of God, who is to come into the world” (Luke 11:27 NLT).

Even the most fervent of us, those who hunger and thirst after Jesus, who crave time alone with Him, get caught-up, on occasion, in service to Him. We forget to come away from all the work of our hands. We forget to simply be still in front of Him (Ps. 46:10 NKJV).

Like Mary, our first duty to the Lord is to Love HIM above all else. To seek Him out—to purposefully set aside time to sit at His feet so that we might build a deeper relationship with Him. To know Him, love Him, to spend time and converse with Him.

And, like Mary, desire to drink in His every Word (Duet.8:3 NIV).

We would each do well to follow her in her desire to be in communion with Jesus. In her desire to saté herself in Him alone demonstrates that she had in fact chosen the better portion. Walking away joy-filled and refreshed.

Neither woman was wrong in their choice of how they’d worshiped the Lord. Though each demonstrated their adoration quite differently…

I believe the deeper issue Jesus was communicating concerning Marth was one of the leaning of her heart.

What is the leaning of your heart? Work or worshiping at His feet? Deeper, what is your motivation for each…?

The take-away, Jesus replied: “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind” (Matt.22:37 NLT).

Let me leave you to ponder an excerpt from, Matthew Henry’s Concise Commentary of our text. I believe you’ll find it to be not only eloquent, but more, enlightening, thought-provoking and biblically sound…

Here with respect to our Lord Jesus and right care of her household affairs (speaking of Martha). But there was something to be blamed. She was for much serving; plenty, variety, and exactness. Worldly business is a snare to us, when it hinders us from serving God, and getting good to our souls. What needless time is wasted, and expense often laid out, even in entertaining professors of the gospel! Though Martha was on this occasion faulty, yet she was a true believer, and in her general conduct did not neglect the one thing needful. The favour of God is needful to our happiness; the salvation of Christ is needful to our safety. Where this is attended to, all other things will be rightly pursued. Christ declared, Mary hath chosen the good part. For one thing is needful, this one thing that she has done, to give up herself to the guidance of Christ. The things of this life will be taken away from us, at the furthest, when we shall be taken away from them; but nothing shall separate from the love of Christ, and a part in that love. Men and devils cannot take it away from us, and God and Christ will not. Let us mind the one thing truly needful more diligently than all else.

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